HCRABAR16UPU (BAR:M:1:) . , . . The of now, all names are lost els that hee^s alone the Father of his Cuntrie[, said you not soe[ . I speake the peoples Language . That to his Arme, z Sword, the owe their flourishing peace[, That hee^s the Armyes soule by which it moves to Victorie[ . So ^tis said, Sr. . nay: more: that without him, dispaire, and ruyn(n) had ceaizd on all, and buried quick our safeties. . That not had he in Act, betterd #or Counsailes and in his execution set them #of, all we designd had ben but as a tale forgot as soone as told. . and with such Zeale this is deliuerd, that the beleeves it; For Greatnes in hir owne worth, confident doth neuer waigh, but with a covetous hand hir lightest meritts: and who add the scale seldom offend. . ^Tis this that swells his pride beyond those lymitts, his late modestie ever obserud; This makes him Court the Soldier, as his owne creature, and to arrogate all properous proceedings, to him self, detracts from you, and all men: you scarce holding the second place. . When I gave him the first I robd myself: for it was iustly mine; the labourinthes of pollicie, I haue trod to find the clew of saffetie for my Cuntrie requird a head more knowing: and a courage as bold as his, increasd with all the Armyes though I must say ^tis great. his stile of Excellencie, Was my guift; Money, the strength and fortune of the War, the help of England, and the aide of Fraunce I onely can call mine: and shall I then now in the sun|#set of my daie of honor when I should passe with glory to my rest, and raise my Monument from my Cuntries praises, sitt downe, and with a boorish patience suffer the Harvest that I labord for, to be anothers spoile[ the peoples thancks, and praires wch should make faire way for me to my grave to haue an other obiect[ the choice fruites of my deepe proiects, grace anothers Banquet[ No, this ingratefull Cuntry, and this bold this base people vserper of what#^s mine most base to my deserts, shall first wth horror know he that could defeat the Spanish counsailes, and countermyne their darck works, he that made the State what ^tis, will change it once againe ere fall with such dishonor. (BAR:M:1v:) ##. be advisd Sr, I love you as a frend: and as a Wiseman haue ever honord you: be as you were then and I am still the same: had I not heard theis last distemperd words, I would haue sworne that in the making vp of reason had onely wrought: passion had no hand in#^t: But now I find you are lesse then a man, lesse then a com(m)on man; and end that race you haue so long run strongly, like a child, for such a one old age, or honors surfeyts againe haue made you. . this to me[ ] ##. to you Sr. for is^t not boyish folly (youthfull heat I cannot call it) to spurne downe, what all his life hath labourd for[ Shall that now should studie how to die, propound new waies to get a name, or keep a being a moneth or two, to ruyn whatsoever the good succes of forty yeeres employment in the most serious affaires of State haue raisd vp to his memory[ and for what[ Glory, the popular applause, fine purchase for a gray beard to deale in. . you offend him. . ^tis better then to flatter him, as You doe, Be but yourself againe, and then consider what alteration in the State, can be by which you shall not loose: Should you bring in (as heaven avert the purpose, or the thought of such a mischeif) the old Tirrany that hath practisd, do you thinck you should be or greater then you are, or more secure from danger[ Would you change the goverment, make it a Monarchie[ suppose this don, and any man you fauord most, set vp shall yor authoritie by him encrease[ be not so foolishlie seducd: for what can hope propose to you, in any Change wch ev^n now, you posses not[ . doe not measure ] my ends by yours. . I know not what You ayme at: for thirtie yeeres (onely the name of King you haue not had, and yet yor absolute powre hath ben as ample) who hath ben employd in office, goverment, or Embassie, who raisd to wealth or honor that was not brought in by yor allowaunce[ who hath held his place without yor lycence[ your Estate is beyond a privat mans: your Brothers, Sonnes, Frends, Famylies made rich, in trust z honors; Nay; this Grave , this now Prince of whose popularitie you weakely envy was still by you com(m)aunded: for when did he enter the Feild, but ^twas by your allowaunce[ what service vndertake, which you approu^d not[ what victory was won, in which you shard not[ what Action of his renownd, in which yor Counsaile was forgotten[ Yf all theis then suffice not yor Ambition, but you must extend it further, I am sorry that you give me cause to feare, that when You move next you move to yor distruction. . yf I fall, it shall not be alone, for in my ruyns my Enemies shall find their Sepulchers: , Though in yeeres place you are my equall, the fire of honor, which is dead in you, burnes hotly in me, and I will preserve each glory I haue got, with as much care as I acheivd it; read but ore the Stories of men most fam^d for courage, or for counsaile, and you shall find that the desire of glory was the last frailety wisemen ere putt #of: be they my presidents . ^tis like yourself like , and in that, all is spoken . I can doe something in the State of and you shall find the place of Secretarie which you conferd vpon me there, shall be when you employ me, vsefull . all I am ] you know you may com(m)aund: ile nere enquire what ^tis you goe about, but trust yor Counsailes as the Auncients did their Oracles. . though I speak not as a Flatterer, but a frend: propound what may not preiudice the State, and I will goe as far as any. ||| . to all my service, ere long you shall know more: What are theis[ . Captaines ] that raild vpon the Comissary. . I remember. ##1. why, you dare charge a Foe i^ the head of his troope, and shake you to deliuer a petition to a Statesman and a Frend[ ##2. I need not seek him, he has found me; and as I am a Soldier his walking towards me, is more terrible then any Enemies march I ever mett with ##1. we must stand to it. you, Sr, you ] ##2. my lord. . as I vse this, I waigh you: you are he that when your Company was viewd, and checkd for your dead paies: stood on yor termes of honor; cryde out I am a Gentleman, a Com(m)aunder (BAR:M:2v:) and shall I be curbd by my lords the States[ (for thus you said in scorne) that are but Merchants, Lawyers, Appothecaries; and Phisitians, perhaps of worsser ranck[, But you shall know Sr they are not such, but Potentates, and Princes from whom you take pay: 1.. this indeed is stately, Statesmen doe you call ^em[ 2.. I beseech your Lordship: ^twas wine, and anger: . no Sir, want of dutie: but I will make that tongue give him the lye that said soe, drunck, or sober: take my word for#^t, yor Companie is cast: you had best complaine to yor great Generall, and see if he can of him self maintaine you: Come . ||| . I am sorry for you Captaine: but take comfort, I love a Soldier, and all I can doe to make you what you were, shall labor for you and so good morrow Gentlemen ||| 1.. yet ther#^s hope. for you haue one frend left. 2.. you are deceiud Sir: and doe not know his nature, that gaue promise of his assistaunce. 1.. who is#^t[ ] ##2.. one of the Lords, the States: and of great powre too, I would he were as honest: This is he that neuer did man good: and yet no Suitor ever departed discontented from him: hee#^ll promise any thing: I haue seene him talke at the Church dore with his hat #of, to a Begger almost an howre togeather; yet when he left him he gave him not a doyt: he do^s profes to all an outward pitty, but within the devill#s more tender: the great plague vpon him why thinck I of him: he#^s no part of that must make my peace. 1.. why what course will you take then 2.. a Bribe to wiffe, or a kind wench for my yong lord his Son, when he has drunck hard, ther#^s no way els to doo#^t. 1.. I haue gold good store, you shall not want that: and if I had thought #on#^t when I left London, I had fitted you for a convenient Pagan. 2.. why, is there ] such store they can be spard[ 1.. ay they abound Sir, and if you fight in the shade to those that serve there I meane in the tearme time, for now ther#^s a Truce Sr, the Som(m)er#^s their vacation: the poore wretches are horribly out of action at a new Play when they haue pawnd their smocks, to show their best gownes (BAR:M:3:) in the best roomes to the Gallants and hoong forth all their allurements, and said alowd come on for we are for you: with a peece I could haue prest you one to follow me that should haue serud yor turne and, three moneths kept him from pickle herrings, oyle and pilchers: But to yor busines: let vs leave this fooling and try what gold can doe 2.. I thank you Sir ||| ] . . The States are sitting: all that I can doe ile say in litle: and in me, theis Lords promise as much. I am of your belief in every point you hold touching religion, and openly I will profes myself of the sect. . you honor it. . and all #or praires, and service. . Reverend men ] Yor loves I am ambitious of: Alreadie ^tis known I fauor you, and that hath drawne Libells against me: but the stinglesse hate of those that wryte them, I contempne. . they are worthie ] of nothing but contempt . that I confes too: but yet we must expect much opposition ere yor opinions be confirmd: I know the of , a sworne Enemie to yor affections; he h^as vowd to crosse you: but I will still stand for you: my advice is that having won the Burgers to Yor partie perswade them to enroll new Companies for their defence against the Insolence of the old Soldiers, garisond at ; yet practise on them too: and they may vrge this, That since they haue their pay out of that Province, iustice requires they should be of their partie: all that is don in , shalbe practisd in , and other Townes I name not; farther directions you shall haue hereafter, till when, I leave you. . with all zeale and care we will performe this. ||| . . this foundation ] is well begun. . and may the building prosper . yet let me tell you, where Religion is made a cloke to #or bad purposes they seldom haue succes. . you are too holly we live not now wth Saincts, but wicked men, and any thriving way, we can make vse of (BAR:M:3v:) what shape soere it weares, to crosse their arts we must embrace, and cherish: and this course (carrying a zealous face) will countenaunce our other actions; make the Burgers ours, raise Soldiers for #or guard: strengthen #or side against the now vnequall opposition of this prowd Prince of that Contemns vs: at the worst when he shall know there are some Regiments we may call ors, and that haue no dependaunce vpon his fauor, ^twill take from his pride and make vs more respected. ||| ] ] . may it prove soe. . good day, my Lord, . good Mounseiur Advocate you are an early stirrer. . ^tis my dutie, to wayt yor Lordships pleasure: please You to walke[ . the Prince is wanting: and this meeting being touching the oath he is to take, ^twer fitt that we attend him. . that he may set downe what he will sweare, prescribing lymitts to vs, we need not add this wind by our observaunce to sailes too full alredy: oh my lords what will you doe[ haue we with so much blood maintaind #or liberties[ left the allegeaunce (how iustly now it is no time to argue) to , to offer vp #or slavish necks to one, that only is, what we haue made him[, for, be but you yourselves, this Prince of is but as , a Servant to yor Lordships, and the State: like me maintaind: the pomp he keepes, at yor charge: will you then wayt his prowd pleasure; and in that confes by daring to doe nothing, that he knowes not you haue no absolute powre[ . I never sawe the Advocate so mov^d. . now to be patient were to be treacherous: trust once his counsaile that neuer yet hath faild you, make him know that any limb of this #or reverend Senate in powre is not beneath him: As we sitt ile yeild you further reasons: i^the meane time com(m)aund him by the Officers of the Court not to presse in, Vntill yor Lordships pleasure be made knowne to him. . ^tis most requisite, . and for the honor of the Court goe on: you haue my voice. . and mine: yet wee#^ll proceed as iudgement shall direct vs. ^tis my purpose. (BAR:F:4:) ##. In this disgrace, I haue one foote on his neck, ere long ile set the other on his head, and sinck him to the Center: . looke to the dores there ||| . . ||| : #I now, methincks, I feele the happynes of being sproong from such a noble Father that sacrifizd his honor, life, and fortune for his lov^d Cuntry: Now the blood z kindred of , and (Memories great Martires) that must out live all Tirranies and when their Stories told ev^n shake his ashes methincks through theis vaines now, now at this instant I feele their Cuntries losse: I feele too . all feele sencibly and every noble hart laments their miseries and every eie, that labours not with mallice sees your great services, and through what dangers you haue raisd those noble speritts monuments. . What I haue don, I look not back, to magnifie: my Cuntry calld me to it: what I shall yet doe with all the industrie z strength I haue lent me and grace of heaven to guid, so it but satisfie the expectation of the State com(m)aunds me, and in my Cuntries eye appeere but lovely I shall sitt downe, though old and bruizd, yet happie: Nor can the bitter, and bold tounge of mallice, that neuer yet spoke well of faire deservings, wth all hir course aspersions floong vpon me make me for sake my dutie; touch, or shake me, or gaine so much vpon me, as an anger, Whilst here I hold me loyall: Yet beleeue Gentlemen theis wrongs are neither few, nor slight, nor followed by liberall tongues, provokd by want, or wine, for such were to be smild at, and so slighted, but by those men, and shot so neere mine honor, I feare, my person too: but so the State suffer not I am as easie to forget. . too easie, and that feeds vp their mallice to a Monster, you are the arme oth^ War: . the Soldiers sperit: the other but dead stories; You the dooer: . it stands not with the honor you haue won Sr, still built vpon, and betterd. . no more, good Collonell. . the love the Soldier beares you to give way thus to haue yor actions consturd, scornd, and scoffd at by such malignant soules: you are yor self Sir, and master of more mindes, that love, z honor ye . yf you would see it: but take through the mallice the evill intended now, now bent vpon ye, . I pray ye, no more; as you love me, no more (BAR:F:4v:) stupid I neuer Was, nor so secure yet to lend my patience to mine own betraying: ||| I shall find time and riper cause: Now Frends are my Lords the States set yet[ ] ##1.. an houre agoe Sir . beshrew ye Gentlemen, you haue made me tardy: ] open the dore. 1.. I