<31.>3 <1ONCE>1 in a way, perhaps as often as every eighteen months, an invitation to Sunday afternoon tea at the Ufford would arrive on a postcard addressed in Uncle Giles's neat, con- stricted handwriting. This private hotel in Bayswater, where he stayed during comparatively rare visits to London, occupied two corner houses in a latent, almost impenetrable region west of the Queen's Road. Not only the battleship- grey colour, but also something at once angular and top- heavy about the block's configuration as a whole, suggested a large vessel moored in the street. Even within, at least on the ground floor, the Ufford conveyed some reminder of life at sea, though certainly of no luxuriously equipped liner; at best one of those superannuated schooners of Conrad's novels, perhaps decorated years before as a rich man's yacht, now tarnished by the years and reduced to ignoble uses like traffic in tourists, pilgrims, or even illegal immigrants; per- vaded--to borrow an appropriately Conradian mannerism-- with uneasy memories of the strife of men. That was the feeling the Ufford gave, riding at anchor on the sluggish Bayswater tides. @To this last retrospective, and decidedly depressing, aspect of the hotel's character, Uncle Giles himself had no doubt in a small degree contributed. Certainly he had done nothing to release the place from its air of secret, melancholy guilt. The passages seemed catacombs of a hell assigncd to the subdued regret of those who had lacked in life the income to which they felt themselves entitled; this suspicion that the two houses were an abode of the dead being increased by the fact that no one was ever to be seen about, even at the reception desk. The floors of the formerly separate build- ings, constructed at different levels, were now joined by unexpected steps and narrow, steeply slanting passages. The hall was always wrapped in silence; letters in the green baize board criss-crossed with tape remained yellowing, for ever unclaimed, unread, unchanged. @However, Uncle Giles himself was attached to these quarters. 'The old pub suits me,' I had once heard him mutter thickly under his breath, high commendation from one so sparing of praise; although of course the Ufford, like every other institution with which he came in contact, would fall into disfavour from time to time, usually on account of some 'incivility' offered him by the management or staff. For example, Vera, a waitress, was an old enemy, who would often attempt to exclude him from his favourite table by the door 'where you could get a breath of air'. At least once, in a fit of pique, he had gone to the De Tabley across the road; but sooner or later he was back again, grudgingly admitting that the Ufford, although going down- hill from the days when he had first known the establish- ment, was undoubtedly convenient for the purposes of his aimless, uncomfortable, but in a sense dedicated life. @Dedicated, it might well be asked, to what? The ques- tion would not be easy to answer. Dedicated, perhaps, to his own egotism; his determination to be--without adequate moral or intellectual equipment--absolutely different from everybody else. That might offer one explanation of his behaviour. At any rate, he was propelled along from pillar to post by some force that seemed stronger than a mere instinct to keep himself alive; and the Ufford was the nearest thing he recognised as a home. He would leave his luggage there for weeks, months, even years on end; complaining afterwards, when he unpacked, that dinner- jackets were not only creased but also ravaged by moth, or that oil had been allowed to soak through the top of his cane trunk and ruin the tropical clothing within; still worse --though exact proof was always lacking--that the pieces left in the hotel's keeping had actually been reduced in number by at least one canvas valise, leather hat-box, or uniform-case in black tin. @On most of the occasions when I visited the Ufford, halls and reception rooms were so utterly deserted that the interior might almost have been Uncle Giles's private residence. Had he been a rich bachelor, instead of a poor one, he would probably have lived in a house of just that sort : bare : anonymous : old-fashioned: draughty : with heavy mahogany cabinets and sideboards spaced out at intervals in passages and on landings; nothing that could possibly commit him to any specific opinion, beyond general disapproval of the way the world was run. @We always had tea in an apartment called 'the lounge', the back half of a large double drawing-room, the inner doors of which were kept permanently closed, thus detach- ing 'the lounge' from 'the writing-room', the half over- looking the street. (Perhaps, like the doors of the Temple of Janus, they were closed only in time of Peace; because, years later, when I saw the Ufford in war-time these par- ticular doors had been thrown wide open.) The lace- curtained windows of the lounge gave on to a well; a bleak outlook, casting the gloom of perpetual night, or of a sky for ever dark with rain. Even in summer the electric light had to be switched on during tea. @The wallpaper's intricate floral design in blue, grey and green ran upwards from a cream-coloured lincrusta dado to a cornice also of cream lincrusta. The pattern of flowers, infinitely faded, closely matched the chintz-covered sofa and armchairs, which were roomy and unexpectedly com- fortable. A palm in a brass pot with ornamental handles stood in one corner: here and there were small tables of Moorish design upon each of which had been placed a heavy white globular ash-tray, equipped with an attachment upon which to rest a cigar or cigarette. Several circular gilt looking-glasses hung about the walls, but there was only one picture, an engraving placed over the fireplace, of Landseer's <2Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time.