THE VOCATION THE I PART OF THE III DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <2ABRAM>2 <1from>1 Chalde+ <1is Devinely>1 <2CALLED>2<1:>1 <1How>1 Blest <1abroad: His (parted)>1 Nephew <1Thralled>1 (<1In>1 Sodom's <1ayde) to>1 Chedorlaomer<1;>1 Reskew'd <1by Him: Type of that bloody>1 Warr<1:>1 Melchisedec <1His>1 Hap <1congratulates:>1 Ismael <1great; but>1 <2GOD>2 Con-fa|ederates <1With (promis'd)>1 Isaak, <1and his>1 (<2CHRIST->2<1kinn) Seede>1 <1Which shall in number even the Starres exceede.>1 Lot <1harbours>1 Angels<1; sav'd from>1 Sodom's Fire<1;>1 <1His Wife>1 Transform'd<1: His Daughters>1 foule Desire. Untill <1this Day>1 (deere <1Muse)>1 on every side Within straight lists thou hast beene boundified, Pend in a Path so narrow every-where, Thou couldst not manage: onely heere and there (Reaching thine armes over the Railes that close Thy bounded <1Race)>1 thou caughtst some fragrant Rose, Some Gilly-flower, or some sweet Sops-in-Wine, To make a Chaplet thy chaste browes to binde. But now, behold th'art in the open Plaine, Where thou maist lively (like the Horse of <1Spayne,>1 10 That having burst his haltar and his hold Flings through the field, where list him, uncomptrol'd) Corvet, and turne, run, prance, advance, and pride-thee, As <1sacred furie>1 of thy <1Zeale>1 shall guide-thee. Th'whole World is thine: henceforth thy Sythe may mowe

The fairest Crop that in <1Fames>1 fields dooth growe; And, on the Sea of richest <1Histories>1 Hulling at large, a hundred Victories, A hundred Rowts, a hundred Wonders new Come hudling in, in heapes before thy view: 20 So that I feare least (trayn'd with various sent) Thou be at fault in this vast Argument; And least the best choice in so bound-lesse Store, Paine thee no lesse now, then did Want before. But woatst thou what, my <1Muse>1 (my deere delight, My care, my comfort) we will follow right The modest hand of a faire Shepardling, Who dooth not rudely spoile the flowerie Spring Of all her painted beauties; nor deface All in one day a pleasant Gardens grace; 30 But mannerly amid the Quarters seekes Such rarest flowers as best her fancie likes, And heere a blew one, there a red she pulls, A yellow heere, and there a white she culls, Then binds them with her haire, and blessed over With a chaste kisse, she sends them to her Lover: Wee'l over-runne the <1Annals>1 of all Ages, And choosing-out the chiefest Personages, And Prodigies amid the <1Hebrew>1 Storie, Wee'l offer them on th'Altar of <1Gods>1 glorie. 40 For He (I hope) who no lesse good then wise, First stirr'd us up to this great Enterprise, And gave us hart to take the same in hand, For Levell, Compasse, Rule, and Squire will stand: Will change the Pebbles of our pudly thought, To <1Orient>1 Pearles, most bright and bravely wrought: And will not suffer in this pretious <1Frame>1 Ought that a skilfull Builders eye may blame: Or, if he suffer ought, 't shall be some trace But of that blindnes, common to our Race; 50 T'abate my glory, and to give me proofe That (mortall) I build but with mortall stuffe.

<2JAMES,>2 richest Jem of <1Scots,>1 and <1Scotland's>1 Praise, Who, with the same hand that the Scepter swayes, On heav'n-falne paper in a golden stile, Doost happily immortall lines compile; And (new <1Apollo)>1 under Others names Sing'st in thy Childhood thine Owne future <1Fames:>1 To whom but thee should I these Verses vow, Who through the World hast made me famous now, 60 And with a liberall learned hand indew'd My <1Muse>1 with lustre of a <1Royall Sute>1; Before, so ragged that she blusht wel-neere That her chaste Sisters should so homely see-her The scorne of Arte, of <1Helicon>1 the shame, Usurping wrong, <2URANIA'S>2 sacred Name? Through thee she's <1Heav'nly.>1 O wise, worthy Prince, May'st thou surmount all those in Excellence, Which have (before thee) Rul'd th'hard-ruled <1Scots,>1 And ruder <1Picts>1 (painted with Martiall spotts): 70 That, first <1Fergusius>1 (glorie of his dayes) <1Ev'nus>1 and <1Donald>1 may envie thy Praise; And even the <1Scott'sh,>1 or (rather) th'<1Hebrew David>1 <1(Jesses>1 great sonne, so holily-behaved) Give place to thy Renowne, and therewithall Give thee his Zeale and Harte heroical, And all his best (which dooth thee best belong) As he hath given thee his sweet Harpe and Song. Though profane service of <1Idolatrie>1 Had drown'd the whole Earth universally: 80 Though shame-les sinne (borne with the COLONIES Through all the World) through all did Tirannize: Yet in <1Chaldea>1 was their chiefest Seate, Their strength in <1Shinaar,>1 and that Cittie great Built on the slymie strand of <1Euphrates,>1 Was the proud Pallace where they held their Feasts. So that, even <1Sem's>1 and <1Heber's>1 sacred Ligne

(Where God his grace yet seemed to Confine) Sucking the Sin-bane of <1Assirian>1 aire, Did (like the Heathen) everie daye impaire: 90 Forgot the true God: followed (rashlie-rude) The grose grand Error of the multitude: Degeneriz'd, decay'd and withered quight: Like some rare Fruite-Tree over-topt with spight Of Bryers and Bushes which it sore oppresse, With the sower shadow of their Thornie tresse, Till Choakt withall, it dies as they doo grow, And beareth nought but Mosse and Misseltoe. But God, desirous (more for us, then him) In some one stocke to save <1Faith's>1 sacred stem 100 (Like as before from the All-drowning <1Flood>1 He sav'd the worlds seed in an Arke of wood) Marks <1Abram>1 for his owne: and from false Rites To men, to Beasts, to Stockes, to Stones, to Sprights, Him gratiously to his owne Service drawes: Not by meere Conduct of exteriour cause, As by contempling th'Artship richlie-rare Which guilds the Seeling of this Globe so faire; Earths fruitefull power, producing (goodlie-green) From so small seeds so huge and mightie Treen, 110 Flowers fragrant aier, so fresh and divers-dyed; Seas foaming Course, whose ever-Tilting Tide (Ebbing or flowing) is Confin'd to Season, Bounded with lists, guided with raines of Reason: But, by the motion of his Spirit, which seales In our harts Center what his word reveales, And prudently in his fit time and place (Dispencing frankly his free gifts of <1Grace)>1 Dooth inwardly beare-witnes, and averr-it Unto our Spirits that 'tis God's <1Holy Spirit.>1 120 The sacred <1Faith of Abrahm>1 languisht not

In Idlenesse, but alwaies waakt and wrought, And ever lively, brought-forth Patience, Humilitie, Hope, Bountie, Innocence, Love, fervent Zeale, Repentance, Temperance, Sinceritie, and true Perseverance, Fruites that (like Load stones) have a vertue given (Through <1Faith)>1 to draw their Father-Tree to heav'n, And guide the soules to God (the spring of life) Of's kins-man <1Lot,>1 and <1Sara>1 his deere Wife; 130 Who with him following the Almighti's call, Wend to the strand where <1Jordans>1 course doth craule: Their owne deere Countrie willingly forsake, And (true-religious) lesse accompt doo make Of goods and lands, and quiet-lifes content, Then of an end-les, friend-les Bannishment. O sacred ground of Vertu's sole perfection! O shield of Martyrs! Prophets sure direction! Soule's Remedie! O contrite heart's Restorer! Teares-wiping tame-grief! Hopes-guide, hunting-horror, 140 Path of Salvation! Pledge of Immortalitie! O lively <2FAITH>2! through thy admired qualitie, How manie wonders doost thou worke at once, When from sinn's slumbers thou hast waakt us once: And made us inlie in our spirits conceave Bewties that never outward eyes perceave? Alas (sayd <1Abrahm)>1 must I needs forgoe These happie fields wheare <1Euphrates>1 doth flowe? Heere, first I drew this vitall aier, and (pleas'd With my births newes) my Mothers throwes I eas'd: 150 Heere, from her tender brest (as soft as silke) My tender gums suckt my first drop of milke: Heere, with the pleasure of mine infant-smile Her Cares and Cumbers I did oft beguile: Heere, my chaste Sisters, Unckles, Aunts and Kin, My prettie pratling have delighted in: Heere manie a time I wantonly have clung, And on my Fathers wrinckled necke have hung:

Heere, I have past my <1Lad-age>1 faire and good; Heere, first the soft Downe on my chin did bud: 160 Heere, I have learn'd Heav'ns Motions and the nature And various force of Fire, Aire, Earth and Water: Heere, I have showne the noblest tokens forth Both of my Minds and of my Bodies worth: Heere, I have spent the best part of mine age: Heere, I possesse a plenteous Ha|eritage: Heere, I have got me many friends and fame; And by my Deeds attain'd a glorious Name: And must I hence: and leave this certaine state, To Roame uncertaine (like a Runnagate) 170 O're fearefull Hills, and thorough foaming Torrents That rush-down Mountains with their roring corrents, In dreadfull Desarts, where Heavns hottest beame Shall burne without, within us, Thirst extreame: And gloomie Forrests full of ghastly feare Of yelling Monsters that are dwelling there? To seeke a Country (God knowes where, and whether) Whose unknown name hath yet scarce sounded hether? With staffe in hand and wallet at our back From Towne to Towne to beg for all we lack? 180 To guise our selves (like counterfaiting Ape) To th'guise of Men that are but Men in shape? T'have (briefly) nothing properly our owne In all the World; no not our Grave-place knowne? Is't possible I should endure to see The sighes and teares my friends will shed for mee? O can I thus my Native soile forsake? O with what words shall I my farewell take? Farewell <1Chaldea,>1 deere delights adieu, Friends, Brothers, Sisters, farewell all of you, 190 Farewell for ever: can I thus (alas) Rudely unwinde me from the kind embrace Of their deere armes that will me faster hold Then trembling Ivie dooth the Oake enfolde; Or then the Vine dooth with her crawling spray

The boughes of Elme, her limber limbes to stay? Can I expose (with perill of my life) Th'un-vulgar bewties of my vertuous wife, To the none-sparing lust of that loose nation That brutely burnes in all abhomination? 200 Besides, what rigour? nay what parricide? To hale from <1Tigris>1 shoare to <1Jordans>1 side A weake olde-man, a man so weake and olde, He scarce can creepe without our helpe and hold? Yet, 't must be so: for so the Lord commands A carnall man on carnall reason stands: But, for all Reasons, <1Faith>1 suffizeth mee, Who lodge with God can never Howse-lesse be. Then cheerely marcht he on, and though the age, And death of <1Terah>1 slow'd his pilgrimage; 210 The rest of His he dooth conduct (in fine) To <1Chanaan>1 (since called <1Pala|estine):>1 Where God poures downe such flouds of goods upon them, And bounteously bestowes such blessings on-them, That their abundance shortly seemes t'exceede God's Promises, and their desires indeed. Their fruitfull Heards that hill and dale do hante, Resemble not the breed of th'Elephant, Which (slow in coupling, and in calving more, Pyning her Maister so long time before 220 With lingring hope) brings-forth with painful groanes, But once in twelve yeeres, but one Calfe at once: All's white with their wooll: all their Cattle proves, Still, still increasing, like to Stares and Doves. Their Wealth so growes, that wantoniz'd withall, Their envious Shepheards broach a civill Brawle. But, least this Mischiefe by the Groomes begun, Betweene their Maisters might unkindly run, The grave-milde <1Grand-sire of the Faithfull>1 (there) And <1Ammons>1 Father, to cut-off the feare 230 Of farther strife, and to establish rather Their Minds then Bodies in a league together;

Devided duly with a deepe fore-sight Their Flocks and Heards in number infinite. Then, pleas'd, and parted; both goe live a-part: The Unkle kept the Mountaine for his part, For's Nephew chose the fat and flowerie Plaine, And even to <1Sodome>1 streatcht his Tent and Traine; And dwelling there, became a Citizen Among those monstrous, Nature-forcing Men. 240 O <1Lot>1 (alas) what lot hast thou elect? Th'eternall verdure, and the trim prospect, The plenteous Pastures, and the purling Springs Whose fibrous silver thousand Tributes brings To wealthy <1Jordan,>1 watering so the soile (Like Gods owne Garden) doth thy sence beguile, Blindeth thy judgement, makes thee (miserable) To seat thee with a People execrable, Whose Warre-thralld woes, and odious villanies To springs of teares shall turne thy tender eyes. 250 <1Elam's>1 proud King, great <1Chedor-laomor,>1 (Leagued with <1Arioch>1 King of <1Ellazar,>1 The Soveraigne of the Nations, <1Thadael,>1 And with the King of <1Shynaar, Amraphel)>1 Made warre against the Kings of <1Sodoma,>1 <1Gomorrah, Zeboim, Zoar, Adamah,>1 Who, subject to him for twelve yeares before, Rebelled now, and cast the yoake they bore. Both Camps approach, their bloodie rage doth rise And even the face of cowards terriblize; 260 New Martiall heate inflames their minds with ire, Their blood is moov'd, their hart is all on fire. Their cheerfull limbes (seeming to march too slowe) Longing to meet, the fatall drums out-goe; And even alreadie in their gesture fight: Th'iron-footed coursers, lustie fresh and light, Marrying their Maisters cause and courage both Snow all the field with a white foaming froath, And prauncing with their load (as proude withall)

With loude-proude neighings for the Combat call. 270 Now both the Hoasts march forward furiously, The Plaine betweene soone shrinketh equally: First in the aire begins a fight of dust, Then on the Earth both Armies bravely jouste. Brave yet it was: for yet one might behold Bright swords and shields, and plumed helmes of golde Un-goard with bloud; no Caske had lost his head, No Horse his loade, no scattered Corps lay dead. But, on our Corn-fields towards harvest-time (For punishment of some ingratefull crime) 280 Th'incensed hand of Heav'ns Almightie King Never more thicke dooth slipperie Ice-pearls fling, Then heere the arrowes showre on every side: An iron Clowde heavens angrie face doth hide From Souldiers sight; and flying weapons then For lacke of ground fall upon horse or men: Thear's not a shaft but hath a man for White, Nor stone but lightly in warme blood dooth light; Or, if that anie faile their foes to hit In fall; in flight themselves they enter-splitt: 290 The wounds come all from Heaven: the bravest hee, Kills and is kild of him he doth not see: Withouten aime the Dart-man darts his speare, And Chaunce performes th'effect of Valour there. As two stout Rams, both Jeloux-phrensie-sicke, Afront two flocks, spurr'd on with angers pricke, Rush-on each other with tempestuous shocke And butting boisterous, hornes and heads doe knocke: So these two Armies enterchanged blowes, And doubling steps and strokes upon their Foes, 300 First flesh their Launces, and their Pikes imbrew, Then with their swords about them keenly heaw, Then stab with daggers; standing bravely to-'t, Till Foe to Foe they charge them foote to foote; So neere, that oft ones Targets pike doth pierce

Another's shield and sends him to his Herse. And gawdie plumes of foes (be-Cedered brave) Oft on their Foes (un-plumed) crests do wave. Of all their stroakes scarce any stroake is vaine, Yet stand they firme, and still the fight maintaine: 310 Still fronting Death, they face to face abide, None turne their backs, no neither shrinke a-side, Of their owne blood as of their foes as franke. But, too-too-tyred, some at last dis-ranke: Then, Threats, and Cries, and Plaints redoubled aye, And so pel-mel rage-blinded <1Mars>1 doth play, That now no more their Colours they discerne, But knowing none, to all are strangely sterne. The <1Palestine>1 fights under <1Elams>1 Standard, The <1Shynarite>1 with <1Sodomes>1 Ensignes wander'd: 320 Even as two swarmes of busie Buzzers, mounting Amid the aire, and mutually affronting, Mingle their Troupes; one goes, another comes, Another turnes; a cloud of Moatlings hummes Above our heads, who with their cipers wings Decide the Quarrell of their little Kings: Either of which, a hundred times a minute Doth lose a Souldiar, and as oft re-win-it. But, may one hope, in Champions of the Chamber, Soft Carpet-Knights, all senting Muske and Amber 330 (Whose chiefe delight is to be over-come) Un-daunted harts that dare to Overcome? In Woman-Men a manly Constancie? In wanton Armes un-wearied Valiancie? No, No, <1(Gomorrha)>1 this is not the place For quav'ring Lutes a warbling Voice to grace: No (Filthie <1Sodome)>1 'tis not heere the game To play with Males, in spight of Natures name: No <1(Zeboim)>1 heere are no Looking-Glasses For <1Para-Nymphes>1 to gaze their painted faces: 340 To starch Mustachoes, and to prank in print, And curle the Lock (with <1favours>1 brayded in't):

No <1(Adamah)>1 we spend not heere the day In Dancing, Courting, Banqueting and Play: Nor lastly (<1Zoar>1) is it heere the guise Of silken Mock-<1Mars>1 (for a <1Mistresse-Prize)>1 With Reed-like Launce, and with a blunted Blade, To Championize under a Tented shade; As at your Tourneys: Therefore to your Mew: Lay-downe your weapons, heere's no Worke for you. 350 'Tis heere the Fashion (and the pride of Warres) To paint the face with sweat, dust, blood, and scarres: Our Glasse is heere a bright and glistering Shield: Our Satten, steele: the Musike of the Field Dooth rattle like the Thunders dreadfull roare: Death tilteth heere: The Mistresse we adore Is Victorie (true Soveraigne of our harts) Who without danger graceth no Deserts: Dead carkases perfume our dainty Nose: Our Banquets heere be Banquets for the Crowes: 360 Flie therefore (Cowards) flie and turne your backs, (As you were wont in your thought-shaming acts) But with our Swords and Launces (in your hast) Through-thrilled (Villaines) this shall be your last, Sayd <1Amraphel:>1 and charg'd them in such sort, That't seemes a sudaine Whirle-winde doth transport Their fainting Troupes: some (best-advised) flie To tops of Mountaines that doo neighbour by; Some through the plaine; but, neither (in the chace) Dares once looke backe (no not with halfe a face) 370 Their feare hath no restraint, and much less art: This throwes away his shield, and that his darte; Swords, Morrions, Pouldrons, Vaunt-brace, pikes and launces Are no defence, but rather hinderances: They with their hearts have also lost their sight, And reaking lesse a glorious end, in Fight, Then thousand base deaths, desperately they ran Into the floud that fats rich <1Chanaan.>1

Then, <1Jordan>1 armes him 'gainst these infidels With rapid course, and like a sea he swels, 380 Lakes under ground into his channell range, And shallowest Foords to ground-lesse gulphs doe change: He fumes, he foames, and swiftly whirling round, Seemes in his rage these bitter words to sound: Dye (Villaines) dye, O more then infamous Foule Monsters, drench your damned soules in us: Sa, sa, (my Floods) with your colde moisture quench The lust-full flame of their selfe-burning stench: Drown, drown the Hell-hounds, and revenge the wrong Which they have done our Mother <1Nature>1 long. 390 The River swiftly whirling-in the slaves, Above with Bowes, beneath with bodies paves: The gaudie Plume, yet floating light and soft, Keepes for a while the hollow helme aloft: But yet (at length) even those that swim the best, Downe to the bottome sinke among the rest, Striving and strugling (topsi-turvie tost) While fayne they would but cannot yeild the ghost; Because the flood, (un-willing to defile His purest waves with spirits so foule and vile) 400 Re-spewes them still into themselves, and there Smoothers, and choakes, and ramms them (as it were). Then both at once (Bodies and Soules) at last To the maine Sea, or his owne shoare doth cast. The Kings of <1Sodome>1 and <1Gomorrha>1 then, Hoping to traine the King of <1Elams>1 men, Among the Clay-Pitts which themselves before (T'intrap the Foe) with boughes had covered or'e, Ran thither-ward: but their confused Flight In their owne Ambush made their owne to light, 410 Wherein they lost the flower of all their rest, Sooner of death then of deaths feare possest. One, as he flyes with trembling steps the dart Which (from behinde) nigh pierst him to the hart, Tangling his foote with twyning tendrels tho

Of a wylde Vine that neere a Pit did grow, Stumbles, and tumbles in, hung by the heeles Up to the wast in water: where he feeles A three-fold Fate: for there (o strange) he found Three deaths in one, at once <1slaine, hang'd>1 and <1drownd>1! 420 Another, weening ore a well to skip, From the wet brim his hap-les foote doth slip, And in he falls: but instantly (past hope) He catcheth hold upon a dangling rope, And so at lenght with shifting hands gets-up By little and little to the Fountaines top: Which <1Thadael>1 spying, to him streight he hyes, And thus alowd unto the wretch he Cryes: Varlet, is this, is this the meanes you make Your wonted yoake of <1Elam>1 off to shake? 430 Is this your Skirmish? and are these your blowes Where-with t'incounter so couragious Foes? Sir, leave your ladder; this shall serve as well, This sword shall be your ladder downe to Hell: Go pay to <1Pluto>1 (Prince of <1Accheron)>1 The Tribute heere denide unto your owne: Heere-with he drawes his Fauchin bright and keene, And at a blow heawes both his armes off cleane; His trickling hands held fast, downe fell his Trunke, His blood did swim, his body quickly sunke. 440 Another (roughly pusshed by the Foe) Falls headlong downe into a Bog below, Where, on his head deepe planted in the Mud With his heeles up-ward like a Tree he stoode; Still too and fro waving his legs and armes, As Trees are wont to wave in windie stormes. Another heere (on horseback) posting over A broad, deepe clay-pit that greene boughes do cover, Sinks instantly; and in his suddaine Fate Seemes the brave Horse doubly unfortunate: 450 For, his owne neck he breakes, and bruizing in

(With the keene scales of his bright Brigandin) His Maisters bowels, serves (alas) for Toombe To him that yerst so many times did combe His crispie Crest, and him so frankly fed In's hollow Shield with Oats and Beanes, and Bread: Even so sometimes, the loving Vine and Elme (With double domage) jointly over-whelme; Shee wayles the wrack of her deere Husbands glade, He moanes his Spouses feeble armes and shade, 460 But most it grieves him with his Trunk to crush The pretious Clusters of her pleasing Bush; And presse to death unkindly with his waight Her that for love imbraceth him so straight. Yet, <1Lot>1 alone (with a small troupe assisted) The Martiall Brunt with Manly brest resisted, And thirsting Fame, stands firmely looking for The furious Hoast of <1Chedorlaomor>1: But as a narrow and thin-planted Cops Of tender Saplings with their slender tops, 470 Is Fell'd almost as soone as under-taken By Multitudes of Peasants Winter-shaken: <1Lot's>1 little Number so environ'd round, Hemm'd with so many swords is soone hewn downe. Then, left alone, yet still all one he fares, And the more danger still the more he dares: Like a strange Mastife fiercely set upon By mongrell Currs, in number ten to one: Who tyer'd with running (growne more cunning) gets Into some corner, where upright he sets 480 Upon his sterne, and sternly to his Foes His rage-full, foaming, grinning teeth he showes, And snarles, and snaps; and this and that doth bite, And stoutly still maintaines th'unequall fight With equall furie, till (disdaining Death) His Enimies be beaten out of breath. <1Arioch,>1 admiring, and (even) fearing too What <1Lot>1 had done, and what he yet might doo;

Him Princely meets and mildely greets him thus: Cease (valiant youth) cease, cease t'incounter us, 490 Wilt thou (alas) wilt thou (poore soule) expose And hazard thus thy life and Fame to lose, In such a Quarrell, for the cause of such? Alas, I pittie thy mis-fortune much. For, well I see, thy habit and thy tongue, Thine armes (but most) thy courage (yet so yong) Show that in <2SODOM'S>2 wanton walls accurst Thou wert not borne, nor in <1Gomorrha>1 nurst. O chiefe of Chivalrie, reserve thy worth For better warrs: yield thee: and thinke hence-forth 500 I highly prize thy prows; and by my sword, For thousand kingdomes will not false my word. Past hope of Conquest (as past feare of death) <2LOT>2 yields him then upon the Princes Faith. And from his Cammell quick-dismounting, hies His Royall hand to kisse in humble wise: And th'Armie, laden with the richest spoile, Triumphantly to th'Eastward march't the while. No sooner noise of these sad novels came Unto the eares of faithfull <2ABRAHAM,>2 510 But instantly hee armes to reskue <2LOT,>2 And that rich preye the heathen Kings had got. Three hundred servants of his house he brings (But lightly arm'd with staves and darts, and slings, Aided by <2MAMRE>2 (in whose plaine he wonns) <2ASCOL>2 and <2ANER (AMOR>2's valiant sonnes) So at the heeles he hunts the fearelesse Foe, Yet waites advantage yer he offer blowe) Favourd by streightnesse of the wayes they tooke; And cover'd close with nights deceitfull cloake. 520 In <1Groon-land>1 fields is found a dungeon A thousand-fold more dark then <1Accheron,>1 It hath no dore, least as it turnes about On rustie hooks, it creake too lowdly out; But <1Silence>1 serves for Port and Porter there,

A gagged Usher that doth never weare Stiff-russling silkes, nor ratling chamlet sutes, Nor gingling spurres, nor creaking spanish bootes; But, that he make no noise (when ere he sturs) His high-day sutes are of the softest furres, 530 At other times (lesse-stately-service-full) Hee's only clad in cotton, shod in wooll: His left fore-finger ore his lips he lock's, With th'other beckens to the early Cocks, The rushing streames, and roaring <1Eolus,>1 Seeming (though dumbe) to whisper softly thus: Sleepe silver <1Torrents>1; cease sweet <1Chante-cleere>1; To bid <1good-morrow>1 to the <1Morning>1 heere: Be still, ye Winds, keepe in your native nest, Let not your stormes disturbe this house of Rest. 540 In midst of all this Cave so darke and deepe, On a still-rocking Couch lyes bleare-eyde <1Sleepe,>1 Snorting aloud, and with his panting breath Blowes a blacke fume that all envapoureth: <1Oblivion>1 lyes hard-by her drouzie brother, Who redily knowes not her selfe nor other: Then solitarie <1Morpheus>1 gently rockt: And nastie <1Sloath>1 selfe-pyn'd, and poorely-frockt Irresolute, unhandsome, comfortlesse, Rubbing her eyes with Poppie, and dooth presse 550 The yellow <1Night-shade,>1 and blew <1Gladiols>1 juce, Where-with her sleep-swolne heavie lids she glewes. Confusedly about the silent Bed Fantastike swarmes of <1Dreames>1 there hovered, Greene, red, and yellow, tawnie, black, and blew; Some sacred, some prophane; some false, some true; Some short, some long; some devilish, some devine; Some sad, some glad; but monstrous all (in fine): They make no noise, but right resemble may Th'unnumbred Moats which in the Sunne doo play, 560 When (at some Crannie) with his piercing eye

He peepeth-in some darker Place to spie. Thether th'Almighty (with a just intent To plague those Tirants pride) his Angell sent; No sooner entred, but the radiant shine Of's glistering wings and of his glorious eyne, As light as Noone makes the darke House of Night, The gawdie swarme of <1Dreames>1 is put to flight, And opening wide the sable Canapey The winged Herald sommon'd <1Sleepe>1 away. 570 <1Silence>1 dislodg'd at the first word he spake, But deafe dead <1Sleepe>1 could not so soone awake, Hee's call'd a hundred times, and tugg'd, and touz'd, And by the Angell often rubb'd and rouz'd: At length he stirres, and stretching lazily His legges and armes, and opening halfe an eye, Foure or five times he yawnes; and leaning-on His (Lob-like) elbow, heares This Message done. Great Spirits-restorer, Cares-charme, Chacing-grief, Night-short'ning Sier, Man's-Rest, and Mind's-Reliefe, 580 Up, up (sayd he) dispatch thee hence in post, And with thy Poppie drench the conquering Hoast Of those proud Kings that (richly charg'd with Pray) On <1Chanaan>1 Mountaines lodge in dis-aray. Th'Angel in th'instant backe to Heav'n-ward gone; <1Sleepe>1 slowly harnest his dull Beares anone; And in a noise-lesse Coach all darkly dight, Takes with him <1Silence, Drousines,>1 and <1Night:>1 Th'Aire thickning where he goes dooth nod the head, The Wolfe in Woods lies downe, th'Oxe in the Mead, 590 Th'Orque under Water; and on Beds of Downe Men stretch their limbs, and lay them softly downe. The Nightingale pearcht on the tender spring Of sweetest Haw-thorne hangs her drowzie wing, The Swallow's silent, and the loudest <1Humber,>1 Leaning upon the Earth, now seemes to slumber: Th'Yew moves no more, the Aspe doth cease to shake, Pines bow their heads seeming some rest to take.

So soone as <1Sleep's>1 black wings had over-spred The Pagan Hoast; the Souldiers hast to bed: 600 For, instantly begin they all to winke To hang their heads, and let their weapons sinke: Their words halfe-spoke, are lost between their lips, Through all their veines <1Sleep's>1 charming humor slips, Which to a deepe and death-like <1Letharge>1 brings Both Heathen Souldiers and their Heathen Kings. <1Abram>1 perceaving now the Armie neere, By their owne Fires; gan thus his Troupes to cheere: Souldiers (said he) behold, this happy Night Shall make amends for that dis-astrous Fight 610 Was fought in <1Siddim,>1 and acquittance crie For <1Sodom>1's shame and <1Lot>1's captivitie: Me thinks already, <1Victorie>1 (adorn'd With bowes and Blades, and Casks, and Crownes) return'd From th'Enimie, on our tryumphant speares Erecteth Tropheis farre more rich then theirs: Me thinks already on our glistering Crests The glorious Garland of the Conquest rests; Our way to Vertue lies so smooth and plaine, With paine-lesse Honour, and un-vent'red Gaine. 620 This Hoast you see, is not the valiant Troupe That stript <1Gomorrha,>1 and made <1Segor>1 stoope; That <1Jordan, Inde,>1 and <1Euphrates>1 admire; But a foule heard of Swine wallowing in mire: Regard them as they are, not as they were: See but their sloath, doo not their number feare: He that's asleepe is dead, and he that's dead Bites not (they say): what have we then to dread? Why stay we (Lads) already downe they are, Their throats be naked, and their bosomes bare. 630 Their lyves lie prostrate heere at our Command; And Fortune calls but for your helping hand. Come, follow me, rather, the <1Lord of Hoasts>1 (Terrour of Tirants) who through all the Coasts Of all the Earth confoundeth (with a thought)

All worldly power, and brings mens Plots to nought: Come (happy Troope) follow with one accord Th'invincible brave Standard of the Lord. This sayd: eft-soones I woat not what a grace, What devine beame reflected on his face: 640 For, as in March, the Serpent, having cast His old foule skinne, crawles from his hole full fast, Hisses, and stings, and stares us in the face, And (gold-like) glistering, glides along the grasse: So Heav'n inspires fresh vigour in each part, His blood renewes, his hart dooth take new hart, A martiall Furie in his brest there boiles, His stature seemes much taller then yer-whiles, Youth paints his cheekes with Rose and Lilly Dies, A lovely Lightning sparkles in his eyes, 650 So that his gallant Port and gracefull Voice Confirmes the faintest, makes the sad rejoice. Then, on the Camp he sets, where round about Lie mingled Carrs, and Horse, and Men that rout: Rest seazeth all; and (wanting what it fed) The Fire it selfe slept in his Ashie bed. Th'<1Hebrues>1 the-while laid-on on back, or brest, Or arme, or side, according as their Rest To th'ground had bound them; and those lyves bereft The which Death's Image in an Image reft. 660 Heere, one beheaded on a Trunk of Pine, Poures-out at once his gore, his ghost, and Wine; The full Helme hops, and with a voice confused, Murmurs, as if it his fell Fate accused. Another, taken by inchanting sleepe, Mid Pots and Cups, and Flagons, quaffing deepe, Dooth at a wound, given in his ratling gorge, The Wine againe in his owne Cup dis-gorge. Another, while ingeniously he playes Upon his Lute some passing-pleasing Layes, 670 Sleepe sieles his eyes up with a gloomie cloud; And yet his hand still quavers light and loud:

But at the last it sinks, and offring faire To strike the Base, strikes but the empty aire: His Soule, descending to th'infernall Coasts, Goes to conclude his Song unto the Ghosts; Dolefull it was, not for the Argument (For 'twas of <1Love)>1 but for the sad event. Another, wak'ned with those loud alarmes, Starts-up, and groapeth round about for armes, 680 Which ah too-soone he findeth (for his part) For a keene poignard stabs him to the hart. Like as a Tigresse, having with the gore Of Bulls and Heifers made her spots the more, And pav'd a Plaine with Creatures mangled limbs, Viewes on each side her valiant stratagems, Treads on the vanquisht, and is proudly-sad, That no more Foes, nor no more Maw she had: So th'<1Hebrew>1 stalking round-about the slaine, Braves (but it boots not) and would very faine 690 That those dead bodies might their ghosts re-gather, Or that those Mountaines would produce him (rather) Some Foes more wakefull, that more manfully In blood-drown'd Valleis might his Valour trie. <1Amor's>1 three sonnes did no lesse slaughter make, <1Abram>1 for zeale, they but for Furies sake: This, nayles a Souldier with his sword to th'ground; That, at a blow, th'heads of two Heads dis-crown'd. This, underneath a Chariot kills the Driver: That, lops off legs and armes, and heads doth shiver. 700 The Tents already all in blood doo swim, Gushing from sundry Corps from severall limbe. In briefe, so many ravening Wolves they seeme Within whose brest fierce Famine biteth keene, Who softly stealing to some Fold of Sheepe (While both the Shepheard and his Curr doo sleepe) Furbish their hungry teeth, teare, kill and prey Upon the best, to eate and beare-away.

Yet, at the length, the vanquished awake, And (re-aray'd) the Victors under-take; 710 Putting the three proud <1Amorites>1 to flight, Who but for <2ABRAM,>2 had beene routed quite. Sleepe, sleepe (poore <1Pagans)>1 sith you needs must die, Goe sleepe againe, and so die easilie, Die yer you thinke on Death, and in your Dreames Gaspe-out your soules; Let not your dazeled beames Behold the havoke and the horrour too Of th'Execution that our swords shall doo, Hacking your bodies to heaw-out your breaths, Yer Death, to fright you with a thousand deaths, 720 Sayd <2ABRAHAM:>2 and pointing every word With the keene point of his quick-whirled sword: (As swift in dooing, as in saying so) More fiercely chargeth the insulting Foe, Then ever Storme-full cloud, which fed with Water's Thin moist-ful fumes (the snowie Mountains daughters) Shower'd heaps of Haile-shot, or pour'd floods of raine, On slender stems of the new tender Graine: Through blood, and blades, through danger dust, and death, Through mangled corps, and carrs he traverseth; 730 And partly in the shock, parte with his blowes, Hee breaketh-in through thickest of his Foes, And by his travaile topsie-turneth then The live and dead, and halfe-dead, horse and men: His bright-keene Fauchin never threats but hits, Nor hits but hurts, nor hurts but that it splits Some privie posterne, whence to Hell (in post) Some groaning Pagan may gaspe out his ghoste: He all assayles, and him so brave bestowes, That in his Fight he deales more deaths then blowes. 740 As the North-winde, re-cleering-up the front Of clowdie Heav'ns, towards the South doth hunt The showers that <1Austers>1 spungie thirst exhales Out of those seas that circle <1Orans>1 walls:

So where-so-e're our <1Hebrue Champion>1 wield His warre-like weapon and his glistering shield (Whose glorious splendor darts a dreadefull light) All turne their backes, and all be-take to flight, Forgetting Fame, Shame, Vertue, Hope and all, Their Hearts are done and downe their weapons fall: 750 Or, if that anie be so strangely-stout As not to fainte but bravely yet hold out, Alas, it boots not, for it cannot stop The victorie, but haste his owne mishap. But in what Fence-schoole, of what maister, say, Brave pearle of Souldiers learnd thy hands to play So at so sundrie weapons such passados, Such thrusts, such foyns, stramazos and stoccados? Even of that Mighty God, whose sacred might Made Heav'n and earth (and them so brave bedight) 760 Of meerely nothing: of that God of Power Who swore to be thy Target and thy Tower: Of that high God, who fortifies the weake, Who teacheth His even steely bowes to breake, Who doth his Childrens zealous hearts inflame, But daunts the proude and dooth their courage tame. Thy sword abats th'armed, the strong, the stout; Thou cleav'st, thou kill'st: the fainte dis-armed route, The lightning of thine eyes, thy voices thunder, And thy proud dreadfull porte confounds with wonder: 770 Death and Dispaire, Horror and Furie fight Under thine Ensignes in this dismal night: Thou slayest this, and that thou threat'st as much: This thou poursew'st, that thou disdaign'st to touch: In brief (thou blest Knight brave) thou quelst at once Valiant and vile, arm'd and unarmed ones. Heere, thine even hand (even in a twinkling trice) In equall halves a Pagans head doth slice, Downe on each shoulder looketh either halfe, To gaze upon his ghastly <1Epitaph,>1 780

In lines of blood writ round about him faire, Under the curten of his parted haire: Heere through a Jerkin (more then musket-proofe) Made twelve-fold double of East-countrie Buffe, Cleane through and through thy deadly shaft doth thrill A Giants bulke; the wounded hulke doth reele: The head behinde appeares; before the fethers; And th'Ethnike soule flies both-wayes out togethers: Heere thou doost cleave, with thy keen Fauchins force The Bards and Brest-plate of a furious Horse, 790 No sooner hurt, but he recoyleth back, Writing his Fortune in a bloody track: Thy barbed Dart, heere at a <1Chalde>1 flies, And in an instant lardeth both his thighes, While he blaspheming his hard Starres and State, Hops (like a Pie) in steed of wonted gaite. Now <2LOT>2 (the while) escap't from <2ELAMS>2 hands, Free from the burthen of his iron bands; With just revenge retorts his taken wrong, His feet grow swift, his sinnewes waxen strong, 800 His hart revives; and his revived hart Supplies new spirits to all and every part: And as a wilde and wanton Colt, got out Of some great Stable, staring scuds about, Shakes his proud head and crest, yerks out his heeles, Butts at the Aire, beates on the humble fields, His flying shadow now pursues amaine, Anone (amaz'd) flies it as fast againe, Againe beholds it, with selfe-proud delight Lookes on his leggs, sets his stiffe taile upright, 810 And neighes so loud to Mares beyond the Mound; That with the noise the neighbour Hills resound: So, one-while, <2LOT>2 sets on a Troupe of Horse, A band of Sling-men he anon dooth force, Anon he pusheth through a stand of Pikes, A wing of Archers off anone he strikes, Anon he stalkes about a steepfull Rock,

Where some, to shun Death's (never-shunned) stroake, Had clamberd-up; at length a path he spies, Where, up he mounts and dooth their Mount surprise: 820 Whence, stones he heaves so heavie and so huge, That in our Age three men could hardly bouge; Under whose waight his flying Foes he dashes, And in their flesh, bones, stones, and steele he pashes: Sometimes he shootes, sometimes he shakes a Pike, Which Death to many, dread to all dooth strike. Some in the brest he wounds, some in the backs; Some on the hanch, some on the head he hacks, He heawes downe all; and maketh where he stood A Mount of bodies in a Moat of blood. 830 At length the <1Pagans>1 wholy left the place, Then both sides ranne, these chased, those doo chase: These onely use their heeles, those heeles and hands: Those wish but a faire way, these that the sands Would quickly gape and swallow quick to hell Themselves that fled, and them that chace't so fel: These render nought but blows, those nought but blood, Both sides have broake their Ranks; pel-mel they scud; Choakt-up with dust, disordered, dis-aray'd; Neither, Commaund, Threat, nor Intreat obay'd: 840 Thou that (late) brag'dst that thy white <1Wormly>1 brave Could dry foot runne upon the liquid Wave, And on the sand leaving no print behinde Out-swifted Arrowes, and out-went the Winde, With a steele Dart, by <2ABRAH'M>2 stifly sent, Art 'twixt thy Cuirace and thy Saddle slent: And thou that thrice, neere <1Tigris>1 silver source, Had'st wonne the Bell, as best in every Course, Art caught by <1Lot,>1 and (thrilld from side to side) Loosest thy speeds-praise, and thy life beside. 850 It seemes no Fight, but (rather as befalls) An execution of sad criminals: Who so escapes the sword, escapes not so His sad destruction; or, if anie tho

Escapt at all, they were but few (at least) To rew the fatall ruine of the rest: For th'Unkle and the Nephew never lin Till out of <1Chanaan>1 they have chac't them cleane: Like to a cast of Falcons that pursew A flight of Pigeons through the welkin blew, 860 Stooping at this and that, that to their Louver (To save their lives) they hardly can recover. At his returne from Fight, the Kings and Lords Of <1Pala|estine>1 with glad and humble words Do welcome <1Abram>1 and refresh his Troope; To's knees their heads, to's feet their knees they stoope: O valiant Victor! for thy high desarts, Accept the homage of our humble hearts. Accept our gratefull zeale; or if ought more (As wel thou maist) thou doost expect therfore, 870 Accept (sayd they) our Lands, our goods, our golde, Our wives, our lives, and what we deerest holde: Take all we have, for all we have is thine, No wrong to us, to take thy Valours fine. <2MELCHISEDEC>2 God's <1sacred-Minister,>1 And King of <1Salem,>1 comes to greet him theare, Blessing his blisse, and thus with zealous crye Devoutly pierc't Heav'ns starrefull Canapey. <1Blest be the Lord,>1 that with his hand doth roule The radiant Orbes that turne about the Pole; 880 And Rules the Actions of all Humane-Kinde With full commaund: and with one blast of winde Razes the Rocks, and rends the proudest Hills, Dries-up the Ocean, and the Empty fills: <1Blest be the great GOD>1 of great <1Abraham,>1 From Age to Age extolled be his Name: Let every Place unto him Altars build, And every Altar with his Praise be fill'd, And every Praise above the Welkin ring As loud or louder then the Angels sing: 890 <1Blessed>1 be He that by an Arme-lesse crew

Of Art-lesse Shepards did so quick subdue And tame the Tamers of <1Great Syria>1 so; And to the servants of an exil'd Foe Hath given the Riches and the royall store (Both of their Bootie and their Owne before) Of such an Hoast, of Nations that first see <1Sol's>1 early rising from <1Aurora>1's knee. But <1Abraham,>1 to prove, that not for Prey, He put-on armes, devides the Spoiles away: 900 The <1Tythe's>1 the <1Priests>1: the Rest of all the things (Yerst lost in field) he renders to the Kings, Save but the Portion He participates To th'<1Amorites,>1 his stout Confederates: Shewing himselfe a Prince as politike Prudent and just, as stout and Souldier-like, That with his Prowesse Policie can mel, And Conquering, can use his Conquest well Magnanimous in deeds, in words as meeke, That skorning Riches, true Renowne doth seeke. 910 So, from the Sea, even to th'<1Euphratean-source,>1 And even from <1Dan,>1 to <1Nilus>1 christall course, Rings his renowne: Of him is all the speech, At home, abroade; among the poore and rich, In warre and peace: the Fame of his high deeds Confirmes the Faithful in their fainting Creeds; And terrifies the Tirant Infidels, Shaking the sides of their proud Citadells, That with their fronts the seat of <2JOVE>2 do skorn, And with their feet at <1Pluto's>1 crown do spurne. 920 Voice, Harpe, and Timbrel sound his praise together, Hee's held a Prophet or an Angell rather, They say that God talks with him face to face, Hoasts at his house, and to his happie Race Gives in <1Fee-simple>1 all that goodly Land Even from the Sea, as farre as <1Tigris>1 strand. And it is certaine, the <1Thrice-sacred-One,>1 The King of Kings, by Dreame or Vision,

Speaks with him oft; and calls him thus by name: Faint not my servant, feare not <2ABRAHAM:>2 930 I am no fiend that with a fained lip Seeke guilefully thy simplenesse to trip, Nor to intice thee (with a baen-full breath) To bite (like <2ADAM)>2 a new fruite of death: Tis I that brought thee from thy Native UR, From night to day, from death to life (thus fur) I brought thee hether, I have blest thee heere, I with thy flockes have covered farre and neere <1Chanaan>1's fat Hills; I have preserv'd thy Wife From Strangers lust, and thee from Tirants knife, 940 (When thy faint hart, and thy false tongue (affrai'd To tell the Truth) her and thy selfe betray'd): 'Tis I, that have so oft from Heathens power Preserv'd thy person; and (as Conquerour) Now made thee Tryumph over th'Eastern Kings, (Whereof so farre thy famous Valour rings): I am (in brief) I am the Lord thy God, Thy helpe at home, thy Guide and Guard abroad. Keepe thou my Cov'nant: and (to signifie, That, to the World thou dy'st, to live to Mee) 950 Go, <1Circumcise>1 forth-with thy Selfe and Thine, Leade holy Life, walke in my Wayes devine With upright-foote; so shall my favour haunt Thy House and thee, and thou shalt nothing want: No, I will make thee Lord of all the Land Which <1Chanaans>1 Children have with mighty hand So long possest: a happy Land that flowes With milke and honey: a rich Land where growes (Even of it selfe) all kinde of Fruite and Corne, Where smiling Heav'ns poure-downe their Plenties-Horne: I'le heape thee there with Honour, Wealth, and Power, 961 I will be thy Reward, thy Shield, and Tower. O Lord (said <2ABRAM)>2 though into my lap In showers of Gold even all the Heav'ns should drop,

What booted all, to me that am alone? Alas (my Lord) I have enough, for one That hath no issue after to inha|erit, But my good servant <2ELEAZAR>2's merit. Not so, my Sonne (replies th'Omnipotent) Mistake not so my bountifull intent; 970 I'll not disparage to a Servants Fee The rich estate, and royall Dignitie That in my People shall heereafter shine: No, no (mine <2ABRAM)>2 even a stock of thine, Thine owne deere Nephews, even thy proper Seed Shall be thine Heires, and in thy state succeed. Yea, thine owne Sonne's immortall-mortall Race Shall hold in gage the treasures of my Grace. The Patriarch, then rapt with sodaine Joy, Made answere thus: Lives then my wandring Boy? 980 Lives <2ISMAEL?>2 is <2ISMAEL>2 alive? O happy Newes! (Lord let him ever thrive): And shall his Seed succeed so Eminent? Ah let me die then, then I die content. <2ISMAEL>2 indeed dooth live (the Lord replies) And lives to father mighty Progenies: For, from the Day when first his Mother, (flying Thy jeloux <2SARA>2's curst and threatfull crying) To the dry Desarts sandie horror hy'd, I have for both beene carefull to provide; 990 Their extreame Thirst due-timely to refresh, Conducting them unto a Fountaine fresh, In liquid Cristall of whose Mayden spowt Bird never dipt hir bill, nor Beast his snowt: And, if I err not (but, I cannot err: For, what is hid from Harts-Artificer? What can the sight of the Sight-maker dim?) Another Exile yet attendeth him, Where in he shall (in season) feele and finde, How much to him I will be good and kinde. 1000

He shall grow Great, yet shall his rest be small, All shall make warre on him, and He on all: Through Corslets, Rivets, Jacks, and Shirts of Maile, His shaft shall thrill the Foes that him assaile: A swift Hart's hart he shall (even running) hit, A Sparrowes head he shall (even flying) split: And in the aire shall make the Swallow cease His sweet-sweet note, and slycing nimblenes. Yea (O Saints-Firstling) onely for thy sake, Twelve mighty Princes will I shortly make 1010 Spring from his Loignes, whose fruitfull Seed shal sway, Even unto <1Sur>1 from golden <1Havila.>1 Yet, 'tis not He, with whom I meane to knit Mine inward Cov'nant; th'outward seale of it <2ISMAEL>2 may beare, but not the efficace; (Thy Sonne, but after Flesh, not after Grace). But to declare that under Heavens Frame, I hold nought deerer then mine <2ABRAHAM,>2 I'll open <2SARA>2's dry and barren wombe, From whence thine <2ISAAC>2 (Earths delight) shall come, 1020 To glad the World; a Sonne that shall (like thee) Support the <1Faith,>1 and prop hir Familie. Come from thy Tent, come forth and here contemple The golden Wonders of my Throne and Temple, Number the Starres, measure their bignesse bright, With fixed eye gaze on their twinkling Light, Exactly marke their ord'red Courses, driven In radiant Coaches through the Lists of Heaven: Then mai'st thou also number thine owne Seed, And comprehend their Faith, and plainly read 1030 Their noble Acts, and of their Publike-State Draw an <1Idea>1 in thine owne conceit. This, This is Hee, to and with whom I graunt Th'eternall Charter of my <1Covenant,>1 Which if he truly keepe, upon his Race I'll poure an Ocean of my plenteous Grace: I'll not alone give him these Fields heere seene,

But even from <1India,>1 all that flowereth greene To th'utmost Ocean's utmost sand and shelfe; I'll give him Heaven, I'll give him even my Selfe. 1040 Hence, hence, the <1High and mighty Prince>1 shall spring, Sinne's, Death's, and Hell's eternall taming King, The sacred Founder of Man's soveraigne Blisse, World's peace, world's ransom, and world's righteousnes. Th'Eternall seem'd then towards Heav'n to hie, Th'old-man to follow him with a greedy eye: The suddaine dis-appearing of the Lord, Seem'd like to Powder fiered on a boord, When smoakingly it mounts in suddaine flash, With little flame, giving a little clash. 1050 Plenty and Pleasure had o're-whelm'd the while <1Sodome>1 and <1Gomor>1 in all Vices vile, So that, already the most ruth-lesse Rape Of tender Virgins of the rarest shape; Th'Adulterous kisse (which Wedlocks bands unbindes) Th'Incestuous Bed, confounding Kindreds kindes, (Where Father wooes the Daughter, Sister Brother, Th'Unkle the Niece, and even the Sonne the Mother, They did not hate, nor (as they ought) abhor, But rather scorn'd, as sports they car'd not for. 1060 Forbeare (deere Younglings) pray a-while forbeare, Stand farther from me, or else stop your eare, At th'obsca|ene sound of th'unbeseeming woords Which to my <1Muse>1 this odious place affoords: Or, if it's horror cannot drive you hence, Hearing their Sinne, pray heare their Punishments. These beastly Men (rather these man-like Beasts) Could not be fill'd with <2VENUS>2 vulgar Feasts; Faire Nature could not furnish their Desire; Some monstrous messe these Monsters did require: 1070 An execrable flame inflam'd their harts, Prodigiously they play'd the Womens parts: Male hunted Male; and acted openly,

Their furious Lusts in fruit-lesse Venerie. Therefore, to purge Ulcers so pestilent, Two heav'nly Scowts the Lord to <1Sodome>1 sent, Whom (deeming Mortalls) <1Lot>1 importunates To take his Lodging and to taste his Cates. For Angels, being meere Intelligences, Have (properly) no Bodies nor no sences: 1080 But (sacred Legates of the <1Holy-One)>1 To treat with us, they put our Nature on; And take a body fit to exercise The Charge they have, which runs, and feeds, and flies; Dures during their Commission, and that past, Turnes t'Elements whence it was first amass't. A simple Spirit (the glittering Child of Light) Unto a Body dooth not so unite, As to the Matter Forme incorporates; But, for a season it accommodates, 1090 As to his Toole the quaint Artificer, (That at his pleasure makes the same to stirre) Yet in such sorte that th'instrument (we see) Holds much of him that mooves it actively. But alwaies in some place are Angels though; Not as all filling (God alone is so, The spirit which all good spirits in spirit adore, In all, on all, with-out-all, evermore): Nor as environ'd (that, alone agrees To bodies bounded with extremities 1100 Of the next substance; and whose superfice Unto their place proportionable is) But rather, as sole selflie-limited, And joynd to place, yet not as quantitied, But by the touch of their live efficace, Containing Bodies which they seeme t'embrace: So, visibly those bodies move, and oft By Word of Mouth bring Arands from aloft, And eate with us, but not for sustentation, Nor naturally, but by meere dispensation. 1110

Such were the sacred Guests of this good Prince; Such curteous <2ABR'HAM>2 feasted in his Tents, When, seeing three, he did adore but one, Which comming downe from the celestiall Throne, Fore-told the sad and sodaine Traga|edie, Of these loose Citties, for their Luxurie. You that your Purse doo shut, and dores do barre Against the colde, faint, hungrie Passenger, You little thinke that all our life and Age Is but an exile and a Pilgrimage: 1120 And that in earth who so hath never given Harbour to Strangers, shall have none in Heaven, Where solemne <1Nuptials>1 of the <1Lambe>1 are held: Wheare Angels bright and Soules that have exceld, All clad in white, sing th'<1Epithalamie,>1 Carrousing <1Nectar>1 of Eternitie. Sans <1Hospitalitie,>1 the Pilgrim poore For Bed-fellow might have a Wolfe or Boare: What e'r is given the Strange and Needy one, Is not a gift (indeed) but 'tis a Loane, 1130 A Loan to God, who payes with interest; And (even in this life) guerdons even the least. For, almes (like levain) make our goods to rise, And God his owne with blessings plentifies. O Hoasts, what know you, whether (charitable) When you suppose to feast men at your Table, You guest Gods Angels in Mens habit hid, (Heav'n-Cittizens) as this good <1Hebrue>1 did? Who supped them: and when the time grew meet To goe to bed, he heard amid the street 1140 A wrangling jangling, and a Murmur rude, Which great, grew greater through Nights solitude. For, those that first these two bright Starrs survaide Wilde Stalion-like, after their bewties naigh'd; But, seeing them by the chaste stranger sav'd, Shame-les and sence-les up and downe they rav'd,

From House to House knocking at every dore, And beastly-brute, thus, thus they rayle and roare. Brethren, shall we endure this Fugitive, This stranger <2LOT,>2 our pleasures to deprive? 1150 O Cowardise! to suffer in our sights An exile heere t'usurpe our choise delights, T'embrace a brace of Youth's so bewteous (Rather two Gods come-downe from Heav'n to us)? Shall it be sayd that such an old cold stock Such rare yong Minions in his bed should mock: While wretched wee, unto our selves make mone, And (Widow like) weare-out our sheets alone? Let's rather break his dores, and make him know, Such daintie morcels hang not for his Mow. 1160 <1Even as at>1 Bathe, <1downe from the neighbour Hills,>1 <1After a snow, the melting Cristall trills>1 <1Into the>1 Avon <1(when the>1 Pythian <1Knight>1 <1Strips those steep Mountaines of their sherts so white)>1 <1Through hundred Valleis gushing Brookes and Torrents,>1 <1Striving for swiftnesse in their sundrie Corrents,>1 <1Cutting deepe Channels where they chance to run,>1 <1And never rest till all do meete in one:>1 So, at their crie, from every corner throng Unto <2LOT>2's house, Men, Children, old, and yong: 1170 For, common was this execrable sinne: With bleare-ey'd Age, as nusled long therein; With Youth, through rage of lust; with Infancie, Example-led: all through Impunitie. And thus, they all crye-out, Ope, ope the dore, Come, open quickely, and delay no more: Let-forth that lovely Payer, that they may prove With us the pleasures of Male-mingled love. <2LOT>2 lowly then replyes: Brethren and Frends, By all the names that Amitie commends, 1180 By Natures Rules, and Rytes of Hospitalitie, By sacred Lawes, and lessons of Moralitie,

By all respects of our com-Burgeship (Which should our minds in mutuall kindnesse keepe) I do adjure you all, that you refrayne The honor of my harme-lesse guests to stayne, Nor in your hearts to harbour such a thought Whereby their Vertues may be wrongd in ought. Base, busie stranger, com'st thou hether, thus (Comptrouler-like) to prate and preach to us? 1190 No <1(Puritan)>1 thou shalt not heere do so: Therefore dispatch and let thy darlings goe; Let-forth that lovely Payer, that they may prove With us the Pleasures of Male-mingled love. The horror of this sinne, their stubborne rage, His sacred promise giv'n his Guests for gage, Th'old <1Hebru's>1 mind so trouble and dismay, That well hee wotes not what to do nor say, For, though we ought not (if Gods Word be true) Doo any evill that good may ensue: 1200 To shun one ill, another ill he suffers, He prostitutes his Issue; and he offers Lambes to the guarde of Wolves: and thus he cryes, I have (with that the teares ran-down his eyes) I have two daughters that be Virgins both, Go, take them to you (yet alas full loth) Go, crop the first fruites to their Bride-groomes dew (O death to thinke it): But let none of you Abuse my chaste Guests with such villanie As merits Fier from Heav'n immediately, 1210 A Sinne so odious, that the Name alone Good men abhor, yea even to thinke upon. Tush, we are glutted with all granted loves, And common Pleasure nought our pleasure moves: <2LOT,>2 our delights (ty'de to no lawe's conformitie) Consist not in the pleasure, but th'innormitie, Which fooles abhorre: and saying so, they rush, Some upon <2LOT,>2 Some at his Gates do push.

O cursed Cittie! wheare the aged Sier, Un-able thus to doo, dooth thus desier; 1220 And Younglings, yet scarce weaned from their Nurce, Strive with their Elders whether shall be worse; Full is the measure of thy monstrous sinne: Thy Canker now o're all thy bulke hath been. God hates all sinne: but, extreme Impudence Is even a greater sinne then the Offence: The sweet kinde Kisses of chaste Man and Wife Although they seeme by God and Nature (rife) Rather commanded then allow'd, and grac't In their sweet fruits (their issue choicely-chaste) 1230 With Lawe's large priviledge, yet evermore (As Modestie and Honestie implore) Ought to be private and (as things forbidden Unto the sight) with Night's black curtin hidden. Yet, these foule Monsters, in the open streete Wheare altogether all the Towne might see't, Most impudent, dare perpetrate a sinne Which Hell it selfe before had never seene, A sinne so odious, that the fame of it Will fright the damned in the darkesome Pit. 1240 But now, the Angels, their celestiall kinde Un-able longer to conceale, strooke blinde Those beastly Letchers, and brought safe away LOT and his houshould by the breake of day. But, O prodigious! never rose the Sunne More bewtifull, nor brighter shin'd-upon All other places (for he rose be-times To see such Execution on such Crimes): And yet, it lowers, it lightens and it thunders, It roares, it raines (O most unwonted wonders) 1250 Upon this Land which 'gainst th'Omnipotent Had warr'd so long with sinnes so insolent: And 'gainst the pride of those detested livers, Heaven seemes to emptie all his wrathfull Quivers.