beseech your Grace to pardon me. . do^st thou know who I am[ ] ##1.. yes Sr, and honor ye: . why do^st thou keep the dore fast then[ thou Fellow ] thou sawcy fellow; and You that stand by gaping: is the of no more value, no more respect ] then like a Page[ 2.. We beseech yor Excellencies to pardon vs: our duties are not Wanting, nor dare we entertaine a thought to crosse ye, We are placd here on Com(m)aund. ] ##. to keepe me out[ haue I lost my place in Councell[ are my services growne to so poore regards, my worth so bankrupt, or am I tainted with dishonest actions that I am held vnfitt my Cuntries busines[ who placd ye here[ ] ##1.. the body of the Councell, and we beseech yor Grace make it not #or syn, they gave vs strict com(m)aund, to stop yor passage . ^twas frendly don, and like my noble Masters, . deny yor place[ ] ##. make good the dore against ye[ this is vnsufferable, most vnsufferable. . now I begin to feele those doubts, I feare still . so far dare provoke ye, ^tis too monstrous; and you forget yor self, your birth, yor honor, the name of Soldier if you suffer this: suffer from those, those things, those, pox vpon^#t those molds of men made noble by yor services, ] yor daylie sweatts[ 1.. it must not be endurd thus the wrong extends to vs, we feele it seuerally 2.. yor sweet humillitie, h^as made#^em scorne ye, and vs, and all the world that serve their vses, and stick them selues vp teachers, masters, Princes, allmost new gods too, founders of new faithes: weell force yor way. . let#^s see then who dare stop Ye. ] ##. not we, I am sure. . let^#s see who dare denie ye yor place, and right of councell. . stay I com(m)aund ye, he that put^s forward first to this wild action has lost my love, and is becom mine Enemy, my mortall enemie; put vp yor weapons, you draw#^em against order, duty, faith, (BAR:F:5:) and let me die, ere render such examples, the men you make so meane, so slight account of and in yor angers prise, not in yor honors, are Princes, powrefull Princesse, mightie Princes, that daylie feed more men of your great fashion and noble ranck, pay, and maintaine their fortunes, then any Monarch Europe ha^s, and for this bountie if ye consider truly, Gentlemen, and honestly, with thanckfull harts remember you are to pay them back againe yor service: they are your Masters, yor best masters, noblest, those that protect yor states, hold vp Yor fortunes, and for this good, you are to sacrifize yor thancks, and duties, not yor threats, and angers, I, and all Soldiers els, that strike with their armes and draw from them, the meanes of life, z honor are doble tyde in faith to obserue their pleasures, . a Prince of rare humanitie, and temper: Sir, as you teach vs Armes, you man #or minds too, with civill precepts, making vs true Soldiers, then worthie to receive a trust from others when we stand masters of our owne discretions ||| ] , ] , ] ] , ] , ] +, ] , ] yor good, z great example, tyes vs all Sr. . the Councell#^s broken vp. . My noble Lords, let it not seeme displeasing to Your wisdomes, I humbly ask in what I haue offended, or how suspected stand, or wth what cryme blotted that this day, from yor felloweship, yor councell my Cuntries care, and where I owe most service like a man perishd in his worth, I am exilde . Yor Grace must know, we cannot wait attendaunce ] wch happely you looke f or. . wayt, my lords[ . nor what we shall designe for the States comfort stay yor deliberate crosses; we know you are able and every way a wise Prince fitt for counsell, but I must tell ye Sir, and tell ye truly, the Soldier has so blowne ye vp, so swelld ye, and those few services, you call yor owne, that now our com(m)endations are too light gales, too slack, and emptie windes, to move yor worthes, and tempests of yor owne tongue, and the Soldiers ] now onely fill your sailes . be not so bitter. . we mix with quiet speritts, staid, and temperate, and those that levell at, not great, but good ends, dare hold vs their Companions, not their Servants, and in that ranck, be ready to supply vs: Your Grace is growne too haughtie. . might it please Ye, ] but thinck Sr. of our honest services (I dare not terme them equall) and but waigh well in wch I know yor Grace, a perfect Master, yor iudgement excellent, and then but tell vs, and truly, (which I know yor goodnes will doe) why should we seeme so poore, so vndertrodden, (BAR:F:5v:) and though not trusted with the State, and Councell, why so vnable vallued: pardon great Sir, if those complaine, that feele the waight of envy if such poore trod on wormes, make show to turne againe, nor is it we that feele, I hope nor you Sir that gives the cullor of this difference, rumor ha^s many tongues, but few speak truth. we feele not onely, if we did ^twer happie, #or Cuntry Sr, our Cuntrie beares the blow too, but you were ever noble. . good my lords, ] let it be free, yor Servant chargd in mallice, if not fling #of his crymes, at least excuse#^em to you my great correcter: Would to heaven, Sir, that syn of pride, and insolence you speake of, that pufft vp greatnes, blowne from others follyes, were not too neere a kin to yor great Lordship, and lay not in yor bosom, yor most deere#^one, You taint me Sr, with syns concerne my manners, if I haue such, ile studdy to correct ^em, but should I taint you, I should charge ye deeper, the cure of those would make ye shrinck z shake too, ] shake #of your head. . you are too weak ith^ hams Sir: . who raisd theis new religious forces, Sir[ and by what warrant[ what assignement had ye from the States generall: who blew new fires, even fires of fowle rebellion, I must tell Ye, the bellowes to it, Religion. you nere lou^d yet but for yor ends; through all the Townes, the Garrisons to fright the vnion of the State, to shake it[ what syns are theis[, you may smile with much comfort, and they that see ye, and not looke closely to ye, may crye too, er^#t be long. . yor Grace has leave Sir, and ^tis right good it be soe; Follow me home, and there ile give ye new directions, how to proceed, and sodainely ] ## ##. we are yours Sir ||| . . My lords: to what a monster this man^#s growne, you may (if not abusd with dull securitie) ] see plaine as day. . we doe not like his carriage he do^s all: speakes all: all disposes ] ##. spoiles all he that dare live to see him work his ends out, vncrossed, and vnprevented; that wretched man dare live to see his Cuntry shrinck before him: Consider my best Lords, my noblest Masters, how most, most fitt, how iust, and necessary a sodaine, and a strong prevention. . we all conceave yor Grace: and all look through him, and find him what we feare not yet, but grieve at: You shall haue new Com(m)ission from vs all (BAR:F:6) to take in all those Townes, he has thrust his men in: when you haue that, proceed, as likes yor Exellence, . yor lordships true Frend, and most obedient Servant . Come, to the present busines then. . we attend ye. ||| (BAR:M:6:) . . I haue with danger venturd thus far to you, that you might know by me, our plot^#s discoverd. But let not that discourage you: though and , with others haue assented to force this Towne; stand you still on Yor Guard, and on my reputation rest assurd wth violence they neuer dare attempt You: for that would give the world to vnderstand th^#vnited , that by their Concord so long haue held out ^gainst th^#opposition of all Governors, their plotts, and Armyes make way to their most certaine ruyn, by ] a Civill warre. . this cannot be denide . and so, at any time we may make our peace returning to #or first obedience ] vpon what termes we please. . that is not certaine: For should we tempt them once to bring their Forces against the Towne, and find we give it vp for want of strength to keepe it, the Conditions to wch we must subscribe, are in their #will, and not our choice, or pleasure. . you are governd, ] more by yor feare, then reason: . may it prove soe: ] that way I would be guiltie . how appeere ] the new raisd Companies[ they stand full and faithfull: and for the , they are well affected to #or designes: #the^ play their parts too, and thunder in their meetings, hell and dampnation ] to such as hold against vs. . ^tis well orderd; But haue you tride by any meanes (it skills not how much you promise) to wyn the old (the Companies, in chief I ayme at) ] to stand firme for vs[ we haue to that purpose ] imploid , wth some choice els that are most popular, to the Officers that doe com(m)aund here in the Collonells absence, (BAR:M:6v:) We expect them every mynutt: yf yor Lordship (for^ tis not fitt, I thinck, you should be seene) will please to stand #a side (yet you shalbe ||| ] : ] <2.B urgers> ] ] wthin the hearing of our Confe renceyou shall perceive, We will imploy all arts ] to make them ours. . they are come. ] ##. be earnest with them. . with much #a dooe I haue brought#^em: the prowd Shellains are paid too well, and that makes them forget we are their Masters. ##1.. but when we tooke them on famishd allmost for want of enterteinement, then they cryde out, they would do any thing ] we would com(m)aund them. ##1.. and so we say still: ] provided it be honest. . is it fitt ] that mercinary Soldiers, that for pay give vp their liberties, and are sworne t^#expose their lyves, and fortunes to all dangers, should ] capitulate with their Lords. ##1.. prescribing when ] they are pleasd to be com(m)aunded, and for what[ . answeare to this . You know #or resolutions, ] and therefore speak for all. ##1.. I will ] and doe it boldly: We were entertaind to serve the generall and not one : to fight as often as the of shall lead vs forth, and not to stand against him: to guard this Cuntrie, not to ruyn it, to beat #of forreigne Enemies, not to cherish domestique Factions: And where you vpbraid vs wth the poor meanes we haue to feed, not cloath vs, fo(r)getting at how deere a rate we buy the triffles we haue from you, thus I answeare, noe Cuntrie ere made a defencive war and gaind by it, but you. what privat Gentleman that onely trailes a pike, that comes from England or , but brings gold with him[ wch he leaves here, and so enriches you; where such as serve the , , , or , though they come almost naked to their Collours besides their pay (wch they contempne) the spoiles of Armyes overthrowne, of Citties sackd, depopulations of wealthie Cuntries if he survive the vncertaine chaunce of war, returne him home, to end his age in plenty ] of wealth, and honors. . this is shrewdly vrgd. ##1.. Where we, poore wretches, covetous of fame onely come hether, but as to a Schoole of war; to learne to struggle against cold, and hunger, (BAR:M:7:) and with vnwearied steps, to overcome a tedious March, when the hot Lyons breath burnes vp the Feilds: the glory that we ayme at being #or obedience to such as doe Com(m)aund in cheif: to keepe #or rancke(s), to fly more then the death, all mutenies, and rebellions; and would you then, whose wisdomes should correct such follies in vs, rob vs of that litle that litle honor, that rewards #or service; to bring our necks to the Hangmans Sword, or halter[ or (should we scape) to brand #or foreheads with ] the name of Rebells[ . I am put to a non plus: ] speake mine # . I haue heard ] so much deliuerd by you, and so well, yor actions too, at all parts answearing what you haue spoken, that I must acknowledge, we all stand far indebted to yor service: and therefore, as vnto the worthiest the faithfullest, and strongest, that protect vs, and #or Cuntries, we now seek to You, and would not but such men should be remembred as principall Assistaunts in the Cure of a disease wch now the State lyes sick of: I know you love the of , valiant and Yet you must graunt him a Servant to the States, as you are Gentlemen, and therefore will not defend that in him which you would not cherish in cold blood in yor selues, for should he be ] disloyall. . he disloyall[ ^tis a language ] I will not heare. ##2.. such a suspition of him ] in one that wore a sword, deserv^d the lye. ##1.. We know yor oild tongue; and yor rethorique, will hardly work on vs, that are acquainted wth what faire language yor #ill purposes are ever cloathd: nor ever wilbe won to vndervalue him, whose least fam^d service scornes to be put in ballance wth the best of all yor Counsailes: and for his faith, o heaven it do^s as far transcend yours in yor praires ] as light do^s darcknes. . I perceive ^tis true ] that such as flatter Servants, make them prowd; wee^#ll vse a rougher way, and here com(m)aund you to leave the Towne, and sodainely: if you wish not ] to be forcd hence. ##1.. yor new raisd Companies ] of such as neuer saw the Enemie, can hardly make that good; We were placd here by the allowaunce of the generall and of the , to keepe it to their vse+ (BAR:M:7v:) ##. and we Will doe it: ##1.. and while there is Lead ] vpon a house, or any Soldier master but of a doyt: when that is gon, expect that we will make you sport, or leave #or lives to witnes we were faithfull: Come, Lieutenaunt let vs draw vp the Companies, and then charge on vs when You please. . this I foresaw. . oh, I am lost with anger: are we falne so lowe from what we were, that we dare heare this from #or Servants, and not punish it[ Where is the terror of #or names, our powre, That wth feare hath felt in both hir Indies[ we are lost for ever: and from Freemen growne slaves to the pride of one we haue raisd vp vnto this great height, the yook is soft, and easie, if compard with what we suffer from this popular S(ar)ke, that hath stolne like a cun(n)ing thief the Armyes hearts to serve his own ambitious ends: Now Frends +Slaues so Contemptible: as no worthie +that would haue men, not sluggish Beaste(s) his S(e)rvants +would ere vouchsafe the owning, Now my Frends I call not on yor furtheraunce, to preserve the lustre of my Actions: let me with them be nere remembred, so this goverment, Yor wives, yor lives, and liberties be safe: and therefore, as you would be what you are, Freemen, and Masters of what yet is yours rise vp against this Tirant, and defend wth rigor, what too gentle lenitie hath almost lost ile to the new raisd and make them firme ile muster vp the and make them stand vpon their guard. . for me ] ile not be wanting. . ile back to the ] and something there ile doe, that shall divert the torrent that swells towards vs, or sinck in it, and let this of seat him sure, or he shall fall, when he is most secure ||| (BAR:F:7v:) . I graunt you are a Sister, a free Sister as of the body politique of the Citty: do^s this bar me, (sweet Widow) to affect ye, to linck in wedlock with ye[ . ] that you are a zealous Brother, I confes too, one of a mightie tongue: But heer^s the question whether the