((Otho text from Brook & Leslie, 1978 (EETS o.s. 277) Special characters used: HEX char significance 7c @ u.c. eth 7b # # 5b $ l.c. eth 50 & ond 4e + hacek 9b { u.c. ash 7e = radix sign (raised r) a1 ~ u.c. yogh 79 ` u.c. thorn 6a | l.c. yogh e0 \ l.c. thorn 4e + missing character 7e = missing line 8B } asch A prest was in londe. Laweman. was hote. he was Leucais sone. lef him beo Driste. He wonede at Ernleie wid \an gode cni\te. uppen Seuarne. merie \er him \ohte. faste bi Radistone \er heo bokes radde. Hit com him on mode. & on his \onke. \at he wolde. of Engelond \e ristnesse telle. wat \e men hi-hote weren. and wan"e'ne hi comen. \e Englene lond }rest afden. after \an flode. \at fram God com. \at al ere acwelde. cwic \at hit funde. bote Noe and Sem. Iaphet and Cam. and hire four wifes. \at mid ham \ere weren. Loweman gan wende. so wide so was \at londe. = and nom \e Englisse boc. \at makede Seint Bede. Ano\er he nom of Latin. \at makede Seint Albin. Boc he nom \an \ridde. an leide \ar amidde. \at makede Austin. \at follo"s't bro"s'te hider in. ==== Laweman \es bokes bieolde. an \e leues tornde. he ham loueliche bi-helde. fulste God \e mi\tie. Fe\ere he nom mid fingres. and wrot mid his honde. and \e so\e word sette togedere. and \ane hilke boc tock us to bisne. Nu bidde\ Laweman. echne godne mon. for \e mistie Godes loue. \at \es boc rede\. = \at he \is so\fast word segge togadere. and bidde for \e saule. \at hine to manne strende. = and for his owene soule. \at hire \e bet bifalle. Amen. Nv seide mid louesange. \at was \an londes prest. as \e bokes speke. \at he to bisne nom. ================================================================= ==== +++ +++er was i-hote Creu++ king Priames his doh++r. \(a)t Eneas his fader; +n Troye for-(les) +n \an store fihte; his h+++++es hire neome. Asch(ani)us held \is kine-lond; daies and |eres. and he makede one e|e bor|; Albe Lingwe ihote. `e (b)or| was w(e)l i|arket; i+e lutel time. h+ hine |ef hi+ (st++moder); for loue of h++ ++++++ (and L)auinon \an ca++++ +++ (moc)hel lond \ar-to. \at his (fad)er hafde imaked; wile he was on liue. \is londe he hire lende; to hire liues ende. Ah he nom \ane mahun; \at Eneas fram Troye brohte. = In Albe Lingue hine sette; ah sone \anene he wende. a|en mid \an winde; \e Feond hine verede. Aschanius \e kene; \at was in kinges stude. four and \ritti winter he held \at lond; and \at folke mid blisse. \o com his liues hende; lo\ \eh him were. Siluium his bro\er; \at was Lauines sone. he bitahte al \at lond; \at Eneas hire fader afde an hond. One sone afde Aschanius; \at was ihote Siluius. \is child afde his hemes name; ac lutele wile he liuede. for his owene sone hine set to de\e. `o \is child was mochel \o louede he a mayde; \at was Lauines mo|e; deorneliche swi\e. Hit iwar\ \are; so hi(t) do\ wel iware. \at \is |onge mayde; iwar\ hire mid childe. = Vnder-|eten were \e \inges; \at \e mayde was wid childe. = `o sende he ouer al \at lond; after wittie an wise. for wite Aschanius wolde; \or\ hire wise craftes. wat \inges hit were; \at \e womman bere. = Hii funde in hire craftes; carfulle \inges. \at |e mid one sone was; wonderfol to telle. for bo\e he solde sle; his fader and his moder. \orh him hii solde deie and \ane de\ \olie. and \orh hire tweire +e\ he idreue of londe. == `o \e time icome was \at \e childe hi-bore weas. = \e moder \orh him iwar\ dead; alse ibore was \e child. Hit was ihote Brutus; h++ nas noht feie. `is child leuede and wel i\eh; and \euwes he louede `o he was fiftene |er; to \e wode he verde. an(d) his fader mid him; to his honele. Hii funde ane hierde; of heortes swi\e grete. \e fader ham bi-eode; to his owene on-neode To his sone h+ ham draf; him-silue to ha++e Brutus sette on his flon; mid stre"n'g\e he +++++ vt gon. he wend+ sceote an deor; and hitte his owe fader. \orh-vt \e breoste biuore; wo was Brutus \er-fore. Wo was h(i)m a-liue; \o his fader se| (de)i|e. `o ihorde \is his cun; \at he of icome was \ad he his fader adde isla|e; hii flemde hine of londe. = and he wende sorhful vt; ouer see-stremes. in-to Greclonde \ere he his cun funde. of \an folke of Troye; \at mid teone weren to-dreued. \e cwene cun Eleyne; \e kinges do\ter Priami. and manie of \an \eode; ac alle hii were \eue and of his owene cunne; moni he\-bore man. Mani |er weren aron; su\\e his cun \ider com. \e wepmen weren iwoxen \e w+(m)men i\o|en. = Nas Brutus in \at lond; bote lutel one wile. \at alle menne he was lef; and moche mansipe bi-wo(n). for cni\t he was swi\e g+d; \an folke to cweme. he was mete-custi; to euereuche manne. Alle men he was lef; \at him on lokede. hii him |eue |eftes; and faire hine grette. hii seide him mid redes; and mid stille rou"n'ing. \at |ef he were \riste; and he hit don dorste. \at he |am wolde le+++ vt of \an londe vt of \eud+(m)e; freo \at h(i) were. hi hine wolde makie duc+; and deme oue. +++ fol+e We abbe\ seue (\u)s+(nd); of wel gode cnittes. ++++kete wimmen; \at n+++ ++ conne of wepne childr(ene) +++ hin(e) \at +++ nete solle |+me. for ++++++ we sollen dre|(en) ine (\is)se ++(ue). here we n+lle\ mid fr(eo)scipe; faren vt of londe. Alle \at weren at \isse read bi-lefde (i)n \isse roune. In +(r)eclonde was a |ong m(on of) +rittie |ere. As+++(acus ih)+++ of he|ere cunne (His fader) ++s a riche cni\t; (ah him)-seolf was swi\e strong +f miht. * his fader was a G(reck) i-core; ac his moder was of Troye ibore. = Hit bi-fille \er-after; ine feue |ere. \at \e fader was dead; his do|e\e he bilefde. He |af Assarachus his sone; seli \re castles. and al \at ligginde lond; \e \er-abute lay. Assarachus hafde one bro\er. \at vnder wed-lac was ibore. after \an he\ene lawe; \at stot in \an ilke dawe. `is cni\t hafde his fader londe; and lo\ him was his bro\er. for he held \e stronge castles; \orh sta\ele his fader |iftes. His bro\er him |am wolde bi-nime; ah he ne mi\te spede. \ar aros wale and win; and wi\er-happes fale. Assarachus was god cni\t; wid Greckes he helde moni fiht. ah he hafde mochel streng\e; of his moder cunne. + + + + + + + +; \at |am + + + + + + + + = +++++++hus hit +(edde) + + + + + + +une (\at \e T)++++++++ ++lk mid his +++ +(oltome) + + + + cni\t (Brutun) + + + + + hine to (ducke) (an)d hire (mo)+radene; (mid mansipe) solde onfenge (He s++++ h)is sonde; w+++ |eont ++++ ++(nde) (h)e hehte \at folck +++++(en; and) ++men to him ++++(e)n and wimmen; + + + + + +lde. alle he |am +++++++ +nd to wode sende. bote seue \usend kempes; \e he into catle dede. `o lette he riden; wide and side. bi-|ete wepne and mete; mochel wes \e neode. and al \at smale monkun; he dude |eond \e montes and him-seolf mid his ferde; bi-fore and bi-hinde. Seo\\e he nam to reade; an to som-roune \at a writ makede; al mid wisdome. and grete Pandrasum \ane king; mid gri\liche speche. and \at writ him sende; \at \eos worde segge. For \ane worles same; and for \ane mochele grame. \at Dardanisse cun; \at we beo\ oue icomen. wone\ in \isse londe; folke to sonde. in \eudome; \ralle-workes do\. hii beo\ to-gadere icome; cu\ie meyes. alse \at ilke folk; \at \i fresipe wole bi-winne. Hi habbe\ imaked; \at ich ham duck ouer ham. Ich habbe in mi(n)e castl(e)s seue \usend kempes. and eke in \an mountes; mani \usendes. Leuere |am his to libbe; bi \an wode-rote. al so \e wilde swin; \e wrote\ in \an groue. \ane hi \ine \eudomes; lengere \olie. == `is word he for\ sende\; al so \at writ speket. \at hii mote wonie; ware-so iwolle\. in pais and in gri\e; and hii wolle\ \e fronsipe don. ~if \ou \is nelt \olie; \ou salt beo \e worse `e king nam \at writ an honde; and he hit wro\liche bi-heolde. selcu\ him \ohte; solchere speche. `o he alles spac; mid \rete he seide. To wro\ere hele; habbe\ hii soch werck i-don. Mine \ralles and mi folk mi-seolue \rete\. Wide he sende ouer al \at lond; for he was leoden king. \at comen to him-seolue; riche and hene. al \at ilke monkun; \at mihte bere wepne. vppe lif and uppe lime; al \at londes folk. an horse and a fote; for\ hi fusde. `e king \retete Brutun; so he dude Assarachun. \at he |am wolde bi-liggen; mid lo\e hire feondes. |+f he ham mihte bi-winne; mid heni cunnes ginne. alle hi solde hongi; vppe e|e troues. Brutus hi-herde segge; (al) so hit so\ was. \at Pandrasus \(e) king; him towardes com. mid mochelere ferde; ah hii weren somme veie. Brutus nom to rede; \at him best wes. He nam his kene men; \at kempes weren gode. he verde to \an wode; to \an wilderne. to \an ilke wei; \at he wel wiste. ware \e king mid his ferde; for\ solde wende. Brutus hafde gode; cni\tes to neode. \re \usend mid him; he ladde to-gadere. `e king him com ride; mid riche his folk; Brutus him smot an; mid his grim reses. so\te he \is Grickes; mid stelene egges. `e Greckes neore nost ware; of hire mochele harme. wenden hii \e rugges. flo|e \e e|e men. Ascalon he\te an water; \at nas noht for ham fram. \ider in wende mani \usend; Brutus ham com after; and euere he on leide. mid swerde and mid spere; al he to-drof \e kinges here. a londe and a watere; he hem a-dun leide. and \e king swi\e fle\; \o he his men se|e falle. Mochel folk \er was of-slawe; in mani-ane wise. `e king hafde on bro\er; nafde he non o\er. Antigonus was ihote; in Greclonde he was he|. H"e' seh ou his bro\er verde; alle iuaren weren. a watere and a londe; ase him lo\est was. Ant(igo)nus mid his wepne; and (his) gode cni\tes. wende touward Brutun; to h+ + + + + + + + + to-gadere + + + + + + + + `er h(e) + + + + + + + + + halues + + = + + + +(ued ma)ni hond; + + + + + + + + \er fohte; (mani +++m make)den. = `ar T++yisse +(en sloh|en); alle \e Greckes \a `ere Brutus nam An(tigo+++\e) kinges bro\er Pa(ndrasum) +++ him he hine ladd(e for leof he) ++ne was to habb. + + + + + + wel witie ine g+ + + + +des and al-so his ++++++ ++ mid him inomen weren. `at iherde Pandrasus \e king; hit nas him noht icweme. \at Antigonus his bro\er; was in stronge bendes. `e king so wide sende; so was his kine-riche. and hehte euereine man; \at mi\t ride o\er gon. \at hii comen mid him; to \an castle of Sonatin. Nas castel non so strong; in \an ende of Greclonde. He wende hit to so\e; \eh hit so\ nere. \at Brutus hafde \e men; \at mid fihte he hafde awonne. idon in \an castle; and \er ham cwik helde. and him-seolf heke; for \are mochele bi-|eate. Ah Brutus dude betere red; \ar-fore him \e bette bi-fulle. In \an castle he dude hende; six hundred of his cni\tes. him-seolf mid his streng\e; to \an wode eode. `e king to \an castle; for\ mid +++ +++++ (\ar) he lai aboute; +++ +(n)e weren his fon. His ++++(e) he sette; on echere side. +++e hi resden; and remden to-gadere. mid stelene hordes; and mid bitere smites. mid stocke and mid stone; stalfiht mak+(d)e = \ar was mochel blod-(g)ote balu \ar was riue. `e cnihtes of \an castle; starcli++e wid-stode. \at ne mihte (\i)s kinges folk; of ham anne har(emi). ac \e king of his me(n) (m)ani \usend les. `e king was sor in mode; for his man-lure. He ternde him a|ein; and \rettede \an castle. and \at folk wid-ine; wanne he hit mihte awinne. \anne wolde he |am cwelle; o\er cwic for-berne. He lette makie one dich; \at was swi\e deap. a-bute his ferde; and seide mid worde. == \at nolde he \anne fare; are hii dead were. In \an castle were mani men; and mochele mete heote. \e mete for\ eode; for \ar feng manie to. Hii neme anne herindrake; \at god was to neode. and sende to hire louerd; \at leof |am was on heorte. Hii hene grette; mid hire gode wordes. & bede hine come to helpe; mid alle his stre"n'g\e. wile \e hii weren isund; his ho\te cni\tes. Brutus hine bi-\ohte; of solchere neode. and \eos word s(ei)de; mid so\ere heorte. He do\ him-seolue mansipe; \at helpe\ his frende. so ich wole mine; bi mine cwike liue. `o was \are a wel-ibore man; Anacletus ihote. mid \is kinges bro\er he was itake; and \er lai in bende. Brutus him remde to; mid bitere his reses. bi \e coppe he him nam; also he hine wolde slean. and his nakede swerd; leide on his necke. and \eos word seide; Brutus \e sele. Ni\inc \ou art dead; bote \ou do mine read. and \i louerd al-so; bote \ou mine lore do. ac |if \ou wolt \ou miht; wel helpe |ou-seolue. Louerd cwa\ Anacletus; don ich wole \in lore. helpe mine louerd and me; mid alle mine mi\te. Do so cwa\ Brutus; and \e bet |ou sel wor\e. |e sollen habben lif and lime; and beo me wel deore. Brutus him swor an ho\; holde \at he wolde. `o seide Brutus; cni\t mid \e beste. Anacletus leoue freond; to-ni\t \ou salt faren. in \an time wan hit his best; wane men go\ to bedde. \ou salt for\ wende; to \is kinges ferde. Wane \ou comest to \e cni\tes; \e \ane king bi-witie\. \at be\ seue hundred; \at beo\ swi\e kene. clepe \ou ham to; and cu\liche spec. Ich ham Anacletus; I brok vt of bendes. = and |et ich ow segge an-o\er ibro\t ich habbe \es kinges bro\er. vt of \an quarcerne; of \an cwal-huse. \ar Brutus hine hafde idon; and to-mor|e hine wolde an-hon. and ich hine habbe idon; in \isse wilderne. Cni\tes come\ mid me let \ane king slepe. an fare we al so stille; so we stele wolde = and ich ou wole lede; to mine o|ene louerd. = ~if |e ma|en him bringe; bi-foren oure king. \anne ma|e boldeliche; gladi oure louerd. = Cu\ he was \eos cni\tes; and hii hene icnewe hii wende \at his sawes; alle so\e were. ac alle hii weren lesinge; for he was leod-swike. Nis nohware so wis man. \at me ne may bi-swike. Anacletus eode bi-fore; \eos cnihtes him fol|ede. in one wei he verde; ase Brutus hine lerede. Brutus hafde his folk bi-fore; and eke bihinde. Was \e wei hol\ and long; \e cleues weren stronge. Brutus him resede to; mid riche his streng\e. alle he |am nom; nanne he ne lefde. somme he slo\ somme he bond; \e beste he cwic at-heold. and alle hii best bi-wiste; \are him best \ohte. Brutus nom his ferde; and a foure |am to-delde. and he he\te alle his men; mon-sipe bi-winne. \e |onge and \e holde; \e stronge and \e bolde. = \at hi sol(d)e (an h)++++++ faren to \an kinge. A(nd) +++ +++beode alle mine men deor. ++pe \e mochele loue \at hu+ his bitwixte. \at non beo so wilde; ne so vnwitti. \at heni word talie ne talki mid speche are he mine horn; hi-h(er)e bl(o)we. For mi-seolf ich wole go b(i)-fore; to \is kinges teldes. ano(n) so ich li\te; of mine horse. ich wole min horn blowe; \at |(e) hit solle hi-heren. \an (ahlic)he legge\ |am an; and w(ecc)he\ |am of slepe. lete\ \e Greckes glide to grunde. = Duden alle \e cni\tes; ase Brutus |am tehte. and he him-seolf eode bi-fore; to \is kinges telde. of his horse he a\reu; and his horn mainliche bleu. `at hi-horde Troynisse. and to|e to \an Grickes. hii |am awehten. mid hire bitere duntes. Flowen hefdes on felde; volle \e feie. mani fot mani hond; \e heap was \e worse. Mani \usend \er flo|en; hire \armes idrowen. and Brutus mid his cni\tes; \ane king vnderfeng. alle ihol and isond; he\liche he clipede. Ich abbe \is folkes kinge; falle\ his leode. Ne lete |e nanne cwicke. scapie to felde. Ich wole \isne king; leode mid mi-seolue. `er Brutus bifenge; al \at him bifore was. Soratin he a-redde; his e|e castle Amorwe \o hit dai was; and + + + + + delde; Brutus + + + + + folk; hii loue+ + + + + +e. he he\te + + + + + +l his gode fer++ + + + + +men \e deade + + + + +(n) in eor\e. = \is + + + + (do) for man(i) \u++++ venge to. Al \at hii bi(|et)e; adealde among his cni\tes. and alle his leue men; mid gode h(e g)rette. `o al \is was idon; (\o) dude he ano\er. he lette clem(b)en an he\; and swi\e loude clepie. \at \ane (ilk)e morewe; come al his gode (fol)ke. and al his he|e men to (\)an hustincge. and so duden (al)le; blisse was a \an daie. `at folk com to-gadere; cu\\ie meyes. and hire louerd spac; and \us to |am seide. Luste\ mine cni\tes; luste\ mine leoue men. Segge\ to me silue; read \at ou \inche\ Ich habbe \isne leod-king; ileid in mine bendes. and his bro\er al-so; \at his vs icweme. and his folk of-slawe; ich ham him \e lo\ere. and alle his hea\tes; i|eue mine frendes. ~if |e hit rede\ \at beo\ mine riche men. ich wolle mid swerde; his heued of swippe. and |if |e hit wolle\ ich hine wole gri\ie. = |if he vs |iue wolle; gold and garisom. and alle his godes wid \an \e he mote libbe. `o answerede; alle \e cni\tes Somme hit was icweme; \at he hine solde acwelle. him-seolf habbe \at lond. and beo king icrouned. Somme seiden elles; mani mane(re) spelles. ~if vs \e king and his gold; his godes and his lond. |ef vs pal |if vs hors; |if vs he|e scrud. = |if vs lond \ar-to; \is vs \inche\ wel idon. `are was mani riche man; \at lutel cu\e of reades. wa\er him were betere \anne fare; o\er \are wonie. `e wile \at hii speke \us; clepede Membricius. \at was a riche man. swi\e wel idon wis and witfol; wel he hit cudde. Wat speke |e cni\tes wat speke |e kempes. Vnder |ou alle; nis \ar read godne. \at |e |it habbe\ iseid; wat vs is best to done. ~if hit luste wole Brutus mi louerd. and |e alle bil"uui'e; mine gode lore ich ou wolle segge; selest alre reade. `o answerede al \at folk; Vain we hit wolle\. `o spac Membricius ludere stemne. ~erne we of \an kinge. |iftes gode. = and sone \er-after; |erne we his do\ter. \at he |ife hire vre louerd; Brutus to his bedde. of his corn so moche vs |iue; so we wolle\ habbe. = and \e beste tun \at his men habbe\. and alle \e gode sipes; \at in his londe ligge\ and al \at bi-houe\ \e s(i)\e. for to driue. of man and of wepne; \at we mawe wel fare. for\ ouer see-strem; \ar vs best \inche\. and seili so long \at we lond finde faren ouer al \at lond; (a)nd fondien \e leode war vs be icweme. king \at we \e makie. \at hert \e beste of vs and Ignogen cwene = For |if we here |erne\; wonie mid Greckes. hii beo\ vre fulle ivon; for we beo\ i-vei\et mid ham. hure cun we habbet of-slawe; and idon of life-daie we beo\ heom lo\e; for hure mochele leore. hii wolle\ vs bi-cheorre; \orh hire wise craftes. and se worse vs his; hii beo\ \e gladdere. for mid oure wepne; hire cun acweld we abbe\. = ~if we triste\ to hire me\e; vs seolue we bi-cheorre\ |if we |am ileue\; \at his oure owene lure. = Wel ich hit mai segge; to so\e ich hit wene. nis \ar non so he\; nis \ar non so loh. \at we nabbe\ his frende ivalled to grunde. For \an |if |e hit rede\; \at wise beo\ on \onke. fare we fram \isse londe; \es folk vs beo\ lo\e. Al hire god we sollen nime; and lutel heom bi-leue. wonie hii sollen on-bolde; for hire mochele arme. and we ma|e faren riche; |if we read louie\. for al \at god of \is londe w+ + + + + + lede. and hii bi-li++ + + + + hire lif-tim(e). = + + + + +ren isaide \+ + + + + + leofe. `o he m+ + + + + + bi-halues w(er). + + + + + + drem; moche(l) du+ + + + + and alle hi clepede \us +++ sei\ Membri(ci)us. and alle (hit) bi-lefde; gode his lore. `o lette hi bringe \ane (k)ing; vt of prisune. and hi(s) bro\er mid him beine to-gad(er)es. mid hyrene bendes; bi-fore Brutune he him to clepede; an lo\e wordes saide. he solde e|e hangie; (vp)-on grete trouwes. o\er mi(d) horse beon to-drawe; ouer al +++ londe. = Bote \ou vs wolle |iue; alle \ine hea\te. and alle \ine sipes gode; \at fleote\ in see-flode. and \ine do\ter Ignogen oure king to cwene. `e king hine bi-\ohte; wat he do mihte. Sori he was on liue; \eos tidinge him were lo\e. Of de\e he hafde care; drof he was on mode. Pandrasus answerede; mid sorie heorte. ~e bidde\ mine dohter \e hende; and habbe\ me in bende. and Antigonum mi bro\er; in |oure bendhuse and mine men |e habbe\ of-slawe; and |erne\ mine godes and mine dohter leoue; to so lo\e mannes bi-hofe. Ac he mot neode; \e man \at his in bende + + + + + + + +e lo\ \oh + + + + + + + + + + wolde+ + + + + + + + + \at \r+ + + + + + + lond ich + + + + + + + + (a)n hond. + + + + + + + + + (an)d + + + + + + + +(i)ne + + + + + +(euen |o)+ + +ke. = = (`o +++++rede Br++++ \at) was louerd and (dux) Nolen we no\t (\)is v(n)der-fon; ac we faren wille\. and \ou swi\e hi|enliche; sild \e fram dea\e. ~if vs \at we wilne\; |if \ou wolt libbe. \e king sende his sonde ouer al Greclonde. \at me to him bro\te; alle his he\te and grei\ede his sipes gode; bi \an see-flode. and al \at \ar-to bi-hofde; he|eliche ifunde. alse hi we wolden hire louerd; fram dea\e a-readde. = `e sipmen weren igrei\ed; mid gode \e sipes ifulled. `e king |eaf Brutun; his dohter \e him was deore. and al \e foreward was ilast; `o fusde \e ferde. wenden ri\t to \are see; selie cni\tes Mochel was \e blisse; \at Brutus mid him hafde. Brutus nam Ignogen; and to sipe ladde. Hii rihte hire ropis; hii rerden hire mastes. hii wenden vp seyles. wind stot at wille. Sixtene si\e twenti sipes; wenden vt of hauene. and four sipes gode; \at weren grund-lade. mid \e beste wepne \at +rutus hafde Hii fusden fram stronde; vt of Greclonde. hii wenden vt in wilde see; \at \e wilde temie\. Twei daies and two ni\t; in wil"d'e see i weren. \ane \ridde dai hii come li\e to londe. Leogice he\te \at lond; men neore \ar none. ne wepmen ne wimmen; bote weste pa\es. Vtlawes hafde irefed \at lond; and \e folk of-slawe. = Ac so manie \ere were wilde deor; \at wonder heom \ohte. and \e Troynisse men; fulle to \an deore. and duden of \an wilde; al hire wille. to \e sipes ladden; so moche so iwolden. Hii funde in \an ilond; anne castel swi\e strong. To-haled were \e walles; afalle weren \e halles Temple hii funde \ar one; imaked of marbre stone. mochel and mere; \e Worse hit hafde to welde. `ar-ine was on anlicne; of wimman iliche. fair hit was and swi\e he\; on hire heinisee name Diane |e was hi-hote; \e Deouel hire louede. ~eo dude wonder craftes; \e Feond hire fulste. ~eo was cwene of alle wodes; \at weren on eor\e. in \an he\ene lawe me held hire for e|e god. To hire weren iwoned; wonder-craftie men. i witen of \an \incge \at weren to comende. |eo ham wolde cu\e mid tockne and suefene wan iweren a-slepe. (`). wile \e in \an ylond; weren men libbende. hii wor\ede \an anlicnisse; \e Feond hit vnder-fe"n'g. Brutus hit ihorde; \or\ his see-mannen. \e er weren in \at lond; and \e lawes wiste. Brutus nom twelf wittie; \at wisest men were. and anne prest of \e la|e; \at stod on he\ene dawe. Gerion was ihote; \at was on folke he\. he verde to \are stouwe; \are Dyane ine stod Brutus "verde' to \an temple; and \e twelfe mid him. and lette his folke; bleuen \are-hute. Ane scole he bar an honde; al of rede golde. milc was in \e scole; and win somdel. \e milc was of one wite hinde. \e Brutus set mid his honde He makede bi \an wefed; a wonsom fur Ni|e si\e he hit bi-eode \at wefd for his neode. He clepede to \an leafdi; \at leof him was on heorte mid milde his wordes; he here|ede hire mihte. Ofte he custe \at wefd; in euereche side. he held \e milc in \an fur; mid milde his wordes. Leafdi Dyane; he|e Dyane. helpe to neode. Wise me and witte me; \orh \ine wise crafte. woder ich may wende; and mine ferde lede. to one wonsom londe; \ar hii mihte ine wonie. And |if ich \at londe mawe bi-|ete and mi folk hit \orh-genge makie ic+ + + + + + +me; o(n)+ + + + + + + + + + ich \e + + + + + + + + liche e|. + + + + + + + + seid(e) + + + + + + + + \+ + + + + + + + + + der + + + + + + + + + + spr(a)+ + + + + + + + + ++ cneo(lede) + + + + + + + adun lai So (he ++n) nap(pi) \ar-after to slepe. `o \ohte him on sweuene; \at \eos sulfe leafdi. hine leofliche bi-heold and wel him bihe\te. and hendeliche hire hond leide on his heued. and \us him to seide \ar he lai and slepte. Bi-wende France in \at west; and \ou salt lond finde. \at lond his bi-vrne; mid \are see narue. `ar his fis \ar his fowel \er wonie\ faire deor \ar his wode \ar his water; \ar his wilderne mochel. \at lond his swi\e wonsom; welles \ar beo\ faire. wonie\ in \an londe eatantes stronge. Albion hatte \at lond; ac men ne beo\ \ar none. `ar-to \ou salt wende; and one Troye makie. \ar sal of \ine cunne; kinebern a-rise. and solle \orh hire mihte; wel \at lond witie. ouer alle londes hi-he|ed; and \ou hol and sund `o awoc Brutus wel was him on life. He \ohte on his sweuene. and wat \e leafdi saide. mid mochelere + + + + + (to leue) +++ folk. ++ (he) + + + (a)nd \e leafdi hine ++(ette) ++nkede |erne; mid +++(folle w)ordes. h(e be)-h(e)hte ++++ (bi-he)ste and (he hit) wel +++++ +(at) hire (wolde he) louie ++(d) wirche hire (one te)mple. +(nd) on anlicnesse; (al) of rede golde. wane he come to \e londe; \at |e him bi-he\te. Of hire he nam leue; and to sipe wende He hafde wind he hafde weder after his wille. \ritti dawes and \ritti ni\t. hii verden efre for\-riht. Bi-fore Affrike hii eode for\; and euere hii drowe west and nor\. ouer \e lake of Siluius. and ouer \an lake of Philesteus. bi Ruscicadan hii neome \e see. and bi \e contre of Assare. In \an see ifunde vt-lawes \e strengest \e weren in \ilke daies. fifti sipes fulle \er were \euis to fale. Wid Brutus hi fo\ten; and slowen of his mannen. ac Brutus hafde \e ouere hond; manie he slo\ manie he bond. `er bi-won Brutus; mani kine \inges mochel garisom and mete; his mansipe was \e more. Nadde Brutus nanne so wrecche man; \at gold and pal ne dude him an. `anene he verde for\; wel fale da|es ouer Maluan \ane flom seilede longe; in Mauritanie hii come alond; Hii wende ouer al \at lond; \at folk hii of-slowe ++ne drinke and \ane mete; \at hi(i \)are funde to hire sipes hii ladde; fairest \at hii funde. hii nome"n' of \an londe al \at hii wolde. `o ferde hii for\; hire fare was on sele mochel deal of hea\ten; hii hafden bi-wonne. `o comen hi to \an wonigge \at Hercules makede. \at weren postes longe of marbre stones stronge. `e tockne makede Hercules; \e lond \e \er-abute wes. swi\e brod and swi\e long; al hit stod on his hond. `are he funde \e mereminnes; \at beo\ bestes of mochele ginne. wimmen hit \inche\ foliwis; be-ni\e \are gurdel hit his fis. `eos habbe\ so muri song; ne beo \e dai nost so long. nis no man weri hire songes to hure. Elf his wi"m'man elf fis; hit haue\ \is worles tockne foliwis. for hire workes beo\ so swete; \at fale men for-lede\. Brutus iheorde segge; of his sipmannen of \an vuele ginne \at cu\e \e mereminne. He he\te handli cables. seyles drawe to toppe. leten lade \ane wind; passi ouer bieres. `e mereminne |am swomme to; on eureche side swi\e hii |am lette; mid lu\er hire craftes. No\eles Brutus at-brac al boute harme. and ferde ri\t on his way; \e sipes hurnen swi\e. A steresmon him tolde; \at he ise\ Spaine +++ drowen toward hau(en)e. folk swi\e bli\e. To \an (lo)nd hii verden; \are hii leof folk funden. fouruald ferde; \ar were(n) fale \usend. wel gode cni\tes \at kene were to fi\te. `eos weren hire sibmen; hit was \e bet mid hem. `eos four ferdes; fram Troye weren iflemid. Atenor |am ladde; wissede and radde. and he mid \at folke fle\ vt of Troye. \o Greckes hit a-wonne mid hire bitere slahtes. Corineus was hire duk; \o Athenor was dead. Corineus was a strong man and hafde mochele mihte. he was so kene; and so strong; alse he were an eatande. `e tiding com to Corineum. \at Brutus was \ider icome. wel was him aliue; nas he neuere so bli\e. Hii comen to-gadere; and ofte hii custe. Brutus him tolde tidinge; \at alond a verde sechinge. ware he mihte wonie; mid his gode folke. Corineus answerede; and ich \e wolle siwi. mid mine gode folke; and habbe deal mid \e. and holde \e for herre; & herie \e for louerd. `eos forewarde was imaked and wel hii hit helde. Hi verde fram Spaine; riht toward Britayne Armoriche hehte \at londe \are Britayne nou stonde\ Peyt(o+ ++ leten) + + + + + so he(om) co(men) ++ +++ (lon)++ = Seoue ni\t and +++ ++(i Br)++++ in \e auene lai and (he w)++++ in \at lond; and (sewede) ++ +++de. Goffare \e king (of) ++++++ nas h(it n)oht icweme \at h+ ise\ soch (so)nde; faren ouer al +++ londe. `e king hehte his wise men; \at wel cu\e of speche \at hii to \are see verde \are lai \e ferde. and iwiten of \an cni\tes; wat hii \are sohten. wa\er hii wolden holde gri\; o\er \ane king fihte wi\. = Numberd he\te \e man; \e solde \e erende don. Corineus was to wode ivare; for hunti deor wilde. mid horne and mid hundes; mid fif vndred cnihtes Hii mette wid Numbert; \eos kinges sonde of \an er\. Numberd ham to clepede; loudere stemne. Wanene beo |eo cni\tes; \at fare\ mid onri\te. ~e honte\ in \is kinges parc; \ar-fore |e solle de|e. ~e doh \an kinge mochel same; \ar-fore |e solle habbe grame. For-boden his deor-fri\; \ar-fore |e sollen ligge stif. Corineus him iwar\ wro\; and wende him to-|eines and seide \eos ilke word; mid mochelere wra\\e. Cni\t \ou art mochel fol; \at \ou so motist. |if \i king hit haue\ forbode; ne sal him no\t \e bet ne nowist for his forbode; nole + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +de + + + + + + + + + + owe + + + + + + +n his hond; + + + + s+++nge. and \ane ++++++ up breid to his owe ++(rme). On he sette a flo; ++d (stre)ng\e he hit let vt g. (and \)e flo gan glide bi Corineus his side. Corineus bleinte; and him-seolf werede. and touward Numbert he leop. ase hit a lion were. & \ane bo|e igrop; mid mochelere maine. He smot Numbert mid \ane bo|e; \at his heued-bon barst. \at his blod; and his bra|en; bo\e vt \raste. Flo|en his iveres; feondeliche swi\e. to \an kinge Goffare and tolde him tidinge sore. \at isla|e was Numbert; \at was kinges stiward. `e king was swi\e sori; and so"r'hfolle on heorte. and sende his sonde; ouer al his kine-londe. gaderede ferde; \are were men veie. `e ferde was isomned; and hii for\ fusde. touward \an seli Brutun; \ar he lai bi see-stron"d'e. Brutus was swi\e war; for wisdom him fol|ede. spiares he "s'ende; to \is kinges ferde. to witen of his farecostes; ware he wolden fihte. `eos spiares verden; and sone a|ein come. and comen to hire lo(ue)rd \ar he lai in auene (an)d \eos word saide; ase hit so\ iwar\. Hail beo \u Brutus; \ou hart \e hexte ouer vs. Nou haue\ Goffare \e king igadered his ferde. = and \enche\ alle a-cwelle; cwic \at he finde\. and \e sipes to-dra|e; \e wimmen adrenche. Nolle\ hii lefuen; none of vs aliue. Brutus nom al his |onge folk; an to sipe fusde. and al his hehte; \at folc bi-tehte. And \o spac Brutus; to his men lefue. = Ne come |e neuere wid-hute sipes bord; hare ich sende |ou sotel word. wa\er ich mawe \an ouere hond; habbe of \an kinge. Brutus nom his cni\tes; and wend for\-rihtes. to \an ilke weie; \at him iwised was. \ar \e king wollde for\; mid mochele his ferde. To-gadere hii comen; hardeliche an-hewen. \ar was swi\e strong fi\t; folle \e veie. \ar was many bold man; mid s(t)ele to-hewe. Long ilaste \at fiht; \ar fulle mani god cni\t. Corineus com scecky; and seide to him-seolue. Awac Corineus Nere \ou icore kempe Cu\ nou \ine streng\e; and \ine mochele mihte. and Peytesse folk. ful to \an grunde Corineus him resde to; ase \e wilde wolf. wane he wole ama"n'g seep; eni harm wirche. Breid he mid his "s'wi\ere (h)ond a mochel swerd and swi\e strong; al \at he mid hutte; al adun fulle. Nere \e man no\t so strong; \eh he bere yre an. |if he hine mid swerde smot; na ros he neuere-more. `o he afde two hundred; mid swerde to-ewe. \o brac \at swerd in his hond; ri\t bi \an heolte. `o was wro\ Corineus and \eos word saide Wo wor\e \e smi\; \at \e mid hond smi\ede. Corineus aboute bi-heolde; he was swi\e abol|e. and igrop of one mannes hond; one gisarme swi\e strong. al \at he ne\ com; \ar-mid he acwelde. `e kinge sette to flende; and al \e ferde after. and Corineus him after com; kenliche swi\e. and he heom to clepede; \e onimete kempe. Goffare mid \inen ferde wi wolt \u fle"m' mak(ie) Ne mi\t \ou noht so fare (|)if \ou hus wolt fleme \ou most swi\ere fihte; hare we hinnes wende. Ne goinde ne ridingge; ne dorste him no man abide. `e king hafde one man swi\e hard; he was ihote Siward. he bi-heolde Corineum; \at him hafter com. Siward adde to ivere; \reo hundred rideres. he wende a|ein sone; and ha\liche fa\t Nas hit noht longe; \at Siward + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + he + + + + + + + + + + \at h(e) + + + + + + + + + hine for-s(m)+ + + + + + bi \an ribbes + + + + + + mi\ti; \at legger(e) + + + + +de. Corineus ham to-(brut)++ bones an hire ribb(es) (and oue)r al \at lond he dro(f heo)m; \ar abod many \usen(d) `at folk \at fle\ Corineum; \at com to Brutun. and alle hi slo|en; \at hii ne\ comen. `e king Goffare iseh his lure; and vnne\e ascapede. he fle| vt of his londe; and bi-lefde his leode. In-to France he verde \are he frendes funde. to \ane kaisere; and his twelue iueres. and tolde him of \an harme; \at Brutus him do hafde. In France weren itold; twelue iveres. `e Frence ham clepede dosseperes. = Hii bi-hehte Goffare \ane king; \at hii him wolde helpe. wreken him of his onwines \at him \e e\ere were. Hii senden ouer al France; and gaderede ferde. fulle seueni\te. hii somnede cni\tes. And Brutus ladde his ferde; in Armoriches er\e. & he was swi\e bli\e; for \are grete bi-|ete. Ouer al \at lond hi gon erne; and tounes for-bearne. and awan \at ilke lond; to his owene hond. = So he verde mid his here; \at he com on an hulle. He was fair & swi\e heh; and he hine swi\e bi-heold. He nam read of his manne; \are arere castel. `o \(e ++s)tel vt-stod; he was str+++ (an)d swi\e god. Nas hit ++++ (a l)utel wile; \at Goffare \e king com li\e; mid onimete ferde; of Francene folke. & of alle \an londen; \at leien in-to France. `o Goffare \e king; \ane castel of-kende. so swi\e wo him was; \at his lif him for-lees; Swi\e fusde \iderward; his kene ferde. hii to-delde |am atwelue; and to"|en' in eche alue. and \e Troynisse men comen heom to-|eines and a-non leide to \an grunde of \an folke \reo \ousend. `e Frense weren iwra\\ed; and stif stal makede. and al mid ni\inges beorde; driuen ham a|eward. Brutus and his kempes; hii driue in-to \an castle. and in \an ilke fore; hii fu"l'de of hire veres. and alle dai hii remden and resden to \an castle. fort him com \e ni\te; \at lengere hii ne mi\te. In \an castle was mochel drede; at \e midni\t inomen to rede. \at hii wolde Corineum to \an wode sende. mid alle \e folke; \e he hadde on ferde. and verde vt so stille; alse he stele wolden. in-to one \icke wode; \at \are was anewiest Brutus was in \an castle; and wel hine wiste. Amorwe \o hit da|ede; and dai com to folke. Brutus was abol|e; alse \e wilde bor. wane hundes hine bi-stonde\; in \an wode-londe. Brutus hehte his cni\tes; don an hire brunies. and hire wepne gode; for hii to fi\te solde. Vp hii dude hire castles |eate; and cofliche vt wende. fusden to \an Frense; and hii |am on-fenge. `ar was fi\t swi\e strong; in euereche halue. \ar was mani kinnes folk and many cni\tes veie. `ar hafde Brutus; one mey \e hehte Turnus so wod he was to fi\te; \at he dead was. He fulde \e Frense; in many cunnes wise. mid his owene honde; he fulde mani hundred. ac he verde to for; vt fram his iveres. and hii to him leide on euer-eche side. mid wepne hine wondede; and su\\en hine of-slo|e. Brutus hine dead funde; and ladde hine to \an castle. and \are hine burede bi one ston walle. `orh \an ilke Turnus; Turs hit was ihote. Turuine al \at lond; \orh Turnus dea\e. Brutus vt verde. and fusde to fi\t wreke he wolde his teone of Turnus his dea\e To-gadere hi comen; and hardeliche an-slo|en. \ar was many dunt i|eue; and fi\t honimete. = \o Corineus of wode com; mid mochele his ferde. = Brutus was in one half; Corineus in \e o\er. Hii lette \o glide; gares swi\e sarpe. hii cwelden \e Frense; alle \at hii funden. \us iwonne \at lond; and slo|e \e leode. Nas neuere \e man ibore; ne so wis man icore. \at cou\en in \at da|e tellen of \an deade. ou many \ousendes; \ar were to-hewe. `o bleu Brutus and bannede his ferde. and speke to-gadere; of fale wisdomes. and funden on reade \at hii faren wolde. Hii lette loude clepie; and cu\i \e ferde. \at Brutus \e sele. to \are see wolde. So i verde to hire sipes; mid al hire bi-|etes. and mid seoluer and golde; of Goffare \e kinges. and of \e Frense menne; \at weren in \an fi\te. He verde vt of hauene \e cni\tes weren bli\e. wind stod on wille; pleyde \e wilde. = Li\ede \e leode. \at hii alond come. at Dertemu\e in Totenas; wel was Brutus \as. `e sipes smiten o \an strond. \at folk wende a \at lond. `o hafde Brutus \e |eft; \at Dyane him bi-hehte. in Leogyce \at eyt-lond; \are hi weren at-stonde Mochel was \e murh\e; \e \at folk makede. and he God \onkede; mid witfolle wordes = He funde in \(at) lond; twenti eatantes. Heo(re n)ames ne herde ich neuere telle in bok no in spelle. bote \es ones name; \at hire alre louerd was Gemagog ihote; \at wa(s) ++ "he'hste. Godes wi\er-sake; \e Wrse ine louede. Brutus and his gode folk. vnder-|ede \es feondes. and hire stelene flon; fusden to ham. `e flon ham weren lo\e; hii wende to \an hulles. and in \ane wilderne hules i wonede. Hit bi-ful in one dai|e; \at Brutus and his do|e\e. makede holynisse mid worsipe he|e. mid mete and mid drinke; and mid murie gle-dremes. mid seoluer and mid golde \at ech bar an honde. = was al \at folk so bli\e. so hi neren neuere her on liue. `o comen \er twenti; teon fram \e hulles. eatantes longe; mochele and stronge. Hii drowen alle togaderes treon swi\e mochele. hii leopen to \an folke. and harmes hi wro\te. In a lutel wile hii slo|e fif hundred. mid stockes an stones strang fiht hii makede. And \e Troynisse men. mid streng\e turden a-|ein. hii letten gliden hire flon and \e eatantes flowen. and hii lette gares glide bi heore side. `o weren hii swi\e veie; \e eren we+++ bolde. `e ne|entene hi slo|en; Gemagog hii nomen. and cwic ibro\t was bi-fore Brutun(e) and Brutus hine lette witie wel mid \an beste. fort lete fondien of his main stronge. to wraxli to-vore Brutus; Gemagog and Corineus. Brutus hit demde vppen one doune. vppe \ar se-cleue; \at folk was igadered. For\ com Corineus and fusde him-seolue. and \e eatant al-so \at alle hit bi-heolde. `ar was mani wep-man; \ar was many wimmon \ar was mochel folk; at \are wraxlinge. Hii |ogede hire harmes; and grei\ede ham-seolue. breost wi\ breost; bones \ar crakede. Hii soten hire legges \e kempes weren stronge. = Ofte hi fulle a-dun alse \oh hii wolde ligge ofte hii vp leopen; alse \oh hii flen wolde. == Wile hii were blake; an lo\liche of ewe wile hi weren rede; and he|e-liche iwra\\id. ai\er wilnede o\er; bringge to dea\e. = Gemagog hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. and \raste Corineum; fram-ward his breoste and brac him bi \an rugge four of his ribbes. vuele he hine a-morde; ac noht hine ne mende. Fol lutel \ar was wone; \at Corineus nas ouercome No\eles he hine bi-\ohte don wat he mihte. nam him heorte to; and streng\ede his harmes. and breid Gemagog \at his rugge a two barst. igrop hine bi \an gurdler and hine mainliche heof. Was \e cleue swi\e heh; ware a-noppe hii fohte. Corineus hine a-fulde and fusde mid maine. and caste hine adun mid \e cleue \at al he to-barst here he to grunde come. = Nou and euere-more; haue\ \at clef \are. name of \an his i-cleped. \is his Gemagog his leope. and mid soche reade; \eos eatantes weren deade. Nou was al \is lond; hi-sette Brutus an hond. `o hafde \e Troynisse men; ouercome hire teone. \o weren hii bli\e; ine \isse liue. \o makeden hii hus; and weren swi\e sikere. Hii makede tounes; an tylede \e er\e cornes isewen; medewes hii mewen. = for al hit was hir owene; \at hii ouer se|en. `is lond was ihote Albion; \o Brutus herest here com. \o nolde Brutus na-more \at hit ihote were. ac sipte him name after him-seolue. He was Brutus ihote \at lond Brutaine. and \e Troynisse men; \at makede hine louerd. after Brutun; Brutuns heom cleopede. and |et \e name ileste\; and euere-more st(an)de\. Brutus |ef Corineum \at was his kempe deore. one deal of his londe; and settet on his honde. `(e) louerd hehte Corineus; and \at lond Corinee. Seo\\en \orh \e leoden; \e in \an londe weren. hi hit cleopede Cornwale; and \us turne"de' \e name. Hire o|ene speche Troynisse; seo\\e hii cleopede Bruttisse. ac Englissemen hit habbe\ iwende; seo\\e Gormund com to \isse lond. Gormund drof vt \e Brutuns; and cleopede his men Saxuns. of hon hende of Alemayne; Engles was ihoten. of Engle come Englessemen; and Engelond hit cleopede. \e Engles ouer-come \e Brutuns; and brohte heom vnder fote. \at neuere seo\\e hii na rese; ne redes ne funde. Brutayne hafde Brutus; and Cornwale Corineus. Brutus nom alle his freondes; \at come in his ferde. ne\ him he |am lende; for hii him leof were. Corineus him cleopede to al his icorene. and alle he ham lende; \ar ham lieuest weren. Wex \at folk an wel i\eh; for ecche hadde his wille. in leitel forst was \at folk so mochel; \at ner nas non hende. == Brutus bi-heolde \is muntes; faire \at weren. b(i-h)eolde he \e medewes; \at weren swi\e swete. bi-heold he \e wateres; bi-heold he \e fiscis. bi-heold he \e foweles; bi-held he \e lesewes. and \a(ne) leofliche wode; bi-heold ou he bloude al \at he of seeh; leof him wa(s) on heorte. `o bi-\ohte he on Tro(y)e; \ar his cun teone \olede. and he wende ouer al (\is) lond and sewede \e leode. He funde wonsom one stude; vppe one watere. \ar gan arere; one borh riche. mid boures and halles; mid gode ston walles `o \e borh was imakid; heo was swi\e deore. `e borh was swi\e wel idon; and he hire sette name on. he |af hire dere-wor\e name; Troye \e Neouwe. to mini|i his cunde; wanene he hi-comen were. Seo\\en \e leodfolk; sone \ar-after leiden adun \ane name. and Trineavant hine hehte. Bi one feu|e winter; hit iwar\ su\\e. \at aros of Brutus cun; a swi\e riche king. Lud was ihote \es borh he louede swi\e. = heo lette loude cleopie; ouer al his folke. hehte nemny hine Kairlud; after him-seolue. Su\\e com o\er tyr and niwe tidinge; \at men hit cleopede Lunden ouer al \e \eode. Seo\\en come Englisse men; and cleopede hit Londene. `ar-after come \e Frense; and Lundres hit hehte. = `us his \is borh ivare seo\\e he was forst arered (\)us his \is eitlond; hi-go ++am honde to hond. \at alle ++ +++(e)wes; \at Brutus +++++++ and hire names ++++ ++t in Brutus dai|e s(tode) ++o\ swi\e a-valled; (\)orh ++++ of \an folke. `o Brutu. +++de imaked. \e he|e bo++ \at (N)e(o)u Troye was ihote. he le(tt)en fusen \ar-to; moche of his folke. He bi-tahte |am \e borh; igrei\ed mid \an beste. he sette \ar-to lawes; \at weren swi\e gode. He hehte \at lofe. solde beo ham bi-twine ech holde o\er ri\t; bo\e bi dai|e and bi ni\t. and wo-so nolde; he solde hit ifrede. and so vuele he mi\te don; \at he solde beon an-on. For soche bitere heste; hii hafde mochele drede. and bi-comen ri\t-wise men; and reades hii louede. Hafde Brutus \is lond four and twenti winter on his hond. and bi Ignogen his cwene; he hafde \reo sones scene. `o hire fader was dead; alle hii neomen anne read. and hine burede; ine \e Neuwe Troye. \at hire fader hafde imakid mid mochelere blisse. Seo\\e \e \reo bro\ers; alle to-gadere comen. mid sehte and mid lofe; \eos londes to-dealde. `e eldest bro\er. Locrin was ihote. he was wis and war; and strengest of alle. = He hafde to deale on his hond; al to-gadere \at su\lond \at after him-seolue Locris was ihote. * and Camber hehte \e o\er; \at was \e middil bro\er. him com \at londe to deale; \at Combro\ was ihote. \at his \at wilde lond; \at Walse men louie\. Seo\\e hit was icleoped; Wales for \are cwene Galoes. and for \e duk Walun; Walse men me heom hote\. `e \ridde bro\er hehte Albanac; Humbert king hine bi-swoc. Albanac nam his deal; in \an nor\ hende. \at \e men nou Scotlond cleopie\. ac Albanac in his dai|e; Albanie hit hehte. Locrin his mer eode su\ for\; and "Albanac' hafde alle \at nor\. Camber hafde al him-seolf; bi weste Seuarne. `us hi helde \is lond; in hire owene hond. mid sibbe and mid sehte; souentene wynter. After souentene |er; sone \ar-after. com li\i to londe; on leodene king Humber was ihote king of Humbrie vuele were his \euwes; his men weren kene He hafde mani lond a-(won)ne vnder \are sunne mani hundred eitlond; \at weren bi see-strond; mestendel alle; hinene to Alemaine. Humber king and his flote; and his mochele ferde. comen on Albanac his lond; and slo|en \eo leoden. mid fure and mid here; and mid fale harmes. Albanac him fusde to; mid mochele his ferde. and hii to-gadere comen; cni\tes \er follen. Al Albanackes folk; folle to grunde. bote woch him hudde; in wode o\er in borewe. and \ar was Albanac isla|e; in \an fihte. and soch harm in \at londe; dude Humbert \e stronge. `at folk \e scapie mihte; fle\ vt of \an fihte. in-to Brutlonde; to Locrin \an stronge. Hii tolden him to so\e. sorfolle spelles. \at dead was his bro\er Albanac; and hou H"umb'er hine biswoch. To-gadere come mid so\e; \at weren \e twei bro\eres. Locrin and Camber mid alle hire folke and mid alle \e cni\tes \at hii bi-|eten mihte. Hii verde toward Humbert mid e|ere streng\e. and Humbert was so swi\e wod; for \at lond on his hond stod. he verde ouer \at water mid alle his cni\tes. mid busie fi\te Brutlond wolde a-winne. Locrin and Camber; comen him to-|eines. hii storeden hire wepne. for hii were abolwe. `ar Humbert ferde to balue; an(d) Bruttes weren bli\e. Al (h)++ folk he losede \er; (\)+++ +++++n and Camber. and (h)++ ++++ onne\e; fleh in-to + + + + + `ar-ine he a-dreint; (and) moche of his folke. +++ ++(m)bert kinges dea\e; ++++re hit hatte. == H(u)m(bert bro)+++ mid him; \reo faire ma|den. \e on was ihote Estrild; one e|e kinges do\ter. \e alre fairest wimman; \at \o wonede on folke. `eos maydenes weren ine sipe; mid Humbert his men. \at wiste Humbert his feo; \e wile he eode to fihte. `o Humbert was dead; ine Humbrie adronke Locrin and Camber to \an sipes come. for habbe alle \e heahte; \at Humbert king ahte. Among \e \renge of sip-men; hii funde \eos maydenes Locrin iseh Estrild; and he hire leo"f'liche bi-heold. and he hire mid harmes nam; glad he was on heorte. He to hire seyde; Wel \e sal bi-tyde. womman \ou hart hende; and ich \e wolle habbe. mid wor-sipe e|e; to mine o|ene cwene \e wile \at ich libbe; o\er nele ich habbe. for \e ich ham so bli\e so nas ich neuere on liue `e |et lieuede Corineus; \e ine Cornwale was dux. nafde he bote one dohter; ac |eo was him swi\e deore. Locrin was on foreward; hire habbe to wife. and he hire hafde trou\e i-pli\t; bi-fore alle his monnen. ac for Estrildes loue he hire wolde bi-leue. `is i-he(rde) Corineus; \at was in Cornwale (dux) \at his leofe do\ter was Locrin. a-lo\ed. Corineus was anued and wo on his mode. he verde to \isse londe; toward Locrine. he ladde bi his harsun; one gisarme stronge. He stod bi-fore Locrin; and lo\-liche him lokede an. and \es word seide Corineus \e kempe. Sei me Locrin; sei me lo\e man. sei me ebare fol; sorwe \e his |eue. ne sal \e no man silde fram sindliche dea\e `ou hauest mine do\ter \at his me leof deore. and mi-seolue isend; \ar-fore \ou salt de|e. Ich was mid \ine fader; and ladde his ferde. moni swinc mani swot mani grim reses = moniane wonde; maniane grete fiht. \olede ich in velde bi-fore Brutone. \at was mi louerd deore. `ar-fore \ou salt dea|e; for he nas neuere \i fader. for |if \ou were Brutus his sone; ne dudest \ou neuere me \e same. For his loue many eatant; ich leide dead in \ane grunde. and \ou mi mochele swinch; mid harme wolt |elde. bi-leuest fair and scene; mine dohter Gwendoleine. for one aluis maide Estrild ihote. = `ou nost wo his hire fader; ne wo his hire moder. Ac \ou salt habbe for hire loue; \at \e his alre lo\est. \at al \ou salt to-sene; mid mine gisarme. Corineus vp heof; his dunt swi\e heh. and smot in one stone; \ar Locrin stod vuenan \at \e ston al to-brac; and Locrin a-storte. Alle hi|ede to; on euereche halue; and to-dealde heom a-two teone was on folke. = `e men to-gaderes eode; an eolde conseil grete. \e hehste of \an londe; = \at \ar lo\ were. bi-twixte Corineus; and Locrine. Ac we wolle\ reade; and we wolle\ rouni. \at we nime Gwendoleine; Locrin to cwene. and holde alle hure o\es bi-twixte Locrin and Corines. = and Estrild sende; vt of \isse londe. Locrin ipaid was; for wise men radde. He nam Gwendoleyne; to e|ere cwene. and he seide; so\ \oh hit neare. \at he wolde Estrilde; driuen vt of londe. Ac he ne dude noht so; for swike he \ohte. ac he nam one hired-man; \at wel he treste con. and hehte him swi\e stille; stelen vt of halle. and to \an toune wende; \at Trinouand was inem"n'id. \at his in oure leode; Londene ihote. = and maki on er\hus eadi and riche. \e walles of stone; \e dores of wales bone. = and do \ar-ine mochel col; and clo\es inowe. palles and purpres and guldene panewes. mochel win mochel wex; manie richedomes. and su\\e for\-rihtes; wend al bi ni\te. mid stillige gynne; and bring Estrild \ar-ine. `us dude \is riche man; ase he was ihote. for euerech god mon; mot his louerdes h"este' don. Seue |er was Estrild in \isse er\huse. \at neuere ne verde |e hut at \e dore; ne no man hire \are nuste. bote \e king Locrin; and his derne cni\t mid him. Wane to Trinouant wende; to Gwendoleine he seide. \at he wolde seoueni\t; \ar his god herie. ine di|el-nisse and elles he ne dorste. \at heni man wiste; wat he \are sohte. Gwendoleine i-lefde alle his craftes. `us ferde Locrin \e wilde \at Estrild was mid childe. and Gwendoleine al-so; mid childe hii weren bo\e two. One dohter hafde Estrild; in \a(n) er\huse. i-folled |e was in \an la|e \at stode bi \o ilke dai|e. |e was ihote Abren; nas fairere child non. and Gwendoleine anne sone; \e gladdere |e was on heorte. Madan he was ihote; e|e sone \eos kinges. `is child wex and wel i\eh; and alle men hit was leof. `o he cu\e go(n a)nd speke w(id \an) folke. \e king Locrin nam his faire sone Madan. and to Corineus him sende; in-to his londe. \at he hine solde witie and mansipe teche. and so he dude mid maine; \e wile \at he mihte. `o com \e tyme glide; \at ech man mot abide. \at Corines \e stronge makede his lifes hende. `at iherde \e king hit was him wel icweme. `o he to so\e wiste; \at Corineus dead was. he nam of his folke twelue men hende and Gwendoleine sende; to hire fader londe. in-to Cornwale; to hire owene cu\\e. `o was Gwendoleine atom and hire sone Madan. and swi\e |eo mende to alle hire frendes. \at hire fader welde; wile he was on liue. ~eo somnede to-gadere; alle hire frendes; == and alle \e huncu\e folk; \at to hire come. of wel fale londe; for seoluer and for golde. and |eo rumliche |ef gode hire cni\tes. and bad heom for hure loue; wreken heore teone. Adde Locrin \e king. inome Estrild to him |eo was him icweme; and he hire makede cwene. Vnder \ane blisse; \are come manie harmes. Me cudde Locrine; \at was \issere leod king \at Gwendoleine mid ferde fusde to his londe. to wreken +ire teone; of \an kinge and \ane cwene. `e king mid his folke fousde hire to-|enes. and hii to-gadere comen vppen one watere. \at hatte Steure; \at fiht was swi\e sturne. ine Dorsete Locrin dea\ \olede. on arewe him com to heorte; \at he adun ful. \are he deaide and moche of his folke. and \e cwike awei flowe; and mochel fleom makede. Gwendoleine hafde \e ouere hond and ho\|enede hire al \is lond. and |eo ferde to \an castle; \ar Estrild was ine |eo nam Estrild and Abren and lette heom binde. and lette heom werpe. in one grete watere. \ar hii adronke; and \ane dea\ \olede. `o was Gwendoleine leofdi; \o het |eo one heste. = \at me solde \at ilke water; \ar Abren was a-dronke. cleopie hit Auren; for \an maide Abren. ==== Gwendoleine was swi\e strong; for al Brutlond was in hire hond. and |eo was so wel idi\t; \at eche manne |eo dude ri\t. Ech man mihte fare \orh hire londe. \oh he biere gold an hond. Ten |er |eo was mid Locrin; and hofte hadde sorewe. Fiftene |er and ni|e da|es; after Locrin his for\-fare. al Brutaine |eo wiste wel mid \e beste. in gri\e and paise; wel was \an folke. Su\\e |eo |ef Madan an hond; al his fader kinelond. To Cornwale |eo eode a|ein \e hire fader hahte. and \are |eo wonede in \at lond; \e leoden were \e gladdere. Maden hire sone nam a wif \at was swi\e hende. Bi hire he hadde twei sones ac bei hii weren onseli. Membriz hehte \e on; Malui \e o\er. Ac fourti winter Madan mid mansipe held his riche. and \o his liues hende com; he wende swi\e wel to don. his twei sones he sette an hond; al riche kinelond. Ac \o hire fader was dead; \e sones dude vuele read. Bi-twix ham a-ros bale and win; wi\ere hii weren beie. sle\t and mochele sorewe; al for hire vnsel\e. Ac Menbriz dude onwrest; he was swike mid \an beste. wid Malui his bro\er he nom a dai; \at hi comen solde to-gadere. = alle \e hexte of hire men; for makie lofe bi-twixte heom. In \an da|e \at was iset; \o comen hii to-gadere. Membriz hafde \ane dai inome; and in \an dai he dude his wone. he dude \are sorwe inoh; his owene bro\er he a-sloh. and \us he won al \is lond; \at hit stod in his owene hond. Membriz hatede al his cun for non nas him icweme. \e riche he makede wrecches; \e \oure hine awarede. ~if \ar was eni he| man \at he ne dorste for-don. hotter he let him |eue; \at he solde de|e. A wif he nom swi\e hende; on hure anne sone he strenede. Ebrac was ihote; ouer al \an \eode. = Membriz for-owede his cwene; and vuel worc him was icweme. hired-men he nam to bedde; and wimmen he for-hedde. Twenti |er he held \is lond; leode to harme. and su\\e him com a time; \at he to wode wende. to wondri him-seolue; to honti after deores; \ar-fore he dea\ \olede. In \an wode he fond wonder one hinde. \e huntes wende after; mid mochelere loude. So swi\e iferde \us \at \e king heom for-lees. \at nadde neuere anne; of alle his manne. He bi-com in one slade; \ar he balu funde. vppen one route; of wolues awedde. Hii leopen heom to; in euereche side. and to-"l'oke \ane king; and al his leomes to-drowen. and his hors also \at dead iweren bo\. two and \us ferd Membriz; \at bi-swoc his bro\er Maluis Onne sone adde Membriz; bi his gode cwene. \at was ihate Eubrac; selest alre kinge. \at euere solde holde lond; o\er bi-|ete leode Al his cun he wor\ede riche and wrecches. \e riche he lette be stille; \e wrecches adde hire wille. \at lond he lette tilie; al folk him louede. blisse was mid \an kinge; of fale kunnes \inge. = Cni\tes he hadde gode; strong and eke wode. hi welnede after werre; ware-fore God ham hatede. `e king hit wel wiste; \oh he segge ne dorste. Hee lette bi see-flode; |arke sipes gode. vppen one stunde; \e sipes i-maked were. And he for\-rihtes; dude \ar-ine his cni\tes. and sende ham in-to France; mid mochelere ferde. (a)nd hii wonne France; and for \are bi-|eonde. and alle \e londes \e \ar-to lei|e. Mochel was \e garisome; \at hii adden inome. and comen eft hider "a'wai; al hol and isond. `is wes \e ereste king; \at |et vt to reuing \at ouer se(e we)nde; vt of \isse londe. Swi\e longe \ar-hafter; was al \is folk vnimete riche `o com hit to mode; Eubrac \an (ki)nge. \at he wolde makie twei borewes stronge He nam his folk and eode for\; an dro\ him in-to \at nor\. a \eos alf Scotlond; \ar he wolde a-stonde. Erest he makede anne borh; and Kayr Eubrac hine cleopede. \e o\er on ane doune; and Aldut hine hehte. \o\ir Kair Eubrac and \ar-after Eborac. Su\\e come vncu\e men; and Euerwicke hine heote. and nor\erne men nis hit noht |are. \orh on on\eue; ~orc hine cleope. `o ferde he nor\er and one neuwe borh makede. vppen Agnetes hulle; wonderliche fair. Maydene Castel he was ihote. Eubrac leuede swi\e longe; folke to blisse sixti wi"n'ter he was king; and in paise heold his kine-riche. Ac he hafde many wimmen hi-hafd to his bedde. bi woche he hadde on "liue' twenti sones bli\e. and euer-ech hadde sindri moder. * he was \ritti dohterne fader; \at wimmen weren faire. Of his sones hercne \e names; and ich |ou telle. Brutus Vertescu. Margadud. Sullius. Regyn. Bladud. Morewi\. Lagon. Ebedloan. Ricard. Spaden. Gaul. Pardan. Eldad. Gangu. Kerin, Iuor. Rut. Assarac. Buel. Hector. \eos weren Eubrac kinges sones; Of his dohtres hercne \e names. Gleoudy. Otidas. Omar. Ignogen. = Gaurdit. Radau. Gwenlian. Agaret. Gwenloden. Me\elan. Malure. Ecuh. Tangwistel Stadud. Rambreda. Methahel. Gaz. Echem. Nest. Gorgen Wladus. Ebren. Blagru. Egron. Bedra. Aballac. Agnes. Aitnor. Scadiold. Galoes. After \es Galoes; Wales was i-nemnid Galoes was fairest of alle \e o\ere. leuest \an kinge; of alle \e sostrene. and Annore was best itowe; hire dedes weren gode. Gleoudy hehte \e heldeste. |e was \orh alle \inge \e wisest to neode. alle heo weren wel i-scrud; alle heo weren wel ihedde. `e king of Lombardies lond; was hire nexte kinesman. riche-liche he sende his sonde; toward \isse lond. He bad hine sende him; alle his dohtren. and heo |am wolde |eue; to his riche mannes. to swi\e riche cni\tes; of Troynisse cunne. \at beo\ in Lombardie; of hire owene streone. Wimen of Lombardie; beo\ heom swi\e lo\e. for \i \e king send after \eos maidenes. to |iuen heom alle; to his riche manne+ so he dude and \us hit was; wo was Lombardies folk \as `o hafde \e king Siluius his wille of Lombardie. = Somme of Eubrac his sones; wende mid hire sostres. Hii bi-|eten wepne hii bi-|eten sipes. hii bi-|eten men; \e heom cou\e witie. hii sende ouer al \an er\e; to bi-|eten ferde. `o come \eos cni\tes vt of Lombardie and of Brytaine; and verde to Alemaine. on \at hehte Assarac; was imakid hire alre louerd. Hii verde mid wisdome; so lange \at hii to Alemaine come. Many castles hii bi-wonne; slowe and barnde & \at lond awonne. Eubrac hire fader held \is lond. sixti wynter in his hond. He hadde her his heldeste sone iholde mid hi"m'-seolue. his name was wide cu\; he hehte Brutus Vertescu. Twelf |er he held \is kine-lond. after his fader dai|e. Ane sone he hadde Leil was i-hote. \is lond twenti |er and fiue he heold; hafter his fader dai|e. He makede one "borh' fair and swi\e hende. to munien Leil \ane king; and Kai(r Lei)l hine cleopede. In al \e nor\ ende; nis b(or)h non so hende. Leil \e king wel held \is lond; and lawes he adde strong(e) ac toward his l(iue)s hende; him ful swi\e lu\re. \at alle his riche eorles; and his riche beornes. nolde for \an kinges bode; no\ing ++ (r)eche Na"f'de hi of hire kinge; bote scorni"n'ge. = `o iwar\ \e king sick and \ar-hafter dead lai. = He hadde one sone; \at was swi\e god man. he was swi\e god cni\t Rudibras ihoten. `e cni\t nam \es riche; & \ane kinedom eke. ni|ene and \ritti winter he welde \e riche. ====== He makede anne riche borh; and hehtene Winchestre soch worch him \oht swi\e muri; and su\\e he makede Cantelburi. and Cestesburi castel vppe Waledures doune Ne com seo\\e neuere \ing selcu\ere \ane "\'at; vppen \an walle on erne spac. \at Rudibras \e king him-seolf hit hi-herde. and alle his cni\tes; \e mid weren. `es fowel tocknede. Rudibras his dea\e. = His sone hehte Bladud; \at was a busi man. he was strong and swi\e mochel; riche he was and mihti h(e +u\e) \an vuele craft \at he wi\ \an Feonde spac. and al \at euer(e) he wold(e); \e Worse him t"o'lde. `es ilke king Bladut; Ba\e he wroh++ (\orh) swi\e (m)oche(l)e gin++ +++ (one) sto(n+s) cun(ne) (al s+ ++++ so a b"em' \at he ++++e in a ++les strem) \e (ilke ++++\ \at wa)ter hot and (\an +++c hele\) (He) make(de ane templ+ anewest) \are in (one) he\nisse name; +(o s)e wole hure. Minerue (|)eo was ihote; in hire he bi-lefde. ==== `us dude Bladud; and \o a \ohte ano\er. = He |alp \at he wolde fleon; in foweles liche. \at al his folk solde isee; and his fli\tes bi-holde. He makede his fe\er-hames; and \ar-fore he hadde same. To Londene he verde mid mochele his folke. his fe\er-hames he dude him an; and he his fli\t \ar bi-gan. Mid his stronge f"l'ihte; he droh him to \an lufte. he verde swi\e heh; \are wolkne swi\e neh. `e wind him com on wi\ere; wi\eleode his fli\tes. breken \e strenges \e he mide stre\te. and he ful to grunde; vppe Appolines temple. === `us wes \is kineriche; of hire king bi-reued. Twenti winter adde Bladud; \as kinedom an honde. after his fader Rudibras; \at riche k(ing) here was. Bladud hadde o(ne) sone; Leir was ihote. (After) his fader he held \is lon(d in) his owene hond. ilaste h(is l)ifda|es sixti winter. He (mak)ede o(n ric)he borh \orh wise menne reade. and hine lette nemni after him-seolue. Kair Leir hehte \e borh; leof he was \a(n) king. \e we on vre speche Leycetre cleopie\. In \an eolde dai|e; hit was a borh riche. and su\\e \ar soh to; swi\e moche sorwe. = Sixti winter hadde Leir; \is lond to welden. `e king hadde \reo dohtres; bi his o|e cwene. ac he nadde nanne sone; \ar-fore he was sori. his kinedom to heolde bote his \reo dohtres. `e eldeste hehte Gornoylle; \e o\er Regau \e \ridde Gordoylle. ~eo was \e |eongeste; of (\eues) alre hendest. |eo wa(s hire) fader al so leof; so hi(s owene) lif. `o holdede \e king (and) failede his mihte. and he hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte of his kineriche after his dai|e. He seide to him-seolue \at \e vuel was. Ich wolle mine riche |iue mine dohtres. = Ac erest ich wolle fondi; woch me mest louie. and |eo sal habbe \at beste deal; of mine kine-londe. `us \e king \oh"te'; and \ar-aft(er) a wroht"e' He cleopede Gornoille; his dohter \at was deore. vt of hire bure to hire fader deore. and \us spac \e holde king; to Gornoille his dohte"r'. Sei me Gornoille so\ere (wor)des; swi\e deore \ou art me; ou lef ham hich \e. hu moc(hel) wor\ holdist \ou me; to welde kineri(ch)e. Gornoille was wel war; so beo\ wimmen wel iwar. and seide one lesing to hire fader \e king. Leoue fader deore. so bide ich Godes ore. = leuere \ou hart me one \an al \is worle clene. and |et ich \e wolle speke wid; \ou hart me leouere \an mi lif. and \is ich segge \e to so\e; \ou miht me wel ilefue. Leir \e king; ilefde his dohter lesinge. and \us answerede; \e king to his dohter = (God sa)l beo \i mede; for \i(ne wel)-dede. Ich ham for min (heolde) mochel onbolded. & (\ou) me louest swi\e; more \an alle \at his a-liue. Ich wole mi dri\liche lond; a \reo al to-deale. `in sal beo \at beste deal; \ou hart me swi\e deore. and \ou salt habbe to louerd; min alre beste man. \at ich mawe ifinde; in mine kine-londe. Eft spac \e holde king; wid his o\er dohter. Leoue dohter Regau wa(t ++i)st \ou me to reade. (S)ei bi-fore mine men (o)u deore (ic)h \e ha(m). `o answerede |eo mid worde; and noht mid heorte Al \at (h)is on liue; nis me alf so deore. so m+ his \in one (li+e). A(c |eo ++ +++de) no\t so\ (na more \)+ + + + + + (al hire) le(s)+ + + + + + + (i)lefde. `o (answ+++++ ++ king) his doht(er him icwe)+++ (`e) \ridden d(eal of mine ++++ ich bi)-take \e an h(ond) (and \)++ ++++ nime louerd; \ar \e his a+++ leuest. `e |et nolde \e king his folie bleue. he hehte come him bi-fore; his dohter Gordoille ~eo was alre |eongest; of worde alre so\est. and \e king hire louede; more \an \e tweie o\er. Gordoille iherde \e lesing \at hire sostres seide \an kinge nam hire la\folne o\; \at |e le|e nolde. hire fader |eo wolde segge so\ were him leof; were him lo\. `o cwa\ \e holde king; onread him folwede. Ich wolle ihiren of \e; Gordoille mi dohter. so \e helpe Appolin; ou deore \e his lif min. `o answerede Gordoille; loude and noht stille. mid game and mid lihtre. to hire fader leoue. `ou harte me ase min fader and ich ase \in dohter. = and so ich abide ore; ich wolle segge \e more. Al so mochel \ou hart wor\; (ase \ou) hart weldende. and wile +++ \ou ho\t afest; men \e wolle\ louie f(or) sone hi beo(\) lo\e; \e men \e lutel o|e\. `(u)s seide \at (mai)de Gordoille; and si\\(e sat) stille. `o iwar\ \e kin(g wro\ +o)r he nas no\t ic(w)+++ (he) wende (o)n his \on++ ++(t hi)t were for on\(eue) (\at he ++++ so) onwor\; \++ |eo h(in)+ +++++ louie. = His eu(he torne"de' and) was wro\ (bi-com alse a bla)c clo\. = mid \are wre\\e he was igremid; \at he fulle hi-swo|e. Late \o vp fusde; \at maide was afered. `o hit alles vp brac hit was vuel \at he spac. Hercne Gordoille ich wolle segge \e mine wille. Of mine dohtres \ou were me leouest; nou \ou hart me alre lo\est. Ne salt \ou neuere holde deal of mine londe. ac mine two dohtre solle habbe mine riche. and \ou salt wonie wreche and wonie ine wowe. For neuere ich ne wende; \at \ou me woldest \us sende. `ar-fore \ou salt dei|e ich wene; fleo vt of mine ehscene. `ine sostres sulle habbe mi lond; and \is me his icweme. `e Duk of Cornwale sal habbe Gornoille. and \e Scottene king; Regau \e scene. and ich |am |iue alle \e winne; \at ich ham ouer waldenne. And \e holde king dude; ase he hadde idemid Ofte was \ane maide wo; and neuere worse \ane \o. wo hire was on mode for hire fader wre\\e. ~eo eode in-to bure; and often si\te sore. for |eo nolde le|e; hire fader leue. `at maide was swi\e samuast. and hire fader sonede. and dude \ane beste read; and in hire bure abod. and \olede \ane mod-care; and mornede swi\e and \us one stunde; hit stod a \an ilke. In France was a king; riche and swi\e kene. Aganippus was ihote; folke he was eldere. he was a |ong king; ac cwene nafde he none. He sende his sonde; in-to \isse londe. to Leir \ane king; and faire him grette. bad hine don his wille |efe him Gordoille. and he hire wolde habbe. he|e to cwene. and don alre erest \at hire were alre fairest. For hafde so\e men ispeke of \an maiden. bi-fore \an Frence king; of hire \e inome. of hire mochele fairsipe; of hire mochele mansipe. ou |eo was \olemod of faire hire \eues. \at nas in Leir kinges lond; womman half so hende. And king Aganippus. i-grette Leir \e king \us. Leir king hine bi-\oht; wat he don mihte. he lette writen a writ; wel mid \an beste. and sende bi his sonde; into France londe. `us spac \eos kinges writ; hit was wide cu\. `e king (of) Britaine \at Leir h(is) +++++ grete\ Aganipp(us \)+++ king of France. Wors(ipe) haue \ou. for \ine wilninge. and \ine faire sonde; \at grete \ou me woldest. Ac ich do \e wel to wite; her ri\t bi mine write. \at mi drihtliche lond atwo ich habbe idealed. i-|euet mine two do\tren \at beo\ me swi\e deore. Dohter ich habbe \e \ridde; ac me rech ich ware |e libbe. for |eo me for-ho|ede; and held me for wrecche. = and wra\\ede me swi\e; \e worse hire sal wor\e. \at of alle mine londe; ne of alle mine leode. \at ich euere bi-|et; o\er bi-|ete mawe. ich \e segge so\-riht; ne sal |eo habbe no-wi\t. Ac |if \ou hire wold habbe; maide |eo his hende. ich \e wole hire bi-wete; and sende hire in one sipe. mid seolue hire clo\ing; of me |eo nafe\ na more. ~if \ou hire wolt vnder-fon; al \is ich wolle don. Iseid ich habbe \ane grund and \ou \i-seolf far hol and (sunde) (`is wri)t (com) to Franc(e to \++ ++eo) kinge. (He) hit lette (r)ede (le)of hi(m) were (\)e roune `o we+de \e welde-(king) \at hit were for gyle \at Leir king hire fader; nolde (hire) him lene. and he moch(e \e w)odlokere; wilnede ++(t mayd)e. and seide to his (fol+++ +in)g (A)ganippus. Ich (ha+ +++he) +an ino\; of ++++++ ich ne recche. ne sa(l) +++++ Leir \e king; \a(t maide me at-le)de. ac ich hire w(olle h)abbe; to e|(e) cwene. Habbe hire fader al his lond; and his seoluer and his gold. Ne bid ich no-\ing of his; i-noh ich habbe mi-seolue. bote \at maide Gordoille; \an ich habbe mine wille. Mid writ and mid worde; he send eft to \isse londe. and bad Leir king him sende; his dohter \at was hende. and he hire wolde vnderfon; and moche mansipe hire don. `o nam \e holde king; Gordoille \at maide mid seolue hire clo\ing; and lette hire for\ wende. ouer see-stremes; hire fader was sterne. Aganippus \e Frence king; \is maide faire vnder-feng. and al his folk hit was icweme; \at |eo were cwene. and \us |eo \are bi-leofde; leof |eo was \an folke. and Leir king hire fader liuede in \isse lo(nde) (a)nd hadde "i|eue' his two d++++++ (al) his kinedome. He |af G(orn)oille to Scottene king. he (h)ehte Maglandus his mihtes weren store. and to Cornwales duke; Re(g)au his ++(hter) `(o) bifulle +++ si\\e; +one \ar-hafter. \at \e Scottene king and \e duk speken to-gadere. mid hire stille rouning; nemen heom to reade \at hii wolde al \is lond; habbe to hire owene hond. and feode Leir \ane king wile \at he leofede. dai|es and ni\tes mid fourti cni\tes. And we him wolle\ finde hauekes and hundes. \at he mai ride; ouer al \e \eode. and libbe ine blisse \e wile \at he libbe\. `us i \o speken and eft hit to-breken. and Leir king was wel ipaid; and eft onlikede. And Leir king wende to Scottene kinge. to Maglande his o\om and to his heldeste dohter. Me vnder-feng \ane "king'; mid his fourti cni\tes. = and hire hors and hire atyr and al \at ham bi-houede. `o bi-fullet se\\e sone \ar-after. \at Gornoille bi-\ohte wat |eo don mihte. Hire \ohte swi\e eil; of hire fader cnihtes And |eo bi-gan to mene; to Maglande hire louerd. and seide hit in bedde; \ar \ai leien. Sei me mi louerd; manne me leofest me \inche\ \at mi fader; his no\t fele. no worsipe he ne can; his wit he hafe\ bi-leued. = He halt here fourti cni\tes; dai|es and ni\tes. he halt here his sweynes; \ar-fore we habbe\ harmes. == Al \at god \e we heom do\; hii hit blo\eliche vnderfo\. and ne conne vs bote vn\ong; for hure wel-deade. Hii do\ hus mochel bismare; hure men hi to-bete\ mi fader haue\ to m(ani)e of idele men. Al \at feor\e deal lete we for\ fuse. = Hus seolf we habbe\ cocus to cwecche to kichene. hus seolf we habbe\ bermen; and borles inowe. Lete we som \is mochele folk fare woder iwolle\. so ich euere ibide ore; ich hit nele \olie more. `is i-herde Maglandus \at \e cwene spac \us. and hire answerede mid his gode speche. Leafdi \ou hauest wo\; nauest \ou richedom i-no\. Ac hold \in fader in blisse ne liue\ he no\t lange For |ef honcu\e kinges; hii-here\ soche \inges. \at we so take him on hit hus wolle\ sinde. Ac lete we him habbe his folk at his wille. and \is his min owene read; for sone her-after he wor\ dead and eke we habbe\ in hure hond haluendel his kinelon(d) `o seide Gornoille; Louerd b(eo) \ou stille. let me al iwor++ and ich ham wolle awilde. ~eo sende al mid ginne; to \are cni\ten hinne. and hehte |am faren hire wai. Na more we nolle\ |ou feode. == `is ihorde Leir \e king; and wra\\ede him swi\e. = and seide \eos wordes; sor|fulle on mode. Wo wor\e \ane man \at lond haue\ to wille; and take\ hit his child. \e wile \e hit mai holde. for hofte hit bi-falle\; \at eft hit him a\inche\. Nou ich wolle hinne fare ri\t into Cornwale. |ern ich wolle reades of Regau mine dohter. \at aue\ Amari \e duk; and half min kineriche. For\ \e king wende; into \an su\ ende. to Regau his dohter for reades him trokede. `o he to Cornwale com; he was faire vnderfon. so \at al \at alue |er; mid alle his cnihtes he wonede \er. `o seide Regau; to Armari hire louerd. Hercne louerd to me; to folle so\e ich segge \e. we habbe\ idon onwisdom; \at we mine fader habbe\ vnderfon. mid \us manie cni\tes; hit nis me noht icweme. Do we awei alle; bote ten beo\ inowe. for alle (hi)i dringe\ and hete\; and (no) god hii ne bi-|ete\. `o ++ide Ameri \e duk; \at his holde fader ++++oc So ich euere beo o+ ++++ ne sal he habbe bote c(n++tes) fiue. for \ar-on he habbe\ inoh; for he no\ing ne do\. and |if he woll(e)\ hinne fare; fuse we hine +++\e. Al h+ ++(ede in d)+++ ase he speke adde. bi-nome(n) him his cni\tes. and al hire sweines. nolden hi him bi-lefue cni\tes bote viue. `is iseh Leir \e king; wo was him a-liue. His mod him ga(n) mengi; he mornede swi\e and \eos word seide mid sor-fol speche++ Wele wele wele wele ou \ou bi-swikest mani man. Wan hii \e troue\ alre best; \an \ou heom bi-swikest. Nis noht |are; noht fulle two |ere. \at ich was a riche king; and welde mine cni\tes. Nou ich habbe ibede \ane dai \at ich bar sitte of gode bi-reued; wo his me a-liue. Ich was mid Gornolle mine leofue dohter. ich wonede on hire londe; mid \rittie cnihtes. \e |et ich mi\tie libbe; a sommere wise. ac ich wende bet habbe idon; and gan \anne wende. ac worse ich habbe onder-fon; A|ein ich wole to Scotland. and sechen mine dohter; and bidde hire milse. bid hire me onder-fon mid mine fif cnihtes. \are ich wolle wonie; and \olie +++ (w)owe. ane lutle st(u)+++ +++ ne libbe ich no\t longe. ++++ ++ +(i)ng verde for\; to his (doh+++ \)at wonede nor\. Folle "\'reo ni\tes; |eo herbor|ede him and his cni\tes |eo swor a \an feor\ dai bi al heu+nliche maine. \at ne sol(de) he habbe more bote one cni\t \ar(e) and |ef he \at nolde; fare woder so wolde. Wel ofte was Leir wo; ac neuere worse \ane \o. `o seide Leir \e king; wo him was on heorte. Wo-la dea\. wola dea\; \at \ou me nelt for-deme. So\ seide Gordoille; for cu\ hit his me nou\e. mi |eongeste dohter; \at was me wile deore. seo\\e |eo was me lo\est; for |eo me seide so\est \at he his onwor\ and lo\; \e man \at lutel o|e\. and ich nas no wor\ere; \on ich was god habben. So\ seide \e |ong wimmon; hire folwe\ moche wisdom. `e wile ich hadde