JRTBULL13UPU BULL15853 William Bu}llokar too the] Raedo.r^. After that I h^ad w}r^owht the Amend|]m.ent of Or^tgraphy for^ e^nglish, and m}a^d a] grammar for^ the sa^m] spe^ch in so}m raezn^a.bl^] or^der (az I t}howht) ac|]cor^di.ng too my pu}rpoz long|#be^fo^r^ conc^eiu^e.d with my|self^, I b}e^gan t}oo pu}blish the sa^m in the c^ity of Lo}ndon, ma^ki.ng my first shew in the mo^st|#pu}blik pla^c^es^ thaer|of, the eihtt.h} day of Au}gu}st 1580 by im|pr^inti.ng o^n pa^g^ or^ sy^d of hal^f^ a she^t of paper, hau^i.ng in it for^ty letterz^ or^ figurz^ with their. capital^z^ or^ paierz^, the diu^i|]s}ion of v^o}welz^ and hal^f^|#v^o}welz^, with a ta^bl^ shewi.ng the na^mz^ of tho^z letterz^. And al^so tho^z sa^m letterz^ and their. paierz^, with so}m mater in sentenc^, wr^y^tn.^ in the Roman|, Ita|]lian|, Chan^c^ery|, and Secretary|#hand, for^ exam^pl^ of the aezi. vc^ of tru or^tgraphy bo^th im|pr^inte.d and wr^y^tn.^. In which shew the fi|]gurz^ or^ sha^ps^ of tho^z letterz^ w}aer then, su}ch az BULL15854 I t}howht me^te.st t}oo fu}rnish the v^oic^ in eu^ery] pooint, and ne^re.st agre^a.bl^ too the figurz^ or^ sha^ps^ of letterz^ in the fo^r^mer im|pr^inti.ngs^ and wr^y^ti.ngs^, for^ the aezi. vc^ and confere.nc^ of bo^th in ty^m t}oo co}m , and az the pr^into.r^ by hiz] art, and the fu}ndor^ or^ gra^u^o.r^ by hiz skil cou}ld deu^yz them agre^a.bl^ too my maeni.ng. After which first pr^ou^is}ion of letterz^ : whaer|az we^ h^ad ade}d so}m smal^ marks^ in the letter, h, t}oo] shew in it self^ c^ertein vc^es^ of the v^oic^ expr^es|]e.d by, h, be^i.ng i}ooine.d with c^ertein o}ther con|]sonants^ in fo^r^mer im|pr^esi.onz^, az, with c. p. s.] t. w. I t}howht go}od, by the Pr^into.r^z}^ adu^y^c^, t}oo] ke^p the who^l figur or^ sha^p of su}ch consonant with , h, and y.et t}oo i}ooin them so ne^r, that they miht be^ na^me.d az o^n letter agre^a.bl^ too ou}r] spe^ch: which a}r so perfo}r^me.d in my la^te.r im|]pr^esi.onz^, that few of the maene.r|#laern^e.d d}oo (at the first siht) t}hink any differe.nc^ be^twe^n the fo^r^mer im|pr^inti.ngs^ or^ wr^y^ti.ngs^ and this amende.d vc^: exc^ept so}m tal^k be^ vze.d or^ mi|]nistr^^e.d be^fo^r^, whaer|by they ta^k the mo^r^ he^d of the no^ts^ and marks^ that a}r ade.d for^ or^t|]graphy and Grammar|#no^ts^. So, that in|#per|]vzi.ng my trau^el, I ho^p eu^ery go}od my^nd wil] consider, that the^r iz no|t}hing inu^ente.d|#or^ BULL15855 cor^recte.d at any ty^m, by any whoo|soeu^er, that iz or^ commu}nl.y may be^, in su}ch perfect}i.on, bu}t that mo^r^ or^ les may be^ ade.d, with|]dr^awn.^, or^ altere.d, in so}m pooint, for^ the mo^r^ perfecti.ng thaer|of, and spec^ial^l.y in t}hings^ of graet moment and of long continua.nc^: az what can be^ of graete.r moment in this mor^tal^] ly^f^ (az tu}chi.ng manz}^ own.^ natr) than spe^ch which co}mfor^te}t}h and encraec^e}t}h raezn^[ And what iz ly^ke.r t}oo be^ of longe.r continua.nc^ (in the vc^ of t}hings^ perteini.ng too mor^tal^ m^en) than letterz^[ which ge^u^ knowl.edg^ withou}t] spe^ch, y.et be^ a pat}h|way for^ spe^ch, and a fre^ndl.y gy^d too raezn^: and withou}t which let|]terz^, the spe^ch iz mu}ch hindere.d , and raezn^ mu}ch waekn^e.d. Bu}t t}oo spaek mu}ch in this] pla^c^, tu}chi.ng the pr^ofit and commodity of letterz^ w}aer superfluo}s: se^i.ng they a}r so hih|]l.y and trul.y commende.d by so many wy^z and godl.y m^en, in eu^ery a^g^ from the be^gin|]i.ng of their. vc^. And what I|#my|self^ say of let|]terz^, appe^re}t}h in my wo}r^ks^ im|pr^inte.d and pu}blishe.d, and in o}ther my wo}r^ks^ wr^y^tn.^ conc^ern^i.ng the sa^m. I tu}ch o^nl.y, at this pr^e|]s}ent, so}m part of the maner of my pr^oc^e^d|]i.ngs^ thaer|in, and that^ br^e^fl.y, t}oo ke^p al^ go}od BULL15856 my^nds^ from mis|ta^ki.ng of my cou}rs and the effect of my trau^el, and bicau}z il wil can hardl.y spaek wel, thowh fre^ndl.y intraete.d of go}od wil dezeru^i.ng wel. I saie}d be^fo^r^ that I b}e^gan pu}blishi.ng in Au}gu}st 1580. So, that accor^di.ng too the shew afo^r^|saye.d, I im|]pr^inte.d a Pamphlet for^ speli.ng, and the or^dina|]ry Pr^imar too my graet cha^rg^es^: of the which] im|pr^esi.onz^ (too my knowl.edg^) the^r a}r not (of al^ sor^ts^) t}hirty a|br^o^d, al^ which I wish t}oo be^ committ.ed, whither I h^au^ committ}ed their. ly^k, that iz, intoo the fier: for^ so}m wil shew the ro}wh|#hewe.d wo}r^k, rather than the] finishe.d, pu}lishe.d, or^ pu}rg^e.d, t}oo slak or^ hin|]der the credit of the wo}r^k|man. I continua.l^|]l.y pu}blishe}d my im|pr^esi.onz^ from ty^m too] ty^m in the saye.d c^ity of Lo}ndon, after my first shew, v}ntil Ester|#term^ folowi.ng, az I waz a^bl^ t}oo pr^ocur the im|pr^esi.onz^ thaer|of: among which waz the cor^rect}i.on of my fo^r^|]mer Pamphlet for^ speli.ng, my Book at|#la^rg^, and, soon after, the Pr^imar mo^r^ perfecte.d: And in Jun 1583 I im|pr^inte.d twenty br^e^f] articl^z^, offeri.ng thaer|by issu for^ the trial^ of] my trau^el: al^ which I h^au^ so pu}blishe}d az wel in Lo}ndon az in o}ther pla^c^es^ of go}od skil BULL15857 and credit, that hau^i.ng aby^dd}n^ o}ther m^enz}^] i}u}dg^m.ents^ at their. leizurz^, and reco}u^eri.ng so}m ability t}oo pr^oc^e^d with im|pr^inti.ngs^, I h^au^ pr^ocure}d, in this pr^es}ent y.e^r 1585 the im|pr^inti.ng of the Psal^ter, and of this v^o|]lm conteini.ng Aes}ops^^ Fa^bl^z^, and the br^e^f sentenc^es of the wy^z Cato: not hau^i.ng|#pu}tt} the v^olm of my Reply, az|#y.et, too the pr^int, bicau}z my first act}ion for^ tru or^tgraphy h^ath not be^n. so answere.d, that I h^au^ ne^d t}oo be^ at the cha^rg^es^ of|#im|pr^inti.ng the sa^m: lest I miht thaer|by, be^ ly^kn.^e.d too o^n that retein|]e}t}h Sollic^ito.r^z^, Attu}rnyz^, Cou}nsl^o.r^z^, and Ser|]g^ants^, y.e, and fo^r^|lay many fre^nds^ too^, whaer no mater iz cal^e.d|#v}pon in opn^ cou}rt in any term^ of many past.. Bu}t my Grammar stai|]e}t}h from the pr^int ageinst my wil, for^ lak of] ability t}oo im|pr^int the sa^m, az the weiht.i.n.es of the wo}r^k reqy^r^e}t}h. In per|vzi.ng of which or^ of any o}ther my wo}r^ks^ that h^au^ pase}}d my] hands^, I dezy^r^ al^, too whooz}^ hands^ the sa^m shal^ co}m (az I h^au^ saye}d he^r|in be^fo^r^) t}oo consider, that eu^ery inu^ent}i.on or^ cor^rect}i.on mu}st hau^ hiz ty^m for^ perfect}i.on. So, that if y.e^ fy^nd any v^aria.nc^ in any my wo}r^ks^, ta^k the la^te.r im|pr^esi.onz^ for^ the perfecte.st. And BULL15858 thowh so}m|what be^ ade.d, so}m smal^ t}hing with|dr^awn.^, or^ in so}m smal^ pooint altere.d, partl.y by my^n|#own.^ conc^eit v}pon farder] considera.t}ion, partl.y for^ lak of su}ffic^i.ent}i. of] letterz^ go.tn^ from the gra^u^o.r^ in fo^r^mer ty^m, partl.y t}hr^o}wh detract of ty^m and dis|conti|]nua.nc^ of my^n|#own.^ exerc^iz he^r|in, and part|]l.y by the ou^er|siht or^ want of perfect skil in the Compo^s}o.r^, whoom^ I h^au^ not t}hr^o}whl.y acqeinte}d with the Grammar, y.et (I tru}st) it iz not in so graet dis|or^der, that it wil moou^ a go}od my^nd, t}oo wish o}ther|wyz than go}od] lu}k too my go}od maeni.ng. For^ duri.ng the im|]pr^inti.ng of my saye.d Amendm.ent of or^t|]graphy and of the Pr^imar, I cou}ld slowl.y get letterz^ fu}nde.d or^ grau^e.d accor^di.ngl.y. I h^au^ altere}d no sentenc^ nor^ wor^d in the Pr^i|]mar from the fo^r^mer and comu}ne.st im|pr^es|]i.on thaer|of at this day, and at the ty^m of im|]pr^inti.ng the sa^m, I waz mu}ch v}n|fu}rnishe.d of letterz^ for^ my fo^r^|#na^me.d pu}rpoz, whaer|of I am better pr^ou^y^de.d at the im|pr^inti.ng of the Psal^ter, ke^pi.ng thaer|in al^so the fo^r^mer alo}we.d transla^t}i.on: in which Psal^ter and] Pr^imar I cou}ld h^au^ be^n} wili.ng t}oo f}or^bor^n^ the Grammar|#no^ts^, bycau}z thaez be^ the first BULL15859 books^ that a}r handl^e.d of laern^or^z^, h^ad I not s}po^kn^ mu}ch of Grammar|#no^ts^ in my fo^r^|]mer im|pr^esi.onz^: of which Grammar|#no^ts^ I h^au^ shewe}d so}m vc^ in tho^z v^olu^mz^, lest by occas}ion it miht hapn.^e}d, that I miht not be^ a^bl^ t}oo im|pr^int o}ther au}tr^z^ afterw.ard: in which Pr^imar and Psal^ter (be^i.ng mater tu}chi.ng diu^y^ni.ty) I h^au^ not be^n} so bo^ld in|]vzi.ng the Grammar|#no^ts^, az be^i.ng no}w bet|]ter|#pr^ou^y^de.d for^ letterz^, I wil be^ he^r|after in au}tr^z^ of no su}ch moment: az in this au|]tr^ be^i.ng pr^opha^n mater, whaer|with (I] t}hink) I may be^ mo^r^|#bo^ld: neither d}oo I t}hink that I h^au^ wr^onge}d the Pr^imar or^] Psal^ter, ou}r spe^ch fau^o}r^i.ng my Grammar|]no^ts^ afo^r^|saye.d, if the spe^ch may spaek in the be^hal^f^ of my Grammar and of the raezn^a.bl^ vc^ of Grammar|#no^ts^. In which Grammar|]no^ts^, az so}m may mis|ta^k their. riht vc^ and my] maeni.ng (for^ lak of my Grammar not|#y.et] im|pr^inte.d) so my|self^ wil confes, that I h^au^ witi.ngl.y v^arie}d in so}m smal^ pooints^ thaer|of, t}oo laeu^ so}m argum.ent and i}u}dg^m.ent al^so for^ o}ther, that hau^ or^ shal^ wili.ngl.y consider of the best vc^ of Grammar|#no^ts^: az al^so I] gran^t, that for^ the perfect}i.on of or^tgraphy BULL158510 (spec^ial^l.y in eqiu^ocs^ and consanguinatiu^s^) a Dict}ionary accor^di.ngl.y m.a^d wil be^ az graet a stey for^ tru or^tgraphy, az tru or^|]tgraphy and Grammar wil be^ a perpetu|]al^ stey of ou}r spe^ch in the best vc^ thaer|of: al^ which pooints^ I laeu^ too the i}u}dg^m.ent of su}ch az with go}od my^nd, wil adu^ize.dl.y and dili|]g^entl.y consider the sa^m. And thaer|for^ laeu^|]i.ng so}m i}u}dg^m.ent too o}ther, I pr^oc^e^d t}oo say so}m t}hing of the Au}tr^z^ folowi.ng in this v^o|]lm, which I h^au^ transla^te}d ou}t|#of Latin in|]too E^nglish, bu}t not in the best phr^a^s} for^ e^ng|]glish, thowh E^nglish be^ ca^pabl^ of the perfect senc^ thaer|of, and miht be^n. vze.d in the best] phr^a^s}, h^ad not my ca^r be^n} t}oo ke^p it so}m|]what ne^r the Latin phr^a^s}, that the E^nglish laern^o.r^ of Latin raedi.ng|#ou^er thaez Autr^z^ in bo^th langag^es^ miht the aezi.l.ie.r confer them toogether in their. senc^, and the better v}nder|]stand the o^n by the o}ther: and for^ that respect of aezi. confere.nc^, I h^au^ ke^pt}t the ly^k cou}rs in my transla^t}i.on of Tu}llyz}^ offic^es^ ou}t|#of Latin intoo E^nglish t}oo be^ im|pr^inte.d shor^t|]l.y al^so. Bu}t if God lend me^ ly^f^ and ability t}oo transla^t any o}ther Au}tr^ intoo English he^r|]after, I wil bend my|self^ t}oo folow the exc^el|]e.nt}i. BULL158511 of E^nglish in the best phr^a^s} thaer|of, mo^r^ than I wil ty it too the phr^a^s}es^ of the langag^ t}oo be^ transla^te.d: knowi.ng this witha.l^, that eu^ery go}od conc^eit hath hiz best bewty in hiz pr^imitiu^ langag^, if it pr^oc^e^d from the best vzo.r^z^ of su}ch langag^. And bicau}z y.ou} shou}ld not be^ dec^eiu^e.d nor^ I mis|i}u}dg^e.d, y.e^ mu}st u}nderstand that the^r be^ diu^ers} im|pr^esi.onz^ of Aes}ops^^ fa^bl^z^ in Latin, whaer|of so}m v^ary or^ dis|agre^ from o}ther, so}m ty^m in phr^a^s}, and so}m ty^m in sentenc^ oz wor^d: whaer|for^ (az far az I remember) I mo^stl.y folowe}d o^n o^nl.y im|pr^esi.on in Latin too the end thaer|of: and t}howht t}oo h^au^ ge^u^n}^ he^r|in a no^t of the y.e^r of the im|pr^esi.on thaer|of, and by whoom^ the sa^m waz im|pr^inte.d, that they that wou}ld miht be^ a^bl^ aezi.l.y t}oo get that^ im|pr^esi.on for^ my fo^r^|#saye.d pu}rpozes^ of aezi. confere.nc^: bu}t by|#layi.ng t}hings^ a|sy^d longe.r ty^m than I] maent}t, the sa^m book iz not t}oo be^ fou}nd, nor^ I so happy az t}oo h^au^ wr^y^tn}^ a remembr^^a.nc^ thaer|of any|whaer, that I can (az|#y.et) fy^nd. And for^ the better expla^ni.ng and shewi.ng of this conc^eit which descry^be}t}h and sete}t}h|#fo}r^t}h m^enz}^ manerz^ by the similitud or^ ly^kn.es of br^ut baests^, birds^, fishes^, or^ o}ther t}hings^ not BULL158512 hau^i.ng ly^f^, with which conc^eit or^ wo}r^k, the waek memor^yz^ and wits^ a}r not ou^er|charg^e.d, bu}t the maene.r sor^ts^ delihte.d, and the witi.e.st remembr^^a.nc^es^ qikn.^e.d, and eu^ery|o^nz}^ tu}rn^ seru^e.d in o^n respect or^ o}ther, with the raedi.ng of su}ch familiar exam^pl^z^, I h^au^ doon}n this my endeu^o}r^, t}hinki.ng it so}m wr^ong, if I shou}ld he^r|in ma^k no ment}ion of the Au}tr^ of thaez fa^bl^z^, be^fo^r^ I be^gin thaer|with: and thaer|for^ I be^gin with Aes}ops^^ ly^f^ v^ery|#br^e^fl.y gathere.d ou}t|#of Maximu}s Planudes, whoo transla^te.d it ou}t|#of Gre^k intoo Latin, and I intoo E^nglish, vzi.ng he^r|in this figur or^] mark ( t}oo shew that the wor^d or^ wor^ds^ be^|]twe^n twoo su}ch ) be^ not in the Latin au}tr^ of thaez fa^bl^z^, bu}t a}r ade.d by me^ az nec^essary for^ the e^nglish phr^a^s}. And if, o, thu}s figure.d v}nder it in the wor^d, or^, go be^fo^r^ ) I vz it t}oo expla^n the Latin wor^d vze.d for^ the sa^m: in ge^u^i.ng y.ou} so}m choic^ of|#e^nglishi.ng the La|]tin wor^d in the sa^m pla^c^ of the Latin sen|]tenc^, for^ which Latin wor^d, the wor^d or^] wor^ds^ be^twe^n, or^, and ) a}r pla^c^e.d in e^nglish. The br^e^f descript}ion of Aes}ops^^ ly^f^ iz collect|]e.d in thaez wor^ds^ folowi.ng, and transla^te.d az] folowe}t}h. BULL158513 O}ther h^au^ serche}d|#ou}t and deliu^ere}d, too them that co}m|#after, the natr of manz}^ af|]fairz^. Bu}t Aes}op not withou}t a diu^y^n inspy^r^|]a.t}ion or^ br^aethi.ng on him) se^me}th t}oo pas or^ exc^el) many of them a graet way or^ spa^c) when he^ tu}che}t}h mor^tal^ disc^iplin or^ fashon of] ly^f^.) He^ t}ook hiz be^gini.ng or^ birt}h) from Am|]marriu}s a to}wn of Phr^ig^ia, by an after|#na^m (cal^e.d) Magnae: bu}t t}hr^o}wh for^tn he^ waz a] bond|man, y.et hiz bonda.g^ cou}ld not cor^ru}pt or^ spooil) hiz fre^ co}r^ag^ or^ my^nd.) He^ waz not o^nl.y a bond|man, bu}t al^so the de|for^me.ds.t or^ il|#fau^o}r^e.ds.t) of al^ m^en of hiz a^g^ or^ ty^m): for^ he^ waz of a smal^ long hed, of flat or^ cro}wch|]e.d|#do}wn) nostrelz^, of a shor^t nek, of hangi.ng|]ou}t lips^: blak, whaer|of al^so he^ go}t hiz na^m, gor^|#belye.d, crook|#lege.d, and crook|#bakt.: and which waz the wo}r^st of al^, he^ waz of a slow] spe^ch, of an v}n|au}dibl^ or^ dou}t|fu}l) y.e of a] stu}mbl^i.ng or^ v}n|diu^y^de.d v^oic^ too^. Al^ which pooints^ may se^m t}oo h^au^ go}t him bonda.g^. Bu}t when he^ waz of su}ch and of so de|for^me.d] a body, y.et he^ waz by natr of a v^ery|#witi. and v^ery|#happy my^nd for^ eu^ery deu^y^c^. Thaer|]for^ be^i.ng a man so de|for^me.d he^ waz s.ent|#a|]way of hiz maister t}oo dig grou}nd, whither he^ BULL158514 be^i.ng gon.|#fo}r^t}h applye}d the wo}r^k meril.y. And when a c^ertein hu}sband|man h^ad ge^u^n}^ Aes}ops^^ maister figs^ for^ a gift or^ pr^eze.nt) hiz] maister committ}ed or^ deliu^ere}d) them too o^n] Agat}hopu}s hiz seru^a.nt t}oo be^ b.or^n^ ho^m. Which Agat}hopu}s fal^e}t}h in cou}nc^l^ with a] seru^a.nt, that they wou}ld deu^ou}r or^ aet|#v}p) tho^z figs^ that w}aer b.r^owht, and afterw.ard wou}ld ma^k excus, that Aes}op h^ad aetn}^ them be^i.ng carie.d|#away by t}he^ft.t: (and) their. maister retu}rn^i.ng ho^m, Aes}op shou}ld be^ ac|]cus}e.d: pu}nishm.ents^ a}r pr^epa^re.d or^ m.a^d re|]dy) for^ Aes}op. The se^ly man or^ wr^etch) fal^e}t}h|]do}wn at hiz maisterz}^ fe^t (and) cra^u^e}t}h respit, which be^i.ng opteine.d, he^ br^inge}t}h warm^ wa^|]ter, whaer|of he^ dr^inke}t}h part (and) ge^u^e}t}h the] rest too hiz felow|#seru^a.nts^: Aes}op v^omite}t}h or^ caste}th|#v}p) no|t}hing bu}t wa^ter, the seru^|]a.nts^ cast|#v}p figs^ with the wa^ter too^ on the] grou}nd. The kna^u^s^ a}r mis}erabl^i. baetn.^ na^ked with a wan, Aes}ops^^ wit be^i.ng wo}nder|fu}ll.y] pr^aize.d. When Dianaz}^ pr^e^sts^ h^ad me^tt} with] Aes}op, and dezy^r^e}d that he^ wou}ld shew them the way that laedd} intoo the to}wn, he^|#him|self^ be^i.ng gy^d laede}t}h them on the way be^i.ng first refreshe.d with a mezura.bl^ su}ppe.r: for^ BULL158515 the which spitali.ty or^ g^entl^ enterteinm.ent) the pr^e^sts^ pr^ay Diana in their. pr^aie.rz^, that she^ wou}ld reqy^t the man hau^i.ng|#dezeru^e}d so wel of them: which t}hing be^i.ng doon.n, Aes}op] retu}rn^e}d, and be^i.ng fal^n.^ intoo a sle^p, se^me}d t}oo se^ for^tn stand ne^r him (and) lo^zi.ng hiz] tu}ng, gran^ti.ng him al^so the taechi.ng of fa^|]bl^z^: for^ the which t}hing, Aes}op be^i.ng wo}nder|]fu}ll.y glad awa^ke}t}h, and laye}t}h this benefit or^ go}od tu}rn^) v}ntoo the reu^erenc^i.ng of spi|]tali.ty, or^ fre^ndl.y interteinm.ent) for^ he^ waz not any|#mo^r^ slow in spaeki.ng, bu}t hiz tu}ng be^i.ng looze.d, he^ s}pa^k plainl.y or^ qikl.y.) Which t}hing when o^n Zenas be^i.ng che^f rulo.r^ or^ bai|]ly) of the grou}nd h^ad v}nders}tood, faeri.ng lest he^ shou}ld be^ accus}e.d too hiz maister of v}n|]rihti.o}sn.es at any ty^m by Aes}op, pr^eu^ente}d the man, and t}hr^o}wh a gre^u^o}o.s accus}i.ng b.r^owht him intoo the ha^tr.ed of hiz maister so] mu}ch, that Aes}op iz deliu^ere.d by hiz maister too the sa^m rulo.r^ or^ baily:) and when Aes}op waz no}w in Zenass^^ po}wr^, a c^ertein mer|]chant me^tt} Zenas aski.ng, whether he^ wou}ld sel any labo}r^i.ng baest. Zenas answere}t}h that he^ h^ath not plenty of cattel, or^ of labo}r^i.ng] baests^,) bu}t shewe}t}h Aes}op, (and saie}t}h) if he^ BULL158516 wou}ld biy him that he^ waz thaer: whoom^ when the merchant s}aw, he^ saie}t}h, from|#whenc^ hast thu} this v^esl^, iz it a blok or^ a man[ Exc^ept he^ v}ttere}d v^oic^, I wou}ld t}howht him a blown.^ botl^, and be^i.ng angr^^i. w}ent|#away. Aes}op folowi.ng saye}t}h: Tary. Bu}t the mer|]chant be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d|#agein, saye}t}h: Go|#away thu} v^ery|#filt}hi. dog. Bu}t Aes}op saye}t}h: Biy] me^ O thu} merchant, I wil not be^ an v}npr^o|]fita.bl^ bond|man v}ntoo the^, for^ thu} hast nawhti. and cryi.ng boyz^ or^ chy^ldde^rn^) be^i.ng in y^dl^n.es at ho^m, ma^k me^ rulo.r^ ou^er them, I wil be^ too them al^toogether for^ a masko.r^ or^] v^izer:) the merchant lau}hi.ng, saye}t}h too Ze|]nas: for^ ho}w|#mu}ch sele}st thu} this nawhti.] cask[ Zenas saye}t}h: For^ t}hr^e^ hal^f^|penc^. When the sa^m merchant h^ad s}old o}ther bond|m^en at Ephes}u}s, the^r remaine}d or^ w}aer laeft) too him t}hr^e^, a grammari.an, a singo.r^, and Aes}op: whoom^ when he^ cou}ld not] sel, he^ w}ent too Samos (be^i.ng an Iland ne^r] Ephes}u}s,) and thaer thaez t}hr^e^ be^i.ng sett.|#a|]br^o^d or^ in shew) the grammari.an and singo.r^ be^i.ng no^ta.bl^i. sett.