truth be propogated, . hang the truth the truth is ther^#s too much on^#t widow. . besides this ] you want the wisdome of Auncients (BAR:F:8:) ] ##1.. Here come the Sisters: that^s an English Gentlewoman, let^s pray for hir Conversion. ##2.. you are wellcom, Lady: and yor com(m)ing over hether, is most happy: for here you may behold the generall freedom we live z traffique in, the ioy of Woemen, No emperious Spanish eye, governes #or Actions, nor Italian iealouzie locks vp #or Meetings: We are #or selves, our owne disposers, Masters, and those that you call husbands, are #or Servants, ##3.. your owne Cuntry breedes ye hansom, maintaines ye brave, but with a stubborne hand, the husbands awe ye, you speake but what they please; looke where they point ye, and though ye haue some libertie, ^tis lymitted. ##4.. which Cursse ye must shake #of: To live is nothing: to live admird, and lookd at, poore deservings but to live soe: so free you may Com(m)aund, Lady, compell; and there raigne Soveraigne. ##1.. do you thinck ther^#s any thing #or husbands labor for, and not for our ends[, are we shut out of Counsailes, privacies, and onely lymitted #or household busines[ No certaine, Lady; we pertake with all, or #or good men pertake no rest: why this man workes theis, or theis waies, with #or against the State, ] we know, and give al lowaunces ##2.. why such a Gentleman ] thus hansom, and thus yong, com(m)aunds such a quarter, where theis faire Ladies lye: why the angry: and Mounseiur now discontent do you thinck it^s fitt we should be ignoraunt (BAR:F:9:) ##2.. or why ther^#s sprung vp now a new devotion[ good Gentlewoman, no: do you see this fellow, he is a Scholler, and a parlous Scholler, or whether he be a Scholler or no, ^tis not a doyt matter, he^#s a fine talker, and a zealous talker, we can make him thinck what we list, say what we list, print what we list, and whom we list, abuse in#^t . and a Teacher do you say[ ##2.. a singuler Teacher. for so we hold such here. . doe they vse no modestie, vpon my life, some of theis new ] theis hissing tosts. . an ignorant strange woman whose faith is onely tride by a Coach, and fowre horses ##3.. Come you must be as we are; and the rest of yor Cuntrywomen, you doe not know the sweet #on#^t. ] ##. indeed nor will not. our Cuntry brings vs vp to faire obedience, to know our husbands for #or Governors, so to obey, and serve ^em: two heads make monsters; nor dare we thinck of what is done above vs, ] nor talk of , . the shall smart for^#t shortly: goe you, and tell him so, gooddy English Woman: ||| 1 ] ] you haue long tayles, and long tongues, but we shall clip#^em. ##1.. how now, what haste[ ##1.. the is drawing vp to vs, and #h^as disarmd all the strong Townes about vs, of #or new Soldiers, the English now stand onely ] and the old Companies. . now yor wisdomes, Ladies, your learning also, Sir: you learned prating, you that dare prick yor eares vp, at great , and doble charge yor tongue with new opinions what can you doe[, or can theis holly Woemen that you haue arm^d against obedience, and make contempners of the Fooles, their husbands, examiners of , can they doe any thing[ can they defy the [ ] ##. they shall defie him; and to his face: why doe ye not ye raise the ||| ] and draw vp the new Companies[ . away, good woman: this is no sport for you: goe cheere Your husbands, and bid#^em stand now bravely for their liberties, , and , and all about vs haue yeilded him obedience: all the new Companies purgd, and disarmd: goe You: talke to the and raise their harts: good Ladies, no more Councells, this is no time to puppet in: ##. we are gon Sir: (BAR:F:9v:) ##2.. and will so coniure vp #or lazie husbands. . and coniure wisely too, the devill will faile els. ||| women .. what^#s she[ ] ##1.. an English woman: . would they were all shipt well: for th^#other part oth^ world: theis stubborne English we onely feare. ||| ] ##1.. we are strong enough to curb#^em. . but we haue turnop harts: now, what^#s the next newes[ . The is at the Barriers, and desires his entraunce, . He must not enter; what Company is with him[ . but few; and those vnarmd too: about some twentie. . and what behind[ ] ##. We can discover none; . let^#s goe, and view: Brothers, be strong, and Valiant we haue lost the Towne els: and #or freedoms with it. ||| . .1. . ||| . They charge vs not to let him in. ##1.. We will doe it he h^as our faithes: what strengthe^#s vpon the Guard[ ] ##. two hundred E nglish. ##1.. goe, and give this com(m)aund then that if any , or Soldiers offer to come vpon the Guard: or to let in, or out any, without our knowledge: presently to bend their strength vpon#^em. . it shalbe don. ||| ##1.. doe you dispeirse to the old Companies, bid#^em be ready: tell ^em now is the time: and charge#^em keepe a strong eye ore the ile vp toth^ Guard. . wee^#ll doe it seriously ||| . . None of #or Frends vpon the Portt[ Is this the welcom of such a Towne, so bound in preservation ] to vs and ours[ ##2.. the is sadly angry. . can ye blame him Captaine, when such a den of dog|#Whelps are fosterd here against him: you will rouse anon: there are old Companies sure, honest, and faithfull ||| . ] .that are not poysond with this ranck infection: now they appeare Sir: ##1.. Will your Grace please to enter[ ] ##. and thanck ye too, ##1.. the port is open for ye . you see my nomber. ##1.. but I hope ^tis more Sir[ ] ##. theis must in first. ^twill breed a good securitie ##1.. we stand all ready for your Grace, ] ##. we thanck ye. (BAR:F:10:) ##1.. What Companies come on, Sir[ ] ##. three Troope of ho rse, that will be with ye presently: keepe strong the Port ##1.. enter when please your Grace: we shall stand sure Sir ||| . Is he come in, do you say[ ] ##. he is: but followed so slenderly and poore, ] ##. we are vndon then: he knowes too well, what ground he ventures on where are the Soldiers[ ] ##. they stand ith^ market place. . are they well armd[ ] ##. ready to entertaine him. . who com(m)aunds the [ ] ##. the English . ten|#towsand devills: ] odd^s sacrament: a meere trick to betray vs. . We can discover none behind. ] ##. a trick: those English are the men borne to vndooe vs. ||| . . Arme, Arme, and now stand to Yor auncient freedoms, three troope of horse; ten Companies of foote are enterd now the . ] ##. I told ye Gentlemen . the English make a stand vpon the new Companies ready to charge#^em, ^em, if they stirr. . oh mischeif ] all #or designes are crackt, layed open; ruynd: let^#s looke if any cure remaine: o devill ||| . . The , the , the : o #or Husbands. . goe pray: goe pray: goe pray: we shalbe hangd all. ||| ] .. I would it were no worsse. . Now, wher^#s yor valors[ You that would eat the Prince[ . sweet English Gentle Woman. . fy doe not run for shame; body #^a me, ||| ] . how their feare out stincks their garlick: litle art thou afraid too[ out with thy two edgd tongue. ] and lay about thee. out #o my Way, good Woemen: out #o my way: I shalbe whipt, and hangd too: . theis Fellowes haue strong faithes: z notable valors ile walk about, and see this sport ||| . ||| ] . ] .. Now Mounseiur , you may s e openlythe issues of yor desperate vndertakings, and yor good helpes, myne Heeires: Now you must feele too and to yor greifes, what the deserts of those are, that boldly dare attempt their Cuntries ruyn, and who we serve, how faithfully, and honestly (BAR:F:10v:) You must, and shall confes too: not to blind ends hood|#Winckt with base ambition, such as yours are, but to the generall good: Let theis new Companies ||| ] ] :march by vs, through the Market, so to the Guard house, And there disarme: Wee#^ll teach ye true obedience: then let ^em quitt the Towne: hansom swag fellowes: and fitt for fowle play: . theis are but heavy Marches. . they wilbe lighter straight, when they are vnfurnishd: you put trust in theis: you haue tall defences, treason maintaind with heresie, fitt weapons[, So, now disarme the Towne, wee^#ll plant new Governors. . Will yor Grace be pleasd to heare[ . yes, at the Sir: till when bethinck you of your acts, and answeares, for there before the generall : wher^#s . he left the Towne two daies agoe. ] ##. a guilty feare: but we shall fright him worsse: good order taken for the Towne, and what fitt Garrison to leave in^t, we are homeward bound; where we shall make you wellcom, you haue instructed vs, in what free fashion: Come Gentlemen: let^#s now goe take our rest, prowd confidence, is but a foole at best. ||| (BAR:F:10v:) , Enter Bredero, Vandort: z 2. Lords>. . Myne Heire , what thinck ye of the now[ like a true noble Gentleman, he has borne himself, and a faire fortunate Soldier: I hold the Sir most happie in his care: and this torn Cuntry whose wounds smart yet, most bound to his deliueraunce. . ^tis certaine his proceedings in this busines as in all els, haue byn most wise, and constant, and waited on with full wingd Expedition: how many Townes, armd with theis new Pretenders, stird vp, and steeld by founders of new doctrines the cullor to their Cause, hath he, (and sodainely) disarmd againe, and setled in obedience, and without bloodshed, Lords, wthout the Sword, and those Calamities, that shake a kingdom so gently, and without noyce, he has performd this as if he had don it in a dreame[ ] ##1. most certaine he ha^s run through a busines, will much add to him, and sett his vertues #of with greater lustre, But that a man so wise, as Mounseiur , so trusted, so rewarded for his Service, and one that built the ladder to his honor of open honest actions, strong, and straight still, ] should now be doubted. (BAR:F:11:) ##2.. I know not, nor I wish it not, but if he haue a fowle hart, ^thas byn hid long, and cun(n)ingly that poyson has byn carried. . But why a Father to theis new professions[ why should he strengthen those opinions, that all true learning much laments, and greives at, and sincks the soules sweet vnion, into ruyn, why theis my lords[ and why in every Garrison vnles he had an end that shot at evill should he so strongly plant theis fire|#brands, and through his powre, add daylie to their nombers[, ||| . most sure he is suspected, strongly suspected, but that a man of his great trust, and busines should sinck, or suffer vnder doubts, or whispers or loose his honor by any others envy is not faire play, nor honest: The of most thinck affects him not, nor he the that either of their angry wills should prove a lawful act, to ruyn one another, and not a medium of more open Iustice more equall, and more honorable step in man had no powre to stand, nor fall with honor if he be falce, honest, and vpright proofes ||| ] ] .will ripen the Imposture. ] ##1.. here he comes Sir. Me thincks he beares not in his Countenaunce the fullnes of that grave, and constant sperit, nor in his eye appeeres that heat, and quicknes he was wont to move withall, salute, and counsell: +Let^#s leaue him to his thoughts. . they mind ye not: now, as I haue a soule, they looke not on Ye. . My noble Lords: what is^#t appeeres vpon me so ougly strange, you start, and fly my Companie[ what plague sore haue Ye. spide[ what taynt in honor[ what #ill howre in my life, so cleere deserving that rancks me thus below your fellowships[ for wch of all my cares, of all my Watches, my services (too many, and too mightie to find rewards) am I thus recompenced[ not lookd on, not saluted[ left forgotten like one that came to petition to yor honors, ] over the shoulder sleighted[ . Mounseiur , ] I am sorry that a man of yor great wisdom, and those rare parts, that make ye lou^d, and honord, in every Princes Court, highly esteemd of, hould loose somuch in point of good, z vertue, now in the time, you ought to fix yor faith fast, the creadit of yor age carelessly loose it, I dare not say ambitiously: that yor best frends and those that ever hoong on your example dare not, wth comon safetie now salute ye. (BAR:F:11v:) ##. I loose in point of honor[ my frends feare me[ my age suspected too[ now as ye are iust men ] vnknit this riddle. ##1.. ye are doubted, strongly doubted. ] ##. o the devill, ##2.. your loialtie suspected. ] ##. who dare doe this[ . we wish all well: and You that know how dangerous in men of lesser mark, theis fowle attempts are and often haue bewaild ^em in the meanest, I make no doubt, will meet yor owne fault, sodainely, and chide yorself: grow faire againe, and flourish +in the same full esteeme ] ye held, z fauor, . and must I heare sett down for all my service, in this the glorious mark of my deservings[ taynted, and torne in honor must I perish and must theis silver curles, o you vnthanckfull theis emblemes of my frostie cares, and travells, for you, and for the , fall wth disgraces[ Goe fall before yor new , worship him, fill all yor throates with flattery, cry before him, ^tis he, and onely he, h^as truly ser^d ye; forget me, and the peace I haue wrought your Cuntry, bury my memory, raze out my name, my forty yeares endeauors, write in dust, that yor great , may blow^#em into nothing, and on my Monument, (you most forgetfull) fling all yor scornes: erect an yron|#toothd envy that she may gnaw the pious stones that hides me. ye are too much mou^d: and now too late ye find Sir, how naked, and vnsafe it is for a long Gowne to buckle with the violence of an army; The Emperor challenging a Yong man and a swift runner, to try his speed against him, the Gentleman made answeare sodainely it was not safe, nor fitt, to hold contention wth any man com(m)aunded thirtie legions. you know the , and know his noble nature, I thinck you know his powre too: of all Yor wisdomes this will not show the least, nor prove the meanest in good mens eyes, I thinck in all that know Ye, to seeke his love; gentle z faire demeanors wyn more then blowes, and soften stubborne angers. let me perswade ye. . When I am a Sycophant, ] and a base gleaner from an others fauor as all you are, that halt vpon his crutches shame take that smoothnes, and that sleeke subiection. I am myself, as great in good, as he is, as much a master of my Cuntries fortunes; and one to whom, (since I am forcd to speak it, since mine owne tongue must be my Advocate) (BAR:F:12:) this blinded , that plaies at boa|#peep wth vs, this wanton , that#^s weary of hir lovers, and cryes out, give me yonger still, and fresher is bound, and so far bound: I found hir naked, +floong out #a dore^s and ] starud, no frends to pitty hir, the marks of all hir miseries vpon hir, an orphan , that no eye smild vpon, and then how carefully I vndertooke hir, how tenderly, and lovingly I noursd hir; but now she is fatt, and faire againe, and I foold, a new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at: and I must sue to him: be witnes heaven, if