min kine-lond; louede me mi leode for mi lond and mi feo; eorles fulle to mi cneo. Nou ich ham a wrecche man; ne loue\ me no man for \an. Ac mi dohter me seide so\; for ich hire ileue ino\. bo\e two hire sostres; lesing me seide. \at ich ham was so leof; ase hire o|ene lif. and mi |onge dohter; Gordoille me seide. \at |eo me loue wolde; so man his fader solde. Wat wolde ich bidde more; of mine dohter deore Nou ich wolle faren for\ and ouer see fusi. hi-hire of Gordoille; wat beo hire wille. Hire so\ word ich nam to grame; \ar-fore ich habbe nou mochel same. for nou ich mot bi-seche; \at ich her for-o|ede. Nele |eo me no worse; \ane hire lond werne. Leir ferde to \are see mid on alpi sweine. in-to one sipe he bi-com. ne cnew hine no man. ouer see hii comen and hauene hi nomen. For\ wende \e king Leir; nadde he bote one sweine. hii axede after \e cwene; \at hii a newest come. = Leir king wende on an feld; and reste his weri bones. and his sweyn he for\ sende; \at was hiredman hende. to \are cwene Gordoille; and seide hire wel stille. Hayl wor\ou cwene; \i fader \e grette. and he his hider to \e icome; for al his lond his him binome. Beo\ bo\e \ine sostres; toward him for-sworene. he his icome for neode; in-to \ine \eode. Help him nou for \ou miht he his \i fader and hit his riht. `e cwene Gordoille; lang sat stille. == `o hit halles vp brac; hit was god \at |eo spac. = Tiding ich ihire lefue; \at mi fader his a-liue. Of me he sal habbe godne read; bote ich \e ra\er be dead. = Ich \e wolle bi-take; one male riche. \ar beo\ \ar-ine ifunde; to iwisse an hundred pound. = Led \ou \is garisom to lefue mine fader. and sei \at ich hine grette godes gretinge. and hoten fare swi\e to somme he|e borwe. and nimen him on in; riches"t' of alle. and bigge him allre erest; \at him his alre leuest. metes and dringes; and riche clo\es. hundes and hauekes; and hors mid \e beste. holde in his house fourti cnihtes = makie hine god bed; and ofte hine ba\ie. and him blod lete lutel and ofte. Wan \ou wolt mor seoluer; feche hit "at' mi-seolue. and ich wolle sende inoh of \isse hende. So \at neuere he ne cu\e of his hol"de' cu\\e. = Are fourti dai|es beo a-gon; \anne cu\e he hit a-non. to leofue mine louerd \at Leir his in londe. i-comen ouer see-strem; to speken wid his dohter. and ich hit wole so nime; ase ich noht nuste. == Nute hit ++(n gome); b(ote) + + + + +ne icome. and (\)us (h)++ ++++++ sende; to mine lau++++ +++ \ou \is seoluer ++++++ and lok \at \ou wel do. = `es swein an hi|inge wende to his louerd. to Leir \ane king; and seide h+m \eos tiding. \ar he lai (on) felde and reste (hi)m for wowe. = `o he horde \eos tiding; \(o) seide Leir \e king. After v(uel) come\ god; wel his him \e hit bide mot. Hii verde to one borwe; alse \e cwene hehte. and al hii duden after hire lore. `o for\ weren ago fourtie dai|es. \o nam Leir \e king his leofeste cnihtes. and grette Aganippum his leuest o\om. and sende bi his sonde; \at icome he was to his londe. to speken wi\ his dohter; \at him was swi\e deore. Aganippus was bli\e; \at Leir was icomen li\e. ferde him to-|eines mid alle his cni\tes. and \e cwene Gordoille; \o hadde Leir his wille. Hii comen to-gadere; and wel ofte custe. hii verde to borwe; \ar blisses were riue. = Alle were \e halles bi-honge mid palles. alle \e mete-bordes; ibrustled mid golde. Ringes of golde ech man hadde an honde. mid fi\ele and mid harpes + + + + + + + + +++++ \e ++++ gon (on) wal and loude + + + + +(a)l \at Leir king + + + + + of \isse londe. === + + + + +(e)r; ase (wo)nie he + + +(r) and Aganippus hou(r ki)ng; wole beo his vnderling. Wo-so wole libbe; holde \us sibbe. and |if eni man hit wole breke; \e king him wole wel a-wreke. = `o a(n)swerede \at folk; Don w(e) hit wolle\; lude and stille; al \e kinges wille. `or\-vt al \at ilke |er; hii dude al \us \er = `o \ar |ier was a-gon; \o wolde Leir king faren hom. = `e king Aganippus; answerede Leir \us. Ne salt \ou neuere \ider fare; bute mochel ferde. ac ich \e wolle lene; of mine gode cni\tes. fif hundred sipes ifulled mid \an beste. and al \at heom bi-houe\ to habbe on vore. And \ine dohter Gordoille; \at his \is londes cwene. |eo sal fare mid \ee; mid mochere ferde. and wende\ to \an lond; \are \ou king were And |if \ou miht eni finde \at \e wole wid-stonde. bi-nime \ine rihte; and \ine riche. cwikliche anon riht; leie heom to grunde. and iwin al \at lond; and sete hit Gordoille an hond \at |eo hit alle habbe after \ine dai|e `eos word seide Aganippus; and Leir \e ++++ +ude \us. and al he +++++(e); a(se h)is frend him tahte. To \isse londe he com mid his leofue dohter. He gri\ede mid \an b(e)ste; \at bouwe him wolde. and alle he "ful'de; \at him wid-stode. and al \is kine-lond bi-wan to his owe hond. and |ef hit Gordoille Francene cwene. = And Leir lifuede \reo |er \er-after. \o com his lifues hende; \at no man ne mai at-we"n'de. Hine Leycestre. his dohter hine leide. in Ianies his temple; ase \e bock telle\. And Gordoille heold \is lond mid godere streng\e fulle fif |er cwene |eo was here. \e wile Francene king veisi\ makede. and Gordoille com \at word \at |eo was widewe iwor\e. Come \e tidinge to Scotlondes kinge \at Aganippus was dead; Gordoilles louerd. He sende \orh Britaine. in-to Cornwale. and hehte \ane duk stronge; werri in su\ londe. and he wolde bi nor\e; an \at lond awinne. For hit was swi\e mochel same; and eke hit was mochel grame. \at a cwene solde be king in \isse lond(e) and hire sones beo boute; \at beo\ hire betere. = Noll(e) we na more hit i\o+++ ++ wolle\ habbe \(at) lo(n). +++ take hit \e children hond. * Hii bi-gonne werri; to mochele rou\e. and \e twei sostrene sones; somnede verde. Hire names weren icleoped \us; Morgan and Cunadegis. Oft hi ladde ferde; often hii fuhte. ofte hii were bofe; and ofte hii weren bi-neo\e. `o com at \an laste; \at |am was leuest \at Brutus hii slo|en; and Gordoille hii nemen. = Hii wre\\ede hire moddri. more \ane hii solde. \at \e womman was so wro\; \at hire seolue |eo was lo\. ~eo nam anne longe cnif; bi-nam hire owene lif. = `o was al \is kine-lond; in Morgan and Cuna"de'ges his hond. i fenge to \isse londe; and mid fihte hit bi-wonne `o dealde \e meies; \is lond |am bi-twine. Cunadegis adde al \at west. and Morgan nor\ and est. and so hii heolde \at lond; folle two |ere in hire hond. `o two |er weren a-go \o changede hire \onkes Morgan hadde Scotlond; al in his owene hond. in (Cor)nwale (Cunadegis had)de mani riche (hus) (Morgan) hadde mid hi(m) + + + +nie cni\tes. \a(t) ++++++ noht \(is) folk. ac +++ +++ ham were. Hii sp(e)+++ +++ Morgan; and \us t(o) +im seide. = Louerd wi ne(l)t \ou wende; ouer al Brutl(a)ndes er\e. and sette al \e kine-lond; in \in owene hond. `ar-of we habbe\ sam(e) and vre heorte grame \at \ou dealest \at lond; \at solde beo in \ine hond `ou hart on stalewor\e gome; and of \e eldre soster icome; and dealest \in lond wi\ \in mey; \i man-sipe his \e lasse. `us seide \eos swikes; and speke \eos wordes. So lang hii hine lerede \at he |am i-lefde. He gaderede ferde; oniseli grete. he verde ouer Vmbre; and harmes he wro\te. he sloh he barnde folk he a-morde. Hii slo|en hii nomen; al \at hii neh comen. `at word com sone su\; for hit was wide cou\ \at Morgan mochele harmes dude in \isse londe. = `o iwar\ Cunadegis wro\; and \es word saide. ~itsinge euere wor\e wo; mani man \ou bi-chorrest. \orh \e haue\ Morgan mi mey; his man+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + mote libbe + + +unadegis; and sen++ +(uer al hi)s londe. (an)d gade+(ede) moche folk; a++ |ar+(ede) his ferde. he fusde (mid) mihte; (to) M(o+g)an his meye. ++ ++ +olden fihte \o fleh M(or)gan. fram londe to londe; and Cunadegis after In-to ++++s he fleh; and he +(i)m wende after. \are he of-tok Morgan; mid mochelere streng\e. and swipte him of \at hefd; His heppe was \e worse. and alle his men slo|en; \at hii neh comen = Hii nomen Morganes lich; and leide hit on er\e. wel hine burede; Wales his louerd. Was \at lond \orh Morgan; Margan ihote. Nou and euere-more so hit hatte \are. * Cunadegis was louerd; of al \is riche. \reo and \ritti winter; he was riche king her. = Bi \eos kinges dai|e; \at Cunadegis was ihote; Remus and Romulus; Rome hi-makede bei hii weren bro\ers; ac \e on sloh \an o\er. After \ritti |er com \e dai; \at Cunadegis dead lai. He hadde one sone; Riwald ihote. he was wis and war; he welde \es riche. al hit hine louede; \at liuede on londe. A \an ilke time her com a selcou\ tockne. soch neuere ne com; neue++ ++(\\)e hider-to. Fram he+++++ +++ ++(m) a s(elc)u\ flod; \reo dai|es hit reinede blod \reo dai|es and \reo ni\t \at was a wel wonder siht `o \e rein was a-gon; her com o\er tockne anon. Here come blake fleie; and flo|e in men e|ene. in hire mou\ in hire nose; \at hire lif |am eode to lose. soch fare of fleien her was; \at hii heten corn and gras. wo was al \at folk; \at wonede in lond `ar-hafter com soch man-cwalm; \at lute cwic lefde. Seo\\e her com a strong read \at Riwald i-war\ dead. Riwald king hadde one sone; Gurgustius ihote. \is lond he heold half |er. Sullius com after; ac he was sone dead her. Seo\\e com Lago \at ehte wikes lifuede. `ar-after com Kinemarck \at \ritti dai|es was king. `o com Gorbodiago; fif |er he liuede. `e king hadde twei sones; beine oni-seli. \e eldre hehte Ferreus \e |eongre Porreus. `eos weren so wode; and so wi\erward. = \at ai\er hatede o\er; ase ne solde none bro\ers. and beine in ni\e and honde; wonede (in) \isse londe. \at Gorbodiag(us) hire fader; of heom w(a)s afered. for (o)fte bi-f(or)+ ++++++ue; hi bi-gonn(e) ++ +++++ (`e) eldre seide \at al \is lond; he wolde habbe in his hond. \e |eongere |eaf soch answere; Ra\ir ich wolle \e slean mid mine spere. = `e |eongere hadde heorte lu\er; a"n'd lo\ was him his bro\er. for swiken him a \ohte; in somme kine wise. Ferreus ihorde segge; \orh so\e menne mou\e; \at Porreus hine wolde slean; \ar-fore he was sori. He verde a-wei ouer see; \at him \ohte his beste. he funde ine France; on king; \at Siward was i-hote. he bad him \at he moste; sarui him a wile. beon him for hold cni\t; bo\e bi dai|e and bi ni\t. `e king was glade for his come; and for \an cni\tes \at mid him come. and held hine on flocke; deorewor\ist cni\te. === `o soue |er were a-gon; \o bad he leue wende hom. `e king him lende ferde; of his kenneste folke. him-seolf he sende sonde; ouer al \at ilke londe; after alle \e cni\tes \at he bi-|eten mihte. and he to sipe fusde; mid mochele his ferde. and al mid iso+ + + + + + + + + + +non he bi-g+ + + + + + + slo|e \e (l)eode +++ (is) ++++++ ++ reus; (fer)de him (to-|eines) and h(is +++\)er \ar h(e slo\) a"n'd feold(e) alle his ferde. = (Iud)++ hehte h(e)++ moder \at riche was and mih(t)i. |eo +as swi\e sori; for \an (il)ke sle\te. \at hire sone |eongere hadde i-sla|e \e eldre. `. +ea(de) |eo louede more. \an |eo dud. \ilke a-lifue. `e cwike hire was so swi\e lo\; \at bi-nimen him |eo \ohte his lif. Porreus lai in bedde; and sikerliche he slepte. = Com his moder strike; stilliche swi\e; mid o\er six wiues; and mid six longe cnifes. = |eo carf him \ane swere a-two; euere wor\e hire wo. = and hine al to-dealde lime fram o\er. `o was mochel speche ouer al \eos kineriche. of Iuden \are cwene; \at hire sone acwelde. and of \an sorewe \at icome was to londe. For \o was dead Ferreus; \o was dead Porreus bi-nome was \an moder; hire deal of londe. \o nas \ar noht of \an cunne; \at mihte \is kinedom habbe. wepmen ne wimmon bote \eos sori Iuden. Me nom hire al isund; and caste hire in \an see-grund. == `e ech man nam + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (londe) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Her (was mo)++++ +++(c)walm; (\at lut+ +++ +++c) ble"f'de (Fo++ +++ w)++++ riche \at (hau)eden mochel ferde. \at ma++++ +lle \e o\er mid streng\+ (|)am a-bouwe. = Hii seide hii wolde al \is lond; deale |am bi-twine. `us ispeke; and dude hit in dede. In Scotlond was king Stater; in Logres was king Piner. and Gloden hafde Cornwale. Rudac hafde Nor\ Wales. Ac Gloten hafde mest riht; to habbe alle \e riche. ac \e o\er weren re|ere; and eke hii weren richere. of gold and of garisom; and of gode londe. == Gloden hafde anne sone; \at bold was in londe. he was fair. he was mochel. he was of |eftes custi. = mani \eues gode he hadde on his mode. His name was icleoped \us; Dunwale Molnious. `is was \e fayrest man; \at euere adde \isne kinedom `o he mihte wepne bere; and his hors mune|i. He wende ouer al \eos londe; ase hit a lion were. He slo\ Piner \ane king; and his folck a-cwelde. = and al Leogris his lond; ho\nede to his owe++ hond. Su\\e he torne+ + + +e a(n)+ +++de toward +++++ \ar he funde Ru(d)ac king; \at bold was to fihte. to-|eines him he funde \ar; \ane king of Scotlond Stater. Hii speken \er of sehte; of sibbe and of some. o\es hi sworen swike \at hii nolden. `us hi makede hire fare; A|ein wende Dunwale. mid his mochele ferde; to Cornwales er\e. `o hi-horde Stater; \at Dunwale was swi\e for. Mid mochele Scotferde; he com to \isse londe. Rudac mid his Walse; \e heap was \e more In-to \isse londe hi comen; and \at folk of-slo|en. = moche lond iweste; mid harme \an meste. `at word com to Dunwale; \ar he was in Cornwale. wat Rudac him dude her; and \e king Stater. `o seide Dunwale; \at was a do\ti man. Nou hii beo\ for-sworene; mid hire swike-domes. Bi Appolines ore; ich nelle |am lifue more Nou we sollen remen; and resen to-gaderes. Vnder \isse lufte; lette riht sufte. Sende\ mine sonde; ouer al mine londe. and bidde\ echne gode man; \at gri\ wolle (ha)lden. = and send+ ++so (af)+++ ++++ leode. to fol|en me (in) ++++ ++nde; (f)++ seoluer and for go(l)de. and ich wolle mid fihte awinne mine rihte. to-|eines \es bro\ers; \at bei beo\ for-sworen. = Ne mai neuere for-swore man; mansipe lang o|e. `o Dunwale hafde iseid; alle hi louede \ane read. H"e' somnede ferde soch nas neuere her on er\e. su\\e \e ilke time \at Brutus com her li\e = to-|eines \e twei kinges; he ladde \ilke ferde. Hii smite to-gaderes; and hardeliche fohte. fulle \e veie; falewede nebbes. Weren alle \e feldes; i-vowet mid blode. \ar was mani herd gome mid swerde to-hewe. Dunwale in \ane fihte; was swi\e kene. \at fiht was swi\e strong; swi\e starc and swi\e lang. Dunwale in \an fihte; hadde gode cni\tes. = Dunwale him bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. he nom of his ferde; six hundred cni\tes. of alle \e kenneste; and of \an hardieste. and \us he heom seide; stilliche mid roune. Nime we \es wepne; \at in \is felde ligge\. of hure fulle ifon; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + w+ + + + + + + + + + + + + me hi+ + + + + + + + for \an + + + + + + + + we be he+ + + + + + + + we to \an kinge; Rud(a). ++++ kene. and slean h(i) + ++++++++ and \e king Sta++++ (M)id str(en)g\e we solle\ heom falle; f(o)+ alle "h'i beo\ veie. == And al \us iwro\t; ase Dunwale |am tahte. Hii nomen \e sealdes; \at leie in \e feldes; brode and gode; ileired mid golde. hii wende to \an kinge; \are hii weren on fihte. `e kinge weren bli\e; for \an siht |am likede. hii wende bi \an sealdes; \a"t' hit hire men were. Sone so Dunwale heom neh com; he hehte legge |am on. Sleo\ ham mid swerde; for alle hii beo\ for-sworene. Rudac hii slowen; and Stater hii nomen. and al hine to-limekede leme fram o\er. hire saftes weren starke; of his flesse hii makede marke. A-non hii verde touward hire i-veres. \o hii to-gadere come; hii fohte hii slo|e. `a kinges weren dead; hire folk to-dealde. == Alle \aie \at astode; hii fulde to grunde. bote woch + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \at was + + + + ++ ++ (i)telle\ bokes + + + + + + (on)dres. and +++ wa(s) \e forste man \e goldene croune dude him on. her ine Brutaine seo\\e Brutus hit hadde. = He makede lawes gode; \at lange seo\\e stode. He makede one sehnesse; and mid o\e hit seide. \at ech man hat his sol\; hadde gri\ alse he him-seolf. Ech man \at mihte a-steorte; in-to one borewe. \oh he hadde. man isla|e; me solde hine borwe. \an and euere-more he solde habbe ore. === `e king makede mani lawes; \at |et beo\ in londe. = Fourti |er he held \is lond; ine blisse in his hond. Seo\\e deide \e king; wo was his leode. To-gadere come his eorles; and leide hine on er\e. ine Lundene; faire hine leide. in one riche temple; of golde hine bi-tunde. King Dunwale hadde bi his wife; twei sones alifue. \e heldre hehte Belyn; \e |ongere hehte Brenne. `eos bro\ers weren sehte; \orh wise menne lore Belin |ef his bro\er; one deal of his londe. bi-|eonde \ar Humbre mid mansipe to +++++ = `ar-f+++ his man ++ +++om; and ++++somnesse him solde don. Belyn held \iss su\lond; and Cornwale in his hond. and Wales \ar for\ mede; and faire hit dihte. Fif |er hii leuede \us; and loue ham was bi-twixte. = Ac Brenne hafde lu\er men; \at hine mislerede. = \at he solde wid his bro\er; breke forewarde One cni\t he hadde; \at \us to him saide. = Sei me mi louerd; leofuest alre manne. wi \olest \ou \at B"elyn'; \at his \in owe bro\er. haue\ so mochel of \is lond; and \ou hauest so lutel. Nadde |eo bo\e one fader; and beine one moder. beine of one cunne; cu\ hit his on folke. Nou steond al \is mochele lond; in Belynes owene hond. and \ou hert his man and his cni\t; \at his wo\ and noht riht. Hert \ou \us cheuis-bore; \at \ou wolt beo for-lore Oper \ou hart cni\t; \at of londe ne recchest no-wi\t. o\er \ou \enchest beo sone dead; and \ine men bi-lefue. Bi-lef \an treu\e bi-lef \ane o\; for al \is folk his swi\e wro\. Herkne \ine menne read; and hii \e wolle\ helpe. Wonder hus \inche\; |if \ou hine n+++ +++lde. `o+ +art moch+ ++tere cni\t; to holde werre and eke fiht and \ou har mochele hardiere; and \i-seolf of mochele mihte. Ceslond \ou ouer-come; and Scotlond \ou nome. of Morayne he was king; hine \ou aslowe. = and al his ferde; \at he brohte to \is er\e. Ac wel ich hit ileue; \at we \e beo lo\e. \at \ou \i \oht hele; wid \ine kni\tes. Ac for neuere none teone; nole we \e bileue. neuere on si\e bi houre cwike liue. And nou far bi houre reade; and mid \e \ou leade. twelf of \ine wittie. and wende nou to-niht; into Nor\waie for\-riht. to Alfing \an king; him his \in come deore. = `e king aue\ one dohter; \at he loue\ swi\e. Bid hire to \ine biof\e; for habbe to cwiene. also sone so he \e siht; he wole \e hire |ifue for\-riht. Su\\en |eorn of \an kinge; \at he \e aleone ferde. to leden to \ine londe; for boldi \ine leode. Bede euerechne cni\t \at \ou \are bi-|ete miht. for seoluer o\er for golde; come mid \e to londe = Deornel(i)che \ou salt don \es + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ne \ou + + + + + + + + sollen beo(n al) ++++ +++ +++++le houre fe(rde) ++ ++++ +++r al \an er\e. = `+s sp++ +++god; \at was swike god. `+ o\ere him radde also; \are-fore wor\e |am wide wo. `o Brennes hadde ihorde; his cni\tene lore. \o gladede his mod; \e read him \ohte swi\e god. and seide \eos answere; After |oure reade ich wolle fare. He grei\ede his cni\tes; and wende for\ bi ni\te. so long \at he bi-com to Alfing \an king. `ane king he grette; and his gomes alle. and \e king him answerede; swi\eliche faire. `o spac Brennes; and his herende bed \us. King ich |eorne \ine dohter; for habbe to cwene. And anon he him |eaf; al \at he |eornde. gold and garisome; feo and ferde. `o was Brennes swi\e bold; and heorte hadde bli\e. \at mayde he weddede; and nom hire to his bedde. Soueni\t he was \are hit \ohte him soue |ere. are he |ein come; to fihte wid his bro\er. Of witte hii weren awed; \at him \us radde. Brennes was in Norweye + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ge (of) + + + + + + + + word+ + + + + +(is mou)\ treuwe + + + +(e bro\)++ \at bi-(s)+++++ (\an o\er) (Ware) beo |eo +++(e cni\++s). (ware) beo |eo (mine kempe)s. ware be |eo (mine l)++fe men; nou we sollen wende. Hii verde to Humberlonde; \ar weren castles strng `e castles hii nomen alle; and strongede \e walles. He lette bloue beomes; and nomen alle \e borewes. \at weren ra\er; in his bro\er honde. He dude \ar-ine; mete to mani manne. \at me mi\te |am witie; wid Brennes on-wal"d'e His cni\tes mid him-seolue to \are "see' verde. \ar hii leien bi \an brimme; and busiliche hit wiste. Brennes was in Norweie; and noht her-of nuste. he wende \at his bro\er; nuste of his fare. Leue he nom of Alfing; \at was Norweyes king. and he him |eaf answere; Nou mote \ou wel fare. and Delgan mi dohter; \at me his swi\e deore. `is iseh \e cwene; fare \at |eo solde. |eo hadde on lemmon; \at |eo loue"de' more \an him. \ane king of Denemarche; \at leof hire was on heorte. He was swi\e god cni\t; Gutlac he hehte. `o sende Delga"n'; in-to Denemarche. and cu\ede Gutlac; \at heo louede swi\e. one deorne lettre |eo sende him to reade. and seide him \at Brennes; a king of Britayne. hadde hire i-wedded; and i-hafd to his bedde. al hire on\onkes; \ar-fore |eo was sori. and he hire wolde lede; toward his londe nafde |eo bote \reo ni\t forst; faren \at |eo solde. So"ne' hit mai bi-falle; \at ich hinne wende. and habbe wele and gri\; \e ne speke ich neuere wid. and ich sende \e gretinge; of mine gold ringe. `o Gutlac iseh \is wo him was foliwis. Stille he was iswo|e; on his kine-stole. Me warp on his nebbe cold welles water. `o \e king was a-weht he was swi\e a-dre\t. he seide for\rihtes Ware beo |eo mine cni\tes. Fare swi\e to \are see sele mine kempes. Gutlac king vaste; to \are see wende. = he makede \are mochel flote; and ferde mid streme. to-|eines \aie sipes \ar Brennes was ine. `o Brennes was in wide see; he mette his wi\er-iwennes. sip orn to-|ein sip; \at hit al to-scende. = `are was mani breost(e) mid brode spere i\orled. helmes \ar |ollen; cni\tes \ar fullen. balu \ar was riue; Brennes fleh bliue. and Gutlac held hafter; mani sipes he \ar cahte. He iseh a sip \ar hit la\; of solke was \at seil-clo\. he cleopede to his dringes Nou for\ ni\inges. `at his \are cwene sip; \at vs bi-fore cweche\. Holde\ alle \are-to; and |if |eo hit ma|e vnderfo. = Mid streng\e hi heolde to \an sipe; and \e cwene vt grepe. Gutlac sloh \e sipmen; and nam al \e garisom. and ladde \e cwene Delgan; touward Denemarche He \ohte hire habbe to his owe bi-of\e. ac o\er-weies hit sat sone \ar-after. Gutlac for\ geinde; glad he was on heorte. he \ohte habbe Delgan; cwene of Denemarche. ac him com mochel lette; ase him was alre lo\est. Bi este aros a lo\-liche weder; \ustrede \e wolkne. \e wind com on wi\ere; and \e see wre\\ede. = \at \e ropes breke. and wowe \ar was riue. Sipes \are + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++lac + + + + + + + ne g+ + + + + + + + + + bi-\(o)+ + + + + + + + He igrop (on ax) + + + + + \ane (m+st a-tw)+ + + + ++++ mast an(d \ane seil) ++++++ mid \e (bieres) ++(s sa)+++ Gutlac sore h(im gramede) Euerech aht ma(n) (helpi) \at we libbe. \at w(e) come to londe; ne recche we ware. Hii verden m(id) \an wedere; nusten hii neuere woder. bi fif dai|ene |ong; hii come to \isse londe. Comen \is kinges cni\tes; \at \e see witede. and nomen Gutlac \ane king; and Delga"n' \e cwene. Hi seide to heom anne strongne read; Nou |eo beo\ alle dead. ac |if |eo vs wolle\ segge; |et |eo ma|e libbe. wanene |e beo\ icome; and wat |eo here seche\. Gutlac answerede; mid godliche wordes. We beo\ see-weri men and so\ we wolle\ segge. ac ne cnowe non of \is gomes; in woche londe we beo\ icome. ne \is stronde we ne cnowe\; \at we isoht habbe\. = ne we neote no \e mo; \oh we speke wid houre ++++ Ac ich |ou bidde gode man; lede\ vs to \an king(e); and ich him wolle segg+ ++ blisse and of s++++ +++ (\e) cni\tes h+++ +++++ ++ (hi)re k(in)ge. == + + + + (to \ane) kinge com; +++liche (he cleo)pede him on Hayl beo (\ou Be)lyn king; Brenne (his \)i bro\er. and ich hote (Gutl)ac; of londe ich was +(o)uerd. = Brenne com to Nor(w)eye; to Alfin(g) \an king (and) he him |ef \es womman; \at ra\er was mi lemman. Sonde com bi-twine \at so\ word me seide \at Brenne wolde wende and mi leofman me at-leade. To-|eines him ich verde; mid fourti sipes gode. and al so fale cni\tes so \e sipes beren mihte. and ich wolle segge \e a wonder; he hadde sipes soue hundred. And ich bi-gan strong fihte; and Brennes gon to fleonde. his men ich a-welde; and manie ich a-cwelde. and \ar ich nam Delgan; \at her was mi leomman. And ich segge \e to so\e; \at |et leue\ \i bro\er. for he heold to hauene; and wel com to londe And ich iseh \e cwene sip seily bliue. and ich verde \ar-after; and won hit mid fihte. `o was ich bli\e in mine cwike lifue. `o ich was in wide see; wi\er com to-|eines me. \at weder was so wilde; and \e see wra\\ede. and drof me in-to \isse londe; in-to \ine leode. And nou do \ine wille; for \ou hart mihti ouer me. `e king heom lette holde; in wel faire bendes. in one strongne castel; \are me heom wel wuste. Nas hit bote four wike; \at \is \ing i-vare wes. com Brennes ride in-to Scotlonde. mid four hundred sipes \ar was folk feie. He sende his sonde to Belyn his bro\er. and bad hine cwic-liche; sende him his cwene. and \ane king Gutlac. \at his men a-fulde. And |if he hit nolle. him-seolf sal beo \e worse. In his londe ich wolle gon; and slean \at ich finde. mid fiht mid fure. and mid o\er harmes. bote ich mawe habbe; \at \e ich |eorne. and mi lond rume; and fare to his riche. and |iue me mine borewes; and mine gode castles. = For\ verde \e sonde; to Belyn \an kinge. and seide him \es bode fram Brenne his bro\er. and Belyn him wornede; al \at he |eornde. \at ne solde he hit neuere ibide; \e wile he mihte ride. `e sonde a|ein verde; and tolde hit to Brenne. Bre(n)ne was swi\e wro\; and bonnede his ferde. = flockede his cnihtes; alse hii solde to fihte. Bely"n' on his half com him to-|eines. Mochel eaye was \ar onder \an wode of Kalater. \ar hii heom hii-mette and huuele heom igrette. To-gadere hi comen; a"n'd fulle bi \usend. = Swi\e faht Bely"n' king; so dude his Bruttus. hii weren swi\e hahte men \ane feld hii a-wonne. Brennes heom fram beoh; and mid his folke he fle\. al touward \are see; mid mochel vnsel\e and Belyn him after; and adun leide. sixti \usend he leide to \an grunde. A sip funde Brenne stonde bi \an brimme; he bi-com \ar-hinne mid his twelf manne. ne ladde he na more; of alle his folke. Ouer see he verde in touward France. == `o Belin in Euerwick heold eorlene husting he bad \at his wise men; rihtne read him radde. wat him were to donde; of one soche manne. \at Gutlac his ihote; \at ich habbe in bende. For Gutlac him sende word; bi one wise manne. \at |(if) ++ him wolde gri\ie; of his lo\e (ben)des. he wolde his man +++ +++ +lle his mihte (a)++ ++ +++ wolde |if(ue al) +++ ++++ \at (he) had(de) in De+++arches lond (and) eche |e(re) him sende; (\reo) \usend punde. her-(to ich) wolle him |ilde; hos(tages) of mine childe. wi\ (\an) \at he l(e)te scere; me (an)+ "m'ine fere. (an) mi lemm(an) to Denemarche lede (Belyn) king grantede al \at he |ornde. and freliche hine lette vare; and al his i-veres. Belyn hafde \e hostages and \e |eftes gode. and his manradene nam; mid man-sipe \an meste. and Gutlac for\ ladde; \is womman \at was hende. he hire deore bohte; for brouke hire he \ohte. Belyn heold \es riche; fale |er in blisse. == `o weren in \isse londe; lawes swi\e gode. and alle louede \ane king; \at cwick was in londe. `o hadde Belyn an hond; al Brutaynes lond. he verde oueral; and \e lawes sette. he sewede \e wode; and \e wildernes. medewes and \e mores; and \e faire wateres. borewes and tounes; and al |eorne bi-heold. `"e' king hine bi-\ohte; (wat he) +++ +++++ (He b)i-gon ane (stret mochel) + + + + (g)ret + + + + + (s)wi\(e) ++++ (\orh-hut ++ ++s) k(i)ne++++ (a)nd \e k+++ and) his +++(c Fosse hine cleope)de. He +++ (ut of Totenas); forte come ++ +(atena)s. = +(n o\)er he ma+++(e hendi fram) Su\ham++(n)e to Seint (Dauy) Su\\e ++ makede (\e \ri)dde; \at karf \at lon(d) a-midde. `o \es stredes weren idon; \o leide \e king lawes on. \at wo in \an stredes breke gri\; \e king him wolde bi-nime his lif; ac wose o\erne imette; faire hine grette. `is weren \e kinges stredes; \at ich habbe i-nemnid. In France was Brennes; \at was \eos kinges bro\er. on his heorte he hadde grame; on his mode mochel same. \at he hadde his londe ilore; and his cwene deore. = He wonede in France; mid his twealf veres. he saruede \an kinge; mid halle his mihte. \at he and al his leode; lofuede hine swi\e. for Brenne bi|et mochel feo and faire hit dealde. = he was \ar oht man; and gode were his dedes. = `o he was \are wel cu\; and oueral icnowe. and \e king hine lofuede; and alle his leode. `o bad he \an (k)inge; healp his lond to winne. == `e king him (bi-)hehte and wel hit ilaste + + + +e leue; and for\ere (wend) to \an Duk Segwyne; l(oue)rd of Borgoyne. and of \an (B)rutlonde; \at his bi-|eonde see-stronde. Fair he grette \ane duk; \o he his gri\ sohte. he seide awolde him sareuy; and habbe for herre. = `e duk \ar-fore glad was; and onderfeng him deore. Brennes was swi\e hende; \ar-fore he was \e leouere. Brennes cu\e of hundes; Brennes cou\e of hauekes. he cou\e mid his honde; handeli \e harpe. \orh his hendi craftes; alle men hine lofuede. and mid his louerd alse wilcome; alse his o|ene sone. `e duk adde one dohter; \at he louede swi\e. ac he nadde nanne sone; \ar-fore he was sori. `e duk bi-held Brenne; \at was a bodi hende. and \us to him saide; mid so\fast o\e. Brennes \ou art hende; and of he|e cunne. and \ou art cniht swi\e god; \ou hart me icweme. = \ou hart me swi\e li\e; and ich \e lofuie swi\e. Al \at ich \e bi-hote; ich hit wolle holde. ich wolle |ifue \e mine dohter; \at his me swi\e deore. and after mine dai|e; al mi lond riche for wel hit like\; alle mine beornes. = `o answerede +++++++ mid mildeliche w(o+des) Ich hit \onkie \e; an(d a)lle \ine cnihtes. for |o(ur)e mochele worsipe; \e god \at |e me wolle\. Al \is was idemde; alse \e duk seide. Brenne \is mayde nam; mid worsipe mochele. and he wonode mid \an duke; half \at ilke |ere. `o \e |er was al agon; \o was \e duk dead. and Brennes nam \e cunde; to his owene honde. and al \at folk he was lef; alse hire owene lif. = He hafde swi\e mochel lond; \at al stod on his owene hond. and he hadde a wel god wif; and hire louede alse his lif. Bi one stunde; Brennes hine bi-\ohte. hou his bro\er Belyn; his lond hadde bi-nome him. He sende his sonde; ouer al Borgoynes londe. and wide and side; he somnede ferde. * \o \e ferde was so mochel; \at |eo was onimete. In-to Normandie he com; and \ar he \e see nom. and he verde mid isunde; in-to \isse londe. = Sonde com to Belyn \at him so\ saide. \at Brennes his bro\er hadde isoht his riche. mid onimete (ferde icome) + + + + + Belyn (sende) +++ +++++ (ouer a)+ +++ kine-lo(nd) +(nd bad a)+ his ke(m+++ \at in \a+ ++++ wo)ned(e). +++ (hii comen) ++ +++ neode; (to driuen vt \an) ++leode. ~aru (was \e ferd). and hii fo(r\)-w+(rd fusde). +++ \ar |am (bi-tw++e bote) +++ mile. `o leue(d) hire mod++ \at (was a wom)man ke++ |eo was ihote Towenne; |e(o) bar Belyn and Brenne. `eos olde cwene was so wis; \at |eo wel cudde. ~eo nam hire an on cuertel; \at was al to-tore. \ane hem |eo vp teh; to hire cneon wel neh. ~eo eode on hire bare fot; alle |eo dude for god. ~eo com to \are ferde \at icome was to \isse er\e. |eo axede after Brenne; ware he were ine. Me hire tehte ware him wepnede; alse he to fihte solde. and alle his cnihtes; dude an hure burnes. = To him \e cwene orn; bi-twixte hire harmes |eo hine nom. ofte |eo hine clupte; and ofte |eo hine custe. and \eos word seide; to hire sone leofue. * A wat wolt \ou Brenne; Wolt \ou sake menge. ~if \ou sleast \ine bro\er; ni bidest \ou neuere o\er. Ne be |e bote tweie; mine sones. |eo beo\ beye. Bi-\ench in \ine mansipe; bi-\ench ++ ++(ne m)oder. b(i)-\ench in (mine lare \)ou hart mi so +++++ (Lo)ke here \e tittes; +++ +(ou so)ke mi(d) \ine lippes = ++ +(ar) her \e w(o)mbe; \at +++ (ley)e ine longe. Lo war +++ ++ lycame; Ne do \o(u me) ++++re \ane same (\at ich +++ \in)e \in(ge m)id (c+ i)fe me "ofstinge' (Nou) hi(t) his seoue |er+ +(at) \ou nexst were her. and forewarde \ou breke; touward \ine bro\er. `ou were his man bi-come; and he \e lofuede alse his sone. O\es \ou him swore; swike \at \ou him noldest. `ou auest wo\ and he aue\ riht; \at his to \e a lodlich siht. and ouer see \ou wendest; al wi\-houte his lefue. to Alfing \an kinge; and neme his dohter |enge. So \ou \ohtest mid ferde; come to \isse er\e. and do \i-silue bismare; fihte wi\ \ine bro\er. ~if Denemarchene king; idrecched \e nadde. and su\\e \ou come; and harm onderfonge. and eft wendest ouer see; and nou\e hart icomen a|eo. Nou \ou hart louerd of londe; and hus sal beo \e worse. Mid oncou\e folke; \ou wolt \i cunne a-cwelle. = Ne solde no man in his cu\\e; cwedsipe werche. (Ac l)eofue sone Brenne; do mine lore. = ley adun \i spere long; and \i sweord (\a)t his so strong. and il(e+ +ine) moder; and loue \(ine) bro\er. (Vr)nen hire teres; al ouer hi(re) leores. Brennes (\at) iseh; an(d) sorewede (an heor)te. lette g(li)de his gar \at hit grunde sohte. He caste his riche seald; for vt in \ane felde. away warp his gode brond; for vt of his hond. and he and his moder; mildeliche |eode. in-to one brode felde; and Belyn heom to-|eines. `ar wep \e bro\er; also dude \e o\er. `o spac \e moder milde mid mu\e. ~eo beo\ mine leofue sones; wende\ to-gaderes. and hii-wer\e\ sahte; and wonie\ in blisse. Cusse\ and cluppe\; alse treuwe bro\ers. = Nis hit noht on-riht; |oure moder |ou hote\. `are hii custen; bi-vore \e twei ferden. = Bemes \ar bleuwen; blisse was on folke. \ar was gleomenne songe; \ar was piping among. \ar was so mochel murh\e; \at ne mihte beo na more. `ar iwar\ Brennes; isehte wi\ his bro\er. `o makede he one la\inge; of his gode folke. \at alle come to Londene; vppe wit of fourti punde. to one speche; (bi-fo)re (Be)ly"n' kinge. `o al \is (fol+ +f) londe; to-gadere was isom(ned) = Scottes and Bruttes and manie o\er \eines (`ar) was \e Duk of Bo(rgoyn)e; (Bren)nes ihote `o weren \e bro\ers; bli(\e) on hire mode. = Hii neomen to reade; of hire riche cnihtes. \at hii wolde mid ferde; faren in-to France. Ine France weren lawes; selcu\ a \ilke dawes. and wonder tidinges; for \ar were four kinges. Belyn seide to Brenne; Vare we swi\e hinne. in toward France; and mid fihte hit bi-winne. Hii bleuwen hire beomes; and bannede hire ferde. and to \are see wende; and wel ouer comen. Mid ni|e hundred sipes; hii comen into hauene. = Com \e tidinge; to \ar four kinges. \at Belyn king was icome; and his bro\er Brenne. mid onimete ferde; to bi-winne France. To-gaderes icomen; and o\es hii sworen. \at hii wolden libbe; to-gaderes o\er ligge. and euerech o\er; holde for bro\er. Mid o\es hii hit swore; and wel hit heolde. Hii somnede hire ferde; \at was swi\e mochele. and hii verden bliue; touward Belyne. = To-gadere icomen; f(eondeliche hi) +++++ = Scottes and Br(uttes dro|e). to-gaderes. Bel(yn) ++++ ++++++ him bi-v(or)e we(nde) (Br)+++++ bi-sides; m(i)d his folk (of) ++++++ne. Hii smete to-gad(eres) \ar |olle helmes. b(re)+++ +++de (speres); sceldes to-scen(d) blo(d) +++ +ar s(add)e; m(ani m)++ \er fulle. = al wer(en) \e (hul)+++ and \e dales; iwro|e mi(d) \an deade. Belyn breid vp his helm; and cleopede to Brenne. Ne seh"s'te leofue bro\er; hou bre\i\ \is Frence. and \e ferde of oncu\e londe; |et isund stonde\. Grenne we hus seolue; mid hure gram-reses. and on ham legge; mid horde and mid hegge. Brenne was swi\e bold; and \eos wordes ihorde. Alle hii slo|en; \at hii neh comen. and \eos four kinges; hii leide to \an grunde. Bote wo \at \ar fleh and into castele beh. hii |am hafter ferde mid spere and mid swerde. = and \e castles i nemen; and \at folk slowen. `us hii \orh-|eode Francene \eode. In \an ilke |ere was Belyn kaysere. and Brenne his bro\er; beine to-gaderes. for hii hadde France mid fihte bi-wonne. and alle \e freo londes; \at leien into France. `o hadden hii mochele riche; inome to ham-s(eolue) (\)o speken hii ++++dere \e seli bro\ers. and seide \at iwolde; holde hustinge. of alle \an folke; \at hire lawes leuede. = and \orh hire alre dome; ++ wolde varen to Rome. ++ +reken o \an folke; Remus (\a)n faire. \at Romulus his bro\er; slo\ ine Rome. \are bi-vore fale |er; for al \at folk was |et \er. And al \e kinges \us dude; alse hii ham-seolue demde. hii gaderede hire ferde; ine Francene er\e. `o \at folk was icome sone hii wende. \ar was so mochel folk; and so onimete \at a neuere none wolde ne mihte hit al wonie. Hii verde ouer Montagu; mid al hire ferde. su\\e hii ferde foliwis; \ar me cleopeo\ Munt Seneys. hii nemen al Taurins and Yuorie; and alle \e borewes of Lombardie. Versanye and Pauie. Cremoyne Melane. Placence Boloyne. \at water hii ouer-|eode of Taurum; and su\\e hii |eode ouer Bardum. Toskane hii al a-wonne; in Salome hii slowe mani \ousend manne. So hii nehle\te toward Rome; to late heom \ohte \at hii \ider come. and \at Romanisse folk sore was a-fered. to heom come strong tidinge; fram Belyn +an kinge. Hadde alle \e reues; \at wonede ine Rome = i-loked twey eorles; in \an ilke |ere. \at solde witie \at lond; and wissi \e leode and leoden hire ferde; ware hit were neode. for hire beire name. ich |ou wolle telle. \e on hehte Gabius; \e o\er Prosenna. `eos ilke eorles weren swi\e kene. and al \at Romanisse folk; ferde bi hire reade. `eos eorles come to Rome; to \e readfulle folke. axede ham reades; of solchere neodes. wa\er hii bede ferde wi\ Belin to fihte. o\er him speke wid; and |ornde his gri\. `o weren in Rome; wise men of domes and \ohte bi-peche Belyn; mid hire felle wrenches. Hii nemen heom to reade; and to somme roune. \at hii nolde noht fiht; no\er hire ferde leade. Ac we wolle\ gon; and fronsipe makie. we wolle\ sette heom an hond; al \is Romanisse lond. and wor\i heom in londe; alse man sal his louerd. |ifuen heom seoluer and gold; and \e louerdsipe of \is londe. |ifue ham so mochel garisom; so hii wolle\ habbe. hure children to hostage; |ef i so wolle\. eche barunes sone; \e in \isse borh wonie\. \e sollen beo icore; and swi\e wel iboren. children swi\e hendi; |isles four and twenti. and eche |er of golde; ten hundred punde. `e kinges beo\ stronge an(d) of forne londe. Hii habbe\ so mochel folk; so nas neuere ivere. `e kinges beo\ |onge; and of he|e heorte Al so sone so hi here\ \is; don hii hit wolle\. for hii ne mawe bidde more; bote \at we bidde hire ore. and we mawe so wel don; \at hii wolle \isse onderfon. and bi-leue hure leode; and fare to hire londe. su\\en we solle bi-ginne; to don houre wille. for betere \at we lese; houre leofue children. \ane we nime sochne read; \at we alle be dead. o\er al Rome borh; mid fure beo for-berned. an al \at liggende lond \at li\ into Rome beoo al bi-reued; \at nou stend swi\e riche. For |if hit wole Teruagant; \at his god of \is lond. her-mid we solle heom cheorre; and su\\e heom amorre. \at hii ne solle isunde come to hire londe. `o saiden hii in halle; `isne read we louie\ alle. `eo eorles |am |arkede; mid swi\e riche srude. = hii leopen on hire hors; bi-wre|e mid riche palles. +++ (m)an nam an (ho)+++ one scele (o)f (r)eade golde. Four dai|es fulle; hii for\wardes wende. fort hii come to \an (e)r\e; \ar Belyn lay mid his ferde. and Bren(nes) +++ bro\er beine to-gade+++ +++ axede \e cnihtes; war(e) ley \e kinges. Me heom tahte in woche feldes; weren \is kinges teldes. Hii verden bi-liue \at \ider hii come li\e. ~am \ohte mochel fer-lich of alle \an folke. ware hit alle inome were; \at hii isehe \ere. Hii iseh|en Belyn king; bou|en vt of telde. and hii lihten adun; and fullen a cnowe. at \an kinges fote; hii folle to grunde. and \eos word saide; mid mochele wisdome. * Louerd \in ore; nou and euere-more. We \e a-|iue"\' Rome; and alle \e riche. and alle \e londes; \at ligge\ into Rome. = and al so mochel garisom; so \ou wolt habbe. and o\es we solle\ \e swerie; \at we \e swike nolle\. vppen houre god wel idon; \at his icleopid Dagon. We sollen \ine men bi-come; and \ine mansipe he|e. mid al houre mihte dai|es and nihtes. and we \e wolle\ bi-teche; vt of \isse riche. four and twenti |onge; riche menne children ++ (sollen beo alle ++++++ ++d of he|e cunne) ibore. We (solle of \iss)e \eode; come (to \ine neod) = and for soche (\inge we be)o\ isende to \e (kinge) (and) bidde\ \in ore; +++ +++ (e)uere more. \e king (w)+ + + + stille; and swi(ke)s speken ille he wende \at hit were so\; \at hii i-said hadde. ac al hii \ohte o\er; to slean Belyn and his bro\er. `o hit halles vp brac; hit was god \at he spac. Wel |e me bi-hote\; leste |if |eo wolle\. = To \is forewarde; vnderfang ich |ou wolle. and |eo solle of me holde; and habbe me for louerd. and holde freoliche |oure lond; and freondes iwor\e. To-dai a souenihte; brigge\ me her riht. gold an garisome; |ift and |oure children. and come her bi-fore; \e hehste of Rome. and swerie me o\es; \e bet ham sal bi-valle. and bi-come mine men; and mine mansipe he|i. and |if |eo \is nolle al ich |ou a-cwelle. Ac swi\e hinne ride\; lo war ich |ou abide. ~if |eo speke\ mid rihte; come\ to-dai a seouenihte; and |if |eo spe(ke\) mid wo\ bleue\ in Rome (and) ich ou wolle to fare; and ++inge |ou teone and care. ++os swikes gonne ride; hom in-to Rome. and |arkede hire |iftes; and alle hire childres and to hire da|e brohte to Bely"n' \an kinge. and he |am faire vnderfeng; and fronsipe bi-hehte. Hostages him bi-toke; and his men bi-come. and hi mid \an foreward; wende eft a|en-ward. and \e swikes sone verde to Rome. Belyn and Brenne; beine to-gadere. nomen heom to reade; and to som-roune. \at hii wolden wende; \orh-vt Lombardie. and faren to Alemayne; and \at folk awinne. `e Alemanisse men; of hire comen weren war. and hii gadere"den' heom to-|eines; swi\e herde ferde. of alle \an londe; \at \an kayser stod an honde. and \e Romanisse men; ful ra\e hit wuste; \at Belyn and Brenne; weren i-varen \anne. Hii |arkede re|e; two hundred ridares. and swi\e an hi|inge sende |am after. Hii lette \ar bi-side; an-o\er folk ride. ten \ousend cnihtes al icud; \at hii bi-fore come. \ane kaysere to helpe. \at wollde a-|ein Belyn king fihte and holde. and \at Romanisse folke; reoden heom bi-hinde. Hii \ohte beon him a-newest; \ar \e hulles weren mest. and senden heom arewe; in \an weie narewe. slean hire louerd Belyn; and his bro\er mid him. Hii for-|eten hire children; and \at gri\ \at hii |eornden. o\es and \e treu\e; \ar-fore hii hadde teone. Belyn and his bro\er; beyne wer iwar. of \an swikedome; \at |am com fram Rome. \o hadden hi \e more eye; of \an Almanisse kaisere. Hii speken mid reade; for hii hadden neode. \at Brennes and his ferde; a|en solde wende. wi\ Romains fihte; and falli |e"f' a mihte = and Belyn solde to \an kayser; and fihte wi\ Almanisse here. = and wa\er of \an bro\ers; \at erest his fiht adde idon. come a-|eon sone; to helpe \an o\er. `at folk of Borgoyne; ferde a|ein mid Brenne. of France and of Peyto; sworen him and plihte. of Mayn and of Turuine; treuliche him louede. of Normandie and Flandres; freliche him fulste. and of Loherenne; hii wende to mid streng\e. and \at folk of Gascoyne; \at noht nolde gri\ie. and folk of many londe; wende a|ein mid Brenne. to \an Romanisse men; \at |am hafter come. = A+ + + + +(sehe Brennes) comen he(om to-|eines) (al \at) Romanisse fo(lke sette to fleonde) and hii |am ++(ter and many) \are fulde. Ac (wel manie \er) flo|en; to \e bor(h of Rome) and Brennes \e (r)++++ +++(te) wende after. = an(d) +++++ ++ bolde king; was in Alem++ne. Ferde he hadde inowe; m(o)chele and onimete. Bruttes and Walse; Scottes and Denisse. \ar was Gutlac \e king \at god was to neode. `o ihorden telle; \e ten \usend cnihtes \at weren icome fram Rome; \an kaiser to fulste. \at Brennes \e riche verde touward Rome. and hadde of hire cnihtes; manye hii-do to dea\e. nomen heom to reade; \at \anene hii wolden ride. riht touward Rome; ere Brennes \ider come. `at word com to Belyn; of Brenne his bro\er. hou he hadde itaken on; and al hou he hadde idon. An-o\er sonde \ar com; \at so\-liche him tolde. \at \e ten \usend cnihtes; \at weren in \an Alemanisse fihte. wolden a|en sone; faren touward Rome. = Belyn was swi\e wis; and warsipe him folwede. he hadde ma"n'y Alemain(s) mid hegge to-hewe. and (mo)nye he ladde ibunde; in bende alle isunde. He hadde t(w)+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + wi\ \+ + + + + + + + + (sp)ac and + + + + + + +(de) Hi-here + + + + +at ich |ou wolle ++++ +++ +ou habbe beine + + + + +onge bendes. + + + +(l)le\ do bi reade; + + + +olle gre\ie. mid ++++ clo+++ clo\i; and maki |ou riche. varen mid mi-seolfue. and frendes iwor\e. |ef |e me wolle\ leade \at conne \eos leode. riht to \ane weie \at we wite wel; ware \is Romanisse folk; for\ wolle\ ride. and we sollen wende; and wi\ ham fihten. slean houre onfrendes; and wenden after Brenne. and don al bi reade; and Rome bi-ligge. and \is ich |ou bi-seche; for houre bo\e neode. `e cnihtes weren wise; and grantede swi\e. = hii nome riht hire way; touward Muntageu. in one mochele sclade; \ar solde \eos o\er wende. = Belyn was bi \es hulle swi\eliche stille. `o comen li\e; \at weren Romleode. Bely"n' |am leop to bi-fore and bi-hinde. `e cnihtes weren on-wepned; \o hii solde fihte. hii wende to beon ++kere; \o Belyn king |am ++ ++hte. Ne nemen hii cwic nanne; ac alle (h)++ acwelde. for nadde Belin nanne cniht \at he nas \are kempe. ne neuere nanne sweyn ne cnaue; \at he nas wod in his lawe. = `at fiht bi-gan at mid-niht; and laste forte dai-liht. and so \ane day longe; hii wende ouer al \an hulles. and cwelden alle \e ilke; \at weren awei crope. Belyn a-morwe lette blouwe bemes; = Hii ride \o \ane wai; \at in-to Rome lay. after Brennes his bro\er; \at him bi-fore |eode. Brennes hit ihorde. and his bro\er abod. For\ iwende bei|ene; forte hii come to Rome. `e borh hii bi-leye mid hire stronge ferde. `at folk \ar wi\-ine; haht-liche fohte. Belyn and Brenne; |am bi-leie aboute. and \e o\er |am sote to; gares i-nowe. Ofte lette hot leod; glide on hire heued. stockes and stones; and swi\e hote stremes and riht wel iwereden \e walles of Rome. \at for alle \an craftes; \at hii wid-houte cou\e. ne for alle \an fihte; \at hire ferde makede. ne mihte hii of Rome-wal; no\ing awelde ac hii losede many \ousend; of hire gode manne. and hii torden ++am \e walles; wo was |am on heorte. `e kinges |am bi-\ohte; wat idon mihte. and seide |a(m) bitwine; Lete\ come sone. \e four and twenti children; \at we habbe\ in bende and do\ vp a wer-itreo; \ar-an hii solle hongy. and wreken \e false deades; of houre wi\er-iwinnes. and |et we sollen heom to go; wanne heom beo\ alre lo\est. `e forkes weren vp iset; \e childerne weren an-honge. \at hire faderes |am iseh|e; mid hire owene e|e. Wo was heom on heorte; \o hii sehte i-seh|e. Mid mou\e hii hit saide; mid heorte hii hit swore; \at \ar-fore hit solde beon; mochele \e worse. so \at for dea\e ne for lif; nolden hii neuere maken gri\ for \at weren \e richeste; and \e allere heheste. and \e readfulleste; \at wonede ine Rome. \at bi-fore hire e|en; bi-helde and i-seh|en. \at me hire childrene; heong on e|e trouwes. `e eorles weren for \anne; Gabius and Prosenna. In-to Lombardie hii weren iwend; after mancunne. = \at mid |am solde fihte; a|einst Belynes + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +(i)t br+ + + + + + + + to \e (m)+ + + + + + + +++ saide he(m to) + + + + + eorles come. i+ + + + nihte mid te(n) + + + + +tes. and mid f(e)+ + + + + of folke a fote. (`)+ + + + come bi-halues + + + + king a-cwell. (+nd B)++++++ his bro\er bei|ene to-gadere. ~if |eo me wolle\ ilefue; anon so hit his heue. sende\ vt cnihtes; and bi-ginne\ to fihte. and hare hit beo midniht; ich segge |ou for\-riht. come\ mid hire manne; Gabius and Prosenna. \at wolle\ |ou wor\liche a-wreke; of |oure wi\er-i-winne. A-non so \e dai was agon; \e |eates hii hopenede. leten vt cnihtes; and bi-gonne to fihte. so hii fohten alle niht; \at hit was dai-liht. `o com \ar fuse; oni-mete ferde. Gabius and Prosenna; mid mochele mancunne. vt of Lombardie; for fihte wi\ Brenne. and Brennes |am faht wi\; starcliche swi\e. and Belyn reesde; to \an Romanisse. and fohten swi\e; `e falle was onimete \ar was wo \at folle; Bruttes \ar fulle. Belyn and B+++ne; harm \are vnderf++++ + + + +(manis)se +++ (remden +++++n) (Wat) wold(e) + + + + + + and \es + + + + + + + wende ++ (mid fiht to) fallen hou(r. leode) (wen)de |e mid +(inne Rome bi)-winne. and + + + +(seo)lf riche; and + + + + (Ro)me. ~eo sollen + + + + +re blod; and ++++(e h++ lute)l god. == Belyn a(nd Br)ennes wende fram (\an) fihte. wid-ine one mochel dich; \at hii idolue hadde. \at hire folk mihte wel wonie \ar-ine. `ar-ine hii speken; \ar-ine hii rouneden. one lutel wile; ne laste hit noht a mile. and saiden \us b"i'-twine Here we habbe\ teone. ~if we hinne vare\ \us; alle hii wolle\ hafter vs and |if hit so bi-valle\; \at we hom wende. heortes we habbe\ sore; and same wor\ euere-more. Ac go we to wi\ sweorde; for alle hii beo\ for-loren. wreke we mid mansipe; houre gode cnihtes. for leuere vs his here mid mansipe falle; \ane we mid isund fare; houre cun to sonde. `e wile \at hi \us saide; and speke mid wordes. wen++ (\)e Romanisse \at Belyn ++++(e) wende. and saide (heom bi-t)++ne; in \are borh +(f Rom)e. Nou hii wolle\ hinne nolle\ hii na more fihte. ac Belyn and his bro\er; al hii \ohte an-o\er. Hii sende vt of Rome; cnihtes wel idone. fourti hundred to one he|e castle. to kepe Belyn king; and Brenne his bro\er. \at solde heom bi-fore beon; and hardeliche fihte. and \e o\er of Rome; ride heom bi-hinde and slean heom alle bi-twine; and wreken houre teone. `e cnihtes weren on fore; for vt of Rome. `o hehte Belyn king; and Brennes his bro\er. Of |oure hors a-li\te\; and vp |oure feot stonde\. and kerue\ |oure speres lang; and make\ heom to|e an strang. and we |ou wolle\ swerie; vppen houre swerdes \at we wolle\ |ou bi-fore; libbe o\er ligge. and euerech god man; hardi him-seolue. for her solle \e wel-donde; euere wor\e riche. Blouwe\ |oure bumes; flocke\ |oure ferdes. and make we of houre feres; fifti ferdes. and ouer eche ferde; anne cheueteine. \at |am makie bolde; and to-gaderes holde. an wenden to \an walle; on euerech(e halue) hi|endliche go we o(n for) alle we sollen wel d(on) (`o) blewe"n' hii hir. (bumes \at) hii of Rome iho(r)de a(nd hii) vt wende; swi\e ohte kempes `o iseh|en hii of Rome; Belyn and his bro\er. \o cleopede hi looude; ouer al Romleode. Nou fleo\ houre men; nou we solde to heom gon. Mid \an forme manne; vt wende Prosenna. Gabius him com after; mid fifti hundred cnihtes. mid al hire wepne; \at |am bi-ofde. `e o(\)er weren swihte; hire wepnen were lihte. hii leiden to-gadere; and lo\liche fohte. Weren hii of Rome alle ridende; \e o\re a-fote set heom to-|eines. and slo|en alle hire hors; \at hii wer alle afote. Gabius hii slo|en; Prosenna hii nomen. hii dude hire wille; of alle \an o\ere. alle hii slowen; \at hii neh comen. Hii breken Rome-walles in euereche halue. and wi\-ine wende; and \e borh nome. `us hii bi-wonne Rome; \e riche borh wel idone. \are hii funde mochel gold; and garisome onimete. Hii to-borste \e lokes; and drowe vt \e porses. \e palles \e purpres; \at wroht weren in boure. = (`ar w)as mani wrecche; (sone) iwor\e riche. alle \e (seoue)niht; his wille hadde (ech cniht) (of) + + + + + + golde (hi-noh) + + + + + Leten \(e) + + + + + + + \inges. (t)+ + + + + + + + rihte \e wa++(es) (\at we)+++ to-broke; in (\an mochele) fihte. H(i leten clembin on) heh; and cleopi(e to \an) +++++ \at \e kinges + + + + wolde speke w(i)+ + + + + \are hire (gri). +++ (ne) +++\e no man so wod \(at) of o\er maki(e) blod. no hehte ne wepne; bote he hit |iue wolde. And alle \e fleomes; \at hi-flowe weren. \at a|ein wolde come; \is kinges gri\ |erne. and bi-come \is kinges man; alse |e hiere\ greade. comen alle mid sibbe; and her hire lif libbe. and habben \e ilke lawes; \at stode bi hire eldrene dawes. And Belyn houre he|e king; hit bi-take\ Brenne. \at sal bleuen here; and beo |oure kaisere. and him-seolf wole wende; and |oure leue habbe. and hinene he wole bouwe into Brytaine. Mochel was \ar wepinge; \o Belyn \anne wende. ac alle hii weren ifreuered sone; for \are richedom of Rome. Brennes \ar abod king of Lombardie. and Belyn gan wende; into \isse londe +++ ouer al his castles. (mak+++ kine-wor)+ + + + + + + + (\e wal)+ + + + + + + + + + + (buld+ + + + + + + toures) (and so \+ + + + + londe mid worsipe he welde) (And Brennes w)elde Rome; fi(ften+ +ere) (\o) hendede Bren(nes wel was) Romleode \as. Heom +++(lf nom)en hire lond; and +++(ld hit on) hire owene hond borh and hire blisse; after \at Brenne dead was. And Belyn in \isse londe; makede lawes stronge. and lawes swi\e gode; \at bi his dawes stode. Belyn ferde to Wales; and one borh makede. vppen \an watere; \at Vske was i-hote. Of \an ilke flode; \e king his name funde. \e king hine lofuede; and Kair Uske hine cleopede. and su\\e he was i-hote Kairlyon; ich \e segge \orh \an. Bi feue |er \ar-after Belynes for\-fare. hii-horden \e men of Rome; of Belyn his dea\e. * and sayde \us bi-twine; Wile he dude vs teone. Nou his \e king ibured; Wreke |e |ou of Bruttus. in-to \an londe we solle fare; and bringen sor\e and mochel care. Hider hii gonne sende; of Romanisses hende. four ver"r'edene; \at we cleopie\ ferdene. \at weren in \an ilke dai|e; legions i-hote. weren in eche legiun \us fale kempes +++ (\usend and six hundred + + + +ti i-vere) (`eos comen + + +re of werre hii were+ wise) (hii +ude in \isse londe mochel harm swi\e) (and euere a \an ende hii weren i-sunde) (and eu)er-eche wynter; in Wales hii wonede. Hii bi-wonne \ane borh; \at Kair Vske was ihote. \ar-ine hii wonede; wintres and someres. For \eos ilke legiuns; hii hit cleopede Kairliuns. = Nou ich \e habbe ised hou hit his agon; of Kairliun in Glommorgan. Go we |et to Belyn to \an blisfolle kyinge. \o he hadde imaked \es borh; and hit cleopede Kair U(s)ke. `o \e borh was strong (a)nd hende; \o gan he \an(n)e wende. riht to Londe(n)e; \e borh he swi\e louede. He bi-gan \er ane tur; \e strengeste of alle \an tune. and mid mochele ginne; a |et \ar-hunder makede. \o me hit cleopede; Belynes|at nou and euere-more; \e name stonde\ \are. Leuede Belyn \e king; in allere blisse. and alle his leode; lofde hine swi\e. In his da|es was so mochel mete \at hit was onimete. = `e king leuede lange; \at hit com touward his hende (\at in L++dene he w++ ++++ sori was his leod+) (++ +++ heom on liue for \as ++++++ dea\e) (Hii nomen of ++s of garisom mochel deal of golde) (hii makede one tumbe of golde and of gimes) \ane kinge hii dude \ar-ine hire louerd Belyn(e) an(d) leide hine mid honure; he|e in \an toure. \at me mihte hine bi-holde ouer al \an londe. = `us ferde for\ Belyn kinge; su\\e com his sone Gorgwind Gorgwind Bertrich hehte his sone; \at was a god gome. \is was a witti man; and wisliche held his kin(e)dom. Se\te and pais he (l)ofuede; onsel\ he sonede gri\ he heold alse his fa(d)er; god mid \an beste. bote \at Dense men; his riht asoken. \at hii to Brutlonde; nolde more sende. gold no garisome; ne gauel of \at londe. Gorgwind hine bi\ohte; wat he don mihte. he sende his sonde wide ouer al his londe. he bannede folk; he |arkede ferde. mochel and grete mid folk onimete. Hii to sipe; and to londe heolde. ouer \ane salte streme has |am sel \ohte. In \an o\erne + + + + + + +(marche) + + + + + + + + +(d after) + + + + + + + +(auil of \+ + + + \at his fader hadde an hond) (\at Gutlac king) him |ef; mid (gode his wille) `o saide Gutl(ac his son)e; mid gram speche (~if mi fa)der dude his wi(lle +lse ich) wolle min(e) Far \ou (o)+ + +ne londe; |if \ou wolt libbe. `o was wro\ Gorgwind; \at was Bruttene king. Ware beo |eo mine cnihtes; ware beo |eo mine kempes. = Wende\ and herne\; and his lond for-beorne\. and alle \e men slea\; \at |e come\ aneh. and hire children and hire wif werpe\ in watere. and breke\ hire walles and berne\ hire halles. = and so hii solle hunder-stonde; \at ich ham louerd of \isse londe. and hii \at hahte |elden; to me alse to Belyn king. For\ wende \e ferde; alse \e king hehte. hii dude mochel harmes; mid he|ere streng\e. `e king of \an londe mid mochelere genge. com to-|eines Gorgwind mid he|e his streng\e. Hii fohten wonderliche i-noh; and Gorgwind Denemarches king of-sloh. and his Dense ferde; he fulde to \an grunde. Hii verden to \an borewe and al hii acwelden. \e betere and \e worse His men i bi-come. and o\es him swore. and al-so him |eue; \reo hundr(ed) hostages. a(n)d al so mo(chel) garisom; (so G)utlac king b(i)-hehte. \o B(ely)n hine freuerede; and a(ll)e his iueres And Gorgw++d a|e wende into \isse +++de. Alse he verde on his (way); bi on hende of O(rg)a(neye). he seh ine see-flode; (\r)itti sipes gode. of wepne (a)nd of wepmen. al grund-lade. = `ohte Gorgwind \ane king; her-of swi\e sellich \ing. wat \es sipes weren; \at hii iseh \are. He sende his sonde; and hehte him segge. wanene hii weren; and wat hii \a \are sohte. and |if hii wolden speke him wi\; and |erne his gri\. `o spac hire alre louerd; Gri\ of him we |erne\. = Hii to-gadere comen; and gri\ hii nomen sone. `o saide Pantilaus; and to Gorgwind he spac \us. We beo\ see-weri men; mid wedere al for-dreuen. Ich hote Pantilaus; and \ou hart louerd ouer vs. we beo\ in \ine lond icome; \ine lawes we louie\. and vs alle \ou miht welden; after \ine wille. Of Spaine ich was vt idreue; and al mi drihliche folk. swi\e mochel we habbe\ isoht; bi \is see-rime. a lond \e vs were icweme; an for to libbe. ne ma|e we hit ifin(d)e; for neuere none (\ing) = (W)e habbe\ ihaued (man)y burst; mochel hunger and \orst. = Nou we bidde\ \in ore; na mawe hit dre|e more. and |if hit were \in wille; and \ou hit don woldest. to |iuen vs on hende; of \ine kine-londe. we wolde \ine men beon; \ine ma"n'sipe he|en. and we \"e' lofuie wolle\; euere to houre liue. `o answerede Gorgwind; \at was Bruttene king. Nelle ich noht so don; ac |oure man-radene ich wolle vnderfon and |ou ich wolle sende; in-to one londe. = And solle\ habbe lodes-men; for\ |o(u) to lede. and ich |ou wolle leone; of mine folke; four hundred cnihtes; \e gode beo\ and wihte. Hii sollen |ou \at lond bi-teche \ar |e sollen libbe. = Gorgwind heom sende; in-to Yrlonde. \ar nas neuere her no man su\\e Noe his flod hit hadde ouer-gon. And Gorgwind for\ wende; into \isse londe. and Pantelaus in-to Yrlonde; and \ar him king makede. = And lawes he sette stronge; his folk for to stewe. for h(ii) h(a)dde in \an see mochel w(o)we isoffred. fulle seoue |ere; hii mis-fe"r'de \ere. Hire clo\(es w)eren iwered; and vuele (hii weren) igered. nakid hii were (and) no\ing ne rohte. \oh hire lemman sehe; al \at were bi \e|e. \us hii ladde hire la|es; and \us hit laste lange. And Gorgwind in \isse londe; (l)euede in blisse. and he heolde god gri\; \e wile \at laste his lif. in Kayrliun he was dead; sori was his do|e\e. Ane sone he hadde; Gwencelyn ihote. He heold \is kine-lond; after his fader dai|e. `eos was \orh-vt alle \ing; cleane man and god king. he ladde swi\e god lif; and he hadde a god wif. Marcie (\e c)wene; me hire cleopede. nou and euere-more; his tockne of hire here. `e cwe(ne) lofuede anne craft; |eo was in boke wel itaht. |eo lofuede hire lore; leofliche on heorte. of hire wisdome sprang \at word wide. \at |eo was swi\e wis; of wor(l)iche domes. `o makede |eo one la|e; and sette amang \an folk. `o \e la|e was i-wroht. hin writ to londe he was i-broht. Bruttus cleopede \e la|e; after hire leafdi. to so\e wi\-vte wene; \e l(a)|e hatte Marciene. Seo\\en \er-after mani hundred winter. com Alfret \e (kin)g Engelon(de)s deorling. and wor\te (\e l)a|e an Englis alse he was (ra\)er on Bruttus. and torn(d)e \e name in his dai|e an(d) hehte (h)ire Marchene la|+ +c ich \e segge \orh alle (\++g) ne makede hire noht (Alfret \e) king ac hire makede (\e c)wene; \at me Marcie cl(eop)ede and Alfrit hire makede an Englis; \at his \at so\e foliwis. Hadde \es wise cwene; bi hire worliche kinge; one lutelne sone; Sullius i-hote. nafde he children na mo; \ar-fore was \e cwene wo. Nadde \is child Sullius; bote seoue |ere. \o his fader was dead; and his men blefde. His moder nam to hire lond; al \isne kinedom. and hire sone wiste; wel mid hire-seolue. `o \e sone was so hold; \at he was on horse bold. \o makede |eo hine king; \an folk hit was i-cweme. He was a wel god man; and softe wolde libbe. ne liuede he noht half his life; \at he ne makede his dea\-si\. Hee blefde here twei sones; after his dai|e. `e eldre hehte Rummarus; \e |eongere Damus. Rumarus was erest king; and (su)\\en Damus hit afeng `eos Damus in his dai|e; hadde a lemman hende. he hadde bi \are wimman; (o)ne swi\e ohte man. Morbidus ihote; strengest of (all+ m++cunne) = Morbidus \is + + + + + + + (to) his (owe)++ ++++ ++++(t) he was + + + + + + (bote he wa)s to + + + + = (Wa)ne he were wr++ +++ (eni m)an; anon he (wolde) hine slean. nere he noht so riche cniht; \at he ne solde deai|e riht. were hit riht were hit woh; in \e stude he hine sloh. and so sone so he were glad; he dude al \at me hine bad. Ac hit was mochel harm; of one manne hende. \at \orh his wra\\e; his wit was i-wemmid. In \an ilke time; com \e Duck of Morayne. in-to \isse londe; folke to harme. ferde bi \an see-brimme. and mani harmes wrohte = Hafter see he wende to Nor\humberlonde. \are he gan bulde castel swi\e stronge. al aboute \at lond; he nam to his owene hond. Morbidus \e bolde; war\ him a-bolwe. and sende ouer al his er\e; and somnede ferde. and com to \an ducke al bi li\te of daie `ar was mani bold Brut; and mani cnihtes wro\e. \ane duck hii "f'ohten wi\; and sone hine ouer-come. = He tornde to flende; and hii him after wende. `are he sloh \ane duck; and al his leode. = mid swi\e stronge fihte; and \at was mid rihte. and alle \e he funde; amor|e in \an londe. o\er mid fure he lette heom slean; o\er cwick he lette heom flean. Me hit seide mid muh\e; \aie \at hit isehe. \at Morbidus mid his honde; and mid his e|e streng\e. seoue hundred he sloh; so wod he was in fihte. He lette makie one dich; swi\e wid and swi\e deap. and he lette al \at wal wearpe \ar-ine. `o held he one stunde; \is lond mid i-sunde. = Onder \an come tidinge; selcu\ to londe. and hit was sone hi-cudde; to Morbidus \an kinge. \at was icome of \are see; a deor swi\e sullich. framward Yrlonde; hider com li\e and mochel wo hit dude to \an poure folke. Ofte in one daie; an hundred hit a-fulde. and eft hit wende; to his owene denne. === \at folck a-wei fle\; on euereche halue. `e king \is ihorde; and sori was on heorte. \iderward he wende; him-seolue to harme. toward \an deore; \are he dea\ featte. `o he com so for; \ar "\e' deor wonede. \o hete he al his folk; fare to one borewe. and bad |am \ar abide; and he wolde one ride. For\ he gon wende; and wepne mid him ladde. = one bo|e swi\e strong; swerd and spere swi\e longe. = for\ he gan wende; touward \ane ende. \ar he horde segge; \at \e best wonede. So longe he verde; \at he hit funde. and he lette him fuse to; flon swi\e kene. an alle him to sende and su\\e him for\ wende. he verde vpon his stede; alse he wolde a-wede = He grop his spere stronge; \ar hit was ipiht in londe and he hernde to \an deor and smot hit on \an sweor \at hit sone fulle a-bac; and \e scaft a two brac. And \at deor vp astod; and resde to \an deore stede. hand for-bot him \e breost; \at \e longene and \e liure folle to \an grunde. And \e king droh his swerd; \at he louede swi\e. and (\)++ deor he smot a-non. oueno(n) \e hefd-bon. \at \e swerd in held; and to-brac a mi(d)de. And \at deor vndude (his) choules; and for-bot \ane king a midde + + + + \e kin(g) + + + + + + + \e ilke (m)+ + + + + fol; \at n(i)m(e\) + + + + +ue. more \an he (ma)++ +++ don; for \ar-after (he) + + + == `is folk was swi\e sori (for) \es kinges wowe. and eke hii weren bli\e; for dea\e of \an deore. `e king hadde fif sones; bi his ho|ene cwene. `e eldest hehte Gorboniam; \at was a bold man. Argal hehte \e o\er \at was Gorbonia"m' his bro\er. `e \ridde hehte Elidur; \e fer\e Ingenes. \e fif\e Peredur. `e eldest Gorboniam iwar\ king in \isse lond. King Gorboniam was sohfast; and swi\e wel i-\euwed. redful an riht-wis; and of mete hende. He heold \is lond stille; al after his wille. mid treusipe gode; \e wile hit ilaste. `o he dead was in Londene me hine leide. = `ar-after com \e o\er; \at was Argales bro\er. = `es was forcou\est man; \at euere hadde kinedom. onriht him was lef; and alle riht him was lo\. wose hadde richedom; he hi(ne make)de wrecche. his god(e m)en he hatede; \e lu\e(re) he louede. al his moting; was of soche \inge. == `us ladde Argal his lif; forte (c)om his dea\-si\. To-gade(r)e come \e riche men; \at he|e weren and mihti. and makede hire speche; mid mochelere wre\\e Plihte"n' mid honden; \at hi alle wollde. Argal hire king; driuen vt of londe = and nimen \an o\er Elidur his bro\er `is was \e \ridde; hii onder-fonge hine mid sibbe and mak"ede' hine to kinge. \at his a cniht kene. and he was of his speche to eche man imete. wi\ gode he was dohti; and sterne wi\ \an dusie. Argal was idriuen vt; and sori was on heorte. he verde in-to mani lond; and fo"n'dede \e leode. he bi-sohte mani king; and mani kaisere. = he bi-sohte al \at folk; \ar he for\ eode. \at hii him holpe to his mochele neode. mid streng\e o\er mid ginne; his lond to bi-winne. Ne mihte he neuere finde man \at him wolde helpe. == Wo was Argal \e king; and sori on mode. sorhful on heorte; for his mochele harmes Argal hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. \at he wolde a|ein fare; and fondi his bro\er. and ware (he) mihte of his men; eni grace finde Hit was fif winter \at he was vt fleme. = He in wonder wise; com to \isse londe wi\ his owene cun; he hine oncu\ makede. ne cnew hine no man; \at hine heer hi-seh|e hadde. He axede \at folk; after hire kinelouerd. and hii \ane king tahte; war he was an hontinge. mid his ivere; in \an wode of Kaletere. `ane king he i-mette; and faire hine grette. Louerd king cwa\ Argal hol be \ou and i-sunde. `ou hart mi bro\er Elidur; edi wor\ou euere. ne der ich noht hit kenne for \eos londes menne. \at ich euere king were leste hii me cnewe. ac ich bidde \in ore nou and euere-more. `o cwa\ Elidur \e king; \i come his me icweme. To his bro\er he "com' and loueliche hine custe. so \at Elidur \e king; wep mid his e|ene. = He lette his bro\er leode; lofueliche and stille. in-to one castle; Clud was ihote. and lette hine ba\ie; and beddie va"i're. and di|enliche hine bi-witie; and his na(me) deorne. Wo ihorde euere segge; a sa|e o\er spelle. \at euer eni bro\er; dude (\us) bi o\er. ase Elidur \e king; dude for Argale. `e king hine b(r)eid seac; ase hit so\ were. = and sende his sonde; ouer al his kine-lond. and (l)ette la\ien him to alle his cnihtes. mid worde and mid write; he dude |am alle to wite. \at ne mihte he no lengere; libben an er\e. ac of |am he wolde habbe read; for hi"|'enliche a wor\ dead. and "h'i him radde; ware he mihte li"gg'e. Come \eos cnihtes; to \is kinges borewe. and \are to-gadere; hii helde gret speche. `e king and his bro\er; weren in hire boure. \ar hii hadden wel iheote; and \ar-hafter idronke. `e king |eode to bedde and his bro\er hudde. and mid him \e lofuest men \at he hadde on lifue. fourti gode cnihtes; mid brunie wel idiht. mid swerde and mid sealde; ase hii to fihte solde `e king lai in his bedde; ase he ne mihte libbe. in-to \are borh he sende word; bi one of his cn(ih)tes. and hehte his (fo)lk stillokere talie. for his (h)eued hock so swi\e; \at he ne m(iht hit \o)lie. = He lette witi(e h)is dores; \at no (man n)e solde in come. = bote \e king mid his sonde; after him s(e)nde. `e king aros of b(e)dde; and one brunie caste on rug++ and nam on his ho(n)de; one wepne stronge. and cleopede to boure Argal his bro\er. And nemen hire sonde; and after on eorl sende. \at he an hi|enge; come to \an kinge. So sone so he to boure com; \e king him-seolf hine nom. and him leop to; alse he hine wolde for-do. and him a-boute vrne; cnihtes swi\e sterne. alse hii wolde mid honde al hine to-hewe. `us seide Elidur \e king; Nou ich \e wolle cwelle. bote \ou beo stille; and do al mine wille. `o answerede \e cniht; Ich wolle don alle riht. Bi-com her \anne mi bro\er man; |if \ou wolt \i lif habbe. `is Argal \e king his; \at of lond was i-flemid. \at his nou\e a-|ein icome; his kinedom to habbe. `eos eorl swi\e stille; dude al \e kinges wille. and su\\e \e king hine lette don; in one deorne boure. and one cniht erne after on o\er eorle and al-so he \ar a-gan; ase \e o\er hadde idon. (`)us dude Elidur \e king; bi alle his eorles. = (`)o dude he an-o\er; nam he (his) bro\er. mid mochelere (bl)isse; to borhwe hine brohte. \ar weren alle his cnihtes; i-somned to-gadere. To-fere al \an folke; \e croune he nam an honde. and sette on his bro\er heued; and hafde hine to kinge. = `at vuel he al for-lette; \at gode he hi-mette. he i-war\ swi\e milde; to |onge and to holde. and in alle \inge foliwis. he i-war\ riht-wis. = `us he leuede ten |er; and su\\e bi-com on-ver. So \e king seac lay; \reo wike and on dai. ne mihte he \ar-of beo hol; ac dead i-war\ Argal. `o comen al \eos leode; to speche to-gadere. and nemen Elidur to king; mid he|ere blisse. === Ingenes and Peridur; ise|en \at Elidur. was eft king iwor\e. Hii somnede moche folk; of many kinnes manne and ladde hire ferde; ouer al \is er\e. To-gadere com Elydur; Ingenes and Peridur. starcliche hii fohten; and slo|e hire cnihtes `o sette in \an fihte Elidur to flende. and his bro\ers after; mid al hire mihte Ingenes and Peridur; neme \an king Elydur. and ladde hine to Londene; sori on heorte. In one swi\e stronge tour; hii dude \an king Elydur. mani |er and mani dai; \e king in \ane tur lay. and his twei bro\eres. \is lond bi-twine |am dealde. Ingenes hadde half \is lond riht bi \are Vmbre. al \ane su\ hende; he held in his honde. and Peredur bi nor\e al to his hond(e). and sone \ar-after al to-gadere. for Ingenes ne lefuede; bote soue |ere. Peredor nam to his hond; al \isse kinelond. and he iwar\ swi\e lu\er; and lo\ alle his folke. `o com \e feorl(i)che dea\; and fulde hine to grunde. `o come(n) alle \eos cnihtes; to Londene for\-rihtes. = and nemen Elidur; \ar he lay in \e tour. and dude \er a selcu\ \ing; |et makede hine king. `o i-war\ he so dohti; so \e dai brihte; alle folke he dude riht; wel was \is lond idiht. ine blisse he lifuede; his folke to mur\e. and \o he solde of lifue wende; he hadde fair ende. `o com his bro\er sone; Gorbonianes \at was \e formeste; of \an fif bro\ers. \at was ihote Lador; king he was imaked. and Lador ne lefde; bote lutel wile. After him com Morgan; Argal \e kinges sone. a |er he heol"d' \is kinelond; and su\\e he dea|ede. Annaurus hehte \o\er; \at was Morganes bro\er. \eos weren Argales sones; \es weren kinges. `eos Annaurus heold \is lond; folke to harme. == wi\ alle men he was wi\erward; \e Feonde hine lofuede. and his owene priuemen; he hatede to dea\e. No\eles a \an ende; of his londe hi hine flemde. == mid sorewe and mid sore; ne com he here na more. To-gadere com \e hehste; eorles of \is londe. and chosen Ingenes sone; of Peredur his kunne i-come. = Iwallo hehte \e king; he was god \orh alle \ing. wel he dude in deade; after his heldre. of alle gode \eues; of alle god-nisse. = Ac hit was a deolful \ing; \at he ne moste leng beo king. no lengere \ane seoue |er; ne moste he libbe her. dead was Iwallo \e king; sori was his leode. Su\\e was Rim king; Peredu"r' his deorling. = Su\\e com Gorontes; sone Elydures. Su\\e was Catillus his fader was Gorontes. Su\"\e' com Coillus; his bro\er was Catulus. Su\\en com Porex an Keryn; \at were of \an ilke cun. = Ac Keryn lefde lange; ine \isse londe. `e o\er six kinges; \at her weren in londe. ne lefde non here; fulle seoue |ere. ac lange lifde Keryn; mochel he drong me\ and win. = \at al he leos his worsipe; \orh his mochele dringe. = Sulliche \inges; weren of \es kinge. = \at neuere onleode; ne sohte his riche. ac \is lond was in paise; ifulled mid gode. `o com \e ilke dai; \at \e king dead lay. \o hadde he \reo sones; bi his he|e cwene. \e eldest hehte Fulgenius Aldus and Androgus Ac fol lutele wile; lifuede \eos ilke. ech "of' |am