|#ou}t or^ dekt.,) and Aes}op standi.ng v^ery|#filt}hi. in the midl^, the^r c}a^m (o^n) Xant}hu}s a Philosopho.r^, and be^ho^ldi.ng BULL158517 thaez t}hr^e^ v^ery|#wel, maru^ele}d at the mer|]chants^^ deu^y^c^, why he^ h^ad sett} a fo}wl simpl^] man be^twe^n twoo v^ery|#faier y.o}ng m^en: thaer|for^ Xant}hu}s aske}t}h the singo.r^, what co}n|]try|man he^ iz[ Whoo answere}t}h, I am a man of Cappadoc^ia: (Xanthu}s aske}d) what he^] kne^w or^ cou}ld doo:) he^ answere}t}h, Al^ t}hings^. Which t}hing be^i.ng s.po^kn^, Aes}op lau}he}d. Xan|]t}hu}s aske}d of the grammari.an too^, what co}n|]try|man he^ waz: whoo saye}d, that he^ waz a man of Lidia. Xant}hu}s aski.ng what he^ cou}ld] doo: the grammari.an saye}d, (that he^ cou}ld doo) al^ t}hings^. And Aes}op lau}he}d agein. Xan|]t}hu}s goi.ng|#away, hiz scooll.or^z^ dezy^r^ that he^ wou}ld biy Aes}op: for^ the merchant v^alue}d the o}ther twoo of too|#graet a pr^y^c^. Xant}hu}s co}mi.ng too Aes}op, aske}t}h from|#whenc^ he^ iz: whoo answere}d, that he^ iz blak, or^ a neger.) Xant}hu}s saye}t}h, I wou}ld not know that^, bu}t from|#whenc^ w}aer thu} b.o^r^n^[ Aes}op saye}t}h, from my mo}therz}^ bely. I say not that^, saye}t}h] Xant}hu}s, bu}t in what pla^c^ thu} w}aer b.o^r^n^. Ae|]s}op saye}t}h, my mo}ther d}id not tel me^, whether she^ w}aer in a hih or^ low pla^c^ when she^ b}r^owht me^ fo}r^t}h (intoo the wor^l^d.) Xant}hu}s aske}t}h what Aes}op cou}ld doo: he^ answere}t}h, that he^ BULL158518 cou}ld doo) no|t}hing. H^o}w|#so, saye}t}h Xant}hu}s: (Aes}op answere}t}h) bicau}z thaez twoo h^au^ pr^o|]fese}d that they know or^ can) al^ t}hings^, and h^au^ l}aeft no|t}hing for^ me^. Aes}op waz pr^aize.d of the scooll.or^z^ many waiz^ for^ this answer: bicau}z the^r iz no man any|whaer among the] mor^tal^ too whoom^ al^ t}hings^ be^ known.^, and (of whoom^ al^ t}hings^) a}r serche.d|#ou}t. Xant}hu}s be^i.ng abou}t|#t}oo biy Aes}op, saye}d, If I shal^ biy the^, wilt thu} not ru}n|#away[ Too whoom^ Aes}op answere}d, If I shal^ be^ wili.ng t}oo doo] it, I wil not vz the^ a cou}nsl^o.r^. Which t}hings^ when they plaeze}d Xant}hu}s v^ery|#wel, he^ b}r^owht|#in or^ saye}d farder,) Bu}t thu} a}rt il|#fa|]u^o}r^e.d. He^ answere}d, O Philosopho.r^, a man mu}st not be^ho^ld the fa^c^, bu}t the my^nd. The pr^y^c^ be^i.ng paye.d by the scooll.or^z^, Xant}hu}s acc^epte}d or^ rec^eiu^e}d) Aes}op. Az they wal^k|]e}d, when the su}n waz v^ery|#bu}rn^i.ng or^ v^ery|]hot,) Xant}hu}s pist}, ma^ki.ng hiz i}o}r^ny neu^er|]theles: Aes}op marki.ng or^ perc^eiu^i.ng) it, saye}d, that he^ wil ru}n|#away ou}t|#of|#hand. Xant}hu}s aski.ng ernestl.y, why he^ wou}ld doo] it: Aes}op saye}t}h, bycau}z if thu} when thu} a}rt a] maister cans}t not obey or^ ge^u^ pla^c^) v}ntoo na|]tr, what mu}st I, be^i.ng a seru^a.nt doo[ For^ BULL158519 if I be^ s.ent too any seru^i.c^ or^ cha^rg^,) owht I t}oo aez my bely az I ru}n ha^sti.l.y[ After thaez t}hings^ it hapn.^e}d that Xant}hu}s bidd} fre^nds^ too a banket or^ faest) a c^ertein day, too whoom^ he^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo doo a t}hank|fu}l or^ ac|]c^epta.bl^) t}hing, comman^de}t}h Aes}op that he^ shou}ld dr^es lentil (which iz a ky^nd of grain:) it be^i.ng triml.y redy and dr^est., Xant}hu}s bid|]e}t}h him t}oo br^ing it. Aes}op fu}l|file}t}h or^ execut|]e}t}h) the comman^dm.ent. The lentil be^i}ng re|]c^eiu^e.d, Xant}hu}s ru}bd} it with hiz fingerz^, t}oo try or^ pr^oou^) whether it w}aer s.od ino}wh, t}hink|]i.ng that thaer w}aer many l.eft or^ remaini.ng)] stil, which he^ bidi.ng Aes}op t}oo br^ing, Aes}op b}r^owht no|t}hing bu}t wa^ter: Xant}hu}s be^i.ng gre^u^o}o.sl.y angr^^i., bicau}z he^ sett} not lentilz^ on the ta^bl^: Aes}op answere}d, that he^ h^ad not dr^est} lentilz^, bu}t a lentil, az Xant}hu}s h^ad] comman^de}d. The^r a}r reherc^e.d so}m v^ery|]galant sentenc^es^ of Aes}ops^^, that iz t}oo say, thaez: Wo}r^ship God be^fo^r^ al^ t}hings^. nor^ the] law. Enu^y not wei|#dooo.r^z^. Be^ a stayo.r^ of thy ] tu}ng. Neu^er commit secrets^ too a wo}|man. Be^ not a|sha^me.d t}oo laern^ better things^ al^|]way. Doo the t}hings^ that may not ma^k the^] sad. Repent not t}oo be^ go}od. When Aes}op liu^e}d BULL158520 with the m^en of Samos, he^ waz fre^l.y ge^u^n.^ fre^d.o}m: and be^i.ng s.ent too king Craesu}s ma^k|]i.ng war with the Samianz^, he^ b}r^owht|#too|]pas, bo^th by hiz wy^zd.o}m and cou}rti.o}si., that the] king be^i.ng pac^ifie.d waz reconc^y^le.d or^ w}o}n|]agein) too the Samianz^. The Samianz^ with graet nor^ rec^eiu^e}d Aes}op co}mi.ng|#agein. who departi.ng ou}t|#of the Iland, wandere}d the] wor^l^d, whoom^ m^en say t}oo h^au^ had graet fami|]liari.ty with king Lyc^eru}s, whoo co}mman^de}d that a go^ldn.^ imag^ of Aes}op shou}ld be^ sett.|#v}p. Afterw.ard, Gre^c^ be^i.ng gon.|#v}ntoo, he^ c}a^m too the Delphianz^, of whoom^ he^ waz not nor^|]e.d, bu}t after who^ls.o}m pr^ec^epts^ or^ rulz^) ge^u^n.^ by him, he^ be^i.ng hedl.ong tu}mbl^e.d by them from a hih clif, die}d: whooz}^ det}h t}hr^o}wh a gre^u^|]o}o.s pla^g at Delphi b}r^owht or^ shewe}d|#fo}r^t}h) the i}u}dg^m.ent of Aes}ops^^ ly^f^, be^i.ng v}n|i}u}stl.y or^ wr^ong|fu}ll.y kile.d.) Mo^r^ iz saye.d, tu}chi.ng Aes}ops^^ ly^f^, by o}ther au}tr^z^, whaer|of no ment}ion iz m.a^d at this pr^es}ent. Hiz Fa^bl^z^ be^gin az] folowe}t}h. BULL158521 Memor^andu}m, that I vz the relatiu^s^, he^ and] she^, for^ their. antec^edents^, which miht claim the o^n of thaez relatiu^s^ in staed of the o}ther, so}m ty^m mo^r^ pr^opr^^l.y, so}m ty^m in|differ|]e.ntl.y: which relatiu^s^ I d}oo thu}s vz, when twoo antec^edents^ of o^n g^ender may be^ dis|]tinguishe.d by thaez relatiu^s^: az in the fa^bl^ of the wo}lf and the lamb, and of su}ch ly^k. Of the hou}s|#cok. The hou}s|#cok f}ou}nd a pr^ec^io}s sto^n, why^ls.t he^ tu}rn^e}d the du}ng|#hil: say|]i.ng: what[ d}oo I fy^nd a t}hing so br^iht[ If the lapidary h^ad f}ou}nd it, no|t}hing cou}ld be^n. mo^r^|#glad than he^, az he^ that cou}ld know the pr^y^c^. Trul.y it iz too me^ for^ no vc^, nether d}oo I graetl.y este^m it: y.e trul.y I h^au^|#leu^er hau^ a cor^n^ of barly, than al^ pr^ec^io}s sto^nz^. The mor^al. V}nderstand art and wy^zd.o}m by the pr^e|]c^io}s sto^n. V}nderstand a fooli.sh man, or^ o^n ge^u^n.^ too plaezu.r, by the cok. Nether d}oo foolz^ lo}u^ liberal arts^, when they know not the vc^ of them: nor^ o^n ge^u^n.^ too plaezu.r, for^|]why, whoom^ o^nl.y plaezu.r can plaez. BULL158522 Of the wo}lf and the lamb. A wo}lf dr^inki.ng at the hed of a spr^ing, se^|]e}t}h a lamb dr^inki.ng a|far|#of be^naeth. He^ ru}ne}t}h thither, he^ t}hr^etn^e}t}h the lamb, that she^ tro}bl^e}d the spr^ing. The lamb trembl^e}d, and be^se^che}d that he^ wou}ld spa^r her be^i.ng] innoc^ent: that she^ cou}ld not az mu}ch az tro}|]bl^ the wo}lfs^^ dr^ink, nor^ y.et wou}ld. The wo}lf contraril.y ra^g^e}th, thu} t}he^f^, thu} doos}t no|]t}hing: thu} hu}rte}st (me^) al^|way. Thy father, thy mo}ther, and al^ thy spy^t|fu}l ky^ndd.r^ed a}r ageinst me^ ernestl.y. Thu} shal^t be^ pu}nishe.d of me^ too|day. The mor^al. It iz an o^ld sayi.ng, that a staf iz f.ou}nd aezi.|]l.y that thu} mais}t baet a dog. A mihti. man ta^ke}t}h aezi.l.y an occas}ion t}oo hu}rt, if it plaez him t}oo hu}rt. He^ h^ath offende}d yno}wh, that iz not a^bl^ t}oo res}ist. Of the mou}c^ and the frog. The mou}c^ m}a^d war with the frog: they f}owht for^ the che^f rul of a fen. The fiht waz ernest and dou}t|fu}l. The crafti. mou}c^ lyi.ng hy^dd. v}nder the gras, sete}t}h|#on the frog BULL158523 t}hr^o}wh pr^iu^y assal^ts^. The frog be^i.ng better in strengt}h, and mihti. in co}r^ag^ and laepi.ng, pr^ou^o^ke}th the enimy with opn^ fiht: a bu}l|rish waz spaer too bo^th. Which fiht be^i.ng se^n. a|far|]of, the kiht hye}t}h thither, and why^ls.t neither ta^ke}t}h he^d too him|self^, for^ the ernestn.es of] the fiht, the kiht snatche}t}h and plu}ke}t}h in pe^c^|]es^ bo^th of the wari.or^z^. The mor^al. In ly^k sor^t it iz wo}nt t}oo hapn.^ too tro}bl^|]so}m c^itis.enz^, whoo be^i.ng en|fla^me.d with dezy^r^ t}oo rul, why^ls.t they stry^u^ among them|selu^s^ t}oo be^ m.a^d mag^istrats^, they pu}t for^ the mo^st part, their. su}bstanc^, al^so their. ly^f^ in dan^g^er. Of the dog and the shadow. A dog swimi.ng ou^er a riu^er carye}d flesh in hiz chap, the su}n shy^ni.ng, so az it hap|]n.^e}t}h, the shadow of the flesh shy^ne}d in the wa^|]ter: which be^i.ng se^n. he^ catchi.ng|#at gre^dyl.y, l}ost that, which waz in hiz i}awz^. Thaer|for^ he^ be^i.ng stry^kn.^ with the los bo^th of the t}hing and of ho^p, at|#first waz a|sto^ne.d, afterw.ard ta^ki.ng hart agein ho}wle}d thu}s: O wr^etch, thy co}u^eto}o.sn.es lakt. mezr. Thu} hads.t yno}wh BULL158524 and mo^r^ than yno}wh, exc^ept thu} h^adst be^n}] fooli.sh. No}w, t}hr^o}wh thy fooli.shn.es, thu} hast les than no|t}hing. The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d of modesti., we^ a}r warn^|]e.d of wy^zd.o}m by this fa^bl^, that dezy^r^ hau^] mezur, and that we^ lo^z not t}hings^ c^erten for^ t}hings^ v}n|c^erten. Suerl.y Sannio in Terenc^ saye}d wy^zl.y: he^ saye}t}h, I wil not biy ho^p with pr^y^c^. Of the lion and c^ertein o}ther] baests^. The lion bargaine}d with a she^p and c^er|]tein o}ther baests^, that the^r shou}ld be^ a commu}n hu}nti.ng. They go a|hu}nti.ng, a hart iz ta^kn.^, they diu^y^d: when eu^ery|o^n b}e^|]gan t}oo ta^k seu^era.l parts^ az they h^ad co}u^e|]nante}d, the lyon ro^r^e}d: sayi.ng, o^n part iz] my^n, bycau}z I am mo^st|#wo}r^thy: al^so an|o}|]ther part iz my^n, bicau}z I am mo^st|#exc^eli.ng in strengt}h. Farder|mo^r^ I chaleng^ the t}hird] part, bycau}z I h^au^ swett} mo^st in ta^ki.ng the] hart. Finall.y, exc^ept y.e^ gran^t me^ the fowr^^t.h}] part, the mater iz ende.d or^ doon.n) tu}chi.ng] fre^nds.hip. This be^i.ng hae^rd.d, the co}mpanionz^ BULL158525 w}ent|#away empti., and ho^ldi.ng their. paec^, not da^ri.ng t}oo spaek against the lion. The mor^al. Tru daeli.ng waz al^|way se^ldo}m, no}w|a|]dayz^ it iz mo^r^|#se^ldo}m, al^so it iz and al^|]way h^ath be^n} mo^st|#se^ldo}m with m^en of] miht. Whaer|for^ it iz better, thu} liu^ with thy match: for^ he^ that liu^e}t}h with a mo^r^|]mihti. man, hat}h ne^d t}oo gran^t of hiz|]own.^ riht. Thu} shal^t hau^ eqal riht with an] eqal persn^. Of the wo}lf and the cra^n. A wo}lf deu^ou}ri.ng a she^p, by chan^c^ the bo^nz^ s}tu}k in hiz t}hr^o^t, he^ goe}t}h|#abou}t, he^ dezy^r^e}t}h help, no man helpe}t}h him: al^ m^en say that he^ su}ffere}d the reward of deu^ou}r|]i.ng. At|#lengt}h he^ wine}t}h the cra^n with many flatteri.ngs^ and mo pr^omises^, that she^ plu}kt}|]ou}t the bo^n that waz fastn.^e.d, hir v^ery|#long nek be^i.ng pu}tt. intoo the (wo}lfs^) t}hr^o^t. Bu}t he^ mokt} the cra^n aski.ng reward. He^ saie}t}h go|]away thu} fool, hast not thu} yno}wh that thu} liu^|]e}st[ Thu} ows}t me^ thy ly^f^: if it h^ad plaeze}d] me^, I miht h^au^ by^tt}n^|#of thy nek. BULL158526 The mor^al. It iz an o^ld sayi.ng, that that^ iz l.ost, that thu} doos}t for^ a chu}rl^. Of the co}ntry|man and the] sna^k. A co}ntry|man b}r^owht|#ho^m a sna^k be^i.ng f.ou}nd in the snow (and) be^i.ng ded al^|]mo^st with co^ld, he^ caste}t}h the sna^k too the fier. The sna^k ta^ki.ng|#agein strengt}h and v^enim of the fier, (and) afterw.ard not su}fferi.ng the ] haet, file}t}h al^ the cotag^ with hisi.ng. The co}n|]try|man ru}ne}t}h thither with a cleft be^i.ng qikl.y cau}ht: he^ qarele}t}h with hir with wor^ds^ and stry^ps^, (sayi.ng,) whether she^ shou}ld re|]qy^t go}od wil thu}s[ whether she^ shou}ld be^ a|]bou}t|#t}oo ta^k|#away ly^f^ from him that ga}u^] ly^f^ too her[ The mor^al. It hapn.^e}t}h so}m ty^m, that they hu^rt the^, too whoom^ thu} h^ast doon}n go}od, and they de|]zeru^ il of the^, of whoom^ thu} h^ast dezeru^e}d] wel. Of the bo^r^ and the as. When the dolti.sh as d}id mok the bo^r^, the bo^r^ dis|daini.ng it d}id gry^nd hiz] te^t}h: BULL158527 sayi.ng, trul.y thu} v^ery dolt, thu} h^ast de|]zeru^e}d harm^, bu}t al^thowh thu} a}rt wo}r^thy of] pu}nishm.ent, y.et I am v}n|me^t which shou}ld pu}nish the^. Mok in sa^ft.y, thu} mais}t mok withou}t pu}nishm.ent, for^ thu} a}rt sa^f bycau}z|]#of thy fooli.shn.es. The mor^al. L}et v}s ge^u^ endeu^o}r^, that we^ say not or^ doo t}hings^ v}n|me^t for^ v}s, when we^ hae^r or^ su}f|]fer t}hings^ v}n|me^t for^ v}s. For^ e^u^l^ and lewd m^en a}r glad, for^ the mo^st part, if any go}od man res}ist them, they weih it of graet] v^alu that they be^ accou}nte.d wo}r^thy of re|]u^eng^. L}et v}s doo az hor^ses^ and graet baests^, which pas with contempt or^ liht rega.rd) by litl^ dogs^ that bark at them. Of the to}wni.sh mou}c^ and co}n|]try|#mou}c^. It plaeze}d the to}wni.sh mou}c^ t}oo wal^k o|]u^er the co}ntry: the co}ntry|#mou}c^ s}aw him, she^ cal^e}t}h him in, she^ ma^ke}t}h redy, they go too su}pe.r. The cou}ntry|#mou}c^ dr^awe}t}h|#ou}t what|soeu^er she^ h^ad laye}d|#v}p ageinst win|]ter, and dr^e^w|#ou}t al^ her sto^r^, that she^ miht BULL158528 fil the deintin.es of so graet a gest. Not|with|]standi.ng, the to}wni.sh mou}c^ bendi.ng the] br^o}wz^, condemne}t}h the scarc^i.ty of the co}n|]try: afterw.ard he^ pr^aize}t}h the plenty of the] to}wn. He^ retu}rn^i.ng, laede}t}h with him the co}ntry|#mou}c^ intoo the to}wn, that he^ miht appr^oou^ in de^d tho^z t}hings^ that he^ h^ad bo^ste}d in wor^ds^. They go v}ntoo the banket, which the to}wni.sh mou}c^ h^ad pr^epa^re}d gor^g^io}sl.y. Az they w}aer aeti.ng, the noiz of the key waz hae^rd.d in the lok, they trembl^e.d and r}an|#a|]way with ha^st. The co}ntry|#mou}c^ (be^i.ng) bo^th v}n|acqeinte.d and ignor^ant of the pla^c^, sau^e}d hir|self^ hardl.y or^ with mu}ch a|doo) When the seru^a.nt waz gon., the to}wni.sh mou}c^ retu}rn^|]e}t}h too the boor^d, he^ cal^e}t}h the co}ntry|#mou}c^: the co}ntry|#mou}c^ cre^pe}t}h|#fo}r^t}h at last, faer be^i.ng scarc^l.y pu}tt.|#away. She^ aske}t}h the to}wni.sh mou}c^ bidi.ng her too the che^r, whe|]ther this dan^g^er be^ oftn^[ The to}wni.sh mou}c^ answere}t}h, that it iz dail.y, that it owht t}oo be^ sett.|#liht|#by. Then the co}ntry|#mou}c^ saye}t}h, iz it dail.y[ In go}od soot}h, thaez deinty dishes^ sa|]u^or^ or^ ta^st) mo^r^ of gal^, than of ho}ny. Trul.y I hau^|#leu^er hau^ my scarc^i.ty with qietn.es, than this plenty with su}ch ca^r|fu}ln.es. BULL158529 The mor^al. Trul.y riche.s ma^k a shew of plaezur, bu}t if thu} look intoo them, they hau^ dan^g^erz^ and ] bittern.es. The^r waz o^n Eu}trapelu}s, whoo when he^ wou}ld hu}rt hiz enimiz^ v^ery|]mu}ch, he^ m}a^d them rich, sayi.ng stil, that he^ waz reu^eng^e.d on them so, for^|#why, that they shal^ ta^k a graet bu}rdn^ of ca^rz^ with] riche.s. Of the aegl^ and the crow. The aegl^ h^au^i.ng|#go}tn^ a cockl^ cou}ld not get|#ou}t the fish with for^c^ or^ cu}ni.ng. The crow co}mi.ng thither, ge^u^e}t}h cou}nc^l^, he^ per|]swa^de}t}th her t}oo fly|#v}p and t}oo cast|#do}wn the] cockl^ v}pon the sto^nz^ from|#a|hih, for^ so it wou}ld be^, that the shel may be^ b.r^o^kn^. The crow tarye}t}h on the grou}nd, that she^ may tary|#for^ the fal^. The aegl^ caste}t}h|#do}wn the] cockl^, the shel iz b.r^o^kn^, the crow snatche}t}h|#a|]way the fish, the aegl^ be^i.ng mokt. iz sor^ow|]fu}l. The mor^al. D}oo not tru}st eu^ery man, and se^ that thu} look v}ntoo the cou}nc^l^ that thu} shal^t ta^k of] o}ther. For^ many cou}nsl^o.r^z^ cou}nsl^ for^ them|selu^s^, not for^ them that ask cou}nc^l^. BULL158530 Of the crow and the fox. A crow h^au^i.ng|#go}tn^ a pr^ey ma^ke}t}h a ] noiz on the bo}wz^. The fox se^e}t}h him re|]i}oic^i.ng, and ru}ne}t}h thither, sayi.ng: The fox salute}t}h the crow v^ery|#mu}ch. I h^au^ hae^rd.d v^ery|#oftn^, that commu}n repor^t iz a graet ly|]o.r^, no}w I pr^oou^ it in the matter it|self^. For^ az I pase}d|#by no}w this way by chan^c^, spy|]i.ng y.ou} in the tre^, I hy qikl.y hither bla^mi.ng the commu}n repor^t. For^ the commu}n re|]por^t iz , that y.ou} a}r blake.r than pitch, and I se^ y.ou} why^te.r than snow. Suerl.y y.e^ pas the] swanz^ in my i}u}dg^m.ent, and a}r fair^^e.r than the why^t yu^y. Thaer|for^ if y.e^ exc^el al^so in v^oic^ so az y.e^ exc^el in fetherz^, trul.y I wou}ld h^au^ saye}d that y.e^ a}r qe^n of al^ birds^. The crow be^|]i.ng allure.d with this litl^ flatteri., ma^ke}t}h re|]dy t}oo sing. And when he^ m}a^d redy, the che^z f}el ou}t|#of hiz bil, which be^i.ng snatcht.|#v}p of the fox, she ta^ke}t}h graet lau}hte.r, then the wr^etche.d crow iz a|sha^me.d, and iz gre^u^e.d with him|self^, and iz sor^y for^ the los of the] t}hing mingl^e.d with sha^m. The mor^al. So}m m^en be^ so gre^dy of pr^aiz, that they BULL158531 lo}u^ a flattero.r^ with their. sha^m and los: su}ch se^ly m^en be^ a pr^ey for^ paras}its^. Thaer|for^ if thu} wilt au^oid bo^sti.ng, thu} shal^t aezi.l.y au^oid the pestilent sor^t of flattero.r^z^. If thu} wilt be^ T}hr^as}o, Gnato wil be^ from t}he^] no|whaer. Of the lion be^i.ng stry^kn.^] with a^g^. The lion whoo h^ad m}a^d v^ery|#many eni|]myz^ in hiz y.u}t}h t}hr^o}wh hiz faerc^n.es, su}f|]fere}d pu}nishm.ent in hiz a^g^. The bo^r^ sete}t}h|]on him with toot}h, the bu}l with hor^n^. Che^fl.y the se^ly as dezy^r^i.ng t}oo pu}t|#away the o^ld] na^m of co}wardn.es assal^te}t}h the lion stou}t|]l.y with wor^ds^ and he^lz^. Then the lion be^i.ng fu}l of sor^ow saye}t}h: Thaez whoom^ I h^au^ hu}rtt} of o^ld ty^m d}oo no}w hu}rt me^ agein, and wo}r^|]thil.y: bu}t they that so}m ty^m I h^au^ doon}n go}od v}ntoo, d}oo not doo go}od agein no}w, bu}t rather hu}rt me^ too^ v}n|wo}r^thil.y. I waz fooli.sh that h^au^ m}a^d many enimyz^, I waz mo^r^|#fool|]i.sh that h^au^ tru}ste}d fal^s fre^nds^. The mor^al. Be^ not pr^ou}d in pr^osperi.ty, be^ not cruel: for^ if for^tn shal^ chan^g^ hir cou}ntenanc^, BULL158532 they whoom^ thu} h^ast hu}rtt} wil reu^eng^. And se^ thu} hau^ a differe.nc^ among fre^nds^, for^ the^r be^ so}m not thy fre^nds^^, bu}t thy ta^|]bl^z}^, and thy for^tnz}^, whoo az soon az it shal^ be^ chan^g^e.d, they wil be^ chan^g^e.d too^: and it shal^ go wel with the^, if they shal^ not be^ thy^n enimyz^. Ou^id co}mplaine}t}h wo}r^thil.y] (sayi.ng,) Lo^ I o^nc.^ garde.d with many fre^nds^ Why^ls.t pr^ospero}o.s wy^nds^ b}le^w in my sailz^: When cruel saez^ sweld} with stor^m^i. wy^nds^ With t.or^n^ ship am for^sa^kn.^ in the wa^u^s^. Of the dog and the as. The maister and hou}shold cherish a dog, why^ls.t the dog fawne}t}h on hiz maister and the family. The se^ly as se^i.ng it, lamente}t}h the mo^r^. He^ be^gine}t}h t}oo mis|ly^k hiz for^tn, he^ thinke}t}h that it iz v}n|i}u}stl.y appoointe.d, that the dog iz t}oo be^ lo}u^e.d of al^, and fe^dd. from hiz maisterz}^ ta^bl^, and that the dog get|]e}t}h it with y^dl^n.es and play. That he^ him|self^ contraril.y or^ on the o}ther sy^d) d}ooth baer a ] pak|sadl^, iz baetn.