From <1Accheron,>1 even all the Furies hye, And all their Monsters them accompanie, With all their tortures and their dismall terrors, And all their <1Chaos>1 of confused Horrors; All on the guiltie strand of <1Jordan>1 storme, And with their Fire-brands all to <1Sodome>1 swarme 1260 As thick as Crowes in hungrie shoales doo light On new-sown lands, wheare stalking bolt upright, As blacke as Jet they jet about, and feede On Wheate, or Rye, or other kinde of seede, Kaaking so lowd, that hardly can the Steere The whistling Goad-man's guiding language heare. It raind indeede but not such fertile raine As makes the Corne in Summer sprout amaine; And all things, freshed with a pleasant aire, To thrive, and prove more lively, strong, and faire: 1270 But, in this sinke of Sinne, this stinking Hell, A raine of Salt, of Fire and Brimston fell. Salt, did consume the pleasant fruitfulnes Which serv'd for fewell to their Wantonnes: Fire, punished their beastly Fire within: And Brimston's stinke, the stench of their foule Sinne. So, as their Sinne was singular (of right) Their Punishment was also exquisite: Heere, open Flames, and there yet-hidden Fires Burne all to ashes, sparing neither Spires 1280 Of Brick nor Stone, nor Columnes, Gates, nor Arches, Nor Bowers, nor Towers, nor even their neigbour-Marches. In vaine the-while the People weepe and crie, To see their wrack and know no remedie: For now the Flame in richest Roofes begun, From molten gutters scalding Lead dooth run, The Slats and Tyles about their eares doo split, The burning Rafters Pitch and Rosin spit: The whirling Fire re-mounteth to the Skie, About the fields ten thousand sparks doo flie; 1290

Halfe-burned Houses fall with hideous fray, And <2VULCAN>2 makes Mid-night as bright as Day: Heav'n flings-down nought but flashing Thunder-shot, Th'Aire's all a-fire, Earth's exhalations hot Are spewing <2A|ETNA'S>2 that to Heav'n aspire; All th'Elements (in briefe) are turn'd to Fire. Heere, one perceaving the next Chamber burning, With suddaine leape towards the window turning, Thinks to crie <1Fire>1; but instantly the smoake And Flame with-out, his with-in Voice doo choake. 1300 Another, sooner feeles then sees the Fire, For, while (O horror) in the stinking mire Of his foule Lust he lies, a Lightning flash Him and his Love at-once to dust dooth dash: Th'abhorred Bed is burnt, and they as well Coupled in Plague as Sinne, are sent to Hell. Another yet on tops of Houses crawles, But his foote slips and downe at last he falls, Another feeling all his cloathes a-fire, Thinking to quench them yer it should come nigher, 1310 Leapes in a Lake: but all the Lake began To boyle and bubble like a seething Pan, Or like a Caldron that top-full of Oyle, Environ'd round with fume and flame dooth boyle, To boile to death some cunning counterfait That with false stamp some Princes Coyne hath beat. Another, seeing the Citie all in Cinders, Himselfe for safety to the fields he renders; But flakes of Fire from Heav'n distilling thick, There th'horrour of a thousand Deaths doo strike. 1320 Through <1Adamah>1's and <1Gomer>1's goodly Plaines, <1Sodome>1 and <1Seboim>1 not a soule remaines: Horse, Sheepe, and Oxen, Cowes and Kids pertake In this Revenge, for their vile Maisters sake. Thus hath the hand of the Omnipotent Inrol'd the <1Deed>1 of their dread Punishment,

With Diamantine Pen, on Plates of Brasse, With such an Inke as nothing can deface: The molten Marble of these cindred Hills, <1Asphaltis>1 Lake, and these poore, mock-fruit Fields 1330 Keepe the <1Record>1: and crie through every Age, How God detesteth such detested rage. O chastisement most dreadly-wonderfull! Th'Heav'n-cindred Cities a broad standing Poole O're-flowes (yet flowes not), whose infectious breath Corrupts the Aire, and Earth dis-fertileth: A Lake, whose back, whose belly, and whose shoare, Nor Barke, nor Fish, nor Fowle hath ever bore, The pleasant Soile that did (even) shame yer-while The plenteous beauties of the banks of <1Nile,>1 1340 Now scarr'd, and collowed, with his face and head Cover'd with ashes, is all dri'd and dead; Voyd of all force, vitall, or vegetive; Upon whose brest nothing can live or thrive: For, nought it beares save an abortive suite Of seeming-faire, false, vaine, and fained fruit, A fruite that feedes the eye, and fills the hand, But to the stomach in no steed dooth stand; For, even before it touch the tender lips, Or Ivorie teeth, in emptie smoake it slips, 1350 So vanishing: onely, the nose receaves A noysome savour that behind it leaves. Heere, I adjure you, vent'rous Travailours, That visite th'horror of these cursed shoares, And taste the venome of these stinking streames, And touch the vaine fruite of these wyth'red stems: And also, You that doo behold them thus In these sad Verses pourtray'd heere by us, To tremble all, and with your pearlie teares To shower another Sea; and that your haires 1360 Staring upright on your affrighted head Heave-up your Hatts; and in your dismall dread, To thinke you heare like Sulphrie Stormes to strike

On our new Monsters for Offences like. For, the Almightie's dread all-daunting arme, Not onely strikes such as with <1Sodome>1 swarme In these foule Sinnes; but such as sigh or pittie <1Sodoms>1 destruction, or so damn'd a Cittie: And cannot constant with dry eyes observe God's judgements just on such as such deserve. 1370 <2LOT>2 hies to <2SEGOR,>2 but his wife behinde Lagged in body, but much more in minde: She weepes and wailes (O lamentable terror! O impious Pittie! O kinde-cruell error) The dire destruction of the smoaking Citties, Her Sons-in-Law (which should have been) she pitties, Grieves so to leave her goods, and she laments To lose her Jewels and habiliments: And (contrarie to th'Angels Words precise) Towards the Towne she turnes her wofull eyes. 1380 But instantly, turn'd to a whitely stone, Her feete (alas) fast to the ground be growne; The more she stirres she sticks the faster in: As silly Bird caught in a subtile gin, Set by some Shepheard neere the Copses side, The more it struggles is the faster ti'de. And, as the venome of an eating Canker From flesh to flesh runnes every day the ranker, And never rests, untill from foote to head O're all the Body his fell poyson spread: 1390 This Ice creepes-up, and ceaseth not to num, Till even the marrow hard as bones become, The braine be like the scull, the blood convert To Alablaster over every part; Her Pulse doth cease to beat, and in the aire The Winds no more can wave her scatt'red haire: Her belly is no belly, but a Quarr Of <1Cardonne>1 Rocks, and all her bowells are A pretious Salt-Mine, supernaturall,

Such, as (but Salt) I woat not what to call, 1400 A Salt which (seeming to be fall'n from Heav'n) To curious Spirits hath long this Lesson given, Not to presume in Devine things to prie, Which seav'n-times Seal'd, under nine Locks doo lie. Shee weepes (alas) and as she weepes, her teares Turne into Pearles frorn on her twinkling haires: Faine would she speake, but (forced to conceale) In her cold throat her guilty words congeale; Her mouth yet open, and her armes a-crosse, Though dumbe, declare both why and how she was 1410 Thus <1Metamorphos'd>1: for Heav'n did not change Her last sad gestures in her suddaine <1Change.>1 No gorgeous Mau-sole grace't with flatt'ring verse, Eternizeth her Trunke, her House, and Herse; But, to this Day (strange will it seeme to some) One and the same is both the Corps and Tombe. Almighty Father! Gracious God and Just! O, what hard-hartednes, what brutish Lust, Pursueth man: if thou but turne thy face, And take but from us thy preventing grace: 1420 And if, provoked for our past offences, Thou give us up to our Concupiscences? O <1Harran's>1 Nieces, you (<2LOT'>2s daughters) saw <2SODOME>2 consumed in that Sulphury flawe: Their Hills and Forrests calcined (in fine) Their liberall fields sowne with a burning brine, Their stately houses like a coale-pit smoaking, The Sunne it selfe with their thick vapoures choaking: So that within a yard for stinking smother The Labourers could hardly know each other; 1430 Their flowring Valley to a Fenne exchangd, And your owne Mother to a Salt-stone chang'd: Yet all (alas) these famous Monuments Of the just rigour of God's Punishments, Cannot deterr you: but even <1Sodome->1like Incestuously a holy-man you seeke;

Even your owne Father, whom with wine you fill; And then by turnes intice him to your will: Conceaving so (O can Heav'n suffer it?) Even of that seede which did your selves beget: 1440 Within your wombes you beare for nine months time Th'upbraiding burden of your shamelesse Crime, And troubling Kindreds names and Nature quight, You both become even in one very Night, Wives to your Father, Sisters to your Sonnes, And Mothers to your Brothers all at-once. All under colour, that thus living sole, Sequestred thus in an unhaunted hole, Heav'ns envie should all ADAM's race have reft, And LOT alone should in the World be left. 1450 Had't not been better, never to have bred, Then t'have conceaved in so foule a bed? Had't not been better never t'have been Mothers, Then by your Father, to have borne your Brothers? Had't not been better to the death to hate, Then thus t'have lov'd him that you both begat? Him, so much yours, that yours he mought not be? Sith, of these Rockes God could immediately Have rais'd <2LOT>2 Son-in-lawes; or striking but Th'Earths solide bosome with his brazen foote, 1460 Out of the dust have reared sodaine swarmes Of People, stay'd in Peace, and stout in Armes.

THE FATHERS A PART OF THE II PART OF THE III DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <1The famous>1 <2FATHER>2 of the Faithfull, heer <1Limn'd to the life, in strife of>1 Faith <1and>1 Fear<1:>1 <1His>1 Sonn's <1sweet nature, and his nurture such,>1 <1Endeer his>1 <2TRIAL>2 <1with a neerer Touch:>1 <2REASON>2's <1best>1 Reasons <1are by>1 <2FAITH>2 <1refell'd;>1 <1With>1 <2GOD,>2 <1th>1'Affection, <1for the>1 Action <1held:>1 <1So, counter-manding>1 His command <1(atchiev'd)>1 <1The>1 Sire'<1s approoved, and the>1 Son <1repriev'd.>1 Heer (had <1our Author>1 liv'd, to end his Works) Should have ensu'd the other <2PATRIARCHS.>2 O 'tis a Heav'nly and a happy turne, Of godly Parents to be timely borne: To be brought-up under the watchfull eyne Of milde-sharpe Maisters awe-full Discipline: (Chiefly) to be, even from the very first, With the pure milke of true Religion nurst. Such hap had <1Isaac>1: but his Inclination Exceedes his Birth, excells his Education. His Faith, his Wit, Knowledge, and Judgement sage, Out-stripping Time; anticipate his age. 10 For (yet a Childe) he feares th'Eternall Lord, And wisely waytes all on his Fathers word; Whose steddy steps so duly he observes, That every looke, him for a lesson serves: And every gesture, every winke and beck,

For a commaund, a warning, and a check: So that, his toward Diligence out-went His Fathers hopes and holy Document. Now, though that <1Abram>1 were a man discreet, Sober and wise, well knowing what is meet; 20 Though his deere Sonne sometimes he seeme to chide Yet hardly can he his affection hide; For, evermore his love-betraying eye On's Darling <1Isaak>1 glaunceth tenderly: Sweet <1Isaaks>1 face seemes as his Glasse it were, And <1Isaaks>1 name is Musike in his eare. But God, perceaving this deepe-setled Love, Thence takes occasion <1Abrams>1 Faith to prove; And Tempteth him: But not as doth the Devill His Vassalls tempt (or Man his Mate) to evill: 30 Sathan still drawes us to Deaths dismall Path; But God directs where Death no entry hath: Aye Sathan aimes our constant Faith to foile; But God doth seale it, never to recoile: Sathan suggesteth ill; God moves to grace: The Devill seekes our Baptisme to deface; But God to make our burning <1Zeale>1 to beame The brighter aye in his <1Jerusalem.>1 A Prince that meanes effectuall proofe to make Of some Mans Faith that he doth newly take, 40 Examines strictly, and with much a-doo, His Words and Deeds, and every gesture too; And as without, within as well to spie-him, Doth carefully by all meanes sift and try-him. But God ne'r seekes by Triall of Temptation To sound Mans hart and secret cogitation, (For well he knowes Man, and his Eye doth see All thoughts of men, yer they conceaved bee): But this is still his high and holy drift, When through temptation he his Saints doth sifte, 50 To leave for patterne to his Churches seede, Their stedfast Faith and never-daunted Creed.

Yet, out of season God doth never trie His new-converted Children, by and by: Such novices, would quickely faint and shrinke: Such ill-Rigg'd Shippes, would even in launching sinck: Their Faith's light blossomes, would with everie blast Be blowne away, and beare no fruit at last: Against so boistrous stroakes they want a shield: Under such waight their feeble strength would yeild. 60 But when his Words deere seede that he hath sowne Within their hearts, is rooted well, and growne: And when they have a broad thicke Brest-plate on High Perrill-proofe against affliction: Such as our <1Abram>1: Who now waxen strong, Through exercise of many trialles long, Of faith, of love, of fortitude, and right: Who by long wearie wandrings day and night, By often Terrors, <1Lots>1 Imprisonment, His Wifes twise taking, <1Ismaels>1 banishment, 70 Being made invincible for all assaults Of Heaven and earth, and the infernall Vaults, Is tempted by the voice which made all things: Which Sceptreth shepherds, and un-Crowneth Kings: Give me a voyce, now (O voice all Devine) With sacred fier inflame this brest of mine, Ah ravish me, make all this Universe Admire thine <1Abram>1 pourtrayd in my Verse. Mine <1Abram>1 (said the Lord) deere <1Abraham,>1 Thy God, thy King, thy Fee, thy Fence <1I am>1: 80 Hie straight to <1Salem,>1 and their quickly kill Thine owne Sonne <1Isaac>1; on that sacred Hill Heawe him in peeces and commit the same In Sacrifice unto the rage-full Flame. As he that slumbering on his carefull Bed, Seemes to discerne some Fancie full of dread, Shrinkes downe himselfe, and fearefull hides his face, And scant drawes breath in halfe an howers space:

So <1Abraham,>1 at these sharp-sounding words (Which wounde him deeper then a thousand swords) 90 Seased at once with wonder, griefe, and fright, Is well-nigh suncke in Death's eternall night; Death's ash-pale Image in his eyes doth swimme A chilling Ice shivers through everie Limb, Flat on the ground himselfe he groveling throwes, A hundred times his cullour comes and goes, From all his bodie a cold deaw doth drop, His speach doth faile, and everie sence doth stop. But, selfe-return'd two sounding sobbes he cast, Then two deepe sighes, then these sad words at last: 100 Cruell command (quoth He) that I should kill A tender Infant, innocent of ill: That in cold blood I (barbarously) should murder My (feare-les, fault-les) faithfull Frend: nay (further) Mine owne deere Sonne and what deere Sonne (alas)? Mine only <1Isaac>1 (whose sweet vertues passe The lovely sweetnes of his Angell-face) <1Isaac,>1 sole Patterne of now-Vertue knowne; <1Isaac,>1 in yeares young, but in wisedome growne; <1Isaac,>1 whom good-men love, the rest envye 110 <1Isaac,>1 my hearts heart, my lifes life, must die. That I should staine an execrable Shrine, With <1Isaac's>1 warme blood, issued out of mine. O might mine serve, 'twere tollerable losse, 'Twear little hurt: nay, 'tweare a welcome Crosse. I beare no longer fruit, the best of Mee, Is like a fruit-les, branch-les, sap-lesse Tree, Or hollow Truncke, which only serves for staies To crawling Ivie's weake and winding sprayes. But, loosing <1Isaac,>1 I not only leese 120 My life withall (which Heavens have linck't to his) But (O) more millions of Babes yet un-bore, Then there be Sands upon the <1Lybian>1 shoare. Canst thou, mine Arme? O canst thou, cruell Arme,

In <1Isaac's>1 brest thy bloodie weapon warme? Alas! I could not but even die for griefe, Should I but yield mine Ages sweete Reliefe (My Blisse, my Comfort, and mine eyes Delight) Into the hands of Hang-mens spare-les spight: But, that mine owne selfe (O extreamest Rigour!) 130 What my selfe formed, should my selfe, dis-figure: That I (alas) with bloodie hand and knife, Should rip his bosome, rend his heart and life: That (odious Author of a Precedent So rarely-ruthles) I should once present Upon a sacred Altar an Oblation So barbarous (O brute abomination): That I should broyle his Flesh, and in the Flame Behold his bowels crackling in the same: Tis horrible to thinke, and hellish too, 140 Cruell to wish, impossible to doo. Doo't he that list, and that delights in bloud, I neither will, nor can, become so wood, T'obay in this: God, whom we take to be Th'eternall Piller of all veritie, And constant faith; will he be faith-les now? Will he be false; and from his promise bowe? Will he (alas) undoe what he hath done, Marre what he makes, and loose what he hath wonne? Saile with each winde? and shall his promise then, 150 Serve but for snares t'intrap sincerest men? Sometimes, by his eternall selfe he sweares, That my Sonne <1Isaacs>1 number-passing Heires Shall fill the Land, and that his fruitfull Race, Shalbe the blessed leaven of his Grace. Now he commands me his deare life to spill, And in the Cradle my health's Hope to kill: To drowne the whole World in the bloud of him: And at one stroake upon his fruitfull stem, To strike-off all the heads of all the flocke, 160

That should heare-after his dread name invoake, His sacred nostrils with sweet smels delight, His eares with prayses, with good deeds his sight. Will God impugne himselfe? and will he so By his commaund his covenant overthrow? And shall my faith my faith's confounder be? Then faith or doubting, are both one to me. Alas what saist thou <1(Abram>1?) pawse thou must: He that revives the <1Pho|enix>1 from her dust: And, from dead Silk-worm's Toombes (their shining Clewes) A living Bird with painted wings renewes? 171 Will he forget <1Isaac,>1 the only stocke Of his chaste Spouse (his Church and chosen Flocke) Will he forget <1Isaac,>1 the only Light Of all the World, for Vertues lustre bright? Or, can he not (if't please him) even in death Restore him life, and re-inspire him breath? But marke, the while thou bringest for defence, The All-proofe Tower of his Omnipotence, Thou shak'st his Justice. This is certaine (too) 180 God can doo all, save that he will not doo. He loves none ill: for, when the wreakefull Waves Were all return'd into their wonted Caves, When all the Meades and everie fruitfull Plaine Began (with Joy) to see the Sunne againe; So soone as <1Noah>1 (with a gladsome heart) Forth of his floating Prison did depart, God did forbid Murder: and nothing more Then Murder doth his <1Majestie>1 abhorre. But (shallow man) sound not the vast Abisse 190 Of God's deepe Judgements where no ground there is: Be sober-wise: so, bound thy fraile desire: And, what thou canst not comprehend, admire. God our Law-maker (Just and righteous) Maketh his Lawes, not for him-selfe, but us: He frees himselfe; and flies with his Powers wing, No where, but where his holy will doth bring:

All that he doth is good: but not therefore Must he needes doo it, cause 'twas good before: But good is good, because it doth (indeede) 200 From him (the Root of perfect good) proceed: From him, the Fountaine of pure Righteousnesse: From him, whose goodnes, nothing can expresse. Ah profane thoughts! O wretch, and think'st thou then That God delights to drinke the blood of men? That he intends by such a strange impietie To plant his service? You, you forged deitie Of <1Moloch, Milcom, Camosh, Astaroth,>1 Your damned Shrines with such dire <1Orgies>1 blott: You Tirants, you delight in Sacrifice 210 Of slaughtred Children: 'tis your bloodie guise (You cruell Idols) with such <1Hecatombes>1 To glut the rage of your outragious doomes: You hold no sent so sweete, no gift so good, As streaming Rivers of our luke-warme blood: Not <1Abram's>1 God (aye gratious, holy, kinde) Who made the World but only for Man-kinde: Who hates the bloodie hands: his Creatures loves: And contrite hearts for Sacrifice approoves. You, you, disguiz'd (as Angels of the light) 220 Would make my God Author of this despight, Supplant my Faith on his sure promise built, And staine his Altars with this bloodie guilt. No, no, my joye, my Boy thrice-happie borne, (Yea more then so, if furious I forlorne, Hurt not thy Hap) a Father shalt thou be Of happie People that shall spring from thee. Feare not, (deere Child) that I, unnaturall, Should in thy blood imbrue my hand at all: Or by th'exploit of such detested deede 230 Commend my name to them that shall succeed. I will, the Fame that of my name shall ring In time to-come, shall flie with fairer wing. The loftie Pine that's shaken to and fro

With Counter-pufs of sundrie winds that blowe, Now, swaying South-ward teares some Root in twaine, Then bending North-ward doth another straine, Reeles up and downe, tost by two Tirants fell, Would fall, but cannot; neither yet can tell (Inconstant Neuter, that to both doth yield) 240 Which of the two is like to winne the Field: So <1Abraham,>1 on each side set-upon Betwixt his Faith and his Affection; One while his Faith, anon Affection swayes: Now winnes Religion, anon reason waighes: Hee's now a fond, and then a faithfull Father: Now resolute, anon relenting rather: One while the Flesh hath got the upper hand: Anon the Spirit the same doth countermand Hee's loath (alas) his tender Sonne to kill, 250 But much more loath to breake his Fathers will. For thus (at last) Hee saith, now sure I know 'Tis God, 'tis God; the God that loves me so, Loves, keepes, sustaines: whom I so oft have seen: Whose voyce so often hath my comfort been. Illuding Sathan cannot shine so bright, Though Angelliz'd: No, 'Tis my God of Might. Now feele I in my Soule (to strength and stirr-it), The secret Motions of his sacred Spirit. God, this sad Sacrifice requires of me; 260 Hap what hap may, I must obedient be. The sable Night dis-lodg'd: and now began <1Aurora's>1 Usher with his windie Fanne Gently to shake the Woods on everie side, While his faire <1Mistresse>1 (like a stately Bride) With flowers, and Jemms, and <1Indian>1 gold doth spangle Her lovely lockes, her Lovers lookes to tangle; When glyding through the Aire, in Mantle blew, With silver frendg'd; she drops the Pearlie deaw. With Her goes <1Abram>1 out: and the third day, 270

Arrives on <1Cedrons>1 Margents greenly-gay: Beholds the sacred Hill, and with his Sonne (Loaden with sacred wood) he mounts anon. Anon, said <1Isaac,>1 Father; heere I see, Knife, Fier, and Fagot, readie instantly, But wher's your <1Hoste>1? Oh, let us mount my Sonne, (Said <1Abram)>1 God will soone provide us one. But, scant had <1Isaac>1 turn'd his face from him, A little faster the steepe Mount to climbe, Yer <1Abram>1 changed cheere; and, as new Wine, 280 Working a-new, in the new Caske (in fine) For being stopt too-soone, and wanting vent, Blowes-up the Bung or doth the Vessell rent, Spewes out a purple streame, the ground doth staine, With <1Bacchus>1 cullour where the Caske hath layne: So, now the Teares (which manly fortitude Did yerst as captive in the Braine include) At the deere names of Father and of Sonne, On his pale Cheekes in pearly drops did run: His eyes full Vessels now began to leake: 290 And thus th'old <1Hebrue>1 muttering gan to speake, In submisse voyce, that <1Isaac>1 might not heare His bitter griefe that he unfoldeth here. Sad Spectacle! O now my hap-lesse hand, Thou whet'st a Sword, and thou doost teend a Brand, The Brand shall burne my heart, the swordes keen blade Shall my bloods blood and my lifes life invade: And thou (poore <1Isaac)>1 bearest on thy backe, Wood that shall make thy tender flesh to Cracke, And yeeld'st thee (more for mine, then thine amisse) 300 Both Preist and Beast of one same Sacrifice. O hap-les Sonne! O more then hap-les Sire! Most wicked wretch, O what misfortune dire In-gulfes us here, where miserable I, To be true godly, must Gods Law denie: To be true faithfull, must my faith transgresse:

To be God's Sonne, I must be nothing lesse Then <1Isaacs>1 Sier: and <1Isaac>1 (for my sake) Must Soyle, and Sire, and life and all forsake? Yet, on he goes, and soone surmounts the Mount, 310 And steel'd by Faith, he cheeres his moornfull Front: (Much like the <1Delian Princesse,>1 when her Grace In <1Thetis>1 Waves hath lately wash't her face) He builds his Altar, laies his wood there-on, And tenderly binds his deere Sonne anon. Father (said <1Isaac)>1 Father, Father deere: What, doo you turne away, as loath to heare? O Father, tell me, tell me what you meane: O crueltie un-knowne! Is this the meane Whereby, my Loignes (as promised long-since is) 320 Shall make you Grand-sire of so many Princes? And shall I (glorious) if I heere do die, Fill Earth with Kings, with shining Starres the Skye? Backe <1Pho|ebus,>1 blush, goe hide thy golden head: Retire thy Coach to <1Thetis>1 waterie Bed: See not this savage sight. Shall <1Abram's>1 minde Be milde to all; and to his Sonne un-kinde? And shall great <1Abram>1 do the damned deed, That Lyons, Tygres, Boares, and Beares would dread? See how (incenst) he stops his eare to me, 330 As dreaming still on's bloodie Misterie. Lord, how precise! see how the Parricide Seemes to make conscience in lesse sinnes to slyde: And he that meanes to murther me (his Sonne) Is scrupulous in smaller faults to run. Yet (Father) heare mee: not, that I desire With sugred words to quench your Angers fire: In God's name reap the Graine your selfe have sowne, Come, take my life, extracted from your owne, Glut with my blood your blade, if you it please 340 That I must die; welcome my death (mine ease): But tell me yet my fault (before I die)

That hath deserv'd a punishment so high. Say (Father) have I not conspir'd your death, Or with strong poyson sought to stop your breath? Have I devis'd to short my Mothers life? Or with your Foes taen part in any strife? O thou Etherial Pallace Christalline (God's highest Court) If in this heart of mine So damned thoughts had ever any place, 350 Shut-up for ever all thy Gates of Grace Against my Soule; and never let, that I Among thy winged Messengers doo flie. If none of these, <1Abram>1 (for I no more Dare call thee Father) tell me further-more What rests besides that damned I have donne, To make a Father Butcher of his Sonne: In memorie, that fault I faine would have, That (after God's) I might your pardon crave For such offence; and so, th'Attonement driven, 360 You live content, and I may die forgiven. My Sonne (said Hee) thou art not hither brought By my fell furie, nor thine owne foule fault: God (our God) calles thee, and Hee will not let A Pagan sword in thy deere blood be wet. Nor burning Plague, nor any pyning paine With Languor turne thy flesh to dust againe: But Sacrifiz'd to him (for sweete perfume) Will have thee heere within this fire consume. What? Feares my Love, my Life, my Jemme, my Joy? 37o What God commands, his servants must obay, Without consulting with fraile Flesh and Blood, How he his promise will in time make good: How he will make so many Scepters spring From thy dead dust? How Hee (All-wise) will bring (In his due season) from thy sence-les Thyghes The glorious Sonne of righteousnes to rise, Who shall the Mountaines bruise with Iron Mace, Rule Heav'n and Earth and the Infernall Place?

For he that (past the course of Natures kinde) 380 First gave thee birth, can with his sacred winde, Raise thee againe out of the lowest dust: Ten-thowsand meanes he hath to save the just: His glorious wisdome guides the worlds societie With equall Raines of power and of Pietie. Mine owne sweet <1Isaac,>1 deerest of my seed, (Too sweete (alas) the more my greife doth bleed, The more my losse, the more (with cease-les anguish) My vexed Bowels for thy lacke shall languish) Adue deere Sonne (no longer mine, but his 390 Who calles thee hence) let this un-happie kisse Be the sad Seale of a more sad Fare-well Then witte can paint, or words have power to tell. Sith God commands, and (father) you require To have it so, come Death (no longer dire, But glorious now) come gentle death, dispatch: The Heavens are open, God his Armes doth reach T'imbrace my Soule: O let me bravely flie To meete my Lord, and Deaths proud dartes defie. What (Father) weepe you now? Ah cease those showers, Weepe not for me, for I no more am yours: 401 I was the Lords yer I was borne (you know) And he but lent me for a while to you: Will you recoile and (Coward) lose the Crowne So neere your head, to heape you with renowne? Shall we so dare to dally with the Lord, To cast his yoake and to contemne his Word? Where shall we flie his hand? Heaven is his Throne: The earth his foot-stoole: and darke <1Accheron>1 (The Dungeon where the damned soules be shut) 410 Is of his Anger evermore the Butte. On him alone, all our good-Hap depends: And he alone from dangers us defends. Ah weepe no more: This sacred Turfe doth crave More blood then Teares: let us us so behave,

That joyn'd in zeale, we yeeld us willingly To make a vertue of necessitie. Let's testifie we have a time abod, I, in your Schoole, you in the Schoole of God: Where we have learned that his sacred Word 420 (Which made of Nothing, all that ever stir'd; Which all sustaines, and all directeth still) To divers ends, conducts the good and ill. Who loves not God, more then all Kinn's-respect, Deserves no place among his deare Elect: And who doth once God's Tillage under-take, Must not looke backe, neither his Plough forsake. Herewith, th'old <1Hebrue>1 cheerfuller became, And (to himselfe) cries, Courage <1Abraham>1: The World, the Flesh, <1Adam,>1 are dead in thee: 430 God, Spirit, and Faith, alone subsisting be. Lord, by thy Spirit unto my hand annexe So lively Faith, that still mine eyes may fixe On thy true <1Isaac>1 whose sharpe (sinne-les) Suffering, Shall purge from sinne, me and my sinfull offering. Scarce had he draw'n his sword (in resolution) With heaved hand for instant execution, When instantly the thundring voyce of God, Stay'd heart and hand: and thus the Fact forbod. <1Abram,>1 inough: hold, hold thy hand (said he) 440 Put-up thy sword, thine <1Isaac>1 shall not die: Now, of thy faith I have had perfect proofe, Thy Will, for deed I doe accept, inough. Glad <1Abram>1 then, to God gives thankes and praise, Unbinds his Sonne, and in his roome he layes A Lambe (there strangely hampered by the head) And that, to God devoutly Offered. Renowned <1Abraham,>1 Thy noble Acts Excell the Fictions of <1Heroike>1 Facts: And, that pure Law a Sonne of thine shall wright, 450 Shall nothing els but thy brave Deeds recite.

Extol who list, thy wisedomes excellence, Victorious Valour, franke Benificence, And Justice too (which even the <1Gentiles>1 honor) Ill dares my Muse take such a taske upon-her. Only thy Faith (not all withall th'Effects) Only one fruite of thowsand she selects, For glorious subject: which (to say the right) I rather love to wonder-at, then wright. Goe <1Pagans,>1 turne, turne-over everie Booke: 460 Through all Memorials of your Martirs looke, Collect a Scroule of all the Children slaine On th'Altars of your Gods: dig-up againe Your lying <1Legends>1: Run through everie Temple, Among your Offerings, chose the best example (Among the Offerings which your Fathers past Have made, to make their names eternall last) Among them all (fondlings) you shall not finde Such an example, where (unkindly-kind) Father and Sonne so mutually agree, 470 To show themselves, Father nor Sonne to be: Where man's deepe zeale, and God's deere favour strove For Counter-conquest in officious love. One, by constraint his Sonne doth sacrifice: Another meanes his Name t'immortalize By such a Fact: Another hopes to shunne Some dismall Plague, or dire Affliction: Another, only that he may conforme To (Tyrant) Custom's, awe-les law-les Forme, Which bleares our eyes, and blurrs our Sences so, 480 That Ladie <1Reason>1 must her seat forgoe: Yea, blinds the judgement of the World so farre, That <1Vertue's>1 oft araign'd at <1Vices>1 Barre. But, un-constrain'd, our <1Abram,>1 all alone, Upon a Mountaine, to the Guise of none (For it was odious to the <1Jewes>1 to doo) And in a time of Peace and plentie too,

Fights against Nature (prickt with wondrous zeale) And slaying <1Isaac,>1 warres against his Weale. O sacred Muse, that on the double Mount, 490 With withering Bayes bind'st not thy singers front; But, on Mount <1Sion>1 in the Angels Quire With Crownes of Glorie doost their browes attire, Tell (for thou know'st) what sacred Misterie Under this shadow doth in secret lie? O Death, Sinne, Sathan, tremble ye not all, For hate and horror of your dreadfull Fall, So lively figur'd? To behold Gods Bowe So readie bent to cleave your heart in two? To see young <1Isaac,>1 Patterne of that Prince, 500 Who shall, Sinne, Sathan, Death and Hell convince? Both only Sonnes; both sacred Potentates, Both holy Founders of two mightie States, Both sanctified, both Saints Progenitors, Both beare their Crosse, both Lambe-like sufferers, Both bound, both blame-lesse, both without replie, Both by their Fathers are ordain'd to die Upon Mount <1Sion>1: which high glorious Mounte Serves us for Ladder to the Heav'ns to mount: Restores us <1Edens>1 key (the key of <1Eden,>1 510 Lost through the eating of the fruite forbidden, By wretched <1Adam>1 and his weaker Wife) And blessed beares the holy Tree of life. Christ dies indeede, but <1Isaac>1 is repriv'd (Because Heav'ns Councell otherwise Contriv'd) For <1Isaac's>1 blood was no sufficient price To ransome Soules from Hell to Paradice: The Leprosie of our contagious sinne, More power-full Rivers must be purged in.

THE LAWE THE III PART OF THE III DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 Envie <1in>1 Pharao <1seekes to stop the Cause>1 <1Of>1 Jewes <1increase:>1 Moses <1escapes his clawes;>1 <1Out of a>1 Burning <1(unburnt)>1 Bush, <1a Voice>1 <1For>1 Jacob's <1Rescue dooth of Him make choice;>1 <1Sends him (with>1 Aaron) <1to the>1 Egiptian <1King>1 <1His Hard ning,>1 <2PLAGUING>2, <1finall Ruining>1 <1In the>1 Red Sea. Israel <1ingrate for all:>1 Christ-<1Typing>1 Manna, Quailes, Rock-waters <1fall:>1 <1The glorious>1 <2LAWE>2<1: the>1 golden Calfe<1:>1 strange Fire<1:>1 Core+ <1in-Gulph't:>1 <2MOSES>2 <1prepar'd t'Expire.>1 Arme-Arming Trompets, loftie Clarions, Rock-batt'ring Bumbards, Valour-murd'ring Guns, Thinke you to drowne with horror of your Noise The choise sweet accents of my sacred Voice? Blow (till you burst) roare, rend the Earth in sunder; Fill all with Furie, Tempest, Warr, and Thunder; Dire Instruments of Death, in vaine yee toile: For, the loud Cornet of my long-breath'd stile Out-shrills yee still; and my <1Stentorian>1 Song, With warbled Ecchoes of a silver tongue, 10 Shall brim be heard from <1India>1 even to <1Spayne,>1 And then from thence, even to the <1Artike>1 Wayne. Yet, 'tis not I, not I in any sort; My side's too-weake, alas, my breath's too-short: It is the spirit-inspiring Spirit, which yerst

On th'eldest Waters mildly moved first, That furnishes and fills with sacred winde The weake dull Organs of my <1Muse>1 and minde. So, still (good Lord) in these tumultuous times, Give Peace unto my Soule, soule to my Rimes: 20 Let me not faint amid so faire a course: Let the World's-end be th'end of my Discourse: And, while in <2FRANCE>2 fell <2MARS>2 dooth all devoure, In lofty stile (Lord) let me sing thy Power. All-Changing Time had cancell'd and supprest <2JOSEPH'S>2 Deserts, his Maister was deceast, His Sonnes were dead: when currish <1Envie's strife>1 Layes each-where ambush for poore <2ISRAEL'S>2 life: Who, notwithstanding, dooth farre faster spread And thicker spring then in a fruitfull Mead 30 Moated with Brooks, the many-leaved locks Of thriving Charvel, which the bleating Flocks Can with their daily hunger hardly mowe So much as daily dooth still newly grow. This <1Monster>1 wunns not in the Cell she wunt, Sh'hath rear'd her Pallace on the steepest Mount Whose snowie shoulders with their stonie pride Eternally doo <1Spayne>1 from <1France>1 devide; It hath a thousand loop-holes every-way, Yet never enters there one Sunnie ray, 40 Or if that any chance so farre to passe, 'Tis quickly quenched by her cloudie face: At every Loope, the Work-man wittily Hath place't a long, wide, hollow Trunk, where-by Pratling <1Renowne,>1 and <1Fame>1 with painted wing, Newes from all corners of the World doo bring, Buzzing there-in: as, in a Sommer Even, From clefts of Medowes that the Heat hath riven, The Grass-hoppers, seeming to faine the voices Of little Birds, chirp-out ten thousand noises. 50 It fortun'd <1now>1 that a swift-flying <1Fame,>1 Which (lately but) from stately <1Memphis>1 came,

Sweating, and dustie, and nigh breath-les, fills With this Report one of her list'ning Quills: O curious <1Nymph>1 (lives there a Wit with us, Acute and quick, that is not curious?) Most wakefull Goddesse, Queene of mortall harts, Consort of <1Honour, Wealth,>1 and <1High-Deserts,>1 Doo'st thou not know, that happy <2ISRAEL>2 (Which promiseth, the Conquerour of Hell, 60 That twice-borne King here-after to bring-forth, Who dead shall live againe; and by his Worth Wipe-out Man's Forfait, and God's Law fulfill, And on his Crosse th'envie of <1Envie>1 kill) Dooth (even in sight) abundantly increase? That Heav'n and Earth conspire his Happines? That seaventy Exiles, with un-hallowed Frie Cover the face of all the World well-nigh? And, drunk with wealth, waigh not thy force a jot? <1Envie>1 thou seest it, but fore-seest it not. 70 Swolne like a Toade, betweene her bleeding jawes Her hissing Serpents wrigling tailes she chawes: And hasting hence, in ISIS forme she jets; A golden vessell in one hand she gets, In th'other a sweet Instrument; her hood Was Peacocks feathers mixt with Suthernwood, A silver Crescent on her front she set, And in her bosome many a fost'ring teat, And thus disguized, with pride and impudence She presses-in to the <1Bubastike>1 Prince, 80 (Who slumbring then on his un-quiet Couch, With <2IZRAEL'S>2 greatnesse was disturbed much): Then she (the while, squinting upon the lustre Of the rich Rings which on his fingers glistre: And snuffing with a wrythed nose the Amber, The Muske and Civet that perfum'd the Chamber) 'Gan thus to greet him: sleep'st thou? sleep'st thou (son)? And see'st thou not thy selfe and thine un-done? While cruell Snakes, which thy kinde brest did warme

Sting thee to death with their ungratefull swarme? 90 These Fugitives, these outcastes do conspire Against rich <1A|Egypt,>1 and ingrate, aspire With odious Yoake of bondage to debase The noble <2PHARAOHS,>2 Goddes immortall Race. With these last words into his brest she blowes A banefull aire, whose strength unfeltly flowes Through all his veines, and having gain'd his heart, Makes <1Reason>1 stoop to <1Sence>1 in every part: So th'Aspick pale (with too-right aime) dooth spit On his bare face that comes too-neere to it, 100 The froath that in her teeth to bane she turnes, A drowzie bane that inly creepes, and burnes So secretly, that with-out sence of paine, Scar, wound, or swelling, soone the Partie's slaine. What shall I farther say? This Sorrow's-Forge, This Rack of Kings, Care's-fountain, Courtiers-scourge, Besides her sable poyson, dooth inspire With <1Hate>1 and <1Feare>1 the Princes fell desire: Hence-forth therefore, poore <2ISRAEL>2 hath no peace, Not one good day, no quiet nap, no ease, 110 Still, still opprest, Taxe upon Taxe arose, After Thefts Threats, and after Threats come blowes. The silly wretches are compell'd some-while To cut new Channels for the course of <1Nile>1: Sometimes some Citties ruines to repaire: Sometimes to build huge Castles in the aire: Sometimes to mount the <1Parian>1 Mountaines higher In those proud Towers that after Worlds admire (Those Towers, whose tops the Heav'ns have terrified: Those Towers, that 'scuse th'audacious <1Titan>1's pride: 120 Those Towers, vaine Tokens of a vast expence; Tropheis of Wealth, Ambition's Monuments): To make with their own sweat and blood their morter: To be at-once Brick-maker, Mason, Porter. They labour hard, eate little, sleeping lesse,

No sooner layd, but thus their Task-lords presse; Villaines, to work; what are yee growne so sloth? Wee'll make yee yield us wax and honey both. In briefe, this Tirant, with such servitude Thought soone to waste the <1sacred multitude,>1 130 Or, at the least, that over-layd with woe, Weak'ned with watching, worne with toyling so, They would in time become lesse serviceable In <2VENUS>2 Battailes, and for breed lesse able, (Their spirits disperst, their bodies over-dri'd, And <1Cypris>1 sap un-duly qualified): But, when he saw this not succeed so well, But that the Lord still prosper'd <2ISRAEL;>2 Inhumane, he commaunds (on bloodie Paine) That all their male-babes in their birth be slaine: 140 And that (because that charge had done no good) They should be cast in <2CAIRO>2's silver Flood. O Barbarisme learned in Hell below, Those that (alas) nor steele nor streame doo know, Must Die of steele or streame: cruell Edicts! That, with the Infants blood, the Mothers mixe; That, Childe and Mother both at once cut-off; Him with the stroake, her with the griefe thereof: With two-fold teares <1Jewes>1 greet their Native Heav'n: The day that brings them life, their life hath reav'n. 150 But, <2JOCHEBED>2 would faine (if she had durst) Her deere sonne <2MOSES>2 secretly have nource't: Yet thinking it better her Babe forgoe, Then Childe and Parents both to hazard so, At length she layes it forth, in Rush-boate weaves-it, And to God's Mercie and the Flood's she leaves-it. Though Rudder-les, not Pilot-les, this Boat Among the Reeds by the Floods side did float, And saves from wracke the future <1Legislator,>1 Lighting in hands of the Kings gracious Daughter, 160 Who op'ning it, findes (which with ruth did strike-her) A lovely Babe (or little Angell liker)

Which with a smile seem'd to implore the ayde And gentle pittie of the Royall Mayde. Love, and the Graces, State and Majestie, Seeme round about the Infants face to flye, And on his head seem'd (as it were) to shine Presagefull rayes of some-what more devine. She takes him up and reares him royal-like; And, his quick Spirit, traind in good Arts, is like 170 A well breath'd Body, nimble, sound, and strong, That in the Dance-schoole needs not teaching long: Or a good Tree set in as good a soile, Which growes a-pace, without the Husbands toyle. In time, he puts in <1Practise>1 what he <1Knowes>1; With curteous <1Mildnesse,>1 manly <1Courage>1 shows: H'hath nothing vulgar: with great happinesse, In choice discourse he dooth his minde expresse; And as his Soule's-type his sweet tongue affoords, His gracefull Works confirme his gracious woords: 180 His Vertues make him even the Empir's heire: So meanes the Prince, such is the peoples praier. Thus, while or'e-whelmed with the rapid course Of Mischief's Torrent (and still fearing worse) <2IZRAEL>2 seemes help-les and even hope-les too Of any helpe that Mortall hand can doo: And, while the then-Times hideous face and forme Boads them (alas) nothing but wracke and storme, Their <1Castor>1 shines, their Saviour's sav'd: and Hee That with high hand shall them from bondage free, 190 Scourging with Plagues, scarring with end-les shame Th'<1Egiptian>1 Court, is raised by the same. For, though him there they as a God adore, He scornes not yet his friends and kindred poore: He feeles their Yoake, their mournings he laments: His word and sword are prest in their defence, And, as ordain'd for their Deliverance, And sent expresse by Heav'ns pre-ordinance, Seeing a <1Pagan>1 (a proud Infidell,

A <1Patagon,>1 that tasted nought so well 200 As <2ISRAEL'S>2 blood) to ill-intreat a <1Jew,>1 Him bold incounters, and him bravely slew. But fearing then least his inhumane Prince Should heare of it, young <2MOSES>2 flies from thence, And, hard by <1Horeb,>1 keeping <2JETHRO'S>2 sheepe, He Fasts and Prayes; with Meditations deepe His vertuous zeale he kindles more and more, And prudently he layes-up long-before Within his Soule (his spirituall Armorie) All sacred Weapons of <1Sobrietie,>1 210 Where-with t'incounter, conquer, and suppresse All Insurrections of Voluptuousnes. Also, not seldome some deepe <1Dreame>1 or <1Trance>1 Him suddainly dooth even to Heav'n advance: And He that whilome could not finde the Lord On plenteous shoares of the <1Pelusian>1 Foord, In walled Citties with their Towered Ports, In learned Colledges, nor sumptuous Courts; In <1Desart>1 meetes him; greetes him face to face, And on his browes beares tokens of his Grace, 220 For, while he past his sacred Prentiship (In Wildernes) of th'<1Hebrues>1 Shephardship; In driving forth to kisse-cloud <2SINA>2's foote His fleecie Flock, and there attending to't, He suddaine sees a <1Bush>1 to flame and fume, And all a fire, yet not at all consume; It flames and burnes not, cracks and breakes not in, Kisses but bites not, no not even the skin: True figure of the <1Church,>1 and speaking Signe Which seemeth thus to of it selfe define: 230 What? <2(AMRAM>2's sonne) Doth <2JACOB>2's bitter Teen Dismay thee so? Behold, this Haw-thorn green Is even an Image of thine <2ISRAEL,>2 Who in the Fire of his Afflictions fell Still flourishes, on each side hedged round With prickly Thornes, his hatefull Foes to wound:

This Fire dooth seeme the Spirit Omnipotent, Which burnes the Wicked, tries the Innocent; Who also addeth to the sacred Signe, The more to move him, his owne Word Devine. 240 I AM <1I that I am,>1 in me, for me, by me: All Beings else Be not (or else un-selfly be) But from my Beeing, all their Beeing gather; Prince of the World, and of my Church the Father: Onely Beginning, Midst, and End of all; Yet sans Beginning, Midst, and End at-all: All in my selfe compris'd; and all comprising That in the World was, is, or shall be rising: Base of this Univers: th'uniting Chaine Of th'Elements: the Wisedome Soveraigne: 250 Each-where, in Essence, Power and Providence; But in the Heav'ns, in my Magnificence: Fountaine of Goodnesse: ever-shining Light: Perfectly Blest: the One, the Good, the Bright: Selfe-simple Acte, working in frailest matter: Framer of Formes: of Substances Creator: And (to speake plainer) even that <2GOD>2 I AM Whom so long since religious <2ABRAHAM>2 <2ISAAK,>2 and <2JACOB,>2 and their Progenies Have worshipped and prais'd in humble wise. 260 My sacred eares are tyred with the noise Of thy poore Brethren's just-complaining voice: I have beheld my Peoples burdens theare; <2MOSES,>2 no more I will, nor can for-beare: Th'have groan'd (alas) and panted all too-long Under that Tyrants un-relenting wrong. Now, their <1Deliverer>1 I authorize thee, And make thee Captaine of their Colonie, A sacred Colonie, to whom (as mine) I have so oft bequeath'd rich <1Palestine.>1 270 Therefore from me, command thou <2PHARAO>2 That presently he let my People goe Into the <1Drie-Arabian>1 Wildernesse,

Wheare far from sight of all profane excesse, On a new Altar they may Sacrifice To <2ME>2 the <2LORD,>2 in whom their succour lies: Haste, haste (I say) and make me no excuse On thy Tongue's rudenes (for the want of use) Nor on thy weakenes, nor un-worthines To under-goe so great a Buisines. 280 What? cannot He that made the lips and tongue, Prompt Eloquence and Art (as dooth belong) Unto his Legat? And, who every thing Of Nothing made, and All to nought shall bring; Th'Omnipotent, who dooth confound (for His) By weake the strong; by what is not, what is, (That in his wondrous Judgements, men may more The Work-man then the Instruments adore) Will he forsake, or leave him un-assisted, That in his service duly hath insisted? 290 Sith faithfull Servant, to doo-well affected, Can by his Maister never be rejected. No sooner this, the <1Devine Voice>1 had ended, And up to Heav'n the Bushie Flame ascended, But <2MOSES,>2 with (his fellow in Commission) His Brother <2AARON,>2 wends with expedition First to his People, and to <2PHARAO>2 then, The King of <1Egipt>1 (cruellest of Men): And inly filled with a zealous flame, Thus, thus he greetes him, in th'Almighties name. 300 Great <2NILUS>2 Lord, thus saith the Lord of Hoasts, Let goe my People out of all thy Coasts, Mine <2ISRAEL,>2 <2(PHARAO)>2 forth-with release, Let them depart to <2HOREB>2's Wildernes; That unto me, without offence or feare, Their Hearts and Heifers they may offer there. Base Fugitive, proud slave (that art return'd, Not to be whipt, but rather hang'd, or burn'd) What Lord, (said <2PHARAO>2) ha? what Soveraigne?

O seaven-horn'd <1Nile>1! O hundred-pointed Plaine! 310 O Cittie of the Sunne! O <1Thebes>1! and Thou Renowned <1Pharos,>1 doo yee all not bow To us alone? Are yee not onely Ours? Ours at a beck? Then to what other Powers Owes your great <2PHARAO>2 homage or respect? Or by what <1Lord>1 to be controul'd and checkt? I see the Drift. These Off-scums all at once Too-idlely pamper'd, plot Rebellions: Sloath marrs the slaves, and under faire pretence Of <1new Religion>1 (Traitours to their Prince) 320 They would Revolt. O Kings! how fond are wee To thinke by Favours and by Clemencie, To keepe men in their duty? To be milde, Makes them be mad, proud, insolent and wilde: Too-much of Grace, our Scepters dooth dis-grace, And smoothes the path to Treasons plots a-pace. The dull Asse, numbers with his stripes his steps: Th'Oxe, over-fat, too-strong, and restie, leaps About the Lands, casteth his yoake, and strikes, And waxen wilde, even at his Keeper kicks, 330 Well to enjoy a People, through their skin With scourges slyce't, must their bare bones be seen: We must still keepe them short, and clip their wings, Pare neere their nailes, and pull out all their stings; Lade them with Tribute, and new Towle, and Taxe, And Subsidies, untill we breake their backs: Tire them with travaile, flay-them, pole-them, pil-them, Suck blood and fat, then eate their flesh, and kill-them. 'Tis good for Princes, to have all things fat, Except their Subjects: but beware of that. 340 Ha, Miscreants, ha rascall Excrements, That lift your heele against your gracious Prince; Hence-forth, you get nor wood nor straw no more, To burne your Bricks as you have had before: Your selves shall seeke it out; yet shall you still

The number of your wonted taske fulfill. I have Commission from the King of Kings, Maker, Preserver, Ruler of all things (Replies the <1Hebrue)>1 that (to know the Lord) Thou feele his hand, unlesse thou feare his word. 350 In th'instant, <2AARON>2 on the slipperie sand Casts downe his Rod; and boldly thus began: So shall thy golden Scepter downe be cast, So shall the Judgements of the Lord at last (Now deemed dead) revive, to daunt thy power: So <2ISRAEL>2 shall <1Egipts>1 wealth devoure: If thou confesse not God to be the Lord: If thou attend not, nor observe his Word: And, if his People thou doo not release, To goe and serve him in the Wildernes. 360 Before that <2AARON>2 this Discourse had done, A greene-gold-azure had his Rod put-on, It glist'red bright, and in a fashion strange, Into a Serpent it did wholy change; Crawling before the King, and all along Spetting, and hissing with his forked tongue. The <1Memphian>1 Sages then, and subtill Priests, T'uphold the Kingdome of their <2OSIRIS,>2 Upbraid them thus: Alas! is this the most Your God can doo, of whom so much you boast? 370 Are these his Wonders? Goe (base <1Monte-banks)>1 Goe show else-where your sleights and Jugling pranks; Such Tricks may blear some Vulgar innocents, But cannot blind the Counsell of a Prince, Who, by the Gods instructed, dooth containe All Arts perfection in his sacred braine. And as they spake, out of their cursed hands They all let-fall their strange-inchanted Wands, Which instantly turne into Serpents too, Hissing, and spetting, crawling too and fro. 380 The King too-much admires their cunning Charmes: The place with Aspicks, Snakes, and Serpents swarmes;

Creeping about; as an ill-Huswife sees The Maggots creeping-in a rotten Cheese. You, you are Juglers (th'<1Hebrew>1 then replide) You change not Nature, but the bare out-side; And your Enchantments onely doo transforme The face of things, not the Essentiall forme. You (Sorcerers) so mock the Princes eye, And, his Imagination damnifie, 390 That common-sence to his externall, brings (By re-percussion) a false shape of things. My Rod's indeed a Serpent, not in show, As here in sight your selves by proofe shall know. Immediatly his <1Dragon>1 rear'd his head, Roul'd on his brest; his body wriggelled Some-times aloft in length, sometimes it sunke Into it selfe, and altogether shrunke: It slides, it sups the aier, it hisses fell, Insteede of eyes two sparkling Rubies swel: 400 And all his deadly baens, intrenched strong Within his trine Teeth and his triple Tongue, Call for the Combat; and (as greedie) sett With sodaine rage upon those Counterfet, Those seeming-Serpents, and them all devoure: Even as a <1Sturgeon>1 or a <1Pike,>1 dooth skoure The Creeks and Pills in Rivers wheare they lye, Of smaller Fishes and their feeble frie. But, at high Noone, the Tyrant wilfull-blind, And deaf to his owne good, is more inclin'd 410 To Sathans tooles: the people like the Prince, Preferre the Night before Lights excellence. Where-fore the Lord, such proud contempts to paye, <1Ten>1 sundrie <1Plagues>1 upon their Land doth laye: Redoubling so his dread-full stroakes, that there, Who would not love him mild, him rough should feare. Smighting the Waves with his Snake-wanded wood, <2AARON>2 anon converts the <1Nile>1 to blood; So that the streame, from fruitfull <2MEROE>2

Runnes red and bitter even unto the Sea. 420 The Court re-courst to Lakes, to Springs, and Brooks; Brooks, Springs, and Lakes had the like taste and looks: Then, to the Ditches; but even to the brinke There flow'd (alas) in steed of Water, inke: Then, to the likeliest of such weeping ground Where, with the Rush, pipe-op'ning Ferne is found; And there they dig for Water, but alas, The wounded soile spets blood into their face. O just-just Judgment! Those proud Tyrants fell, Those bloodie Foes of moorning <2IZRAEL;>2 430 Those that delighted, and had made their game In shedding blood, are forc't to drinke the same: And those that ruth-les had made <1Nile>1 the slaughter Of th'<1Hebrue>1 Babes, now dye for want of Water. Anon, their Fields, Streets, Halls and Courts he loads With foule great Frogs, and ugly croaking Toades; Which to the tops of highest Towers do clamber Even to the Presence, yea the privie Chamber: As starrie Lezards in the Summer time Upon the walls of broken houses climbe. 440 Yea; even the King meets them in every dish Of Privie-diet, be it Flesh or Fish: As at his Boord, so on his royall Bed; With stinking Frogs the silken quilts be spred. The Priests of <2PHARAO>2 seeme to do the same: <2AARON>2 alone in the Almighties Name, By Faith almightie: They for instruments Use the black Legions of the <1Stigian>1 Prince: He by his Wonders labours to make knowne The true Gods glorie; onely they their owne: 450 He seekes to teach; they to seduce a-wry: He studies to build up; they to destroy: He striking Strangers doth His people spare; They spoile their owne, but cannot hurt a haire Of the least <1Hebrue>1: they can only wound; He hurts and heales: He breakes and maketh sound:

And so, when <2PHARAO>2 doth him humbly pray Re-cleers the Floods and sends the Froggs away. But (as in Heav'n there did no Justice raigne) The Kings repentance endeth with his paine: 460 He is re-hardned: like a stubborne Boy That plyes his Lesson (Hypocritely-coy) While in his hand his Master shakes the Rod, But, if he turne his backe, doth flowte and nod. Therfore the Lord, this Day with loathsome <1Lice>1 Plagues poore and rich, the nastie and the nice, Both Man and Beast; For <2AARON>2 with his wand Turnes into <1Lice>1 the dust of all the Land. The morrow after, with huge swarmes of <1Flyes,>1 <1Hornets>1 and <1Waspes,>1 he hunts their Families 470 From place to place, through Medows Fens and Floods, Hills, Dales, and Desarts, hollow Caves and Woods. Tremble therefore (O Tyrants) tremble aye, Poore wormes of Earth, proud Ashes, Dust and Clay; For, how (alas) how will you make defence 'Gainst the tri-pointed wrathfull violence Of the dread dart that flaming in his hand, Shall pash to powder all that him withstand: And 'gainst the rage of flames eternall-frying, Whear damned soules lye ever-never-dying: 480 Sith the least <1Flyes,>1 and <1Lice,>1 and <1Vermine>1 too Out-brave your braves, and Triumph over you? Gallop to <1Anian,>1 saile to <1Iucatan,>1 Visite <1Botongas,>1 dyve beyond the <1Dane>1: Well may you flye, but not escape him theare: Wretches, your haltars still about you beare. Th'Almighties hand is long, and buissie still; Having escap't his Rod, his Sword you feele: Hee seemes sometimes to sleepe, and suffer all; But calls at last for Use and Principall: 490 With hundred sorts of Shafts his Quiver's full, Some passing keene, some some-what sharpe, some dull, Some killing dead, some wounding deepe, some light,

But all of them do alwayes hit the white, Each after other. Now th'Omnipotence At <1Egypt>1 shoots his Shafts of Pestilence: Th'Oxe falls-downe in his yoake, Lambs bleating dye, The Bullocks as they feed, Birds as they flie. Anon he covers Man and Beast with coars Of angrie Biles, Botches and Scabs and Sores, 500 Whose ulcerous venomes, all inflaming, spread O're all their bodie from the foote to head. Then, Raine, and Haile, and flaming Fire among Spoile all their fields: their Cattell great with yong Are braind with haile-stones: Trees with tempest cleft, Robd of their boughes, their boughes of leaves bereft. And, from Heav'ns rage, all to seeke shelter, glad; The Face of <1Egypt>1 is now dreadly-sad: The <1Soan>1 Virgins teare their Bewties honnor, Not for the waste so much as for the manner. 510 For in that Countrey never see they Clowd, With waighte of Snowes their trees are never bow'd, They know no Ice: and though they have (as we) The Yeare intire, their seasons are but three: They neither Raine-bow, nor fat Deawes expect, Which from els-wheare <1Sol's>1 thirstie raies erect: Raine-les, their soile is wett; and Clowd-les, fat; It self's moist bosome brings it this and that: For, while els-where, the Rivers roaring pride Is dryed-up; and while that farre and wide 520 The <1Pala|estine>1 seekes (for his thirstie Flocke) <1Jordan>1 in <1Jordan, Jaboc>1 in <1Jaboc>1; Their floud o're-flowes, and parched <1Mesraim>1 A season seemes in a rich Sea to swim, <1Niles>1 billowes beat on the high-dangling Date; And Boats do slice, where Ploughes did slide of late. Steepe snowie Mounts, bright Stars, <1Etesian>1 gales, You cause it not: no, those are Dreames and Tales:

Th'eternall-Trine, who made all compassly, Makes th'under waves, the uppers want supply; 530 And <1A|Egypts>1 Wombe to fill with fruits and Flowers, Gives swelling <1Nile>1 th'office of heavenly Showers. Then, the <1Thrice-Sacred>1 with a sable Clowde Of horned <1Locusts>1 dooth the Sunne be-clowde, And swarmeth downe on the rebellious Coaste The <1Grass-hoppers>1 leane, dam-devouring Hoaste, Which gleans what <1Haile>1 had left, and (greedy) crops Both Night and Day the Husbands whole-yeares hopes. Then, grosse thicke <1Darkenesse>1 over all he dight, And three faire Dayes turnes to one fearefull Night: 540 With Inke-like Rheume the dull Mists drouzie vapours Quench their home-Fiers, and Temple-sacred Tapers. If hunger drive the Pagans from their dens, One 'gainst a settle breaketh both his shinnes, Another, groaping up and downe for bread, Falls downe the stayres and there he lyes for dead. But, though these works surmount all Natures might, Though his owne Sages them of guile acquight, Though th'are not casuall (sith the holy-man Fore-tells prefixly What, and Where, and Whan) 550 And though that (living in the midst of His) The <1Israelites>1 be free from all of This, Th'incensed Tirant strangely-obstinate, Retracts the Leave he granted them of late. For, th'<1Ever-One,>1 who with a mighty hand Would bring his People to the plenteous Land Of <1Pala|estine>1: Who providently-great, Before the eyes of all the World would set A Traga|edie, where wicked Potentates Might see a Mirror of their owne estates: 560 And, who (most just) must have meet Arguments To show the height of his Omnipotence, Hardens the King, and blinding him (selfe-blind) Leaves him to Lusts of his owne vicious mind. For, God doth never (ever purely bent)

