* OLD FRENCH CORPUS * Prepared at Dept of French, Univ of St Andrews, Scotland * by Dr Clive R. Sneddon * ------------------------------------------------------------- * Documentation prepared at OUCS from a letter dated 17 Nov 1982 *--------------------------------------------------------------- * a star in column one indicates a comment * cols 1 to 4 are blank or contain a line number *A AUBE BILINGUE Aube bilingue. Ruggieri: Testi antichi romanzi, vol 2, pp19-20 *AL Alberic's Alexandre. Foulet: The Mediaeval French Roman d'Alexandre vol 3, pp 37-42 *B BOECI Boeci (Schwarze) *CA Song of songs (Quant li solleiz). Jahrbuch fur romanische und englische Literatur, vol vi, pp365-8. *E EULALIA Eulalia. Wagner: Textes d'etude, p.8 *SO STRASBOURG OATHS Strasbourg Oaths. Wagner: Textes d'etude, pp 5-6. *EP Leccio actuum apostolorum Epitre farcie de St Etienne. Jahrbuch fur romanische und englische Literatur, vol iv, pp 313-4. *F SAINTE FOI Chanson de Ste Foi. ed Thomas A. *J RECTO Fragment de Valenciennes. *J VERSO Fragment de Valenciennes (continued) Sermon on Jonas. Koschwitz: Les plus anciens monuments, pp 6-9. *L SAINT LEGER Vie de St Leger. ed Linskill, pp 151-77. *P PASSION Clermont-Ferrand Passion. ed Avalle, pp 126. *PLI Poesies Limousines I Tu Autem. ed Thomas L P : Sponsus, p 195. *PLII Poesies limousines II In hoc anni circulo. ed Thomas L P: Sponsus pp 196-8 *PLIII Poesies Limousines III O Maria, Deu Maire. ed Thomas L P: Sponsus 199-200 *SP SPONSUS Sponsus. ed Thomas L P. Dr Sneddon and Mr A. Hunt are jointly re-editing these texts from the original mss. No published versions of these texts should appear without prior consultation of Dr Sneddon. Oxford Text Archive 17 Nov 1982