^ with a whip, iz neu^er y^dl^, and y.et ha^te.d of al^. If thaez t}hings^ be^ doon.n with flatteri.ngs^, he^ pu}rpoze}d t}oo pr^actic^ that^] art, BULL158533 which iz so pr^ofita.bl^. Thaer|for^ at a c^er|]tein ty^m, the as abou}t|#t}oo pr^oou^ the mater, ru}ne}t}h|#fo}r^t}h t}oo me^t hiz maister retu}rn^i.ng] ho^m, he^ laepe}t}h v}pon him, he^ baete}t}h him with hiz hoou^s^: the maister cryi.ng|#ou}t, the] seru^a.nts^ r}an thither, and the fooli.sh as, whoo t}howht him|self^ cou}rti.o}s, iz baetn.^ with a] clu}b. The mor^al. Al^ m^en can not doo al^ t}hings^: az V^irg^il] saie}t}h: nether d}oo al^ t}hings^ be^co}m al^ m^en. Eu^ery man shou}ld be^ wili.ng, eu^ery|o^n shou}ld pr^oou^ the t}hing that he^ may be^ a^bl^] t}oo doo. L.et v}s not be^ that^ which iz saye.d in] Gre^k: that iz, An as for^ a harp: for^ thu}s saye}t}h Boet}iu}s, An as sett. too the] harp. Labo}r^ iz l.ost if natr res}ist. Thu} shal^t doo or^ say no|t}hing, natr be^i.ng v}n|]wili.ng. Hor^ac^ be^i.ng witnes. Of the lion and the mou}c^. The lion be^i.ng we^ry with haet and ru}n|]i.ng, reste}d v}nder the shadow v}pon gre^n] gras: and a co}mpany of m^y^c^ ru}ni.ng ou^er] hiz bak, he^ be^i.ng wa^kn^e.d cau}ht o^n of many. The mou}c^ be^i.ng captiu^ or^ in pr^izn^) be^se^che}t}h] the lion, BULL158534 she^ crye}t}h ernestl.y, that she^ iz v}n|]me^t with whoom^ the lion shou}ld be^ angr^^i.. The lion consideri.ng that the^r iz no pr^aiz in the] det}h of so smal^ a baest, lett}et}h|#go the pr^izn^o.r^. Trul.y not v^ery|#long after, the lion, by chan^c^ f}el intoo nets^ why^ls.t he^ ru}ne}t}h t}hr^o}wh cor^n^. He^ miht ro^r^, he^ miht not go|#ou}t. The mou}c^ hae^re}t}h the lion ro^r^ pity|fu}ll.y, she^ knowe}t}h] the v^oic^, she^ craepe}t}h intoo the ho^lz^, she^ se^ke}t}h] the knots^ of the halterz^ or^ tyi.ngs^,) she^ fy^nd|]e}t}h them that she^ s}owht, she^ gnawe}t}h them that w}aer f.ou}nd, the lion goe}t}h ou}t|#of the] sna^rz^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ perswa^de}t}h clemenc^y v}ntoo m^en of miht. For^ az m^enz}^ affairz^ be^ v}n|]stedfast, mihti. m^en them|selu^s^ ne^d so}m] ty^m the help of the lowe.st or^ ba^se.st.) Whaer|for^ a wy^z man wil faer, y.e t}oo hu}rt any man, al^thowh he^ be^ a^bl^. For^ he^ that faere}t}h not t}oo hu}rt an|o}ther iz v^ery|#v}n|]wy^z: why so[ Bycau}z he^ be^i.ng bo^ld no}w bycau}z|#of hiz mihti.n.es, faere}t}h no man: per|adu^entr it wil be^ he^r|after, that he^] may faer. For^ it iz manifest, that it h^ath hapn.^e}d too no^bl^ and graet kings^, that ether BULL158535 they h^au^ lakt} the go}od wil of poor^ se^ly] m^en, or^|#els h^au^ faere}d their. wr^at}h. Of the sik kiht. The kiht l}ay|#do}wn in hiz bed, he^ be^i.ng al^mo^st ded pr^aye}t}h hiz mo}ther t}oo go too entraet the gods^. Hiz mo}ther answere}d that no help iz t}oo be^ ho^pe.d from the gods^, whooz^s^^ h^oly t}hings^ and al^tarz^ he^ h^ad so oftn^ wr^ong|]e.d with hiz robo.r^i.z^. The mor^al. It be^co}me}t}h m^en t}oo nor^ the gods^: for^ they help the godl.y, they hu}rt the v}n|god|]l.y. If they be^ not regarde.d in felic^ity, they hae^r not grat}io}sl.y in m^enz^ mis}ery: whaer|]for^ be^ my^nd|fu}l of them in pr^osperi.ty, that they may be^ pr^es}ent be^i.ng cal^e.d in] adu^ersity. Of the swalow and o}ther] birds^. When flax waz first b.e^gu}n t}oo be^] sown.^, the swalow cou}nsl^e}t}h the litl^] birds^ that they let the sowo.r^, sayi.ng oftn^, that en|trapi.ngs^ w.aer m.a^d for^ them. They mok, they cal^ the swalow a fooli.sh pr^ophet. The BULL158536 flax no}w spr^ingi.ng and waxi.ng gre^n, she^ warn^e}t}h them agein t}oo plu}k|#v}p the t}hings^] sown.^. They mok agein, the flax waxe}t}h ry^p, she^ exr^te}t}h them t}oo spooil the crop. When they wou}ld not az mu}ch az then hae^r her cou}nsl^i.ng them. The co}mpany of birds^ be^i.ng for^sa^kn.^, the swalow wine}t}h too her the fre^nd|]ship of man, she^ ma^ke}th laeg with him, she^ dwele}t}h with him, she^ ma^ke}t}h|#mu}ch of man with her singi.ng. Nets^ and sna^rz^ a}r m.a^d of the flax for^ o}ther birds^. The mor^al. Many nether know t}oo pr^ou^y^d for^ them|]selu^s^, nether hae^r o^n that pr^ou^y^de}t}h for^ them rihtl.y. Bu}t when they be^ in dan^g^erz^ and loss^, then at lengt}h they be^gin t}oo be^] wy^z, and t}oo condemn slu}gi.shn.es: by|]and|#by they hau^ cou}nc^l^ yno}wh and ou^er|]mu}ch: they say, this and that^ owht t}oo be^n.] doon.n. Bu}t it iz better t}oo be^ Pr^omet}he|]u}s, than Epimet}heu}s. Thaez waer br^o}|]therz^. They be^ Gre^k na^mz^. In the o^n the^r waz cou}nc^l^ be^fo^r^ the buzin.es, in the o}ther waz cou}nc^l^ after the buzin.es: which t}hing the interpr^eta.t}ion of the na^mz^ decla^re}th. BULL158537 Of the frogs^ and their. king. When the ky^nd of frogs^ w.aer fre^, they be^se^che}d Jupiter t}oo ge^u^ them a] king. Jupiter lau}he}t}h at the dezy^r^ of the] frogs^. Y.et|#not|withstandi.ng they w}aer er|]nest agein and agein, v}ntil they h^ad pr^ou^o^k|]e}d him. He^ caste}t}h|#do}wn a baem: that^ graet] weiht. sha^ke}t}h the riu^er with a graet ro}wsh. The frogs^ be^i.ng a|fraid. ho^ld their. paec^, they nor^ their. king, they co}m naere.r foot|#by|#foot. At|#lengt}h faer be^i.ng castt.|#away, they laep|]#v}p and laep|#do}wn: the dolti.sh king iz a pas|]ty^m and a i}est for^ them. They pr^ou^o^k Jupi|]ter agein, they pr^ay that a king be^ ge^u^n.^ them that may be^ v^aliant. Jupiter ge^u^e}t}h them a] haern^. He^ wal^ke}t}h stou}tl.y t}hr^o}wh the fen, what|soeu^er frog he^ me^te}t}h he^ deu^ou}re}t}h. Thaer|for^ the frogs^ h^au^ co}mplaine}d in v^ain of the cruelt.y of the haern^. Jupiter d}ooth not hae^r them. For^ at this day al^so they co}m|]plain stil. For^ in the e^u^ning when the haern^ goe}t}h too bed, they goi.ng ou}t|#of their. ho^lz^ mu}rmu}r or^ gru}dg^) with a ho^r^c^ noiz, bu}t they spaek too o^n that iz daef. For^ Jupiter wile}t}h that they that h^au^ refuze}d a g^entl^] king, BULL158538 shou}ld no}w su}ffer an v}n|g^entl^ king. The mor^al. It iz wo}nt t}oo hapn.^ too pe^pl^ eu^n^ az too the] frogs^, whoo if they hau^ a king so}m|what] ou^er|#g^entl^, they alleg^ that he^ iz fooli.sh and withou}t knowl.edg^, they dezy^r^ that a man miht hapn.^ too them o^nc.^. Contraril.y, if at any ty^m they h^au^ go}tn^ a v^aliant king, they condemn^ hiz cruelt.y, they pr^aiz the] g^entl^n.es of the first, ether bycau}z we^ re|]pent pr^es}ent t}hings^, or^|#els (which iz a tru] sayi.ng) that ne^w t}hings^ a}r rather dezy^r^e.d] than the o^ld. Of the co}lu^erz^ and the kiht. The co}lu^erz^ of o^ld ty^m m}a^d war with] the kiht: whoom^ that they miht ou^erco}m] in fiht, they c}ho^z the gos|hawk t}oo be^ a king] for^ them. He^ be^i.ng m.a^d king, plaie^th the ene|]my not their. king: he^ catche}t}h them and plu}ke}t}h them in pe^c^es^ az fast az the kiht. The co}lu^erz^ repent their. pu}rpoz, t}hinki.ng that it waz better t}oo su}ffer the battelz^ of the kiht, than the tirani. of the gos|hawk. The mor^al. L}et no man be^ gre^u^e.d too|#mu}ch for^ hiz] lot BULL158539 or^ for^tn.) The^r iz no|t}hing (Flaccu}s be^i.ng witnes) happy on eu^ery part. Tru|]l.y I wou}ld not wish my lot t}oo be^ chan^g^|]e.d, so|#that it be^ tolerabl^ or^ t}oo be^ b.or^n^ or^] su}ffere.d. Many, when a ne^w chan^c^ iz] s.owht wish for^ the o^ld agein. We^ a}r al^ for^ the mo^st part of su}ch natr, that ou}r|]selu^s^ a}r wery of ou}r|selu^s^. Of the t}he^f^ and the dog. A dog answere}d a t}he^f^ that on a ty^m of|]fere}d him br^ed (that the dog miht ho^ld] hiz paec^) I know thy dec^eits^: thu} ge^u^e}st me^] br^ed, bicau}z I shou}ld laeu^|#of t}oo bark. Bu}t I ha^t thy gift, for^|#why, if I shal^ ta^k thy br^ed, thu} wilt cary|#away al^ t}hings^ ou}t|#of this] hou}s. The mor^al. Ta^k he^d: thu} mais}t lo^z a graet commodi|]ty for^ a smal^z}^ sa^k. Ta^k he^d ho}w thu} ge^u^|]e}st credit too eu^ery man: for^ the^r be^ they, that d}oo not o^nl.y spaek cou}rti.o}sl.y t}hr^o}wh] dec^eit, bu}t doo cou}rti.o}sl.y too^. Of the wo}lf and t}he y.o}ng so}w. A y.o}ng so}w waz abou}t|#t}oo farow, the wo}lf pr^omise}t}h him|self^ t}oo be^ ke^po.r^ of] the y.o}ng BULL158540 or^ of the farrow.) The trau^eli.ng baest answere}d, that she^ did not ne^d the wo}lfs^^ dilig^ent seru^i.c^. If he^ wou}ld be^ accou}nte.d] pity|fu}l, if he^ wou}ld dezy^r^ t}oo doo a t}hing wo}r^thy of t}hanks^, he^ shou}ld go|#away fard.er|]of. For^ the wo}lfs^^ offic^ consiste}t}h not in hiz] pr^es}enc^ or^ be^i.ng thaer,) bu}t in hiz absenc^ or^] be^i.ng|#away.) The mor^al. Al^ t}hings^ a}r not t}oo be^ commite.d too eu^e|]ry man. Many pr^omis their. trau^el, not for^ the lo}u^ of the^, bu}t of them|selu^s^, se^ki.ng their.|#own.^ pr^ofit not thy^n. Of the br^ood of the hilz^. The^r waz o^nc.^ a rumor^ or^ graet tal^k) that the hilz^ w}aer abou}t|#t}oo br^ing|#fo}r^t}h: m^en ru}n thither, they stay thaer|#abou}t, looki.ng for^ so}m monster, not withou}t faer. At lengt}h the ] hilz^ br^ing|#fo}r^t}h a mou}c^. Then al^ w}aer al^mo^st ded with lau}hi.ng. The mor^al. Hor^ac^ tu}che}t}h this fa^bl^. He^ saye}t}h the hilz^ wil be^ in trau^el, a mou^c^ wil be^ b.o^r^n^ t}oo ma^k lau}ht.er. Trul.y he^ no^te}t}h br^agi.ng, for^ when graet bo^sterz^ d}oo ma^k a shew of BULL158541 graet t}hings^, they scarc^l.y doo smal^ t}hings^. Whaer|for^ tho^z T}hr^as}oz^ a}r mater of pas|]ty^m and of scofs^. Al^so this fa^bl^ for^bide}t}h] v^ain faerz^. For^, for^ the mo^st part, the faer of dan^g^er iz gre^u^o}o.se.r than the dan^g^er: y.e so}m ty^m, that^ which we^ faer iz a t}hing t}oo] be^ lau}he.d|#at. Of a Gre|hou}nd. The maister pu}te}t}h|#on a gre|hou}nd, he^ taeze}t}h him in v^ain, hiz fe^t be^ slow, he^ ha^ste}t}h not, he^ c}au}ht a wy^ld baest, the wy^ld] baest slipe}t}h|#away from the toot}hl.es dog. The maister ra^te}t}h at the dog with stry^ps^ and] wor^ds^. The dog answere}t}h, that it owht t}oo be^ for^ge^u^n.^ him of riht: that he^ waz o^ld no}w, that he^ waz strong be^i.ng y.o}ng. Bu}t az I se^ (sai.t}h the dog) no|t}hing plaeze}t}h withou}t gain. Thu} h^ast lo}u^e}d me^ be^i.ng y.o}ng, thu} h^ast ha^t|]e}d me^ be^i.ng o^ld. Thu} h^ast lo}u^e}d me^ catch|]i.ng ga^m, thu} h^ast ha^te}d me^ be^i.ng slow and ] toot}hl.es. Bu}t if thu} w}aer t}hank|fu}l, whoom^ be^i.ng y.o}ng thu} h^ast lo}u^e}d for^ pr^ofits^^ sa^k, thu} wou}lds}t lo}u^ be^i.ng o^ld, for^ my frut|fu}l y.ut}hs^^] sa^k. The mor^al. The dog saye}d rihtl.y. For^ (Ou^id be^i.ng ] witnes) BULL158542 no|t}hing iz be^|lo}u^e.d, bu}t that^ which iz pr^ofita.bl^: Lo^, plu}k ho^p of gain from a gre^dy my^nd, then no man wil be^] s.owht|#v}pon. The^r iz no remembr^^a.nc^ of a commodity past., and go}od wil for^ a t}hing t}oo co}m iz not graet, go}od wil for^ pr^es}ent commodity iz the graete.st. Trul.y it iz a sha^m|fu}l t}hing t}oo be^ saye.d. Bu}t if we^ wil confes the trut.h}, no}w|a|daiz^, the com|]mu}n sor^t ly^k fre^nds.hip for^ pr^ofit. Of the ha^rz^ and the frogs^. A wo}od ma^ki.ng noiz with an v}n|accu}s|]tome.d bo}stio}s wy^nd, the ha^rz^ be^i.ng] faer|fu}l r}an|#away with al^ spe^d. When the^r s}tood a post ageinst them ru}ni.ng|#away, they s}tood dou}t|fu}ll.y be^i.ng co}mpase.d with dan|]g^erz^ on bo^th sy^ds^. And bicau}z the^r miht be^ a pr^ou^o^ki.ng of graete.r faer, they se^ frogs^ t}oo be^ de^u^e.d in a br^ook. The o^n of the ha^rz^ be^i.ng] skil|fu}le.r, and wy^ze.r than the rest: saye}t}h, why doo we^ faer in v^ain[ We^ hau^ ne^d of co}|]rag^: Trul.y we^ hau^ nimbl^n.es of body, bu}t we^ lak stomak. This dan^g^er of the blu}ster|]i.ng wy^nd iz not t}oo be^ fle^d.d, bu}t iz t}oo be^] sett.|#liht|#by. BULL158543 The mor^al. Men hau^ ne^d of co}r^ag^ in eu^ry t}hing. V^ertu lye}t}h a|long withou}t bo^ldn.es. For^ stedfast tru}st iz the gy^d and qe^n of v^ertu. Of the kid and the wo}lf. When the she^|go^t waz abou}t|#t}oo go] t}oo fe^d, she^ pend} or^ shu}tt}|#clo^c^) hir] kid in the ho}ws, warn^i.ng him t}oo opn^ the] door^ too no^n, v}ntil she^ c}a^m|#agein. The wo}lf which hae^rd}d it a|far|#of, after the damz}^ de|]parti.ng knoke}t}h at the door^z^, he^ cou}nterfet|]e}t}h the go^t with v^oic^: bidi.ng that the door^z^ be^] opn^e.d. The kid perc^eiu^i.ng|#be^fo^r^ the dec^eits^ of the wo}lf, sait}h, I opn^ not the door^. For^ thowh thy v^oic^ be^ ly^k a go^ts^, y.et trul.y I se^ a wo}lf thr^o}wh the renti.ngs^ of the door^. The mor^al. That chy^ldde^rn^ obey their. parent iz pr^o|]fita.bl^ for^ them|selu^s^, and it be^co}me}t}h the] y.o}ng t}oo harkn^ too an o^ld man. Of the hart and the wo}lf. The hart accus}e}t}h the she^p be^fo^r^ the wo}lf, sayi.ng a|lo}wd, that the she^p d}id ow a bu}shel of whaet. Trul.y the she^p waz v}n|]knowi.ng BULL158544 of the det, y.et (bycau}z|#of the pr^e|]s}enc^ of the wo}lf) she^ pr^omize}t}h that she^ wil] ge^u^ it. A day iz na^me.d for^ the paym.ent, the day iz co}mm., the hart warn^e}t}h the she^p. She^ denye}t}h it. For^ she^ excus}e}t}h the mater, that that^ which she^ h^ad pr^omize}d, waz doon.n for^] faer, and for^ the pr^es}enc^ of the wo}lf, (and) that a constraine.d pr^omis iz not t}o}o be^ ke^pt.t. The mor^al. It iz a sentenc^ of the law: a man may pu}t|#of fo^r^c^ with fo^r^c^. Ou}t|#of this litl^ fa^bl^ iz s.pr^o}ng a c^ertein ne^w sentenc^.: It iz] law|fu}l t}oo dis|pr^oou^ dec^eit with dec^eit. Of the co}ntry|man and the ] sna^k. A c^ertein co}ntry|man nu}rishe}d a sna^k, (and) be^i.ng angr^^i. on a ty^m he^ stry^ke}t}h the baest with an ax. She^ esca^pe}t}h not withou}t] a wou}nd. Afterw.ard, the co}ntry|man be^|]co}mi.ng poor^, t}howht that that^ mis|for^tn hapn.^e}d v}ntoo him bycau}z|#of the wr^ong to|]ward the sna^k. Thaer|for^ he^ entraete}t}h the] sna^k that she^ wou}ld co}m|#agein: the sna^k saie}t}h that she^ d}ooth for^ge^u^ it, bu}t that she^ wil not retu}rn^: nether that she^ shal^ be^ v^oid of] ca^r, BULL158545 why^ls.t the co}ntry|man hat}h so graet an ax at ho^m. She^ saiz}^ that the smart of the wou}nd iz gon., y.et the remembr^^a.nc^ remain|]e}t}h. The mor^al. It iz sca^rc^ sa^ft.y t}oo tru}st him agein, which h^ath o^nc.^ b}r^o^kn^ pr^omis. Trul.y t}oo for^ge^u^] wr^ong iz suerl.y a pooint of pity. Bu}t t}oo ta^k he^d too him|self^ iz bo^th be^co}mi.ng, and iz a pooint of wy^zdo}m too^. Of the fox and the haern^. A fox cal^e}d a haern^ too su}pe.r, he^ pou}re}t}h|]ou}t the maet on a ta^bl^, which, for^|#az|]mu}ch|#az it waz lico}r^, the fox like}t}h, the haern^ assayi.ng with hir bil in v^ain. The bird be^i.ng mokt. goe}t}h|#away, and iz a|sha^me.d and gre^u^e.d with the wr^ong. After a few dayz^ the haern^] retu}rn^e}t}h, and bide}t}h the fox. The^r waz a glasn.^ v^esl^ sett. fu}l of maet, which v^esl^, for^|#az|]mu}ch|#az it waz of a narow nek, it waz law|]fu}l for^ the fox t}oo se^ the maet, and t}oo be^ hu}n|]gr^^i., bu}t he^ miht not ta^st. The haern^ dr^awe}t}h] it ou}t aezi.l.y with hir bil. The mor^al. Lau}ht.er dezeru^e}t}h lau^ht.er, i}esti.ng de|]zeru^e}t}h BULL158546 i}esti.ng, su}tl^t.y dezeru^e}t}h su}tl^t.y, de|]c^eit dezeru^e}t}h dec^eit. Of the wo}lf and the paint|]e.d hed. The wo}lf tu}rn^e}t}h|#v}p and do}wn a manz}^] hed be^i.ng f.ou}nd in a caru^o.r^z}^ shop, he^] meru^ele}t}h, i}u}dg^i.ng, az it waz, that it had no] sens. He^ saye}t}h, O faier hed, The^r iz mu}ch art] in the^, bu}t no v}nderstandi.ng. The mor^al. Ou}tw.ard faiern.es iz wel|#ly^ke.d, if it be^] any|whaer. Bu}t if thu} mu}st lak the o^n or^] the o}ther, it iz better that thu} shou}lds}t lak ou}tw.ard t}hings^ than inw.ard t}hings^. For^ that^ withou}t this ru}ne}t}h v}ntoo ha^tr.ed: az a fool iz thaer|in the mo^r^|#ha^te.d, in that he^ iz so}m|what beu}ty|fu}l. Of the i}ay. The i}ay deke}d him|self^ with a pecoks^^] fetherz^. Afterw.ard se^mi.ng too him|self^ t}oo be^ pr^ety|#faier, he^ gete}t}h him too the ky^nd of the pecoks^, hiz own.^ ky^nd be^i.ng for^sa^kn.^. At|#the|#lengt}h, the dec^eit be^i.ng v}nderstood they ma^k the fooli.sh bird na^ke.d of hiz co}lo}r^z^, BULL158547 and baet him. Hor^ac^ in the first book of hiz e|]pistl^z^, tele}t}h this fa^bl^ of a se^ly crow. He^ say|]e}t}h, that the crow be^i.ng dekt. with fetherz^ be^|]i.ng gathere.d|#toogether, which h^ad fal^n}^ from] birds^, waz a moki.ng|#stok, after that eu^ery|]o^n of the birds^ h^ad plu}kt}|#of hiz fether. Lest perhaps he^r|after, the flok of birds^ may co}m t}oo cra^u^|#agein their. fetherz^, and moou^ lau}h|]i.ng too so}m, be^i.ng m.a^d ba^r of hiz s.to^ln^ co}|]lo}r^z^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ no^te}t}h them that baer them|selu^s^ lofti.e.r than iz fit, with m^en that liu^ with] them, and that be^ riche.r and no^bl^e.r. Whaer|]for^ they be^ m.a^d poor^ oftn^ ty^mz^, and be^ a] i}esting|#stok. Juu^enal warn^e}t}h v^ery|#wel. This sayi.ng c}a^m|#do}wn from heu^n^: know] thy|self^. Of the fly and the emot. The fly tal^ke}d ernestl.y with the emot, she^ bo^ste}d that her|self^ iz no^bl^, that the] emot iz not no^bl^, that her|self^ d}ooth fly, that the emot cre^pe}t}h, that her|self^ hau}nte}t}h kings^s^^ ho}wzes^, that the emot lye}t}h hy^dd. in] ca^u^s^, knawe}t}h co^r^n^ and dr^inke}t}h water, that BULL158548 her|self^ fe^de}t}h nor^a.bl^i., and y.et that she^ get|]e}t}h thaez t}hings^ withou}t labo}r^. On the con|]trary part, the emot sayz}^, that he^ iz not no^bl^, bu}t content with hiz birt}h, and that the fly iz wau^eri.ng, that him|self^ iz stedfast, that co^r^n^ and ru}ni.ng straemz^ d}oo sau^o}r^ the emot, that the fly hat}h pastyz^ and wy^n. And that him|]self^ d}ooth not get thaez t}hings^ with y^dl^n.es, bu}t with stou}t trau^el. Mo^r^|ou^er, that the e|]mot iz mery and sa^f, be^|lo}u^e.d of al^ m^en, far|]d.er|mo^r^ an exam^pl^ of labo}r^. That the fly iz faer|fu}l with dan^g^er, noyso}m too al^ m^en, en|]u^ye.d of eu^ery man, fard.er|mo^r^ an exam^pl^ of] slu}gi.shn.es. That the emot be^i.ng my^nd|fu}l of] winter laye}t}h|#v}p food, that the fly liu^e}t}h bu}t for^ a day, ether redy t}oo be^ hu}ngr^^i. on winter, or^ suerl.y t}oo dy. The mor^al. He^ that goe}t}h|#on t}oo say what he^ wil, shal^] hae^r tho^z t}hings^ that he^ iz not wili.ng t}oo] hae^r. If the fly h^ad saye}d wel, she^ h^ad] hae^rd}d wel. Trul.y I y.e^ld too the emot, for^ an v}n|known.^ or^ ba^s) ly^f^ with qietn.es iz mo^r^ t}oo be^ wishe.d than a gor^g^io}s ly^f^ with] dan^g^er. BULL158549 Of the frog and the ox. A frog be^i.ng dezy^r^o}o.s t}oo match an ox, stretche}d|#ou}t her|self^, hir so}n cou}nsl^e}d hiz mo}ther t}oo laeu^|#of the enterpr^yc^, sayi.ng, that a frog waz no|t}hing too an ox. She^ swel|]e}d the second ty^m. Hir so}n crye}t}h|#ou}t, O] mo}ther, thowh thu} shou}lds}t br^aek|#asu}nder, thu} shal^t neu^er exc^el the ox. Bu}t when she^ h^ad swele}d the t}hird ty^m, she^ b}r^a^k|#asu}nder. The mor^al. Eu^ery|o^n hat}h hiz gift. This man exc^ele}t}h in beu}ty, he^ in strengt}h. This man in rich|]e.s, he^ in fre^nds^. It be^co}me}t}h eu^ery|o^n t}oo be^ content with hiz|#own.