Cause Sinne, as sinne; but as Sinnes Punishment. For the last charge, an Angel in one night All the first-borne through all the Land doth smight, So that from <1Sues>1 Porte to <1Birdene>1 Plaine, There's not a House but hath some body slaine, 570 Save th'<1Israelites,>1 whose doores were markt before, With sacred <1Pass-Lambs>1 Sacramental gore: And therefore, ever-since, on that same day, Yeerely, the <1Jewes>1 a Yearling Lambe must slay: A token of that <1Passage,>1 and a Type Of th'<1Holy-Lambe,>1 which should (in season ripe) By pouring-forth the pure and plenteous Flood Of his most precious Water-mixed Blood, Preserve his People from the dread <1Destroyer>1 That fries the wicked in eternall Fier. 580 Through all the Land, all in one instant cry, All for one cause, though yet all know not why: Night heapes their horrors, and the Morning showes Their private griefes, and makes them publike woes. Scarce did the glorious Governour of Day O're <1Memphis>1 yet his golden tresse display, When from all parts, the Maydens and the Mothers, Wives, Husbands, Sonnes, and Siers, Sisters and Brothers, Flock to the Court, where with one common voice They all cry-out, and make this mournfull noise: 590 O stubborne stomack (cause of all our sadnes) Dull Constancie! or rather desperate Madnes! A Flood of Mischiefes all the Land doth fill, The Heav'ns still Thunder; th'Aire doth threaten still, Death, ghastly Death triumpheth every-where In every house, and yet without all feare, Without all feeling, we despise the Rod, And scorne the Judgements of the mighty God. Great King, no more bay with thy wilfullings His Wrath's dread Torrent, He is King of Kings: 600 And in his sight, the Greatest of you all

Are but as Moates that in the Sunne doo fall: Yield, yield (alas) stoope to his powerfull threat; He's warn'd enough that hath beene ten-times beat. Go, get you gone, hence, hence un-luckie race; Your eyes bewitch our eyes, your feet this Place, Your breath this Aire: Why haste you not away? <1(Hebrues)>1 what lets you? wherefore doo you stay? Step to our houses (if that ought you lacke) Chuse what you like, and what you like, goe take, 610 Golde, Plate, or Jewells, Ear-rings, Chaines or Ouches, Our Guirdles, Bracelets, Carkanets or Brouches, Beare them unto your gods, not in the sands Wheare the Heav'n-kissing, Clowd-browd <1Sina>1 stands; But much-much farther, and so farr, that here We never more your odious newes may heare: Goe <1(Hebrues)>1 goe, in God's Name thryve amaine; By loosing you, we shall sufficient gayne. With the Kings leave, then th'<1Hebrues>1 Prince collects His Legions all, and to the Sea directs: 620 Scarce were they gon, when <2PHARAO>2 doth retract, And armes all <1A|Egypt>1 to goe fetch them back, And camping neere them, execrablie-rude, Threatens them death, or end-les Servitude. Even as a Duck, that nigh some cristall Brooke Hath twice or thrice by the same Hawke bin strooke, Hearing aloft her gingling silver bells, Quivers for feare, and looks for nothing els But when the Falcon (stooping Thunder-like) With sodaine souse her to the soile shall strike, 630 And with the stroake, make on the sence-les ground The gutt-les Quarre, once, twice, or thrice rebound: So <2IZRAEL,>2 fearing againe to feele <2PHARAO>2's fell hands, who hunts him at the heele, Quivers and shivers for dispaire and dread; And spits his gall against his godly Head. O base ambition! This false Politike,

Plotting to Great himselfe, our deaths doth seeke, He mocks us all, and makes us (Fortune-les) Change a rich Soile for a dry Wildernes; 640 Allur'd with lustre of Religious showes, Poore soules, He sells us to our hatefull Foes: For, O what strength? alas what stratagem? Or how (good God) shall we incounter them? Or who is it? or what is it shall save-us From their fell hands that seeke to slay, or slave-us? Shall we dis-armed, with an Armie fight? Can we (like Birds) with still-steepe-rising flight Surmount these Mountaines? have we Ships at hand To passe the Sea (this halfe a Sea halfe sand)? 650 Or, had we Ships, and Sailes, and Owers, and Cable; Who knowes these Waters to be Navigable? Alas! some of us shall with Sythes be slasht, Some, with their Horse-feete all to peeces pasht, Some, thrill'd with swords, or shafts, through hundred holes Shall ghastly gaspe-out our untimely soules: Sith die we must, then die we voluntarie, Let's runne our Selves where others would us carie; Come <1Israelites,>1 come let us die together, Both men and women; so we shall (in either) 660 Prevent their rage, content their avarice, And yield (perhaps) to <2MOSES>2 even his Wish. Why Brethren, know yee not (their Ruler saith) That in his hand God holdeth life and death? That Hee turnes Hills to Dales, and Seas to Sands? That Hee hath prest a thousand winged Bands T'assist his Children, and his Foes t'assaile? And that Hee helps not, but when all helps faile? See you this mighty Hoast, this dreadfull Camp, Which dareth Heav'n, and seemes the Earth to damp; 670 And all inrag'd, already chargeth ours As thick, or thicker then the Welkin poures His candied drops upon the eares of Corne

Before that <2CERES>2 yellow locks be shorne: It all shall vanish, and of all this Crew (Which thinks already to have swallowed you) Of all this Armie, that (in Armour bright) Seemes to out-shine the Sunne, or shame his light, There shall to-morrow not a Man remaine: Therefore, be still; God shall your side sustaine. 680 Then (zealous) calling on th'immortall God, He smote the Sea with his dead-living Rod: The Sea obay'd, as bay'd: the Waves controul'd, Each upon other up to Heav'n doo fold: Betweene both sides, a broad deepe Trench is cast, Dri'd to the bottome with an instant blast: Or rather, 'tis a Valley paved (els) With golden sands, with Pearle and Nacre-shels, And on each side is flanked all along With walls of cristall, beautifull and strong. 690 This Flood-les Foord the Faithfull Legions passe, And all the way their shoo scarce moisted was. Dreame we (said they)? or is it true we try? The Sea start at a stick? The Water dry? The Deep a Path? Th'Ocean in th'aire suspending? Bulwarks of Billowes, and no drop descending? Two Walls of Glasse built with a word alone, <1Afrik>1 and <1Asia>1 to con-joine in one? Th'all-seeing Sunne new bottomes to behold? Children to runne where Tunnies lately rould? 700 Th'<1Egiptian>1 Troopes pursue them by the track; Yet waites the patient Sea, and still stands back, Till all the Hoast bee marching in their Ranks Within the Lane betweene his cristall Banks; But, as a wall weak'ned with mining-under, The Piles consum'd, falls suddainly a-sunder, O're-whelmeth all that stand too neere the breach, And with his Ruines fills-up all the Ditch: Even so Gods finger, which these Waters bay'd Being with-drawne, the Ocean swell'd and sway'd 710

And, re-conjoining his congealed Flood, Swallowes in th'instant all those Tirants wood. Heer, one by swimming thinks himselfe to save, But with his skarfe tangled about a Nave, He's strangled straight; and to the bottome sinking, Dies, not of too-much drink, but for not drinking: While that (in vaine) another with loud lashes Scoures his proud Coursers through the scarlet <1Washes,>1 The streames (where-on more Deaths then Waves do swim) Burie his Chariot, and his Chariot him: 720 Another, swallowed in a Whirle-Whales wombe, Is layd a-live within a living Tombe: Another, seeing his Twin-Brother drowning, Out of his Coach, his hand (to help him) downing; With both his hands grasping that hand, his Twin Unto the bottome hales him head-long in; And instantly the Water covers either, Right Twins indeed, borne, bred, and dead together. <1Nile>1's stubborne Monark, stately drawne upon A curious Chariot chace't with pearle and stone, 730 By two proud Coursers, passing Snow for colour, For strength the Elephants, Lions for valour, Curseth the Heav'ns, the Aire, the Winds, and Waves: And marching up-ward, still blasphemes and braves: Heere a huge Billow on his Targe dooth split, Then comes a bigger, and a bigger yet To second those: The Sea growes ghastly great, Yet stoutly still Hee thus dooth dare and threat: Base roaguing Jugler, think'st thou with thy Charmes Thou shalt prevaile against our puissant armes? 740 Think'st thou poore shifter with thy Hell-Spells thus To crosse our Counsailes and discomfit us? And, O proud Sea, false, traiterous Sea, dar'st thou? Dar'st thou conspire 'gainst thine owne <1Neptune>1 now? Dar'st thou presume 'gainst us to rise and roare? I charge thee cease: be still I say: no more: Or I shall clap thine Armes in Marble stocks,

And yoake thy shoulders with a Bridge of Rocks: Or banish thee from <1Etham>1 far for aye Through some new Channel to goe seeke thy way. 750 Here-at, the Ocean more then ever frets, All topsie-turvie up-side-downe it sets, And a black billow that aloft dooth floate With salt and sand stops his blasphemous throate. What now betides the Tirant? Waters now Have reft his neck, his chin, cheekes, eyes, and brow, His front, his fore-top: now there's nothing seene, But his proud arme shaking his Fauchin keene, Where-with he seemes, in spight of Heav'n and Hell, To fight with Death, and menace <2ISRAEL.>2 760 At last he sinks all under water quight; Spurning the sand, againe he springs upright; But, from so deepe a bottome to the top, So clog'd with armes, can cleave no passage up: As the poore Partridge cover'd with the net (In vaine) doth strive, struggle and bate and beat, For the close Meshes and the Fowler's craft Suffer the same no more to whurre aloft. I, to your selves leave to conceave the Joy Of <1JACOB'S>2 heires, thus rescu'd from anoy; 70 Seeing the Sea to take their cause in hand, And their dead Foes shuffled upon the sand, Their shields, and staves, and Chariots (all-to-tore) Floating about and flung upon the shoare, When thus th'Almighty (glorious God most High) For them, without them, got the Victorie: They skip and daunce, and marrying all their voices, To Timbrels, Hawbois, and loud Cornets noises, Make all the shoares resound and all the Coasts, With the shrill Praises of the Lord of Hoasts. 780 Eternall Issue of eternall Sire, Deepe Wisedome of the <1Father,>1 now inspire And show the sequell that from hence befell,

And how Hee dealt with his deere <2ISRAEL,>2 Amid the Desart, in their Pilgrimage Towards the <1Promisd>1 plenteous <1Ha|eritage>1: Tell, for (I know) thou know'st: for, compast aye With Fire by Night, and with a Cloud by Day, Thou (my soule's hope) weart their sole guide and guarde, Their Meat and Drinke in all their Journey hard. 790 Marching amid the <1Desart,>1 nought they lacke, Heaven still distils an Ocean for their sake Of end-les-good: and every Morne dooth send Sufficient Food for all the day to spend. When the Sun Riseth and dooth hast his Race (Halfe ours, half theirs, that underneath us pace) To re-beholde the bewtie, number, order, And prudent Rule (preventing all miss-order) Of th'awefull Hoast lodg'd in the Wildernesse, So favour'd of the Sun of Righteousnesse: 800 Each comes but forth his Tent, and at his dore Findes his Bread readie (without seeking more) A pleasant bread, which from his plenteous Clowd, Like little Haile, Heav'ns wakefull Steward strow'd. The yellow sands of <1Elim's>1 ample Plaine Were heaped all with a white sugred graine, Sweet Corianders, Junkets, not to feede This Hoast alone, but even a World (for neede). Each hath his parte, and every one is fed With the sweet morcels of an un-bought Bread. 810 It never raines for a whole yeare at-once, But daily for a daye's provisions: To th'end, so great an Hoast, so curbed streight, Still on the Lord's wide-open hand should waite, And every Dawning have due cause to call On him their Founder and the Fount of all: Each, for his portion hath an <1Omer->1full, The sur-plus rots; mould, knead it how they will. The Holy-One (just Arbitrer of Wrong)

Allowes no lesse unto the weake then strong: 820 On <1Sabaoth's>1 Eve, hee lets sufficient fall To serve for that Day and the next with-all, That on his <1Rest,>1 the sacred Folke may gather Not Bodie's meat, but spirituall <1Manna>1 rather. Thou that from Heav'n thy daily White bread hast, Thou, for whom Harvest all the Yeare dooth last, That in poore Desarts, rich abundance heapest, That sweat-les eat'st, and without sowing reapest, That hast the Aier for Farme and Heav'n for Field (Which, sugred Mel, or melled Suger yield) 830 That, for taste-changing doo'st not change thy Cheere, God's Pensioner, and Angell's Table-peere: O <2IZRAEL,>2 see in this Table pure, In this faire Glasse, thy Saviour's portraiture, The Son of God, <2MESSIAS>2 promised, The sacred Seed, to bruise the Serpents head, The glorious Prince whose Scepter ever shines, Whose Kingdome's scope the Heav'n of heavens confines And when He shall (to light thy Sin-ful load) Put <1Manhood>1 on, dis-know him not for <1God.>1 840 This Graine is small, but full of substance though: <2CHRIST>2 strong in working, though but weak in show. <1Manna>1 is sweet: Christ as the Hunnie-Combe. <1Manna>1 from high: and <2CHRIST>2 from Heaven dooth come. With that, thear falls a pleasant pearly Deaw: <2CHRIST>2 comming-downe doth all the earth be-strew With spirituall Guifts, That, unto great and small Tastes to their Tastes: and <2CHRIST>2 is all to all. (Food to the hungry, to the needie Wealth, Joy to th'afflicted, to the sickly health, 850 Pardon to those Repent, prop to the bow'd, <1Life>1's savour to the Meeke, <1Death>1's to the Proud). That's common good: and <1Christ>1 communicate. That's purely-white: and <1Christ>1 immaculate. That gluts the wanton <1Hebrues>1 (at the last):

<1Christ>1 and his <1Word>1 the World dooth soone dis-taste. Of That, they eate no lesse that have one measure, Then who have hundred: and in <1Christ>1 his Treasure Of Devine <1Grace,>1 the <1faith->1full <1Proselite>1 Hath no lesse part then Doctors (deepe of sight). 860 That's round: <1Christ>1 simple, and sincerelie-round. That in the <1Arke>1: <1Christ>1 in his <1Church>1 is found. That dooth (with certaine) stinking Wormes become: <1Christ>1 (th'<1Ever-Word>1 is scandall unto some. That raineth not but on the sacred Race: <1Christ>1 to his Chosen doth confine his Grace. That's broken every graine: <1Christ>1 (Lamb of God) Upon his <1Crosse->1Presse is so torne and trod, That of his <1Blood>1 the pretious Flood hath purl'd Downe from Mount <1Sion>1 over all the World, 870 Yet, glutted now with this <1ambrosial>1 Food, This heav'nly Bread, so holy and so good, Th'<1Hebrues>1 doo lust for Flesh: a fresh South-winde Brings shoales of Fowles to satisfie their minde, A cloud of <1Quailes>1 on all the Camp is sent, And every one may take to his content, For, in the Hoast, and all the Country by, For a dayes-journey, Cubit-thick they lie. But, though their Commons be thus delicate, Although their eyes can scarce looke out for fat, 880 Although their bellies strout with too-much meat, Though <1(Epicures)>1 they vomit as they eate, Yet still they howle for hunger: and they long For <1Memphian>1 hotch-potch, Leeks and Garlike strong: As Childe-great Women, or greene Maydes (that misse Their Termes appointed for their flourishes) Pine at a princely Feast, preferring farr, Red Herrings, Rashers, and (some) sops in Tarr, Yea coales, and clowts, sticks, stalks, and durt, before Quaile, Pheasant, Partridge and a hundred more; 890 So their fantastike wearisome Disease

Distastes their Tastes, and makes them strange to please. But, when the Bull that lately toss't his horne In wanton Pride, hangs downe his head, forlorne For lack of <1Water>1: and the Souldiour bleake Growes (without Arms) for his own waight too-weake, When fierie Thirst through all their veines so fierce Consumes their blood, into their bones doth pierce, Sups-up their vitall humour, and dooth dry Their whilome-beauties to <1Anatomie>1: 900 They weepe and waile, and but their voice (alas) Is choakt already that it cannot passe Through the rough <1Straights>1 of their dry throats, they would Roare-out their griefe that all men heare them should. O Duke (no <1Hebrue,>1 but an <1Ethnike>1 rather) Is this (alas) the guerdon that we gather For all the service thou hast had of us? What have we done, that thou betray'st us thus? For our obedience, shall we ever-more With Feare and Want be hanted at our dore? 910 O windie words! O perjur'd promises! O gloze to gull our honest Simplenes! Escapt from Hunger, Thirst doth cut our throat: Past the <1Red Sea,>1 heere up and downe wee float On firm-les sands of this vast Desart heere, Where, to and fro we wander many a yeere: Looking for Liberty, we finde not Life: No neither Death (the welcome end of strife). Envie not us (deere Babes) we envie you, You happy ones whom <1Egipt's>1 Tirant slew, 920 Your Birth and Death came hand in hand together, Your End was quick, nay 'twas an Entry rather To End-les Life: We wretches, with our age Increase our Woes, in this long Pilgrimage: We hope no Harbour where we may take breath: And Life to us is a continuall Death. You blessed live, and see th'Almighties face:

Our Dayes begin in teares, in toiles they passe, And end in dolours (this is all we doo): But Death concludes teares, toiles, and dolours too. 930 Stiff-necked People, stubborne generation, <1Egipt>1 doth witnes (in a wondrous fashion) God's goodnes (to thee): all the Elements Expound unto thee his Omnipotence. And doo'st thou murmur still, and dar'st thou yet Blaspheme his Promise and discredit it? Said <2MOSES>2 then, and gave a suddaine knock With his deere Scepter on a mighty Rock; From top to toe it shakes, and splits with-all, And well-nigh halfe, unto the ground doth fall, 940 As smit with Lightning; then, with rapid rush Out of the Stone a plenteous <1Streame>1 doth gush, Which murmurs throgh the Plain, proud, that his glasse Gliding so swift, so soone re-youngs the grasse; And, to be gaz'd-on by the wanton Sunne, And, through new paths so brave a course to runne. Who hath not seene (farre-up within the Land) A shoale of Geese on the dry-Sommer sand In their hoarce language (sometimes lowly-lowd) Suing for succour to some moist-full clowd; 950 How, when the Raine descends, their wings they beat, (With the fresh drops to coole their swelting heat) Bib with their bills, bouze with their throats, and suck, And twenty-times unto the bottome duck? Such th'<1Hebrues>1 glee: one, stooping downe, doth sup The cleere quick streame; another takes it up In his bare hand, another in his hat, This in his buskin; in a bucket, that (Well fresht him-selfe) beares some unto his Flock; This fills his Pitcher full, and that his Crock, 960 And other-some (whose Thirst is more extreame) Like Frogs lie padling in the cristall streame. From <1Raphidim,>1 alongst the <1Desart>1 Coast, Now to Mount <1Sina>1 marcheth all the Hoast;

Where, th'everlasting <2GOD,>2 in glorious wunder, With dreadfull Voice his feareful <2LAWE>2 doth thunder: To show, that His reverent, Devine <1Decrees>1 (Whereto all hearts should bow, and bend all knees) Proceed not from a <1Politike>1 Pretence, A wretched Kingling, or a pettie Prince; 970 (Nymph-prompted <2NUMA,>2 or the <1Spartans>1 Lord, Or him that did <1Cecropian>1 Strifes accord) Nor from the mouth of any mortall man, But from that King, who at his pleasure can Shake Heav'n, and Earth, and Aire, and all there-in: That <2ISRAEL>2 shall finde him (if they sinne) As terrible with Vengeance in his hand, As dreadfull now in giving the <2COMMAND:>2 And, that the Text of that dread <1Testament>1 Grav'n in two Tables, for us impotent, 980 Hath in the same a sadder Load compris'd, And heavier Yoake then is the Yoake of <1Christ.>1 That, that dooth show us Sin; threats, wounds, and kills: This offers Grace, Balme in our Sores distils. Redoubled Lightnings dazle th'<1Hebrues>1 eyes, Cloud-sund'ring Thunder roares throgh Earth and skies, Lowder and lowder it careers and cracks, And stately SINA's massie center shakes, And turneth round, and on his sacred top A whirling Flame round like a ball doth wrap; 990 Under his rockie ribs, in Coombes below, Rough-blustering <2BOREAS,>2 nourst with <1Riphean>1 snow, And blub-cheekt <2AUSTER,>2 puft with Fumes before, Met in the midst, justling for roome, doo roare: A cloake of clouds all thorough-lin'd with Thunder, Muffles the Mountaine both aloft and under: On <2PHARAN>2 now no shining <2PHARUS>2 showes. A heav'nly Trump a shrill <1Tantara>1 blowes, The winged Windes, the Lightning's nimble-flash, The smoaking Storms, the whirle-fier's crackling clash, 1000

And deafning Thunders, with the same doo sing (O wondrous consorte) th'everlasting King His glorious Wisedome, who doth give the <1Law>1 To th'Heavenly Troupes and keepes them all in awe: But, as in Battaile, we can heare no more Small Pistol-shot, when once the Cannons roare: And as a Cornet soundeth cleere and rife Above the warbling of an <1Alman>1 Fife: A dreadder Voice (yet a distincter Voice) Whose sound doth drowne all th'other former noise, 1010 Roares in the Vale and on the sacred Hill, Which thrills the eares, but more the heart doth thrill Of trembling <2JACOB,>2 who all pale for feare, From God's own mouth these sacred words doth heare. Harke <2IZRAEL.>2 O <2JACOB>2 heare my <2LAWE:>2 Heare it to keepe it (and thy selfe in awe). I am <2JEHOVA>2, I, with mightie hand Brought thee from Bondage out of <1A|Egypt>1 Land: <2ADORE MEE ONLY>2 for thy God and Lord, With all thy Hart in every Deed and Word. 1020 <2MAKE THEE NONE IMAGE>2 (not of anie sort) To thy owne Workes My Glory to transporte. <2USE NOT MY NAME>2 without respect and feare, Never Blaspheme, neither thy self For-sweare. <2SIXE DAYES, WORKE>2 for thy Food: but then (as I) <2REST ON THE SEAVENTH>2, and to my Temple hye. <2TO THOSE>2 that gave thee life dew <2REVERENCE>2 give, If thou desier long in the Land to live. <2IMBRUE>2 <1thou>1 <2NOT THY HAND IN HUMAN BLOOD.>2 <2STAIN NOT>2 <1anothers>1 <2BED. STEAL NOMAN'S GOOD.>2 1030 <2BEARE NO FALSE WITNES. COVET NOT>2 <1to have>1 <1Thy Neighbours Wife, his Oxe, his Asse, his Slave,>1 <1His Howse, his Land, his Cattle, or his Coyne,>1 <1His Place, or Grace; or ought that is not Thine.>1

Eternall Tutor, O Rule truly-right Of our fraile life, our foote-steps Lanthorn bright, O Soule's sweet Rest, O biting curbe of Sinne, Which Bad despise, the Good take pleasure in: Reverent <2EDICTS>2 upon Mount <2SINA>2 given, How-much-fold sence is in few words contriven! 1040 How wonderfull, and how extending-farre! How plain, how sacred, how profound you are! All Nations els, a thousand times (for cause) Have Writ and Race't, and chopt and chang'd their Lawes: Except the <1Jewes,>1 but they, although their State With everie Moone almost did innovate, As sometimes having Kings, and sometimes none, In all their Changes kept their Law still one. What resteth at this day, of <1Salaminian,>1 <1Laconian>1 <2LAWES,>2 or of the <1Carthaginian>1? 1050 Yea <1Rome>1 that made even all the World one Cittie, So strong in Armes, and in States-Arte so wittie, Hath, in the Ruines of her Pride's rich <1Babels,>1 Left but a Relike of her <1Twice-Sixe Tables.>1 But, since in <1Horeb>1 the High-Thundring ONE Pronounce't This <1Lawe,>1 three-thousand times the Sun Hath gallopt round Heav'ns golden Bandeleer Imbosst with Beasts studded with starrs so cleere, And yet one tittle hath not Time bereft, Although the People unto whom 't was left 1060 Bee now no People, but expulst from home, Through al the corners of the World do roam: And though their State through everie Age almost On a rough Sea of Mischiefs hath been tost. A Butt, a Brooke, a Torrent dooth confine All other Lawes: <1Megarian>1 Discipline Hath nought of th'<1Attick>1: nor the <1Coronan>1 Of <1Theban>1 Rytes: nor <1Thebes>1 of <1Cadmean.>1 But this <1Set>1 <2LAW>2 given <2JACOB'S>2 Generations,

Is the true Lawe of Nature and of Nations, 1070 Which (sacred) sounds whear-ever (to discrye) Th'all-searching Sun doth cast his flaming eye. The <1Turkes>1 imbrace, the <1Christians>1 honour it, And <1Jewes>1 with Feare do even adore it yet. I only, I (Great <2GOD>2) thy <2LAWES>2 do spurn With my foule feete, I do thy Statutes skorne: Pufft in my Soule with extreame <1Pride,>1 before Nay in thy sted I doo my Selfe <1Adore.>1 I <1Serve>1 no Wooden Gods, nor <1Kneele>1 to Stones, But <1Covetous>1 I Worship Golden ones. 1080 I Name thee not but in vaine <1Blasphemie,>1 Or <2(ACHAB->2like) in sad <1Hypocrisie.>1 I <1Rest>1 the Sabaoth: yet I breake thy LAWE, Serving (for thee) mine idle Mouth and Mawe. I <1Reverence>1 Superiors, but in showe, Not out of Love, but as compelled so. I <1Murder>1 none, yet dooth my <1Tongue>1 too-rife Wound others Fame, and my Harts-hate their life. I <1Civilize,>1 least that I seeme <1Obsco|ene>1: But Lord (Thou know'st) I am <1Unchaste>1 unclean. 1090 I seeme no <1Thiefe,>1 yet tempted with my <1Want,>1 <1I take too oft>1 the Fruite I did not plant. I speake not much, yet in my little Talke Much <1Vanitie>1 and manie <1Lyes>1 doo walke. I <1Wish>1 too-earnest and too-oft (in fine) For Others Fortunes, male-content with mine. Heere lye I naked, lo th'<1Anatomie>1 Of my foule Hart. O <1Humane-Deitie,>1 O <1Christ,>1 th'Almightie's like All-mighty <1Word,>1 O put-me-on Thy <1Robe>1; as whylome (Lord) 1100 Thou putst-on Mine: mee in Thy Blood be-lave; And in my Soule thy sacred <2LAWES>2 ingrave. While with the Duke th'Eternall did devise, And to his inward sight did modellize His <1Tabernacle's>1 admirable Forme; And prudently him (faithfull) did informe

In a new <1Rubrik>1 of the <1Rytes Devine>1 To th'end the Heires of promis'd <1Pala|estine,>1 After their Phancie should not worship him, Nor (Idoll-prone) example leading them, 1110 Into his sacred TEMPLE introduce, The <1Sacrifices>1 that the <1Heathen>1 use: But, by their <1Rytes>1 to guide their spirituall eye To <1Christ,>1 the Rocke on whom their hopes should lye: Behold (alas) fraile <2AARON,>2 Deputied During his absence all the Flocke to guide, Dumb coward Curr, barkes not against their ill: But giving way to the mad Peoples will, Casteth a <1Golden Calfe,>1 and sets it up For them to worship and unto it stoop: 1120 Gold, Rings, and Jewels which the Lord of Heaven Had (as Love-Tokens) lately to them given, Are cast into a Mould: and (which is worse) <2JACOB,>2 to Wed a <1Calfe,>1 dooth <1God>1 Divorce. Those Feet that dry-shod past the <1Crimsin Gulph,>1 Now Dance (alas) before a Molten <1Calfe>1: That Voice which late on <2ETHAM>2 sands had rung Th'Almightie's glory, now to Sathan sung. The zealous Prophet, with just furie moov'd, 'Fore all the Hoast, his Brother sharp reproov'd: 1130 And pulveriz'd their Idol: and eft-soones Flankt by olde <2LEVI'S>2 most religious Sonnes, Throngs through the Camp, and each-where strowes his way With blood and slaughter, horrour and dismay: As halfe a score of Reapers nimbly-neat, With cheerefull eye choosing a plot of Wheat, Reape it at pleasure, and of <1Ceres>1 locks Make hand-fuls sheaves, and of their sheaves make Shocks; And through the Field from end to end doo runne, Working a-vie, till all be downe and done: 1140 Or, as so many Canons shot at-once A-front a Camp; Th'Earth with the Thunder grones, Heere flies a broken arme, and breakes another;

There stands th'one halfe of a halv'd body, th'other Falls-downe a furlong thence, here flies a shield; And deepe-wide windowes make they in the field. All these sure signes of God's deere estimate, Cannot confirme the <1Hebrue>1 Magistrate In his Authority: even <2AARON>2 spights-it, And <2MIRIAM>2 (his Sister) too back-bites-it. 1150 But suddainly on her, in his Defence, Foule Leprosie did punish this Offence. His Nephews, scorning his Commaund, aspire Before the Lord to offer forraine Fire, But, on them soone a heav'nly Flame downe-falling (As in the Sommer some hot-dry <1Exhaling,>1 Or <1blazing Starre>1 with suddaine Flash doth fall At Palmers feet, and him affright with-all:) Fires instantly their beards and oyled haire, And all the sacred vestiments they weare; 1160 Exhales their blood, their Bodies burnes to ashes, Their <1Censors>1 melts with heat of Lightning flashes, Their coales are quenched all, and sacred Flame Th'un-hallowed Fire devour'd and over-came. His Kins-man <2CORE>2 then (with <2DATHAN>2 joyn'd And with <2ABIRAM)>2 murmur'd and repin'd: O see (saith he) how many a subtill gin The Tirant sets to snare our Freedomes in! How we abus'd with <1Oracles>1 most vaine, (Which <2MOSES>2 and his brother <2AARON>2 faine) 1170 For idle hopes of promis'd <1Signories,>1 Doo simply lose our sweetest Liberties! See how they doo ingrosse betweene them two, Into one House, <2SCEPTER>2 and <2EPHOD>2 too: See how they dally, and with much delay Prolong our Journey to prolong their <1Sway>1: And (to conclude) see how slie Course they take, To build their Greatnes on our grievous wrack. Hear'st thou me <2(MOSES),>2 if thou chiefly joy

To see thy Brethren's torments and anoy, 1180 'Twere good to walke us yet for ten yeares more About these Mountaines in these Desarts poore: Keepe us still Exiles; Let us (our Desire) Languish, wax-olde, and in these sands expire, Where cruell Serpents haunt us still at hand, A Fruit-les, Flood-les, yea a Land-les Land. If, rear'd from Youth in Honour, thine Ambition Cannot come downe to private mens condition, Be Captaine, Duke and King: for God approves-thee, Thy Vertues guard, the People feares and loves-thee. 1190 But as for <2AARON,>2 what is his desert? What high exploit, what excellence, what art, Gain'd him th'<1High-Priesthood>1? O good God, what shame? Alas, hath he for any thing got fame But <2HOREB'S>2 Horne-God? for dispising thee, And thy Commaunds; and for Conspiracie? The morrow next, before the <1Sacred Tent>1 This Mutiner with sacred Censor went Adorn'd, selfe-gazing, with a lofty eye; His Faction present: <2AARON>2 also by. 1200 Lord shield thy Cause, approove thee veritable, Let not thy Name be to the Lewd a Fable: Oint thine <1Anointed>1 publikely: by Miracle, Show whom thou hast selected for thine <1Oracle>1: Sayd <2MOSES>2 then; and even as yet he spake, The groaning Earth began to reele and shake, A horrid Thunder in her bowels rumbles And in her bosome up and downe it tumbles, Tearing her Rocks, Untill she <1Yawne>1 a way To let it out, and to let in the Day: 1210 Heav'n sees to Hell, and Hell beholdeth Heav'n, And Devils dazled with the glistring leav'n Of th'ancient Sunne, yet lower faine would dive, But chain'd to th'Center all in vaine they strive. <2CORE>2, round compast with his Rebel Friends, Offers to <2BELZEBUB>2 and to the <1Fiends>1:

His bodie's batter'd with Rocks falling downe, And armes of Trees there planted up-side-downe: He goes with Noise downe to the <1Silent>1 Coast, Intombd alive, without all art or cost. 1220 And all the rest that his proud side assum'd, Scaping the Gulph, with Lightning are consum'd. And <2AARON'S>2 Office is confirm'd by God, With wondrous <1Signes>1 of his oft-quickned Rod, Which dead, re-buds, re-bloomes, and Almonds beares; When all his Fellowes have no life in theirs. Now, shall I sing, through <2MOSES>2 prudent Sway How <2ISRAEL>2 doth <2AMALEC>2 dismay, <2ARAD,>2 and <2OG>2 (that of hugh Giants springs) Proud <2HESEBON,>2 and the five <1Madian>1 Kings, 1230 With the false Prelate, who profanely made Of <1Prophets-gifts>1 a sacrilegious trade; Who false, sayes true; who striving (past all shame) To force the Spirit, is forced by the same: Who, snaring th'<1Hebrues>1 with fraile Beauties graces, Defiles their bodies, more their soules defaces? Doubt-les his Deeds are such, as would I sing But halfe of them, I under-take a thing As hard almost, as in the <1Gangike>1 Seas To count the Waves, or Sands in <1Euphrates>1; 1240 And of so much, should I a little say, It were to wrong him, and his Praise betray. His Noble Actes we therefore heare suspend, And skip unto his sweet and happie End: Sith, th'End is it wheareby we judge the best (For either Life) how Man is Curst or Blest. Feeling his vigour by degrees to waste, And, one Fire quencht, another kindling fast, Which doth his Spirit re-found, his soule refine, And raise to Heaven, whence it was sent devine: 1250 Hee doth not (<1Now>1) studie to make his <1Will,>1 T'<1Entaile>1 his Land to his <1Male-Issue>1 still: Wisely and justly to devide his Good,

To Sonnes and Daughters, and his neerest Blood: T'assigne his Wife a <1Dowrie>1 faire and fit, A hundred times to add and alter it: To quittance Frendships with franke Legacies: To guerd-on Service with <1Annuities,>1 To make <1Executors,>1 to <1Cancell>1 some, T'apoint himselfe a Pallace for a <1Tombe.>1 1260 I praise a Care to settle our Estate, But, when Death threats us, then it is too-late; A seemely Buriall is a sacred Ryte, But let the living take that charge of right. Hee, lifting higher his last thoughts, besides The Common-Weale's care, for the Church provides, And graving his discourse with voice devoute, Bids thus Fare-well to all that stand about: O <2JACOB'S>2 seed (I might say, my deere sonnes) Y'are sence-les more then mettals, stocks, or stones, 1270 If y'have forgot the many-many Miracles Where-with the Lord hath seal'd my sacred <1Oracles>1; And all the Favours (in this savage Place) In forty yeeres receaved of his grace: Therefore (O <2ISRAEL)>2 walke thou in his feare, And in thy harts-hart (not in Marble) beare His ever-lasting <2LAWE:>2 before him stand, And to his Service consecrate thy hand. If This thou doo, thy Heav'n-blest fleecie Flocks, Shall bound about thy Pastures, Downes and Rocks; 1280 As thick as skip in Sommer in a Mead, The Grass-hoppers that all with Deaw are fed: Thy fruitfull Eawes fat Twins shall bring thee ever, And of their Milke shall make a plenteous River, Th'old Tirant loads not with so-many Loanes, Toules, Taxes, Succours, Impositions, The panting Vassals to him Tributarie, As thy rich Fields shall pay thee voluntarie: Thy children, and thy children's children, set About thy Table side by side at meate, 1290

Shall flourish like a long and goodly row Of pale-greene Olives that uprightly grow About a ground, and full of Fruite, presage Plenty of Oile unto their Maister sage: Sonnes of thy sonnes shall serve thy reverent Eld: Thou shalt die quiet, thou shalt live un-queld: Blessed at home, and blessed in the Plaine: The blessed God shall send thee timely Raine, And holesome windes, and with his keyes of grace Open Heav'ns store-house to thy happy Race: 1300 Thy proud fel Foes with Troopes of armed men Shall charge thee one way, but shall flie thee ten: The Peace-Plant Olive, or Tryumphant Bay Shall shade thy gates: Thy Valour shall dismay, And daunt the Earth: and with his sacred awe Thy Saviour-King shall give the World the law. If other-wise, the Megrime, Gowte, and Stone, Shall plague the fel with thousand pangs in one, Thy numbrie Flocks in part shall barren bee, In part shall bring abortives unto thee: 1310 Accurst at home, accursed in the Plaine, Thy labour boot-les, and thy care in vaine: Thy Field shall be of steele, thy Heav'n of brasse, Thy Fountaines dry: and God displeas'd (alas) In steed of holesome showers, shall send downe flashes Of Lightning, Fire, Haile, Sulphur, Salt, and Ashes: Thou shalt reape little where thou much hast shed, And with that little shall thy Foe be fed; He shall the fattest of thy Heard devoure Before thy face, and yet thou must not lower: 1320 Thou shalt build faire, another have thy Place: Thou wed a Wife, another 'fore thy face Shall lose her <1Bride-belt>1: God with rage shall smight Thy stubborne hart, with blindnes, and affright, So that a wagging leafe, a puff, a crack, Yea, the least creake shall make thee turne thy back.

Thou never shalt thine adverse Hoast survay, But to be beaten, or to runne away: A People stout, for strength and number ample, Which th'<1A|Egle>1 hath for <1Ensigne>1 and Example, 1330 With a new Wall thine ancient Wall shall dam, And make thee (Famisht) thy voide bowells cram With thine owne bowells, and for want of meate Thine owne deere Children's trembling flesh to eate. And then, thy Remnant (farre dispearst from home) O're all the Corners of the Earth shall roame: To shew their Curse, they shall no Countrey ow'ne, And (which is worse) they shall not be their Owne. AMEN, sayd all the Hoast. Then (like the Swan) This dying Song, the Man of GOD began. 1340 <1The Song of>1 <2MOSES>2 1 Sith IZRAEL (O will-full) will not heare: Hearken O Heavens, and O thou Earth give eare Unto my voice, and Witnesse (on-my-part) Before the Lord, my zeale and their hard hart. 1344 2 O Heav'n and Earth attend unto my Song, Heare my discourse, which sweetely slides along As silver showers on the drye Meads doo trill, And hunnie deawes, on tender grasse distill. 1348 3 God grant (I pray) that in their harts, my Verse (As water on the wyth'red Lawnes) may pierce: And that the honey dropping from my tongue May serve the old for raine for deaw the young. 1352

4 I sing th'Eternall, O let Heav'n and Earth Come praise him with me, sound his glory forth, Extoll his Power, his perfect Works record, Truth, Goodnes, Greatnes, Justice of the Lord. 1356 5 But, though for ever He have showne him such, His Children yet (no Children, rather-much A Bastard Race) full of malitious sinne, All kinde of vice have fouly wallowed in. 1360 6 O foolish People, doost thou thus requight His Father care, who fence't thee day and night, As with a Shield? Who chose thee as his heire? Who made thee of so foule a masse, so faire? 1364 7 Un-winde the bottome of old Times againe, Of Ages past un-reele the snarled skaine, Aske of thy Parents, and they shall declare, Thine Elders, and they'll tell thee Wonders rare. 1368 8 They'll tell thee, how, when first the Lord had spred Men on the Earth, and justly levelled His straite long Measure th'All-Ball to devide, He did for thee a plenteous Land provide. 1372 9 For his deere JACOB, whom his favour then Seem'd t'have sequestred from the rest of men, To th'end his <1Blessed Seed>1 (in future age) Should be his Care, Love, Lot, and Ha|eritage. 1376

10 They'll tell thee too, how through the sandy horror Of a vast <1Desart,>1 Den of ghastly Terror, Of Thirst and Hunger, and of Serpents fel, He by the hand conducted ISRAEL. 1380 11 Yea (of his goodnes) to direct him still, By Word and Writ show'd him his sacred Will; Under his wing's shade hid him tenderly, And held him deere, as apple of his eye. 1384 12 As is the royall <1Eagle>1's sacred wont, When she would teach her tender Birds to mount, To flie and crie about her Nest, to cheere-them, And when they faint, on her wing'd back to beare-them: 1388 13 God (without aide of other Gods or <1Graces)>1 Safe guide, hath made him mount the highest Places, Such Oyle and Honey from the Rocks distilling, In plenteous Land with pleasant Fruits him filling. 1392 14 He gave him Milke and Butter for his meate, Kid, Lambe, and Mutton, and the flower of Wheate, And for his Drinke, a most delitious Wine (The sprightfull blood of the broad-spreading Vine). 1396 15 But, waxen fat, he lifts his wanton heele Against his God (to whom his Soule should kneele), Forsakes his Maker, and contemnes the Same That saved him from danger, death, and shame. 1400

16 Then, he inflam'd the furie of the Lord, With profane bowing to false Gods abhord: With serving <1Idols,>1 and with Sacrificing To Fiends, and Phansies of his owne devising. 1404 17 For vaine false Gods, Gods un-renown'd, and new, Gods that his Fathers nor he never knew, He hath forgot the true eternal <2BEEING,>2 The God of whom he holds his blisse and being. 1408 18 God saw it well, and Jelouslie a-fire, Against his Children thus he threats his ire: No, I will hide the brightnes of my face, I'll take from them the treasures of my grace: 1412 19 Then let us see what will of them become: But, what but mischiefe can unto them come, That so perverse with every puff let flie Their Faith, sole constant in inconstancie? 1416 20 Th'have made me jeloux of a God, no God: I'll make them jeloux, I will Wed (abroad) A People (yet) no People: And their brest Shall split for spight to see the <1Nations>1 blest. 1420 21 Devouring Fire that from my heart dooth fume, Shall fiercely burne, and in my wrath consume The deepe of Deepes, the middle Downes, and Fields, And strong foundations of the steepest Hills. 1424

22 I'll spend on them my store of Punishments, And all mine Arrowes; Famine, Pestilence, Wilde Beasts, and Wormes that basely crawling are, Without remorse shall make them end-les Warre. 1428 23 Abroad, the Sword their strong men shall devoure, At home, through Feare, the Virgin in her flower, The fresh young Youth, the sucking Children small, And hoarie head, dead to the ground shall fall. 1432 24 Yea, even already would I quite deface And cleane destroy them, I would <2JACOB>2 race, Raze his Memoriall from the Earth for aye, But that I feare the <1Heathen>1 thus would say: 1436 25 We have prevail'd, we by our strength alone Have quell'd this People, and them over-throwne: 'Twas not their God that did it for their Sins, No, He him-selfe is vanquisht with his Friends. 1440 26 Ha! sottish blocks, void of all sence and sight: Could one man put a thousand men to flight? And two ten thousand? if the God of Armes, Had not even sould their Troopes and bound their armes? 1444 27 For, God, our God, dooth all their Gods surpasse: They know it well: but, their Wine springs (alas) From <2SODOME'S>2 Vine, and grew in <2GOMER'S>2 fields, Which Gall for Grapes, for Raisons Poyson yields: 1448

28 It is no Wine, no, the black bane it is, The killing vomite of the Cockatrice; 'Tis bitter venome, 'tis the same that comes From the fel <2ASPIC'S>2 foule infecting gummes. 1452 29 Doo not I know it? keepe not I account (In mine Exchequer) how their Sinnes doo mount? Vengeance is mine: I will (in fine) repay In my due time: I will not long delay. 1456 30 Their Ruine posteth: then, th'Omnipotent Shall judge for JACOB: then I will repent To quite-destroy mine owne beloved People, Seeing their strength all fail'd and wholy feeble. 1460 31 'Twill then be said, where are their Gods become, (Their deafe, dull Idols, sent-les, sight-les, dumbe) To whom they lift their harts, and hands, and eyes, And (as their Guards) so oft did sacrifice? 1464 32 Now let those trim Protectors them protect; Let them rise quickly and defend their Sect, Their <1Fires>1 and <1Altars>1: and come stand before, To shield the Fondlings that their <1Fanes>1 adore. 1468 33 Know therefore Mortals, I th'<2IMMORTAL>2 <1am>1: There's none like <1Mee>1 in or above this <1Frame>1: I wound, I heale; I kill, I fetch from grave, And from my hands none can the Sinner save. 1472

34 I'll lift my hand toward th'arched Heav'ns on high, And sweare with-all by mine Eternitie, (Which only <1Beeing,>1 gives to all to <1Been)>1 That if I whet my Sword of Vengeance keen: 1476 35 If once (I say) as soveraigne King alone, I sit me downe on my high <1Justice>1 Throne, I'll venge me roughly on mine Enemies, And guerdon justly their iniquities: 1480 36 My hart-thrill Darts I will make drunk with blood, I'll glut my Sword with slaughter; all the brood Of rebell Nations I will race (in fine) To recompence the blood and death of Mine: 1484 37 O Gentiles, then his People praise and feare, Sith to the Lord it is so choisely-deare: Sith Hee'll avenge his Cause, and beating downe His Enemies, will mildly cheere his Owne. 1488

THE CAPTAINES THE IIII PART OF THE III DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <1Just->1Duked <2JOSUAH,>2 <1cheeres the>1 Abramides <1To>1 <2CANAANS>2 <1Conquest:>1 Jordan <1selfe-devides:>1 <1Re->1Circumcision, <1what, and where, and why:>1 <1Sackt>1 Jericho: Hai <1wonne (so>1 Achan <1die):>1 Gabaonites <1guile:>1 strange Haile<1: the>1 Sun stands still<1:>1 Nature <1repines.>1 Jewes <1(Guide-les) prone to ill.>1 Adoni-Bezec. Sangar. <2DEBORA,>2 Barac <1and>1 Jahel <1conquer>1 <2SISARA.>2 Samuel <1succeedes:>1 Jewes <1crave a>1 <2KING<1: a vie,>1 <1Of>1 People-<1Sway;>1 States-<1Rule:>1 <1and>1 <2MONARCHIE.>2 Haile <1holy>1 <2JORDAN,>2 and you <1blessed>1 Torrents, Of the pure Waters of whose cristall Corrents So many <1Saints>1 have sipt: O <1Walls,>1 that rest Faire Monuments of many a famous Gest: O <1Hills,>1 O <1Dales,>1 O <1Fields>1 so flowerie sweet, Where <1Angels>1 oft have set their sacred feet: And thou O <1sacred Place,>1 which wert the <1Cradle>1 Of th'only <2MAN-GOD,>2 and his happy <1Swadle>1: And thou O <1Soile>1 which drank'st the <1crimsin Shower>1 That (for our health) out of his veines did poure: 10 And you fatt <1Hillocks>1 (which I take as given For a firme pledge of the full joyes of Heav'n) Where Milke and Hunnie flow: I see you all, Under the conduct of my Generall <2NUN'S>2 valiant <1Sonne>1: and under <2GEDEON'S>2 Sway,

<2SANGAR,>2 and <2SAMPSON, BARAC, DEBORA.>2 For, heere (brave <1Heroes)>1 your high Feats I sing; Thrice-sacred Spirit, thy speedy succour bring, O Spirit, which weart their Guide, Guard, strength and stay, Let not my Verse their Vertue's praise betray. 20 <2JOSUAH,>2 by Favour, nor by Bribes, obtaines A higher Ranke then Royall Soveraignes; (Who buyes in grose, hee by retaile must sell: And who gives Favour, Favour askes as well): He gets it not by Fortune (she is sight-les) Neither by Force (for, who so enters (Right-les) By Force, is forced to goe out with shame): Nor sodaine climbes he (rawe) unto the same (For, to high Place, who mounts not step by step, He comes not downe, but head-long downe doth leap). 30 <1But, even as that grave-gracefull Magistrate>1 <1Which>1 (now) <1with>1 Conscience, Lawe <1doth Moderate,>1 <1Was first a>1 Student <1(under others awe)>1 <1Then>1 Barister, <1then>1 Counceler <1at-Lawe,>1 <1Then Queens->1Solic'tor, <1then>1 Roules-<1Arbitrer,>1 <1And then>1 Lord Keeper, <1now>1 <2LORD CHANCELER:>2 Hee comes to 't by degrees: and having first Show'n him selfe <1Wise>1 in spying <1Canaan>1 yerst, <1Faith-full>1 to <2MOSES>2 in his Ministrings, And <1Stoute>1 in Fight against the Heathen Kings, 40 God makes him <2CAPTAINE,>2 and the sacred Priests Pronounce him so, the People pleased is. But, in his State yer he be stall'd (almost) Set in the midst of God's beloved Hoast, He thus dilates: O happy Legions deere Which sacred Armes under Heav'ns Ensignes beare, Feare not that I yet forty yeares, againe Your wandring Troops in these vast sands should traine 'Twixt Hope and Feare: th'un-hallowed Offerings, The proud Revolts, blasphemous Murmurings, 50 Of your stiff Fathers, have with-holden rather

Then whole with-draw'n th'aide of your heav'nly Father: God tenders it in time, and (pacifide) Nills the set Terme without effect should slide: Serve him therefore, now take him at his word, And now to <1Canaan>1 march with one accord, And bravely show that th'Hoast of <2ISRAEL,>2 In Valour, farre doth his dread Fame excell. Couragious <2JACOB, ARAD'S>2 stoutest harts And strongest Holds have prov'd thy Pikes and Darts, 60 The <1Madianites>1 have thine Arme's thunder known, Th'hast razed <1Bazan,>1 ransackt <1Hezebon,>1 Scap't scaly Serpents (in these Desarts vast) Crost the <1Red-Sea,>1 and Heav'n-prop <2SINA>2 past, And sent to Hell thy dreadest Foes; Lo now God offers thee the Crowne, accept it thou. Then turning him to <2RUBEN>2 and to <2GAD,>2 And to <2MANASSES,>2 who their Portion had (By <2MOSES>2 grant) on <1Jordan>1's Easterne verge; Warr-eloquent, he thus proceeds to urge: 70 Can you (my Harts) finde in your harts to leave Your Ranks, and us thus of your aides bereave? Will you lie wrapped in soft beds a-sleepe, While in cold Trenches your poore Brethren keepe? Will you sit washing (when your Feasts be done) In sweet Rose-water, while that <1Orion>1 His cloudie store in storme-full Furie poures, And drownes your Brethren with continuall showers? Will you goe Dance and dally too and fro, While in the Field they march to charge the Foe? 80 Will you expect a part with them in gaine, While they the blowes and all the brunt sustaine? God shield you should dishonour so your Blood: Nay rather (leaving on this side the Flood Your Wives and Children and (unfit for Battaile) Your aged Parents, and your Heards of Cattell) Come arme your selves, t'advance our Victories, And share with us in Perill, as in Prize.

