Text 85 Layamon's Brut. Ed from BL mms Cotton Caligula A IX and Otho C XIII by G.L. Brook and R.T. Leslie. OUP 1973, 1978 (EETS OS vols 250 and 277) ENCODING SCHEME \ small thorn ` large thorn { large ash } small ash | small yogh ~ large yogh $ small eth % (between double letters) indicates a line break in the original = lines added to the Caligula ms * lines added to the Caligula ms that have no relationship to Otho + indicate missing letters. Each plus sign indicates one missing letter, (the number of spaces indicate the extent of damage and hence the reliability of this count) < ... > enclose interlinear or marginal additions in the mss " ... ' enclose supplied editorial readings (note that footnotes are not included) ( ... ) enclose readings no longer legible but derived from Madden's edition (1847) Oxford Text Archive, August 1988