this poore life were forfeyt to his mercy, at such a rate I hold a scornd subiection I would not give a penney to redeeme it: I haue liv^d ever free, onely depended vpon the honestie of my faire Actions, nor am I now to studdy how to die soe. . take better thoughts. ] ##. they are my first, and last; the legacie I leave my frends behind me, I neuer knew to flatter, to kneele basely, and beg from him a smile, owes me an honor; Ye are wreatches, poore staru^d wreatches: fedd on crumbs that he flings to ye: from yor owne aboundaunce, wreatched, and slavish people, ye are becom, that feele the griping yoak, and yet bow to it; what is this man, this , this god ye make now, but what #or hands haue molded, wrought to fashion, and by #or constant labors, given a life to[, and must we fall before him, now, adoare him, blow all we can, to fill his sailes wth greatnes, worship the Image we set vp orselues, put fate into his hand, into his #will #or lives, and fortunes[, howle, and cry to #or owne clay be mercifull o [ o pittied people, base, base, poore patcht vp men: You dare not heare this, you haue sold yor eares to slavery: begon, and flatter: when ere your politick putts his hooke into my nose, here must he put his Sword too. . we lament ye ||| . . we are vndon, Sir. ] ##. why[ for certaine perishd is taken in: fled, and Leidenberge, a Servant to their pleasures ] a prisoner Sir. . ha ] ## ^tis too true. ] ##. a prisoner[ . and some say, has byn torturd, reveald much even all he knowes: no letters are against ye for those he burnt: but they haue so much foold him that his owne tongue (BAR:F:12v:) ##. he cannot be so boyish . my goverment of , is disposd of their anger now, against vs all profest, and in yor ruyn, all must fall. . a prisoner[ ] fledd[ I am glad he is scapt their fingers: Now if the devill had but this Leidenberge I were safe enough: what a dull foole was I a stupid foole, to wrap vp such a secreat in a sheepes hart+ o I could teare my flesh now, and beat my leaden braines . faith try the , Sir, you are at yor last. ] ##. art thou my Son[ thou lyest: I neuer got a Parasite, a Coward, I seeke the Prince, or bend in base submission[ ile seeke my grave first: yf I needes must fall and that the fatall howre is cast of , iust like a strong demolishd Towre ile totter, and fright the neighbor Cuntries with my murmor: my ruyns shall reach all, The valiant Soldier whose eies are vnacquainted but wth anger shall weep for me, because I fedd, and noursd him. shall mourne my losse, and this vnthanckfull forgetfull Cuntry, when I sleepe in ashes, shall feele, and then confes I was a Father ||| (BAR:M:12v:) . Will yor Excellence please to sitt[ . I am prowd, yor lordships so willingly restore me to that place from which the envy of the Advocate, of late hath forcd me: And y you may know, how ere his mallice live to me, all hatred is dead in me, to him: I am a Suitor he may be sent for; For as is a member of this body politique, I honor him, and will not scorne to yeild a strict accompt of all my Actions to him; and, though my Enemie, while he continues a frend to his owne fame, and loyall to the , I love him, and shall greive that he when he falls from it, must deserve my pitty. . this disposition in yor Excellence do^s well becom you: but would wrong #or iudgements to call one, as a partner to those counsailes that is suspected, and ev^n then, when all his dark designes, and deepest purposes ] are to be sifted. (BAR:M:13:) ##. it were most vnfit, and therefore we entreat Your Highnes to ] presse it no further. . my good lords: your pardon, you are your owne disposers: Gentlemen, I shall #a while entreat ye to forbeare the troble that you put vpon yorselues, in following me: I can need no defence here, being left among those, whose grave counsailes ever haue lookd out for my saftie ^tis yor pleasure ^tis yor pleasure, and therefore I embrace it. ||| . . Now, when you please, yor Excellence may deliuer what You haue obseru^d, concerning the faction, what hopes, and heads it had, for without question it found more fauorers, and great ones too, then yet we haue discoverd, . my grave Lords, ] that it hath byn my happines to take in, and with so litle blood, so many Townes that were falne #of, is a large recompence for all my travell; and I would advise (that since all now sing the sweet tunes of Concord, no sword vnsheathd, the meanes to hurt, cut off, and all their stings pluckd out; that would haue vsd them against the publique peace) we should end here and not with labor search for that, which will afflict vs, when ^tis found: Something I know that I could wish: I nere had vnderstood, wch yet if I should speake, as the respect and duty that I owe my Cuntry, binds me, it wilbe thought ^tis rather privat spleene then pious zeale: but that is not the hazard wch I would shun. I rather feare the men we must offend in this, being great, rich, wise, sided wth strong Frends, trusted with the guard of places most important, will bring forth rather new birthes of tumult, should they be calld to their Triall, then appease disorder in their iust punishment, and in doing Iustice on three or fowre, that are delinquents, loose so many thousand inocents, that stand firme and faithfull patriots. Let vs leave them therefore to the scourge of their owne consciences, perhaps th^#assurance that they are yet vndiscoverd because not cyted to their answeare, Will so work wth them hereafter to doe well that we shall ioy we sought no farther in it. . such mild proceedings in a Goverment new setled, whose maine strengh had it^s dependaunce (BAR:M:13v) vpon the powre of some perticuler men might be given way to, but in ours, it Were vnsafe, and scandalous; then the haue lost their liberties, Iustice hir Sword, and we prepard a way for our owne ruyn when for respect or favor vnto any, ] of what condition soever, we palliat seditions, and forbeare to call ] treason by hir owne name. ##1.. it must not be: ] such mercie, to our selues were tirranie ##2.. nor are we to consider who they are that haue offended, but what#^s the offence, and how it should be punishd, to deter ] others by the example . which we will doe, ] and vsing that vnited powre wch warrants, all we thinck fitt, we doe intreat yor Highnes (for willingly we would not say, com(m)aund you) as you affect the safetie of the State, or to preserve yor owne deserved honors and neuer tainted loyaltie, to make knowne all such as are suspected. . I obey you: ] and though I cannot give vp certaine proofes to point out the delinquents, I will name the men the generall voice proclaimes for guiltie. flight assures him one, nor is the pentionary of , free from suspition; from I haue brought the , who hath confest alredy something that will give vs light to find out the rest: I would end here ] and leave out . . yf he be guiltie ] he^#s to be nam^d, and punishd with the rest . vpon good evidence, but not till then ] to be com(m)itted . ^twer expedient ] that something should be practisd to bring in ] . . out of him, the truth of all ] may be wroong out. . the advice is sound, and good, . but with much difficultie to be performd, for how to force him out of (whether they say hee#^s fledd) without a War at least the breaking of that league we haue concluded with them, I ingeniously ] confes my ignoraunce. ||| . since we approve it, ] leave that to me. (BAR:M:14:) ##. my lord . call in the Captaine ] you saw me speak with at the dore. . ^tis don. ||| . . What do^s yor Excellence ayme at[ . haue but patience ||| you shall know sodainely. . my good Angell keepe me and turne it to the best: what am I sent for[ . you are wellcom Captaine: nay ^tis for Yor good that you are calld for: you are well acquainted with all the parts of [ . I haue livd there, ] most of my time . but doe you know the Castle belonging to Aunt, or Cosen, wch ^tis I know not. . very well, my Lord, a pleasant Cuntry ^tis, and yeilds good hunting. . and that#^s a sport from his youth ] was much inclind to. . wee#^ll make vse of it it is of waight, that you must vndertake and do^s require yor secrecie, and care. . in both, I wilbe faithfull ] ##. I beleeve you, and to confirme it, Wth all possible speed I would haue you to post thether; from the Borders make choice of any horsemen you thinck fitt, and when you come there, devide them into parties and lodge neere to the Castle, yf come forth to hunt, or if at any time you find the draw|#bridge vp, break in vpon him, and willing, or vnwilling force him hether, you shall haue gold to furnish you, and this don propose yor owne rewards, they shalbe graunted. . yf I be wanting, let my head pay for it: ile instantly about it. ||| . doe, and prosper. . what will you do wth Leidenberge[ . let him be kept safe #a while: for , till we haue some certaine proofes against him, I hold fitt he haue his libertie, but be suspended from any place, or voice in Court, vntill his guilt, or inocence appeere. . I like it. ] ##. we are all of yor opinion . bring in . ||| ] . . doe all theis, father, wayt on You[ ] ##. yes Boy. (BAR:M:14v:) ##. indeed I doe not like their Countenaunces they looke as if they meant You litle good pray you put them away. . alas, poore inocent, it is for thee I suffer: for myself ] I haue set vp my rest. . Now, Mounseiur , we send not for you, though yor fault deserve it to load you with reproofe, but to advise you to make vse of the way we haue found out to save your life, and honor: you alredy in free confession of yor fault haue made a part of satisfaction: goe on in it and you shall find a faire discovery of yor fowle purposes, and th^#agents in#^em, will wyn more fauor from theyr lordships to you then any obstinate deniall, can doe, . all that I know I will deliuer to You and beyond that yor Excellence, nor their Lordships will not, I hope perswade me. . in the meane time ] you are a prisoner. . who, my Father[ ] ##. yes Boy. . then I will be a prisoner too; for heaven|#sake let me goe with him: for theis naughtie men will nere wayt on him well: I am vsd to vndresse him when he#^s to goe to bed, and then read to him, vntill he be #a sleepe. and then pray by him, I will not leave him. ] ##. why, thou shalt not, Boy: goe with thy father. ] ##. you are a good Lord, indeed I love you for#^t, and will pray for you: Come Father, now I must goe too, I care not. while I am with you, you shall haue no hurt, ] ile be yor warrant . I haue lost myself, ] but something I shall doe ||| . . ^tis time to rise: and if your Lordships please, we will defer ] our other busines, to an other sit ting . in the meane time, wee#^ll vse all honest meanes to sound the depth of this Confederacie: in which heavens hand direct vs, and assist vs. ||| . (BAR:F:14*:) ##1.. This is a strange cutting time. ##2. let#^em cutt deep enough they will doe no great cure els: I wonder strangely they carry such a gentle hand on that any frends come to him. ##1. #has Confest much beleeue it, and so far they feare him not they would be els more circumspect ##2. pray ye tell me, ] is there no further newes of those are fledd[ I meane those fellow Instruments[ ##1. None as yet: ] at least divulgd abroad. But certenly the wise States are not idle; neither at this time do^s it concerne their safeties: we shall heare shortly ] more of theis Monsters . ##2. let#^s to dynner Sir ] there we shall heare more newes. ##1. ile beare ye Companie ||| (BAR:F:14v:) . And how doth he take his Imprisonement[ mr . . a litle discontent, #and#^t please yor Lordship and sad, as men Confind (BAR:F:15:) ##. He do^s not talke much[ ] ##. litle or nothing, Sir. . nor wrighte[ ] ##. not any thing yet I haue charge to give him those free vses. . doe you keep him close[ . not so close, #and#^t like yor Lordship but you may see, and speake with him. . I thanck ye, ] pray ye give me leave. . ile send him to Yor Honor. ||| . Now , thou treadst the subtlest path the hardest, and the thorniest, most concernes thee, that ere thy carefull course of life run through, the Master peece is now #a foot; wch if it speed and take but that sure hold, I ayme it at, I make no doubt, but once more like a Comet, to shine out faire, and blaze prodigiously ||| ] even to the ruyn of those men that hate me, I am sorry for your fortune. ] ##. ^tis a sad one, and full of burthen; but I must learne to beare it, how stands yor State[ ] ##. vpon a ball of yce, that I can neither fix, nor fall with safetie. . the heavie hand of heaven, is now vpon vs, and we exposd, like bruizd, and totterd vessells, to merciles, and cruell Seas, to sinck vs. . our Indiscreations, are our evill fortunes, and nothing sincks vs, but want of providence; o you delt coldly Sr, and too too poorely, not like a man fitt to stem tides of danger, when you gave way to the , to enter ; there was a blow, a full blow at #or fortunes, and that great indiscreation, that mayne blindnes, in not providing such a Constant Captaine, one of #or owne, to com(m)aund the watch, but suffer the haughtie English to be masters of it, this was not well, nor fitting such a wisdom, ] not provident . I must confes my error, the beastly coldnes of the drowsy put me past all my aymes. . o, they are sweet Iewell^s: he that would put his confidence in Turnops: and pickelld Spratts: Come, yet resume yor Courage, pluck vp that leaden hart, and looke vpon me; fledd; and what we lockt in him, too far #of, from their subtle keys to open: yf we stand constant now, to one an other, and in #or soules be true. . that comes too late, Sr, (BAR:F:15v:) too late to be redeemd: as I am vnfortunate in all that#^s gone before: in this. . what[ ] ##. o ] in this, this last, and greatest . speake ] ##. most miserable. I haue confesd: now let Yor eies shoot through me. and if there be a killing anger, sinck me. . Confessd[ ] ##. ^tis don: this traitor|#tongue, h^as don it: ] this coward tongue. . Confessd[ ] ##. he lookes me blind now. . how I could cursse thee Foole; dispise thee, spurne thee: but thou art a thing, not worthie of mine anger, a Frend[ a dog: a whore had byn more secreat, a com(m)on whore, a closer Cabinet: Confest: vpon what safety: thou trembling Aspyn, vpon what hope[ Is there ought left to buoy vs but #or owne confidence[ what Frends now follow vs, that haue the powre to strike #of theis misfortunes but #or owne constant harts[ where were my eies, my vnderstanding, when I tooke vnto me a fellow of thy falce hart, for a Frend thy melting mind: foold with a few faire words, suffer those secreats, that concerne thy life, in the Revealer, not to be forgiven too, to be pluckt from thy childes hart, with a promise, a nod, a smile[ thyself, and all thy fortunes through thy base feare, made