^. He^ iz mihti. in] body, thu} in wit. Whaer|for^ l}et eu^ery|o^n adu^yz him|self^ that he^ enu^y not hiz supe|]rior^, which iz a mis}ery: nether l}et him wish t}oo be^ at v^aria.nc^, which iz a pooint of fool|]i.shn.es. Of the hor^s and the lion. A lion c}a^m t}oo aet a hor^s: bu}t laki.ng] strengt}h t}hr^o}wh a^g^, he^ be^gan t}oo pr^ac|]tic^ art: he^ pr^ofese}t}h him|self^ t}oo be^ a phizic^i|]on, he^ staye}t}h the hor^s with a long co}mpas of] wor^ds^. BULL158550 The hor^s sete}t}h dec^eit against dec^eit, he^ sete}t}h art ageinst art. He^ feine}t}h that he^] pr^ikt} hiz foot in a t}hor^n^i. pla^c^, he^ pr^aye}t}h that the phizic^ion looki.ng thaer|on wou}ld plu}k|]ou}t the t}hor^n^. The lion obeye}t}h. Bu}t the hor^s clape}t}h hiz he^l on the lion, with az mu}ch fo^r^c^ az he^ waz a^bl^, and gete}t}h him|self^ v}ntoo hiz] fe^t by|#and|#by. The lion at|#lengt}h sca^rc^l.y co}mi.ng|#agein too him|self^ (for^ he^ waz al^|]mo^st kild. with the stro^k) saye}t}h, I baer a re|]ward for^ my fooli.shn.es, and he^ iz fle^d.d|#away] riht|fu}ll.y. For^ he^ h^ath reu^eng^e}d dec^eit with] dec^eit. The mor^al. Dissembl^i.ng iz wo}r^thy of ha^tr.ed, and t}oo] be^ cau}ht with dissembl^i.ng. The enimy iz not t}oo be^ faere.d that shewe}t}h him|self^ az] an enemy: bu}t he^ iz t}oo be^ faere.d al^|way and wo}r^thy of ha^tr.ed, that feine}t}h go}od] wil when he^ iz an enemy. Of the hor^s and the as. A hor^s be^i.ng trimd. with trapi.ngs^ and with] a sadl^ r}an by the way with graet neii.ng. By chan^c^ a se^ly as be^i.ng lo^dn.^ d}id let the hor^s] ru}ni.ng. The hor^s fu}l of cha^fi.ng for^ anger, BULL158551 and be^i.ng fe^rc^ and chami.ng the fo^mi.ng br^y^|]dl^, saye}t}h, why d}oost thu} lu}bbar and fool stand ageinst a hor^s[ Ge^u^ pla^c^, I say, or^|#els I traed the^ do}wn with my fe^t. The se^ly as not be^i.ng bo^ld t}oo spaek the contrary, goe}t}h|#a|]way not spaeki.ng. Bu}t the hor^se^s^ cod iz b.r^o^|]kn^ ru}ni.ng swift and en|fo^r^c^i.ng hiz cou}rs. Then be^i.ng v}n|pr^ofita.bl^ for^ ru}ni.ng and for^] shew, iz spooile.d of hiz fu}rnitr, and after|]w.ard iz s.o^ld too a car|man. Afterw.ard the se^|]ly as spaeke}t}h too him co}mi.mg with a car: Ho nest man, what apparel iz that^|#sa^m[ Whaer iz the gilt sadl^[ Whaer be^ the stu}de.d] pewtrelz^[ Whaer iz the br^iht br^y^dl^[ O fre^nd it iz necessary t}oo hapn.^ so too o^n that iz pr^ou}d. The mor^al. V^ery|#many a}r a|lost in pr^osperi.ty, and be^ not my^nd|fu}l of them|selu^s^, nor^ of mo|]desti.: bu}t they ru}n intoo adu^ersity, bicau}z they be^ pr^ou}d in pr^osperi.ty. I wou}ld warn^e}d them, that se^m happy, t}oo be^ wa^r: for^ if the whe^l of for^tn shal^ be^ tu}rn^e.d|#a|]bou}t, they shal^ perc^eiu^ that t}oo h^au^ be^n}] happy, iz the mo^st|#mis}erabl^ ky^nd of mis|]for^tn. That^ e^u^l^ al^so hapn.^e}t}h too the haep of il lu}k, they shal^ be^ despy^ze.d of o}ther, BULL158552 whoom^ them|selu^s^ h^au^ despy^ze}d, and they wil mok them, whoom^ them|selu^s^ h^au^] mokt}. Of the birds^ and fowr^^|foote.d] baests^. The birds^ had a battel with the fowr^^|foot|]e.d baests^. The^r waz ho^p on either sy^d, faer on either sy^d, dan^g^er on bo^th sy^ds^. The ratl^|]mou}c^ goe}t}h|#away too the enemyz^, hiz felowz^ be^i.ng for^sa^kn.^ (of him.) The birds^ ou^erco}m the aegl^ be^i.ng laedo.r^ and che^f capten. Bu}t they condemn^ the ru}n|away|#traitor^ the] ratl^|mou}c^, that he^ hau^ not at any ty^m a re|]tu}rn^i.ng too the birds^, that he^ hau^ not flyi.ng any ty^m in the day. This iz an occas}ion for^ the] ratl^|mou}c^, that he^ flye}t}h not bu}t by niht. The mor^al. He^ that for^sa^ke}t}h t}oo be^ pa^rtn.or^ in adu^er|]sity and dan^g^er with hiz felowz^: shal^ be withou}t part of their. pr^osperi.ty. Of the wo}lf and the fox. The wo}lf lyu^e}d in y^dl^n.es, when he^ had pr^ou^is}ion yno}wh. The fox goz}^ thither, and aske}th the occas}ion of hiz qietn.es. The wo}lf perc^eiu^e}d that crafts^ w}aer m.a^d bycau}z|#of hiz] maet, BULL158553 he^ feine}t}h that sikn.es iz the cau}z, and pr^aie}t}h the fox t}oo go t}oo pr^ay the gods^: she^ be^i.ng sor^y that hir dec^eit w}ent not for^w.ard, goe}t}h too a she^pp|herd, and warn^e}t}h him that the wo}lfs^^ denz^ or^ ho^lz^) a}r opn^: and that the] enemy be^i.ng ca^rl.es miht be^ oppr^ese.d or^ o|]u^erco}mm.) v}n|wa^rz^. The she^pp|herd sete}t}h|]on the wo}lf and kile}t}h him. The fox gete}t}h the] den and the pr^ey. Bu}t she^ had shor^t i}oy of hir] wickedn.es, for^ not long after, the sa^m she^pp|]herd ta^ke}t}h her too^. The mor^al. Enu^y iz a fo}wl t}hing, and so}m ty^m dan^|]g^ero}o.s too the au}tr^ him|self^ too^. Flaccu}s wr^y^te}t}h in the first book of hiz epistl^z^ The enu^io}o.s with an|o}therz}^ pr^osperi.ty waxe}t}h laen. The C^ic^ili.anz^ f}ou}nd not a graeter tor^ment, Than the wicked enu^y of Phalaris the tyr^an. Of the hart or^ stag.) The hart or^ stag) b}e^held him|self^ in a cle^r spr^ing of water. He^ ly^ke}t}h the hih and br^an^che.d hor^n^z^ of hiz fo^r^|hed. Bu}t he^ condemn^e}th the slendern.es of hiz legs^: why^ls.t he^ be^ho^lde}t}h and i}u}dg^e}t}h, by chan^c^, the^r c}a^m] a hu}nto.r^. BULL158554 The hart fle^e}t}h swifte.r than a dart, and faste.r than the est wy^nd dr^iu^i.ng a stor^m^. The dogs^ folow|#after the hart flyi.ng|#away. Bu}t when he^ h^ad entr^^e}d a t}hik wo}od, hiz hor^n^z^ w}aer wr^ape.d in the bo}wz^. Then at|#last he^ pr^aize}d hiz legs^ and condemn^e}d hiz hor^n^z^ which cau}ze}d that he^ waz a pr^ey for^ the dogs^. The mor^al. We^ crau^ t}hings^ t}oo be^ fle^d.d, and fle^ t}hings^ t}oo be^ crau^e.d, the t}hings^ that hu}rt plaez v}s, and tho^z t}hings^ dis|plaez v}s that a}r pr^ofit|]a.bl^. We^ dezy^r^ blese.dn.es be^fo^r^ we^ v}nder|]stand whaer it iz. We^ se^k the exc^eli.ng of] welt.h} and the lofti.n.es of nor^, we^ t}hink hap|]pin.es t}oo be^ sett. in thaez, in which, not|with|]standi.ng, the^r iz mu}ch labo}r^ and gre^f. That^|]#sa^m Liricu}s ou}r (fre^nd) shewe}t}h it trim|]l.y, sayi.ng: The graet py^n|#tre^ iz baetn.^ too and fro mo^r^|#oftn^ with the wy^nds^, and the hih] to}werz^ fal^|#do}wn with a heu^ie.r fal^, al^|]so the lihtn.^i.ngs^ stry^k the hihe.st hilz^. Of the wo}lfs^ and the lambs^. The wo}lfs^ and lambs^, whoo hau^ a dis|a|]gre^i.ng by natr, had o^nc.^ a truc^, pledg^es^ BULL158555 be^i.ng ge^u^n.^ on bo^th sy^ds^. The wo}lfs^ ga}u^ their. whelps^, the she^p ga}u^ a band of dogs^. The she^p be^i.ng qiet and fe^di.ng, the y.o}ng wo}lfs^ ma^k a] ho}wli.ng for^ the dezy^r^ of their. damz^. Then the wo}lfs^ br^aeki.ng|#in cry|#alo}wd that the pr^o|]mis and laeg iz b.r^o^kn^, and taer the she^p in] pe^c^es^, be^i.ng destitut of succo}r^. The mor^al. It iz a fooli.shn.es if thu} deliu^er too thy^n e|]nemyz^ thy defenc^es^ in a trety of paec^: for^ he^ that h^ath be^n} an enemy, per|adu^entr d}ooth not|#y.et laeu^|#of t}oo be^ an enemy: and per|adu^entr wil ta^k occas}ion, why he^ may set|#v}pon the^ be^i.ng l.eft na^ked of de|]fenc^es^. Of the adder and the fy^l. An adder fy^ndi.ng a fy^l in a fo^r^g^ be^gin|]e}t}h t}oo knaw it, the fy^l smy^le}d, sayi.ng: What, thu} fool what doos}t thu}[ thu} shal^t weer|]ou}t thy te^t}h be^fo^r^ thu} cans}t weer me^, whoo am wo}nt t}oo by^t|#of the hardn.es of metal. The mor^al. Look agein and agein with whoom^ thu}] hast mater. If thu} whet thy te^th ageinst a stronge.r than thy|self^, thu} shal^t not hu}rt him bu}t thy|self^. BULL158556 Of a wo}od and a co}ntry|man. At what ty^m tre^z^ had their. spe^ch too^, the^r c}a^m a co}ntry|man intoo a wo}od, dezy^r^|]i.ng that he^ miht ta^k a hylu^ for^ hiz ax. The wo}od consente}t}h. The ax be^i.ng m.a^d redy, the hu}sband|man be^gine}t}h t}oo cu}t|#do}wn the] tre^z^. Then, and trul.y too|#la^t, the wo}od repent|]e}t}h hiz g^entl^n.es. It waz sor^y that it|self^ waz cau}z of hiz|#own.^ destru}ct}ion. The mor^al. Se^ of whoom^ thu} dezeru^e}st wel. The^r h^au^] be^n} many, whoo h^au^ ab|vze}d a go}od tu}rn^] rec^eiu^e.d, too the destru}ct}ion of the ge^u^o.r^. Of the memberz^ and the] bely. Onc.^ the foot and hand accus}ed the bely, that their. gainz^ w}aer deu^ou}re.d of him be^i.ng y^dl^. They bid that he^ shou}ld labo}r^, or^ that he^ shou}ld not cra^u^ t}oo be^ no}r^ishe.d. He^ entraete}t}h o^nc.^ and agein , y.et the hands^ deny] no}r^ishm.ent. The bely be^i.ng consume.d with] fasti.ng. When al^ the memberz^ b}e^gan t}oo] faint, then the hands^ wou}ld h^au^ be^n} duty|fu}l] at|#last, bu}t it waz too|#la^t. For^ the bely be^i.ng] waek BULL158557 for^ lak of vc^ castt}|#v}p the maet. So why^ls.t al^ the memberz^ doo enu^y the bely, they perish with the bely. The mor^al. Eu^n^|#az it iz in the felows.hip of the mem|]berz^: so manz^ felows.hip fa^re}t}h. A mem|]ber ne^de}t}h a member, a fre^nd ne^de}t}h a] fre^nd: whaer|for^ m^en mu}st vz chan^g^a.bl^] go}od tu}rn^z^, nether shal^ riche.s nor^ the tops^] of dignity, sa^u^ a man yno}wh. Fre^nds.hip iz the o^nl.y and che^f defenc^ of mo^st m^en. Of the Aap and the fox. The Aap entraete}t}h the fox, that he^ wou}ld ge^u^ her part of hiz tail t}oo co}u^er hir bu}t|]toks^. She^ saye}d that it waz a bu}rdn^ too the] fox, which miht be^ too her a pr^ofit and nor^. The fox answere}t}h that he^ hat}h no|t}hing too|]mu}ch, and that he^ hat}h|#leu^er that the grou}nd be^ swe^pt.t with hiz tail, than the a^ps^^ bu}ttoks^] be^ co}u^ere.d. The mor^al. The^r be^ that lak: the^r be^ which hau^ too|]mu}ch: y.et no rich man hat}h that^ condit}i|]on, that he^ co}mfor^te}t}h the ne^di. with hiz su|]perfluo}s t}hings^. BULL158558 Of the hart and the oxn^^. A hart flyi.ng a hu}nto.r^ go}t him|self^ intoo] a stal^, and pr^aye}t}h the oxn^^, that he^ may] ly hy^dd. in the stal^. The oxn^^ deny that it iz sa^f|]t.y, and that the maister and seru^a.nt wil] co}m by|#and|#by. He^ saye}t}h that he^ iz withou}t] ca^r, so|#that they d}oo not be^tray him. The seru^|]a.nt entr^^e}t}h, he^ se^e}t}h not the hart hy^dd. in the] hey, and goe}t}h|#fo}r^t}h. The hart rei}oic^e}t}h, and no}w faere}t}h no|t}hing. Then o^n of the oxn^^ be^|]i.ng wy^z bo^th with a^g^ and cou}nc^l^, saye}t}h, it waz aezi. t}oo dec^eiu^ this felow, whoo iz a mo^ld, bu}t that thu} ly hy^dd. from ou}r maister, whoo] iz Argu}s, that^ iz a hard wo}r^k, that^ iz so}m la|]bo}r^. Soon afterw.ard the maister co}me}t}h|#in, whoo serchi.ng al^ t}hings^ with hiz yiz^, and fe^l|]i.ng the mo}w with hiz hand perc^eiu^e}t}h the harts^^ hor^n^z^ v}nder the hey. He^ cal^e}t}h a|lo}wd for^ hiz seru^a.nts^, they ru}n thither, they kil and ta^k the wy^ld baest. The mor^al. In adu^ersity and dan^g^erz^ hy^di.ng pla^c^es^ a}r hard t}oo be^ f.ou}nd, ether bicau}z il lu}k, az it b}e^gan, v^exe}t}h them, or^ bycau}z be^i.ng lett. with faer, and be^i.ng v^oid of cou}nc^l^, BULL158559 they be^tray them|selu^s^ t}hr^o}wh v}n|skil|]fu}ln.es. Of the lion and the fox. The lion waz sik, the baests^ w}ent t}oo se^] him, the fox o^nl.y delayi.ng hir dut.y. The lyon sende}t}h a messeng^er too her with a let|]ter, that miht warn^ her t}oo co}m. And that hir o^nl.y pr^es}enc^ wou}ld be^ a v^ery|#acc^epta.bl^ or^ t}hank|fu}l) t}hing too him be^i.ng sik. And that the^r waz no dan^g^er, why the fox shou}ld faer. That the lion trul.y waz from the be^gini.ng mo^st|#fre^ndl.y too the fox, and thaer|for^ he^ de|]zy^r^e}d hir familiar tal^k. Mo^r^|ou^er, that he^ waz sik and l}ay|#abed, and al^so if he^ shou}ld be^ wili.ng t}oo hu}rt (which t}hing waz not) y.et he^ cou}ld not hu}rt. The fox wr^y^te}t}h|#agein, that she^ wishe}th that the lion may wax who^l, and that she^ wil pr^ay the gods^ for^ it. Bu}t that she^ wil se^ him in no wyz. That she^ iz a|fraid. by|]cau}z|#of the steps^ of the baests^, which steps^ for^|]az|#mu}ch|#az they be^ al^ toward the lionz}^ den, and no^n ofw.ard, that that^ t}hing iz a shew, that many baests^ h^au^ gon}|#in, bu}t that no^n hat}h] gon}|#ou}t. Hor^ac^ in the first book of hiz epistl^z^, saie}t}h: BULL158560 I wil reherc^ what of|#o^ld ty^m, the wa^ri. fox d}id say, V}ntoo a lion that waz sik: the steps^ me^ graetly fray, Bycau}z al^ be^ looki.ng tow.ard, no steps^ look the bak way. The mor^al. Ta^k he^d ho}w thu} tru}ste}st wor^ds^. Exc^ept thu} wilt ta^k he^d, wor^ds^ shal^ be^ ge^u^n.^ the^ oftn^ ty^mz^. A ges iz t}oo be^ ta^kn.^ so}m ty^m of] wor^ds^, so}m ty^m of de^ds^. And of thaez tru}st iz t}oo be^ i}u}dg^e.d. Of the fox and the waezl^. A fox be^i.ng laen t}hr^o}wh long fasti.ng, by] chan^c^ craept}t intoo a hu}tch of cor^n^ oz] mael) t}hr^o}wh a narow chink. In the which when she^ waz wel fe^dd., afterw.ard hir bely be^i.ng stretche.d|#ou}t , d}id let her, assayi.ng t}oo go|#ou}t agein. The waezl^ hau^i.ng|#be^holdn}^ her wr^igl^i.ng a|far|#of, at|#lengt}h warn^e}t}h her, if she^ dezy^r^ t}oo go|#ou}t, she^ shou}ld go|#agein be^|]i.ng laen too the ho^l, t}hr^o}wh which she^ entr^^e}d be^|]i.ng laen. The mor^al. Thu} mais}t se^ that v^ery|#many m^en be^] glad BULL158561 and mery, v^oyd of ca^rz^, with|ou}t tro}bl^z^ of the my^nd, in a maenn.es of ly^f^ or^] esta^t. Bu}t if they h^au^ be^n} m.a^d rich, shu}] shal^t se^ them go sad, neu^er look|#v}p, fu}l of] ca^rz^ of the my^nd, ou^er|whelm^e.d with] gre^fs^. Hor^ac^ rehaerc^e}t}h this litl^ fa^bl^ thu}s: By chan^c^ a laen fox d}id craep t}hr^o}wh strait ho^lz^ intoo a hu}tch Of mael, and be^i.ng fe^dd. assayd}, t}oo go|#fo}r^t}h thenc^ agein In v^ain, with body fu}l: too whoom^ the waezl^ saye}t}h thu}s: If thu} wilt get|#ou}t from that^ pla^c^, thu} mu}st go|#agein laen V}ntoo the narrow ho^l, which thu} be^i.ng laen h^ast entr^^e}d|#in. Of the hor^s and the hart] or^ stag.) A hor^s m}a^d war with a hart. At|#last be^|]i.ng dr^yu^n.^ ou}t|#of the fe^di.ngs^ or^ laezes^) he^ lamenta.bl^l.i dezy^r^e}d the help of a man. He^ co}me}t}h|#agein with a man, he^ goe}t}h|#do}wn in|]too a plain fe^ld, and iz no}w m.a^d conqero.r^, be^i.ng be^fo^r^ ou^er|#co}me.d. Bu}t y.et hiz enemy BULL158562 be^i.ng conqere.d, and pu}tt. v}nder bonda.g^, it iz of nec^essity, that the sa^m ou^er|co}mo.r^ be^ in] bonda.g^ too the man. He^ su}ffere}t}h a hor^s|man on hiz bak, and a br^y^dl^ in hiz mou}t}h. The mor^al. Many stry^u^ ageinst pou^erty, which be^i.ng ou^er|co}md. by for^tn or^ pain|fu}ln.es, oftn^] ty^mz^ the ou^er|co}mo.r^z}^ liberty iz v}tterl.y] gon.. Trul.y the maisterz^ and conqero.r^z^ of pou^erty, be^gin t}oo be^ in bonda.g^ too rich|]e.s, they a}r v^exe.d with the dezy^r^z^ of co}u^et|]o}o.sn.es, they a}r ke^pt.t|#in with the br^y^dl^z^ of] spa^ri.ng, and d}oo not ho^ld the mezur of get|]i.ng, and da^r not vz the welt.h} go.tn^, be^i.ng a i}u}st pu}nishm.ent of co}u^eto}o.sn.es. Of this litl^ fa^bl^ Hor^ac^ spaeke}t}h in the first book of hiz epistl^z^. The hart better in fiht, dr^y^u^e}t}h|#away the hor^s From commu}n pasturz^, til the hor^s waek with long fiht. Hath go}t the help of man, and ta^kn}^ br^y^dl^: bu}t After the v^iolent hart w}ent|#away from foz}^ fiht, BULL158563 This pu}tt}h not of agein, hor^s|man from bak, nor^ bit From mou}t}h: so he^ that faerd}, pou^erty, no}w d}oot}h lak Fre^d.o}m, better than go^ld: whoo knowe}t}h not t}oo gy^d A litl^, shal^ seru^ lewd, and baer a maister on bak. Of twoo y.o}ng m^en. Twoo y.o}ng m^en fein with a cook, that they wil biy maet. The cook dooi.ng o}ther] t}hings^, the o^n snatche}t}h flesh ou}t|#of a basket, and ge^u^e}t}h it too hiz felow, that he^ miht hy^d] it v}nder hiz garment. When the cook s}aw part of the flesh ta^kn.^ from him, he^ be^gine}t}h t}oo accus} bo^th of t}he^ft.t. He^ that h^ad ta^kn}^ it] away swaere}t}h de^pl.y, that he^ hat}h no|t}hing, and he^ that had it swaere}t}h ernestl.y ly^k wyz, that he^ t}o^k|#away no|t}hing. Too whoom^ the] cook saye}t}h, tru}l.y the t}he^f^ iz hy^dd. from me^] no}w. Bu}t he^ by whoom^ y.e^ h^au^ s}wo^r^n^, h^ath se^n} it, and knowe}t}h. The mor^al. If we^ offend in any t}hing, m^en know it not by|#and|#by. Bu}t God se^e}t}h al^ t}hings^, whoo site}t}h abo}u^ the heu^n^z^, and be^ho^lde}t}h] the de^ps^. BULL158564 Which t}hing if m^en wou}ld consi|]der, they wil offend mo^r^|#slowl.y and mo^r^|]wa^rl.y. Of the dog and the bu}chor^. When a dog h^ad carye}d flesh fro(m) a bu}|]chor^ in a shambl^z^, he^ go}t him|self^ too] hiz fe^t by|#and|#by az mu}ch az he^ waz a^bl^. The bu}chor^ be^i.ng stry^kn.^ with the los of the t}hing, at|#first held hiz paec^, afterw.ard ta^ki.ng|#a|]gein co}r^ag^ cal^e}d|#alo}wd too the dog a|far|#of, thu}s: O arrant|#t}he^f^ ru}n in sa^ft.y, thu} mais}t with|ou}t pu}nishm.ent. For^ thu} a}rt sa^f no}w bycau}z|#of thy swiftn.es. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ maene}t}h that al^ m^en for^ the] mo^st part a}r m.a^d wy^z at|#last, when they h^au^ rec^eiu^e}d harm^. Of the dog and a she^p. A dog cal^e}t}h a she^p v}ntoo law, sayi.ng er|]nestl.y, that the she^p owe}t}h him br^ed t}ho}r^ow bor^owi.ng: she^ denye}t}h it. The kiht, the wo}lf, the ra^u^n^, a}r s.ent|#for^, they affirm^ the] matter, the she^p iz condemn^e.d, the dog catch|]e}t}h the condemn^e.d she^p, and plu}ke}t}h|#of hir] skin. BULL158565 The mor^al. Whaer|az eu^ery man knowe}t}h that v^ery|]many be^ oppr^ese.d, t}hr^o}wh fal^s witnesi.ng. This fa^bl^ taeche}t}h it al^so v^ery|#wel. Of the wo}lf^ and the lamb. A wo}lf^ me^te}t}h a lamb waiti.ng|#on a go^t, she^ aske}t}h the lamb, why , hiz mo}ther be^|]i.ng for^sa^kn.^, he^ wou}ld rather folow the stink|]i.ng go^t, and cou}nsl^e}t}h the lamb, that he^ shou}ld go|#agein too hiz mo}therz}^ tets^ be^i.ng stretcht.|#ou}t with milk, ho^pi.ng that it wou}ld] be^ so, that she^ miht plu}k the lamb in pe^c^es^ be^i.ng laedd.|#away. The lamb saye}t}h, O wo}lf^, my mo}ther committ}ed me^ too this go^t, the che^fe.st ca^r of|#ke^pi.ng me^ iz ge^u^n.^ too this go^t. I mu}st obey my parent, rather than the^, whoo cra^u^e}st t}oo laed me^ a|sy^d, and soon after t}oo pu}l me^ asu}nder be^i.ng laedd.|#asy^d. The mor^al. Be^ not wili.ng t}oo be^le^u^ al^ m^en: for^ ma|]ny why^ls.t they se^m t}oo pr^ofit o}ther, in the maen saezn^ pr^ou^y^d for^ them|selu^s^. Of a y.o}ng man and a cat. When a c^ertein y.o}ng man h^ad vze}d a cat mu}ch in plaeza.ntn.es and lo}u^s^, BULL158566 he^ pr^ou^o^ke}d V^enu}s with pr^aie.rz^, that she^ wou}ld trans|for^m the cat v}ntoo a wo}|man. V^enu}s be^gine}t}h t}oo ta^k graet pity, and hae^r|]e}t}h him pr^ayi.ng: a chan^g^ of fau^o}r^ iz m.a^d, which t}hr^o}whl.y plaeze}d the y.o}ng man lo}u^i.ng her exc^e^di.ngl.y. For^|#why she^ waz al^tooge|]ther pr^ety|#fu}l of moistn.es, a pr^ety|#faier o^n, and a pr^ety|#trim o^n. They go afterw.ard in|]too the bed|#cham^ber, they lau}h, they play. And not long after, the godd.es dezy^r^i.ng mu}ch t}oo] pr^oou^, whether the cat h^ad chan^g^e}d manerz^ al^so with hir body, pu}tt}et}h|#in a litl^ mou}c^ tho}r^owh the gu}tter. Thaer a t}hing hapn.