>2 Beneath this crowded scene of medieval plenty--presenting a painful contrast with the Ufford's <2cuisine-->2a clock, so constructed that pendulum and internal works were visible under its glass dome, stood eternally at twenty minutes past five. Two radiators kept the room reasonably warm in winter, and the coal, surrounded in the fireplace with crinkled pink paper, was never alight. No sign of active life was apparent in the room except for several much-thumbed copies of <2The Lady>2 lying in a heap on one of the Moorish tables. @'I think we shall have this place to ourselves,' Uncle Giles used invariably to remark, as if we had come there by chance on a specially lucky day, 'so that we shall be able to talk over our business without disturbance. Nothing I hate more than having some damn'd fellow listening to every word I say.' @Of late years his affairs, in so far as his relations knew anything of them, had become to some extent stabilised, although invitations to tea were inclined to coincide with periodical efforts to extract slightly more than his agreed share from 'the Trust'. Either his path had grown more tranquil than formerly, or crises were at longer intervals and apparently less violent. This change did not imply that he approached life itself in a more conciliatory spirit, or had altered his conviction that worldly success was a matter of 'influence'. The country's abandonment of the Gold Standard at about this time--and the formation of the National Government--had particularly annoyed him. He propagated contrary, far more revolutionary, economic theories of his own as to how the European monetary situa- tion should be regulated. @He was, however, a shade less abrupt in personal dealings. The anxiety of his relations that he might one day get into a really serious financial tangle, never entirely at rest, had considerably abated in comparison with time past; nor had there been recently any of those once recurrent rumours that he was making preparations for an unsuitable marriage. He still hovered about the Home Counties, seen intermittently at Reading, Aylesbury, Chelmsford, or Dover --and once so far afield as the Channel Islands--his 'work' now connected with the administration of some charitable organisation which paid a small salary and allowed a reason- ably high expense account. @I was not sure, however, in the light of an encounter during one of my visits to the Ufford, that Uncle Giles, although by then just about in his sixties, had wholly relinquished all thought of marriage. There were circum- stances that suggested a continued interest in such a project, or at least that he still enjoyed playing with the idea of matrimony when in the company of the opposite sex. @On that particular occasion, the three fish-paste sand- wiches and slice of seed cake finished, talk about money was about to begin. Uncle Giles himself never ate tea, though he would usually remove the lid of the teapot on its arrival and comment: 'A good scrgeant-major's brew you've got there,' sometimes sending the tea back to the kitchen if something about the surface of the liquid specially displeased him. He had blown his nose once or twice as a preliminary to financial discussion, when the door of the lounge quietly opened and a lady wearing a large hat and purple dress came silently into the room. @She was between forty and fifty, perhaps nearer fifty, though possibly her full bosom and style of dress, at a period when it was fashionable to be thin, made her seem a year or two older than her age. Dark red hair piled high on her head in what seemed to me an outmoded style, and good, curiously blurred features from which looked out immense, misty, hazel eyes, made her appearance striking. Her movements, too, were unusual. She seemed to glide rather than walk across the carpet, giving the impression almost of a phantom, a being from another world; this illusion no doubt heightened by the mysterious, sombre <2ambiance>2 of the Ufford, and the fact that I had scarcely ever before seen anybody but Uncle Giles himself, or an occa- sional member of the hotel's staff, inhabit its rooms. @'Why, Myra,' said Uncle Giles, rising hurriedly, and smoothing the worn herringbone tweed of his trouser leg, 'I thought you said you were going to be out all day.' @He sounded on the whole pleased to see her, although perhaps a trifle put out that she should have turned up just at that moment. He would very occasionally, and with due warning, produce an odd male acquaintance for a minute or two, never longer, usually an elderly man, probably a retired accountant, said to possess 'a very good head for business', but never before had I seen him in the company of a woman not a member of the family. Now as usual his habitual air of hardly suppressed irritation tended to cloak any minor emotion by the strength of its cosmic resent- ment. All the same, a very rare thing with him, faint patches of colour showed for a moment in his cheeks, dis- appearing almost immediately, as he fingered his moustache with a withered, skinny hand, as if uncertain how best to approach the situation. @'This is my nephew Nicholas,' he said; and to me: 'I don't think you have met Mrs. Erdleigh.' @He spoke slowly, as if, after much thought, he had chosen me from an immense number of other nephews to show her at least one good example of what he was forced to endure in the way of relations Mrs. Erdleigh gazed at me for a second or two before taking my hand, continuing to encircle its fingers even after I had made a slight effort to relax my own grasp. Her palm felt warm and soft, and seemed to exude a mysterious tremor. Scent, vaguely Oriental in its implications, rolled across from her in great stifling waves. The huge liquid eyes seemed to look deep down into my soul, and far, far beyond towards nameless, unexplored vistas of the infinite. @'But he belongs to another order,' she stated at once. @She spoke without surprise and apparently quite decisively; indeed as if the conclusion had been the logical inference of our hands' prolonged contact. At the same time she turned her head towards Uncle Giles, who made a deprecatory sound in his throat, though without venturing to confirm or deny her hypothesis. It was evident that he and I were placed violently in contrast together in her mind, or rather, I supposed, her inner consciousness. Whether she referred to some indefinable difference of class or bearing, or whether the distinction was in moral standards, was not at all clear. Nor had I any idea whether the comparison was in my uncle's favour or my own. In any case I could not help feeling that the assertion, however true, was un- timely as an opening gambit after introduction. @I had half expected Uncle Giles to take offence at the words, but, on the. contrary, he seemed not at all annoyed or surprised; even appearing rather more resigned than before to Mrs. Erdleigh's presence. It was almost as if he now knew that the worst was over; that from this moment relations between the three of us would grow easier. @'Shall I ring for some more tea?' he asked, without in any way pressing the proposal by tone of voice. @Mrs. Erdleigh shook her head dreamily. She had taken the place beside me on the sofa. @'I have already had tea,' she said softly, as if that meal had been for her indeed a wonderful experience. @'Are you sure?' asked my uncle, wonderingly; confirming by his manner that such a phenomenon was scarcely credible. @'Truly.' @'Well, I won't, then.' @'No, please, Captain Jenkins.' @I had the impression that the two of them knew each other pretty well; certainly much better than either was prepared at that moment to admit in front of me. After the first surprise of seeing her, Uncle Giles no longer called Mrs. Erdleigh 'Myra', and he now began to utter a dis- connected series of conventional remarks, as if to display how formal was in fact their relationship. He explained for the hundredth time how he never took tea as a meal, how- ever much encouraged by those addicted to the habit, com- mented in desultory phrases on the weather, and sketched in for her information a few of the outward circumstances of my own life and employment. @'Art books, is it?' he said. 