subiect to example; nor will the shott stay there: but wth full violence run through thy rank of frends, dispeirce, and totter, the best and fairest hopes thy fame was built on. . what haue I don[ how am I foold, and cozend[ what shall redeeme me from this Ignoraunce[ . not any thing thou aymst at: thou art lost: a most vnpittied way thou fallst. . not one hope ] to bring me #of[ nothing reserued to cleere me from this cold Ignoraunce[ ] ##. but one way left, but that thy base feare dares not let thee look on: and that way I take, though it seemes steepe, and every step stuck with affrights, and horrors, yet on the end hangs smyling peace, and honor. and I will on. ] ##. propound, and take me with ye. . dye vncompelld: and mock their preparations, ] their envyes, and their Iu stice, . dye[ ] ## dye willingly: dye sodainely and bravely: so will I: then let#^em sift #or Actions from #or ashes; I looke to morrow to be drawne before#^em; and doe you thinck, I, that haue satt a Iudge (BAR:F:16:) and drawne the thred of life to What length I pleasd: will now appeare a Prisoner in the same place tarry for such an ebb: no , the narrowest dore of death, I would work through first ere I turne Slave to stick their gawdy triumphes. . dye did you say[ dye willingly[ . dye any Way: dye in a dreame; he that first gaue vs honors allowes vs also saffe waies to preserve#^em, to scape the hands of Infamy, and tirrany we may be our owne Iustice: he that looses his Creadit (deere as life) through doubt, or faintnes is guilty of a doble death, his Name dies, he is onely pious, that preserves his heire his honor, when he#^s dead,. . ^tis no great paine. ] ##. ^tis nothing Imagination onely makes it monstrous; When we are sick, we endure a hundred fitts this is but one, a hundred waies of torture, and cry, and howle, weary of all about vs, #or Frends, Allyes, or Children teadious to vs, even #or best health, is but still sufferaunce; one blow, one short peece of an howre dos this and this cures all: maintaines no more phisitians restores #or memories, and ther#^s the great cure where, if we stay the fatall Sword of Iustice it moawes the man downe first, and nixt his fashion, ] his living name, his Crea dit. . give me yor hand Sir; you haue put me in a path, I will tread strongly: redeeme what I haue lost, and that so nobely the world shall yet confes, at least I lovd ye: how much I smile at now, theis peoples mallice, dispise their subtle ends, laugh at their Iustice, and what a mightie Prince, a constant man is, how he can set his mind aloft, and looke at the bussings, and the busines of the spightfull and crosse when ere he please, all their close weavings: farwell: my last farwell. (BAR:F:16v:) ##. a long farwell Sr. . #or bodies are the earthes, that#^s their dyvorsse but #or im(m)ortall names shall twyn togeather. . thus tread we backward to #or graves; but faint not: . Fooles onely fly their peace: thus I pursue it. ||| . (BAR:M:16v:) . . They haue arrested him[ [ ] ##. yes that you all know they did at but since they haue with more severitie and scorne of vs, proceeded: Monsieur Walkes with a thousand eies, and guards vpon him, and has at best a painted libertie. th^#Appollogie he Wroat, so poorely raild at, (for answeard at no part, a man can call it) and all his life, and Actions so detracted that he, as I am certenly informd, lookes every howre for worsse. . Come, Come, they dare not: or if they should, I will not suffer it I haue without dread, ever maintaind the freedom I was borne to, against all that ever haue provoakd me, will not feare what this old , or the new of , dare vndertake beyond this, but will rise vp and if he lay his hande(s) on , his Court, our Guift, and where the generall #or equalls sitt, ile fry about their eares, and quench it in their blood: what now I speake againe ile speake alowd: let who will tell it, I neuer will fly from it . what you purpose, ] I will not fly from. . back you then to , ile keep at , there if he fetch me ile nere repent, what ever can fall on me. ||| . . Shall I help you to bed Sr[ ] ## no my Boy, not yet. . ^tis late, and I grow sleepie. ] ## goe to bed then, for I must wryte, my Childe (BAR:M:17:) ##. I had rather Watch Sir, if you sitt vp: for I know you will wake me. indeed I will not: goe, I haue much to doe: prethee to bed: I will not Waken thee. . pray Sir, leave Wryting, till to morrow. ] ## why Boy[ . you slept but #ill last night: and talkd in yor sleep too trembled, and tooke no rest. ] ## I ever doe so: good Boy to bed: my busines is of waight and must not be defered: good night, sweet Boy. . my Father was not wont to be so kind. to hug me, and to kisse me soe. . why do^st thou weep[ . I cannot tell: But such a tendernes whether it be with your kind words vnto me or what it is, has crept about my hart, Sir, and such a sodaine heavynes withall too, thou bringst fitt mourners for my Funerall. . but why do you weep, Father[ . o my Boy ] thy teares are dew|#drops: sweet as those on roses, but mine the faint, and yron sweatt of sorrow: prethee, sweet Child to bed: good rest dwell with thee and heaven returne a blessing: that#^s my good Boy ||| . How nature rises now, and turnes me Woman[, when most I should be man[ Sweet hart farwell, farwell for ever: When we get vs Children we then doe give #or freedoms vp to Fortune, and loose that native courage we are borne to; to dye were nothing: simply to leave the light, no more then going to #or beds, and sleeping: but to leave all these dearnesses behind vs, these figures of #or selues, that we call blessings is that wch trobles: Can man beget a thing that shalbe deerer then himself vnto him[ tush, thinck what thou art to doe: not to play , weeping ore hir Children, vnless that apeere againe and chide thy dull|#cold nature: He is fast: Sleepe on sweet Child. the whilst thy wreatched Father prepares him to the yron sleepe of death: or is death fabled out, but terrable to fright vs from it: or rather is there not some hid , some blessed fruites moated about with death[ Thou soule of , and you brave speritts, famous more for yor true resolutions on Yor selues, then Conquest of the world: behold, and see me an old man, and a g(r)owne man, with as much #hast and gladnes entertaine this steele, that meetes me, as ever longing lover, did his Mistris So, so: yet further: soe. oh. sure the Boy Wakes. and I shalbe prevented. (BAR:M:17v:) ##. now heaven blesse me: ] o me: o me. he dreames: and starts with frightings: I bleed #a pace, but cannot fall: ^tis here this will make wider roome: Sleep gentle Child and do not looke vpon thy bloody Father, nor more remember him, then fitts thy fortune: Now shoot yor spightes: now clap on all Yor councells, here is a constant Frend will not betray me: #I now I faint: mine eies begin to hunt for that they haue lost for ever: this worlds beutie o, oh, o oh: my long sleepe now h^as ceizd me. ||| . I heard him groane, and cry: I heard him fall sure o there he lyes, in his owne blood: o Father o my deere Father: dead, and bequeathd no blessing: why did I goe to bed[ why was I heavy[ o I will neuer sleep againe: the house there: you that are curteous, rise: you that haue Fathers. ho, Master : o my deerest Father some Surgeons, Surgeons: ||| ] . . ^twas the Boyes voice, certaine . what bloody sight is this[ #h^as killd himself: dead: stone cold dead: he needs no #art of Surgeons. . take #of the Boy . o let me dwell here ever. . this was a fatall stroak, to me a heavy, for my remissnes, wilbe loaden with it: bring in the Body: ile to the instantly: examine all the wounds, and keep the knives, the Boy fast too: may be he knowes some circumstaunce . o that I neuer knew againe. . in with it. ||| (BAR:F:17v:) ] . . Are the Horsse left where I appointed#^em[ and all the Soldiers ready[ ] ##. they are all Captaine. . ^tis well: is abroad, for certaine, ] hunting this morning. . ^tis most likely Sir: for round about the Castle, since the dawning we haue heard the merry noyce of hornes. . dispeirce then, ] except some three, or fowre to watch the Castle least he break in againe: What Company haue ye discoverd, that attends him[ ] ##. few Sr, I do not thinck he has five within the Fort, now ] able to make resistaunce. . let#^em be twenty we are strong enough to fright#^em: And by all meanes let those that stay, seek by some trick, or other (BAR:F:18:) to make the Bridge good, that they draw it not if he returne, vpon vs. . with all care Sr. ||| . + ] . . The doggs haue hunted well this dewy morning, and made a merry cry: ##1.. the Hare was rotten you should haue heard els, such a rore, and seene#^em make all hir dobles out with such neat hunting, and run at such a merry rate togeather, they should haue dapled ore yor bay wth fome Sr. . ^Tis very well: and so well, I affect it that I could wish I had nere hunted after any delight but this, nor sought more honor: this is securely safe, drawes on no danger, nor is this Chace crost with malignant envy: how sweetly do I live, and laugh vpon the perrills I haue past, the plotts, and traynes, and now (methincks) I dare securely looke on the steepe z desprat follyes, my indiscretion like a blind careles foole had allmost cast me on, Here i stand saffe, ^gainst all their strengths, and Stratagems: I was a boy, a Foole, to follow , to step into his attempts, to wedd my freedom to his most dangerous Faction, a meere Coxcomb, ||| 2: ] . but I haue scapd their clawes: haue ye found more game[ ##2.. beating about to find a new Hare, we discoverd . discoverd[ what[ ] ##2. Horsemen, #and#t please ye Sir. scowt round about vs; and wch way still the doggs went ] they made vp, wthin vie w, . look^t they like Soldiers[ ##2.. for certaine they are Soldiers, for if theis are eyes, I saw their pistolls. . many[ ] ##2.. some half a score, Sir. . I am betraid: away, and raise the Boores vp, bid#^em deale manfully ##1.. take a close way home, and clap yor spurrs on roundly. . no place safe for me this has long armes: and his kindled anger a thousand eyes: make #hast, and raise the Cuntry ||| ||| . ] . This was a narrow scape: he was ith^ Feild sure . yes, that was certaine he, that ridd #of by vs, when we stood close ith^ brakes. . a devill take it, how are we cozend: pox of #or goodly providence, if he get home, or if the Cuntry know it. . make haste, he is yet vnmand: we may come time enough to enter with him: besides ther#^s this advantage they are left behind, in stead of helping a Boores Cart ore the Bridge, loden with hay haue crackt the Ax tree wth a trick, and there it stands and choakes the Bridge, from drawing. . ther#^s some hope yet: away, and clap on spurs: he shall scape hardly if none of vs salute him: mounte, mounte. ||| ||| ) ] . #Hell take this hay: ^tis set on purpose here: fire it, and draw the Bridge, clap faggotts #on#^t and fire the Cart, and all: no Boores come in yet[ where be yor Musketts, Slaves[ (BAR:F:18v:) ##. we haue no powder Sr, . you haue sold me, Rogues, betrayd me: fire the Cart I say or heave it intoth^ Moat. . we haue not men enough will ye goe in, the Cuntry will rise presently and then you shall see Sr, how wee#^ll buckle wth#^em. . I see I am vndon, the(y) hay choakes all, ||| ] I cannot get beside it. . Stir not #a foote, for he that do^s has mett his preist: goe ceize his body: but hurt him not: you must along with vs, Sir we haue an easie nag will swym away with ye, you ghesse the cause I am sure: when you are ith^ saddle once let yor Boores loose, wee#^ll show#^em such a base: do not deiect yor self, nor rayle at fortune they are no helpes: thinck what you haue to answeare . Captaine, within this Castle, in ready Coyne I haue a thousand Ducketts, doe me one curtesie it shalbe brought out presently. . what is it, ] for I haue vse of money[ . doe but shoot me, clap both yor Pistolls into me. . no I thanck ye, I know a trick worth ten o^that: ile love Ye and bring ye to those men that long to see ye: away, away: and keepe yor pistolls spand still ] we may be forced. . I am vndon for ever. ||| . . . Is^t possible he should be so far tempted ] to kill himself[ . #has don it, and most desperatly, nor could strong Nature stay his hand: his owne Child that slept beside him: which showes him guilty lords ] more then we suspected. . ^tis to be feard soe and therefore, howsoere I moud your lordships to a mild, and sweet proceeding in this busines that nothing might be construde in#^t malitious, and make the world beleeue #or owne ends wrought it, now it concernes ye to put on more strictnes and with seveerer eyes to looke into it, ye robb yorselves of yor owne rightes els, Iustice and loose those pious names, yor Cuntries safeties; and sodainely this must be don, and constantly the powre ye hold els, wilbe scornd, z laughd at and theis vnchristian stroakes, be laid to yor charge. . yor Grace goes right; but with what generall safetie (for ther#^s the mayne point:) if we proceed seveerely may this be don[ We all know how much followed and with what swarmes of love, this Mounsieur is courted all the Cuntry over: Besides, at we heare how behaues himself and how he stirrs the peoples harts against vs: and has byn heard to say, and openly (a man of no meane mark, nor to be slighted) that if we durst imprison he would fire the Court, and State|#house; and that Sacrifize he would make more glorious wth yor blood, and ors, Sir. (BAR:F:19:) ##. All angers are not armd; the lowdest Channell runs shallowest, and there betrayes his weakenes, the deep z silent man, threatens the danger. . if they had equall powre to man their wills and hope, to fling theis miseries vpon vs, I that nere feard an Army in the feild a body of most choice and excellent Soldiers, and led by Captaines honord for experience can I feare them, or shake at their poore whispers[ I that haue broke the beds of Mutenies, and bowde againe to faire obedience those stubborne necks, that burst the raynes of order shall I shrinck now, and fall, shot wth a rumor[ no, my good Lords, those vollyes neuer fright me; yet, not to seeme remisse, or sleep secure here, I haue taken order to prevent their angers: I haue sent Potents out for the choicest Companies hether to be remou^d: first Collonell from , next , a stowt Company and last my Cosens, the Company: wth theis I doubt not, to make good #or busines, they shall not find vs babes. . you are nobely provident. . and now proceed, when it please You: and what You thinck fit we shall subscribe to all. . I thanck yor Honors. Call in the Captaine of my Guard. ||| . hee#^s here, Sir. . harck in your eare. ] ##. I shall Sir, . doe it wisely ] and without tumult. . I observe your Grace . now take your rest, my lords: for what