one stunde; was king in \isse londe. ac wi\-ine four |er; alle hii weren deade. = After |am Vrian king was in (\)iss(e) lond. he was Androgus (sone); wisdom he louede. (on |er) he lifuede; and su\++ ++ dea\ \olede. After (kin)g Vrian; was Elyud (his) kinesma"n'. `o com +(l)edaus. Dohten. and Gur(gus)tius. `es \reo kinges; heolde \eos \eode. = ac no god hii here ne dude; \e wile \e hii were alifue. After heom com Merian; he was a swi\e fair man; == \at wimmen hine louede vt of hire witte. \ar-of he nam |eme; hit nas him noht icweme. ac he loue"de' his cwene; efre bi his lifue. After him com his sone; Bledo ihote. == Su\\e was Cap. and O\eyn; Bla\gabarat and Sullium. == Bla\gabarat was king ihote of alle manere note. == he cu\e alle \e songes; of alle kunne londes. = Of him was mochel speche; ouer al \e worle-riche. so \at al \at mankun; \at of him horde telle. seide \at he was king; of alle craftes. Euere was \e "king' glad; & euere he game louede. and \us he ladde his lif; wile \at he lifuede. Su\\e was his bro\er king; Archinaus. ihote. he hit heold seoue |er; ine blisse he wone"de' her. Su\\en was his sone king; \at onselliche lifuede. Deld(ol was) ihote; his deades w(eren) cou\e. Nas \ar non so god wif; \ar \e he lifde his lif. |if |eo were fair and fore; \at he ne makede hire hore. = \e |ong and \e holde; he makede to sconde. For \isse onwreste; al men him hatede. = After him com Redion; and heold \isne kinedom. = Su\\e hadde hit "his' bro\er; lasse wile \ane \e o\er. Su\\e com on \at lifde wel; \at hehte Samupensel. in his lifue he was so riche; alle o\er oniliche. Su\\e com Caper. and Pir; \at "hadde' heer so gold wir. ===== Su\\e Caper his sone Hely; hit heold |eores four an twenti. o\er wile he heold gri\; o\er wile me faht him wi\. He was a strong gome; and he streonede \reo sones Lud was ihote \e on; he was swi\e hoht man. \e midleste Cassibilanus; \e |eongeste Nemnius. After Hely king hadde \is lond Lud his sone swi\e long. \es was swi\e strong king. a(nd) o(nimete) kene. and he (was swi\e riche) for r(ea)des he louede. He verde ouer al his kinelond; and makede ech borh strong. castles makede Lud \e king (ac Londe)ne he louede \orh (alle \i)ng. `e |et \at Lud king hadde \is lond; Londene hehte Trinauant. and of castles nas \ar no\ing; bo(t)e \e tur \at makede Belyn king. alse \es bock telle\; bi-fore in his spelle. Lud king makede \ane wal; aboute Londene oueral. \at euere su\\e haue\ i-(last); and so he wole longe He lette bulde \e halles swi\e wel mid alle. he hehte echne riche man; \at he his heahte dealde atwo and neme \at halfendele; and god woning him makede. and alle \e onstrong men; \ane borh he dude wi\-houte. = He leide adun \ane name; and nemnede hine after him-seolue. and cleopede hine Kay"r' Lud; and oueral hit lette cu\i. `at he dude al for \an; \at \ar-after solde mani man. wan \e king were dead; speken of his workes. Su\\e \ar com oncu\ folk; faren to \isse er\e. and nemnede (\e)os borh Londen; in hire (le)od-wise. `ar-after come S(ax)isse men (an)d Lu(n)dene h(it) cl(eopede) (\e) ilke name ilaste (lange) ine \isse londe. `ar-after c(o)me Normains; mid (hire n)i\-craftes. and h(ehte) hit Lundres; folke ++ +++me. `us his al \is lo(nd) ifare; \orh oncou\ fo(lke) \at \is lond habbe\ iw++ne; and eft idriuen h++ne. An eft bi-|ete hit o\er oncou\e leode. and aleide \e olde names; of \is he|e borewes. = so \at nis her borh non; in \issere Brutayne. \at hire names holde\; \at me erest sette. `us gan \is lond wende; \at com \eos kinge ende. Lvd \e king iwar\ dead; in Londene me hine leide. \ar weren eorles swi\e wate; and leide hine hat Ludes gate. \at me cleope\ |iet iwis; Por\-lud in Bruttis Su\\en come from Englisse men wel wate; and cleopede "hit' Loudesgate. and so hit haue\ longe; in \ane name at-stonde. `o weren \ar two children; Ludes sones \es kinges \e eldre hehte Androgius \e |eongere Teunancius. `es childrene were lutle; \o hire fader de|eade. `o com hire fader bro\er; Cassi(bi)lane. and i-war\ him-seolf king; (an)d \eos childrene wel bi-wiste. = `eos Cassibilane was god king; and wel bi-loued \orh alle \ing. = (He se)tte fai(re) \eues; ine \is (londe) = `eos ch(i)ldren wox (a)n hond; \at hii mihte ++(ld)e londe. \e king heom +++ (g)ode; tweie eorldomes (A)ndrogius him was leofere; +++fore Londene he him |ef. +++ al Kent \ar for\ mede; him for to cweme. and Teu(n)anciu"m' he hehte; to Corn(w)ale wende. and freoliche \eos twei bro\ers; holde \ai eorldomes. bote \at hii solde \ane king; for louerd icnowe. = Wile hii weren \us seahte; \is lond wel verde. = and \o iwor\e wro\e; hit was sone \e worse. so \at Romleode; com to \issere \eode. and setten truage in \isse lond; bo\e seoluer and gold. \e neuere her on lifue; ne dorste hii hider li\e. ne axi king of \isse londe; |ield in-to Rome. `o was hit bi-valle in \at dai|e; alse ich soh segge may. \at Iulius. Cesar was iwend; mid onimete ferde. fram Rome into France; He was swi\e iwra\\ed Alle \e londes he bi-w(an \at he mid) e|e(ne) lo(kede) an (he \ohte) to bi-winne mi(d streng\e) and mid ginne. (al) \e (mid)deler\es lond to his o(w)ene (h)ond. Ac he ne mihte h(it) do(n) al \e worle onderfo(n). ac \e \ridden dea(l) he awan; of \isse worle-riche. ==== He makede \ane kalender; bi wam geo\ al \e |er. he sette fale domes; \at |et beo\ in Rome. Awei \at euere soch man; in-to helle "solde' gon. Iulius wende of Rome; mid folke wel idone. he verde ouer Lombardie; so he dude ouer Montagu. he awan Lorenne and Boloyne; France Aluerne and Gascoyne. Peyto Normandie and Britayne; and Loueine and Alemaine = In-to Flandres he verde; and makede his sip-ferde. = `e dai was wel bri\t; and \e sonne |ef hire li\t. and Cesar wende in Flandres lond; wandrenge bi see-strond. `at weder was swi\e li\e; and he \is lond a-kende. `o saide Iulius; and wi\ \an folke he spac \us. Wat his \at ilke lond; \at ich i-se mid e|ene. for ouer see-strem; Fair hit me \inche\. A wis man \ar was; \at to \an king saide. `at his on illond; of alle gode hit his strong. \at Brutus erest a-wan; after \an flode. \ar his fis \ar fowel; \ar beo\ men kene. * Brutayne hit hatte; \at lond \at \ou bi-holdest. `o spac Iulius Cesar; he was swi\e wis and war. Wel ich wot wat Brutus was; for mine bokes segge\. alle we come of one cunne; alse ich in boke finde. Vre eldre were in Troye; \ar hii teone \olede. in \an mochele fihte; mani \usend \ar folle. `o iweren ouercome; \o wenden hii wide. for to finde some lond; ware hii mihte libbe. `ar-on Brutus bicom; and al his lif he wonede \ar-on. `anene come \e kinges; \at were wonder kene. Belyn and Brenne; \at Rome bi-wonne. Hii foruerde Rome; \e borh wel idone. hii neme of \an londe; richedomes stronge. = `is dude Belyn and his bro\er; ac nou \ar his an-o\er. Ich hatte Iulius Cesar; her-fore his min heorte sor. \at hii min eldre; dude sochne same. Ac nou ich wolle sende; in-to \an londe; to witen of \an hehste; |if hii me wolle\ bouwe and |if hii me wolle\ sende; gauil of hire londe. for |if hii wolle\ |eorne gri\; nelle ich |am fihte wi\. Loke\ me tweie wise men; \at wel conne of speche. and bi-teche\ heom \is writ; \at his fol wel idiht. and grete wel Cassibilane; \ane king of B(ri)tayne. `us spac \at writ; \at hii bere on (hon)de. Ich ham Iulius C(es)++ \at of Rome ham ico++ her. ~if \u wolt |eorne gri\; nelle ich \e noh+ +++te wi\. And hi|enlich(e) +++de gauil of \ine lon(d)e. and \ou \i-seolf mi man bi-come; and for kayser me holde. for al hit his min owene; \at ich i-se mid e|ene. Cassibilane \is writ bi-heold; and warp hit to his fote. he was wonderliche wro\; for \es tidinge him was lo\. A writ he lette makie; mid mochelere wre\\e. al wi\-houte gretinge; sende Cesar \ane kinge. `at writ to \an kayser com; and \is was \ar-an idon. Seollich vs \inche\ Cesar; of \e \at hart so wis and war. \at \ou \enchest beon kaysere of alle cwike manne. `ou hart icome of Rome; \ine wordes beo\ store. Vs \ou host |elde; ac ne salt \ou \ar-fore |elpe. `i-seolf hart swi\e gripel; \ine cni\tes beo\ |ifre. \ou \enchest to sette in \ine hond; al \e middiler\e lon"d'. We beo\ in on illond; in \e worle hende at-stonde. \at Brutus ++wan; and we wonie\ \ar-on. and freoliche we hit holde\; wi\ alle worle-kin+++ And we nolle\ \e ne(uere) sende; gauel of vre (londe) for |if \ou were so (wis); so ich wende \at \ou (we)re. \anne woldest \ou (hon)derstonde; \at we beo\ in vre londe. freo and al so cleone; so \i folk of Rome. for vre eldre of Troye flo|en; of one cunne we beo\ icome. \in eldre and vre; at Troye weren iuere. Nou \ou me miht ilefue; bote \ou vs bi-leue. \ou salt of Bruttes; mochel care habbe. === for vre eldre a-wonne Rome; \at \ou an woniest. = For-\i \ou hahtest me |elde; truage of \ilke londe. for \ou hit holdest mid onriht; \at nis noht wel idiht. = Cesar iseh \is writ; and war\ him a-bol|e. = and cleopede his cnihtes; \at gode weren to fihte. Lete\ |arki mine sipes; nou we so+++ wende. = and nimen \ar \is londes king and cwic hine for-berne. and bi-|ete al \at lond; to vre owene hond. Sixti sipes he makede; onimete grete. \eos weren alle newe; strong and wel trewe. of lasse sipes \ar were so fale; \at nuste no man \e tale. = Hii verde fram \an stronde; into \isse londe. hii comen to hauene; in \are Temese. = Sone come \e tidinge; to \isse londes kinge. and he hit lette cou\e; ouer al his londe. \at Cesar was hider icome; and ware he hadde \e hauene inome. Cassibilanes \e king; was war \orh alle \ing. he wiste wel of hire come; \e hauene of Douere he hadde inome. `ar lay mid his ferde; \e king of \isse er\e. \ider com tidinge \at was sor; \at hi-come was Iulius Cesar. Mani was \e kempe \at was mid Cassibilane. and he hadde one stiward; \e wiseste man of \an er\. Belan he was ihote; cniht mid \e beste. == `e king hadde his bro\er sones; beine to-gadere. \at was Androgius; and his bro\er Teunancius. bro++rs weren beie him bi-fore; eorles swi\e bolde. Nemniu(s) was \eos kinges bro\er; nadde he non o\er. He verde vt of Cantilburi; mid bo(ld)e his ferde. Andr(o)gius o(f Lo)ndene; mid Kentisse (fo)lke. T(e)unancius of Cornwale; his kempes weren kene. {ridius \e k(i)ng; his Scottes he ladde. and Britahel com to neode; king of Nor\ Wales. and Gwertacet \e modie; mid his Su\ Walse. Com of Galeweye; Essil \e gode. and of Moraine mani speres kene. of alle \isse \eode; come to \ilke neode. to Cassibilane; king of \isse londe. And \ane king lerede; alle \eos kni\tes. \at he his freosipe; mid fihte bi-wonne. and he saide riht \ar; fihte he wolde mid Cesar. = For\ward he verde; and his folk fusde. to \are see hii wende; and Cesar \are funde. Of hire come was war; Iulius Cesar. he cleopede to his cnihtes; Grei\eh ow to fihte. for nou his mid ferde icome Cassibilane. Hii smiten to-gadere; mid hire speres longe. mid axes mid swerdes; mid kene speres ordes. hardeliche hii hewen; helmes \ar |ollen feondeliche hii fo\te; (cnih)tes \ar folle. And Cesar \e kayser was onimete ken(e) his longe swerd he (v)t dro\; and mani man \ar-mid sloh. he swang in \an fihte; \at he le\erede a swote. He sl(o)h \at him neh were al boute (ve)re. he dude \ar moche wo+der; him-seolf sloh an hu+dred. = `at iseh Androg(i)++ and cleopede his hea(m Nem)nius. and beine \e e(orles) wende to-gaderes. m(id) swi\e mochele folke; (to)-gadere stode faste. Hi(i se)|en hou Iulius Cesar; fah(t) alse wilde bor. and hii him to wende mid starliche fihte. and manie of his cnihtes; hii fulde to \an grunde. `o iseh Nemnius war feht Cesar Iulius. and he to him resde; mid his kene swerde. vppen \an helm he hine smot; \at \e swerd in bot. Sel-cu\ hit \ohte; maniane cnihte. \at he dorste comen him neh; for \e kaiser was so heh. Iulius Cesar ne spac no word; ac he breid vt his swerd. and Nemnius he smot \o; vppen \an helme so. \at hit in wende; and \at heued bledde. ac he ne spac word non; for he was cniht wel idon. And Iulius mid \e seolue (b)re\; his gode sweord vp (he)of. and Nemnius pulte vp his scelde. and sette bi-twine a(n)+ Iuliu(s) adoun smot; +++ ++t sweord (in) \e sceald +++ ++(li)us hit wr(e)ste; +++ ++(t sweo)rd st(e)kede faste. (Iulius \at) sweord heold; (and) Nemnius \(a)ne sceald (and l)onge \us i to|ede; (\at s)werd ne mihte he (habb)e. `is iseh Androgius; (hou) ferde Cesar and nem+++s. and he to wende; +emnius to fulste. `o iseh Cesar; tidinge \at was sor. he for-lette \ane brond; \o nadde he noht on his hond. and he \o swi\e tornde to flende. Nemnius wende in \ane feld; and he tornde his sceld. and droh vt \ane brond \o was he swi\e bold. Mani Romanisse mon; mid \ane sweord he leide a-dun. he was mani mannes bane; and manie he dude same. Al \at he mid \an sweorde smot; \ar-riht hit abod. = \orh \es swerdes wonde; hii folle to \an grunde. Alle dai was \at fiht; forte hit were dorcke ni\t. Iulius \e kaisere; mid al \an Romanisse here (w)ende fram \an fihte; al bi \uster nihte. to (he)rbor|e hii w(en)de v(p)pe \ar see-stronde. hii bi-lefde ligge twenti hundred cnihtes. = Cesar wende to his bedde; his men weren adradde. hine bi-wakede \are niht; twenti hundred cnihtes. = Iulius Cesar; iseh his mochele lure. = he aros to \are midniht; and bannede his cnihtes. and seide \at he wolde; faren fram \is londe. in-to Flandres he wolde; and \are he wolde abide. forte he iseh|e his time; \at he mihte eft come li\e. Hii verde for\-riht; to sipe al bi nihte. hii hadde swi\e fair weder; and wende in-to France. A-morwe \o hit dai was; \e king mid his folke. |arekede his ferde; and wende habbe ifohte. `o was \at Romanisse folk; hi-wende fram hire londe. \at ne funde hii neuer anne; of Cesares manne. `o weren Bruttus; bli\e in hire mode. mochel was \e blisse; \at hii makede mid i-wisse. ac sone \ar-after; sori hii were. and Cassibilane \e king was sori \orh alle \ing; for Nemnius his br(o\er) ne mihte finde bote. of his heued-wonde. ne \orh none lechecraft; ne mihte he lif habbe. Nas \ar non o\er read; bote Nemnius iwar\ dead and he was ileid; ine Londene. == mid mochele riche-dome; Bruttus hine burede. Nou \ou miht ihire sel-lich word; \e king nam \at ilke swerd. = and leide hit bi his bro\er; \orh wan his bane he hadde. Was \e stelene brond; swi\e brod and swi\e long. == hit was icleopid in Rome \us; \at his Crocea Mors. = `ar-mid \e kaysere; \retede eche londes here. for nas neuere \e ilke man; \at euere ibore were. \at of \an ilke swerde one swip hadde. so \at of his licame; one blodes drope sadde. \at he nere sone dead nere he noht so dohti. = `at word com to France; hou Iulius ifare hadde. and hou he was mid his ferde; i-flo|e fram \is er\e. `o weren \e Frence men; \ar-of glade. == and ech seide to o\er; Ne wor\e he neuere sele. \at nou o\er euere-more; bouwe to Cesare. \e Bruttus hine habbe\ ouer-come; and of hire londe idriue. Nolle we him na more bouwe; \ane dude Bruttus == \at habbe\ hine vt idriue; and isle|e his cnihtes. `is ihorde Iulius; \at \e Frence speken \us. and \at hii speke of \rete; and of prude eke. He wende ine France; mid mochele his ferde. alse he noht nuste; \at ++ (hi)m vuel wolde. he sen(d)+ ++++ ++ \at lond; to \an + + + + +tes. \at hii com(e h)++ ++ so cniht solde h(is louerd do) Alle hii comen; \ane (kaiser) custe. and alle hine g(rette) in hire grame deorn(e) (Iu)lius was swi\e wis; (and) war on his \onke. h(e lette) bringen him bi-fore; g(ari)some wel i-chose. \ar-of he |af \e hehiste; \at were him nexste. |iftes swi\e riche; of reode his golde. = mid \are |ift he heom ouer-com; alse him \ohte best don. = `o weren hii his frendes; \at her him lutel lofuede. Ware his nou \e ilke man; \at ne may mid mede beo ouer-come. = of mannes fo maki frend; wi\ lutelle |iftes. Nou spac Iulius Cesar; he was swi\e wis and war. Hercne\ mine Frence men; mine freo cnihtes. Ich wolle sende to Rome; to alle mine cnihtes. \at hii hi|enliche come to mi-seolue. for |et ich wolle wende; into Brut-londe. ====== `o answerede alle; \e cnihtes of France. Mid \e we wolle\ libbe; and mid \e we wolle\ ligge. = mid \e we wolle\ wende; to Cassibilane. = and wi\ him we sollen fihte; and wreken \ine cnihtes. (an)d a-winne al \at lond; and (se)+++ +++ in vre o|e ho(n)d. +++ ++(r) moste more to; ar al \is were ido. for alle hii weren sori; are hit so\ were. `o Cesar hadde \us idon; to Boloyne he wende. == He lette makie anne tour; wonderliche hende. he was swi\e fair and heh; \e see he stod swi\e neh. `e kayser hine let cleopie; Odres \e heh|e. == \ider let \e kayser come; his gold and his garesome. == In \ane grunde of \e tur mihte sitte; sixti hundred cnihtes. and \e toppe mihte wreie; on cniht mid his cope. ===== `o lette he wirche; sipes swi\e gode. six hundred; and sette heom in flode. `o \at worc was idon; and al \at bi-houede \ar-tou. \o seide \e kaiser; \at to Brutlond he wolde fare. for bi his cwike lifue; nolde he |am so bi-leue. Six hundred sipes gode; fusde in \e flode. and nuste no man \e tale; of o\er sipes smale for\-riht hii wende; into \are Temese. Nou \ohte Iulius Cesar; ac \ar he was to onwar. = he \ohte rowe so longe; forte he come to Londene. and \are he wolde vp fare; and fihte wi\ Bruttus. and iwinne al \is lond; to his owene hond. Ac nas hit noht so ilote; for him com mochel lette. ==== Bruttus nemen refteres; longe and rihte. mid hyre wel ibunde; and hi-sote in \an grunde. === and \eos reftres stode; hi-hud in \an flode. `o com Iulius Cesar; and her-of nas noht war. `at weder |am stra"n'gliche drof \at mani sip al to-rof. ===== `are weand to wondre; sipes two hundred. `o com Iulius Cesar; \at in his heorte was sor. hii souen vt hire lof; and leide to \an londe. and \aie \at after come weren \are sone. = Hii slo|en hire teldes; ofer al \e feldes. and menden hire cnihtes \at a-dronke weren. `o was \e king war Cassibilane; \at a londe was \e kaisere; mid alle his here. `o seide \e king Cassibilane. Wola bro\er Nemnius; \at ich \e cwic nabbe. and \at sweord Crocea mors \at \ou a-wonne in fihte == sikerliche mihte ich fare; and fihte wi\ \an kaysere. and |et we sollen wende; and fallen his leode. = He somnede onimete here; and wende to \an kaysere. and \us spac to his folke; and lofueliche saide. = Bi-\enche\ on Belyn \ane king; and Brenne his bro\er. hou hii bi-|ete Rome; mid hire riche ferde. = and \are-ine wonede; wel fale wintres. = And ich hou segge cnihtes; Rome his oure rihtes. \at nou halt Iulius Cesar; \at twie his icome her. = and hate\ ou so swi\e; \at awei a\enche\ ou driue. ~if |e lese\ \is lond; oueral |e wor\eh lo\e. Ac beo\ nou swi\e kene; |ou seolue to helpe. == a"n'd awelde we \ane kaysere; and al his Romanisse here. and aredde we oure lond; of \an Romleode. `o answerede alle; Wende we snelle. == Hii wende forte icome; \ar lay \at folk of Rome. and hii him to resde; mid he|ere streng\e. Lo\liche hii fohte; and Romanisse fulden. \ar Cesares folk; \ane grunde sohte. noht bi ten and twenti; ac bi mani \(o)usendes. So i fohte alle (day mani) dead weren. `o hit com to \are nihte; ne mihte Cesar na-more fihte. Cesar was swi\e wo; and bi-\ohte hine \o. \at he w(olde) in (\ilke) nihte; fl(eon ++ei) mid his cnihte(s) +++++s Cesar of his lure was war. lette blowe his beumes; an(d) banni his ferde. and lette loude cleopie; and oueral cu\i. = \at he wolde a-morw(e) wi\ Bruttus fihte. \is ihorde on Brut \at was \ar bi-side. and a-non riht com to Cassibilane. and seide \at Cesar; wolde |et wonie \ar. and a-morwe he wolde fihte; mid alle his cnihtes. == Ac wo-lawo wolawo; \at Cassibilane ner war \o. = He droh to on o\e"r' half; and tock to herbore|e. and \ilke nihte; a-redi were his cnihtes. = And Iulius Cesar; of his harme was war. and to \are mid-nihte; fleh mid his cnihtes. == and ladde in hire sipes; bo\e \e deade and \e cwike. mani stalewor\e cniht; bitere iwonded. = So iwende mid \an flode; to \ar tour of Odres. \ar was Iulius Cesar; in his (heort)e he hadde care. Amorwe \o hit was dai-liht; hit was (cu)\ for\rih(t) and eke iseid \an king(e) Ca(ssi)bilane. (h)ou (Iu)lius \e kaisere; w(a)s (fram) \isse londe i-fare. = \at (na)s \(a)r b(i)-lefued non of ++(m)leode. `o w(a)s \e king ++ (and) \(u)s he seide \o. Wo (w)or\e onread; for mani cniht \ou (m)akest dead. Wei \at ich nadde bi war; \at Iulius wolde wende. So\ saide \e man; \at \es sa|e tolde. ~if \ou ileues(t) ech man; selde s(a)lt \ou wel don. So ich wende \at \e sai|e; riht so\ were. \at me was to-niht i-told; "bi' an eorl swicfol and onbold. \at Cesar wolde nou to-dai; Brutlonde winne. o\er here mid swerde ligge to-hewe. and alle his i-veres \at mid him comen here. Nou was \is ilke i-seid; me to bi-swike. Weilawei weilawei; \at he his \us ifaren a-wei. And no\eles ich ham bli\e; for euere to oure lifue. we mawe ouer-sitte \is lond; are hii vs efte seche. for euere he may imune; \at we him here a-sende. for ligge\ her to-|ere; ten \usend of his ivere. wi\-houte his gode sipes; \at ine see adrongke Ware-fore ich \onki god; of his mochele worsipe. \at twie ich habbe \ane kaisere iflemid mid al his here. And nou ich wolle to Londene; \ane borh ich lofuie swi\e. and \ar ich wolle holinisse; to mine god holde. = `e king lette blowen; and banni his ferde. and hehte heom alle varen hom; and grei\i hire wedes. = and \ane dai a \reo wike; beon alle a|ein at Londene. = e(o)rles and \eines; cnihtes and sweines. and al \at freoliche folk; of Brutlondes er\e. \ane dai onder-nime; and to Londene come. mid soche riche-dome; alse he were at Rome. `e king bi-gan seruise; in eche kinnes wise. hafter \ane lawe; (\)at stod in \an ilke dawe. `ar weren in \an temple; ten \ousend manne. == = and ech bar an honde; ane tapere bernende. = and \e king hadde his kine-helm; hehliche on his heued. Bi-fore \an wefde; a fur was imaked. \e king warp |iftes \ar-in; and su\\e \e hehste mid him. = And \onkede his god Appolin; \e mochele worsipe \at he |af him. `o \e seruise was idon; \at hit to \e mele com. \ar-of ich wolle \e telle; selcu\e spelles. Were in \is kinges kichene; two hundred cokes. and ne mai no man telle; alle \are ber-manne. Isla|en were to \an mele; twealf \usend ro\ere. and \ritti hundred heortes; and alse fale hindes. of \an fo|el-cunne; ne mai no man telle. == Nas hit neuere mid so\e itold; su\\e \is worle was a-stalde. \at were in one stude; so moche god togadere. no of alle \inge soch richedom; i|efne ne onder-fon. Muri was \e dai and liht; and \e sonne swi\e briht. = weren alle \e gomes; dronge of wine. and pleoiden in \an feldes; mid sceaftes and mid scealdes. Somme gonne herne; somme gonne erne. = Somme pleoide mid tauel; somme caste \ane ston wel. `o weren \ar tweien; proute hii weren beiene. Ergal hehte \e on; Euilyn \e o\er. Ergal was \e kinges may; \at was harm \at ilke day. strong cniht was Euelyn; Androgius was his hem. `eos twei cnihtes bi-gonnen; to sceremigge. erest hii pleoiden; and su\\e hii wre\\eden. \ar Erga"l' smot Euelin; swi\e sore a \ane chin. Hii bi-gonne to chide; cnihtes come ride. Euelyn was swi\e wro\; and al his staf to-drof vppe Ergales r(i)bbe; \at (he) to-brac amidde. `o seide Ergal Euelin \at his swi\e sor. \o(u) smete me bi \an rugge; \ou salt hit sore abugge. for no(u) \i staf his to-broke; \ou sa(lt) dea\ \olie. Euelyn wa(s) ++ sori; \at him was so bi-(v)++++ = and hine bi-\oht(e) wat h(e) +++ mihte. = Isah he one man sto(n)de bi \ar halue. \at was \ider icome; for to se \i(s) cnihtes game. \eos heold in his hond; one stelene brond. Euelyn \ane staf grop; mid gram"er'e streng\(e) and breid vt of \an se\e; \o was he \e e\ere. He resde to Ergal; and smot hine swi\e sor. \e nose mid \e li\\e bo\e awei cutte. eft to him sweinde; and \e hond of swipte. dunt he |ef \e \ridde; and for-carf hine amidde. `us endede \e pleoi; \o Ergal was of-sleie. and Euelin \anene wende; his sweord he bar an hond. ne funde he neuere nanne man; \at dorste him ho"n'd legge an. to Androgius he com; \at was his nei|e kinesman. `is ihorde \e king; for hit was cou\ sone. ou hit al was ivare; and ou Ergal (wa)s of-slawe. `e king nam \reo holde men; and sende to Androgium. and hehte him his mey bringe; to \o(lie) his domes. = and hif "he' so +++de; he hine fleme wolde. ++ answ(e)rede Androgius; ++d to \es cnihtes saide \us. ++++e ich (h)ine bringe; for ++++re none \inge. \at me ++++++ for-do; no\er slean no+++ a-ho. Ac ich habbe freo ++++ \at freoliche steond (in) mine hond. = ~if here his (eni) cnihit \at of Euelyn (axi) riht. come to mine lon(de) and \ar hit sal habbe. = (`is) was sone icud to Cassi(bela)ne. \e king iwar\ so wro\; alse he were of witte. and \eos word saide Cassibilane. Vt of min hehseht; Androgius and his iveres. and |if ihc hine mai ohwa fon; in \are stude he wor\ fordon. Androgius for\rihtes; nam alle his cnihtes. and anon gan wende. vt of Londone. and in-to Kent wende; to his owe castle. and hine stragge\ wel mid mete; and mid wepne. And \e king nam Londene and \at lond; to his owene hond. and su\\e fusde in-to Kent mi"d m'ochele his ferde. mid fehte and mid fure; \at lond for-ferde swi\e. Androgius nam twei cnihtes; and sende to \an kinge. `e cnihtes \an king speke wi\ Androgius |eorne\ \i gri\. Androgius his \in owe man; al \in wille he wole don. == Bi-\ench \at he was Lud kinges sone; of \ine bro\er icome. and his fader hadde al \at lond; \at nou steond in \ine hond. And al hit \inche\ him wel idon; |if \ou his sahnesse wolt onderfon. bote nele he neuere Euelyn; mid hei|e \e bi-take. = `o \e king hi-horde \is; \o was he wro\ere foliwis. \o seide \e king; Cassibilane; Ware be |e mine cnihtes; ware beo |eo mine kempes. mine dohtie men; Wreke\ me of Androgium. His lond ich wolle for-bearne; and his bane wor\e. `is ihorde Androgius; and he answerede \us. Wile hit was iseid in so\ spelle. \at mani man do\ vuel al his on\onkes. So ich nou mot; for mine mochele neode. `e man \at \ole\ \at me him for-don; \at ich telle onwisdom. alle \e wile \at he may; mid eni craft him werie. = So ich euere bere sceald o\er spere; senden ich wolle to \an kaisere. and grete Iulius Cesar; and mene to him mi sor. and bidde \at he me reade; for nou ich habbe neode. Androgius \e riche cniht; makede a writ wel idiht. and nam one messager god; and sende to Odres. to Iulius \an kaisere; mid al his Romanisse here. a"n'd \us was \at writ idiht; and \us hit spac so\-riht. Hayl beo \ou Cesar; to \e ich mene mi sor. = Androgius \in owe mon; wi\-houte eni swikedom. for \at word \at ich \e sende; bi mine lifue ich wolle holde. = and ich hit wolle so\i; bi mine god treuwe. mi louerd Appolin; \at leof me his on heorte. For hofte hit his b"i'-valle; in wel fale leode. \at after hate; come\ loue; and after wor-liche same; worsipe hi-lome. Twi \ou hauest beon ouer-come; and \ine men we habbe\ inome. and idriue \e of Brutlonde; mid fihte swi\e stronge. mid vs \ou hauest bi-leued mani \ousend kempes `at nas noht vre king Cassibilane. ac hit was \orh mi-seolue; and mine gode cnihtes. for ich ladde mid me; Londene fe(rde). === Nou his Cassibilane; so modi iwor\e. \at mid fihte he wole; of Brut-londe me driue. = Mi lond he haue\ al awest; and Londen(e) me bi-reued and \ench(e\) mi-seolue cwelle and alle (mi)ne cnihtes. ========================================= ================= Ac |et ich habbe on hepe; two and fifti hundred. and |et ich habbe an honde; twenti cast(les) stronge. and mi-seolf ic ++nie in Kent; mid kene ++++ kempes. and \e king m+ fihte\ wi\; and (n)ele |i++ me no gri\. Nou \ou h+++++ hi-hord mi sor; loue(r)d I+++++ Cesar. al mid so\e word++ alse \at writ \e tell+\ +++ne writ ich habb(e) idon (\at) ich ham bi-come \i mo(n) (and) holde \e wolle; for m(in owe) louerd. wi\ \at \ou (me helpe) at \isse mochele neode. (and) aredde me of \an kinge (Cassi)bilane. == And com hi|endlich(e) \at lond ich \e bi-take. \or\ me \ou hit bi-lefuedest; and \orh me \ou hit salt habbe. `is writ ihorde Iulius; \at him sende Androgius. answere |ef \e kaisere; nelle ich him ilefue. = bote he me sende a-non; his faire sone Madan. and \ritti o\er children; to Odres me sende. \at beo alle icoren; and rih"t' wel iboren. ~if he \is wole don; his bode ich wole onder-fon. and comen him to helpe mid al mine streng\e. `is word sende Iulius; mid write to Androgius. Androgius for\-riht a-non; sende his sone Madan. and \ritti children o\ere; to \an tour of Odres. And (Iulius) \e (sele) to \are see wende. mid alle his folke fusde to Bruttes. a-non so hit da|ede; he com vp at Douere. `at word ihord Androgius; and sone \ider we(n)de. and \eos word seide Androgius; Wol(co)me hart \(o)u Iul(i)us. swi\+ ++(\ \)o(u) hart me \is lond +++ ++++ke \e. Hii speken +++++ere(s a)nd wor\e isahte. +e wile adde \e king Cassibilane. ouer al his kine-lond; hii-somned ferde strong to Londene he wolde; and \ane castel bi-ligge. \at Androgius \e stronge; hadde |et an honde. `o \e ferde was igadered; \o com \ar a man erne. and anon \us saide; to Cassibilane. Hail beo \ou hore kinge; Ich \e bringe tidinge. of \an Romleode; \at lo\ \e his on heorte. Alle hii beo\ in Douere; \ine onfrendes and \are his Androgius; to speke wi\ Iulius. `eos wordes beo\ so\e; \at ich \e here segge. and \inche mid woche dede; \ou miht witie \ine leode. `o was sori \e king; Cassibilane. and lette blouwe bliue; al++ his bumes. and cou\ie +is cnihtes; \es neuwe tidinges. hou Iulius \e kaisere; mid al his Romanisse here. was \ar-riht icome; and \e hauene of Douere hadde inome. `o seide \e king Cassibilane. Londene we mote bi-lefue; and to Douere li\e. Ba(n)nie\ vre ferde; and wende swi\e. For\ wende \e king mid onimete folke. riht touward Douere; to his onbiof\e `at ihorde Iulius Cesar; he was wis and swi\e war. \at \iderward com; Cassibilane. `o was Iuli"u's bli\e; for \e tidinges him were lefue. he verde vt of Douere; bi \are see-ofre. into one mochele slade; and his folk hudde. And Androgius wende; in-to ano\er ende. in-to one wilderne; to one wode grete. `o saide Androgius; and to his folke spac \us. Ne wor\e no (c)n(i)ht so wod; no kempe so sterne. \at euere speke a w(or)d; for\ere \ane his spe(r)es hord. ne fram his fere ride; for sone we solle glide. wende to-gadere; and houre fon falle. And |if her his eni heredring \at mawe nime \ane king. nime hine mid isunde; vppe his gode mede. for he his mi louerd and mi cun; nelle ich hine acwelle. ac we solle al his folk falle to grunde. == And al \us leorede Iulius; his gode cnihtes. Iulius hadde to ivere; \ritti hondred rideres. = and \e eorl Androgius; hadde ten \usend. Alse hii \us le|en stille; abidinge hire wille. \ar com \e king ride Cassibilane. mid onimete ferde; mid onimete folke. \e ferdes he was bi-twine; \ar he \olede teone. Iulius him was bi-vore; Androgius bi-hinde. ac Androgius her awoc; and vt of \e wode soch. and al \at folk \at he ladde; loude hit gradde. bleuwen hire hornes; boldede hire Bruttes and heom touward wende; on euereche hende. `is ihorde \e king Cassibilane. ihorde \ane drem; and \ane mochele dune. he saide for\-rihtes; Wepne\ ou cnihtes. `e kinges heorte was wel sor; he wende hit were Cesar. ac Cesar al wi\ ginne; bi-vore lai wel stille. and ihorde wel \ane drem of Androgius his folke. and Iulius was al readi; alse he wolde to rese. and Cassibilane \e king; nuste her-of no\ing. ac armede his cnihtes; redi to fihte. Here hii weren half |are; \ar com Androgius fare. and he rese(d)e heom to; mid swi\e gode streng\e. `e cnihtes \at redi were; bi-gonne to fihte. ac Androgius heom imette; and vuele heom igrette. he fulde at \e forste; forti hundred. = `o wolde \at folk fleon; \o com Iulius teon. a|ein hire heued; and on heom leide. of \ane folke he sloh; mochel folk and onifoh. `o fle\ Bruttene king Cassibilane (wel of)te him was wo; neuer (w)++++ \ane \o. Iulius h(im) +++ ++vore; Androgiu(s b)i-hi+++ ++ euereche side; si|en him to harme. `e king hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. iseh he bi-halues on hul he|e. bi one wodes ende; \ider he gan wende. and mochel of his folke flo|en mid \an kinge. and aste|e \ane hul; mid mochelere sorewe. no\eles \ar vp \ronge; ni|entene \usend. Was \e hul swi\e heh; aseles \ar growe. \at swi\e \icke in euereche side. * \e hulle was bi-closed; mid cludes of stone. Hi bi-gonne \ane wode; falle to grunde. = \ar iwolde heom werie; wi\ hire wi\er-iwinne. O \an hul he makede one stronge castel. and in one nihte; \at worch was ihendid. for \are wrohte \eines; \are wrohte sweines. and \e king mid his honde; wrohte wel swi\e. = `at worc \o hi(t) was vp iset; lute him wa+ \e bet. for Iulius Cesar; bi-lay him aboute. Ware lay \e king; Cassibilane. \ar he \olede mochel \orst; nas \ar no\er me\ ne most. \reo dawes and \reo niht; +++ \ar neuere no cniht. ++ (we)ren vuele bi-lad; for ++ (kin)g heom for-rad. \at ++(lde pais) onder-fon; mid +++ +++ Androgi(u)m. = `ar++++ (nu)ste he nan(n)e read; ++ was narewe bi-ladde for he nuste in none halue help \at him \ohte. i-seeh alle dai bi-fore; his fon folle icore. Iulium \ane kaisere; mid al \an Romanisse here. = and alle \us saide; to Cassibilane. Nou \ou salt adrede; for \ine erdede. \at \ou houre cun; to \an grunde leidest. = nou his icome \e dai; \at \ou salt dea\ \olie. = `o was wo \an kinge; Cassibilane. and nam him anne read; for him was mochel neod. He nam one wise cniht; and sende hine for\-riht. adun to \an folke; \at lutel him lofuede. and grette Androgium; mid gri\folle wordes. bad hine cou\i \at he his cun were. = For nabbe ich \e noht so vuel idon; \at ich dea\ sal onderfon. for \at his mochel onriht; |if euere eni god cniht. wole his wonliche cun; wi\-houte gult a-cwelle. At he|ere neode; \ou most me nou reade. sehnie me wi\ \an kaisere; and wi\ \an Romanisse here. and su\\e ich wolle \e speke wi\; and maki after \ine wille gri\. to-gadere we sollen libbe; to-gadere we sollen ligge. `enche of mine neode; and paise me wi\ Romleode. for |if ich here for-wor\i; \ar-after \ou miht a\enche. for |et hii wor\eh \e lo\e; \at fulste\ nou me to dea\e. `o answerede Androgius; and wi\ \ane cnihte he spac \us. Ou |ar was hit iwor\e; in \isse worle-riche. \at min hem his mochele mod; his so milde iwor\e. = ~et ne beo\ noht fif dawes; ibroht to \an ende. \at he wolde me vt driue; and refe me of \an lifue. = and al \at me was leof; him was wonderliche lo\. `e king dude onwisdom; \at he soch mod him nam on. \eh he \e kaisere; twi drof of londe. = Ne dude he hit noht one; ac dude we alle clene. \ar ich was in \an fihte; mid alle mine cnihtes. herde bi-\ronge; in wel mani stunde. Ac |if ich mi-seolf neore; and mine gode cnihtes. inome hadde ibeo \e king; and his men acwelled. ac we bi-fore \an kinge; foste wel swi\e. and driuen vt \e kaisere; mid his Romanisse here. = `o we so hadde idon; an moche worsipe vnderfon. he iwar\ \ar-fore so prout; alse \oh he hine adde idriue vt. Wane hit his nou so ibroht; nou his min heem wel bi-\oht. mid mildeliche wordes; he |eorne\ mine milce. for i-temed his \e wode; nou beo\ his wordes gode. Nou ich wolle wende mi mod; a|ein his vuel ich wole do god. alaski him of care; and paisi wi\ Cesare. her come \e ende of \is dai helpe him |if ich may. Androgius was so god; he dude him sone bareuot. and alle his beste cnihtes; \at mid him were in fihte. and eoden to \an kaisere; \ar he was a-midde \e here. he ful to his fote; and \eos word saide. = Louerd Iulius \in ore; nou and euere-more. Lett me speke \e wi\. nou ich |eorne \i gri\. `ou hauest ouer-come min heem; in \ine fihte he nam fleon. in \isse hulle he li\; and |erne\ \e gri\. for al \ou hauest ouer-come Cassibilane. = and him and al his londe bi-|ete to \in owene hond. ~if him nou lifues gri\; and let hine speke \e wi\. Er he was freo king; let hine beo n(ou) \in vnderling. n(ou \)ou hert iwreken him on; let hine bi-come \i man. an(d e)che |er \e sende; gauel (of) his londe. = `is ihorde C++++ he was swi\e war. (a-wei)ward his heued he(old) +++ nolde hit ihere. (ma)ke(de) +++ he were wro\; for (\e w)++des hin(e w)ere lo\. (An)+++++++ was wis and war; \+++ +++(sere) he eode ner. and mid grettere wordes; \ane kaiser he grette. and \us saide Androgius; Hercne hiderward Iulius. Wi\ me ne beo \ou noht wi\erward; ilast ich habbe \in foreward. = Ich bi-hehte \e al Brutlond; to \in owene hond. and so ich habbe nou idon; and \ou hauest onder-fon. ac ne bi-hehte ich neuere to slean; Cassibilane min hem. mid none rihte ne mihte ich don; he his mi louerd and ich his mon. ne sal he neuere dea\ \olie; wile ich hine mai werie. Ac |if him lifes gri\; and let hine sehni \e wi\. `i man he sal bi-come; to hostage bi-take \e his sone. and eche |er \e sende; \reo \usend punde. and \at ich wolle \e swerie vppe mine sweorde. ~if \ou \is nelt don; \ou salt don worse. ne salt \ou neuere mid \ine here; isund of Brutlond vare. `o was adrad \e ka(i)sere; and al his Romanisse here. leuere him were \an al \is lond; \oh hit were in his hond. (\)at "he' were in Odre; in his ca(st)el gode. +++ (he) h(a)dde mochel care; ++++++ +esare. he wende +++ ++++(og)ius (bi-tr)aie hi++ ++(lde) Iulius was wis (an)d war; \at he wel cud(de) \ar. `us seide \o Iulius (t)o \an eorl Androgius. Androgius mi leofue man; al \ine wille ich wolle don. don ich wolle \ine read; for \ou holpe me to \isse neod (n)e funde ich neuere treuere man; bi-twine \is and Latran. `is was sone ibro\t to Cassibilane. \o was he so bli\e; so he nas neuere her on liue. Vt wende \e king Cassibilane. adun of \an hulle; bli\e on his mode. And \ar Iulius dude wel; and worsipe mochele. he hine lette vede; he hine lette scrude. he hine lette ba\ie; are he him bi-fore come. `o \is was al ido; \o comen hii gadere. gri\ hii \are makede; and hit wel helde. = Cassibilane bi-com; Iulius his owene man. and eche |er him sende \reo \usend punde. O\es hii sworen; and wel hit heolden. = Iulius was \e forst man; \at dude \is lond in \eudom. su\\e Noe and his sones; of \are arche weren icome. `o al \is was ivare; \o to-delde \e ferde. and \e kaiser mid his veres al \on winter wonede here. = Touward \an somere; he ouer see verde. and ladde mid him (An)drogium; \at was his deorewor\este man. and Androgius welde al \at he wolde. hinene to Rome; hit was at his dome. Ne com he neuere here; ne non of his veres. ne liuede he \ere; bote soue |ere. And Cassibilane; in Euerwike deaide. = Her \e king were dead; deaide \e cwene. \e king eyr nadde non; \ar-fore was mani sori man. `is ihorde Teunancius; \at ine Cornwale was dux. \at his heam was dead; and his bro\er Androgius eck. == Teunancius hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. and hou he mihte gon an; \at he hadde \isne kinedom. \at Lud king his fader; welde wel lange. Teunancius nam his sonde an sende to Brutlonde. bad heom bowe him to; `e bet hou sal iwor\e. Makie me to kinge al boute fihte. bi-take me al \at lond; \at Lud mi fader hadde an hond. and he |am wolde lofuie; \e wile \at ich leuie. = o\er ich wolle mid fihte; mine cunde awinne Bruttes to Londene wende; and heolde grete speche. \at heom \ohte \e beste read; do \at Teunancius bead. After him isende; and houen hine to kinge. \o weren in Brutene; blisses i-nowe. Two an twenti w(in)ter; \is lond he heold in blisse. \o com \e ilke dai; \at \e king dead lai. hine Londene he li\; sori was his leode. `eos king hadde ane sone; Kinbelyn ihote. he was ivare mid his heam; for\ in-to Rome. Augustus Cesar hine makede cniht; \at was wel riht. for su\\e Iulius was dead; and his folk bi-lefde. ne bi-le"f'de he neuere anne; of Androgius his cunne. \at heold fiht and win so dude Kinbelyn. and werede Rom\eode; wi\ oncou\e \eo(d)e. `is ihorde Bruttus \at were swi\e busie. \at Kinbelyn \e kene; wonede ine Rome. \at was Teunancius his sone; of Lud kinges cun icome. Tweie cnihtes hii nome; and sende to Rome. and seide Kinbelyn; \at his fader was of liue. and bede hine stilliche; come to his owene riche. Nas hit noht longe; \at he ne com |onge. and Bruttus him onfenge; and makede hine to kinge. In Kinb(e)lynes dai|e; \at king was in Brutaine. co(m) a \(i)sse middilhe(r)\e hone maidenes sone. hi-bore he was in Beth++++ of one swete ma(y)+++ ++ ++ihote Iesu Crist; \o(r\) ++ ++++ Gost. = Fader he his on heu(ene) and alle man his frouere = (and) \e Holi Gost; holde\ mid hi(m)-seolue. and al so hine deale(\) to wam him beo\ lofue. also he dude Petyr; \at was a wrecche fissare. makede hine hehest; of alle cwike manne. Kinbelyn \e king; was god man \orh alle \ing. and he lifuede here; two and twenti |ere. On his dai|e here was a man; ine \isse \eode. swi\e ferlich \ing fol|ede him. He was ihote Telesyi"n'; hii heolden hine for witti; for his wisdome; alle hine ilefde. Telesyn saide inoh; and al ifunde soh. he saide |am eche |ere; wa(t) to comene were. `e king him sende after; twei wise cnihtes. bad him comen him to; \at he hit neode solde do. and hii hine brohte; bi-fore \an kinge. Anon so \e king hine imette; faire "he' hine grette. So me helpe min chin; wolcome hart \ou Telesyn. wel leofre me his \e isund(e); \ane a \usend pund. `o an(s)werede Telesyn; and \us saide to Kinbelyn. +o ich mote i\eon; al + + + + + bi-teon. `o was ++++ ++++++yn; and \us sai++ ++ ++++++n. Her his to \isse +++++ ++(o)me; selcou\e tocke++ +(ra)m \e lond of Ierusa+em; \at his iwroht in Beth++m. `ar his ibore a lutel child; in \are leode. Tockne \ar his on storre; on mone an on sonne. == and ich wolde witen of \e; wat tockne \is mai beo. to wan hit wolle teon; to wan hit wole teme. for her-fore \is londes folk; sore his afered. `o answerede Telesyn; and \us saide to Kinbelyn. Hit was |are icwe\e; \e cwides beo\ nou so\e. \at a child solde beo ibore; and of alle folke icore. and he solde hote; worlene Helare. alese mannes cunde; of hire lo\e bendes. of helle bringe Adam; Noe. and Habraam. Sadoc. and Samuel; and Symeon \an holde. Ioseph and Beniamin; and al his bro\ers mid him. Iohel and Eliseon; Azor and Nazon. Isaac and his bro\er; and mani on o\er. mani hundred \usend; \at igl(i)den weren to helle. and for soche neode; icome he his to \eode. `eos word saide Telesin; and alle hii weren so\e. = and he hi let cu\i; ouer al his kine-riche. Bruttes her-of speke; and noht hit for-|iete. Kinbelyn was god king; and gri\fol \orh alle \ing. and \e Romleode; swi\e hine lofuede. and |if \e king wolde; wi\ |am wi\er-holde. he mihte at-holde \e feo; \at Iulius here vette. ac euere bi his liue he heom was li\e. After \at com \e tidinge; of Crist Godes childe. ne liuede \e king more; bo"te' one |ere. `o he bi-lefde his lif; and in Euerwike he li\. Here he bi-lefde twei sones; Wi\er and Aruiragum. Wi\er was \e eldere; Aruiragum \e |eongere. ac \e king bi-cwa\ Wi\er; al his kineriche. and he hit dihte and dealde; after his fader deie. He was swi\e god cniht; and hadde iholde mani fiht. ac he was swi\e sterne; and starc wi\ \an folke. He nolde for none dome; more herie to Rome. ne non truage sende; of \isse londe. ac war he funde eni gome; \at of Rome were icome. he lette smite him of \at heued; bi-refe him of lifue. and \us he |am sareuede; euerechone. A kaiser was in Rome; Claudius i-hote. he horde tidinge of Wi\er \an king. woch scame he him hadde ido; and more bi-hehte. `e kaiser him iwar\ wro\; wonderliche swi\e. and swor bi his ruge; \at Wi\er solde a-bugge. He bi-gan to sende; ouer al Romleode. and hehte alle \e he|e; and \e readfolle. alle his he|e men; come to him-seolfe. and hi to-gadere come; in \are borh of Rome. Hii somnede hire ferde; in euereche er\e. Mid onimete dome; hii verde vt of Rome hii verden so longe; \at hii comen to \isse londe. Claudius \e kaisere; and al his Romanisse here. At Portcastre hii nemen lond; and steop vp \at see-strond. and bi-lei|en Portcastre; mid hire folk faste. Hii lette delue diches; onimete deope. and al aboute ouer-al; makede stonene wal. `o was Portcastre; borh mid \an beste. ac mid hire bitere reses al he gan to-drese. mid fure al for-fare; \orh Claudius \an kaisere. `is ihorde Wi\er \at was Bruttene king her. \at icome was to \isse londe; Claudius \e stronge. `e king gaderede verde; ouer al his er\e. and Aruiragus his bro\er; gaderede ano\er. and verde toward \are see mid selcu\e folke. \at hii comen mid hire here; to Claudius \a(n) kaisere. Feondeliche hii fohten; foll(e) \e feie and \e eorl (Aruirag++ mid) mihte halp his ++++++ ++++dius hadde ann+ + + + + + + was icleopid Ha(m)+++ ++ radde \an kaisere +++ ++ \e Romanisse here. (Ha)++++ bi-heold Wi\er; and his (wi)\er-happes. and ou l+\liche in \an fihte; he sloh Romanisse cnihtes. and al \at him bi-fore stod; he fulde to his fot. Hamund hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. hou he miht \ane king Wi\er a-cwelle. Hamund wende oueral; a-ma"n'g \e cnihtes deade. he funde anne cniht; \at was islawe \ar-riht. nam he his seine; and his sceald bri\te. leop he on his stede; and bi-halues gan ride. \ar he iseh Wi\er king; \at wi\er was in fihte. Hamund \e ridere; smot a|ein his i-veres. and iwar\ him swi\e busi; ase he Brut were. Wende \e king Wi\er; \at hit his man were. ac \are nadde he hi-come; nere hit for swikedome. Hamund hernede vpward; and o\er wile a-dunward. wane he iseh|e Romanisse men; he resde to heom. his speche was al Bruttes; ase \oh he Brut were. So long he gan ride; \at he was b(i) \+ kinges side. +++ f(a)++ (\a)ne king bi-f+ + + + + + + (hi)s man + + + + + + + + (o)wen(e) + + + + + + + +(dom was) + + + + + + + (ouwe)de + + + + + + was so oht + + + + +(en)de for so\ + + + + (he w)ere his o|e+ +++++ ++ (king) wende for\-rih+++ +(i-ha)lue \an fihte. and (lete hi)s brunie of his rug(ge val)le. for he was swi\e afe(a)t; and his wepne al bi-swat. (H)a"m'und him wende to; mi(d) lu\er his maine. his spere to his heorte rack; \e kinges breoste he to-brac. \ane king Wi\er he of-sloh; \ar was swike-dom i-noh. and su\\e cwic-liche fleh to his iveres. cudde hit his kaisere; wat he dude mid his spere. `is iseh Aruiragus; ou his bro\er islawe was. mid mochele hi|enge; he leop to \an deade king. nam he his stede; and al his o\er wede. and storede in \an fihte; ase hit \e king were. Mest alle \e Bruttes; wende \at hit \e king were. hii remde to Romlede; and makede heom rugges turne. alle Claudienes cnihtes; flowe for\-rihtes. ni|e \usend \ar-of; hii leide to \an grunde. Claudien \e kaisere sad was of fihte. his folk fleh in-to sipe; vt of \an londe. = Ac fif \ousend \ar were; \at ne mihte sip habbe. = Wonderliche hi awei ride; toward one mochele wode. Aruira(g)us heom after; mid twenti \usend cnihtes. hii slowen i nomen; al \ai i-neh comen. Hamund (to) \ane wode fleh; and touward \e see he bieh. `o he wende sip habbe; \o stoden hii a londe. = `e wile \at he \at sip sef; Aruiragus him was neh. = Aruiragus him sloh; and alle his iveres. ac Hamund mid horse he to-droh; for his bro\er \at he sloh. = \ar Hamund was to-dra|e; an toun he makede; * for Hamundes dea\e Hamtone hine hehte. nou and heuere-more; \a name stonde\ \are. Nou \ou wost for woche game; aros \ar \e toname. so doh a fale wise; toname ariseh. and ofte of lutel \inge; lang \ing ilaste\. = `o Hamund an his ivere; alle dead were. Aruiragus was swi\e glad; and dude al \at me hine bad. * ac sone \ar-afte(r) him com sorinisse. He and his cnihtes; wende for\-rihtes. to Wincestre \anene; \ar hi harm hadde. hii wende to so\e; \at hii siker were. Claudius \e kaisere; mid al his Romanisse here ouer see wende al mid i-sunde. Nas \are bote one niht; \e winde tornde for\-riht. framward \are stronde in-to \isse londe. Claudius him wende a-|ein; weder him stod at wille. hi|enliche sone; to Portchestre hii come. Vp wende \e kaiser; mid al his Romanisse here. hii-wepned wel alle; hii wende to \an walle. to i eoden afote; and swi\e frech weren. Ouer \an wal iclemde; and alle in \ronge. \at folk hii alle slowen; \e godes inomen. \ane wonsome borh; hii barnde to douste. `us Portchestre to-reos and neuere su\\e na ros. \at soch were; ase he wes ere. Claudius \e kaisere; mid wonderliche moche here. wende to Winchestre; and bi-lai \e borh faste. `ar-in was Aruiragus; narwe bi-\ronge. and mochel deal of his cunne; of Bruttisse manne. Wo was \an kinge Aruiragus; and to his cnihtes saide \us. Segge\ me gode men; somne read godne. wolle |eo me helpe mid al "|'oure streng(\)e her to bi-winne worsi(pe) + + + + + +(o) answer(e)+ + + + + +tes. Noll(e w)+ + + + + + (for lifue ne) + + + + + + dud(e) hir(e) + + + + + +pe on hire + + + + + + \ar were w(el) + + + + + wefde vp (\e bo)+ + + + + hii makede (hire) + + + + \e cnihtes w(ere)+ +++e Weren alle \e c(nihtes |ar)+ to \an fihte. `o (bad h)e \e holde; \at \e (|o)nge solde boldie. bi one half hii riden and speke of reade. and nemen tweie cnihtes i-vere; and sende to \an kaisere. to i-wite wa\er he wolde gri\; o\er fiht |am wi\. = `o answerede Claudius; and ho to \eos cnihtes spac \us. Wel his \e man init; \at seahnisse werche\. Ich ham riche man inoh; Rome his min riche. and alle \e londes; stonde\ in mine honde. \at bi-|et me bi-vore; Iulius \e kaisere. and after mine dome; herie\ in-to Rome. bote \eos ilke kinedom; nele me noht icnowe. ne \isse leod-folk; for louerd me holde. and me \inche\ mochel scame; and at mine heorte ich habbe grame. |if Rome sal for-lease; \e wile \at ich libbe. heore mochele worsipe; \at mine heldre heom bi-wonne. = For none fiht stronge; ne +++ +++ (t)o \isse londe. ne +++ ++++ pliht; bote for ++++++ mine riht. and ich +++ wole winne; o\er ++++ \olie. Ac cnihtes |e +++ (h)ider icome; fram ++++ (kin)g (Ar)uiragum. Fa(re\ swi\)e a|ein; and seg(ge\ our)e kinge. = \at |if ++ ++(le) pais makie; and holde me for louerd. = and |if he me wole sende; \e riht of mine londe. ich hine wole weor\i; mid worsipe mochele. and segge\ him foliwis; mine dohter ich him |efue Genius. to sehte; and to sibbe; \e bet we mawe libbe. And |ef he nele \us don; he sal worse onderfon. wende we solle to-gadere; and mid fihte hit to-deale. = `eos cnihtes wende for\-riht to hire kinge. saide him wordes so\e; fram \an kaisere. `e king iseh his nede; and droh to his reade. and he mid mochele worsipe; \e bode i-wor\ede. \at he of his kinedome; wolde herie in-to Rome. and su\\e worsipe don; his dohter to cwene onder-fon. To-gadere icomen; and sahte i wor\e sone and su\\e hii alle wende in-to Winchestre. == and sende to Rome foliwis; after \an maide Genius `at maide mid isunde; com to \isse londe. and Claudien \e kaiser; hire |eaf \e kinge. |et hit his isene; \at |eo was here cwene. = `eos \inges weren al idon; and \e ferdes wende om and \e wile wende Claudius; and \e king Aruiragus. in-to Oganeye; and \at lond al bi-leie. and moche lond \ar-aboute; al hit bi-|eote. two and \ritti yl-lond; hii wonne to hire owene hond. hire gri\ hii setten faste; and wende to Winchestre. === Mochel was \e blisse; \at \o was in Britayne. and mid \an king Aruiragus; and \an kaiser Claudius. `o was \is folk so bli\e; so hii nere her on lifue. hii arerde ane borh; vppe Seeuarne = `o \e borh was al imaked mid mochelere streng\e. \ane borh |ef he Claudius \e he|e king Aruiragus. and \at lond \ar-aboute; mochel and noh"t' lute. and hehte sette hire name; \at hire mihte semi. == `ar for loue of Claudius; Kairlou hire hehte. ac nas hit noht longe; \at \e name moste stonde. = `o Claudius erest here com; he funde one faire wif-man. |eo was fair |eo was wis; |eo was maide foliwis. Claudienes cnihtes; wonne hire in \an fihte. ine Portchestre; and heolde hire wel faste. and |euen hire Claudiene; hit was him wel icweme. and he hire radde; and for\ mid him ladde. and lofuede \e womman; lofueliche swi\e. `e womman iwar\ mid childe; bi Claudiene \an bolde. \o \at child was ibore; wel was Claudien \ar-vore. `o \e time com; \at hit folloht solde habbe. after \an he\ene lawe; \at stode bi \ilke dawe. name hii him a-rehte; and Gloi \at child hehte. `is child wex and wel i\eh; and moche folk him to beh. and Claudien him bi-tahte; \e borh \at he hahte. and sette \are cnihtes; \at gode weren to fihte. and hehte |am hine witie faste; and hote him Gloucestre. al for his sones lofue; \at leof him was on heorte. \at su\\e bi-|et al Walse lond; to his owene hond. and \ar-of he was lo(ue)rd and duck fale |eres. `is child me bi-wiste; in Gloucestre. and \o \eos \inges were i-don; Claudius wende to Rome. he ladde \(i)s childes moder; for cwene (n)a(d)++ ++ +++ o\er. Tidinge \a(n) + + + to \e borh of (Rome) + + + was icome; into \a(re) ++++ on wel selcu\ gome; (of) +++++++ he was icome. Petrus h(e) w(a)s (ihot)+ he dude fale (tockne) (he) verde ouer al (\at lond) and tornde hit to G(od)++ ++++ Heonene was ivare Claudi(us) \at lond heold Aruiragus. and Genius his cwene; \at was a womman scene. \o isah \is londes king; \at him ne derede no\ing. \us he wonede here; two and twenti |ere Vnder \an come tidinge; to Aruiragus \an kinge. nas \ar non o\er read; bote \at Claudius was dead. Wo was \is kinge; so was \are cwene. so weren alle \e beste; \at wonede in Brutlonde. A \ilke time soh-riht; was Gloi swi\e god cniht. `o \an tidinge weren icome; of Claudienes dea\e. = \o saide \e king Aruiragus; and to his cnihtes spac \us. So ich eu(er)e i-bide ore; nelle ich neuere-more. herie in-to Rome; \or\ neuere none dome. = and hif hii heder come\ li\e; hus to a-winne. here hii solle\ "ibide' biterest alre harme. ne solle\ hii awinne o\er god; bote |eote hire blod. = `us seide \e king; \eh hit so\ nere. \ar he sat on his bench(e); mid his win-senche. Ac al o\er hit iwar\; in lutele time. for \e Rom-leode; sende to \isse \eode. hehte ham sende; \e feo of \isse londe. And \e king Aruiragus; wro\liche ham answerede. hehte heom sone; faren a|ein to Rome. == Was in \an ilke |ere; Vaspasian kaisere. \eos answere him was lo\; \ar-vore he i-war\ wro\. He cleopede to reade; al Romleode. and tolde of \eos sonde; and \at he wolde to Brutlond. awinne his rihte; \at Claudius her hahte. = and alle Rom-leode; \is him gan reade. Vaspasian for\ wende; \at he com to France. \e |et hit was al his owene; \at he iseh mid e|ene. he nom mid him \ane king; in-to \isse londe. = To \are see hii wende; sipes \are hii funde. \at to-|ein him was ibannede \e |et he was in Rome. = In he wend at Witsonde; at Douere he \ohte nime lond. Aruiragus \ar-of was war and hahliche him wornde. and drof hine a|e mid streng\e; in-to see-stremes. Mid him hadde Vaspasian; swi\e gode see-men. = hii wende bi see-side; in \an see wide. and an hi|enge sone; to Totenas hii come. strehte sipes to \an londe; and vp hii wende a see-strond. Hii nemen hire wepne; and for\ gonne wende. wonderliche faste; to \an borh of Excestre. hii wenden wel to bi-stelen; in-to \an borwe. Ac \at folk was wel war; and wel hine wuste. wel hii tunde hire |ates; and grei\ede ham to fihte. and \an borh bi-wuste; wel mid \an beste. Soue dawes folle; Vaspasius mid his manne. lay at Excestre; and bi-clusede hine faste. `at i-horde Aruiragus; \at he was icomen \us. he nam al \e ferde; of Brutlondes er\e. and sone he gan fare; in toward Cornwale. in-to Excestre. \at bileie "was' faste. Aruiragus was \ar-ine; mid Bruttesse manne. Vaspasian \ar-houte; \e borh bi-lai aboute. Amorwe \o hit dai was; cnihtes vt wende. = bleouen hire bumes; hornes \ar dremde. = \ar riden vt of Bruttes. \rittie \usend. = `ar-vt was heom a|ein; \e kaiser Vaspasian. to-gadere hi comen; and lo\liche fohten. hardeliche hewen. healmes \ar |ollen. = Alle dai \ar ilast; fiht mid \an meste. = lei|en a bo\e halue cnihtes to-ewe. \ar was arm mid \an meste; bi-fore Excestre. `at bi-heo(ld) \e cwene Genius hi-hote. = |eo saide to hire louerd; \at |eo moche louede. Louerd Aruiragus; Wi neol \ou bi-\enche \is. = of \ane mochele treousipe; \at \ou min fader makedest. treu\e beo\ \e \inges; \at bi-come\ to alle kinges. === Bi-\enche in \ane worsipe; \at he me \e |ef to wife; and \ou hart me al so leof so min cune-louerd. Min cun his her wi\-vten; and \in his her wi\-ine. ~ef \ou brekest \in word; and min cun cwellest. |eat salt \ou bi-lefue; euere \e lasse. an |if min cun clembe\; and \e bi-neo\e bringe\. \an hart \ou for-lore; for-euere-more. = betere his sahte; \ane onsibbe. And bi-\enche of \e fore; ou \ou to mi fader swore. to senden eche |ere; bi al \ine lifue. feo into Rome; of \ine kinedome. and |et laste\ \in lif; so hit do longe for \i \ou most holde; \at hou her bi-hehtes. Alle \e riche; heolde mid \an cwene. `e king and alle his cnihtes; wakeden alle nihte. al niht hii rounede; wat heom were to reade. Ne miht hii finde nanne read; \at were alse god; so were \e wordes; of \are cwene. Amorwe \o hit dai was; hii grei\ede ham to f(iht)e = For\ com \e cwene; and rod heom bi-twine. erest |eo nam gri\; and |eo spac heom wi\. and sette sehnisse; and somnede cnihtes. `e her weren folle fon; |eo makede freondes. And \e king heom bi-hehte \e foreward holde. and so hit ilaste; wile \at he liuede \us hii weren sehte; and \us hii weren some. `o was Brutaine; swi\e i-blissed. and Vaspasian and hiis i-veres; al \at winter wonede ere. fram borwe to borwe; verde mid blisse. Anon so somer com; \o wende he to Rom. Brutlonde was bli\e; in \isse kinges lifue. Nou hadde \e king Aruiragus; ane sone \at hehte Maurus. he was isende to Rome; to leorni in scole. \ar he was so wel i-diht; he was clerck and god cniht. `ider him com sonde; vt of \isse londe; \at \ar nas non o\er read; bote his fader was dead. and he moste come sone to his kinedome `us was \at writ i-(diht) and he hit dude for\++++ to \isse londe he com; +++ onderfeng \ane kine(d+m) Wel riche was Aruiragus; and moche richere was Maurus. = here was blisse and her was mete; her was lofue wi\-houte hate. Ac \is ilke hit stod; forte com (o)uer see-flod. a king \at hehte Rodrich; eche o\ere oniliche. = he brohte mid him \e Peutes; men of moche mihte. Fram \at Rodrich was erest man; and cu\e eye vuel don. he verde bi see-flod; and dude vuel and neuere god. mani hundred borewes; he hadde for-fare. He verde bi see-stronde; in-to Scotlonde. \at lond he al weste; mid harme \an meste. \orh \at lond he hearnde; and sloh folk and barnde. Come \e tidind to Maurus \an kinke. hou \e king Rodrich; his lond al for-verde. Sone he sende sonde; |eond al his kinelonde. hehte echne man; \at him god wolde. mid al his wepne; come to \an kinge. `is folk was isomned; and hit for\ fusde. wende into Scotlond; \ar he Rodrich fond. Hii fohten mainliche; and folle \e Peutes. and Rodrich \ar was of-slawe; and su\\e mid horse to-drawe. `ar dude Maurus \e king; a swi\e sellich \ing. vppen \an ilke stude; \ar he Rodrich for-dude. he lette arere anon; ane selcu\e ston. he lette \ar-an graui; of Rodriches dea\e. ou he Rodrich of-sloh; and mid horse to-droh. and ou he \e Peutes; ouer-com mid fihte. Vp he sette \ane ston; |et he \are stonde\. = Name him scopte \ane king; and hehte hine Westenering. for name of \an stone; \at lond his so hi-hote. === `o Rodrich was of-sla|e; and idon of lif-da|e. \o fleh \are bi-halues; fiftene hundred. \at weren \e faireste men; \at weren in \an fihte. hadden hii anne heuedling; of on he|e ibore man. `eos wolden hinne bouwe; and bi-halues wende. and fleon vt of londe; to helpe hire lifue. `at iseh|e \reo eorles; \at in \an fihte were. woder \e ferde; hire flee"m' makede. `eos eorles heom sette to; mid alle hire cnihtes. driuen heom into one wode; \ar hii harm hadde Stod \e wonliche wode; a-m"i'dde one wolde. bi-vore ne be-hinde; ne miht \ar non atwende. ac alle hii heom neme; nanne hii ne slowe. faste hii heom bunde; and brohte to \an kinge. \at \e king heom solde don; o\er slean; o\er an-hon. Anon so hii \e king speke wi\; anon hii |eornde his gri\. |eorne hii hine bede; \orh his edmode. \at he neme heom to paise; and hii him wolde be \eouwe. and hii him wolde beo li\e; euere to hire lifue. Al \e king wrohte; ase hi him bi-sohte. and heom an hond solde; mochil deal of londe. al aboute Catenas; \ar hii homes makede. Ac \at lond was swi\e god; for su\\e was \e mochele flod. nas hit neuere itiled; \orh non er\e-tilie. ne neuere \ar ne wonede on; no manere cwike mon. Sone hii gonne herie; \at lond was swi\e murie. hii tileden hii sewen; hi repen hii mewen. wi\-in \an \ridde |iere; \o nemen hii twealf veres. and wende sone; \at hii to \isse londe come. Bruttes hii gretten; mid swi\e faire wordes. beden heom be seale; and alle isunde. We of ou |erne\; |iftes swi\e deore. \at |e vs |ifue wifmen; for habbe to wifue. \an mawe loue; habbe bi-twine. `o \is ihorde Bruttes hokerliche heom \ohte. and hehten heom faren awei; and fleo of hire londe. for ne solden hii neu(e)re habbe; \ing \at (i |ornde) Peutes weren isend +++ a-wei wende. hom to h+++ cunne; and tolde hire (h)++++de. Hii nemen hire sonde and sende to Yrlonde. to \ane leod-kinge; Gillekaoz ihote. and beden him ham sende; wifmen of his londe. and \e king ihorde; al \at hii |ornde. `orh \e ilke wifmen; \at \are wonede longe. \at folk gan to vsi Yrlondes speche. and euere su\\e; hii do\ in \an londe. = Hadde Maurus \e king god gri\ \orh alle \ing. heuere to his lifue; his folk weren bli\e. `o com \e ilk dai; \at \e kying dead lay. for\ com \is kinges sone; Coyl was i-hote = `eos cu\e alle \e domes; hinene to Rome. ac he ne lifuede noht longe; \at was mochel teone. == Ac he hafde one sone; Lucius i-hote. \es was \e beste man; \at euere welde kinedom. su\\e to Brutlond com; Brutus \at hit bi-won. Luce was kinebore. Luces was wel icore. and he was swi\e rihfolle; Brutes hine lofuede. Moche was \e gode \ing; \at cou\e Luces \e king. nas no man onder lufte; \at cou\e betere craftes. `orh \issere gode man; onderfeng \is lond Cristendom. \e man (\)at wole hure; \is boc him +++e telle. = ou Luces \e king erest Crist lofuede. Men wel idone; comen vt of Rome. comen to \an kinge; and tolde him tidinge. of alle \e lore \at Petrus dude in Rome. and wochne martirdom; Petrus hadde i-nome him on. = `o langede swi\e; Luces \an kinge. are he more wiste; of \an louerd Criste. = An holy man \ar was Pope. Eleucherius ihote. Nam Luces \e king; of his leuest men. sende to \an Pope; and faire hine gan grete. and bad him a Godes name; som god man him sende. = \at ich mihte wel don vnderfange \ane Cristendom. libben mid rihte and lofuien vre Drihte. = `o \ohte Eleucherie \eos tidinge swi\e murie. nas no man a-lifue; \at were so bli\e. ase was \e holie man; \o \e tidinge com. `e Pope sende tweie bissopes; to Luces \an kinge. === soch weren hire nam"e' Dunian and Fagan. Hii speke \an king lor-spel; and him likede swi\e wel. her \at spel weren idon; \e king |ornde Cristendom. and alle his cnihtes; |ornde hit forhrihtes. `e king folloht onderfeng; and su\\e alle his gode men. = and \aie \at folloht nolde onderfon; \e king heom lette for-don. `o \is was al idon; \o tocken hii o\er weies on. beie \eos bissopes; wende |eond \is londes. alle \e temples; \at he\ene were. Hii letten alle \e srud; at \are dore werpe vt. wassen \e wowes wel mid \an beste. Alle \e Mahuns; mid fure hii for-swelde. == `o \is was al idon; \o tocken hii o\er weies on. hii verde for\-rihtes; al \orh Godes mihte. fram temple to temple; and hal|ede alle. = `o \is was al idon; \o tocken hii o\er weies an. \o setten hii bissopes; al \at folk to dihte. \ar-ouer archebissopes; \ane clercsipe to rihte. cherches hii lette arere manie and wel iware. prestes \ar-ine hii dude; ase hit were neode. = `o com Luces \e king. and lond \ar-to laide. = and \e lawes beo\ |ete in mani stude ase Luces heom dude. No\eles hii weren su\\e; swi\e iwemmid. = \es iweren i-riht; ase wolde vre Driht. `o al \eos \inges weren idon; \o verde \e bissopes to Rome. and bi-lefde in \isse londe; \at "folk' in Godes honde. and Luces hire louerd; \at leof him wes on heorte. \us hit verde here; wel fale |ere. Two and fourti winter; liuede Luces here. = here was mete and dringe. and inoh of alle blisse. = so \at hii for-|eten; \at tehte ham \e bissop "Duni'an. == Ine wele liuede \e king; and god lif \orh alle \ing. \o com \e ilke dai; \at \e king dead lai. ine Gloucestre; Bruttes hine leide. = So was \e worle for\ ivare; su\\e vre Drihte was ibore. an hundred |er and sixti; \o \e king deide. = Ne bilefde Luces \e king; bro\er soster; ne no cun. \at miht his cund; after him habbe. To Rome come tidinge of Luces \an kinge. hou \e king was here dead; in \isse londe nas no read. Hii makede hire ferde; and sende to \isse er\e. Seuarus was ouer |am icore; ine Rome he was ibore. `e ferde was swi\e strong; \at com to \isse lond. Seuare wende anon; habbe \isne kinedom. ac Bruttes weren kene; and faste him wi\-stode. = Seuare hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. he heold so god gri\; eche childe he wolde speke wi\. === `is iseh|en Bruttes; \at he was god louerd to his. = and a-mong |am-seolue was onimete care. Hii wenden heom to-gadere; folle seoue \ousend. and speken \an king wi\; and |eorden his gri\. and he |am sone |af |eftes swi\e gode. `o wes Seuarus heap; mochel ibolded. \aie \at her weren a-boue he ham sette bi-neo\e. and mochel lofue held wi\; alle \at |eornde his gri\. He verde to Londene; and hii hine onderfenge. he verde \orh al \is kinelond; and sette hit on his owe hond. and euere hii flowen him bi-fore; \at nolde him abouwe. = Hii flowen for\-rihtes; \at i comen to \an Peutes and hii heom onderfenge; and nemen heom to ivere. Hii makede Fulgenus \e cniht; hire kine-louerd. == On hende of Scotlonde; nam Fulgenus an honde. = Seuarus fram \at nor\; su\ a|e wende. and his folk ladde in-to Londene. and Fulgenus vt of Scotlond; mochel harm makede. Heo leop in-to Brutlond; and mani harmes "wrohte'. = and \us he verde longe; ine Scotlonde `is ihorde Seuarus; \at in Rome was kaisere. and su\\e here al \at lond; stod on his owe hond. \e kaiser sende his sonde; |eond fale kinelondes. and mani strong worcma"n'; com to \an kinge. he lette |am maki ane dich strang; swi\e deap and swi\e lang. = fram see to see |eode \e dich; alle o\er onilich. `ar-vppon he makede; sid wal swi\e crafti. \are he sette cnihtes; to witien dai and nihtes. \at neuere Peut ne o\er man; \a"r'-after ne com. mid none ginne; bote for harm a-winne. = `is ihorde Fulgenus; \at \es dich was imaked \us. \at he to londe \isse "ne mihte'; daies no nihtes Nuste he \o nanne read; \at him euere \oht god. he cleope"de' al his folk; \at hii come to speche. hire king to rede; of his mochele neode. Hii raden hin to vare riht in-to Scice. cwicliche he \ider com; and fair he was onderfon. `e king spac wi\ \an Peutes; and moche |am bi-hehte. \at he gadere"de' in \an er\; mochel sip-ferde. and wende bi see-stronde; into \isse londe. He verde riht to Euerwich; Bruttes \ohte sellech. \e borh he a-non bi-lai; mid baldere streng\e. Su\\e he dude to iwite; bo\e bi word and bi write. alle his frendes \at were in \isse londe. \at hii solden wel don; and alle comen him to. = and euere to his lifue he |am wolde lofuie. `is ihorde Bruttus an come to Fulgenus; == and he |am faire onderfeng; and mochel feo bi-hehte. `at ihorde Seuarus; \at Fulgenus dude \us. he somnede ferde; and to Euerwich wende. = `o he \ider com; Fulgenus was afornon. hii bi-gonne to fihte starliche swi\e. = `ar was Seuare of-sla|e; and moche of hi"s' folke. Fulgenus was iwonded; \at he sone deide. ====== Bruttes nemen Seuare; for \at he |am lofuede; and ladde hine to Euerwich; and \are hine burede == Seuare hadde twei sones soch were hire names. \e eldre hehte Basian; \e |eongre Gesan. `eos weren bro\ers; and noht of one moder. Basian his moder was Brut; Gesanes Romain icud. = Bruttes neme Basian; and bitahte him \issne kinedom. and \e Romanisse men; to kinge makede Gesan. == `us aros muche wo bi-twixte \e bro\ers. hii gaderede ferde; and comen to fihte. and \ar \e king Bas"i'an; sloh his bro\er Gesan. and \e Romanisse folk; fleh of \isse londe. and manie \ar were of-slawe in \an mochele fihte. In \is lond was a man; onder \an kinge Bas"i'an. Carais was i-hote; cniht swi\e sterne. == Of none cwike manne; nadde he care nanne. wo was him \orh alle \ing; \at Basian was here king. = `o in \an ilke time; verde bi see-rime. vt-lawes to iwite; folle sixti sipes. Carais hine bi-\ohte; of one lu\er crafte. \at he wolde sone; wenden to Rome. = and speke wi\ \an kaisere and wi\ Romanisse here. and \us saide Carais; he was swike foliwis. Hail beo \ou Cirian \e king \e grete\ Bas"i'an. an segge\ mid sore; \at he nele na more. vt of Brutlonde; eni feo \e sende. for twie his sondesman; in see haue\ bi-raifed. == Vtlawes beo\ so strong; bi watere; an bi londe \at no man ne mai fare; bote |if he wolle habbe care. Ac |if \in wille were; \at \ou woldest me lene. twelfe of \ine sipes; and \in owene writes. = in-to see ich wolde fare; and slean \ai vtlawes. and \i feo \e sende; vt of Brutlonde. For ich ham on eorles sone; and cun ich habbe wide. == alle hii wolle\ to me drawe; forte cwelle \eos vtlawes. and \us ich wolle \orh min hond; wite \i feo an \i lond. `is ihorde \e kaiser; and him paide swi\e wel. = writes him bi-tahte; and wepne him a-rahte. and for\ hine gan sende; into \isse londe. For\ verde Carais; \at he com (to) France. euere he his writ(es) onfeold; ase he for\ wende. = and folk him to wende on euereche ende. Carais com to see mid mochelere folke. he hadde to ivere; fif hundred rideres. and folk he hadde a fote; moche and onimete. Al \e sipes bi \e stronde; he nom to his owe honde. = and sone he com; in-to \isse londe. and anon makede reuing; vppe Basian \an kinge. Carais sende his sonde; |eond alle \isse lond. = and bad alle \e vtlawes; \at pais wolde habbe. and alle \e cnihtene sones; \at wolde habbe garisome. = \at hii to him solde come; and habbe |iftes gode. == `ar wende to Carais; \ritti \usend foliwis. and he for\ wende; bi \an see-stronde. Hii rupten hii refden; noht hii ne blefden. castles hii nemen; Bruttes hii slowen. = hii verden west; hii verden est; al \at lond hii makede west. hii verden in-to Scotlond; \ar hii harm wrohte. and efte to \isse londe; and \at folk slowen. He sende one man; into Brutlonde. and seide \at Carais wonede in comelan foliwis === = and |e o(n) our cu\\e; king me wol(le\) makie. And Bruttes an(sw)erede; ase men trewe. \at hii nolde hire king; bi-swike for no-\ing. = And \is word a-|ein com; to Carais \an stronge. and he hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. he sende tweie cnihtes; for\ to \e Peutes == and moche |am bi-hehte; of worliche gode; `e Peutes a-non-ri\tes; treu\e him plihte. = \at hii wolde bi-swike \ane king in his riche. `o \is com to Carais; he was glad foliwis. he sende his sonde; for\ to \an kinge. and seide him for\-riht; \at wi\ him he wolde fihte. bote he wolde fleon; vt of \is riche. `o seide king Basian; Her ich wolle dead beon. Wi\ \an soue-nihte; he com to \an fihte. bi-fore \e borh of Euerwich; \at fiht was swi\e stor-lich. `o hii solde beste fihte; \o flowen \e Peutes. and hire king Basian; bi-lefde al one. and Carais to \rong; and mid on spere hine stong. Bruttes hii slowen; and mani hundred nemen. `o stod al \is lond; in Carais hond. \o nam he alle \e Peutes; and sende to Scottes. and |ef |am \are mochel londe; in Scot-leode. = `es word com to Rome; wel swi\e sone. ou Carais hadde ivare; and \ane "k'ing of-slawe. Hii somnede twei ferdes; of Romanisse er\e. and sende twie eorles; Allec and Liuius Gallus. == Hii verden vt of Rome; to \isse londe hii come. = Carais hii of-slowen; his cnihtes hii nomen. = and Allec nam to his hond; mochel of \isse lond. `e |et \ar were Bruttes; mani bi-halues. \at castles heolde stronge; borewes brode and longe. Hi lette hi|endliche vare; su\ in-to Cornwale. hafter Esclepidiot; \at was in Cornwale duck. He com an hi|enge; and hii makede hine to k(i)nge. `o somnede he alle \e cnihtes; for come to him-seolue. == and he bannede his ferde; of alle \is er\e. and wende to Londene \ar Allec \o wonede. ==== `o ihorde Allec \e king; swi\e moche luding. = Allec him vp leop; and his wepne igrop. and al his Romleode; \at in Londene were. and wend ham vt; and wonder siht iseh|e. == Bruttes heom resde to mid swi\e gode wille. Allec hii slowen; mochel folk inomen. = and \e eorl Li"ui'us; fleo\ in-to borwe. letten louke \e |ates; and stide to walle. and Bruttes Londone; gonne bi-ride. = A(n)d Esclepidiot; \at was cniht swi\e god. sende his sonde; in-to Scotlonde. in-to Moraine; after man-ferde. and eke in-to Wales after Walse-B(ru)ttes. = and hin-to his owe e(r\); \at ech man; \at hadde beord. vppe lime and vppe lif; to Londene wende. And alle