'Is that what you told me your firm published?' @'That's it.' @'He sells art books,' said Uncle Giles, as if he were ex- plaining to some visitor the strange habits of the aborigines in the land where he had chosen to settle. @'And other sorts too,' I added, since he made the publica- tion of art books sound so shameful a calling. @In answering, I addressed myself to Mrs. Erdleigh, rather in the way that a witness, cross-questioned by counsel, replies to the judge. She seemed hardly to take in these trivialities, though she smiled all the while, quietly, almost rapturously, rather as if she were enjoying a warm bath after a trying day's shopping. I noticed that she wore no wedding ring, carrying in its place on her third finger a large opal, enclosed by a massive gold serpent swallowing its own tail.- 'I see you are wondering about my opal,' she said, sud' denly catching my eye. @'I was admiring the ring.' @'Of course I was born in October.' @'Otherwise it would be unlucky?' @'But <2not>2 under the Scales.' @'I am the Archer.' @I had learned that fact a week or two before from the astrological column of a Sunday newspaper. This seemed a good moment to make use of the knowledge. Mrs. Erdleigh was evidently pleased evcn with this grain of esoteric apprehension. She took my hand once more, and held the open palm towards the light. @'You interest me,' she said. @'What do you see?' @'Many things.' @'Nice ones?' @'Some good, some less good.' @'Tell me about them.' @'Shall I?' @Uncle Giles fidgeted. I thought at first he was bored at being momentarily out of the conversation, because, in his self-contained, unostentatious way, he could never bear to be anything less than the centre of interest; even when that position might possess an unpleasant significance as some- times happened at family gatherings. However, another matter was on his mind. @'Why not put the cards out?' he broke in all at once with forced cheerfulness. 'That is, if you're in the mood.' @Mrs. Erdleigh did not reply immediately to this suggestion. She continued to smile, and to investigate the lines of my palm. @'Shall I?' she again said softly, almost to herself. 'Shall l ask the cards about you both?' @I added my request to my uncle's. To have one's fortune told gratifies, after all, most of the superficial demands of egotism. There is no mystery about the eternal popularity of divination. All the same, I was surprised that Uncle Giles should countenance such pursuits. I felt sure he would have expressed loud contempt if anyone else had been described to him as indulging in efforts to foretell the future. Mrs. Erdleigh pondered a few seconds, then rose, still smiling, and glided away across the room. When she had shut the door we remained in silence for some minutes. Uncles Giles grunted several times. I suspected he might be feeling rather ashamed of himself for having put this request to her. I made some enquiries about his friend. @'Myra Erdleigh?' he said, as if it were strange to meet anyone unaware of Mrs. Erdleigh's circumstances. 'She's a widow, of course. Husband did something out in the East. Chinese Customs, was it? Burma Police? Something of the sort.' @'And she lives here?' @'A wonderful fortune-teller,' said Uncle Giles, ignoring the last question. 'Really wonderful. I let her tell mine once in a while. It gives her pleasure, you know--and it interests me to see how often she is right. Not that I expect she will have much to promise me at my time of life.' @He sighed; though not, l thought, without a certain self- satisfaction. I wondered how long they had known one another. Long enough, apparently, for the question of fortune-telling to have cropped up between them a number of times. @'Does she tell fortunes professionally?' @'Has done, I believe, in the past,' Uncle Giles admitted. 'But of course there wouldn't be any question of a five guinea consultation fee this evening.' @He gave a short, angry laugh to show that he was joking, adding rather guiltily: 'I don't think anyone is likely to come in. Even if they did, we could always pretend we were taking a hand at cut-throat.' @I wondered if Mrs. Erdleigh used -Tarot cards. If so, three-handed bridge might not look very convincing to an intruder; for example, should one of us try to trump 'the drowned Ph%oenician Sailor' with 'the Hanged Man'. In any case, there seemed no reason why we should not have our fortunes told in the lounge. That would at least be employing the room to some purpose. The manner in which Uncle Giles had spoken made me think he must enjoy 'putting the cards out' more than he cared to acknowledge. @Mrs. Erdleigh did not come back to the room immedi- ately. We awaited her return in an atmosphere of expect- ancy induced by my uncle's unconcealed excitement. I had never before seen him in this state. He was breathing heavily. Still Mrs. Erdleigh did not appear. She must have remained away at least ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. Uncle Giles began humming to himself. I picked up one of the tattered copies of <2The Lady.>2 At last the door opened once more. Mrs. Erdleigh had removed her hat, renewed the blue make-up under her eyes, and changed into a dress of sage green. She was certainly a conspicuous, perhaps even a faintly sinister figure. The cards she brought with her were grey and greasy with use. They were not a Tarot pack. After a brief discussion it was agreed that Uncle Giles should be the first to look into the future. @'You don't think it has been too short an interval?' he asked, obviously with some last'moment apprehensions. @'Nearly six months,' said Mrs. Erdleigh, in a more matter' of-fact voice than that she had used hitherto; adding, as she began to shuffle the pack: 'Although, of course, one should not question the cards too often, as I have sometimes warned you.' @Uncle Giles slowly rubbed his hands together, watching her closely as if to make certain there was no deception, and to ensure that she did not deliberately slip in a card that would bring him bad luck. The rite had something solemn about it: something infinitely ancient, as if Mrs. Erdleigh had existed long before the gods we knew, even those be- longing to the most distant past. I asked if she always used the same pack. @'Always the same dear cards,' she said, smiling; and to my uncle, more seriously: 'Was there anything special?' @'Usually need to look ahead in business,' he said, gruffly. 