^e}d wo}r^thy al^toogether of lau}hi.ng and pas|ty^m, the y.o}ng wo}|man straiht|way cha^c^e}t}h the litl^ baest be^i.ng lookt.|#on. V^enu}s disdayni.ng] the t}hing, tu}rn^e}d the fau^o}r^ of the wo}|man a|]gein intoo a cat. With fe^t the hands^, with legs^ the arm^z^, V^enu}s soon chan^g^e}t}h thaer, A tail al^so iz ade.d too memberz^ that chan^g^e.d w}aer. The mor^al. They chan^g^ ayr^, not the my^nd, whoo ru}n be^y.ond the sae: and it iz too|#v}n|aezi. a t}hing t}oo laeu^ accu}sto}me.d t}hings^: al^thowh thu} BULL158567 t}hr^u}st natr away with a for^k, it wil ru}n|#bak agein, Hor^ac^ saye}t}h. Of the hu}sband|man and hiz so}nz^. A hu}sband|man had many so}nz^, so}m|]what|#y.o}ng, and they w}aer at stry^f^ a|]mong them|selu^s^, whoom^ the father labo}r^i.ng] graetl.y t}oo dr^aw too the lo}u^ of aech|#o}ther, a litl^] fagot be^i.ng sett.|#too, he^ b.ide}t}h o^n after an|o}|]ther t}oo br^aek|#asu}nder the fagot be^i.ng tye.d|]abou}t with a shor^t co^r^d. The waek y.o}ng y.u}t}h assaye}th it in v^ain. The father looze}t}h the fa|]got, and ge^u^e}t}h|#agein too eu^ery|#o^n a litl^] wan, which when eu^ery|o^n accor^di.ng too their. litl^ strengt}h d}id aezi.l.y br^aek. He^ saye}t}h, O litl^ so}nz^, thu}s no man shal^ be^ a^bl^ t}oo ou^er|]co}m y.ou} agre^i.ng|#toogether. Bu}t if y.e^ wil ra^g^ with mutual^ hu}rts^, and pr^ou^o^k v^aria.nc^ among y.ou}r.|selu^s^, y.e^ shal^ be^ at|#last a pr^ey too y.ou}r. enemyz^. The mor^al. This rehaerc^a.l^ taeche}t}h, that by agre^m.ent smal^ t}hings^ d}oo encraec^, by v^arya.nc^ graet] t}hings^ decay. Of the co}ntry|man and the hor^s. A co}ntry|man dr^y^u^e}t}h on the way an] empti. hor^s, and an as v^ery|#mu}ch lo^dn.^ BULL158568 with smal^ paks^. The se^ly as be^i.ng wery, pr^aye}t}h the hor^s that he^ wou}ld help hiz bu}r|]dn^z^ so}m ty^mz^, if he^ wou}ld that he^ be^ with|]ou}t harm^. The hor^s denye}th t}oo doo it. At|#last the se^ly as be^i.ng gre^u^e.d with the weiht. of] the bu}rdn^, lye}t}h gro}u^l^i.ng and dye}t}h. The maister laye}t}h al^ the bu}rdn^ and ded ase^s^] skin al^so on the hor^se^s^ bak, with which when he^ waz ou^er|#pr^ese.d, he^ saye}t}h, O wr^etch that] I am, I am no}w thu}s occupye.d by my de|]zerts^, whoo of|#la^t wou}ld not help the labo}r^i.ng] as. The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d by this fa^bl^, that we^ shou}ld help ou}r fre^nds^ be^i.ng oppr^ese.d. Pla^to saye}t}h, Ou}r co}ntry chaleng^e}th a] part of ou}r birt}h, and ou}r fre^nds^ al^so. Of the co^ll.yor^ and the fu}lo.r^. A co^ll.yor^ cal^d}|#in a fu}lo.r^ that he^ miht dwel with him in o^n ho}ws. The fu}lo.r^] saye}t}h, My fre^nd, that iz not too me^ ether a] plaezu.r or^ pr^ofita.bl^. For^ I faer graetl.y, laest thu} ma^k tho^z t}hings^, which I ma^k claen, az blak az a co^l iz. The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d by this reherc^a.l^ t}oo] wal^k BULL158569 with fal^tl.es m^en: we^ a}r warn^e.d t}oo au^oyd the co}mpany of wicked m^en, az a c^ertein pla^g. Campanu}s saye}t}h, Co}m|]pany dr^awe}t}h m^en toogether. Trafiks^ perc^ al^so intoo manerz^, and eu^ery|o^n be^|]co}me}t}h, az with whoom^ he^ han^te}t}h. Of the fou}lo.r^ and the wo}od|doou^. A fo}wlo.r^ goe}t}h a|fo}wli.ng, he^ se^e}t}h a] wo}od|co}lu^er a|far|#of ma^ki.ng hir nest in a v^ery|#hih tre^, he^ hye}t}h thither, finall.y, he^ laye}t}h sna^rz^, by chan^c^ he^ traede}t}h on a sna^k with hiz he^lz^, the sna^k by^te}t}h, the fo}wlo.r^ be^|]i.ng m.a^d a|fraid. with the su}dden e^u^l^, saye}t}h, O wr^etch that I am, why^ls.t I lay sna^rz^ for^] an|o}ther, I|#my|self^ am v}n|doonn.. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ signifie}t}h or^ maene}t}h) that oft] ty^mz^ they be^ en|trape.d with their.|#own.^] arts^, which pr^actiz ne^w materz^. Of a tru}mpeto.r^. A c^ertein tru}mpeto.r^ iz ta^kn.^ of the ene|]myz^, and laedd.|#away, he^ faere}t}h graetl.y, and be^se^che}t}h that they wou}ld spa^r him be^|]i.ng harm^l.es. He^ saye}t}h that he^ in no wyz BULL158570 waz a^bl^ t}oo kil, nether y.et waz wili.ng, se^i.ng that he^ carie}d no we^pn^z^ at any ty^m, bu^t o^n|]l.y a tru}mpet. They contraril.y ra^g^ with an|]gr^^i. noyz and stry^ps^. O wicked felow, doos}t] thu} no|t}hing[ Thu} hu}rte}st mo^st, and no}w thu} shal^t be^ kile.d he^r, bycau}z, whaer|az thy|]self^ (az thu} confese}st) a}rt v}n|skil|fu}l of mater perteyni.ng too a soldy.o}r^, thu} stire}st and taez|]e}st|#on the my^nds^ of o}ther with the sa^m thy] hor^n^. The mor^al. Many offend v^ery|#gre^u^o}o.sl.y, whoo cou}nsl^] pr^inc^es^, be^i.ng o}ther|wyz redy yno}wh too] e^u^l^, that they doo v}n|i}u}stl.y, and sou}nd too] their. aerz^ c^ertein t}hings^ of this sor^t. Bu}t why dou}t y.ou}[ Hau^ y.e^ f}or^gotn^ that y.e^ be^] a pr^inc^[ Iz it not law|fu}l for^ y.ou} what y.e^] lu}st[ Y.ou} a}r graete.r than the lawz^: the na^m of law|#br^aeko.r^ can not fal^ on y.ou}, whoo al^so rul the lawz^ them|selu^s^. Y.ou}r.z^ posses no|t}hing that iz not y.ou}r.z^: y.ou} a}r a^bl^ t}oo sa^u^ and t}oo spil. It iz law|fu}l for^] y.ou} t}oo encraec^ with welt.h} and dignity whoom^ it se^me}t}h too y.ou}. It iz law|fu}l for^] y.ou} t}oo ta^k|#away, when it shal^ plaez y.ou}. O}ther t}hings^ ether repr^oou^ or^ commend] o}ther m^en. BULL158571 No|t}hing wil be^ v}n|nest for^] y.ou}. Of the wolf^ and the dog. A wo}lf^ by hap|hazard me^te}t}h a dog in a] wo}od be^fo^r^ day, he^ salute}t}h the dog, he^ iz glad of hiz co}mi.ng, finall.y he^ aske}t}h the dog by what maen he^ iz so claen. To whoom^ the dog] answere}t}h, my maisterz}^ ca^r doot}h this: my maister ma^ke}t}h|#mu}ch of me^ fawn^i.ng on] him, I am fe^dd. from my maisterz}^ deintye.st] ta^bl^, I neu^er sle^p a|br^o^d, al^so it can not be^] saye.d, ho}w be^|lo}u^e.d I am of al^ the ho}ws|]ho^ld. The wo}lf^ saye}t}h, O dog, with|ou}t dou}t thu} a}rt mo^st|#happy, too whoom^ so liberal and g^entl^ maister h^at}h hapn.^e}d, with whoom^ O] wou}ld|#God I miht dwel too^: No liu^i.ng] creatr shou}ld be^ any|whaer happye.r than] I. The dog se^i.ng the wo}lf^ v^ery|#dezy^r^o}o.s of a] ne^w esta^t, pr^omise}t}h that he^ wil br^ing|#too|]pas, that the wo}lf^ may tary in so}m part with] hiz maister, so|#that he^ can be^ wili.ng t}oo let|]go so}m of hiz o^ld wy^ldn.es, and t}oo seru^ a] seru^i.c^. The sentenc^ stande}t}h, it plaeze}d the] wo}lf^ t}oo wal^k too the parish, they v}tter v^e|]ry|#many spe^ches in the i}o}r^ny. Bu}t after that it waz liht, the wo}lf^ se^i.ng the dogs^^ frete.d nek] saye}t}h, BULL158572 O dog what maene}t}h the sa^m thy nek al^toogether with|ou}t haer[ he^ answere}t}h, I waz wo}nt be^i.ng so}m|what|#fe^rc^, t}oo bark at my maisterz}^ acqeinta.nc^, and ly^k wyz at] stran^g^o.r^z^, and so}m ty^m t}oo by^t: my maister baeri.ng it gre^u^o}o.sl.y, knokt} me^ with accu}s|]to}me.d stry^ps^, for^bidi.ng al^so that I shou}ld not fly|#on any bu}t a t}he^f^ and a wo}lf^. So by baeti.ng I waz conqere.d and m.a^d g^entl^e.r, and h^au^ ke^pt}t this a to^kn^ of my natra.l] fe^rc^n.es. This be^i.ng hae^rd: the wo}lf^ saye}t}h, I biy not thy maisterz}^ fre^nds.hip so de^r. Thaer|]for^ fa^r|#wel dog, with the sa^m thy seru^i.c^, my liberty iz better for^ me^. The mor^al. It iz mo^r^ t}oo be^ wishe.d t}oo be^ a maister in a poor^ cotag^, and t}oo aet hu}ngr^^i.l.y br^o}wn] br^ed, than t}oo vz plenty|fu}l ta^bl^z^ in a v^e|]ry|#la^rg^ palac^ of a king, and t}oo liu^ bond and in faer. For^ liberty iz banishe.d ou}t|#of a hih palac^, whaer wr^ong that mu}st be^] ta^kn.^ co}me}t}h, and whaer wr^ong mu}st not] be^ s.po^kn^ of. Of the hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^. When the hu}sband|man h^ad winter|]e}d in the co}ntry so}m long why^l, at|]last BULL158573 he^ b}e^gan t}oo trau^el with the lak of ne|]c^essary t}hings^. He^ kile}t}h hiz she^p, soon after hiz go^ts^ al^so, last|#of|#al^ he^ kile}t}h hiz oxn^^ too^, so, that he^ miht hau^ t}oo su}stein hiz se^ly body al^mo^st consume.d with hu}nger. The dogs^ se^|]i.ng it, appooint t}oo se^k sa^ft.y by ru}ni.ng|#away for^ they say that them|selu^s^ shal^ not liu^ any] longe.r, se^i.ng that their. maister d}id not az|]mu}ch|#az spa^r hiz oxn^^, whooz}^s^^ trau^el he^ vze.d in dooi.ng hiz co}ntry|#buzin.es. The mor^al. Se^ intoo what ho}ws thu} y.e^lde}st thy|self^ for^ hy^r^z}^ sa^k. So}m maisterz^ be^ v^ery|#v}n|]g^entl^. For^ many no}w|a|daiz^ fal^ intoo] that^ madn.es, that they destrooy their. seru^|]a.nts^ with mis|chan^c^, e^u^l^, and los, y.e wil|]i.ngl.y. Of the fox and the lion. A fox that had the lionz}^ hug^n.es v}n|ac|]cu}sto}me.d, by chan^c^ looki.ng|#on that baest o^nc.^ and agein trembl^e}d and r}an|#away] spe^di.l.y. When no}w the t}hird ty^m the lion of|]fere}d him|self^ ageinst her, the^r wante}d so] mu}ch az that the fox faere}d any t}hing at|#al^, so, that she^ w}ent too him bo^ldl.y and salute}d] him. BULL158574 The mor^al. Vc^ ma^ke}th al^ v}s the bo^lde.r, y.e with tho^z, whoom^ be^fo^r^ that we^ h^au^ be^n} bo^ld sca^rc^l.y] t}oo look|#on. Of the fox and the aegl^. The foxe^s^ cu}b or^ y.o}ng|#o^n) r}an|#fo}r^t}h a|]br^o^d, and be^i.ng c.au}ht of the aegl^ crye}t}h for^ the fait}h|fu}ln.es of the dam or^ mo}ther) she^ ru}ne}t}h thither, and pr^aye}t}h the aegl^, that she^ wou}ld let|#go the cu}b that waz c.au}ht: the ae|]gl^ ha^u^i.ng|#gotn}^ the pr^ey, flye}t}h|#v}p too her] y.o}ng|#o^nz^. The fox folowe}t}h, a fir^^i. su}bstanc^ be^i.ng c.au}ht|#v}p, az|#thowh she^ w}aer abou}t|#t}oo spil the aegl^z}^ bildi.ngs^ by fir^^i.ng. When no}w it h^ad go}t v}p the tre^, the fox saye}t}h, d}oo thu}|]thy|self^ sa^u^ the^ and thy^n, if thu} cans}t. The aegl^] trembl^i.ng, why^ls.t she^ faere}d the fir^^i.ng, saye}t}h spa^r me^ and my litl^ chy^ldde^rn^, I wil resto^r^ thy^n what|soeu^er I hau^. The mor^al. V}nderstand by the fox se^ly|#poor^ m^en, whoom^ t}oo oppr^es with fal^s accus}a.t}ionz^, and t}oo handl^ with ini}ury, the rich hau^ a] dezy^r^ a|ly^k. Bu}t the emots^ hau^ al^so so}m] ty^m their. anger, and tho^z waekl.ings^ so}m] ty^m reu^eng^ wr^ong or^derl.y. BULL158575 Of a hu}sband|man and cra^nz^. A co}ntry|man laye}t}h a sna^r for^ cra^nz^ and ge^c^ aeti.ng|#v}p co^r^n^, cra^nz^ a}r ta^kn.^, ge^c^ a}r ta^kn^, a haern^ iz ta^kn.^ too^, she^ be^se^che}t}h or^ mbl^e}t}h) (hir|self^) cryi.ng that she^ iz v}n|]hu}rt|fu}l, and that she^ iz nether cra^n nor^ gooc^, bu}t the best of al^ birds^: whoo v^eril.y h^at}h ac|]cu}sto}me.d al^|way t}oo doo seru^i.c^ too hir parent or^ dam) dilig^entl.y, and t}oo cherish hir dam be^i.ng stry^kn.^ with o^ld|#a^g^. The hu}sband|man] sait}h, no|t}hing of thaez iz v}n|known.^ too me^, bu}t se^i.ng|#that I h^au^ ta^kn.^ the^ with the hu}rt|]fu}l, thu} shal^t dy with them too^. The mor^al. He^ that commite}t}h an offenc^, and he^ that i}ooine}t}h him|self^ co}mpanio.n with the] lewd, a}r pu}nishe.d with ly^k pu}nishm.ent. Of the cok and cat. The cat co}me}t}h t}oo aet the cok. Bu}t not hau^i.ng cau}z yno}wh t}oo hu}rt, she^ be^gin|]e}t}h t}oo accus} the cok, sayi.ng|#oft that he^ iz a noyz|fu}l bird, az he^ that by niht with hiz v^oic^ so shr^il a|wa^kn^e}t}h m^en sle^pi.ng. He^ saye}t}h that he^ iz hu}rtl.es, for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az he^ BULL158576 stire}t}h|#v}p m^en so v}ntoo (their.) wo}r^k. The cat contraril.y ra^g^e}t}h, thu} doos}t no|t}hing thu}] wicked o^n, thu} hast|#t}oo|#doo with thy mo}ther, and d}oost not for^baer thy sister. When the cok endeu^o}r^e}d t}oo cle^r that^ too^, the cat ra^g^i.ng mo^r^|#ernestl.y, saye}t}h, nether doos}t thu} any] t}hing in this pooint. I wil plu}k the^ asu}nder] too|day. The mor^al. William Gau}danu}s saye}t}h, that it iz an] o^ld sayi.ng, that a staf^ iz aezi.l.y f.ou}nd, that thu} mais}t baet a dog. An e^u^l^ man, if it shal^] ly^k him, wil cast the^ do}wn by so}m law, (and) by eu^ery wr^ong. Of a she^pp|herd and hu}sband|man. A boy fe^dd} she^p in a litl^ medow be^i.ng] so}m|what|#hih, and cryi.ng|#ou}t in spo^r^t that the wo}lf^ waz thaer, cal^e}d the hu}sband|]m^en al^|#abou}t. Why^ls.t they, be^i.ng mokt. o|]u^er|#oftn^, d}oo not help the boy cryi.ng|#ou}t for^] help ern.estl.y, the she^p a}r m.a^d a pr^ey too the] wo}lf^. The mor^al. If any shal^ accu}sto}m or^ vz) t}oo ly, he^ shal^ not be^ b.e^left lihtl.y, if at any ty^m he^ shal^ BULL158577 be^gin t}oo tel trut.h}. That^ fa^bl^ in Hor^ac^ iz v^ery|#ne^r the fo^r^m.er fa^bl^. Nether d}oot}h o^n o^nc.^ mokt. ta^k ca^r t}oo help in the cros|#waiz A dec^eiu^o.r^ with br^o^kn^ leg, thowh the^r flow many te^rz^, (And) hau^i.ng|#s}wo^r^ by the holy so}n of Jupiter wou}ld say Y.e^ cruel folk ta^k|#v}p me^ la^m, be^le^u^, I d}oo not play, The neihbo}r^hood ho^r^c^ cry|#bak agein, a stran^g^o.r^ d}oo thu} pr^ay. Of the aegl^ and the crow. An aegl^ flye}t}h from a v^ery|#hih ste^p|#hil v}ntoo a lambs^^ bak, the crow se^i.ng it, az] a^pi.sh, delihte}t}h t}oo doo ly^k the aegl^, he^ sete}t}h him|self^ do}wn on a wetherz}^ fly^c^, he^ be^i.ng sett.|#do}wn iz en|tangl^e.d, be^i.ng en|tangl^e.d iz c.au}ht, (and) be^i.ng c.au}ht iz castt.|#fo}r^t}h too] chy^ldde^rn^. The mor^al. L}et eu^ery|o^n este^m or^ v^alu) him|self^ with hiz|#own.^ v^ertu or^ strengt}h) not with] o}therz}s^^. Mezur or^ me^t) thy|self^ with thy^n|#own.^ foot, sayt}h Hor^ac^. Thu} shou}lds}t BULL158578 be^ wili.ng t}oo doo, thu} shou}lds}t assay that^ which thu} mais}t be^ a^bl^ t}oo doo. Of an enu^io}o.s dog and an ox. A dog lay|#do}wn in a stal^ fu}l of hey, an ox] co}me}t}h that he^ miht aet. The dog lifti.ng|]#v}p him|self^ for^bidd} him. The ox saye}t}h, God destrooy the^ with the sa^m thy enu^yi.ng, that nether a}rt fe^dd. with hey, nor^ su}ffere}st me^ t}oo be^ fe^dd. with it. The mor^al. V^ery|#many be^ of that^ nat, that they en|]u^y that^ t}hing in o}ther, which them|selu^s^ can not attein|#v}ntoo t}hr^o}wh want of wit] or^ i}u}dg^m.ent.) Of the crow and the she^p. A crow flu}ttere}t}h on a she^ps^^ bak. The she^p sayt}h, if thu} shou}lds}t flu}tter so on a] dog, thu} shou}lds}t baer mis|hap. Bu}t the crow] sayt}h, I know on whoom^ I laep, be^i.ng tro}bl^|]s.o}m too the qiet, (and) fre^ndl.y too the cruel, or^ ] mihti..) The mor^al. The innoc^ent or^ hu}rtl.es) and the plain or^ simpl^) hau^ a continua.l^ stry^f^ pr^epa^re}d BULL158579 with the e^u^l^. Eu^ery innoc^ent or^ mo^st|]hu}rtl.es) iz baetn.^|#do}wn too the grou}nd: Bu}t no man tro}bl^e}t}h the aerz^ of the hu}rt|]fu}l, and v^ery|#cruel man. Of the pe|cok and nihti.nga^l. The pe|cok co}mplaine}t}h too Juno the sis|]ter and wy^f^ of the mihti. Jupiter, that the nihti.nga^l singe}t}h swe^t, (and) that he^ iz mokt. of al^ m^en for^ hiz ho^r^c^ ho^r^c^n.es. Too whoom^ Juno saie}t}h, eu^ery|o^n hat}h hiz gift] from God. The nihti.nga^l exc^ele}t}h|#far in] singi.ng, thu} exc^ele}st with fetherz^: It be^co}m|]e}t}h eu^ery|o^n t}oo be^ content with hiz|#own.^] chan^c^. The mor^al. L}et v}s ta^k with a t}hank|fu}l my^nd the t}hings^ that God ge^u^e}t}h fre^l.y, nether l}et] v}s se^k graete.r t}hings^. God doot}h no|t}hing] rashl.y. Of a cat so}m|what|#o^ld, and of m^y^c^. The cat laki.ng strengt}h, bycau}z|#of o^ld|]a^g^, waz not a^bl^ no}w t}oo cha^c^ m^yc^ az she^] waz wo}nt, she^ b}e^gan t}oo deu^yz dec^eit, (and) hy^dd} her|self^ in a litl^ haep of whaet or^ mael) BULL158580 ho^pi.ng that it wou}ld be^ so, that she^ miht catch with|ou}t labo}r^. The m^yc^ ru}n thither, and why^ls.t they co}u^et t}oo aet whaet al^ a}r de|]u^o}r^e.d of the cat v}ntoo o^n. The mor^al. When any|o^n iz destitut of strengt}h, the^r iz ne^d of wit. Lysander the Lac^edemoni|]an. waz wo}nt t}oo say oft|#ty^mz^, whit}her the lyonz}^ skin miht not co}m, the foxe^s^ skin mu}st be^ ta^kn.^. Which y.e^ may say mo^r^|]plainl.y, thu}s: Whaer v^ertu can not doo] yno}wh, su}tl^t.y mu}st be^ vze.d. A fa^bl^ ta^kn.^ ou}t|#of Mantuan. A c^ertein co}ntry|man gathere}d v^ery|]sau^ery apl^z^ of an apl^|#tre^ which he^ had in a v^ery|#ne^r litl^ fe^ld, he^ ga}u^ gathere.d or^ cho^zn^) apl^z^ too hiz maister be^i.ng a to}wnz}^|]man, whoo be^i.ng entyc^e.d with an v}n|credibl^ swe^tn.es of the apl^z^, at|#lengt}h remoou^e}d the] apl^|#tre^ v}ntoo him|self^: the apl^|#tre^ be^i.ng v^ery|#o^ld withere}d, and thaer the apl^z^ and apl^|#tre^ w}aer l.ost toogether or^ a|ly^k.) Which when it waz t.o^ld too the go}od|#man of the] ho}ws, he^ sayt}h, alas ho}w hard a t}hing iz it t}oo] plant or^ set) an o^ld tre^ in an|o}ther pla^c^[ I BULL158581 had yno}wh and spar, if I h^ad known}^ t}oo lay br^y^dl^z^ on my co}u^eto}o.sn.es, and t}oo gather the frut from the bo}w. Mantuan rehaerc^e}t}h this] fa^bl^, thu}s: A co}ntry|man riht|#swe^t apl^z^ d}id gather from a tre^, Whaer|of he^ waz wo}nt t}oo ge^u^ gifts^, too to}wni.sh maister fre^: Bu}t the maister entic^e.d with the swe^tn.es of the frut, Re|moou^d} the tre^ intoo the grou}nds^, next too hiz|#own.^ ho}ws sett.: Bu}t bycau}z it waz ou^er|#o^ld, re|moou^e.d soon d}id dy, And the encraec^ with the br^e^do.r^ d}id perish|#v}tterl.y. It waz yno}wh, sayt}h the maister, apl^z^ t}oo ta^k, alas, Il iz re|moou^d. a tre^ when it waxt}h hard with a^g^ long past. The mor^al. They that be^ too|#wy^z, and folow t}hings^] v}n|gran^ta.bl^, a}r foolz^: he^ that iz wy^z re|]straine}t}h hiz dezy^r^z^. BULL158582 Of the lyon and the frog. A lion hau^i.ng|#se^me}d t}oo hae^r a v^oic^, laept}|#fo}r^t}h not withou}t trembl^i.ng, look|]i.ng|#for^ so}m t}hing of graet fo^r^c^ or^ v^alu,) at|]#lengt}h the^r goe}t}h a litl^ frog or^ se^ly frog) ou}t|]of the water: faer be^i.ng pu}tt.|#away, the lyon appr^ochi.ng traede}t}h|#do}wn the se^ly baest with] hiz fe^t. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ for^bide}t}h v^ain faerz^, az that fa^bl^, tu}chi.ng the br^ood of the hilz^, be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d] by William Gau}danu}s. Of the emot. The emot be^i.ng t}hirsti. c}a^m too a spr^ing, that he^ miht dr^ink, by chan^c^ he^ fel intoo] the well, a cu}lu^er helpe}t}h him with a bo}wh castt|#do}wn from a tre^ a|far|#of. The emot climi.ng|#on the bo}wh iz sau^e.d. A fo}wlo.r^ iz at|]hand that he^ may ta^k the cu}lu^er: the emot dooth not su}ffer him, he^ catche}t}h the fo}wlo.r^z}^] foot with by^ti.ng, the cu}lu^er flye}t}h|#away. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ taeche}t}h that go}od wil mu}st be^ reqy^te.d too them that dezeru^ v^ery|#wel. BULL158583 Of the birds^. When the ky^nd of birds^ wandere}d|#a|]br^o^d fre^l.y, they dezy^r^e.d that a king miht be^ ge^u^n.