hii come; in lutele time. and resde to walle; in euereche halue. and Liuius Gallus; wel hine werede. Bruttes a \an ende; \e walles to-breke. and in hii wende; \o was \e borh awonne. And Liuius Gallus; wende to \an castle. = and Bruttes leope to; on euereche side. ==== Liuius |eornde gri\; and \ane king wolde speken wi\. `o so seide Liuius. Let me hine wende \us; mid \an ilke folke; \at ich habbe |et a-lifue. and ich \e wolle swe"rie' vppen mine swerde. \at nelle ich neuere-more; a|ein comen here. `o saide Esclepidiot; \is he wel mot. = Of \an castle hii fore; and o\es him swore. and so hii gonne wende; vt of \isse londe `o com Scottene king; Esclepidiot to helpe. imette wi\ Liuius; and mid al his folk(e) Sone cleopede Columban \at was Scottene king. Ware beo |eo mine cniht(es) Slea\ alle for\-rihtes ==== `(oh) hii gri\ habbe; nas ich noh(t) at \e reade. === Hii neme sweordes strange; and hire speres longe. so \at lo\liche swi\e; fulle Romleode. And Liuius hii neme; and \at hefd of-swipte. and worpen him in one broc; \at \ar-bi stod. == `o was \eos \eode; iclansed of Romleode. Brutes \ane broc; Galli cleopede. for \at Liuius Gallus; was \ar-on i-pult \us. and "in' \e Englesse boc; he his ihote Welebroc. = nou and euere-more; \e name stonde\ \are. `o was king Esclepidiot; \at was cniht swi\e god. fulle ten |ere; mid Bruttes he wonede here. \o com his ende; \at he solde wende. == hii-smite he was in fihte; mid on of Coel his cnihtes. = `eos ilke Coel was of Gloi his cunne. \at hahte Gloucestre. == Ama"n'g \isse motinge; come o\ere tidinge. so \at \e kaiser Dioclecian; sende hider Maximian. = `o he com to Londene; Coel \ar he funde. mid fihte he hadde awonne; \at he was king of londe. Coel and Maximien; frendes bi-(co)men. = `o seide Maximian Mi bro\er Dioclecian. haue\ m(e) alle \e londes bi-tahte (on) mine honde. bi-twixte Montagu and Scotlond; \at ich hii sal \orh-ride. and alle \e men for-don; \at lofuie\ \ane Cristendom. `o was wo Coel; king of Bruttayne. \at he sahtnesse; mid sware hadde ifastned. Coel heold hine stille; and Maximien dude his wille. echne Cristene man; \at hefd him bi-nom. and |if he wolde he\ene beo; \anne mihte he libbe. `us ferde Maxi"m'ian; he martrede Seint Albon. and Seint Iulien "and Seint' Aaron; and tweie ancreos of Cairlion Nas no bissop nas no cleorc; ne cniht nere he so starc. bote he for-soke Cristendom; \at he nas a-non for-don. `o \is was al idon; \o ferde for\ Maximian. and Coel bi-lefde; king a \issere er\e. `eos king hadde ane dohter; \at was him swi\e deore. and he al \is kinelond; bi-cwa\ \at maide an hond. for nadde he no cnaue; \at mihte \at lond habbe. `at mayde hehte Eleyne; su\\e |eo was cwene. in \an lond of Ierusalem; leode to blisse. `at maide was wel itaht; ine boke godne craft. and wonede in \isse londe; mid hire fader stronge. `ar-after sone; \at word com to Rome. \at Coel adde icwelled; Esclepediot \ane king. `o were Romleode; bli\e on hire mode. for \at he hadde isleh|e moche of hire cunne. ~et nas Maxim"i'an; noht icome to Rome a|ein. `o nam Dioclecian; on eorl wel idon. he was \e boldeste man \at wonede; ine Rome. = nas no man in his dai|e; \at dorste him derf makie. `e kaiser hine sende; mid onimete ferde. = Constance hehte \e eorl; cniht mid \an beste. `is ihorde Coel; \at icome was Constance her. adrad he was swi\e of his owene lifue. he nam for\rihtes; six wise cnihtes. and to Constance sende; and wilcomede hine to londe. and he wolde come and speke him wi\; |ef he wolde |eue him gri\. And Cunstance him sende after; come mid twalf cnihtes. to-gadere hii comen; and sehte iwor\en sone. ============ `o seide Custance; to Coel \an kinke. Coel \ou art wis man; and wisdom \e folwe\. Beo nou god king; and of \is londe louerd. = an"d' ich wolle mid mansipe; \i manradene onderfange. == Mid mochele blisse; hii wonede ine borwe. Ac nas hit bote ane wile; \at com an-o\er time. = \at Coel \e king; seac was in comelan. = Soueniht and on dai; \e king swi\e seac lai. = and he cleopede him to; alle his wise cnihtes. for to him reade; at sochere neode. hou he mihte dihte Eleyne his dohter. And hii him radde alle; in boure and in halle; \at he hire |efue; Custance to cwene. and al his kinewor\e lond; sette Custance an hond. and Coel al dude; ase hii him radde. `o nas \ar non o\er read; bote \e king iwar\ dead. and Custance adde Eleyne bi-wedded to cwene. \at was \e wisest womman; \at wonede in londe. Custance adde bi his cwene; a child swi\e scene ===== Custance hehte \e king; and \at child Constantin. \at leof was on er\e; alle Brut-leode. = `e child wex and wel i\eh; and Bruttes him lofuede swi\e; his moder was a Brut. = and Constance his fader; in Rome was i-vostred. Al \at \e child iseh; al hit him to beh. `o \at child was; of fulle twealf |ere. nas non of his helde; \at hadde \e ilke mihte. wane he were wro\; ne dorste no man speke him wi\. = Moche he lofde echn(e) cniht; \at lofde for to segg(e) riht. == `o he was of \rittene |ere; \o iwar\ his fa(der) onviere. \at was \e latemiste read; \at Custance iwar\ dead. and Bruttes an hi|eng; makede Constantin k"i'ng. and Constantin heold \is lond; in his owene hond. alse he were of heolde; kin(g) alre boldest. `o was in \an dome; an kaiser at Rome. he was ihote "M'axenz; \e Feond hine lofuede. \at was \e forcou\est man; \at cwick were on er\e. Al Rome he for-dude; \orh his mochele mis-bode. alle \e e|e men; he hatede to dea\e. == so \at \orh his sconde; manie flo|e of \an londe. for \an same and \e bismare; \at heom dude \e kaiser. an comen to \isse lond; to Constantin \an kinge. and menden hir sor; ou hii ilore hadde. and of \an onimete same; and of \an mochele grame. \at Maxenz heom hadde idon; an of hire londe i-dreue. For nusten hii to wan mene; bote to hire cunne = |eorne hii him beode; \at he |am solde reade. ====== Constantin bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. he gaderede ferde; of manian er\e. `e king gan to ride; toward Romleode. \at he com to Rome; mid rehere streng\e. `e king was swi\e god cniht; and he |arkede his fiht. and he Maxenz of-sloh; \ar was wele i-noh. = `o was Constantin \e king; kaiser of Rome. and \ar was Eleyne \e holie cwene. and hire \reo heames; \at \us were i-hote. Traharn Marin and Leonin. \eos were eorles wel idon. Constantin |am bi-tahte; al Romleode; = And Eleyne \e leafdi; to Ierusalem wende. = and spac wi\ holde of Iues \a"t' weren bolde. = and hii hire gonne reade; \at finde heo solde \e Rode. \at Crist vre Louerd \ar-on was i-stonge. `o Iudas hire sohte; and \e cwene bi-tahte. `o was |eo so bli\e; so |eo nas neuere on liue. an |eo fale |er; mid \an rode wonede \ar. \e wile Leonyn hire heam; in Roma was mid Constantin. Of \an bro\ers he was eldest; and wisest and selest. nemen \e wise of Rome; and wimman him |efue. of \an heheste cunne; of Romanisse manne. `e womman was i-wedded; an hi-ladd to his bedde. he dude ase hit his wone; on hire he strene"de' one sone. = `at child was ihote; Maximian \e gode. and Constantin \e king; \at child louede \orh alle \ing. `us hit eode \are; worse hit ferde here. `o was in Walse lond; a duck \at was swi\e strong. Octaues he hehte; he was of he|e cunne. ===== al \is kinelond Octaues nam to his honde. `is word com to Constantin; in Rome \ar he wonede in. ou Octaues adde idon; his folk i-sla|e; and an-hon. Sori was \o Constantin; and sorh-fulle on heorte. for he ne mihte none weies come; to \isse kineriche. for he hadde al Rome-lond; \at stod in his owe(n) hond. and his moder Eleyne; he hadde isende after. `o nam he his moder heam; Traharn ihote. and \is lond him bi-tahte; aw(in)net "|e'f he mihte == bi-tahte him mochele ferde; for lede to \isse er\e. == Traharn for\ wende; in-to \isse londe. mid ferde \an meste; he com to Portchestre. = \e Brut in \an \rid"de' dai; gri\ of him beode. and Traharn wende wi\-ine; \us was \e borh a-wonne. And \anene he gan wende; into Winchestre. and Octaues was icome bi-vore; into \are borwe. To-gadere hii comen; hii fohte hii slowen. = Traharn iseh his mochele lure; and wende awe"i' bi nihte. == into Scotlonde; mid his ferde stronge. and he al Scotlond; wan to his owene hond. and he wende ouer Humbre; mid re|ere streng\e. = Octaues \is ihorde; and him to-|eines wende. = to-gadere hii comen; and fohte wel sone. Nou hadde Traharn; moche folk igadered. of Scottes of Peutes; of Romanisse cnihtes. = Traharn his folk remede; and \e o\er gonne to fleonde. = Octaues wende to \ar see; \ar he sip funde. = he and \ritti cnihtes to Norwei wende. = and alle \e o\er weren inome; and Traharn his men bi-come and fiftene \usend islawe and idon of lif-dai|e. `o was in Norweie his er\ a king \at hehte Compert. = Octaues him tolde ou Traharn; hine hadde iflemid And |ef \ou me woldest helpe to winne mine riche; = ich \e wolde lofuie; euere in mine lifue. and \e for louerd holde; wile \at ich libbe. = `o answerede Compert; \at king was of \ilke er\. \ou salt al \is |er; beo mid me her. an deorneliche sende; in-to Brutlonde. === |if eni man mihte Traharn king; bringe to dea\e. ==== Al dude Octaues; Compert his lore. ======= Ine Kent was on eorl; Eldol ihote. he lofde lute \is kinge; for Octaues his \inge. ofte he verde to \an kinge; hercnie tidinge. `o seide me him ware; \at \e king wolde vare. Eldol wende him bi-vore; mid fif hundred cnihtes. and leop vt of one wode; wonder wel iwepnid. Traharn king he \ar fond; and mid on spere hine \orh-stong. and alle his men sette to flende. and Eldol after droh; and mochel folk he \ere sloh. And su\\e he wende into Kent; in-to one castle and sende an hi|enge; after Octaues \an kinge. And he an hi|enge; com to his riche. to king he was onder-fon; \at him \ohte wel idon. He verde ouer al \eos \eode; and sloh \e Romleode. \e pore and \e riche; alle he sloh iliche. ware-so he mihte eni kenne; ne lefde he neuere anne. and two and twenti |ere he wonede su\\e here. = `o he was wel hold man; \o com him vuel an. hit heolde hine so strong \at he ne mihte libbe longe. `(e k)"i'ng hine bi-\ohte; wat h(e d)on mihte. wan he mihte bi-take al his kineriche = He lette cleopie his he|e men; to one grete speche. == `o \e king hadde i-seid; he bad |am reade him read. wan he mihte bi-take; al his kineriche. for he nadde bote one dohter; \at he lofuede deore. = and hire he wolde bi-take; al his kine-riche. and |efue hire louerd; \an beste of \is er\. Somme him radde "an'on; \at he hire |efue eorl Conan. = o\er \ar weren; \at \is nolde i-heren. In Cornwale was an eorl god; he was i-hote Cradoc. he stod vp a-non-riht; and \eos word saide. Hercne me min louerd; Ne ihere ich nanne godne read. = ~ef \ou bi-takest Conan; \ine kineriche. \at word come\ sone; for\ in-to Rome. For nou his Eleyne Ierusalem his cwene. and \e king Constantin; and alle his cnihtes mid him. and dead his \e riche Leonin; and his bro\er Marin. and Maximian \e |onge cniht; in Rome holde\ strong fiht. === and Constantin \e king; of vs ne \enche\ no-\ing. and \us we beo\ of Bruttes; clene bi-reued. Bote \ou wisliche bi-take \ine kineriche. w(o)lle\ Romleode; come to \isse ++++e. and for-fare vs mid fihte; and houre freondes falle. = Wan \ou hart for\-fare; ne "mawe' we ham wi\-stonde. Ac sende into Rome; after Maximian wel idon he his swi\e riche gome; and he his Leonines sone his fader was Eleyne heam; of Bruttene cunde. and |ef him \ine dohter; \at \e his swi\e deore. and make hine to kinge; \i dohter to cwene. \anne mawe we libbe; mid sehte and mid sibbe. and euere to vre lifue; witie oure freondes. mid winne and mid worsipe; and mid wisdome. `o aros Conan; and stot to-vore \an kinge. he was wonderliche wro\; for \eos speche him was lo\. = Ac ne rohte neuere Cradoc; of Conanes wra\\e. = for alle lofde Cradokes read; for hit was wisliche iseid. `o cleopede Octaues king of Brutayne. Hail beo \ou Cradoc; wel beo \ou Cradoc. Her-vore \ou salt habbe worsipe he|e. Lean me Mauric \ine sone. \at "is' a swi\e wis gome. to wende in mine neode; touward Romleode. after Maximian; \e riche and \e kene man. \at he come swi\e wile ich ham a-lifue. and ich him wolle b(i-te)che mine kineriche. +++ mine dohter Oriene to habbe to cwene. and ich wolle Mauric mede bi-take. Ich him |efue Nor\homberlond; here mid min owe hond. = wi\ \an \at he me bringe; Maximian \an hende. = Mauric verde vor\-riht; mid \reo wise cnihtes. forte \at he come; to Maximian to Rome. = `ar was fiht an lutel (w)in; bi-twixte him Gracien and Valentin. Hii dude Maximian onimete teone. moche lond hii hadde hine bi-nome; \o com Mauric \e gome. Sone so Maximian iseh; he to him beh. = = and he \us spac; wonderliche faire. Hercne me Maximian \ou hart of mochele cunne. = Er ich hider verde nis hit noht |are. Octaues heold his speche. = for vneale and heolde; haue\ hine on-balded. `ar was mani cniht god; and "\e' king am axede read. (w)am he mihte bi-take; his dohter and his riche and alle his folk after his daie. `reo eorles anon chose \an eorl Conan. === and mi fader Cradoc; \ane read wi\-stod. ====== and Cradoc makede lust; and to \an king spac \us. ======= Luste\ wel Bruttus; \at her beo\ bi-halu(es) Leonin hafde ane sone (and) in Rome he wone\. M(axim)ian hi-hote; of Bruttene cunne. To \e ich ham isend; \or\ hire alre read. \at \ou come to him; and he \e wole make king. and his dohter Oriene; to habbe to cwene. ==== === `o was Maximian for \isse worde swi\e fain. he cleopede to reade; alle his wise. \e read was sone irad; for do \at Mauric hine bad. Stille he wende sone; Maximian of Rome. in \an souenihte; mid alle his cnihtes. === Ac anon he wende touward \isse londe and so he gan li\e; into Londene. fair-lock he gan bringe; Octaues \an kinge. and \e king \ar-vore him |af his dohter to cwene. `o was king Maximian; hit \ohte Bruttes wel idon. And Conan eorl mid wre\\e; wende to Scottes. and he \are; ane borh makede. === hofte he rod \orh; and hehte hine Conanes-borh. nou and euere-more; \e name stonde\ \are. Conan ladde ferde; in \an nor\ ende. he hatede Maximian; \at a-bohte mani man. `e wise of \isse londe; makede paisinge. = and makede heom isehte; and custe wel ilome. = An(d) \e king him bi-hehte a-n(on); to maki him a riche man. = mid gri\e hii wonede here; folle fif |ere. `o hadde Maximian; onime"te' garisom. for he nadde of his londe; no feo isend to Rome. `o \e fif |er were a-gon; \o seide Maximian. \at he wolde ouer see; and fihte wi\ \an Frence. and |if he \are mihte spede; to Rome he wolde ride. to wreken his teone; of Valentin and Gracien. = `us spac Maximian; for him was to murie. for \is lond was so god; and he hit "hadde' hal onder fot. and him ne stod eye of no-\ing for dead was Octaues \e king. Maximian bad ferde; wonderliche store. \e king hadde kene men; and onimete garisome. for\ he gan wende; vt of \isse londe. = he makede him-seolf mochel to don; ne come he neuere her a-|ein. Ouer see he wende; and wel com to londe. in one londe swi\e riche \at \o hehte Armoriche. = Hii bi-gonne anne castel. god mid \a(n b)este. hii reoden |eond \e leode; and neme mochel prude. = and eke hii nemen wifmen; wonderliche manie. and dude wat i wolde; ouer al \an londe. `is ihorde Humbald; \at was \are louerd. hou \e king Maximian; a-morde his riche. Humbald sende sonde; ouer al his kinelonde. \ar he eny freond hadde \at him helpe wolde. and \ohte \at he wolde him driue of his londe. Hii comen bi dai-lihte; to one strange fihte. Bruttes heom ouercomen; and Humbald hii slowen. and fiftene \usend; \ar weren of-sla|e. `o \is fiht was idon; \o wende Maximian a|ein. to his herborewe; to reste him-seolue. A-morwe \o hit dai was; to Nantes he wende. = ne funde \ar-ine; noht of mankunne. \e him wo(ld)e wi\-stonde. ac alle hii were awei iflowe; and of \an londe itowe. bote ane feue wifmen; \at were \ar wi\-ine. `e borh nam Maximian; and dude \ar-on his men. \o cleopede Maximian; to \an eorl Conan. Conan \ou hart god cniht. \ou hauest iholde wel mi fiht. Ich \e wolle mede mochele bi-t"ec'he. for \ou haddest al Br"u'tlond; in \in owene hond. |ef ich hit neore \ou were king \ere. == Ac loke woche wateres; and woche riche londes. woche faire wodes; ine for to wonie. = `is lond hatte Armoriche; \is ich \e bi-teche. and mochel mo \er-to; |ef ich mote libbe. her-of \ou salt beo king; and \eos riche o|e. Vt ich wolle driue; al \at ich finde a-lifue. |onge and holde vt of \isse londe. = and sende ich wolle to Y\enard; \at his min owe stiward. == \at he me sal sende; into \isse londe. == sixti hundred cnihtes; \at gode beon to fihte. ten hundred \eines; sceoue \usend sweines. sceoue \usend borhmen \at riche beo\ and wise \ritti \usend wifmen; \at wel beon ifunde. Wane \is folk his hider icome; and habbe\ hire stude inome. \an his al \is faire lond; iset Bruttes an hond. hafter |am mid iwisse; cleope hit Brutlond \e lasse. = Nou and euere-more; \e name stonde\ \are. and \us Armoriches name; adun was a-falled. so \at neuere-more; ne wor\et arered Conan \eos |eft onderfen"g' and iwar\ \is kinges freond = And \e king sende; in-to \isse londe. and hehte Y\enard; Brutlondes stiward. "\at' he him swi\e sende; \at folk \at he |ornde. === Al |eode \es read; ase \e king hadde ised. and Cona(n \a)r-to heold mid he|ere streng\e. And \e king wende for\ in toward France. and bi-|et al \at kinelond; to his owene hond. and \anene he gan wende; into Loherenne. and al \at lond he bi-|et; so he dude Loueine heck. so he gan wende; in-to Lombardie. al \at lond he bi-|eat; \ar was Cradoc dead. so sori was his sone; \at he dei|ede eke. = To Rome wende Maximian; vppe Valentin and Gracien. ine fihte h"e' neme \an o\er; \o |eornde gri\ \e o\er. Cnihtes hii weren hende; \e king ham dude in bende. and he anon sone; ohnede al Rome. `at word com to Conan; ou ifare hadde Maximian. and \at Cradoc was dead; and his sone Mauric eck. = `o nam \e eorl Conan; ane swi\e wisne man. and sende to \isse londe; to Y\enard \an stronge. = To Y\enard me brohte writ; \at dead was his bro\er; Cradoc \e more; and Mauric his sone deore. \o nadde Cradoc in \is er\; bro\er bote Y\enar\. and he for\riht nom; al Cradoc his lond. `o ihorde \e Frence men; \at at Rome was Maximian. and Cradoc was dead; \o nemen hii anne read. \at hii wolde Conan; driue vt of londe == And Conan ne |eornde no gri\; ac fastliche ham faht wi\. and wel he makede his castles; treuliche and f(a)ste. and alle hine lofuede; \at come of \isse londe. For alle he hadde \e cnihtes; \at Maxim"i'an hine bi-hehte. and eke \e eorles; \e sweines and \e cheorles. and alle \e borh-men; \at him bi-hahte Maximian. Wimmen nafde noht fale bote fiftene hundred. for \e wifmen nolde noht wende; vt of \isse londe. bote \e eorl Y\enard \at was \e strengest in \is er\. wolde hire borh beon \at hii solde hire wile wel bi-teon. `o hadde Y\enard ane dohter swi\e deore. |eo hadde al \at here-word; of alle \e maydene. \e womman was seale |eo hehte Vrsele. Conan sende to \is er\; to \an eorle Y\enard. and "bede' \at he him |efue; his dohter to cwene. Y\enard |ef answere; worsipe habbe \ar-vore. = Nou to-dai a seoueniht; ich hire sende so\-riht. and alle \e wifmen \at him |ef Maximian. \ider hii solde wende; |ef hii wolde libbe. o\er ich |eom alle wolle for-don; and bi \an tyttes for-hon. `o |arkede I\enard; \at was \eos londes stiward. his dohter Vrsele; \at was a maide sele. he \ohte hire to sende; ouer see-stremes. into Brutaines lond; to Conan \an stronge. `o ihorde \e wifmen ouer al \an londe; \at me wolde sende; Vrsele of londe hire come to i-nowe; manie an onifo|e. \at wolde mid hire fare; to \an kinge Conane. swi\e fale hire bi-sohte; mo \ane |eo rohte. `o \e dai was icome \at Y\enard adde inome. \at for\ solde fare \at maide Vrsele. |eo hadde to iwite; sceouene and twenti sipes alle hii weren ifunde; in \are borh of Londene. In \are Temese hii drowen vp seiles wynd hii hafde wonsom weder mid \an beste. and hii seileden forte hii to see come. \o bi on lutel stunde; ne seh|e hii noht of londe. `o aros heom a wind; in \are wi\er side. \irkede vnder sonne; \ustrede \e wolkne. reyn and hawel \ar a-ros; \at hit iseh sore a-gros. wa|es \ar arne; streme \ar vrne. bordes \ar breken; wimmen \ar wepen. `e sipes \at vrne bi-vore; twealfe \ar were for-lore. = nas \ar no steresman \at er ohte cou\e. Nas neuere no man ibore; ne in none londe icore. = \at i-horde \ane cri; hou hii gradde to \an halwes. = \at his heorte ne mihte beo sori; for \ane deol-fulle cri. = = Somme of \aie sipes; wonde mid \an wedere. fulle feftene; "in' \an on was Vrsele. \e see was wonderliche wod; and \e see wra\\ede. and \e s"ipes' walkede; in \are see wilde. euere nor\ for\riht; \reo daies and \reo nihit. `o weren of Noreweie; eorles ivaren tweie. Melga an Wanis; hii weren kene foliwis. hii were vtla|et beie; in Denemarche and Noreweie. and hii ferde bi \are "see'-side; onimete wide. Hii cneowe bi \e wolkne; (\eos w)ederes custes. and (dro|)en to on yllond \ar hii lio\e hadde. Wanis was in Hongri; \ar he harm wrohte. Melga was in Scice; \ar he sca\e makede. == and \us in see hii weren ivare; fulle soue |ere. and so hii leie in \at yllond; and iseh|e \at weder strong. hii sehe sipes on and on; wile mo wile non. \an foure \an fifue; wonder heo(m) \ohte in \isse lifue. wat weren \e ilke sipes; \at \us in see walkede. `e wind gan a-legge; an \at weder softi. = and Melga seide \are to his ivere. Vare we nou blifue; hafter heom swi\e. = mid oure beste cnihtes \at gode beon to fihte. = (f)or \is "is' som riche king; reades bi-dealed. \at wolde mid his folk faren to somme londe. and haue\ \is wind and \is weder; a-wi\er him i-stonde. \at wo his ham a-lifue; Wende we to blifue; for |ef hit wole Appolin; \e his deore louerd min. == we solle nimen of heom hire seoluer and hire gold. and fare to vre ine; and |elpen of \an winne. For\ iwende mid flode fiftene sipes gode. \e strengest \at weren in \at da|e; ifulled mid vtla|es. and of-toke fif sipes of wifmen ifulled. Wonder heom \ohte. wat hit beon mihte. and hii cleopede him on; ac answere nas \ar non. for alle were \e wifmen; a-wild to \an dea\e. To heom idrowen; and \eos sipes nomen. and for\ere hii wende; and ni|e sipes onderfenge and hii mid \ane fourtene sipes. ferde to londe. Su\\e \es worle was astald; nas hit nohwere itald = \at euere eni wifmen; so reuliche a-towen. = Melga nam Vrsele; \at solde beon cwene. and same hire hedde; and nom hire to his bedde. == And alle \e o\er men; chose of \is wifmen. = and somme hii adreinte; in \are see deope. and somme God for-soke; and to he\en-sipe toke. and \us hii were for-rad; mid reu\e \an meste. Melga and Wanis ihorde segge foliwis. \at \eos Brutaine was cnihtes bi-reifed. for Conan hadde manie; ilad to Armoriche. and Maximian to Rome manie wel idone. an so was al \is kinelond of folke swi\e onstrong Melga and Wanis; iwende into Scottes. \at lond i \orh-harnde; and slo|e and barnde. = and so hii wende hider-ward; and pore lond makede. = `is ihorde Bruttes; and were swi\e sori. heore sonde hii sende sone; for\ toward Rome. Hii grette Maximian; and tolde him of Melga. and of Wanes his ivere; wat hii duden here. and beden him |am reade; o\er elles iweren deade. Maximian was sori for soche tidinge. and anon dude vt of bende; Gracien \e hende. = Gracien bi-com mi man; and \ou salt swi\e wel don. and ich \e wolle sende into Brutlonde. and here al \at kinelond; ich bi-take in \ine hond. and \ou salt beo mi stiward; ase was \e eorl Y\enard. and |ef \ou wolt wel don; ich wolle maki \e riche man. and drif of mine \eode; oncou\e leode. `o answerede Gracien; mid godfolle worde. Al ich wolle werechen after \ine wille. wende woder \at \ou wolt; and holde \e for louerd. `e o\es weren iswore; and hefte hii were for-lore. Maximian \e kaisere; gaderede moche here. and ten \usend cnihtes; tock Gracien for\rihtes. = and Gracien wende; into \isse londe. and here he ouer-com; Melga an Wanes son. = and drof heom ouer see-stronde; in-to Yrlonde. = and \e ka(i)s(e)r Maximian; in Rome was heh man. and he hadde Valentin faste; bi-clused in an castle. `o hadde Valentin and Gracien; in Rome mochel cun. and i seh|en \an anne bro\er; idealed fram \an o\er. Hii sende hire sonde; into Poillonde. into Alemaine and Lombardie. and o\er mani londes. == and gaderede ferde; of manian er\e. and to one iset dai sone; come aboute Rome. and wreken vppe Maximian Valentin and Gracien. Her-of noht nuste; Maximian \e riche. == `are come soue kinges; and breke Rome walles. = and \ane borh nemen; and Maximian of-slo|en. and dude vt Valentin; and alle his veres mid him. of \an stronge castle; and kaiser hine makede. and nemen hir"e' sonde; and sende to \isse londe. and sende Gracien word; hou hit was iwor\e. and Gracien for\riht anon; ohnede \isne kinedom. = and Valentin \e riche hadde al Rome. `us riht \orh sochne read; was Maximian dead. and Gracien was king her; \at was cu\ wel iwar. Wi\-"ine' one |ere; nas \ar forst na-more. iwar\ \e king Gracien manne forcou\est al he for-ferde \is lond; and alle him hatede === `o were in Est Engelond; twei boldde cheorles. bro(\er)es hii were; of one beor-time. \e on hehte E\elbald; \e o\er Alfwald. Hii iseh|en in eche stude; hou \e king \is lond for-dude. `eos chles heom bi\ohte wat he don mihte. and speken wel stille; \a hii hine wolde a-cwelle. = Hii gaderede to-gaderes; soue hundred cheorles. and seide \orh alle \ing; \at hii wolde seche \ane king. and bidde him milce; \or\ \ane God milde. \at he \orh his mihte heolde ham to rihte. Ac Alfwal"d' and his bro\er; al hii \ohte an-o\er. = ech bar on his honde ane staf stronge. and bi-side honge; cnifes swi\e longe. == and so iwende one mile; and reste one wile. = and euere ama"n'g o\er \ing; hii axede ware were \e king. and hiredmen heom tahte; ware hii hine finde mihte. war he huntede in on wode; in an wilderne. huntede one wilde bor. \at he boht wel sor. `e cheorles wende to \an wode; and warliche heom hudde. al bote tweie \at to \an king wende. and hii funde \ane king; \ar he was an hontyng. and hii him cleopede; mid swi\e loude stemne. Com hider louerd king; and we \e wolle\ teche. of one wilde bore; \at her his bi-side. vnder one borewe; \ar he him reste\. = |ef \ou \ider wolt ride; \ar he \e abide\. Her-fore was \e king glad; and \iderwardes he rod. and \e cheorles him bi-fore; beine to-gadere. `e cheorles vp \reuwen; \an king icnewen. and hine adun \reuwe; a"n'd al hine to-hewe. `us Gracien \e king; vt wende an hontinge. Sone hit was ouer-al iseid; \at \e lu\er king was dead. \o was gladnisse; isi|e to londe. ac sone \ar-hafter sorh\e was riue. `o was eche cheorl; so bolde so an eorl. and alle \e gadelinges; ase hit were kinges. == Comen men foliwis; to Melga and Wanis. and |am tidinge tolde; al of \isse londe. ou hit al was ivare; and \e cheorles nadde none care. and was al \at kinelond; hii-sette in cheorlene hond. `o weren glade foliwis; Melga and Wanis. and seide \at hii wolde toward \isse londe. Mid mochele ferde icome to \is er\e. hii hadde of Gutlond; vtla|es swi\e strong. of Denemarche and of Noreweie; men swi\e kene. and of Yrlonde; Gillomaur \an stronge. == and so hii gonne wende; in-to \an nor\ ende. hii barnden hii slowen; borwes hii nomen. == `o iseh|en Bruttes \at wo was in londe. nadde hii na"n'ne read; hii wende alle beo dead. Sonde hii neme sone; and sende to Rome. and beden hire ore; \o and euere-more. |ef hii |am wolde helpe to \an ilke neode. and euere wil hii lifde; lofue |am hi wolde. = `is word was isende; bi writ swi\e deorne. and \at writ was irad a-mang Romleode. `o speken sone; \e wisest of Rome. Mid lu\er wille solde we |am helpe. Gracien islowe; and of houre men inowe. and no\eles we ham solle "sende'; cnihtes i-nowe. = Vt hii sende of Rome; cnihtes wel idone. fif and twenti hundred; come to Londene. and gadere"de' al \e ferde; of Brutlondes er\e. and verden for\ foliwis; to Melga and to Wanis. and hii fohten heom wi\; and slowen hire ferde. and hii mid har\sipe; to \an wode flowe. and lette slean hire folk; in euereche si"d'e. and hii flowe for\; bi nor\e Scotlonde. and Phebus him hafter mid Romanisse cnihtes. ac he ne mihte for no\ing Melga i-finde. And hii bi-gonne verlich; anne swi\e deope dich. and \ar-vp-on oueral; one stonene wal. bi \are see-stronde; bisides Scotlond \ar were euere iwoned; vtlawes to londe come. and su\\e he hit dihte to witie hine mid cnihtes. `e dich and \e wal weren |are; \o nadde Bruttes nanne care. a|en hii gonne wende; to \are borh of Londene. and Phebus of Rome; heold \ar speche sone. `ar com mani riche eorl; mani cniht mani cheorl = mani riche borh-man; \at wende beo bli\e anon. \at sor\-folle eoden; her \e dai a-gon were. Phebus \e faire cniht; bed his ferde for\riht. == make hire hors alle |are; ase hii solde anon vare. ==== `o stod vp Phebus; \e riche cniht and saide \us. Luste\ me nou Bruttes; \at here beo\ bi-halues. = ~eo vs sende sonde; in-to Rome londe. of \ane wo foliwis; \at ou dude Melga and Wanis. = and ich habbe |oure fon; afulled to \an grunde. and iflemid vt of er\e; Melga boute ferde. Nou "|'e ma|e to-|ere; careles wonie here. = Ac |e vs habbe\ ofte imaked wro\. \ar-fore in Rome |e beo\ lo\. for ofte |eo habbe\ at-holde; \at feo of oure londe. and eke |e habbe\ vuel idon; isla|e \ane king Gracien. and ofte |e vs bi-hote\; treu\e to holde. ac euere a \an ende; |eo wakie\ an honde. We habbe\ for oure loue; ilore of vre leode. cnihtes in \isse londe an hundred \u"s'end. = ac so ich ibide ore; nolle we so na more. ac we wolle\ sone; wende a|en to Rome. and bi-take |ou \is kinelond; to |oure owene hond. and brouke\ hit wel euere; for vs ne se |eo neuere. ===== Werie\ nou |ou-seolue wi\ oncou\e leode Nere |oure heldre; stalewor\e cnihtes. Hinene to Rome; stod at hire dome. al \at hii i-seh of lond; hii wonne to hire o|e hond. al \is hi bi-wonne; mid hire main stronge. == Wonie\ here niht an dai; and nou ich wolle fare min way. `o \eos wordes weren iseid; \o was \ar a stron"g' read. nas neuere \e man ibore; in none borewe. \at al mihte "telle'; mid worde no mid spelle. half \e sorinisse; \at i-se|e was to londe. = `ar was wop \ar was cri; and rou\e to fale. === `es tidinge foliwis hi-horde Melga and Wanis. hii "hadde' hane ferde of onimete folke. and hii gonne wende; into Nor\humberlonde. oueral hii arde; and slowen and barnde. and so hii for\ wende \at hii comen to \an walle \at \e Romleode; hadde \ar arered. Bruttes were wi\-ine; mid swi\e fale manne. and Melga wi\-houte; and |eorne was a-boute. hou he mihte a-winne; \at he were wi\-ine. = Hii gaderede al \e ferde; of mani cunnes er\e. \e dich was swi\e wid and deop; and \e ferde to-leop. and Bruttus weren igadered; and \ane wal werede. hii soten in hii soten vt; mani man \ar folle. harwe flo|e oueral; al abou"te' \e wal. = \ar-fore ne mihte Bruttus hire wal |ime. = Hii sette to fleonde; feonde-liche swi\e. and \e o\er breken \ane wal; and eoden in oueral. and after dro|en and mani \ar of-slo|en. and slo|e \are mochel wonder; two an twenti hundred al of seolue Bruttes; wi\-houte \e Scottes. and wi\-houte Dense; \at in \an dich leie. `us i-\eh \is kine-lond; ine Bruttene hond. Wile were Bruttus icnowe gode cnihtes. ac nou hii beo\ wel neh; a-falle to \an grunde. \at ne wor\ hii neuere hehere; bote hii help habbe. of o\er mancunne; for heom-seolf noht ne conne `us ferde foliwis; Melga and Wanis. `e Bruttes of Londene to Rome sende sonde. and beden swi\e come; and do alse hii were iwoned. \at hii a-redde \is lond; and neme hit to hire owe hond. = `o |efuen hii soch answere; Nolle we neuere \ider fare. === \at his al \e ende; nolle we \ider wende. = Nas \ar non o\er answere; \e sondes gonne a|en fare. `o hii a|en come; \e Bruttus fram Rome. \e tidinges tolde; \at hii ham helpe nolde. \o was Londenes folk; mid moche wo ibunde. `o was \ar an archebissop; \at was holy man and god. and mid God swi\e heh; Gwenselin i-hote. He sende his sonde ouer al Brutlonde. after alle \e clerekes; \at Godes lore cou\e. alle \e hodede gomes; hi|enliche to him come. and hii ful sone; to Londe"ne' come. `us Gwencelin heom spac wi\; Mid vs wonie Godes gri\. == `o bi-gan he lorspel; and heom likede swi\e wel. In \an dai|e at Seint Poul; was \e archebissopes stolle. = ac su\\e Seint Austin com; he was to Cantelburi idon. Nou seide Gwencelin; \at was \e holie man. Luste\ louerdlinges; of houre tidinges. Lo \is he\ene man; \at his ihote Melga. and Wanis his i-vere. habbe\ ibrohte "wo' to \is er\e and wolle\ \isne Cristendom; for-fare and for-don. and ich wolle habbe lefue. hinene to wende. to somme heh|e kinge; and seche helpinge. = and |ef ich mai ifinde; to speke wi\ soche king. \an wolle ich wel fain; come hider a-|ein o\er elles neuere-more; nelle ich comen here. And |eo bidde for me; vppe |oure bare cnouwes. and habbe\ alle godne dai; ich wolle come wane ich mai. `o was \at folk sori; and sor\folle on heorte. nadden hii neuere here; so mochel care. For\ wende Gwencelin; and his clerkes mid him. riht to \are see; \ar heom best \ohte. Sipes hii funden; and ouer see comen = into Brutaine; \at Conan hadde wile. == Ac Aldroim hehte his sone; \at was of Conan icome. he hadde \o Brutaines lond; al in his owe hond. = Aldroim was \are king; and hadde mani herdling. Gwencelin to \an king com; and he lette hine faire vnder-fon. \ar \e archebisso\ fulle to \is kinges fot. and seide Louerd Aldroim; ofte \e wor\e God fain. Bi-\enche \at \ou were Conanes sone; al of Bruttes icome. and ich ham icome to \eode; for oure mochele neode. `ar beo\ to oure londe icome; tweie he\ene gomes. Melga and Wanis mochel wo hii do\ vs. hii habbe\ of oure londe; al \ane nor\ ende. and we beo\ adrad sore; leste he habbe nou more and hii \enche\ mochel vuel don; to falle \ane Cristendom. and teorne to he\ennisse; \e more and \e lasse. For \i fader nam; al \e streng\e of Brutlond. and mani \usend ladde Maximian to Rome. and nou ligge\ of-sla|e; \at hii blefde bi hire da|e. and \us his Brutlond; of cnihtes bi-reifed. Sonde we sende to Rome; and bede \at hii comen. and hii answerede wordes sore; \at hii nolle\ \at lond helpe na-more. = ac bidde\ vs a-winne; help |ef we conne. and habbe\ icwe\e vs scere; nou and euere-more. Ac wel mai don ou hit go for wrecches we beo\ euere-mo. Wile weren Bruttes; \e best men on lond. al \at hi bi-gonne; al hii hit a-wonne. Nou beo\ hii ouercome; and islawe and inome. = \at nis \ar bilefed non; \at euere eni tale beo on. Ac \ou har of houre cunne; helpes nou mid winne. = `us spac \e archebissop; \at Aldroim king hit vnderstod. and he gan sike sore; \at \ar glide teres. and vrnen his e|ene; \at al hit i-se|e. `o |af \e king answere; and wi\ Gwencelin spac \us \are. Ich ou wole helpe; mid he|ere streng\e. ich \e wolle bi-take; two \ousend cnihtes; \at sollen beo \e beste; \at wonie\ in londe and Constantin mine bro\er soch not ich non o\er. not ich nanne betere cniht in \isse worle-riche. = make\ hine louerd; of al Brutlondes er\. `o cleopede Aldroim \e king; his leofue bro\er Constantin. and he for\rihtes; bi-tock him \eos cnihtes For\ wende Constantin; and \e archebissop mid him. and \e king him-seolf wolde fare; ac of \e Frence he hadde care. Hider-ward wende; Constantin \e ende. and alle his "ferde' mid i-sunde; at Totenas comen a lond. \ider come \eos cnihtes; alle wel idiht. = For\ hii gonne wende; into Londene. and sende after cnihtes; ouer al \an londe. and euerech oht man; hi|enliche come a-non. `at ihorde Bruttus; \ar hii wonede in puttes. in eor\e and in stockes hii hudde ham ase brockes. = \at ne mihte wel neh no man nanne Brut finde bote he were in castle; bi-clused swi\e faste. `o hii horde \is word \at Constantin was in eor\ \o com \ar vt of wilderne mani \usend manne. = Wende toward Londene; mani \usend manne. = and stille-wor\e wifmen; wepmenne clo\es dude heom on. and alle for\ geinde; toward \are ferde. `o i-seh \e eorl Constantin; al \is folk come to him. \o was he so bli\e; so he nas neuere on lifue. For\ hii nemen hire wai; two niht and one dai. \at hii come foliwis \ar was Melga and Wanis. To-gadere hii resde mid re|ere streng\e = her \e dai was agon; isla|e was Melgan and Wanis. and Peutes inowe; and Scottes onnifowe. Dense and Norwenisse. Galeweies and Yrisse. `e wile \at \e dai was liht; euere ilaste \at fiht. \o hit com to \an eue-time; \o saide \e eorl Constantin. \at wei-wittie; hernde to \e wateres and snelle men to \e see; for to heom kepe. `e man \e iseh|e \e game; ou for\ geinde \e cwenes. |eond wodes and feldes. tounes and teldes. war-so ifunde; eni man at-wonde \at were mid Melga; \an he\ene kinge. \e cwenes lo(ud)e lowe; and al hine drowe = \us \e Bruttesse cwenes; mani \usend cwelde. and \us hii aredde \isne kinedom; of Wanis and of King Melgan. and Constantin \e hahte; wende to Cirecestre. hand heold \ar his speche; mid bolde his Bruttes. = Bruttes nemen \eos a\eling; and makede Constantin king. moche was \o \e mur\e; \at was mid mancunne. and hii him |euen a wif \at was swi\e hende ibore of \an hehest; of al Brutleode. Bi \issere wifue; Constantin hadde. \reo sones lutle; ine \isse londe. Hadde \e erest sone; wel neh \e fader name. Constantin hehte \e king; and \e child Constance. `o \at child was iwox; \at hit cou\e ride. \o lette his fader hine monaki; \orh lu\er mannes lore. and \at child monek was. in Winchestre. After him was an-o\er; \at was \e middel bro\er. he was ihote Aurelius; his toname was Ambrosius. `o was alre laste ibore. a child \at was wel itowe. he was ihote Vter his dedes weren gode. = Gwencelin \e archebissop; \at touward God was swi\e god. bi-wuste \eos children; for l"o'ue of \an kinge. Ac wolawo \at hire fader no lengere ne moste libbe. for he hadde gode lawes; \e wile \at he lifuede. ac he nas king here; bote twealf |er(e) and \o was \e king dead; hercne nou \orh woche rea(d) He hadde in his house one Peut; a cniht swi\e kene. = mid \an king he nas non o\er; bote ase hit were his bro\er `o iwar\ he so riche alle o\er oniliche. \o \ohte he to swike; \ane king in his riche. he com bi-fore \an kinge; and ful on his cnowes. = Louerd king for\-riht; spec wi\ Cadal \ine cniht. and ich \e wolle telle; of oncou\e spelles. soch \ou neuere er an er\e ne hordest. `o aros \e king Constantin; and eode for\ mid him. ac walawo \at hit nuste; Constantin his cnihtes So lon"g' hii eode for\ward; \at hii come in on horechard. \"o' seide \e swike \are Louerd beo we ere. `e swike sat adun alse he wolde run. and beh to \an kinge; ase man de\ rouning. He igrop ane knif wel long; \e king \ar-mid he of-stong. in-to \are heorte; and him-seolf atstorte \ar \e king dead lai; and \e swike fle\ awai. `at (word) com in sone; ou \e (ki)ng ivare hadde. \o was (m)ochel rou\e; ifalle to folke. = `o nuste Bruttus \orh no\ing; wat hii mihte do (a)fter king. for \eos kinges (so)nes "tw'eiene; lutle weren (b)eiene. Ambrosie cu\ one\e. ride vppe horse; and Vther his bro\er; \e |et soc his moder. and \e heldeste monek was ine Winchestre. = `o comen to Londene; alle \eos Bruttes. to one speking; for reade |am of kinge. woche weies hii mihte don; and ou hii mihte taken on. and woche of \isse childrene hii mihte maken to king `o chosen \eos leoden. Aurelia Ambrosie to abbe to kinge. = `at ihorde Vortiger; |ep man and swi\e war ama"n'g \eos eorles he stod; and fasteliche wi\-sock. and \us saide so\ \oh hit neore. Ich ou wolle reade read mid \an beste. Abide\ fourtene niht; and come\ eft hider riht. and ich ou wolle segge so\ere wordes. \at mid |oure ehene |eo solle iseo; and |oure wile wel be-teo. \is ilke we solle abide; and to oure homes ride. = Al dude \at folk; so Vortiger demde. and he him-seolf wende; al-so he wolde of londe. and tornde riht \ane way; \at touward Winchestre lai. Vortiger hadde Wals lond; haluendeal in his hond. fourti cnihtes gode; he hadde to i-vere. He wende to Winchestre; \ar he Constance wiste. and bad leue of \e abbod; for speke mid \an childe. ==== `us spac (V)ortiger wi\ \an childe \o \er. Constance hercne mine read; nou his \i fader dead. `ar his Aurelie \i bro\er; and Vther \e o\er. Nou habbe\ alle Bruttes; Aurelie hii-chose to kinge. === Ac ich ham habbe wi\-sed; and wi\segge \enche. for ich habbe i-beo stiward; of al Brutlondes er\. and eorl ich ham riche; mine veres oniliche = more ich habbe one; \ane \e o\er alle cleane. Ich ham icome to \e; for manne lefuest hart \ou me. |ef \ou me wolt swerie o\es; ich wolle don of \es clo\es. |ef \ou wolt eche mi lond; and \i raed do in mine hond. and makie me \in stiward; of al Brutlondes er\. = and wolt me an hond plihte \at ich hit al sal dihte. ich \e wolle \orh alle \ing; makie Brutlondes king. `is monek was wel stille; \eos speche him eode at wille. `o answerede \e monek; mid swi\e gode wille Wel wor\e \e Vortiger \at \ou euere come her. |ef euere-more come \e dai; \at ich king beon mai. al mi read and mi lond; ich wolle don in \ine hond. = and ich \e wolle swerie; \at ich \e swike neolle. \us saide \e monek; he mornede swi\e. ou hit alles were; monek \at he nere. for him were blake clo\es; wonderliche lo\e. Vortiger was |ep and war; \at he tahte wel \ar. he nam one cloke of his one cnihte; and on \e monek he hure dude; and ladde hine vt in \e stude. and nam one swein a-non; and \e blake clo\es dude him on. and heold roun wi\ \e swein; alse hit \e monek were. Monekes eoden vpward; monekes eode"n' dunward. hii sehen bi \e wowes \e swein mid monekes clo\es = alle hii wende; \at hit hire bro\er were. \at alle \an dai-lihte; sete in spec-huse. = `e monekes eode to hire abbod; and hine grette \orh God. Louerd benedicite; we beo\ icome to-vore \e. for wonder vs \inche\; wat Vortiger \enche\. in vre spec-house; \are he spel holde\. \orh-vt \isne dai; (no) monek \are-ine come ne mai. = Sore we a-drede\; \(at) he him mis-reade. `o answ(e)rede \e abbod; Nai ac he rede\ him god. bidde\ hine holde his hod; for nou hi(s) his fader dead. Vortiger \(a) abod; wile Constance awai rod. Vortiger for\rihtes; mid alle his cnihtes. = vt wende a-non; and monekes Constance sohten. \o iseh|en hii \e clo\es; ligge bi \e wowes. \o ech to o\er mende hire bro\er. `e abbod vppe his horse leop; and after Vortiger rod. and sone gan of-herne; \ane eorl Vortigerne. `us spac \e abbod; to Vortiger \ar he rod. Sai me \ou wode cniht; wi dest \ou so moche onriht. \at bi-nemest vs houre bro\er; Bi-lef and nim on o\er. Nim Aurelie \orh alle \ing; and make \ar-of anne king. ne wra\\e \ou noht Seint Benediht; ne do \ou him non onriht `is ihorde Vortiger he was |ep and swi\e war sone he a|ein com; and \an abbod he nom. and swor bi his honde; \at he hine wolde a(n)-honge. bote he wolde (on)h(o)di; \ane kinges sone (of l)onde. = and for soche neode he solde be king of \eode. `e abbod ne dorste non o\er; \ar he on-hodede his bro\er and \e child |af \e abbot an hond;; twente sol|ene lond. and su\\e hii wende for\ into Londene. Vortiger anonrihtes; for-bead alle his cnihtes. \at non of |am ne tolde; wat he hadde on anwolde. Vortiger ine Londene lai; forte com \e ilke i-sette dai. \at solde to speche come; \e cnihtes of \is londe To \an daie come manie and onifo|e. hii radden hii rouneden; riche \es beornes \at hii wolde Aurelie habbe to kinge. === `is ihorde Vortiger; he was wis and swi\e war. and an fot leop; alse hit a lyon were. Nuste \ar non; wat Vortiger hadde idon. == `o spac Vortiger; \at was |ep an war. Luste\ louerdlinges; \e wile ich speke of kinges. Ich was ine Winchestre; \ar ich wel spedde. ich spac wi\ \an abbod; \at his holi man and god. and tolde him \e neode; \at icome was to \eode. of Constantines dea\e; \at him sore a-\ohte. = and ich him bad for lofue of God; don Constance of his hod. and for soche neode; king he solde beo of \eode. and \e abbod nam his read; and dude al \at ich hine bad. and here ich habbe his monekes; for segge \at so\e. = Lo war his \e child |ong; make we \ar-of one king. and here ich holde croune \at \ar-to bi-houe\. and \e \is wole wi\-segge; he hit sal a-bugge. = Nas \ar neuere man so bold; \at \is wolde wi\-telle. = nas \ar non bissop; \at sone a-wai ne rod. = for hii ne dorste for God don \are \an misbod. = `is i-seh Vortiger of alle vuele he was war. vp he gan stonde \e croune he nam an honde. and sette hire vppe Constance; \at him was i-cweme. Nas \ar neuere no man; \at don \ar mihte Cristendom. \at mihte blessinge don vppe \an kinge. bote Vortiger one; hit dude for alle cleane `at forme was on-hende; soch was \e hende. he for-let Godes hod; \ar-vore sorewe he a-bod. `us was he king of \is er\; and Vortiger his stiward. Constance al his kine-lond; sette in Vortigernes hond. = `o iseh Vortiger; of moche vuele he was war \at Constance \e king; ne cou\e of londe no\ing. for he nadde hii-leornid; in neuere none lore. bote wat he solde dreie; a-ma"n'g his iveres. = Ofte he hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. ou he mihte mid lesinge; icweme \an kinge. Nou \ou miht ihere; ou he gan vare. Weren of Brutlonde \e beste alle deade. nou were \es kinges bro\ers beiene lutle. and Gwencelin \e archebissop; \ar bi-vore was dead. and him-seolf \es londes king of la|e ne cou\e no\ing. Vortiger \is iseh; and he to \an kinge beh. mid mildere speche; he gan his louerd grete. Hayl beo \ou Constance; Bruttene louerd. Ich ham icome \e \us neh for mochelere neode. for segge \e tidinge \at i-come beo\ to londe. of swi\e mochele plihte; Nou \e bi-oue\ mihte. nou \e bi-houe\ wepne; to witie \ine cunde. Her beo\ chepmen icome; of o\er londe alse hit his wone. = Hii habbe\ me itold. wi\ so\ere spelle \at \e king of Norweie; neuwenliche wole hider fare. and \e king of Denemarche; \eos Denes wole seche and \e king of Rusie; re|est alre cnihte. and \e king of Scotlon(d); mid mochelere ferde. and \e king of Frisye; her-vore me agrise\. (`)eos tidinge beo\ stronge (\at) icome beo\ to londe. her-vore ich ham adrad; for ne can ich nanne godne read bote we mote mid mihte; sende after cnihtes. \at beo gode and stronge; and wel conne a londe. and fulle \ine castles; mid wel gode cnihtes and so \ou miht \in kinelond werie wi\ onleode. = For nis \ar no kinelond; ne beo hit neuere so strong. \at ne wor\ sone inome; |ef \ar beo\ to feue gomes. `o answerede \e king; \at of lond(e) ne cou\e no\ing. == Send after cnihtes; \at gode beon to fihte. and nim al in \ine hond; mine castles and min lond. and do al \ine wille; and ich wolle wonie stille. bote on alpi \ing; \at ich wolle beo icleoped. king. `o loh Vortiger; \at was of vuele war nas he neuere so bli\e; her on his lifue. Vortiger nam lefue; and for\ he gan wende and so \orh-ferde; al Brutlo"n'des er\e. alle \e castles and \at lond; he sette in his owene hond. = and su\\e he nam his sonde; and sende to Scotlond. and hehte \e beste cnihtes; \at were a-ma"n'g \e Peutes \reo hundred him come to; and he |am wolde wel fon. And \eos cnihtes comen; to him riht sone. `us spac \e false gome; Cnihtes |e beo\ welcome. Ich habbe in mine hond; al \is kinewor\e lond. mid me |eo solle wonie; and ich ou wolle lofuie. === |eo sollen beo me leofue; for Bruttus beo\ me lo\e. loude and stille; ich wolle don oure wille. |ef |eo wolle\ oueral; holde me for louerd. `o for\rihtes; answerede \e cnihtes. Don we hit wolle; al \ine wille. and hii gonne wende; to Constance \an kinge. `o saide Vortiger; \at was swi\e wis and war. == Alle \ine castles ich habbe wel istored. and \eos oncou\e cnihtes solle bi-vore vs fihte. And al \e king lifde \at Vortiger saide. Ac wolawo \at nuste \e king; of his \ohte no\ing. ne of his swikedome \at he dude \ar-after sone. `eos cnihtes wonede \are folle two |ere. = and Vortiger \e stiward; was hire alre louerd. ===== Vortiger |am solde al \at hii wolde. and eke he |am |ef; |iftes swi\e riche. so \at he ham was so lef; alse hire o|e lif. and hii stille speken; \ar \at hii seten. \at Vortiger were wor\e to welde \eos riche; \orh-vt alle \inges; bet \ane soche \reo kinges. `o bi-fulled in hon dai; \a(t) Vortiger at his hinne lai. he sende tweie cnihtes; after \eos Peutes. \at hii solde alle heote mid him-s"e'olue. And anon for\rihtes; to him come \eos cnihtes. he fondede |am mid wordes; alse hii sete at \e bordes. = hii dronke hii dremde; \e dai for\ eode. So lang i weren \ere; \at hii dronge were. `o spac Vortiger; \at he hadde i\oht her. Hercne\ nou cnihtes; ich wolle telle ou so\rihtes. of \ane mochele sorewe; \at ich fo(r ou) habbe. = |eo beo\ me on lifue cnihtes alre leofuest. ac nabbe ich more to |efue; ne |ou for to holde. for \e king haht al \at lond; and he his |ong and swi\e strong. = |ef ich his god mis-spene; ich mot la|e \olie. and mine h}hte ich habbe ispened; for ich ou wolde cweme. and nou ich mot of londe fare; for to somme kinge. == = and |ef euere come\ \e dai; \at ich h}hte bi-|ete mai. and ich mawe so wel i-\eon; \at |e come in londe war ich beon. ich ou wolle wel bi-wite; mid mochelere mansipe. and habbe\ alle godne dai; to-niht ich wolle varen awai. = Nuste noht \e cnihtes; wat \e swike \ohte. == Vortiger hehte his sweines; sadeli his stedes. and nam twealf cnihtes; for\ mid him-seolue. to horse hii eoden; alse hii wolde of \eode. `is iseh|e \e Peutes; \e fordronkene cnihtes. === and to hire herre hii seide; Wat his vs nou to reade. = Wo sal vs nou scrude; Wo sal vs nou veode. = Nou Vortiger his a-fare; and we ibroht in mochel care. Nole we for none \inge monek habbe to kinge. ========== Wende \es cnihtes to \an kinge for\rihtes. |eoden \es cnihtes alle; \orh-vt \are halle in-to \e kinges boure; \ar he sat bi \an fure. === =========== and hii \ane king igrepe; and \at heued of smite. and alle his cnihtes; hii slo|en for\-rihtes and nemen ane sondesman; and sende to Londen. \at he swi\e solde ernne; after Vortigerne. \at he swi\e come; and \ane kinedom nome. for \at wite \ou \orh alle; hii-sle|e we habbe\ \ane king. `at ihorde Vortigerne; \at swike was fol deorne. \us a hehte \ane sondes-man; a|en for\rihtes a-non. = and bidde \at non ne wende; vt of \an ende. ac alle me a-bide; forte ich come ride. and \an ich wolle deale; \is lond vs imene For\ we"n'de \e sondesman; and Vortiger sende a-non. ouer al \an londe; \at \ar a-boute were. and hehte |am sone; \at hii to him come. `o icomen were borhmen \at were swi\e bolde. \o spac Vortigerne; \at swike was wel deorne. swi\e he gan wepe; and biter-liche sike. ac hit was on his heued; and noht on his heorte. `o axede \e borhmen; \at swi\e bolde weren. Louerd Vortigerne; wi his \at \ou wepest. Nert \ou no wifman; so sore to sike. `o answerede Vortigerne; \at swike was fol deorne. Ich |ou telle; rou\liche spelles. of mochele sorinesse \at ise|e his to londe. Ich habbe \ane king iloued; more \an mi-seolue. = and nolde he a \an ende; noht hit onder-stonde. ne non of dedes; don after reade. * He louede \e Peutes; \e on-cou\e cnihtes. ======== Hii nemen hire vore; into \e kinges boure. Ich segge |ou \orh alle \ing; hii habbe\ i-sla|e vre king. and \enches \isne kinedom; and vs alle for-don. = Ac ich was his stiward; wreken ich wolle min louerd. and euerech oht mon; helpe \at to don. = Wenden vt of Londene; cnihtes \ritti hundred. hii riden and hii ernde for\ mid Vortigerne. \at hii nehle\te; \ar wonede \es Peutes. ==== Vortiger and his cnihtes wepnede |am for\-rihtes \are come \e Peutes; and brohte heued \eos kinges. `o Vortiger \is heued i-seh; \o helde he to grunde neh. alse he hadde mod-care; mest of alle manne mid his "leches' he gan li"|'e; his heorte was wel bli\e. `o saide Vortigerne; \at swike was deorne. Euer-ech oht man; mid sweorde legge heom an. and wreke\ wel on er\e; \e sorewe of vre louerd. Nanne hii ne nemen; ac alle hii slo|en. and to \an hinne wende in-to Winchestre. and slo|en \are of hire folk; al \at hii funde. = `us ferde \e tydinge; of Constance \an kinge. `e worle-wise men \e o\er children wiste. for drede of Vortiger; hii neme Aurelie and Vther. and ladde heom ouer see. in-to \e lasse Britayne. and |am bi-tahte Biduz \an kinge. and he |am faire vnder-feng; for he was hire cun. = and so fale |ere \e childerne wonede \ere Vortiger in \isse londe; was ihoue to kinge. and \e borewes stronge stode on his honde. fife and twenti |ere he was king here. = Of alle \inges he hadde his wille; bote \at Peutes nere neuere stille. = ac euere hii hiende his kinelond; mid harme onimete. and wreken hire cun inoh; \at Vortiger here of-sloh Vnder \an com tidinge; in-to \isse londe. \at Aurelie was cniht; on mid \an beste. and al-so was Vther; cniht swi\e wis and war. and wolde come to \isse londe; mid ferde stronge. = Ofte com \eos tidinge; to Vortiger \an kinge. \ar-fore he ofte samede; and his heorte gramede. for men hit saide wel i-war; Nou come\ Aurelie and Vther. and wolle\ wreke Constance an hond; \at was king in \isse lond. Nis \ar cost non o\er wreke hii wolle\ hire bro\er. == `us cwiddede eche dai; al \at |eode bi \an wai. Vortiger hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. and \ohte sende sonde; in-to o\er londe. after vncou\e cnihtes; \at hine bi-witie mihte. = Vnder \an com tydinge; to Vortiger \an kinge. \at ouer see weren icome; swi\e selliche gomes. = \reo sipes gode i-come were mid \an flode \ar-on \reo hundred cnihtes; alse hit were kempes. = `es weren \e faireste men \at euere come here. ac hii weren he\ene \at was har"m' \e more. = ======== `eos comen to \an kinge and faire hine grette. and seide \at hii wolde; him sarui in his londe |i"f' vs \ou wolle mid rihte at-holde. `o answerede Vortiger; \at of eche vuele he was war. In al mine lifue; \at ich ileued habbe. bi dai no bi nihte; ne seh ich soche cnihtes. for |ou ich ham bli\e; and mid me |e solle bi-lefue. = Ac forst ich wolle wite; for |oure mochele worsipe. wat cnihtes beo |eo; and wanene |eo i-comen beo. = `o answerede \e o\er; \at was \e elder bro\er. == Ich hatte Hengest; Hors hatte min bro\er. we beo\ of Alemaine; of one riche londe. of \an ilke hende \at Englis his ihote. Beo\ in vre londe wonder \enges goude. bi eche fiftene |er. \at folk his i-somned. and werpe\ \are hire lotes; fo"r' to londes seche. v"p' wan \at lot falle\; he mot neod wende. == ne beo he noht so riche; he mot lond seche. = For \e wifues go\ \are mid childe; alse \e deor wilde. bi euereche |ere; hii go\ mid childe \ere. `at lot on vs ful; \at we faren solde. ne moste we bi-lefue; for life ne for dea\e. = `us hit fare\ \ere; \ar-fore we beo\ nou here. = Nou \ou hauest ihord louerd king; so\ of vs and no lesing. `o saide Vortiger \at was wis and swi\e war. = And woche beo\ |oure bi-leue; \at |eo an bi-lefe\. === We habbe\ godes gode; \e we louie\ in mode. = `e on hatte Phebus; \e o\er Saturnus \e \ride hatte Woden; \at was a mihti \ing. \e feor\e hatte Iubiter of alle \inges he his war \e fif\e hatte Merchurius \at his \e hehest ouer vs \e sixte hatte Appolin; \at his a god of gret win. \e soue\e hatte Teruagant; an heh god in vre lond. ~et we habbe\ an leafdi; \at heh his and mihti. |eo his i-hote Frea. heredmen hire louie\. = To alle \eos godes we worsipe werche\. and for hire loue; \eos da|es we heom |efue. * = Mone we |efue Moneday Tydea we |efue Tisdei. = Woden we |efue Wendesdei. `ane \onre we |efue `orisdai. = Frea \ane Friday. Saturnus \ane Sateresdai. == `us saide Hengest; cniht alre hendest. `o answerede Vortiger; of alle harme he was war. Cnihtes |eo beo\ me leofue; ac |oure bilefues me beo\ lo\e. === Ac ich wolle ou at-holde; in min anwolde. for nor\ beo\ \e Peutes; swi\e ohte cnihtes. = \at ofte do\ me same; and \ar-vore ich habbe grame. and |ef |e wolle\ me wreke; of "hire' wi\ere dedes. ich |ou wolle |eue; |eftes swi\e deore. `o saide Hengest; al hit sal iwor\e \us. == Hengest nam lefue; and to sipe gan wende. and al hire godes; hii beore to londe. For\ hii wende alle; to Vortiger his halle. ===== bed weren i-scrud; and bet weren ived. Hengestes sweines; \ane Vortiger his cnihtes. = Bruttes weren sori; for \an ilke sihte. Nas noht longe; \at ne come tydinge. == \at \o for\-rihtes icomen were \e Peutes. Ouer al \in lond hii erne\; and slea\ \in folk and bearne\. and alle \ane nor\ ende; hii falle\ to \an grunde. her-of \ou most reade; o\er alle we beo\ deade. `e king sende his sonde to \eos cnihtes hinne. \at hii swi\e sone to him-seolue come. `ar come Hengest and his bro\er; and manian o\er. == \at \e king Vortiger; bli\e was \o \er. `e Peutes dude hire wone; a \is half Vmbre hii were icome. and \e king Vortiger; of hire come was war. to-gadere hii comen; and manie \ar of-slo|en. = `e Peutes weren ofte iwoned; Vortiger to ouercome. and \o i \ohten al-so; ac hit bi-ful o\erweies \o. for hii hadde mochel care; for Hengest was \are. == for swi\e manie Peutes hii slo|en in \an fihte. = `o \at non was icome; \o were Peutes ouer-come. and swi\e hii awey flo|e. on euereche side. = And Vortiger \e king; wende a|en to his hin. = and to Hengest an his cnihtes he |ef riche |eftes. === Ne dorste neuere Peutes; come in \isse londe. \at hii nere sone of-sla|e and idon of lifda|e. and Hengest swi\e hendeliche; cwemde \an kinge. `o hit bi-ful in on time; \at \e king was swi\e bli\e. == Hengest wolde wi\ \an kinge; holde rouning. `ane kinge he com bi-vore and faire hine grette. == `o saide Hengest to \an kinge; Louerd hercne tydinge. and ich \e wolle telle of deorne rouninges. |ef \ou mine lore wel wolt i-hure. and noht holde to wra\\e; |ef ich \e wel leore. And \e king answerede; alse Hengest hit wolde. ==== Louerd ofte ich habbe ihord; a-mong \ine cnihtes. \at hii \e hatie\ swi\e; into \are bare dea\e. = Ofte hii stille speke\; of two |onge cheldren = \e on hatte Vther; \e o\er Aurelie. \e \ridde hehte Constance; \at \ou dedest to dea\e. = Nou wolle\ come \e o\er; and wreken hire bro\er. al for-bearne \i lond; and slean \ine leode. = and \us segge\ \ine men; stille bi-twine heom. === Ac ich \e wolle reade; of mochele \ine neode. \at \ou bi-|ete cnihtes; \at gode beon to fihte. and bi-tak me one castel; \at ich mai on wonie. = for ich ham for \e i-vei\ed; \at ich wene beo dead. vare ware ich euere vare; nam ich neuere boute care. bote ihc ligge faste; bi-clused in on castle. ~ef \ou \is woldes don; mi wif solde come sone. == and mi dohter Rowenne; and moche of mine cunne. = Wan we \os beo\ in londe; folliche at-stonde. \e bet we wolle\ cweme \e; |ef \ou \is wolt granti me. `o answerede Vortiger; \at of ech vuele was war. Nim cnihtes swi\e; and send after \ine wifue. and after \ine children \e |ong and \e heoldre and after \ine cunne; and onderfang heom mid winne. wane hii to \e come\; \ou salt habbe garisome. hehliche heom to fede; and wor\liche to scrude. Ac nelle ich castel ne borh nanne \e bi-take. for men me wolde sende in mine kinelonde. |ef ich he\ene men; londes bi-toke. = `e |et spac Hengest; cniht alre hendest. Louerd nou ich wolle; don al \ine wille. = Nou ich wolle bliue; sende after mine wifue. == and \ou |ef me so mochel lond; to stonde on min owe hond. ase wole a bole hude; in grene ouer-sprede. for fram eche castle; a-midde one felde `anne ne mai \e atwite; \e pore no \e riche. \at \ou eni heh borh; he\ene man bi-takest. And \e king him |af; \at lutel \at he |ornde. Hengest nam lefue; and for\ he gan wende. and after his wifue he sende sonde; to his owene londe. and him-seolf wende; oueral to bi-holde. ware he mihte wel sprede; his bole hude. === Hengest hadde one wisne man; \at wel cou\e of crafte. he nam \eos bole hude; and a borde laide. = \ar-of he makede ane \wang; swi\e smal and swi\e lang. nas \e \wang noht brod bote ase hit were a twined \red. = a-boute \ar-mid he leide; moche deal of londe. He lette \o delue; on euerech halue. `ar-vppe stonene wal; swi\e strong oueral. ane castel he arerde; fair to bi-holde. `o \e borh was al |aru; \o sette he hire name. he hehte hire foliwis; Cayr Karri in Bruttes. and Englisse cnihtes; `wangchestre. nou and eu(ere)-more; \e name stonde\ \(are). = forte \at Dence men driuen vt \e cnihtes. \ane \ridde name \ar sette. and Leane-castel hine cleopede. = Vnder \an com li\e hider Hengestes wif mid hire sipes. |eo hadde to ivere; fiftene hundred rideres. == and Rowen his dohter; \at was him swi\e deore Hit was bi on wile \at com \e ilke time. \at i-|arked was \e borh; mid \an alre beste. and Hengest wende to \an kinge; and bad hine to gystninge. and seide \at he hadde on in. hi-maked to-|enes him. = And \e king him grantede; alse Hengest wolde. == For\ hii gonne wende; \at hii come to \an ende. `e king bi-heold \ane wal; vp and dun oueral. al him wel likede; \at he on lokede. He wende in-to halle; and his cnihtes mid him alle. = bordes hii lette sprede; cnihtes \ar-to sete. hii eoten hii drongken; blisse was a-mang heom. = Hengest wende to \e ine; \ar Rowenne was hinne. he hire lette scrude; mid onimete prude. == ~eo bar in hire hond; ane goldene bolle. hi-fulled mid w(ine); ne mihte non be rich(ere) Heh|e ibore men; hire ladde in-to halle. bi-vore \an kinge; fairest alle \ing. Rowenne sat a cnouwe; and seide to \an kinge. \us erest |eo spac in Englene lond. Louerd king wassayl; For \ine come me beo\ hail. `e king hit ihorde; and nuste wat |eo saide. \e king Vortigerne; haxede his cnihtes. wat were \e speche; \at \e maide speke. \o answerede; Ke\ereh; cniht mid \e wisest. he was \e beste latimer; \at euere wone"de' her. Lust nou mi louerd king; and ich \e wolle cu\en; wat sei\ Rowenne; fairest of al wommanne. Hit his \e wone; ine Sax-londe. = \at freond sai\ to his freond; wane he sal (d)ringe. Leofue freond wassail; `e o\er sai\ Dringhail. `e ilke \at halt \ane nap; \ane dringe dring\ vp. and a|eo me hine ful\; and take\ his ivere. = `is beo\ \e lawes; ine Saxlonde. = `is ihorde Vortiger; of eche vuele he was war. and saide hit on Bruttesse; ne cou\e he noht on Englisse. Mayde Rowenne; dring blo\eliche \anne. `at maide drong vt \at win; and lette don o\er \ar-in. and bi-tahte \an kinge; and he hit vp swipte. and \orh \isne ilke game; \e lawe come to londe. wassayl and dring-hayl; \at mani men lofuie\. `e faire Rowenne; sat bi \an kinge. \e king hire |eorne bi-heold; |eo was him leof on heorte. ofte he hire custe; and ofte he hire clupte. = `e Worse was \are wel neh; \at to soche game his wel sleh. \e Worse \at neuere ne do\ god; he meynde \are \es kinges mod. \e king mornede swi\e; for habbe hire to wifue. \at was swi\e lo\lich \ing; \at \e Cristene king. louede \at maide hea\ene; folk to harme. = To Hengest bad \e king; \at he \at maide |efue him. Hengest funde on his reade; don \at \e king him beade. he |ef him Rowenne; womman swi\e hende. `ane king hit was icweme; he makede hire to cwene. al after \e lawes; \at stode in hea\ene dai|e. nas \ar preost ne Cristendom; \ar \e king \at mayde nom. = \at mayde he weddede; and nam hire to his bedde. == `e king hadde \reo sones; \at were stalewor\e gomes. \e eldeste hehte Vortimer; Pascent and Catiger. Garangan was an eorl; \at Kent hadde longe. = \o he beste wende; to holde his cunde. \o hadde hit \e cwene; and Hengest imene. seollich \ohte \e cniht wat \e king \ohte. = `e hea\ene hadde al \is lond; to hire owe hond. and \eos kinges \reo sones; ofte sori were. Hire moder was dead; \ar-vore hii hadde \e lasse read. == Nas hi"t' noht longe; bote one stunde; \at \e king makede feste; on mid \e meste. \e hea\ene he la\ede \ar-to; he wende swi\e wel to do. = ac al \at cou\e of boke; \e feste for-soke. == \e hea\ene were bli\e; for \e king |am lofuede swi\e. Hengest hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. he com to \an kinge; and \eos word saide. === Hercne me nou louerd king; ich \e louie \orh alle \ing. \ou hauest mine dohter; \at me his swi\e deore. and ich ham \e on folke; alse ich \i fader we(re) == `ine men \e hatie\ (for m)e; and ich ham ifei\ed for \e. == ~ef \ou wolt \e awreke; mid worsipe mochele. and don \in onwines wo; send after mine sone Octa. and after \an o\er Ebissa his wed-bro\er. \is beo\ \e arde(ste) men; \at euere bere wepne. and in \an nor\ende; |ef ham of \ine lond. Hii beo\ of mochele mihte and strong in eche fihte. hii wolle\ witie \i lond wel mid \an beste. `an miht \ou in wele; \i lif al for-werie. == `o saide \e king; Sende afte(r) |am for alle \ing. ======= = Hengest sende his sonde; into Saxlonde. hehte come Octa; and his wedbro\er Ebissa. and alle of hire cunne; \at hii mihte a-winne. and alle \e cnihtes; \at hii bi-|eten m(ih)te. ==== Hii come sone to iwite; mis soue hundred sipes. ==== \ar-after sone; \ar come wel ilome. bi sixe bi souene; bi ten bi enlouene. and \us hii (c)ome sie; in-to \isse londe. = \at (\is) lond was so ful; of hea\(e)ne hundes. \at nas non so wis man ne so war-wit(t)y. \at mihte to-dele \e hea\ene and \e Cristene. = `o iseh|e Bruttes \at \us hit verde in londe. \ar-vore hii weren sori; and in hire heor"te' dreri. and wende to \an kinge; \e heheste of \isse "londe' and \us to him saide; mid sor\fulle heorte. Hercne vs louerd king; of oure deorne rouning. \ou hart \orh vs bold king; in \issere londe. ac \ou hauest \e bi-wonne; harm and mochel sunne. i-broh"t' hea\ene folk; |et hit mai \e ruwe. and \o"u' for-sakest Godes lawe; for hea\ene folke. = Ac we \e wolle\ bidde; for alle God sibbe. \at \ou heom bi-lefue; and of \ine londe driue. ~ef \ou elles ne miht; we wolle\ makie gret fiht. and driuen heom vt of londe; o\er to grunde falle. o\er we vs-seolue; to-hewe wolle\ ligge. and leten hea\ene folk habbe \eos riche. = and |ef hii alle beo\ hea\ene; and \ou one Cristene. nolle\ hii neuere; holde \e for kinge. ===== `o answerede Vortiger; of ech vuele he was war. Nelle ich |am bi-leue; bi mine cwike lifue. for Hengest his hider icome; he his min fader and ich his sone. and ich habbe to lefman; his dohter Rowenne. = and su\\e ich sende after Octa; and after hire cunne mo. Hou mihte ich for same; so sone |am for-sake. = `o answerede Bruttus mid sorewe ibunde. And nolle we neuere-more; \ine bodes ihiere. ne to \ine heste come; ne \e for kinge holde. = ac \e and \ine hundes; we wolle\ mid harme grete. be vs nou to foltome; \at his Crist Godes sone. === For\ hii wende alle; to Londene his toune. `ar was mani heh Brut. at \an ilke speche. and \eos kinges \reo sones; alle hii were \ider icome. = and swi\e manie o\ere; \at come mid \an bro\eres. al \at folk \ider com; \at lofuede \ane Cristendom. And alle \e riche nemen heom to reade. == \at hii wolde Vortimer makie Cristene king \er and lete Vortigerne his fader; folwi \e hea\ene. Al \us hit bi-com; alse \e read was idon. * and Vortimer \e |onge king was kene \orh alle \ing. he het Hengest hi|enliche; faren vt of his riche. = o\er \ou and \ine veres; solle ligge here to-|ere. == `o answerede Hengest; cniht alre hendest. Her we wolle\ wonie; wintres and someres. riden and erne; mid \an king Vortigerne. and al \at mid Vortimer vare\; hii solle habbe sorewe and care. `at ihorde Vortimer; he was wis and swi\e war. he lette beden ferde; ouer al \eos eor\e. \at al \at Cristene folk; come to hire kinge. = `e king hehte echne mon; \at louede \ane Cristendom. \at hii alle \e hea\ene hatie solde. and \e hefdes bringe to Vortimer \an king. and twelf panewes to mede; habbe for his god dede. Vortimer \e |onge verde vt of Londene. and Pascent his bro\er; and Catiger \e o\er. him was icome word \at Hengest lay at Epiford. vppe \are watere; \at Darwent his ihote. `ar comen to-gadere; sixti \usend manne. in on half was Vortimer; Pascent and Catiger. and al \at Cristene folk \at louede vre Drihte. in \e o\er half were mid Vortiger \an king. Hengest and his bro\er; and mani \usend o\er. To-gadere hii come and mainliche on-slowe. \ar fulle to \an grunde; two and \ritti hundred. of Hengestes men; and his bro\er sore iwonded. Catiger \ar com; and mid his spere him \orh-nom. and he for\-riht \er; for-wondede Catiger. and Hengest gan to flende; mid hea\ene folke. and Vortiger \e king fle\ for\ ase \e wind. hii flo|e for\ into Kent; and Vortimer heom after wend vppe \are see-rime; \ar Hengest \olede \ine. \ar hii gonne astonde; and fohte swi\e longe. Fif \ousend \ar were isla|e; and idon of lifdai|e. of Hengestes men; of \an hea\ene cunne. Hengest hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. hi-seh he \er in flode; mani sipes gode. = Hii sehe on hire riht hond; a swi\e fair yllond. \at his i-hote Tanate; \iderward iwere wate. \ar \e Saxesse men; \are see sohte. and a-non wende to \an yllonde. and Bruttes heom after mid fale cunne craftes. and heom to-heolde; in euerec(he) side. = Ofte was Hengest wo; ac neuere worse \ane \o. bote he dude o\erne read; \ar he moste beo dead. He nam one spere-saft; \at w(a)s swi\e lang and starc. and dude o \an ende; one mantel hende. and spac to \an Bruttes; wordes and saide \us. Alle we |erne\ gri\; and to speke \e kinge wi\. and mid loue sende his fader to londe. wi\ \an \at we mote vare; m"i'd \is lure and \eos care. and wi\-houte more sconde; in-to Saxlonde. Bruttes wende to londe; to Vortimer hire kinge. and Hengest spac wid Vortige"r'ne roune swi\e deorne. Vortiger wende a lond; and bar an |eord on his hond. \e wile hii of gri\e speke; Saxesse in sipe leope. and dro|en vp to toppe; hehe hire seyles. and wende mid wedere; in \are see wilde. and bi-lefde in \isse londe; wifues and hire children. and Vortigerne \ane king; \at heom lo(u)ede \orh alle \ing. Mid mochele mod-care; Hengest gan awei vare so longe hii wenden; \at ine Saxlonde hii weren. \o were here; Bruttes swi\e bolde. = and Vortimer \e |onge king; was dohti man \orh alle \ing. and Vortiger his fader; alle men hende. = and so gan he wondri folle fif |ere. And his sone Vortimer riche king was her. and al \is leodisse folk; lofuede hine swi\e. == `e king sende to Rome; to \an Pope wel idone. \at was ihote Seint Romayn; he wetede \ane Cristendom. Bissopes he nam tweiene; holi men hit were beiene. Germayn and Lous; of Geroyne and of Troyes. hii verde vt of Rome; so \at hii hider come. `o was so bli\e Vortimer; so he nas neuere her. he and alle his cnihtes wende for\rihtes. on hire bare fote; to-|enes \is bissopes gode. and mid mochele murthe mu\es \ar custe. Nou \ou miht ihere; of \an kinge Vortimere. hou he spac wi\ Seint Germain; of hire come he was fain. Luste\ louerdlinges; ich ham \is leod-king. ich hote Vortimer; and Vortigerne mi fader. = He haue\ ibroht in \isse londe; hea\ene leode. ac we |am habbe\ i-flemid. ase vre folle fon. and mid wepne ifalled; fale \ousendes. and isend heom ouer see-strem; \at hii neuere ne come a|en. and we solle here; lofuie vre Drihte. == Cherches we solle heh|i; and hea\ensipe hatie. === and ich for-|eue ech widewe hire louerdes cwide and ech loue to ho\er; ase \oh "hi' were bro\ers. * and so we solle a-neo\eri; Hengestes lawes. = \at mine fader bi-swoc; mid his lu\er craftes. \orh his dohter Rowenne; mine fader he for-radde. And mi fader so vuele agan; \at he sonede \ane Cristendom and \e hea\ene lawes lofuede to swi\e. \at we solle hatie; wile \at we libbe\. `o answerede Germain; for \ane wordes he was fain. Ich \onkie mine Drihte; \at sop \es dai|es lihte. \at he soche milse; sent to mankunde. `eos bissops verde ouer al \at lond; and sette hit a Godes hond. and \ane Cristendom hii rihte; and \at folk hii dihte. and su\\e \ar-after sone he wende to Rome. and seide \an Pope; \at Romain was i-hote. ou hii here hadde i-don a-riht \ane Cristendom. = Go we |et to Vortigerne; alre king beo him harmes. he louede Rowenne; of \an hea\ene cunne = Rowenne hire bi-\ohte; wat |eo don mihte. ou |eo miht hire fader wreke; and hi(r)e louerd his teone. Ofte |eo s(e)nde sonde to Vortimer \an kinge; == \at |eo moste wonie here mid his fader Vortigere. == and |eo wolde wel don; and onderfange Cristendom. \e king hire grantede; \orh bidding of his fader. Ac wolawo \at Vortimer; of hire \ong nas war Wolawo \at \e gode king of hire \ohte nuste no\ing of \an ilke swikedom; \at \ohte \e lu\ere wifman Hit bi-ful in one time; |eo nam hire to reade. \at |eo wolde fare to \an kinge Vortimere. * and don bi his reade al h(ir)e neode. and woche time |eo miht wel don; onderfange \ane Cristendom. For\ |eo gan wende to Vortimer \an kinge. \o |eo hine mette faire |eo hine grette. Hayl wor\ \ou louerd king; Bruttene deorling. Ich ham \e icome to; Cristendom to vnderfon. in \an ilke daie \at \ou \i-seolf demest. `o was Vor(ti)mer \e king; bli\e \orh alle \ing. he wende \at hit were so\; \at \e sca\e seide. = For\ me brohte \at water; to wasse hire hondes. \o seten hii to borde; mid mochelere blisse. `o \e king hadde i|eote; \o |eode sweines to mete. in halle hii dronken; harpes \ar dremden. `o a-ros Rowenne; and eode to hire hinne. |eo eode war-in; was \e kinges beste win. nam |eo an honde; one bolle of reade golde. and |eo gan to senche; vp-on \e kynges benche. `o |eo i-seh hire tyme; |eo fulden hire fulle of wine. and a-mong al \an \ringe; |eo eode to \an kinge. and \us haillede him on; \e swicfolle wifman. Louerd king wassail; For \e ich ham swi\e fain. = = `e king hire onderfeng; to his fei-si\e. Vortimer spac Bruttus; and Rowenne Saxisse. \ane king hit \ohte game inoh; for hire speche he smere loh. Hercne ou |eo tock an; \es wickede wifman. In hire bosome |eo bar bi-neo\e hire tyttes. one ampulle; of hatter ifulled. and \e lu\ere Rowenne; drang \ane bolle; \at |eo half hadde idon; after \e kinges dom. `e wile \at \e king lo\; \e ampulle |eo vt droh. \e bolle |eo sette to hire chin; \at hatter |eo heolde \ar-in. and su\\e |eo \e bolle bi-tahte \an kinge. = `e king drong al \at win; and \at hatter \ar-in. He \at was so god king. of \eos swikedome nuste no\ing. for he i-seh Rowenne; holde \ane bolle. and drong alf \at ilke win; \at was idon \ar-in. `a hi"t' com to \an nihte; \o dealde hire"d'-cnihtes. and \e vuele Rowenne; wende to hire ine. and alle hire cnihtes; mid hire for\-rihtes. `o hehte |eo alle hire horsen sadeli. = and deorneliche; stelen vt of borewe. and al bi nihte ride; into `wangchestre. and \are swi\e faste bi-cluse |am in \an castle. and seg Vortigerne; \at his sone hine wolde bi-ligge. and Vortiger \e fole king; ilefuede hire lesing. Nou wiste Vortimer his sone \at he "hadde' hatter inome. ne mihte non lechecraft. him heolpe nowiht. He sende his sondes; a-mong alle his londes. and hehte alle his cnihtes; comen swi\e for\-rihtes. `o hii were alle icome; \o was \e king swi\e ontromed. \o \e king mid god gri\; alle his cnihtes he spac \us wi\. Alre cnihtes wor\ ou best; \at sarue\ eny king \ar nis of me non o\er read; bote hi|enliche ich wor\e dead. here ich bi-take |ou an hond; al to-gadere mi kinelond. = and |eo for\rihtes sende\ after cnihtes. = and werie\ ou |ef |e conne; wi\ Saxisse manne. for wane ich ham for\-fare; Hengest |ou wole makie care. and nime\ mine licame and legge\ on cheste. and lede\ me to \are see-strond; \are Saxisse men wolle\ comen a lond. Anon so hii me \are wite\; a-wei hii wolle\ wende. no\er cwik no\er dead; ne dorren hii me a-bide. Amang al \is motyng; dead iwar\ \e gode king. = Hii neme \is kinges licame; and ladde to Londene. and bisides Bellinges-|ate; faire hine leide. and noht him ne ladde; ase him-seolf hehte `us hit was of Vortimer; and \us he hendede her. `o nuste Bruttes none gode reades. hii nemen Vortiger a-non; and bi-tock him al \is lond. Wola roulich was \are a \ing; nou was Vortiger heft king. Vortiger nam his sonde; and sende to Saxlonde. and grette wel Hengest; cnih"t' alre fairest. and bad him an hi|enge; come to \an kinge. and mid him brohte here an hundred rideres. For \at wite \ou \orh alle \ing; \at dead his Vortimer \e king. = Nis hit no beod to bringe; wi\ \e mochel genge. leste vre Bruttes heft beo abolwe. = Hengest somnede ferde; of fale cun er\e. \at he hadde to iwite soue hundred sipes. and "ech' sip he dihte mid \reo hundred cnihtes. in \are Temese at Londene; Hengest com to londe. `at word com ful sone to Vortiger \an kinge. = Ofte was Vortiger wo; ac neuere worse \ane \o. and Bruttes weren sori; and sorhfulle on heorte. = Hengest was of vue"le' war; \at he wel cudde \ar. he nom sone his sonde; and sende to \an kinge. = and saide \at he was icome so fader solde to his sone. mid sibbe and mid seahte he wolde here libbe. = === And ich habbe i-bro\t cwa\ Hengest; mani cnihtes gode. == and ich ham wolle leade; alle to \an kinge. to one isette dai|e; bi-vore alle his cnihtes. and \e king sal a-rise; and of \an folk cheose. two hundred cnihtes; to leade to his fihte. \at solle bi-witie \ane king; deorworliche \orh alle \ing. and su\\en solle \e o\er fare to hire riche. = and ich wolle bi-leue mid manne alre leuest. \at his Vortiger \e king; wan ich louie \orh alle \ing. `at word com to Bruttes ou Hengest heom bi-hehte. = \o setten hii gri\; for alle speken him wi\. = `at hi-horde Hengest; cniht alre fairest. \o was he so bli\e; so he nas neuere her on lifue. for he \ohte swike; \ane king on his riche. == Wo wolde wene; in \isse worle-riche. \at Hengest swike \ohte; \ane king \at hadde his dohter. ac \ar nis no man so wis; \at me ne mai bi-swike. `e dai was iset; ac feue ferde \e bet. = in on stude swi\e mury; bi-sides Amburesburi. \e stude \o was Elinge; \at nou hatte Stonhenge `ar Hengest \e swike; ai\er mid worde and mid write. cudde \an kinge; \at he come wolde. = ac he nolde bringe; bote \reo hundred cnihtes. \e alre wiseste men; \at he mihte finde. and \e king solde alse vale; bringe in his halue. = mid gode hire w(e)des; al wi\-oute wepne. = `us i \o speke; and eft h(i)t to-breke. for Hengest \e wickede; \us his gan leo(r)e. \at ech neme a long sex; and leide bi his soncke. wi\-ine his hose; \ar he hit habbe mihte. and wanne hii come to-gadere; Saxisse and Bruttisse. \anne legge\ heom on; non \at |e ne sparie. `o saide Hengest to \an king; \at was hehest ouer him; ~ef here his eny cniht; \at wepne bere bi his side; sende hine mid fronsipe; for fram vs-seolue. = and speke we of sibbe; ou we mawe libbe. `us "\e' swicfolle man bi-swoc \are \e Bruttes. `o answerede Vortiger to onwis he was \ar. ~ef here his eny cniht so wod; \at wepne habbe bi side. he sal leose \e hond; \orh his owene brond. = Hire wepne hii a-wei sende; \o nadden hii noh"t' an honde. cnihtes eoden vpward; cnihtes eoden dunward. ech spac wi\ o\er; ase hit were bro\ers. `o weren Bruttus; imeng"ed' wi\ \e Saxisse. `o saide Hengest; cnih"t' alre swikelest. Neme\ oure seaxes; and hahtliche |ou storie\. = Bruttus \ar weren riche; ac hii ne cou\e noht of \e speche. wat Saxisse men; seide heom bi-twine Hii bre(i)den vt \e saxes; alle bi-halues. hii smiten in eche halue; bi-vore and bi-hinde. = alle hii slo|en; \at hii neh comen. of \is kinges folke; sone \ar fulle four hundred and fifue; wo was \an king a-lifue. Hengest grop \an king; and breide hine to him. bi \ane mantel; \at \e strenges breke. And Saxisse sote to; and wolde \ane king for-do. ac Hengest hine gan werie; and nolde hit noht \olie. ac he heold hine wel faste; \e wile \at fiht ilaste. `ar was mani riche Brut; bi-reiued of \an lifue. = somme werede heom mid stones; for wepne nadden hii none. = `ar was a bond of Salusburi; \at bar on his honde. ane mochele club. for to breke stones `eos iseh a strong eorl; Aldolf ihote. cniht mid \an beste; \at hahte Gloucestre. he to \an cheorle leop; alse hit a lyon were. and bi-nam him \ane club; \at he bar on his rugge. wan he \ar-mid smot; \ar-riht he a-bod. bi-vore and bi-hinde; he leide |am to grunde. `reo and fifti he \ar of-slo\; and su\\e to his stede droh. he leop vppe \an stede; and swi\e gan ride. in-to Gloucestre; and \e |eates lok faste. and a-non for\-rihtes lette harmi his cnihtes. and wende ouer al \at lond; and nemen wat hii funde. = and brohte to borewe; onimete blisse. \e |ates hii tunde faste; and wel |am bi-wuste. Lete we \is stonde; and speke we of \an kinge. Saxisse him leope to; and wolde \ane king for-do. ac Hengest saide for\rihtes; Bleue\ mine cnihtes. ne solle |e hine noht for-fare; for vs he haue\ ihaued care. = ac alle his borewes he sal vs bi-take. |ef he wolle libbe; and his limes habbe. `o was Vortigerne faste i-bunde. gyues swi\e grete idon a-boute his feote. ne moste he neuere bite mete; no wi\ none freonde speke her he |am hadde iswore; vppe halidomes \at were icore. \at he al \is kinelond wolde bi-take |am an hond. = and al so he dude; alse hii hit wolde. and Hengest nam on his hond; al \is riche kenelond. = he |eof an cniht al Kent; ase hit bi Londene went. and manie o\er cnihtes; he makede riche \eines. ======= = so \at on torf of lond; ne stod Vortiger an hond; == `is iseh|e Bruttus; ou rixlede \es Saxisse. = Bruttus sipte \at lond name; for Saxisse menne same. = and for \an \at hii mid sexes; bi-refde |am of lifues. \o cleopeden hii \at lond. Estsex; and Westsex. and \at "\ridde' Middelsex. == And Vortiger gan wende; ouer Seevarne. for into Walse londe and \ar he gan at-stonde. = and Vortiger hadde in horde; garisom swi\e riche. = and lette to him banni of eche cunnes manne. \at euere wolde his feo; mid mansipe |eorne. `at ihorde Bruttus; \at hi-horde Sottes. to him hii come ride; in euer-eche side. = mani heh mannes sone; for gold and for garesome. `o hadde he to-gadere; sixti \usend manne. to |am saide \o \er; \e pore king Vortiger. Gode men rede\ me read; for nou ich habbe moche neod. war ich mihte in wilderne; werchen one castel. = \at ich mihte holde; wi\ Hengest \an stronge. forte \at ich mihte bet borewes a-winne. = vp |am \at habbe\ al mi lond; a-wre\t vt of mine hond. = `o answerede a wis man \at cou\e wel reade. Lust nou mi louerd king; and ich \e wolle cu\e god \ing. vppe \an munte of Kaier; ich \e wolle reade. \at \ou reare castel. = === `o answerede \e king (L)et hit cu\e an hi|eng. ouer al \an folke; \at ich wende wolle. to \an munte of Kayr; a-rere \ar castel. For\ ferde \e king; and \e ferde mid him. \o hii \ider come; dich i dolue sone. ==== `o he was hi-dolue; alse he beo solde. \o leide me wal; a \an dich oueral. = of machuns \ar was wonder. fif and twenti hundred. A dai hii leide \ane wal; a niht "he' feol oueral. a morewe hii hine arerde; a niht he gan to-rese. Folle souenihte; \os \is worck ham dihte. = `o was sori \e king; and sor\folle \orh alle \ing. = for heuere he lokede; wane Hengest come li\e. `e king was wel sori; and sende after wittie. = and bad heom lotes werpe; and fondie \at so\e. = war-on hit were ilong; \at \e wal \at was so strang. ne mihte nih"t'-longe; neuere one stonde. `es worle-wise men; \ar a two wende. somme wende to \an wode; som"m'e to weynleates. = folle \reo nihtes; hire craftes \ar hii dihte. Ne mihten hii neuere finde; \orh none cunnes \inge. war-on hit were ilong; \at \e wal \at was so strong. euereche niht rees; and \e king his swinc les. Bote witti \ar was on; he was ihote Ioram. he saide \at he hit funde; ac hit \oht lesinge. he saide \at |ef man funde; in eni kinelonde. eny cnaue child; \at neuere fader nadde. and hopenede his breoste; and neme of his blode. and meinde wi\ \an lime; and in \an wal leide. \anne mihte he stonde; to \an worle longe. == `e king sende his sonde; ouer al \an londe. so for so he dorste for de\es care; in eni wei fare. and in eche toune; hercnede roune. war hii mihten finden speken of soche childe. `eos cnihtes for\ verde; in-to mani er\e. tweie verden anne way; \at west-rihtes him lay. \at lay "f'o"r\'-rihtes in; \ar nou his Kermer\in. Bisides \are borewe; in one way brode. adde alle borh-cnaues. hii-gadered heom to-gadere. `eos cnihtes weren weri; and on heorte sori. and sete a-dun bi \eos cnaues; bi-heolde ou hii pleoyde. Bi one lutele stunde; hii bi-gonne to striuende. al-so hit was euere lawe a-mang "ch'ildrene plawe. \e on \an o\er smot; and he his dunt a-bod. \o was swi\e grim Dunabuz to Merlyn. and \us saide Dunabuz; \at \ane dunt hadde Merlyn onwreste man; wi hauest \ou \us idon. = Ich ham one kinges sone; and \ou hart of noht icome. = for so was al \e vore; \i moder was an hore. for nuste |eo wat was \e man; \at \e streone"de' hire an. ne \ou in mancunne; naddest fader na"nn'e. and \ou in houre londe; dost vs so mochel sconde. = \ou salt in \isse daie; \ar-vore dea\ \olie. `is ihorde \e cnihtes; \are hii weren bi-halues. hii a-rise and eoden ner; and |ornliche luste. of \es vncou\e tale; \at hii ihorde of \es cnaue. `o was in Kermer\in; a reue \at hehte Ely. \es cnihtes bliue; comen to \an reue. and to him \us sayde; sone mid mu\e. We beo\ here-rihtes; Vortigerne his cnihtes. and habbe\ here ifunde one cnaue |onge. = Senden hine to \an kinge; alse \ou wolt libbe. = and his moder mid him \at hine bar to manne. ~ef \ou \is nelt noht don; \e king \e wole a-hon. = and \eos borh al for-berne; and \at folk fleme. `o answerede Ely; \e reaue of Kermer\in. Wel ich wot \at al \is lond; stond in Vortigernes hond. = \ar-vore ich wole \is don; and dre|en his wille. For\ wende \e reue; and borhmen his i-vere. and ifunde Merlyn; and his pleiueres mid him. Merlyn hii nemen; and his iveres lowen. `o \at Merlyn was ilad; \o was Dunabuz fol glad. he wende \at hit were; for \ane pley \are. ac al an-o\er was \e dom; are hit were al idon. Nou was Merlyn his moder; wonderlich iwor\e. in one nonnerie munechene ihoded. `ider wende Ely; \e reue of Kermer\in. and nam \e gode leafdi; \ar |eo was in munestre. and for\ him gan erne; to \an king Vortigerne. and mochel folk mid him; \at ladde \e nonne and Merlyn. Sone was \at word cou\; to Vortiger \e kinges mu\. \at icome was Ely; and hadde ibroht \e lafdi. and Merlyn hire sone; was mid hire \ar icome. = `e king \e leafdi vnder-feng; and mansipe bi-hehte. and Merlyn he bi-tahte; twelf gode cnihtes. \at weren \an kinge holde and hine witie solde. `o \e king Vortiger wi\ \e nonne spac \er. Gode leafdi sai me; wo streonede \e. = `o answerede \e nonne; and hire fader nemnede. `at \ridden deal of al \is lond; stod in mine fader hond. of \an londe he was king; cou\ hit was wide. he was ihote Conan; cnihtene louerd. `o spac Vortigerne; ase he his cun were. Leafdi sei \ou nou me leof \ou hart me swi\e. her his Merlyn \i sone; wo streonede hine. ==== King ich \e wolle telle selcou\e spelles. Mi fader Conan \e king; lofuede me \orh alle \ing. == and feodde me in boure; mid mine maydenes deore. = and \o ich was abedde; mildeliche on slepe; \ar com me bi-vore \at fayrest \inge \at was ibore alse hit were a mochel cniht. al of golde idiht `is \ing com me bi-vore eche niht on sleape. = ofte hit me custe; and ofte hit me cluppte. ofte \is \ing ich iseh; and ofte hit |eode me neh. == selcu\ me \ohte wat \is beon mihte. `o an|ete ich at \an ende; \at ich was mid childe. \o \at \e time com; \isne cnaue ich hadde. Not ich in \is worle; wo his fader were. ===== `e king hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. and nam him to reade; red|eues gode. and hii him radde; read mid \an beste. \at he of-sende Ma"g'an; \at was a swi\e wis man. == He cou\e of \an crafte; \at wonie\ in \an lufte. he cou\e telle of eche leod-spelles. Magan com to \e stude \ar \e king wonede. and \ane king grette; mid his milde wordes. = Ich ham icome to \e cu\ me \ine wille. `o answerede \e king; and tolde \an clearke. ou \e nonne hadde iseid; and axede \ar of read. = `o saide Magan; Ich con ful wel \ar-an. `ar wonie\ in \an lufte; fale cunne wi\tes. \at \ar mote wonie; forte Domes-dai come Somme hii beo\ gode; somme wirche\ vuele. = hii beo\ i-hote foliwis; incubi demones. Ne do\ hii noht moche sca\e; bote swinke\ men on sleape. = and mani on hende wifman; \orh hire craft kenne\ a-non. = and \us was Merlyn bi-|ete; and ibore of his moder. = `o saide Merlyn to \an seolue kinge. King \ine men me habbe\ inome; and ich ham to \e icome. and ich iwite wolle; wat beo \in wille. = `o saide \e king mid cwickere speche. = Swi\e \e lange\; after lo\ speche. Hii-"wite' \ou wolt ware-vore; nou \ou salt hit ihere Ich habbe bi-gonne a worc; mid grundeliche streng\e. al hit haue\ min garesome; of me clene bi-nome. fif \usend men; werche\ eche dai \ar-on; and ich habbe lym and ston; in \e worle nis betere non. = Al \at hii legge\ adai; to so\e ich \e segge mai. her dai a-morwe. al hit his a-doune. = Nou segge\ mine wise; and mine wittye men. \at |ef ich neme \i blod; vt of \ine breoste. and do to mine lyme; and mine wal wurche. \anne mihte he stonde; to \isse worle longe. Nou \ou iwost al; ou \e iwor\e sal. `is ihorde Merlyn a-bolwe on his mode. and \eos word saide \oh he wro\ were. Nolle hit neuere God seolf; \at his manne louerd. \at \in castel stode; for mine heorte blode = Ac alle \ine wittie; beo\ swi\e swikele. hii segge\ lesinge; bi-vore \i-sulue; \at \ou salt a-finde; in \isse daies furste. for \is sayde Ioram; \at his min folle fon. \e tydinge me \enche\ game; ich was isape him to bane. Let come bi-vore \e Ioram \ane wittye. and al his iveres; for\rith here. = and |ef ich \e segge so\; and \ine worc heale. == |ef me hire hefdes; for hire lesinges. `o answerede \e king mid cwickere stemne So me helpe min hond; \eos forewarde ich \e holde To \an kinge was ibroht; Ioram \e witty. and his soue veres alle hii weren feye. Merlyn gramede; and wro\liche spac; Saie me Ioram; lo\ me on heorte. = sai waren hit his lang \at \e wal falle\. Wat mai me finde; at \are dich his grunde. Ioram was stille ne cou\e he noht telle. `o saide Merlyn; Let delue \ane dich anon. soue fet deoppere; \ane he his nou\e. and \ou salt finde \are anon; ane swi\e brode ston. == `is was sone idon; and hii founde \ane ston. `o saide Merlyn; towardes Ioram. = Wat cunnes \inges; vnder \is ston wonie\. = Ioram was stille; ne cou\e he noht telle. `o saide Merlyn wonder; A water \ar his hunder. = Hii dude away \ane ston; \at water hii funde anon = `o saide Merlyn; and spac toward Ioram. = Wat wonie\ in \an grunde; bi-halues \an watere. `o saide Ioram; Ne can ich noht \ar-an. Nou saide Merlyn \is word; King holde me foreward. Lete\ lade \at water; and awey werpe. \ar wonie\ in \an grunde; tweie drakes stronge. \e on his a nor\ half; \e o\er a su\ half. \e on his milc-wit; eche deor onilich. \e o\er so read so blod; worm alre boldest. Eche midnihte; hii bi-ginne\ to fihte. and \orh hire fihte; folle \ine workes. \e eor\e gan to-cwakie; and \in wal to-rese. and \orh soche wondre; \ine walles fulle. = `is water was a-way idon; after Merlyn his dom. ==== `o comen vt \e twei drakes; and mochel dune makede. and fu\ten feondeliche; dun in \are dich. Ne seh neuere non cniht; non lo\lichere fiht. flo|en of hire mou\e; furie gledes. `is fiht isah \e k"i'ng; and awondrede him == hou Merlyn hit wiste; \at non no\er nuste. Erest was \e wite boue; and su\\e he was bi-neo\e. and \e drake reade; for-wondede him to dea\e. and ai\er wende to his hole; ne seah ham su\\e no man ibore. `us ferde \is \ing; \at i-seh Vortiger \e king. and alle his iveren; and lofuede swi\e Merlyn. and \e king hatede Ioram; and his hefued him bi-nom. and alle his iveres; \at mid him \are were. To telde eode \e king; and ladde mid him Merlyn. ant tahte him moche lofue; Merlyn \ou hart wilcome. == He wende \orh Merlyn; al \at lond awinne. ac al o\er hit iwar\ sone \ar-hafter. `o saide \e king Leoue freond Merlyn. = Wat bi-toccne\ \aie drakes \at \ane dune makede. and \e ston; and \at water. and \aie stronge fihtes. Sai me of \in willes; wat bi-tokcne\ al \is. and su\\e \ou most me reade; ou ich sal me leade. and hou ich may bi-winne; kinedom minne. of Hengest mine wifues fader. \at swi\e me haue\ hi-harmed. `o answerede Merlyn; to \an king \at spac wi\ him. King \ou hart onwis; and onwytti of reade. `ou axest of \an drakes; \at \ane dune makede. and wat bi-tokcne\ hire fiht; and hire grim reses. Hii bi-tokcne\ kinges; \at |et beo\ to comene. = Ac |ef \ou were so wis man so ich wende \at \ou were. \anne \ou wost axi; of \ine mochele care. and of \ine wowe \at \e his to comene. = `o saide Vortiger \e king; Leoue freond Merlyn. sai me of \an \inge; \at me beo\ to comende. Blo\eliche cwa\ Merlyn ich \e wolle segge; ac euere hit wole \e reuwe. King king bi-seh \e; Sorwe \e his |efue. of Constantines cunne; his sone \ou a-cweldest. \ou lettest slea Constance; \e king of \isse londe. = \ar-vore \ou ibidest; alre care mest. Su\\e \ou drohe to \e vncou\e leode. Saxes to londe; \ar \ou bidest sconde. Nou beo\ of Bruttes; cnihtes ariued. \at his Aurelie and Vther; nou \ou hart \ar-of iwar. hii come\ to-morwe foliwis; at Dertemu\ in Totenas. ich do \e wel to iwite; mid sceoue hundred sipes. = `ou hauest heom mochel harm idon; and nou \ou most \at onderfon. = for nou \ine fon \e beo\ bi-vore; and eke bi-hinde = fleo woder \at \ou fleo hii \e wolle\ after teo. And \e eldre bro\er; wor\ king bi-vore \an o\er. ac he \orh hatterne drench dea\ sal \olie and su\\e sal Vther Pendragun habbe \isne kinedom. ac \i cun hine sal mid hatter acwelle. ac her he de\ \olie; he sal dune makie. Vther sal habbe one sone; \at sal vt of Cornwale come. alse hit were a wilde bor; ibrustled mid stele. `e bor sal for-bearne; swi\e he|e borewes. === hinene to Rome; solle rixly his domes. he sal alle his fon falle to \an grunde. So\ ich habbe \e iseid; ac nis \e noht \e sohtere. for wende woder \ou wende; \ine da|es beo\ at \e ende. == `e king mid his ferde for\ wende swi\e. Nas \ar so\-riht; bote forst of an niht. \at comen \e bro\ers; beine to-gadere. to see-stronde foliwis; at Dertemou\e in Totenas. `is i-horde Bruttes; and weren bli\e foliwis. Hii dro|en vt of \e wodes; and of \e wilderne. bi sixti bi hundredes; and bi mani \usendes. == And "\e' bro\ers to \is er\e; brohte moche ferde. and her com heom bi-vore; mani bolde Bruttes. = \at hadde |am lang ihudde. for Hengestes eye. === = And \o hii heolde speche; mid mochele wisdome. and nemen Aurelien \an eldre bro\er anon. and to-fore alle \ing; makede hine to kinge. `o weren Bruttes; swi\e bli\e foliwis. = Come \es tidinge; to Vortiger \an kinge. \at Aurelie was ichose; and to kinge ihoue. `o was him wel wo; and eft him was worse. Vortiger wende for to one castle. Genoyre he hehte heh vpon an hulle. Gloar\ hehte \e hul; and \at lond Hergyn. = Vortigeres men nemen; al \at hii neh comen. hii nemen wepne and mete; mani ane wise. to \an castle hit brohte; \eh hit lute holpe. = Aurelie and Vther weren of Vortiger war. \at he was in Gloar\; bi-tuned in an castel. == Hii to Genoyre wende; war Vortiger alende. King was wi\-ine king was wi\-houte. cnihtes \ar fohten mid feondeliche reses. == and cnihtes a \an ende. to \an wode wende. Hii fulde \ane wode adun; and ladde to \an castle and fulde al \an dich; anon to \e toppe; and fur in sende; in euereche ende. and cleopede to Vortiger; Nou \ou sal \e wormie \er. === `e wind wehte \at fur; \at hit wel barnde. == Ne mihte \ar non cniht; a|en \an fure makie fiht. \at fur wende oueral; and barnde cniht and barnd"e' hal. and \e king Vortigerne; \ar-in gan to bearne. al hit for-swelde \at \ar-ine wonede. `us endede \ar; mid mochele wowe Vortiger. and Aurelie to his hond; nam al \is kine-lond. `ar was \e strong eorl; Aldolf ihote. he was of Gloucestre; cniht mid \an beste. \ar-riht Aurelie; his stiward hine makede. == `is ihorde Hengest cniht alre falsest. = He hi|ede swi\e; and wende toward Scottes. and Aurelie \e king; after verde an hi|enge. ===== mid al his mihte; folle souenihte. Bruttes weren bolde; and rehten ouer wolde. \o hafde Aurelie; onimete verde he funde in westlond; \e chnihtes islawe. and \e chirches alle icast to \an grunde. `o saide Aurelie \e king; Bruttene deorling == ~ef ich mote mid isunde; bi-|ete mine cunde. cherches ich wolle a-reare; and God ich wolle herie. ich wolle eche cnihte; |euen his rihte. === To Hengest com tydinge of Aurelie \an kinge. \at he brohte ferde of onimete folke. * `o spac Hengest; and leorede his cnihtes. Hercne\ nou mine men; wat ich ou wolle cu\e. her come\ Aurelie and Vther; and beie hii beo\ feaye. = For onwis his \e king; so his his bro\er. = \ar-fore ma|en Bruttes; beo \e onbaldere. wan \at heued his onwrest; \e heop his \e worse. = and betere beo\ vre fifti; \ane hire fif hundred. \at hii fale si\e; habbe\ i-funde. === We solle a|en heom stonde; and driuen of londe. and welde \eos riche after oure wille. `us \e swikele Hengest; baldede his cnihtes. = ac o\er weyes hit was idiht; here come \e dai a soueniht. Com \e tidinge to Aurelie \an kinge; war Hengest a-bod; vpon ane munede. and Aurelie mid his ferde to him wende swi\e. ===== An \at ihorde Hengest. \at Aurelie was anewest. nam he his ferde and wende him to-|enes. `o was Aurelie war; \at Hengest wolde come \ar. he wende in one felde; wel iwepnid onder sealde. === Ten \usend Walse he to wode sende. ten \usend Scottes he sende bi-halues. \e hea\ene to mete bi weies and bi strede. him-seolf he nam his eorles; and his stronge cnihtes. = and makede one soltrome; ase hit were a wilde wode. Fif \ousend \ar ride; \at solde \is folk wel bi-wite. `o saide Aldolf; eorl of Gloucestre. ~if hit wole Drihte \at al domes welde\. \at ich mai eny fiht; of Hengest habbe. he solde bitere a-bugge; al his stronge gile. ======= Onne\e was \at word; isaid to \an ende; \at hine hii iseh|e holde ouer dune. Mid onimete ferde; feondeliche he fusde. to-gadere sone hii come; and fasteliche hii slo|e. = healmes \ar gonne |elle; cnihtes \ar fulle. = vrne in \an wayes stremes of blode. = `o iseh Hengest \at his healp trokede. \o fleah he swi\e; and his folk after. ========= and Aurelie him siwede for\ forte hii come to Conines-borh. === `o iseh Hengest and his sone; \e ferde after |eom come. \o saide Hengest; cniht alre wro\est. Nelle ich na more fleon; ac nou ich wolle fihte. and min sone Octa; and his wedbro\er Ebyssa. and alle mine cnihtes storie\ |oure wepne. and wende we heom to-|eanes; and make we stronge sleahtes == Hii wende in-to \an felde; and lete stonde hire teldes. and makede hire sultrome; of his hea\ene gomes. `ar com Aurelie \e king; and mani \ousend. mid him. and bi-gonne \are to fihte; mid folle |orneste. = \are weren \e Cristene; wel neh ouer-come. `o com \ar to helpe fif \usend ridares. = and smite amang \an hea\ene; \at hii to grunde folle. = In \an fihte com \e eorl Aldolf ihote. and ifunde Hengest cnihte forcou\est. war he |eorne faht; and \e Cristene fulde. Aldolf his sweord droh; and toward Hengest he smot. and Hengest warp \ane sceald bi-vore; and helles he hadde be for-lore. and Aldolf smot in \ane sceald; \at he atwo to-feolde. and Hengest him leop to ase hit a lyon were. and smot vp Aldolf his helm; \at he atwo to-scende. == Vnder one stonde \o leop Aldolf to grunde. and iseh bi him Gorloys; \at was a kene cniht foliwis. eorl of Cornwale; wel wide icnowe. `o was Aldolf; moche \e boldere. and he|e hefde his sweorde; and hit adun swipte. and smot Hengest a \an hond; \at he for-let his gode bronde. and an hi|enge hine i-grop; bi \an brunie hode = and mid mochele streng\e hine adun swipte. and su\\e hine vp braid; ase he hine breke wolde. and his harmes spradde; and for\ mid him ladde Nou was Hengest inome \orh "Aldolf' \an hohte gome. `o saide Aldolf; eorl of Gloucestre. Hengest nis \e noht so muri. ase \e was wile bi Amberesbury. \ar \ou \e seaxes dro|e; and min cun of-slo|e. === Hengest eode stille; ne likede noht his wille. and Aldolf hine ladde to his leod-kinge. an saide to \an kinge; \eos ilke wordes. = Her ich \e bringe; \ine cunnes bane. Hengest \ane hea\ene; \at houre cun acwelde. = Nou ich hine |eue \e; for manne leouest art \ou me. and let \ine hiredmen; pleoye mid \an hunde. = `o answerede \e king cwickere stemne. Wel wor\e \e Aldolf; eorl alre kennest. \ou art me leof so mi lif. leode \ou salt beon louerd. `ar me nam Hengest; \ar me bond Hengest. = `is fiht was ouer-come; and \e hea\ene flo|e. `o iseh Octa; \at his fader was wel wo. and Ebyssa his wedbro\er; bouwed heom to-gadere and flo|en into Euerwich; and bi-tunde |am faste. = Somme \e hea\ene to \an wode wende. \ar \at going folk; laide heom to grunde. `o was Aurelie \e king; icwemid \orh alle \ing. he wende to Conines-borh; mid alle his folke. = `reo da|es and \reo niht; \e king was \are for\-riht. to lechnie \e wundes of leoue "his' cnihtes. = `o \e \ridde dai com; and \at folk hadde imaked non. \o lette \e king cleopie; alle his heorles. === forte wite in woche wise; Hengest; solde deie. == `o stod vp Aldodus; \at was an holy bissop. == and seide King hercne me; wat ich wolle telle \e. Ich wolle |efue \ane dom; ou he sal beo for-don. ===== A king was in Ierusalem Saul was ihote. and in hea\ennisse; was a king of mochele mihte. Agag was ihote; Ierusalem he hatede. == nolde he neuere |ef (ha)m gri\; ac euere he faht heom wi\. ========= `is iseh|e \e men; \at wonede in Ierusalem. and hii him to-|enes cnihtes and sweines. = and \ane king nemen; and his folk slo|en. = `o was Saul \e king; bli\e \orh alle \ing. \e "king' axede read of riche his cnihtes. woche manere \eos king; mihte for-wor\i. `o leop Samuel; a witty of Isr"ae'l. = nuste me in \an da|e; non soch of Godes lawe. Samuel nam Agag \ane king. and ladde hine in \(an c)hipinge. and lette hine faste; to one stocke bynde. and nam mid his riht hond; one stelene brond. and \us saide him ton; Samuel \e gode mon. = Nou \ou salt abugge; \ine lu\er deade(s) === `at swerd he vp-heof; and \at heued of-swipte. and al to-scende \ane king; in Ierusalem his cheping. and \e sticches toruede; ouer al \an strede. \us toc Samuel an; and so \ou salt Hengest don. `is hi-horde Aldolf; \e bissop his bro\er. and toward Hengest leop; ase hit a lyon were. and grop hine bi \an toppe; and after him; hine halede. and droh hine \orh and \orh; al Conines-borh. and wi\-houte \e borh he hine lette bynde. Aldolf his sweord droh; and Hengestes heued of-slo\. and \e king for\riht; for he was so god cniht leide hine in eor\e; after hea\ene lawe. = And "\'o Aurelie \e king; wende for\ an hi|enge. = \ar was folk sellich; and wende for\ to Euerwich. and bi-clusede \are-in; Octa wi\ his manne. \e king lette dealue one dich; al a-boute Euerwich. \at ne mihte \ar no man; no\er vt ne in gon. \at iseh Octa; \ar-vore him was fol wo. == and seide to his i-veres; \at \ar-ine mid him were. Ich habbe me nou bi-\oht wat ich don wolle. gon we solle alle; on vre bare fet. = and honge a-bute oure sweres; grete raketeies. and come to \an kinge; his milce biddinge. = And alle hii dude so; alse heom radde Octa. === \is bi-heold Aurelie; and wondrede swi\e. == \o he iseh nakede come. Octa Hengest his sone. and bar on his honde; one rakete|e stronge. = and nuel feol to grunde; bi-vore \is kinges fote. and \es word saide \o; Hengestes sone Octa. = For \e loue of God al-mihti; milce me and mine chnihtes. == for vs his itroked an hond; Appolin and Teruegand. == and alle houre bi-lefue; nou vs beo\ lo\e. ac we wolle\ ilefue; on Gode \ine Drihte. ============== `o spac Aldadus; \e gode bissop and seide \us. Euere hit was; and |et hit his. alse vs wel bi-houe\. \at wo milce bidde\; \at he hit ma|e habbe. = \ar-vore louerd king; milce \ou alle heom. = |ef hii wolle\ Cristendom; mid gode bi-leaue onderfon. = ======== An |ef hit bi-falle\; \at hii wakie; == her ich |efue \ane dom; ou \ou salt bi heom don. = Let nime |am alle swi\e; and do |am of lifue `is ich |am deme Drihte hit ihere. `o answerede \e king; Don ich wolle al \is \ing. = Aris nou Octa; and \ine cnihtes alle. == Alle \es cnihtes him bi-toke |isles. = \reo and fifti children; hii him bi-tahte. = and o\es hii swore swike \at hii nolde. `e king bi-tahte heom an hond; sixti hidene lond. \ar-on hii wonede wel fale wintres. `e king was in Euerwich and murie him \ohte. he sende his sonde; ouer al his londe. and hehte eorles and knihtes. bissopes and cleorekes. = come an hi|enge; riht to him-seolue. And hii swi\e sone; to him alle come. `e king welcomede alle; hi|enliche swi\e. == Ich ou wolle segge; mid so\e mine worde wi ich ou after sende; and for woche \inge. Here ich take ech cniht; his cunde and his riht. and ech eorl and barun \at he mai a-winne. == And ich ou hote alle; a-rere chirches \at beo\ a-valle. = and ech bi his mihte; lofuie vre Drihte. == `o \es dom was al iseid; alle hii louede \ane read. `e king |am "|ef' leue; \ane to li\e. ech verde ham-ward; \ar him best \ohte. Souenihte folle; \e king lai \are stille. and su\\e he gan wende; in-to Londone. = and lette strongi walles; and arere halles == and he makede \are reues; \an folke to dihte. `anene he wende; riht to Wynchestre. and lette \are wereche; halles and chirches. \are him \ohte swi\e muri; and su\\e he wende to Ambresburi. = ware Hengest mid his cniues; adde idon his cun of lifue. He lette axi anon; men \at cou\e ewe ston. and eke after wrohtes \at mid axe cou\en weorche. he \ohte makien an worc; \at euere solde leste = `o was in Kairlyon; an bissop \at hehte Tremorion. == he saide to \an king; of one gode \inge. === We habbe\ one wytti; Merlyn his ihote. ~ef me hine mihte finde; and to \e hine bringe. == he \e wolde segge; selest alre reade. hou \ou mihtest \is worc; makie strong and stark. \at hit mihte leste; \e wile \at men lefuede. == `e king an hi|enge; wide his men sende. = for to hine finde; and bringe to \an kinge. ===== Somme wende a-non; \at hii come to Alaban. \at his fair wel(le) ine Walse londe. `e welle he moche lofuede; and lome \are ba\ede. \e cnihtes hine funde; \ar h"e' sat bi brimme. = and \us anon-rihtes; saide \e cnihtes = Bi vs \e gan grete; \e king of \isse londe. == and faire \e bi-seche\; \at \ou to him come. hand he \e wole |eue lond; and seoluer and golde. = Merlyn answerede \o; \at \e cnihtes weren wo. Ne rech ich of his londes; ne of his o\er |eftes. = `o s}t he stille; one lange stunde. = `o hit halles vp brac; hit was god \at he spac. ~e beo\ tweie cnihtes icome fram \an kinge. |orstendai here non; ich wuste \at |e come. and |ef ich hit wolde; ne solde |e me finde. ~e bringe\ me gretynge; fram Aurelie \an kinge. Ich i-cnew his custes; are he to londe come. and eke \an o\er Vther his bro\er. ich icnew beyene; are hii ibore were. \eh ich neuere ne seh|e; no\er mid eh|e. Ac wolawo wolawo. \at hit his idiht so. \at \e gode king; lang ne mot libbe. Nou ich wolle wende; mid |ou to \an kinge. = For\ wende Merlyn; and \e cnihtes mid him. so lange \at hii come; \ar \e king wonede. ====== `e king hine clupte; \e king hine custe. ====== and ladde hine to boure; for he was him deore. and (he) axede him anon; mid (fa)yre his wordes. \at he him dude to vnderstonde; of \is worle longe. == Merlyn answerede \o; \at \an kinge was wo. O Aurelie \e king; \ou axest a wonder \ing. loke \at \ou na more; soch \ing ne scire. ====== Ac bi-lef al soche \inges; cwa\ Merlyn to \an kinge. = === Ac ich \e wolle reade; to \ine nexste neode. and segge \e her-riht; wat \ou hauest on heorte. On feold his bi Ambres-buri. \at his brod and swi\e muri. \ar was mid cniue; \in cun idon of lifue. = \ar-vore \ou \enchest \ane stude mid worsipe grete. mid selcou\e workes; herie \e deade. \at solde euere stonde; to \are worle longe. Ac nauest \ou neuer one man; \at oht conne \ar-on. for to worch makie; \at neuere nolle trokie. Ac ich \e wolle reade; to solchere neode. for ich wot a worc; for in Yrlond. = Hit his a swi\e sellich \ing; hit hat \e Eatantes Ring. \at work his of stone; soch o\er not ich none. so wid so his \e worle-riche; nis no work him iliche. \e stones beo\ mochele; and mihte hii habbe\. \e men \at beo\ on-hole; wende\ to \an stones. and wasse\ \ane ston; and habbe\ hire hele anon. = Ac \e stones beo\ mochele; and onimete grete. for nas neuere \e man ibore; in neuere none borewe. \at mihte mid streng\e; \e stones \anne bringe. `o saide \e king; Merlyn \ou saist wonder \ing. wane neuere no man ibore; mid none cunnes streng\e. ne mai |am \anene; mid none \ing bringe. wat solde ich \anne after heom sende. `o answerede Merlyn; \an kinge \at spac wi\ him. ~use |use louerd; hit was isaid wile; \at betere his sleah\e; \ane vuele streng\e. for mid sleh\e me mai holde; \at streng\e ne mai "i'w"a'lde. Ac send \ider ferde; and ich wolle mid ham wende. === =============== and he for\rihtes; sende fiftene \usend cnihtes. and Merlyn and Vther; \at was his o|e bro\er. === hii verde so longe; \at hii come to Yrlonde. ======= and slo|en hire teldes; ouer al \e feldes. ======= `is ihorde Gillomaur; king of \an londe. == and \retede swi\e; \at he |am wolde vt driue. == and makede mochel scornes; == \at i sohte \are stones. so ase none ne mihte be funde; in al Brutlonde. * he swor bi Seint Brendan; \at hii ne solde habbe on. ac for loue of \an stones; hii sol"de' habbe harm mest. ======== `us "\e vn'wise king pleoyde mid wordes. ac al an o\er hit iwar\; o\er \ane he wende. ~aru was his ferde; and he gan for\ wende. so long \at he com; \ar \eos (B)ruttes were. To-gadere hii come; and hahliche slo|e. = ac Yresse weren bare; and Bruttus i-burned. `e Yrisse folle; and wre|e \e feldes. and \e king Gillomaur; gan to fleonde \ar. = in-to one mochele wode; worsipe bi-deled. = `us was \e king isend; and \us eandede his |ealp. === Bruttes in \an felde; wende to hire teldes. = and \ar hii gonne to reste; ase Merlyn heom hehte. In \an feor\e daie; \o gonnen hii wende. and ferde to \an hulle; iwepnid wel alle. war stod \at wonder worc; mochel and swi\e stark. Cnihtes eoden vpward; cnihtes eoden dunward. hii eoden al aboute; and |eorne bi-heolde. hii seh|en \ar on londe; wonder (work) stonde. == `o spac Merlyn and saide to \e cnihtes. `is ston beo\ longe; and |e beo\ men stronge. == suue\ and hebbe\; mid al |oure streng\e. = and go\ to one stone; |e alle cleane. = Ac wel wiste Merlyn hou hit wolde iwor\e. `is cnihtes to-stapte; mid mochelere streng\e hii swonke wel swi\e; \eh hit lute holpe. ne mihten hii alle anne ston welde. Merlyn bi-heold Vther; \at was \is kinges bro\er. = and bad him and his cnihtes; stonde bi-halues. == forte ich segge |ou anon; nime\ ech ane ston. === Merlyn eode aboute; wi\-ine and wi\-houte = and storede his tonke; ase he his bedes songe. \us Merlyn dude \er; \o cleopede he Vther. Vther com to me; and alle \ine cnihtes mid \e. and nime\ \eos stones alle; ne solle |eo bi-leaue nanne. for nou |e mawe heom hebbe; ase fe\er-beddes. and so |e solle mid reade; to |oure sipes leade. `e stones hii (la)dde; ase Merly"n' heom (ra)dde. = and wende for\ so (l)ong; \at hii come to \isse londe. hii bere |am alle bolde; and leide |am vp on wolde. \at was a stude wel "muri' i-hote Ambres-buri. = Merlyn hem gan reare; alse hii sto"de' ere. so neuere non o\er man; \ane craft ne cou\e don. == `e tydinge com to \an kinge; of \an worc to his hinne. and of Merlyn his vore and Vther his b"r'o\er. \at hii weren mid isunde; icome to \isse londe. and \at worc was al idiht; and iset vp-riht. `e king was on lifue; wonderliche bli\e. and lette beade al his folk muri; \at hii come to Ambres-buri. = wi\-houte delaie; in \an Witesone-dai|e. and \e king wolde \are beo and \ane stude wor\i. == `ar were in \an wolde; ni|e \usend teldes. = o \an Witesonneday; \e king in \an felde lay. he bar \are his croune; he|e vppe on his heued. * and lette hal|i \ane stude; \at hatte Stonhenge. `reo da|es folle; \ar lay \e king stille. = he makede twei bissopes; holi men and gode. Seint Dubriz to Cayrlion; to Euerwich Seint Samson. beine hii were holy; and \orh God mihti. In \an feor\e daie; \at folk him to-dealde. and so hit one stunde; stod in \an ilke. `e |et \ar was on lu\er gome; Pascent Vortigerne his sone. was \es ilke Pascent; in-to Walse lond iwend. and \are in \an ilke da|e; was bi-come vtla|e. Ac ne dorste he noht longe wonie \}r for Aurelie and for Vther. ac bi-|eat sipes gode; and wende bi see-flode. in-to Alemayne he com; mid fif hundred manne. "a'n \ar bi-wan moche; and torn"de' eft to \is londe. = in-to Nor\humbre; \are he harmes wrohte. Ac ne dorste he noht longe; in \an eande astonde. `e king verde \iderward; and Pascent fleo\ a-weiward. into Yrlonde; to king Gelomaur \e stronge. == and grette \an kinge; mid Godes gretinge. Ich ham to \e icome; ich was Vortigeres sone mi fader was Brutlondes king; and louede \e \orh alle \ing. and |ef \ou woldest to-|ere; beo mine vere. to wreken mine fader dea\; and \in owe folkes. \at Vther here fulde; \o he \e stones fette. = halfendel \at kinelond; ich wolde set \e an hond. === `us Pascent and Gillomar; makede foreward \ar. o\es i sworen; manye and inowe. \at hii wolde al \is lond; sette in hire tweire hond. = `e king gadere"de' ferde; ouer al \an er\e. to \are see hii beo\ iwend; Gillomar and Pascent. = For\ hii eode blifue; \at hii come to Menue. \at was in \an time; toun swi\e hende. \at me nou weterly; cleope\ Seint Daui. == `o Pascent; toward Gillomar went. = Ich sette \e nou an hond; haluendel \is kinelond. for \ar his of Winchestre icome; to me one cnihtes sone. and sai\ me sochne read; \at Aurelie wole beo dead. = Her we solle oure cun wel wreke; and \is lond a-winne. = To \an kinge com \at word; in-to Wynchestre. \at Pascent and Gillomar; were mid ferde icome her. `e kin(g) cleopede Vther; \at w(as) his owe bro\er. Vther bead ferde; ouer al \eos eor\e. and wend to oure onfreondes; and drif heom of londe. = and ich wolde eke; |ef ich nere so seke. ac al so sone so ich may; ich wolle \e after wende. Al dude Vther; alse \e king him saide \ar. and Pascent at Seint Daui; mochel sorewe dude \ar-bi. = Brutlond hii \orh-hearnde; and slowen and barnde. == and al West Walse lond; sette in hire owe hond. Hit was in on tyme; \at \e folk was bli\e. \ar com faren Appas; to Pascent and saide \us. == Ich was in Wynchestre; mid \an seake kinge. \ar he li\ in bedde; and |et wole libbe. ac wat sal beon mi mede; |ef ich hine acwelle. = \o answerede Pascent and to-ward Appas he went. Ich bi-hote \e to-day an hundred pund an wel ich may. |ef \ou ine cwellest. Treou\e hii plihte \isne swikedom to dihte. Appas eode to boure and \ane balu meynde. he was an hea\ene gome; vt of Saxlonde icome. Monekene clo\es he nom; and sar him croune ouenon. = and wende a-non riht in-to Wynchestre alse hit were an holi man \e hea\ene deauel. He wende to \a borh|ate; and \ane doreward grette. = and bad hine an hi|enge; go to \an kinge. and seggen him to so\e; \at Vther his bro\er. hadde him \ider i-send; \ane king to hele. == `us he leh \e lo\e man; loh him wor\e Drihte. for Vther was for\ ifare; mid mochelere ferde. ne neuere Vther hine ne seh; ne \ider ne sende. ac \e king wende hit were so\ and ilefde him inoh. Wo wolde wene; \at he swike were. for nexst his liche; he werede \e eare. \ar-ouenan he hadde; one blake couele. == He cneolede to \an kinge; his speche was wel milde. Hayl beo \ou Aurelie \e king Bruttene deorling. Hider me sende Vther; \at his \in owe bro\er. and ich al for Godes loue; ham to \e hider icome. for ich wolle for Cristes loue; al hol \e makie. === `is ihorde \e king; hit was him swi\e icweme. for ware his euere \e man; in \isse worle-riche. \at wolde hit iwene; \at he soch were. He nam his vrnal anon; an \e king meh \ar-on. One wile after \an; \e vrnal an honde he nam. and sewede for\rihtes bi-vore alle his cnihtes. and \us saide anon; Appas \e lu\er man. Are to morewe heue. al hol \ou salt iwor\e. = `o weren bli\e. alle \at weren in boure. Appas wende to boure; and \ane balu meingde and dude \ar-to hatter \at scamoine hatte. and com vt for\rihtes; among alle his cnihtes. and to |am he gan deale mochel canele. = alle hii nemen \at lock; and he alle bi-swoc. `es swike ful a cnowe; bi-vore \an kinge. and \us saide him to; Louerd \ou salt \is vnder-fo. of \is drench on deal. and \at sal beon \in heal. and \e king hit drong; to his feye-si\e. == ======= and \e leche stille; bi-stal vt of \an halle. and awei him went toward Gillomar and Pascent. ========== And Aurelie \e king; al to-swat an hi|enge. = and cleopede his cnihtes; to him anon-rihtes. ==== and seide |am an strongne read; \at he moste beo dead. and |eo cnihtes hende; bringe\ me at Stonhenge. ========== = and legge\ me \ar-in; ware li\ mochel of min cun. = and al \us hit was iwroht; alse \e king hit hadde idiht. and Vther was in Walis; and noht her-of nuste. = no\eles he hadde mid him; \ane witty Merlyn. === In \an euetime; \e mone gan to scyne. = Hii ise|en a-vorre; one selcou\e storre. == \at his ihote; a Latyn comete. Com of \an storre; a leom swi\e sturne. at \e leomes ende was a drake hende. of \an drakes mou\e; leames come inowe. Ac tweie \ar were mochele; \e o\re oniliche. \e on droh to France \e o\er to Yrlonde. `e leame \at toward France droh he was him-seolf briht inoh. = \e leome \at strahte west-riht; a seoue bemes hit was idiht. `is i-seh Vther; ac he nas noht fale war. == Vther cleopede Merlyn; and bad hine come to him. and \us saide him to; mid mildere sp(e)che. Merlyn Merlyn leou(e) freond; fonde \i-seolue. and sei vs of \an tockne; \at we iseih|e habbe\. = for bote \ou vs reade; a|ein we mote ride. Merlyn sat wel stille; one lange stunde. alse he mid sweune; wel sore swonke. Hii saide \at hit isehe; mid hire owene he|e. \at ofte he hine wende; alse hit a worm were. Late he gan a-wakie; \o gan he to cwakie. and \eos word saide Merlyn \e wise. Way la way in \isse worle-riche. moche his \e sorewe; \at ise|en his to londe. War hart \ou Vther; sete me bi-vore her. and ich \e wolle segge; of many cunnes sorewe. Dead his Aurelie \i bro\er; and Constance \in o\er. = \at Vortiger bi-swok mid his swikedome. Nou haue\ Vortigerne his cun; Aurelie acwelled. nou hart \ou al one; of alle \ine kunne. Ac ne hope \ou to reade; of ham\at ligge\ deade. ac \ench ou \ou miht \i-seolf; \ine kinedom werie. for sealde he aswint; \at to him-seolue treste\. \ou salt wor\e god king; and steorne \orh alle \ing. And \ou at \are midniht; wepne \ine cnihtes. \at \ou at \an moreliht; ma|e be a-redi to \e fiht. == for \ou salt beiene slen \ar; Pascent and Gillomar. and mani \ousend of \an gomes. \at beo\ mid |am icome. `e tockne of \an storre; \at we isehen so forre. so\ hit was Vther leof; hit tocknede \ine bro\er dea\. Bi-fore \an stor was \e drake; eche worme onimake. \at tockne was in \ine half; \at were Vther \ou \i-seolf. = `e tocknes oncou\e; \at come of \e drakes mou\e. \at weren tweie leomes wonderliche lihte. `e on strehte for su\; vt ouer France. \at his a witfol sone; \at of \ine licame sal come. \at sal many cunne lond; a-winne to his hond. = `e o\er \at streahte west; \at sal beon a dohter. = `e leomes \at \ar strehte in-to soue strenges. \at beo\ soue sones; \at solle\ of \ine dohter come. = hii sollen beo wel stronge; a water; and a londe. Nou \ou hauest of me ihord; wat \e wolle\ helpe. swi\e for\-riht; wend to \ine fihte. = Vp aros Vther; \at wes \o bo\e wis and war. and hehte his cnihtes; to horse for\-rihtes. and hehte heom bliue fare; toward Menue. = In \an flocke bi-vore; weren cnihtes wel icore. soue \ousend cnihtes; ohte men and wihte. Hadde he a-midde; cnihtes wel bi-hedde. o\er soue \ousend; boldere cnihtes. and eke he hadde bi-hinde; ehtetene \ousend. = and of goinge folk; so many \ousendes. \at in none spelle ne mihte heom no man telle. For\ hii wende blife \at hii come to Menue. `o i-seh Gillomar war him com Vther. and hehte his cnihtes; wepni heom for\rihtes. and hii to-bliue; neomen hire cniues. = and gripen on hire honde; hire speres longe. = `o saide Gillomar \e king a swi\e sellich \ing. Her come\ Vther; Aurelie his bro\er. he wole bidde min gri\; and noht fihte me wi\. == And |ef Vther Constantines sone; wole her mi man bi-come. = ich hine wolle gri\ie; and lete hine libbe. and in faire bendes; him lede to mine londe. `e king wordede \us; \e wile hit bi-fulle wors. Weren Vther his chnihtes; in \an toune for\rihtes. and setten fur oueral; in bour and in hal. and faste to |am rakede; and hii were alle nakede. `o i-seh|e Yrisse men; \at hii \usse fullen. = hii gradde to hire king; War hart \ou ni\ing. wi nelt \ou hider wende \ou letest vs alle asende = = `is ihorde Gillomar; \ar-vore his heort was sor. mid his Yresse cnihtes; he com to \an fihte. and Pascent for\ mid him beine hii weren veie. `o iseh Vther; \at icome was Gillomar. to him he gan ride; and smot him in \an side. \at \e spere \orh-rod; and \e heorte to-glod. Hi|enliche he hine bi-went; of-tock he sone Pascent. and \eos word saide Vther \e s}le. Pascent wi nelt abide; her come\ Vther ride. He smot hine ouenon \at heued; \at he ful to \an grunde. and \at sweord put in his mu\; soch mete him was oncou\. \at \e ord of \e sweord; wond in \an eor\e. `o saide Vther; Pascent ly nou \ar. Nou \ou hauest Brutlond; al a-wonne to \in hond. = wonie\ nou here; \ou an Gillomare. and brouke\ wel Brutlond for nou |e hit habbe\ an hond. = Ne \"o'rhe "|'e noht drede; \at |ou sal feode. ===== `us i-sped here; Pascent and Gillomare. Nou was \at fiht i-don; and Vther a|en com. and for\rihtes wende; toward Winchestre. In one brode strede; he i-gan mete. \reo cnihtes and hire sweines; comen him to-|eynes. A-non so hii hine i-mette; faire hii hine grette. Hayl beo \ou Vther; dead his \in bro\er. = he \e haue\ iset an hond; al \is ilke kine-lond. = `o wep Vther wonderliche swi\e \er. Vther wende for\-riht. toward Winchestre. \o weren him bi-vore wi\-houte \an boure. alle \e borhmen; sore wepinge. = and saide Vther \in ore; nou an euere-more. Houre king we habbe\ for-lore; wo his ous \ar-vore. `ou were his bro\er; nafe\ he non o\er. ne he naue\ nanne sone. \at mawe king bi-come. Ac him \ou \ane kinedom for he his \e icunde. and we \e wolle\ helpe mid wepne and mid mihte. = `is i-horde Vther he was wis and swi\e war. \at \ar nas read non o\er; wane dead was his bro\er. He nam al \is kine-lond; to his owene hond. = and heold gode lawes; and his folk lofuede. Amang \is motinge; Merlyn at-wende. = nuste man in \isse riche; to wan he bi-come. Wo was \an kinge; so weren alle his cnihtes = `e king lette ride; wide and side. and bi-hehte gold and garisome; to eche varen"de' gome. \at cou\e \orh eny ginne; Merlyn ifinde. ac nas \ar non so witti; \at hine cu\e finde. ==== `ar-fore was \e king; sori on heorte. for ne leos he neuere leuere man; seo\\e he was on lifue. `e king "\ohte' of \an drake; \at Merlyn to him spac. and makede tweie ymages; \ane drake iliche. al of reade golde. for Merlynes loue. `o \e drakes |aru were; \e o\er was his i-vere. war \at he on er\e; ladde his ferde. = \an o\er he |af; in-to Winchestre. in-to \an bissopes stol; \are he stude holde\ `ar-to he |af his gode spere; \at me mihte \ane drake biere. wane me solde halydomes; beare at processions. `is i-se|en Bruttus; \es draken \at were imaked \us. and makede bi Vther one to-name \er. and cleopede hine anon; Vther Pendragon. Pendragon on Bruttisch. Drake-heued on Englisse. Nou was Vther god king; ac of Merlyn ne horde he no\ing. `is ihorde Octa; \ar he nor\ wonede. and his wedbro\er Ebyssa. and his i-vere Ossa. === of Aurelies dea\e; and of Vtheres kinedome. = Hii nemen heom to reade of hire holde deades. \at hii wolden bliue; Cristendom bi-leue. Hii heolden hire speche; and hea\ene bi-come. \ar comen \o to-gadere of Hengest his cunne. fifue and sixti hundred; of hea\ene manne. Sone was \at word cou\ and widene ichnowe. \at Octa Hengest his sone was hea\ene bi-come. and \e men alle; \at Aurelie i-gre\id hadde. Octa sende his sonde; in-to Walse londe. after \aie Yresse; \at Vther weren of-vrne; and after \e Alemains \at a-chaped were. \at were to wode a-wend; \e wile me sloh Pascent. = `at folk vt of wode teh; and to Scotlonde beo\. Euere \ar comen mo and mo; \at wende to Octa. \o hii to-gadere were alle hii-come; \o weren \ar \ritti \usend. wi\-oute \an wimmen of Hengest his cunne. Hii nemen hire ferde; and for\ gonne wende. and sette al in hire hond bi-|eonde Nor\humberlond. = ferde \ar was sellich; and wende riht to Euerwich. and in eche side; \ane borh gonne bi-ride. and \e borh bi-leien hea\ene hundes. and nemen al to hire hond; for\ into Scotlond. al \at hii i-seh|en; hii tolden hire owene. Ac Vther his cnihtes; \at weren in \an castle werede \ane toun wi\-ine; \at hii ne mihte hine awinne. ne horde no man in no stude feuwe men \at bet dude So sone so Vther; of \is \inge was war. ferde he bad stronge; of al his kinelonde. and he swi\e hi|enliche; wende toward Euer-wich. ferde for\riht so; \ar him lay Octa. Oc(t)a and his ferde; wende him to-|eines. \r(o)ngen heom to-gadere; mid grettere streng\e. hewen hardeliche; healmes \ar |olle. falewede \e feldes; of hire blodes. = `o \es dai|es ende com; \o was hit so vuele idon. \at \e hea\ene folk; \e ouere hond hadde. and mid mochele streng\e sweinde \e Bruttus. and driuen heom in on munt \at was onimete stor. and Vther to \an hulle; wende mid his manne. and hadde ilore in fihte leofue his cnihtes. folle soue hundred; his heap was \e worse. `e hulle hatte Dinian; \ar Vther lay ouenan. was \e hul \orh-woxe; mid one wode faire. `e king was \are wi\-ine; mid swi\e fale manne. and Octa hine bi-lay; mid his folke niht and day. = Wo was \an kinge Vther; \at he nadde beo ear war. = Ofte hii |eode to reade; of solchere neode. ou hii mihte ouercome; Octa Hengest his sone. `ar was a man Gorloys on strong eorl foliwis. = eorl of Cornwale; he was cou\ wide. he was swi\e wis man; of alle \inge wel idon. To him saide Vther sori on heorte. Gorloys \ou hart mi mon; and moche canest of wisdom. == alle mine leode; ich do in \ine reade. and we sollen weorche; after \ine wille. `o heng he his brouwes a-dun; Vther Pendragon. and stod him ful stille; and bad Gorloys segge his wille. `o answerede Gorloys; \at was hende foliwis. Sai me Vther Pendragon; wi hangest \ou \in heued adun. nost \ou \at God one; his betere \ane we alle cleane. He may wam-so he wole worsipe bi-take. Bi-hote we him on lifue \at we hine loueie wolle\. and lete we vs reade of vre misdede. Ech man for\-riht of his sunne nime scrift. ech man scriue o\er; ase hit were his bro\er. and euerech god cniht. onder-nime god screft. and God we sollen bi-hote; houre sunne to beate. and to \are midniht; |arke we ous to fiht. \eos hea\ene (h)undes; telle\ ous alle ibunde. Octa Hengest his sone; wene\ \at we beo alle inome. hii ligge\ in \isse feldes; iheled in hire teldes. hii beo\ swi\e weri ibore hire wepne. nou non hii solle heue|i; and su\\e hii solle sleape. of vs nabbe\ hii nanne care; \at we wolle\ a|ein heom vare. To \are midnihte; we sollen for\riht. swi\eliche stille; adun of \isse hulle. ne wor\e non cniht so wod; \at speke eni word. ne neuere non man; \at he horn blowe Ac we sollen stap heom to alse we stele wolde. her hii beon ware; we solle heom a-morre. we sollen heom to teon; and tydinge telle. and euerech oht man; starliche heom legge an. and so we solle of londe driuen onicunde. and mid mihte of houre Drihte; bi-tellen oure rihte. Al hii dude; ase Gorloys hit hadde ibode. == To \are midnihte; wepnede heom cnihtes. and fomest ver"de' adun; Vther Pendragon. and his cnihtes alle; swi\eliche stille. and smiten in \an teldes; \ar hii were in \e feldes. and swo hii gonne \e hea\ene; legge to grunde. == = And \ar was for\-riht inome; Octa Hengest his sone. and his wed-bro\er Ebyssa. and his i-vere Ossa. `e king heom lette binde; mid yrene bendes. and bi-tahte heom sixti cnihtes; \at goden were to fihte. ouenan \an wollde; faste to holde. and him-seolf drof heom for\; and moche dune makede. and Gorloys \an hende; for\ an o\er eande. and alle hire cnihtes; euere for\-rihtes. adun riht slowen; al \at hii neh comen. Somme hii crope to \an wode; on hire bare cnowes. and \aie were amorwe; alle idon to dea\e. Octa was ibunde and ilad to Londene. and Ebyssa and Ossa; nere heom neuere so wo. `is fiht was al idon; and \e king for\ com. into Nor\humbre; mid he|ere blisse. and su\\e to Scotlond; and sette hit al in his hond. He sette swi\e god gri\; \at ech man mihte faren wi\. fram londe to londe; \eh "he' bere gold an honde. of gri\e he dude soch \ing; \at ne mihte her no king. fram \an ilke time; \at Brutus her com li\e. And su\\e bi one stunde; he verde to Lundene. he was \ar on Easter; mid alle his folke. bli\e was Londene his toune. for Vther Pendragon. He sende his sonde. ouer al his kinelonde. he bad eorles and cnihtes; and alle o\er \eines. = \at hii come to Londene; to Vther \an kinge. = Riche men sone; to Londene come. hii brohten wif hii brohten child; ase hii were ihote. Mid mochele godnisse \e king ihorde his masse. and Gorloys eorl of Cornwale; and mid him cnihtes fale. moche blisse was in \an toun; mid Vther Pendragon. `o \e masse was isonge; to halle hii \ronge. and bordes hii leiden and adun seten. hii eoten hii drongen; blisse was a-mang heom `ar sat Vther \e king; in his he|e setle. aforne|en him Gorlois; \at was hende foliwis. = `o hii were alle isete; eorles to \are mete. \e king sende his sonde; to Igerne \an hende. = Ofte he hire lokede on; and leitede mid e|ene. ofte he his borles sende; to hire borde. ofte he hire loh to; and makede hire letes. and |eo hine lofueliche bi-heold; I not ware |eo hine lofuede. Nas \e king noht so wis; ne so war witele. \at cou\e his \oht hude; a-mang his do|e\e. So lange \e king \is game drof; \at Gorloys iwar\ wro\. and him gramede swi\e; to \e king for his wifue. `e eorl and his cnihtes; a-risen for\-rihtes. and for\ mid \an wifue; cnihtes swi\e wro\e. King Vther isah \is; an was wro\ foliwis. and nam a-non rihtes; twalf wise cnihtes. and sende after Gorloys; eorl of Cornwale. and bad hine an hi|enge; come to \an kinge. and don \an kinge god riht. and beon icnowe of his pliht. \at he hadde \ane king i-send; \at he was fram his borde iwend. he and his cnihtes mid mochele onrihtes. for \e king him louede ase his lif. and haylede to his wif. and |ef he nolde \is owe; and of his gult beo cnowe. \e king him wolde after; and don al his mihte. bi-nimen al his lond; \at he hadde an hond. `is ihorde Gorloys; eorl of Cornwale. and he answerede; wro\liche swi\e. Nay so me helpe Drihte; \at sceop \es dai|es lihte. nelle ich neuere a|ein come; ne his gri\ |erne. ne sal he neuere on lifue me scende of mine wifue. ac segge\ Vther \an king; at Tyntagel he may me finde. |ef he \ider wole ride; \ar ich him wole abide. = For\ wende \e eorl yr on his mode. he was wro\ wi\ \an king wonderliche swi\e. and "\'re"t'ede Vther \ane king; and alle his cnihtes mid him. ac he nuste wat com su\\e; sone \ar-after `e eorl a-non wende into Cornwale he hadde \are tweie castles bi-walled swi\e faste. \e castles gode were; of his hilderne streone. To Tyntagel he sende; his wif \at was so hende. Igerne i-hote; treouwest alre wifue. and he bi-clusde "hi're faste; ine \ane castle. Igerne was sori; and sorhfolle an heorte. \at so mani man for hure; solde habbe \are lure. `e eorl sende sonde; ouer al Brutlond. and bad echene ohte gome; \at he solde to him come. for seoluer and for golde; and for o\er |eftes gode. \at he wel sone; to Tyntagel come. and his owene cnihtes comen for\rihtes. `o hii to-gadere weren; alle hi-som"n'ed. \o hadde "he' fulle fiftene \usend. and he Tyntagel faste bi-tunde. Vppe \are stronde; Tyntagel stonde\. he his mid see-cluues faste bi-tuned \at ne wor\ he bi-wonne; \orh neuere none manne. bote of strang honger; come \ar-honder `e eorl wende \anne; mid scoue \ousend manne. and wende to an o\er castel; and bi-tunde him wel faste. bilefde his wif in Tyntagel; mid hehte \ousen manne. For ne \eorte \e cnihtes dai|es no nihtes. bote witie wel \an castel-|eate; and careles ligge sleape. and \e eorl wuste \an o\er; mid him his owe bro\er. `is ihorde Vther; \at king in londe was her. \at Gorloys his eorl; ferde hadde i-gadered. and wolde holde werre; mid mochelere wra\\e. `e king bad his ferde; ouer al his er\e. = mani cunnes leode; li\ede heom to-gaderes. and comen to Londene; to \an leod-kinge Ut of Londenes toun verde Vther Pendragon. he and his cnihtes; wende for\rihtes. so lange \at hii come; in-to Cornwale. and ofer \at water wende \at Tambre his ihote. riht to \an castle; \ar hii Gorloys wuste. and al \ar aboute; \ane castel bi-leye. ofte hii to-resde; mid reh|ere streng\e. = Folle souenihtes; \e king mid his cnihtes. bi-lay \ane castel; his men \are hadde teone. ne mihte he of \an eorl no\ing a-winne. ac al \at soueniht ilast \at selliche fiht. `o iseh Vther \e king; \at him ne spedde no\ing. ofte he hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. for Igerne him was so leof; so his owene lif. and Gorloys in londe man alre lo\est. and in (e)che weyes him was wo in \isse worle-riche. for he ne mihte habbe noht of his wille. `o was mid \an kinge; an hold man swi\e hende. = he was ihote Vlfin; moche wisdom was mid him. `e king i-breid vp his chin; and bi-heold Vlfin. = and seide mid his mou\e; toward his cnihte. Vlfin read me somne read; o\er ich wor\e sone dead. so swi\e me lange\; \at ich ne may noht libbe. after \are faire Igerne; \is word halt me deorne. for ich wole ilifue; al \ine lore. loude and stille; don ich wolle `o answerede Vlfin; \an king \at spac wi\ him Nou ihire ich mochel sellich; one king segge. `ou louest Igerne; and holdest hit so deorne. \e wifman his \e to leof; and hire louerd to lo\. his lond \ou for-bearnest and him-seolue \retest. = Wenest \ou mid soche harme; to bi-|ete Igerne. \anne |eo solde don; ase ne do\ no womman. mid heye onimete holde loue swete. Ac |ef \ou hire louedest; \ou solt hire sondes sende. = and louie hire mid liste; and mid faire bi-heste. and |et hit were a wene; war \ou hire habbe mihtes. for Igerne his wel idon; a swi\e treouwe womman. so was hire moder; and mo of hure cunne. = ac o\er weies \ou most a-gynne; |ef \ou hire wolt a-winne. For |orstnendai me com to; on heremite wel idon. and swor bi his chinne; \at he wiste of Merlyn. ware he eche nihte; reste onder lufte. and ofte he s(p)ac him wi\; and spelles him tolde. and we mihte \orh eni \ing; a-winne \issne Merlyn. \anne mihtes \ou sone habbe \ine wille. `o was Vther Pendragun \e sohtere in his mode. and answerede \ane read. Vlfin \ou hauest wel iseid. Ich |eue an honde \e; \ritti solh of londe. \at \ou Merlyn a-winne; and do mine wille. Vlfin in \an londe wende. and sohte al \e ferde. and bi one stunde. \ane heremite "funde'. and an hi|enge; brohte hine to \an kinge. and \e king him sette an hond. scoue solwene lond. |ef he mihte finde; Merlyn and to \e kinge bringe. `e heremite gan wende; to \an west eande. to one wilderne to one wode mochele. \ar he iwoned hadde. wel fale wyntres. and Merlyn swi\e hofte; \are hine sohte. Sone so \e heremite com in; he iseh Merlyn. vnder one "treo' stunde; and sore him gan longye. \an heremite he iseh come; ase wile was is wone. he orn him to-|eines. and to him saide \us. hii clupten hii custen; and cu\liche speke. `o saide Merlyn moche wisdom was mid him. Sai \ou me leofue freond; wi noldest \ou me cou\e. \orh none \ing \at \ou woldest to \an kinge. Ac fol |are ich hit wiste; anon ase ich \e miste. = and wat \e king \e wi\ spac; and of his londe \e bead. \at \ou me soldest bringe to Vther \an kinge. And Vlfin \e sohte; and to \an kinge brohte. = and Vther sette him an hond; \ritti solwene lond. and \e he sette an honde; soue solwene lond. Vther his of-longed; after Igerne. wonderliche swi\e; after Gorloys his wifue. Ac lange his euere; \at ne come\ neuere. \at he hire awinne; bote mid mine gynne. for nis no womman treuwere in \isse worle-ri(che) and no\eles he sal habbe; \e hendi Igerne. in hire he sal streni; \at sal wide sturie he sal streoni hire on; one selliche man. Lange his euere; dead ne wor\ he neuere. \e wile \at \e worle steond; me wole of him telle. he sal in Rome; welde \e cnihtes Al him sal abouwe; \at wonie\ in Bruttene. of him solle gleomen; cou\liche singe. of his brost sollen eate; stalewor\e kempes solle of his blode; cnihtes beo dronge. of his e|ene solle fleo; furie gledes. ech fenger of his hond scarp stelene brond. sollen ston walles; to-vore him to-falle. beornes solle rusie; rese hire marke. `us he sal wel lange; wende ouer al \an londes. folk to bi-winne; and his la|es sette. `is beo\ \e tockne of \an sone; \at come\ of Vther Pendragon. and of Igerne; `at |et his wel deorne. for |et not hit no\er; Igerne ne Vther. = for |et he his on-streone; \at storie sal \eos \eode. Ac louerd cwa\ Merlyn; nou hit his wille \in. \at for\ ich sal vare; to folke \eos kinges. \i word ich wolle iheren; and nou ich wolle wende. and faren ich wolle for \ine loue; to Vther Pendragon. and habbe |e solle \at lond; \at "he' |ou sette an hond. = dorneliche hii custe; \o hii gonne to-deale. Merlyn wende riht for\ su\; \at lond him was wel cou\. for\-riht he wende; to \is kinges ferde. Sone so Vther hine iseh; a|eines him he beh. and \us cwap Vther Pendragon; Merlyn \ou hart wilcome. Here ich \e sette an hond; al \ane read of mine lond. for nou \ou most me reade; at mochele mine neode. = == for bote ich habbe \ine read; wel sone ich wor\e dead. for ich langy so swi\e; after Gorloys his wifue. * `o answerede Merlyn Let nou come Vlfin. and bi-tak him an hond \ritti solwene lond. and bi-tak \e heremite; \at \ou hine bi-heate. for nelle ich of \e habbe; none cunne |eftes. = for |ef ich wilnede hahte; \anne wersede ich on crafte. Ac al \ine wille wel \ou salt habbe. for ich can on soch craft; \at \e sal wel likie. \at al solle \ine cheres; iwor\e alse \e eorles. \i speche \in dede; \in hors and so salt ride. = Wane Igerne \e sal isen; a mode \e bet hire sal ben. |eo li\ ine Tyntagel; faste bi-tuned. Nis no king so wel ibore; of none londe icore. \at mid streng\e of Tyntagel; \e |eates mihte ontune. bo"te' hii were bursted; mid honger and mid \orste. Ac \at his \at so\e; \at ich \e segge wolle. \orh alle \ing \ou salt beo; ase hit \e eorl were. and ich wolle beon euereideal; ase him his Britahel. \at his a cniht swi\e hard; he his \is "eorl'es stiward. Iordan \at his bour-cniht; soch sal Vlfin beo to-niht. === and fare \ou salt to reade; woder \at ich \e leode. Sollen nou to-niht; alf an hundred. cnihtes. mid spere and mid scealde; beo a-boute \ine teldes. \at neuere non cwic mon; ne come \ar a-newest. and |ef \ar eni \are come; \at his heued him beo bi-nome. for \e cnihtes solle\ segge seale \ine \eines. \at \ou har hi-lete blod; and restest on bedde. `es \inges weren for\riht. in \ilke manere idiht. For\ wende \e king; nas hit cou\ no\ing. and for\ wende mid him Vlfin and Merlyn. hii wende riht \ane way; \at in-to Tyntagel lay. hii come to \an castel-|eate; and cou\liche speke. Vndo \is |eat-essel \e eorl his icomen her. Gorloys \in louerd; and Britahel. his stiward. and Iordan his bourcniht; we habb"e\' hii-riden al niht `e |eateward hit cudde oueral; and cnihtes vrnen vppe wal. and speken wi(\) Gorloys; and hine i-cnewe foliwis. `eos cnihtes weren swi\e wate; and wefde vp \e castel-|ate. and lete hine. in vare; \e lasse was hire "care' hii wende mid iwisse; to habbe mochel blisse. `o haden hii mid gynne; Merlyn \ar wi\-ine. and Vther \ane king; wi\-hinne hire weldyng. and ladde \are mid him; his leoue freond Merlyn. `es tidinge com bliue into \an wifue. \at hire louerd was icome; and mid him his \reo gomes Vt com Igerne forn to \an eorl. and \es word seide; mid wonsome speche. Wolcome louerd; manne me leouest. and wolcome Iordan; and Brita"hel' al-son. Be |eo mid isunde; idealed fram \an kinge. `o cwa\ Vther foliwis; ase hit were Gorloys. Mochel his \at mancun; \at his mid Vther \e king. and ich ham al bi nihte; bi-stole fram \an fihte. for after \e ich was of-langet; womman \ou hart me leouest. Bou into boure and let min bed makie. and ich me wole reaste to \isse niht his forste. and al dai to-morewe; to gladie mine do|e\e Igerne wende to boure and lette bed makie. was \at kinewor\e bed al mid palle ouer-sprad. `e king hit wel bi-hedde; and eod"e' to his bedde. and Igerne lay adun; bi Vther Pendragon. Euere wende Igerne foliwis \at hit were Gorloys. = `e king hire wende to; so wepman sal to wifue do. = and streonede hire on; one selcou\e man. king alre kennest \at euere com to londe. and was on er\e. Arthour ihote. == Nas \ar na more sohriht; bote \at hit was day-liht. a-non for\-rihtes; onder|eten Vth(e)r his cnihtes. \at \e (k)ing was awend vt of \(a)n ferde. `o saide \e cnihtes so\ \eh hit nere. \at \e king was aflo|e; for drede of \an eorle. = and heolde her-of mochel roun; vppe Vther Pendragon. `o saide \e eorles; and \e hehste beornes. Nou wane hit wot Gorloys; ou hit ivaren his. \at oure king his aflo|e; and his ferde bi-lefued. he wole anon-rihtes; wepni his cnihtes. and vt he wole to fihte; and falle ous to grunde. = \anne were vs betere; \at we ibore nere Ac lete we blowe bumes and banni oure ferde. and Cador \e kene sal bere \is kinges marke. holden he|e \ane drake; bi-vore \eos ilke ferde. and wende to \an castle; mid al oure mihte. and \e eorl Aldolf. sal beon oure eldre. and we him solle herie; ase he \e king were. and so we sollen mid "r'ihte; wi\ Gorloys "f'ihte. and |ef he wole speke vs wi\; and |erne \is kinges gri\. = \anne mawe mid worsipe hinne wende. \at nabbe\ oure onderlinges; none vp-breidinges. \at we for eny |earsipe; hinene beo\ at-hourne. Al \at ilke folk lofuede \ane ilke read. Bvmes hii bleowen; and bannede hire ferde. vp hii houe \ane drake; eche marke onimake \ar was many bold cniht; \at sceal"d' sweynde on soldre. and wende to \an castle; \ar Gorloy"s' was wi\-ine. === And hii were swi\e wate; and sweinde vppe castel-|ate. and come to-gadere sone. and fastliche on-slo|e. = \ar was mochel blod i|ote. wowe was mid folke. amang \an fihte foliwis; me sloh \an eorl Gorloys. `o gonne his men fleo; and \e o\er after teo. hii comen to \an castle; and hii in \raste. = `ar ilaste \at fiht; \orh-vt \an day-li\t. her \e dai were al a-sake. was \e castel bi-|eate. = Come \e tydinge; to Tyntagel an hi|enge. = \at islawe was foliwis; \e gode eorl Gorloys. and alle his hired-gomes; and \e castel inome. `is ihorde \e king \ar he lai a sweting and leop vt of boure; ase hit a lyon were. `o saide king Vther \at of \e tydinge was war. Cnihtes in halle; beo\ swi\e stille. her ich ham foliwis; |oure louerd Gorloys. and Iordan my bourward; and Britahel mi stiward. Ich and \es tweie cnihtes; leopen vt of \an fihte. and hider in we beo\ idra|e nere we noht \are isla|e. = Ac nou ich and mine cnihtes sollen alle bi nihte. varen into on toun; and imete Vther Pendragon. bote he of sahnesse speke; ich wole me wor\liche a-wreke. and |e \isne castel bi-tune\ swi\e faste. and bidde\ Igerne; \at |eo noht ne morne. Nou ich wende for\riht; habbe\ alle gode niht. Bi-vore wende Merlyn; and \e cnih Vlfin. and su\\e Vther Pendragon; vt of Tyntageles toun. euere hii wende al niht; \at hit was dai-liht. `o com he to \an stude war lay his ferde. Merlyn hadde al his craft; ondo of \an kinge. \o icnewe his cnihtes; hire kinelouerd. \ar was many bold Brut ifulled mid blisse. == glad was ech cniht; al mid palle bi-\ehte. `reo da|es was \e king woniende \are. in \an f(eor\e) daie; to Tyntagel (he) wende He sende to \(a)n castle his wiseste cnihtes. and grette Igerne; wifuene hendest. and sende hire tockne wat hii in bedde speke. hehte \at |eo a|eoue \ane castel bliue. \ar nas non o\er read; for hire louerd was dead. ~et wende Igerne \at hit so\ were. \at \e deade eorl isoht hadde his cnihtes. and al wende \at hit les were. \at \e king Vther; euere weren icome \er. Cnihtes eoden to reade; cnihtes eoden to roune. radden \at hii nolde \ane castel lengere holde. hire brugge hii dude adun. and leten hin Vther Pendragon. `o stod al \is kinelond; in Vtheres owe hond. `ar Igerne i-war\; Vther his cwene. and |eo was gret mid childe; bi Vther \an k"i'nge. al \orh Merlynes craft; here |eo bi-wedded were. `e tyme com \at was icore; \o was Arthur ibore. Sone so he to worle com; aluene him onderfenge = and |euen him mihte; to beon best alre cnihte hii |euen him an o\er king; \at he solde beo riche king. hii |euen him \at \ridde; \at he solde lange libbe. hii |euen \ane beorn; |eftes swi\e gode. \at he was mete-custi; of alle cwike manne. \is \e alfe him |eaf and al so \at child i-\eh After Arthur was ibore \at edie maide. |eo was i-hote Anna. \at Leoneis hahte. = |eo was in Leoneis folkene leafdi. Lang lifuede Vther mid mochele blisse her. = `o \at he was hold man. \o com him vuel an. \at vuel hine laide adun; seac was Vther Pendragon. so he was here; seac scoue |ere. `ar-vore weren Bruttus; moche onbalded. hii dude ofte onwreste; al for heye-leste. ~et lai ibunde; in \e tour of Londene. Octa Hengestes sone. \at at Euerwich was inome. and his ivere Ebyssa; and \e o\er Ossa. ~am bi-wuste twalf cnihtes daies and nihtes \at weri were for-leie; ine Londene. = Octa to \is cnihtes; spac \us for\rihtes. === Betere |ou were libbe; ine Saxlonde. mid moche blisse; and richedom