'That would be Diamonds, I suppose. Or Clubs?' @Mrs. Erdleigh continued to smile without revealing any of her secrets, while she set the cards in various small heaps on one of the Moorish tables. Uncle Giles kept a sharp eye on her, still rubbing his hands, making me almost as nervous as himself at the thought of what the predictions could involve. There might always be grave possibilities to be faced for someone of his erratic excursion through life, however I was naturally much more interested in what she would say about myself. Indeed, I was then so far from grasping the unchanging mould of human nature that I found it even surprising that at his age he could presuppose anything to be called 'a future'. So far as I myself was concerned, on the other hand, there seemed no reason to curb the wildest absurdity of fancy as to what might happen the very next moment. @However, when Uncle Giles's cards were examined, their secrets did not appear to be anything like so ominous as might have been feared. There was a good deal of opposition to his 'plans', perhaps not surprisingly; also, it was true, much gossip, even some calumny surrounded him. @'Don't forget you have Saturn in the Twelfth House,' Mrs. Erdleigh remarkcd in an aside. 'Secret enemies.' @As against these threatening possibilities, someone was going to give him a present, probably money; a small sum, but acceptable. It looked as if this gift might come from a woman. Uncle Giles, whose checks had become furrowed at the thought of all the gossip and calumny, cheered up a little at this. He was told he had a good friend in a woman --possibly the one who was to make him a present--the Queen of Hearts, in fact. This, too, Uncle Giles accepted willingly enough. @'That was the marriage card that turned up, wasn't it?' he asked at one point. @'Could be.' @'Not necessarily?' @'Other influences must be taken into consideration.' @Neither of them commented on this matter, though their words evidently had regard to a question already reconnoitred in the past. For a moment or two there was perhaps a faint sense of additional tension. Then the cards were collected and shuffled again. @'Now let's hear about <2him,'>2 said Uncle Giles. @He spoke more with relief that his own ordeal was over, rather than because he was seriously expressing any burn- ing interest in my own fate. @'I expect <2he>2 wants to hear about <2love,'>2 said Mrs. Erdleigh, beginning to titter to herself again. @Uncle Giles, to show general agreement with this sup- position, grunted a disapproving laugh. I attempted some formal denial, although it was perfectly true that the thought was uppermost in my mind. The situation in that quarter was at the moment confused. In fact, so far as 'love' was concerned, I had been living for some years past in a rather makeshift manner. This was not because I felt the matter to be of little interest, like a man who hardly cares what he eats provided hunger is satisfied, or one prepared to discuss painting, should the subject arise, though never tempted to enter a picture gallery. On the contrary, my interest in love was keen enough, but the thing itself seemed not particularly simple to come by. In that direction, other people appeared more easily satisfied than myself. That at least was how it seemed to me. And yet, in spite of some show of picking and choosing, my experiences, on subsequent examination, were certainly no more admirable than those to which neither Templer nor Barnby, for example, would have given a second thought; they were merely fewer in number. I hoped the cards would reveal nothing too humiliating to my own self-esteem. @'There is a link between us,' said Mrs. Erdleigh, as she set out the little heaps. 'At present I cannot see what it is-- but there is a link.' @This supposed connexion evidently puzzled her. @'You are musical?' @'No.' @'Then you write--I think you have written a book?' @'Yes.' @'You live between two worlds,' she said. 'Perhaps even more than two worlds. You cannot always surmount your feelings.' @I could think of no possible reply to this indictment, @'You are thought cold, but you possess deep affections, sometimes for people worthless in themselves. Often you are at odds with those who might help you. You like women, and they like you, but you often find the com- pany of men more amusing. You expect too much, and yet you are also too resigned. You must try to under- stand life.' @Somewhat awed by this searching, even severe analysis, I promised I would do better in future. @'People can only be themselves,' she said. 'If they possessed the qualities you desire in them, they would be different people.' @'That is what I should like them to be.' @'Sometimes you are too serious, sometimes not serious enough.' @'So I have been told.' @'You must make a greater effort in life.' @'I can see that.' @These strictures certainly seemed just enough; and yet any change of direction would be hard to achieve. Perhaps I was irrevocably transfixed, just as she described, half-way between dissipation and diffidenoe. While I considered the matter, she passed on to more circumstantial things. It turncd out that a fair woman was not very pleased with me; and a dark one almost equally vexed. Like my uncle-- perhaps some family failing common to both of us--I was encompassed by gossip. @'They do not signify at all,' said Mrs. Erdleigh, referring thus mther ruthlessly to the women of disparate colouring. 'This is a much more important lady--medium hair, I should say--and I think you have run across her once or twice before, though not recently. But there seems to be another man interested, too. He might even be a husband. You don't like him much. He is tallish, I should guess. Fair, possibly red hair. In business. Often goes abroad.' I began to turn over in my mind every woman I had ever met. @'There is a small matter in <2your>2 business that is going to cause inconvenience,' she went on. 'It has to do with an elderly man--and two young ones connected with him.' @'Are you sure it is not two elderly men and one young man?' @It had immediately struck me that she might be <2en>2 <2rapport>2 with my firm's growing difficulties regarding St. John Clarke's introduction to <2The Art of Horae Isbister.>2 The elderly men would be St. John Clarke and Isbister themselves--or perhaps St. John Clarke and one of the partners--and the young man was, of course, St. John Clarke's secretary, Mark Members. @'I see the two young men quite plainly,' she said. 'Rather a troublesome couple, I should say.' @This was all credible enough, including the character sketch, though perhaps not very interesting. Such trivial comment, mixed with a few home truths of a personal nature, provide, I had already learnt, the commonplaces of fortune-telling. Such was all that remained in my mind of what Mrs. Erdleigh prophesied on that occasion. She may have foretold more. If so, her words were forgotten by me. Indecd, I was not greatly struck by the insight she had shown; although she impressed me as a woman of domi- nant, even oddly attractive personality, in spite of a certain absurdity of demeanour. She herself seemed well pleased with the performance. @At the end of her sitting it was time to go. I was dining that evening with Barnby, picking him up at his studio. I rose to say good-bye, thanking her for the trouble she had taken. @'We shall meet again.' @'I hope so.' @'In about a year from now.' @'Perhaps before.' @'No,' she said, smiling with the complacence of one to whom the secrets of human existence had been long since occultly revealed. 