^ them. The pe|cok t}howht him|]self^ che^fl.y wo}r^thy, whoo shou}ld be^ c.ho^zn^, by|]cau}z he^ waz the beu}ty|fu}le.st. He^ be^i.ng ac|]c^epte.d or^ ta^kn.^) for^ king, the py sait}h, O king, if thu} reyni.ng, the aegl^ shal^ be^gin t}oo cha^c^ v}s stou}tl.y az she^ iz wo}nt, by what maen wilt thu} dr^iu^ her|#away[ Ho}w wilt thu} sa^u^ or^] ke^p) v}s[ The mor^al. In a pr^inc^ the fau^or^ or^ beu}ty) iz not so t}oo] be^ regarde.d or^ lookt.|#too) az the strengt}h of] body and wy^zd.o}m. Of a sik man and a phizic^ion. A phizic^ion lookt}h|#too a sik man, at|#lengt}h] he^ dye}t}h. Then the phizic^ion saye}t}h too the] kinz^|m^en or^ co}zn^z^) this man dye}d with in|]tempera.nc^. The mor^al. Exc^ept a man wil laeu^ dr^o}nkn^n.es and v^ain plaezu.r spe^di.l.y, ether he^ shal^ neu^er co}m too o^ld|#a^g^, or^|#elc^ he^ shal^ hau^ a v^ery|]shor^t o^ld|#a^g^. BULL158584 Of the lyon and o}ther. The lyon, the as, (and) the fox go a|hu}nt|]i.ng or^ t}oo hu}nt) a graet hu}nti.ng or^ qar|]ry) iz ta^kn.^, the ta^kn.^ qarry be^i.ng co}mman^d|]e.d t}oo be^ deu^y^de.d, (and) the as layi.ng singl^ or^ seu^era.l part too eu^ery|o^n seu^era.l^l.y, the li|]on ro^r^e}t}h|#ou}t, he^ catche}t}h and taere}t}h the as] in pe^c^es^. Afterw.ard he^ ge^u^e}t}h that buzin.es] too the fox, whoo be^i.ng su}tl^e.r, when, a|#graet|]dael the best part be^i.ng sett. for^ the lyon, she^ h^ad res}eru^e}d or^ ke^pt}t) sca^rc^ the laest part for^] her|self^, the lyon aske}t}h of whoom^ she^ waz so] t.au}ht. Too whoom^ she^ (shewi.ng the ded as) saye}t}h, the calamity, (destru}ct}ion or^ mis}ery) of him h^ath t}au}ht me^. The mor^al. He^ iz happy whoom^ o}therz}^ harm^z^ ma^k] wa^r. Of the kid and wo}lf^. A kid looki.ng ou}t|#of a window waz bo^ld t}oo rail at a wo}lf^ pasi.ng|#by. too whoom^ the wo}lf^ saye}t}h. thu} wicked o^n. thu} d}oost not spaek in repr^och too me^, bu}t the pla^c^. The mor^al. Bo^th the ty^m and the pla^c^ ge^u^ v}ntoo a man bo^ldn.es oft|#ty^mz^. BULL158585 Of an as. An as co}mplaini.ng of the cruelt.y of a ] gardn^o.r^, be^se^che}t}h Jupiter that an|o}|]ther maister be^ ge^u^n.^ him. Jupiter grat}io}sl.y] hae^re}t}h the ase^s^ pr^aie.rz^, (and) ge^u^e}t}h him a] ty^lo.r^: with whoom^ when he^ carie}d ty^lz^ and heu^ie.r bu}rdn^z^ on hiz bak, he^ w}ent|#agein too] Jupiter, (and) pr^aie}t}h that a maister miht be^] ge^u^n.^ him, that miht be^ me^ke.r, or^ g^entl^e.r,) Jupiter lau}he}d. Y.et he^ l}eft not of t}oo be^ er|]nest, (and) t}oo pr^ay or^ entraet) so mu}ch v}ntil he^ constraine}d Jupiter. Jupiter ge^u^e}t}h him] a tano.r^, whoom^ when the se^ly|#as t}hr^o}whl.y|]kne^w, he^ saye}t}h, alas wr^etch that I am, whoo why^ls.t I am content with no maister, h^au^ hapn.^e}d on him, that wil not spa^r az mu}ch az] my skin, az mu}ch az I ges or^ fo^r^|se^.) The mor^al. We^ condemn^ al^|way things^ that be^ pr^e|]s}ent: and cra^u^ ne^w, which (az it iz wo}nt t}oo be^ saye.d) be^ not better than the o^ld. Of an o^ld wo}|man and (hir) maids^. A c^ertein o^ld wo}|man had v^ery|#many] maids^, whoom^ she^ cal^e}d|#v}p t}oo wo}r^k dai|]l.y BULL158586 be^fo^r^ it waxe}d liht, at the crowi.ng of a] cok, which she^ cherishe}d at ho^m. At|#lengt}h the] maids^, be^i.ng moou^e.d with weryn.es of the] dail.y buzin.es, kil the cok, ho^pi.ng no}w he^ be^|]i.ng kild., that them|selu^s^ shal^ sle^p v}ntoo mid|]day or^ noon) Bu}t this ho^p dec^eiu^e}d the wr^et|]ched maids^. For^ az the mistres kne^w the cok] kile.d, she^ comman^de}t}h them t}oo ry^z after|]w.ard or^ from|#thenc^|fo}r^t}h) in the v}n|ty^ml.y] niht. The mor^al. It iz comu}nl.y s.po^kn^: why^ls.t many m^en stu}dy t}oo au^oid an ou^er|#heu^y e^u^l^, they fal^ intoo an|o}ther contrary (too it.) He^ fal^e}t}h on the rok that wil au^oid the gu}lf^. Of the as and the hor^s. An as t}howht a hor^s blese.d or^ happy,) bi|]cau}z he^ waz fat, and liu^d} in y^dl^n.es, bu}t saye}d that him|self^ waz v}n|happy, bicau}z he^ waz laen and carren|#laen, and waz occupie.d of an v}n|me^k or^ v}n|g^entl^ maister with baer|]i.ng bu}rdn^z^ dail.y. Not mu}ch after m^en cry too we^pn^z^ or^ al^|arm^ iz crye.d.) Then the hor^s pu}te}t}h not away the hor^s|man from hiz] bak, nor^ the br^y^dl^ ou}t|#of hiz mou}t}h, nor^ BULL158587 we^pn^ from hiz body. This be^i.ng se^n.^, the as t}hanke}t}h God graetl.y, that he^ m}a^d not him a] hor^s, bu}t an as. The mor^al. They be^ wr^etche.d or^ in mis}ery) whoom^ the comu}n sor^t i}u}dg^e}t}h blese.d or^ happy,) and the^r be^ not a|#few blese.d , that t}hink them|]selu^s^ v^ery|#wr^etche.d, or^ in mo^st mis}ery.) The shoo|ma^ko.r^ sayt}h that the king iz hap|]py, whoom^ he^ se^e}t}h fu}rnishe.d of al^ t}hings^, not consideri.ng intoo ho}w graet buzin.ess^ and ca^rz^ the king iz dr^awn.^, when in the maen why^l him|self^ singe}t}h with po}u^erty] the best (of al^.) Of a lyon and a go^t. A lion hau^i.ng|#spye}d a go^t wal^ki.ng on a hih ste^p|#hil by chan^c^, warn^e}t}h her, that she^ shou}ld co}m|#do}wn rather intoo the gre^n] medow. The go^t saye}t}h, per|adu^entur I wou}ld doo it, if thu} w}aer|#away, whoo d}oost not cou}nsl^ me^ it, that I shou}ld not ta^k any plaez|]u.r thaer|of, bu}t that thu} be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i. mihts}t hau^ what thu} mihts}t deu^ou}r. The mor^al. Be^le^u^ not al^ m^en, for^ so}m pr^ou^y^d not for^] the^, bu}t for^ them|selu^s^. BULL158588 Of the ra^u^n^ and o}ther birds^. The ra^u^n^ feine}t}h him|self^ t}oo c^elebr^at or^ t}oo nor^) hiz birt}h|#y.e^r, (and) inu^y^te}t}h or^ cal^e}t}h|#in) the smal^ birds^ too su}pe.r. They co}m al^ for^ the mo^st part, the ra^u^n^ with graet re|]i}oic^i.ng and fau^o}r^ rec^eiu^e}t}h them that co}m, and taere}th in pe^c^es^ the rec^eiu^e.d. The mor^al. They be^ not al^ fre^nds^ that spaek|#fair, or^ fein that they be^ wili.ng or^ wil) doo liberal|]l.y or^ g^entl^l.y) pooizn^z^ ly|#hy^dd. v}nder this] ho}ny. Of ge^c^. Ge^c^ be^i.ng in co}mpany with cra^nz^ wa^st|]e}d a fe^ld, whoo be^i.ng hae^rd.d, the co}ntry|]m^en a}r carie.d v}ntoo them fo}r^t}h|with. The cra^nz^ , hau^i.ng spye}d the co}ntry|m^en, fly|#a|]way, the ge^c^ a}r ta^kn.^, whoo be^i.ng lett. with the] bu}rdn^ or^ weiht.) of their. body w}aer not a^bl^] t}oo fly|#v}p. The mor^al. A to}wn be^i.ng w.o}n of the enemy, the poor^ or^ ne^di.) gete}t}h|#away him|self^ aezi.l.y, bu}t the rich iz in bonda.g^ be^i.ng ta^kn.^. BULL158589 Of Jupiter and the Aap. Iupiter graetl.y|#dezy^r^i.ng t}oo know whoo of mor^tal^ (crea^trz^) b}r^owht|#fo}r^t}h the trim|]e.st y.o}ng|#o^nz^, comman^de}t}h what|soeu^er liu^|]i.ng t}hing iz any|whaer t}oo be^ cal^e.d|#toogether. They ru}n|#toogether too Jupiter from|#eu^ery|]whaer, the ky^nd of fo}wlz^ and baests^ w}aer pr^e|]s}ent or^ co}mm.:) among whoom^ when the aap c}a^m|#thither too^, baeri.ng hir il|fau^o}r^e.d kit|]lings^ on hir arm^, no|#man cou}ld tempera.t or^ maezur) him|self^) from lau}hi.ng, bu}t Jupiter him|self^ lau}he}d v^ery|#exc^e^di.ngl.y too^ . The aap her|self^ saye}t}h thaer by|#and|#by, y.e mary, Ju|]piter too^ ou}r i}u}dg^ knowe}t}h that my kitlings^ graetl.y exc^el al^ ho}w many soeu^er be^ he^r. The mor^al. O^nz}^|#own.^ iz faier too eu^ery|o^n: az the pr^o|]u^erb iz. And elc^|whaer in T}heocritu}s. Tho^z t}hings^ that be^ laest fair or^ fo}wle.st) se^m fair too o^n lo}u^i.ng them. Of the o^k and the re^d. The o^k be^i.ng v^ery|#fu}l of disdain and pr^y^d goe}t}h too the re^d, sayi.ng, if thu} hau^ a co}r^ag^i.o}s br^est or^ sto}mak,) co}m|#on too the fiht BULL158590 or^ battel) that ou}r twooz}^ chan^c^ may shew whether iz better or^ exc^ele}t}h) in strengt}h or^] fo^r^c^.) The re^d hau^i.ng|#maru^ele}d no|t}hing at so graet triu}mphi.ng of the o^k, and the v^ain bo^sti.ng of hiz strengt}h, answere}d thu}s: I re|]fuz stry^f^ no}w, nether d}ooth my for^tn gre^u^] me^. For^ thowh I be^ moou^a.bl^ v}ntoo eu^ery] part or^ sy^d) y.et I t}hr^o}whl.y|#ou^erco}m the noyz|fu}l or^ sou}nd|fu}l) tempests^. If o^nc.^ king aeolu}s shal^ send|#fo}r^t}h the wr^astl^i.ng wy^nds^ ou}t|#of the wy^d den or^ ca^u^) thu} wilt fal^ with|]a.l^, and then shal^t be^ mokt. of me^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ decla^re}t}h, that they a}r not al^|]way the stronge.st, that triu}mph on o}ther, thowh pr^ou^o^ke.d with no wr^ong. Of a fisho.r^ and a litl^ fish. A fisho.r^ d}r^e^w|#ou}t a litl^ fish with a hook dawbe.d with maet or^ baite.d, (and) castt. intoo the water. The captiu^ or^ fish be^i.ng] ta^kn.^) pr^aye}t}h and be^se^che}t}h him that he^ wou}ld let her be^i.ng a v^ery|#litl^|#o^n t}oo go|#a|]way, and t}oo grow, that afterw.ard he^ miht get her be^i.ng graete.r. The fisho.r^ sayt}h, I biy not ho^p with pr^y^c^, whoo v^eril.y h^au^ be^n} al^|]way BULL158591 of that^ natr, that what|soeu^er I miht I waz mo^r^ wili.ng rather t}oo ta^k (it) a|way in the pr^es}ent or^ with|ou}t delay.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ looz not from ou}r fingor^z^ sur^^ t}hings^ t}hr^o}wh ho^p of v}n|sur^^ t}hings^ at any ty^m. For^ what iz fooli.she.r (az iz in C^ic^ero) than t}oo hau^ v}n|]c^ertent.yz^ for^ c^ertent.yz^. Of the emot and gras|hopo.r^. Winter goi.ng|#on, the emot d}r^e^w] whaet intoo a floor^ or^ plain pla^c^) too] the su}n. The gras|hopo.r^ se^e}t}h it, she^ ru}ne}t}h] thither (and) aske}t}h a co^r^n^. The emot saye}t}h, why d}oost not thu} by my exampl^ dr^aw in] so}mer, and lay on a haep, what|soeu^er thu} a}rt] a^bl^[ She^ answere}t}h, that she^ s}pent that ty^m] in singi.ng. The emot lau}hi.ng, saye}t}h, if thu} a}rt wo}nt t}oo sing in so}mer, thu} a}rt hu}ngr^^i.] no}w wo}r^thil.y. The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d by this litl^ fa^bl^, t}oo se^k tho^z t}hings^ whaer|with waek o^ld|#a^g^ may be^ su}steine.d or^ h^ol^dn^|#v}p) why^ls.t az|#y.et the^r iz strengt}h of body. By winter v}n|]derstand BULL158592 o^ld|#a^g^, by so}mer v}nderstand] y.ut}h, and that^|#sa^m flou}r of a^g^. Of a lion and a bu}l. A bu}l fle^d}d from a lion, (and) hapn.^e}d on] a go^t. The go^t t}hr^etn^e}t}h with hor^n^ and fro}wn|fu}l fo^r^|hed. Too whoom^ the bu}l be^i.ng fu}l of wr^at}h or^ anger,) saye}t}h: Thy fo^r^|hed dr^awn.^|#toogether intoo wr^inkl^z^ d}ooth not ma^k me^ a|fraid., bu}t I faer the hug^ or^ fe^rc^)] lion, whoo exc^ept he^ claeu^d} too my bak or^ w}aer at my he^lz^,) thu} shou}lds}t know no}w that it iz not so smal^ a mater t}oo fiht with a bu}l, and t}oo folow the blu}d of my wou}nd. The mor^al. Calamity or^ mis}ery) iz not t}oo be^ ade.d or^ pu}tt.) v}ntoo m^en fu}l of mis}ery. He^ iz in mis}ery yno}wh, that iz o^nc. in mis}ery. Of a nu}rc^ and the wo}lf^. A nu}rc^ t}hr^etn^e}t}h a chy^ld we^pi.ng, that he^ shou}ld be^ ge^u^n.^ too the wo}lf^, exc^ept he^ wou}ld ho^ld hiz paec^. By chan^c^ the wo}lf^ hae^r|]e}t}h it, (and) tarye}th at the door^ in ho^p of maet, at|#last the chy^ld waxe}t}h|#stil, sle^p cre^pi.ng on] him. The wo}lf^ retu}rn^e}t}h intoo the wo}ods^, be^|]i.ng BULL158593 fasti.ng and empti.: the she^|wo}lf^ enqy^r^e}t}h or^ aske}t}h,) whaer the pr^ey iz. He^ fu}l of waili.ng or^ gro^ni.ng) saye}t}h, wor^ds^ w}aer ge^u^n.^ me^: a nu}rc^ t}hr^etn^e}d that she^ wou}ld cast|#ou}t a chy^ld that] we^pt}t, bu}t she^ dec^eiu^e}d me^. The mor^al. Tru}st iz not t}oo be^ ge^u^n.^ too a wo}|man. Of a snail and a ha^r. Werin.es of|#craepi.ng t}ook the snail, she^ pr^omize}t}h paerlz^ of the red sae, if any wou}ld lift her v}p intoo the air. The aegl^ lifte}t}h her v}p, (and) aske}t}h reward, (and) dige}t}h with hir nailz^ or^ talants^) the snail not hau^i.ng a reward. So the snail whoo graetl.y dezy^r^e}d t}oo se^ the starz^ l}eft hir ly^f^ in the starz^ or^ c^elestial sy^nz^.) The mor^al. Be^ content with thy for^tn. The^r be^ so}m, whoo if they h^ad remaine}d low or^ mbl^) miht be^n. sa^f^, (and) be^i.ng m.a^d lofti. h^au^ fal^n}^ intoo dan^g^erz^. Of crabs^, the mo}ther and the so}n. The mo}ther or^ dam) warn^e}t}h the crab goi.ng|#bakw.ard, that he^ shou}ld go fo^r^|]w.ard: BULL158594 He^ saye}t}h, mo}ther, go be^fo^r^, (and) I] wil folow. The mor^al. thu} shou}lds}t repr^oou^ no^n of a fau}lt, whaer|]of thy|self^ mais}t be^ repr^oou^e*d. Of the su}n and the nor^t}h|#wy^nd. The su}n and nor^t}h|#wy^nd striu^, whether] iz stronge.r. They co}u^nant t}oo pr^oou^ their.] fo^r^c^es^ v}pon a trau^elo.r^ or^ way|fa^ri.ng man, that he^ shou}ld baer the v^ictor^i., that s}tra^k|#of] the clo^k. The nor^t}h|#wy^nd sete}t}h|#on or^ goe}t}h|]too) the trau^elo.r^ with a terribl^|#ro^r^i.ng stor^m^, bu}t he^ laeu^e}t}h not of from|#goi.ng, du}bl^i.ng hiz clo^thi.ng or^ garment.) The su}nz}^ tu}rn^ iz ] co}m, whoo (the stor^m^ be^i.ng claen|#ou^erco}me.d by litl^ and litl^) sete}t}h|#ou}t hiz baemz^. The way|fa^ri.ng man be^gine}t}h t}oo be^ hot, t}oo swet and t}oo blow. At|#last not be^i.ng a^bl^ t}oo go|#on gete}t}h shadowe.d co^ld, and site}t}h|#do}wn v}n|]der a wo}od fu}l of laeu^s^, hiz clo^k be^i.ng castt.|]#away. So the v^ictor^i. hapn.^e}d too the su}n. The mor^al. Se^ agein and agein with whoom^ thu}] stry^ue}st. For^ al^thowh thu} a}rt strong, per|]adu^entr the^r iz an|o}ther stronge.r than] thu}: BULL158595 or^ if he^ be^ not stronge.r, c^erteinl.y] crafti.e.r, that he^ can ou^erco}m thy strengt}h] with hiz cou}nc^l^. Of the as. An as co}me}t}h intoo a wo}od, he^ fy^nde}t}h the] skin of a lion, with which he^ be^i.ng araie.d, goe}t}h|#agein intoo the pasturz^, he^ ma^ke}t}h a|]fraid. and dr^iu^e}t}h|#away the floks^ and graet herds^ of cattel. He^ that h^ad l}ost him co}me}t}h, and se^ke}t}h his as. The as ru}ne}t}h at hiz mais|]ter be^i.ng se^n., y.e he^ ru}ne}th at him with hiz] ro^r^i.ng. Bu}t hiz maister (the ase^s^ aerz^ be^i.ng c.au}ht which s}tood|#ou}t) sayt}h, O my se^ly as I know the^ v^ery|#wel, al^thowh thu} dec^eiu^ o}|]ther. The mor^al. Thu} shou}lds}t not fein thy|self^ t}oo be^ that^ that thu} a}rt not. Thu} shou}lds}t not bo^st thy|]self^ t}oo be^ laern^e.d, when thu} a}rt v}n|laern^|]e.d, nether rich, nor^ no^bl^, when thu} a}rt poor^ and not no^bl^. For^ the trut.h} be^i.ng f.ou}nd, thu} shal^t be^ mokt.. Of the frog and the fox. A frog be^i.ng gon. ou}t|#of a fen, pr^ofese}t}h phizik among wy^ld baests^ in the wo}ods^. BULL158596 She^ saye}t}h that she^ ge^u^e}t}h pla^c^ nether too Hypocrates nor^ Galen. The fox moke}d o}|]therz^ be^le^u^i.ng the frog. The fox saye}t}h, shal^ she^ be^ cou}nte.d skil|fu}l in phizik, whooz}^ fa^c^ iz] so paal[ Bu}t l}et hir cur^^ hir|self^. (Thu}s) the] fox mokt}. For^ the frogs^^ fa^c^ iz of a wan co}lo}r^. The mor^al. It iz a pooint of fooli.shn.es and a moko.r^i. t}oo pr^ofes that^ that thu} knowe}st not. Of a dog by^ti.ng|#mu}ch. The own.^o.r^ b}ou}nd a clog too a dog by^t|]i.ng m^en oftn^, that eu^ery|o^n miht ta^k|]he^d too him|self^. The dog t}howht that a co}mli|]n.es waz ge^u^n.^ too hiz v^ertu, and despy^ze}d hiz] familiarz^. The^r c}a^m too this dog an|o}ther, no}w gra^u^ in a^g^ and au}tr^ity, warn^i.ng the sa^m dog that he^ shou}ld not mis|ta^k. For^ he^] saye}th, that^|#sa^m clog iz ge^u^n.^ the^ for^ a dis|]nor^, not for^ nor^. The mor^al. A v^ain glor^io}o.s man so}m ty^m accou}nte}t}h] it a pr^aiz too him|self^, that iz a repr^och too] him. Of the camel. A camel be^i.ng wery of him|self^, co}m|]plaine}d that bu}lz^ be^i.ng no^ta.bl^l.y mark|]e.d BULL158597 d}oo go with twoo ho^r^n^z^, that him|self^ be^|]i.ng v}n|arm^e.d waz castt.|#of of o}ther baests^. He^ pr^aye}t}h Jupiter that ho^r^n^z^ miht be^ ge^u^n.^] him. Jupiter lau}he}t}h at the fooli.shn.es of the] camel, and d}oot}h not o^nl.y deny hiz pr^aie.r, bu}t al^so ma^ke}t}h shor^te.r the baests^^ aerz^. The mor^al. L}et eu^ery|o^n be^ content with hiz for^tn. For^ many goi.ng after a better for^tn h^au^ ru}nn} intoo a wo}r^s. Of twoo fre^nds^ and a ba^r. Twoo fre^nds^ ma^k a i}o}r^ny, in their. i}o}r^ny a ba^r me^te}t}h them, o^n au^oyde}th the dan^|]g^er, a tre^ be^i.ng clime.d. The o}ther, when the^r waz no ho^p of esca^pi.ng, clapt}h him|self^ on] the grou}nd. The baest goe}t}h thither, she^ tu}ch|]e}t}h|#oftn^ the man lyi.ng, and serche}t}h hiz] mou}t}h and aerz^. The man stayi.ng br^et}h and ] moou^i.ng, the ba^r (whoo for^baere}t}h ded t}hings^) and hau^i.ng t}howht that it waz a ded body, go|]e}t}h|#away not hu}rti.ng. Hiz felow asking af|]terw.ard, what the baest h^ad sayd} intoo hiz aer, why^ls.t he^ lay. The o}ther saye}t}h, that he^ warn^|]e}d this, that he^ shou}ld neu^er ma^k i}o}r^ny with su}ch|#maner fre^nds^. BULL158598 The mor^al. Fait}h|fu}ln.es iz a se^ldo}m bird in the ert}h, and mo^st|#ly^k a blak swan. Adu^ersity and dan^g^erz^ shew a tru fre^nd. Of the bal^d hor^s|man. A hor^s|man be^i.ng bal^d h^ad tye}d in hiz] cap a cou}nterfet bu}sh of haer, he^ co}m|]e}t}h intoo the plain fe^ld, a sharp nor^t}h|#wy^nd] blowi.ng, and why^ls.t he^ ta^ke}t}h il he^d of the ] haeri. hat, so}denl.y the bal^dn.es appe^re}t}h. The co}mpany|#abou}t lau}h|#alo}wd, and al^so he^ him|self^ lau}he}t}h too^. And sait}h, what ne^w] t}hing iz it, that o}therz}^s^^ haerz^ fly|#away, se^i.ng|]that they that w}aer my^n|#own.^ fel|#away long|]ago. The mor^al. The hor^s|man d}id fy^nl.y, whoo waz not an|]gr^^i., bu}t lau}ht} with them that lau}he}d. Tru|]l.y when Socrates h^ad rec^eiu^e}d a blow in the market pla^c^, he^ answere}d in this] maner, that it waz a tro}bl^s.o}m t}hing that m^en know not when they owht t}oo go|#fo}r^t}h] with a helmet. Of twoo pots^. Twoo pots^ stood on a riu^erz}^ bank, the o^n] waz ert}hn}^, the o}ther of br^as, the for^c^ of BULL158599 the flu}d b}o^r^ bo^th: the br^azn^ answere}d the] ert}hn.^ that faere}t}h knoki.ng|#toogether, that he^ shou}ld not faer any t}hing, and that he^ him|]self^ wil ta^k ca^r yno}wh, that the ert}hn.^ be^ not] knokt.. Then the o}ther sayt}h, whether the flu}d knok me^ with the^, or^ the^ with me^, bo^th shal^ be^ doon.n with my dan^g^er. Whaer|for^ it iz with|]ou}t dou}t, that I am ou^er|#matcht. of the^, or^ rather I am determine.d t}oo be^ separate.d or^ seu^ere.d from the^.) The mor^al. It iz better that a man liu^ with a ly^k] co}mpanion than with a mihti.e.r. For^ the^r may be^ dan^g^er too the^ from a mihti.e.r] man, and not too him from the^. Of a co}ntry|man and for^tn. When a co}ntri|man plo}we}d, he^ f}ou}nd traezr in the fu}rowz^. He^ ge^u^e}t}h t}hanks^ too the ert}h, which h^ad ge^u^n}^ him it. For^tn se^i.ng that no nor^ waz ge^u^n.