iwisse. \ane \us rouliche here liggen aswounde. * and |e"f' "|eo' \isse wolde; al\ing i-wour\e. ich |ou wolde |eue lond; bo\e seoluer and gold. \at |eo mihte richeliche rixli on lond. = For ne solle |eo neuere habbe soch \ing; of Vther |oure king. for "he' his almest dead; \anne nabbe |eo nanne read. ne \anne nabbe |e no\er. \at on ne \at o\er. = Ac bi-\enche\ wat |ou were leof |ef |e ibunde were. and mihte in o\er londe; libbe mid winne. Swi\e ofte Octa; wi\ \is cnihtes spac so. Cnihtes gonne roune; cnihtes gonne reade. and to Octa saide wel stille; We sollen don \ine wille. O\es hii sworen; swike \at hii nolden. = For\ wende cnihtes; to \are see for\-rihtes. == and ouer wende; in-to Saxlonde. Hire cun heom com to-|eines mid mochelere flockes. hii wende ouer al \an londe; ware heom were leuest. me |eaf ham |eftes and lond; Octa hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. he \ohte hider wende; and wreke his fader wonde. Ferde he bi-|et; of folke onimet"e'. to \are see hii wende; mid moche \retinge. for\ hii wende sone \at hii to Scotlond come. sone hii \raste "a'lond; and mid fure hit grette. = and \ritti tounes; hii leide to \an grunde. Scottes hii slo|e; manie and inowe Comen \e tidinge; to Vther \an kinge. = he sende to Leoneys; to leofe his freonde. and grette Loth his o\om; and bad hine beo hol and sund. and hehte hine nime his kinelond; to his owene hond. cnihtes and freomen; and freoliche heom holde. = and he hehte his cnihtes; beo horsom to Loth. mid alles cines \ing; ase he were leod-king. == `e king bi-tahte Loth \e ferde; of alle \is er\e. Octa ne sohte no gri\; and Loth "faht' him ofte wi\. and ofte he bi-|et; and heft hit losede. Bruttes hadde mochel mod; and onimete prude. = and leten swi\e moche hoker; of Loth \ane eorle. = and weren of twireade; hire care was \e more. `is was sone ibroht to \an seake kinge. \at his owene men; Loth al for-howede. Nou ich \e wolle telle of \isse bok-spelle. hou Vther \e king; fondede him-seolue. He saide \at he wolde wende to his ferde. and mid his e|en isen; wo \ar wolde wel don. He lette makie \ere; gode horse-bere. and lette bede ferde; ouer al his kine-er\e. \at ech man bi his liue. come to him blifue. = and |ef \ar his eni gome; \at nele an hi|enge come. ich hine wole ahon; and cwikliche al for-don. = Ne dorste \ar non bi-lefue; for \is kinges heye. `e king for\-rihtes; nam alle his cnihtes. and wende him a-non to \an toune of Verolam. a-boute Verolames toun; com Vther Pendragon. Octa was wi\ine mid alle his manne. `o was Verolam; a swi\e wor\lich hom. Saint Alban was \ar islla|e; and idon of lif-da|e. `e borh was su\\e for-vare; and moche folk \ar was isla|e. Vther lay wi\-houte; Octa wi\-ine. Vther his ferde; fusde to \an walle. = ne mihten hii of \an walle; one ston falle. = Wel bli\e was \o; Hengestes sone Octa. \o he isah Bruttus; bouwe fram \e walles. = `o saide Octa; to his ivere Ebyssa. Her his icome to Verolam; Vther \e lame man. and wole wi\ houre here; fihte in his bere. = Ac to-morewe wane hit his day; cnihtes solle a-rise. and hopeni \eos castel-|eate; and \es riche we solle bi-|ete. nolle we here ligge; for one lame manne. === ac him we solle a-welde and legge in houre bendes. and holde \ane wrech"e'; forte he for-wor\i. and so me sal lechni his leomes \at leo\ sore. = `us spac Octa; wi\ his ivere Ebyssa. ac al hit iwende o\er \ane hii wende. A morwe \o hit da|ede. dores hii on-tunde. vp a-ros Octa; Ebyssa and Ossa. and hehte hire cnihtes. grei\i heom to fihte. = Octa him vt rod; and moche folk him after glod. = Vther \is iseh; \at Octa him to beoh. and \ohte his ferde fallen to \an grunde. `o cleopede Vther mid cwickere stemne \er. Ware beo |e Bruttes; ware beo |eo mine kempes. Nou his icome \e ilke dai; \at Drihte vs holde may. \at Octa mihte ifinde; \at he \retede me to binde. Bi-\enche\ of |oure eldre ou gode hii were to fihte. Bi-\enche\ in \an worsipe; \at ich |ou habbe wel iwited. ne lete |e neuere \is hea\ene brouke |oure homes \es ilke a-we"d'de hundes habbe |oure londes. And ich wolle bidde Drihte; and alle his halwe. = \at ich in \isse wolde; mote beon ifreuered. Nou fouse\ heom to swi\e fulste vs Drihte. = Cnihtes gonne ride. speres gonne glide. and breke(n) brode speres; brastelede seldes. healmes \ar |olle cnihtes \ar folle. `e Bruttus weren bolde; and busie to fihte. and \e hea\ene hundes fulle to grunde. `ar was islawe Octa; Ebissa and Ossa. \are souentene \usend se|en into helle. and fale \are at-wende; to \an nor\ ende. And al \an day-liht Vter his cnihtes. slo|en and nemen \at hii neh comen. \o eode a-dun \e sonne; \an was hit al a-wonne. `o saide hired-men; mid murie hire songes. = Her his Vther Pendragon; icome to Verolames toun. and he haue\ idobbed so; Octa Ebissa and Ossa. and itaht heom in \at lond; lawes swi\e strong. \at men mawe telle; hire cun spelles. = `o was Vther bli\e; and glad swi\e. = and \es word saide Vther \e holde. Saxisse men min heolde atwite; mid hire hokere wordes. = for ich was here; ilad in horse-bere. and sayde \at ich was dead; and min folk aswonde. And nou his moche wonder ise|e to \isse londe. \at \is deade king; \e cwike haue\ alle acwelled. = Nou iwor\e here-after Drihtene wille. Flowen Saxisse men; feondeliche swi\e; \at weren bi-halues; iholden fram \an fihte. for\ hii gonne gon; riht in-to Scotlond. and nemen him to kinge; Colgrim \an hende. He was Hengestes may; and Octa hine louede. ==== He gaderede ferde; wide |eond \an er\e. and saide \at hii wolde; mid hire wi\ere-craftes. ine Winchestre his toun; cwelle Vther Pendragon. Wo la wo. \at hit solde iwor\e so. Nou saide Saxisse men; in hire deorne wordes. \at hii wol"de' six cnihtes; sende for\rihtes. = to \is kinges ferde; in pore men guyse. = \at solde |am \orh-gon; and tydinge hercny on. and go to \e kinges dole; ase hii weren on-hole. and a-mang \an wrecchen; hercny wel |eorne. |ef man mihte mid crafte; bi dai|e o\er bi nihte. in Wynchestres toun; come to Vther Pendragon and mid mor\re-spelle; \ane king a-cwelle. = \anne weren hii careles; of Constantines cunne. Nou wende for\ \e cnihtes; = and al dude in dede; alse hii ra\er demde. === Hii i-mette wi\ on cniht; fram \an kinge he com for\-riht. he was Vther his may; and manne him leouist. `es swikes \ar isete; in langes \ane strete. cleopede to \an cnihte mid cou\liche wordes. Louerd we beo\ wrecche men; a \isse worle-riche wile we were on londe; for gode men iholde. forte Saxisse men; sette vs a-doune. = Nou we bedes singe\; for Vter \an kinge. eche day on halmes me houre mete bringe\. ne come\ neuere in oure disce; no\er fles no\er fisce. ne none cunnes dringke; bote water senche. = `is ihorde \e cniht; a|en he wende for\riht. and com to \an kinge; \ar he lay in boure. and saide to \an kinge; \ar he lai a sweue"n'inge. Here-vte sette\ six men; iliche of ewe. alle hii beo\ ivere; iscrud mid herde here. Wile hii weren riche; and mihti of gode. = nou habbe\ Saxisse men; iset heom to grunde. \at hii beo\ in worle; for wrecches iholde. ne habbe\ hii at borde; bote. bred one. ne to hire dringke; bote water cleane. `us hii leade\ hie lif; amang \ine leode. and hire bedes bidde\; \at \ou mote libbe. `o saide Vther \e king; Let heom come hider in. ich |am wole scrude; and ich wole "|am' feode. for loue of mine Drihte; wile \at ich libbe. Comen in-to boure men swi\e swikele. \e king heom lette fede; \e king |am lette scrude. and a nihtes |am leyde ech on his bedde. and ech on his side; aspide wel |eorne. hou hii mihte \ane king mid mor\re acwelle. ac ne mihten hii \orh no-\ing; a-cwelle Vther \ane king. = `o iwar\ hit on an tyme; \e reyn him gan ryne. \o saide a leche \at \ar was in boure. to one bourcniht; and hehte him for\riht. heorne to \are wille; \at was bi \are halle. and sette \are one ohte sweyn; for to witye hine for \e reyn. For \e king ne may on worle dringke none senche. bote cold welles water. \at him his icweme. = `eos speche for\-rihtes; i-horde \es cnihtes to harme hii weren lihte; and hout eode bi nihte. to \an ilke wille; \are hii harmes wrohte. Vt hii drowe sone; six ampulles. mid hatter ifulled; and caste hit in \an wille. == `o weren wel bli\e; \e swikes on hire lifue. and for\ anon wende ne dorsten hii \are bi-lefue; `o com \ar for\-rihtes; twei bourcnihtes and bere on hire honde; twei bolles of golde. Hii come to \are welle; and hire bolles fulde. a|ein hi gonne wende; to Vther \an kinge. = and saide to Vther; Nou we beo\ icome her. and we habbe\ ibroht; \at \ou her bede cold welles water; brouket mid winne. Vp a-ros \e seake king. and sat on his bedde. of \an watere he drong; and sone gan swete. his heorte gan to wokie; his neb bi-gan to blokie. = Nas \ar non o\er read; bote \ar iwar\ \e king dead. and alle hii dead were; \at drongke of \an watere. == `o wende to \an wille; cnihtes swi\e snelle. and \ane wel dutte; mid stones and mid er\e. = `o nemen hii alle; \ane king deade. and for\ hine ladde into Stonhenge. = and hine \are leyde bi his leofue bro\er. side bi side; \are hii bo\e ligge\. `o comen to-gadere \e hehest of \is londe. == and nomen alle to reade; \at hii sende wolde; = into Britaynes lond; after Arthur \an strong. == and bidden hine sone; come to his kinedome. for dead was Vther Pendragon. nadde he non o\er sone. = \at mihte after his dai|e holde Bruttus to lawe. mid worsipe holden; and \isne kinedom welden. For |et weren in \isse londe; Saxis at-stonde. Colgrim \e kene; and mani \ousend of his ivere \at ofte oure Bruttus; makede scondes. Bruttus wel sone; \reo bissopes neme. and ridares souene. heh of wisdome. for\ hii gonne bouwe; in-to Brutayne. and hii fol sone to Arthur come. Hayl beo \ou Arthur \e king \e gan grete. \o he wende solde vt of \isse lifue. and bad \at \ou soldest; holde gode lawes. = an witie \ine kinedom; so god king solde don. \ine feond fleome. and beo \e nou to foltome. \ane milde Godes sone. \at \ou mote wel don; and of God vnderfon. for dead his Vter \e king and \ou hart Arthur his "sone' and dead his \e o\er Aurelie his bro\er. `us hii gonne telle; and Arthur sat stille. one wile he was blac; an o\er wile he stille sat. = `o hit alles vp brac; hit was god \at he spac. and \us him saide for\-riht Arthur \e gode cniht. Louerd Crist Godes sone; beo me nou to foltome. \at ich mote on lifue gode lawes lofuie. Fiftene |er was Arthur holde; \o \es tydinge him was itold. and alle \e |eres weren wel bi-to|e; for he was wel i\o|e. Arthur for\rihtes; cleopede his cnihtes. and hehte euerech man; louie his wepne. and hire hors sadelie; hi|enliche swi\e. for he wolde wende; to \issere londe. To \are see wende; selie cnihtes. at Mih|eles Munte; mid mochelere ferde. \e see |am sette a \an stronde. at Su\hamtone hii come a-londe. For\ hii wende rihtes; toward Cirecestres = \ar was Bruttene ferde boldeliche igadered. Moche was \e blisse; \o Arthur com to borewe. = \ar hii houen to kinge; Arthur \an |onge. `o Arthur was king; hercne nou sellech \ing. he was mete-cousti; to eche cwike manne. cniht mid \an beste wonder one kene. he was \an |onge for fader; \ane holde for froure. and wi\ \an onwise; wonderliche steorne. woh him was swi\e lo\; and riht him was swi\e leof. === Nade Arthur nanne cok; \at he nas kempe god. = `e king heold al his folk; to-gadere mid blisse. and mid soche \inges; he ouer-com alle ky"n'ges. mid re|ere streng\e; and mid richedome. = Nou was Arthur god king; and al folk hine louede. \at hit was widene cou\; of his kinedome. `e king heold in Londene one mochele speche. \ar-to weren ila\ed his riche cnihtes alle. = `o \e hii were alle icome; folk onimete. vp a-ros Arthur \e gode king; and lette bringe halidomes to him. and gan \ar-to cneoly; \e king sone \ries. nuste noht his cnihtes wat he seggen wolde. Arthur held vp his rih hond; an o\ he swor a-non. \at neuere bi his lifue; for none mannes lore. ne solde in Brutayne; Saxesse bli\e wor\e. ne londes brouke; ne homes habbe. ac he |am wolde fleme; and falle heom to grunde. for hii slo|e Vther \ane king; \at was fader min. so hii dude \an o\er Aurelie his bro\er. for\i hii me beo\ in londe; lo\est alre folke. Arthur for\-rihtes; nam his wiseste cnihtes. were heom leof were heom lo\; alle hii swore \an ilke oh. treuliche \at i wolde; mid Arthur holde. and wreke \an king Vther; \at hii acwelde her. Arthur his wretes sende; to mani cunne londe. after alle \e cnihtes; \at he bi-|ete mihte. \at hii fol sone; to \an kinge come. and he |am wolde on londe loueliche at-holde. = For\ \e king wende; mid onimete ferde. folk he ladde sellich and wende riht to Euerwich. \ar he lay one niht; a morwe he wende for\riht. \ar he wiste Colgrim; and his i-veres mid him. == Colgrim was \e baldeste man; \at vt of Saxlonde com. after Hengeste and Octa; Ebissa and Ossa. = Heold a \an ilke da|e; Colgrim Saxes to la|e ladde and radde mid reh|ere streng\e. moche was \e mankun; \at ferde mid Colgrim. Colgrim ihorde tydinge; of Arthur \an kinge. \at he toward him com; and wolde him vuel don. Colgrim hine bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. and bannede his ferde; ouer al \an nor\ ende. `ar comen to-gaderes; al Scotleode. Peutes and Saxis; wende heom to-gaderes. and maniane cunnes man; folwede Colgrim. For\ he gan fouse mid onime"te' ferde. to-|eines Arthure; baldest alre kinge. he \ohte to cwelle \ane king in his londe. = == For\ wende Colgrim; and his Saxisse mid him. and wende mid ferde; \at hii come to one watere. \at his ihote Duglas; manie \are fulle. `ar com Arthur him a|ein; redi to fihte. in one brode forde; \e ferde hire hii-mette. fasteliche hii slowen; follen \e veie. = `ar was moche blod i-|ote; and wowe \ar was riue. = `is iseh Arthur; \at |am lute lofuede. and him bi-\ohte wat he don mihte. and teh"te' hine a bacward. in one brode felde. `o wende his fon; \at he fleon wolde. \o was glad Colgrim; and his iveres mid him. = and after him wende; ase he wod were. `o Arthur \at iseh; \at Colgrim him was so neh \at hii weren beyne; in on half \an watere. \o saide Arthur; and spac to his cnihtes. Ne se |e mine Bruttus; her vs bi-halues. houre ifon folle; Crist |am a-cwelle. Colgrim \ane stronge vt of Saxlonde. His cun in \isse londe; oure eldre a-fulde. ac nou his \e dai i-come; \at Drihte haue\ idemid. `at hii hit solle a-bugge; "|e'f ich mote libbe. o\er ich wolle dead bean ne may ich hine cwik i-sen. Solle Saxisse men; sorewe ibide. = Vp brayd Arthur his seald; forn to his breoste. and he gan to rese; so \e wode wolf. wane he come\ of holte; bi-honge mid snowe. and \enche\ to bite; woch seap \at him like\ Arthur \o cleop"ede' to leoue his cnihtes. Wende we blifue; and do |am vt of lifue. = == Flo|en ouer \e feldes; \ritti \usend seldes. and smiten Colgrim his cnihtes; \at \e er\e a|ein cwehte. = folle Saxisse men; folde to grunde. `at iseh Colgrim; \ar-fore wo was him. = and he gan to fleonde; wonderliche swi\e. and his hors hine bar mid mochelere streng\e ouer \at water deope; and readde hine fram dea\e. Arthur to \an watere hi|ede swi\e. and tornde \e speres hord; and forstod |am \ane ford. \ar ha-drongke Saxisse; folle soue \usend. Somme hii gonne wondri so do\ \e wilde crane. in \an mor-fenne; wane his fliht his a-wemmid. and him holde\ after; hauekes swifte. houndes in \an reode; mid rou\e hine imete\. \anne nis him no\er god; ne \at londne \at flod. hauekes hine smite\; houndes hine bite\. \an his \e kine-wor\e fo|el; adrad in eche side. Colgrim ouer feldes fle\ him wel swi\e. \at he com to Euerwich; ride swi\e sellich. he wende in-to borewe; and faste hine bi-tunde. and hadde \ar-ine; ten \usend manne. = Arthur him heol"de' after; mid \ritti \ousend cnihtes. = and bi-lay at Euerwich Colgrim \at werrede a-|ein him. Soueniht \ar bi-vore; was su\ward ivare. Baldolf \e hende; Colgrimes bro\er. and lay bi see sellich; abidende Cheldrich. Childrich was a \ane da|e; kaiser of he|e la|e. in Alemaine; \at lond was his owe. `o ihorde Baldolf \ar he bi see lay. \at Arthur hadde in Euerwich; Colgrim bi-clused. Baldolf hadde ibanned; soue \usend manne. = and neme"n' him to reade \at a|en hii wolde ride. and bi-leue Cheldrich; and wende riht to Euerwich. and fihte wi\ Arthur; and a-cwelle his do|e\e. == Nolde Baldolf abide; \ane cayser Cheldriche. ac \anene he ferde for\; and droh him riht nor\. = forte he come to one wode to one wilderne. fram Arthures ferde; folle soue mile. He hadde i\oht bi nihte mid alle his cnihtes. comen vppen Arthur; are \e king were war. and his folk falle; and him-seolf a-cwelle. Ac o\er weies hit was idiht; here hit were dai-liht. for \ar was mid Baldolf; on cniht Bruttissc he was Arthures may; Morisse ihote. Moris wende bi-halues; \or\ wode and \orh feldes. = forte "he' to Arthur come; and him saide sone. Hayl beo \ou Arthur; kingene wisest. ich ham hider icome ich ham of \ine cunne. Her his Baldolf icome; mid swi\e kene gomes. and \enche\ in \isse nihte; slea \e and \ine cnihtes. = ac God hit sal for-werne; \orh his mochele mihte. ac sende nou for\ Cador \an eorl of Cornwale. and mid him gode cnihtes; \at kene beo to fihte. folle soue hundred; selie kempes. and ich |am wolle reade; and ich |am wolle leade. ou hii mawe Baldolf; slean ase hit were a wolf. For\ wende Cador; and alle \es cnihtes. \at hii come bi-halues; \ar Baldolf lay in teldes. = and slo|en and nemen; al \at hii neh comen. \ar weren a-cweld; folle ni|e hundred Baldolf was bi-halues; i-gon vt of teldes. and \orh \e wilderne fleoh wonderliche swi\e. = and fle\ him so for norh; \at he com so for\. \ar Arthur lay on felde; mid riche his ferde. al aboute Euerwich; ferde swi\ sellich. Colgrim was wi\-ine; mid Saxisse manne. Baldolf hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. mid woche cunnes gynne. he mihte come wi\-ine. == Baldolf lette strike to \an bare liche. = and lette seren his heued. ase me do\ an fole. and nom him an honde; one harpe longe * He cou\e harpi sw"i\'e wel; in his child-hode. and "mid' his harpe he wende; to \an kinges ferde. and gan \are to pleoye; and moche game makie. Ofte me hine smot (mid) swi\e smorte |erdes. (ofte) me hine culde; so me (sal an) fole. = so neuere no man (n)uste; of Baldolf his custes (b)ote \at hit a fol were; i-come to \an folke. So lang he |eode vpward; so lange he |eode a-dunward. \at hii were war wi\-ine; \at hit was Baldolf wi\-houte. Co"l'grim his bro\er; nadde he non o\er. Hii worpen (vt) one rop; and Baldolf (h)ine igrop. = and mid \an ilke gynne; hii brohte him \ar-ine. `o was bli\e Colgrim; and alle his cnihtes mid him. and swi\e hii go(n)ne \retie; Arthur \an kinge. Artur \is game iseh and wre\\ede him swi\e = and hehte a-non wepni alle his cnihtes. he \ohte \ane borh mid streng\e bi-winne Al-so Arthur wolde to \an walle rease. \ar com ride anon; Patrich \e riche man. = and \us him saide; to Arthur \an kinge. Hayl beo \ou Arthur \e king; Bruttene deorlyng. Ich \e wolle telle neowe tidynge of \an kaiser Childrich; \an wode and \an riche. \an bolde and \an stronge; He his in Scotlonde. = and haue\ i-nome al oure lond; to his owene hond. He haue\ ferde wel idone; al \e streng\e of Rome. he sai\ mid his |elpe; wane me him win senche\; \at \ou ne darst in none stude his reases a-bide. = and |ef \ou him abidest; he \e wole acwelle. = Ofte was Arthur wo neuere worse \ane \o. and he droh hine abac; bi-halues \are borewe. cleopede to reade; cnihtes to neode. = and bad \at hii him radde; ou he miht on riche. mid his man-ferde his mansipe holde. and fihte wi\ Childrich; \ane stronge and \an riche. = `o saide Bruttes; \at \are were bi-halues. Wend \e riht to Londene. and let hine come after. and |ef he come\ ride; sorwe he sal a-bide. him-seolf and his ferde; f}ie sal iwor\e. Arthur al wrohte; ase radde his cnihtes. for\ he gon wende. toward Londene. Colgrim was in Euerwich; and \ar abod him Childrich. Cheldrich gan wende; to \an nor\ ende. and nam on his hond; mochel deal of londe. == and dealde alle \e londes; amang his eorles and him-seolf nam fram Humbre \at lond into Londene. Ne \ohte he neuere-more; of Arthur habbe ore. bote he wolde his man bi-come; Arthur Vther his sone. Arthur was in Londene; mid al Brutleode. he bad his ferde ouer al \an er\e. \at ech man sone to Londene come. = `o was Englene lond; mid harme i-fulled. = her was honger an hate; at euereche man"n'es |eate. Arthur sende "ouer' see tweie wise cnihtes. to Howel his may; \at he louede swi\e. \at hahte Brutayne; cniht mid \an beste. and bad hine wel sone; \at hii hider come. = for Childrich hadde an honde mochel of his londe. and Colgrim and Baldolf; i-wend to him were. and \ohte Arthur \ane king driuen of londe. bi-nimen his cunde and his kineriche. \at were his cun isend; for ene and for euere. = \anne betere \an kinge were; \at he ibore neore. `is ihorde Howel; and sori was on heorte. = and bad his cnihtes swi\e; bi hire bare lifue. wenden into France; to \an freo cnihtes and saide \at icome; ra\e and fol sone. to Mih%heles Monte; mid mochelere streng\e. all(e) \e \at wolde; of seoluer (and of) golde. worsipe bi-(winne) a \isse worle-riche To Peyto he sende; and i(into) Turuyne. == and (in-to Ga)scoyne; cnihtes (\ar) w(en)de. and somne"de' cniht(e)s to Miheles Monte. and her hii eode to (f)lode; hii solde habbe |(e)ftes gode \at hii miht(e) \e blo\elokere; wende (vt) of londe. mid Howel (\an) hende; in-to More Brit(ay)ne. to helpe Arthur his mey; \at narewe was bi-\ronge. = `o held hii toward see; ase \e hawel \at falle\. and two hundred sipes funde; bi \are see-grunde. and |am alle; fulde; mid cnihtes swi\e gode. = and hii at Hamtone; come to londe. Vp leopen of sipes busie cnihtes. and to londe bere. healmes and brunies. mid speres and mid scealdes; hii wre|en al \e feldes. `ar was mani bold Brut \at mid worde seide. = \at hii wolde grete; Cheldric \an riche. \ane bolde caysere; mid mochelere harme \ere. = ~ef he wolde in londe; mid fihte at-stonde. = here he solde bi-leafue; \at him were alre leouest; hauekes and hundes; and hire brihte healmes. and so hii solle in \isse londe; losie hire freondes and fallen into helle; hea\ene hundes. Arthur was in Londene and ihorde telle; = of Ho(we)l his may; \at hi-come (was) to londe. to Hamtone (for)\riht; mid \ritti \usend (c)nihtes. and mid onimete folk; \at folwede him a fote. and Arthur him to-|eines beoh; mid mochelere blisse. mid mochele manferde; to-|eines his m}ye. To-gadere hii comen; an custe wel ilome = and anon for\-rihtes; bannede hire cnihtes. `o weren \ar to-gadere two gode ferdes. Howel solde dihte; \ritti \usend cnihtes. and Arthur hadde an londe; fourti \ousend an hond. For\ hii anon wende to \an nor\ ende. toward Lyncolne niht and day; \ar Childrich \e borh bi-lay. Ac he \e |et nadde no\ing awonne. for \are were wi\-ine soue \usend manne. ohte men an wihte; dai|es and nihte. Arthur mid his ferde; wende touward borewe Arthur for-bed his cnihtes; dai|es and nihtes. \at hii |eoden ase stille; so hii stele wolde. == Arthur nam one cniht \at was wis man and wiht. and sende hine into Lyncolne; to leoue his manne. \at he solde to so\e segge mid mou\e. \at comen wolde Arthur to \are midnihte. = and |e wi\-ine beo\ iwar; wane |eo \e dune ihere\. \at |e \e |eates vntune; and vt wende\ swi\e. and smite\ on Cheldrich; \ane stronge and \ane riche and we heom solle telle Bruttusse spelles. Hit was to \an midniht; \e mone son sou\riht. Arthur mid his ferde wende to borewe. \at folk was so stille; so hii stele wolde. for\ hii comen wende; to Lyncolnes ende. `o him cleopie agan; Arthur \e kene man. Ware beo |eo mine cnihtes; mine deorwor\e kempes. Nou |eo i-se\ \e teldes; war Childrich li\ in fedes. Colgrym and Baldolf; mid boldere streng\e. "S'axisse folk; \at habbe\ vs iharmid. = \at alle habbe\ acweld; \e beste of oure cunne. Constance and Constantin; and Vther \at was fader min. and Aurelie Ambrosie; \at was min fader bro\er and many \ousend manne; of gode mine cunne. Hote to heom wende; and to grunde legge. and wreke wor\liche oure cun; and oure kine-riche. = `o Arthur gan ride and \e ferde for\ glide. = and smiten in \e feldes; among Childrich his teldes `at was \e ereste man; \at \are cleopie agan. Arthur \e he|e gome; \at his Vther his sone. keneliche and loude; so bi-come\ kynges. Nou fulste vs Marie; \at his Godes moder. and ich bidde hire sone; \at vs beo a foltome. Efne \an worde; hii tornde hire ordes. stikede and slowe; al \at hii neh come. And cnihtes vt of borewe; wende heom to-|enes |ef hii flo|e to borewe; \are hii hadde sorewe. |ef hii flo|e to \are wode; \are me heom for-dude. come ware hii come; euere me hii slowe. Nis hit in none boke idiht; \at euere her were soch fiht. in \issere Brutaine; \are sleaht were so riue. = \ar was mochel blod i|ote; dea\ \ar was riue = Childrich \e kayser hadde one castel her. a Lyncolnes felde. \ar he lay wi(\)-ine. he was newene iwroh(t) and swi\e wel he was idiht. and \ar weren mid him Baldolf and Colgrim. and iseh|e \at hire folk; folle to grunde. And hii for\-riht anon an mid hire br(unies) and flo|en vt of castle; (ken)sipe bi-dealed. and flo|(en) for\riht anon; to \an wo(de) of Calidon. And hadde to i-vere; soue hundred rideres and hii blefde of-slawe; and idon of lif-da|e. fourti \usend; liggen on \are feldes. == `o iseh Arthur boldest alre kinge. \at Cheldrich was a-flowe; and in-to Calidoine itowe. and Colgrym and Baldolf; mid him \are were. = Arthur wende after; mid sixti \usend cnihtes. Bruttene leode; \ane wode al bi-leie. in one half hii hine fulde; folle soue myle. treo vppe treo; kenliche swi\e. an o\er half hine bi-leye; mid gode his folke \reo dai|es and \reo niht \at was to heom god riht `o iseh Colgrim; ase "he' lay \ar-in. \at \are was boute mete scarp honger and hate. ne hii ne hire hors help nadde nanne. `o saide Colgrym; to \an caysere Cheldrich. Sai me louerd Childrich; so\ere wordes. for woche cunnes \inge; ligge we \us her-ine. Wi nole we vt fare; and banny oure ferde. and bi-ginne fihtes; wi\ Arthur and his cnihtes. for betere vs his on londe; mansipliche ligge \an(e we \u)s here; mid honger (for)wor\i. = O\er we sende him wi\; and |eorne Arthur his gri\. and bidde him milce. and |isles bi-take. = `is ihorde Cheldrich (\)ar he lai wi\-ine dich. and answerede; mid cwickere stemne. ~ef hit wole Baldolf \at his \in owe bro\er. and mo of oure feres; \at mid vs beo\ here. \at we bidde Arthures gri\; and s}htnesse him werche wi\. after oure wille; don ich hit wolle. For Arthur his wel heh man; hi-holde in londe. leof alle his manne; and of kinewor\e cunne. al of kinges icome; he was Vther his sone. and ofte hit bi-falle\ in manycunne leode. \ar \e gode cnihtes; come\ to strange fihtes. \at \aye \at her bi-|ete\; eft hii leose\. and al so ous to-|ere; his ifalle here. = Sone for\rihtes; answerede alle \e cnihtes. Alle we louie\ \ane read for \ou hauest wisliche i-seid. Hii nemen twalf cnihtes; and sende for\rihtes \ar Arthur was in telde bi \an wodes hende. and on cleopie agan; loudere stemne. Louerd Arthur \in gri\; we wollen speke \e wi\. hider \e kaiser vs sent \at Cheldrich his ihote. Colgrym and Baldolf; beyne to-gadere. Hii bidde\ \in ore; nou and euere-more. \ine men hii wolle\ bi-come; and treou\e to \e holde. == |ef hii mo"te' libbe. and hire limes habbe. and hinene wende in-to hire londe. For her we habbe\ i-funde; fale cunnes sorewe. at Lyncolnes feldes; bi-leaued oure freondes. sixti \ousend manne. \ar ligge\ of-slawe. and |ef were \in wille \at we most away wende = nolde we neuere-more; eft comen here. for he"r' we habbe\ for-lore oure leafue meyes so lange se beo\ euere; her ne come we neuere. `o loh Arthur; loudere stemne. Ich \onki mine Drihte. \at alle domes welde\. \at Childric \e stronge; his sad of mine londe. Mi lond he haue\ idealed; amang his freo cnihtes. mi-seolue he \ohte driue vt of mine cu\\e. == Ac of him hit his iwor\e; so his of \an foxe. wane he his boldest ouenan \e wolde. and haue\ his folle pleay; and foweles inowe. for wildsipe clembe\; and cludes he seche\. in \an wilde cleues; holes he seche\. Fare wo-se \ar fare; naue\ neuere nanne care. he wene\ \at he be \anne boldest alre deore. Ac wane sie\ him to; hontes onder borewe. mid hornes mid hundes; mid he|ere stemne. hontes \ar talie\ houndes \ar galie\. \ane fox driue\; |eond dounes and dales. \anne flic\ he to \an cleoue; and his hol seche\. in-to \an forrest ende; of \an hole he wende\. \anne his \e bolde fox blisse al bi-dealed and man him to-dealue\; in euereche halue. \anne his forcou\ist; deor alre protest So was Childriche; \e strange and \e riche. he \ohte al min kinelond; sette on his owe hond. ac nou ich habbe hine idriue to \an bare dea\e. wa\er so ich wolle don; o\er slen o\er an-hon. Nou ich wolle |efue him gri\; and lete hine speke me wi\. nolle ich hine slean ne an-hon; al his bede ich wolle don. ich wolle habbe |isles; of \e hehtest of his manne. hors and hire wepne; he(r) hii wende ine. so hii solle wrecches to hire sipes wende. sayli ouer see. (to) hire owe londe. an(d \ar w)or\liche wonie on hir(e ric)he. and tellen tydinde of Arthur \an kinge. hou ich h(am) ifroured; for mine fader saule. and for mine fr(e)dom(e) ifroured \e wrecches. He(r) was Arthur \e king; a\ele bi-dealed. nas \ar non so reh mon; \at him dorste reade. \at him of-\ohte sone \ar-after. Cheldrich com of comelan; to Arthur \an kinge. and he his. man \ar bi-com; and his cnihtes alle. Four and twenti hostages; Childrich \ar bi-tahte. alle hii weren i-core; and he|e men i-bore hii bi-tahte hire hors; and al hire wepne. scaftes and seldes; and al hire sweordes al hii bi-lefden; \at hii \ar hadden. For\ hii gonne wende; \at hii to see come. \ar hire sipes gode; bi \are "see' stode. = and hii souen fram \an londe hire sipes stronge. = and wende for\ so lange; \at no lond hii ne seh|e. `at weder was stille after hire wille. and "hii' gliden to-gaderes; and wordes speke. = and saide \at hii wolde; eft to \isse londe. = and westen Arthur lond; and his folk cwel(l)e. === Hii wende hire loues; and tornde to \isse londe. \at hii come foliwis; to Dertemu\ at Totenas. = Sone so hii a lond come; \at folk hii a-slowe \e cherles hii hilden; \at telede \ar er\e. \e cnihtes hii an-hong. \at were in \an londe. alle \e gode wifes; hii stekede mid cnifues. alle \e maidene mid mor\re hii acwelde and alle \e learede men; hii caste in fure. = `e cheorches hii for-barnde; \a chastles hii afulde == `at horf \at hii nome; al hii of-slowe. to hire ine hii hit ladde; and sude hit and bradde. al hii hit neme; \at hii neh come. Al day hii songe of Arthur \an kinge. and saide \at hii hadde; homes bi-wonne. woche hii wolde holde wyntres and someres. = and |ef Arthur were so kene \at he comen wolde. to fihte wi\ Childrich; \an strong and \e rich. We wolle\ of his rugge; makien one brugge. and nime \e bones alle; and ti|e heom to-gadere; = and legge heom in \are halle-dore; \ar ech man sal for\ fare. = `is was al hire game; for Arthur \e kinges same. ac al hit iwar\ o\er sone \ar-after heore |eolp and hire game; ful |am-seolue to grame. so do\ wel iware \e man \at vuel wirche\. Childrich al a-won; \at he mid eh|ene lokede on. he nam Somer"se'te; he nam Dorsete. and in Deuenissire; \at folk he for-ferde. = he nam alle \e londes; to \are see-strondes. `o at \an laste; he bannede his ferde. = and saide \at he wolde Ba\e bi-ligge. and eke Brustouwe; a-boute bi-rowe. `is was hire broc; are hii to Ba\e come. `ider wende \e cayser; and bi-lay Ba\e \er and \e men wi\-ine ahliche a-gonne. wenden vppe ston wal; wel i-wepnid oueral. and werede \e riche; wi\ \an strong Childriche. = = Arthur was bi nor\e; and noht her-of nuste. he wende ouer al Scotlond; and sette hit in his owe hond. Man and Organeye; Morayne and Galeweye. = Arthur hit wende \at hit so\ were. \at Childrich were ichord to his owe londe. and \at he neuere-more; nolde comen here `o comen \e tidynge to Arthur \an kinge. \at Cheldrich \e cayser; icome was to londe. in \an su\ eande harmes he wrohte. \o saide Arthur; boldest alre kinge. Wolawo; \at ich sparede mine fo. \at ich nadde on holte; mid honger hine a-cwelled. o\er mid sweorde; al hine to-swonge. Nou he me |elt mede for mine god "d'ede. a"c' so me helpe Drihte; \at so\ \is dai|es lihte. he hit sal a-bugge |ef ich mote libbe = and Colgrim and Baldolf beyne ich wolle acwelle and alle hire cnihtes; dea\ solle \olie. ~ef hit wole Drihte; \at alle \inges dihte\. ich "wolle' wor\liche a-wreke; al his wi\ere deades |ef hit mot i-laste; \at lif in mine breoste. = ne sal neuere Cheldrich eft me bi-chorre. Nou cleopede Arthur boldest alre kinge. Ware be |e mine cnihtes; ohte men and wihte. = Nou we mote wende; toward Ba\es eande. == Lete\ hongy \e |isles; \at hii ous bi-toke. `ar he lette for-don; four and twenti children. Alamainisse; of swi\e he|e cunne. `o com tydinge to Ar(t)hur \an kinge; \at seak was Howel his may (\)ar-vore he was sori. faste liggende; and so he hin(e) bi-lefde. and he an hi|enge toward Ba\e wende. `o he nehlehte; bi-halues \an toune; = he hehte alle his cnihtes an mid hire brunies. and he a fif deale; to-dealde his ferde. = and he warp on him; one brunie of stele. \at makede an haluis smi\; mid his wise crafte. he was i-hote Wigar; \e Wittye wrohte. His legges he helede; mid hosen of stele. Caliburne his sweord he sweinde bi his side. hit was i-wroht in Auylun; mid witfolle crafte. One helm he sette on his heued he|e of stele. \ar-an was mani |emston; al mid golde bi-gon. = he was ihote Goswiht alle o\er onilich He heng on his swere; one sceald deore. his name was in Bruttisse; Pridewyn ihote. \a"r' was ine igraued; on anlichnisse of golde. \at was mid iso\e; Drihtene moder. His spere he nam an honde; \at Ron was ihote. `o he hadde al his wede; \o leop he on his stede. `o hii mihte bi-holde; \at \ar bi-halues were. \ane fairest cniht \at ferde sal leade. == `o cleopede Arthur loudere stemne; Lo war her bi-vore ous; hea\ene hundes. \at oure eldre slo|e; mid hire lu\er craftes. and hi ous beo\ on londe lo\est alre \inge. Nou wende "we' to heom and starlige |am legge an. = and wreken \ane mochele same; \at ous hi i-do habbe\. = for alle hii beo\ for-sworen; and alle hii beo\ for-loren. = ==== Nou we solle ride nou we solle glide. and alre formest; \at fiht ich wolle bi-gynne. nou we helpe to-dai; Drihte \at wel may `o riden agan; Arthur \e riche man. wende ouer wolde; Ba\e to seche. `e tyding com to Childrich; \ane stronge and \ane rich. \at Arthur mid ferde; |aru com to fihte. Cheldrich and his ohte men; leopen heom to horse. and grepen hire wepne; hii wiste |am i-fei\ed. `o iseh Arthur an eorl; holde him to-|enes. = mid soue hundred cnihtes; al |aru to fihte. `e eorl him-seolf ferde bi-vore al his genge. and Arthur him-seolf; bi-vore al his ferde. Arthur \e bolde his spere nam an honde. = his hors he makede earn} \at al \e er\e dunede. Sceald he breid to breoste; \e king was a-bolwe. he smot \an eorl; \orh-vt \e breoste. \at \e heorte to-chon; and \e king cleopede anon. `e formeste his oure; nou helpe ous Drihte. == Nou heom to nou heom to; \e formeste his wel idon. Bruttus heom leide on; so me sal \e lu\er don. bitere swipes hii |euen; mid axes; and mid cniues `ar folle Childreches men; folle two \ousend. so neuere Arthur ne leas; on of his manne. == Arthur mid his sweorde; bitere swipes swipte. al \at he smot to; hit was sone for-do. Al was \e king a-bolwe; so his \e wilde bor. wane he in \an maste; many swyn i-mete\ `is i-seh Cheldric; and gan him to flende. and iwende ouer Auene. to bor|e him fram arme. and Arthur heom leop to; ase hit a lyon were. and wende him to flode; and manie weren f}ie. \ar sunke to \an grunde souene an twenti hundred \at al was \e strem of Auene; mid stele i-brugged. Childrich ouer \an water flea\; mid fiftene hundred cnihtes. he \ohte for\ wende and ouer see saily. Arthur isah Colgrim clembe to on hulle. = and Baldolf wende after; mid soue \ousend cnihtes. hii \ohten o \an hulle; hehliche at-stonde. === `o cleopede \e king; kenliche loude. Bolde mine cnihtes; boue\ to \an hulle. For |orstendai was Colgrim; man alre kennest. nou him his ase wo ase \e got; \ar he \ane hulle wot. heh vppen hulle fihte\ mid hornes. wane come\ \e wolf wilde toward him winde `eh \e wolf be one; wi\-houte heni imone. and \ar were on flockes; two hundred gotes. \e wolf to wite\ and alle a-bite\. So ich wolle nou to-dai Colgrym for-deme. ich ham wolf and he got; \at sal dea\ \olie. ~et him speke\ Arthur; baldest alre kinge. ~orsten-dai was Baldolf; cniht alre baldest. nou he stond on hulle; and Auene bi-holde\. hou ligge\ in \an streme; stelene fisces. === `is wonderes beo\ isi|e to londe. soch fis in wille; soch deor on hulle. ~orstenday was Cheldrich; kennest alre kinge. nou he his bi-come honte; and hornes him folwe\ flic\ ouer brodne feld; borke\ his hundes. he haue\ bi-halues Ba\e; his hontynge bi-lefued. fram his deor he flic\; we hit solle falle. == Efne \an worde; \at \e king saide he breid heh|e his scelde vp to his breoste. he grop his spere longe; and gan his hors sporie. Neh al so swi\e; so \e fowel flie\. folwede \an kinge; fif and twenti \ousend. = hii wende to \an hulle; mid baldere streng\e. and vppe Colgrim smite; swi\e smorte bites. And Colgrim |am hende and fulde \e Bruttus. in \e forste rease; folle fif hundred. `is isah Arthur; and wra\\ede him swi\e = and cleopie agan; Arthur \e heh|e man. Ware be |eo Bruttes. bolde mine cnihtes. Here stonde\ vs bi-vore oure fon al icore. go we mid isunde; and legge we heom to grunde. Arthur grop his sweord riht; and smot ane Saxisse cniht. \at \e sweord \at was so god at \e middel hit astod. and he smot on-o\er; \es cnihtes bro\er. \at his helm and his heued; wende in \an felde. \ane \ridde dunt he sone |eaf; and one cniht he al to-cleof. `o weren Bruttus swi\e ibolded. and leiden on \e Saxisse. mid hire stronge mihte. = \at Saxisse \ar folle. manie to grunde. == `o iseh Colgrim war Arthur com toward him. ne mihte he fliht makie; in neuere one side. = `o saide Arthur to Colgrim \an kene. = Nou we solle \is kinelond; deale ous bi-twine. Efne \an word \at \e king saide. his brode sweord he vt droh; and vppe Colgrim his helm smot. = and to-cleof \ane brunie hod; \at hit at \e breoste a-stod. And he a wi\er sweyncde to Baldolf his bro\er. and swipte \at heued of for\ mid \an helme. `o loh Arthur \e king; and \es word saide. = Li nou \ar Colgrym; \o"u' were iclemde to he|e. and Baldolf \in bro\er li\ bi \ine side. nou ich al \is kinelond. sette in |oure tweire hond. = ~e clemde. to heh|e; vppen \isse hulle. ase \eh |e wolde to heuene; ac nou |e mote to helle. and \are |eo mawe kenne; mochel of |oure cunne. And grete\ \are Hengest; \at was cniht fairest. Ebissa Octa and Ossa; and of \ine cunne mo. and bide heom \are wonie; wyntres and someres. and we sollen here in londe; libbe in blisse. == Arthur \o saide to Cador \e kene. of Cornwale he was eorl; \at was a cniht kene. Hercne me Cador; \ou hart min eorl deore. Nou his Childrich a-flo|e; and a-weiward itowe. and \enche\ mid isunde; a|ein hider wende. Ac nim of mine ferde; fif \ousend manne. and far \e for\-riht bi daie and bi niht. \at \ou come to \are see bi-vore Childriche. and al \at \ou miht bi-winne; brouke hit mid wonne. and |ef \ou miht \an cayser; eniwise a-cwelle \ar. ihc \e |efe to mede; al Dorsete. Onne\e hadde \e king; \at word ibroht to \e hende. \at Cador ne sparng to horse; ase sparc do\ of fure. folle soue \usend folwede \an eorle. = hii wende ouer feldes; and ouer wildernes. = Cador cou\e \ane way; \at touward his cu\\e lay. and an hi|enge wende foliwis; riht touward Totenas dai|es and nihtes; forte he com \er for\-rihtes. Childrich no\ing nuste; of his come no custe. Cador com to cu\\e bi-fore Cheldriche. he lette wende him bi-vore al \at londes folk. cheorles fol |epe; mid clubbes wel grete. = and dude |am alle cleane; into \an sipes grunde. and hehte heom lotie wel; \at Cheldrich nere noht war. ac wane his folk come; and in wolde clembe. Nime\ |oure ba"t'tes; and hahtliche |ou storie\. = Al dude \e cheorles ase Cador |am tahte. To \an sipes wend wi\er-folle cheorles in euereche sipe o\er half hundred. And Cador \e kene beh; and toward one wode teh. fif mile fram \an stude; \ar \e sipes stode. and hudde him an wile; wonderliche stille. And Cheldrich com sone ouer dounes wende. wolde to \an sipes fleon; and stelen vt of londe. Sone so Cador \is iseh; \at was \e eorl kene. \at Childrich was bi-twixe him and \e cheorles. \o saide Cador; loudere stemne. Ware beo |e cnihtes; ohte men and wihte. I\enche\ wat Arthur; \at his oure alre louerd. at Ba\e vs bi-sohte; are we fram him wende. Lo war wende\ Childrich; and fare wole of londe. and \enche\ to Alemaine. ware wonie\ his eldre. and wole a-winne ferde; and eft \is lond seche. for to a-wreke Colgrim and Baldolf his bro\er. = Ac ne abide we neuere \ane day; ne sal he no |ef ich may. Efne \an speche; \at spac \e eorl riche. = hii leopen vt of wode; ase hit lyons were. and after Cheldrich \an kene and \an riche. Childreches cnihtes; iseh|e bi-hinde. = hearne ouer feldes; fif \ousend scealdes \ar iwar\ Cheldrich sor\-folle in heorte. and \es word saide \e riche cayser `is his Arthur \e king \at al vs wole a-cwelle. fleo we nou swi\e; and in-to sipe wende. and wende for\ mid wedere; ne reche we neuere wodere. `o Childrich \e caysere; \is word hadde isaid \are. \o gonne hii to fleonde; feondeliche swi\e. and Cador \e kene; com |am after sone. Childrich and his cnihtes; to sipe come for\-rihtes. hii wende \e sipes stronge; seue fram \an londe. `e cheorles mid hire battes; weren \ar wi\-ine. \e battes hii vp houen; and a-dun riht%tes slowen. \ar was sone isla|e; mani cniht mid hire wawes. mid hire pic-forken; feolde heom to grunde. Cador and his cnihtes; slowen heom bi-hinde. `o iseh Cheldrich \at him bi-fulle lu\erlich == he fleo\ to one hulle; \at Teyne his i-hote. to \an hul of Teyniswich; swi\e fleoh Cheldrich. so swi\e so he mihte; mid four and twenti cnihtes. `at iseh Cador; ou hit \o ferde \ar. = he him went after so swi\e so he mihte. and him of-tok sone; in lutele tyme. `o saide Cador \e eorl. \at cnih was swi\e kene. Abid abid Cheldrich ich wole |eue \e Teyneswich. Cador his sweord a-hof; and he Cheldrich of-sloh. Many \o \ar flo|en; and to \an watere to|en. and \ar hi a-dreinte for Cador his hei|e. al Ca"dor' a-fulde \at he cwik funde. = \o Cador \at fiht hadde ouercome; and \at lond to him inome he sette gri\ swi\e god; \at \ar-after lange stod. \eh ech man bere an honde; be|es of golde. ne dorste no gome o\er vuele igrete. Arthur was for\ iwende; in-to Scotlonde. for Howel lay ine Clud; faste bi-clused. Hadde Scottes hine bi-leye; mid hire lu\er craftes. and |ef he nadde \e ra\er bi-come; Howel hadde b"e' i-nome. and his folk \ar isla|e and idon of lif-da|e. Ac Arthur com sone; and Scottes to fleonde. = in-to Morayne mid mochelere ferde And Cador com to Scotlo"n'd \ar he Arthur funde. Arthur and Cador into Clud wende. and funden \ar Howel mid baldere blisse of al his seacnisse; hol was i-wor\e. moche was \e blisse; \at \o was in borwe; Scottes weren in Morayne; and \are \ohte wonie. and saide heom bi-twine; mid hire bolde wordes == \at Arthur nolde neuere for his lifue come \are. `is ihorde Arthur; baldest alre kinge. wat Scottes hadde iseid mid hire hokere wordes. = He cleopede Howel \e heh|est of his cunne. and Cador \e kene vt of Cornwale Lete\ blowe bemen and banni vre ferde and at \are midniht; we solle wende for\riht. === and hire |ealp falle; and |am-seolf a-cwelle. To \are m"i'd-niht; Arthur a-ros for\-riht. == and wende mid his ferde; toward Morayne. for\ gonne \reaste. \rittene \ousend. = Su\\e com Cador; \e eorl of Cornwale; mid souentene \ousend selere cnihtes. `ar-after com Howel; mid on and twenti \ousend. = `o com Arthur him-seolf mid souene and twenti \ousend = scealdes \ar glissenede; and liht hit gan da|eie. `at word com to Scottes; \ar \at hii wonede. hou Arthur \e king com to hire londe. = `o weren hii |ear\hest; \at her weren baldest and gonne to fleonde feondeliche swi\e. in-to \an watere; \ar wondres beo\ inowe. `at his a wonder mere; iset in middiler\e mid fenne and mid reode and mid water brode. = `at water his onimete brod. nikeres \ar wonie\. = Sixti eyllondes; beo\ in \an mere longe. in ech of \an yllond; his a chlud swi\e strong. \ar nestle\ hearnes; and o\er grete fo|eles. `e hearnes habbe\ one lawe; bi euereche kinges dawe. wane-so eny ferde; funde\ to \an er\e. \anne fleo\ \e fo|eles for in-to \an lufte. === Twei da|es o\er \reo; \us sal \e tockne beo. = ~et \ar his sellich to seggen of \an watere. \ar falle\ in \an mere; many cunnes wateres. == and vt no\ing ne go\; in neuere one side. == = `ar-ine weren Scottes; ouer al \an muntes = and Arthur him bi-sohte sipes; and in him gan wende. and sloh \ar onifo|e mani and ino|e. = Arthur \e king was on east ende. Howel \e sele was a su\ ende. and Cador \e kene bi nor\e hit wiste. and his smale folk; he sette al bi weste. `o weren Scotes; mid honger ibursted == `ar Irlondes king; icome was to haue twealf myle fram Arthur \ar he lay mid ferde. Scottes to helpe; and Arthur to cwelle. = Arthur his one ferde nam; and \iderwardes wende. and funde \ane king Gillomar \at icome was to londe \ar. and Arthur heom faht wi\; and |ef |am no gri\. and fulde Iresse men; manye to grunde. And Gellomar mid twelf sipes; fleoh to Irlonde. = And Arthur in \an londe; sloh al \at he funde. and wende su\\e to \an mere \ar he Howe"l' bi-lefde. == Arthur Howel funde; \ar he was bi hauene. === and \ar a-bide for\-riht; twei da|es and two niht. == In \an \ridde dai|e; fair he gan da|eie. \o come toward ferde alle \at hoded were. bissopes and canounes. preostes and clerekes; == mid many halidomes. and beden of Arthur gri\; \at hii moste speken him wi\. `ider \e wifues come; \at in \an londe weren. = hii wepen vppen Arthur; wonderliche swi\e. and hire her faire; al hii to-tere. corue hire lockes; and \ar a-dun laide. bi-vore \is kinges fote; to-fore alle his cnihtes. nayles sette to nebbe \at after hit bledde. = and \us hii gonne grede; to Arthur \an kinge. == King we bidde\ \ine milce; for loue of Al-mihti. `ou hauest of oure londe; oure men islawe. mid hunger and mid hate; and mid fale harmes. == `ou hart Cristene man; and we beo\ al-son. ==== \e hea\ene vs dude moche wo; and \ou vs dost al-so. = Ware solle we bi-come cwa\ \e wifues to \an kinge. ~ef vs |et \e cwike men; \at ligge\ ine clude == Louerd Arthur \e king; slake oure bendes. `ou hauest al \is lond inome and \is folk his ouercome We beo\ vnder fote; in \e his al \e bote. `is i-horde Arthur \e king; Bruttene deorling. = and |eode to reade; and rousede on heorte. and funde in his reade; don \at hii hine bede. = He hehte blouwen bumes; and bannien Scottes. hii cropen vt of cloudes; in euereche sides. == and o\es \ar sworen; swike \at hii nolden. = and alle fol sone \is kinges men bi-come. And \o hii gonne wende; ech man to his ende. = and Arthur gri\ sette; god mid \an beste. `o sayde Arthur to Howel his maye. I-sihte \isne mere; \at her his bi-halues. ============== In-to \an mere on lutel water wende\. = Hit his on leng\e; four and twenti mundes hit his imete in brede; fif and twenti fote. fif fote hit his deop; aluene hine dolue. Four nokede hit his; and \ar-in his four cunne fisc. and ech fisc in his ende. ware was his cunde. \at non \oh hii wolde. `ar nis no man ibore; no so witty icore. = \at wite wat lette \ane fisc; for fleote to o\er. for noht nis bi-twine bote water cleane. ==================== `o saide Arthur baldest alre kinge Lete\ blowe bumes; warnie cnihtes. \at ich faren wolle; vt of \isse londe. ======== Efne \an worde; wende \e ferde. \ar songen cnihtes; of selcou\e londes. of Arthur \an kinge; and of his here-dringes. and seiden on songe to \isse worle longe. ne wor\ neuere soch king. ase Arthur \orh alle \ing king ne cayser icore; in neuere none cu\\e Arthur for\ to Euerwich mid folke swi\e sellich. and wonede \are six wikes; mid mochelere winne. `e borh-walles weren; to-broken and to-fallen. \e chirchen for-barnd; \e halles to-fallen. `o cleopede \e king; one prest Pyram. he was swi\e wis man; and witfol on boke. = `e king an halidom nam and bi-toc Pyram. = and \a(n) archebissop staf; \are he Pyram |af. Her was Pyra(m) preost god; nou he his archebissop. `o him bad Arthur; cherches a-rere. = and Godes worc rihte; and \e folk dihte. And he bad alle his cnihtes; deme rihte d(o)mes. and \e er\e-tilies. hire lond teorne. and euerec gome o\erne hi-grete. and woch man o\er dude; \ane \e king hadde ibode. he solde dom \olie; at \e king his wille = ~et clepede Arthur boldest alre kinge. hehte \at his lond hadde ilore. = \at he to him come; ra\e and ful sone. \e riche and \e lowe to habbe |ein his owe bote he were so vuel bi-|ete; \at he were louerd-swike. o\er to his louerd man-swore; \ane \e king demde ilore `ar comen \e \reo bro\ers \at weren kinebore. Loth. Angel and Vrien. wele woche \reo men. `eos \re heredringes come to \an kinge. and sete on hire cnouwes; bi-fore \an caisere. Hayl beo \ou Arthur an alle \ine cnihtes. = We beo\ \reo bro\eres ibore al of kinges. his al oure kine-lond; igo vt of vre hond. for \e hea\ene men; pore vs habbe\ imaked. and iwest vs Leoneys; Scotlond and Moraynes. and we bidde\ \e for Godes loue; \at \ou vs be a foltome. for \ine mochele worsipe; \at \ou vs milde wor\e. and |ef vs oure icunde lond; and we \e wolle\ louie. holde \e for louerd. on euereche wise. `is ihorde Arthur; boldest alre kinge. ou \es \reo cnihtes. faire hine bi-sohte. he reousede on heorte; and \es word saide. = Vrian bi-com mi man; \ou salt Morayne habbe \ar-of \ou salt beon icleoped; king of \an londe. = And Angel ich take \e an hond; al to-gadere Scotlond habben hit an hond; and beon king of \an londe. fram \an fader to \an sone; \ar-of \ou salt mi man bicome. And \ou Loth min leoue man; God \e wor\e milde. \ou hauest mine soster; \e bet \e sal iwor\e. Ich \e |eue Leoneys; \at his a lond riche. and ich wolle legge \ar-to londes swi\e gode. bi-sides Nor\humbre; wor\ an hundred pund. For mi fader Vther; wile \at he was king her. louede swi\e his dohter; \orh alle cunnes \inge. and sones |eo haue\ tweie; leof hii beo\ me beie. = `at was Woweyn and Modred; for |am \ou salt iwor\e bet. = ac walawo \at Modred was ibore; moche harm com \ar-vore. Arthur com to Londene; and mid him his leode. and he \are makede swi\e mochele speche. and sette alle \e lawes \at stode bi his eldre da|es. == Fram \anene he wende in-to Cornwale. he funde \ar a mayde Cador his mowe. Was \eos maydes moder of Romanisse cunne. === nas in none londe mayde so hende. of speche ne of deade; ne of alle \eues. |eo was i-hote; Gwenayfer; maydene hendest. Arthur hire nam to wifue; and louede hire swi\e. \is maide he gan wedde; and nam hire to bedde Arthur was in Cornwale; al \ane wynter for Gwenayfer his loue womman heom leofuest `o \at wynter was agon; and somer com \ar anon. Arthur him bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. \at his folk gode a-swonde ne leye. To Excetre he wende; and heold \are speche. = and saide \at he wolde in-to Irlonde. and winnen al \at kinelond; to his owene hond bote \e king Gillomar; \e ra\er to him come her and faire him speke wi\. and |ornde Arthur his gri\. Ich wolle wasti his lond; and lu\er go him an hond. == Efne \an worde \at \e king sayde. \o answerede alle; in boure and in halle. Louerd king hold \in word; for we beo\ alle |arue. to gon and to ride; oueral in \ine neode. `ar was mani bold Brut; kene to neode. = Hii wende to hire hinne; cnihtes mid hire manne. hii rollede wepne and soide hire stedes. == somme safde sceftes; somme beoude longe speres. somme makede \wanges; gode and swi\e stronge. = Arthur lette beode ouer al his kine\eode. \at euer-ech oht cniht; to him come for\riht. and euerech oht man; to him come an%non. and wose leafde; his leome he solde leose. and wose come gladliche; h"e' solde i-wor\e riche. Soue niht vppe Easter; \o men hadde ifaste. \o comen alle \eos cnihtes; to sipe for\-rihtes. wind |am stod an honde; \at saf |am to Irlonde. hii wenden vppe st(ron)de in-to \an ilke londe * Arthur in \an londe ferde; and \at folk a-morde. mochel folk he \are sloh; and he nam horf inoh. and euere he hehte ech man cherch-gri\ holde. `e tyding com to \an kinge; \at louerd was of \an londe. \at Arthur king was \ider icome; and moche harm wrohte. He somne"de' alle his cnihtes; to-|eines Arthur fihte. for\ hii wende sone; \at hii to Arthur come. === ac hii weren nakede; and \e o\e"re' hi-heled mid hire "wepne'. == And Arthur his men; lette flon to |am fleon. and morde Iresse folk; \at hit ful swi\e. ne mihten hii \is \olie \or\ none cunnes \inge ac flo|e away swi\e in euereche side. and Gillomar \e king; fleh swi\e an hi|eng. and Arthur him after and \ane king cahte. he nam bi \an honde; \an king of \an londe. Arthur \e bolde; to his hinne wende. in his mode him was he\; \at Gillomar him was so neh. N"ou' dude Arthur \e bolde king; on swi\e freo \ing. = he lette \ane king scrude; mid allere prude and bi Arthur he sat; and eke mid him-seolf hate. mid Arthur me wyn drong \at was mid mochel on\ong. No\eles \o he iseh \at Arthur was so neh. Gillomar him saide; mid sor\-folle heorte. Louerd Arthur \in gri\; |ef me leome and |ef me lif. and ich wolle \in man bi-come; to hostage take \e mine sone. = and |et ich wolle more; |ef \ou me wolt |efue ore. ich wolle \e bi-take; hostages riche. children folle sixti; riche and wel mihti. And |et ich wolle more; |ef \ou me |euest ore. eche |er of mine londe. soue \ousend pound \e sende. == and alle mine stedes; mid alle hire wedes. min hauekes and mine houndes; and o\er riche |eftes. ich take \e an honde of al mine londe And wane \ou hauest \us idon; ich wolle nime halidomes. of Seint Columkille \at dude Godes wille. and Seint Brendan his heued \at God seolf halwede. and Seinte Bride riht fot; \at his holy and god. and halidomes inowe; \at come vt of Rome. and swerien \e to so\e; swike \at ich \e nelle. ac ich \e wolle louie and holde \e for louerd. = `is ihorde Arthur; boldest alre kinge. = and him answerede; mid mildeliche wordes. Beo nou glad Gillomar; ne beo \ou noht heorte sor. for \ou hart a wis man; \e sal \e bet for \an. = for \ine wisdome; ne sal \e noh \e worse. moche \ou me bedest; \e sal beon \e betere. Her for\rihtes; bi-vore alle mine cnihtes. ich for-|eue of \ine bode; al \an haluendeale. of golde and of garisome; ac \ou salt min man bi-come. and half \at gauel sende; in-to mine londe. Halue \e stedes; and halue \e wedes. halue \e hundes; and halue \e hauekes. \at \ou me bedest; ich wolle \e bi-lefue. ac ich wolle habbe \ine sone; ich may \e \e bet i-leue. = and \ou salt wonie; in worsipe \ine. in \ine kinelonde; and \in rihte icunde. and ich \e wolle loke to; \at no king ne sal \e mis-do. bote he hit a-bugge; mid his bare rugge. `us him saide Arthur; boldest alre kinge. `o he hadde al Irlond; to his owene hond. and \e king his man bi-com; and bi-tok Arthur his sone. `o spac Arthur to sele his cnihtes. Wende we to Islond and nime hit to oure hond For\ hii wende; \at hii \ider come. Alcus hehte \e king; he hadde mani onderlyng. he ihorde \an tyding%ge of Arthur \an kinge. he dude ase a wis man; and wende a|enest him anon. swi\e for\-rihtes; mid sixtene cnihtes. he bar on his honde; ane mochele |eord of golde. Sone so he Arthur iseh; on his cnowes he him beh. and \eos word saide \e king was a-fered. Wolcome sire Arthur; wolcome louerd. Her ich bi-take \e an hond; al to-gadere Islond \ou salt beo min heh|e king and ich wolle beo \in onderling. = Ich wolle here \i man bi-come; and take \e mine sone. Escol his ihote; and \ou hine most teche. to cnihte hine dobben; ase \in owene man. His moder his wel ibore; \e kinges dohter of Rusie icore. And eke eche |ere; |efen ich \e wolle. soue \ousend pound of seoluer and of golde. and to euereche reade; beo |aru to \ine neode. `is ich wolle swerie; vppen mine sweorde. \ar his an halidom wel icore; in \an helte bi-vore. likie ou me likie; nolle ich \e neuere swike. `is ihorde Arthur boldest alre kinke. Arthur was wis man ware he hadde his wille he was wonder steorne; wi\ his wi\er-iwinne. = Arthur grantete \an king; al \at he |ornde. o\es he \are nam and hostages al-son. `o ihorde segge; so\ere wordes. \e king of Organeye; onimete kene Gongwas was ihote hea\ene kempe. \at Arthur \e stronge gome; to his londe wolde come. = Gongwas |eode to-|eynes; mid wise his cnihtes. and sette Arthur an hond; al Organeyes lond. and two and \ritti yllondes; \at \ar-to ligge\. and his manradene; mid mochelere mensce. And he him hadde a foreward bi-vore alle his cnihtes. eche |er to iwite; fulle sixti sipes. mid his owene costninge. bringen |am to Londene. i-fulled mid iwisse of gode see visce. = O\es he swor gode; swike \at he nolde. and su\\e he lefue nam and for\ he gan wende. Louerd haue godne day; ich (wolle) come wan ich may. = `o Arthur hadde \is idon |et he wolde more vnder-fon. he nam his sonde; (a)nd sende to Gutlonde. and grette \ane king Delda(n)ym; and hehte hine an hi|enge come to him. nd him-seolf (hi)s man bi-come; and br(i)ng(e) mid him his tweie sones. And |ef \ou \at nolle do wat \ou wolle. and ich \e wolle sende sixtene \ousend kempes; = \at \e solle b(i)nde; and to me bringe. = and \in lond wasti; and falle \ine cnihtes. `is ihorde \e king of \isse herde \r(et)ing. and caste on his rugge; swi\e riche webbes. and him nam bi-sides; hundes and hauekes. moche seoluer and gold; and his sones beine. And for\ he gan wende; to Arthur \an kinge. and \es word saide Doldanym \e sele Hayl beo \ou Arthur; boldest alre kinge. Her ich bringe tweie; mine sones hii beo\ beye hure moder his kinges streon; cwene |eo his min owe. Here ich take hire sones; and mi-seolf ich wolle \(in ma)n b(i)-come = And ich \e w(oll)e sende gauel of min(e) londe. euereche |ere; s(oue) \ousend poundes. == an(d) h(er) ich (w)olle \in man b(i-c)ome; and o\es \e swerie. \at so lang so beo\ euere; ne swike (i)ch \(e) neue(re) Arthur nam his sonde; and sende to Winet-londe. to Rumerat \an kinge; to cu\i him an hi|enge. \at he hadde in his hond; (Bru)tlond and Scotlond. Gutlond (and) Irlond; Orcaneye and (Islond) He hehte Ru(mera)t come and bringe his huldeste sone. and |ef he \(a)t nolde he wolde him driue of lo(n)de. and |ef he him mihte (on)der-fon. (h)e wolde him he(h|e) an-hon = `is ihorde Rum(e)rat; \e riche king of (Wi)net. swi\e he was afere(d) al so \e o\er were. lo\ him were \e tydinges (fram) Arthur \an kinge. N(o\e)les \e k(i)ng Rumerat hercnede (t)idinges. he nam his eldeste sone; and o\er twealf cnihtes. a(nd wen)de to Arthur; \a(ne) b(olde) kinge. and sat (h)at hi(s) fote; and faire hine gan grete. Hayl beo \ou Arthur \e king; Bruttene deorling Ich hatte Rumeret; of \e londe of Winet. inoh ich hure kenne; of kensipe \inne. \at \ou hart wide icud; kennest alre kinge. `ou hauest many kine-lond; a-wonne to \in owe hond. nis non king in londe; \at ma|e \e wi\-stonde. = of al \at \ou bi-ginnest \ou dost \ine wille. Her ich ham to \e icome; and hi-broht min eldeste sone. ich sette \e her an hond; mi-seolfe and myn kinelond and mine sone leue; and mine men alle = wi\ \an \at \ou me gri\ie; wi\ \ine grym reases. And beo \ou min heh|e king and ich wolle beo \in onderling. and sende \e to honde; fif hundred pound of golde. fram |ere to |ere; to Londene \e sende. Arthur him grantede al \at he |ornde. and su\\e helde rouning; wi\ leoue his cnihtes. \at he wolde a|en wende; into \isse londe. and isen Gwennaifer \e leodisse cwene Bumes he lette bloue; and banni his ferde. and to sipe wende; many bli\e chnihtes. Winde |am stod at wille. weder ase hii wolde. glad hii were for-\i. vp hii come at Grimesbi. `at i-horde sone; \e heheste of \isse londe. and to \ar cwene com tydi(ng) of Arthur \an king (\)at he was isunde icome; and his folk on sele. `o weren in Bruttayne blisses inowe. Was her fi\(e)ling and song; her wa(s) harping a-mang. of (al)e cunnes dremes; murie her songe. of Arthur \an kinge; and of his w(in)ninge. of his mo(c)hele worsipe; \at he (a)-wonne hadde. folk \ar was i-gadered; of mani cun(ne) londe. = Al \at Arthur i-seh; al hit him to beh. riche and pore; ase \e hawel \at falle\. nas \ar n(o)n so wrecche Brut \at he nas wel iw(e)llid. Her man may reade; of Arthur \a(n) kene. hou he twalf |ere su\\e wonede here in gri\e and blisse; and in alle fair-nisse. No man him ne fast wi\; ne he non o\er wi\. ne mihte no ma"n' bi-\enche of blisse \at were more. in eni cunnes londe \ane was in \isse. == Ich may segge ou hit iwar\ \eh hit wonder \inche. Hit was in on holy day; \at Arthur ine Londene lay. \ar weren to him icome; of al his kineriche. of Brutlond of Scotlonde; of Irlond of Islond. and of alle \an londes; \at Arthur hadde an honde. and alle \e hexste cnihtes; \at were mid hire sweines. (`ar) were soue kingene (son)es; mid soue hundred (cnih)tes. wi\-oute \an (fol)ke; \at Arthur had(de) on hepe. == `at folk was ++ manie londe; \ar (w)as mochel onde. for (eue)rech wende; be bete(r)e \an o\er. Bumes +ar blewe; bordes me wyde. water me brohte an flore; mid goldene bole. su\\e clo\es sohte al of wite solke. `o sat Arthur a-dun; and Gwennayfer his cwene. su\\e seten eorles; beornes and cnihtes. = And \e heh|e ibore men \ane mete beare. euere for\rihtes toward \e cnihtes. ech man \are; sareuede his freonde. So lang hit wende \us; and sone \ar-after wors. \at somme weren wel wro\; and duntes hii |efue. herest hii loues worpen wile \at hii lasten. \o nemen hii \e bolles; i-fulled mid wine. and su\\e mid \an fustes; starcliche fohte `o leop \ar for\ a |ong man \at vt of Wynet-londe com. he was Rumaret his sone; \e riche king of Wynet. he was bi-take Arthur; in stede of hostage. `us saide \e cniht \are; to Arthur \an kinge. Louerd Arthur wende a-non into \ine boure. and \i cwene mid \e; and \ine cnihtes leue. and we \is fiht solle to-deale; wi\ \is on-cou\e leode. Efne \an worde; he leop to \an borde \are leyen \e cniues; bi-vore \an leod-king(e) \reo cnifes he igrop; an(d) mid \an one he smot \an cniht; \at erest bi-gan \at fiht. \at his (h)efued in \an flor; fol to \an grunde. Sone he sloh an-o\er; \is ilke cniht his bro\er. here \e sweordes come; souene he afulde `ar was fiht swi\e gret ech o\erne smot. \ar w(as) mochel blod i-|ote; wowe \ar was riue. `o com \e king bouwe vt of his boure. mid him an hundred cnihtes; mid helmes and mid brunies. ech bar on his riht hond; one st"e'lene brond. `o cleope"de' Arthur boldest alre king. Sitte\ a-dun swi\e; ech man bi his liue. and wose nele \at don; he sal beo for-demed. Nime\ me \an ilke man; \at \is fiht erest bi-gan. and do\ a-boute his swere one rakete|e. and dra|e\ hi(n)e to on la|e fen; \ar he sal liggen. and nime\ al hi(s) nexste cun; \at |e ma|e finde. and swenge\ of \e hefdes; mid brode |oure sweordes. `e wimmen \at |e finde\ of his nexste cunne. kerue\ of hure nose and so hi solle go to lose. and \us ich wolle fordon (\)at he of com. An |ef ich su\\e i-here; eni man sire. more of \isse fihte; eorl o\er cniht. = ne sal him no\er (go) vore; gold no\er garisome. = \at he ne sal be to-dra|e; \at his swiken la|e. Bringe\ \ane halidom and wolle ich swerie \ar-on. and so |e solle cnihtes. \at weren at \an fihte. eorles an cnihtes; \at |e hit breke nolle\. Arest swor Arthur boldest alre kinge. su\\e sworen eorles; su\\e sworen cnihtes. = \at hii neuere more; \e sake nolde arere. Me nam alle \e deade; and leide |am on er\e. Su\\e me bleu \e bumes; mid swi\e murie dremes. were |am leof were |am lop; alle hii fenge water and clo\. and su\\e adun sete; alle to \an b(or)de. for Arthures he(y)e boldest alre kinge. B(orles) \ar \ronge; glemen (\ar) songe. = `us folle soue (nih)++ was al \at folk idiht (S)++\e hit sai\ in \are (ta)++ \e king wende to Co(rn)++le. \ar him com to a(n)++ \at was a crafti ma(n) and \ane king mette and faire hine grette. Hayl beo \ou Arthur boldest alre kinge. Ich ham \in owene man; many lond ich habbe \or\ gon. ich con of treo-workes; mani wonder craftes. Ich ihorde tidynges; of \ine bolde cnihtes. \at hii at \ine borde; solde sake arere. in on midewynteres day; manye \ar follen. = for hire he|e cunne; ech wolde beo wi\-ine. Ac ich \e wolle wirche; a bord swi\e hende. \at \ar ma|e sitte to; sixtene hondred and mo. al teurne aboute; \at non ne beo wi\-oute. = And wane \ou wolt ride; mid \e \ou miht hit leade. and setten it ware \ou wolle after \ine wille. \anne ne \ert \ou neuere adrede to \are worle longe. \at euere eni modi cniht. at \ine borde makie fiht for \ar sal \e he|e be efne to \an lowe. Tym"b'e"r' me lette bringe; and \at bord (bi-gy)nne. in four wekene firste; \at worc was ihen(de)d. He lette in one dai|e al \at folk gaderi. and Ar(t)hur him wende; a-non to \an borde. and hehte alle his cnihtes; to borde for\-rihtes. `o alle weren isete; cnihtes to \are mete. \o spac ech wi\ o\er; ase hit we(r)e bro\ers. alle hii sete "a'boute; nas \ar non wi\-vte. Euereche cunnes cniht; \ar was wel i-diht. alle bi one \e hehe \e lowe. == `is was \at ilke bord; \at Bruttes of cleopie\. and segge\ mani lesinge bi Arthur \an kinge. So wole ech man; \at o\er louie can. |ef he his him to leof; \anne wole he le|e. and segge on him worsipe; more \an he his wor\e === Ac euere bi \an lo\e; harm me can finde. \oh he were \e beste man; \at euere heat at borde. to wam \at he his lo\; he can him last finde. Nis noht al so\ ne al les; \at many men segge\ ac \is his \at so\e bi Arthur \an kinge. Nas neuere (no)n soch king; so mihti \orh alle \ing. for \at so\e his iwrete; (ou) hit his (i)-wor\e. orde fram \an ende; of Arthur \an (kinge) = Ac Bruttes hine louede; and lome (of) him le|ede. and segge(\) fale \inges bi Arthur \an kinge. \(at) neuer nas i-wor\e; in \i(sse) worle-riche i-noh he may finde; \at so\ wole segge. of many cunnes \ing bi Arthur \an kinge. `o was Arthur swi\e heh; his folk swi\e hen(de) \ar nas non cniht wel itold; in Wales n(e) in Engelond = ine Norm(and)ie ne "i'n Franche; in Flandres ne in Denemarche. ne in neuere none londe; \at a \is half Muntioye stonde\. \at were iholde god cniht; ne his dedes i(to)ld oht bote he cou\e of (Ar)thur eni spelle segge. == and of his stronge cnihtes; and of here mihtes. and of hire richedome; and ou wel hit |am bi-come. `onne were he welcome; in euereche riche. come ware he come; \eh he were at Rome. alle \at ihorde of Arthur telle. heom \ohte mochel wonder of sele \an kinge. Ac al \is was iboded; here he i-bore were. so him sayde Merlyn; \at witti was an er\e. \at \ar solde come soch a sone; of Vther Pendragone. \at gleomen solde wirche bord; of \is kinges breoste. = and eaten hire "wille ere' hi \anne wende. == \is solde i-laste; to \are worle lange. And |et he saide more; Merlyn \e wise \at al \at he lokede on to him solde a-boue. And |et saide Merlyn \at was more. \at solde beo onimete care; after \es kinges for\-fare. and of his eande nele no Brut ileue. bote hit beo \an laste day at \are mochele dome. wane oure Drihte; alle wole deame. O\er weies ne con we telle; of \es kinges dea\e. for he him-seolf saide to gode his Bruttus. \ar he stod in Cornwale; \ar Wawein was for-fare. and him-seolf was for-wonded; wonderliche swi\e. \at he vare wolde in-to Auelun. in-to \an yllonde; to Argane \are hende. for |eo solde mid halewei heale his wondes. and wane he hol were; he wolde a|en come here. `is ileue\ Bruttus; \at he wole come \us. and loke\ and waite\; wane he come to londe. ase he |am bi-hehte; are he fram |am wende. Arthur was on worle; wis king and riche. god ma(n an)d gri\-fol; his men hine louede. Cnihtes he ha(d)de proute; and of gr(ete) mode. and speken to \a(n) kinge; of selliche \inge = Louerd Arthur wende we to Francene riche. and iwinne al \at lond to \in owene hond. fleome \e France and hire king falle. alle hire castles; sette mid Bruttus and rixli in \an lond mid boldere streng\e. `o answerede Arthur; wisest alre kinge. Euere we solle wel don; ac her ich wolle to Norewei teon and ich wolle mid me leade; min o\om Loth \e kene \at his Waweynes fader. wan ich moche louie. For me beo\ tydinge icome vt of \an londe. \at \e king of Cisille his dead; and (ey)r naue\ he nanne. == (Ac) Loth his is soster so(n)e; \at lond wole to him+++(e). and ich wolle in +(or)weye newe king (ma)ke. = And wane ich (\us h)abbe idon; ich wole co(me) a|ein hom. an |ark(i) mine ferde; and we(nde)n in-to France. an(d) |ef \e king me stond w(i)\; and nele |eorne na(n) gri\. ich wolle hi(ne) mid fihte falle to \an grunde. Arthur lette bl(o)we hornes and bumes. and lette beden to see; cnihtes swi\e bolde. Sipes he hadde gode bi \an see-flode. fiftene hundred wende fram londe. and wende in milde see; in-to Noreweie = sone so hii comen; hauene hii nemen. mid mochelere streng\e; wenden in \an londe. Arthur sende his sonde ouer al \an londe hehte |am come sone; to Loth hire kinge. and |ef hii \at nolde; he |am wolde a-cwelle. `o nem hii hire sonde; \e eorles of \an londe. and sende to \an kinge; and hehten him a|en wende. And bote \ou a|en fare; her \ou salt habbe care. for lang beo\ euere; \at ne wor\ neuere. \at we vncou\e man; to kinge wolle\ habbe. == `is his \at so\e; of vs nauest \ou non o\er. o\er far \e a-weiward; o\er wend \e riht hamward o\er to-dai a soueniht; \ou salt habbe swi\e strang fiht `e eorles Noreinisse nemen heom to reade. wat king hii wolde habbe; of seoluere cunde ac al hire speche; to sot-sipe |eode. = We solle nime Riculf; and hebben hine to kinge. \at his an eorl kene; to euereche neode. and somni vre ferde; (oue)r al \es er\e. and wende to Arthur; and fleme hine mid fihte. and Loth we sollen fuse; and fleme of londe. o\er we mid fihte; his cnihtes solle a-cwelle. Al \is was i-don; ase hii \are demde. = and somnede hire ferde; ouer al \an er\e. And Arthur \e wile; in \an lond wende. and hit \orh-earnde; and tounes for-barnde. orf he nam inoh; and moche folk he \are sloh. And Riculf com ride; to-|eines Arthure. a-non to-gadere hii wende; and fiht \ar bi-gonne. Bruttus |am wende to; \ar was wo riue. Drowen vt of sea\e; sweordes swi\e longe. heuedes \ar flo|e in felde; falewede nebbes. = brunies \er breke; Bruttus busie were. = \us alle dai-liht; ilaste \at stronge fiht. ferde ou hit verde; \e Norreis euere folle. = Bruttus weren bolde. \e Norreine hii a-cwelde. fif and twenti \ousend; hii leide to \an grunde. and Riculf king \ar was of-sla|e; and idon of lif-da|e. lute he \are lefde; of \an ilke folke. and woche wrecches hadde \at lif; hii |ornde Arthur his gri\. `o cleopede (Arthu)r Loth \at he louede. and \us him \are saide; to his o\om deore. = H(e)re ich \e biteche; al \is kineriche. of me \ou hit salt holde; and habbe me in munde. `o was Wowein \ider icome; Loth (h)is eldeste sone fram Rome \an Pope; \at Supplis was ihote. he hadde \at child itaht; and idobbid to cniht. Wel wel was hit bi-to|e; \at Waweyn was to manne ibore. for Woweyn was edmod; of eche \eue he was god. he was mete-cousti; and cniht mid \an beste. Alle \e cnihtes (\orh) him; were swi\e iba(lded) = and for his fader \ing(e) \at hi-houe was to kin(ge) `o spac Arthur Loth (w)++ and bad hine holde g(od) ++++ = and \aie \at gri\ no(lde hol)de; legge heom to grunde. `o saide Arthur to his cnihtes bolde. = ~arke\ bi \an flode; mine sipes gode. All. dude \e cnihtes; ase Arthur |am hehte. `o \e sipes were |are. Arthur gan for\ fare mid him he nam for\ri(htes) his Noreine cnihtes. and wende for\ in wilde see; in-to Denemarche. = he lette slean his teldes; ouer al \an feldes. = `o was in Denemarche a king; of mochele mihte. Ascil was ihote; \e hexste of \an londe he isah \at Arthur bi-wan; al \at he lokede an. Ascil king bi-\ohte wat he don m"i'hte. lo\ him was leose leoue his cnihtes. He isah \at mid streng\e stonde he ne mihte = He sende gretinge to Arthur \an kinge. hundes and hauekes and swi\e he|e horses. seoluer and red gold; mid red-folle wordes. and |et he dude more; \e king of Denemarche. he sende to \an hexste; \at weren mid \an kinge. and bad |am him helpe to \an bolde kinge \at he moste his man bi-come; and take to hostage