'Not before.' @I did not press the point. Uncle Giles accompanied me to the hall. He had by then returned to the subject of money, the <2mystique>2 of which was at least as absorbing to him as the rites upon which we had been engaged. @'... and then one could not foresee that San Pedro Ware- houses Deferred would become cntirely valueless,' he was saying. 'The expropriations were merely the result of a liberal dictator coming in--got to face these changcs. There was one of those quite natural revulsions against foreign capital....' @He broke off. Supposing our meeting now at an end, I turned from him, and made preparations to plunge through the opaque doors into the ocean of streets, in the grey ebb and flow of which the Ufford floated idly upon the swell. Uncle Giles put his hand on my arm. @'By the way,' he said, 'I don't think I should mention to your parents the matter of having your fortune told. I don't want them to blame me for leading you into bad habits, superstitious ones, I mean. Besides, they might not altogether approve of Myra Erdleigh.' @His brown, wrinkled face puckered slightly. He still retained some vestige of good looks, faintly military in charactcr. Perhaps this hint, increased with age, of past regi- mental distinction in some forgotten garrison town was what Mrs. Erdleigh admired in him. Neither my parents, nor any of the rest of Uncle Giles's relations, were likely to worry about his behaviour if the worst he ever did was to persuade other members of the family to have their fortunes told. However, recognising that silence upon the subject of Mrs. Erdleigh might be a reasonable request, I assured him that I would not speak of our meeting. @I was curious to know what their relationship might be. Possibly they were planning marriage. The 'marriage card' had clearly been of interest to my uncle. There was some- thing vaguely 'improper' about Mrs. Erdleigh, almost deliberately so; but impropriety of an unremembered, Victorian kind: a villa in St. John's Wood, perhaps, and eccentric doings behind locked doors and lace curtains on sultry summer afternoons. Uncle Giles was known to possess a capacity for making himself acceptable to ladies of all sorts, some of whom had even been rumoured to contribute at times a trifle towards his expenses; those many expenses to which he was subject, and never tired of detail- ing. Mrs. Erdleigh looked not so much 'well off' as eminently capable of pursuing her own interests effectively. Possibly Uncle Giles considered her a good investment. She, on her side, no doubt had her uses for him. Apart from material considerations, he was obviously fascinated by her occult powers, with which he seemed almost religiously preoccupied. Like all such associations, this one probably included a fierce struggle of wills. It would be interesting to see who won the day. On the whole, my money was on Mrs. Erdleigh. I thought about the pair of them for a day or two, and then they both passed from my mind. @As I made my way towards the neighbourhood of Fitzroy Square, experiencing as usual that feeling of release that always followed parting company with Uncle Giles, I returned to the subject of future business difficulties fore- told in the cards. These, as I have said, had seemed to refer to St. John Clarke's introduction to <2The Art of Horace>2 <2Isbister,>2 already a tiresome affair, quite likely to pass from bad to worse. The introduction had been awaited for at least a year now, and we seemed no nearer getting the manuscript. The delay caused inconvenience at the office, since blocks had been made for a series of forty-eight mono- chrome plates and four three-colour half-tones; to which St. John Clarke was to add four or five thousand words of biographical reminiscence. @Isbister himself had been ill, on and off, for some little time, so that it had not been possible through him to bring pressure to bear on St. John Clarke, although the painter was the novelist's old friend. They may even have been at school together. Isbister had certainly executed several portraits of St. John Clarke, one of them (the sitter in a high, stiff collar and limp spotted bow tie) showing him as quite a young man. The personal legend of each, for publicity purposes, took the form of a country lad who had 'made good', and they would occasionally refer in print to their shared early struggles. St. John Clarke, in the first instance, had positively gone out of his way to arrange that the introduction should be written by himself, rather than by some suitable hack from amongst the Old Guard of the art critics, several of whom were in much more need of the fee, not a very princely one, that my firm was paying for the work. @That a well-known novelist should take on something that seemed to call in at least a small degree for an accredited expert on painting was not so surprising as might at first sight have appeared, because St. John Clarke, although certainly quieter of late years, had in the past often figured in public controversy regarding the arts. He had been active, for example, in the years before the war in supporting the erection of the Peter Pan statue in Ken- sington Gardens: a dozen years later, vigorously opposing the establishment of Rima in the bird sanctuary of the same neighbourhood. At one of the Walpole-Wilsons' dinner parties I could remember talk of St. John Clarke's intervention in the question of the Haig memorial, then much discussed. These examples suggest a special interest in sculpture, but St. John Clarke often expressed himself with equal force regarding painting and music. He had certainly been associated with opposition to the Post- Impressionists in 1910: also in leading some minor skirmish in operatic circles soon after the Armistice. @I myself could not have denied a taste for St. John Clarke's novels at about the period when leaving school. In fact Le Bas, my housemaster, finding me reading one of them, had taken it from my hand and glanced through the pages. @'Rather morbid stuff, isn't it?' he had remarked. @It was a statement rather than a question, though I doubt whether Le Bas had ever read any of St. John Clarke's novels himself. He merely felt, in one sense correctly, that there was something wrong with them. At thc same time he made no attempt to disallow, or confiscate, the volume. However, I had long preferred to forget the days when I had regarded