care followes ] leave it to me. . we wish it all succes Sr. ||| . . This from the of , of much importaunce, and this from , both mightie Princes and of im(m)ortall memories: here the Rewards sett: they lou^d me both: the of , this, about a Truyce: his bounty too: what#^s this[ from the Elector Palatine of to doe him faire, and acceptable offices, I did so: a rich iewell, and a Chaine he sent me: the of ; And this from his faire ] about compounding of a busines: I did it, and I had their thancks, , the Archbisshop of , of , ; theis from , theis from theis: theis from the for places, haue I held corespondence with theis , and had their loves, the molding of their busines, trusted with their most secreat purposes[, of every State acquainted wth the misteries[ and must I stick here now[, stick vnreleeud too[ must all theis glories vanish into darknes[ and passe with#^em, and glide away like a spent Exhalation[ I cannot hold, I am crackt too deepe alredy: what haue I don, I cannot answeare[ Foole, remember not Fame has too many eares, and eyes to find thee, what help[, o miserable man, none left thee: ||| what constant frends[ ^tis now a cryme to know thee ] if it be death. (BAR:F:19v:) ##. My Lady would entreat Sir, . my head: what art thou[ from whom sent[ . heaven blesse me . are they so greedy of my blood[ o pardon me I know thee now; thou art my honest Servant, what would thy Lady[ ] ##. your Company to supper, Sir. . I cannot eate: I am full alredy tell hir, bid hir sitt downe: full, full, too full ||| my thancks, poyzd equally with those faire services I haue don the State, I should walk confidently vpon this high|#straind danger: o, this end swayes me a heavy bad opinion is fixt here ||| that pulls me #of: and I must downe for ever Sir, will it please ye; ] ##. ha[ will it please ye Sir. . please me, what please me[ ] that I send thee, Girle to some of my great Masters to beg for me, didst thou meane soe[ . I meane Sir. . thou art too charitable to prostitute thy beutie, to releeue me, with thy soft kisses, to redeeme from fetters the stubborne fortune of thy wretched Father. . I vnderstand ye not. ] ##. I hope thou do^st not. . my Lady Mother, Sir ] ##. pre^thee, good Girle be not so cruell to thy aged father to som(m)e vp all his miseries before him . I come Sir, to entreat Yor Company I am not alone. . my Mother will not eate Sir: ] what fitt is this[ . there can be no attonement: I know the : is fleshd vpon me, and , though he be of noble nature dare not step in: wher#^s my Son [ his Goverment is gon too, and the Soldier, o the falce Soldier, what wouldst thou haue, a husband[ goe marry an English Captaine, and hee#^ll teach thee how to defy thy Father, and his fortune. I cannot eate, I haue no stomach, Girle. . good Sir, be patient. . no newes from [ no flow of Frends there[ lye still too[ away: ile come anon. . now heaven preserve ye. ||| . a gentle Girle: why should not I pray too[ I had nere more need: when I am sett, and gon, what vnderstanding can they stick vp then to fill the place I bore[ none, not a man: to traffick wth great Princes[ none: to deale with all the trobles of the war[ none: certaine, no man; to bring in daylie treasure, I know no man, they cannot pick a man, made vp to serve#^em: why should I feare then[ doubt, and fly before ||| myne owne weake thoughts[ art thou there too[ fy, fy Sir ] why do you suffer theis sad, dead retirements (BAR:F:20:) To choake yor speritts[ you haue studied long enough to serve the vses of those men that scorne ye, ^tis time you take your ease now. . I shall shortly ] an everlasting ease, I hope. why weep ye[ ] my deere Sir, speak. . neuer till now vnhappie, thy fruit there, and my fall, ripen togeather and Fortune gives me heires of my disgraces. take nobler thoughts . what will becom of thee, Wiffe[ when I am gon, when they haue gorgd their envies with what I haue, what honest hand in pitty will powre out to thy wants[ what noble eye will looke vpon my Children strooke with miserie and say you had a father that I honord, for his sake be my Brothers, and my Sisters[ there cannot be such crueltie ] ##. I hope not: yet, what so confident Sailor that heares the Sea rore, the winds sing lowd, and dreadfull, the day darkend, but he will cry a storme: downe with his Canvas, ||| . and hull, expecting of that horrid feauor[ how now[ What newes[ ] ##. pluck vp yor hart Sir, fairely and wither not away, thus poorely from vs: be now secure: the myst ye feard is vanishd: dead. . dead[ ] ##. killd himself: his owne hand: most bravely was his Iustice: nor left behind him one peece of paper to dishonor ye: they are all to seeke now, for their Accusations . and is he dead[ so timely too[, so truly[ Speak#^t againe, #Will . hee#^s dead Sir: if I live here. . and his owne hand[ . his hand, and #will performd it. . give me some wyne: I find now, notwthstanding ||| . ] the opposition of those mindes that hate me a wise|#man spyns his owne fate, and secures it. Nor can I, that haue powre to perswade men dye want living frends, to iustefie my Creadit: goe in, and get me meat now: invyte my frends I am determind to be high, and merry: Thou hast lost thy Charge, wee#^ll haue another, <#Will>+ it shall goe hard els: The of now will find what Frends I haue, and of what reckning: and when he seekes this life, he must make passage through thousands more, and those he litle dreames of . I wonder how he got that sperit, Sir, to dye soe[ . he was a weak man indeed: but he has redeemd it: there be some|#other, I could wish of his mind do^st thinck they dare doe any thing now[ ^troth I thinck not Sir. . no Boy, I warrant thee: they make great soundes but mark what followes: prethee let^s be merry I want it much. . I am glad to see you so, Sir. ||| (BAR:F:20v:) ##. I cannot be aboue two daies from Councell. I know their wants[ how now[ what haste[ . o Sir; ye are vndon ] we haue lost ye[ ] ##. ha[ . for ever lost ye. ] ##. why[ The Captaine of the Guard: the Captaine ||| ] . where[ how[ . is broken in, now, vpon vs. he will not be denyde: o my deere Husband The cruell Captaine ||| . . ope the dore: wee#^ll force it els: and all that dare resist vs wee#^ll put toth^ Sword. . open the dore: farwell Wiffe, goe to the French Embassador, presently, there#^s all my hope: to him make knowne my misery: wooe him, with teares, with praires: this kisse: be happie o we shall neuer see ye more ||| . away: ||| ] Now Instrument of blood, why doe ye seeke vs[ I haue knowne the day you haue wayted like a Suppliant, and those knees bended, as I past: Is there no reverence belonging to me, left now[ that like a Ruffian rudely ye force my lodgings[ no punishment due to a cryme of that fowle nature[ . you must pardon me, I haue Com(m)ission Sir, for What I offer, and from those men, that are your Masters too, at least you#^ll find ^em soe: you must shift yor lodging, and presently: I haue a charge to see ye, ] yeild yorself quietly . goe, and tell their Lordships I will attend to morrow: I know my time; and how to meet their mallice without guards; this is the , the cruell your Master, the thirstie of this poore life. . be not vext ] that will not help ye, Sir: . I wilbe vext; and such an anger I will fling amongst#^em shall shake the servile soules of these poor Wretches that stick his slight deservings aboue mine: I charge ye draw yor Guard off, and dispeirce ^em: I haue a powre as full as theirs. . you#^ll find not; and I must haue ye with me. . and am I subiect ] that haue stood the brunt of all their busines[ and when they slept, watcht to secure their slombers[, subiect to slights, to scornes, to taynts, to tortures[ to feed one privat mallice, am I betrayd, myne age, myne honor, and my honest dealing ] sold to the hangmans Sword[ . I cannot stay. ] ##. take me, and glory in my blood, you most vngratefull, (BAR:F:21:) feed your long bloody hopes, and bath your angers in deservings, share my Services, let it be death to pitty me, to speak well of me, the ruyn of whole Famylies: When I am gon and angry War againe shall ceize your Cuntry, too late remember then, and cursse yor follyes: I am ready: farwell Son; remember me but not my fortune; let them cry, that shall Want me. . no man come neere, on paine of death: away with him. ||| (BAR:M:21:) . . And, as I told your Highnes, so wee tooke him: . ^twas with discretion, and valor followd, You were not noted, as you made yor entraunce ] into the [ . no, Sir, ^twas about Midnight and few were stirring but the Guard. ] ##. the better: let his being brought in, be still conceald, and tell him if vncompelld he will confes the truth at Arraignement, that all fauor that I can wyn him, shall prepare a way ||| ] ] < Bowghs z> ] .to quallifie his fault. . ile work him to it ] and doubt not. . what are theis . ^Tis |#time, ] in which it is a custome with the people to deck their dores wth Garlonds, Bowghes, and flowres ] that are most gratious. . o I remember: ] stand close. ##1.. strow, strow: more Garlonds, and more Flowres, vp wth the Bowghes; <^sacramant> I will haue my noble Frends house, Mounseiur as well deckt as his Excellencies Court, for though they haue got him in prison, he deserves ] as well as any. . mark you that. ##2.. ^tis said ] they will cutt #of his head ##1. much: with a Cusshion: they know he h^as too many Frends. they dare not: people will talke: I hope ere long to see him ] as great as ever: . greater too; I doubt not, and of more powre: his feet vpon the necke(s) ] of all his Enemies . I am glad, I heard this: and shall feele I will make vse of#^t Come, follow me. ||| . So, now the merry Song we made for his good Lady: Lustique, hoa: ||| : ||| ] . All thancks, kind Frends, that a sad house can give ye pray you receive: for I rest well assurd though theis sports, are vnseasonable here (BAR:M:21v:) they testefie yor loves: and if my Lord ere lyve to be himself againe, I know ] he will remember it. . now for the , Boyes ||| . ther#^s something for Your paines; drinck it, I pray: . to a doyt, my Vroa: to thy Lords health, and thine: the Bree: for his Excellence, and the Heeres, that love him not: ten hundered towsand blessings ] to him and thee, my Vroa. || | I thanck you Frend ||| . . Let him be sent for presently: he shall know, ||| were he ten times more popular, his Frends and flatterers Centuple, the Sword of Iustice shall fall on him, as on the meanest man since he deserves it. ||| ] ] . Make roome for the Prisoner: . My dutie to Yor Highnes, and theis Princes. and an increase of wisdome to Yor Lordships for wch the world admires you, I wish to You: Alas, what troble do^s a Weake old man (that is being out of all imployment, vseles, the bag of his deserts too, cast behind you) impose vpon this Senat[ my poore life (wch others envy makes you Instruments to fight against) will hardly be a Conquest ] worthie such great performers. . Mounseiur ] ^tis no mans envy, that hath brought vs hether to sitt as Iudges on you, but yor owne your owne late Actions, they haue raisd a War against yor former merritts, and defeated what ever then was ranckt for good, and great, for wch your Enemies, those that you thought Frends ] triumph, not wee. we rather wish you could ] acquitt yorself of that, for which we haue too evident prooffes, then labor to intrap you. . I must beleeue, and suffer whatsoever yor Lordships charge me with: yet would gladly heare ] what my faultes are. . read the Confessions ] of , and . . [ . , that the Faction (of wch Sr , late Advocate of , and and of , was wthout contradiction the head) had resolued, and agreed, to renounce, and break, the ] generallity, and vnitie of the . Change, and alter the Religion: and to that end, wthout the Consent of the generall , had raysed vp ] and dispeirsed 3000 . Soldiers, (BAR:M:22:) . To degrade the of . . To massacre the people of the , wch were ] their greatest En emies; or offered resistaunce. yf that fayled, to take in assistaunce of some forreigne Potentates, as , or , delivering vnto them , , and the . . and that, with others this was purpose for so yor Lordships take it. ] ##. with good reason. . too many, and strong prooffes invyting vs ] to creadit it . yf you will haue them such all truth I can bring to dyvert Your Lordships from your determinate opinion that way will not remove them: Yet ^tis strange that man should labor to devide those generall States that had no weak hand, in vnyting them, That (a name you haue remembred when you haue thought by whom you were made happie) That (alowd I dare repeat it) who, when there was Combustion in the State, yor Excellence, , and , taking Instructions for your Com(m)aunds from one that then ruld all: the refucing to bring in their Contributions and arguing whether the and had powre to raise such Tribut, When many of the Governors stood #ill affected to you; all #or Garrisons not sworne then to the Generall States, but others, wch the promiscuous multitude gladly followed: when , were held by the and wth violence assaulted, Confusion wth one greedy gripe being ready to seaze on all; then, when the was lost, and all in muteny at : who then rose vp, or durst step in before me, to doe theis service[ who then labourd more then the now suspected t#^appease seditions, and compound all Quarrells[ who pacified the Malcontents[ who taught you to stand vpon yor Guards, and trust yourselves[ O you forgettfull, all this I performd, and in the golden fagot of faire Concord bound safely vp those strengthes, which Mutenies, Corruption, and home|#bred Traitors scatterd. . this is a point you often choose to treat of: and yet some part of theis good services ] none will deny you. . but to ingrosse all, ] would argue me yor ward, should I give way #too#^t and theis grave Lords, your Schollers. in the #Art ] of Goverment, they scornd not once to be soe, (BAR:M:22v:) nor You, to give me hearing: And if ever ^twer lawfull th#^vnthanckfull men t^#vpb(ra)id vnequalld benefitts, let it not in me be now held glorious, if I speake myself. I haue five times in regall Embassies byn sent the principall Agent for theis Cuntries, and, for yor good, haue spoken, face to face with mightie Kings: twyce wth that virgin Queene our Patronesse of happie memory of England; twyce in wth that invincible King that worthely (though dead) is still^d the Great; the : once with the king of , that now is, yet, let my greatest Enemy, name the least of theis so high Imployments, in which I treated without advantage, and returnd not wth proffitt, as with honor, to my Cuntry, and let me fall beneath the worst aspersion his mallice can throw on me: Besides Soldiers so often leavied, by my meanes for you, wch to perticularize were teadious two Millions, and