his sone. and eche |er him sende; gauel of his londe ane bot mid isunde; fram toppe to \an grunde. of gold and of garisome; and of riche palles. and su\\e swerie ich wolle; swike \at ich nolle. `is ihorde Arthur boldest alre kinge. \at Ascil Denene king; wolde beon his onderling. wi\-oute eni cnihte; for-lede to \an fihte. `o was igladed; Arthur \e riche. \us \o answerede; mid milde his wordes. Wel wor\e \ane man; \at folwe\ wisdome and bi-winne\ loue and gri\; and freosipe holde\. Wane he sic\ \at he his mid streng\e ibunde. and wende\ al to lose; leoue his freondes. mid sle\\e he mot slakie; lo\e his bendes. Arthur hehte \ane king come. and bringe his eldeste sone. and he so dude sone; \e king of Denemarche. Arthures wille; al he gan fulle. to-gadere hii comen; and sahnede sone. `o saide Arthur; boldest alre kinge. Faren ich wolle to France; mid bolde mine ferde. ich wolle habbe Noreweie; ni|e \ousend cnihtes. and of Denemarche ich wolle leade; ni|e \ousend of \an leode. and of Orcaneye; eolleue hundred. and of Moraine; \reo \ousend manne. and of Galeweye; fif \ous(e)nd of \an leode. and of Irlonde; eolloue \ous(en)d. and of Br(u)tayne; min(e cn)ihtes bolde solle \reast(e m)e bi-vore; \rittie \ousend. and of Gutlond ich wolle leade; ten \o(u)send of \an leode. and of Islonde; fif \(o)usend manne. and of Lute (B)rutaine; Howel \an heande. and mid soche folke France ich wolle se(che) And so ich abide Godes (o)re |et ich wolle hote more. \(at) of al \an l(o)nde; \at (stond)e\ in mine honde. ich wolle (ho)te echne (ma)n; \at his (wep)ne bere c(an). ase he wol(e libbe) and his leomes habbe. \at he wende wi\ me; to fihte w"i'\ Frolle. \at his Francen(e) king; f}y he sal iwor\(e) He was ibore in Rome; of Romanisse cunne. For\ wende Arthur; \at he to Flandres com. \at lond he gan bi-winne and sette hit mid his manne. and su\\e he wende \anene; in-to Boloyne. and al Boloynes lond; nam to his ow(e)ne hond. and su\\e he for\ \ane way \at toward France lay. `o bad Arthur alle his cnihtes. wen(d)e woder hii wende; \(a)t noht hii ne neme. bote hii mid rihte; hit bi-|ete mihte. = Al \is ihorde Frolle; \ar he was in France. of Arthur his spede; and of alle his deade. and ou he al bi-won; \at he lokede an. and al hit him to beh; \at he mid he|ene iseh. \o was \e king Frolle; lo\liche afered. A \are ilke worle; \o \is was iwor\e. was Francene lond Galle ihote. and Frolle was fram Rome; ifaren into Fran(ce) and eche |er sende; gauel of \an londe. ten hundred pund; of seoluer and of g(o)lde. Nou ihorde Frolle; \at king was in France. of \are mochele sorew(e) \at Arthur dude in londe. (S)onde he sende sone; towardes Rome. and bad Romanisse folk readen heom bi-twine; ou fale \ousend cnihtes; hii \ider wolde sende; \at he \e bet mihte; wi\ Arthure fihte. and fleomen of londe Arthur \an stronge. Cnihtes gonne ride vt of Rom-leode. fif and twenti \ousend wende toward France. `is ihorde Frolle; mid mochele his ferde. \at \e Romanisse; come toward londe. Frolle and his ferde; |am to-|enes wende. \at hii come to-gadere; kene men and wi\te. of alle \an er\e onimete moche ferde. `at i-horde Arthur (b)oldest alre kinge. and somnede his ferde; and |am to-|eines wende. Ac nas neuere king non \at cwik was on er\e. \a"t' euere her on folde; soch folk a-welde. for of alle \an kine-londe; \at Arthur hadde an honde. for\ he ladde mid him; \e alre kenneste men. \at nuste no man \ere; ou fale \ousend \ar were. Sone so hii to-gadere come; Arthur and Frolle. heardliche hii gretten; al \at hii metten. Cnihtes swi\e stronge; igrepe speres lange. and reaseden |am to-gadere; mid re|ere streng\e. Alle dai \ar weren; duntes swi\e riue. folk ful to folde; and \ane grunde sohte = |olle \e helmes; |eomerede eorles. = `o cleopede Arthur boldest of kinges. Ware beo |e mine Bruttus; bolde mine cnihtes. `e dai him for\ go\; \is folk vs a-|en stonde\. Lete we to ham glide; sarpe gares inowe. and teche |am to ride; \ane wei toward Rome. Efne \an worde \at Arthur \o saide. hii spronge for\ vppen stedes; ase sparc do\ of fure. Him were fol|ende; fiftie \ousend. = and smiten vppe Frolle; \ar he was on flocke. and brohte hine on fleome; mid alle his folke. \ar Arthur of-sloh; mochel folk and onifoh. `o fleh in-to Paris Frolle \e riche. and (\e) |eates tunde; mid teone inowe. and \es word saide; sorhfulle on heorte. Leuere me were; \at ich ibore nere. `o weren in Paris; sori tidynge foliwis sorhfolle speches; \e borhmen gonne buuie walles hii rihten; |eates hii dihten. meate hii nemen; al \at hii neh comen in euereche halue hii ladde to borewe. hii wenden \ider alle; \at helde mid Frolle. `at ihorde Arthur wiseste alre kinge. \at in Paris was Frolle; mid onimete ferde. and saide \at he wolde wi\ Arthur at-stonde. To Paris wende Arthur; arh\e be-dealed. and bi-lai \e walles; and arerde his teldes. a four halue he hine bi-lai; four wike and one dai. A-fered weren sore; \at wi\-ine were. \e borh was wi\-ine i-fulled of manne. and eote sone \ane meate; \at \ar was igadered. `o four wike were agon; \at Arthur hadde \are ibeon. \o was ine borwe onimete sorewe mid \an wrecche folke; \at lai \ar for-hongered. \ar was weping strong; \ar was gredinge a-mong. Hii cleopede to Frolle; and bede him gri\ wirche. Arthur his man bi-come; and his mansipe brouke. and \ane kinedom holde of Arthur \an stronge. and lete noht for-fare mid hongre; \at folk \at was wi\-ine. `o answerede Frolle; freo man on heorte. Nai s"o' me helpe God; \at alle domes wel(de\) ne sal ich neuere his man bicome; no he min kine-louerd. mi-seolf ich wole fihte; in God his alle \e rihte. ==== licame wi\ licame; bi-vore mine cnihtes. hond a|ein "honde' wi\ Arthur \an stronge. == wa\er so may of o\er; \at betere bi-winne. habbe al \eos o\eres lond; to his owene hond. `is ich wolle onderfon; |ef Arthur hit wole don. and \is ich wolle swerie vppe mine sweorde. and |isles ich wolle finde; \reo kingene sones \at ich \is foreward wolle fastliche holde. \at ich hit nelle le|e bi mine cwike liue. For leuere me his ligge; bi-vore mine cnihtes. \ane ich |am here ise; for-fare mid hunger For we habbe\ ine fihte for-lore oure cnihtes. in \an wi\er-happes; fiftie \ousend. = and mani child faderles; frouere bi-deled. = For-\i hit his betere; bi-twixte ous seolue. to-dealen and to-dihte; \is kinelond mid fihte. and habbe hit \e betere; and brouc hit mid winne. Frolle nam twealf cnihtes; mid \es worde for\-rihtes and sende |am on sonde; (t)o Arthur \an kinge. hi-wite |ef he wolde; \is forewarde holde. and mid his owene hond; bi-telle \at kinelonde. == `is ihorde Arthur; baldest alre kin(ge). (n)as he neuere so bli\e er on his liue. for him likede \e tydinge fram Frolle \e kinge. and \eos wordes saide; Arthur \e sele. Wel sai\ Frolle \at king his of France. betere \at we tweie; bi-telle \es riche. \ane beon of-sla|e; oure cnihtes snelle. `is foreward ich wolle holde; bi mine cwike liue to on i-seat daie; to don \at he me bidde\. \at sal beon to-morwe; to-vore oure mannen. \at fihte we solle ous seol(ue) and falle \e for-cou\ere And wa\er \at go\ a-back; and \es forewa(rd) wolle for-sake. beo he in eche lo(n)de; icwe\e for on sconde. \anne mai m(e) singe of one swinde(n)e kinge. \at his beot (ha)ue\ imaked; and his cniht-sipe for-sake. `at i-horde Frolle; \at king was of France. \at Arthur wolde fihte; boute eni cniht. Strang man was Frolle; and starc cniht of mode. and his beot hadde imaked bi-vore al his cnihtes. he ne miht for scame synde him-seolue. = Ac saide wat he saide; to so\e he hit wen"de' \at Arthur hit wolde "for-sake' for |ef he hit hadde hi-wist. to so\ere \inge. \at Arthur him granty wolde; \at \e he |ornde; don he hit nolde. for on sipfol of golde. No\eles was Frolle; to fihte swi\e kene. mochel cniht and strong man; and modi on heorte. and saide \at he wolde; \ane dai holde. in \an yllonde; \at mid wateres his bi-|onge. `at yllond steond foliwis; a-midde \an bor(h) of Paris. `ar ich wolle mid fihte; bi-(telle) mine rihte. = nou to-(morwe) his \e dai; habbe (\at hit b)i-|ete mai Co(me \e ty)dinge; to Arthur (\an kinge) (\a)t Frolle wol++ (mid fiht)e; bi-te(ll)e his +++++ = (Ar)thur gan to lah(|e loudere stemn)e. and (\eos word sa)ide Arthur (\e k)ene. Nou ich wot \at (Fr)olle; wole mid me fihte. (to)-morewe in \an daie; ase he him-seolf deme\. == Lete\ blowe bumes; and bodie mine mannes. \at euerech god man to-niht wakie for \an. and bidde oure Drihte; \at alle domes welde\. \at he me scilde; fram Frolle \an wilde. and mid his riht honde witie me fram sconde. And |ef ich mai \is kinelond; bi-|ete to min owene hond euerech neod-fol man; \e bet sal iwor\e = Nou me fulste \ar-to; \e king \at al may do. \e heh|e heuenliche "king'; stonde me an helping. = `ar was alle lange niht. songes and candel-liht. hehliche. songe clearkes; heh|e Godes p"s'(a)lmes. `o hit dai was a morewe; \at folk gan to storie. his wepne he nam an honde; Arthur \an stronge. w(arp) he on his rugge a re(af) swi\e deore. ane cheiselne seorte; and one pallen(e) curtel. ane brunie swi\e deore; hii-bro(de) of stele. He sette on his heu(ed); one helm godne to his syde he sweinde; (hi)s sweord Caliburne. his (l)egges he helede; mid hosen of stele. and dude on his fote; spores swi\e go(d)e. `e king mi(d) his wede; leop on his stede. me him to reahte; one sce(ald) riche. (he) was al cleane (of) holifantes bone. Me tok him an ho(nde) ane saft stronge \ar was in \an eande; a(n) hefd swi\e hende. hit was i-maked in Ker-mer\in; "bi' a smi\ \at hehte. Griffin. = `o iwepnid was \e king \o gan he to wende. he mihte \o bi-holde; \at \ar bi-halues were. \ane richne king; boldeliche ride. su\\e \es worle was a-stald; nas hit no\ware itald. \at euere eny man so hende wonde vppe horse = Riden after \an kinge; bolde heredringes. in \an forste flocke fourti hondred. baldere Bruttus; bi-honge mid stele. = After \an wende fifti honder. \a Waweyn ladde; \at was a bald kempe. Su\\e \ar (vt) \ronge sixti \usend. Brut(tu)s swi\e bolde; \at was (\)e bac-ward. `ar was (\)e king Angel; \ar was Loth and Vrien. \a(r) was (Vr)ienes sone; E\ay(n) i-hote. \ar was Kay and Bedewer and bi-wiste \e ferde \ar \ar was \e king Howel; h(e)h man of Brutlond. Cador \ar was eke; \at k(en)e was (o)n flocke. \ar was of Yrlonde; Gillomar \e strangge. \ar was Gonways \e (kin)g; Orcaneies (de)orling \ar was Dolda(n)im \e kene vt of Gutlo(nde) and Rumaret \e stronge; vt of Winet-londe. * \ar was Ascil \e king; Denemarches deorling. Folk \ar was a fote; so fale \ousend manne. \at nas neuere so wit-fol man; in \isse worle-riche in neuere none spelle; \at mihte \e \ousendes telle. = bote he hadde mid him \e wit \at hadde Merlyn. Arthur for\ gan wende; mid onimete folke. \at he com foliwis; into \are borh of Paris. a west half \an watere; mid alle his folke. An est half was Frolle; mid mochele his ferde. ~aru to \an fihte bi-vore alle his cnihtes. Arthur nam ane bot; and dude him \ar-(ine) (mid) sealde and mid ste(de) (and) mid al his wede (and \ane) bot stronge; sca(f fram) \an londe. (and s)+++ +++++ \at yllond; and (la)+++ his stede an (his h)+++ +++ men \e (hine \ar broh)te; ase \e (king hehte) lette wende \ane (bot) for\ mid \an watere. Frolle to bote wende (\e) king was onseale. \at he euere \ohte wi\ Arthur to fihte. He wende to \an yllond; mid gode his wepne. he stop vppe \at yllond and nam his stede on his hond. \e men \at hine \ar brohte; ase \e king |am hehte; lette \ane bot wende; for\ mid \an watere and \e kinges tweie; \are-ine weren beiene. = `o weren a-drad; folk in bo\e syde. hii clemde vppe halles; hii clemde vppe walles hii clemde vppe toures hii clemden vppe boures \at fiht to bi-holde; of \eos tweie kinges. Arthur his men bede mid mochele edmode. God \ane gode; and his holy moder \at hire louerd \are; \e ouere hadde. and \e o\er eke; bede for hire kinge. Arthur leop \are vppe on his stede. and Frolle mid his wede leop on his stede. = = hii cwehten hire saftes; kinewor\e k"ni'htes. hii greinede (hire) stedes; gode cnihtes hii weren. Nes he neuere (if)unde; in neuere none londe. nan so witfol man (\)at hit wiste er \an. wa\er of \an kinges; ouer-come solde ligge. for hit were kene cnihtes; ohte men and wi\te. = Hii mune\ede hire stedes. to-gadere hii gonne ride. fusden feondeliche; \at fur him sparng after. Arthur smot Frolle mid swi\e stronge mayne. vp \an seald he|e; \at he to grunde fulle. and \e stede \at was god; leop vt in \ane flod. Arthur vp mid his spere; balu was on \an orde. and pungde vppen Frolle; \ar he was on grunde. = Ac Frolle mid his honde; igrop his spere longe. and kepte Arthur anon; ase he a-neouste com. and \are stede balde; smot in \are breoste. \at \e spere \orh rof; and Arthur a-dun drof. `o a-ros \e mannes drem; \at \e wolkne dunede a|en. = `ar Bruttus wolde ouer water bouwe. |ef Arthur vp ne storte; starcliche swi\e. and igrop his seald godne; ileyred mid golde. and to-|enes Frolle; mid starcliche maine. breid (bi)-vore breoste; his gode seald brode. And Frolle to him reasde; mid his feond-reases. and vt droh his gode sweord; and a-dun swipte. and smot vp Arthur his sealde; \at he fleh in \ane felde. \e healm on his hefd and his hereburne. \at he gan to fausie a-forn ne|ein his hefd. and he wonde onder(fen)g; four vnchene lang. hit n(e) \ohte him noht sor for \e wonde nas na mor. \at blod orn a-dun; ouer al his breoste. Arthur was a-bolwe; swi\e on his heorte and his sweord Caliburne; swipte mid mayne. and smot Frolle vppe \an helm; \at he atwo to-|eode. \orh-vt \ane brunie-hod; \at at \e breoste hit a-stod; `o ful Frolle dun to \an grunde. vp-on \an grase; his gost he bi-leuede. `o Bruttes lowen loudere stemne. and \at o\er folk to fleonde; feondeliche swi\e. Arthur \e riche wende to londe. and cleopie ag(an) to his may Waweyn. = Hot \(i)s men alle; mid gri\e wende hinne. ech man brouke his (ho)m; \at God him alene\. = (an)d ich |am wole di(ht)e; to-dai a soueniht. hot |am wende hinne alle to-gaderes. and comen to mi-seolu(e \)e bet |am sal iwor\e. Hii solle hire manradene; (m)id mansipe bi-take. and ich |am wolle holde; in mi(n)e onwolde. and setten \(a)n folke; lawes swi\e gode. F(o)r nou solle Romanisse law(e)s to \an grunde falle. \at ivorn here (sto)de mid Frolle. \(a)t li\ in \(a)n yllond of-slawe; and idon of lifda|e. He(r-af)ter (fu)l sone sal his cun (of) Rome (ih)ere tydinge; of Arthur \an kinge. for ich \enche wi\ |am speke; and Rome walles to-breke. and mune|i of king Belyn; \at Bruttus ladde \ider in. and alle \e londes awan; \at ligge\ to Rome. Arthur wende to borewe; \ar \e |ates were. and "come' alle \e wit-folle men; \at \ane borh wiste. and lette Arthur binne; mid alle his mann(e) = hii toke him foliwis; al \e borh of Paris. \ar was m(o)chel blisse; mid Bruttisse folke. `e dai nehlehte \at Arthur iset hadde. comen alle \e men; and his men bi-come. Arthur nam his cnihtes; and atwo t(o)-dealde and \at haluendeale; Howel he bi-tahte. and ba(d) him wende sone; mid moch(ele) \are ferde. mid Bruttusse manne; londes a-win(ne). (Al) dude Howel; ase Art(hur) hine heahte. he b"i'-wan (Ber)ri; and alle \e londes \a(r)-bi. Angoi|e and Turui(ne) Aluerne and Gascoyne. and \e homes alle. (\)at leie(\) to \an ilke londes. Gwitard \e duk hehte; \at Peyto hahte. he nolde to Howel bouwe ac heold hine mid fihte; he ne |ornde no gri\; ac euere he faht Howel wi\. ofte he folk fulde; and ofte he fleom makede. Howel \at lon weaste; and of-sloh \e leode. `o isah Gwitard \at in Peyto was louerd \at alle \e leode; him to lose eode. wi\ Howel he gri\ makede; mid al his manferde. and bi-com Arthur his man; baldest alre kinge. Arthur him war\ li\e; and louede hine swi\e. and hehte him his lond brouke; for he him beh to fote. \o hadde Howel hehliche a-gonne. Arthur hadde France and freoliche hit sette. he nam \o his ferde; and wende ouer al \an er\e. to Borgoyne he wende; and sette hit mid his manne. and su\\e he gan wende; into Loherenne. and alle \e londes; he nam to his hondes. al \at Arthur iseh; al hit him to beh. and su\\e he wende foliwis; a|ein in-to Paris `o Arthur hadde France; after his wille. = \o hehte he \e cnihtes \at \ar mid him were. \at lang hadde ileued; and in fihte moche ilosed. \at hii to him come; and |eftes a-fenge. Somme he |af lond; somme seoluer and gold. somme he |af castles; somme he |af clo\es. == and bad |am loueie swi\e; Godd in \isse lifue. = \at hii mihten brouke blisse mid englene. Alle \e cnihtes holde; wende to hire londe. and \e |onge bi-lefde; mid leue hire kinge. Alle \e ni|e |ere Arthur wonede \ere. ni|e |er he heold France; freoliche an honde. and su\\e no lengere; \at lond he ne wolde. Ac \e wile \at \e kinelond; stod in Arthures hond. \inges selcou\e come to \an folke. many one godne man; he makede milde. and many ane hehne man; he heold to his fote. Hit was in on Easter; \at men hadde ifaste. \at al Arthur his folk to him was igadered. == and he \are eche cnihtes; |ef alle hire rihtes. ech one he |af heahte; ase hii i-sareued hadde. `o him saide Arthur baldest alre kinge. Bi-sih \e Keay hiderward; \ou hart min owe stiward. her ich Angoye \e |efue; for \ine wel deade. = Cneole to m(e) Beduer; \ou hart min hexste borle her. \e wile ich ham a-liue louie ich \e wolle. her ich \e |eue Neustrie; nexste mine riche. `o hehte Neustrie; \at nou hatte Normandie. `e ilke twei eorles weren; Arthur his deore men. at reade and at roune; in euereche toune. `e |et him seide Arthur; wisest alre kinge. Wend \e hider Holdeyn; \ou hart min man and min cun. haue \ou Boloyne; and brouk hit on winne. Com me neor Borel; \ou hart cniht wis and war here ich \e \ane Mans; mid mansipe bi-take. and brouc hit on winne; for \ine wel-deade. `us Arthur \e king dealde his londes. after hire deades. for he ham wiste wor\e. `o weren bli\e spelles; in Arthur his halles. \ar was harping an song \are weren blisses among `o Easter was a-gon; and Auerel eode of toune. and \at gras was riue; and \at water li\e. and men saide \at May was (i)n toune. Arthur nam his ferde; and to see wende. and lette banni his sipes. wel mid \an beste. and wende to \isse londe; and vp com at Londene. = Al hit was bli\e; \at hine iseh mid eh|ene. sone hii gonne singe; of Arthur \an kinge. and of \e worsipe \at he awonne hadde `ar custe fader \ane sone and saide to him wolcome. bro\er \an o\er; soster \ane bro\er. = In many hundred stude; stode bi \an weye. \at folk axinge; of many cunnes \ing. and cnihtes |am tolde; of hire anwolde. and hire |elp makede of mochele bi-|eate. Ne mihte no man segge; in \isse worle-riche. of haluendel \e blisse \at were \o mid Bruttus. == and \us one stund hit stod a \an ilke. blisse was in \isse londe; mid balde \an kynge. `o Easter was agon and somer com to toune. \o nam Arthur his read; wi\ riche his manne; \at he wolde in Cairlion; beare his croune him on. to \an Witesonneday; his folk solde be hi-gadered. In \an ilke tyme; men gonne deame. \at nas in none londe borh al so hende. ne so cou\ wide; so Cayrlion bi Vske. bote hit were \e borh riche \at Rome his ihote. And |et was mid \an kynge many man in londe. \at held \e borh of Cayrlion richere \ane Rome. and \at Vske were; selest alre watere. Medewes \ar were brode; bi-halues \are borewe. \ar was fisc \ar was fowel; and b"l'isses inowe. \ar was wode and wilde deor; wonderliche manie. \ar was al \e murthe; \at eny man mihte an \inche. Ac neuere su\\e \at Arthur \ider beh \e borh su\\e ne \eh; ne neuere more ne may; bi-twix \is and Domes-day. Somme bokes segge\ to iwisse; \at \e borh was i-wicched. \at his wel of sene so\ \at hit \inche. In \are borh were; tweie riche munestres. \e on was of Seint Aaron; \ar-in was many halidom. \e o\er of Seint Iulian; \at heh his mid Drihte. \ar-in were nonnes wel idon; many heh-bore womman. `e bissopes stol was at Seint-Aaron; \ar-in was many canoun. = \ar was mani god cleark; \at moche cou\e of lore. moche hii vsede \at craft; to lokie in \an lufte. = \e craft his ihote astronomie; in o\er kunnes speche. Wel ofte hii \an kinge tolde of mani \inges. = Soch was \e borh of Cayrlion; \ar was moche richedom = `e king nam his sonde; and sende to many londes. and hehte come kinges and hehte come eorles = bissopes and clearkes; cnihtes and sweines. = bi hire lifue he hehte |am beon; a Witsonday at Cayrlyon. Cnihtes gonne ride onimete wide. and come to Cairlyon; of many cunne londes. To \an Witsoneday; com \e king Angel. king of Scotlonde; mid kene his folke. = Of Morayne \e kin"g' Vrien. and his faire sone ~euan. Stater king of Su\ Wales and Cadwal\an king of Nor\ Wales. Cador eorle of Cornwale; \at Arthur moche louede. Morewi\ of Gloucestre. Mauri(n) of Wi"n'chestre Gorgwint eorl of Hereforde. and Beofs eorl of Oxeneford. Cursal \e bolde fram Ba\e \ar com ride Vrgent of Castre; Ionathas of Dorchestre. Arnold of Salusburi; and Kinemark of Canterburi. Balien of Cirecestre; Wigen of Leycestre. Argal eorl of Warewike; mid folke swi\e sellich. Dunwale Apries sone; and Kekeyn Elau\es sone. Kyneus \at was Coytes sone; and Cradoc Catellus sone. Aleyn Cledaukes sone; Trimarc Kinemarkes sone. Run (Mar)goyt Nethan; Gloffarc K(yn)gar and Aycan. Keryn Neton and Peridur; Madoc Trahern and Elidur. `is weren bolde Arthu"r' his eorles. and \e hexste men; of al \isse londe. wi\-vte \e bolde at Arthures borde; \at no man ne miht kenne; ne al \at folk nemni. `o weren archebissopes \reo; in \isse kinelonde. ine Londene and in Euerwich; and ine Cayrlion Seint Dubr"i'ch. he was swi\e holy man; \orh alle \inge wel idon. To Londene lay \e archebissopes stol; \at to Cantelburi was su\\e idon. \o \at Englesse men; \is lond hadde awonne. To telle \at folk of Cayrlion; ne mihte no man hit don. `ar was Gillomar king; Irisse menne deorlyng. Maluerus king of Islond; Doldanet of Gutlond. King Calin of Frisselond; Ascil king of Denenelond. `ar was Loth \e kene; \at king was bi Nor\e. and Gonwas Orcaneyes king. and many cnihtes mid him. `ider com \e wilde; \e eorl of Boloyne. = of Flandres \e eorl Holdein; of Chartres \e eorl. Geryn = twealf eorles he|e; \at rixlede in France. Gwitard eorl (of) Peyters; Keay \e eorl (of) Angers. Beduer eorl of Normandie; \o hehte Neustrie. of \e Mans com \e eorl Borel; of Britaine \e eorl Howel. Howel \e eorl was freo man; and of gode \ewes. and al \at folk Frence; faire weren iclo\ed. and iwepnid were alle; and mid horsen he|e. `ar weren bi-sides. fiftene bissopes. Nas no chniht ne no sweyne; ne oht man \at were \eyn fram \e Po"r'che of Spayne; to \an toune of Alemayne. \at \ider icome neore; |ef he ibode were. al for Arthur his heye; baldest alre kinge `o al \is folk was icome; ase hii ihote were; \ar m(e) mihte iseon; many selc(u)\ man. = and many ti(d)ynge; mid Arthur \an kinge. `ar was many wonder clo\; \ar was many chniht wro\. = \ar weren innes; mid streng\e bi-wonne. \are weren in feldes; many \ousend teldes. \ar com fleas and wete; and ote onimete. ne may no man telle in tale of \an wyn and of \an ale. \ar com heie \ar com gras; \ar com al \at neod was. `o al \is was idon; \o \e Witsonedai com. = \ar come \e bissopes alle; to-vore \an bolde kinge. = and \ane croune neme; \at him was icunde. and sete vppe his hefd; mid mochelere blisse. and so hii gonne him leade; al mid Godes reade. Seint Dubri\ |eode bi-vore; to Crist he was icore. \e archebissop of Londene; wende him bi-side. and in \an o\er halue; \e ilke of Euerwike. Fiftene bi-vore; of fale londe icore. hii hadde aboute |am alle; swi\e riche palles. = `ar four kinges |eode bi-vore \an kaysere. hii beore on hire honde; four sweordes longe. `us hehte \e on; \at was a wel dohti man. \at was Cador \e king; Arthur his deorling. \e o\er of Scotlond; sweord bar an hond. and \e king of Nor\ Wales; and \e king of Su\ Wales. \eos gonne leade; \ane king toward chirche. and \e bissopes mid songe; bi-vore hire kinge. bumes \ar blewen; belles \ar rongen. cnihtes go(n)ne ride; wifmen for\ glide. To iwisse hit his isaid and so\ hit his ifunde. \at ne seh no man ear mid er\liche manne her. (ha)lf \ane richedom in neuere none heape. so was mid \an kinge; in alles cines \inge. Into chirche bi-com Arthur \e he|e man. Dubrich \e archebissop; \at was of Rome legat. = hee sang \e holy masse; bi-vore \an riche kinge. Comen mid \are cwene; wifmen swi\e scene. \e richeste wifmen alle; \at were in londe. == In \e chirches su\ half; sat Arthur \e king him-seolf bi \are nor\ side; Gwenayfer \e cwene. `are comen hire bi-vore; four cweanen icore. ech bar an honde; ane |eord of reade golde. and \reo wite coluere; seate on hire soldre. \at were \e kingen(e) wifues; \at beare \e four sweordes. = bi-vore Arthur \e king; Bruttene deorling. `ar was mani mayde; mid \are faire cweane. = \ar was mochel honde; of mani cunnes londe. for ech wende to beon betere \an o\er. Many cnihtes come; \reaste come; \reaste to chirche. = somme to bi-holde; wifmen \at weren bolde. \ar was so moche murthe; of alle cunnes \inge. \at \eh hit hadde i-laste; folle soue |ere. \at |et hii wol(d)e more; \at \ar-ine were. `o \e masse was isonge; of chirche hii \ronge. \e king mid his folk to his mete wende. = `e cweane on o\er halue hire ho"m' so+te |eo hadde of wifm++ +++derliche manye. `o \. ++++ was isete; mid his man++ ++ \e mete. to \an kinge +++ ++ ++++++ Seint Dubrich \e hol(y) m(an) and nam of his hefd. hi(s) ki(n)ehelm he|e. for \ane (mo)chele golde; \e king hin(e bea)re nolde. and dude one lasse croune; on \an kinges hefd. and su\\e he gan do; on \an cweane al-so In Troye \is was lawe bi hire hilderne daie. \at Bruttus of come \at were wel i-done. === `o \e king was isete; mid his cnihtes to \e mete. = \o com \e stiward stappe \at Kay was ihote. hehest cniht on londe onder \an kinge. = Kay hadde him bi-vore; ma"n'y heh man ibore. \ar weren cnihtes bolde; a \ousend itolde = ech cniht hadde pal on; and mid golde bi-gon. and alle hire fingres; fol of gold ringes. `es beare \e sondes; fram kuchene to \an kinge An o\er half was Beduer \e kinges e|e borle. mid him were eorlene sones; of swi\e he|e cun icome = and soue kingene sones; \at wyn in beare. Beduer forst |eode; mid gildene coupe. and after him a \ousend; come to borde. mid alle cunnes drenche (\)at man cou\e an bi-\enche +++ +e cweane on hire ean++ +++men swi\e hende. ++(u)send hire |eode bi-vore ++ (h)eh|e cunne hi-bore. to (sa)ruy \e cweane; and \aie (\a)t mid hire were. Nas he (ne)uere icore; ne of none wif(ue i)bore. leared ne lewed in neuere none londe. \at hit cou\e telle; in eny cunnes spelle. of half \an richedom; \at was in Cayrlyon. of seoluer and of golde; and of riche wede of he|e ibore men \at were \are to-gadere. === of alle \es londes folk; weren Bruttus best itold. and al-so \e wifmen; fayrest hii were. and hehlokest iscrud in euereche wise. For hii were hi-hote alle; bi hire cwike lifue. \at hii solde of one hewe hire clo\es habbe. === `(o) hadde \is lond; \at (hehest) hereword. of alle cune lon(d)es war men wonie\. `e wifmen were ihote; mid grettere heste. = \at non take ne solde; louerd in londe. = bote he were \ries ifonded in fihte. and his manede icud; (a)n(d) him-seolf icnowe. \anne "he' mihte brude; boldeliche habbe. For \an ilke \inge; cnihtes we(re)n stronge. == `o \e king i|eate hadde; and alle his cnihtes. \o wenden vt of borwe; cnihtes swi\e bolde. alle \e kinges and hire heredringes. === wandri in \an feldes and pleoyen bi \an teldes. Somme gon hors earne; somme afote eorne. somme hii gonne leape; and somme hii gonnen sceate. somme \ar wraxlede; and wi\er-game makede. somme in \an felde; pleoyde onder sealde. somme driuen balles; ouer al \an "f'eldes Manione cunnes game; \at hii gonne pleoye. and wo-se worsipe mihte a-winne \orh eni cu(n)nes ginne. = \e king him solde |eue; |eftes swi\e (riche)e. Alle \e cweanes \(at +c)omen were and alle \e leafdies; leonede ouer walles. to bi-holde \e cnihtes; and \at folk pleoye `(i)s ilaste \reo da|es; soch game and soch playes. `o in \an feor\e daiwe; \e king ~af his cnihtes. = seoluer and read gold; somme hors somme lond. = \ar was many bold B(r)ut bi-vore Arthure. (A)c (nou) come to \an kin(ge neo)we tidyinge. A(rthur \e) bolde king sat at one borde. bi-vore him seate kinges; and fale heredringes bissopes and clearekes; and swi\(e he|)e cnihtes. `ar comen (int)o halles; selcou\e spelles. \ar comen twealf (cni)htes; ohte men and wihte. === Euere tweine and tweyne; wenden i-vere. = and gliden ouer (f)lore; bi-foren Arthure. so la(n)g \at hii come bi-voren \an kinge. Hii grette Arthur anon; mid bolde hire wordes. Hayl beo \ou Arthur \e king; Bruttene deorling. = We beo\ twealf cnihtes; icome her for\rihtes. riche and wel idon; we beo\ ut of Rome. Houre kayser ous sende; \at Luces his ihote. = he hehte ous hider wende; to Arthur \an kinge. and \e he grete\ mid his grame wordes. and sei\ \at he awondred his; wonderliche swi\e. war \ou \at mod nime in \isse worle-riche. \at \ou darst of Rome; wi\-segge eni domes. o\er \in e|ene vp hebbe; to-|enes vre heldre === `ou holdest al \ine kinelond in \in owene hond. and nelt noht \ine herre of londe i-here. of \an ilke londe; \at Iulius hadde an honde. \at in vorne da|e bi-wan hit mid fihte. and \ou hit hauest at-holde; in \in anwolde. mid bolde \ine cnihtes bi-nimest vre rihtes. Ac say ous Arthur sone; and word send to Rome. we solle \in herende bere; to Luces \an kaysere. |ef \ou wolt icnowe; \at he his \in louerd. = and don riht \an kaisere; of Frolle \an kinge. \at \ou mid wo|e; at Par(is) of-slo|e. (an)d nou holdest al \in lond; mid onriht in \ine hond. ~ef \ou in \isse twealf wyke; temest to \an rihte. and \ou wolle of Rome; \olie eni domes. \anne miht \ou libbe; and \ine leomes habbe. And |ef \ou so noht don; \ou salt worse onder-fon. \e caisere wole here come; ase king sal to his howene. king swi\e kene; and nime \e mid streng\e. and ibunde \e leade; mid him to Romleode. \anne most \ou \olie; \at \ou her for-ho|edest. Eafne \isse worde; Bruttes leop fram borde \ar were Arthur his men; stranliche iwra\\ed. and mochelne o\ swore; vppen oure Drihte. \at alle hii dead weren; \at \eos earende bearen. = `ar hii leope |am to; Bruttus swi\e wro\e. and tiere |am bi \an heere. and dro|e |am to grunde. \ar weren Rom-cnihtes; vuele idihte. |ef Arthur nadde i-leope to; soch hit a lyon were. and \eos word saide; wisest alre Bruttes. Bi-leue\ bi-leue\ \es cnihtes on lifue. ne solle hii in londe; soffri none sconde. hii beo\ icome of Rome; ase hire louerd |am hehte. = Ech man mot wende; woder (hi)s louerd hote\. ne sold no man deame; herendrake to dea\e bote he were so for-|ete; \at he were louerd-swike Ac sitte\ adun stille cnihtes in halle. and ich me wolle bi-reade; of sochere neode. wat word hii solle a-|ein bere; to Luces \an caisere. `o seten hii alle a-dun on hire benches. and \e loudinge alay; for drede of \an kinge. `o stod vp Arthur; baldest alre kinge; and cleopede to neode; al \at cou\e of reade. kinges and eorles; bissopes and clearkes. and alle \e wiseste men; \at wonede in londe. and wende into one boure; \at w(a)s bi-tunde faste. of hold stonene worc; witti (me)n hit makede. \ar-i(ne) hii gonne rouny; his read|eues wise. wat answere hii wolde |eue. Luces \an caisere ==== `o stod \ar vp Cador; \at (e)orl was swi\e riche her. and \eos worde saide; bi-vore \an k(i)nge. Ich \onki mine Drihte \at so\ \es dai|es l(ihte) \is daies a-bide; \at icome his to londe = \at we ne \orhfe na (m)are a-swonde ligge her. For ydilnisse do\ harm; in euereche londe. ydilnisse make\ man; his mansipe lease. ydelnisse make\ cni(ht) for-lease al his riht. ydilnisse grei\e\; fale lu\er-craftes. = \orh ydele deade; lute man mai spede. For |are we habbe\ stille ileye; vre mansipe his \e lasse. ac nou ich \onkie Drihte; \at sop \is dai|es lihte. \at Romanisse folk so bolde beo\ i-wor\e and hire \ret makie\; to come to vre borewes; oure king b(ind)e; and to Rome hine bringe. Ac |ef hit his so\ \at me sei\ ase \is wise telle\. \at Ro(man)isse men; so bald beo\ iw(or\)e. = \at hii come wolle; in-to oure londe. we |am solle teche Bruttisse spech(e) hire baldsipe sal |am-seolue; to moche rou\e teorne. For neuere ne louede ich lange; gri\ in mine londe for \orh gri\e w(e) beo\ i-bunde; and wel neh aswonde. `is i-horde Waweyn; \at was Arthures may and wre\\ede hine wi\ Cador; \at \es wordes saide. and \us him answerede; Waweyn \e seale. Cador \ou hart riche man \eine reades ne bu\ noht agon. for god his gri\ and god his fri\; \at freoliche hit holde\ wi\. and Godd seolf hit makede; \orh his god cunde. == `is ihorde Arthur \at strif of \is cnihtes; and \us spac \e riche; to bolde his folk Sitte\ adun alle mine cnihtes swi\e. and ech bi his lifue; luste mine wordes. Alle hit was stille \at wonede in \e halle. `o spac \e king bolde; to leoue his folke. Mine eorles mine beornes; bolde mine cnihtes. = \orh |ou ich habbe a-wonne; onder \are sonne. \at ich ham richest king; \at wonie\ in londes. = ne wan ich hit noht one; ac dude |e alle cleane. To many fiht ich habbe |ou ladde; and euere |e were wel i-rad. so \at fale cune lond stond in mine owe hond. === Ac nou |eo habbe\ ihord he|e mine kempes; wat Romanisse men reade\ |am bi-twine and wat word hii hider sende\; into vre londe. mid writ and mid worde; and mid grettere wre\\e. Nou we mote bi-\enche; ou we oure \eode. and oure mochele worsipe; mid rihte mawe bi|ete. wi\ \is r(i)che mon-cun; wi\ \is riche leode. and answere heom sende; mid oure wise wordes. mid mochele wisdome; oure writ sende to Rome. and iwite of \an caisere and of \an Romanisse heare. wi hii ous mid \rete; and mid hokere grete\. Swi\e sore me same\; and onimete me grame\ \at hii atwite\ ous oure lure; \at we ilore habbe\ Hii segge\ \at Iulius Cesar hit awan mid fihte; Mid streng\e and mid fihte; me dea\ fale onrihtes. so Cesar sohte Bruttus; mid bolde his streng\e. ne mihte Bruttus wi\ him hire lond werie. ac mid streng\e he |eode an hond; and bi-nam |am hire lond and hii \ar-after sone al his men bi-come. Somme oure cun he hadde isla|e; and mani mid him awei idra|e. = and \us \is lond he awon; mid onright and mid sunne. and nou ax(e)\ \orh cunde; truage of \is londe. Al-so we mawe don; |ef we hit wolle\. \orh rihte cunde; of Belyn \an kinge. and of Brenne his bro\er; duk of Borgoyne. `eos weren oure eoldre; \at we beo\ of icome. \e(s bi)-leye Rome and \e riche a-wonne. = and su\\e hii neme al \at lond and sette hit in hire owe hond. and \us hahte Rome beon oure cunde. Nou ich wolle bi-leue; Belyn and Brenne. and speke of \an caysere; Constantyn \an stronge. he was Eleynes sone; al of Bruttes icome. he bi-wan Rome; and eke al \e riche. Leate we nou of Constantin; \(at R)ome wan al to him. and speke we of Maximien; \at was a swi\e strong man. he was ki(ng) here; and he a-wan (Fra)nce. Maximien \e stronge; Rome nam an honde. and Alemaine he bi-won; mid mochele(re str)eng\e. and al fram Romayne; into Normandie. And alle \eos weren min eldre; of wan we beo\ i-spronge. and adde alle \e londes; \at into Rome leie and \orh soche domes; ich hahte ohni Rome. He |ornt of mine lond; truage to habbe; and so ich wolle of Rome |ef |e me reade\. Ich |eorne in min(e) \onke; to habbe al Rome and he wilne\ in \is lond binde me faste. slean mine Bruttes; mid his wi\er-reases. Ac |ef hit wole Drihte; \at so\ \is daies lihte; he sal for his balnesse; mochel harm habbe. and his Romleode \ar-vore solle reose = Sitte\ alle nou stille; ich wolle segge mine wille. ne sal no man o\er don; alle hii solle stonde \ar-on. He wilne\ al and ich wilny al; \at we beie owe\. habbe hit nou and euere; wo-se hit may a-winne. = `us spac \e bolde; \at B(rut)tes hadde in anwolde (\at) was Arthur \e king B(rutt)ene (de)orling Sete his k(e)mpes; and his speche lus(te) (som)me hii seten st(ille) ++++++(on)e stunde. so+++ +++ +++++ ++(u)ning ++++++++++++(ne) somme (h)++ +++++ (|am) god; som(m). +++(m) einde hire mod (`o hii had)de lange i-lustned \an kinge. \o spac Howel; heh man of Britaine. and \eos word(es s)aide bi-vore \an kin(ge) +(ouard) king hercne m(e) +++ +++ ear dude \e. `ou (ha++st) isaid wordes; \at (beo)\ swi\e so\e. for hit was |are isaid; \at nou we solle finde. = Sibily hit saide; hire wordes weren so\e. and sette hit in boke folke to bysne. \at \reo kinges solde wende vt of Brutlonde. \at biwinne solde Rome and alle \e riche. and alle \e londes; \at \ar-to ligge\. `e vorme was Belyn; \at was Bruttene king. \e o\er was Constantin. \at Rome wan al to him. \ou salt beon \e \ridde; \at Rome salt habbe. ~ef \ou \is wold bi-ginne; \ou hit salt awinne. and ich wole \ar-to helpe; mid heh|ere streng\e. and ich wole ouer see sende; to sele mine cnihtes. = and hote |am alle; bi hire cwike lifue. = \at hii beo redi sone; mid \e fare to Rome. Min lond ich wolle sette; for seoluer and for golde. = and so we solle to Rome fare; and slean \ane kaisere. and for to bi-|eten \in rihtes; ich leane \e ten \ousend cnihtes. `us spac Howel; heh man in londe. `o Howel hadde i-said wat him god \ohte. \o spac Angel \e king Scotlondes deorling. and stop vp on benche; and his bro\ers beine. \at was Loth and Vrien. tweie swi\e bolde men. = Arthur \ou ha wel isaid. ercne mine wordes. \at ilke \at Howel haue\ ispeke ne sal hit no man a-wreke. ac we hit solle ileaste; bi oure cwike lifue. And louerd Arthur \e he|e. lust me one wile cleope \e to reade; \ine eorles riche. and alle \e hexste; \at beo\ in \ine londe. and bide |am \e segge; mid so\e hire wordes. wat hii \e wolle\ helpe; to winne \ine rihte. Ich \e leane wolle; cnihtes of mine londe. \reo \ousend kempes. to fihte swi\e kene. ten \ousend men a fote; to fihte swi\e gode and wente "we' to Rome; and i-win \e riche. Fol sore ous may samie; and wel sore gramie. \at hii solle sende sonde; after gauel of oure londe. Ac so ous helpe Drihte \at so\ \is dai|es lihte hii hit solle a-bugge; mid hire bare rugge. For wane we habbe\ Rome; and alle \e riche. we solle nime \e londes; \at \ar-to ligge\. Pullye and Alemaine; Lombardie and Brutayne. France and Normandie; \o hit hehte Neustrie. and so we solle temie hire mod onimete. `o he isaid hadde; \o answere"de' alle. Ane\ered wor\e \e ilke man; \at nele \ar-to helpe. mid wepne and mid hahte; and mid al his mihte. `o were Arthur his men; stranliche iwre\\ed. cnihtes a-borst weren \at al hi gonne buuie `o Arthur ihorde hadde his cnihtes bi-heste. \o cleopede he anon; \e king was a-bolwe. Sitte\ adun alle cnihtes in halle and ich |ou wolle telle; wat ich don wolle. Mine writes hich wolle makie; and to Luces sende. = \at ich wolle after sone; come toward Rome. Nolle ich non gauel bringe; ac \ane cayser ich wolle bind(e) (and) su\\e ich woll(e) hin(e an-h)on; and al \at lond ic(h w)olle fordon. and for-(faren a)lle \e cnihtes (\at) ++++++ (a|)eyn me (in) +++++ ++++++ +++ his writ (in) +++++ +++ wi\er-(foll). ++++++ +++ hit \an cniht(es) +++++++ \at \e earende br(ohte) (and s)u\\e he lette |am scrude; mid allere prude. = and bad |am wende sone (to) Luces of Rome. (and +e c)omen after wolde ++ ++++ (s)o he mihte. `eos (tw++lu)e |eoden hire wai tow(ard) hire londe. nere in none londe; mid seoluer and mid golde. cnihtes so iscrud; ne \orh alle \ing so wel idiht. ase \eos were of Arthur \an kinge. `eos cnihtes for\ |eoden; \at hii to Rome comen. hii grette hire caiser; hire kine-louerd. Hayl beo \ou Luces; \ou hart \e hexste ouer ous. We weren mid \an heh|e; Arthur \e riche. we habbe\ ibroht \e wordes swi\e grete. Arthur his \e kenneste man; \at we eu(ere) lokede an. and he his wonder riche; and his cnihtes bolde. \ar his euerech cnaue; so he cniht were. = \ar beo\ cnihtes; ase hit were kinges. meate \ar his onimete; and men swi\e bolde. and \e fairest wifmen; \at wonie\ in londe. and him-seolf Arthur; fayrest of alle. Bi ous he word sende\; \at hider he \enche\. no gauel he nele sende; ac \i-seolue he wole binde. and su\\e he wole \e an-hon; and \is lond al for-don. and nimen Alemaine and Lombardie; Borgoyne France and Normandie and Frolle he sloh his i-fo; and \e he wole al-so do. and habbe him-seolf one; \at we owe\ cleane. Her-to he wole leade kinges; eorles and heredringes. And her we habbe\ an honde; writes \at he \e sende\ \at telle\ wat he wole don; wane he come\ hider on. `o \e earende was isaid; \e cayser was wel sori-mod. and alle Romleode a-fered weren sore. Ofte hii |eode to reade; ofte hii |eode to roune. her hii mihte iwor\e; wat idon wolde. No\eles a \an eande; anne read ifunde. \at was \orh \e senaturs; \at \e londes witede \an cayser hii radden; \at he writes makede. and sende his sonde; to manicune londe. and bidde heom come sone alle to Rome. of euereche londe; \at he oht louede. and alle \at wolle\ mid fihte; bi-|ete lond o\er heahte. Folk \ar com wel sone; to \are borh of Rome. so moche so \ar neuere hear; no man ne gadere"de'. Hii saide \at hii wolde ouer Montagu wende and wi\ Arthur fihte; war-so hii hine finde mihte. and Arthur slean and an-hon; and his cnihtes al for-don. and ohni \an caysere; Arthur his kineriche. `e earest king \at \ar com; he was swi\e kene man. Epistrot king of Grece. Ethion duk of Boece. \ar com mid mochele wy|e; Irtak king of Turkie. Pandras king of Egipte; of Grece \e king Ypolite. of Syrie \e king Euander. of Frisie \e duk Teucer. of Babylonie Maptizas. of Spayne \e caiser Meodras. of Medie \e king Bockus. of Libie \e king Sextorius. of Bitinie. Pollidites. of Yturie. \e king Serses Oristenser king of Affrike; nas \ar no king his iliche. mid him com many Affrican; of Ethiope he brohte \e bleome"n'. `e seolue Rom-leode; wende to-gadere. \at weren nexste; of Rome \e hexste. Marchus Lucas an Catel; Cocta Cayus and Metel. \is weren \e sixe; \at Rome-lond bi-wiste. `o \is folk i-gadered was; of falecune londes. \o lette \e caysere; telle al \an here. `o weren \ar riht itold; to fihte swi\e bold. four hundred \ousend cnihtes o \an heape. mid wepne and mid horse; ase bi-oue\ to cnihtes. Nas he neuere icore; ne in none londe ibore. \at mihte \at folk telle \ar |eode afote. For\ hii wende alle \ane way; \at toward Montegiu lay. = Leate we nou one wile \eos ferde bi-leafue. and speke we of Arthur; baldest alre kinge. \o \at he bi-soht hadde; his cnihtes gode. and ech was hom iwend; \ar he lond hadde. And sone a-|ein come; cnihtes to route. mid wepne wel idiht mid al hire miht. of Scotlond. of Irlond. of Gutlond of Islond. of Norene. of Denene. of Orcaneie. of Mayne. of \an ilke londe; beo\ an hundred \ousend iwepnid wel alle; in hire londes wise. Neren hii alle noht cnihtes; ne \es (aw)eies idiht. ac hit were \e kenlokeste men; \at eni man akende. mid mochele wiaxes; and mid lange saxes. Of Normandie. of Angou. of Brutayne of Peitou. of Flandres of Boloyne. of Lorenne of Loueine. beo\ an hundred \usend; icome to \an kinge. cnihtes mid \an beste; \orh-costned mid wepne. `ar come \e twealf veres; \at France solde werie. twealf \usend cnihtes; hii brohten for\rihtes. and of \isse londe. Arthur nam an honde. fifti \ousend cnihtes; ohte men to fihte Howel. of Brutayne cnihtes mid \an beste. ten \ousend ladde; of his leod-folke. Of goinde men. \e he for\ wende. \orh none cunnes spelle; ne cou\e "heom' no men telle. Arthur \o hehte; \at his cnihtes alle. \at hii at one isat dai. to-gaderes come. bi hire bare lifue; riht at Barbefleote. = `is lond he bi-tahte one selcou\e cnihte. he was Waweynes bro\er; nadde he non o\er. Modread was ihote; forcou\est manne. treu\e nadde he none; to neuere none manne. he was Arthur his mey; of his gode cunne. cniht he was swi\e god; and he hadde mochel mod. Arthur his soster sone; to \are cweane was his wone. \at was vuel idon; his eam he dude swikedom. = Ac no man hit ne wende; \at hit so were. ac men to so\e wende for Waweyn was his bro\er \e alre treuweste cniht \at in er\e was idiht. \orh Waweyn was Modread; manne wel \e leauere. and Arthur \e kene; fole wel him cwemde. He nam al his kinelond; and sette hit Modread an hond. and Gwenayfer his cweane; wor\lokest wifue. \at \o in \isse \eode; wonede on londe. Arthur |am bi-taht; al \at lond \at he hahte. Modread and \are cweane \at him was icweme. `at was vuele idon; \at hii ibore were. \is lond hii for-ferde; \orh hire lu\er-craftes. and |am-seolue ate \an eande \e Worse gan sende. \at hii for-losede; hire lif and hire saule. and euere \ar-after; lo\ in eche londe. == Al \at Arthur hahte; |am he hit bi-tahte. = and su\\e he nam his ferde; of folke swi\e hende. and wende wel sone; toward Su\hamtone. `ar comen ride; ouer al \an see wide. sipes swi\e manie; to \is kinges folke. \e king \at folk dealde; to \an sipes gode. bi \ousend and bi \ousend; \ider in \raste. \e fader weap a \ane sone soster o \an bro\er. moder to \an dohter; \o \e ferde wende. Weder stod at wille; wind wex an honde ancreas hii vp drowen; blisse was a-mang heom = Sipes \ar for\ \ronge; gleomen \ar songe. sayles \ar tohte; ropes \ar rihte. weder alre fairest and \e see sweuede. For \are sofnisse; Arthur gan to sleape. Al so \e king slepte; a sweuen he i-mette. feorlich was \at sweuen; \an king hit a-ferde \o \e king him a-woc \e king was idrecchid and gronie he gan loudere stemne. Nas \ar non so \riste; cniht onder Crist \at \ane king dorste; axi of his farecoste. her \e king him-seolf speake; and saide to his cnihtes and \us to |am saide \o he woc of slea\e. Louerd Drihtene Crist; domes weldende. middiler\es win mannene frouere. \orh \ine edmode; weldene eanglene leatte \ou min sweuen to seal\e teorne. `o spac Angel \e king; Scottene deorling. Louerd saie ous \in sweuen; for seal\e his ous |euen. Blo\eliche cwa\ \e king; to blisse hit teorne. `ar ich lay a sweuete; and ich gan to sleape. me \ohte in \are wolne; com an deor sellich. east in \an lufte; lo\liche on sihte. = nis in none londe soch deor astonde. `o com \ar westene winde in \an wolcne. a bernene drake borwes he swelde. mid his fure he lihte; al \is lond-riche. me \ohte in mine sihte; \at \e see barnde. of lihte and of fure; \at \e drake ferede. `eos drake and \e beore; to-gadere hii come. = hii smiten heom to-gaderes; mid feondeliche reases. flo|en of hire e|ene; ase furbrondes. Ofte was \e drake boue; and eft su\\e bi-neo\e. na\eles a \an eande; heh|e he gan wende. and he fleah dun riht; mid feondeliche rease. and \ane beore he smot; \at he fulle to grunde. and he \ar \ane beore sloh; and leome-mele hine to-droh. `o \at fiht was idon; \e drake a|en wende. \is me imette; \ar ich lay and sleapte. Bissopes \is ihorde; and clearkes wel wise. \is ihorde eorles; \is ihorde cnihtes. ech bi his witte wi(s)dom saide. \is sweuen hi a-reht; ase heom best \oht Ne dorste \ar no cniht; to vuele hit teorne n"o' wiht. leste he \ar-vore losede; his leomes \at he louede. For\ hii gonne li\e; in \an see bliue wind heom stod at wille; muriest alre wedere hii hadde al \at was neode; to londe hii come at Barbefleote. To Barbefleot at Constantin \ar com moche moncun in. of alle \an londe; \at Arthur hadde an honde. So rathe so hii mihten; vt of sipe hii rehten. \e king his folk hehte herborwe seche. and reaste \e king wolde; forte his folk come Nas he \are bote one niht \at com him to an hendi cniht. he tolde tydinge Arthur \an kinge. he saide \at \ar was icome; a lu\er \ing to londe. of westward Spayne a wel lo\liche feond. and ine Brutayne; busi was to harme. bi \are see-syde; \at lond h(e) waste\ wide. \at nou h(at)te Mount Seint Michel; he hit waste\ euereidel. Louerd king cwa\ \e cni++ +(o so)\e ich \e segge he++ ++++ (he) haue\ \ine mow+ +++(me) mid mochelere streng\e. heh womman ibore; How(el) his dohter icore. Ele+++ was ihote; fairest ++++ mayde. To on heh m(onta)yne; he \an mayd(e ladd)e. nou his folle fourti niht; \at he h(ir)e haue\ i-holde for\-riht. nute we on lifue; \eh he hire habbe to wif(u)e. Al he make\ him to mete; \e men \at he gripe\. ro\ere hors and \e sceap; geat and \e swin eak. al \is lond he wole for-fare; bote \ou alegge oure care. lond and \is leode; in \e his oure neode. ~et \e cniht saide; to bolde \an kinge. Isext \ou louerd \ane mont; and \ane wode mochele. \ar wone\ \e feond ine \at sendes \es leode. We habbe\ wi\ him ifohte; wel fale si\(e) bi see and bi londe he do\ (o)us moche sonde. oure sip++ he adreind; oure folk he aseint. = we haue\ \is so lang idriue; \at we lete\ him one. don wat-so he wolle; after his wille. ne dorre \is lond cnihtes; na more wi\ him fihte. Arthur \is ihorde; baldest alre kinge. he cleopede hi"m' to Kay; \at was his stiward and his mey. Beduer he cleopede eke; \at was \e kinges borle. He hehte |am for\-riht beon al |ar to midniht. mid alle hire wepne wende mid \an kinge. \at no man onder Crist; of hire fare nuste bote Arthur \e king; and his twei cnihtes mid him. and hire sweines sixe; ohte men and wihte. and \e cniht |am ladde; \at \ane king \is radde. To \are mid-nihte; \o men were a-sleape. Arthur for\ him wende; baldest alre kinge. Bi-vore |eode hire lod-cniht; forte hit was day-liht. hii lihte of hire stedes and rihte hire wedes. `o hii seh|en noht vorre; on mochel fur smokie. vppen one hulle; mid see-flode bi-falle. an-o\er hulle was \ar heh; \e see hine biflo|ede swi\e neh. \ar-vpon he iseh a fur \at was mochel and swi\e stor. `e cnihtes \o nuste; to wa\er hii wende mihte. \at \e eatant war neore; of \is kinges fore. `o nam him to reade; Arthur \e bolde. \at hii wolden fare; toward \an fure. and |ef hii hine \ar funde a-cwellen to dea\e. For\ wende \e king; \at he anewest com. noht he \ar ne funde bote a fur bearnende. Arthur |eode a-boute; and his cnihtes bi his side. noht hii ne funde; cwic vp \an hulle. bote \at fur mochele; and bones onimete. bi hatling heom \ohte; \ritti fo\er. Arthur \o nuste; none read gode. and bi-gan him to speke. to Beduer his eorle. Beduer wend bliue adun of \isse hulle. and wend ouer \at water deope; mid alle \ine wede. and mid wisdome; wend to \ane fure and bi-halues \ou go; and be-hold |eorne. |ef \ou miht ifinde; oht of \an feonde. And |ef \ou miht hine onder|ete; wi\ enicunnes gynne. wend adun stille; for to \an watere. and sei|e me \ar sone; wat \ou iseh|e habbe. and |ef hit bi-falle\ so; \at \ou wende to \an fure. and \e feond \e of-|ete; and \e to fouse. haue mine gode horn; \at al mid golde his bi-gon. and blou hine mid maine; so man sal to neode. and wend to \an feonde; and bi-gin to fihte. and we solle \e come to; so swi\e so we mawe do. And |ef \ou hine findest a-newest \an fure. and \ou on-a|ete; a|ein miht wende. \(an)ne for-bed ich \e bi \ine bar(e) liue. \at \ou neuere wi\ (\)an "scuke' fiht ne bi-gynne. Bedu++ +horde wat his lou(erd) +++ +++++ his wepne he an (him) ++++ and fo(r\) he iwende. (and) ++ a-steh \+++ hul; \e was onimete. He bar on his (h)+++es; ane gare swi\e strong(e) +++ +++ald on his rugge; +++st al mid golde. heal(m on h)is heued; hehne of st(ele). his (bo)++ was ieled; mid one go++ ++++e. h(e) hadde bi his side; +++ brond of stele. and for\ he gan ste(p)pe; sti\ imained eorl. \ar he com fuse; anewest \an fure. and he vnder one treo gan him astonde. `o ihorde he wepe; wonderliche swi\e weape and wony; reuliche beares. \at \e cniht wende \at hit \e eatant were. and a-borst iwar\; ase hit a bor were. and for-|et sone; \at his louerd him saide. His seald he breid on his breoste his spere he igrop fast. and ane(w)est gon wende; toward \an fure. he wende to finde; \ane feond stronge. \at he fihten mihte; and fondie him-seolue `o funde he \are one womman sette. hor-ilocket wif; wepe (wel) sore. = (and) s(a)t bi \an fure (and tar hi)re bi \an ere. and (euere |eo b)i-heold one burinis(se) (and hire wo)rdes saide; mid (rouliche stemn)e. Wola Ealey(ne) (wola deore) mayde. wola (\at ich \e fedde) \at ich \e fos(trede) (wola \at) \e wode-sca\e (haue\ \e \us for)-fare. wola (\at ich was) i-boren. mine leo(mes he haue\ to b)roke. `o (bi-seh \at wif a-bo)ute. war (\e eatant com b)++++e. bi-seh (|eo \ene ++++ Beduer) \at ico(me was \ar) +++ saide \at wif (ore) (\)ar |eo sa(t b)i fure. Wat h(a)+t \ou f}ire wiht; hart (\)ou hangel o\er cniht. beo\ \in(e) fea\er(ham)es; ihane(k)ed mid golde. ~et \ou hart (o)f heuene; \ou miht wende (h)inne. and |ef \ou hart er\"lich' cniht; \ou harm ibidest for\-riht. For nou a-non come\ \e sca(\)e; \at al \in leomes wol(e) to-dra|e. \eh \ou were stel al; he \e awalt euerei(del) He wende to Britaine; to an stude (bold)e. to Howel his castle; freo man in londe. \e |eates alle he to-brac; and in he gan wende. He nam \e hilewoh; and halede hine to grunde. \is boures dore he warp vp. \at he to-barst a fifue. he funde in \an boure; fairest alre mayde. Eleyne was ihote; of heh|e cunne. Howeles dohter; heh man in Brutene. Artur his mowe; of he|e cunne. Ich was hire foster-moder; and faire hire bi-hedde. `e eatand \at mayde nam; for\ mid him-seolue. and hire bar a lutel wile; fiftene mile. in-to \isse wilde wode; riht into \isse stude. \us he vs diht to-day a soueniht. Sone so he hider com; he \at mayde nam. he wolde manradene; habbe wi\ \an mayde. Ealde nadde |e more; bote fiftene |ere. ne mihte \at maide; his imone \olie. anon so he hire bi-lay; hire lif wente away and her |eo his ibured; he(n)dest alre mayde. Ealeyne min owe voster; Howel his dohter. `o he hadde \us idon; \o he mi-seolue nam. to grunde he me leyde. and lai bi mi-seolue. nou haue\ he broken alle mine bones. mine leomes a-li\ed; mi lif me his lo\. Nou \ou hauest al ihord ou we beo\ here ilad. fle nou swi\e leste he \e finde. for |ef he come\ a-bolwe; mid his balou reases. nas he neuere ibore; \at mawe stonde \e bi-vore. Eafne \isse speche; \at \e wif sayde Beduer hire answerede; mid hendeliche wordes. Leoue moder ich ham a man; and cniht ham wel idon. and \e ich wolle segge so\e mine wordes. nas neuere kempe ibore of none brude; \at me ne may mid streng\e stoupe to grunde. = ~eue nou (s)wi\e godneday; and ich wolle wende mine way Adun him wende Beduer; to Arthur \an kinge. and tolde him ou he hadde care; and al ou he hadde i-"fare' and wat \at wif olde; of \an maiden him tolde. and ou \e eatant eche day; bi \an olde wife lay. `ar hii bi-twine helde hire roune. ou hii mihte taken on; \at \e feond were for-don. `e wile com \e eatant (f)use to his fure. he bar vppe his rugge bor\one grete. \at weren twealf swin; iti|ed to-g(a)dere. = Ha-dun he warp \e (d)eade swyn; an eode sitte \ar bin. his fur he bi-gan; and leide trouwes \ar-an. \e six swyn he al to-droh; and euere he to \an wife beh. and be one wile he lay bi \an wifue. he nuste noht of \an tydinge; \at com to his wisinge. He droh vt his gleade; his fleas he gan breade. and alle \e six swyn he eat are he arise of sete. al bi-walewed in axe; karfolle were \e breades. and su\\e he gan remi; and leyde him bi \an fure. = Leate we nou \an eatant beo; and go we to \an king(e) Arthur at \an watere; his wepne nam an honde. and \e eorl Beduer god cniht wis and war. and \e \ridde was Key; \at was his stiward and his mey. Ouer \(an) water hii wende; iwepned (mid \)++ +++++ and sti|en vppe \(an hulle) (m)++ alle hire main(e) +(at hii com)++ fuse; a-new(est \an fure) (\ar) \e eatant l(ay and sleap) and \at wif (sat and wep) (Arthur) teh bi-side; (and saide to his ive)res. for-bed (|am bi hire leom)es; and hire (bare lifue) (\at) non neore so (kene) (\at heom) neh come. b++(e hii ++e|en) (\at) hit neod (weore) (Beduer at-stod) him \a(re) (and ++y his ivere) Arthur g(a)n ++++ ++(r\e) (sti\)-imoded kem(p)e. \at ++ (com to) \an fure; \(a)r lai \e f(eond and) sleapte. Euere was Arthu(r) arh\e bi-dealed. \at was s++++ \are; wonder \eh hit \enche for Arthur mihte \are; \a(n) eatant al to-hewe. slean (\ane) wrecche; \ar he lai and sl(ea)p(te) `o nolde Arthur on his sleape nowiht arecche. leste he in o\er dai|e; vpbreid ihorede. `o cleopede Arthur anon; baldest alre kinge. Aris aris feond-sca\e to \ine feaysi\e. nou we solle deale \an dea\ of mi(ne) mowe Her \e king hadde \at word ibroht to eande. \e eatant vp a-storte. and igrop his m"o'chele club; and wende mid \an dunte; Arthur al to-driue. ac Arthur breid (h)e|e; his seald boue his healm(e) (an)d \e eatant smot oue(nan) \at al he ga(n ++ s)eane. And Arthur hi(m ++ein)de to; an hi|enge (m++ hi)s sweorde. and \ane (ch++ a-swi)pte; mid alle \an cheuele. and storte bi-hinde an treo (\a)t stot \ar anewest. and \e eatant smot after bliue; and noht hine ne hitte. ac he \at treo smot. \at al \e clubbe to-brac. (A)nd Art(hur an)ewest \at t(reo bi)-vrne (about)e. and so Art(hur) an \e (s)c(u)ke bi-vrne hit \r(ies) (`)o was \e etant swi\e (heui) and Arthur was swifte(re). and of-tok \an (e)atant; a(n)d hefd(e) vp (his go++ b)rand an+ +++ +++ +++ (of-smot) +++ ++ ++++++ +++++ (u)nder (And) Art(h)++ +++++ (and bi)-heol(d) (an)d ++ ++++++ +++ to gr(e)ade. Louerd (l)ouerd |em (m)e gri\; wo his \at me fihti\ (wi\); Ne wende ich \at no man in \isse worle-riche. \at me mihte (\)us lihtliche; alegge mid fihte. bute hit Arthur were baldest alre king. and no\eles nas ich neuere of Arthur afered. `o saide Arthur to him; Ich ham Arthur \e king. = Telle of \ine cunne; war-of \ou hart ispronge. == and wi \ou mine mowe; a-falled hauest mid mor\(r)e. `o answerede \e feond; \ar he lay and bi-held. Al \is ich wolle don; and \ine treu\e onderf(o)n. \at ich mote libbe; an(d) mine leomes habbe. Ar(thur \o w)re\\ede; wonderliche swi\e. and he Beduer cleopede balde his kempe. Go (t)o \an wr(ec)che Beduer; and his heued smit of \er. and nim hit for\ mid \e adun of \an hulle. Beduer to him com; and his heued him bi-nom. and adun wende to his iveres. `o sat \e king adun; and hine gan reste. and \es word saide; Arthur \e seale. Ne faht ich neuere fiht (n)on vppe \is londe; bote (\o ic)h sloh \ane king Ru(n) vppe \an monte of Rauin. `o i for\ wende; and to \are ferde wende. \o hii \at heued ise|en; sellich heom \ohten. ware euere onder heauene; soch heued were ikenned. Howel to \an king(e) com. and Arthur of \an maide nom. = `o was Howel sori and sor\fol on heorte. and nam his cnihtes alle; and wende to \an hulle. \ar Eleyne \at ma"i'de; ibured was on eor\e. He lette \ar arere; ane chapel m}re in Seinte Marie name; Drihtene moder. and su\\e \an hulle he name |ef are he \anne wende. and hehte Eleyne Tombel; \at nou hatte Mont Sein Michel `o was Arthur his ferde clenliche igadered. of Irlond of Scotlond; and of many o\er londes. `o bleuwen hii bumes; and for\-ward wende. = (\)orh-vt Normandie \at \o hehte Neustrie hii wende \orh-vt France into Borgoyne. = His spiares come and tolde to \an kinge. = \at Luces \e caysere; mid his Romanisse here. \iderward heom comen; vt of hire londe. and so hii wolde wende in toward France; and al \at lond bi-w(inn)e; and su\\e \at lond (bi)-winne; \at Brutaine his ihote. = `o was abolwe baldest alre kinge. and hehte in \an feldes; slean alle his tealdes. and \are he bide wolde; \at he \at so\e wiste. ware he mihte \an cayser wisliche kepe. `at water hatte Aube; \ar lay \e king balde. On wis cniht com ride; to \is kinges ferde. \at was al for-fohte; and his men a-falled. and \e Romanisse men; his lond hadde bi-nome him. He tolde \an kinge neouwe tydinge war lay \e cayser; mid al his Romanisse here. and ware h+ ++ne solde finde; |ef he f++(te) wolde. = Ac louerd Arthur cwa\ \(e) +++ht; ich \e wolle segge (h++ r+h)t. \at betere \e his (set++ g)ri\; \ane fihte him (wi\) (for) a|en \ine tweie; he haue\ folle twalue. = Ne ma(y n)o man mid mou\e; so\liche segge. of haluendeal \an folke; \at folwe\ \an caysere. wi(\)-houte Romleode; of his o(wene) \eode. and wi\-vt (\an) folke; \at |e(rne\) his (ore). `o \e tales weren it(ald) (and) he |am hadde onderst(o)de he cleopede for\-rihtes his wisest(e) cnihtes. and radde (|)am b(i-twi)ne; ane castel a-(r)ea(re) ++++++ +++ ++++(re) \at Aube (w)++ +++++ ++ +++ s(wi\)e fay(r)e stude ++++++++ he was sone \ar fe(n)g (ma)ni hond t(o); an hi|eng hit was (ido). for |ef hii mis-ferde; wane hii come to fihte. = \anne \ohte he \are astonde; at \ane castel stronge. `o cleopede he eorles tweye wise weren beyne. = \e on was of Chartres Gerin; moche wisdom was mid him. \e o\er was Beofs of Oxeneford wele wide sprang his word `e |et \e king cleopede Waweyn \at was his may deore. for W+(w)eyn cou\e Bruttis; Wa(w)+++e cou\e Romanis. (h)e was ifed in +++e wel fale wynter. `(o) ++++ nam \is cnihtes hen(de) (a)nd to \an cayser sende. and hehte him mid his ferde; faren a|ein to Rome. \at he into France ferde n(e l)adde. == For France his min owe lond; mid fiht ich hit bi-won and |ef \ou nelt bi-leue \at \ou nelt \ider li\e. wende we two to fihte; and falle \e forcou\ere (an)+ ++++ ++ \at +++ch+ folk wonie + + + + + + + + + (For wile R++leode) +++an al \e \eode. (and) ++r after; hit (losede) +++ +++++ and ich (hit mid) +++++ +i-wan; (and mid) +++++ wol(e h++de) (For\) ++ ++++++(s we)nde; sta(lewor)++ ++++++ = +(br)unied (and ++++++de) (on he)|e hire stedes. ech caste (o)n scoldre seald swi\e godne. (hii) bere (on) hire honde; (speres) swi\e (str)onge. = and m(any) of \an (|ong)e; \at mid Ar(th)u(r) wonede. mid Waweyn hii |eode; and |eorne hine beade. \at he wi\ Romleode som (sake a-r)erde. \at we ma|e (mid fiht)e; fondi ous seolue. (for) hit his fale |ere; \at hire \retes comen here = Nou his hit moche same |ef hit sal \us a-ligge. bote \ar som sake beo; ear we wor\en seahte. === For\ \eo(s) eorles wende in one brode weye = \at hii come sone; to \an folk of Rome. richelic(he) i-wepnid. seten vppe horse `ar me mihte bi-holde; \e bi-halues were. many \ousendes; \reste vt of teldes. for to bi-halde; \is \reo cnihtes bolde. hii bi-heolde hire wedes; b(i)-heolde hire stedes (and) hercnede tydinges fram Arthur \an kinge. and manye for\rihtes; axede \is cnihtes. |ef \e king |am hadde isend; to \an caysere. for speke \a(n) caiser wi\; and |eo"r'ne his gri\. Ac for neuere none speche \e \reo eorles riche. nolden abide (ear hii) come ride. anon to \e tealdes dore; war-ine was \e caisere. Adun hii gonne a-lihte; of hire gode stedes. and so iwepnid mid al; wende into telde. (to) \an caysere (\at Lu)ces his ih(ote) `ar he sat on his bedde; hire herende hii him cudde. = and hehte him wende; a|ein to his londe. \at he neuere mid ferde; France ne sohte `e wile \at \es eorles; hire earende sayde. sat \e caiser ase he dombe were. and answere neuere non ne |af to \eos eorles. ac he luste |eorne; lu\er on his \onke. `o a-bal(h) ~aweyn; and wre\\e(d h)im swi\e. and \eos word (sa)ide Wawein \e kene. Luces (\)e riche caiser of Rome. we (beo\) Aarthures men; king ++ Brutayne. He sende\ \e (h)is sonde; wi\-oute gretynge (he h)ot \e fare to Rome; \at (h)is \in owe riche. and let him holde France; \at he awon mid fihte. and (ho)ld \ou \ine riche; and \ine Ro(ml)eode. Wile \in eldre France bi-|eode. mid fehte hii bi-wonne onimete winne. so one wile hii leouede; and su\\e hii hit losede. mid fihte (Ar)thur hit bi-wan; and mid fihte hit wole holde. = He ous hehte segge riht to \i-seolue. (bo)te \ou a|en wende (\i bane he) wole iwor\e. and |ef \ou alles wolt; in-to France wende. and \ou wolt \at kinelond bi-telle to \in owe hond; nou to-morwe h(is \)e dai; habbe \at hi(t bi)-|ete may (`o an)swerede \e caiser; mid grettere wre\\e. Nolle ich noht a|en fare; ac France ich wolle a-winne. = Ac |ef he wole bi-come mi man; and for louerd icnowe. = gri\ie ich him wolle; and his cnihtes alle. and lete him holde Brutlond \at Iulius hadde wile an hond and o\er londe. ++nie; \at Iulius wile (h)++++ (\)at he na+++ no r(i)ht to; \e l(on)des \++ ++ +olde. \at he sal alle leo(se) bote he pais makie. `o answerede Wawein; \an caiser \at spac to him. So Belyn and Brenne; of wam w(e b)eo\ of-spronge. = hii wende mid isome; and bi-wonne Rome. and \ar wonede; wel (fale) wintres. == And \us his Rome oure cunde; \ar \ou nou rixlist. and |ef we mote (libb)e; we hit wolle\ habbe. bote \ou icnowe wolle; (\at) Ar(thur) ++ +i louerd. and (eche ++++ him s)ende; gauel of \(ine lond)e = `o sat bi \an ++(isere) (a cniht) of his cunne. ++++(celyn ihot)e; heh ma(n +++ Rome) (`e cniht) answ(er)+++ ++++++ (\an) caiser(e) (and) +++ +++ (sai)de; \e (cniht) +++ ++++++ Cnihtes wende\ (|)++ ++++ and segge\ (|)oure king(e) ++ B(ru)ttus (beo\) bolde; ac hii beo\ on(wreast) itold. for eu(er)e hii (|elp m)akie\; hire (man)sip(e his) \e lasse. Mor(e he) \ohte to segge; ac "Waweyn' breid to sweor(de). and for-cleaf \at hef(u)ed atwo; and hii \anne gonne go. = and (leope to hor)se wor\liche kem(pes). (and) \es word saide; (Waw)eyn \e kene So me helpe \e ilke Loue(rd) ++ sop \is daies lih(te) +++ +++(r)e his eny so kene; of +++++ (m)ancunne. \at ous after ++nne; ich hine wole acwelle. he sal beo to-swonge; mid mine brode sweorde. Efne \ar ilke tale \o saide \e caiser; Holde\ |am holde\; hongi hii solle\. vppe he|e trouwes; o\er mid horse to-drawe. = `is cnihtes gonne ride; and sporie hire stedes. hii toke on hire honde; speres sw(i)\e long. (ba)ren bi-vore breoste; b(r)ode hire scealdes = And euere \e caiser loude gan cleopie. Nime\ |am; sclea(\) |am; iscend ous i habbe\. `ar me mihte ihere; \at bi-halues were. cleopie \ousend; of \an Romle(ode) +++++ +nder wepne; wen(de) ++ +++ +++er. Hider our(e) ++++++ ++ (cniht)es at-(sto)++++ ++++ (heom wende af)+++ ++++(nede cnihtes) (\ar) ++++ \a(r) ++++++ (\ar eahte) \ar ni|ene (A++ euere \e) eorles; earnde s+(i\e) = (and) \e cnihtes of Rom(e) (bli)\e (a)fter (co)me. And \(ar) com on cniht; al(re) swi\est earne. and euere he cleopede; kenliche swi\e. Wende\ a|ein cnihtes; and werie\ |ou (mid) fihte. Hit his |ou mochel scame; \at |eo fleon. Waweyn icneu \ane ream; of \an Romanisse men. he wen(de h)is stede; and to him gan (rid)e. and smot him \orh m++ (\an) spere; ase he ispeded w(ere) and breid to him \at spe(re) \e cniht war\ dead sone (and) \es word saide; Waweyn \(e) kene. Li \ou \are of lifue for \ou ride to swi\e. Mar(cel) hehte \e cniht; of he|ere (cun)ne. = Wawein his sweord (v)t breid; and smot of Marceles (h)efd. an(d) \us him \o saide Wo(we)yn k(e)ne. Marcel wend to helle and tel |am \a(re) spelles. and wone \ar to-|ere; mid Gwencelyn \ine vere. and holde\ \are "|'oure roun; bete(re) "|'ou were at Rome. for \u(s) we solle |ou (te)che (Bruttisse) speche. Ge(ryn iseh sone) (o)u \e Romain (lay \ar dun). and his hors mune|ede and an-o\er imette. and smot hine \orh mid (his) spere; and \es word saide. (Rid nou) so Romayn; and res n(ou to helle). and \us we solle |ou (s)arui; |ef God ous (w)ole fu(l)ste. Nis noht wor\ (\)reat; bote \ar beo deade (e)ak. Beofs iseh \e ohte man; ou his iveres hadde idon. and his hors wende; wonderliche swi\e. and mid al his mihte; teh to one cnihte. and smot hine boue \an sceald \at \e spere deore; rof \orh \an swere. And he cleopie agan; kenliche to his feres. Bruttus ous wolle\ synde; (|ef) we hinne wende\. bo(te) we bet a-ginne; are we (he)nne wende. = `o tornden hii (s)one; wonderliche swi\e. and (e)ch his sweord swi\e droh; (a)nd ech his Romayn of-sloh (a)nd su\\e hire hors wende and hire way helde. And Romanisse men; riden eu(e)re after heom. = ofte hii s(ai)de |am to; A(b)ugge |e solle \e deade. ac ne mihten hii mid none \ing; none of |am adun bringe. ne nanne harm |am don; in \an wi\er-happes (Ac) euere bi eche wile; (hii a)|en wende. and smite (on Rom-cni)hte(s) mid bitere h(ire duntes) `os hii ferde fi(ftene mile) \at hii come to one stude; onder one faire wode. faste bi \an castle. \ar Arthur lay faste. `re(o mile \ar) fram; to \a(n wode \)rong(e) ni|e \ousend; \a Arthur \ider sende. baldere Br(ut)tus \at best \at lond cou\e. hii wolde witen to so\e of Waweyn \an kene. and of his i-veres ou hii i-faren were wa\er hii weren on lifue o\er bi weie leie. `eos cnihtes si|en ++++ \an wode; wonde(r) +++++ (s)ofte and come t(o) +++ (hu)lle; and |eorne bi-heolde. Hii lette alle \e horsmen; in \an wode a-lihte. and rihte hire wepne; and alle hire wedes. bote an hundred men; \at \are solde bi-holde. |ef hii of-|ete mihte; \orh eni cunnes \inge. `o ise|en hii forre (i)n one brode felde. \reo cnihtes earnne; (mid) al hire mayne. Afte(r \)+n \reo cnihtes; \ri+++ \ar come. after \an \ritti; aron \reo \ousend. \ar-after comen \reaste; ane \ritti \ousend. = And euere \e eorles bi-vo++ earnede swi\e. riht (\a)ne ilke way; \at tow(ar)d \e wode lay. +++ (hi)re i-veres; w++ ++++++ ++(re). `e eorl(es) ++++++ ++ (\an wode) (\e +++++++++ after ride) (\e B++++++ ++ resde) (vp++ ++++ +++++ +++ des) (and ++ot a)-vore+++ (and) ful(d)+ an hundred a-non. (`o) wende Romleode \at A(rth)ur come (r)ide. and tornde \e (r)ugges and Bruttus |am after. and slo|en of \an folke fiftene hundred. `o com |am to fulste; of hir(e owen)e folke. \at Arthur hadde \ider isend; sixtene \ousend. baldere Bruttus mid stele bi-honge. `o com +++ ++++ (\)at was ++ ++++ ++++ (P)etrius +++++ +++ +++ (o)f Rome. (mid) +++ +++++ cnihtes; \at R+++++sse to helpe. (and mid) mochele streng(\e) (leop)en to \an Bruttus (a)nd feue hii \ar nemen; and manye hii of-slowen `e Bruttus fl(o|e ++ \)an wode; \e ou(\)++ |am af++r +++(de) an(d ++ ++u)ttus +++++ ++ste a|en ++++e. = +++ +++e hors slo| +++ ++ +++ wode dro|e = ++ iwar\ Petrius war +++ his was \e worse \ar +++ne mid his ferde; fram \an +ode he wende. a(nd) Br+++++ +++ to bowen; and +++++++ |am slowen. `(o) ++++++ weren vt of wo++ +++++ ut to \an felde. ++ +++++d Rom(leode) (m)id (he)|ere streng\e. `o (bi)-gan \(a)t strange fiht; \(ar) feol%eorl(es) and many g(o)d cniht \ar follen a day; fi(f)tene \ousend. = `ar he mihte finde; wose his mayn wolde fondie. hond a|en hond; strong a|en strong sceald a|en sceald; cnihtes \ar fulle. Vrne \e weyes of blodie stremes. lei|en ouer al \e feldes; goldfawe scealdes. al \ane day long durede \at fiht strong. Petrius in his half; his folk heol"de' to-gadere. \o i-wear\ it sone; \at Bruttus hadde \at worse. `at iseh Beofs; eorl of Oxeneforde = \at in none wise; ne mihte hit iwor\e. \at hii ne moste falle; bote |ef hi read hadde. He cleopede to him cnihtes; \e beste \at he wiste. = and of \e alre kennest +(a)t \are ine fiht we++ ++(d) wende |am vt in \(a)+ +(eld)e; a-neowest \an ferde. +++ \us him saide; sori on heorte. Cnihtes hercne\ nou to me; Drihte ous helpe. we beo\ hider icome; and \is fiht habbe\ onder-nome (bo)ute Arthur his reade; \a(t his) oure louerd. |ef ous wel bi-falle\; we him \e bet cweme\ and |ef ous bi-falt vuele; he ous wole hatie. = We beo\ \reo hundred cnihtes; ohte men and wihte. = Cu\e\ |oure cniht-sipe we beo\ of one cunne. Ride\ wane ich ride; and folwe\ mine reade. Alle holde\ him to; to \an cniht \at ich do. ne nime |eo none stede; ne none cnihtes wede. ac euerech god cniht slea euere adun riht. Efne \an worde \at \e eorl saide. = hii ride \o ase swi\e; so hond \an heort driue\. === Welewo was |am ibore; \at in hire weye were bi-vore. for al hii to-treade mid hors and mid stede. and so anewest come and Petrium hii nome. Beofs to him swipte; and mid harmes hine bi-clupte. and breid hine of his stede; and to ea(r\e) hine sette. he wiste him b(i)-halues; busie his (cnih)++s Cnihtes adun slo|en +++rius hii dro|en. and (\+ +om)leode; baldeliche f++++ so \at at \an laste (n)o man \are nuste wo o\erne smite; \ar (w)as mochel blod igote (`o i)seh W(a)weyn iwis; \a(r he) was bi-halues. m(id soue) hundred cnihtes. \ider he gan wende. and in his (we)ye \at he funde; alle he a-cwelde. and ridende he nam Petrius; vppe his gode stede. = and ladde him to \an wode; war he wel wiste. sikerliche to holde; \ane he|e man of Rome. and eft vt wende; and bi-gan to fihte. `ar me mihte i-sean; manyfold sorewe. scealdes seanende; cnihtes fallende. = blodede feldes falewede nebbes. And Bruttus to |am reamde; and flowen Rom-leode. and Bruttus |am ++++++ +++ (mo)nye cw(i). +++++ +++ ++ day ean++ ++ ++ +++ Romleod(e) +++ ++ ++++ +++ faste; kem(p)++ ++(manisse) and ladde |(am ++ \an wode) bi-vore Waweyn; ++(am bi)-wakede al \ane niht ++enti hundred cnihtes. `o hit (d++ wa)s a morwe; \e +++++ gane to (s)torie. fo(r)+ +++ ++++e ++++ (to) h(ire) ++++ (l)oue(rd) +++ s(w)+++ ++c him b+++++ +++ l(e)++ (hi)m was to +++++ ++ (s)pac Arthu(r) +++ W+(l)come Petrius. Nou ++(s) \e wolle teche Brut(i)sse (s)peche `ou ++++e bi-vore \in caiser(e) +++ (\o)u (m)e wo(l)dest a-cw(e)+++ +++ min(e) castles al++ +++ mine kinerich +++ch(e \ou) +at h(a)++++ ++ \a(n \)at \ou wiln(edest) Ich wole bi-take (\e foli)wis; mine castel ++ Paris. and \ar \ou salt wonie; ase \e his alre lo\est. ne salt \ou neuere-more \i lif \anene leade Arthur alle \e cnihtes nam \at \ar inome were. \reo hundred ride(res) + + + = +++++++ +++++ +hte; and ++++ +++ ++ ++hte. and + + + + + + +(r)we man+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + hehte; fo++ + + + + + + + + Borel; + + + he h+++e |am ++ +++++ +++ +++ +++++ w+++ + + biseh + + + \e + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + |eon+ +++ ++++++ ++rde and ++++++ +++++ ++\ere wordes +++++ (Arthur) +++de wolde \e cnihtes \e h(e h)ad++ in bende. and \(e sp)ia+++ for\riht w(end)e a++++ al bi niht (\)at hii co+e ++n(e) to \an caisere of ++++ + and tolde al hi(re) ++++ +++f \e four eor(les) ++lde vare. a(n)d fo(r)\ +++++ ++(tr)ius; to \an b(orh) of Par(is) and al hii tolde \ane way; \at in-to Paris lay. and war me heom (k)epe mihte; in one slade (d)eope. and bi-nime of |am Petrius \ane riche man and \e eorles four a-wynne; and faste |am bynde. `is i-horde Luces \e cays(er of) Rome. === And he cleo++++ (S)extorius; of Libie h(e w)as king and dux. h(e se)nde (a)fte(r) E(ua)nder \a(t) of Babylone (w)as come \ar. he cleope(de) to \a(n s)enaturs; (Ba)lt(en Catel) and Cariu(s) (\es were)n alle kinebore; and ++++ wer(en a)lle icore. swi(\e to) ri(den) (an)d Petrius (are)dden (And h)ii an hi|eng%ge; for\ (|am i)wende. |am ladde twea(lf) cnihtes; of \a(n) ilke londe. \at swi\e wa(r) weren; and \e weyes cou\e. `o ride Romleode; rusede wepne. setten (an h)ire h++(e)des; he|e hi(re he)al(mes) = +++ +++den (a)l niht; (fast)+++++ ++(i\)e. (\)at hii (come in \an) way; (\)at to(uward ++ris l)ay. \o were(n hii bi-vore) (a)nd Bruttus (bi)-h(i)nd(e) (Ac) wala-wo \at hit nuste (Ca)dor \e kene. \a(t) \e Rom-leode |am fo(r)-ride ha(d)de. Hii comen i(n) one (w)ode; in one wel faire stude. in one dale deope; di|ele bi-halues (an)d seide |am bi-twine; \at \ar hii wolde akepe. `are hi le|en stille; one lutele stunde. and hit gan to da|e|e; and \e deor to pleoye. `o comen Arthures men; faste in \an weye. riht \ane ilke wa(y) +(ar) \e o\er ferde lay. hi(i) +++++ singende; \e cniht(es we)ren (bol)de No\(e)les (Cad)or was \ar; swi\e "wis' and swi\e w(ar). he and Bor(e)l \e rich(e) wende |am (to-gade)re \a(r) and nem(en heom) to honde; fiftene (hundred) cnihtes. (and b)i-v(ore) +++de; iwepn(id under) se(alde) Richer an(d Bed)uer; (wen)de |am b(i-hinde) \ar. and \e cnihtes (lad)de \at hii isunde hadde. Petri(u)s and his i(u)ere. \at inome were. `o (hii) come ride vppe Ro(mleode) (and) hii (|am to)-rea(sde) (and) +++(t)e to (\an) B(ru)++++ +++ (hir)e (bitere) du(n)+++ +++(u \ar) was ri(ue) = +++++(us |ea)n wi\-stod(e) (and starcliche |am) we(orede) (`at ihorde R)iche(r) and (\e eo)rl Be(d)uer hou hire (iue)res; |am bi-vore fohte. Petrius hii nemen and his iveres (all)e. and mid \reo hundred sweyne(s) |am to wode sende. And hii |am seolue wende; (tou)ward hire i-veres. and (smo)te on Romleode. mid re|ere streng\e. \ar was mani dunt i|eue; and many man a-falled. `o onder-|eat Euander; \e hea\ene king \a(r) + + + + + + gan we(x) + + + + + + + wan(ien) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (Bruttus) +++ + + + + + + (\reo h)++++++ ++ his ivere (a)nd m(an)+ ++++ ne(m)en and faste he++ bun(den) \o hii nuste(n) +++ne read g(o)dne n(o\e)+++ hii fohten s(o) ha(htl)++++ ++ hii mihten `o was +++ +we(nd) fram Arthu(r) +++ +++(de) \e king of Pe+++++ ++++ man iblowe = h+ +++++ ++ i-vere; fif hundred rideres. \reo hundred scuttes kene men to fihte. and soue hundred a fote; \at wilde we(re) to harme. Hii wende afo(r)+ged in \at lond; for to seche mete hom. = `ane cry hii of-horde; of \an Romleode. hi(re) pultne hii bi-lefde; and \ide+ward gonne ride. = \at +ii come sone; ane++++ \an fihte. Gwitard and his cnihtes; \ar anon for(\)++++++ igr++++ ++re scealdes + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Roma(n)isse fellen fiftene hun++++ folle to \an grunde. \a+ was isla|en Euander; +++ king was wel steorne. Catellus of Rome; for|e++ \are his domes. = `o torne++ hii \e rugges; and flo|en riht swi\e. and Bruttus |am after; and mid balw+ |am grette. and so ma(n)++ \ar slowen; and so ma(n)++ \ar nomen. \at ne mihte Bruttus bi-vale n(o m)+++ And \e Romanisse me+ \at at-flowen were. ea(r)+de wel sone; to \an cayse++ of Rome. and tolde him (t)ydinge of Arthur \an kinge. for hii wende to so\e; \at hit Arthur w(ere) \o was aferde swi\e. \(e) cayse++ +++ +++ fer(de) ++ ++++++(s) isla(w)e hadde +++ ++m god \ohte. a|en ++++ +++ wende; mid baldere bi-|eate. and (to \a)n stude wende a|en; \ar \at fiht hadde ibeon. and burede \e deade; \e cwike i gonne for\ leade. And su\\e after P++++um; \at hii ra\er ne+++ +++ after ++s ivere ++ +++ +id him +++++ + + + + ++ohte to \an + + + + + + + + (and \)+++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++ Arthu+++ +++++ +++++++ ++re kinge. ++++ +++++++de; of Arthur + + + + + + = +++ dude \an ++++++ +++ al his Roma+++++ ++re. = `at was so\+ +++++ ++t Merlyn saide ++++ \(at) solde for Arth(ur)e +++e al(le) fare. and ++ ++lle(s) s(ton)e; cwa(k)++ +nd fall(e). `eos ilke ++++++ +++de beon; of (L)uces \an +aiser. and of \an sena(t)urs of Rome. \at mid him \ider come. = \at Merlyn saide in vorne da|e; al hii +++ (if)unde \are so +++ ++(d)e eare; and su\(\)e (wel) ++are. ear Arthur i(b)++ were; al his hit bode++ `e cayser ihorde segge; (so)+++e wordes. hou his men were inome; and eake i-slawe. `o were in his ferde falefold sorewe. somme mende hire freond; somme \rettede hire feond. = `o iseh Luces; \at lu\er him bi-falle was. for eche day he losede; of his leod-folke. = He iwar\ afere+; wonderliche swi\e. ++(d) nam him to reade +++ ++ +++roune. \at he +++++ ++ Auste; (m)++ alle his +++++ ++r\ b+ +++++res + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +de \a+ ++++++ +++ (so)ne dude h++ ++ ++++ ++der he wold+ +++++ ++thur lette ++++ ++++++ +++ ferde. stilliche ++ +++++ +++ no man hit nust +++ ++++ \e king wende +++ ++++ his folke. On +++ +++++ ++(n)de; he let(te) Le(n)++++ ++++de. in \ane way (b)+ ++++ ++rde; \at Luces com(e) +olde. `o (h)e com in on(e) dale; vnder one doun(e) \ar he gan at-stonde; +++nest alre kinge. \} dal+ his mid so\e; Sosie iho++ A(rthur) \are adun (li)+++ a(n)+ hehte alle his c(n)+++++ \at hii an hi|eng +++en hire wepne * and grei\ede |am to fihte; so solde cnihtes ohte. \(at) wane Romleode; \are come ride. \at hii sette |am on; ase gode cnihtes solde don. Alle \e swe"i'nes; and \(e) ++strange \eines. and of \an smale folke fale \ou++ndes. \e ki(ng) he++ sett(e) vp on an hulle; +id many penseles. \at he dude for |eapsipe \ar-of he |elpe \++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (bi-honge) he let++ (o)\er ten \ousend (an) +++ laft honde. ten \ousend ++(v)ore; ten \ousend bi++++e. mid him-seolue he (he)old; sixtene \ousend. (b)i-halues he sende; in-to an wode hende. sceouentene \ousend baldere cnihtes. wel iwepnede men; (\)ane wode to witie. \at (hii) mihte \ider fare; |ef +++ neod were. `o was +++ Gloucestre; on eorl mid (\a)n beste. Morewi\ was +++te man swi\e kene. +im he bi-tahte; \ane wo(d)e and \ane ferde. ~ef hit bi-valle\; ase God him-seolf haue\ idiht. \at hii ouer-come beon; and sett(e) to fleonde. wende\ |eom ++ter; mid alle (|)ure mihte (an)d al +++ ++ +f-take ma(ye) ++ +++ ++ +++++++ \} fatte and ++ ++++ \e riche and \e he++ (For) ne beo\ in none lond(e) ++ (in nauere) ++++ +++++ ++++tes ++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++d min +++++ + + + + + + + ++e|e ++++tes + + + + + + ++ +++++e no++ +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++ eorl ++ ++++++++ ++ +++++ hadd+ ++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++de one ++ ++++ ++ +++++++de. `e ++++ ++ +++++++ +(a)ryn; \+ +++++ +++ de mid him. `e ferde ++++ \ar doune; heold \e ki++ of Denemarche. Loth h+ld \ar one; \at leof was \an kinge. Howel of Brutayne ++ held an-o\er. Waweyn ++ ++ne was bi \an kinge +++ he wiste one; stiward ++ was \e kinges. Beduer +++ o\er; \at was \e kinges borle. `e e(orl) of Flandres Holdeyn; one ferde ladde mid him. One mochele ferde; Gwitard king of Gascoyne. Wygein eorl of Leycestre; Ionathas eorl of Dorchestre. ++i wiste \e tweye ferdes; (\)at \ar weren a fote. `e eorl ++ Cestre Cursaleyn; and \e ++++ of Ba\e Vrgeyn. hii bi-+++++ \are ferdes; \at were +++ bi-halues. \at solde atwo ++++++ holden to fihte. to ++ +++ ++eie eorles \at ohte +++++++ +++++ ++ (Ar)thur hii +++++++ ++++e hire ++++++++ ++ ++++ +++e \e +++++ +++++ ++ ++++++++ ++++wille. \o ++++++++ ++++(u)r; his read+++++ ++++ = (an)d \us saide ++++++ ++++ to his gode ++++++ +++cne\ nou toward ++ ++++ (c)nihtes deore. hi-++++++ ++ habbe\ twie; to +++++++++ cnihtes. and twie +++ beo\ ouer-come; and isla+e and inome. for he al mid (w)ronge; wilne\ of oure +++de. and min heorte sai\ ++ ++ mid help of oure Drihte. \at |et hii solle beon ouer-come; bo\e islawe and i++me. ~e habbe\ ouer-come Noreine; |e habbe\ ouer-come Denene. Scotlond and Irlond; al a-wonne to |oure hond. Normandie and France; bi-wonne mid fihte. Ich nou in mine hond; \reo and \ritti kinelond. \at |e onder sonne habbe\ me bi-wonne. And \is beo\ \e forcou\este men; of alle cwike manne. hea\ene houndes; God hii beo\ lo\e. = and Luces \e caisere; of God seolf naue\ none c(a)++ \at haue\ to i-vere; God++ wi\erwynnes. = we sol++ ++++ legge to grunde; a(n)+ ous seolf isunde. m(id) ++++tene wille; \at wa(l)+++ ++le deades. `o answ+++++ +++les \are ++++ (w)+ ++++ ++++ mid \+ + + + + + + + + + uest o+++ +++++ ++ +++ +++++ was ++ +++++ ++ +++ +++ +++liht. and Lu+++ +++ +++ ++++tes; grei\e(d)+ +++ +++de. === And for\ +++++ +++++ ++++ Romanisse leo(d) +++ +++ +++ mile come neh ++++++ ++ ihorde Romanis(se) +++++ tydinge. hii seh++ ++++ ++ dales; alle \e hulles (mi)+ helmes; blikiende === stede+ leopinge. palles gold-fa++ cnihtes weren sturne ++ caiser iseh \ane king far(e) \ar he was bi wode saye (Luc)es \o saide \e louerd of Rome and spac wi\ his cnihtes loudere stemne. Wat beo\ \is vtlawes; \at \isne wey vs habbe\ forfare. Nime we oure wepne; and heom to wende. hii solle beon islawe; o\er cwick i-fl+++ ++++ hii+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++d all+ + + + + + + + ++t hii + + + + + +++++ +++ius \e st+++++ ++++ +rutlonde = ++ +++++ ++++ onderlin+++ beon (ou)er ous kinge(s) ++ hii hit solle a-bugge+ mid hire bare lifue. ne sollen hii neuere wende a-|en to Brutayne. Eafne \an worde; \o wend+ \(e) ferde. bi \ousend +++ ++ \ousend; hii \ronge+ ++-gaderes. ech king of +++ folke; makede his fer++ `o hit was ++ iset; at \e caisere +++++ ++ ++++ \ar-on +++++ +++ +++++ ferde. +++++ ++++++ ++re; eu+++ ++++ +++++ +++++ eorles +++ ++ +++ ++++++ hom ++++++++ +++ ++ +++ser (h)++ +++++ +++ +++ ++send ++++++ ++ +++ \at folk st++++ ++ +++++ g(a)n to dunie +++++ +++ blewen; bannie hir(e) fer++ hornes \ar acwe\en; mid l++(d)ere stemne. ane sixti \ousend bleouwe(n) to-gadere. Mo \ar acwe\e; of Arthur his iveres. = \e wolkne gan to buuie; \e eor\e gan to dunie. To-(gad)ere hii heolden; ase heaue(n)e wolde falle. earest hii le(tt)e fleon to flon swi\e \icke. = (ston)es \ar-after; biterlic(he) winde. su\\e scealde +(r)astly speares strange (cr)aky. healmes \ar heolde; many men \ar fulle. brunies \ar breke; blod \ar gan |eote. falewede feldes; folle hire markes. = an sixti hundred were; to-treode mid \a(n) stedes. cnihte(s) \ar aswalten; blodes vt hurnen. vrnen in \an weyes; blodie stremes. wo \ar was mid folke; \at fiht was onimete. For al so segge\ writes; \at witty men dihte. \is was \at \ridde meste fiht; \at euere here w(as id)iht. so \at at \an (laste) \ar no cniht nuste wan (he) solde smite ne wan he solde sp(ar)ie. for ne cnew no man o\er; for onimete +++de. `o heaf \at fiht ++ +an stude; \ar hi ear +++ten. and bi-gonne aso++++; rease to-gadere. and neowe fiht bi-gonne; narewe hi-\ronge. \ar weren (Ro)mleode (r)ouliche ilad. `(o) comen \ar kinges \reo of hea\ene londe. of Ethiope was \e on; \e o\er was of Affrican. \e \ridde was (o)f Libie; of hea\ene londe. Hii comen to \an ferde; at \an east eande. and sultrome breke; \at Bruttusse hel+e and anon f+lde fiftene hundred. (ba)ldere Bruttus; of Arthures ferde. \o wenden Bruttus sone to \e rugges. Ac \o com \ar ride; twei eorles kene; \at was Beduer and Kay; Arthur his borle and his may hire Bruttus ise|en; m(id) brondes to-hewe. `ar iwor\en wro\est cnihtes alre boldest. mid ten \ousend cnihtes; heolde to \an fihte. amidde \an \ringe; \ar hii \eckest were. and slo|en Romleode; rouliche swi\e. and oueral \an fihte wende; after hire wille. `o were(n hii to) \riste; and to vuele |am (wuste) wolawo wolawo \at (hii n)eoren war \o. at h(ii n)e cou\e bi-witeie heom wi\ hire wi(\)++-iwinne. for hii were to (k)+++ and to f(or)re wende. = a++ spradde (t)o wide; and (\)++ fihte brode. `o com \e k(in)+ of Mede; Boccus \e mochele. = he ladde to ivere; (t)wenti \ousend rid(er)es. he heold on his honde; one spere stronge. `ane spere he for\ strahte; mid stronge his mayn. and smot \an eorl Beduer a-forn ne|en \an breoste. \at his brunie to-bar(s)t to-fore and bi-hinde. and \at breost was iopened; \at blod g(an) +t wende (`)ar ful Bed(uer) anon; dead vppe \an grunde. \ar was wowe and sorinisse inowe. `o Keay funde Beduer; dead ligge him \ar. and Kay \at lich wolde; leade mid him-seolue. mid twenti hundred cnihtes; \++ he heold \are aboute. a(nd) stranliche fohten; and fulde Romleode. and of Medie \ar slowen; mani \ousend mannen. \at fiht was swi\e strong; and hii weren \ar to longe. `o com \ar riden; an king of mochel prude. mid sixti ++++++++++++ of his owe +++++ +++++ ++ +++ ihote; +++ +++ +++ ++++ +++ie. `is ++++ +++++ +++++++ ++(\) Kay +++ +++ +++++ and ++++++++++ +++ ++++e; in +++++++ +++ +++++ ++ +n ba++ ++++ +++++++ (w)as \e +++++ +++ ++++tes \ar-riht ++++ +++de of (\)an fihte. = Wo +as Arthur \an king; fo(r) \an ilke tyding. `is iseh \e bolde; Ridwal\(an) ++s ihote. Beduer his soster sone; of he|e Bruttus icome. \at Boccus \e stronge; Beduer hadde of-stonge. Wo was him ++ liue; \e he i-seh Bedu(er) dea|e. for he of alle (ma)nne mest hine lou(ede) He cleopede of his cun(ne); cnihtes swi\e gode. = fif (h)++dred bi tale; wenden to fihte. \o saide Ridwal\an; to lefue his (m)anne; = Wreke wel Beduer; \at Boccus of-sloh her = Wende we alle to-gadere; and ou++ fon fallen. Eafne \an worde; bliue hii for\ wende. = and Boccus hii icnewe; war he was in fihte. mid his spere and mid his seald; many cniht he leide in feld. Ridwal\an his sweord droh; and swipte to \an kinge. and smot hine \orh \e brunie-hod \at hit at \an t+++ ++++++ = +++ ++ hea\e++ ++++ +++++ ++ gru+++ +++ +++ +++++ +++le; s++ ++++ +++++ R++++++++ ++ saide + + + + + + + Boccus n++ +++ ++++++ +++++ Beduer ++ +++++ = +++++ \an worde ase +++ ++ ++++ were; he \raste to \an fih++ ase a \odde do\ in felde. wan+ \at doust he|e; heue\ fram \an grunde. al so Ridwal\an reasde to his feondes. Al hii hit of-slawen \at hii neh come. \e wile hii miht welde; hire kinewor\e wepne. neore in al \an fihte; cnihtes none betere. \e wile \at hit laste; \at lif in hi(r)+ +++++ (Bo)ccus hii of-slo|e +++ ++ \ousend of his c(n)+++++ (\o) was Beduer a-wrek(e) wel mid \an beste. `ar was an oht eorl; Leayr was ihote. louerd of Boloyne; cniht mid \an beste. he iseh on admurel; l(a)u+++ ++ ++++loyne. = moche folk ++ ++++++ folde to grund(e) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++n br+++++ ++++ ++(eald) ++++++ +++ he ig+++ ++ +++ +++++ on spe(re) +++++ ++++++ and his ++++ ++++++++ mid ++++ +++ ++++++ +++ \ane ++++++ ++++ +++ smorte ++ +++++ +nde(r) \an breoste; (\)++ (\e) brunie gan to berste. \at \e spere (\or)h rof and he ful to grun(de) = (`is is)eh Getron; \at was +++ ++++ral his sone. he +++++++ eorle; mid alle +++ ++++ (a)nd smot hine ++++ ++ \an luft side. ++++ ++ +++ ++(o)rte; \at he +++++ ++++++ Waweyn \at ++++++ +++ he was in \an fih++ = +(a)nd Howel \e hende; \at was his ivere. mid fiftene hundered cnihtes; hii heol"de' to \an fihte = and Waweyn |eom oue(non); swi\e moded man. = = `o w+++ Romleode roulich(e)++++++ + Howel |am kepte; W++eyn |am imette \ar (w)++ +++++lfolle cry; \e wol(c)++ ++we\e. = ourne grete st(remes); of Romanisse blo(des) = (Kinar)\ \e eorl of Strog(oylle). nam mid him Iabius Rimarc and Boclouius. `(e)s were \e kenneste men; \++ eni king hadde. = Hii n+++e for hire mo+++++ +++++; folwy Howel \++ go++ ++ ++ |am-seolf slowe al \++ +++ +++ come. `at iseh a rich+ +++ ++ +an Romleode ou Kinar\ \+ kene; hire folk \ar acwelde. and \e cniht gan him alihte; of leoue his stede. and nam him an hond a spere imaked of stele. and he bi-halues gan gon; \ar faht Kinar\ \e stronge. = Kinar\ his brunie he vp ahof and \ane eorl he +++ ++++ `o gradde loude; ++ ++++++de. and tornde to +++ ++++tus; and hire tr++++ ++++ +++ folle heh|e ma++++ \e busie cnih+++ = +++ +++++ to \an grun(de) +++++++ +++send. balder+ +++++++ +++re \ar was riue. ++ ++++te lange; \at fih+ +++++ strange. Waweyn wende oueral; an sohte his cnihtes. and gader++e alle; \at a-liue weren ++ lefden. and Howel his ++++ alle for\ gonne wend(e) = +++ riden to Romleode; +++ strangere wre\\e. a+++ +++(r)le forste come; b+++ (hir)e ful-trome. And W(aweyn) riht \er; iseh Luc(es \an ca)yser. = and Waweyn to (him) sweinde; mid stelene swe(o)rde. and \e cayser him; \a(t) gome was wel kene. = s(w)++rd a|ein ++eord sweynde ++l ilome +at fur sprang vt ++ ++ ++++ \e cnihtes wer+ +++++e. `ar was fih+ +++++ +++ong astored w++ ++ ++rde. \e cayser wen++ Waweyn to scende. \at he mihte \ar-after |elpe for \e dede. Ac Bruttus heom \ronge to wro\liche swi\e. and \+ Romanisse men hire cayser a-redde. and hii to-gaderes heolden; ase heuene wolde (f)+++++ ++ +++ +++ +++t; hii (h)++++ +++++ +++ (f)ihte. one +++++ +++++ +++ ++ sonne +++ ++++++ + + + + + + ++emne ++ ++ ++++ ++ alle; min(e) +++++++ ++++ (and) God sulf ++ +++++ (he)om forto falle +afne \an worde; \o blewe men \e bumes. fiftene \ousend; \raste to blowend. hornes and bumes; \e ear\e gan to biuie. for \an grete b"l'aste; for \an grete drede. Romleode wende; \e rugges to Bruttus. = flo|en hii \at mihte; \e weyes weren folle. Moche man +++++ was \are; moche +++++ (m)oche care. ne may n(o) +++ (t)elle+ ine boke ne in spelle; * of alle \an hundredes; \at to-hewe were in \an mochele \ringe; of \an man-sleahte. Was \e cayser of-slawe selcou\e wis +++ +(u)ste hit no man su\++ ++ ++(u)ere none cu\(\e) +++ +++ ++++ beon; \at + + + + + + + + + Bote \o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Arthur +++++ ++++ ++ ++++ a-midde +ne br+++ ++++ (a)nd \ider in lette ++++ Luces \an caysere. and lette hine helye; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +(tle) ++ ++(ork) swi++ +++++ +ne (c)h+++ lange; iwr+++ a(l) mid golde. And letten do \ar-ine Luces of Rom(e) +++ was a doh++ man; wile +++ dawes were. ~et dude A+th(ur) more; hendest alre kinge. he lette seche kinges; eorles and heredring%ges. = \at in \an fihte weren isla|e; and idon of lifda|e he lette |am burie; mid mochelere prude. Bote \reo kinges he lette bere L(u)ces \an caysere. and lette makie beres; riche and swi\e meare. and lette |am sone; sende to Rome. and grette Rom-cnihtes; +++ his grim reases. a(n)+ +++++ \at he |am sen++ +++ ga+++ (o)f his londe. and +++ he wolde al so; sende gretinge mo. |ef he |eorne wolde; of Arthures golde. and her-after sone; ich wolle come to Rome. and telle |ou tydi(ng)e; of ++++++++++ kinge. and Rom(e) ++++++ ++++ ++ |are wer(e) ++ +++++ An+ ++ (i)ch wolle a+++++ ++ wode Romeleode. ++ +++ ++++ was idon; ac o\e(r) ++++ (hit) eod(e) +e leo(de he bi-lef)de; \orh lu\er (tid)inge al \orh Modred his may; (for)-++u\est manne. A \an (mochele fih)te; Arthur lose(de) ++ +++ ++ihtes. fif and twe(n)ti \ouse(n)d; he funde to-hewe. of Bruttus swi\e bolde; bi-reafed of lifue. Kay w++ ++++(n)ded \are wonder on+ +++++ +o Kynun he was il++ +++ ++ne \ar-after he (w)++ +++ hi-bured he was \are; bi-sides \an castle. heremites a-mong; Kay \at was \e riche mon. Key hehte \e eorl; Keynun \e castel. Arthur |ef him \ane toun; wile he was on liue. and he sette \are \ane name; after him-seolue. = no+ (a)nd eueremore; \+ nam+ ++++de\ \are. Su\\e Beduer was of-slawe; and idon of lifda|e. Arthu(r) hine bere lette; to "B'oios his castle. and \ar he was ibured in \are borwe. wi\-houte +e su\|eate; in eor\e hii ++++ ++yde. Holdeyn ilad +++ for\ into Flandres. and ++++ +++ ++++e cnihtes; \ar +++ ++++++htes. in-to \an ++++++++ ++++ hii her ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + +++de. in +++uane + + + + + + + + (L)eyr +++ eorl me ladde; in-to Boloyne. and Arthur \ar-after on wile wonede. = `at lond he al wiste; and \e c++++++ +sette and seyde (\a)t ++ (wol)de; him-seolf \++ ++++ (hab)be. and \ar-in wonie; +++te somer come. and \anne he wolde sone; wende to Rome. and ++++ +++-seolf caiser; \e +++++ wonede her And (m)+++ ++ (R)omleode; wolde +++ +++ ++ |eode. for hii weren adrad; to hire bare dea\e. and manye awey wende; and hire castles lete stonde. and manie sende sonde; to Arthur \an stronge. and |eor"n'e speke him wi\; and |ornde Arthur his gri\. and somme hii wolde; +++n Arthur stonde. and +++++n wi\ him Rome; and werie \e riche. And no\eles a-fered weren; alle \at \ar woned. \at nusten hii onder Criste; godne read nanne. `o was hit ifunde; \at Merlin saide wile. \++ Rome walles solde; a++++ Arthur to-falle. +++ +++ a-gon \are; bi \an +++++re. \at fulle ++++++ +++++ mid sixti \++++++ +++++ = `o A+++++ +++++ ++ +++++ to w++++ ++ ++++ +++ ++ned(e) +++ ++++++++ +++++++ alre +++ge. (`o) +++ +++ ++++ ridinge; and brohte Ar++++ tydinge. = fram Modred his ++++++ ++++ + + + + + + + + = Arth++ +++ ++ +++++ ++++ ++d spac wi\ +++ +++++ cniht. ac no weis he n++++ ++++e; here ou hit ferde. `o +++ was dai + +orwe; and +e do|e\e gan to storie. A(r)thur \o vp a-ros; an(d) strahte mid harmes. he a-ros vp and adun sat; ase he were swi\e seak. `o axede him \e cniht; Louerd ou hauest \ou fare to-niht. Arthur him answerede; mid +++eliche wordes. To-niht in mine bedde \ar ich lay in boure. me imette a sweuen; \ar-fore ich sori ham. Me mette \at men me sette; vppen one halle. +e halle ich gan bi-s(t)+++ +++ ++h wolde ride. a+ ++ ++ndes \at ich ha(d)++ ++++ ++h |am iseh \are. and Wawein sat bi-vore me; min sweord he bar an honde. \o com Modred w(e)nde \are; mid onimete folke. he bar on his +++++ +ne h(ax) swi\e str+++ ++ bi-gan to hewe +++++++he swi\+ +++ ++ +++++s for-hew+ ++++ \at ++++++ +ppe \an halle. `ar +++ ++++ eake; Gwenayfer (\e cwen)e. al ++(r)e m(oche)le all(e r)of; mid hire (hond) |eo to-droh `e halle gan to holde; ++d ich ful to grunde. +++ +i riht arm to-br++ +o saide Modred h+ue \at. Adun ful \e halle; ++d Waweyn was of-falle. +++ +++ ++ \are eor\e; his ar+++ +++ke beyne. and ich (ig)+++ my gode sweord mid mine luft honde. and smot of Modred his hefd; \at hit wefde a+ +++ felde. And \e cwean+ +++ ++u(n) +++++ in one s++++ +++++ = +++ al mi ++++ +++++ +++++ ++ fleonde +++ +++ +++++ +++++ Criste; war hii ++ ++++ ++re. Bote mi seol+ +++ +++ astonde; vppe on+ +++++ = \ar ich iseh gri+++ +++ w(on)derliche fo+++++ `o com a guldene +++ (li\e ouer) doune. = `is leo +++ (an swi\e) to; and nam bi \an midde. and for\ he me gan leode; and to \are see wende. = A++ +e leo in \an flode +++++ mid mi-seolue. `o +++ ++ see come; \e beares me hire bi-nome. com \ar a fisc swemme; and brohte me t(o) londe. \o was ich al w(et) wery and swi\e seak. \+ gan ich to wakie; \o ga+ ich to cwakie. = And \us (ic)h ha++ (a)l ni(h)+ of mine sweu+++ moche i\oht. for ich wot al mid iwisse; agon his al min blisse. for euere to mine lifue; sorewe ich mot driue. wele \at ich nadde her; mine cweane Gwenayfer `o answerede \e cniht; Louerd \ou hauest onriht. ne solde me neuere sweuen; to ha"r'me teorne. \ou hart \e richest man; \at rixle\ in londe. = `eh hit w+(r)e bi-falle; ase nele hit oure Drihte. \at Modred \in soster sone; hadde \in cweane inome. and al \ine lond; ++et o+ +++ owe hond. \at \ou hi+ ++-(t)ahtest; \o \ou to Rom+ ++(h)test. = |eot \ou mihtest \e awreke; ++r\liche swi\e. and eft +(i)n lond habbe and alle ++ne leode and \ine fon fal++ sleane to grunde. \at \ar ne ++ ++fde none; of \ine wi\er-+++++s. Aarthur \o answ++++(e) wisest alre kinge. L++++ (b)eo\ euere; \at ne wen ich ne(u)ere. \at eu+re Modred my meay; \at man his me leouest. wolde me bi-swike; for al mine riche. ne Gwenayfer min cwean ++ al \at ich wene nolle\ hii hit bi-gynne; for none worle-\inge. Eafne \an worde for\riht; \o answerede \e cniht. Ich wolle so\ segge king; for ich ham \in onderling. \os haue\ Modred idon; \ine cweane he haue\ inome. and al Brutlond; iset to his owene hond. he his king and |eo cweane; of \ine keome nis no wene. for hii wene\ al to so\e; \at \ou ne comest neuere fra+ Rome. Ich ham \in owe man ich seh \ane swikedom = Min heued ich legge to wed++; so\ \at ich \e segge. == `o sat hit al stille; in Arthur his halle. \o was \ar moche sorinisse; mid +++++r \+n kinge. \o wer++ ++(u)ttusse men; swi\e onb++d for \an. `o bi an stunde; stemne \ar storede. wide me mihte +++re; Bruttune beare. hii (g)++ne to telle of fale cunn+ +++le. hou hii wolde for(d)+me Modred an+ ++ cweane. and al \at ++++++ for-don; \at mid Mo++++ +eolden. Arthur \o (sa)+++ hendest (a)lre Brutt(e) Sitte\ adun stille; cnihtes in halle. and ich |ou telle wolle; spelles oncou\e. Nou to-morwe wane hit dai beo\; and Drihte hine sende\. fo++ ++ wolle wende into Brutayne. and Modred ich wolle slean; and for-bearne \e cweane. = And her ich wolle bi-leaue; Howel \an eande; hehest of mine cunne; manne me leouest and half mi(ne) +++de; ich bi-leaue in \is ea+++ to holde al \is kinelon +++ +++ hab(b)e in mine hond. a++ +ane \eos \inges beo\ idon; a-|en ich wolle toward R+++ and mi lond bi-ta(k) +++++(n) mine meaye. = Solle a+++ ++++ fon; \is swikedom ++++(g)e. `o stod vp Waweyn \at was Arthures cun. and \eos word +++++ \e cniht (was) ++ol++ ++drihtene +++ ++++++++++ ++ouere. = +++ ++ ++++++ +++(r)ed; \is ++++ ++++++ itimbred ++ ++ +++ ++h hine sake; bi-++++ +(i)s do|e\e. and ich ++++ ++++++ wolle; mid Drihte+++ +++++ +i-seolf ich wolle ++++ ++++n and \e cwea++ +++ +++ = (f)or ne wor\e ++ ++++++ +li\e; ear come ++ time \at ich habbe min (e)am; awreke mid \an ++(st)e Bruttus \o answe(r)+++ ++d cwikere stem++ Al o+++ wepne his |are; nou to-morewe we sollen vare. A morwe \o hit dai (wa)s; and Drihte hine send(e) (Art)hur him for\ wende; ++d gode his cnihtes. halue ++ \are lefde; and halue h(e) for\ ladde. For\ he wende \orh \at l+nd; (\)++ +e com to Witsond. s+++s he hadde sone; manie and +++ ++++ ac fourtene niht; +++ +++ ++ ferde. weder a-++++ wyndes bi-dealed +++ ++s som forcou\ cniht ++ +++ures ferde. \at \o ++ +++++ +eme of Modred +++ ++++ + he nam his sw+yn one; +++ sende to londe +nd sende word Gwenayfer ou h++ was iwor\e \ar. a++ +++ Arthur was on vore; (m)++ m++++lere. = `e cweane com to Mod+++ +++ was hire leue +++ +++++ ++m tydinge of ++++++ +++ ++(n)ge. ou wold+ ++++ ++ and al ou he +++++ +++ ++dred nam his +++++ +++ +++de to Saxlond +++++ ++++driche; \ane ++++++ +++ (\an) liche and (b)++ ++++ ++(me) to Brutlond(e) +++++ ++ +++be solde. ==== al i+++ +++ +++ hond; a|en "h'alf +++++++berlond. == Cheldrich +++ +++++ ++-to Brutlonde. `+ + + + + +e cnihte(s) + + + + ++ weren \ar +++++ +++++ +(ou)send = \at were h++++ +++(m)e; for Arth(u)r his arme. Modr(ed) to helpe; forcou\est +++++ `o \e ferd(e) ++s igadered of alle m++-++nne. \o were \ar to heape; an hundred \ousend. hea\e(n)+ ++d +++++++(e); mid Modred+ +++ +++++ Arthur lay (at) W+++++nd; fourte niht h+ him \ohte to long. and al Modred wiste; wat Arthur \are wolde for eche dai him com sonde; fram \an kinges ferde. `o bi-fallet in on tyme; moche ++++ hit gan ry(n)e. an+ ++ ++++ +++ gan wende; and ++++ ++ +++ east eande. and Arthur to sipe wende; mid alle his cnihtes and hehte \at his sipmen; brohte hine at Romelan. \ar he \ohte vp wende; into \isse londe. `o he to \ar hauene com; M++red was aforn+|eon al so \e day gan lihte; hii bi-gonne to fihte. al \ane lang+ day; mani man \ar dead lay. somme hi fohte a lon(d)e; somme bi see-str++(d)e. = Waweyn wende bi-+++e and \ane way rumde. = and he sloh Cheldrich his so++; \at was mid \an f(a)+++ come. To raste |eode ++ +++(e); wo was \o \+ +++++ \ar was Waw(e)yn of-slawe; and idon of lif-da|e. \orh one eorl Saxisne sori w++\e his saule. `o was ++thur sori; and sor\foll(e) ++ +eorte. and \eos w(o)++ ++++de; richest alre (Brut)+++ Nou ich i-lore habbe Waweyn \at ich louede. Ich wiste wel bi min sweuen \at sor\we me was |euen. i-slawe his Angel \e king \at was min owe deorling. and Wawein mi soste"r' sone; wo his me for \are leore. Vp nou of sipe bliue; mine cnih++s ohte. (E)afne \an worde; +++de to ++hte. sixti \ou++++ ++++; baldere Bruttus and breke Modred his trome and wel neh him-seolf was inome. Modred gan to fleonde and his folk after. == `ar was al \at fiht idon; ac \e niht to ra\e com. |ef \at niht neore asla|en alle hii were. = and Modred so for\ com; \a+ he was at Londen. Hi-horde \e borh-men; al ou hit was ifaren. and wornde him in-gonde; and alle his folke. Modred \anne wende; in-to (W)ync+estre. and hii him onde(r)+++++ mid alle his manne. An+ ++thur after for\-riht; mid alle his mihte. \at he ++m to Wynchestre; mid alle his +++(d)e. +++ \e borh al bi-r++ ++d Modred \ar-ine ab+++ ++ ++dred iseh \at Arthur was so neh. ofte he hine bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte ++(d) he in \an ilke niht. he h++++ (al)le his cnihtes. mid alle ++++ +epne vt of borewe wen++ ++(d) saide \at he wolde mid +++te \ar at-stonde. == `o hit was day-liht; \o was |aru hire fiht. Arthur \at bi-hedde; king was abo+++ ++ +++++ blowe bumes; +++ +++++ +++ ++ fihte. he hehte a(l)++ +++ +eynes; and alle his +++++++ healpe him at \an +++++ +++ his feondes fa+++ +++ ++ borh al for-don; a++ +++ ++++ ++++ al an-hon. H++ ++-gadere stopen; and hardeliche foht+n. Modred \o \ohte +++ +e don mihte. and he d+de \are; ase he dude w++ +++re. s++++++ mid \an meste; for +++++ ++ ++++ onwreste. ++ ++++++ +++ +feres bi-vore ++++++++++ +nd cleopede +++ ++ ++s leueste cnih+++ = +++ ++++al fram \an +++++ ++ ++++d hine teahte. (an)+ +++++ +++ gode folk; alle +++ ++++++ +++++n alle lange +++ +++++ +at hire louerd +++ +++ +++ were |eom ++++++++ at mochelere ne(o)++ ++ ++ heold \ane way +++ ++++rd Hamtone l++ and ++++ +(o) \an haue++ for-++++++ ++(r)e cnihte a++ +++ ++++ ++ +++es \at \(ar +o)ht were. and \e steorme+ (al)le to \an sipes neode. and wen++ ++++ Cornwal++ onwrest+ +++++ in \ane da|e. And Arthur Wynchestre ++ ++rh bi-lay faste. and ++ +++ mancun of-sl++ +++ ++(s) sorewe inoh. ++ +++++ ++d \e holde alle he a++alde `o \at folk was al dead. \e toun he for-sealde \o lette he mid alle; to-breke \e walles alle. `o was i-funde \are; \at Merlyn saide wile. Wynchestre wo \e come\ to; \e eor\e \e sal for-swol|e. so Merlyn sayde; \at wisest was of manne. `e cweane lay at Euerwich; na+ |eo neuere so sorlich. = ~eo ihorde s(e)gge so\ere wordes. ou lome Modred fl++ +(n)d ou Arthur af+++ +++++ Wo was hire ++ +++++ +++ |eo was on +++++ ++ ++ ++++wike bi niht +++ ++++++ and toward +++++++ droh; So swi\e so +++ mihte for |eo nolde Ar++(u)r more ise; for al \an ++orle-riche. * to Cayrl+++ +++ com bi niht(e) mid twey+ +ire cnihtes and \are me hire hodede; an+ ++nechene makede. = And ++ (n)o man nuste; war |eo bi-come were. ne of hire eande; ne can no boc telle. in woche wise |eo was dead; and ou |eo hinne +ende. = Modred was in Co++wale; +++ gadere"de' cnihtes fale. to Irlonde he sende his sonde; and to Scotlonde. to Saxlonde he sende; after cnihtes hende. = \at wolde awinne to hire hond; feo seoluer o\er lond. === Arthur \is ihorde wro\est alre kinge. \at Modred was in Cornwale; mid mochele manferde. and \ar wolde abide; \at Arthur come ride. Arthur sende sonde; into al his kinelonde. and bad alle \e cnihtes; \at lond wolden holde. \at hi alle sone; to him-seolue come. bote he were swike; and mid Modred heolde. * \aie he habbe nolde; \eh hii comen wolde * wo-se for-seate; \is \at king h}te. \e king hine wolde slean; o\er cwik al for-bearne. Hit wende to \an kinge folk onimete. ridende+ and +ohinge; ase \e ren falle\. ++++++ to Cor(n)wale wende +++ +++(m)ete +++de. Modred +++ +++++e; and him to-|ea+e(s) +++lde. mid onimete ++lke; \ar were manie f}ye. (v)ppe \ar T+(m)bre; icome to-gaderes. \e stude hatte Camelford; euere-more i-last \at word. And "at' Camelford were mid Arthur sixti \ousend manne. and mo \ousendes |ite; in Modred his syde. `o \iderward gan ride; Arthur \e riche. mid onimete folke; of cnihtes wel bolde. Vppen \ar Tambre hii smite to-gadere. = drowen sweorde longe; and smiten on \e healmes \at \e fur vt sprong; \e swippes wer(e) bitere. == Tambre was on flode; mid onimete blode. ne mihte man in \an fihte; icnowe nanne kempe. wo dude wors ne wo dude bet; so \at weder was imenged for ech sloh adun riht; were he sweyn were he cniht. `ar was Modred of-sla|e; and idon of lifda|e. and alle his cnihtes isla|e in \an fihte. `ar weren of-sla|e; alle \e snelle. Arthures hiredmen heh|e and lo|e. and \e Brutt(e)s alle; of Arthu(r) his borde. and alle hi+ fosterlin++s; of ++++ +++ne-riche And ++++++ him-seolf for-w++++ mid one spere br(o)d(e) +++tene he hadde; feond++che wond++ + man mihte in \an leaste; two gloue(s) \reaste. `o nas \ar na more; ileued in \an fihte; of two hundred \ousend manne; \at \ar lay to-hewe; bote Arthur \e king one; and twei of his cnihtes Arthur was for-wonded; wonderliche swi\e. \ar com a |ong cnaue; \at was of his cunne. he was Cador his sone; eorl of Cornwale. Constantin he hehte \e king hine louede. \e king to him bi-heold; and \eos word sa(i)de. = Constantin \ou hart wilcome; \ou were Cador h+s s+ne. Ich \e bi-take here; mine kineriche and wite mine Bruttus wel bi \ine liue. == And ich wolle wende to Auelun to Argant \are cweane. = and |eo sal m(i)ne wond(e)s; m++++ al i-sunde. al +++ ++ +++ie; mid halewei++ ++++++++ +nd su\\e ich ++++ ++++ +|en to mine +++++++ = Eafne \an ++++ ++r com of see wende. a l(u)++ sort bot; wandri mid \++ beres. and two wimm++ +++ine; wonderliche igynned. +++ +++ ++men Arthur anon; an+ ++ \an bote bere. and hin(e) soht+ +dun leyde; and for\ +++ (ga)n wende. `o was +++ ++onde \at Merlyn saide wile. \at solde beon mochel care; after Arthures for\-fare Brutt++ ileue\ |ete; \at he be+ on liue. and w+nie in Auailun; mid ++++este alre cwene. = Nas (n)euere \e man ibore; ne of womman icore. \at conne of \an so\e; of Arthur segge more. Bote wile was a witti Merlin ihote he saide mod wordes; his sa|es were so\e. \at Arthur solde |ite; come Bruttes +++ for to healpe. Constantin nam \is lond; and Brut(t)us hine lo(u)ede. = Nou hadde Modred twei sones; (o)f mayne hii were(n) stronge. h(ii) seh|e ou hit ferde here; of Arthur \an caisere. and ou hire fader was of-slawe; and idon of lif-da|e. and ou Bruttes to-dreued were; on ma++ cunnes wise. Hii spe++ +++ bi-twine; and somne"de' fe++++ === and \ohte slean Cons+++tin; and al his lond (b)+-++++ him. `at ihorde Consta++++ \e king was abolw. +++ sende his sonde; ouer ++ his londe. and hehten comen alle; +ane king to helpe. W(e)nde toward ferde; |on(gl)enges snelle. \rit++ \ousend anon; \raste to \an kynge. and \e king for\rihtes; makede |am cni(h)tes. O\er cnihtes \ar comen \at hear at fihte weren. ++ hadde he to-gadere; sixti ++++++d. `is ihorde beie; ++++++es sones tweie +++ +++++ heom ++ +++ ++ +++ +(ou)ne + + + + + + + + ++++ +++dene wende. and \e o\er wende solde in-to Wynchestre. and \ar hii wolde a-bide; \at \e king come ride. and wolde mid him fihte; mid al hire mihte. Ac \o hit com to neode; al o\er weies hit |eode. Constanti(n) gan wende toward Londene. `at ihorde segge \at \e borh bi-wiste. = nomen heom to reade and to som-roune. \at hii wolde holde; mid Constantin \an +++++ and Modred his son++ +++ +++e; \at \ane mor\re +++++e Modr(ed) his ++++ ++++ (a)nd to on(e) ++erche +++ +++ Constantyn after +++++ ++d \are hine kah++ ++ +++g mid his swerde +++ ++++ +++ of-swipte. ==== `is +++ht was sone idon; for ++ni na|en stode. == Su\(\e) he nam \ane way; \+t ++++++ Euerwike lay. and for\ +++ +++ +ad \e Bruttus of Lun++++ and t+ Wynchestre ++++ ++d s+++ in wende +++ ++++ M+++ed his sone; +++ ++++ +is fader wone; +++ +++++e his feres; and fleoh ++++ ++e chirche. and \e king ++ +++ dreh; and \at + + + + + + his sweord ++ +++ ++d ++ hefd of-sloh. \at Amphibales weued; was al a blode. = `o was Constantin king of al \is kineriche. \o bigan \ar blisse; for wonie in Brutayne = here were \e ilke lawes; \at stode bi Arthur his da|es. Ac \at ilke ilaste to lutele wile. for he ne lifde bote four |er; \at h"is' fon hine a-cwelde. and his men him brohte; riht to Ston-henge. and \are hine leide; bi le+fue his ealdre. Seo\\e was Conan; i-houe her to kinge. \at was \e worste man; \at \e sonne euer son "on'. Constantines so++++ ++ne; his eam he du++ ++ ++\e. for \at he had++ +++++ to \isse kin++iche. C++++ +++ ++ter; his eames ++++ +++++de. He ne heold+ +++ +++++ hi"s' owene men h++ +++++ +++ = ech borh in \an +++++ +++de to sconde. = Six |er+ +++++ ++s sorinesse in londe. +o ++++ +e king of horse; and endede his da|es. wel was al \is folke +(or) +++ fay-si\e. `o al \++ +++ al ido \us +o i-w+++ ++++ Vortiporus ++ +++++ +++isse men seilen ++ +++++ and mochelne har+ ++++te; bi-neo\e \are Hu+++e slo|en and nemen al \++t hii neh comen. And Vorti++rus \e hende; sende after genge. and wend"e' to |eom and fulde Saxisse men. and mani \ousend sente to \are see-grunde. \us he |am forferde; and of his londe fleemde; \at neuere |et bi his dai|e; ne luste |am hider fare. His da|es w++e soue |er; and su\\e he de+de her. `o nam \es riche; Malgus \e kene. \at was \e fairest man; wi\-vte (A)bsalon and Adam. ase bokes sege\; \(a)+ +uere ibor(e) were. === Ne dorste non on-hende man \es kinges londe seche. = Nou was eaft \is lond ifulled mid blisse ++ bledes for\ come; ouer ++ +++ kinedome. `e king (of) tresur ne rohte; ac al ++ hit |af his cnihtes. ne ++++e no man segge; of mur++ (no) more. \an was mid +++ kinge; bote of one \in++ He louede \e sunne \at loh his oure Drihte \e wimmen he for-so. and to wepmen he tok. we+men louede wepmen; wifm++ +am lo\e were. === `orh-vt alle +++ne+ \ing; was \es ilke god +++g bote of \are sunne; \at ich i-said habbe `o com on of his cunne; Carich was ih(o)te. and nam \isne kined++ and mid sorwe won+++ \ar-on strong cniht +++ ++++++ (a)c he nas +++ ++++ = ++s w++ ++++ ++++++ man+ hu + + + + + + + + him a+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ +++ ++++ bi-|eate; wor\+++++ +++++ and he wolde +++++++++ +am makie +++++++ +++ su\\e gon for\ +++ ++ ++nne kineriches = +++ +++++ +++ward Affrike ++ ++++ +++++++he. = and co+++ ++ ++++++++ \an hea\e++ kinge. `o hii were to-++++re icome +++ mani one +++++de. \o weren \ar itold +++++++ +++\e bold. an hun++++ +++ ++++i \ousend; mid +++ gode +ep(n)e. = Gormund +++++ ++nde; mid onimete fer(de) = to \are see wende ++t +++ wind hadde. int(o)++++ ++nde; h(e)a\ene kempes. ++uentene \ar were; kin+++ sone riche. eahte and +++nti eorlenes sones to \an sipes +++++ soue hundred +++++ w++e fram \an lon++ == ++ +++-++++es alle; \at hii ++++++ f++++ and al Gormunde ++++ ++ his owene hond. ma++ kyng(e) ++ ++at wi\; and ++++ hii |ornde his gri\. and ++++ \e londes he bi-won; +++ he mid e|e lokede on. And \o at \an heande he com to Irlonde. \at lond he al ++-(wo)n and acwelde \e leode. and was icleopid king \are; of \an kinelonde. and su\\e he gan wende in-to \isse londe. sailes drowe many gome; and come ++ Su\-hamtone. `o (won)+++ bi Nor\humbre; (of Hen)+++tes cunne. = hii ho+++ +++++ge; of Gormund +++ +++ge. ofte hii |a+ +++++++ wat i don m++++ ++ +++ mihte bi+++++ ++++++ in his rich. +++ +(ruttu)+ ++++ acwelle. mid hire lu\er-cr+++++ Saxisse men send(e) +++de; to Carich \ane k(i)+ge and saide \(a)+ +++ ++de; wi\ him g+++ ++++++ leouere (|a)m were; Ca++++ his men beon. \an(e) ++++++d \an stronge; ki(n)+ of (o\)er lande. |ef he |a+ wolde |eue \at lond \++ Vortiger hadde wile a+++++ ===== Carich ilefuede hire le++++ and his gri\ |am |ett(e) and one dai |a(m) sette. ++ was Carich b(i)-++(ike) (a)+ mid hire craft++ ++++++ euere su\\e; Kenrich ++ +++++ al mid hoker word(e)+ ++ king hii for(h)+++de. (C)+rich ilefde to so\e Sax(i)+++ mannes lore. Vnder \a+ wordes; hii lette writ makie. and sende hire sonde to king Gormunde ++d \us \at writ saide (\a)t Saxisse men sende. Hayl beo \ou Gormund; and alle \ine cnihtes; = We beo\ Saxisse men; icome of \ine cunne. \at Hengest of Sax-+++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ============================================================ ============================================================ ============================================================ ========= =========== + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ \ou salt ++ ++ ++ ++++ way. For\ fer++ ++++++ ++d his clearc+++ +++ +++ = and so for\ ++ +end \at he +++ ++ +++ lond. he wen++ ++ +++ +++t Adelbert + + + == + + + \are Godes ++++ + + + + it horde + + + +++ +e \e speche +++++ ++m and |ornde ++(i)stendom. I-folled +++ ++elbert \e king; a++ ++ ++s cnihtes mid hi(m) +++ anon he gan wirche +++ +++++ +aire chirche. in Seinte +++nete his name; wel +as \an kinge. `o wen++ Seint Austin for\; riht +ast and su\\e nor\. and su\\e \orh al Eangelond; and tornde hit to Godes hond. cleorekes he learede +nihtes he arerde. seake +++ he healde; \orh Gode+ ++hte. And so he droh +++(e)stre; su\ to Rou++++++ +ar he funde \e ++++++ men; \at were in +++ londe. = he bead |am +++ Cristendo(m); and +++ ++ennede |am an. `ar ++++ ++++t Austin and his ++++++++ mid him. and ++ac of Crist Godes s+(n)e; ase (e)ar was his wone. and hii to him wende; to wro\ere heale. and nemen roh|e tayl++ |am ++ +++ to rou\e. and hangd+ ++ +is cope; eue(re)che halue. = and su\\e |++++ hine on; mid hire foule scornes. \us hi hine synde; and driuen of \an eande. Seint Austyn |am was lo\; and he iwar\ swi\e wro\. and fif mile wende fram Rouce(s)+++ and com to one hulle +++ dude God his wille. +e gradde toward God; \at he hine awrek(e) of \an lu\er folk(e) +++ ++ne isend hadde. an+ +++++ hine ihord; and dude ++che wreche. = `at tayle+ |am com an; and alle +++ +++les beren. I-send was al \++ mancun; for moggles ihafden. and amang \e kinge his cnihtes; me cleo\e++ heom mogly"n'ges = and (m)+ny an hendi man; i+ +++++\e londe; for \an(e) ++++ ++++ +++ habbe\ neb read++ +++ ++nie gode mannes ++++ for fram |am won++ +++ ne come noht \ar +++ icleopid hii beo\ c+++ Austin him woned+ ++der \are muned(e) = +++ ++++pede to Drihte; ++ ++++ +++++ +++ nih(te)s. and weren asca(m)+++ sore; for \an o"n'wreaste deade = `o \ohte he \ar-after sone; wende ai|en to Rome. and mene ++ Gregorie \an holye pope. = Alse he w++ ++++ +++ he wolde for\-f+++ in +++ +lke nihte; \ar com to him oure Drihte. and cleopede him his riht name; wele glad was he \ar-vore. Wat \enchest Austin; wat woldest \ou leof min. Woldest \ou \is sone; wende a|en to Rome. = +++ hart swi\e leof me; +++ +++ wolle wonie mid \e. = heo+++e his \e al |are \ider sal \in saule fare + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++ cernis; ich +++ +++ ++ ++ ++glis. = ===== Austin w++++ ++++ |eond Eangl+++ +++++ ++ follede kinge ++ +++++++ eorles. = he fo+++++ ++++++++ men; he fol++++ +++++++ men. he to++ ++ +++++ hond; al \++ +++ ++ ++nd. = Nor+ ++ ++++++++++ Bruttus had++ ++ +++++ = `e Bruttus nold++ +++++ Eanglesse bouwe. +++++ heom monekes w++++ wel many cor(n)+++ Seint Austin funde; ine \isse londe soue bispes to iwisse; singende masse. a(n)d on archebissop; \at at Cairlyon at-+++d. Bangor was on abbey ifulled wid monekes. Dyonoth hehte \e abbod; he was of he|e cu+ne. he hadde in soue abbeyes sixtene hundred monakes. = of Bruttus streone; swi\e modi men. Writes sende Austin to \is soue bissopes. and hehte heom come sone; and speke wi\ him-seolue. and do+ +++ horsummisse; and \o++ ++m singe masse for h+ ++++++ ++ ++++++ ++ hehnisse ++ ++++ +++++ ++ was i-c++++++ +++++ ++ ++se lon++ ++ +++ ++++++ = +++ +++sopes +++++ ++++ +++ answere +++++ ++ +++ we noht o++++ +im; \e is ihote ++sti. = +++ ++++++ oure rihtes of ++++ +rchebissop \at wone\ in Cairl+++ god (cl)eark and wel i+++ +++ +++e\ his cant++-++++ ++ +++++ri \e pop(e) +++ +++ mochele worsipe ++++++ ++s wike. = Her-vore ++ ++++e bouwe Austin (\)++ (o)ncou\e. = For Austin h(is) +ider icome; in-to \isse +++de and haue\ ifolled \ane king; Cantelburi his a\e++++ = and ++ haue\ ifunde +++ hea\ene hundes; \at +(id G)ormund come; woche ++ (alle) fol|e\. = hii holde\ oure +++(elo)nd; mid onriht in hi++ +++d. Cristene we beo\ ++++ +++ of Cristene cunne +++ ++++ ealdrene so were; ++++ ++ +reo hundred |er. +++ +++ ++++ neuwene icome; +++ +++++++dom habbe\ i-++++ +++ Austin |am fol+++ +++ ++ ++d fouse\. For ++ +++++ hine wolle\; and ne+++e louie nolle\. = `eos tydinges come to Austin sone (h)ou \is balde bissope(s) +++ sende hokere wor+++ = `o was he so++-mod sorhfolle on h++rte. sone +e gan wende; and mende to \an kinge. = ou Bruttusse bisso(p)++ ++(ne) grette mid h++++ = +(e king) hine wrea\\ede; w(on)derliche swi\e. and saide \at he wolde a-cwelle him in londe. and so +e dude su\\e \ar-after wel sone. Adelbert was in londe; king swi\e stronge. \is +++g hadde anne mai +++rich was i(h)ote +++ ++r\humberlo+++ ++++++est alre kinge. ++ +++++ ++++ ++ reades \at de+++ ++++ ++ biss++++ = Nou n++++ ++ +++++++ none + + + + + + + + + + sende sonde; +uer al h++ londe. and Alfrich (e)+++ ouer al his \eode = h(ii \o)+te \e Bruttus al fo(rdo). \e clearekes for-dem(e) +++ wende to Leycestre +++ \e borh bi-leye +++++ +++ wisten \ar-ine +++++++++ \at was a Br(u)++++ ++++ cniht mid \(a)+ +++++ ++hede in Leyces+++ +++++++++ vt wende; a(n)+ +++++++ his ferde. an+ +++++ +++ ++ fihtes wi\ A(d)++++++ +++ cnihtes. and s+++ him was ouer-come; and his Bruttus were inome. and so hii ++-gonne \reste; in-++ ++++++est++ sl+++n and nomen ++ +++ hii n++ comen. and sa+++ \at hii wolde into Wale(s) wende. and slean alle \e (Br)+++++ \at \are were (bi-h)+++++ = +nder \ane \inge ++ue tydinge \are come. monekes heremites and canones wite. bissopes clear(ek)es; preostes mid Godes markes. and to \is kinges feet fulle; and his gr++ +ornde. and beode for God++ ++(u)e; \at hii moste libbe ++ +++++ +++ +++ wolde to God for h++ + + + + +e. `o |am +++++++++ ++rcu\est (a)lre +++++ = +++++\ vt in +++ +++++ +++ ++le m++ ++++++ +++ +++ ou wolle word sende; ou |ou sal iwor\e. === Alle hii vt wende \at \ider icom(e) were. \es kinges gr+\ seche; for loue of God seolue. == Alfrich n(am) to reade; \eh no ma"n' h+++ ne bede. \at he wolde ++ \is folk falle to grunde. He sende ++r\rihtes; fif hundred cnihtes. and many hundred mid heom bolde men a fote. mid mochele gisharmes; hii wende in-to \an felde. and adunrihtes slowen al \at hii neh comen. Hii fulde to \an grunde; fift+++ (h)undred and fif and s++++ +non; of ++++++ ++++++ = +is sone +++ ++++ +++e and side ++ +++++ ++ +++++ \reo men ++++++ +++ ++ ++ +++ttus ++++ ++++++ ++ +++ ilke. Ba+++++ ++ ++++ +++l of Cor(n)++++ = ++ +++++ ++++nisse ++++ ++ +++ +++++ ase \at +++er Desse wende\ into \are see. Bruttus \at lond heolde; wel sw+++ longe; fort+ ++++++++ ++ ++ronge. dr+++ ++++ ++++ +++bre. = \at n(eu)e(r)+ +++ +++ kinelond; ne w++++ ++ hire hond. In+ +++++++(es) was a king; Cadiga(n iho)te. of Su\wales Ma+gadud; cniht alre fayrest al \at londe seale; into +++++++ ============================================================ ================================== ================= and to \an kinge |eode \o he com to boures dore \e king sayde welcome. and loueliche him spac wi\; and cleope"de' hine louerd === `e king \e archebissop bi-sohte; fayre and swi\e ofte. \at he in his cunde king hine makede. To one iset daye; \at folk was igadered. \ar me Cadwal\an sone; makede to kinge. moche was \e b+++e; \at was in \an borwe. Of \isse farecoste; Edwyn no\ing nuste. and so sone so he h++ wiste; wro\ he was on h++te = and sayde he wold+ +cwelle + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + holde. and neuere eft a|en teon; wi\ \an \a"t he' moste king beon. = and he wolde bi his liue; Cadwal\an louie. and beo |are to his neode; in euereche \eode `is ihorde Cadwal\an \at king was bi su\e. and he answerede mid mildere speche. Nou ich ihorde habbe wordes wise; of Edwine his bisockne; \at his min bro\er deore. ich me bi-readen wolle; of socchere neode. and after lutel furste; him answere sende. wa\er \a(t ich hit wol)le; o\er \at ich noll+ = ++ +++ was iset; ++ +++++ +++ +++ +e bet `o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \e riche weren at reade Com \ar a bour-cniht; and sat adun for\-riht. he was \e kinges soster sone Brian hehte his name. he nam \an kynges hefd. and leyde vppe his lappe = `e king him gan sleape; and Brian gan wepe. vrne \e teares; vppe \e king his leores. and \e king of-frihte; and a-wok of sleape. he gropede on his nebbe; he wende \at hit bledde. and biheold Brian \at weop swi\e sore. == `o axede \e k(ing anon C)adwal\an +++++ +at his \e leoue +++ +++ +++ ++++++ to-+++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + bolwe biterliche swi\e and sende his sonde; to Edwin \an kinge. and hehten him hi|enliche; wende vt his riche. For ne sal he bi mine liue; kinehealm brouke. and |ef he hit |eorne\; ich him sal werne. and ich him b(i)-reaue wolle; of his bare liue. and nime al Nor\humberlond; to min owene hond. and habbe +++ riche; and he sal wor\e wrecche. `eos tydinge me brohte to (Ed)w(y)n \an kinge. and ++ was a-bolwe; ase \e +++ wilde = wanne he his ++ ++++ ++++++++ +++ +unde. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ ++ +++de mochel mod. Edwyn wende ouer Humbre; and Cadwal\an to Londene. \eos kinges weren wro\e; \o a-ros \e werre. Hii riden and hii hear"n'de; hii nome hii barnde. hii slowen; and nomen al \at hii neh comen. wo were \an bondes; \at in londe wonede. Cadwal\an was in Londene; and gaderede his ferde. wide he sende his sonde ++++ fal(e) cune-londe. he hadd+ ++-gadere; fifti +++++++ w + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + saide for\rihtes. For ni\ing wor\e \e mon; \at nele him-seolue heolpe. = teache \an kinge; \at he cwik ous finde. He lette blowe bumes and banni his ferde. for\ he gan wende; \at he com to \an eande. \ar \e king Cadwal\an; wonede on comelan. To-gadere hii gonne rease; cnihtes swi\e riche breaken speares lange; scealdes brastelende. hewen he|e healmes; faulsede brunies ++mtede sadeles; and folle ++++e cnihtes. ++ \ar was ++++orlich; \+ eor\e gan ++ ++(n)ie. vr++ ++ ++++++s (of) \an r++++ +++++ +++++e \e flockes ++++++++ +ebbes. +(r)uttus go+++ ++i\e; wo w+s ++ ++++++ `us hii +++++ ++++ ++++ +ay lange + + + + + + + +g \o + + + + + + + + + = fleah + + + + + + + + he for\ ++++ +++ +undred +++++++ +++ +++++ +o Scotlonde +++++ +++ +++ ++ +onde + + + + + + + + on mid + + + + + + + +e. bal++++ +++++ +++++ede \+n +++++ == hii \ohte hine a-cwelle. Cadwal\an fleah to \are see; and sipes \are he funde. \e sipes he gan hure; mid |eftes swi\e deore. and in-to Irlonde; \e sipes gonne wende. hauene \ar nemen; and to londe |eoden. `o hadde Irlond; a king \at was swi\e strong he was icleoped Gillopart he was god cniht and hard he vnderfeng Cadwal\an; faire mid his cosses. and |ef him wikeninge; (ou)er al his londe. Leate w(e) +++ beon C(adw+++\)an; and ++ ++ to Edwy++ ++an Edw+++ in + + + + + + + + + leode ++++++ ++++++ he barnde cas(t)+++ ++ +++de his f++++ dude ++ +++++ +earmes +++++ strong. + + + + + + + lond; h+ + + + + + hond. == ibor(e) ++++ + + + + him + + + + + + + + + \at w++ + + + + + + + +++mon ++ + + + + + + + + +de in + + + + + + + + longe + + + + + + his f+ + + + + + + + so sone + + + + + + + + bedde. == `e king dude +++++dom; \at he \at ilke may nom. for \e wifman eueremo; was Edwynes fo. `o was mid \an kinge; a cleark \at com fram Spayne. Peluz was ihote; of swi\e he|e lore. he cou\e of \an crafte; to loki in \an lufte. in sonne and in steorres; and in \an see brode insiht he cou\e; of wind+ and of mone. of \an fisse \a+ ++ fleot; and of \an ++++++ \are "hii' creop Cadw+++++ ++ ++londe; gadere"de' +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++++++ cleopede; his beste cnih(tes) alle. and saide \at he wolde; to Brutayne wende. and \ane king he wolde i-sen +++ Salomom was +hot+ + ++ +++++ him likede (\)+ ++ler +++ +++ +++e sibbe. hii w+++ of +++ +++e+ \e kinge. bo\e t++yne. = Cadwal\an ++ +ipe com; and wende for\ +id +\e. and saile++ ++ wilde see; sor\-fo+ + + + to on yllond he +++++ +++ stond bi |ernem+++ +++de ou him like(d)e \ar he +++ ++kie. \ar (h)+ ibude ++++res; for \+ +++d+ to +++++ ++ +war\ + + + + + \orh + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a lust; + + + + + + + + Brian his +++ ++ +++++de; and sone hit +++ +++++ bote ich habbe deor++ ++++ anon; dea\ ich mot +++++ Ofte was Brian wo; +++ neuere worse \an \o. hundes nam Brian; and hired-men wel idon. ouer al wodes; and feldes. ne mihte he no\ing finde; \orh none cunnes \(i)nge. no\er heort ne hinde; ne mihte ++ ++++++ finde. `e king sende his sonde; to Brian \at was so longe. = Brian him bi-\ohte; wat he don mihte. and bi-\ohte of one read; \at tornde to mochel god. he igrop an nailsex; wel i-wet and kene. and feng him-seolue so neh; \at he cutte his owe \eh. for onimete neode; \ar-of he makede breade he hit ++++de an hi|enge; and +++ ++t \an kinge. Hayl ++ ++u Cadwal\an; \ou +++ (m)in kinelouerd. ich +++be \e her ibroht; bread+ alre deorest. \at ich euere on borde; bar bi-vore kinge. E++ her-of sone \in eale +++ +++l wor\e. `e king sat on his bedde; and cnihtes him +++eolde. +f \are b++++ ++ at; ++++ ++++++++ ++ ++s \e +++ ++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ +we++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (n)iht \e ki+ +++++ ++++ +or\riht. = His fo++ +++++ +++\e; \o he tornde ++ +ife. ++nd |am com to wille; and hii ++ sipe wende. sailes hii dro|e; and s+++den mid \an wedere. +++++ weren glade; hire ++++++++++ +unge. == At Ridelet ++ +++ (al)ond; \ar was blisse +++ (mo)chel song bi-+(w)ix Din++ +++ ++++ (see) |et hit his i-sene. So sone so he \ar com; he was faire onderfon. \es kinges weren bli\e; bo\e to-gadere. \ar wonede \e king al \an ilke winter. \ar-after com leinte; and da|es gonne longy. \ar hii gonne somni sipes onifo|e. mid folke swi\e ken(e); \e sipes he fulde. `us dude Cadwal\an; ac Pelluz +++ +(is)te anon. \orh \an +++++++++++te; for loki in \an l++++ ++(d) al \at he afunde; ++ +++ +++++ and bi grunde \orh a+++ cunnes \inge; he warn(e)de \an kinge. and dude him al to iwite; of ++n ferde and of \(a)+ +++++ Cadwal\an wa(s) in Brutayne; mid Salo(mo)n \an kinge. \at was +++ ++++ie sone; an + + + + + + + a++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + he+++ + + + + + + +ne + w++++++ +++++ \ane king + + + + + + \ing of ++le cu+ne \inges; \at him to coming were. Cadwal\an \e gode; wo wa(s) him in mo+e. and ofte spac wi\ Bria+ +++ (wa)s his deore m++ +++ ++++n heom to reade; (a)++ ++ +++-roune; \at al \(a)+ ++(l)e; \at Pel(l)++ ++++ +++fe. ne m(i)hte Cadwal\an come to +++++ londe mid neuere non(e) +++++ \at Edwin hit nuste. Brian hadde moche care; ++d he banned(e) +++ fare. +++ him ase h++++ +++++; of +++luer and of +++++ = and he nam tonnes ++++ and \at catel dude +++-ine To \are see he wende; (an)d +++++++ +++ u\e. he hadde ++ +++ ++(r)e; win-tonnes i++++ ++ see and in londe (his) +++ he lette fondi. and in eche wise he tok +++ ++ ase he were a chep+++ ++ he w++++ at Barb+++++ and a+ ++++(am)t+++ vt leo++ + + + + + + + lette + + + + + + + and + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = + + + + + + + +ouede +++ +++++an Bi an so+++++te; he spac wi\ his ++++++s. alle weren his +++r+s; ase hii chepmen ++re. an eor\-hus hii hurede; \at was wel bi-walled. hii clusden \ar wi\-ine; alle hire wyntonnen hii makede hire louerd; ane name neuwe. hii he+te hine Kinebord; vt of Spaynes eor\. Hii saide \at hii wenden + + + + ================================================== ========================== ========== + + + + + +e borewe ne ++++++ ++ him abide. `at +++rde Deuenes; and ++ +++ of Dorsete. and \e ++rnwalse; wel was heo+ on liue. Brian sende his sonde; ouer see to Brut-londe. and dude \an kinge to wite; bo\e bi wor++ and bi ++ite. of alle his deade; ++d ou P+++++ was "on' dea\e. +++ +++ +++ on hi|en++ ++++ ++ +++++ +on+e. an+ ++ ++++ ++++ ++ so +wi\+ ++ ++ +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++pes. + + + Cadwal\an +++++ ++der stod at ++++ ++++ mid \an bes++ +++ +++++ hire loues; a++ +++++ ++ sayles. = and comen ++ ++++nas; bo\e \e kinges. Salamon \e seale; and Cadwal\an \e kene. \at lond-folk was bli\e; for hire leod-kinges. `o was in Estlond on king \at hehte Penda. he bi-wuste a \an dawe; \at ++++ of Marchene lawe. and he louede Edwyn; wonderliche swi\e. and euere he wolde reade; Edwyn to his neode. And Penda i-horde segge; so\ere wordes. \at Brian heold Excestre; +++++sed swi\e faste and ++ +++g Penda wide +++ +++++ \o. and +++++++ +++++ +++ for\ +++ +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + was \++ +++ ++++ +++ ++ ++rh werede. S+++ ++ tydinge co++ +++ +o \are hau(e)++ ++ +++++as. to Cad(w)+++++ ++ +inge; ou Bri++ +++ ++++onge. = he wol++ ++++ \ane way; \at toward Excestre lay. and dealde on \reo flockes; his stale-wor\e cnihtes. and \us clepie agon; \e ki++ w(a)s a-bolwe. Euer ech+ god cniht; mid wepne(s) him dihte. = and a-reade we Brian; \at his min leoue man For |ef heo nime\ Brian he hine wolle a-cwelle. and su\\e he wole him a-hon; and alle his veres for-don. and ous \ar-after su\\e; bi al hire mihte. To hii gonne r+++ speres hii lette glide. breken brode weyes; brastlede scealdes. = falewede nebbes. folle \e cnihtes. = blod \ar orn in waye; stremes swi\e brode. \are neren eorle(s) ++ wor\ere \ane che+++++ +are +++++ of-slaw++ ++++ +++++++ +ulle M+++h++++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++da; m++ +++ +++++ ++nde. = `us h++ +++++ ++ ++ng; and du(de) ++++ ++ nde. wi\-ine ++++++++ +++ ++-witede hine fa+++ ++ ++++++ hit ferde; in ++++ +++ ++hte. \at nas +++++ \e king; iwemmed (\)+++ +++++ cunnes \ing. and Cadwa(l)\an hine bi-wiste; wel mid \an beste. and faire hine +(e)dde; and faire hine be+(e)dde. `o weren agon seu++(e) niht; \o nam Penda +ne cniht. \at was swi\e +is man; and wel cou\e of speche = and +++++ ++++ bi-sohte; for lou+ ++ ++++ Drihte. \at he spe++ +++ Cadwal\an; \at was ++(s) kin(e)-louerd. \at he hi++ gri\ie wolde; for loue o+ God seolue. and he wolde bi-come his man; his mans+++e he|i. da|es and nihtes; he and a+ (h)is cnihte(s). ++ cniht +++ for\ wen++ ++ +++++l\++ \an +++++ +++ ++ ++++ +mette; +++ +++++ +grette. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + hote\ ++ +++ +++ +i-take me his ++++ +++ +++d and his ga++++++ +++ min trewe +++ +++++ beon; and noh+++ mine harm iseon. = ich me bi-readen wolle; ++ +++++++++ +eode. `ar ++++ +++\-riht answerede ++ +++e cniht. So ich euere ++++ i\eon; ich wolle here ++ borh beon. and habbe to (i)vere; an hundred rideares. vp al oure lond; vppe seoluer and vppe gold. And so ich ibide ore; |et he wole ++++ +++ ++ster he haue\ +++++ ++ +++ ++++ eande. \e "f'eir+++ +++-mon; ++ ++++ +++++ ++++++ +n. \+ +(in)g ++ ++++++ ++o++++ +++n++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ he +++++ ++++ +++++++ ++++ ++ns +++++++ = + + + + + + + + + ere + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ +++++rede ++++++++(n) (\)+t was ++++ ++ londe. = ~ef \+ ++++ +nder Crist; \es +++++++ me holde; ic(h) ++ ++++ ++ hure; al Deu++++++++ ++ for Elene loue; loke swi\e \at |eo come. `e cniht him gan wende; mid mochelere genge. to \an castle of Douere; \at stond vp \ar oure. he nam \are Eleyne; and to Londene ladde. = \at was mochel blisse; to alle \an folke. `ar \e king Cadwal\an com to-|enes |am. he \at maide weddede; and nam hire to his bedde. \ar was mid iwisse; onimete blisse `o hit was day a morwe; and \e forewardes ifastned were. = \o nam he cnihtes hende; and after Penda sende. ware he was wel faste; in \an castle of Excestre. and mid mochele loue; hehte him come to Londene. Penda to Londene com; he was faire onderfon. and Cadwal\an \e kene; mid ++++ hine custe. and Pen++ ++com his man; his +++-sipe was \e more. \o ++ren Londenisse men ++++est alre leode. `o (w)as hit su\\e \ar-after noht lon++ (C)adwal\an gan wen++ ouer al \is londe. and alle \at him louede; he |am gan gri\ie. and alle \at ne heolde him wi\; he bi-nam +am \at lif. = and hi|endliche gan wende; in-to Nor\-humbre. and \at lond gan weste; mi(d) harme \an meste. `at ih(orde) Edwyn; and al \at louede him. swi\e he gan drede of Cadwal\anes deades. Edwyn nam his sonde; and sende to Saxlonde. he sende into Dene; and into Norene. in-to Walselonde; in-to Scotlonde. in-to Orcaneye; into Galeweye in-to Islonde; in-to Frislonde. = and bad |am come sone; mid wepne w(el) idone. to driue vt \e Bruttus; \at busie were to harmes. and wane he Bruttus hadde mid bronde to-hewe he wolde al \is kinelond; sette on hire hond. bote \at he icleopid were; king of \an londe. he wolde to \an cnihtes; al \is lond to-deale. Ac he wel lute wiste; wat \ar ful after. `are come t+ +++ king Edwyn; of ma++ +++nes londe; = \ar comen s+++++ +++ges; souentene eorl++ +++ sixti \ousend cnihtes. N++ he ibore neuere; in none borewe. \a+ +++te in eny spelle; \at o+++ folk telle nas hit neuere iseid; no in boke irad; \at euere eni king; so moche folk welde in his owe honde; here in Engelonde. Edwyn for\ wende; mid mochele his ferde. and Cadwal\an after wende; mid onimete folke. `(e) stude hatte A\el-ferd; \ar hii a-stode vnder sceald. twealf mile his \+ ++++ +++ his so hote. Edwi++ ++ +++ eande; his teldes al++ +++++ = and Cadwal\an \e (k)+++ him com to-|eines son. +++ \ar reasde to-gadere; m++ folk onimete. Hii fohten feondeliche; follen \e feye brokes \ar ++ne; of \an blod re(a)de. = H+++++ +++ ++llen; cniht(e)s +++ ++++++ = ++ ++++ for++ ++++ +++++ (\o)+++nd + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a go(m)+ + + + + + + + +++ +++++ +++ ++ m++ +++++ ih(ot)e n++++ ++ ++ ++++++ ++++ one hundred +++++++ `eos to wode +++++ +++ \are gonne wonie. and barnde Cadw(al)\anes lond; and |eode him to harme an hond. and his folk slowe; in fale cunne wise. `at i-horde Cadwal\an; \at king was in londe ====================================================================== ================= ===== + + + + + +id Oswy ++ +++ + +++ +wi\e dohti. \e ++++++s nor\erne; make++ ++ne to king. = Oswy nam ++ +is hond; al his bro\er +++elond. Oswy hadde +ames sones; \at were swi\e proute gomes. = hii hadde mochel onde; for \an kinelonde. and lutel heolden his gri\; ac lome ifohten him wi\. and \ohten hine a-cwelle for his kinelonde. Ac Oswy was cniht steorne; \at he \are cudde. al \at him bere onde; he drof |am of londe. hi|enliche heom cwehte ouer \are Humbre. \at nas +++ ++++ ileued of \an \++ +++ ++\e were. And hii +(onne) wende; to Pen(da \a)n king(e) +nd m(e+den t)o \an +++++ ++t +++ (if)lemid wer(e) = +++ +++ +++++++ Penda king (o)+ +++++++de. \at he |am w++++ ++(l)ste; Oswy to +++++++++ +nd hii wolde ++++++ +++ men; his mon++++ ++++ = +o answere"de' Pen++ ++ ++++ (o)f Eastlonde. ++ ++ +++be |e nanne ++++ +++ +ch ham \are ++++d for ich Oswald ++++++++; \ane wittye +++++ and his bro\er ++++ +++ cniht swi\e dohti. |ef he me mihte cache; he me wolde acwelle. Ac wende\ to Cadwal\an; \at king his in lond and |ef he me wole sende \at folk of \an eande. vt of Cornwale; cnihtes icoren. = \an wolle ich Oswy; mid mochele harm grete driue him of londe; his folk to moche sconde. = `eos cnihtes gonne wende; to Cadwal\an \an kinge. To Cadwal\an hii come; mid false h(i)re domes. \an kinge hii tolden; al \at hii wolden. Hit was in Witsontime; \e king to Londene |eode. and hehte alle his c(n)ihtes; comen \ider for\rihtes. == `ider wende eorles; bissopes and cnihtes. == of alle cunnes leode; \at \an king louede. And \e king in \an daie; his croune bar on hefde. \ar was moche blisse; mid bolde \an kinge = `o \is folk alle; icome weren to-gadere. \o stot him vp Penda; to-vore \an he|e kinge. and \us be-gan telle; of false his spelle. Louerd king we beo\ icome; ase \ou hauest i-hote. alle \ine men i-core Eanglesse and Bruttisse. = and we \ine kinges \at beo\ \in onderlinges. Ac Oswy sai\ euere; \at he neole come neuere. ne \ine hestes onderfon; ne nohware \e god don. Nart \ou noht so modi; so him his Oswy. and he for-ho|e\ foliwis; for do \ine hestes. Ac |ef \ou me wolt lene; mid \ine gode wille and \ou me wolt fulste and ferde bi-take. and so moche of \ine garisome; so \e god \inche\. ich wo(l)le an hi|enge; faren ouer Humbre. and Oswy \ar makye; harmest alre kinge. ne sal he mid non streng\e kinelond holde \at ich hine nolle; \e an hond sulle. o\er cwik o\er dead; \is me \inche\ god read. == `o answerede Cadwal\an; \at was a king treowe. Penda ich \e segge; and wel ich wene; \at Oswi his swi\e on-hol; and in bedde ligge. o\er oncou\e leode; icome beo\ to his londe. for ne may ich hit ileue; \at he nolde to me li\e. = Ac Penda go \ou vt anon; and ich wolle of \isse \inge; make rouninge. wa\er ich \e aleane wolle; \at \ing \at \ou |eornest. and ich wolle after Oswy sende; cwickliche mine sonde. and ++++ ++++ ++|enliche; come ++ ++++ riche. Vt wende +++++ +++++ Cadwal\an abod +++++++ = and \us him saide +++wal\an; \at king w++ in Engelond. ~e beo\ ++++ men alle; \at beo\ in \is++ +alle. and alle |eo habbe\ ihord; wat king Penda haue\ iseid. and ou he wole taken an; and Oswy \ane king for-don. |ef ich him leane wolle; of mine folke to healpe. and ich wolle \at |e me reade of sochere neode. wa\er ich Oswy for-do; o\er lete hine come me to. and |ef ++ +++ mine sonde; forsake\ +++++ ++ londe. ich wolle (mid m)ine cnihtes; al his fo(lk fa)+++ `o iwar\ abolwe (a +alse k)+++ ++ \an heape ++ +++ +++++ Margadud +++++ +++++ him |omerest +++ ++++(e) he Eanglisse men +++ +arme gan grete +++ +++++ Margadud ++ +++ +ales was duk(e) +++++ ++ ++ nou Cadwal\++ +++ +++ \e wolle read(e) +++ ++++++ \ine wille ise(i) +++ +++ god read. Hit h++ +++++ |are; \at Bruttu+ ++++ ++re. and mid him ou++ ++dre \at cnihtes w+++ +++++ ============================================================ ======================== ========== +ei|ede bis+++++ +++|ede cnihtes + + + searo + + + dei|ede + + + oft ++ ++n putte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ +++ge. \at +++ ++++++n his sone; ++ ++++++ ++ ++nedome. his +++++ ++++++ ++dwal\an ++ +++++ ++ ++++de heere. +++ +++++ ++ ++ng; Cad++++++ +++++++++ a+d funde him in \an londe; al \at he wolde. folle eolleue |ear; Cadwaladre wonede \ar. and al \an ilke time; \e wowe was (h)ere. her was honger and ++(t)e nadde \at folk no+e mete. = `at folk was to wode iflowe; and wonede ine stokkes. leien in greaues; and leuede ase +eares. hii louede bi wor+++; and bi many wedes. ++ mores and bi rotes; nas ++r non o\er bote. `o eol++ue |ear were a-gon; = \o (a-stu)nte \"e' cwaolm. \o gon(ne \)at folk storie; and vt (of) wode drawe. and wo+ede in tounes; and speke to-gaderes. and nemen hire sonde; and sende to Saxlonde. and dude hire cun to wite; of hire +++hele wowe. = +++ ++ +++++e was at+++++ and +e ++++++ +eren ifuld +++ +++ +++ riche +++++ +oluer and ++++ and bede an hi|eng ++der come to hire cun++ = for ne dorste neuere Bruttus; meng+ +++ Eanglis ne nowiht hii ++ste of hire fare-coste. and \o weren hire sonde i-sende to Saxlonde. `e he|e Sax+++ men; ihorde \e sond(e) \o fusde toward see fifti \ousend. baldere cnihtes; mid scealde and mid brunies. mid wifmen and mid children gonne to \is lond wende. Mid \an forme s(wi)pe; here comen \reo hu(n)dred sipes. \are comen ++ter su\\e; sixti to-gadere. bi sixe bi souene; bi teon bi eollouene. bi twealue bi twenti; bi \ritti bi four++ Mid heom com Adelst++ ++ gode vt of Saxlond(e) i+++ +++dene hii hene croune++ and houe hine to king(e) Eadward \e king; hi(ne bi)|et; bi one cheuese. \(is was) \e forste Eanglisse man +++ Eangelond al awan. h+ was i-crouned and iheled \is lond was al his owe. and su\\e h(e) wonede here; sixtene |ere. Hit b+-ful ++ +++ne da|e; le++ +++-afte(r) (\)++ her was + +++ man; In++ ++s ih+++ ++ ++++ wende ++ ++++ + + + + + + + \an pope = + + + + + + + + + his lok; |eftes + + + + + And |et he dude m+++ ++ Peter his ore. of euer+ house +++++ hoseb+nde were. = \e k++g one peny |eaf to Peter his house. Ine was \e forste man; \at Peter his peny bi-gan. `o Ine ki++ was dead; and +++ law++ a-lead. \o ++++ +++ ++++ \are; fif a++ +++++ +++++ for ++ \at A+++++++ +++ ++++ ++-to \isse l++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++oned he(re) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ Saxisse h+ +++ +++++ \e names o(f) +++ ++++++ and al me (h)++ +++++++ ++ tydinges ++ +++ +++++ ++ was Cad+++++++ +++ ++ was o+ ++++ + + + + + + + de++ + + + + + + + ++++ +++ +++ +++++ and sor\-fol +++ +++ ++++++ Wi\ his freon++ ++ ++++ ++te; ou he fa++ +++++ +nd woche wey ++ +++++ wi\ A\elston +++++ +++ +winne his cun+++++++ +ft a|en to his +++++ +at A\elston and his ++++tes; holde \o mid on+++++ Summe him radde ++++++; summe gri\ weorche +at he moste of A\elston; holde his kinelond. Vnder \eos speche; he somnede ferde. of alle \an cnihtes \at he bi-|ete mihte. and somnede al \e sipes; \at bi \an see flote. and \ohte mid streng\e stappe to londe. `o readi was \e ferde; hider for to wende. com \e wind sou\\erne; and sat at hire wille. So saide \e kinge; Nou to sipe an hi|eng. `e king wende to cherche; Godes work to wirche. and masse \ar hi horde; of on holy preoste. `e king lay a cneuwe; and to Crist cleopede. and bad oure Drihte \at weolt alle deades. \at he fram him-seolue; toc+ine sende. = wa\er ich so+++ wende; \e ich solle bil++++ After \at he hadde ++ ++++ ispeke; he ful an in ++++ == `e king \ar imette ++++ \ar he slepte. \at h++ +++ bi-vore gon; a wonder swi\e fair man. and \eos word saide to Bruttene kinge. Awake Cadwaladre Crist \e haue\ deore and |arke \ine fore; and wend \e to Rome. \ou salt finde \are; one pope of Godes lore. let hine \e scriue; of \ine wor"ld-liue' \at \ine sunnes alle; solle fram \e falle. and \ou salt wor\e cleane; alle \orh Godes dome. of alle \ine misdede \orh mihte; of oure Drihte And su\\e \ou salt i-wite; and to heouene wende. for ne moste \ou neuere more; Engelond owe. ac Alemanisse men; Eng+lond solle habbe. and neu++e +++++++se men; brouke +++ ++ ++we. hear come ++ ++++ \at icwe\e w++ +++++ +++ Merlyn \e wy++++ ++++++ mid wordes. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + mihte teorne; \at sweuen \at he mette = He seowede hit \an kinge; \at wonede in \an londe. \at inem"ned' was Aleyn; Cadwaladres cun. `e king sende his sonde; ouer al \an londe. and lette beden alle; \at wittye were. and said |am \e tockning; of Cadwaladre \e king. `ar hii gonne reade; \are hi gonne roune. hii radde him to taken so; alse God him tahte to don. `ar he let stonde his sipes; and alle his bolde cnihtes. and cleopede alle ++ +ihtly; Iour ++ ++ht. \e was his step++++ +++ ++nni his soster-++++ == +eie hii weren cnih+++ +++++ swi\e wel i-diht. = +++ ++++ Cadwaladre to +++ +++ kinge. Fram + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + and we +++ +++ +++ +++ habbe\ h++ ++ +++++ |ef |eo hit ++++ +++++ ich |ou hote ++++ ++++ \an heouen+ ++++ +++ +++++ ai\er loue; |++ +++ were bro\eres. +++ ++++++ \is lond euere-m++e; to his car+ ++++ = Iuni hit was it++++ed me; also we +++++ iseo; for Merlin \e +++t. hit saide mid worde al of mine for\-fare; and of mine mochele care. and Sibily \e wise: in boke hit sette. \at ich solde fulle; oure Drihtene wille. Ech wende nou his way; and habbe\ alle godne day. `o Cadwaladre wende \at he com to Rome. \are he Sergius funde \ane holie pope. he \ane king scrof of al his misdede. Ne wonede \e king \are; bote two |ere. \o com him vuel so God hit wolde habbe i-don. eollue da|es bi-vore May; he wende of \isse liue. and his saule sende; to \an heouenliche kinge. +is beone beo\ hi-loke faste; ++e guldene cheaste. and \ar hii sollen wonie +++ \e da|es bi-come. \at +++++ ++e fornda|es fa++++++ +id wordes. Go we ++ Iuni anon; and to + + + + + + + + =================