St. John Clarke's work as fairly daring. In fact I had become accustomed to refer to him and his books with the savagery which, when one is a young man, seems--perhaps rightly--the only proper and serious attitude towards anyone, most of all an older person, practising the arts in an inept or outworn manner. @Although a few years younger than the generation of H. G. Wells and J. M. Barrie, St. John Clarke was con- nected in my mind with those two authors, chiefly because I had once seen a snapshot of the three of them reproduced in the memoirs of an Edwardian hostess. The photograph had probably been taken by the lady herself. The writers were standing in a group on the lawn of a huge, rather gracelessly pinnacled country scat. St. John Clarke was a little to one side of the picture. A tall, cadaverous man, with spectacles and long hair, a panama hat at the back of his head, he leant on a stick, surveying his more diminu- tive fellow guests with an expression of uneasy interest; rather as if he were an explorer or missionary, who had just coaxed from the jungle these powerful witch-doctors of some neighbouring, and on the whole unfriendly, tribe. He seemed, by his expression, to feel that constant super- vision of the other two was necessary to foil misbehaviour or escape. There was something of the priest about his appearance. @The picture had interested me because, although I had already read books by these threc writers, all had inspired me with the same sense that theirs was not the kind of writing I liked. Later, as I have said, I came round for a time to St. John Clarke with that avid literary consump- tion of the immature which cannot precisely be regarded either as enjoyment or the reverse. The flavour of St. John Clarke's novels is hard to describe to those unfamiliar with them, perhaps on account of their own inexactitudes of thought and feeling. Although no longer looked upon as a 'serious' writer, I believe he still has his readers in number not to be disregarded. In his early years he had been treated with respect by most of the eminent critics of his time, and to the day of his death he hoped in vain for the Nobel Prize. Mark Members, his secretary, used to say that once, at least, that award had secmed within his grasp. @We had never met, but I had seen him in Bond Street, walking with Members. Though his hair was by then white and straggling, he still looked remarkably like his picture in the book of memoirs. He was wearing a grey soft hat, rather high in be crown with a band of the same colour, a black suit and buff double-breasted waistcoat. As he strolled along he glanccd rather furtively about him, seem- ing scarcely aware of Members, sauntering by his side. His features bore that somewhat exasperated expression that literary men so often acquire in middle life. For a second I had been reminded of my old acquaintance, Mr. Deacon, but a Mr. Deacon far more capable of coping with the world. Members, in his black homburg, swinging a rolled umbrella, looked quite boyish beside him. @St. John Clarke's reputation as a novelist had been made by the time he was in his thirties. For many years past he had lived the life of a comparatively rich bachelor, able to indulge most of his whims, seeing only the people who suited him, and making his way in what he used to call, 'rather lovingly', so Members said, the <2'becu mond*'e.>2 Even in those days, critics malicious enough to pull his books to pieces in public were never tired of pointing out that investigations of human conduct, based on assumptions accepted when St. John Clarke was a young man, were hopelessly out of date. However, fortunately his sales did not depend on favourable reviews, although, in spite of this, he was said to be--like so many financially successful writers--painfully sensitive to hostile criticism. It was perhaps partly for the reason that he felt himself no longer properly appreciated that he had announced he would write no more novels. In due course memoirs would appear, though he confessed he was in no hurry to compose them. @His procrastination regarding the introduction had, therefore, nothing to do with pressure of work. Putting the Isbister task in its least idealistic and disinterested light, it would give him a chance to talk about himself, a per- fectly legitimate treat he was as a rule unwilling to forgo. Friendship made him a suitable man for the job. Those who enjoy finding landmarks common to different forms of art might even have succeeded in tracing a certain similarity little to one side of the picture. A tall, cadaverous man, with spectacles and long hair, a panama hat at the back of his head, he leant on a stick, surveying his more diminu- tive fellow guests with an expression of uneasy interest; rather as if he were an explorer or missionary, who had just coaxed from the jungle these powerful witch-doctors of some neighbouring, and on the whole unfriendly, tribe. He secmed, by his expression, to feel that constant super- vision of the other two was necessary to foil misbehaviour or escape. There was something of the priest about his appearance. @The picture had interested me because, although I had already read books by these three writers, all had inspired me with the same sense that theirs was not the kind of writing I liked. Later, as I have said, I came round for a time to St. John Clarke with that avid literary consump- tion of the immature which cannot precisely be regarded either as enjoyment or the reverse. The flavour of St. John Clarke's novels is hard to describe to those unfamiliar with them, perhaps on account of their own inexactitudes of thought and feeling. Although no longer looked upon as a 'serious' writer, I believe he still has his readers in number not to be disregarded. In his early years he had been treated with respect by most of the eminent critics of his time, and to the day of his death he hoped in vain for the Nobel Prize. Mark Members, his secretary, used to say that once, at least, that award had seemed within his grasp. @We had never met, but I had seen him in Bond Street, walking with Members. Though his hair was by then white and straggling, he still looked remarkably like his picture in the book of memoirs. He was wearing a grey soft hat, rather high in the crown with a band of the same colour, a black suit and buff doublc-breasted waistcoat. As he strolled along he glanced rather furtively about him, seem- ing scarcely aware of Members, sauntering by his side. His features bore that somewhat exasperated expression that literary men so often acquire in middle life. For a second I had been reminded of my old acquaintance, Mr. Deacon, but a Mr. Deacon far more capable of coping with the world. Members, in his black homburg, swinging a rolled umbrella, looked quite boyish beside him. @St. John Clarke's reputation as a novelist had been made by the time he was in his thirties. For many years past he had lived the life of a comparatively rich bachelor, able to indulge most of his whims, seeing only the people who suited him, and making his way in what he used to call, 'rather lovingly', so Membcrs said, the <2'becu mond*'e.