^ her, s}pa^k thu}s with hir|self^, the fooli.sh man iz not t}hank|fu}l too me^, when the traezr iz f.ou}nd, bu}t that^|#sa^m traezr be^i.ng afterw.ard lost, he^ wil tro}bl^ me^ first of al^ with pr^aie.rz^ and] an ou}t|cry. BULL1585100 The mor^al. When a go}od tu}rn^ iz rec^eiu^e.d, l}et v}s be^] t}hank|fu}l too him that dezeru^e}t}h wel to|]ward v}s. For^ v}n|t}hank|fu}ln.es iz wo}r^thy t}oo be^ b.e^reft of a go}od tu}rn^, y.e which he^ h^at}h rec^eiu^e}d al^|redy. Of the bu}l and the go^t. A bu}l ru}ne}t}h from a lion, and co}me}t}h too] a den, se^ki.ng a hy^di.ng pla^c^. A go^t that] waz with|in, ru}ne}t}h with hiz ho^r^n^z^ ageinst the bu}l goi.ng|#in. Then the bu}l ro^r^e}t}h|#ou}t with thaez wor^ds^: Trul.y thu} aezi.l.y res}iste}st my ru}ni.ng|#away with thy ho^r^n^z^, bu}t if he^ w}aer gon.|#away whoom^ I fle^, then thu} shal^t] know, ho}w mu}ch a go^t may differ from the] strengt}h of a bu}l. The mor^al. He^ that knowe}t}h not that he^ owht t}oo su}c|]co}r^ m^en in mis}ery, or^ at|#laest not t}oo hu}rt] them, iz a go^t. For^ whoo|soeu^er shal^ not maezur him|self^ from the wr^ongi.ng of m^en in mis}ery, if (az for^tn iz chang^a.bl^) go}od lu}k retu}rn^ too wr^etche.d m^en, with|]ou}t dou}t he^ wil repent that he^ h^ath hu^rt|]e}d wr^etches^. BULL1585101 Of the Aap and hir br^ood. Iupiter h^ad comman^de}d al^ liu^i.ng crea^t|]rz^ t}oo be^ in hiz v^e^w, t}oo i}u}dg^ whooz}^ of|]spr^ing waz the faire.st. The wy^ld baests^ hastn.^, the birds^ fly thither, and al^so the fishes^ swim too that^ tria.l. The aap hye}t}h last of al^, laedi.ng hir br^ood with hir, the fo}wl bu}ttoks^ of which] br^ood al^ m^en lau}hi.ng|#at, the aap saye}t}h thu}s: L}et the v^ictor^i. tary with him whoom^ Jupiter shal^ fau^o}r^, y.et in my i}u}dg^m.ent this my so}n iz v^ery|#faier, and of riht t}oo be^ pr^efere.d be^fo^r^ the chy^ldde^rn^ of al^ thaez. For^ this sayi.ng Ju|]piter lau}he}d too^. The mor^al. Bo^th we^ and ou}rz^ plaez ou}r|selu^s^, bu}t l}et o}therz}^s^^ i}u}dg^m.ent be^ tu}chi.ng v}s and tu}ch|]i.ng ou}r dooi.ngs^, lest, if ou}r|selu^s^ i}u}dg^ we^ be^ mokt. with the aap. Of the pe|cok and the cra^n. A pe|cok and a cra^n su}p toogether. The pe|cok bo^ste}t}h, shewe}t}h|#fo}r^t}h hiz tail, and despy^ze}t}h the cra^n. The cra^n gran^te}t}h that^ the pe|cok iz of beu}ti|fu}l fetherz^, bu}t y.et that him|self^ d}oot}h go t}hr^o}wh the clo}wds^ with a co}r^ag^i.o}s fliht, why^ls.t the pe|cok sca^rc^l.y fli|]e}t}h v}p the roofs^ of a hou}s. BULL1585102 The mor^al. No man shou}ld despy^z an|o}ther. Eu^ery|]o^n hat}h hiz gift, eu^ery|o^n hat}h hiz v^er|]tu. He^ that lake}t}h thy v^ertu, per|adu^en|]tur hat}h that^ that thu} lake}st. Of the o^k and the re^d. An o^k be^i.ng b.r^o^kn^|#asu}nder with a mihti. sou}t}h|#wy^nd iz t}hr^own.^|#do}wn in|]too a riu^er, and why^ls.t if flo^te}t}h, by chan^c^ it hange}t}h with hiz bo}ws^ on a re^d. It mer|]u^ele}th that the re^d stande}t}h who^l in so graet a hu}rl^i.ng wy^nd. The re^d answere}t}h, that it|]self^ iz sa^f^, by|#ge^u^i.ng pla^c^, and by|#tu}rn^i.ng] a|sy^d, and that it bo}we}t}h too the so}wt}h|#wy^nd, too the nor^t}h|#wy^nd, and too eu^ery blast. And that it waz no meru^el that the o^k d}id fal^|#a|]way, which dezy^r^e}d not t}oo y.e^ld bu}t t}oo res}ist. The mor^al. Stry^u^ not ageinst a mihti.e.r than thy|]self^, bu}t thu} mais}t ou^er co}m him by ge^u^|]i.ng pla^c^ and su}fferi.ng. Which t}hing V^ir|]g^il the eloquents.t of the poets^ taeche}t}h] triml.y, (sayi.ng:) Thu} su}n of the godd.es l}et v}s folow whither For^tnz^ d}oo dr^aw v}s, or^ plu}k bak agein BULL1585103 What|soeu^er shal^ be^, eu^ery for^tn mu}st Be^ v^anqisht. by su}ffr^^i.ng (this iz mo^r^|#c^ertein.) Of the ty^gr^^ and the fox. A hu}nto.r^ cha^c^e}d wy^ld baests^ with darts^. The ty^gr^^ bide}t}h al^ the wy^ld baests^ t}oo] stand|#asy^d, and saye}t}h, that he^|#him|self^ alo^n wil end the battel. The hu}nto.r^ goe}t}h|#on t}oo shoot. The ty^gr^^ iz wou}nde.d v^ery|#mu}ch: the fox as|]ke}t}h him ru}ni.ng|#away from the fiht, and dr^awi.ng ou}t the dart, whoo h^ad so graetl.y hu}rtt} the v^aliant baest. The ty^gr^^ answere}t}h, that he^ kne^w not the au}tr^ of the wou}nd, bu}t that he^ t}o^k a ges by the graetn.es of the] wou}nd, that it waz so}m man. The mor^al. Strong m^en be^ rash for^ the mo^st part, and cu}ni.ng ou^erco}me}t}h for^c^, natr, and] strengt}h. Of the bu}lz^ and the lion. The^r w}aer fower bu}lz^, too whoom^ it plaez|]e}d that their. wel|fa^r shou}ld be^ comu}n, and their. dan^g^er comu}m. The lion se^e}t}h them fe^di.ng|#toogether, al^thowh he^ be^ hu}ngr^^i., y.et he^ iz faer|fu}l t}oo set on them be^i.ng i}ooine.d|#too|]gether. BULL1585104 First he^ endeu^o}r^e}t}h t}oo pu}t them a|]su}nder with dec^eit|fu}l wor^ds^, then he^ pu}le}t}h] them in pe^c^es^ be^i.ng separate.d. The mor^al. No|t}hing iz sur^^e.r than agre^i.ng toogether, y.e v^aria.nc^ ma^ke}t}h strong m^en t}oo be^] waek. Of the tre^ and the bu}shes^. The fir|#tre^ iz saye.d of|#o^ld t}oo despy^z] bu}shes^, it bo^ste}t}h that it|self^ iz tal^, that it iz pla^c^e.d in graet ho}wses^, that it stande}t}h in ships^ with a sayl. That the bu}shes^ be^ low, no|t}hing wo}r^t}h, and fit for^ no vc^. Whooz}^ an|]swer waz su}ch: Sur^^l.y thu} fir|#tre^, thu} bo^ste}st of thy go}od t}hings^, and triu}mphe}st ou^er ou}r] e^u^l^z^. Bu}t thu} d}oost not reherc^ thy e^u^l^z^, and ou^er|pase}st ou}r go}od t}hings^. When thu} shal^t be^ cu}tt.|#of with a sou}ndi.ng ax, ho}w wou}lds}t thu} be^ wili.ng that thu} w}aer ly^k v}s, whoo be^] ca^rl.es. The mor^al. Bo^th the hihe.st for^tn hat}h hiz e^u^l^z^ in it, and the lowe.st for^tn hat}h hiz go}odn.es. That I may say no o}ther t}hing no}w, the bu}sh iz ca^rl.es and sa^f^, the fir|#tre^ iz nether BULL1585105 withou}t faer, nor^ lake}t}h dan^g^er. Hor^ac^ sai|]e}t}h thu}s: Hih to}werz^ fal^|#do}wn with heu^ie.r fal^, And lihtn^i.ngs^ stry^k the hihs.t hilz^ of al^. Of the fisho.r^ and a litl^ fish. A litl^ fish be^i.ng dr^awn.^|#v}p with a hook, pr^aye}t}h the fisho.r^, that he^ miht be^ lett.|]go. He^ saye}t}h that he^ waz of|#la^t spawne.d of] hiz mo}ther, and that he^ cou}ld not. help the ta^|]bl^ mu}ch, when az|#y.et he^ iz smal^. If he^ wou}ld let him go, that he^ be^i.ng graet wou}ld retu}rn^ too hiz hook wili.ngl.y. The fisho.r^ denye}t}h that he^ wil let|#go a c^erten or^ sur^^) pr^ey al^thowh] smal^: he^ saie}t}h, I know what I hau^, I know not what I shal^ hau^. I biy not ho^p for^ pr^y^c^. The mor^al. A c^erten or^ sur^^) t}hing iz better than an v}n|c^erten t}hing, a pr^es}ent t}hing iz better than a t}hing t}oo co}m, al^thowh so}m ty^m a smal^ comodity be^i.ng for^gon. h^at}h b}r^owht] a graet. Of a bird and her y.o}ng. A bird warn^e}t}h her y.o}ng|#o^nz^, that they mark dilig^entl.y, why^ls.t she^ iz|#away, if BULL1585106 tal^k be^ m.a^d tu}chi.ng the feli.ng of the co^r^n^, the y.o}ng|#o^nz^ be^i.ng faer|fu}l tele}t}h their. dam when she^ retu}rn^e}t}h from fe^di.ng, that the own^o.r^ of the fe^ld h^ad commite}d that^ trau^el too hiz neihbo}r^z^. She^ answere}t}h that the^r iz no] dan^g^er. Al^so an|o}ther day, they trembl^i.ng, say, that the fre^nds^ be^ reqy^r^e.d t}oo raep. She^ bide}t}h them agein that they be^ ca^rl.es. The t}hird day when she^ hae^rd}d that the own.^o.r^ h^ad appoointe.d with hiz so}n, t}oo entr^^ intoo haru^est the day next after aerly or^ in the mor^|]ning) with a hook, the dam saye}t}h, no}w it iz ty^m that we^ ha^st|#away, I faere}d not the neihbo}r^z^ and fre^nds^, bycau}z I kne^w that they wou}ld not co}m. I faer the own.^o.r^, for^ the t}hing iz too him a deliht. The mor^al. The mo^st part of v}s be^ slu}gi.sh in o}ther m^enz}^ matterz^. Whaer|for^ if thu} be^ wili.ng that any t}hing be^ ca^re.d|#for^ in or^der, thu} shou}lds}t not commit it too an|o}ther, bu}t shou}lds}t ta^k he^d of it thy|self^. Of a co}u^eto}o.s man and an enu^io}o.s. Twoo m^en pr^aye}d too Jupiter, a co}u^eto}o.s and an enu^io}o.s. Jupiter s}ent Apollo, that BULL1585107 their. pr^aie.rz^ miht be^ satisfie.d by him. He^ ge^u^e}t}h too bo^th a fre^ ability t}oo wish, with this] condit}ion, that what|soeu^er the o^n d}id cra^u^, the o}ther shou}ld rec^eiu^ the sa^m t}hing du}bl^e.d. The co}u^eto}o.s man dou}te}d a long ty^m, for^|#az|]mu}ch az he^ t}hinke}t}h that no|t}hing wou}ld be^] yno}wh. At|#last he^ aske}t}h not a few t}hings^, and hiz co}mpanyo.n rec^eiu^e}t}h du}bl^. After|]w.ard the enu^yo}o.s man aske}t}h this, that him|]self^ may be^ b.e^reft of o^n of hiz yiz^, be^i.ng glad that hiz felow shou}ld be^ pu}nishe.d in bo^th. The mor^al. What can satisfy co}u^eto}o.sn.es[ Bu}t the^r iz no|t}hing made.r than enu^y, which wish|]e}t}h it|self^ e^u^l^, so|#that it may hu}rt an|o}|]ther. Of a lion and a go^tl.ing. A lion se^e}t}h a litl^ go^t hang on a bu}shi. rok] or^ clif:) he^ cou}nsl^e}t}h her t}oo co}m|#do}wn, that she^ miht gather tym and wilowz^ in the] plain fe^ld. The litl^ go^t refuze}t}h t}oo co}m|#do}wn cryi.ng|#alo}wd agein, that hiz wor^ds^ w}aer not] il, bu}t that hiz my^nd waz fu}l of dec^eit. The mor^al. Consider what any d}oot}h cou}nsl^ the^. Many BULL1585108 perswa^d pr^ofita.bl^ t}hings^ not for^ the^, bu}t for^ them|selu^s^. Of the crow and the bu}cket. A crow be^i.ng v^ery|#t}hirsti. f}ou}nd a bu}c|]ket of water. Bu}t the bu}cket waz de^pe.r than that the water miht be^ tu}cht. of the ] crow. He^ assaye}t}h t}oo pou}r^^|#ou}t the bu}cket, and iz not a^bl^. Then he^ caste}t}h|#in grau^el be^|]i.ng gathere.d ou}t|#of sand, by this maen the water iz liftt.|#v}p, and the crow dr^inke}t}h. The mor^al. So}m ty^m thu} shal^t br^ing|#too|#pas by wyzd.o}m and cou}nc^l^ the t}hing which thu} cans}t not br^ing too effect with fo^r^c^. Of a lion and a hu}nto.r^. The lion stry^u^e}t}h with a hu}nto.r^. He^ pr^e|]fere}t}h hiz strengt}h be^fo^r^ the strengt}h of a ] man. After long chy^di.ng the hu}nto.r^ laede}t}h the lion too a no^ta.bl^ toomb, whaer|in a lion waz gra^u^e.d layi.ng|#do}wn hiz hed on a manz}^] lap. The wy^ld baest denye}t}h that that^ waz i}u}dg^m.ent yno}wh. He^ sayt}h that m^en gra^u^d} what they wou}ld: whaer|for^ if lionz^ w}aer crafts^^ m^en too^, that no}w the man shou}ld be^ gra^u^n.^ v}nder the lionz}^ fe^t. BULL1585109 The mor^al. Eu^ery|o^n bo^th sayt}h and doot}h az mu}ch az] he^ may, which he^ t}hinke}t}h t}oo be^ for^ hiz] part and cau}z. Of the chy^ld and the t}he^f^. A chy^ld s}at we^pi.ng at a well. A t}he^f^ ask|]e}t}h the cau}z of|#we^pi.ng. The boy sayt}h, that the^r d}id fal^ a bu}cket of go^ld intoo the] water, the ro^p be^i.ng b.r^o^kn^. The man v}n|]raye}t}h him|self^, laepe}t}h intoo the well, and] serche}t}h. The v^essel not be^i.ng f}ou}nd, he^ clim|]e}t}h|#v}p, and fy^nde}t}h thaer nether the chy^ld, nor^] hiz co^t: for^|#why the boy h^ad ru}nn}|#away, when he^ h^ad ta^kn}^|#away the co^t. The mor^al. They a}r dec^eiu^e.d so}m ty^m, whoo a}r wo}nt] t}oo dec^eiu^. Of the co}ntry|man and the ste^r^^. A co}ntry|man had a ste^r^^ refuzi.ng eu^ery band and y.o^k. The man be^i.ng pr^ety|]crafti. cu}te}t}h|#of the baests^^ ho^r^n^z^: for^ he^ s}tra^k with hiz ho^r^n^z^. Then he^ sete}t}h the ste^r^^, not too] the cart, bu}t too the plo}w, lest he^ shou}ld knok hiz maister with hiz he^lz^, az he^ iz wo}nt, he^ BULL1585110 him|self^ ho^lde}t}h the plo}w|tayl, rei}oic^i.ng that he^ h^ad b}r^owht|#too|#pas by hiz dilig^enc^, that no}w he^ waz sa^f^ bo^th from ho^r^n^z^ and] hoou^z^. Bu}t what hapn.^e}d[ The bu}l res}isti.ng so}m ty^mz^, file}t}h the co}ntry|manz}^ fa^c^ and hed with sand, by spr^ingl^i.ng with hiz fe^t. The mor^al. So}m be^ so frow.ard, that they can be^ handl^e.d by no art and by no cou}nc^l^. Of the satyr^ and the way|fa^r|]i.ng man. The satyr^, whoo waz of o^ld ty^m accou}nte.d god of the plaeza.nt wo}ods^, pitie}d a goo.r^] by the way, be^i.ng ou^er|whelm^e.d with snow, and al^|mo^st ded with co^ld, he^ laede}t}h him in|]too hiz ca^u^, and cherishe}th him with the fier. He^ aske}t}h the cau}z, when the way|trau^elo.r^ br^aethe}d intoo hiz hands^: whoo answeri.ng, sai|]e}t}h, that they may be^ m.a^d hot. Afterw.ard when they s}at|#do}wn at maet, the trau^elo.r^ blowe}t}h in the br^ot}h, which t}hing he^ be^i.ng aske.d why he^ did it, sayt}h, that it may wax] co^ld. Then by|#and|#by the satyr^ casti.ng|#ou}t the trau^elo.r^ sayt}h, I am not wili.ng he^ shou}ld be^ in my ca^u^, whoo hat}h so contrary a mou}t}h. BULL1585111 The mor^al. Be^wa^r if the^r be^ a man of du}bl^ tal^k in] thy co}mpany, and that iz in hiz communi|]cac^ion a Pr^ot}heu}s, (that iz, v}n|stedfast in] wor^d and de^d.) Of the bo^r^ and co}ntry|man. A co}ntri|man cu}tt}|#of the aer of a bo^r^ that wa^ste}t}h standi.ng co^r^n^. He^ cu}tt}|#of an|o}|]ther, when he^ waz c.au}ht agein. And then he^ catche}t}h him al^so when he^ co}me}t}h|#agein, and carie}t}h the ta^kn.^ bo^r^ intoo the to}wn appooint|]e.d for^ the deintyn.es of hiz cou}nsl^o.r^ in law. When the baest waz cu}tt.|#opn^ in the faest, the hart appe^re}t}h no|whaer. The maister be^i.ng] v^ery|#angr^^i., and aski.ng ha^sti.l.y of the cooks^. The baily of hu}sbandr^y answere}t}h and sait}h, My lor^d, it iz no meru^el that the^r appe^re}t}h] no hart, I d}oo not t}hink that the fooli.sh bo^r^ had a hart at any ty^m. For^ if he^ h^ad had a hart, he^ wou}ld neu^er retu}rn^e}d so oftn^ too my co^r^n^ v}ntoo hiz pu}nishm.ent. Thu}s saye}d the co}n|]try|man. Bu}t al^ the gests^ w}aer al^mo^st ded] with lau}hi.ng, and lau}he}d|#alo}wd at the fool|]i.shn.es of the co}ntry|man. The mor^al. The ly^f^ of many m^en iz so hartl.es, that BULL1585112 thu} mais}t dou}t whether they hau^ a hart. Of the bu}l and the mou}c^. A mou}c^ ru}ni.ng|#away intoo hiz ho^l h^ad by^tt}n^ a bu}lz}^ foot. The bu}l sha^ke}t}h hiz] ho^r^n^z^, se^ke}t}h the enemy, and fy^nde}t}h him no|]whaer. The mou}c^ lau}he}t}h|#at him and saye}t}h, Thu} shou}lds}t not despy^z any thaer|for^, bicau}z thu} a}rt strong and hug^: and no}w trul.y a smal^ mou}c^ h^at}h hu}rtt} the^ for^ no|t}hing, or^ withou}t reqy^ta.l. The mor^al. L}et no man weih hiz enemy lihtl.y. Of the co}ntry|man and ] Hercules. A hu}sband|manz}^ cart strike}t}h in de^p my^r^, by|#and|#by he^ waile}t}h for^ the help of the] god Hercules, lyi.ng v}p|#riht. The^r t}hu}nder|]e}d a v^oic^ from heu^n^, it sayt}h: Thu} try^fl^o.r^, whip the hor^ses^, and d}oo thy|self^ laen with miht too the whe^lz^, and then cal^ Hercules. For^ then Hercules wil be^ at|#hand be^i.ng cal^e.d. The mor^al. Idl^ pr^aie.rz^ pr^ofit no|t}hing, which suerl.y God hae^re}t}h not. (Men say) d}oo thu}|#thy|]self^ help thy|self^, then God wil help the^. BULL1585113 Of a gooc^. The^r waz a gooc^ that laye}d seu^era.l egs^ of go^ld eu^ery day. The own.^o.r^ slaie}t}h the] gooc^, that he^ miht be^ m.a^d rich so}denl.y, ho^p|]i.ng that the^r l}ay hy^dd. (with|in) a kings^^ trae|]zur. Bu}t the gooc^ be^i.ng f.ou}nd empti., the wr^etch iz asto}ne.d, and afterw.ard sihe}t}h and] mou}rn^e}t}h, that bo^th hiz welt.h} and ho^p iz v}t|]terly|#gon.. The mor^al. It iz t}oo be^ looke.d|#too, wishes^ a}r t}oo be^ me|]zure.d, lest we^ be^ rash or^ too|#ernest. For^ ha^sti.n.es d}oot}h hu}rt too^, and he^ that se^ke}t}h|]for^ mo^r^ than be^co}me}t}h, gayne}t}h no|t}hing] so}m ty^m. Of the gras|hopo.r^ and emot. Why^ls.t the gras|hopo.r^ singe}t}h t}hr^o}wh ou}t the so}mer, the emot vze}t}h hiz] haru^est, she^ dr^awe}t}h co^r^n^ intoo her den, lay|]i.ng it v}p ageinst winter, when winter iz cru|]el the gras|hopo.r^ co}me}t}h too the emot, and] bege}t}h food. The emot refuze}t}h him , sayi.ng] oftn^, that her|self^ d}id labo}r^ why^ls.t the gras|]hopo.r^ s}o}ng. BULL1585114 The mor^al. He^ that iz slowt}h|fu}l in y.ut}h shal^ want in] a^g^, and he^ that spa^re}t}h not, shal^ at|#lengt}h] beg. Of the Aap and her twoo] chy^ldde^rn^. When the aap (az m^en say) br^e^dd} y.o}ng] twinz^, he^ lo}u^e}t}h the o^n, and sete}t}h|]liht by the o}ther. The chy^ld|wy^f^ waz with the] y.o}ng twinz^, and when faer hapn.^e}d, she^ abou}t|]t}oo au^oid dan^g^er c.au}ht the be^lo}u^e.d in hir] embr^ac^i.ngs^, whoom she^ br^uze}t}h on a sto^n, and kile}t}h, why^ls.t she^ ru}ne}t}h|#away. Bu}t he^ that waz sett.|#liht|#by, whoo held|#fast on the ro}wh] bak of hir that r}an|#away, a}bo^d sa^f^. The mor^al. It iz wo}nt t}oo hapn.^ that the parents^ them|]selu^s^ be^ the occas}ion of e^u^l^ and dan^g^er (t}hr^o}wh their. too|#mu}ch cokeri.ng) too the chy^ld whoom^ they tenderl.y lo}u^, he^, whoom^ they lo}u^ les, shewi.ng him|self^ v^aliant] and v^ertuo}o.s. Of the ox and y.o}ng ste^r^^. An ox be^i.ng no}w an^c^ient t}hr^o}wh long] ty^m d}r^e^w the plo}w eu^ery day. A y.o}ng] ste^r^^ BULL1585115 be^i.ng with|ou}t labo}r^ triu}mphe}t}h in the next pasturz^, and at|#last cheke}t}h the for^tn of] the elder. He^ bo^ste}t}h that he^ hat}h no know|]l.edg^ of y.o^k and band, that he^ iz fre^, that he^ iz] y^dl^, that the ox hat}h a nek wor^n^ ba^r with la|]bo}r^: farder|mo^r^, that him|self^ iz smooth and] claen, that the ox iz ru}gged and filt}hi.. The el|]der then saye}d no|t}hing the contrary, bu}t a shor^t ty^m after he^ se^e}t}h this triu}mpho.r^ laedd} too the al^tarz^, and then spaeke}t}h with thaez] wor^ds^. Whaer|too iz thy nic^ ly^f^ co}mm.[ That^|]sa^m ca^rl.es y^dl^n.es br^inge}t}h the^ too the ax. No}w at|#laest (az I t}hink) thu} rather adu^ize}st too me^ labo}r^, that shal^ sa^u^ me^, than y^dl^n.es, which h^at}h b}r^owht the^ no}w too det}h. The mor^al. The^r iz ne^d of labo}r^ and dilig^ent ta^ki.ng] he^d t}oo laed a ly^f^ rihtl.y. Bu}t the slu}gi.sh, and ge^u^n.^ too plaezu.r, shal^ get by lot the end of their. matterz^, which they wou}ld not] be^ wili.ng. Of the dog and the lion. A dog me^te}t}h a lion, and i}este}t}h. Why d}oost thu} wr^etche.d be^i.ng consume.d with] hu}nger ru}n t}hr^o}wh the wo}ods^ and v}n|accu}s|]to}me.d pla^c^es^[ BULL1585116 Look|#on me^ be^i.ng fat and] fy^n, and I get not thaez t}hings^ with labo}r^, bu}t with y^dl^n.es. Then the lion saye}t}h, trul.y thu} hast thy deinty dishes^, bu}t thu} hast al^so fool|]i.shl.y bands^. Be^ thu} a bond|man that cans}t] seru^. Trul.y I am fre^ nether wil I seru^. The mor^al. The lion answere}t}h triml.y. For^ liberty iz better than any t}hing what|soeu^er. Of fishes^. A riu^er|#fish iz c.^au}ht|#away intoo the sae with the fo^r^c^ of the straem, whaer au^an^c^|]i.ng hiz no^bl^n.es, he^ waye}t}h al^ the ky^nd of the] sae of no v^alu. The sael su}ffr^^e}d not this, bu}t sai|]e}t}h, that the i}u}dg^m.ent of no^bl^n.es shal^ be^] then, if he^ be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with the sael be^ carie.d too the market. That him|self^ iz b.owht of no^bl^] m^en, bu}t that the riu^er|#fish iz b.owht of the] comu}n pe^pl^. The mor^al. Many be^ so ta^kn.