O noble Prince, (then all the Hoast replide) March-on a Gods name; and good Hap betide: 90 Were <1Canaan>1 turn'd another Wildernes, Were there before us yet more Crimsin Seas, Were <1Horeb, Carmel,>1 and Mount <1Seir>1 set Each upon other (up to Heav'n to get) Wee'll follow thee through all; and only th'end Of our owne Lyves shal our brave Journey end. After the <1Arke,>1 then march they in aray Direct to <1Jordan,>1 praising all the way That living God, whose match-les mighty hand Parted the Sea that they might passe by land. 100 Hoar-headed <1Jordan>1 neatly lodged was In a large Cave built all of beaten Glasse, Whose waved Seeling, with exceeding cost, The <1Nymphes>1 (his Daughters) rarely had embosst With Pearles and Rubies, and in-lay'd the rest With Nacre checks, and Corrall of the best: A thousand Streamlings that n'er saw the Sunne, With tribute silver to his service runne: There <2IRIS, AUSTER>2, and Clouds blewly-black Continually their liquor leave and take: 110 There th'aged Flood lay'd on his mossie bed, And pensive leaning his flag-shaggie head Upon a Tuffe, where th'eating waves incroach, Did gladly waite for <2ISRAEL'S>2 approach: Each haire he hath is a quick-flowing streame, His sweat the gushing of a storme extreame, Each sigh a Billow, and each sob he sounds A swelling Sea that over-flowes his bounds: His weake gray eyes are alwaies seene to weepe, About his loignes a rush-Belt weares he deepe, 120 A Willow Wreathe about his wrinkled browes, His Father <2NEREUS>2 his complexion showes. So soone as Hee their welcome rumour heard, His frostie head above the Waves he rear'd,

With both his hands strooke back behind his eares The waving Tresses of his weeping haires, And then perceaving <2JACOB'S>2 Armie stay'd By his proud streames, he chid them thus, and said, Presumptuous Brooke, dar'st thou ingratefull Torrent, Lift-up thy horne, lash-out thy swelling Corrent 130 Against the Lord, and over-flowe thy bound To stop his passage? shall the Floods profound Of the Proud <1Ocean>1 to his Hoast give-way? Shall <1Egipt>1's honour, shall that Gulfe (I say) That long large Sea, which with his plenteous Waves A third or fourth part of the World be-laves, Shall that yield humbly at his Servants beck? And thou, poore Rill, or gutter (in respect) Resist himselfe (his glorious selfe) that Inns Heere in his <1Arke,>1 betweene the Cherubins? 140 And saying so, he on his shoulder flung His deepe wide Crock that on his hip had hung, And downe his back poures back-ward all his Course: The streame returnes towards his double source; And leaving dry a large deepe Lane betwixt, The fearefull Waves in heaped Hills were fixt, To give God place, and passage to his Hoast, Towards their <1Promis'd>1 and appointed Coast. So, dry they passe (after the sacred <1Oracle)>1 And leave Memorials of that famous Miracle 150 Upon Mount <1Gilgal>1: and their Flesh anon They seale with <1Signe>1 of their Adoption. For, the All-guiding God, th'Almighty Prince, To give to His some speciall difference, Will'd that all Males of <2ABRAHM'S>2 Progenies With sacred Rasor should them <1Circumcise>1: And ever-more, that <2ISAAC'S>2 blessed Race Should in their <1Fore-skin>1 beare his Gage of <1Grace.>1 But, why (sayst thou) should antient <2IZRAEL>2 In such a secret place Record and Seale 160 Th'<1Acte>1 of the <1Covenant>1: and with bloodie smart

Ingrave their glory in a shamefull part? Who blushes at it, is a grace-les Beast: Who shames to see the <1Signe>1 of <1Grace>1 imprest In shamefull part, he is asham'd of <2CHRIST>2 Borne of that Race, and selfly <1Circumcis'd.>1 A hundred subtile Reasons from the Writs Of <1Rabines>1 could I bring: but sober Wits Rest satisfied, conceaving that th'incision Of th'obsca|ene <1Fore-skin,>1 signifies th'abcision 170 Or sacred cutting-off of foule Affects, Be-seeming those whom God for his elects: That God the Fruites of Flesh and Blood dooth hate: And that through <2CHRIST>2 we must regenerate. Now, th'<1Hebrues>1 kept their <1Passe-over>1: and go (By Heav'ns addresse) to mightie <1Jerico,>1 Besieging so the Cittie round about, That feare got in, but nothing could get out. Souldiers (sayd then th'undaunted Generall) Prepare no Mattoks, Ladders, nor Rams at all, 180 To mine, or skale, or batter-downe these Towers: The great, the high, the Mightie God of Powers, Wil fight himselfe alone: and then he bod (As first himselfe had been inform'd by God) That dayly once they all should march the round About the Cittie with Horne-Trumpets sound, Bearing about for only Bannaret The Light-full <1Arke,>1 GODS sacred Cabinet: Their swords un-draw'n, not making any noise, Threat-les their browes, and without braves their voice, 190 No shaft to shoot, no signe of Warre, no glance, And even their March doth rather seeme a Dance. What Childre-spell? what May-game have we here? What, dare you (Gallants) dare you come no neere? Is this your brave Assault? is this your Fight? Ween you with Skar-crowes us (like birds) to fright? (Sayd the besieged) get you some-wheare-els (Poore sotts) to show your Bug-bears and your Spells:

Cease your hoarse musicke, leave the stage alone, Fooles, draw the Curten, now your Play is done. 200 Sixe dayes together had the <1Hebrues>1 thus't About the Towne, seaven-times the seaventh they must; When sacred <1Levites>1 sound more lowde and high, Their hornie trumpes; then all the people crye Come, come (great God) come, batter, batter downe These odious walls, this Idol-wedded Towne. It cracks in th'instant, the foundation shrinks, The mortar crumbles from the yawning chinkes, Each stone is lose, and all the Wall doth quiver, And all at once unto the ground dooth shiver 210 With hideous noise; and th'<1Heathen>1 Garison Is but immur'd with Clowdes of dust alone: So shall you see a Clowd-croun'd Hill sometime, Torne from a greater by the waste of Time; Dreadly to shake, and boundling downe to hop; And roaring, heere it roules tall Cedars up, Theare aged Oakes; it turnes, it spurnes, it hales The lower Rocks into th'affrighted Vales, There sadly sinkes, or sodaine stops the way Of some swift Torrent hasting to the Sea. 220 Boast you (O Bombards) that you Thunder drowne: And vaunt you (Mines) that you turne up-side-downe Rampires and Towers, and Walls the massie-most: Yet, your exploits require both time and cost; You make but a small breach, but a rough way, And (by mischance) oft your owne side betray. But, th'<1Hebrues>1 with a sodaine shoote and crye, A whole great Towne dis-mantle instantly, And (unresisted) entring every-wheare, They exercise all hostile vengeance theare. 230 And, as a sort of lustie Bill-men, sett In Wood-sale time to fell a Cops, by great, Be-stirr them so, that soone with sweating paine They turne an Oake-grove to a Field of graine: So th'<1Hebrue>1 Hoast, without remorse or pittie,

Through all sad corners of the open Cittie, Burne, breake, destroy, bathe them in blood, and toile To lay all levell with the trampled soile: The Idol's Temples, and the delicat Prince-Pallaces are quickly beaten flatt: 240 The Fier lowd-crackling with the Clowdes doth meet, A bloodie Torrent runs through every street, Their venge-full Sword spares neither great nor small, Neither the Childe that on his hands dooth craule, Nor him that weares snow on his shaking head, Ice in his heart; nor the least beast they bred. A deede (indeed) more worthy th'<1Hesiline,>1 Then th'holy <1Hebrues,>1 had the voice Devine Not charg'd them so, and choicely armed them 'Gainst <1Jerico,>1 with his owne <1Anatheme>1: 250 Reserving onely for his <1Sacred Place,>1 The Gold and Silver, th'Iron and the Brasse. Yet, sacrilegious <2ACHAN>2 dar'd to hoord Some pretious Pillage, which incens'd the Lord Against the Camp, so that he let them Flye (For this Offence) before their Enimie. For, when three thousand chosen <1Israelites>1 Were sent to <2HAI>2 t'assault the <1Cananites,>1 The Towne alarm's: their Prince the forwardest (No lesse-brave Souldier then bold Atheist) 260 Armes the broad mountaine of his hairie brest With horrid skales of <1Nilus>1 greedie Beast: His brawnie armes and shoulders, with the skin Of the dart-darting wylie <1Porcupin>1: Hee weares for Helm a Dragons ghastlie head Whereon for Plume a huge Horse-taile doth spreed; Not much unlike a Burch-tree bare belowe, Which at the top in a thicke Tuffe doth grow, Waving with everie winde, and made to kisse Th'Earth, now on that side, and anon on this: 270 In Quiver made of Lezards skins he wears

His poysoned Arrowes; and the Bow he bears Is of a mightie Tree strung with a Cable, His Shafte a Lever, whose keene head is able To pierce all proofe, stone, steele, and Diamant: Thus furnished the Tyrant thus doth vaunt: Sirs, shall we suffer this ignoble Race Thus shamefully us from our owne to chase? Shall they be Victors yer they overcome? Shall our Possessions and our Plenty come 280 Among these Mongrels? Tush, let Children quake At dreames of <2ABRAM:>2 let fainte Women shake At their dread God, at their Sea-drying Lord, I know no Gods above my glittering Sword: This sayd, he sallies, and assaults the Foe With furious skirmish, and doth charge them so, As stormy billowes rush against a Rocke: As boistrous Windes (that have their prison broake) Roare on a Forrest: as Heav'ns sulph'rie Flash Against proud Mountaines surly browes dooth dash. 290 The sacred Troopes (to conquer alwaies wunt) Could not sustaine his first Tempestuous brunt, But turne their backs, and as they flye amaine, Foure lesse then Fortie of their band were slaine. The sonne of <2NUN>2 then (with th'<1Isacian>1 Peers) Before the <1Arke>1 in prostrate wise appeares; Sack on his backe, dust on his head, his eyes Even great with teares, thus to the Lord he cryes: O, what alas? what have we done O Lord? The People destin'd to thy Peoples sword, 300 Conquers thy people; and the <1Cananites>1 (Against thy Promise) chace the <1Izraelites.>1 O Lord, why did not <1Jordans>1 rapid Tide Still stay our Hoast upon the other side? Sith heere, in hope, to get the <1Promis'd>1 more, Wee hazard all that we had wonne before. Reguarde, and guard us; nay, reguard thy Name: O, suffer not the seed of <2ABRAHAM,>2

(Almightie Father, O thou God most high,) To be expos'd to <1Heathen's>1 Tirannie; 310 Much lesse, thy sacred <1Arke,>1 for them to burne: And least of all, thy glorious Selfe to skorne. <2JOSUAH>2 (sayd God) let th'Hoast be sanctifide, And let the Church-Thiefe dye, that dar'd to hyde Th'un-lawfull Pillage of that cursed Towne, (Thy Mayden Conquest, prime of thy Renowne) Then shalt thou vanquish, and the loftie Towers Of <2HAI>2 shall fall under thy war-like powers. The morrow next, after the great <1Assise,>1 <2ACHAN>2 (convicted, not by bare surmize, 320 But by God's Spirit, which undermines our mindes, And cleerly sees our secretest designes, To whom, Chance is no Chance, and Lot no Lot, To whom the Dye uncertaine rouleth not) Is brought without the Hoast with all he hath, And sacrifiz'd unto th'Almighties wrath. Now, between <1Bethel>1 and <2HAI'S>2 westerne Wall, Theare lyes a Valley close inviron'd all Betweene the forking of a Hill so high That it is hidden from all Passers-by, 330 Whose horned cliffs, below are hollowed, And with two Forests arbour'd over-head; 'Tis long and narrow; and a rapid Torrent Bounding from Rocke to Rocke with roaring Corrent Deaffens the Shepheards: so that it should seeme Nature fore-cast it for some stratagem. Thether the Duke (soone after mid-night) guides His choicest Bands, and them their warly hides: Each keepes his place, none speaks, none spetts, none coughs, But all as still as if they marcht on mosse: 340 So fallowe Wolves when they intend to set On fearefull Flocks that in their Folds do bleate, Through silent darkenesse secret wayes do groape; Their feet are fethered with the wings of hope,

They holde their breath, and so still un-discride, They passe hard by the watchfull Mastie's side. Meane-while the howers opened the doores of Day, To let out <1Titan>1 that must needs away, Whose radiant tresses, but with trayling on, Began to guilde the top of <1Libanon>1; 350 When, with the rest of all his Hoast, the <2GRAVE>2 Marcheth amaine to give the Towne a brave. They straight re-charge him: as in season warme The hunnie-makers buissie-buzzing Swarme With humming threats throngs from the little gates Of their round Tower, and with their little hates Fiercely assaile, and wound the naked skinns Of such as come to rob their curious Innes. Why (Cowards) dare you come againe for blowes? Or, doo you long your wretched lives to lose? 360 Come, wee are for you; wee'll dispatch you soon, And for the manie wrongs that you have done Unto our selves, our Neighbours and our Frends, This day our swords shall make us full amends (Crye th'<1Amorites)>1 and th'<1Hebrue>1 Captaine then Flyes, as affrai'd, and with him all his men Disorderly retyre, still faining so, Till (politike) he hath in-trayn'd the Foe Right to his Ambush: then the Souldiers theare Hid in the Vale, hearing their noise so neere, 370 Would faine be at them, were they not with-held By threatning gestures of Commanding Eld: <1So have I seene on>1 <2LAMBORN>2'<1s Pleasant Dounes,>1 <1When yelping Begles or some deeper Hounds>1 <1Have start a Hare, how milke-white>1 Minks <1and>1 Lun <1(Gray-bitches both, the best that ever run)>1 <1Held in one leash, have leapt and strain'd, and whyn'd>1 <1To be restraind, till (to their Master's minde)>1 <1They might be slipt to purpose; that (for sport)>1 Watt <1might have law, neither too-long nor short.>1 380

But, when the <1Heathen>1 had the Ambush past, The Duke thus cheers his sacred Troopes as fast, Sa sa (my harts) turne, turne againe upon-them They are your owne, now charge and cheerely on-them: His redie Souldiers at a beck obay, And on their Foes couragious loade they lay, They shoote, they shocke, they strike, they stab, they kill Th'unhallowed Currs, that yet resisted still; Untill behinde them a new storme arose With horrid noise, which daunts not only those, 390 But with the furie of it's force dooth make The Hills and Forrests and even Hell to quake. <1Pagans,>1 what will you doo? if heere you flye, You fall on <1Caleb,>1 wheare y'are sure to dye: If theare, on <2JOSUAH:>2 O unfortunate, Your help-les Gods in vaine you invocate. Y'are (O forlorne) like Rabets round be-set With wyly Hunters, Dogs and deadly Net: With shrill <1Sa-haw, heere-heere-ho, heere-againe,>1 The Warren rings; th'amazed Game amaine 400 Runnes heere and there; but, if they scape away From Hounds, staves kill them, if from staves the Hay. Yield, yield, and die then, strive not to retire, For, even in Death behold your Towne a-fire. Then <1Gabaon,>1 a mighty Cittie neere, That these Exploits of Heav'ns dread hand did heare, Sent subtilly, to League with <2ISRAEL.>2 No, y'are deceav'd (sayd then th'<1Arch-Colonel>1 The <1Cananites>1 are destin'd long a-goe To Fire and Sword, and utter Over-throwe; 410 From Heav'ns high Judge the sentence dooth proceed, Man may not alter what God hath decreed. Alas! my Lord (replyde th'Embassadors) You may perceave we are no Borderers Upon these Countries; For, our suits, our slops, Our hose and shooes, were new out of the shops, When we set forth from home; and even that day

This Bread was baked when we came away, But the long Journey we have gone hath wore Our cloathes to raggs, and turn'd our Victuals hoare. 420 W'adjure you therefore in the sacred name Of that dread <2GOD>2 to whom your Vowes you frame, By the sweet aire of this delightfull Coast, By the good Angel that conducts your Hoast, By deere embraces of your deerer Wives, And by your Babes (even) deerer then your lyves, By each of these, and all of these together, And by your Armes whose Fame hath drawn us hether, T'have pitty on us, and to sweare unto-us. To save our lives, and not so to undoo-us 430 As these neere Nations: <2ISRAEL>2 accords, And with an Oath confirmes the solemne words, So, I (good Lord) perceaving all the Seed Of <1Sin-full>1 <2ADAM,>2 unto Death decreed, Doom'd to the Vengeance of thy Furie fell, And damn'd for ever to the deepest Hell; Would faine be free: but, if I should (alas) Come, as I am, before thy glorious face, Thou (righteous God) wilt turne thine eyes away, For, Flesh and Blood possesse not Heav'n, for aye; 440 And, the strict Rigour of thy <1Justice>1 pure Cannot (O Lord) the least of Sinnes endure. Oh then, what shall I doo? I'll similize These <1Gabaonites>1: I will my selfe disguize To gull thee, Lord, (for, even a holy Guile Findes with thee grace and favour often-while): I'll put-on (craftie) not the cloake of <1Pride,>1 (For, that was it whereby our Grand-sires dide, And <1Lucifer,>1 with his associates, fell From Joyes of Heav'n, into the Paines of Hell) 450 But th'humble <1Fleece>1 of that sweet sacred <1Lambe>1 Which (for our sakes) upon the <1Crosse>1 became So torne and tatter'd; which the most refuse: Scorne of the <1Gentiles,>1 Scandal of the <1Jewes.>1

And, as a piece of Silver, Tinn, or Lead, By cunning hands with Gold is covered; I, that am all but Lead (or drosse, more base) In fervent Crusible of thy free Grace, I'll guild me all with his pure Beautie's Gold: Borne a new man (by Faith) I'll kill mine old: 460 In Spirit and Life, <2CHRIST>2 shall be mine example, His Spirit shall be my spirit, and I his Temple. I being thus in <2CHRIST,>2 and <2CHRIST>2 in mee, O wilt thou? canst thou, drive us farre from thee? Deprive from promis'd new-<1Jerusalem,>1 <2CHRIST>2 thine owne <1Likenes,>1 and me, <1like>1 to him? Bannish from Heav'n (whose <1Blisse>1 shall never vade) Thy <2CHRIST,>2 by whom; and me, for whom 'twas made? But, O presumption! O too-rash Designe! Alas, to <1Will>1 it only, is not mine: 470 And, though I <1would,>1 my flesh (too-Winter-chill) My Spirit's small sparkles dooth extinguish still. O therefore, thou, thou that canst all, alone; All-sacred Father's like all-sacred Sonne, Through thy deepe Mercy daigne thou to transforme Into thy Selfe me Sin-full silly Worme; That so, I may be welcome to my God, And live in Peace, not where the <1Jewes>1 abode, But in Heav'n-<1Sion>1: and that thou maist be Th'uniting glew betweene my God and me. 480 Now, <1Eglon>1's, <1Hebron>1's, <1Jarmuth>1's, <1Salem>1's Lords, And <1Lachis>1 Kingling (after these Accords) Wroath that their Neighbours had betrayed so Their common Country to their common Foe, Had made so great a breach, and by the hand Lead (as it were) th'<1Hebrues>1 into their Land; Set-upon <1Gabaon>1: but th'<1Isacian>1 Prince, As just as valiant, hasts to hunt them thence, And, resolute to rescue his Allies, He straight bids Battaile to their Enemies. 490 The Fight growes fierce, and winged <1Victorie>1

Shaking her Laurels, rusht confusedly Into the midst; she goes, and comes, and goes, And now she leanes to these, and now to those. <2AUSTER>2 the while from neighbour Mountaines armes A hundred Winters and a hundred Stormes With huge great Haile-shot, driving fiercely-fel In the sterne visage of the Infidel: The roaring Tempest violently retorts Upon themselves the <1Pagans>1 whirling Darts, 500 And in their owne brests their owne Launces bore Where-with they threatned th'Hoast of God before: And (even) as if it envied the Renowne Of valiant <2JOSUAH>2 (now by <2GANGES>2 knowne) With furious shock, the formost Ranks it whirr'd Upon the next, the second on the third: Even as a Bridge of Cards, which Play-full Child Dooth in an evening on a Carpet build, When some Wagg by, upon his Worke dooth blow, If one Arch faile; the rest fall all a-row 510 Each upon other, and the Childe he cries For his lost labour, and againe he tries: If any, resting on his knottie speare, 'Gainst Armes and Stormes yet stand out stifly there, Th'Haile, which the Wind full in his face doth yerk Smarter then Racquets in a Court re-jerk Balls 'gainst the Walls of the black-boorded house, Beats out his eyes, batters his nose, and browes. Then turne the <1Pagans,>1 but without availe, For, instantly the stonie storme of Haile 520 Which flew direct a-front, direct now falls Plumb on their heads, and cleaves their skulls and caules: And ever, as they waver to and fro, Over their Hoast the Haily Clowd doth go: And never hits one <1Hebrue,>1 though betweene, But a sword's length (or not so much) be seen: A buckler one, another a bright helme

Over his threat'ned or sicke head dooth whelme, But, the shield broken, and helme beaten in, Th'Haile makes the hurt bite on the bloodie green. 530 Those that escape betake them to their heeles; <2JOSUAH>2 pursewes, and though his sweat distills From every part, he wounds, he kills, he cleaves: Neither, the Fight imperfect so he leaves, But full of faithfull Zeale and zealous Faith, Thus (O strange language) thus alowd he sayth: Beam of th'Eternall, dayes bright Champion, Spiall of Nature, O All-seeing Sunne, Stay, stand thou still, stand still in <1Gabaon>1; And thou, O Moone i'th'vale of <1Ajalon,>1 540 That th'<1Amorrhites>1 now by their hare-like flight Scape not my hands under all-hyding Night. As a Caroche, draw'n by foure lustie Steedes, In a smooth way whirling with all their speeds, Stops sodainly, if't slip into a slough, Or if it crosse some Log or massie bough: The Day-reducing Chariot of the Sunne, Which now began, towards his West to runn, Stops instantly, and gives the <1Hebrues>1 space To rid the Pagans, that they have in chace. 550 <1Nature,>1 amaz'd; for very anger shakes, And to th'Allmightie her complaint she makes: Seemely she marches with a measur'd pace, Choler puts Cullour in her lovely face, From either nipple of her boosome-Twinns A lively spring of pleasant milke there spinns, Upon her shoulders <1(Atlas->1like) she bears The Frame of All, downe by her side she wears A golden Key, where-with she letteth-forth And locketh-up the Treasures of the Earth: 560 A sumptuous Mantle to her heels hangs downe, Wher-in the <1Heavens,>1 the <1Earth>1 and <1Sea>1 is shown; The Sea in <1Silver>1 woven, the Earth in <1green,>1

The Heav'ns in <1azure,>1 with <1gold>1 threds between: All-quickning <1Love,>1 fresh <1Bewtie,>1 smiling <1Youth,>1 And <1Fruitfulnes,>1 each for her favour sew'th: <1Grace>1 still attends ready to do her honour, <1Riches>1 and <1Plentie>1 alwaies waite upon her. Accoutred thus, and thus accompani'de, With thousand sighs, thus to the Lord she cryde: 570 Shall it be sayd, a Man dooth Heav'n command? Wilt thou permit a braving Souldiers hand To wrong thine eldest Daughter? ah, shall I Have the bare Name, and Hee th'Authoritie To Governe All, and All controule (O Lord) With the bare winde of his ambitious word? Shall I (the World's Lawe) then, receave the lawe At others hands? of others stand in awe? If't be thy pleasure, or thou thinke it fit, To have it so, or so to suffer it 580 (Pardon me (Father) that I am so free) I heere surrender thy Lieutenancie: Bestow't on him, put all into his hand: Who Heav'n commands, He well may Earth command. Why (daughter) know'st thou not (God answers her) That manie times my Mercie dooth transferre Into my Children mine owne power, whear-by They worke (not seldome) mine owne Wonders high? That th'are my sacred Vice-Roys? and that Hee, Who (stript of Flesh) by <1Faith>1 is joyn'd to mee, 590 May remove Mountaines, may drye-up the Seas, May make an Ocean of a Wildernesse? Th'hast seen it (Daughter), therefore, but thou pine In Jelousie of this dread arme of mine, Grudge not at theirs; for they can nothing doo, But what my Spirit inables them unto. O happie Prince, I wonder not at all, If at thy feet the stout <1Anachian>1 fall, If th'<1Amorrhite, Hevite,>1 and <1Chananite,>1

The <1Pheresite, Hethite,>1 and <1Jebusite,>1 600 And huge <1Basanian,>1 by thy daunt-les Hoast Were over-throwne: and, if as swift (almost) As my slow <1Muse>1 thy sacred Conquests sings, Thou <1Cam'st, Saw'st, Conquer'dst>1 more then thirty Kings; Subduing <1Syria,>1 and deviding it Unto twelve Kindreds in twelve portions fit: Sith (O grand Vicare of th'Almightie Lord) With only summons of thy mighty Word, Thou makest Rivers the most deaflie-deepe To lobstarize (backe to their source to creep); 610 Walls give thee way: after thy Trumpets charge, Rock-rushing Tempests doo retreat or charge: <1Sol's>1 at thy service: and the starrie <1Pole>1 Is prowd to passe under thy Muster-Roule. As a blinde man, forsaken of his Guide In some thicke Forest, sad and selfe-beside, Takes now a broad, anon a narrow path, His groaping hand his (late) eyes office hath, Heere at a stub he stumbles, theare the bushes Rake-off his Cloake, heere on a Tree he rushes, 620 Strayes in and out, turnes, this and that way tryes, And at the last falls in a Pit, and dyes: Even so (alas) having their Captaine lost, So blindly wanders <2JACOB'S>2 wilfull Hoast: Contemnes the Fountaine of God's sacred Lawe, From Idoll-Puddles poys'nie drinke to drawe; Forsakes th'olde true God, and new false-gods faines, And with the <1Heathen>1 friendship entertaines. Th'Almighty saw it (for, what sees he not?) And sodainely his furie waxed hot; 630 And on their necke, for his sweet yoake, he layd The Strangers yoake that hard and heavy waighd, But, as an Infant which the Nurce lets goe To goe alone, waves weakely to and fro, Feeles his feete faile, cryes out, and but (alas) For her quick hand, would fall and breake his face:

So <2JACOB,>2 justly made afflictions thrall, Is never readie in the Pit to fall Of pale Dispaire, but (if he crie, and crave-him) God still extends his gracious hand to save-him: 640 Raysing some <1Worthie>1 that may breake in sunder The Gyves and Fetters that he labours under. So then, assisted by th'immortall hand, Brave <2ISRAEL>2 brings under his Command <2JERUSALEM, LUZ, BETHEL, ACCARON,>2 <2SESAI,>2 and <2THOLMAI, GAZA,>2 and <2ASCALON,>2 And <2BEZEC>2 too, whose bloodie Tirant fled, Is caught againe, and payd with Cake for Bread: To selfe-taught Torture he himselfe is put, His sacriligious Thumbs and Toes be cut. 650 Whereby, more inly prickt, then outly payn'd, God's Vengeance just he thus confess't, and playn'd. O hand, late Scepter-grac't, O hand, that late <2EGIPT>2 did dread, and <2EDOM>2 tremble at, O hand, that (armed) durst even <2MARS>2 defie, And could'st have pull'd proud <2JUPITER>2 from high: Now, where-to serv'st thou, but t'augment my moane? Thou canst not now buckle mine Armour on; Nor wield my mighty Launce with brazen head, Ah no (alas) thou canst not cut my bread. 660 O feete (late) winged to pursue the flight Of hundred Armies that I foil'd in fight, Now you have lost your Office, now alas, You cannot march; but limp about this place. But, 'tis the just God, the just hand of Heav'n In mine owne Coine hath me my Payment given: For, seventy Kings, thus maim'd of Toes and Thumbes, I, insolent, have made to lick the crummes Under my boord (like Dogs) and drawne perforce To serve for blocks when I should mount my Horse. 670 Therefore (O Kings) by mine example learne To bound your rage, limit your furie sterne: O Conquerours, be warned all by me;

Be to your Thralls, as God to you shall be: Men, pitty Man, wretched and over-throwne; And think his case may one-day be your owne: For, Chance dooth change: and none a-lyve can say, He happy is, untill his Dying day: The Foe that after Victorie survives, Not for himselfe, but for your glory lives: 680 Th'Olive's above the Palme: and th'happiest King His greatest Triumph, is Self-triumphing. But, <2ISRAEL,>2 wallowing in his mire againe Soone lost the glory former armes did gaine; And goods and bodies easie Booties bin To <2ARAM, MOAB,>2 and the <2PHILISTIN.>2 What help (O <2JACOB)?>2 th'hast nor Armes, nor Head, Thy Fields with bones of thine owne bands be spread, And th'only name of thy profaner Foe, Congeales thy blood, and chills thy hart for woe. 690 Flie, flie, and hie thee quickly to recover The all-proofe Target of thine ancient Lover, Thy gracious God, the glorious Tirant-tamer, Terror of terrors, <1Heathens>1 dreadfull hammer. Ah, see already how he rescues thee From th'odious Yoake of <1Pagan>1 Tirannie, Breaking the Fetters of thy bondage fel, By <2AHOD, BARAC,>2 and <2OTHONIEL,>2 And Goad-man <2SANGAR,>2 whose industrious hand With Oxe-teem tills his tributarie Land, 700 When <1Philistines,>1 with Sword and Fierie furie, Slaughter the <1Jewes,>1 and over-runne all <1Jurie>1; Deflower the Virgins, and with lustfull-spight Ravish chaste Matrones in their Husbands sight: He leaves his Plough, he calls upon his God, And only armed with his slender Goad, Alone he sets on all the Heathen Camp: A <1Pagan>1 Captaine weenes him thus to damp, What meanes this Foole (saith he) goe silly Clowne, Get thee to Plough, go home and till thy ground, 710

Go prick thy Bullocks; leave the Works of <2MARS>2 To my long-train'd, still-conquering Souldiars. First learne thou Dog (replies the <1Israelite)>1 To know my strength (rather th'Almightie's might): And on his head he layes him on such load With two quick vennies of his knottie Goad, And with the third, thrusts him betweene the eyes, That downe he falls, shaking his heeles, and dies. Then steps another forth, more stout and grim Shaking his Pike, and fierce lets flie at him: 720 But <2SANGAR>2 shuns the blow, and with his stroake, The <1Pagans>1 leg short-off in sunder broake; On th'other yet, a while he stands and fights; But th'<1Hebrew>1 Champion such a back-blow smights That flat he layes him; then with furie borne, Forward he leapes, and in a Martiall scorne, Upon his panch sets his victorious foot, And treads and tramples, and so stamps into't, That blood and bowels (mingled with the bruize) Halfe at his mouth, halfe at his sides he spewes: 730 As, on Wine-hurdles those that dance (for meed) Make with sweet <1Nectar>1 every wound to bleed, Each Grape to weepe, and crimsin streames to spin Into the Vate set to receave them in. Thence thirty steps, a chiefe Commander prest, And proudly wags his feather-clouded Crest, And cries, come hether (Cow-heard) come thou hether, Come let us cope, but thou and I together; I'll teach thee (Peasant) and that quickly too, Thou hast not with thy fellow Swaines to doo, 740 That on Mount <1Carmel>1's stormie top doo feed: No, heere (poore sot) thou other fence shalt need. <2SANGAR>2 runnes at him and he runnes so fierce, That on his staffe him sixe steps back he beares; Beares downe another with him, and another, That but with gesture stood directing other:

As, when 'tis darke, when't raines, and blusters rough, A thund'ring Tempest with a sulphurie puffe Breakes downe a mighty Gate, and that another, And that a third, each opposite to other: 750 Smoake, dust, and doore-falls, with stormes roaring din, Dismay the stoutest that Command within; The common sort (beside their little wits) Skarr'd from their beds, dare not abide the streets: But, in their shirts over the Walls they runne, And so their Towne, yer it be ta'en, is wunne; The suddaine Storme so inly-deepe dismayes-them, That feare of Taking, to dispaire betrayes-them. Amid their Hoast, then bravely rushes <2SANGAR,>2 His sinnewie Arme answers his sacred Anger: 760 Who flyes, or followes, he a-like besteds: On scattered heapes of slaughtered Foes he treads. This, with his elbow heere he over-turnes, That, with his brow; this, with his foote he spurnes; Heer, with his Staff he makes in shivers fly Both caske and skull, and there he breakes a thigh, An arme, a leg, a rib, a chin, a cheek; And th'hungrie Shepheard hardly beats so thick Nutts from a Tree, as <2SANGAR>2 Foes beats downe: With swords and shields, and shafts, the Field is sowne: 770 Alone he foiles a Camp: and on the Plaine There lye sixe hundred of the <1Heathen>1 slaine. Almightie God, how thou to Thine art good: Thy peoples Foes are not alone subdu'd By a rude Clowne, whose hard-wrought hands, before Nothing but spades, coulters, and bills had bore: But, by a silly Woman, to whose hand Thou for a time committest the Command, Of <2IZRAEL:>2 for, of no other Head Nor Lawe, nor Lord, they for a time are sped, 780 But prudent <2DEBORA:>2 unto whose Throne Fly those whose heads with age are hoarie grown, And those great Rabbies that do gravely sitt

Revolving Volumes of the highest Writt: And He that in the Tabernacle serves, Her sacred voice as Oracles observes: None from her presence ever comes confus'd: And, gotten skill, gives place to skill infus'd. O <2JACOB'S>2 Lanthorn, Load-star pure, which lights On these rough Seas the rest of <1Abramites>1 790 (Sayd then the People) what shall us befall? <2JABIN'S>2 fell yoake our wearie necks dooth gall: Wee are the Butts unto all Pagan darts, And colde Dispaire knocks at our dores (our harts). <2IZRAEL>2 (sayth she) be of good cheer; for now God Warrs upon your Foes, and Leagues with you: Thear-fore, to Field now let your Youth advance, And in their rests couch the revenging Launce: This sayd, on <2BARAC>2 shee a Shield bestowes, Indented on the brims, which plaine fore-shewes 800 In curious Bosse-worke (that doth neatly swell) The (wonn and lost) Battailes of <2IZRAEL,>2 As an abridgement, where to life appeare The noblest Acts of eight or nine skoare yeare. Lo heer an Armie, stooping by the side Of a deep River (with their Thirst halfe-dri'd) Supps, licks, and laps the streame: of all which rowte, The Captaine chuses but three hundred out And arming each but with a Trump and Torch, About a mightie Pagan Hoast dooth march, 810 Making the same, through their dread sodaine sound, With their owne armes them-selves to inter-wound: A hellish rage of mutuall furie swells The bloodie harts of barbarous Infidells, So that the friends that in one Couch did sleep, Each others blade in eithers brest doo steep: And all the Campe with head-les dead is sowne, Cut-off by Cozen-swords, killd by their owne. Lo there, another valiant Champion, Who, having late tryumphant Laurels wonne; 820

His heed-les Vow (in-humane) to full-fill, His only Daughter dooth unkindely kill: The frantike Mother, all unbrac't (alas) With silver locks unkemb'd about her face; Arming her rage, with nayles, with teeth, and tongue, Runns-in, and rushes through the thickest throng, And, she will save, and she will have (she sayes) Her Deer, her Daughter; and then hold she layes Upon the Mayde, and tearing-off her Coat, Away she runns, thinking she her had got. 830 The Priest dissolves in teares, th'Offring is cheerefull; The Murdred's valiant, and the Murderer fearefull: The Father leades with slow and feeble pace, The Daughter seemes to run to death a-pace, As if the Chaplet that her temples tyes, Were <1Hymen's>1 Flowers, not Flowers for Sacrifice: Her grace and bewties still augment; (in fine) Who so beholds her sweet, love-darting Eyne, Her Cheek's, Lip's, Brow's fresh Lillies, Corral, Jett: He sees (or seemes to see) a Sunne to set. 84o And (to conclude) the Graver, Maule, and Mould, Have given such life to th'Iron, Brasse, and Gold, That heer wants nothing but the Mothers skreech, The Fathers sigh, and the sweet Daughters speech. Lo heer, another shakes his unshaven tresses, Tryumphing on a Lyon torne in peeces: O match-les Champion! Pearle of men-at-armes, That emptiest not an Arcenal of Armes, Nor needest shops of <1Lemnian>1 Armourers, To furnish weapons for thy glorious Warrs: 850 An Asse's Jawe-bone is the Club wher-with Thy mighty arme, braines, beats, and battereth Th'uncircumcised Campe: all quickly skud; And th'Hoast that flew in dust, now flowes in blood. Heer, th'Iron Gates, whose hugenesse woont to shake The massie Towers of <1Gaza,>1 thou doost take

On thy broad showlders: there (in seeming jest) Crushing their Pallace-pillars (at a feast) Thou over-whelm'st the Howse, and with the fall The <1Philistines>1 blaspheming Princes all. 860 Heer, from ones head, which two huge coines doo crush, (As whay from Cheese) the battred braines doo gush: Heer lyes another in a deadly swound, Nayl'd with a broaken rafter to the ground: Another, heer pasht with a pane of wall, Hath lost his soule, and bodies shape withall: Another, heer ore-taken as he fled, Lyes (Tortois-like) all hidden but the head: Another, covered with a heap of lome, Seemes with his mooving to re-move his Toombe: 870 Even as the soft, blinde, Mine-inventing Moule, In velvet Robes under the Earth doth roule, Refusing light, and little aire receaves, And hunting wormes her mooving hillocks heaves. Lo lower heer, a beastly Multitude On one poore Woman all their lusts intrude; Whose Spouse (displeasd with th'execrable Fact) Into twelve Peeces her dead Bodie hackt, And, to twelve Parts of <2ISRAEL>2 them transfers, As twelve quick tinders of intestine Warrs. 880 And lower yet, behold (with hatefull scorne) The <2ARKE>2 of God to <2DAGON'S>2 temple borne; But, th'Idol yields to <2GOD,>2 and <2DAGON>2 falls Before the <2ARKE,>2 which <1Heathen's>1 pride appalls. <2BARAC>2 thus arm'd, th'<2ASORIANS>2 sets-upon, That bright in brasse, steele, gold, and silver shone: But, his young Souldiers were much daunted tho, To see the fearefull Engines of the Foe: Nine hundred Chariots, whirling swift and light, Whose glistering irons dazle even their sight; 890 Whose barded Steeds beare in their heads a Blade Of the right temper of <2DAMASCUS>2 made

(As proud of it, as Unicornes are wont Of their rich Weapon that adornes their Front) Amid'st their Pettral stands another Pike: On either side, long grapples (Sickle-like); The like at either Nave: so that (in Warrs) 'Tis present death t'approch these broaching Carrs. But <2DEBORA,>2 her Troopes incouraging, Bestirs her quick, and steps from wing to wing, 900 Courage (saith she) brave Souldiers, sacred Knights, Strike, and strike home, lay-on with all your mights, Stand, feare them not (O Champions of the Faith) God drives your Foes into the snares of Death. Doubt-les, they are your owne: their armed Charrets They are but Buggs to daunt dejected spirits: No, no, (my Harts) not Armes, nor Engines glorious, But 'tis the hart that makes a Camp victorious: Or rather, 'tis God's Thunder-throwing hand, Which only dooth all Warr's successe command: 910 And, <2VICTORIE'S>2 his Daughter, whom he now (For his owne sake) frankly bestowes on you. Even as a sort of Shepheards, having spide A Wolfe come stealing downe a Mountaines side, Crie shrill, <1now-now,>1 up-hill, <1a Wolfe, a Wolfe;>1 <1Now-now>1 (sayes <1Eccho)>1 up-hill, <1a Wolfe, a Wolfe>1; And such a noise betweene the Vales dooth rise, That th'hungry Thiefe hence without hunting flies: So th'<1Hebrues,>1 hart'ned with her brave Discourse, Gave such a showt, that th'armed Carrs and Horse 920 Turne suddaine back, their Drivers Arte deceave, And changing side, through their owne Armie cleave. Some, with the blades in every Coursers brow, Were (as with Lances) boared through and through: Some torne in peeces with the whirling wheeles, Some troad to death under the Horses heeles: As (in some Countries) when in Season hot, Under Horse feet (made with a whip to trot) They use to thresh the sheaves of Winter-Corne,

The graine spurts-out, the straw is bruis'd and torne. 930 Some (not direct before the Horse, nor under) Were with the Sythes mow'n in the midst a-sunder: As in a Mead the Grasse yet in the flower, Falls at the foot of the wide-stradling Mower; That with a stooping back, and stretched arme, Cuts-crosse the swaths to Winter-feed his Farme. If there rest any, resolute and loth, To lose so soone their armes and honors both At first assault, but rather bravely bent To see so fierce and bloodie Fight's event; 940 Both <2DEBORA>2 and <2BARAC>2 thether pli'de: But (as 'tis writ of the milde <2AMRAMIDE,>2 And <2NUN'S>2 great Sonne, that Heav'n-deere <2MARS->2like man, Who did transplant the Tribes to <2CANAAN)>2 She (in the zeale of her religious sprite) Lifts-up her hands to pray, and he to fight. He charges fierce, he wounds, he slaughters all But <2SISARA,>2 their Captaine generall; Who flies to <2JAHEL,>2 and by her is slaine, Driving a naile into his sleeping braine. 950 At last, the Helm of head-strong <2ISRAEL>2 Comes to the hand of famous <2SAMUEL;>2 One rarely-wise, who weds his Policie, To devine Gifts of sacred Prophecie: But, his too-greedy Sonnes, digressing quite From his good steps, dis-taste the <2ISRAELITE>2 Of th'ancient <2RULE>2 of th'Heav'nly Potentate: So that all seeke a suddaine <1Change>1 of <2STATE.>2 Assembled then in sacred <2PARLAMENT,>2 Up starts a Fellow of a meane Discent 960 (But of great spirit, well-spoken, full of wit, And courage too, aspiring high to sit) And having gain'd attention, thus he sayes: Divine Designe! O Purpose worthie-praise,

To now-<1Reforme>1 the <2STATE:>2 and soundly <1heale>1 With holesome Lawes th'hurts of the <1Common-weale>1: But (prudent <2ISRAEL)>2 take now heed (or never); Change not an Ague for a burning-Fever: In shaking-off confused <1Anarchie,>1 To be intice't t'imbrace a <1Monarchie,>1 970 Admir'd of Fooles, ador'd of Flatterers, Of Softlings, Wantons, Braves, and Loyterers: The Freedome and Defence of the base Rabble, But to brave mindes a Yoak intollerable. For, who can brooke, milions of men to measure Breath, Life, and Mooving, all at One mans pleasure? One, to keep all in awe? One, at a beck A whole great Kingdome to controule and check? Is't not a goodly sight, to see a Prince, Void of all Vertue, full of insolence, 980 To Play with Noble States, as with a strawe? A Foole, to give so many Wise the Lawe? A Beast, to governe Men? An Infant, Eld? A Hare to lead fierce Lions to the Field? Who is't but knowes, that such a Court as this, Is th'open Shop of selling Offices? Th'harbour of Riot, stewes of Ribaldrie, Th'haunt of Profusion, th'Hell of Tirannie? That no-where shines the <2REGAL>2 Diadem, But (Comet-like) it boads all Vice extreme? 990 That not a King among ten thousand Kings, But to his Lust his Lawe in bondage brings? But (shame-les) triumphes in the shame of Wives? But bad, preferrs the bad, and good deprives? But guildeth those that glorifie his Follie; That sooth, and smooth, and call his Hell-nes holie? But with the Torrent of continuall Taxes (Pour'd every-where) his meanest Subjects vexes: As an ill-stated Body doth distill On's feeblest parts his cold-rawe humors still. 1000 That Forme of <2RULE>2 is a right <1Common-weale,>1

Where all the <1People>1 have an Enter-deale: Where, (with-out awe or lawe) the Tirants swoord Is not made drunke with blood, for a Miss-woord: Where, Each (by turne) dooth <1Bid>1 and dooth <1Obaye>1 Where, still the <1Commons>1 (having Soveraine-<1Swaye)>1 Share equally both Rigour and Reward To each-man's merit; giving no reguard To ill-got Wealth, nor mouldie Monuments From great-great-Grand-sires skutcheon'd in Discents: 1010 Where, <1Learned>1 Men, un-soule-clog'd (as it were) With servile gyves of Kings imperious Feare, Flye even to Heav'n; and by their Penns inspire Posteritie with Vertue's glorious Fier: Where, Honour's honest Combat never ceases, Nor Vertue languishes, nor Valour leeses His sprightful nerves, through th'Envie of a <2PRINCE,>2 That cannot brooke anothers excellence: Or, Pride of those who, from great Elders sprung, Have nothing but Their glorie on their tongue, 1020 And deeming Others Worth, inough for them, <1Vertue>1 and <1Valour,>1 and all <1Artes>1 contemne: Or, base Dispaire, in those of meaner Calling, Who, on the ground still (woorme-like) basely crawling, Dare not attempt (nor scarcely think, precise) Any great Act or glorious Enterprise; Because Ambition, Custome, and the Lawe, From high Estate hath bounded them with awe. Where, Hee that never rightly learn'd t'obay, Commandeth not, with heavie Sword of <1Sway>1: 1030 Where, each i'th'Publike having equall part, All to save all, will hazard life and hart: Where, <1Libertie>1 (as deere as life and breath) Borne with us first, consorts us to our Death. Shall savage Beasts like better Nuts and Mast In a free Forrest, then our choise Repast In iron Cages? and shall we (poore Sots) Whom Nature Maisters of our selves alots,

And Lords of All besides: shall we goe draw On our owne necks an ease-les Yoake of Awe? 1040 Rather (O <2JACOB)>2 choose we all to die, Then to betray our Native <1Libertie,>1 Then to become the sporting Tennis-ball Of a proud <1Monarch>1: or to yield us thrall To serve or honour any other King Then that dread LAWE which did from SINA ring. Another then, whom Age made venerable, Knowledge admir'd, and Office honorable, Stands-up, and speakes (majestically-milde) On other Piles the COMMON-WEALE to builde. 1050 Doubt-les (said he) with waste of Time and Soape, Y'have labour'd long to wash an <2A|ETHIOPE:>2 Y'have drawne us heere a godly forme of <2STATE,>2 (And well we have had proofe of it of late): Shall we againe the Sword of <2JUSTICE>2 put In mad-mens hands, soone their owne throats to cut? What Tigre is more fierce? what Beare more fel? What Chaffe more light? What Sea more apt to swel Then is th'unbrideled Vulgar, passion-toss't; In calmes elated, in foule-weather lost? 1060 What boote deep Projects if to th'eyes of all They must be publisht in the common-Hall? Sith knowne Designes are dangerous to act: And, th'un-close Chiefe, did never noble fact. <2DEMOCRATIE>2 is as a tossed Ship Void both of <1Pole>1 and Pilot in the Deep: A <1Senate>1 fram'd of thousand Kinglings sleight, Where, voices passe by number, not by waight; Where, wise men doo propound, and Fooles dispose: A Faier, where all things they to sale expose: 1070 A Sinke of Filth, where aye th'infamousest, Most bold and buisie, are esteemed best: A Parke of savage Beasts that each-man dreads: A Head-les Monster with a thousand heads.

What shall we then doo? shall we by and by In Tirants pawes deject us servilely? Nay, rather, shunning these extremities; Let us make choise of men upright and wise; Of such whose Vertue dooth the Land adorne, Of such whom Fortune hath made Noble-borne, 1080 Of such as Wealth hath rais'd above the pitch Of th'abject Vulgar; and to th'hands of such, (Such as for Wisedome, Wealth, and Birth excell) Let us commit the Raynes of <2ISRAEL:>2 And ever from the sacred Helme exclude The turbulent, base, moodie <1Multitude.>1 Take away Choise, and where is Vertue's grace? What? shall not Chance unto Desert give place? And Lotts, to Right? Shall not the blinde be led By those whose eyes are perfect in their head: 1090 Chiefely, amid such baulks, and blocks, and Pitts, As in best <1State->1pathes the best <1States->1man meets? Who may bee better trusted with the key Of a great Chest of Gold and Jems then they That got the same? And who more firm and fitt At <1carefull>1 Sterne of <2POLICIE>2 to sit, Then such as in the Ship most venture beare: Such as their owne wrack with the State's wrack feare: Such as, Content, and having Much to loose, Even Death it selfe rather then Change would chuse? 1100 While he discourst thus on a Theam so grave, Up-rose a Gallant, noble, yong, and brave, Foe to the Vulgar, one that hope't (perchance) One-day t'attaine a Scepters governance, And thus he speakes: Your <2RULE>2 is yet too <1Free.>1 Y'have proin'd the leaves, not boughes of <1Publike-Tree>1 Y'have qualified, but not <1yet>1 cur'd our Griefe: Y'have in our Field still left the tares of Strife, Of Leagues and Factions. For, pluralitie Of Heads and Hands to sway an <1Emperie,>1 1110 Is for the most part like untamed Bulls:

One, this-way hales, another that way pulls: All, everie-way; hurried with Passion's winds Whether their Lust-stormes doo transport their mindes At length, the strongest bears the weakest downe, And to himselfe wholy Usurps the Crown: And so (in fine) your <1Aristocratie,>1 Hee by degrees brings to a <1Monarchie.>1 In briefe, the Scepter <1Aristocratike,>1 And <1People-Sway,>1 have <1symtomes>1 both a-like: 1120 And neither of them can be permanent For want of <1Union>1; which, of Governement Is both the Life-blood, and Preservative Whereby a <2STATE>2 young, strong, and long doth thrive. But, <2MONARCHIE>2 is as a goodly Station, Built skilfully, upon a sure Foundation: A quiet House, wherein (as principall) One Father is obey'd and serv'd of all: A well-rigd Ship, where (when the danger's neere) A manie Masters strive not who shall steere. 1130 The World hath but One God: Heav'n but One Sun, Quailes but One Chief: the Hunnie-Birds but One One Maister-Bee: and Nature (natively) Graves in our hearts the Rule of <2MONARCHY.>2 At sound of whose Edicts, all joynt-proceed: Under whose Sway, Seditions never breed: Who while consulting with Colleagues he stands, Letts not the Victorie escape his hands: And, that same <1Majestie>1 which (as the Base And Pedestal) supports the waight and grace, 1140 Greatnes and glory of a well-Rul'd <1State,>1 Is not extinguisht nor extenuate, By beeing parcelliz'd to a pluralitie Of pettie Kinglings of a meane Equalitie: Like as a goodly River, deepe and large, Able to bear Ships of the greatest Charge,

If, through new Dikes, his trade-full Waters guided, Be in a hundred little Brookes devided; No Bridge more feares, nor Sea more waighs the same; But soone it loses both his trade and name. 1150 And (to conclude) a wise and worthy <1Prince,>1 A KING, compleat in Royall excellence, Is even the Peoples prop, their powerfull Nerves, And lively Lawe, that all intire preserves: His Countrie's life, and soule; sight, and fore-sight, And even th'Almightie's sacred Picture right. While yet he spake; the People loudly cry'd, A KING, a KING; wee'll have a KING for Guide. He shall command: He shall conduct our Hoasts, And make us Lords of th'<2IDUMEAN>2 Coasts. 1160 Ingrate (said <2SAMUEL)>2 will you then reject Th'Almighties Scepter? doo you more affect New <2POLICIE,>2 then his old <2PROVIDENCE?>2 And change th'Immortall for a mortall Prince? Well (Rebells) well, you shall, you shall have one. But, doo yee know what followes there-upon? Hee, from your Ploughes shall take your Horses out, To serve his Pomp, and draw his Traine about In gilden Coaches (a wilde wanton sort Of Popinjayes and Peacocks of the Court): 1170 He shall your choisest Sonnes and Daughters take To be his Servants (nay his slaves to make): You shall plant Vineyards, he the Wine shall sup: You shall sowe Fields, and he shall reap the Crop: You shall keepe Flocks, and he shall take the Fleece: And <2PHARAO'S>2 Yoake shall seeme but light to his. But, <2IZRAEL>2 dooth wilfull still persever, And <2SAMUEL>2 (prest and importun'd ever) Anointeth <2SAUL>2 (the sonne of <2CIS>2) a Man Whose cursed end marr'd what he well began. 1180 You, too-too-light, buissie, ambitious witts, That Heav'n and Earth confound with furious fitts: Fantastike Frantiks, that would innovate,

And every moment change your forme of <2STATE:>2 That weening high to flye, fall lower still: That though you change your bed, change not your Ill: See, See how much th'Almightie (the most High) Heer-in abhorrs your fond inconstancie. The <2PEOPLE-STATE,>2 the <2ARISTOCRATIE,>2 And sacred KINGDOME, tooke authoritie 1190 A-like from Heav'n: and these three Scepter-formes Flourish a-vie, as well in Arts and Armes, As prudent Lawes. Therefore, you stoute <1Helvetians,>1 <1Grisons, Genevians, Ragusins, Venetians,>1 Maintaine your Liberties and change not now Your sacred Lawes rooted so deepe with you. On th'other side, we that are borne and bred Under KINGES Awe, under one <1Supreme Head,>1 Let us still honor their dread <1Majesties>1: Obey their Lawes, and pay them Subsidies. 1200 Let's read, let's hear no more these factious Teachers, These shame-les <1Tribunes,>1 these seditious Preachers, That in all places alwayes belch and barke Alowd a-broad or whisper in the darke, Rayling at Princes (whether good or bad) The true Lieutenants of Allmightie God. And let not us, before a KING, preferre A <1Senate->1sway, nor Scepter <1Popular.>1 'Tis better bear the <1Youth-slips>1 of a KING, I'th'<1Law>1 some fault, I'th'<1State>1 some blemishing, 1210 Then to fill all with Blood floods of <1Debate,>1 While, to <1Reforme,>1 you would <1Deforme>1 a <2STATE.>2 One cannot (with-out danger) stirr a stone In a great Building's old foundation: And, a good Leach seekes rather to support, With ordered dyet, in a gentle sort, A feeble Bodie (though in sickly plight) Then with strong Med'cines to destroy it quight. <1And therefore,>1 Cursed, <1ever>1 Cursed <1bee>1 <1Our>1 Hell-<1spurr'd>1 <2PERCIE'S>2 <1fel>1 Conspiracie; 1220

<1And every>1 head <1and every>1 hand <1and>1 hart, <1That did>1 Conceive <1or but>1 Consent <1his part:>1 <2POPE->2<1prompted>1 Atheists, <1fayning>1 Superstition, <1To cover>1 Crueltie <1and cloake>1 Ambition<1:>1 <1Incarnate Devills, Enimies of Man,>1 <1Dam-Murdering Vipers, Monsters in-humane,>1 <1Dis-natur'd>1 <2NEROS,>2 <1impious>1 <2EROSTRATS,>2 <1That with one>1 Puffe <1would>1 blow-up <1all>1 Estates <1:>1 Prince's <1and>1 Peere's, and People's <1Governement>1 <1(For, of all Three consists our>1 <2PARLAMENT)>2 1230 Religion, Order, Honestie, <1and all,>1 <1And more then all that>1 Fear <1can fear to fall:>1 <1And therefore,>1 Blessed, <1ever>1 Blessed <1bee>1 <1Our glorious>1 GOD's <1immortal Majestie;>1 <2ENGLAND'S>2 <1Great>1 Watch-man, <1he that>1 Israel <1keepes,>1 <1Who>1 never slumbers <1and who never>1 sleepes <1:>1 <1Our gracious>1 Father, <1whose still-firme affection>1 <1Defends us still with wings of his Protection:>1 <1Our loving>1 Saviour <1that thus Saves us still>1 <1(Us so unworthy, us so prone to Ill:>1) 1240 <1Our sacred>1 Comforter <1(the Spirit of Light)>1 <1Who steers us still in the>1 True <2FAITH>2 <1aright:>1 <1The>1 <2TRINITIE,>2 <1th'Eternall>1 <2THREE>2 <1in>1 <2ONE,>2 <1Who by his Power and Providence alone,>1 <1Hath from the Furnace of their>1 Fierie <1Zeale>1 <1Preserv'd our>1 <2PRINCE,>2 <1our>1 <2PEERES,>2 <1our>1 <2PUBLIKE-WEALE.>2 <1Therefore, O>1 <2PRINCE>2 <1(our nostrels deerest breath)>1 <1Thou true>1 Defender <1of true Christian>1 <2FAITH,>2 <1O let the Zeale of>1 <2GOD'S>2 <1House eate thee up:>1 <1Fill>1 <2BABILON>2 <1her measure in her>1 Cup<1:>1 1250 <1Maime the king-maiming Kinglings of>1 Bezec<1:>1 <1Pittie not>1 Agag, <1spare not>1 Amalech<1:>1 <1Hunt, hunt those>1 Foxes <1that would under-mine>1 <1Roote, Body, Branches of the>1 Sacred Vine<1:>1 <1O spare them not: to spare them, is to spoile>1 <1Thy Selfe, thy Seed, thy Subjects, and thy Soile.>1 <1Therefore, O>1 <2PEERES,>2 <1Prince-loyal>1 Paladines,

<1True-noble>1 Nobles, <1lay-by by-Designes;>1 <1And, in God's quarrell and your Countries, bring>1 <1Counsaile and Courage to assist your>1 KING 1260 <1To counter-mine against the>1 Mines <1of>1 <2ROME>2<1;>1 <1To conquer>1 Hydra, <1and to over-come>1 <1And cleane cut-off his Harnes, and Heads, and all>1 <1Whose harts doo>1 Vow, <1or knees doo>1 Bow <1to>1 Baal<1:>1 <1Be Zealous for the>1 <2LORD,>2 <1and Faith-full now,>1 <1And honour Him, and Hee will honour you.>1 <2FATHERS,>2 <1and>1 Brethren <1(Ministers of>1 <2CHRIST)>2 <1Cease civill Warrs, warr all on>1 Anti-Christ, <1Whose subtle>1 Agents, <1while you>1 strive <1for shells,>1 <1Poyson the kernel with>1 Erronious <1Spells:>1 1270 <1Whose Envious>1 Seed-men, <1while you>1 Silent <1Sleepe,>1 <1Sowe>1 Tares <1of>1 Treason, <1which take roote too-deep,>1 <1Watch, watch your Fold: Feed, feed your Lambes at-home:>1 Muzzle <1these>1 Sheep-clad <1bloodie>1 Wolves <1of>1 <2ROME.>2 <1Therefore, O>1 <2PEOPLE,>2 <1let us Praise, and Praye>1 <1Th'Allmightie-most (whose Mercie lasts for aye)>1 <1To give us grace to ever-keepe in-minde>1 <1This>1 <2MIRACLE>2 <1of his>1 Protection <1kinde:>1 <1To true->1Repent <1us of our hainous>1 Sinne (Pride, Lust, <1and>1 Loosenes) <1we have wallowed in:>1 1280 <1To stand still>1 constant <1in the>1 pure Profession <1Of true>1 <2RELIGION>2 <1(with a due discretion>1 <1To>1 trye <1the>1 Spirits, <1and by peculiar choice>1 <1To know our>1 Shepheard's <1from th'>1Hya|ena's <1voice):>1 <1And ever loyal to our>1 <2PRINCE,>2 <1t'expose>1 <1Goods, Lands, and Lives, against his hate-ful Foes,>1 <1Among whom (Lord) if (yet) of>1 Thine <1bee found,>1 <1Convert them quickly, and the rest>1 Confound. <1And (to Conclude)>1 <2PRINCE, PEERS,>2 <1and>1 <2PEOPLE>2 <1too,>1 <1Praise all at once; and selfly, each of you>1 1290 <1His>1 Holy Hand, <1that (like as long-agoe,>1 <1His>1 Sidrach Misach <1and>1 Abednego) <1From the hot>1 Fournace <1of>1 <2POPE->2Powder'd <1Zeale>1 <1Hath Sav'd our>1 <2PRINCE,>2 <1our>1 <2PEERS,>2 <1our>1 <2PUBLIKE->2weal.

THE TROPHEIS THE I PART OF THE IIII DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 Saul's <1fall from>1 Favour, <1into Gods>1 Disgrace. David <1design'd>1 Successor <1in his Place;>1 <1Braving>1 Goliah, <1and the>1 Philistins <1He bravely foiles: He flyeth his furious Prince.>1 <1Seem->1Samuel <1rais'd:>1 Saul <1routed; selfely-slain.>1 <1King->1Davids <2TROPHIES,>2 <1and triumphant Raign:>1 <1His heavenly>1 Harp-<1skil (in King>1 <2JAMES>2 <1renewd):>1 <1His humane frailty, heavily pursewd.>1 Bersabe+ <1batheing:>1 Nathan <1bold-reproving:>1 David <1repenting (Our>1 <2REPENTANCE>2 <1moving).>1 Heroike force and Prince-fit forme withall, Honor the Scepter of couragious <1Saul>1; Successe confirmes it: for, the power Divine Tames by his hand th'outragious <1Philistine,>1 <1Edom,>1 and <1Moab,>1 and the <1Ammonite,>1 And th'ever-wicked, curst <1Amalekite>1: O too-too-happy, if his arrogance Had not transgrest Heavens sacred Ordinance: But therefore, God in's secret Counsel (just) Him even already from his Throne hath thrust, 10 Degraded of his gifts: and in his steed (Though privily) anointed <1Jesses>1 Seed, Th'honour of <1Jacob,>1 yea of th'Universe, Heavn's-darling <1DAVID, Subject>1 of my Verse.