>2 Even in those days, critics malicious enough to pull his books to pieces in public were never tired of pointing out that investigations of human conduct, based on assumptions accepted when St. John Clarke was a young man, were hopelessly out of date. However, fortunately his sales did not depend on favourable reviews, although, in spite of this, he was said to be--like so many financially successful writers--painfully sensitive to hostile criticism. It was perhaps partly for the reason that he felt himself no longer properly appreciated that he had announced he would write no more novels. In due course memoirs would appear, though he confessed he was in no hurry to compose them. @His procrastination regarding the introduction had, therefore, nothing to do with pressure of work. Putting the Isbister task in its least idealistic and disinterested light, it would give him a chance to talk about himself, a per- fectly legitimate treat he was as a rule unwilling to forgo, Friendship made him a suitable man for the job. Those who enjoy finding landmarks common to different forms of art might even have succeeded in tracing a certain similarity of approach tenuously relating the novels of St. John Clarke with the portrait painting of Isbister. The delay was, indeed, hard to explain. @There had been, however, various rumours recently current regarding changes supposedly taking place in St. John Clarke's point of view. Lately, he had been seen at parties in Bloomsbury, and elsewhere, surrounded by people who were certainly not readers of his books. This was thought to show the influence of Members, who was said to be altering his employer's outlook. Indeed, some- thing suggesting a change of front in that quarter had been brought to my own notice in a very personal manner. @St. John Clarke had contributed an article to a New York paper in which he spoke of the younger writers of that moment. Amongst a rather oddly assorted collection of names, he had commented, at least by implication favourably, upon a novel of my own, published a month or two before--the 'book' to which Mrs. Erdleigh had referred. Latterly, St. John Clarke had rarely occupied himself with occasional journalism, and in print he had certainly never before shown himself well disposed towards a younger generation. His remarks, brief and relatively guarded though they had been, not unnaturally aroused my interest, especially because any recommendation from that quarter was so entirely unexpected. I found myself looking for excuses to cover what still seemed to me his own shortcomings as a novelist. @As I turned over these things in my mind, on the way to Barnby's studio, it struck me that Barnby himself might be able to tell me something of St. John Clarke as a person; for, although unlikely that Barnby had read the novels, the two of them might well have met in the widely different circles Barnby frequented. I began to make enquiries soon after my arrival there. @Barnby rubbed his short, stubby hair, worn <2en brosse,>2 which, with his blue overalls, gave him the look of a <2sommelier>2 at an expensive French restaurant. By then we had known each other for several years. He had moved house more than once since the days when he had lived above Mr. Deacon's antique shop, emigrating for a time as far north as Camden Town. Still unmarried, his many adventures with women were a perpetual topic between us. In terms of literature, Barnby might have found a place among Stendhal's heroes, those power-conscious young men, anxious to achieve success with women with- out the banal expedient of 'falling in love': a state, of course, necessarily implying, on thc part of the competitor, a depletion, if not entire abrogation, of 'the will'. Barnby was, on the whole, more successful than his Stendhalian prototypes, and he was certainly often 'in love'. All the same, he belonged in that group. Like Valmont in <2Les>2 <2Liaisons Dangereuses,>2 he set store 'upon what terms' he possessed a woman, seeking a relationship in which sensuality merged with power, rather than engaging in their habitual conflict. @Like everyone else, at that moment, Barnby was com- plaining of 'the slump', although his own reputation as a painter had been rising steadily during the previous two or three years. The murals designed by him for the Donners-Brebner Building had received, one way and another, a great deal of public attention; the patronage of Sir Magnus Donners himself in this project having even sur- vived Barnby's love affair with Baby Wentworth, supposed mistress of Sir Magnus. Indeed, it had been suggested that -the Great Industrialist', as Barnby used to call him, had been glad to make use of that or some other indiscretion, soon after the completion of the murals, as an excuse for bringing to an end his own association with Mrs. Went- worth. There appeared to be no bad feeling between any of the persons concerned in this triangular adjustment. Sir Magnus was now seen about with a <2jolie laide>2 called Matilda Wilson; although, as formerly in the Baby Went- worth connexion, little or nothing definite was known of this much discussed liaison. Baby herself had married an Italian and was living in Rome. @'You'll never get that introduction now,' Barnby said, after listening to my story. 'St. John Clarke in these days would think poor old Isbister much too <2pompier.'>2 @'But they are still great friends.' @'What does that matter?' @'Besides, St. John Clarke doesn't know a Van Dyck from a Van Dongen.' @'Ah, but he does now,' said Barnby. 'That's where you are wrong. You are out of date. St. John Clarke has under- gone a conversion.' @'To what?' @'Modernism.' @'Steel chairs?' @'No doubt they will come.' @'Pictures made of shells and newspaper?' @'At present he is at a slightly earlier stage.' @I asked for further details. @'The outward and visible sign of St. John Clarke's con- version,' said Barnby, portentously, 'is that he has indeed become a collector of modern pictures--though, as I understand it, he still loves them on this side Surrealism. As a matter of fact he bought a picture of mine last week.' @'This conversion explains his friendly notice of my book.' @'It does.' @'I see.' @'You yourself supposed that something unusual in the quality of your writing had touched him?' @'Naturally.' @'I fear it is all part of a much larger design.' @'Just as good for me.' @'Doubtless.' @All the same, I felt slightly less complimented than before. The situation was now clear. The rumours already current about St. John Clarke, less explicit than Barnby's words, had equally suggested some kind of intellectual upheaval. Isbister's portraits of politicians, business men and ecclesiastics, executed with emphatic, almost aggressive disregard for any development of painting that could possibly be called 'modern', would now certainly no longer appeal to his old friend. At the same time the ray of St. John Clarke's approval directed towards myself, until then so phenomenal, was in fact only one minute aspect of the novelist's new desire to ally himself with forces against which, for many years, he had openly warred. @'That secretary of his even suggested Clarke might com- mission a portrait.' @'It is Members, of course, who has brought this about.' @'Oh, I don't know,' said Barnby. 