five hundred thousand pounde(s) for wch the stood bound, I wrought freely to be dischargd; the Townes they pawnd to be deliuerd vp: And after all theis meritorious, and prosperous travells t^#vnyte theis States, can be suspected to be the author, to vndooe that knot which with such toyle he fastend[ . you take leave ] to speak of that, which you so oft haue told that ^tis the talk of Children. ] ##. it may be, for by such men as you are ^tis forgot: But with my dying breath, ile wryte this new vpon theis walls: and you shall nere sitt here (if you goe on in yor Iniustice towards me,) but all my glorious Actions shall appeere so many ghosts to fright you: do you smile[ you haue me here, and you may vse yor pleasures, Ile loose no more breath to you: To yor Highnes, to you, I turne my Speech now; Though I haue not sometimes preferd what you Com(m)aunded, when it lookd not towards the generall good, ^tis monstrous if in yor honor, you should not acquitt me of any purpose I had to degrade you: Nor can you but remember ^twas my Counsaile when in one yeere, you did besiege , tooke in the Fortresse of and wan and forcd the Prince of , to retire back wth disgrace to , all his works razd downe, or standing for our vse, made ours. how oft then in yor Camp, I visited you, wth what care, Cost, direction, and successe, (BAR:M:23:) I saw all things prepard: and made faire way ] to perfect yor design es. . pawse I beseech you, and while you gather breath to fill the Trumpet of your deserts, give me leave to deliuer a litle for the States, and mine owne honor, We haue heard a glorious Catologue of your vertues, but not one vice, or slip of yours, remembred: but I will help yor memory: who was he that gave intelligence of my sodaine com(m)ing to surprize [ they that brought the were knowne, and but from you could haue no notice of any such design: who hinderd me from rescuing of in the last Seige[ who warranted the yeilding of it vp ] wthout necesitie to the Governor[ who was the cause no greater powre was sent against the Enemie, when he past the , and tooke the Townes of [ To thinck of this, would give a litle vent to the windy bladder of your vanitie, which you have blowne to an vnlymitted vastnes your Insolence to me, before the Battaile ] of , I forget. . you shall not Sir, ] ^twas when yor Highnes too much prouiden(ce) for willing(l)y I would not say yor feare) (l)ed you to doubt the hazard of a Battaile, and said the fortune of the was put vpon the rapiers point, how I (for since you vrge me, I will speak it boldly) stood vp, and offerd if that you refusd, to take the Charge myself . but well assurd ] ^twould not be graunted . and for all the boast staid till the day was won, safe at . . I was in person there ||| . and yet you clayme as litle in the victory as I, that then was absent: I was in , you with three troopes of horse were on the hill and saw the Battaile fought, but strook no stroak in#^t. +. I was not there, +but what in Councell freely I deliuerd +before#^t was sought, yor Grace must graunt was honest: +you were in person there, and pro(ui)dent +nor tax I that: ^tis fit a Generall: I must confes ^tis fitt a Generall should looke out for his safetie: and you therefore are to be held ex(cu)sd: But that great day, that memorable day, in which #or honors, #or lives, and liberties were at the stake, we owe to the direction and the vallor of those vnparalelld paire of warlike Brothers the ever noble : and who take from them ] vsurpe on what is theirs. . doe we sitt here ] t^#arraigne this insolent man[ . or stands he here ] to Condempne vs[ to robb you of yor honor, ] z you sitt patient[ (BAR:M:23v:) ##. turne back theis base slaunders ] into the Traitors thr oat. . no; let him rayle I can contempne his Calumnyes, and convince him wth truthes shall shake his prowdest confidence Call in ] ##. he a prisoner, too[, ] then I am lost . ha[ do^s that startle You[ . I must collect myself ||| ] . you shall heare more. . o Mounseiur , do we meet thus I am as sorry to behold you there as know myself a Prisoner: Now you perceive to what a desperate state yor headlong Counselle(s) and rash designes haue brought vs; to stand out now were to no purpose for, alas, they haue ] too pregnant prooffes against vs. . you that feele ] the horror of fowle guilt, in your falce bosom confes yorself soe: my strong Inocence to the death stands constant: . take in. ||| this is an impudence, I neuer read of: But now wee#^ll show thee, miserable man such further prooffes, as would call vp a blush vpon the devills cheeke: looke vpon this signd by the , and of , and ; who, here name thee the roote, and head of the late Schisme: . and this ] sent from the Lords of where ^tis prou^d that the new Companies, were raisd by you ] and to what purpose. to subvert Religion ] to deface Iustice, and to break the vnion and holly League betweene the . . The are allowd by you sent forth against the : and here yor resolution to degrade my Brother and then dispose of him, as you thought fitt . Yor plott here to withdraw all the old Soldiers from the Com(m)aundement of the , and wyn them to serve for yor ends, in a Civill war. . to raise vp Cittizen against Cittizen, stranger ^gainst stranger: Soldier against Soldier, and Maiestrates, against the Maiestrates . to waste the Land within, that with lesse danger the forraigne Enemy might make his entraunce, Yf then, this be not treacherie beyond ] all presidents of Traitors ||| . give me leave, ] onely to smile: then say all theis are falce, your wittnesses subornd, yor testemonies and Wrytings forgd: and this elaborate forme of Iustice to delude the world, a cover (BAR:M:24:) for future practises: this I affirme vpon my soule: Now, when you please Condempne me, I will not vse one sillable for yor mercy, to haue mine age renewd, and once againe to see a second triumph of my glories: You rise: and I grow tedious: Let me take my farwell of you yet: and at the place where I haue oft byn heard, and as my life was ever fertile of good councells for you, it shall not be in the last moment barren. , when he did affect the Empire, and strove to tread vpon the neck of , and all hir auncient freedoms, tooke that course that now is practisd on You: for the and all free speritts slaine, or els proscribd that durst have stird against him, he then sceasd the absolute rule of all: you can apply this: And here I prophecie, I that haue lyvd and dye a free man, shall, when I am ashes be sensible of yor groanes, and wishes for me; and when too late you see this Goverment changd to a Monarchie, you#^ll howle in vaine and wish you had a againe. Now, lead me where you will: a speedy Sentence: I am ready for it: and ^tis all I ask you. ||| (BAR:M:24:) . . Denyde to see my Husband: o you Tirants, and (to increase my misery) in Vaine by heaven I kneeld for#^t, wept, and kneeld in vaine, to such as would while #was himself: but why doe I remember that word #was, that never happie word of #was[ . good Madam. ] beare (with yor vsuall wisdom) what is not in you to help: the strict guard#^s kept vpon him, his State ceizd on: my Lord, yor Son, disgracd too, and all yor frends suspected, may assure you no price beneath his head must answeare for him, . but is he not alredy dead[ ] ##. #I, #I there lyes my feare. . I sweare to you, I saw him not many howres since, and hundreds more: but yet, as one that#^s bound to honor him I had rather haue had assuraunce of his death ] then so to haue seene him. . why[ ] ##. I haue followed him when every step he made, met a Petition, and those that are his Iudges now, like Clyents haue wayted on him, the whole Court attending when he was pleasd to speake, and with such murmors as glad Spectators in a Theater grace their best Actors with, they ever heard him, when to haue had a sight of him, was held (BAR:M:24v:) a prosperous omen; when no eye gazd on him that was not filld with admiration, not as now wth scorne, or pitty: his rude Guard for proofe that they contempne all such as ayme or hope for his release (as if he were some prodegie, or Monster) each night show him to such as greive his fortune, which must be to him worsse then ten thousand deathes, made horrid with all the artes of Crueltie. . I haue hope Yet ] to see an alteration. my good Servant ] he has some Frends left yet, and powrefull ones, that can doe more then weepe for him, as we doe, those I will strayt sollicite: In the meane time that to his comfort he may know so much endeauor thou to haue this simple present ] as from thyself sent to him . I will hazard ] all that can fall vpon me, to effect it. ||| ] . . what makes this fellow here[ whether would you Sr, . Sir, to desire accesse vnto my Lord, were to ask that I know must be denide, and therefore I forbeare it: but intreating what cannot wrong you, in the graunt, I hope ] to find you curteous. . what#^s the Suit[ ] ##. this onely. My lord, yor prisoner, for my service gaue me a poore house with an Orchard, in the Cuntry, the fruites of which, he did not scorne to taste of in th^ height of his prosperitie: but, of all that pleasd his pallat, there was one faire tree, on which theis Peares grew, wch, by his appointment were still reserud for him, and as a Rent due for my living, I stood bound to tender, theis, yf you please, the last I shall pay to him I would present him with, by what Attorney yor goodnes shall prescribe me. . they are faire Peares, ] exceeding faire ones, ile make bold with one the rest beare to him: . all wilbe discoverd, I am glad, I am got off, yet. ||| ||| . what make you here[ doe you come to traile a pike, or vse a Musket[ for neither, Sr, I came to see you, . home, ] this is no place for women: to Yor Ghossips this burthen would becom a Chamber better ^tis a faire Peare. . you long for#^t; pray you take it you are priviledgd now to beg: ha+ Charmes in#^t, stay: give mee^#t; I would not for a thousand dollars this had byn vndiscoverd: pray you goe home, at night ile see you. you know my obedience ] and I must practise it (BAR:M:25:) ## Make out for the fellow that came with this device: ^twas queintly carried, the stalke pluckt cleenly out, and in the quill ||| ] , ] . ] ] ] .this scroll conveyd, what ere it be, t he ] shall instantly peruse^#t. . how came You, by this[ ] ##. I intercepted it, in a dish of Peares brought by a man of , but sent to him ] from some of better ranck. . see, what is written here. . ^Tis this that feeds his Insolence, theis are they that when they should haue paid their prairs for him as for a guilty man, adoarnd his house in the dispight of vs, and of our Iustice . but such shall find their flattring breath but makes the fire, our Cuntries safetie byds vs cherish, to burne with greater heate. . and so consume him: . the freedom of #or goverment, and our honors, and what we dare doe now lies at the stake; the better part of all the christian world marks our proceedings, and it wilbe said yf having the Conspirators in our powre we sentence none of them, being convincd too of fowre and thirtie Articles, and each treason ^tis done for feare: then, to affright the rest, I hold it fitt, that , one that has most frends, and meanes to hurt, and will fall therefore with greater terror, should receive his Sentence, then dye as he deserves, for and we shall find fitt time to ] thinck of them hereafter. . Let him be sent for . in the meane time, ^tis fit we should give hearing to the , who I know come now ] to mediat for him. . wayt vpon them in: their Propositions shalbe answeard freely and by such men, as are their Frende(s), not Servants. ||| ] , ] + ] we will plead for him: and prevaile, we doubt not take comfort therefore, Madam, and #a while since you are not to be admitted here, leave vs to our endeauors. heaven direct ] and prosper theis your charitable travailes ||| : bring Chaires there for their Lordships ||| 2. and prepare them ] a sylent hearing. . My good Lords. ] We are com(m)aunded by the King our Master (who ever hath respected your affaires as the tranquility of his owne Kingdoms) to let you thus far vnderstand his pleasure, He dos exhort you, as the best foundation of yor estate, with all care to preserve (BAR:M:25v:) the vnion of your Provinces, and wishes the change that you haue made of Maiestrates the Advocate, and Counsellors of State in many of yor Townes, breed not dissentions, in steed of ceasing them: Touching your Prisoners that stand accusd of detestable Crymes his Counsaile is, if they be culpable that you vse speedy Iustice, and with rigor, . Ever remembring that the greatest haue some times, to their glory, byn most apt to pardon, what was enterprizd against their Goverments, nay their lives: and y the freest and the best Com(m)on|#Wealthes, haue alwaies vsd to spare the blood of their owne Cittizens, and that in great offendors; it still being the principal signe of libertie, and freedom not easely, but with mature advice to touch the lives of Cittizens . and the rather ] when question is made of such as are yor officers, placd in authoritie of whom the ancientst Mounsieur so much com(m)ended, for so many good and notable services don for theis Cuntries deserves most serious regard; My Master and other Kings z Princes, yor Allyes lyving, yet wittnesses of his great meritts, and with such admiration that they can be hardly brought to thinck he should conspire against those States, for wch yourselues best know what travayles he hath vndergon: and therefore once more he do^s advice you, to vse mercy: Which if you doe, he then shall thinck you merit the many fauors, you haue tasted from him, yf not, having given you whollsom Counsaile yf you refuce it, he must thinck himself slighted in his requests: and then perhaps hereafter you may misse that promptnes in him wch you haue found, when yor wants, most requird it. . may it please yor Highnes, in the names of all to make their Lordships answeare. . Willingly ] for I must still be glad to take occasion to speak how much yor Lordships, z myself ever stand bound to that most christian King whose fauors, with all thancks, we must acknowledge, as with all care preserve; Onely we hope his Maiestie will give vs leave to say we greive that he is misinformd of vs and #or proceedings, of which we hereafter will give him certaine, and vnanswerable proofes to iustefie our Actions, which we will make knowne to all the world, till when, we wish he will be pleasd, to give way to the States to finish what they haue begon, with Iustice temperd with mercy: and that yor good Lordships will give his Grace to vnderstand thus much, if with the generall voice you doe approve it. (BAR:M:26:) ##. we will confirme it, with our generall Seale, and