Lord, sith I cannot (nor I may not once) Aspire to <1DAVIDS>1 Diadems and Thrones; Nor lead behind my bright <1Tryumphal-Car>1 So many Nations Conquered in War: Nor <1(DAVID->1like) my trembling Asps adorn With bloody <1TROPHEIS>1 of my Foes forlorn: 20 Vouchsafe mee yet his <1Verse,>1 and (Lord) I crave Let me his Harp-strings, not his Bowe-strings have; His Lute, and not his Launce, to worthie-sing Thy glorie, and the honor of thy King. For, none but <1DAVID>1 can sing <1DAVIDS>1 worth: Angels in Heav'n thy glory sound; in Earth, <1DAVID>1 alone; whom (with Heav'ns love surpriz'd) To prayse thee there, thou now hast Angeliz'd. Give mee the Laurel, not of War, but Peace; Or rather give mee (if thy grace so please) 30 The <1Civik Garland>1 of green Oaken boughes, Thrice-three times wreath'd about my glorious browes, To ever-witnes to our after-frends How I have reskew'd my con-Citizens, Whom profane <1Fames-Thirst>1 day and night did move To be be-slav'd to th'yoake of wanton <1Love>1: For, (not to mee, but to thee, Lord, be prayse) Now, by th'example of my <1Sacred>1 Layes, To <1Sacred Loves>1 our noblest spirits are bent, And thy rich Name's their only Argument. 40 <1Hee,>1 whom in privat wals, with privie signe, The great King-maker did for <1King>1 assigne, Begins to show himselfe: a fier so great Could not live flame-les long: nor would God let So noble a spirits nimble edge to rust In Shepheards idle and ignoble dust. My sonne, how certain wee that <1Saying>1 prove, That doubtfull Fear stil wayts on tender Love: <1DAVID>1 (saith <1Jesse)>1 I am full of fears For thy deer Brethren: Each Assault, salt tears 50

Draws from mine eyes; mee thinks each point doth stab Mine <1Eliab, Samna,>1 and <1Aminadab.>1 Therefore goe visite them, and with this Food Beare them my Blessing; say I wish them good, Beseeching God to shield and them sustain, And send them (soon) victorious home againe. Gladly goes <1DAVID,>1 and anon doth spie Two steep high Hils where the two Armies lie, A Vale divides them; where, in raging mood <1(Colossus->1like) an armed Giant stood: 60 His long black locks hung shagged (sloven-like) A-down his sides: his bush-beard floated thick; His hands and arms, and bosom bristled were (Most Hedg-hog-like) with wyer insteed of haire. His foul blasphemous mouth, a Caves mouth is; His eyes two Brands, his belly an Abysse: His legs two Pillers; and to see him go, Hee seemd some steeple reeling to and fro. A Cypresse-Tree of fifteen Summers old, <1Pyramid->1wise waves on his Helm of gold. 70 Whose glistering brightnes doth (with rayes direct) Against the Sun, the Sun it self reflect: Much like a Comet blazing bloodie-bright Over some Cittie, with new threatful light, Presaging down-fal, or some dismal fate, Too-neer approaching to some ancient State: His Launce a Loom-beam, or a Mast (as big) Which yet he shaketh as an Osier twig; Whose harmful point is headed stifly-straight With burnisht Brasse above an Anvils waight: 80 Upon whose top (in stead of Bannaret) A hissing Serpent seemes his foes to threat: His brazen Cuirasse, not a Squire can carrie, For 'tis the burthen of a Dromedarie: His Shield (where <1Cain>1 his brother <1Abel>1 slaies, Where <1Chus>1 his son, Heav'n-climbing Towrs doth raise; Where th'<1Arke>1 of God, to th'<1Heathen>1 captivate,

To <1Dagon>1's House is led with scorne and hate) Is like a Curtain made of double planks To save from shot some hard-besieged Ranks. 90 His threatfull voice is like the stormefull Thunder When hot-cold Fumes teare sulphury clowds asunder. O Fugitives, this is the fortieth day (Thus barkes the Dog) that I have stalked aye About your fearefull Hoast: that I alone Against your best and choicest Champion, In single Combat might our cause conclude, To shun the slaughter of the multitude. Come then, who dares; and to be slaine by mee, It shall thine honour and high Fortune bee. 100 Why am I not lesse strong? my common strength Might find some Brave to cope with at the length. But, fie for shame, when shall we cease this geare? I to defie, and you to flie for feare? If your hearts serve not to defend your Lot, Why are you arm'd? why rather yeeld you not? Why rather doe you (sith you dare not fight) Not prove my mildnesse, than provoke my might? What needed Coats of brasse and Caps of steele For such as (Hare-like) trust but to their heele? 110 But, sith I see not one of you (alas) Alone dares meete, nor looke me in the face, Come tenne, come twenty, nay come all of you, And in your ayde let your great God come too: Let him rake Hell, and shake the Earth in sunder, Let him be arm'd with Lightning and with Thunder: Come, let him come and buckle with mee here: Your goodly God, lesse then your selves, I feare. Thus having spewd, the dreadful <1Cyclop>1 stirr'd His monstrous Limbes; beneath his feet he reard 120 A Clowd of dust: and, wheresoe're he wend, Flight, Feare, and Death, his ghastly steps attend. Even as a payr of busie chattering Pies, Seeing some hardie Tercell, from the skies

To stoop with rav'nous seres, feele a chill feare, From bush to bush, wag-tayling here and there; So that no noyse, nor stone, nor sticke can make The timorous Birds their Covert to forsake: So th'<1Hebrue>1 Troopes this braving Monster shun; And from his sight, some here, some there, doo run. 130 In vaine the King commands, intreats, and threats; And hardly three or foure together gets. What shame (saith he) that our victorious Hoast Should all be daunted with one Pagans boast? Brave <1Jonathan,>1 how is thy courage quaild Which, yerst at <1Boses,>1 all alone assaild Th'whole <1Heathen>1 Hoast? O Worthy <1Abner>1 too, What chance hath cut thy Nerves of Valour now? And thou thy selfe (o^ <1Saul>1) whose Conquering hand Had yerst with <1Tropheis>1 filled all the Land, 140 As far as <1Tigris,>1 from the <1Ja+phean>1 Sea: Where is thy heart? how is it fall'n away? <1Saul>1 is not <1Saul>1: O then, what <1Izraelite>1 Shall venge God's honor and Our shame acquight? Who, spurrd with anger, but more stirrd with Zeale, Shall foile this Pagan, and free <1Izrael>1? O, who shall bring mee this Wolf's howling head, That Heaven and Earth hath so un-hallowed? What e're he be, that (lavish of his soule) Shall with his blood wash-out this blot so foule, 150 I will innoble him, and all his House; Hee shall enjoy my Daughter for his Spouse: And ever shal a Deed so memorable Bee (with the Saints) sacred and honorable. Yet, for the <1Duel>1 no man dares appeer: All wish the Prize; but none wil win't so deer: Big-looking Minions, brave in vaunts and vows, Lions in Court, now in the Camp be Cows: But, even the blast that cools their courage so, That makes my <1DAVIDS>1 valiant rage to glowe. 160 My Lord (saith Hee) behold, this hand shal bring

Th'heav'n-skorning head unto my Lord the King. Alas, my Lad, sweet Shepheard (answers <1Saul>1) Thy hart is great; although thy limbs be small: High flie thy thoughts; but wee have need of more, More stronger Toyles to take so wilde a Boare: To tame <1Goliah,>1 needs som Demi-god, Some <1Nimrod,>1 rather then a Shepheard-Lad Of slender growth, upon whose tender Chin The budding doun doth scarcely yet begin. 170 Keep therefore thine owne Rank, and draw not thus Death on thy self, dis-honor upon us, With shame and sorrow on all <1Izrael,>1 Through end-les Thraldom to a Fo so fel. The faintest Harts, God turns to Lions fierce, To Eagles Doves, Vanquisht to Vanquishers: God, by a womans feeble hand subdews <1Jabins>1 Lieutenant, and a Judge of <1Jews.>1 God is my strength: therefore (O King) forbear, For <1Izrael,>1 for Thee, or Mee, to fear: 180 No self-presumption makes mee rashly brave; Assured pledge of his prowd head I have. Seest thou these arms (my Lord) these very arms (Steeld with the strength of the great God of Arms) Have bath'd Mount <1Bethlem>1 with a Lions blood: These very arms, beside a shady Wood, Have slain a Bear, which (greedy after prey) Had torn and born my fattest sheep away. My God is still the same; this savage Beast, Which in his Fold would make a Slaughter-feast, 190 All-ready feels his fury, and my force; My foot al-ready tramples on his Corps: With his own sword his cursed length I lop, His head al-ready on the ground doth hop. The Prince beholds him, as amaz'd and mute, To see a mind so yong, so resolute: Then son (saith he) sith so confirmd thou art, Go, and Gods blessing on thy valiant hart;

God guide thy hand, and speed thy weapon so, That thou return triumphant of thy Fo. 200 Hold, take my Corslet, and my Helm, and Launce, And to the Heav'ns thy happie Prowes advance. The faithful Champion, being furnisht thus, Is like the Knight, which twixt <1Eridanus>1 And th'heav'nly <1Star-Ship,>1 marching bravely-bright (Having his Club, his Casque, and Belt bedight With flaming studs of many a twinkling Ray) Turns Winters night into a Summers day. But, yer that hee had half a furlong gon, The massie Launce and Armour hee had on 210 Did load him so, hee could not freely moove His legs and arms, as might him best behoove: Even so, an <1Irish>1 Hobby, light and quick (Which on the spur over the bogs they prick In highest speed) If on his back hee feel Too-sad a Saddle plated all with steel, Too-hard a Bit with-in his mouth; behind, Crooper and Trappings him too-close to binde; Hee seems as lame, hee flings, and wil not go; Or, if hee stir, it is but stiff and slowe. 220 <1DAVID>1 therefore lays-by his heavie load, And, on the grace of the great glorious <1GOD>1 (Who by the weakest can the strongest stoop) Hee firmly founding his victorious hope, No Arrows seeks, nor other Arcenall; But, by the Brooke that runnes amid the Vale, Hee takes five Pebbles and his Sling, and so, Couragiously incounters with his Foe. What Combat's this? On the one side, I see A mooving Rocke, whose lookes do terrifie 23o Even his owne Hoast; whose march doth seeme to make The Mountaine tops of <1Sucoth>1 even to shake: On th'other side, a slender tender Boy Where grace and beautie for the prize doo play: Shave but the doun that on his Chin doth peer

And one would take him for <1Anchises>1 Pheer: Or, change but weapons with that wanton Elf, And one would think that it were <1Cupids>1 self. Gold on his head, skarlet in either Cheeke, Grace in each part and in each gest, alike; 240 In all so lovely, both to Foe and Friend, That very Envy cannot but Commend His match-les beauties: and though ardent zeale Flush in his face against the Infidel, Although his Furie fume, though up and downe Hee nimblie traverse, though he fiercely frowne, Though in his breast boyling with manly heat, His swelling heart do strongly pant and beat; His Storme is Calm, and from his modest eyes Even gratious seemes the grimmest flash that flies. 250 Am I a Dog, thou Dwarf, thou Dandiprat, To be with stones repell'd and palted at? Or art thou wearie of thy life so soone? O foolish boy, fantasticall Baboone! That never saw'st but sheep in all thy life; Poore sotte, 'tis heere another kind of strife: We wrastle not (after your Shepheards guise) For painted Sheep-hooks, or such pettie Prize, Or for a Cage, a Lamb, or bread and cheese: The Vanquisht Head must be the Victors Fees. 260 Where is thy sweatie dust? thy sun-burnt skars, (The glorious marks of Soldiers train'd in Warres) That make thee dare so much? O Ladie-Cow, Thou shalt no more be-star thy wanton brow With thine eyes rayes: Thy Mistresse shall no more Curl the quaint Tresses of thy Golden ore: I'll trample on that Gold; and Crowes and Pyes Shall peck the pride of those sweet-smiling eyes: Yet, no (my guirle-boy) no, I will not file My feared hands with blood so faintlie-vile: 270 Go seeke thy match, thou shalt not die by mee, Thine honor shall not my dishonor be:

No (silly Lad) no, wert thou of the Gods, I would not fight at so un-knightly ods. Come barking Curre (the <1Hebrue>1 taunts him thus) That hast blasphem'd the God of Gods, and us; The ods is mine (villain, I skorne thy Boasts) I have for Aide th'almightie Lord of Hoasts. Th'<1Ethnik's>1 a-fier, and from his goggle eyes All drunk with rage and blood, the Lightning flies: 280 Out of his bever, like a Boare he foames: A hellish Furie in his bosome roames: As mad hee marcheth with a dreadful pase, Death and destruction muster in his face; Hee would a-fresh blaspheam the Lord of Lords With new despights; but in the steed of words He can but gnash his teeth. Then, as an Oxe Straid twixt the hollow of steep hils and Rocks, Through craggie Coombs, through dark and ragged turnings, Lowes hideously his solitarie Moornings: 290 The Tyrant so from his close helmet blunders With horrid noise, and this harsh voice hee thunders: Thy God raignes in his Arke, and I on Earth: I Chalenge Him, Him (if he dare come forth,) Not thee, base <1Pigme+.>1 Villaine (saies the <1Jew)>1 That blasphemie thou instantly shalt rue, If e'r you saw (at Sea) in Summer weather, A Galley and a Caraque cope together; (How th'one steers quick, and th'other veers as slowe Lar-boord and star-boord, from the poop to prowe; 300 This, on the winde; that, on her Owres relies; This daunteth most; and that most damnifies) You may conceave this Fight: th'huge <1Polypheme>1 Stands stifly shaking his steel-pointed beam: <1David>1 dooth traverse (round about him) light, Forward and back, to th'left hand, and the right, Steps in and out; now stoops, anon hee stretches; Then hee recoyls, on either hand hee reaches; And stoutly-active, watching th'adverse blowes,

In every posture dooth himself dispose. 310 As, when (at Cock-pit) two old Cocks doo fight, (Bristling their plumes, and (red with rage) do smight With spurs and beak, bounding at every blowe, With fresh assaults freshing their furie so, That, desperate in their un-yeelding wrath Nothing can end their deadly fewd but death) The Lords about, that on both sides doe bet, Looke partially when th'one the Field shall get, And, trampling on his gaudie plumed pride, His prostrate Fo with bloody spurs bestride, 320 With clanging Trumpet and with clapping wing, Triumphantly his Victory to sing: So th'<1Hebrew>1 Hoast, and so the <1Heathen>1 stranger (Not free from fear, but from the present danger) Behold with passion these two Knights, on whom They both have wagerd both their Fortunes sum: And either side, with voice and gesture too, Hartens and cheers their Champion well to doo; So earnest all, that almost every one Seemes even an Actor, not a looker-on: 330 All feel the Skirmish twixt their Hope and Fear, All cast their eyes on this sad Theater: All on these two depend, as very Founders Of their good Fortune, or their Fates Confounders. O Lord, said <2DAVID>2 (as he whirld his Sling) Be bowe and Bowe-man of this shaft I fling. With sudden flerk the fatal hemp lets go The humming Flint, which with a deadly blowe Pearc$t instantly the <1Pagans>1 ghastly Front, As deep as Pistol-shot in boord is wont. 340 The villain's sped (cries all the <1Hebrew>1 band) The Dog, the Atheist feels Gods heavy hand. Th'<1Isacian>1 Knight, seeing the blowe, stands stil. Fro th'Tyrants wound his ruddie soule doth trill, As from a crack in any pipe of Lead (That convoyes Water from some Fountaines head)

Hissing in th'Aire, the captive Stream doth spin In silver threds her crystall humor thin. The Giant, wiping with his hand his wound, Cries tush, 'tis nothing: but eftsoones the ground 350 Sunk under him, his face grew pale and wan, And all his limbs to faint and fail began: Thrice heaves he up his head, it hangs as fast, And all a-long lies <1Isaacs>1 dread at last, Covering a rood of Land; and in his Fall, Resembles right a lofty Tower or Wall, Which to lay level with the humble soil A hundred Miners day and night doo toil; Till at the length rushing with thundrous roar, It ope a breach to th'hardy Conquerour. 360 Then, two lowd cries, a glad and sad, were heard: Wherewith reviv'd, the vaunting Tyrant stird, Re-summoning under his weak Controule The fainting Remnants of his flying Soule; And (to be once more buckling yer he dies, With blowe for blowe) he strives in vain to rise. Such as in life, such in his death he seems; For even in death he curses and blasphemes: And as a Curre, that cannot hurt the flinger, Flies at the stone and biteth that for anger; 370 <1Goliah>1 bites the ground, and his own hands, As Traytors, false to his fel hearts commands. With his owne sword, and sends his soule to Hell. <1Pagans>1 disperse; and the <1Philistian>1 swarms Have armes for burthen, and have flight for armes; Danger behinde, and shame before their face: Rowting themselves, although none give them chase. Armi-potent, Omni-potent, my God, O let thy Praise fill all the Earth abroad; 380 Let <1Izrael>1 (through Thee, victorious now) Incessant songs unto thy Glory vowe: And let me, Lord (said <1DAVID)>1 ever chuse

Thee sole, for Subject of my sacred <1Muse.>1 O wondrous spectacle! un-heard-of-Sight! The Monster's beaten-down, before the Fight: A Dwarf, a Sheepheard, conquers (even un-armd) A Giant fell, a famous Captain, armd. From a fraile Sling this Batterie never came, But 'twas the Breach of a Tower-razing Ram: 390 This was no cast of an uncertain Slinger, 'Twas Crosse-bow-shot: rather it was the finger Of the All-mightie (not this hand of mine) That wrought this work so wondrous in our eyne: This hath Hee done, that by a woman weake Can likewise stone the stout <1Abimelech>1: Therefore, for ever, singing sacred Layes, I will record his glorious Power and Praise. Then, <1Jacob>1's Prince him joyfully imbraces, Prefers to honours, and with favours graces, 400 Imployes him farre and nigh; and farre and neere, From all sad cares he doth his Soveraigne cleere. In Camp he Curbs the <1Pagans>1 arrogance: In Court he cures the Melancholy Trance That toyles his soule; and, with his tunefull Lyre, Expels th'ill Spirit which doth the body tyre. For, with her sheath, the soule commerce frequents, And acts her office by his instruments; After his pipe she dances: and againe The body shares her pleasure and her paine; 410 And by exchange, reciprocally borrowes Some measure of her solace and her sorrowes. Th'Eare (doore of knowledge) with sweete warbles pleas'd Sends them eftsoones unto the Soule diseas'd, With darke blacke rage, our spirits pacifies, And calmely cooles our inward flame that fries. So, O <1Tyrte+us,>1 changing Harmonie, Thy Rowt thou changest into Victorie. So, O thrice-famous, Princely <1Pellean,>1 Holding thy hart's raines in his Tune-full hand, 420

Thy <1Timothie>1 with his Melodious skill Armes and dis-armes thy Worlds-dread arme (at will), And with his <1Phrygian>1 Musicke, makes the same As Lion fierce; with <1Dorik,>1 mild as Lambe. So, while in <1Argos>1 the chaste Violon For's absent Soveraigne doth grave-sweetly groan, Queen <1Clytemnestra>1 doth resist th'alarmes Of lewd <1A|Egysthus,>1 and his lust-ful Charmes. So, at the sound of the sweet-warbling brasse, The Prophet rapting his soule's soule a space, 430 Refines him selfe, and in his fantasie Graves deepe the seale of sacred Prophesie. For, if our Soule bee Number (some so thought) It must with Number be refreshed oft; Or, made by Number (so I yeeld to sing) We must the same with some sweet Numbers bring To some good Tune: even as a voyce (sometime) That in its Part sings out of tune and time, Is by another voice (whose measur'd straine Custome and Arte confirmes) brought in againe. 440 It may be too, that <2DAVID>2<1s>1 sacred Ditty Quickned with <1Holy-Writ,>1 and couched witty, Exorcist-like, chac't <1Natures>1 cruel Fo, Who the Kings soule did tosse and torture so. How e'r it were, He is (in every thing) A profitable servant to the King: Who envious yet of his high Feats and Fame, His Faith, and Fortitude, distrusts the same: And, the divine Torch of his Vertues bright Brings him but sooner to his latest Night; 450 Save that the Lord still shields him from on hy, And turnes to Triumph all his Tragedy. O bitter sweet! I burst (thus raves the King) To hear them all, in Camp and Court to sing, <2SAUL>2 <1he hath slain a thousand,>1 <2DAVID>2 <1ten,>1 <1Ten thousand>1 <2DAVID.>2 O faint scorn of men! Lo, how, with Lustre of his glorious parts,

Hee steals-away the giddie peoples harts; Makes lying Prophets sooth him at a beck; Thou art but King in name, Hee in effect: 460 Yet thou endur'st it; haste thee, haste thee (Sot) Choak in the Cradle his aspiring Plot; Prevent his hopes, and wisely-valiant Off with his head that would thy foot supplant. Nay, but beware; his death (belov'd so wel) Will draw thee hatred of all <1Izrael.>1 Sith then so high his heady valour flies, Sith common glory cannot him suffice, Sith Danger upon Danger hee pursews, And Victorie on Victory renewes; 470 Let's put him to't: Let's make him Generall, Feed him with winde, and hazard him in all: So shall his own Ambitious Courage bring For Crown a Coffin to our <1Junior>1 King: Yea, had hee <1Sangar>1s strength, and <1Samson>1s too, Hee should not scape the taske I'll put him to. But yet, our <2DAVID>2 more then all atchieves, And more and more his grace and glory thrives: The more he doos, the more hee dares adventure, His rest-les Valour seeks still new Adventure. 480 For, feeling him armd with th'Almightys Spirit, He recks no danger (at the least to fear it). Then, what doos <1Saul>1? when as he saw no speed By sword of Foes so great a Fo to rid, Hee tries his owne: and one-while throwes his dart, At un-awares to thrill him to the hart: Or treacherously hee layes som subtill train, At boord, or bed, to have him (harm-les) slain: On nothing else dreams the disloyall wretch, But <1David>1s death; how <1David>1 to dispatch. 490 Which had bin don, but for his Son the Prince, (Who deerly tenders <1David>1s Innocence, And neerly marks and harks the Kings Designes,

And warns the <1Jessean>1 by suspect-les signes) But for the kinde Couragious <1Jonathan,>1 Who (but attended onely with his man) Neer <1Senean>1 Rocks discomfited, alone, The <1Philistines>1 victorious Garison. About his eares a Shower of Shafts dooth fall; His Shield's too-narrow to receive them all: 500 His sword is duld with slaughter of his Foes, Wherefore the dead hee at the living throwes, Head-lined helmes, heawn from their trunks he takes, And those his vollies of swift shot hee makes. The Heathen Hoast dares him no more affront, Late number-les; but easie now to count. <1David>1 therefore, flying his Princes Furie, From end to end flies all the land of <1jurie>1: But now to <1Nob>1; t'<1Adullam>1 then, anon To Desart <1Zif,>1 to <1Keilah, Ma+aon,>1 510 Having for roof heav'ns arches starry-seeld, And, for repast what waving woods doe yeeld. The Tyrant (so) frustrate of his intent, Wreakes his fell rage upon the innocent; If any winke, as willing t'have not seen-him, Or if (unweeting what's the oddes between-him And th'angry king) if any have but hid-him, He dies for it (if any have but spid him): Yea the High-Priest, that in Gods presence stands, Escapeth not his paricidiall hands, 520 Nor doth he spare in his unbounded rage Cattle, nor Curre, nor state, nor sexe, nor age. Contrariwise, <1David>1 doth good for ill, He hates the haters of his Soveraigne still. And though he oft incounter <1Saul>1 lesse strong Than his owne side, forgetting all his wrong, He shewes him, aye, loyall in deede and word Unto his Liege, th'Anointed of the Lord, Respects and honors him, and mindes no more

The Kings unkindnesse that had past before. 530 One day as <1Saul>1 (to ease him) went aside Into a Cave, where <1David>1 wont to hide, <1David>1 (un-seen) seeing his Foe so neer And all alone, was strooke with soudaine feare, As much amaz'd and musing there-upon; When whispering thus his Consorts egge him on: Who sought thy life is fall'n into thy lap; Doo'st thou not see the Tyrant in thy Trap? Now therefore pull this Thorne out of thy foote: Now is the Time if ever thou wilt doo't: 540 Now by his death establish thine estate: Now hugge thy Fortune, yer it be too-late: For, he (my Lord) that will not, when he may, Perhaps he shall not, when he would (they say). Why tariest thou? what doost thou trifle thus? Wilt thou, for <1Saul>1, betray thy selfe and us? Wonne with their words, to kill him he resolves: But, by the way, thus with himselfe revolves. Hee is a Tyrant; true: But now, long since, And still, he beares the mark of lawfull Prince: 550 And th'Ever-King (to whom all Kings doe bow) On no pretext, did ever yet allow That any Subject should his hand distain In sacred blood of his owne Soveraign. He hunts mee cause-les; true: but yet, Gods word Bids me defend, but not offend my Lord. I am anointed King; but (at Gods pleasure) Not publikely: therefore I waite thy leasure. For, thou (O Lord) regardest Thine, and then Reward'st, in fine, Tyrants and wicked men. 560 Thus having sayd, he stalkes with noise-les foot Behind the King, and softly off doth cut A skirt or lap of his then-upper clothing; Then, quick avoides: and, <1Saul>1, suspecting nothing, Comes forth anon: and <1David>1 afterward From a high Rocke (to be better heard)

Cries to the King (upon his humble knee) Come neere (my Liege) come neere, and fear not mee, Fear not thy servant <1David.>1 Well I knowe, Thy Flatterers, that misse-informe thee so, 570 With thousand slanders dayly thee incense Against thy Servants spot-les innocence: Those smooth-slie Aspicks, with their poysonie sting Murder mine honour, mee in hatred bring With thee and with thy Court (against all reason) As if Convicted of the Highest-Treason: But, my notorious Loyalty (I hope) The venom of their viperous tongues shall stop; And, with the splendor of mine actions bright, Disperse the Mists of Malice and Despight. 580 Behold, my Lord, (Trueth needeth no excuse) What better witnesse can my soule produce Of faithfull Love, and Loyall Vassalage, To thee, my Liege, than this most certaine gage: When I cut-off this lappet from thy Coat, Could I not then as well have cut thy throat? But rather (Soveraign) thorow all my veins Shall burning Gangrens (spreading deadly pains) Benum my hand, then it shal lift a sword Against my Liege, th'anointed of the Lord; 590 Or violate with any insolence, Gods sacred Image, in my soveraign Prince. And yet (O King) thy wrath pursews mee still, Like silly-Kid I hop from hill to hill, Like hated Wolves I and my Souldiers starve: But, judge thy self if I thy wrath deserve. No (my Sonne <1David)>1 I have donne thee wrong: Good God requight thy good: there doth belong A great Reward unto so gratious deed. Ah, well I see it is above decreed 600 That thou shalt sit upon my Seat supream, And on thy head shalt wear my Diadem:

Then, o^ thou sacred and most noble Head, Remember Mee, and mine (when I am dead) Bee gratious to my Blood, and raze not fel My Name and Issue out of <1Israel.>1 Thus said the King; and teares out-went his words: A pale despaire his heavy hart still girds: His feeble spirit pra|esaging his Miss-fortune, Doth everie-kind of Oracles importune, 610 Suspicious, seeks how <1Clotho's>1 Clew doth swell; And, cast of Heav'n, wil needs consult with Hell. In <1Endor>1 dwelt a Beldam in those dayes, Deep-skild in Charms (for, this weak sex always Hath in all Times ben taxt for <1Magik>1 Tricks, As pronest Agents, for the Prince of <1Styx>1: Whether, because their soft, moist, supple braine, Doth easie print of every seale retaine: Or, whether wanting Force and Fames desert, Those Wyzards ween to winn it by <1Black-Art.)>1 620 This <1Stygian>1 scum, the <1Furies>1 furie fell, This Shop of Poysons, hideous Type of Hell, This sad <1Erinnys, Milcom's>1 Favourite, <1Chamosh>1 his Joye, and <1Belzebubs>1 delight, Delights alonely for her exercise In secret Murders, soudain Trago|edies; Her drink, the blood of Babes; her dainty Feast Mens Marrow, Brains, Guts, Livers (late deceast). At Weddings aye (for Lamps) shee lights debates; And quiet Love much more then Death shee hates: 630 Or if shee reak of Love, 'tis but to trap Some severe <1Cato>1 in incestuous Lap: Sometimes (they say) shee dims the Heav'nly Lamps, Shee haunts the Graves, shee talks with Ghosts, she stamps And Cals-up Spirits, and with a wink controules Th'infernal Tyrant, and the tortur'd Soules. Arts admiration, <1Izraels>1 Ornament,

That (as a Queen) Command'st each Element, And from the Tomb deceased Trunks canst raise, (Th'unfaithfull King thus flatters her with prayse) 640 On steepest Mountains stop the swiftest Currents, From driest Rocks draw rapid-rowling Torrents, And fitly hasten <1Amphitrite+s>1 Flood, Or stay her Eb (as to thy self seems good): Turne day to night: hold Windes within thy hand, Make the Sphears move, and the Sun still to stand: Enforce the Moone so with thy Charms som-times, That for a stound in a deep Swown shee seems: O thou al-knowing Spirit! daign with thy spell To raise-up heer renowned <1Samuel,>1 650 To satisfie my doubtful soule, in sum, The issue of my Fortunes yet to-come. Importun'd twice or thrice, shee, that before Resembled one of those grim Ghosts (of yore) Which shee was wont with her un-holsom breath To re-bring-back from the black gates of death, Growes now more gastly, and more Ghost-like grim, Right like to Satan in his Rage-full Trim. The place about darker then Night shee darkes, Shee yelles, she roares, she houles, she brayes, she barkes, And, in un-heard, horrid, Barbarian termes, 661 Shee mutters strange and execrable Charmes; Of whose Hell-raking, Nature-shaking Spell, These odious words could scarce be hearkned well: Eternall Shades, infernall Deities, Death, Horrors, Terrors, Silence, Obsequies, Demons, dispatch: If this dim stinking Taper Be of mine owne Sons fat; if here, for paper, I write (detested) on the tender skinnes Of time-les Infants, and abortive Twins 670 (Torne from the wombe) these Figures figure-les: If this blacke Sprinkle, tuft with Virgins tresse, Dipt, at your Altar, in my kinsmans blood; If well I smell of humane flesh, my food:

Haste, haste, you Fiends, you subterranean Powers: If impiously (as fits these Rites of yours) I have invok't your grizlie Majesties, Harken (O Furies) to my Blasphemies, Regard my Charms and mine inchanting Spell, Reward my Sins, and send up <1Samuel>1 680 From dismall darkenes of your deepe Abisse, To answer mee in what my pleasure is: Dispatch, I say, (black Princes) quick, why when? Have I not Art, for one, to send you ten? When? stubborne Ghost! The Palfraies of the Sun Doo fear my Spells, and, when I spur, they run: The Planets bow, the Plants give-eare to mee, The Forrests stoope, and even the strongest Tree, At driery sound of my sad whisperings, Doth Prophesie, foretelling future things: 690 Yea (maugre <1Jove)>1 by mine almightie Charmes, Through heaven I thunder with imperious Armes: And comst not thou? O, so: I see the Sage, I see th'ascent of some great man: his age, His sacred habite, and sweet-grave aspect Some God-like raies about him round reflect: Hee's ready now to speak, and plyant too To cleer thy doubtings, without more adoo. <1Saul>1 flat adores, and wickedly-devout, The fained-<1Prophets>1 least word leaves not out. 700 What dost thou <1Saul>1? o^ <1Izraels>1 Soveraign, Witches, of late, feard only thy disdain: Now th'are thy stay. O wretch doost thou not knowe One cannot use th'ayd of the Powers belowe Without some Pact of Counter-Services, By Prayers, Perfumes, Homage, and Sacrifice? And that this Art (meer Diabolical) It hurteth all, but th'Author most of all? And also, that the impious Atheist, The Infidel, and damned Exorcist, 710 Differ not much. Th'one, Godhead quight denies:

Th'other, for God, foul Satan magnifies: The other Satan (by Inchantment strange) Into an Angell of the Light doth change. When as God would, his voice thou wouldst not hear, Now hee forbids thee, thou consult'st els-where: Whom (living Prophet) thou neglect'st, abhorrest, Him (dead) thou seek'st, and his dead Trunk adorest: And yet, not him, nor his; for th'ougly Fiend Hath no such power upon a Saint t'extend, 720 Who fears no force of the blasphemous Charms Of mumbling Beldams, or Hels damned Arms: From all the Poysons that those powers contrive; Charm-charming Faith's a full Preservative. In Soule and Body both, Hee cannot come; For, they re-joyne not till the day of doom: His Soule alone cannot appeer; for why, Soules are invisible to mortall eye: His Body only, neither can it bee; For (dust to dust) that soone corrupts (we see). 730 Besides all this, if 'twere true <1Samuel,>1 Should not (alas) thine eye-sight serve as wel To see and knowe him, as this Sorceresse, This hatefull Hag, this old Enchanteresse, This Divel incarnate, whose dread Spell commands The rebell Furie of th'Infernal Bands? Hath <1Lucifer>1 not Art enough to fain A Body fitting for his turn and train? And (as the rigor of long Cold congeals To harsh hard Wooll the running Water-Rils) 740 Cannot hee thicken thinnest parts of Aire, Commixing Vapours? glew-them? hue them faire? Even as the Rain-Bowe, by the Suns reflection Is painted fair in manifold complexion: A Body, which wee see all-ready formed, But yet perceave not how it is performed:

A Body, perfect in apparant showe; But in effect and substance nothing so: A Body, hart-les, lung-les, tongue-les too, Where Satan lurks, not to give life ther-to, 750 But to the end that from this Counter-mure, More covertly he may discharge more sure A hundred dangerous Engins, which hee darts Against the Bulwarks of the bravest harts: That, in the Sugar (even) of sacred Writ, Hee may em-pill us with some Baneful bit: And, that his counterfait and fained lips, Laying before us all our hainous slips, And Gods dread Judgements and just Indignation, May under-mine our surest Faiths Foundation. 760 But, let us hear now what hee sayth. O <1Saul,>1 What frantick fury art thou moov'd with-all, To now re-knit my broken thred of life? To interrupt my rest? And 'mid the strife Of struggling Mortals, in the Worlds affairs (By power-full Charms) to re-entoile my Cares? Inquir'st thou what's to-come? O wretched Prince! Too much, too-soon (what I fore-told long since): Death's at thy doore: to morrow Thou and Thine Even all shal fall before the Philistine: 770 And great-good <1David>1 shal possesse thy Throne, As God hath sayd, to be gain-sayd by none. Th'Author of Lies (against his guise) tels true: Not that at-once hee Selfly all fore-knew, Or had revolv'd the Leaves of destiny (The Childe alonly of Eternitie): But rather through his busie observation Of circumstance, and often iteration Of reading of our Fortunes and our Fals, In the close Book of clear Conjecturals, 780 With a far-seeing Spirit; hits often right: Not much unlike a skilfull <1Galenite,>1 Who (when the <1Crisis>1 comes) dares even foretell

Whether the Patient shall doo ill or well: Or, as the Star-wise sometimes calculates (By an Eclipse) the death of Potentates; And (by the stern aspects of greatest Stars) Prognosticates of Famine, Plague, and Wars. As he foretold (in brief) so fell it out: Brave <1Jonathan>1 and his Two Brethren stout 790 Are slain in Fight; and <1Saul>1 himself forlorn, Lest (Captive) hee be made the Pagans scorn, Hee kils him-Self; and, of his Fortune froward To seem not conquer'd, shewes him Self a Coward. For, 'tis not Courage (whatsoe'r men say) But Cowardize, to make ones Self away. 'Tis even to turn our back at Fears alarms: 'Tis (basely-faint) to yeeld up all our Arms. O extream Rage! O barbarous Cruelty! All at one Blowe, t'offend Gods Majestie, 800 The State, the Magistrate, Thy Self (in fine): Th'one, in destroying the deer work divine Of his almighty Hands; the next, in reaving Thy needfull Service, it should be receaving; The third, in rash usurping his Commission: And last, Thy Self, in thine owne Selfs-Perdition, When (by two Deaths) one voluntary Wound Doth both thy body and thy soule confound. But <1Isbosheth>1 (his deer Son) yet retains His Place a space: and <1David>1 only Raigns 810 In happy <1Juda.>1 Yet, yer long (discreet) Hee makes th'whole Kingdoms wracked ribs to meet: And so Hee rules on th'holy Mount (a mirror) His Peoples Joy, the Pagans only Terror. If ever, standing on the sandy shoar, Y'have thought to count the rowling waves that roar Each after other on the <1British>1 Coast, When <1A|Eolus>1 sends forth his Northern Poast; Wave upon Wave, Surge upon Surge doth fold, Sea swallowes Sea, so thickly-quickly roul'd, 820

That (number-les) their number so doth mount, That it confounds th'Accompter and th'Accompt: So <1David>1s Vertues when I think to number, Their multitude doth all my Wits incumber; That Ocean swallowes mee: and mazed so, In the vast Forest where his Praises growe, I knowe not what high Fir, Oak, Chest-nut-Tree, (Rather) what Brasil, Cedar, Ebonie, My <1Muse>1 may chuse <1(Amphion->1like) to build With curious touch of Fingers Quaver-skild 830 (Durst shee presume to take so much upon-her) A Temple sacred unto <1David>1s honour. Others shal sing his mindes true Constancie, In oft long exiles try'd so thorowly: His Life compos'd after the life and likenes Of sacred Patterns: his milde gracious meeknes Towards railing <1Shimei,>1 and the Churlish Gull: His lovely Eyes and Face so bewtifull. Some other shall his Equitie record, And how the edge of his impartiall sword 840 Is ever ready for the Reprobate, To hew them down; and help the Desolate: How Hee, no Law, but Gods dread Law enacts: How Hee respects not persons, but their Facts: How brave a Triumph of Selfs-wrath hee showes, Killing the Killers of his deadly Foes. Some other shall unto th'Empyrial Pole The holy fervor of his Zeal extoll: How for the wandring Ark hee doth provide A certaine place for ever to abide: 850 And how for ever every his designe Is ordered all by th'Oracle Divine. Upon the wings of mine (els-tasked) Rime, Through the cleer Welkin of our Western Clime, I'll only bear his <1Musike>1 and his <1Mars>1 (His holy <1Songs,>1 and his triumphant <1Wars)>1: Lo there the sacred mark whereat I aim;

And yet this Theam I shall but mince and maim, So many Yarnes I still am fain to strike Into this Web of mine intended <2WEEK>2. 860 The <1Twelve>1 stout <1Labours>1 of th'<1Amphitryonide>1 (Strongest of Men) are justly magnifi'd: Yet, what were They but a rude Massacre Of Birds and Beasts, and Monsters here and there? Not Hoasts of Men and Armies overthrow'n; But idle Conquests; Combats One to One: Where boist'rous Limbs, and Sinnews strongly knit, Did much availe with little ayde of Wit. Bears, Lions, Giants, foild in single fight, Are but th'Essayes of our redoubted Knight: 870 Under his Armes sick <1Aram>1 deadly droops: Unto his power the strength of <1Edom>1 stoops: Stout <1Amalek>1 even trembles at his name: Prowd <1Ammons>1 skorn hee doth return with shame: Subdueth <1Soba>1: foyles the <1Moabite>1: Wholly extirps the down-trod <1Jebusite>1: And (still victorious) every month almost Combats and Conquers the <1Philistian>1 Hoast. So that, <1Alcides>1 massie Club scarce raught So many Blowes, as <1David>1 Battails fought. 880 Th'expert great Captaine, who the <1Pontiks>1 quaild, Wun in strange Wars; in civill Fights hee faild: But, <1David>1 thrives in all: and fortunate, Triumphs no lesse of <1Sauls>1 intestine hate, Of <1Isbosheth's>1 and <1Absalons>1 designes, Then of strong <1Aram,>1 and stout <1Philistines.>1 Good-Fortune alwayes blowes not in the Poop Of valiant <1Ca|esar,>1 shee defeats his Troop, Slayes his Lieutenants; and (among his Friends) Stabb'd full of Wounds, at length his Life she ends: 890 But <1David>1 alwayes feels Heav'ns gratious hand; Whether in person Hee himself command His royal Hoast: or whether (in his sted)

By valiant <1Joab>1 his brave Troops be led: And Happinesse, closing his aged eye, Even to his Toomb consorts him constantly. Fair Victory, with Him (even from the first) Did pitch her Tent: his Infancie she nurst With noble Hopes, his stronger years shee fed With stately <1Tropheis,>1 and his hoarie head 900 Shee Crowns and Comforts with (her cheerful Balms) Triumphant <1Laurels>1 and victorious <1Palmes.>1 The Mountains stoop to make Him easie way; And <1Euphrates,>1 before Him, dryes away; To Him great <1Jordan,>1 a small leap doth seem; Without assault, strong Cities yeeld to Him: Th'Engine alone of His far-feard Renown Beats (Thunder-like) Gates, Bars, and Bulwarks down: <1Gad>1s goodly Vales, in a gore Pond hee drenches; <1Philistian>1 Fiers, with their owne Blood hee quenches; 910 And then, in <1Gob>1 (pursewing still his Foes) His wrath's just Tempest on fell Giants throwes. O strong, great, <1Worthies>1 (wil some one-day say, When your huge Bones they plough-up in the Clay) But, stronger, greater, and more <2WORTHIE>2 Hee, Whose Heav'n-lent Force and Fortune made you bee (Maugre your might, your massy Spears and Shields) The fattning dung-hill of those fruitfull Fields. His Enimies, scarcely so soon hee threats As overthrowes, and utterly defeats. 920 On <1David>1s head, God doth not spin good-hap, But pours it down abundant in his Lap: And Hee (good Subject) with his Kingdom, ever T'increase th'Immortall Kingdom doth indevour. His swelling Standards never stir abroad, Till he have Cald upon th'Almightie God: Hee never Conquers but (in heav'nly Songs) Hee yeelds the Honor where it right belongs: And evermore th'Eternals sacred Prayse (With Harp and Voice) to the bright Stars doth raise. 930

Scarce was hee borne, when in his Cradle prest The Nightingale to build her tender nest: The Bee, within his sacred mouth, seeks room To arch the Chambers of her Hunny-comb: And th'Heav'nly <1Muse,>1 under his roof descending (As in the Summer, with a train down-bending, Wee see some <1Meteor,>1 winged brightly-fair With twinkling rayes, glide through the crystal Aier, And soudainly, after long-seeming Flight, To seem amid the new-shav'n Fields to light) 940 Him softly in her Ivorie arms shee folds, His smiling Face shee smylingly beholds, She kisses him, and with her <1Nectar>1 kisses Into his Soule shee breathes a Heav'n of Blisses: Then layes him in her lap, and while shee brings Her Babe a-sleep, this <1Lullabie>1 shee sings. Live, live (sweet Babe) the Miracle of Mine, Live ever Saint, and growe thou all Divine: With this Celestial Winde, where-with I fill Thy blessed Boosom, all the World ful-fill: 950 May thy sweet Voice, in Peace, resound as far And speed as faire as thy dread Arm in War: Bottom nor bank, thy Fames-Sea never bound: With double Laurels be thy Temples Crowned. See (Heav'n-sprung Spirit) see how th'allured North, Of thy Childs-Crie (shril-sweetly warbling forth) Al-ready tastes the learned, daintie pleasures. See, see (yong Father of all sacred Measures) See how, to hear thy sweet harmonious sound, About thy Cradle here are thronging (round) 960 Woods, but with ears: floods, but their furie stopping: Tigres, but tame: Mountaines, but alwayes hopping: See how the Heav'ns, rapt with so sweet a tongue, To list to thine, leave their owne Dance and Song. O Idiot's shame, and Envie of the Learned! O Verse right-worthy to bee ay eterned! O richest Arras, artificial wrought

With liveliest Colours of Conceipt-full Thought! O royal Garden of the rarest Flowers Sprung from an April of spiritual Showers! 970 O Miracle! whose star-bright beaming Head When I behold, even mine owne Crown I dread. Never els-where did plentious Eloquence, In everie part with such magnificence Set-forth her Beauties, in so sundrie Fashions Of Robes and Jewels (suting sundrie Passions) As in thy Songs: Now, like a Queen (for Cost) In swelling Tissues, rarely-rich imbost With Pretious Stones: neat, Citty-like, anon, Fine Cloth, or Silke, or Chamlet puts shee on: 980 Anon, more like some handsome Shepheardesse, In courser Cloathes shee doth her cleanly dresse: What e're she wear, Wooll, Silke or Gold, or Gems, Or Course or Fine; still like her Self she seems; Faire, Modest, Cheerfull, fitting time and place, Illustring all even with a Heav'n-like grace. Like prowd lowd <1Tigris>1 (ever swiftly roul'd) Now, through the Plaines thou powr'st a Flood of gold: Now, like thy <1Jordan,>1 (or <1Meander->1like) Round-wynding nimbly with a manie-Creek, 990 Thou runn'st to meet thy Self's pure streams behind thee, Mazing the Meads where thou dost turn and winde-thee, Anon, like <1Cedron,>1 through a straighter Quill, Thou strainest out a little Brooke or Rill; But yet, so sweet, that it shall ever bee Th'immortal <1Nectar>1 to Posteritie: So cleer, that <1Poe%sie>1 (whose pleasure is To bathe in Seas of Heav'nly Mysteries) Her chastest feathers in the same shal dip, And deaw with-all her choicest workmanship: 1000 And so devout, that with no other Water Devoutest Soules shal quench their Thirst heer-after. Of sacred <1Bards>1 Thou art the double Mount: Of faith-ful Spirits the Interpreter profound:

Of contrite Harts the cleer Anatomie: Of everie Sore the Shop for Remedie: Zeal's Tinder-box: a Learned Table, giving To spiritual eyes, not painted <1Christ,>1 but living. O divine Volume, <1Sion's>1 cleer deer Voice, Saints rich Exchecker, ful of comforts choice: 1010 O, sooner shal sad <1Boreas>1 take his wing At <1Nilus>1 head, and boist'rous <1Auster>1 spring From th'icie floods of <1Izeland,>1 than thy Fame Shal be forgot, or Honour fail thy Name. Thou shalt survive through-out all Generations, And (plyant) learne the Language of all Nations: Nought but Thine Aiers through Aire and Seas shal sound, In high-built Temples shall thy Songs resound, Thy sacred Verse shall cleer Gods clowdie face, And, in thy steps the noblest Wits shal trace. 1020 Grose Vulgar, hence; with hands profanely-vile, So holy things presume not to defile, Touch not these sacred stops, these silver strings: This Kingly Harp is only meet for Kings. And so behold, towards the farthest North, Ah see, I see upon the banks of <1FORTH>1 (Whose force-full stream runs smoothly serpenting) A valiant, learned, and religious King, Whose sacred Art retuneth excellent This rarely-sweet, celestial Instrument: 1030 And <1David>1s Truchman, rightly doth resound (At the Worlds end) his eloquence renown'd. <1Dombertan>1s <1Clyde>1 stands still to heare his voice. Stone-rowling <1Tay>1 seems thereat to rejoice: The trembling <1Cyclads,>1 in great <1Loumond->1Lake, After his sound their lusty gambols shake: The (Trees-brood) Bar-geese, mid th'<1Hebridian>1 wave, Unto his Tune their far-flow'n wings doo wave: And I my Self in my pyde <1Pleid>1 a-slope, With Tune-skild foot after his Harp doo hop. 1040

Thus, full of God, th'Heav'n-<1Sirene>1 (Prophet-wise) Powres-forth a Torrent of <1mel->1Melodies, In <2DAVIDS>2 praise. But <2DAVIDS>2 foule defect Was yet un-seen, un-censur'd, un-suspect: Oft in faire Flowers the bane-full Serpent sleepes: Sometimes (we see) the bravest Courser trips: And some-times <1David>1's Deaf unto the Word Of the Worlds Ruler, th'everlasting Lord; His Songs sweet fervor slakes, his Soules pure Fire Is dampt and dimm'd with smoke of foul desire: 1050 His Harp is layd a-side, he leaves his Layes, And after his fair Neighbors Wife hee neighs. Fair <1Bersabe+>1's his Flame, even <1Bersabe+,>1 In whose Chaste bosom (to that very day) Honor and Love had happie dwelt together, In quiet life, without offence of either: But, her proud Bewty now, and her Eyes force, Began to draw the Bill of their Divorce: Honor gives place to Love: and by degrees Fear from her hart, Shame from her Forehead flies. 1060 The Presence-Chamber, the High street, the Temple, These Theaters are not sufficient ample To shew her Bewties, if but Silke them hide: Shee must have windowes each-where open wide About her Garden-Baths, the while therein She basks and bathes her smooth Snow-whiter skin, And one-while set in a black Jet-like Chaire, Perfumes, and combes, and curles her golden haire; Another-while under the Crystall brinks, Her Alabastrine well-shap't Limbs she shrinks 1070 (Like to a Lilly sunk into a glasse: Like soft loose <1Venus>1 (as they paint the Lasse) Born in the Seas, when with her eyes sweet-flames, Tonnies and <1Tritons>1 she at-once inflames: Or like an Ivory Image of a <1Grace,>1 Neatly inclos'd in a thin Crystal Case): Another-while, unto the bottom dives,

And wantonly with th'under-Fishes strives: For, in the bottom of this liquid Ice, Made of <1Musai%ck>1 worke, with quaint device 1080 The cunning workman had contrived trim Carpes, Pikes, and Dolphins seeming even to swim. <1Ishai>1s great son, too-idlely, walking hie Upon a Tarras, this bright star doth spie: And sudden dazled with the splendor bright, Fares like a Prisoner, who new brought to light From a <1Cimmerian,>1 dark, deep dungeon, Feels his sight smitten with a radiant Sun. But too-too-soone re-cleer'd, he sees (alas) Th'admired Tracts of a bewitching Face. 1090 Her sparkling Eye is like the Morning Starre, Her lips two snips of crimsin Sattin are, Her Teeth as white as burnisht Silver seeme (Or <1Orient>1 Pearles, the rarest in esteeme): Her Cheekes and Chin, and all her flesh like Snowes Sweete intermixed with Vermillion Rose, And all her sundry Treasures selfly swel, Prowd, so to see their naked selves excel. What living Rance, what rapting Ivorie Swims in these streames? O what new Victory 1100 Triumphs of all my <2TROPHEIS?>2 O cleer Therms, If so your Waves be cold; what is it warms, Nay, burns my hart? If hot (I pray) whence comes This shivering winter that my soule benums, Freezes my Senses, and dis-selfs me so With drousie Poppie, not my self to knowe. O peer-les Bewty, meerly Bewtifull; (Unknow'n) to me th'art most un-mercifull: Alas! I die, I die, (O dismal lot) Both for I see thee, and I see thee not, 1110 But a-far-off, and under water too: O feeble Power, and O (what shall I doo?) Weake Kingly-State! sith that a silly Woman

Stooping my Crown, can my soul's Homage summon. But, o^ Imperiall power! Imperiall State! Could (happie) I give Bewties Check the Mate. Thus spake the King, and like a sparkle small That by mischance doth into powder fall, Hee's all a-fire, and pensive, studies nought, But how t'accomplish his lascivious thought: 1120 Which soone hee compast: sinks himselfe therin; Forgetteth <1David>1; addeth Sin to Sin: And lustfull, playes like a yong lusty Rider (A wilfull Gallant, not a skilfull guider) Who, proud of his Horse pride, still puts him to't; With wand and spur, layes on (with hand and foot) The too-free Beast; which, but too-fast before Ran to his Ruine, stumbling evermore At every stone, till at the last hee break Against som Rock his and his Riders neck. 1130 For, fearing, not Adulteries fact, but fame: A jealous Husbands Furie for the same: And, lessening of a Pleasure shar'd to twain: Hee (treach'rous) makes her valiant Spouse be slain. The Lord is moov'd: and just, begins to stretch His Wraths keen dart at this disloyal wretch: When <1Nathan>1 (then bright Brand of Zeal and Faith) Comes to the King, and modest-boldly saith: Vouchsafe my Liege (that our chiefe Justice art) To list a-while to a most hainous part; 1140 First to the fault give eare, then give Consent To give the Faultie his due Punishment. Of late, a Subject of thine owne, whose flocks Powl'd all Mount <1Liban's>1 pleasant plentious locks; And to whose Heards could hardly full suffice The flowry Verge that longst all <1Jordan>1 lies; Making a Feast unto a stranger-Guest, None of his own abundant Fatlings drest; But (privie Thief) from a poore Neighbour by

(His Faithfull Friend) Hee takes feloniously 1150 A goodly Lamb; although hee had no more But even that one; whereby hee set such store, That every day of his owne hand it fed, And every night it coucht upon his Bed, Supt of his Cup, his pleasant morsels pickt, And even the moisture from his lips it lickt. Nay, more, my Lord. No more (replies the King, Deeply incenst) 'Tis more than time this thing Were seen into, and so outragious Crimes, So insolent, had need bee curbd betimes: 1160 What-ever Wretch hath done this Villanie Shall Die the Death; and not alonely Die, But let the horror of so foul a Fact A more than common punishment exact. O painted Toomb (then answerd sacred <1Nathan)>1 That hast God in thy Mouth, in thy Minde Sathan, Thou blam'st in other thine owne Fault denounc#'t, And un-awares hast gainst thy selfe pronounc#'t Sentence of Death. O King, no King (as than) Of thy desires: Thou art the very man: 1170 Yea, Thou art hee, that with a wanton Theft Hast just <1Uriah>1s only Lamb bereft: And him, o^ horror! (Sin with Sin is further'd) Him with the sword of <1Ammon>1 hast Thou murder'd. Bright Bewties Eye, like to a glorious Sun, Hurts the sore eye that looks too-much ther-on: Thy wanton Eye, gazing upon that Eye, Hath given an Entrance too-too-foolishly Unto that Dwarf, that Divel (is it not?) Which, out of Sloath, within us is begot: 1180 Who entring first but Guest-wise in a room, Doth shortly Master of the house become: And makes a Saint (a sweet, myld-minded Man) That 'gainst his Life's Fo would not lift his hand, To plot the death of his deer faith-full Friend, That for his Love a thousand lives would spend.

Ah! shak'st thou not? is not thy Soule in trouble (O brittle dust, vain shadow, empty bubble!) At Gods dread wrath, which quick doth calcinize The marble Mountaines and the Ocean dries? 1190 No, thou shalt knowe the waight of Gods right hand; Thou, for example t'other Kings shalt stand. Death, speedy Death, of that adulterous Fruit, Which even al-ready makes his Mother rue't, Shall vex thy soule, and make thee feel (in deed) Forbidden Pleasure doth Repentance breed. Ah shame-les beast! Sith thy brute Lust (forlorn) Hath not the Wife of thy best Friend forborn, Thy Sons (dis-natur'd) shall defile thy bed Incestuously; thy faire Wives (ravished) 1200 Shall doublely thy lust-full seed receave: Thy Concubines (which thou behinde shalt leave) The wanton Rapes of thine owne Race shal be: It shall befall that in thy Family, With an un-kins-mans kisse (un-loving Lover), The Brother shall his Sisters shame discover: Thou shalt be both Father and Father-in-law To thine owne Blood. Thy Children (past all aw Of God or Man) shall by their insolence Even justifie thy bloody foul offence. 1210 Thou sinn'dst in secret: but <1Sol>1's blushing Eye Shal be eye-witnesse of their villanie: All <1Izrael>1 shall see the same: and then, The Heav'n-sunk Cities in <1Asphaltis>1 Fen, Out of the stinking Lake their heads shall showe, Glad, by thy Sons, to be out-sinned so. Thou, thou (inhumane) didst the Death conspire Of good <1Uriah>1 (worthy better Hire): Thou cruel didst it: therefore, Homicide, Cowardly Treason, cursed Paricide, 1220 Un-kinde Rebellion, ever shall remain Thy house-hold Guests, thy House with blood to stain. Thine owne against thine owne shal thril their darts:

Thy Son from thee shal steal thy peoples harts: Against thy Self hee shal thy Subjects arm, And give thine age many a fierce Alarm: Till hanged by the haire 'twixt Earth and Skie, (His Gallow's pride, shame of the Worlds bright Eye) Thine owne Lieutenant, at a crimsin spout, His guilty Soule shall with his Lance let-out. 1230 And (if I fail not) O what Tempest fel Beats on the Head of harm-les <1Izrael>1! Alas! how many a guilt-les <1Abramide>1 Dies in Three dayes, through thy too-curious Pride: In hate of thee, th'Aire (thick and sloathful) breeds No slowe Disease; both yong and old it speeds; All are indifferent: For through all the Land It spreads, almost in turning of a hand: To the so-sick, hard seem the softest plumes; Flames from his eyes, from's mouth come Jakes-like fumes: His head, his neck; his bulk, his legs doth tire; 1241 Outward, all water; inward, all a-fire: With a deep Cough his spungy Lungs hee wastes, Black Blood and Choler both at-once he casts: His voices passage is with Biles be-layd, His Soul's Interpreter, rough, foul, and flayd: Thought of the Grief it's rigor oft augments: 'Twixt Hope and Fear it hath no long suspence: With the Disease Death jointly traverseth: Th'Infections stroak is even the stroak of Death. 1250 Art yeelds to th'anguish, Reason stoops to rage: Physicians skill, himself doth ill engage. The streets too still; the Town al out of Town: All Dead, or Fled: unto the halowed ground The howling Widow (though shee lov'd him deer) Yet dares not follow her dead husbands Beer. Each mourns his Losse, each his own Case complains, Pel-mel the living with the dead remains. As a good-natur'd and wel-nurtur'd Chyld, Found in a fault (by's Master sharply myld) 1260

Blushing and bleaking, betwixt shame and fear, With down-cast eyes laden with manie a tear, More with sad gesture, than with words, doth crave An humble Pardon, of his Censor grave: So <1David,>1 hearing th'holy Prophets Threat, Hee apprehends Gods Judgements dreadly-great, And (thrill'd with fear) flies for his sole defence To pearly Tears, Mournings and sad Laments: Off-goes his Gold; his Glory treads hee down, His Sword, his Scepter, and his pretious Crown: 1270 Hee fasts, hee prayes, hee weeps, he grieves, hee grones, His hainous Sins hee bitterly be-mones: And, in a Cave hard-by, hee roareth out A sigh-full Song, so dole-fully devout, That even the Stone doth groan, and pear'st withall, Lets it's salt tears with his sad tears to fall. Ay-gratious Lord (thus Sings hee night and day) Wash, wash, my Soule in thy deep Mercies sea: O Mercie, Mercie Lord, alowd hee Cries; (And Mercie, Mercie, still the Rock replyes). 1280 O God, my God, sith for our grievous Sin, (Which will-full wee so long have weltred in) Thou powr'st the Torrents of thy Vengeance down On th'<1azure>1 Field with <1Golden Lillies>1 sow'n: Sith every moment thy just Anger dread Roars, thunders, lightens on our guiltie head: Sith Famine, Plague, and War (with bloody hand) Doo all at once make havock of this Land: Make us make use of all these Rods aright; That wee may quench with our Tears water quight 1290 Thine Ire-full Fier: our former Vices spurn: And, true-reform'd, Justice to Mercy turn. <1And so, O>1 Father, <1(fountain of all>1 Good, <1Ocean of>1 Justice, Mercies <1bound-les>1 Flood) <1Since, for>1 Our Sins, <1exceeding all the rest,>1 <1As most ingrate-ful though most rarely blest>1 <1(After so long>1 Long-Sufferance <1of>1 Thine:

<1So-many>1 Warnings <1of thy>1 Word <1divine:>1 <1So-many>1 Threatnings <1of thy dread-full>1 Hand<1:>1 <1So-many>1 Dangers <1scap't by>1 Sea <1and>1 Land<1:>1 1300 <1So-many>1 Blessings <1in so good a>1 King<1:>1 <1So-many>1 Blossoms <1of that fruit-full>1 Spring<1:>1 <1So-many>1 Foes <1abroad; and>1 False <1at home:>1 <1So-many>1 Reskues <1from the rage of>1 Rome<1:>1 <1So-many>1 Shields <1against so manie>1 Shot<1:>1 <1So-many>1 Mercies <1in that>1 Powder-Plot <1(So light regarded and so soon forgot):>1 <1Since, for>1 Our Sins, <1so many and so great,>1 <1So little mov'd with>1 Promise <1or with>1 Threat, <1Thou, now at last (as a just jelouze>1 God) 1310 <1Strik'st us thy Self with thine immediate>1 Rod, <1Thy>1 Rod <1of>1 <2PESTILENCE>2 <1: whose rage-ful smart,>1 <1With deadly pangs pearcing the strongest hart,>1 Tokens <1of>1 Terror <1leaves us where it lights:>1 <1And so infects (or so at least affrights)>1 <1That>1 Neighbour Neighbour, Brother Brother <1shuns;>1 <1The tendrest>1 Mother <1dares not see her>1 Sons<1;>1 <1The neerest>1 Friend <1his deerest>1 Friend <1doth flye;>1 <1Yea, scarce the>1 Wife <1dares close her>1 Husbands <1eye.>1 <1For, through th'>1Example <1of our>1 Vicious <1life,>1 1320 <1As>1 Sin <1breeds>1 Sin; <1and>1 Husband <1marr's the>1 Wife, Sister <1prowdes>1 Sister, Brother <1hardens>1 Brother, <1And one>1 Companion <1doth corrupt another:>1 <1So, through>1 Contagion <1of this dire>1 Disease, <1It (justly) doth thy heav'nly>1 Justice <1please,>1 <1To cause us thus each other to infect:>1 <1Though This wee flye, and That too-nigh affect.>1 <1Since, for our>1 Sins, <1which hang so fast upon-us,>1 <1So dreadfully thy>1 Furie <1frowneth on-us;>1 <1Sith still thou>1 Strikest, <1and still Threat'nest more>1 1330 <1More grievous Wounds then wee have felt before:>1 <1O gratious Father, give us grace (in fine)>1 <1To make our>1 Profit <1of these>1 Rods <1of thine:>1

<1That, true->1Converted <1by thy milde>1 Correction, <1Wee may abandon everie foule>1 Affection<1:>1 <1That>1 Humblenes <1may flaring>1 Pride <1dis-plume:>1 <1That>1 Temperance <1may>1 Surfaiting <1consume:>1 <1That>1 Chastitie <1may chase our wanton>1 Lust<1:>1 <1That>1 Diligence <1may wear-off>1 Slothfull <1rust:>1 <1That>1 Love <1may live, in>1 Wrath <1and>1 Envies <1place:>1 1340 <1That>1 Bountie<1s hand may>1 Avarice <1deface:>1 <1That>1 Truth <1may put>1 Lying <1and>1 Fraud <1to flight:>1 <1That>1 Faith <1and>1 Zeal <1may keep thy>1 Sabaoth<1s right:>1 <1That>1 Reverence <1of thy drad>1 Name <1may banish>1 Blasphemous Oaths<1: and all>1 Profanesse <1vanish.>1 <1Since, for our Sins (aswell in Court as Cottage)>1 <1Of all Degrees, all Sexes, Youth and Dotage,>1 <1Of Clarks and Clownes; Rich, Poore; and Great and Smal,>1 <1Thy fear-ful>1 Vengeance, <1hangeth over all;>1 <1O Touch us all with Horror of our Crimes:>1 1350 <1O Teach us all to turn to thee be-times:>1 <1O Turn us (Lord) and wee shall turned bee:>1 <1Give what thou bidst, and bid what pleaseth thee:>1 <1Give us>1 <2REPENTANCE>2<1; that thou mayst>1 repent <1Our present>1 <2PLAGUE,>2 <1and future>1 Punishment.

THE MAGNIFICENCE THE II PART OF THE IIII DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <1Death-summon'd>1 <2DAVID,>2 <1in his sacred Throne>1 <1Instals (instructs) his yong Son>1 <2SALOMON>2<1:>1 <1His (pleas-God) Choice of>1 <2WISEDOM>2 <1wins him>1 Honor <1And>1 Health <1and>1 Wealth <1(at-once) to wait upon her:>1 <1His wondrous>1 Doom, <1quick>1 Babe<1's Claim to decide:>1 Mis-Matches <1taxt, in His with>1 <2PHARAONIDE>2<1:>1 <1Their pompous>1 Nuptials<1: Seav'n Heav'n->1Masquers <1there.>1 <1The glorious>1 <2TEMPLE,>2 Builded <1richly-rare.>1 Salem'<1s Renown drawes>1 Saba <1to his Court:>1 <1King>1 <2JAMES,>2 <1to His, brings>1 <2BARTAS,>2 <1in like sort.>1 Happy are You (o^ You delicious Wits) That stint your Studies, as your furie fits: That, in long Labours (full of pleasing pain) Exhaust not wholly all your learned brain: That, changing Note, now light, and grave anon, Handle the Theam that first you light upon: That, here in <1Sonnets,>1 there in <1Epigrams,>1 Evaporate your sweet Soule-boyling Flames. But, my deer honor, and my sacred Vows, And Heav'ns decree (made in that Higher-House) 10 Hold mee fast fetter'd (like a Gallie-slave) To this hard Task. No other Care I have, Nought else I dream of; neither (night nor day) Aim at ought else, or look I other-way: But (alwaies busie) like a Mil-stone seem Still turned round with the same rapid stream.