'This sort of thing often happens to successful people when they begin to get old. They suddenly realise what dull lives they have always led.' @'But St. John Clarke hasn't led a dull life. I should have thought he had done almost everything he wanted--with just sufficient heights still to climb to give continued zest to his efforts.' @'I agree in one sense,' said Barnby. 'But for a man of his comparative intelligence, St. John Clarke has always limited himself to the dullest of dull ideas--in order to make money, of course, a very reasonable aim, thereby avoiding giving offence to his public. Think of the platitudes of his books. True, I have only read a few pages of one of them, but that was sufficient. And then that professional world of bogus artists and bogus writers which he himself frequents. No wonder he wants to escape from it once in a while, and meet an occasional duchess. Men like him always feel they have missed something. You can leave the arts alone, but it is very dangerous to play tricks with them. After all, you yourself tell me he has agreed to write an introduction to the work of Isbister--and then you ask me why I consider St. John Clarke leads a dull life.' @'But will this new move make his life any better?' @'Why not?' @'He must always have been picture-blind.' @'Some of my best patrons are that. Don't be so idealistic.' @'But if you are not really interested in pictures, liking a Bonnard doesn't make you any happier than liking a Bouguereau.' @'The act of conversion does, though.' @'Besides, this will open up a new, much more lively world of social life. One must admit that.' @'Of course.' @'You are probably right.' @Perhaps it was surprising that nothing of the kind had happened earlier, because St. John Clarke had employed a whole dynasty of secretaries before Members. But former secretaries had been expected to work hard in the back- ground, rather than to exist as an important element in the household. Members had built up the post to some- thing far more influential than anything achieved by those who had gone before him. The fact was that, as St. John Clarke grew older, he wrote less, while his desire to cut a social figure gained in volume. He began to require a secretary who was something more than a subordinate to answer the telephone and remember the date of invitations. It was natural enough that St. John Clarke, who was un- married, should wish to delegate power in his establish- ment, and rely on someone to help him plan his daily life. He was fortunate in finding a young man so well equipped for the job; for even those who did not much care for Members personally had to admit that his methods, often erratic, were on the whole admirably suited to the life St. John Clarke liked to lead. @'Nothing equivocal about the position of Members in that <2m*'enage,>2 do you think?' said Barnby. @'Not in the least.' @'I don't think St. John Clarke is interested in either sex,' said Barnby. 'He fell in love with himself at first sight and it is a passion to which he has always remained faithful.' @'Self-love seems so often unrequited.' @'But not in the case of St. John Clarke,' said Barnby. 'He is entirely capable of getting along without what most of the rest of us need.' @I had often heard that particular question discussed. Although his novels not uncommonly dealt with the in- tricate problems of married life, St. John Clarke did not, in general, greatly care for the society of women, except that of ladies in a position to invite him to agreeable dinners and week-end parties. Such hospitality was, after all, no more than a small and fitting return for the labours of a lifetime, and one that few but the envious would have begrudged him. However, this lack of interest in the opposite sex had from time to time given rise to gossip. Those persons who make a hobby, even a kind of duty, of tracking down malicious whispers to their source were forced to report in the case of St. John Clarke that nothing in the smallest degree reprobate could be confirmed. This did not prevent the circulation of a certain amount of rather spiteful badinage on the subject of his secretary. Members was impervious to any such innuendo, perhaps even encouraging it to screen his own affairs with women. St. John Clarke, indifferent to this indulgence himself, naturally disapproved of an irregular life in others: especially in someone at such close quarters. @'So there he goes,' said Barnby. 'Head-first into the con- temporary world.' @He hunched his shoulders, and made a grimace, as if to exprcss the violence, even agony, that had accompanied St. John Clarke's %aesthetic metamorphosis. By easy stages we moved off to dinner at Foppa's. @<32>3 <1A YEAR>1 or more later Isbister died. He had been in bad health for some little time, and caught pneumonia during a period of convalescence. The question of the introduc- tion, pigeon-holed indefinitely, since St. John Clarke terly refused to answer lctters on the subject, was now brought into the light again by the obituaries. Little or no general news was about at the time, so these notices were fuller than might have been expected. One of them called Isbister 'the British Franz Hals'. There were photographs of him, with his Van Dyck beard and Inverness cape, walk- ing with Mrs. Isbister, a former model, the 'Morwenna' of many of his figure subjects. This was clearly the occa- sion to make another effort to complete and publish <2The>2 <2Art of Horace Isbister.>2 Artists, especially academic artists, can pass quickly into the shadows: forgotten as if they had never been. @Almost as a last resort, therefore, it had been arranged that I should meet Mark Members out of office hours, and talk things over 'as man to man'. For this assignation Members had chosen--of all places--the Ritz. Since becoming St. John Clarke's secretary he had acquired a taste for rich surroundings. It was that prolonged, flat, cheerless week that follows Christmas. My own existence seemed infinitely stagnant, relieved only by work on another book. Those interminable latter days of the dying year create an interval, as it were, of moral suspension: one form of life already passed away before another has had time to assert some new, endemic characteristic. Imminent