send our answeare to his Propositions ] with #or respect, and duties this we shall ] make knowne vnto him: . roome there for their Lordships. ||| . (BAR:F:26:) ##. What thinck you now, my Lords[ . in my opinion ] ^tis time he had his Sentence. . is it drawne[ ] ## yes, here it is: The peoples loves grow daungero us, in every place the whispers of his rescue; the lowd, and com(m)on voice of his deservings is floong abroad: nor doe they handle theis things by rules of truth z reason, but their owne wills, ] their headstrong hott affect ions is he sent for[ ] ##. yes, and will presently be here: . Sit downe then ] and now with speedy Iustice, let^s prepare to cutt #off this Imposthume: ||| ] ] . ^tis high time Sir: . roome for the Prisoner. bring him in: Sit downe Sir, and take your last place with vs: . ^tis yor forme, ] and I infringe no order . Mounseiur ] will ye confes yet freely yor bad practises and lay those Instruments open to the World those bloody, and bold Instruments you wrought by: mercy may sleepe awhile, but neuer dyes. Sir, . I haue spoake all I can: and seald that all with all I haue, to care for now; my Conscience, more I beseech yor honors. . take yor pleasure. you will give vs no more lights: what this world gives you to morrow thus we take away: receive it, ] ##. my Sentence. . yes: Consider for your soule now: ] and so farewell. . I humbly thanck yor honors, I shall not play my last Act worst. . heavens mercy: . and a still conscience wayt vpon Yor end Sr, now guard him back againe: by th^ break of day you shall haue order from vs. . room for the Prisoner ||| (BAR:M:26:) ##. the world shall know, that what#^s iust we dare doe nor shall the desperate act of delude what we determind; let his Coffin be therefore hangd vp on the publique Gallowes. th^#Executioners, like hungry vulturs ] haue smelld out their imployment. . let them haue it: and all that plot against the generall good (BAR:M:26v:) learne from this mans example, great in age, greater in wealth, and in authoritie, but matchles in his worldly pollicie, that there is one aboue, that do^s deride the wisest counsailes, that are misaplide ||| (BAR:F:26v:) . Now hard, and sharpe, for a Wager, who shall do it[ heer#^s a Sword would doe a mans head good to be cut #of wth it Cures all rhumes, all Catharrs, Megroomes, virteegoes, ] , be gon. . You must not carry it, , You are a pretty fellow, and lop the lyne of life well, but weake to ; give roome for , heer#^s an old Cutter; heer#^s one has polld more pates and neater then a dicker of yor Barbers, they nere need washing after: do^s not thy neck itch now to be scratchd a litle with this[ . no in truth do^s it not but if you^ll try first: yf I doe not whip yor (D)odipoll as clenly #of, and set it on againe as hansomely as it stands now, that you may blow your nose and pledge me two Cans after. . I was afraid ] the rogue had don#^t indeed . You two imagine now ] you are excellent workmen: and that You can doe won ders and but an Asse: let^s feele yor Raizors: handsawes, meere handsawes: do you put yor knees to ^em too, and take mens necks for timber[ you cutt a feather[, cut butter when yor tooles are hot: looke here puppies heer#^s the Sword that cutt #of head, . the head of a Pumpion . looke #on#^t, but come not neere it: the very wind on#^t will borrow a leg, or an arme; heer#^s touch z take, boyes, and this shall moaw the head of Mounsieur : man is but grasse, and hay: I haue him here, and here I haue him: I would vndertake with this Sword to cutt the devills head #of, hornes, and all and give it to a Burger for his breakfast. . We know you haue byn the headman of the parish a great while , and ministerd much Iustice, nickt many a worthie gamster: and that you , haue shortend many a hanging cause, to Yor Com(m)endation: yet for all this, who shall trym Mousieur must run by fortune; you are proper men, both. but why before me[ that haue studdied the true trick #on^#t theis twenty yeeres, and run through all the theorims . let^s fling for#^t then. I am content: ] ## and I. . Sit round then: here are dyce: and ile begin to Ye haue at your head, Sr : dewce ace: a doggs head, the devill turns this ace vp: farwell veluet gowne thou hast mist the luckiest hand to scratch thy Coxcomb. . no, no Sr. ] now for my part: heigh, fight aloft, for the head, boyes. ] how[ Cater|#trey[ (BAR:F:27:) ##. will you take a sleeve for yor share Sir[ . ^tis but a desperat cast, and so hee#^l find it, if it fall to me: Cast for yor game: ] ##. haue at it. stay, let me swing my Sword thrice round first: now now the head (000he) goose giblitts: two sixes boyes: I knew I should performe it . ye haue it: thanck your fortune. (BAR:M:27:) ##. I could not misse it: I neuer lost so faire a stake yet: how ile doe it and in what posture: first, how ile take my leave of him: wth a few teares to draw more money from him: then fold vp his braunchd gowne, his hat, his doblet, and like the devill, cry mine owne: lye there boyes: then bind his eyes: last, stir myself vp bravely and, in the midle of a whollsom praire whip: and : Come, let^s sing #or old Song and then come view me how I doe my busines Boy: come, sing you for me. ||| . ||| ##1.. Here stand we fast: ##2.. Cock all yor Musketts, Soldiers and gentlemen, be ready to bend your pikes the prisoner#^s com(m)ing out. ##1. but doe you thinck ] they meane to take his head #of[ or to fright him[ ##2. heaven keep me from such frights: why are theis Guards com(m)aunded to make good the Execution[ if they intend not death[ ##1. but dare they doe it[ ##2. what dare not Iustice doe, that#^s right, and honest[ is he not proou^d a guilty man[ what bugs should publick safety be #a fraid to looke on[ do you hold the vnited States so tame to feare him[ feare him a Traitor too[ ##1. you know hee#^s much lou^d, and every where they stir in his Compassion ##2. they#^ll stir so long, till some of ^em will sinck for#^t some of the best I feare, that glewd his Faction, their building lyes discouerd, and their bases broken, ##1. there is much money laid, in every place too hundreds, and thousands, that they dare not strike him. ##2. give loosers leave to play the fooles: ^tis lost all: secure yorself, he dyes: nor is it wisdom to goe an ace lesse with him: he is monstrous ||| ] + ] the people hurry now: stand fast, he is com(m)ing . make roome before: cleere all theis gaping people and stop their passage. ##1.. how now, what wonder#^s this. . stay, or ile make ye stay: I charge Ye stir not. ##2.. what thinck you now[ dare not theis men do iustice this is the body of : that killd himself (BAR:F:27v:) to free his Cause; his shame has found him yet. . vp with him, come; set all yor hands, and heave him. . a plaguy heavy lubber: sure this fellow has a busshell of plot in^s belly, he waighes so massy: heigh: now againe: he stincks, like a hung poll cat this rotten treason has a vengaunce savor. this venison wants pepper, and salt abhominably. . pyn him aloft, and pin him sure. . I warrant ye ] if ere he run away againe, ile swing for him this would make a rare signe for a Cookes shop: the Christmas pie. . Come, now about the rest: keepe the Court cleere still ||| ##2.. what thinck you now[ ##1.. now I am #a fraid of him. this prologue should portend a fatall Tragedie: theis examples will make ^em shake. ##2. ^tis well they haue ^em, their stubbornenes, and pride requires#^em greater: the Prince strikes iust ith^ nick, and stricke home nobely this new pretending Faction, had fird all els: they had floong a generall ruyn on the Cuntry: ||| ] ] .. he comes, he comes, he comes; o for a place now: . let^s climb the Battlements. . away wth theis rogues: ##1.. I saw the Guard goe for him: where shall we be now ##2.. he will make a notable Speech I warrant him ##3.. let^s get vs neere the Skaffold. ##1.. keep #of Turnops: ] ye come vpon #or pikes els . pox #o^ theis Soldiers we cannot see #or frends hangd in quiet for ^em: come, come toth^ top oth^ hall. ##2.. away good pilchers ||| ] : +. ] ( ] Now blow yor matches, and stand fast, he comes here. ##1.. and now bend all your pikes. . cleere all the Skaffold. let no more into th^ Court: we are choakd wth people. . you are curteous in your preparations, gentlemen: . you must ascend Sr. . feareles I will my lords: and what you can inflict, as feareles suffer. Thus high you raise me, a most glorious kindnes for all my Cares, for my most faithfull service for you, and for the State, thus ye promote me: I thanck ye, Cuntry men, most nobely thanck ye pull #of my Gowne: of what place are you, Frend[ ] ##. of Sr. . of [ wherefore prethee[ ] art thou appointed here[ . to tell you true Sir, ] I won this place at dyce; we were three appointe d . Am I becom a generall game[ a Rest (BAR:F:28:) for every Slave to pull at[ thanck ye still you are growne the noblest in yor fauors, gentlemen, what#^s that hangs there[ what Coffin[ . how it stirs him+ ##2. the body Sir, of the Traitor . the Traitor[ . #I the Traitor: the fowle Traitor who though he killd himself, to cleere his cause, Iustice has found him out , and so proclaimd him. . haue mercy on his soule: I dare behold him, . beleeue me, he#^s much moved: ##2.. he has much reason. . Are theis the holly praires ye prepare for me, the comforts to a parting soule[ still I thanck ye: most hartely, and lovingly I thanck ye; will not a single death give satisfaction, o you most greedy men, and most vngratefull the quiet sleep of him you gape to swallow but you must trym vp death in all his terrors, and add to soules departing frights and feauors[ hang vp a hunderd Coffins, I dare view ^em, and on their heads subscribe a hundred treasons it shakes not me: thus dare I smile vpon#^em and strongly thus out looke yor fellest Iustice . will ye thinck ye Sr, of what ye come for[ . I come to dye: bethinck you of your Iustice; and wth what Sword ye strike, the edge of mallice: bethinck ye of the travells I had for ye, the throaes, and grones: to bring faire peace amongst ye: bethinck ye of the dangers I haue plundgd through, and almost gripes of death to make you glorious. Thinck, when this Cuntry, like a Wildernes ] brought nothing forth but desolatio n, fire, Sword, and Famine: when the earth sweatt vnder Ye, cold dewes of blood, and Spanish flames hoong ore ye, and every man stood markt the child of murder, and women wanted wombes to feed theis cruelties, thinck then who stept in to you: gently tooke ye and bound your bleeding wounds vp: from yor faces wipd #of the sweatts of sorrow; fedd, and nurssd ye, who brought the plowgh againe, to crowne yor plenty; yor goodly meadowes who protected (Cuntrymen) from the armd Soldiers furious marches[ who vnbard the Havens, that the floating Merchant might clap his lynnen wings vp to the windes and back the raging waves to bring you profitt[ thinck through whose care, you are a Nation and haue a name yet left, a fruitfull Nation, (would I could say as thanckfull,) bethinck ye of theis things and then turn back, and blush, blush my ruyne. (BAR:F:27*:) ##<1.Lord>. ^Tis strange how this man brags; ^tis a strange impuden cenot to be pittied in h(i)s Case not sufferd; you breed the peace[, you bring the plowgh againe[ you wipe the fire, and blood #of from this Cuntry[ and you restore hir to hir former Beuty[ blush in thine age, (bad man) thy grave blush for thee, and scorne to hide that man that holds no Creadit: Beare witnes all the world, y knowes #or Trobles, or ever greiu^d #or plagues, what we haue sufferd, and, vnder Heaven, by what armes we haue cur^d theis: Councells, and Frends; in wch I tell thee () and through thy Impudence, I here proclaime it, thou hadst the least, and last share: ^Tis not yor face Sr, the greatnes of yor frends, corruptly purchasd, the Crying vp of yor manie Services, wch lookd into wither away like Mushrumps ] shall scandall vs. ##2. Yor Romaine end, to make men imagine yor stung conscience fortefide, no, nor yor ground Religion: Examine all men branded wth such fowle syns as you now dye for, and you shall find their first stepp still, Religion: in , ^twas his maine pretention: was not he honest too[ his Cuntries Father[ those fyery Speritts next, that hatchd in England that bloody Powder|#Plot; and thought like meteors to haue flashd their Cuntryes peace out in a Moment were not their Barrells loden wth Religion[ were not they pious, iust, and zealous Subiects[ humble yor soule for shame, and seeke not now Sr to tumble from that happines even Angells were throwne from, for their pride: Confes, and dye well (BAR:F:28:) ##. will ye confes yor faultes[ . I come not heather, (BAR:F:28v:) to make myself guilty: yet one falt I must vtter and ^tis a great one. ] ## the greater mercy. . I dye for saving this Vnthanckfull Cuntry. play not with heaven: . my Game#^s as sure as yors is: and wth more care, and inocence, I play it: take #of my doblet: and I prethee, fellow ] strike without feare: . I warrant, ile fitt ye: I pray forgive me Sir ] ##. most hartely: and heer#^s my hand: I love thee too; thy phisick will quickly purge me from the worldes abuses: when I speak lowdest, strike ] ##. I shall observe ye. . farwell my lords: To all your Counsailes, fortune, happie succes, and proffit: peace to this Cuntry: and to you all that I haue bredd like children not a more faithfull father, but more fortunate. doe not I stay too long[ ] ##. take yor owne time Sir. . I haue a wiffe, my lords, and wretched Children vnles it please his Grace to looke vpon#^em, and yor good honors, wth yor eies of fauor. ^twill be a litle happines in my death that they partake not wth their Fathers ruyns, let not that troble ye, they shall not find it. . Com(m)end my last breath to his Excellence, tell him the Sun he shot at, is now setting, setting this night, that he may rise to morrow, for ever setting: now let him raigne alone, and wth his rayes, give life, and light to all men, May he protect with honor, fight with fortune, and dye wth generall love, an old, and good Prince; my last petition, good Cuntrymen forget me, yor memories wound deeper then yor mallice, and I forgive ye all: a little stay me, ||| Honor, and world, I fling ye thus behind me, and thus a naked poore|#man, kneele to heaven: be gratious to me, heare me, strengthen me, I come, I come: o gratious heaven: now: now: now I present ||| ] ##. is it well don mine Heeres[ . somewhat too much: you haue strooke his fingers too but we forgive yor haste: draw in the body and Captaines, we discharge yor Companies. Make cleere the Court: vaineglory thou art gon: and thus must all, build on Ambition ##2. Farwell, great hart: full low thy strength now lyes, he that would purge ambition this way dies. ||| 1