Thence is't that oft (maugre <1Apollos>1 grace) I humme so harsh: and in my Works inchase Lame, crawling Lines, according to the Fire, Which (more or lesse) the whirling <1Poles>1 inspire: 20 And also mingle (Linsie-woolsie-wise) This gold-ground Tissue with too-mean supplies. You, all the year long, doo not spend your wing; But, during only your delightful Spring, (Like Nightingales) from bush to bush you play, From Tune to Tune, from Mirtle spray to spray: But I, too-bold, and like the Swallow right, Not finding where to rest me, at one flight A bound-les ground-les Sea of Times I passe, With <1Auster>1 now, anon with <1Boreas.>1 30 Your quick Career is pleasant, short, and eath; At each Lands-end you sit you down and breathe On some green bank; or, to refresh you, finde Some Rosie-arbour, from the Sun and winde: But, end-les is my Course: for, now I glyde On Ice; then (dazled) head-long down I slyde: Now up I climbe; then through the Woods I craul, I stray, I stumble, somtimes down I fall. And, as base Morter serveth to unite Red, white, gray Marble, Jasper, Galactite: 40 So, to con-nex my queint Discourse, sometimes I mix loose, limping, and ill-polisht Rimes. Yet wil I not this Work of mine give o're The Labour's great; my Courage yet is more; My hart's not yet all void of sacred heat: Ther's nothing Glorious but is hard to get. Hils were not seen but for the Vales betwixt: The deep indentings artificial mixt Amid <1Musai%ks>1 (for more ornament) Have prizes, sizes, and dyes different. 50 And o^, God grant, the greatest spot you spie In all my Frame, may bee but as the Fly, Which on her Ruff (whiter than whitest snowes)

To whiten white, the fairest Virgin sowes: <1(Or, like the Velvet on her brow: or, like>1 <1The dunker Mole on>1 Venus <1dainty Cheek:)>1 And, that a few faults may but lustre bring To my high furies where I sweetest sing. <2DAVID>2 waxt old and cold, and's vitall Lamp, Lacking it's oyl of Native moist, grew damp 60 (But by degrees); when with a dying voice (But lively vigor of Discretion choice) Hee thus instructs his yong Son <2SALOMON,>2 And (as Heav'n cals) instals him in his Throne. Whom, with-out Force, Uproar, or Ryvaling, Nature, and Law, and Fortune make a King; Even Hee (my Son) must be both <1Just>1 and <1Wise,>1 If long Hee look to <1Rule>1 and <1Royalize>1: But he, whom onely Fortunes Favour rears Unto a Kingdom, by some new-found stairs; 7o Hee must appear more than a man; and cast By rarest Worth to make his Crown sit fast. My <2SALOMON,>2 thou know'st thou art my Yongest: Thou know'st, besides, out of what Bed thou sprungest: Thou seest what love all <1Izrael>1 bears thy Brother: To honour Thee, what wrong I doo to other; Yea even to Nature and our Native Law: 'Tis thy part therefore, in all points to draw To full Perfection; and with rare effect Of Noblest Vertues hide thy Births defect. 80 Thou, <1Izrael>1s King, serve the great King of All, And only on his Conducts pedestall Found thine Affaires: upon his <1Sacred Lore>1 Thine eyes and minde be fixed evermore: The barking rage of bold Blasphemers hate: Thy Soveraign's Manners (Vice-Roy) imitate. Nor think, the thicknes of thy Palace Wals, Thine iron Gates, and high gold-seeled Halls, Can let his Eye to spie (in every part)

The darkest Closets of thy Mazie Hart. 90 If birth or Fate (my Son) had made thee Prince Of <1Idumeans>1 or of <1Philistins,>1 If <1Pharaoh>1s Title had be-fall'n to thee, If the <1Medes>1 Myter bowed at thy knee, Wert thou a <1Sophy>1; yet with Vertues lustre Thou oughtst (at least) thy Greatnes to illustre: But, to Command the Seed of <1Abraham,>1 The <1Holy Nation>1 to Controul and tame, To bear a <1Josuah>1s or a <1Samson>1s load, To be Gods Vice-Roy, needs a <1Demi-God.>1 100 Before old Servants give not new the start (Kings-Art consists in Action more then Art.) Old Wine excelleth new: Nor (giddily) Will a good Husband grub a goodly Tree In his faire Orchards midst, whose fruitfull store Hath grac#'t his Table twentie years and more; To plant a Graft, yer e'r hee taste the same, Save with the teeth of a (perhaps) false Fame. These Parasites are even the Pearls and Rings (Pearls, said I? Perils) in the eares of Kings: 110 For o^, what Mischief but their Wiles can work? Sith even within us (to their aid) doth lurk A smoother Soother, even our owne <1Selfs-love>1 (A malady that nothing can remove) Which, with these strangers, secretly Combin'd In League offensive (to the firmest Minde) Perswades the Coward, he is <1Wisely->1meek: The drunkard, <1Stout>1: the Perjure, <1Politick>1: The cruel Tyrant, a <1just>1 Prince they call; <1Sober,>1 the Sot; the Lavish, <1Liberal>1: 120 And, quick-nos'd Beagles, senting right his lore (Trans-form'd into him) even his Faults adore. Fly then those Monsters: and give no accesse To men infamous for their wickednesse: Endure no Atheist, brook no Sorcerer Within thy Court, nor Thief, nor Murderer:

Least the contagion of their banefull breath, Poyson the publike fountain, and to death Infect thy manners (more of force then Law) The spring, whence Subjects good or bad will draw. 130 Rule thine Affects, thy fury, and thy fear: Hee's no true King, who no self's-sway doth bear: Not what thou could'st, but what thou shouldst, effect: And to thy Lawes, first thine owne-self subject: For ay the Subject will fear set a-side Through thick and thin, having his King for guide. Shew thy self gracious, affable and meek; And be not (proud) to those gay godlings like, But once a year from their gilt Boxes tane, To impetrate the Heavens long wisht-for raine. 140 To fail his Word, a King doth ill beseem: Who breaks his faith, no faith is held with him, Deceipt's deceav'd: Injustice meets unjust: Disloyall Prince armes subjects with distrust; And neighbour States will in their Leagues commend A Lion, rather then a Foxe, for Friend. Be prodigall of Vertues just reward: Of punishments be sparing (with reguard). Arm thou thy brest with rarest Fortitude; Things Eminent are ever most pursu'd: 150 On highest Places, most disgraces threat: The roughest windes on widest gates doe beat. Toil not the World with Wars ambitious spite: But, if thine Honour must maintain thy Right, Then shew thee <2DAVIDS>2 Son; and wisely-bold Follow't as hot, as thou beginst it cold: Watch, Work, Devise, and with un-wearie limb, Wade thorough Foords, and over Chanels swim. Let tufted Planes for pleasant shades suffice, In heat; in Cold, thy Fier bee Excercise: 160 A Targe thy Table, and a Turf thy Bed: Let not thy Mouth bee over-dainty fed; Let Labour be thy sauce, thy Cask thy Cup,

Whence, for thy <1Nectar>1 some ditch-water sup: Let Drums, and Trumpets, and shril Fifes and Flutes Serve thee for Citterns, Virginals and Lutes: Trot up a Hill; Run a whole Feeld for Race; Leap a large Dike; Tosse a long Pike, a space: Perfume thy head with dust and sweat: appeer Captain and Soldier. Soldiers are on fire, 170 Having their King (before them Marching forth) Fellow in Fortune, Witnes of their Worth. Save that, I know what divine habits move Thy profound Spirit: only, let th'ornament Of Letters wayt on th'Art of <1Regiment>1: And take good heed, least as excesse of humor In Plants, becomes their Flowring Lifes consumer; So too-much Study, and delight in Arts, Quench the quick vigour of thy Spiritual parts, 180 Make thee too-pensive, over-dull thy Senses, And draw thy Minde from Publike cares of Princes. With a swift-winged soule, the Course survay Of Nights dim Taper and the Torch of day: Sound round the Cels of th'Ocean dreadly-deep: Measure the Mountains snowie tops and steep: Ferret all Corners of this neather Ball; But, to admire the Makers Art in all, His Power and Prudence: and, resemble not Some simple Courtier, or the silly Sot 190 That in the base-Court all his time hath spent, In gazing on the goodly Battlement, The chamfred Pillers, Plinths, and antique Bosses, Medals, Ascents, Statues and strange Colosses; Amaz'd and musing upon every piece Of th'uni-forme, fair, stately Frontispice; Too-too-self-rapt (through too-self-humoring) Loosing him-self, while others finde the King. Hold-even the Balance, with clean hands, clos'd eyes: Revenge severely Publike Injuries; 200

Remit thine Owne. Heare the Cries, see the Tears Of all distressed poor Petitioners. Sit (oft) thy Self in Open Audience: Who would not be a Judge, should be no Prince. For, <1Justice>1 Scepter and the Martiall Sword Ought never sever, by the Sacred Word. Spare not the Great; neither despise the Small: Let not thy Lawes be like the Spiders Caul, Where little Flyes are caught and kild; but great Passe at their pleasure, and pull-down the Net. 210 Away with Shepheards that their Flocks deface: Chuse Magistrates that may adorn their Place, Such as fear God, such as will judge uprightly: Men by the servants judge the Master, lightly. Give to the Vertuous; but thy Crown-Demain Diminish not: give still, to give again: For, there too-deep to dip, is Prodigalitie; And to dry-up the Springs of Liberalitie. But above all (for Gods sake) Son, beware, Be not intrapt in Womens wylie snare. 220 I fear, alas (good Lord, supreamly sage, Avert from Mine th'effect of this Pra|esage) Alas! I fear that this sweet Poyson wil My House here-after with all Idols fil. But, if that neither Vertu's sacred love, Nor Feare of Shame thy wanton Minde can move To watch in Arms against the Charms of Those; At least, bee warned by thy Fathers Woes. Fare-wel my Son: th'Almightie cals mee hence, I passe, by Death, to Lifes most excellence: 230 And, to go Raign in Heav'n (from World-cares free) The Crown of <1Izrael>1 I resigne to thee. O thou, that often (for a Princes Sin) Transport'st the Scepter, even from Kin to Kin, From Land to Land; Let it remaine with Mine: And, of my Sons Sons (in successive Ligne)

Let that Al-Powerful deer-drad Prince descend, Whose glorious Kingdom never shal have end; Whose iron Rod shal Satans Rule un-doo: Whom <1Jacob>1 trusts in; Whom I thirst for too. 240 <1DAVID>1 deceast: His Son (him tracking right) With hart and voice worships the God of Might; Enters his Kingdom by the Gate of Pietie; Makes Hymns and Psalms in Laud of the true Deitie; Offers in <1Gabaon>1; where, in Spirit hee sees (While his Sense sleepes) the God of Majesties, The Lord of Hoasts; who, Crownd with radiant flames, Offers him choice of these foure lovely Dames. First, <1Glory,>1 shaking in her hand a Pike (Not Maid-like Marching, but brave Souldier-like) 250 Among the Stars her stately head shee bears, A silver Trumpet shril a-slope shee wears, Whose Winde is Prayse, and whose <1Stentorian>1 sound Doth far and wide o'r all the world redound. Her wide-side Robes of Tissue passing price, All Story-wrought with bloody Victories, Tryumphs and Tropheis, Arches, Crowns and Rings; And, at her feet, there sigh a thousand Kings. Not far from her, coms <1Wealth,>1 all rich-bedight In <1Rhe+a's, Thetis, Pluto's>1 Treasures bright: 260 The glittering stuff which doth about her fold Is rough with Rubies, stiff with beaten Gold. With either hand from hollow steans she powrs <1Pactolian>1 surges and <1Argolian>1 showrs. Fortune, and Thrift, and Wakefulnes and Care, And Diligence, her dayly Servants are. Then cheerfull <1Health>1: whose brow no wrinkle bears, Whose cheek no palenesse, in whose eye no tears; But like a Childe shee's pleasant, quick, and plump, Shee seems to flie, to skip, to dance, and jump: 270 And Life's bright Brand in her white hand doth shine: Th'<1Arabian>1 Birds rare plumage (platted fine) Serves her for Sur-coat: and her seemly train,

Mirth, Exercise and Temperance sustain. Last, <1Wisdom>1 comes, with sober countenance: To th'ever-Bowrs her oft a-loft t'advance, The light Mamuques wing-les wings she has: Her gesture cool, as comly-grave her pase: Where e'r shee go, shee never goes with-out Compasse and Rule, Measure and Waights about: 280 And by her side (at a rich Belt of hers) The Glasse of Nature and her-Self shee wears. Having beheld their Bewties bright, the Prince Seems rapt all-ready even to Heaven from hence; Sees a whole <1Eden>1 round about him shine: And, 'mid so many Benefits Divine, Doubts which to chuse. At length he thus begun: O Lord (sayth hee) what hath thy Servant don, That so great Blessings I should take or touch, Or thou shouldst daign to honour me so much? 290 Thou doost prevent my Merit: or (deer Father) Delight'st to Conquer even my Malice rather. Fair <1Victorie>1's a noble Gift: and nought Is more desired, or is sweeter thought, Then even to quench our Furie's thirst with blood, In just Revenge on those that wrong our Good. But oft (alas) foul <1Insolence>1 comes after; And, the long Custome of inhumane Slaughter, Transformes in time the myldest Conquerors To Tigers, Panthers, Lions, Bears and Boars. 300 Happy seems Hee, whose count-les Herds for Pasture Dis-robe (alone) Mount <1Carmel>1s moatly Vesture: For whom alone a whole rich Countrey, torn With timely Tools, brings forth both Wine and Corn: That hath soft <1Sereans>1 yellow Spoils, the Gems And precious stones of the <1Arabian>1 streams, The Mines of <1Ophir>1, th'<1Entidorian>1 Fruits, The <1Saban>1 Odours, and the <1Tyrian>1 Sutes. But yet wee see, where Plenty chiefly sways,

There Pride increases, Industry decays: 310 Rich-men adore their Gold: whoso aspires To lift to Heav'n his sight and Soules Desires, Hee must be Poor (at least-wise like the Poor). Riches and Fear are fellows ever-more. I would live long, and I would gladly see My Nephews Nephews, and their Progeny: But the long Cares I fear, and Cumbers rife, Which commonly accompany Long-Life. Who well lives, long lives: for, this age of ours Should not be numbred by yeers, dayes, and howrs: 320 But, by our brave Exploits: and, this Mortality Is not a moment, to that Immortality. But, in respect of Lady <1Wisedomes>1 grace, (Even at their best) the rest are all but base. Honour is but a puffe; Life but a vapour; <1Wealth>1 but a wish; <1Health>1 but a sconce of paper: A glistering <1Scepter>1 but a Maple twig; <1Gold,>1 Drosse; <1Pearls,>1 Dust, however bright and big. Shee's Gods owne Mirror, shee's a Light, whose glance Springs from the Lightning of his Countenance: 330 Shee's mildest Heav'ns most sacred influence: Never decays her Bewties excellence; Aye like her Self: and shee doth alwayes trace Not only the same path, but the same pase. Without her, <1Honor, Health,>1 and <1Wealth>1 would prove Three Poisons to me. <1Wisedom>1 (from above) Is th'only <1Moderatrix,>1 spring, and guide, Organ and honour of all Gifts beside. Her, her I like, her only (Lord) I crave, Her Company for-ever let me have: 340 Let mee for-ever from her sacred lip, Th'<1Ambrosial>1 Nard, and rosial <1Nectar>1 sip: In every Cause, let mee consult with her: And, when I Judge, be Shee my Counsailer. Let, with her Staffe, my yet-Youth govern wel In Pastures fair the Flock of <1Izrael,>1

A compt-les Flock, a Flock so great (indeed) As of a Shepherd sent from Heav'n had need. Lord, give her me: alas! I pine, I die; Or if I live, I live her <1Flame-bred-Flie>1: 350 And (new <1Farfalla)>1 in her radiant shine, Too-bold, I burne these tender wings of mine. Hold, take her to thee (sayd the Lord) and sith No Bewty else thy soule enamoreth; For ready hand-maids to attend upon-her, I'll give thee also <1Health,>1 and <1Wealth,>1 and <1Honor>1; (For 'tis not meet, so High-descended Queen, So great a Lady, should alone be seen) The rather, that my Bounty may invite Thee, serving Her, to serve Mee day and night. 360 King <2SALOMON,>2 awaked, plainly knew That this Divine strange <1Vision>1 never grew From the sweet Temper of his sound Complexion; But that it was some Peece of more perfection, Some sacred Picture admirably draw'n With Heavenly pencil, by an Angels hand. For (happy) Hee had (without Art) the Arts, And learning (without learning) in all parts: A more than humane Knowledge bewtifies His princely actions: up to Heav'n he flies, 370 Hee dyves to Hell, he sounds the Deeps, hee enters To th'inmost Cels of the Worlds lowest Centers. The secret Riddles of the sacred Writ Are plain to him, and his deep-pearcing Wit, Upon few Words of the Heav'n-prompted stile, In a few Dayes, large Volumes can compile. Hee (learned) sees the Sun's Eclipse, sans terror: He knowes the Planets never erring Error; And, whether Nature, or some Angel move Their Sphears, at once with triple Dance above: 380 Whether, the Sun self-shine; his Sister, not: Whether, Spring, Winter, Autumn, Summer hot, Be the Suns Sons: what kinde of mounting Vapor

Kindles the Comet and the long-taild Taper: What boystrous Lungs the roaring Whirlers blow'n: What burning Wings the Lightning rides upon: What Curb the Ocean in his bounds doth keep: What power Night's-Princesse powrs upon the Deep. Whether the Heav'ns sweet-sweating Kisse appear To bee Pearls parent, and the Oyster's pheer; 390 And whether, dusk, it makes them dim withall; Cleer, breeds the cleer; and stormy brings the pale. Whether, from Sea the Amber-greece be sent; Or be some Fishes pleasant excrement. Hee knowes, why th'Earth's immoveable and round, The lees of Nature, Center of the Mound: Hee knowes her measure. And hee knowes beside, How <1Coloquintida>1 (duely apply'd) With-in the darknes of the Conduit-Pipes, Amid the windings of our in-ward Tripes, 400 Can so discreetly the <1White humor>1 take; <1Rheubarb>1 the <1Yellow>1; <1Hellebore>1 the black: And, whether That in our weak Bulks be wrought, By drawing't to them; or by driving't out. In brief, from th'Hysop to the Cedar-Tree, Hee knowes the Vertues of all Plants that bee. Hee knowes the Reason why the Woolfs fell tooth Gives a Horse swiftnes; and his footing, sloath: Why the Sex-changing, fierce <1Hya|ena's>1 eye Puts curstest Curres to silence suddenly: 410 Why th'irefull Elephant becommeth tame At the approaching of the fleecie Lamb: Why th'eye-bold Eagle never fears the flash Or force of Lightning, nor the Thunder-clash: Why the wilde Fen-Goose (which keeps warm her egs With her broad feet under her heat-full legs, And, tongue-les, cries) as wing-lym'd, cannot flie, Except she (glad) Seas brynie glasse descrie. Hee knoweth also, whether that our Stone Be baked Earth, or Exhalation: 420

Whether the Metals (that we dayly see) Be made of Sulphur and of Mercurie; Or, of some Liquor by long Cold condens't, And by the Heat well purified and cleans'd; Or, of a certain sharp and cinderous humor: Or, whether Hee that made the Waving Tumor, The moatly Earth; and th'Heav'nly Sphears refin'd, All-mighty, made them such as now we finde. Hee comprehends from whence it is proceeding, That spotted <1Jasper->1stones can staunch our bleeding: 430 <1Saphires,>1 cure eyes: the <1Topaz>1 to resist The rage of Lust; of drink the <1Amethist>1: And also, why the clearest <1Diamant>1 <1(Jelous)>1 impugns the thefts of th'<1Adamant.>1 Tunes, Measures, Numbers, and Proportions Of Bodies with their Shadowes, als' hee kons; And (fild with <1Nectar->1Deaws, which Heaven drips) The Bees have made Hunnie within his lips. But he imbraceth much more earnestly The gain-full Practice, than cold Theorie: 440 Nor reaks hee so of a Sophistick pride Of prattling Knowledge (too-self-magnifi'd) As of that goodly Art to govern well The sacred Helms of <1Church>1 and <1Common-weal,>1 And happily to entertain in either, A harmony of Great and Small together. Especially Hee's a good <1Justicer,>1 And to the Lawes dooth Life and strength confer. And, as the highest of <1Bigaurian>1 Hils Ay bears his head up-right, and never yeelds 450 To either side, scorns Winde and Rain and Snowe, Abides all weathers, with a cheerfull brow; Laughs at a Storme, and bravely tramples under His steddy Knees, the prowd, lowd, rowling Thunder: So, Hee's a Judge inflexibly-upright, No Love, nor Hatred, of the Guilty wight (What e'r hee wear for Calling, small or great)

His Venging blade can either blunt or whet; Hee spurneth Favors, and hee scorneth Fears, And under foot hee treadeth private Tears: 460 Gold's radiant Lustre never blears his Eye: Nor is hee led through Ignorance a-wry. His Voice is held an Oracle of all: The soule of Lawes hee wisely can exhale: In doubtfull Cases hee can subtilize, And wyliest pleaders harts anatomize. Scarce fifteen times had <1Ceres>1 (since his Birth) With her guilt Tresses glorifi'd the Earth; When he decides by happy Wisedoms means, The famous Quarrel of Two crafty Queans. 470 Is't possible, O Earth, (thus cries the first) But that (alas) thou should'st for anger burst, And swallow quick this execrable Quean! Is't possible (O gracious Soveraign) That comming new from dooing such a deed So horrible, shee shame-les dares proceed T'approach thy sight, thy sacred Throne t'abuse, Not begging Pardon, but even bent t'accuse. Last night, with surfet and with sleep sur-cloyd, This care-les step-dam her own Childe o'r-layd: 480 And softly then (finding it cold and dead) Layes it by mee, and takes mine in the stead. Here, old, bold strumpet, take thy Bastard brat, Hence with thy Carion, and restore me that, Restore mee mine, my lovely living Boy, My hope, my hap, my Love, my life, my Joy. O cruell Chance! O sacrilegious! Shall thy foul lips my little Angel busse? At thy fond prattling, shall he pret'ly smile? And tug, and touze thy greasie locks the-while? 490 And all his Child-hood fill thy soule with glee? And, grow'n a man, sustaine thine age and thee? While wretched I, have only for my share, His Births hard Travail, and my burthen's Care,

His rest-les rocking, wyping, washing, wringing; And to appease his wayward Cries with singing. O most unhappy of all Woman-kinde! O Childe-les mother! O, why is my Minde More passion-stirred, than my hand is strong? But, rather, than I'll pocket up this wrong, 500 To be reveng'd, I'll venture two for one, I'll have thy life, although it cost mine owne. O filthy Bitch! Vile Witch (sayes th'other tho) O who would think, that Wine could mad one so? O impudent! though God thou fear'st not, fear The Kings cleer judgement, who Gods place doth bear. Art not content t'have call'd (or rather cry'd) Mee Whore, and Thief, Drunkard and Paricide: But thou wilt also have my Childe, my deer, (Whom with so strong a knot Love links so neer) 510 My Babe, my Blisse? Yea marry (Minks) and shall: Who takes my Childe, shall take my life with-all. Just <1Davids>1 just Son; for thy Father's sake, For his deer love, for all that hee did make Of thee a Childe, when hee (re-chylding) sought With childish sport to still thy cryes, and taught (Or 'gan to teach) with language soft and weak, Thy tender tongue some easie tearm to speak: Or, when (al bloody, breath-les, hot) hee came Laden with Spoils of Kings hee overcame, 520 Hee ran t'imbrace thee, rockt thee in his Targe, And when thou Cry'dst, upon his shoulder large Did set thee up, while thou his beard didst tug, Play'dst with his nose, about his neck didst hug, Gap'tst on his glittering Helm, and smil'dst to see Another <2SALOMON>2 there smile on thee: And underneath his dancing Plume didst play Like Bird in bush, sporting from spray to spray; I doe adjure thee to attend my Plea: By the sweet name of thy deer <1Bersabe+,>1 530 Who in the night, shivering for cold, so oft

Hath bow'd her self over thy Cradle soft; Who both the Bottles of her <1Nectar>1 white Hath spent upon thee, hundred times a night; Who on thy head hath set her pearly Crown, And in Thy life liv'd more than in her Owne: I doo adjure thee (O great King) by all That in the World we sacred count or call, To doo mee Right: and if, too-mylde, alas, Too mercifull thou wilt not Sentence passe 540 Of just revenge for my received wrong; Yet, reave me not what doth to me belong, What liberall Nature hath bestow'd on mee, What I am seas'd-of (without thank to thee): For pitty doo not my Hart-blood deprive, Make me not Childe-les, having Childe a-live. While both, at once, thus to the King they Crie, 'Tis mine, 'Tis mine: thou ly'st; and thou doost lie: The partial People divers Verdict spend; Some favour th'one, others the other friend: 550 As, when two Gamesters hazard (in a trice) Fields, Vine-yards, Castles, on the Chance of Dice, The standers-by, diversly stird with-in, Wish, some that This, and some that That may win; Waver twixt Hope and Fear; and every-one's Moov'd, with the mooving of the guile-ful Bones. Only, the King demurres: his prudent ears Finde like, both reasons, both Complaints, both tears: The Infants face could not discipher whether Of both should bee the very Mother: neither 560 Could calculation of their ages, cleer The Judges doubt; nor any proof appear. Then, thus Hee waighs (but as in dreaming wise); Th'industrious Judge, when all proofs fail him, flies Unto Conjectures, drawn (the probablest) Out of the book of Natures learned brest; Or to the Rack: Now, Mothers love (thinks he) Is Natures owne unchangeable Decree:

And there's no Torture that exceeds the pains Which a kinde Mother in her Childe sustains. 570 Then (as awake) Come, come, no more a-doo, Dispatch (saith hee) Cleave the quick Child in two, Look that the Sword bee sharp; in such a case, Needs must our Pittie give our Justice place: Justice (yee see) can judge him whole to neither: Divide him therefore, and give half to either. O difficult! but thus the King descries Their harts deep secrets: all discovered lyes, The vizor's off; their Tongues, sincerely prest With true instinct, their very Thoughts exprest: 580 Bee't (said the stepdam) so, sith't must be so: Divide him justly from the top to toe. No (said the other) rather, I renounce My Right in him, take thou him all at once, Enjoy him all; I'll rather have him Thine A-live, and whole, than dead and mangled Mine. Thine (quoth the King) hee's Thine by Birth (I see) Thine by thy Love, and thine by my Decree. Now, as with Gold growes in the self-same Mine Much <1Chrysocolle,>1 and also Silver fine: 590 So, supream Honour, and Wealth, matcht by none, Second the Wisedom of great <2SALOMON.>2 Hee far and neer commands by Land and Seas; A hundred Crowns doo homage unto His. His neerest Bounds <1Nile>1's Sea and <1Sidon>1 seem, And <1Euphrates>1 bows his moyst hornes to him: <1Peru,>1 they say (supposing <1Ophir>1 so) By yeerly Fleets into his Fisk dooth flowe: In <1Sion>1 Gold's as common as the Sand, As Pebbles, Pearls: Through-out all <1Jury->1Land, 600 There seems an Ocean of all happinesse To over-flowe; and all doo all possesse: Each under his owne Vine and his owne Tree,

His Grapes and Figs may gather quietly. Thus he abounds in Blisse; not so to change-ill Man into Beast, but make of Man an Angel, To praise th'Immortall, who to him hath given Even here a Taste of the delights of Heaven. This great, wise, wealthy, and wel-spoken King His sweet renown o'r all the World doth ring: 610 The <1Tyrian,>1 for Confederate desires-him: <1Pharao>1 for Son: th'Alien no lesse admires-him Than his own Subject: and his eyes sweet flames, As far as <1Nilus,>1 fire the flower of Dames. O <2SALOMON,>2 see'st thou not (O miss-hap) This Marriage is no Marriage, but a Trap? That such a mongrel Match of differing Creed, Of mortall quarrels is th'immortall seed? That Oxe and Asse can never well be broak To drawe one Plough together in one yoak? 620 Who-ever weds a Miscreant, forth-with Divorceth God: our Faith still wavereth; It needs an Aide and not a Tempter nigh, Not th'instrument of th'old deceiver slie, Not deadly Poyson in our Couch to couch, Sleep in our bosome, and our brest to touch, And breathe into us (in a kind of kissing) An Ir-religion, of the Serpents hissing. Shee that from <1A|Egypt>1 comes (o^ King) is none Flesh of thy Flesh, nor yet Bone of thy Bone: 630 But a strange Bone, a barbarous Rib, a Peece Impoysoned all with <1Memphian>1 Leprosies. But, thou wilt say, thy Love hath stript yer-while Her spotted suite of Idol-serving <1Nile>1: And clad her all, in Innocence, in White; Becom'n by Faith a true-born <1Abramite.>1 It might be so: and to that side I take, The rather, for that <1sacred Beauties>1 sake, Where-of she is a Figure. Yet, I fear Her Train wil stain thy Kingdom every-where, 640

Corrupt thy Court: and God wil be offended, To have his People with strange People blended; The mightie Lord, who hath precisely said, You shall not Theirs, nor they your daughters wed. Under the gentle <1Equinoctiall Line,>1 Faire amorous Nature waters freshly-fine A little Grove clad in eternall green, Where all the yeer long lustie <1May>1 is seen, Suiting the Lawnes in all her pomp and pride Of lively Colours, lovely varyfied: 650 There smiles the ground, the starry-Flowers each one There mount the more, the more th'are trod-upon: There, all growes toil-les; or, if tild it were, Sweet <1Zephyrus>1 is th'only Husband there. There <1Auster>1 never roars, nor Hail dis-leaves Th'immortal Grove, nor any Branch bereaves. There the straight Palm-Tree stoopeth in the Calm To kisse his Spowse, his loyall Female Palm: There with soft whispers whistling all the year The Broad-leav'd Plane-Tree Courts the Plane his Pheer, 660 The Poplar wooes the Poplar, and the Vine About the Elme her slender armes doth twine: Th'Ivie about the Oak: there all doth prove, That there, all springs, all growes, all lives in Love. Opinion's Porter, and the Gate she bars Gainst Covetize, cold Age and sullen Cares, Except they leave-off and lay-down before Their troublous load of Reason at the doore; But opens wide, to let-in Bashful-Boldnes, Dumb-speaking Signes, Chill-Heat, and Kindled-Coldnes, Smooth soothing Vows, deep Sorrows soon appeas'd, 671 Tears sudden dry'd, fel Angers quickly pleas'd, Smiles, Wyly Guiles, queint wittie-prettie Toyes, Soft Idlenes, and ground-les, bound-les Joyes, Sweet Pleasure plunged over head and eares In sugred <1Nectar,>1 immaterial Fears,

Hoarse Waaks, late Walks, Pain-pleasing kindly cruell, Aspiring Hope (Desire's immortall fuell) Licentious Loosnesse, Prodigall Expence Inchanting Songs, deep Sighs, and sweet Laments. 680 These frollike Lovelings fraighted Nests doo make The balmy Trees o'r-laden Boughs to crack; Bewty layes, Fancie sits, th'inflamed heat Of Love dooth hatch their Couvies nicely-neat: Some are but kindled yet, some quick appear, Some on their backs carry their Cradles deer. Some downie-clad, some (fledger) take a twig To pearch-upon, some hop, from sprig to sprig: One, in the fresh shade of an Apple-Tree Lets hang its Quiver, while soft-pantingly 690 'T exhales hot Vapour: one, against a Sparrow Tries his stiff Bowe and Giant-stooping Arrow: Another sly sets lime-twigs for the Wren, Finch, Linot, Tit-mouse, Wag-Tail (Cock and Hen): See, see how some their idle wings forsake, And (turn'd, of Flyers, Riders) one doth take A Thrush, another on a Parrot rides, This mounts a Peacock, that a Swan bestrides, That manageth a Phaisant: this doth make The Ring-Dove turn, that brings the Culver back: 700 See how a number of this wanton Fry Doo fondly chase the gawdie Butter-Fly, Some with their flowerie Hat, some with their hands, Some with sweet Rose-boughs, som with Mirtle wands: But, th'horned Bird, with nimble turns, beguiles And scapes the snares of all these Loves a-whiles. Leave, Wags (Cryes <1Venus)>1 leave this wanton Play: For so, in steed of Butter-Flyes, you may, You may (my Chicks) a Child of <1Venus>1 strike: For, some of mine have Horns and all alike. 710 This said: eft-soons two twins whose gold-head darts Are never steeped but in Royal hearts; Come, Brother deer (said either) come let's to't,

Let's each a shaft at yon two bosoms shoot. Their winged words th'effect ensues as wight, Two or three steps they make to take their flight, And quick-thick shaking on their sinnewie side Their long strong sarcels, richly triple-died Gold-Azure-Crimsin; th'one aloft doth soar To <1Palestine,>1 th'other to <1Nilus>1 shoar. 720 <1Pharao's>1 faire daughter (wonder of her Time) Then in the blooming of her Beauties Prime, Was queintly dressing of her Tress-ful head Which round about her to the ground did spred: And, in a rich gold-seeled Cabinet, Three Noble Mayds attend her in the feat; One with a peece of double dented Box Combs out at length her goodly golden locks: Another 'noynts them with Perfumes of price, Th'other with bodkin or with fingers nice, 730 Frizles and Furls in Curls and Rings a part; The rest, loose dangling without seeming Art, Wave to and fro, with cunning negligence Gracing the more her Beauties excellence. When, armd with Arrows burning, brightly keen, Swift Swallow-like, one of these Twins comes in; And, with his left wing hiding stil his Bowe, Into her bosome shot I woat not how. O, my side! oh my hart (the Royal Maid Cries out) O, I am slaine: but, searching all about, 740 When she perceiv'd no blood, nor bruise; alas, It is no wound; but sleeping in the grasse, Some Snake (saith shee) hath crept into me quick, It gnawes my hart: ah, help mee, I am sick, Have mee to bed: ay mee, a freezing-Frying, A burning-cold torments mee living-dying. O cruell Boy, alas, how mickle gal Thy baenful shaft mingles thy Mel withall! The Royal Maide, which with her Mates was wont

Smile, Skip, and dance on Fields inammeld front, 750 Loves solenesse, sadnes, and Self-privacie; Sighes, sobs, and throbs, and yet shee knowes not why: The sumptuous pride of massie <1Piramides>1 Presents her eyes with Towers of <1Jebusides>1; In <1Niles>1 cleer Crystal shee doth <1Jordan>1 see, In <1Memphis, Salem>1; and un-warily Her hand (un-bidden) in her Sampler sets The King of <1Judas>1 Name and Counterfets: Who, mediting the Sacred <2TEMPLES>2 Plot, By th'other Twin at the same time is shot: 760 The shaft sticks fast, the wound's within his veines: Sleep cannot bring a-sleep his pleasing pains; <2PHARONIDA>2's his hart, <2PHARONIDA>2 Is all his Theam to talk-of, night and day: With-in his soule a civill War he feeds: Th'all-seeing Sun, now early backs his Steeds, Now mounts his Mid-day, and then setteth soon: But still his Love stands at the hot high Noon. Hee Rides not his brave Coursers (as he wont), Nor Reads, nor Wrights, nor in his Throne doth mount, 770 To heare the Widdow's cause: neglects his Court, Neglects his Rule; Love rules him in such sort. You prudent Legats, Agents for this Mariage, Of Rings and Tablets you may spare the Cariage: For, wittie Love hath with his lovely shaft In eithers hart grav'n others lively Draught: Each Lives in other, and they have (o^ strange!) Made of their burning harts a happie Change. Better abroad, then home, their harts delight; Yet long their bodies to their hoasts t'unite. 780 Which soon ensues: the Virgin's shortly had From Mothers armes imbracing gladly-sad: And th'aged Father, weeping as hee spake, Bids thus adieu when shee her leave doth take. Sweet Daughter deer, <1Osiris>1 bee thy guide, And Loving <1Isis>1 blesse thee and thy Bride,

With golden Fruit; and dayly with-out cease Your mutuall Loves may as your yeers increase. Wives, Maides, and Children, yong and old, each-where, With looks and vowes from Turrets follow her: 790 Calme <1Nilus>1 calmer then it wont is grow'n, Her Ships have merrie windes, the Seas have none: Her footing makes the ground all fragrant-fresh Her sight re-flowers th'<1Arabian>1 Wildernes: <1Jurie>1 rejoyces, and in all the way Nothing but Trumpets, Fifes, and Timbrels play: The Flower-crownd People, swarming on the Green, Cry stil, <1God save, God save, God save>1 the <1Queen>1: May shee be like a scion, pale and sick Through th'over-shading of a Sire two thick: 800 Which being Transplanted, free, sweet ayre doth sup, To th'sweating Clouds her grovie top sends up, And prospers so in the strange soil, that tild, Her golden Apples all the Orchard gild. No streets are seen in rich <1Jerusalem.>1 For, under-foot fine Skarlet paveth them, Silks hang the sides, and over-head they hold Archt Canapeis of glistering Cloth of gold: They throng, they thrust, an ebbing-flowing Tide, A Sea of Folk follows th'adored Bride: 810 The joyful Ladies from their windows shed Sweet showers of flowers upon her radiant head; Yet jelous, least (dy'd in their native grain) Her Rosie Cheeks should Natures Roses stain. But lo, at last, th'honor of Majestie, Glorie of Kings, King <2SALOMON>2 drawes nigh: Lo now both Lovers, enter-glauncing sweet (Like Sun and Moon, when at ful view they meet In the mid-month) with amorous rayes reflection Send mutual Welcoms from their deep affection: 820 Both a-like yong, like beautiful, like brave, Both grac#'t a-like; so like, that whoso have

Not neer observ'd their heads un-likenesses, Think them two <1Adons>1 or two <1Venusses.>1 These novice Lovers at their first arrive Are bashful both; their passions strangely strive: Their soules sweet Fier his ruddy flames doth flush Into their Faces in a modest blush: Their tongues are tyed, their star-bright eies seem vail'd With Shame-fac#'t Cipres; all their senses faild. 830 But, pompous <1Hymen,>1 whither am I brought? Am not I (heathen) under th'happie Vault Where al the Gods, with glorious mirth inhaunst, At <1Thetis>1 Nuptials eat, and drank, and daunc#'t? Heer, th'<1Idumeans>1 mightie <1Jove>1 treads under His tripping feet his bright-light burning Thunder, A-while, hee laies his Majestie a-side, To Court, and sport, and revel with his Bride; King, playes the Courtier; Soveraign, Sutor comes; And seems but equal with his Chamber-Groomes: 840 But yet, what e'r he doo, or can devise, Disguised Glorie shineth in his eyes. Heer, many a <1Pho|ebus,>1 and heer manie a <1Muse>1 On heav'nly Layes so rarely-sweet doo use Their golden bowes, that with the rapting sound Th'Arches and Columns wel-nigh dance the Round. Heer, many a <1Juno,>1 many a <1Pallas>1 heer, Heer many a <1Venus,>1 and <1Diana>1 cleer, Catch many a gallant Lord, according as Wealth, Bewtie, Honour their affection drawes. 850 Heer, many an <1Hebe+>1 faire, heer more then one Quick-serving <1Chiron>1 neatly waits upon The Beds and Boords, and pliant bears about The boules of <1Nectar>1 quickly turned out; And th'over-burthned Tables bend with waight Of their <1Ambrosial>1 over-filled fraight. Heer, many a <1Mars>1 un-bloody Combats fights, Heer, many a <1Hermes>1 finds-out new delights, Heer, many a horned <1Satyre,>1 many a <1Pan,>1

Heer, <1Wood-Nymphs, Flood-Nymphs,>1 many a <1Faerie Faune>1 860 With lustie frisks and lively bounds bring-in The'Antike, <1Morisko,>1 and the <1Mattachine.>1 For even Gods Servants (God knowes how) have supt The sugred baen of <1Pagan>1 Rites corrupt. But, with so many lively Types, at will His rich rare Arras shall some other fil: Of all the Sports, I'll only chuse one Measure, One stately <1Mask>1 compos'd of sage-sweet pleasure; A Dance so chaste, so sacred, and so grave (And yet so graceful, and so loftie-brave) 870 As may beseem (except I mee abuse) Great <2SALOMON,>2 and my celestiall <1Muse.>1 The Tables voyded of their various Cates, They rise at once; and suiting their Estates, Each takes a Dame, and then to Dance they come Into a stately, rich, round-arched Room, So large and light-some that it (right) they call <1The Universall,>1 or <1The Worlds great Hall.>1 O what delight, to see so rich a Showe Of Lords and Ladies dancing in a Rowe, 880 All in a Round reaching so far and wide O'r all the Hall to foot-it side by side! Their eyes sweet splendor seems a <1Pharos>1 bright, With clinquant Rayes their Body's clothed light: 'Tis not a Dance, but rather a smooth slyding, All move a-like, after the Musicks guiding: Their Tune-skill'd feet in so true Time doo fall, That one would swear one Spirit doth bear them all: They poste un-mooving; and though swift they passe 'Tis not perceiv'd: of hundred thowsand pase, 890 One single back they: Round on Round they dance; And, as they traverse, cast a fruitfull glance. Just in the middle of the Hall, a-sloap

(Even from the floor unto the very top) A broad rich Baldrik there extendeth round, In-laid with gold upon an azure ground, Where (cover'd all with Flames) with wondrous Art Five Lords, two Ladies dance; but each a-part. Heer trips an old-man in a Mantle dy'd Deep Leaden-hue, and round about him ty'd 900 With a Snake-girdle byting off her tayl. With-in his Robe's stuff (in a winding trayl) Creeps Mandrake, Comin, Rue, and Hellebore; With lively Figures of the Bear and Boar, Cammel, and Asse (about to bray wel-nigh): There the <1Strimonian>1 Foul seems even to crie, The Peacock even to prank. For Tablet fine, About his neck hangs a great Cornaline, Where some rare Artist (curiousing upon't) Hath deeply cut Times triple-formed Front: 910 His pase is heavy, and his face severe; His Body heer; but yet his minde els-where. There the Lord <1Zedec>1 him more sprightly bears, Milde, fair, and pleasant; on his back he wears Tin-colour'd Tissue, figur'd all with Oaks Eares, Violets, Lillies, Olives, Apricocks; Bordred with Phaisants, Egles winged-black, And Elephants, with Turrets on their back, Pointed with Dimonds, powdered and imbost With Emeralds, perfum'd with wondrous Cost. 920 The third leads quicker on the self same Arch His <1Pyrrhik>1 Galiard, like a War-like March: His Face is fierie: Many an Amethist, And many a Jaspire of the perfectest Doth brightly glister in the double gilt Of the rich Pommel and the pretious Hilt Of his huge Fauchin, bow'd from hand to heel: His boistrous body shines in burnisht Steel: His Shield flames bright with gold, imbossed high

With Wolves and Horse seem-running swiftly by, 930 And freng'd about with sprigs of Scammonie, And of <1Euphorbium,>1 forged cunningly. But o^ fair Faerie, who art thou, whose eyes Inflame the Seas, the Ayre, the Earth and Skies? Tell us, what art thou, o^ thou fairest fair, That trimm'st the Trammels of thy golden hair, With Mirtle, Thyme, and Roses; and thy Brest Gird'st with a rich and odoriferous Cest, Where all the wanton brood of sweetest Loves Doo nestle close; on whom the Turtle-Doves, 940 Pigeons, and Sparrowes day and night attend, Cooing and wooing, wherso'er thou wend: Whose Robe's imbrodered with Pomgranet boughs, Button'd with Saphires, edg'd with Beryl rowes: Whose capering foot, about the starrie floor, The Dance-guide Prince, now followes, now's before? Art thou not Shee, that with a chaste-sweet flame Didst both our Brides harts into one hart frame? And, was not Hee, that with so curious steps, Next after thee, so nimblie turns and leaps, 950 Say, was not Hee the wittie Messenger, Their eloquent and quick Interpreter? How strange a suit! His medly Mantle seems Scarlet, Wave-laced with Quick-silver streams, And th'end of every Lace, for tuft hath on A pretious Porphyre, or an Agate-stone: A Cry of Hownds have heer a Deer in Chase, There a false Foxe, heer a swift Kid they trace: There Larks, and Linots, and sweet Nightingails (Fain'd upon fayned Trees) with wings and tails 960 Loose hanging, seem to swel their little throats, And with their warblings, shame the Cornets notes. Light Fumitorie, Parsly, Burnets blade And winding leaf his crispie Locks beshade. Hee's light and lively, al in Turns and Tricks; In his great Round, hee many small doth mixe:

His giddy Course seems wandring in disorder, And yet there's found in this disorder, order. Avoid base Vulgar, back Profane, stand-by; These sacred Revels are not for your eye: 970 Come, gentle Gentles, Noble Spirits draw neer, Preasse through the Preasse, come take your places heer, To see at full the Bride-groom and the Bride, A lovely paire, exactly bewtifi'd With rare perfections, passing all the rest, Sole-happy Causes of this sumptuous Feast. Lo where they come: O what a splendor bright! Mine eyes doo dazle. O thou primer Light! Sun of the Sun, thy Rayes keen point rebate; Thy dread-spread Fire a little temperate: 980 O, dart (direct) on thy fair Spouse a-space Thine eyes pure light, the lustre of thy Face: For I no longer can endure it, I Am burnt to ashes: o^ I faint, I dye. But (blessed Couple) sith (alas) I may-not Behold you both un-masked, nor I can-not; Yet, in these Verses let mee tell (I pray) Your Dance, your Courting, and your rich Aray. The Queen's adorn'd down to her very heels In her fair Hair (whence stil sweet deaw distils) 990 Half hanging down; the rest in rings and curls, Platted with strings of great, round, orient Pearls: Her gown is Damask of a Silver-ground, With Silver Seas all deeply-frenged round; With Gourds and Moon-wort branched richly-fair, Flourisht with Beasts that only eat the Aier. But why (my <1Muse)>1 with Pencil so precise Seek'st thou to paint all her rich Rarities? Of all the Bewties, Graces, Honors, Richesse Where-with rich Hev'n these Maskers all inriches, 1000 Shee's even the Mother: and then, as a Glasse, On the Beholders their effects shee casts.

A Garland braided with the Flowrie folds Of yellow Citrons, Turn-Sols, Mary-golds, Beset with Bal'nites, Rubies, Chrysolites, The royall Bride-groom's radiant brows be-dights: His saffron'd Ruffe is edged richly-neat With burning Carbuncles, and everie set Wrought rarely-fine with branches (draw'n upon) Of Laurel, Cedar, Balm, and Cinamon: 1010 On his Gold-grounded Robe the Swan so white Seems to his honour some new Song t'indight, The Pho|enix there builds both her nest and toombe, The Crocodile out of the Waves doth come, Th'amazed Reaper down his Sickle flings And soudain Fear grafts to his Ankles wings: There the fierce Lion, from his furious eyes, His mouth and nosthrils fierie-Flames let-flyes, Seems with his whisking train his rage to whet, And, wrath-full ramping, readie even to set 1020 Upon a Heard of fragrant Leopards: When lo, the Cock (that light his rage reguards): A purple Plume tymbers his stately Crest, On his high Gorget and broad hardy Brest A rich Coat-Armour <1(Or>1 and <1Azure)>1 shines, A frenge of raveld gold about his Loines: In lieu of bases. Beard as red as blood; A short Beak bending like the Egles brood: Green-yellow eyes, where Terrors Tent is pight: A martial gaite, and spurred as a Knight: 1030 Into two arches his prowd Train divides, With painted wings hee claps his cheerful sides, Sounds his shrill Trumpet, and seems with his sight The Lions courage to have danted quight. These happy Lovers, with a practiz'd pase For-ward and back-ward and a-side do trace; They seem to dance the <1Spanish Pavane>1 right: And yet their Dance, so quick and lively-light,

Doth never passe the Baldricks bounds (at al) Which grav'n with Star-Beasts over-thwarts the Hall. 1040 When the brave Bride-groom towards Mount <1Silo>1 traces, A thowsand Flowers spring in his spright-ful pases: When towards Mount <1Olivet>1 hee slides, there growes Under his Feet a thousand Frosty Snowes: For, the Floor, beaten with his Measures ever, Seems like the Footing of the nimble Weaver. This lovely Couple, now kisse, now recoil, Now with a lowring eye, now with a smile: Now Face to Face they Dance, now side by side, With Course un-equal: and the tender Bride 1050 Receaves strange Changes in her Countenance, After her Lovers divers-seeming glance. If unawares some Envious come between Her and her Love, then is shee sad be-seen, She shuts her eye, shee seems even to depart: Such force hath true Love in a noble hart. But all that's nothing to their musicke choice: Tuning the warbles of their Angel-Voice To Foot and Viole, and Care-charming Lute, In amorous Dittie they doo thus dispute. 1060 "O bright-ey'd Virgin! o^ how faire thou art! "O how I love thee, My Snowe-winged Dove! "O how I love thee! Thou hast rapt my hart: "For thee I Die: For thee I live, my Love. "How fair art thou my Dear! How dear to mee! "Deer Soule (awake) I faint, I sink, I sownd, "At thy deer Sight: and when I sleep, for Thee, "Within my brest still wakes my sharp-sweet Wound. "My Love, what Odours thy sweet Tresse it yeelds! "What Amber-greece, what Incense breath'st thou out 1070 "From purple fillets! and what Myrrhe distils "Still from thy Fingers, ring'd with Gold about! "Sweet-Hart, how sweet is th'Odour of thy Prayse! "O what sweet aiers doth thy sweet aire deliver

"Unto my burning Soule! What hony Layes "Flowe from thy throat, thy throat a golden River. "Among the Flowers, my Flower's a Rose, a Lillie; "A Rose, a Lilly; this a Bud, that blow'n: "This fragrant Flower first of all gather wil-I, "Smell to it, kisse it, wear it as mine owne. 1080 "Among the Trees, my Love's an Apple-Tree, "Thy fruit-ful Stem bears Flower and Fruit together: "I'll smel thy Flower, thy Fruit shal nourish mee, "And in thy Shadow wil I rest for ever. While <1Hesperus,>1 in azure Waggon brought Millions of Tapers over al the Vault, These gorgeous Revels to sweet Rest give place, And, the earths <1Venus>1 doth Heav'ns <1Venus>1 trace. These Spousals past: the King doth nothing minde But <1the Lords House>1; there is his Care confin'd: 1090 His Checker's open, he no Cost respects, But sets a work the wittiest Architects. Millions of hands be busie labouring; Through al the Woods, wedges and beetles ring, The Tufted Tops of sacred <1Libanon,>1 To climb Mount <1Sion,>1 down the stream are gon: Forests are saw'd in Transomes, Beams, and Somers: Great Rocks made little, what with Sawes and Hammers: The sturdy Quar-man with steel-headed Cones And massie Sledges slenteth out the Stones, 1100 Digs through the bowels of th'earth baked stiff, Cuts a wide Window through a horned Cliff Of ruddy Porphire, or white Alabaster, And masters Marble, which no Time can Master. One melts the White-stone with the force of Fire: Another, leveld by the <1Lesbian>1 Squire, Deep under ground (for the Foundation) joynes Wel-polisht Marble, in long massie Coines; Such both for stuff, and for rare artifice, As mought beseem some royall Frontispice. 1110

This heaws a Chapter; that a Frize doth frame; This Carves a Cornich; that prepares a Jambe, This formes a Plynth; that fits an Architrave; This planes a Plank; and that the same doth grave, Gives life to Cedars dead, and cunningly Makes Wood to move, to sigh and speak wel-nigh: And others, rearing high the sacred Wal, By their bold Labours Heav'n it self appall: Cheerly they work, and ply it in such sort As if they thought long Summer-dayes too short. 1120 As in Grape-Harvest, with unwearie pains, A willing Troup of merry-singing Swains, With crooked hooks the strouting Clusters cut, In Frailes and Flaskets them as quickly put, Run bow'd with burthens to the fragrant Fat, Tumble them in, and after pit-a-pat, Up to the Waste; and dauncing in the Must, To th'under-Tub a flowrie Shower doo thrust: They worke a-vie, to th'eye their Work doth growe, Who saw't ith'Morning, scarce at Night can knowe 1130 It for the same: and God himself doth seem T'have ta'en to Taske this Work, and work for them, While in the Night sweet Sleep restores with rest The weary limbs of Work-men over-prest. Great King, whence came this Courage <1(Titan-like)>1 So many Hils to heap upon a rick? What mightie Rowlers, and what massie Cars Could bring so far so many monstrous Quars? And, what huge strength of hanging Vaults embow'd Bears such a waight above the winged Clowde? 1140 If on the out-side I doo cast mine eye, The Stones are joyn'd so artificially, That if the Mac#on had not checkerd fine, <1Syre>1's Alabaster with hard Serpentine, And hundred Marbles no lesse fair than firm; The whole, a whole Quar one might rightly tearm. If I look In, then scorn I all with-out:

Surpassing Riches shineth all about: Floore, Sides, and Seeling, coverd triple-fold, Stone lyn'd with Cedar, Cedar limm'd with Gold: 1150 And all the Parget carv'd and branched trim With Flowrs and Fruits, and winged Cherubim. I over-passe the sacred Implements, In worth far passing all these Ornaments: Th'Art answers to the stuff, the stuff to th'use. O perfect Artist, thou for Mould didst chuse The Worlds <1Ide%a>1: For, as first the same Was sever'd in a Three-fold divers Frame, And God Almighty rightly did Ordain One all Divine, one Heav'nly, one Terrene; 1160 Decking with Vertues one, with Stars another, With Flowrs and Fruits, and Beasts, and Birds the other: And playd the Painter, when hee did so gild The turning Globes, blew'd Seas, and green'd the field, Gave precious Stones so many-coloured lustre, Enameld Flowers, made Mettals beam and glister: The Carver, when he cut in leaves and stems Of Plants, such veins, such figures, files and hems: The Founder, when he cast so many Forms Of winged Fouls, of Fish, of Beasts, of Worms: 1170 Thou doost divide this <1Sacred House>1 in Three; Th'<1Holy of Holies,>1 where-in none may bee But God, the Cherubims, and (once a yeer) The <1Sacred Figure>1 of Perfection deer, Of Gods eternall Son (Sins sin-les check) The ever-lasting true <2MELCHISEDEC:>2 The fair mid-<2TEMPLE>2, which is ope alone To Sun-bright <1Levites,>1 who on <1Izrael>1 shone With Rayes of Doctrine; and who, feeding well On the <1Lawes>1 Honie, seem in Heav'n to dwell: 1180 And th'utter <2PORCH>2, the Peoples residence, The Vulgars Ile, the World of Elements: And various Artist honour'st all the Parts With <1Myron's, Phydias,>1 and <1Apelles>1 Arts.

This Pattern pleasd thee so, th'hast fram'd by it, Th'eternall Watch-births of thy sacred Wit: Thy pithie Book of <1Proverbs>1 richly-grave, Unto the <2PORCH>2 may rich relation have: For that it gives us Oeconomike Lawes, Rules Politike, and Private civil Sawes; 1190 And for (the most) those Lessons general At Humane matters aime the most of all. <1Ecclesiastes>1 the mid-<2TEMPLE>2 seems: It treadeth down what ever Flesh esteems Fair, pleasant, precious, glorious, good, or great; Drawes us from earth, and us in Heaven doth seat; And, all the World proclaiming <1Vain of Vains,>1 Mans happinesse in Gods true Fear maintains. <2SANCTUM-SANCTORUM>2, is thy <1Song of Songs,>1 Where, in <1Mysterious>1 Verse (as meet belongs) 1200 Thou Mariest <1Jacob>1 to Heav'ns glorious King: Where, thou (devoted) doost divinely sing <2CHRIST'S>2 and his <2CHURCHES>2 <1Epithalamie>1: Where (sweetly rapt in sacred Extasie) The faith-ful Soule talks with her God immense, Hears his sweet Voice, her self doth quintessence In the pure flames of his sweet-pearcing eyes (The Cabinets where Grace and Glory lies) Enjoyes her Joy, in her chaste bed doth kisse His holy lips (the Love of Loves) her Blisse. 1210 When he had finisht and had furnisht full The <1House of God,>1 so rich, so bewtifull: O God (sayd <1Salomon)>1 great <1Only-Trine>1! Which of this <1Mystike>1 sacred House of Thine Hast made mee Builder; build Mee in the same A living Stone. For thy deer <2DAVIDS>2 name, On <2DAVIDS>2 branches <2DAVIDS>2 blisse revive; That on his Throne his Issue still may thrive. O All-comprising, None-comprised Prince, Which art in Heav'n by thy Magnificence, 1220 In Hell by Justice, each-where by thy Powers:

Dwell here (deer Father) by thy Grace (to Ours). If, in a doubtful Case, one needs must swear, Loose thou the Knot, and punish thou severe Th'audacious Perjure; that hence-forth none chance Taxe thee of Malice, or of Ignorance. If our dis-flowred Trees, our Fields Haile-torn, Our empty Ears, our light and blasted Corn, Presage us Famine; if, with ten-fold chain, Thy hand hath lockt thy Water-gates of Rain; 1230 And, towards this House wee humbled cast our eye, Hear us (O Lord) hear our complaint and crie. If Captives wee in a strange Land bewayl, If in the Wars our Force and Fortune fail; And, towards this House wee humbled cast our eye, Hear us (O Lord) hear our complaint and crie. If Strangers, moov'd with rumor of thy Miracles, Come here to Offer, to consult thine Oracles, And in this House to Kneel religiously, Hear them, O Lord, hear their complaint and crie: 1240 Hear them from Heav'n; and, by thy Favors prest, Draw to Thy <2TEMPLE,>2 North, South, East, and West. The passe-Man <1Wisdom>1 of th'<1Isacian>1 Prince, A Light so bright, set in such eminence (Un-hideable by envious Arrogance, Under the Bushell of black Ignorance) Shines every where, illustres every place; Among the rest it Lightens in the Face Of the fair Princesse, that with prudent hand The soft <1Arabian>1 Scepter doth command, 1250 The Queen of <1Saba,>1 where continual Spring Red Cinamom, Incense, and Myrrhe dooth bring; Where private men doo Prince-like Treasures hold, Where Pots be Silver, Bedsteds beaten Gold, Where Wals are rough-cast with the richest Stones Cast in Devises, Emblems, Scutchions. Yet, leaving all this Greatnesse of her owne, Shee comes to view the State of <2SALOMON,>2

To heare his Wisedom, and to see his Cittie, Refuge of Vertues, Schoole of Faith and Pittie. 1260 You, that doo shut your eyes against the rayes Of glorious Light, which shineth in our dayes; Whose spirits self-obstin'd in old musty Error, Repulse the <1Truth (Th'Almighties sacred Mirror)>1 Which day and night at your deaf Doors doth knock; Whose stubbornnesse will not at all un-lock The sacred <1Bible,>1 nor so much as look, To talke with God, into his holy Book: O, fear you not that this great Princesse shall Of thank-les Sloath one-day condemne you all? 1270 Who (both a Woman, Queen, and Pagan born) Ease, Pleasures, Treasures, doth despise and scorn; To passe with great pains, and with great expence, Long weary Journeys ful of diffidence: And nobly travels to another Land To hear the words but of a (mortal) Man? Her Time's not lost: there (rapt) she doth contemple The sumptuous bewties of a stately <2TEMPLE>2, The lofty Towers of hundred Towns in one, A pompous Palace, and a peer-les Throne, 1280 Wals rich with-out; furnisht in richer sort: Number of Servants dooth adorne the Court, But more their Order; there, no noise is heard, Each his own Office only doth reguard: And, (in one instant) as the quaverings Of a quicke Thumb, moves all the divers strings Of a sweet Guittern; and, its skil to grace, Causeth a Trebble sound, a Mean, a Base: So <2SALOMON,>2 discreetly with a beck, A wink, a word, doth all the Troop direct: 1290 Each of his Servants hath his proper Lesson, And (after his Degree) each hath his fashion. This Queen, yer parting, from her fragrant Iles, Arm'd her with Riddles and with witty Wyles, T'appose the King; and shee resolves shee will

With curious Questions sift and sound his Skill. But lo what <1Oedipus>1! The Law-learn'd Sage, Which at the Bar hath almost spent his age, Cannot so soon a common Doubt decide, Where Statutes, Customs, and Book-Cases guide, 1300 As hee dissolves her <1Gordian->1knots, and sees Through all her nights, and even at pleasure frees Such Doubts, as doubt-les might have taskt, t'untwist, The <1Brachman, Drui%de,>1 and <1Gymnosophist>1: And knowing, Good becomes more Good, the more It is en-common'd, hee applies there-fore T'instruct her in the Faith; and (envious-idle) His brains rich Talent buries not in Idle. Alas, I pitie you: alas (quoth Hee) Poor Soules besotted in Idolatrie, 1310 Who worship Gold and Silver, Stocks and Stones, Mens workmanship, and Fiends Illusions; And, who (by your sage <1Mages>1 Lore miss-led) So-many Godlings have imagined: Madame, there is but one sole God, most-High, Th'eternall King, nay, self-Eternity, Infinite, All in all, yet out of all, Of Ends the End, of Firsts Originall, Of Lights the Light, Essence sur-passing Essence, Of Powers pure Act, of Acts the very Puissance, 1320 Cause of all Causes, Ocean of all Good, The Life of Life, and of all Bewtie Flood: None-seen All-Seer, Starr's-guide, Sight of Seeing, The Uni-forme, which gives all Formes their Beeing. God, and One, is all One; whoso the Unitie Denies, hee (Atheist) disanuls Divinitie: Th'Unitie dwels in God, ith'Fiend the Twine: The greater World hath but one Sun to shine, The lesser but one Soule, both but one God, In Essence One, in Person <1Trinely->1odde. 1330 Of this great Frame, the Parts so due-devis'd, This Body, tun'd so, measur'd, sympathiz'd,

This <2TEMPLE>2, where such Wealth and Order meet, This Art in every part, cannot proceed But from one Pattern; and that but from one Author of all, who all preserves alone. Else should we see in set Batalions A hundred thousand furious Partizans, The World would nource civill intestine Wars, And wrack it self in it selfs factious Jars. 1340 Besides, God is an Infinite Divinitie: And who can think of more than one Infinitie? Seeing the one restraines the others might, Or rather reaves its name and being quight. Therfore (O Pagans) why doo you confine The Infinite in narrow Walls of lime? Why shut you Him in a base Trunk or Tree? Why paint you Whom no mortall eye can see? Why offer you your carnall services Unto the Lord, who a meer Spirit is? 1350 Why then doo you (sayd shee) by our example, Inclose th'Immortall in this Earthly <2TEMPLE>2? Lock him within an Arke? and, worse than wee, Feed him with Fumes, and bloody Butcherie? This Sacred House so fair (reply'd hee then) Is not, to contain God, but godly men Which worship him: and, wee doo not suppose That Hee, whose Arms doo Heav'n and Earth inclose, Is closed in a Chest; but th'ancient Pact, The solemne Covenant, and the sure Contract, 1360 Which leagues us with our God, and each with other, And (holy Bond) holds Heaven and Earth together. As for our Incense, Washings, Sacrifices, They are not (as is thought) Our vaine Devices; But, God's their Author, and himselfe Ordains These Elements, whereby hee entertains And feeds our understanding in the hope Of his deer Son (of all these Things the Scope); Setting before us th'Only Sacrifice,

Which in <2CHRIST>2's Blood shall wash-out all our vice. 1370 Come then, O Lord, Come thou Lawes finisher, Great King, great Prophet, great Selfs-Offerer: Come, come, thou thrice-Great Refuge of our State, Come, thou our Ranc#ome, Judge, and Advocate: Milde Lambe, Salve-Serpent, Lion generous, Un-challeng'd Umpire betwixt Heav'n and Us, Come thou, the Trueth, the Substance and the End Of all our Offerings, (whither, all doo tend): Come o^ <2MESSIAS,>2 and doo now begin To Raign in <1Sion,>1 to tryumph of Sinne; 1380 And, worshipped in Spirit and Truth, restore Upon the Earth the Golden Age of yore: Accept this Queen, as of all Heathen Princes The deer First-Fruits: take on thee our Offences, That, stript of <1Adam>1's Sinfull sute, in fine With sacred Angels wee in Heav'n may shine. The Queen, nigh sunk in an Amaze-full Swoun, Bespake him thus: My Lord, prattling Renown Is wont in flying to increase so far, That she proclaims things greater than they are: 1390 And, rarest Spirits resemble Pictures right, Wherof the rarest seem more exquisite, Far-off, then neer: but, so far as thy Fame Excels all Kings, thy Vertues passe the same: Thy peer-les Praise stoops to thy Learned tongue, And envious bruit hath done thy Wisedom wrong. So may I say, even so (o^ <2SCOTISH>2 King) Thy winged Fame, which far and wide doth ring, From th'edge of <1Spain>1 hath made me venturously To crosse the Seas thy <1Britain>1's end to see: 1400 Where (Lord!) what saw I? nay, what saw I not? O King (Heav'n-chosen, for some special Plot) Worlds Miracle, o^ Oracle of Princes! I saw so much, my Soule mistrusts my Senses. A gray-beards Wisedom in an amber-bush, A <1Mars->1like Courage in a Maid-like blush,

A settled Judgement with a supple Wit, A quick Discourse, profound and pleasing yet; <1Virgil>1 and <1Tullie,>1 in one spirit infus'd, And all Heav'ns Gifts into one Head diffus'd. 1410 Persist, O King, glory on glory mount; And, as thy Vertues thine owne Fame surmount, So let thy future passe thy former more, And go-before those that have gone-before: Excell thy Self: and brave, grave, godly Prince, Confirme my Songs eternall Evidence.

THE SCHISME THE III BOOK OF THE IIII DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <1Rejecting Olde, Yong-Counsail'd rash>1 <2ROBOAM>2 <1Loseth Ten>1 Tribes<1; which fall to>1 <2JEROBOAM.>2 <1He, Godding>1 Calves, <1makes>1 Izrael <1to Sin:>1 <1His Scepter therfore shortly fails his Kin.>1 <2BAAZ'>2, <2ZIMRI, OMRI, ACHAB>2 <1(worst of all)>1 <1With>1 <2JEZABEL.>2 Elias <1conquers>1 Baal<1;>1 <1Commands the>1 Clouds<1;>1 rapt-up <1to Heav'n, alive.>1 Elisha'<1s>1 Works<1:>1 his bones <1the dead revive.>1 <2SAMARIA'S>2 <1tragik>1 Siege. <1A Storm at Sea,>1 <1For>1 Jonas <1sake: repentant>1 <2NINIVE.>2 Heer sing I <2ISAAC'S>2 civil Brauls and Broils; <1Jacobs>1 Revolt; their Cities sack, their Spoils: Their cursed Wrack, their <1Godded Calves>1: the <1rent>1 Of th'<1Hebrew Tribes>1 from th'<1Isheans>1 Regiment. Ah! see we not, som seek the like in <1France>1? With rage-full swords of civil Variance, To share the sacred <1Gaulian>1 Diadem? To strip the <1Lillies>1 from their native stem? And (as it were) to <1Cantonnize>1 the State Whose Law did aw Imperial <1Rhine>1 (of late) 10 <1Tiber>1 and <1Iber>1 too; and under whom Even silver <1Jordan>1's captive floods did foam. But, let not us, good Lord, O let not us, Serve servilely a hundred Kinglings thus, In stead of one great Monarch: never let The lawfull Heir from his owne Throne be beat;

This Scepter yearly to be new possest; Nor every Town to be a Tyrants nest: Keep all intire, re-stablish prudent Raign, Restore the Sword to <1Justice>1 hand again; 20 That, blest with Peace, thy blessed Praise (O Lord) My thankfull Layes may more and more record. The General <1States>1 of <1Israel,>1 gathered all, By thousands now, within strong <1Sichem>1's Wall; All jointly name <2ROBOAM>2 for their King, But (strictly-stout) his Powr thus limiting: Command (say they) and Rule in <1Abram>1's Fold, Not as a Wolf, but as a Shepheard should: Slacken the raines of our late Servitude: Lighten our gall'd backs of those Burthens rude, 30 Those heavie Imposts of thy Father (fierce): Repress the rapin of thine Officers: So, we will serve thee, life and goods at-once: If other-wise; thy Service we renounce. Heer-with amaz'd, the moody Prince, in post Sends for those Ancients which had swayed most His Fathers Counsails: and he seems to crave Their sage Advises, in a case so grave. God hath not made, say they (jumping together) Subjects for Kings, but Kings for Subjects rather: 40 Then, let not thine (already in distress) Be gnaw'n by others; by thy Self much less. What boots a Head, with-out the hand and foot? What is a Scepter, and no Subjects to't? The greater Milt, the Body pines the more: The Checker's fatting makes the People poor: A Princes Wealth in Subjects Wealth is set; The Bank of Thrift, where gold doth gold beget: Where the good Prince coms never but at need: For, he is prais'd for a good Heard (indeed) 50 Whose Flock is fat and fair, with frolik bounds Frisking and skipping up and down the Douns. Among the Beasts fullest of furious gall,

The Vulgar's fiercest, wildest, worst of all: <1Hydra>1 with thousand heads, and thousand stings, Yet soon agreed to war against their Kings. If then you wish, their barking rage to cease, Cast them a bone; by an Abatement, ease Their wringing Yoak: thy Pity let them prove, And ground thy Greatness on thy Peoples love. 60 Or, if thou (fel) wilt needs feed on their ice, Yet use no threats, nor give them flat Denies: But, to establish thy yet-new Estate, Give them som hope, and let them feed on that: And (wisely) minde thy Fathers <1Saying>1 sage, That <1A soft answer>1 (soon) <1appeaseth rage.>1 <2ROBOAM,>2 scorning these olde Senators, Leans to his Yonglings, Minions, Flatterers (Birds of a feather) that with one accord Cry-out, importune, and perswade their Lord, 70 Not sillily to be by such disturb'd, Nor let him-self so simply to be curb'd; But, to repress, press, and oppress the more These Mal-contents, but too-well us'd before: With iron teeth to bruise their idle bones, To suck their Marrow out; and (for the nonce) Their rebel Pride to fetter (as it were) And lock their Fury in the stocks of Fear: And, to shake-off (on th'other side) and shun Those Gray-beards olde and colde direction, 80 Their sawcie censures, snibbing his Minority; Wher-by (too-proud) they trip at his Authority, Usurp his place; and (too-too-malapert) Would teach a wiser then them-selves his part: To knowe that he's a King; and that he took Even in the womb, as th'outward limbs and look, So th'inward graces, the Discretion And deep Fore-sight of prudent <2SALOMON;>2 And, in the Shop of Nature, learn'd (long since)

The Art of <1State,>1 the Office of a Prince. 90 Wisedom (fond King) her sacred Seat erects In hoary brains: and Day the Day directs: Th'olde-man fore-sees a-far; by <1past>1 events He (prudent) ponders <1future>1 accidents: The Young-man knowes not (new-com, as it were) This wily World, but as a passenger; And, more with courage then with Counsail's guide Barely beholds things on the outer side. Yet, to the last thou lean'st; and, frowning fel, Checkst thus the Son's of noble <1Israel>1: 100 Ah! rebel Slaves! you, you will Rule your King: You'll be his Carvers: you wil clip his wing: You'll hold the sacred helm, controule the Crown: You'll rate his State, and turn all up-side-down. But, knowe you (varlets) whom you dally-with? My little finger over-ballanceth My Father's loigns: he did but rub you light, I'll flay your backs; he bow'd, I'll break yee quight; He threatned Rods (or gentle Whips of cord) But, I will have your carrion shoulders goar'd 110 With scourges tangd with rowels: and my Name Shall make you quake, if you but hear the same. As rapid streams, incountring in their way With close-driv'n piles of som new bank or bay, Or steady pillers of a Bridge built new, Which last-past Sommer never saw, nor knew; Swel, roar, and rage far fiercer then they wont, And with their foam defile the Welkins front: So yerst griev'd <1Isaac,>1 now growen desperate, With loud proud tearms doth thus expostulate: 120 Why? what have we to do (what part? what place?) With <1Bo%ozian Ishay>1's avaricious race? Go, Raign (proud <1Juda)>1 where thou wilt; for we Nill bear the burthen of thy Tyrannie: Go use els-where thy cruel threats and braves; We are thy Brethren, we, and not thy Slaves.

Thus cry the People, and th'ill-counsail'd <1King>1 Un-kingly yeelds to their rude Mutining: And flies eft-soons with som few <1Benjamites,>1 The zealous <1Levites,>1 and the <1Juda%ites>1: 130 The rest revolt, and chuse for Soveraign A shame-les, faith-les, bold and busie-brain, An <1Ephraimite,>1 who (double-false) doth fall Both from his King and from his God with-all. For, he fore-sees that if th'<1Isacians>1 still (As Law injoyn'd) should mount on <1Sion>1 Hill, To sacrifice; with beauty of that <1Temple,>1 Their Princes sight, the Doctrine and Example Of sacred <1Levites,>1 they would soon be taken, And drawn aboord the Bark they had forsaken. 140 To rent the Church therfore he doth devise, And God's true Spouse doth Harlot-like disguise: Will have them hence-forth Worship God the Lord Under the Form of Hay-fed <1Calves>1 (abhorr'd) In <1Dan>1 and <1Bethel>1: brings-up Service new; Profane, usurping sacred <1Aron>1's Dew. But, how (ingrate) requit'st thou God, in this? He, of a Servant, made thee King of His: Thou, of a God, mak'st him a horned steer; Sett'st Altar against Altar; and, the deer, 150 Cleer Star of <1Truth>1 be-clouding with the vail Of thine Ambition, mak'st all <1Israel>1 fail, And fall with-all into the Gulf of Death, So deep (alas!) that from thence-forth, un-eath Could th'operation of so many Miracles, In their hard hearts re-print the <1Sacred Oracles.>1 One-day, the while this Priest-King sacrifiz'd To's clov'n-foot God in <1Bethel>1 (self-deviz'd) A zealous Prophet from the Lord there cam, Who boldly thus his brutish rage doth blame: 160 O odious House, O execrable Cell, O Satans Forge, O impious Shop of Hell;

Accursed Altar, that so braves and boasts Against the Altar of the Lord of Hoasts; Behold, from <1David>1 shall a King return That on thy stones thine owne Priests bones shall burn, Thus saith the Lord: and this shall be the Sign (Prodigiously to seal his Word, in mine) Thou now in th'instant shalt in sunder shatter, And in the Air shall thy vile cinders scatter. 170 Take, take the Sot, said then th'ungodly Prince, And (as he spake in rage-full vehemence) Reacht-out his arm: but, instantly the same So strangely withered and so num became, And God so rustied every joynt, that there (But as the Body stird) it could not stirre: Th'unsacred Altar sodain slent in twain; And th'ashes, flying through th'un-hallowed Fane, Blinde the blinde Priests, as in the Sommer (oft) The light, white Dust (driv'n by the Winde aloft) 180 Whirling about, offends the tendrest eye, And makes the Shepheards (with-out cause) to cry. O holy Prophet (prayes the Tyrant then) Deer man of God, restore my hand again: His hand is heal'd. But (obstinate in ill) In His Calf-service He persevers still, Still runs his Race, still every day impairs, And of his Sins makes all his Sons his heirs. The King of <1Juda>1 little better proves, His Fathers by-paths so <1Abijam>1 loves; 190 The People, pliant to their Princes guise, Forget their God, and his drad Law despise. God, notwithstanding (of his speciall grace) Entails the <1Scepter>1 to the sacred race Of his deer <1David>1: and he bindes with boughs Of glorious Laurels their victorious brows: And evermore (how-ever Tyrants rave) Som form of Church in <1Sion>1 will he have. <1Aza, Abijam>1's Son: <1Jehosaphat>1

The son of <1Aza>1 (rightly zealous) hate 200 All Idol-gods: and, warring with success, Dung <1Isaak's>1 Fields with forrain carcases. In <1Aza>1's ayd fights th'arm armi-potent (Which shakes the Heavens, rakes Hils, and Rocks doth rent) Against black <1Zerah>1's over-daring boast, That with drad deluge of a Million-Hoast O'r-flow'd all <1Juda>1; and, all sacking (fel) Transported <1Afrik>1 into <1Israel>1: He fights for His; who, seeing th'<1Ammonite,>1 The <1Iduma|ean,>1 and proud <1Mo%abite,>1 210 In Battail ray, caus'd all his Hoast to sing This Song aloud, them thus encouraging: Sa, sa (my hearts) let's cheerly to the charge; Having for Captain, for Defence, and Targe, That glorious Prince to whom the raging Sea Hath heertofore, in foming pride, giv'n way: Who, with a sigh (or with a whistle, rather) Can call the North, South, East, and West together: Who, at a beck, or with a wink, commands Millions of millions of bright-winged Bands: 220 Who, with a breath, brings (in an instant) under The proudest Powrs: whose arrows are the Thunder. While yet they sang, fel <1Discord>1 reaching-far, Hies to the <1Heathen>1 that encamped are: Clean through her mantle (tatterd all in flakes) Appears her brest all-over gnaw'n with Snakes, Her skin is scarr'd, her teeth (for rage) do gnash, The Basilisk with-in her eyes doth flash; And, one by one, she plucks-off (in despight) Her hairs (no hairs, but hissing Serpents right) 230 And, one by one, she severally bestowes-'em Through all the Camp, in every Captains bosom, Blowes every vein full of her furious mood, Burns every Souldier with the thirst of bloud: And, with the same blade that she died once In valiant <1Gedeon>1's (Brother-slaughtered) Sons,

She sets the Brother to assail the Brother, The Son the Sier, and deerest Friends each-other. The swords new draw'n against their Enemies, Now (new revolted) hack their owne Allies: 240 And <1Mars>1 so mads them in their mutuall Jar, That strange, turns civill; civill, houshold War: Proud <1Edom>1 heaws <1Moab>1 and th'<1Ammonite>1; <1Amon>1 hunts <1Edom>1 and the <1Moabite>1; <1Moab>1 assaults <1Amon>1 and <1Edom>1 too; And each of them wars first with th'other two, Then with themselves: then <1Amon Amon>1 thrills, <1Moab>1 wounds <1Moab, Edom Edom>1 kills. From Hoast to Hoast, blinde-fold Despair, in each Disports her self; those that are one in speach, 250 Under one colours, of one very coat, Combat each other, cut each others throat. Rage-full confusion every-where commands, Against his Captain the Lieutenant stands, The Corporal upon his Serjant flies, And basest Boyes against their Masters rise. Nay, drad <1Bellona>1 passeth fiercely further, Th'owne Unkle doth his owne deer Nephew murther, The Nephew th'Unkle with the like repayes, Cosen thrils Cosen, Kins-man Kins-man slayes: 260 Yea, even the Father kills his Son most cruell, And from one Belly springs a bloudy Duell; Twins fiercely fight: and while each woundeth other, And drawes the life-blood of his half-self Brother, Feels not his owne to fail, till in the place Both fall; as like in furie as in face: But, strength at length (not stomach) fails in either; And, as together born, they die together. The faithfull Hoast drawes neer, and gladly goes Viewing the bodies of their breath-less Foes. 270 Men, Camels, Horse (som saddled, som with-out) Pikes, Quivers, Darts, lie mingled all about The bloudy Field; and from the Mountains nigh

The Rav'ns begin with their pork-porking cry: Heer seems an Arm, a Giant late did owe, As if it would to a Dwarf's shoulder growe: A Princes hand there (knowen by pretious signes) Unto the arm of a base Porter joyns; An olde-Man's head heer to a Stripling's neck; And there, lean buttocks to a brawny back: 280 Heer, of a Body justly cloven in two, The bloudy tripes are trayling to and fro; There, five red fingers of a Hand cut-off Gripe still the truncheon of a steeled staff, And, there (at-once, all broached on one Lance) Lie three brave Hors-men in a deadly Trance. Chariots, unfurnisht and unharnest, stood, Over the spoaks, up to the naves in blood: Th'<1Engaddian>1 Snowes melt in vermilion streams, And now (no marvell) <1Jarvel>1 warmly steams, 290 Stopt with dead bodies; so, that never-more It should have seen the Ocean (as before) Nor payd the Tribute that his Duty craves, Save that the crimsin holp the crystall waves. Praised be God (said <1Juda)>1 praised be The Lord of Hoasts, the King of Majestie, That moawes his Foes; that doth his owne protect, That holds so deer the blood of his elect: That fights for us, and teacheth us to fight, Conquer, and triumph of the <1Pagan>1's might: 300 And (finally) doth punish Tyrants fel, With their owne swords, to save his <1Israel.>1 But, notwithstanding <1Jeroboam>1's Plot, His third Successor yet succeeds him not; A barbarous Fury raigneth in his Race, His bloudy Scepter shifteth hands a pace: <1Nadab>1 his son, and all his seed beside, Feels cursed <1Baasha>1's cruel Parricide; And <1Baasha>1's issue is by <1Zimri>1 slain, <1Zimri>1 by <1Zimri;>1 then doth <1Omri>1 raign, 310

<1Omri,>1 accursed for his owne transgression, But more accursed for the foul succession Of such a Son as <1Achab>1 (sold to Sin) That boldly brings <1Sidonian>1 Idols in, Builds unto <1Baal>1; and, of all Kings the worst, Weds <1Jezabel,>1 adds Drunkenness to Thirst. Blinde Superstition's like a drop of Oyl Still spreading, till it all a Garment spoil: Or, like a spark, fall'n in a floor of Mat, Which soon inflameth all the Chamber; that, 320 Fiers the whole House; the House, the Town about; Consuming all, and never going-out, Till Goods, and Bodies, Towrs, and Temples high, All in a Toomb of their owne ashes lye: When one begins (how little be't) to stray From the divine Law's little-beaten way, We cursed fall into the black Abysse Of all foul Errors: every Sin that is Donns sacred Mask; and, Monsters most abhord, Killing the Saints, we think to please the Lord, 330 As <1Achab>1 did; who, vanquisht with the spel, Speach, grace, and face of painted <1Jezabel,>1 Presumes to lay his sacrilegious hand On th'oyled Priests that in Gods presence stand, Of honest Men his Towns depopulates, Lessens the Number of his Noble States, T'augment his Lands, and with the bloud of his Wrights th'Instruments of his new Purchases. But slain (at last) by th'Hoast of <1Benhadad,>1 His Son succeeds him (and almost as bad) 340 He breaks his neck, and leaves his fatall place, To's Brother <1Joram,>1 last of <1Achab>1's race; An odious race, th'alliance of whose blood Corrupts the Heirs of <1Josaphat>1 the good, Causing his Son (charm'd with <1Athalia>1's wile) In's Brother's bloud his armed arms to file, And <1Ahaziah>1's giddy brain t'infect

With the damnd Error of <1Samarian>1 Sect. But, though these Kings did openly oppugn And stubbornly the King of Heav'n impugn; 350 Though <1Abrah'ms>1 issue (now degenerate) Did but too-neer their Princes imitate; Though over all, a <1Chaos>1 of confusion, A Hell of Horror, Murder, and Delusion, A Sea of Sins (contempt of God and Good) Cover'd these Kingdoms (as another Flood); God left not yet that Age without his Oracles: A hundred Prophets, strong in word and miracles, Resist their rage, and from sad drowning keep The wracked planks on th'Idol-Ocean deep. 360 Cleer Sommer Noons need not a candle-light; Nor sound, Physician; but, clean opposite: So, in our Soules, the more Sin's Floods do flowe, The more God makes his Mercie's Gulf to growe. For his Embassage, in sad <1Achab>1's dayes, <1Thesbite Elijah>1 did th'Almighty raise; Who, burning-bold in spirit and speach, cries-out, In <1Achab>1's ears and all his Court about: O impious <1Achab,>1 fear'st thou not (quoth he) The sulphury flames and Thunder-bolts that be 370 Already roaring in the dradfull fist Of God the Lord, that doth the proud resist, Revengeth wrongs, th'outragious <1Heathen>1's Hammer, Terror of Terrors, and all Tyrants Tamer? Doost thou not knowe, He threats to <1Israel>1 A Heav'n of Brass, if they his grace repel, Reject his love, and get them other Loves, Whoring about with forrain Gods, in Groves? God cannot lie: His dreadfull Threatnings ever Draw dreadfull Judgements (if our Sin persever): 380 As the Lord lives, this thirsty yawning Plain In seav'n six Month's drinks not a drop of Rain. No sooner spoken, but, in present view, The Heav'ns begin to change their wonted hew,

Th'Aire deadly thick, doth quickly vanish quight; To a sad Day succeeds a sadder Night: A bloudy vapour and a burning cloud, By day, begirt the Sun (all coaly-browd); By night, the Moon denies to fading Flowrs Her silver sweat, and pearly-purled showrs: 390 The Welkin's studded with new Blazing-Stars, Flame-darting Lances, fiery crowns and Cars, Kids, Lions, Bears, wrapt in prodigious Beams, Dreadfull to see: and <1Pho|ebus>1 (as it seems) Weary of travail in so hot a time, Rests all the while in boyling <1Cancer>1's clime. Hills, lately hid with snowe, now burn amain: May hath no Deaw, nor February Rain: Sad <1Atlas>1 Nieces, and the <1Hunter>1's Star Have like effect as the <1Canicular>1: 400 <1Zephyre>1 is mute, and not a breath is felt, But hectik <1Auster>1's, which doth all things swelt, And (panting-short) puffs every-where upon The withered Plains of wicked <1Shomeron,>1 Th'unsavorie breath of Serpents crawling o're The <1Lybians>1 pest-full and un-blest-full shoar. Now Herbs to fail, and Flowrs to fall began; Mirtles and Bayes for want of moist grew wan: With open mouth the Earth the aid doth crave Of black-blew Clouds: cleer <1Kishon>1's rapid wave 410 Wars now no more with Bridges arched round, <1Sorek,>1 for shame, now hides him under ground, <1Mokmur,>1 whose murmur troubled with the noise The sleeping Shepheards, hath nor stream, nor voice, <1Cedron>1's not <1Cedron,>1 but (late) <1Cedron>1's bed, And <1Jordan>1's Current is as dry, as dead. The beam-brow'd Stag, and strong-neckt Bull do ly On pale-fac#'t banks of <1Arnon>1 (also dry) But, neither sup, nor see the Crystal Wave, Over the which so often swom they have: 420

The lusty Courser that late scorn'd the ground, Now lank and lean, with crest and courage downd, With rugged tongue out of his chained mouth, With hollow-flanks panting for inward drouth, Rouling his Bit, but with a feeble rumour, Would sweat, for faintnes, but he wanteth humour: The Towr-backt Camel, that best brooketh Thirst, And on his bunch could have transported yerst Neer a whole Houshold, now is able scant To bear him self, he is so feebly-faint. 430 Both yong and olde, both of the base and best, Feel a fel <1A|Etna>1 in their thirsty brest: To temper which, they breathe, but to their wo: For, for pure air, they sup into them, so, A putride, thick, and pestilential fume, Which stuffs their Lights and doth their lyves consume. Ther's not a Puddle (though it strangely stink) But dry they draw't, Sea-Water's dainty Drink: And fusty-Bottles, from beyond-Sea, (South) Bring <1Nile>1 to <1Somer,>1 for the Kings owne mouth. 440 For, though the Lord th'whole Land of <1Syria>1 smights, Th'heat of his Anger on <1Samaria>1 lights With greatest force; whose furious Prince implies, The Prophet Cause of all these miseries. Therefore, he fearing <1Achab>1's ragefull hate, Down to Brook <1Cherith>1's hollow banks he gate, Where, for his Cooks, Caters, and Wayters, tho From the foure windes the winged people go. Thence, to <1Sareptha>1; wher he craves the aid Of a poor Widow, who thus mildely said, 450 Alas! fain would I, but (God wot) my store Is but of bread for one meal (and no more): Yet, give me (saith he) give me som (I pray); Who soweth sparing, sparing reapeth ay: Sure, a good turn shall never guerdon want,

A Gift to Needlings is not given, but lent: T's a Well of Wealth, which doth perpetuall run: A fruitfull Field which thousand yeelds for one. While thus he said, and staid; the Widow glad, Gives to him frankly all the bread she had: 460 She lost not by't: for, all the <1Famin->1while, That rag'd in <1Tyre,>1 her little Flowr and Oyl Decreased not, yet had she plenty still, For her and hers to feed in time their fill. At length befell fel Death to take-away Her onely Son, and with her Son, her Joy: She prayes her Guest, and he implores his God, And stretching him upon the breath-les Lad, Thus cries aloud: Vouchsafe me, Lord, this boon, Restore this child's soule, which (it seems) too-soon 470 Thou hast bereft: O! let it not be said, That heer for nought I have so oft been fed: Let not my presence be each-where abhorr'd; Nor Charity with thee to want Reward. As a small seedling of that fruitfull Worm, Which (of it self) fine shining Sleaves doth form, By the warm comfort of a Virgin brest, Begins to quicken, creepeth (as the rest) Re-spins a-fresh, and, in her witty loom, Makes of her corps her corps a pretious Toomb: 480 This Childe (no Man, but Man's pale Module now) With Death ith bosom, horror on the brow, The bait of Worms, the booty of the Beer, At sacred words begins his ey to rear; Swimming in Death, his powrs do re-assemble, His spirits (rewarm'd) with-in his artirs tremble; He fetcht a sigh, then lively rising too, Talks, walks, and eats, as he was woont to doo. Fain would the Mother have besought the Seer T'have past the rest of his colde Olde-age heer: 490 But th'holy spirit him sodain hence doth bring Unto <1Samaria>1 to th'incensed King;

Who rates him thus: O Basilisk! O Bane! Art not thou He that sow'st th'<1Isaacian>1 Plain With Trouble-Tares? Seditious, hast not thou Profan'd the Laws of our Fore-fathers now? Broken all Orders, and the Altars bann'd Of th'holy Gods Protectors of our Land? Since thy fond Preaching did heer first begin, More and more heavie hath Heav'ns anger bin 500 Upon us all; and <1Baal,>1 blasphem'd by thee, Hath since that season never left us free From grievous Plagues: it is a Hell we feel, Our Heav'n is Brass, our Earth is all of Steel. No, no, O King (if I the Truth shall tell) Thou, thou art he that troublest <1Israel.>1 Thou (give me leave) thou and thy Grand-sires, mad After strange Gods in every Grove to gad, Have left the true, wise, wondrous (all-abroad) Omnipotent, victorious, glorious God: 510 Such shall you prove him, if you dare oppone All your <1Baal->1Prophets against me, but one. Content, quoth <1Achab>1: then, to <1Carmel>1's top The Schismik Priests were quickly called up: Unto their <1Baal>1 an Altar build they there; To God, the Prophet doth another rear: Both have their Beasts; and by their prayer must prove Whose God is <2GOD,>2 by Fier from Heav'n above. The People's eyes, and eares, and mindes are bent Upon these Marvails, to observe th'event 520 (Marvails, which might well cleer the difference That had so long depended in suspence 'Twixt <1Israel>1 and <1Juda>1; and direct Th'Earth how to serve Heav'ns sacred Architect) As when two Buls, inflamed fiercely-fell, Met front to front, their forked arms do mell, The feeble Heards of Heifers in amaze Twixt hope and fear, unfeeding, stand at gaze,

To see the Fight, and censure which do prove The valiantest, that hee may be their Love. 530 <1Baal's>1 baalling Priests call and cry out for life, They gash their flesh, with Launcet and with knife, They cruell make their blood to spin about (As Claret wine from a pearc#'t Peece doth spout) And, madly shaking heads, leggs, sides and arms, They howling chant these <1Dithyrambi'k>1 charms; Help, help, o^ <1Baal,>1 o^ <1Baal>1 attend our cryes, <1Baal,>1 hear us <1Baal,>1 o^ <1Baal>1 bow down thine eyes: O <1Stratian, Clarian, Eleutherian>1 Powrs, <1Panompha|ean>1 God, approve us thine, thee ours: 540 O <1Epicarpian>1! o^ <1Epistatirian,>1 <1Phyxian, Feretrian,>1 o^ <1Exacestirian,>1 <1Xenian, Messapian, O Lebradean>1 BAAL, O <1Assabine,>1 <2BAAL-SAMEN,>2 hear our Call. <1Elijah,>1 that their bloody Rites abhord, And knowes aright the service of the Lord, T'appease his wrath hee doth not scar his skin; Nor, with self-wounds presume his grace to win, Nor makes himself unfitting for his function, By selfly stripes (as causing more compunction) 550 Nor, thrild with bodkins, raves in frantik-wise, And in a furie seems to prophetize: But offers God his hart, in stead of blood; His speech is sober, and as milde his mood. Cry loud, quoth he: your God is yet perchance In a deep sleep, or doth in arms advance Against his Foes (th'<1Egyptian>1 Dei%ties) Or is consulting how to keep the Flies From off his Altar. But, O <1Israel>1! Alas! why yoakst thou God with <1Baal>1 (or <1Bel>1)? 560 Alas! how long thus wilt thou halt twixt either, And fondly mix Darnel and Wheat together In thy Faith's Field? If <1Baal>1 be God indeed, Then boldly serve him, seek him sole at need:

But, if blew Sea, and winged Firmament, Th'all-bearing Earth, and Storm-breed Element, Be but the least Works of th'Almighty hand Of <1Jacob>1's God: If Heav'n, Aire, Sea, and Land, And all in all, and all in every one, By his owne finger be sustain'd alone: 570 If he have cast those cursed Nations out, Which yerst defil'd this fair, fat Land about; To give it thee, to plant thee in their place, Why him alone doost thou not ay imbrace, And serve him onely in thy Soule and Heart, Who in his Love brooks none to share a part? The cord un-twisted weakens: and who serves Two Lords at-once, to lose them both deserves. <1Baal>1 dead (thou seest) hears not his Servants call, Much less can grant them their Desires at all: 580 But, <1Jaacob>1's God, <2JEHOVA, ELOHIM,>2 Never deceives their hope that trust in him. Hear me therfore, O Lord, and from above With sacred Fire (thy Soverain powr to prove) Consume this Bullock, and shewe by the same That Thou art <2GOD,>2 and I thy Servant am: And to thy Fold (thy <1Churches>1 Lap) repeal Thy wandring Flock, thy chosen <1Israel.>1 As falls a Meteor in a Sommer Even, A sodain Flash coms flaming down from Heav'n, 590 Licks dry the Dikes, and instantly, at-once, Burns all to Ashes, both the Altar-stones, And the Offered Bullock: and the People fall In zealous fury on the Priests of <1Baal>1; And, by <1Elijah>1's prayer, soon obtain Rain, which so often they had askt in vain. For, what is it <1Elijah>1 cannot do? If he be hungry, Fouls, and Angels too, Becom his Stewards. Fears he th'armed Bands Of a fel Tyrant? from their bloudy hands 600 To rescue him, Heav'n (his confederate)

Consumes with Fire them and their fierie hate. Or, would he pass a Brook that brooks no bay, Nor Bridge, nor bank? The Water gives him way. Or, irks him Earth? To Heav'n alive he hies, And (saving <1Henoch)>1 onely He not-dies. This Man of God, discoursing with his heir Of th'upper Kingdom and of Gods Affair, A sodain whirl-winde, with a whiffing Fire, And flaming Chariot rapts him up entire, 610 Burns not, but 'fines; and doth (in fashion strange) By death-les Death, mortall immortall change. A long-tail'd squib; a flaming ridge, for rut Seems seen a while, where the bright Coach hath cut. This sacred Rape, nigh rapt <1Elisha>1 too; Who, taking up his Tutors Mantle, tho, Follows as far as well he could with ey The fire-snort Palfreys, through the sparkling Sky; Crying, My father, father mine fare-well, The Chariots and the Horse of <1Israel.>1 620 The <1Thisbian>1 Prophet hangs not in the Air, Amid the Meteors to be tossed there, As Mists and Rains, and Hail, and hoarie Plumes, And other Fierie many-formed Fumes: Amid the Air tumultuous Satan roules; And not the Saints, the happy, heav'nly Soules. Nor is he nailed to som shining Wheel, <1Ixion->1like continually to reel; For, <2CHRIST>2 his flesh transfigur'd, and divine, Mounted above the Arches <1Crystalline>1: 630 And where <2CHRIST>2 is, from pain and passion free, There (after death) shall all his Chosen bee. <1Elijah>1 therfore climbs th'<1Empyrial Pole,>1 Where, ever-blest in body and in soule, Contemns this World, becoms an Angel bright, And doth him firm to the <2TRINE-ONE>2 unite. But how, or why should He this vantage have Yer <2CHRIST>2 (right call'd the <1first-fruits>1 of the Grave)?

O happy passage! O sweet, sacred Flight! O blessed Rape! thou raptest so my spright 640 In this Dispute, and mak'st my weaker wit So many wayes to cast-about for it, That (I confess) the more I do contend, I more admire, and less I comprehend. For lack of wings, then biding heer belowe With his Successor, I'll proceed to showe, How, soon as he took-up his Cloak (to bear-it) Within <1Elisha>1 shin'd <1Elijah>1's Spirit; By powr wherof, immediatly he cleaves An un-couth way through <1Jordan>1's rapid waves: 650 Past hope he gives to the <1Sunamian>1 Wife A Son; and soon restores him dead to life: With sodain blindness smights the <1Syrian>1 Troup The which in <1Dothan>1 did him round incoup: Increaseth bread, and of a pound of Oyl Fills all the Vessels in a Town that while: His hoary head (in <1Bethel)>1 laught to scorn, Is veng'd by Bears, on forty children torn: <1Naaman>1's cleans'd; and, for foul <1Simonie,>1 <1Gehazi>1's punisht with his Leprosie: 660 Mends bitter Broath, he maketh Iron swim, As porie Cork, upon the Water's brim. Rich <1Jericho>1's (somtimes) <1sal->1peetry soil, Through brinie springs that did about it boil, Brought forth no fruit, and her un-holsom Brooks Voyded the Town of Folk, the Fields of Flocks: The Towns-men, therfore, thus besought the Seer; Thou seest our Cities situation heer Is passing pleasant; but the ground is naught, The Water worse: we pray thee mend the fault, 670 Sweeten our Rivers, make them pleasanter, Our Hills more green, our Plains more fertiler. The Prophet calls but for a Cruse of Salt (O strangest cure!) to cure the brynie fault

Of all their Floods; and, casting that in one Foul stinking Spring, heals all their streams anon: Not, for an houre, or for a day, or twain, But to this Day they sweet and sound remain. Their Valley, walled with bald Hills before, But even a horror to behold, of-yore; 680 Is now an <1Eden,>1 and th'All-circling Sun, For fruitfull beauty, sees no Paragon. There (labour-les) mounts the victorious Palm, There (and but there) growes the all-healing Balm, There ripes the rare cheer-cheek Mirabolan, Minde-gladding Fruit, that can un-olde a Man. O skilfull Husbands, give your fattest Plains Five or six earths; spare neither cost nor pains, To water them; rid them of weeds and stones: With Muck and Marle batten and baste their bones; 690 Unles God bless your Labour and your Land, You plough the Sea, and sowe upon the sand. This, <1Jurie>1 knowes; a Soil somtimes (at least) Sole Paradise of all the proudest East: But now the brutest and most barren place, The curse of God, and all the Worlds disgrace: And also <1Greece,>1 on whom Heav'ns (yerst so good) Rain nothing now but their drad Furie's Flood. The grace of God is a most sure Revenue, A Sea of Wealth, that ever shall continew, 700 A never-failing Field, which needs not ay The cool of Night, nor comfort of the Day. What shall I say? This sacred Personage Not only profits to his proper Age; But, after life, life in his bones hee leaves, And dead, the dead hee raiseth from their graves. Nor is <1Elisha>1 famous more for Miracles, Than for the Truth of his so often Oracles: Hee showes the Palms and Foils of <1Israel,>1

<1Benhadad>1's death, the Raign of <1Hazael:>1 710 Beyond all hope, and passing all apparance, Dejected <1Joram>1's neer relief hee warrants. For, now the <1Syrian>1 with insulting Powrs, So streict besiegeth the <1Samarian>1 Towrs, That even al-ready in each nook agrising, Fell, wall-break (all-break) <1Famin,>1 ill-advising Howls hideously: even the bare bones are seen (As sharp as knives) thorough the emptie skin Of the best bred: and each-man seems (almost) No Man indeed, but a pale ghastly Ghost. 720 Som snatch the bread from their owne Babes, that pine; Som eat the Draff that was ordain'd for Swine, Som doo defile them with forbidden flesh, Som bite the grass their hunger to refresh, Som, gold for Birds-dung (waight for waight) exchange, Som, of their Boots make them a Banquet strange, Som fry the Hay-dust, and it savorie finde, Som, Almond-shels and Nut-shels gladly grinde, Som mince their Fathers Wills, in parchment writ, And so devoure their Birth-right at a bit. 730 The King, when wearie hee would rest awhile, Dreams of the Dainties hee hath had yer-while Smacks, swallows, grindes both with his teeth and jaws, But, only winde his beguil'd bellie draws: And, then awaking, of his owne spare Diet Robbs his owne brest, to keep his Captains quiet. Hee is importun'd heer and there, about: Above the rest, a Woman skrieketh out In moornfull manner, with disheveled haire; Her face despight, her fashion showes despaire. 740 O, stay my Liege, hear, hear a grievous thing; Justice, great <1Joram,>1 Justice, gentle King. O, no, not Justice: (did I Justice crave?) Fondling, in Justice, thou canst nothing have But a just death; nay, but a Torture fell, Nay, but a Torment, like the pains of Hell.

Yet, even this Plea is worse than death to me: Then grant me Justice, Justice let it be. For (O!) what horror can restrain desire Of just Revenge, when it is once afire? 750 My Lord, I bargain'd, and (to bind the Pact) By solemn Oath I sealed the Contract; Contract, indeed cruell, yet could not bee Infring'd, or broken, without Crueltie. (Tell it O Tongue, why stay'st thou so upon-it? Dar'st thou not say-it, having dar'd and don-it? Not having fear'd Heav'ns King, how canst thou fear An earthly King?) Then, thus (my Liege) while-yer I, and my Neighbour desperatly agreed, Jointly to eate, successively, our seed; 760 Our owne deer Children: and (O luck-les Lot!) Mine first of all, is destin'd to the Pot: Forth-with I catch-him and I snatch him to-mee Up in mine armes: hee straight begins to woo-me, Stroaks, colls, and huggs mee, with his arms and thighes: And, smiling sweet, Mam-mam, mam-mam, hee cryes, Then kisses mee; and, with a thousand toyes, Thinks to delight mee, with his wonted joyes. I looke away, and with my hand addrest, Burie my knife within his tender brest: 770 And, as a Tigresse, or the Dam of Bears, A Fawn or Kid in hundred gobbets tears, I tear him quick, dress him, and on our Table I set him: oh! ('tis now no time to fable) I taste him first, I first the feast begin, His blood (my blood) runs round about my Chin, My Childe returns, re-breeding in my Womb; And of my Flesh my Flesh is shamefull Tomb: Soon cloyd (alas!) but little could I eat, And up again that little strives to get. 780 But shee, shee layes it in, shee greedy plyes-it, And all night long shee sits to gourmandize-it: Not for her fill so much, of such (think I)

As to prolong the more my misery: O God, sayd shee (and smiles in eating it) What a sweet morcell! what a dainty bit! Blest be the brest that nurc#'t such meat for me; But more the Womb that bare it, so to be. So (to be brief) my Son is eat: But hers Alive and lustie in her arms she bears. 790 Why should her Pittie, rather her despight, Doo both her Faith, Mee, and my Son, un-right? Ah! for her belly, rather than her Boy, Shee playd this prank (and robd mee of my Joy). Shee did it not, of tender hart to save him; But, greedy-gut, that she alone might have him. Therfore, O King, doo Justice in this case: Nor crave I pardon of thy princely grace For mine Offence; (such an Offence, I knowe, As yet grim <1Minos>1 never judg'd belowe) 800 For if I should, how should I doo, for meat; Not having now another Childe to eat? No, this is all I crave before I die, That I may taste but of Her sonns sweet thigh: Or, that (at least) mine eye, more just then cruell, May see him slain by her, my Horrors Fuell. But, if you waigh not mine unfained tears (Indeed un-worthy): yet vouchsafe your ears To the loud Plaints of my lamenting Son; Who, with strange murmurs rumbling up and down, 810 Seems in my bowels as reviv'd to groan, And to your Highnes, thus to make his moan: Sir, will you suffer, without all revenge, Mens cursed malice boldly to infringe Law, Faith, and Justice, Vows, and Oaths, and all; As buzzing Flies tear Cob-webs on a wall? Ah! shall I then descend alone belowe? Dy un-reveng'd? foster my cruel Foe? And then, cast-forth in foulest Excrement,

Infect the Aier, offend the Element; 820 The while her Darling, on his Hobby-horse About the Hall shall ride, and prance, and course; And imitate Mens actions (as an Ape), Build paper-Towrs, make Puppets, sit in Lap? No: let him die, let him (as I) be cut, Let him (as I) be in two Bellies put: Full-fill the Pact; that so our wretched Mothers Their Guilt and Grief, may either's match with others. The King, less mov'd with pitty than with horror, Thunders these words, raging in threat-full terror: 830 Vengeance and mischief on mine owne head light, If curst <1Elisha>1 keep his head this night: And, as he spake, forth in a rage hee flings, To execute his bloody Threatenings. Sir, said the Prophet, you have seen the skathe Devouring Famin heer performed hath: But, by to-morrow this time (God hath sayd) <1Samaria>1's Gates shall even abound with Bread. Tush (sayd a Minion of the Court, hard by, Of surly speach, proud gait, and loftie ey) 840 Though God should open all Heav'ns windows wide, It cannot bee: Yes, Infidell (reply'd The zealous Prophet) Thou thy Self (in sum) Shalt see it then: but shalt not taste a Crum. Thus said <1Elisha,>1 and th'Almighty Powr Perform'd his Sayings in the very howr. Her scarlat Robe <1Aurora>1 had not donn'd Nor had shee yet limn'd the <1Euphratean>1 strond With trembling shine, neither was <1Pho|ebus>1 yet Willing to wake out of a drouzie Fit, 850 When pallid <2FEAR,>2 flyes to the <1Pagan>1 Hoast, Wilde-staring Hag, shiv'ring, and wavering most; Shee, that her voice and visage shifts so oft: Shee, that in Counsails strives to lift aloft Irresolution, to bee President

(Canker of Honor, curse of Government): Shee that even trembles in her surest Arms, Starts at a leaf; swouns at report of harms: Beleeves all, sees all; and so swayeth all, That, if shee say, the Firmament doth fall: 860 There be three Suns: This, or that Mountain sinks: Paul's <1Church doth reel, or the foundation shrinks>1: It is beleev'd, 'tis seen: and, seas'd by Her, The other Senses are as apt to err. Clashing of Arms, Rattling of iron Cars, Murmur of Men (a World of Soldiars) Neighing of Horse, noise of a thousand Drums With dreadfull sound from the next Vale ther coms. The <1Syrian>1 Camp, conceiving that the Troups Of <1Nabathits, Hethits, and Ethyops,>1 870 Hyr'd by th'<1Isaacians,>1 came from every side, To raise their Siege, and to repell their pride; Fly for their lives, disordered and disperst (Amid the Mountains) so well-ordered yerst. One, in his Cap-case leaves-behinde his Treasure, To bridle's horse another hath not leasure; Another, hungry on the grass hath set His Break-fast out, but dares not stay to eat. One thinks him far, that yet hath little gon; Another weens him in plain ground, anon 880 Hee breaks his neck into a Pit: another Hearing the Boughs that brush against each other, And doubting it to be the Conquerer, Hee wretched dyes of th'only wound of <2FEAR.>2 As, after tedious and continuall raine, The honey-Flies hast from their Hives againe; Suck here and there, and beare into their bower, The sweetest sap of every fragrant flower: So from besieg'd <1Samaria>1 each man hies Unto the Tents of feare-fled Enemies; 890 Where-in, such store of corne and wine they pill,

That in one day their hungry Towne they fill: And in the Gate, the Croude that issueth, Treads th'unbeleeving Courtiar downe to death; So that (at once) even both effects agree Just with <1Elisha's>1 holy prophesie. From this Schoole comes the Prophet <1Amethite,>1 The twise-borne Preacher to the <1Ninivite.>1 <1Jonas,>1 be gone, hie, hie thee (said th'Almightie) To <1Ninive,>1 that great and wanton Citie, 900 Cry day and night cry-out unto them all; <1Yet fortie dayes, and>1 Ninive <1shall fall.>1 But, 'gainst th'Eternall, <1Jonas>1 shuts his eare, And ships himselfe to saile another-where: Wherefore, the Lord (incensed) stretcht his arme, To wrack the wretch in suddaine fearefull storme. Now, <1Nereus>1 foames, and now the furious waves All topsie-turned by th'<1A|Eolian>1 slaves, Do mount and roule: Heav'ns warre against the Waters, And angry <1Thetis>1 Earths greene bulwarks batters: 910 A sable ayre so muffles-up the Skie, That the sad Saylours can no light descrie, Or, if some beame breake through their pitchy night, 'Tis but dread flashing of the Lightning's light. Strike, strike our saile (the Maister cries) amaine, Vaile misne and spritt-saile, but he cries in vaine; For in his face the blasts so bluster aye, That his Sea-gib'rish is straight borne away. Confused Cries of men dismay'd in minde, Seas angry noise, lowd bellowing of the winde, 920 Heavens Thunder-claps, the tackles whisteling, (As strange Musitians) dreadfull descant sing. The Easterne winde drives on the roaring traine Of white-blew billowes, and the clouds againe, With fresh Seas crosse the Sea, and she doth send (In counter-change) a raine with salt y-blend.

Heavens (headlong) seeme in <1Thetis>1 lap to fall, Seas scale the skies, and God to arme this All Against one ship, that skips from starres to ground, From wave to wave (like <1Balloones>1 wyndie bound) 930 While the sad Pilot, on a foamie Mount, Thinks from the Pole to see Hells pit profound; And then, cast downe unto the sandy shole, Seemes from low Hell to see the lofty Pole: And feeling foes within and eke without, As many waves, so many deaths doth doubt. The Billowes beating round about the ship Uncauke her keele, and all her seames unrip, Whereby, the waters entring uncontrould, Ebbing abroad, yet flow apace in hold: 940 For every Tun the plied Pumpe doth rid, A floud breakes in; the Maister maistered With dread and danger (threatning every-way) Doubts where to turne him, what to doo, or say, Which wave to meet, or which salt surge to flie; So yeelds his charge in Sea to live or die. As, many Cannons 'gainst a Castle bent Make many holes, and much the rampire rent, And shake the wall, but yet the latest shock Of fire-wing'd bullets batters downe the Rocke: 950 So, many mounts that muster gainst this saile, With roaring rage doo this poore ship assaile; But yet the last (with foaming furie swolne, With boistrous blasts of angry tempests bolne) Springs the main-mast, the mast with boistrous fall Breakes downe the deck, and sore affrights them all. Pale Idol-like, one stands with armes a-crosse: One moanes himselfe: one mournes his childrens losse: One, more then Death, this forme of Death affrights: Another calls on Heavens un-viewed Lights: 960 One, fore his eyes his Ladies lookes beholds: Another, thus his deadly feare unfolds:

Curst thirst of gold! O how thou causest care: My bed of Doune I change for hatches bare: Rather than rest, this stormie warre I chose: T'enlarge my fields, both land and life I lose: Like peiz-lesse plume, borne up by <1Boreas>1 breath, With all these wings I soare to seeke my death, To Heaven and Hell by angry <1Neptune>1 led, Where least I scape it, all these sailes I spred. 970 Then thus another. Sure no winde (quoth he) Could raise this storme; some rarer Prodigie Hath caus'd this <1Chaos>1 (cause of all our greefe) Some <1Atheist>1 dogge, some Altar-spoiling theefe Lurkes in this ship: come (Mates) by lot let's trie (To save the rest) the man that ought to die. 'Tis I (quoth <1Jonas)>1 I indeed am cause Of this black night, and all the fearefull flawes Of this rough Winter; I must sole appease (By my just death) these wrath-full wrack-full Seas. 980 Then up they heave him straight, and from the waste Him suddainly into the Sea they cast. The King of Windes calls home his churlish trayne, And <1Amphitrite>1 smoothes her front againe: Th'Aires cloudy Robe returnes to christal cleere, And smiling Heav'ns bright Torches re-appeere, So soone as <1Jonas>1 (to them all appease) O're head and eares was soused in the Seas. Thrice comes he up, and thrice againe goes downe Under the waves (yer he doo wholy drowne) 990 But then he sinks, and (wretched) roul'd along The sands, and Oase, and rocks, and mud among; Thus, thus he cries with lips of zealous faith: Mercy (my God) shew mercy Lord (he saith). Then God (who ever heares his childrens wish) Provided straight a great and mighty Fish, That swilling swallowed <1Jonas>1 in her wombe, A living Corps laid in a living Toombe.

Like as a Roach, or Ruffe, or Gudgeon, borne By some swift streame into a weer (forlorne) 1000 Frisks too and fro, aloft and under dyves, Fed with false hope to free their captive lyves: The Prophet so (amazed) walkes about This wondrous Fish to finde an issue out, This mighty Fish, of Whale-like huginesse, Or, bigger-bellied, though in body lesse. Where am I, Lord? (alas) within what vaults? In what new Hell doost thou correct my faults? Strange punishment! my body thou bereav'st, Of mother earth, which to the dead thou leav'st: 1010 Whether thy wrath drives me I doo not know, I am depriv'd of aire, yet breath and blow: My sight is good, yet can I see no skie: Wretch, nor in Sea, nor yet a-shore am I: Resting, I runne; for moving is my Cave: And quick, I couch within a living grave. While thus he plain'd; the third day, on the sand The friendly Fish did cast him safe a-land. And then, as if his wearie limbs had beene So long refresht, and rested at an Inne, 1020 He seemes to flie; and com'n to <1Ninive>1: Your sinnes have reached up to Heav'n (quoth he) Woe and alas, woe, woe unto you all: <1Yet forty dayes and>1 Ninive <1shall fall.>1 Thus <1Jonas>1 preacht: But soone the Citizens Sincerely toucht with sence of their foule sinnes; Dispatch (in hast) to Heaven, <1Repentance>1 sad, Sweet-charming <1Prayer, Fasting>1 hairy-clad. <1Repentance,>1 makes two Torrents of her eyes, Her humble browe dares scant behold the skies: 1030 Her sobbing brest is beaten blew and black: Her tender flesh is rent with rugged sack: Her head (all hoar'd with harty sorrowes past) With dust and ashes is all over-cast. <1Prayers>1 head, and sides, and feet are set about

With gawdy wings (like <1Joves Arcadian>1 Scout) Her body flaming, from her lips there fumes <1Nard, Incense, Mummie,>1 and all rich Perfumes. <1Fasting>1 (though faint) her face with joy she cheeres, Strong in her weakenes, young in aged yeeres; 1040 Quick healths-preserver, curbing <1Cupids>1 fits, Watchfull, purge-humors, and refining-wits. Then <1Faith>1 (Grand-Usher of th'Empireal Court) Ushers these Legates by a golden Port Into the <1Presence,>1 and them face to face Before th'All-Monarchs glorious Throne doth place, Where (zealous) prostrate on her humble knee, Thus <1Prayer>1 speakes in name of all the Three. God, slow to wrath! O Father, prone to grace! Lord, sheath againe thy vengeance sword a space: 1050 If at thy beame of Justice thou wilt waigh The works of men that wander every day: If thou their mettall by that touchstone try, Which fearefull-sounding from thy mouth doth flie: If thou shalt summe their Sinnes (which passe the sand) Before thee (Lord) who shall indure to stand? Not <1Ninive>1 alone shall perish then; But all this All be burnt to ashes cleane: And even this day shall thy just wrath prevent The dreadfull Day of thy last Doomes event. 1060 This world to <1Chaos>1 shall againe returne; And on thine Altars none shall incense burne. O therefore spare (Lord) spare the <1Ninivites,>1 Forgive their Sinnes; and in their humbled sprights, From this time forth thy sacred Lawes ingrave: Destroy them not, but daigne them Lord to save: Looke not (alas) what they have beene before, But us regard, or thine owne mercy more. Then, God reacht out his hand, unfolds his frownes, Dis-armes his arme of Thunder brusing-Crownes, 1070 Bowes graciously his glorious flaming Crest, And mildly grants (in th'instant) their request.

THE DECAY THE IIII BOOK OF THE IIII DAY OF THE II WEEK <2THE ARGUMENT>2 <1Ambition's bitter fruit, fel>1 Achab's <1Stock,>1 <1With his proud Queen (a painted Beautie-mock)>1 <1Exstirpt by>1 <2JEHU, JEHU>2<1's ligne likewise>1 Shallum <1supplants. King-killing Treacheries>1 <1Succeed a-rowe, with Wrack of>1 <2ISRAEL.>2 <1Time-suiting Batts.>1 Atha+liah <1Tigress fel.>1 <2JOASH>2 <1well-nurtur'd, natur'd-ill, doth run>1 <1After his kinde: hee kills his Tutor's Son.>1 <2ZENACHERIB>2<1: life-lengthned>1 <2EZECHIAH>2<1:>1 <2NABUCHADNEZAR>2<1: Captive>1 <2ZEDECHIAH.>2 Huff-pufft <2AMBITION,>2 Tinder-box of <2WAR,>2 Down-fall of Angels, <1Adam's>1 murderer, Parent of Treasons, Reason's Contradiction, Earth's Enemie, and the Heav'ns Malediction, O! how-much Blood hath thy respect-les rage Shed in the World! showred on every Age! O! Scepter's, Throne's, and Crown's insatiat Thirst, How-many Treasons hast thou hatched yerst! For, O! what is it that he dares not doo, Who th'helm of Empire doth aspire unto? 10 Hee (to beguile the simple) makes no bone To swear by God (for hee beleeves ther's none); His Sword's his Title, and who scapes the same, Shall have a Pistol, or a Poysonie dram: Hee, fear'd of all, fears all: hee breaks at once The chains of Nature and of Nations:

Sick of the Father, his kinde hart is woe, The good Old-man travails to Heav'n, so slowe: His owne deer Babes (yet Cradled, yet in Clouts) Haste but too-fast; are at his heels, hee doubts: 20 Hee passeth to his promis'd Happiness, Upon a Bridge of his Friends Carcases; And Mounts (in fine) the golden Throne, by stayrs Built of the Sculs of his owne Country's heirs. Yet, thou permitt'st it, Lord; nay, with thy wings, Coverest such Tyrants (even the shame of Kings). But, not for nothing doo'st thou them forbear; Their cruell scalps a cruell end shall tear: And, when the Measure of their Sin is full, Thy hands are iron, though thy Feet bee woll. 30 The Throne of Tyrants totters to and fro: The blood-gaind Scepter lasts not long (we knowe): Nail driveth Nail: by tragik deaths device, Ambitious harts doo play at <1level sice>1; Prov'd but too plain, in both the Houses Royall Of <1Jacobs issue,>1 but too-too dis-loyall: As, if thou further with thy grace divine My Verse and Vows, shall heer appear (in time). <2GOD>2 now no longer could support th'excess Of <1Achab's>1 House, whose cursed wickedness 40 Was now top-full: and, Doggs already stood Fawning and yawning for their promis'd blood. Heav'ns haste their Work. Now, in tumultuous wise, 'Gainst <1Achab>1's Son doo his owne Soldiers rise; <1Jehu>1's their Captain: who fore-sees, afar, How-much, dispatch advantageth in War; And, politik, doubles his Armie's speed, To get before, yea, before <1Fame,>1 indeed. <1Joram,>1 surpris'd in feeble Bull-warks then (Unfurnished of Victualls and of Men) 50 And, chiefly, wanting royall fortitude, Un-kingly yeelds unto the Multitude.

Bold <1Nimshi's>1 Son, Sir <1Jehu,>1 what's this Thing? What mean these Troups? what would you of the King? Where shall the bolt of this black Thunder fall? Say, bring'st thou Peace? or bring'st thou War, withall? Sayd <1Joram,>1 lowd: but, <1Jehu>1 lowder sayth, No (wretch) no Peace, but bloody Wars and death. Then fled the King: and (as a Ship at Sea, Hearing the Heav'ns to threaten every way, 60 And Winter Storms with absent Stars compact, With th'angrie Waters to conspire her wrack, Strives not to ride it out, or shift abroad, But plyes her Oares, and flyes into the Road) Hee jerks his Jades, and makes them scour amain, Through thick and thin, both over Hill and Plain. Which, <1Jehu>1 spying, and well eying too, As quick resolved what hee hath to doo; Cryes, Boy, my Bowe: then nocks an Arrow right, His left hand meets the head, his brest the right; 70 As bends his Bowe, hee bends; lets go the string: Through the thin air, the winged shaft doth sing King <1Joram's Dirge+>1; and, to speed the more, Pearces behinde him, and peeps-out before. The Prince, now hurt (that had before no hart) Fall's present dead, and with his Courtly-Cart Bruis'd in the Fall (as had the <1Thisbite>1 sayd) The Field of <1Naboth>1 with his blood berayd: And <1Salem's>1 King had also there his dew, For joyning hands with so profane a Crew. 80 Then, the proud Victor leads his loyall Troops Towards the Court (that all in silence droops) And, more for Self's love, than for God's pure zeal, Means to dispatch th'Earth's burthen <1Jezabel.>1 The Queen had inkling: instantly shee sped To curl the Cockles of her new-bought head: Th'Onyx, the Saphyr, Garnet, Diamand, In various forms, cut by a curious hand, Hang nimbly dancing in her hair, as spangles:

Or as the fresh red-yellow Apple dangles 90 (In Autumn) on the Tree, when to and fro The Boughs are waved with the Windes that blowe. The upper Garment of the stately Queen, Is rich gold Tissu, on a ground of green; Wher th'art-full shuttle rarely did encheck The cangeant colour of a Mallards neck: Tis figur'd o're with sundry Flowrs and Fruits, Birds, Beasts, and Insects, creeping Worms, and Neuts, Of Gold-Smith's Work: a fringe of Gold about, With Pearls and Rubies richly-rare set-out, 100 Borders her Robe: and every part descries Cunning and Cost, contending for the prize. Her neat, fit startups of green velvet bee, Flourisht with silver, and beneath the knee, Moon-like, indented; butt'ned down the side With <1Orient>1 Pearls, as big as Filberd's pride. But, besides all her sumptuous equipage (Much fitter for her State, then for her age) Close in her Closet, with her best Complexions, Shee mends her Face's wrinkle-full defections, 110 Her Cheek shee cherries, and her ey shee cheers, And fains her (fond) a Wench of fifteen yeers; Whether shee thought to snare the Dukes affection: Or dazle, with her pompous Prides reflection, His daring eyes (as Fowlers, with a Glass, Make mounting Larks com down to death apace): Or, were it, that in death shee would bee seen (As 'twere) interr'd in <1Tyrian>1 Pomp, a Queen. Chaste Lady-Mayds, heer must I speak to you, That with vile <1Paynting>1 spoyl your native hue 120 (Not to inflame yonglings with wanton Thirst; But to keep fashion with these Times accurst) When one new taen, in your seem-beauties snare, That day and night to <1Hymen>1 makes his Prayer, At length espies (as who is it but spyes?)

Your painted brests, your painted cheeks, and eyes, His Cake is dough; God dild you, hee will none; Hee leaves his Suit, and thus he sayth anon: What should I doo with such a wanton Wife, Which night and day would cruciate my life 130 With Jeloux pangs? sith every-way shee sets Her borrow'd snares (not her owne hairs) for Nets To catch her Cuckows; with loose, light Attires, Opens the door unto all lewd Desires? And, with vile Druggs, adultering her Face, Closely allures th'Adulterer's Imbrace. But, Judge the best: suppose (sayth hee) I finde My Lady chaste, in body and in minde (As sure I think): yet, will shee Mee respect, That dares disgrace th'eternall Architect? 140 That (in her pride) presumes his Work to tax Of imperfection; to amend his tracts, To help the Colours which his hand hath laid, With her frail fingers with foul durt berayd? Shall I take her, that will spend all I have, And all her time, in pranking proudly-brave? How did I doat! The Gold upon her head, The Lillies of her brests, the Rosie red In either Cheek, and all her other Riches, Where-with shee bleareth sight, and sense bewitches; 150 Is none of hers: it is but borrow'd stuff, Or stoln, or bought, plain Counterfait in proof: My glorious Idol I did so adore, Is but a Visard, newly varnisht ore With spauling Rheums, hot fumes, and Ceruses: Fo, fy; such Poysons one would loath to kiss: I wed (at least, I ween I wed) a Lass Yong, fresh, and fair: but, in a year (alas!) Or two, at most; my lovely lively Bride Is turn'd a Hagg, a Furie by my side; 160 With hollow, yellow teeth (or none perhaps)

With stinking breath, swart-cheeks, and hanging chaps; With wrinkled neck; and stooping as shee goes, With driveling mouth and with a sniveling nose. The Queen, thus pranked, proudly gets her up (But sadly though) to her gilt Pallace top; And, spying <1Jehu,>1 from the window cry'd: Art thou there, <1Zimri,>1 cursed Paricide, Fell Maister-killer, canst thou choose but fear For like Offence, like punishment severe? 170 Bitch, cryes the <1Duke,>1 art thou there barking still? Thou, Strumpet, thou art Cause of all this Ill: Thou, brought'st <1Samaria>1 to Thine Idol-Sin: Painting, and Poysning, first thou broughtest in To Court and Country, with a thousand mo Loose <1Syrian>1 Vices, which I shame to showe. Thou brought'st-in Wrong, with Rapine and Oppression, By Perjurie supplanting Mens Possession And Life with-all: yea, thou hast been the baen Of Peers and Seers (at thy proud pleasure slain): 180 Thou, life of Strife, thou Horse-leach sent from Hell, Thou Drouth, thou Dearth, thou Plague of <1Israel,>1 Now shalt thou dye: Grooms (is there none for mee?) Quick, cast her down, down with her instantly. O tickle Faith! O fickle Trust of Court! These Palace-Mice, this busie-idle sort Of fawning Minions, full of sooths and smiles, These Carpet-Knights had vow'd and sworn yer-whiles, Promis'd, protested unto <1Jezabel,>1 Rav'd, Brav'd, and band (like <1Rodomont>1 in Hell) 190 That in her cause they every Man would die, And all the World, and Hell and Heav'n defie; Now, Icy Fear (shivering in all their bones) Makes them with fortune turn their backs at-once. They take their Queen between their traytorous hands, And hurl her headlong, as the Duke Commands; Whose Courser, snorting, stamps in stately skorn

Upon the Corps that whilom Kings had born: And, to fulfill from point to point the Word <1Elijah>1 spake (as Legat of the Lord) 200 The doggs about doo greedy feed upon The rich-perfumed, royall Carrion: And Folk by thousands issuing at the Gate, To see the sight, cry thus (as glad ther-at) Ses, ses heer, Doggs, heer Bitches, doo not spare This Bitch that gnaw'd her subjects bones so bare; This cruell Cur, that made you oft becom, Saints Torturers, and many a Prophets Tomb: This whore of <1Baal,>1 tear her so small, that well No man may say, Heer lyeth <1Jezabel.>1 210 <1Jehu>1's drad Vengeance doth yet farther flowe; Curst <1Achab>1's issue hee doth wholly mowe: Hee slayes (more-over) two and fortie men Of <1Ahaziah>1's hap-les Bretheren: <1Baal's>1 idol Clergie hee doth bring to naught, And his proud Temple turns into a Draught: Good proofs of zeal. But yet, a Diadem, Desire of Raign, keeps from <1Jerusalem>1 His service due; content (at home) by halves To worship God, under the form of Calves. 220 His Son and Nephews, track too-neer his trace And therefore <1Shallum>1 doth un-horse his race: The murderer <1Shallum>1 (after one Months Raign) By <1Manahem,>1 as murdrously is slain: The traytor <1Manahem's>1 wicked-walking Son, By trayterous <1Pekah>1 unto death is don: And so, on <1Pekah,>1 for <1Pekaiah's>1 death, <1Hosheah's>1 treason, treason quittanceth; A proud, ingrate, perfidious troublous King, That to Confusion did <1Samaria>1 bring. 230 Their Towns trans-villag'd, the <1Ten Tribes,>1 transported To a far Clime (whence never they reverted) Sojourn in forein soyl, where <1Chobar's>1 streams

Serve them for <1Jordan>1; <1Basan, Chison>1 seems: While <1Assur's>1 scorn, and scum of <1Euphrates>1 Dance up and down th'<1Isaacian>1 Palaces, Drink their best <1Nectars,>1 anchor in their Ports, And lodge profanely in their strongest Forts. But, changing air, these change not minde (in <1Jewrie).>1 For, though fierce Lions homicidial furie 240 Make them retire under th'Almightie's wing, Their Countrie Gods with the true God they ming: They mix his Service, plough with Ass and Ox; Disguise his Church in suits of Flax and Flocks, Cast (in one wedge) Iron and Gold together: <1Jew-Gentiles,>1 both at-once: but, both is neither. There is a Tale, that once the Hoast of Birds, And all the Legions of Grove-haunting Heards, Before the Earth ambitiously did strive, And counter-plead, for the Prerogative: 250 Now, while the Judge was giving audience, And either side in their seem-Rights defence Was hot and earnest at the noyse-ful Bar, The neuter Bat stood fluttering still afar: But shee no sooner hears the sentence past On the Beasts side, but shuffling her in haste Into their Troop, shee them accompanieth, Showes her large forhead, her long eares, and teeth. The Cause was (after) by Appeal remov'd To <1Nature's>1 Court; who by her Doom approv'd 260 The others Plea: then flyes the shame-les Bat Among the Birds, and with her Chit-chit-chat Shee seems to sing; and, proud of wings, shee playes With nimble turns, and flyes a thousand wayes. Hence, beak-les Bird, hence, winged-Beast (they cryed) Hence, plume-les wings (thus scorne her, either side) Hence, harlot, hence; this ever be thy Dole; Be still Day's Prisoner in thy shamefull hole: May never Sun (vile Monster) shine on thee: But th'hate of all, for ever, may'st thou be. 270

Such is this People: for, in plentious showrs When God his Blessings upon <1Isaak>1 powrs, Then are they <1Isaak>1's Sons: but, if with thunder He wrath-full teare the <1Hebrue>1 Tree in sunder, These Traitors rake the boughs, and take the Fruit; And <1(Pagans>1 then) the <1Jews>1 they persecute. <1And such are those, whose wily, waxen minde>1 <1Takes every Seal, and sails with every Winde;>1 <1Not out of Conscience, but of Carnal motion,>1 <1Of Fear, or Favour, Profit, or Promotion:>1 280 <1Those that, to ease their Purse, or please their Prince,>1 <1Pern their Profession, their Religion mince;>1 ; <1Prince->1Protestants, <1Prince->1Catholiks<1;>1 Precise, <1With>1 Such <1a Prince; with other, otherwise:>1 <1Yea, oldest>1 Gangra|ens <1of blinde-burning Zeal>1 <1(As the>1 Kings Evill) <1a new>1 <2KING>2 <1can heal.>1 <1And those Sco|ene-servers that so loud have cri'd>1 <1Gainst Prelats sweeping in their silken>1 Pride, <1Their wilfull>1 Dumbness, <1forcing others dumb>1 <1(To>1 Sion's <1grievous Loss and Gain of>1 Rome) 290 <1Their>1 Courting, Sporting, <1and>1 Non-residence, <1Their>1 Avarice, <1their>1 Sloath, <1and>1 Negligence <1:>1 <1Till som fat Morsels in their mouths do fall;>1 <1And then, as>1 choakt, <1and sodain>1 chang'd <1with-all,>1 <1Them-selves exceed in all of these, much more>1 <1Than the>1 Right Reverend <1whom they taxt before.>1 <1And those>1 Cama|eleons <1that con-sort their>1 Crew<1;>1 <1In>1 Turky, <1Turks; among the>1 Jews, <1a Jew;>1 <1In>1 Spain, <1as Spain: as>1 Luther, <1on the>1 Rhine<1:>1 <1With>1 Calvin <1heer: and there, with>1 Bellarmine<1:>1 300 <1Loose, with the>1 Lewd<1: among the gracious, grave:>1 <1With Saints, a Saint: and among Knaves a Knave.>1 <1But all such>1 Neuters, <1neither hot nor cold,>1 <1Such double>1 Halters <1between>1 <2GOD>2 <1and>1 <2GOLD,>2 <1Such>1 Luke-warm <1Lovers will the>1 Bride-groom <1spue>1 <1Out of his mouth: his mouth hath spoke it true.>1 O <2ISRAEL,>2 I pitie much thy case:

This Sea of Mischiefs, which in every place So over-flowes thee, and so domineres; It drowns my soule in griefs, mine eyes in tears: 310 My heart's through-thrilled with your miseries Already past; your Fathers Tragedies. But (O!) I die; when in the sacred stem Of royal <2JUDA,>2 in <1Jerusalem,>1 I see fel Discord, from her loathsom Cage, To blowe her poyson with ambitious rage: <1Sion>1 to swim in bloud: and <1Achab>1's Daughter Make <1David>1's House the Shambles of her Slaughter. Cursed <1Atha+liah>1 (she was called so) Knowing her Son by <1Nimshi>1's Son, his fo 320 (For <1Joram>1's sake) to be dispatcht; disloyall, On th'holy Mount usurps the Sceptre Royall: And, fearing, lest the Princes of the bloud Would one-day rank her where of right she should, She cuts their throats, hangs, drowns, destroyes them all, Not sparing any, either great or small; No, not the infant in the Cradle, lying Help-les (alas!) and lamentably crying (As if bewailing of his wrongs un-knowen); No (O extream!) she spareth not her owne. 330 Like as a Lion, that hath tatterd heer A goodly Heifer, there a lusty Steer, There a strong Bull (too-weak for him by half) There a fair Cow, and there a tender Calf; Strouts in his rage, and wallows in his Prey, And proudly doth his Victory survay; The grass all goarie, and the Heard-groom up Shivering for fear upon a Pine-Trees top: So swelleth she: so growes her proud Despight; Nor Aw, nor Law, nor Faith she reaks, nor right. 340 Her Cities are so many Groves of Thieves: Her Court a Stews, where not a chaste-one lives: Her greatest Lords (given all, to all excess) In stead of Prophets, in their Palaces

Have Lectures read of Lust, and Surfaiting, Of Murder, Magik, and Impoysoning. While thus she builds her tottering Throne upon Her childrens bones, <1Jehosheba>1 saves one One Royal Imp, yong <1Joash,>1 from the pile (As, when a Fier hath fiercely rag'd awhile 350 In som fair House, the avaricious Dame Saves som choise Casquet from the furious flame) Hides him, provides him: and, when as the Sun Six times about his larger Ring hath run, <1Jehoiada>1 (her husband) brings him forth To the chief Captains and the Men of worth; Saying: Behold, O Chiefs of <1Juda,>1 see See heer your Prince, great <1Davids>1 Progenie, Your rightfull King: if me you credit light, Beleeve this Face, his Fathers Picture right; 360 Beleeve these Priests, which saw him from the first, Brought to my House, there bred, and fed, and nourc#'t. In so just Quarrel, holy Men-at-arms, Imploy (I pray) your anger and your Arms: Plant, in the Royal Plot, this Royal bud: Venge <1Obed>1's bloud on Strangers guilty bloud: Shake-off, with showts, with Fier, and Sword together, This Womans Yoak, this Furie's Bondage, rather. Then showt the People, with a common cry, <1Long live King>1 Joash<1; long, and happily:>1 370 <1God save the King: God save the noble seed>1 <1Of our true Kings; and ay may They succeed.>1 This news now bruited in the wanton Court, Quickly the Queen coms in a braving sort, Towards the Troop; and spying there anon The sweet yong <1Prince,>1 set on a royall Throne, With Peers attending him on either hand, And strongly guarded by a gallant Band; Ah! Treason, Treason, then she cries aloud: False <1Joyada,>1 disloyall Priest, and proud, 380 Thou shalt abie it: O thou House profane!

I'll lay thee levell with the ground again: And thou, yong Princox, Puppet as thou art, Shalt play no longer thy proud Kingling's Part Upon so rich a stage: but, quickly stript, With wyerie Rods thou shalt to death be whipt; And so, go see thy Brethren, which in Hell Will welcom thee, that bad'st not them farwell. But, sodainly the Guard layes hold on her And drags her forth, as 't were a furious Cur, 390 Out of the sacred Temple; and, with scorn, Her wretched corps is mangled, tugg'd, and torn. Th'High-Priest, inspired with a holy zeal, In a new League authentikly doth seal Th'obedient People to their bountious Prince; And both, to God; by joint Obedience. Now, as a Bear-whelp, taken from the Dam, Is in a while made gentle, meek, and tame By witty usage; but, if once it hap He get som Grove, or thorny Mountains top, 400 Then playes he <1Rex>1; tears, kills, and all consumes, And soon again his savage kinde assumes: So <1Joash,>1 while good <1Joyada>1 survives, For Piety, with holy <1David>1 strives; But he once dead, walking his Father's wayes, (Ingrately-false) his Tutor's son he slayes. Him therfore shortly his owne Servants slay: His Son, soon after, doth Them like re-pay: His People, him again, then, <1Amaziah>1 <1Uzziah>1 follows, <1Joatham Uzziah.>1 410 As one same ground indifferently doth breed Both food-fit Wheat and dizzie Darnell seed; Baen-baening Mug-wort, and cold Hemlock too; The fragrant Rose and the strong-senting Rue: So, from the Noblest Howses oft ther springs Som monstrous Princes, and som vertuous Kings; And all-fore-seeing God, in the same Ligne

Doth oft the god-les with the godly twine, The more to grace his Saints, and to disgrace Tyrants the more, by their owne proper Race. 420 <1Ahaz,>1 betwixt his Son and <1Joathan>1 (Hee bad, they good) seems a swart <1Mauritan>1 Betwixt two <1Adons>1: <1Ezekiah,>1 plac#'t Between his Father and his Son, is grac#t (Hee good, they bad) as twixt two Thorns, a Rose; Wher-by, his Vertue the more vertuous showes. For, in this Prince, great <2DAVID,>2 the divine, Devout, just, valiant, seems again to shine: And, as wee see, from out the severall Seat Of th'<2ASIAN>2 Princes, self-surnamed <1Great>1 43o (As the <1great Cham, great Turk, great Russian,>1 And if less <1Great,>1 more glorious <1Persian)>1 <1Araxis, Chesel, Volga,>1 and many moe Renowned Rivers, Brooks, and Floods, to flowe, Falling at once into the <1Caspian>1 Lake, With all their streams his streams so proud to make: So, all the Vertues of the most and best Of Patriarchs, meet in this Princes brest Pure in Religion, Wise in Counsailing, Stout in Exployting, Just in Governing; 440 Un-puft in Sun-shine, un-appall'd in Storms (Not, as not feeling, but not fearing Harms) And therefore bravely hee repels the rage Of proudest Tyrants (living in his Age) And (ay un-daunted) in his God's behalf Hazards atonce his Scepter and himself. For, though (for Neighbours) round about him raign Idolaters (that would him gladly gain): Though Godlings, heer of wood, and there of stone, A Brazen heer, and there a Golden one, 450 With Lamps and Tapers, even as bright as Day, On every side would draw his minde astray: Though <1Assur>1's Prince had with his Legions fell

Forrag'd <1Samaria,>1 and in <1Israel>1 Quencht the small Faith that was; and utterly Dragg'd the Ten Tribes into Captivity, So far, that even the tallest Cedar-Tree In <1Libanon>1 they never since could see: Yet, <2EZECHIAH>2 serves not Time; nor Fears The Tyrants fury: neither roars with Bears, 460 Nor howls with Wolves, nor ever turns away: But, godly-wise, well-knowing, that Delay Gives leave to Ill; and Danger still doth wait On lingering, in Matters of such waight; He first of all sets-up th'Almightie's Throne, And under that, then he erects his owne. Th'establishing of Gods pure <1Law>1 again, Is as the Preface of his happy Raign: The <1Temple>1 purg'd, th'High-places down he pashes, Fells th'hallowed Groves, burns th'Idol-Gods to ashes, 470 Which his owne Father serv'd; and, <1Zeal->1full, brake The <1Brazen Serpent, Moses>1 yerst did make. For, though it were a very Type of <2CHRIST,>2 Though first it were by th'<1Holy-Ghost>1 devis'd, And not by Man (whose bold-blinde Fancie's pride Deforms God's Service, strayes on either side, Flatters it self in his Inventions vain, Presumes to school the <1Sacred Spirit>1 again, Controules the Word, and (in a word) is hot In his owne fashion to serve God, or not); 480 Though the Prescript of Ancient use defend it, Though Multitude, though Miracles commend it; True Miracles, approved in conclusion, Without all guile of Mens or Fiends illusion; The King yet spares not to destroy the same, When to occasion of Offence it cam; But, for th'Abuse of a fond Peoples will, Takes that away which was not selfly ill: Much less permits he (thorough all his Land) One rag, one relique, or one signe to stand 490

Of <1Idolism,>1 or idle superstition Blindely brought-in, without the <1Words Commission.>1 This zealous Hate of all Abhomination, This royal Work of thorough Reformation, This worthy Action, wants not Recompence: God, who his grace by measure doth dispence, Who honours them that truly honour him, To <2EZECHIAH>2 not so much doth seem His sure Defence, as his Confederate: His Quarrel's His, He hates whom him do hate, 500 His Fame He bears about (both far and nigh) On the wide wings of Immortalitie: To <1Gath>1 He guideth his victorious Troup, He makes proud <1Gaza>1 to his Standards stoup, Strong <1Ascalon>1 he razeth to the ground: And punishing a People wholly drownd In Idolism, and all rebellious Sins, Adds to his Land the Land of <1Philistins.>1 Yea, furthermore, 'tis He that him with-draws From out the bloudy and ambitious paws 510 Of a fel Tyrant, whose proud bounds extend Past bounds for breadth, and for their length past end; Whose swarms of Arms, insulting every-where, Made All to quake (even at his name) for fear. Already were the <1Co|elo-Syrian>1 Towrs All sackt, and seiz'd by the <1Assyrian>1 Powrs: And, of all Cities where th'<1Isaacians>1 raign'd, Only the great <1Jerusalem>1 remain'd; When <1Rabsakeh,>1 with railing insolence, Thus braves the <1Hebrues>1 and upbraids their Prince 520 (Weening, them all with vaunt-full Threats to snib); Thus saith th'almightie, great <1Zenacherib,>1 O <1Salem>1's Kingling, wherfore art thou shut In these weak Walls? Is thine affiance put In th'Ayd of <1Egypt>1? O deceitfull prop! O feble stay! O hollow-grounded hope! <1Egypt>1's a staff of Reed, which broken soon,

Runs through the hand of him that leans ther-on. Perhaps thou trustest in the Lord, thy God: What! whom so bold thou hast abus'd so broad, 530 Whom to his face thou daily hast defi'd, Depriv'd of Altars, robd on every side Of his High Places, hallowed Groves, and all (Where yerst thy Fathers wont on him to call): Whom (to conclude) thou hast exiled quite From every place, and with profane despight (As if condemned to perpetuall dark) Keepst him close-Prisoner in a certain Ark: Will He (can He) take <1Sion>1's part and Thine; And with his Foes will He unjustly join? 540 No (wretched) knowe, I have His Warrant too (Express Commission) what I have to doo: I am the Scourge of God, 'tis vain to stand Against the powr of my victorious hand: I execute the counsails of the Lord: I prosecute his Vengeance on th'abhorr'd Profaners of his Temples: and, if He Have any Powr, 'tis all conferr'd to me. Yield therfore, <1Ezechiah,>1 yield; and waigh Who I am; who Thou art: and by delay 550 Blowe not the Fier which shall consume thee quite, And utterly confound the <1Israelite.>1 Alas! poore People, I lament your hap This lewd Impostor doth but puff you up With addle hope, and idle Confidence (In a delusion) of your God's Defence. Which of the Gods, against my Powr could stand, Or save their Citties from my mightier hand? Where's <1Hamath's>1 God? Where's <1Arpad's>1 God becom? Where <1Sepharvaim's>1 God? And where (in summ) 560 Where are the Gods of <1Heva,>1 and <1Ivah>1 too? Have I not Conquer'd all? So will I doo You and your God; and I will lead you all Into <1Assyria,>1 in perpetuall Thrall:

I'll have your <1Manna,>1 and your <1Aaron's Rod,>1 I'll have the <1Ark>1 of your Almighty God, All richly furnisht, and new furbisht o'r, To hang among a hundred Tropheis more: And your great God shall in the Roule be read Among the Gods that I have Conquered: 570 I'll have it so, it must, it shall be thus, And worse then so, except you yeeld to us. Scarce had hee don, when <1Ezechias,>1 gor'd With blasphemies so spewd against the Lord, Hies to the Temple, tears his purple weed, And falls to Prayer, as sure hold at need. O King of All, but Ours, especially, Ah! sleep'st thou Lord? What boots it, that thine ey Perceth to Hell, and even from Heav'n beholds The dumbest Thoughts in our hearts in-most folds; 580 If thou perceav'st not this proud Chalenger, Nor hear the Barking of this foul-mouth'd Cur? Not against us so much his Threats are meant, As against Thee, his Blasphemies are bent Against Thy Greatnes; whom he (proudly-rude) Yoaks with the Godlings which hee hath subdew'd. 'Tis true indeed, hee is a mightie Prince, Whose numbrous Arms, with furious insolence, Have over-born as many as with-stood, Made many a Province even to swim in blood, 590 Burnt many a Temple; and (insatiate still) Of neighbour Gods have wholly had their will. But, O! What Gods are those? Gods void of Beeing (Save, by their hands that serve them) Gods un-seeing, New, up-start Gods, of yester-dayes devise; To Men indebted, for their Deities: Gods made with hands, Gods without life, or breath; Gods, which the Rust, Fier, Hammer conquereth. But, thou art Lord, th'invincible alone, Th'All-seeing <2GOD,>2 the Everlasting ONE: 600 And, whoso dares him gainst thy Powr oppose,

Seems as a Puff which roaring <1Boreas>1 blowes, Weening to tear the <1Alps>1 off at the Foot, Or Clowds-prop <1Athos>1 from his massie Root: Who but mis-speaks of thee, hee spets at Heav'n, And his owne spettle in his face is driven. Lord, shew thee such: take on thee the Defence Of thine owne glory, and our innocence: Cleer thine owne name, of blame: let him not thus Tryumph of Thee, in tryumphing of us: 610 But, let ther (Lord) unto thy Church appear Just Cause of Joy, and to thy Foes of fear. God hears his Cry, and (from th'Empyreal Round) Hee wrathfull sends a winged Champion down; Who, richly arm'd in more than humane arms, Mowes in one night of Heathen men at arms Thrice-three-score thousand, and five thousand more, Feld round about; beside, behinde, before. Heer, his two eyes, which Sun-like brightly turn, Two armed Squadrons in a moment burn: 620 Not much unlike unto a fier in stubble, Which, sodain spreading, still the flame doth double, And with quick succour of som Southren blasts Crick-crackling quickly all the Countrie wastes. Heer the stiff Storm, that from his mouth he blowes, Thousands of Souldiers each on other throwes: Even as a Winde, a Rock, a sodain Flood Bears down the Trees in a side-hanging Wood; Th'Yew overturns the Pine, the Pine the Elm, The Elm the Oak, th'Oak doth the Ash ore-whelm; 630 And from the top, down to the Vale belowe, The Mount's dis-mantled, and even shamed so. Heer, with a Sword (such as that sacred blade For the bright Guard of <1Eden>1's entry made) Hee hacks, hee hews; and somtimes with one blowe A Regiment hee all at once doth mowe: And, as a Cannon's thundrie roaring Ball,

Battering one Turret, shakes the next withall, And oft in Armies (as by proof they finde) Kils oldest Souldiers with his very winde; 640 The whiffing Flashes of this Sword so quick, Strikes dead a many, which it did not strike. Heer, with his hands hee strangles all at-once Legions of Foes. O Arm that Kings dis-throans! O Army-shaving Sword! Rock-razing Hands! World-tossing Tempest! All-consuming Brands! O, let som other (with more sacred fier, Than I, inflam'd) into my Muse inspire The wondrous manner of this Overthrowe, The which (alas!) God knowes, I little knowe: 650 I but admire it, in confused sort; Conceive I cannot; and, much less, report. Com-on <1Zenacherib>1: where's now thine Hoast? Where are thy Champions? Thou didst lately boast, Th'hadst in thy Camp as many Soldiers, As Sea hath Fishes, or the Heav'ns have Stars: Now, th'art alone: and yet, not all alone, Fear, and Despair, and Fury wait upon Thy shame-full Flight: but, bloody Butcher, stay: Stay, noysom Plague, flye not so fast away, 660 Fear not Heav'ns Fauchin; that foul brest of thine Shall not bee honor'd with such wounds divine: Nor shalt thou yet, in timely bed decease; No: Tyrants use not to Depart in Peace: As bloud they thirsted, they are drown'd in blood; Their cruell Life a cruell Death makes good. For (O just Judgement!) lo, thy Sons (yer-long) At <1Nisroch's>1 Shrine revenge the <1Hebrews>1 wrong: Yea, thine owne Sons (foul eggs of fouler Bird) Kill their owne Father, sheath their either sword 670 In thine owne throat; and, heirs of all thy vices, Mix thine owne bloud among thy Sacrifices. This Miracle is shortly seconded By one as famous and as strange, indeed.

It pleas'd the Lord with heavie hand to smight King <1Ezechiah>1; who in dolefull plight Upon his bed lies vexed grievously, Sick of an Ulcer past all remedy. Art fails the Leach, and issue faileth Art, Each of the Courtiers sadly wayles a-part 680 His losse and Lord: Death, in a moorn-ful sort, Through every Chamber daunteth all the Court: And, in the Citie, seems in every Hall T'have light a Taper for his Funerall. Then <1Amos>1 Son, his bed approaching, pours From plentious lips these sweet and golden showrs; But that I knowe, you knowe the Lawes Divine, But that your Faith so every-where doth shine, But that your Courage so confirm'd I see; I should, my Liege, I should not speak so free: 690 I would not tell you, that incontinent You must prepare to make your Testament: That your Disease shal have the upper hand: And Death already at your Door doth stand. What? fears my Lord? Knowe you not, heer beneath Wee alwayes sayl towards the Port of Death; Where, who first anch'reth, first is glorified? That 't is Decreed, confirm'd, and ratified, That (of necessitie) the fatall Cup, Once, all of us must (in our turn) drink up? 700 That Death's no pain, but of all pains the end, The Gate of Heav'n and Ladder to ascend? That Death's the death of all our storms and strife, And sweet beginning of immortall Life? For, by one death a thousand death's we slay: Thear-by, wee rise from Body-Toomb of Clay. Thear-by, our Soules feast with celestiall food, Thear-by, we com to th'heav'nly Brother-hood, Thear-by, w'are chang'd to Angels of the Light, And, face to face, behold Gods beuties bright. 710 The Prophet ceast: and soon th'<1Isaacian>1 Prince,

Deep apprehending Death's drad form and sense, Unto the Wall-ward turns his weeping eyes; And, sorrow-torn, thus (to himself) he cries: Lord, I appeal, Lord (as thine humble childe) From thy just <1Justice>1 to thy <1Mercie>1 milde: Why wil thy strength destroy a silly-one, Weakned and wasted even to skin and bone; One that adores thee with sincere affection, The wrack of Idols, and the Saints protection? 720 O! shall the Good thy servant had begun For <1Sion>1, rest now by his death undon? O! shall a Pagan After-king restore The Groves and Idols I have raz'd before? Shall I dye Childe-les? Shall thine Heritage In vain exspect that glorious golden Age Under thy <2CHRIST?>2 O! mercy, mercy, Lord: O Father milde, to thy dear Childe accord Som space of life: O! let not, Lord, the voice Of Infidels at my poore Death rejoice. 730 Then sayd the Seer; Be of good cheer, my Liege: Thy sighes and tears and prayers so besiege The throne of Pittie, that, as pierc#t with-all, Thy smyling Health God yieldeth to re-call, Wills, to his Temple (three dayes hence) thou mount. Retracts his Sentence, and corrects his count: Makes Death go back, for fifteen yeers: as lo, This <1Dial's>1 shadow shall heer back-ward go: His Word's confirm'd with wonderfull Effect: For, lo, the <1Dial,>1 which doth houres direct 740 (Life's-guider, Daye's-divider, Sun's-Consorter, Shadow's dull shifter, and Time's dumb Reporter) Puts-up-again his passed Houres (perforce) And, back-ward goes, against his wonted course. 'Tis Noon at Mid-night; and a triple Morn Seems that long Day to brandish and adorn: <1Sol>1 goes, and coms; and, yer that in the Deep Of <1Atlas>1 shade he lay him down to sleep,

His bright, Light-winged, Gold-shod wheels do cut Three times together in the self-same rut. 750 Lord! what are we! or, what is our deserving! That, to confirm our Faith (so prone to swarving) Thou daign'st to shake Heav'ns solid Orbs so bright; Th'Order of Nature to dis-order quight; To make the Sun's Teem with a swift-slowe pase, Back, back to trot; and not their wonted Race? That, to dispel the Night so blindely-black, Which siels our Soules, thou mak'st the shade go back On <1Ahaz Dial>1? And, as Self-un-stable, Seem'st to revoke thine <1Acts>1 irrevocable, 760 Raze thine owne Dooms (tost in un-steddy storm) And, to reform us, thine owne speech reform; To give thy Self the Ly: and (in a Word) As Self-blam'd, softly to put-up thy Sword? Thrice-glorious God! thrice-great! thrice-gracious! Heer-in (O Lord) thou seem'st to deal with us, As a wise Father, who with tender hand Severely shaking the correcting Wand, With voice and gesture seems his Son to threat: Whom yet indeed he doth not mean to beat; 770 But, by this curb of fained Rigor, aims To aw his Son; and so him oft reclaims. This Prince no sooner home to Heav'n returns, But <1Isra%el>1 back to his vomit turns; Him re-bemires: and, like a head-strong Colt, Runs headlong down into a strange Revolt. And, though <1Josias,>1 Heav'n-deer Prince (who yong Coms wisely-olde, to live the older long) Had re-advanc#'t the sacred Lawes divine, Propt <1Sion>1's Wall (all ready to decline) 780 With his owne back; and, in his happy Raign, The Truth re-flowr'd, as in her Prime again: Yet <1Jacob>1's Heirs strive to resemble still A stiff-throw'n Bowl, which running down a Hill, Meets in the way som stub, for rub, that stops

The speed a space; but instantly it hops, It over-jumps; and stayes not, though it stumble, Till to the bottom up-side-down it tumble. With puissant Hoast proud <1Nabuchadnezzar>1 Now threatned <1Juda>1 with the worst of War: 790 His Camp coms marching to <1Jerusalem,>1 And her olde Walls in a new Wall doth hem. The busie Builders of this newer Fold, In one hand, Swords, in th'other Trowels hold, Nor selder strike with blades than hammers there; With firmer foot the Sieged's shock to bear, Who seem a swarm of Hornets buzzing out Among their Foes, and humming round about To spet their spight against their Enemies, With poysonie Darts, in noses, brows and eyes. 800 Cold <1Capricorn>1 hath pav'd all <1Juda>1 twice With brittle plates of crystal-crusted Ice, Twice glased <1Jordan>1; and the Sappy-blood Of Trees hath twice re-perriwigd the Wood, Since the first Siege: What? said the yonger sort, Shall we growe olde, about a feeble Fort? Shall we (not Martial, but more Mac#on-skild) Shall we not batter Towrs, but rather build? And while the <1Hebrue>1 in his sumptuous Chamber Disports himself, perfum'd with Nard and Amber, 810 Shall We, swelting for Heat, shivering for Cold, Heer, far from home, lie in a stinking Hold? Shall time destroy us? shall our proper sloath Annoy us more than th'<1Hebrues>1 valour dooth? No, no, my Lord: let not our Fervour fault, Through length of Siege; but let us to th'Assault. Let's win't and wear it: tut (Sir) nothing is Impossible to <1Cha+ldean>1 courages. Contented, sayd the King: brave bloods away, Goe seek Renown, 'mid wounds and death, to-day. 820 Now, in their breasts, brave <1Honor's>1 Thirst began:

Mee thinks, I see stout <1Nabuzaradan>1 Already trooping the most resolute Of every Band, this plot to prosecute. Each hath his Ladder; and, the Town to take, Bears to the Wall his Way upon his back: But, the brave Prince cleaves quicker then the rest His slender Firr-poles, as more prowes-ful prest. Alike they mount, affronting Death together; But, not alike in face, nor fortune neither: 830 This Ladder, slippery plac#'t, doth slide from under: That, over-sloap, snaps in the midst asunder, And souldiers falling, one another kill (As with his weight, a hollow Rockie-Hill, Torn with som Torrent, or Tempestuous windes, Shivers it self on stones it under-grindes): Som, rashly climbd (not wont to climb so high) With giddie brains, swim headlong down the Sky: Som, over-whelmd under a Mill-stone-storm, Lose, with their life, their living bodies form. 840 Yet mounts the Captain, and his spacious Targe Bears-off a Mountain and a Forest large Of Stoanes and Darts, that flie about his ears; His teeth do gnash, he threats, he sweats, and swears: As steadie thear as on the ground he goes; And thear, though weary, he affronts his Foes, Alone, and halfly-hanging in the ayr, Against whole Squadrons standing firmly fair: Upright hee rears him, and his Helmet brave (Whear, not a Plume, but a huge Tree doth wave) 850 Reflecting bright, above the Paripet, Affrights th'whole Cittie with the shade of it. Then, as half Victor, and about to venter Over the Wall, and readie even to enter; With his bright Gantlet's scaly fingers bent Grasping the coping of the battlement, His hold doth fail, the stones, un-fastned, fall

P Down in the ditch, and (headlong) he with-all: Yet, hee escapes, and getts again to shoar; Thanks to his strength: but, to his courage more. 860 Now, heer (me thinks) I hear proud <1Nergal>1 rave, In War (quoth he) Master or Match to have, By <1Mars>1 I skorn; yea, <1Mars>1 himself in Arms; And all the Gods, with all their braving Storms. O wrathfull Heav'ns, roar, lighten, thunder, threat; Gods, do your worst; with all your batteries beat: If I begin, in spight of all your powrs, I'll skale your Walls, I'll take your Crystall Towrs. Thus spewd the Curr, and (as he spake) withall Climbs-up the steepest of a dreadfull Wall, 870 With his bare-feet on roughest places sprawling, With hook-crookt hands upon the smoothest crawling. As a fell Serpent, which som Shepheard-lad On a steep Rock incounters gladly-sad, Turning and winding nimbly to and fro, With wriggling pase dooth still approach his Foe, And with a Hiss, a Frisk, and flashing ey, Makes soudainly his faint Assailer fly: Even so the Duke, with his fierce countenance, His thundring-voice, his helms bright radiance, 880 Drives <1Pashur>1 from the Walls and <1Jucal>1 too (A jolly Prater, but a Jade to doo; Braver in Counsail then in Combat, far) With <1Sephatiah,>1 tinder of this War; And <1Malchy,>1 he that doth in Prison keep Under the ground (a hundred cubits deep) Good <1Jeremie,>1 an instrument, alone Inspir'd with breath of th'ever-living <2ONE.>2 Let's fly, cries <1Pashur>1: fly this Infidell, Rather this Fiend, the which no waight can fell. 890 What force can front, or who incounter can An armed Faulcon, or a flying Man? While <1Nergal>1 speeds his Victory too-fast, His hooks dis-pointed dis-appoint his haste;

Prevent him, not of praise, but of the Prize Which (out of doubt) he did his owne surmize. He swears and tears: (what should? what could he more)? He cannot up, nor will he down, therfore. Unfortunate! and vainly-valiant! He's fain to stand like the <1Funambulant>1 900 Who seems to tread the air, and fall he must, Save his Self's waight him counter-poiseth just; And save the Lead, that in each hand he bears, Doth make him light: the gaping Vulgar fears, Amaz'd to see him; weening nothing stranger Than Art to master Nature, lucre danger. At last, though loath (full of despight and rage) He slideth down into a horrid hedge, Cursing and banning all the Gods; more mad For the disgrace, than for the hurt he had. 910 Els-where the while (as imitating right The Kinde-blinde Beast, in russet Velvet dight) Covertly marching in the Dark by day, <1Samgarnebo>1 seeks under ground his way. But <1Ebedmelech,>1 warn'd of his Designes, With-in the Town against him counter-mines Couragiously, and still proceedeth on, Till (resolute) he bring both Works to one; Till one strict Berrie, till one winding Cave Becom the Fight-Field of two Armies brave. 920 As the self-swelling Badgerd, at the bay With boldest Hounds (inured to that Fray) First at the entry of his Burrow fights, Then in his Earth; and either other bites: The eager Dogs are cheer'd with claps and cries, The angry Beast to his best chamber flies, And (angled there) sits grimly inter-gerning; And all the Earth rings with the Terryers yearning: So fare these Miners; whom I pitty must, That their bright Valour should so darkly joust. 930

While hotly thus they skirmish in the Vault, Quick <1Ebedmelech>1 closely thither brought A Dry-Fat sheath'd in latton plates with-out, With-in with Feathers fill'd, and round about Bor'd full of holes (with hollow pipes of brass) Save at one end, where nothing out should pass; Which (having first his <1Jewish>1 Troops retired) Just in the mouth of th'enter-Mine he fired: The smoak wherof with odious stink doth make The <1Pagans>1 soon their hollow Fort forsake: 940 As from the Berries in the Winter's night The Keeper draws his Ferret (flesht to bite). Now <1Rabshakeh>1 (as busie) other-where A rowling Towr against the Town doth rear, And on the top (or highest stage) of it A flying Bridge, to reach the Courtin fit, With pullies, poles; and planked Battlements On every story, for his Men's defence. On th'other side, the Towns-men are not slowe With counter-plots to counter-push their Foe: 950 Now, at the woodden side, then at the front; Then at the Engins of the <1Persian>1 Mount, With Brakes and Slings, and <1Phalariks>1 they play, To fier their Fortress and their Men to slaie: But yet, a Cord-Mat (stifly stretcht about) Defends the Towr, and keeps their Tempests out. While thus they deal; <1Sephtiah,>1 desperat, Him secretly out of the Cittie gat, And with a Pole of rozen-weeping Fir, So furiously he doth himself bestir, 960 That with the same the walking Fort he fiers: The cruel flame so to the top aspires, That (maugre Blood, shed from above in slaughter, And, from belowe, continuall spouting Water) It parts the Fray: stage after stage it catches, And th'half-broyld Souldiers headlong down it fetches.

The King (still constant against all extreams) To press them neerer yet; with mightie beams Rears a new Plat-form, neerer to the Wall, And covers it, with three-fold shelter, all; 970 The Timber (first) with Mud, the Mud with Hides The Hides with Woll-sacks (which all Shot derides). As th'Aier exhaled by the fiery breath Of th'Heavenly Lyon, on an open Heath, Or on the tresses of a tufted Plain, Pours-down at-once both Fier and Hail and Rain: So all at once th'<1Isaacian>1 Souldiers threw Floods, Flames, and Mountains on these Engines new; But th'hungry Flames the Muddy-damp repells, The Mounts, the Wooll; the drowning Floods, the Fels. 980 Thear-under (safe) the Ram with iron horn, The brazen-headed clov'n-foot Capricorn, The boistrous Trepane, and steel Pick-ax play Their parts apace, not idle night nor day. Heer, thorough-riv'n from top to toe, the Wall On reeling props hangs, ready ev'n to fall: There, a vast-Engine thundreth up-side-down The feeble Courtin of the sacred Town. If you have been, where you have seen som-whiles, How with the Ram they drive-in mighty Piles 990 In <1Dover>1 Peer, to bridle with a Bay The Sand-cast Current of the raging Sea; Swift-ebbing streams bear to the Sea the sownd, Eccho assisteth, and with shrill rebound Fills all the Town, and (as at Heav'nly Thunder) The Coast about trembles for fear and wonder: Then have you heard and seen the Engins beating On <1Sion>1's Walls, and her foundations threating. In fine, the <1Chaldeis>1 take <1Jerusalem,>1 And reave for ever <1Juries>1 Diadem. 1000 The smoakie burning of her Turrets steep Seems even to make the Sunn's bright ey to weep:

And wretched <1Salem,>1 buried (as it were) Under a heap of her owne Children dear, For lack of Friends to keep her Obsequies, Constraineth sighs (even) from her Enemies. Her massie Ruins and her Cinders showe Her Wealth and Greatnes, yer her overthrowe. A sodain horror seizeth every eye That views the same: and every Passer-by 1010 (Yea, were hee <1Gete,>1 or <1Turk,>1 or <1Troglodite)>1 Must needs, for pitty of so sad a Sight, Bestowe som tears, som swelling sighs, or grones Upon these batter'd sculs, these scatter'd stones. In Palaces, where lately (gilded rich) Sweet Lutes were heard, now luck-les Oules doo screech: The sacred <2TEMPLE>2, held (of late) alone Wonder of Wonders, now a heap of stone: The House of God <1(the Holyest-Holy-Place)>1 Is now the House of Vermin vile and base: 1020 The Vessels, destin'd unto sacred use, Are now profan'd in Riot and Abuse: None scapeth wounds, if any scape with life: The Father's reft of Son, the Man of Wife: <1Jacob>1's exil'd, <1Juda>1's no more in <1Jurie,>1 But (wretched) sighes under the <1Chaldean>1 furie. Their King in chains, with shame and sorrow thrill'd, Before his face sees all the fairest pill'd; Yea, his owne Daughters, and his Wives (alas!) (Rich Vines and Olives of his lawfull Race) 1030 Whose love and beauty did his age delight, Shar'd to the Souldiers, ravisht in his sight. O, Father, Father, thus the Daughters cry (About his neck still hanging tenderly) Whither (alas!) O, whither hale they us? O, must we serve their base and beastly Lusts? Shall they dissolve our Virgin-zones? Shall they (Ignoble Grooms) gather our <1Mayden-May,>1 Our spot-les Flowr, so carefully preserv'd

For som great Prince, that mought have us deserv'd? 1040 O Hony-dropping Hills we yerst frequented, O Milk-full Vales, with hundred Brooks indented, Delicious Gardens of deer <1Israel>1; Hills, Gardens, Vales, we bid you all fare-well: We (will-we-nill-we) hurried hence, as slaves, Must now, for <1Cedron,>1 sip of <1Tygris>1 waves; And (weaned from our native Earth and Air) For Hackney-Jades be sold in every Fayr. And (O hearts-horror!) see the shame-les Foe Forcing our Honors, triumph in our woe. 1050 All-sundring Sword! and (O!) all-cindring Fire! Which (mercy-les) do <2SION'S>2 Wrack conspire, Why spare you us, more cruell (cri'd the Wives) In leaving ours, then reaving other's lyves? Your Pitie's pity-les, your Pardon Torture: For, quick dispatch had made our Sorrows shorter; But your seem-Favour, that prolongs our breaths, Makes us, alive, to die a thousand Deaths. For, O deer Husband, deerest Lord, can wee, Can we survive, absented quight from Thee, 1060 And slaves to those whose Talk is nothing els But thy Disgrace, thy Gyves, and <1Israels>1? Can we (alas!) exchange thy Royal bed (With cunning-cost rare-richly furnished) For th'ugly Cabbin and the louzie Couch Of som base Buffon, or som beastly Slouch? Can we, alas! can wretched we (I say) We, whose Commands whole Kingdoms did obay, We, at whose beck even Princes knees did bend, We, on whose Train ther daily did attend 1070 Hundreds of Eunuchs, and of <1Maids>1 of <1Honour>1 (Kneeling about us in the humblest manner) To dress us neat, and duly every Morn In Silk and Gold our Bodies to adorn; Dress others now? work, on disgrace-full frame (Weeping the while) our <2SION'S>2 wo-full flame?

Dragging like Moyls drudge in their Mills? and hold Brooms in our hands, for Sceptre-Rods of gold? Com, Parrots, com, y'have prated now enough (The Pagans cry in their insulting ruff) 1080 On <1Chalde+>1 shoars you shal go sigh your fill, You must with us to <1Babel>1: there at will You may bewail: there, this shal be your plight, Our Mayds by day, our Bed-fellows by night. And, as they spake, the shame-les lust-full crew With furious force the tender Ladies drew Even from between th'arms of the woe-full King, Them haling rough; and rudely hurrying; And little lackt the act of most despight, Even in their Father's and their Husbands sight, 1090 Who, his hard Fortune doth in vain accuse, In vain he raves, in vain he roars and rews: Even as a Lion, prisoned in his grate, Whose ready dinner is bereft of late, Roars hideously; but, his fel Furie-storm May well breed horror, but it brings no harm. The proud fel <1Pagans>1 doo yet farther pass: They kill, they tear, before the Father's face (The more to gore: what Marble but would bleed?) They massacre his miserable seed. 1100 O! sayd the Prince, can you less pitious bee To these Self-yielders (prostrate at your knee) Than sternly-valiant to the stubborn-stout That 'gainst your rage couragiously stood-out? Alas! what have they don? what could they doo To urge revenge and kindle wrath in you? Poor silly Babes under the Nources wing, Have they conspir'd against the <1Chaldean>1 King? Have these sweet Infants, that yet cannot speak, Broak faith with you? Have these, so yong and weak, 1110 Yet in their Cradle, in their Clouts, bewayling Their Woes to-come (to all Man-kinde, unfayling)

Dis-ray'd your Ranks? Have these that yet doo craul Upon all fowre, and cannot stand, at all, With-stood your Fury, and repulst your Powrs, Frustred your Rams, fiered your flying Towrs? And, bravely sallying in your face (almost) Hew'n-out their passage thorough all your Hoast? O! no, <1Chalde+ans,>1 only I did all: I did complot the King of <1Babels>1 fall: 1120 I foyld your Troups: I filld our sacred Flood With <1Chaldean>1 bodies, dy'd it with your blood. Turn therfore, turn your bloody Blades on-mee; O! let these harm-less Little-ones goe free; And stain not with the blood of Innocents Th'immortall <1Tropheis>1 of your high Attents. So, ever may the <1Riphean>1 Mountains quake Under your feet: so ever may you make South, East, and West your owne: on every Coast So, ay victorious march your glorious Hoast: 1130 So to your Wives be you thrice welcom home, And so God bless your lawfull-loved womb With Self-like Babes, your substance with increase, Your selves (at home) with hoary haires in Peace. But, as a Rock, gainst which the Heav'ns do thunder, Th'Air roars about, the Ocean rageth under, Yields not a jot: no more this savage Crew; But rather, muse to finde-out Tortures new. Heer, (in his sight) these cruell <1Lestrigons>1 Between them take the eldest of his Sons, 1140 With keenest swords his trembling flesh they heaw, One gobbet heer, another thear they streaw. And from the veins of dead-lyve limbs (alas!) The spirit-full blood spins in his Father's face. Thear, by the heels his second sonn they take, And dash his head against a Chimnies back: The skull is pasht to peeces, like a Crock, Or earthen Stean, against a stonie Rock:

The scatterd batterd Brains, about besmeard, Som hang (O horror!) in the Fathers beard. 1150 Last, on him self their savage fury flyes, And with sharp bodkins bore they out his eyes: The Sun he loses, and an end-les night Beclowds for ever his twin-balled sight: Hee sees no more, but feels the woes he bears; And now, for crystall, weeps he crimsin tears. For, so God would (and justly too, no doubt) That, he which had in <1Juda>1 clean put-out Th'immortall Lamp of all religious light, Should have his eyes put-out, should lose his sight; 1160 And that his body should be outward blinde, As inwardly (in holy things) his minde. O Butchers (sayd he) satiat your Thirst, Swill, swill your fil of Blood, until you burst: O! broach it not with bodkin, but with knife; O! reave me not my Bodie's light, but life: Give me the sight not of the Earth but Skies: Pull-out my heart: O! poach not out mine eyes. Why did you not this barbarous deed dispatch, Yer I had seen me an un-sceptred Wretch, 1170 My Citties sackt, my wealthy subjects pilld, My Daughters ravisht, and my Sonns all killd? Or els, why stayd you not till I had seen Your (Beast-like) Master grazing on the Green: The <1Medes>1 conspiring to supplant your Throne: And <1Babel's>1 glory utter overthrowne? Then had my soule with Fellow-Falls bin eas'd, And then your pain, my pain had part appeas'd. O ragefull Tyrants! moodie Monsters, see, See heer my Case; and see your Selves in mee. 1180 Beware Contempt: tempt not the Heav'nly Powrs, Who thunder-down the high-aspiring Towrs; But, mildely pardon, and permit secure Poor Cottages that lie belowe obscure: Who Pride abhor; who lift us up so high,

To let us fall with greater infamy. Th'Almighty sports him with our Crowns and us; Our glory stands so fickle-founded thus On slippery wheels, al-readie rowling down: He gives us not, but only shewes the Crown: 1190 Our Wealth, our Pleasure, and our Honour too (Wherat the Vulgar make so much a-doo) Our Pomp, our State, our All that can be spoken, Seems as a glass, bright-shining, but soon broken. Thrice-happy He, whom with his sacred arm, Th'Eternall props against all Haps of harm: Who hangs upon his providence alone, And more preferrs <2GOD>2'S Kingdom than his owne. <1So happy be great>1 BRITANNE <1Kings (I pray)>1 <1Our Soverain>1 <2JAMES,>2 <1and al his Seed, for ay;>1 1200 <1Our hope-ful>1 <2HENRY,>2 <1and a hundred mo>1 Good, faithfull <2STUARTS>2 <1(in successive rowe)>1 <1Religious, righteous, learned, valiant, wise,>1 <1Sincere to>1 Vertue, <1and severe to>1 Vice<1;>1 <1That not alone>1 These dayes <1of Ours may shine>1 <1In>1 Zeal-<1full>1 Knowledge <1of the>1 <2TRUTH>2 <1divine>1 <1And We (illightned with her sacred rayes)>1 <1May walk directly in the>1 Saving wayes <1Of faith-full Service to the>1 <2ONE>2 <1true Deitie,>1 <1And mutuall Practice of all Christian Pietie;>1 1210 <1But, that our Nephews, and their Nephews (till>1 <1Time be no more) may be>1 conducted <1still>1 <1By the same>1 Cloud <1by day, and>1 Fier <1by night>1 <1(Through this vast>1 Desart <1of the World's despight)>1 <1Towards their>1 Home, <1the heav'nly>1 <2CANAAN,>2 Prepared <1for us yer the World began:>1 <1That they with us, and we>1 (complete) <1with them,>1 <1May meet>1 triumphant <1in>1 <2JERUSALEM>2<1;>1 <1With-in whose Pearly Gates and Jasper Walls>1 <1(Whear, th'>1Holy <2LAMB>2 <1keeps his high>1 Nuptialls 1220 <1Whear needs no shyning of the Sun, or Moon;>1 <1For, God's own face makes thear perpetuall Noon:>1

<1Whear, shall no more be Waylings, Woes, nor Cryes;>1 <1For, God shall wipe all tears from weeping eyes)>1 <1Shall enter nothing filthy or unclean;>1 <1No Hog, no Dog, no Sodomit obsco|ene,>1 <1No Witch, no Wanton, no Idolater,>1 <1No Thief, no Drunkard, no Adulterer,>1 <1No Wicked-liver, neither wilfull Lyer:>1 <1These are>1 without, <1in>1 Tophet's <1end-les Fier.>1 1230 <1Yet, such as these (or som of these, at least)>1 <1Wee all have been: in som-what all have mist>1 <1(And, had we broken but>1 one Precept <1sole,>1 <1The>1 Law <1reputes us guiltie of the whole):>1 <1But, we are>1 washed, <1in the>1 Sacred-Flood<1;>1 <1But, we are>1 purged, <1with the>1 Sprinkled-Blood<1;>1 <1But, by the>1 Spirit, <1we now are>1 sanctify'd<1:>1 <1And, through the>1 Faith <1in>1 <2JESUS>2, <1justify'd.>1 <1Thearfore, no more let us our selves defile,>1 <1No more return unto our Vomit vile,>1 1240 <1No more profane us with Concupiscence,>1 <1Nor spot the garment of our Innocence:>1 <1But, constant in our>1 Hope, <1fervent in>1 Love <1(As even al-readie>1 conversant Above) <1Proceed wee cheerly in our Pilgrimage>1 <1Towards our happy>1 promis'd Ha|eritage, <1Towards>1 That Cittie <1of heart-bound-les>1 Bliss <1Which>1 <2CHRIST>2 <1hath purchast with his Bloud, for His:>1 <1To Whom, with>1 <2FATHER,>2 <1and the>1 <2SPIRIT,>2 <1therfore>1 <1Bee Glory, Prayse, and Thanks, for-evermore.>1 1250 PIBRAC. <1Quad.>1 5 Say not, My hand This Work to END hath brought: Nor, this my Vertue hath attayned to: Say rather thus; This, GOD by mee hath wrought: GOD'S Author of the little Good I doo.