^ with dezy^r^ of pr^aiz that they tel|#of and bo^st|#of them|selu^s^. Bu}t the pr^aiz of o^nz}^|#own.^ mou}t}h iz not cou}nt|]e.d pr^aiz too a man, bu}t iz ta^kn.^|#v}p with the lau}ht.er of the hae^ro.r^z^. BULL1585117 Of the libard and the fox. The libard whoo hat}h a co}lo}r^e.d bak b}e^gan t}oo swel with pr^y^d, o}ther baests^ (y.e^ the] lionz^) be^i.ng despy^ze.d. The fox co}me}t}h thither too him, and adu^yze}t}h him not t}oo be^ pr^ou}d, sayi.ng that he^ had a go}odl.y skin in de^d, bu}t that her|self^ had a go}odl.y my^nd. The mor^al. The^r iz a differe.nc^ and an or^der of go}od] t}hings^. The go}od t}hings^ of body exc^el the go}od t}hings^ of for^tn. It be^hoou^e}t}h that the go}od t}hings^ of the my^nd be^ pr^efere.d be^fo^r^] bo^th tho^z. Of the fox and the she^|libard. When on a ty^m the she^|libard despy^z|]e}d the fox in compa^ri.zon of her|self^, bicau}z her|self^ had a skin spleke.d with spots^ of al^ ky^nd of co}lo}r^z^. The fox answere}t}h, that he^ hat}h that^ bewty or^ co}mlin.es in my^nd, that the she^|libard had in hir skin. The mor^al. Trul.y it iz litl^ better t}oo be^ ende^we.d with a frow.ard|#crafti. wit, then it iz t}oo be^ ende^we.d with a diu^ers}|#co}lo}r^e.d skin. BULL1585118 Of the fox and the cat. When o^n a ty^m the fox in a communi|]cat}ion, that she^ had with a cat, bo^st|]e}d that she^ had diu^ers} wy^lz^, in|#so|#mu}ch that she^ had, y.e, a bag file.d fu}l of dec^eits^. The cat answere}d, that he^ had o^n art o^nl.y, whaer|too he^ tru}ste}d, if the^r waer any dan^g^er. Az they tal^ke}d toogether, so}denl.y a noyz of dogs^ ru}n|]i.ng thither, iz hae^rd.d. Thaer the cat laepe}t}h|#v}p intoo a v^ery|#hih tre^, when in the maen why^l the fox, be^i.ng clo^ze.d|#abou}t wich a co}mpany] of dogs^, iz ta^kn.^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h that o^n|#o^nl.y cou}nc^l^ iz] better so}m ty^m (so that it be^ tru and effectu.|]al) than many dec^eits^ and v^ain cou}nc^l^z^. Of the^ king and of Aaps^. A c^ertein king of Eg^ypt appoointe}d so}m] Aaps^, that they shou}ld t}ho}r^owl.y laern^ the or^der of|#dan^c^i.ng. For^ az no baest goe}t}h naer|]e.r the fau^o}r^ of m^en, so d}oot}h not any o}ther baest folow manz}^ dooi.ngs^, either better, or^ wili.ng|]e.r. Thaer|for^ be^i.ng t.au}ht the skil of|#dan^c^i.ng] fo}r^t}h|with, they b}e^gan t}oo dan^c^ be^i.ng appa|]rele.d BULL1585119 with no^ta.bl^ pu}rpl^, and waeri.ng v^is}o}r^z^, and the siht plaeze}d a graet ty^m mo^r^ and mo^r^, v}ntil a c^ertein plaeza.nt o^n of the be^ho^ldo.r^z^ castt}|#ou}t nu}ts^, intoo the middl^ of the pla^c^, which he^ carie}d pr^iu^il.y in hiz bo}zom. Thaer the aaps^ by|#and|#by, az soon az they h^ad se^n the] nu}ts^, for^geti.ng the danc^, b}e^gan t}oo be^ that^ that they w}aer be^fo^r^, and so}denl.y retu}rn^e}d from dan^c^o.r^z^ intoo aaps^ agein, and their. v^i|]s}o}r^z^ be^i.ng spooile.d, and their. garments^ be^i.ng] t.o^r^n^|#of, they f}owht among them|selu^s^ for^ the] nu}ts^, not with|ou}t v^ery|#graet lau}hi.ng of the] be^ho^ldo.r^z^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that the deki.ngs^ of] for^tn chan^g^ not the natr of a man. Of an as, and way|fa^ro.r^z^. When by chan^c^ twoo c^ertein m^en h^ad gotn^ a c^ertein as in v}n|han^te.d pla^|]c^es^, they b}e^gan t}oo stry^u^ be^twe^n them|selu^s^, weither of them shou}ld laed him thenc^ ho^m az hiz|#own.^. For^ the as se^me}t}h t}oo be^ sett. be^|]fo^r^ bo^th a|ly^k by for^tn. They striu^i.ng|#tooge|]ther tu}chi.ng thiz matter, the as in the maen] why^l with|d}r^e^w him|self^ a|way, and neither of them opteine}d him. BULL1585120 The mor^al. So}m fal^|#of from pr^es}ent commodityz^, which they can not vz bicau}z|#of fooli.shn.es. Of fisho.r^z^. So}m fisho.r^z^, a net be^i.ng castt.|#ou}t d}r^e^w|]fo}r^t}h snailz^. When they h^ad deu^y^de}d them among them|selu^s^, and w}aer not su}ffic^i.ent for^|#aeti.ng al^. They cal^e}d|#in Mercury too the] faest co}mi.ng thither by chanc^. Bu}t he^ v}nder|]standi.ng that he^ waz cal^e.d in no wy^z for^] cou}rti.o}si.z^ sa^k, bu}t that he^ miht aez them a litl^ of the lo^the.d maet, refuze}d, and bidd} that them|]selu^s^ shou}ld aet the snailz^ that they h^ad ta^kn}^. The mor^al. So}m, after that they h^au^ sett}|#v}pon any t}hing v}n|adu^yze.dl.y, cra^u^|#ernestl.y the aid] of o}ther, whoom^ they may mix with them] in their. buzin.es. Of an as. A c^ertein as among the m^en of Cuma in] Gre^c^ be^i.ng waery of seru^i.c^, the t}hong or^ tyi.ng) be^i.ng br^o^kn^|#of fle^d}d intoo a wo}od, he^ wr^apt} too hiz body a lionz}^ skin f}ou}nd thaer by] chan^c^, and so be^hau^e}d him|self^ for^ a lion, BULL1585121 ma^ki.ng a|fraid. m^en, and ly^k|wy^z wy^ld] baests^ with hiz v^oic^ and tayl. For^ the m^en of] Cuma know not a lion, thaer|for^ after this] maner this maski.ng as reyne}d a c^ertein] why^l, accou}nte.d for^ a hug^ lion, and graetl.y] faere.d, v}ntil a c^ertein stran^g^o.r^ waz co}m too] Cuma, whoo h^ad se^n} bo^th a lion and an as v^e|]ry|#oftn^, and for^ that^ cau}z it waz not a hard] t}hing t}oo know him, he^ perc^eiu^e}d by the] shew of hiz aerz^ stiki.ng|#ou}t, and al^so by c^er|]tein o}ther geses^ that it iz an as, and laedd} him agein wel cu}g^g^ele.d, and ga}u^ him agein too the own.^o.r^ ac|knowl.edg^i.ng him. In the maen] why^l the as be^i.ng no}w known.^ pr^ou^o^ke}d no] maen lau}hi.ng too al^ of Cuma, whoom^ of|#la^t he^ be^i.ng b.e^left t}oo be^ a lion h^ad al^mo^st kild}] with faer. The mor^al. We^ d}oo not aezi.l.y co}u^er the fal^ts^ that h^au^ s}pr^o}ng|#v}p with v}s from a chy^ld. Of the do^r^ and the aegl^. A do^r^ be^i.ng despy^ze.d of an aegl^ on a ty^m, b}e^gan t}oo t}hink of|#ta^ki.ng reu^eng^ by what maen soeu^er. He^ f}ou}nd, by se^ki.ng, in] what pla^c^, the aegl^ h^ad pla^c^e}d her naest, he^ craept}t thither, and with ly^k dec^eit castt}|]do}wn the egs^. BULL1585122 When the aegl^ h^ad chan^g^e}d] naest v^ery|#oftn^, and cou}ld not pr^ofit any] t}hing, she^ goe}t}h too Jupiter her defendo.r^, she^ pu}te}t}h|#fo}r^t}h her mis}ery. Jupiter bide}t}h that she^ shou}ld lay egs^ in hiz lap, that (at|#laest) they miht be^ in sa^ft.y thaer. The self^|wile.d do^r^ craept}t thither too^, t}hr^o}wh the i}ags^ and tu}rn^|]i.ngs^ of the garment, Jupiter not knowi.ng it] at|#al^. Afterw.ard when Jupiter se^e}t}h the egs^ t}oo be^ moou^e.d, and markt}t not yno}wh, be^i.ng a|fraid. for^ the ne^wn.es of the t}hing, castt}|]do}wn the egs^ v}ntoo the ert}h, hiz lap be^i.ng] sha^kn.^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that no man al^thowh be^i.ng v^ery|#litl^ iz t}oo be^ despy^ze.d. Of a satyr^, and a co}ntry|man. When a c^ertein satyr^ waz v^ementl.y] a|co^ld, the winterl.y frost be^i.ng cru|]el abo}u^ mezur, a c^ertein co}ntry|man laedd} him intoo an Inn. Bu}t he^ meru^ele}t}h mu}ch why the man ble^w intoo hiz hands^ be^i.ng moou^e.d too hiz mou}t}h, and aske}d why he^ d}id] so, the man answere}d, that the br^aet}h miht ma^k warm^ my co^ld hands^ with the warm^|]n.es. BULL1585123 Afterw.ard a fier be^i.ng m.a^d, the ta^bl^ be^i.ng sett. thaer|too, the man ble^w|#agein intoo the hot pota.g^. The satyr^ hau^i.ng|#meru^ele}d thaer|#at al^so the mo^r^, aske}d, what it maent}t, the man saye}t}h, that I miht cool the pota.g^ be^|]i.ng too|#hot. Then the satyr^ ry^zi.ng from the] ta^bl^, saie}t}h: What d}oo I hae^r[ d}oost thu} ou}t|]#of o^n mou}t}h at|#o^nc. blow|#ou}t both hot and] co^ld[ Fa^r|wel. For^ I hau^ no regard t}oo hau^ a commu}n refreshi.ng pla^c^ or^ lodg^i.ng) with a man of this sor^t. The mor^al. The du}bl^|#to}nge.d a}r no^te.d, whoo no}w] pr^aiz, no}w bla^m o^n|#self^ man. He^ that waz che^f in amendi.ng tho^z fa^bl^z^, ga|]there}d the ta^lz^ folowi.ng ou}t|#of diu^ers}, and tho^z the best, au}tr^z^, that they miht al^|]so be^ raedd. of chy^ldde^rn^, for^ whoom^ thaer iz] neu^er a wel|#fu}rnishe.d and plentio}o.s libr^ari. A ta^l or^ fa^bl^) of Aes}op be^i.ng a man of Phr^y|]g^ia not v}n|pr^ofita.bl^ t}oo be^] reherc^e.d. That^ Aes}op of Phr^ig^ia a telo.r^ of ta^lz^, waz t}howht t}oo be^ wy^z not withou}t dezert, BULL1585124 for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az he^ t}auht not and i}u}dg^e}d sharp|]l.y and flatl.y tho^z t}hings^ which w}aer pr^ofita.bl^ t}oo] be^ warn^e.d and cou}nsl^e.d, az the maner of Phi|]losophor^z^ iz: bu}t br^inge}t}h|#in plaeza.nt and de|]lihta.bl^ deu^y^ze.d ta^lz^ (t}hings^ who^ls.o}ml.y and fo^r^|se^i.ngl.y marke.d or^ considere.d)) intoo the my^nds^ and co}r^ag^es^ of m^en, with a c^ertein entic^m.ent t}oo|#hae^r. Az this hiz litl^ fa^bl^, of a litl^ birds^^ naest, pr^etil.y and plaeza.ntl.y fo^r^|]warn^e}t}h, that the ho^p and tru}st of t}hings^, which a man may be^ a^bl^ t}oo br^ing|#t}oo|#pas, iz not t}oo be^ h^ad at any ty^m in an|o}ther, bu}t in] hiz|#own.^|#self^. He^ sa^yt}h, the^r iz a litl^ bird, the na^m iz a lark, she^ aby^de}t}h and ma^ke}t}h her] naest in standi.ng co^r^n^, al^mo^st at that^|#ty^m whaer|in haru^est co}me}t}h|#o^n, her y.o}ng|#o^nz^ eu^en then hau^i.ng fetherz^. The sa^m lark by] chan^c^ h^ad gon} al^so intoo ra^thr^^e.d saezn^z^ of] sowi.ng, thaer|for^ the co^r^n^ waxi.ng y.elow of] co}lo}r^, the y.o}ng|#o^nz^ al^so w}aer then not flu}sh. Thaer|for^ when she^ w}ent t}oo se^k maet for^ hir] y.o}ng|#o^nz^, she^ warn^e}t}h them, t}hat they shou}ld mark if any ne^w t}hing w}aer doon.n or^ saie.d] thaer, and shou}ld tel it her, when she^ c}a^m|#a|]gein. After that^ the own.^o.r^ of that^ co^r^n^ cal^e}t}h hiz so}n be^i.ng a y.o}ng man, and saye}t}h: Se^e}st] thu} not BULL1585125 that thaez a}r t}hr^o}w|#ry^p, and eu^n^|]#no}w cra^u^ the hand[ Thaer|for^ too|mor^ow az|]#soon az it shal^ be^ liht , se^ thu} go too ou}r fre^nds^, and pr^ay them that they co}m, and ge^u^ trau^el o^n for^ an|o}ther, and help|#on this haru^est for^] v}s. When he^ said} thaez t}hings^, he^ w}ent|#away, and when the lark c}a^m|#agein, the y.o}ng|#o^nz^ so}m|what faer|fu}l ma^k anoyz rou}nd|#abou}t] her, and pr^aie}d their. dam, that she^ ha^st|#away by|#and|#by eu^n^ then, and cary them away intoo an|o}ther pla^c^. For^, they say, the own.^o.r^ h^at}h s}ent o^n whoo shou}ld entraet hiz fre^nds^ that they co}m and raep when the day appe^r|]e}t}h. The dam bide}t}h them t}oo be^ qiet from] faer. For^ she^ saye}t}h, if the own.^o.r^ lay|#away the haru^est too fre^nds^, the co^r^n^ shal^ not be^ raept}t too|mor^ow, nether iz it ne^d|fu}l that I shou}ld cary y.ou} a|way too|day. Thaer|for^ the day after the dam flye}t}h for^ food, the own.^|]o.r^ staye.t}h|#for^ them whoom^ he^ h^ad dezy^r^e}d. The su}n iz hot, and no|t}hing iz doon.n, and the^r w}aer no fre^nds^. Then he^ saye}t}h agein too hiz] so}n, tho^z|#sa^m fre^nds^ comu}nl.y be^ lingero.r^z^, bu}t we^ go rather, and pr^ay ou}r kinz^|folk, a|]ly^z^, and neihbo}r^z^, that they be^ he^r too|mor^ow by|#ty^m t}oo raep, the y.ong|#o^nz^ be^i.ng m.a^d a|]fraid., BULL1585126 tel their. dam this ly^k|wy^z. The dam entraete}t}h that they shou}ld be^ then al^so with|]ou}t faer and with|ou}t ca^r: she^ saye}t}h, that the^r be^ al^mo^st no kinz}^|folk, and aly^z^, so o|]beid.ient, that they delay not t}oo ta^k labo}r^] in|#hand, and by|#and|#by they obey the sai|]i.ng: she^ saye}t}h, d}oo y.ou} no}w mark, if no}w any t}hing shal^ be^ saye.d agein. An|o}ther day|]liht be^i.ng ry^zn.^, the bird w}ent|#fo}r^t}h for^ food, the kinz}^|folk, and aly^z^ let|#alo^n the trau^el which they w}aer dezy^r^e.d t}oo ge^u^. Thaer|for^ at the last the own.^o.r^ saye}t}h too hiz so}n: fa^r|wel fre^nds^ with kinz}^|m^en, thu} shal^t br^ing twoo] hooks^ the next mor^ning e^rly, I|#my|self^ wil ta^k o^n for^ my|self^, and thu} shal^t ta^k the o}|]ther for^ thy|self^, and we^|#ou}r|selu^s^ wil raep the co^r^n^ too|mor^ow with ou}r|#own.^ hands^. When the dam hae^rd}d of the y.o}ng|#o^nz^ that the own.^o.r^ h^ad saie}d that^ t}hing, she^ saye}t}h, it iz ty^m t}oo|#ge^u^ pla^c^ and t}oo go|#away. It wil be^ doon.n no}w withou}t dou}t, which he^ h^at}h sayd}] shal^ be^. For^ no}w the mater iz laye.d on him|]self^, whooz}^ the t}hing iz, and not on an|o}ther from whoom^ it iz dezy^r^e.d. And so the lark re|]moou^e}d the naest, and the co^r^n^ waz raept. of] the own.^o.r^. Trul.y this iz Aes}opz}^ fa^bl^ tu}chi.ng BULL1585127 the liht and v^ain tru}st of fre^nds^ and kinz}^|]m^en for^ the mo^st part. Bu}t what o}ther t}hing d}oo the mo^r^ establ^ishe.d books^ of Philosophor^z^] warn^, than that ou}r|selu^s^ shou}ld endeu^o}r^ az mu}ch for^ ou}r|selu^s^. For^ l}et v}s ma^k rekn^i.ng that al^ o}ther t}hings^ which be^ not in v}s, and ou}r my^nd, be^ nether for^ ou}rz}^ nor^ for^ ou}r|]selu^s^. Enniu}s in cheki.ng v^e^rses^ fra^me}d this fa^bl^ of Aes}op v^ery|#wy^zl.y, and triml.y in han|]so}m v^e^rses^, the twoo last whaer|of be^ thaez, the which t}oo be^ h^ad by hart and in remembr^^a.nc^, I t}hink in go}od soot}h t}oo be^ nec^essary. Thu} shal^t hau^ this argum.ent in redin.es stil sett., What thu}|#thy|self^ cans}t doo, doo not thy fre^nds^ expect. Of o^ld ty^m al^mo^st al^ the birds^ w}ent too] the o}wl, and dezy^r^e}d her that she^ wou}ld not haer|after ma^k hir naest in the ho^lz^ of] graet ho}wzes^, bu}t rather on the bo}wz^ of tre^z^, and among the laeu^s^, for^ thaer birds^ spend the spr^ing|#ty^m v^ery|#delicatl.y. Al^so they shew|]e}d too her a smal^ o^k la^tl.y s.pr^u}ng|#v}p, and az|]y.et tender, on the which v^eril.y (az they saye}d) the sa^m o}wl miht at any ty^m bo^th a|liht, and BULL1585128 miht by^ld hir naest. Bu}t she^ denye}d that she^ wil doo it: bu}t she^ ga}u^ them cou}nc^l^ agein, that they shou}ld not commit them|selu^s^ too that litl^ tre^, and that it wil o^n day baer bird|]ly^m, az whoo saye}th, the pla^g of birds^. They (az they be^ a liht and fliti.ng ky^nd) despy^ze}d the cou}nc^l^ of the wy^z o}wl be^i.ng alo^n, fo}r^t}h|with the o^k gre^w, fo}r^t}h|with it waz br^o^d, fo}r^t}h|]with it waz laeu^i.. Lo^ thaer al^ tho^z birds^ fly|#on the bo}ws^ by floks^, they be^ wanton, they laep|#a]bou}t, they play|#toogether, they chitter. In the maen why^l the sa^m o^k b}r^owht|#fo}r^t}h bird|#ly^m, and m^en perc^eiu^e}d it. Thaer|for^ so}denly al^ the se^ly wr^etches^ w}aer thaer entangl^e.d a|ly^k, and in v^ain too|#la^t repenta.nc^ c}au}ht them, bicau}z they h^ad despy^ze}d that^ who^ls.o}m cou}n|]c^l^. And m^en say that this iz it, why al^ birds^] no}w, whaer|soeu^er they shal^ se^ the o}wl, ac|]co}mpanyi.ng her az|#thowh they salut her, gy^d] her on, folow after her, sit abou}t hir, and fly] abou}t her. For^ be^i.ng my^nd|fu}l of her cou}n|]c^l^, they wo}nder at her no}w az wy^z, and ga^rd] her with a t}hik co}mpany or^ band) az o^n] wou}ld say, that they may laern^ so}m ty^m of] her t}oo be^ wy^z. Bu}t I t}hink, in v^ain, y.e ra|]ther al^so so}m ty^m with their. graet harm^: for^ BULL1585129 tho^z an^c^ient o}wlz^ w}aer wy^z in v^ery de^d: no}w the^r be^ many o}wlz^, which hau^ o}wlz^s^^ fetherz^, and o}wlz^s^^ yiz^ and baek, bu}t they hau^ no wy^z|]d.o}m. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that thu} shou}lds}t not despy^z the cou}nc^l^z^ of o^n that warn^e}t}h] wel. A ta^l ta^kn.^ ou}t|#of the second book of Cri|]nitu}s tu}chi.ng nest disc^ipl^in. Onc. the^r waz a go}wr^d sown.^ naer|#too a] py^n|#tre^, which waz v^ery|#graet and of] br^o^d bo}ws^, when the go}wr^d h^ad grown}^, t}ho}|]ro}wh mu}ch rain and tempera.tn.es of the ayr^, it be^gine}t}h t}oo grow|#ou}t, and t}oo stretch|#fo}r^t}h br^an^ches^ mo^r^|#bo^ldl.y, then it craept}t v}p|on the py^n|#tre^, then it aro^z, then it d}u}rst t}oo wr^ap|#in bo}ws^ and laeu^s^, shewi.ng|#fo}r^t}h v^ery|]la^rg^ laeu^s^, glowi.ng flo}wr^z^, v^ery|#graet and flo}wr^^i.shi.ng frut. And thaer|for^ swele}d with so graet disdain and pr^y^d, that it d}u}rst t}oo sett}|#v}pon the py^n|#tre^, and saye}t}h: Thu} se^e}st ho}w I ou^er|#go the^, ho}w I exc^el with la^rg^ laeu^s^ and freshn.es, and eu^n^|#no}w I ry^z|#fo}r^t}h too the top. Then the py^n|#tre^, whoo waz mihti. t}hr^o}wh o^ld skil and strengt}h, meru^ele}d not at BULL1585130 the bo^ldn.es of the pr^ou}d go}wr^d, bu}t answer|]e}d too her so. I h^au^ ou^erco}me}d her many] winterz^, haets^, blihts^, and diu^ers} mis}eryz^, and hither|too stand so}wnd. Thu} wilt hau^ les] co}r^ag^ at the first co^lds^, when thy laeu^s^ wil fal^] at|#o^nc.^, and al^ the freshn.es wil go|#away. The mor^al. It iz not t}oo be^ pr^ou}d in pr^osperi.ty. Of a crow and wo}lfs^. A crow waite}t}h|#on wo}lfs^ t}hr^o}wh ro}wh ridg^es^ of hilz^, he^ cra^u^e}t}h, that part of the] pr^ey be^ m.a^d for^ him, whoo folowe}d them, h^ad for^sa^kn}^ them no ty^m, and h^ad be^n} their. co}m|]panio.n. Afterw.ard he^ waz pu}tt.|#of by the] wo}lfs^, az not folowi.ng them, bu}t folowi.ng the pr^ey and maet, and that he^ wou}ld not be^n} les redy t}oo deu^ou}r the inw.ards^ of the wo}lfs^, if they w}aer kild., than of o}ther liu^i.ng t}hings^. The mor^al. What we^ doo iz not al^way t}oo be^ looke.d|]v}ntoo, bu}t of what my^nd we^ be^ when we^] doo a t}hing. An|o}ther fa^bl^ of the ert}hs^^ br^ingi.ng|#fo}r^t}h. Onc. the ert}h be^i.ng m.a^d pu}ft.|#v}p, and s.wo^ln^ after a wo}nder|fu}l maner, feine}d BULL1585131 redy|#t}oo|#br^e^d so}m graet t}hing. The bor^dero.r^z^ ru}n thither, the hu}sband|m^en be^ asto}ne.d, they look|#for^ the br^ood of the ert}h be^twe^n ho^p] and faer, so}m t}howht that it wou}ld br^ing|#fo}r^t}h that^ felow Tiphaeas, hau^i.ng a hu}ndr^ed hands^ o}ther t}howht the hilz^ redy|#t}oo|#br^aek a|su}nder. The ert}h iz opn^e.d, a mou}c^ co}me}t}h|#fo}r^t}h, and that^ which waz t}howht wou}ld be^n} a miracl^ too al^ m^en, m^en tu}rn^e}d v}ntoo lau}hi.ng and] pas|ty^m. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h that m^en mu}st not al^|]way be^le^u^ go}odl.y pr^omises^. A fa^bl^ of the memberz^ and the belly ta^kn.^ ou}t|#of Pliny. When the strong parts^ of the body of] man s}aw the bely y^dl^, they dis|agre^|]e}d from him, and denye}d it seru^i.c^. When them|selu^s^ al^so by that^ maen fainte}d too^, they v}nders}tood that the bely d}id deu^y^d t}he maet rec^eiu^e.d t}hr^o}wh al^ the memberz^, and c}a^m intoo fre^nds.hip with it agein. The mor^al. Graet t}hings^ decay t}hr^o}wh v^aria.nc^: by a|]gre^i.ng|#toogether they pr^osper. BULL1585132 Of Ario, and a dolphin. Ario waz an an^c^ient and no^ta.^bl^ singo.r^ with the harp, he^ waz of Met}hinna (a c^i|]ty of the y^l of Lesbos) for^ pla^c^ and to}wn, and of the y^l of Lesbos, for^ the land and y^l. Peri|]ander king of Cor^int}h had the sa^m Ario] fre^ndl.y, and lo}u^e.d for^ hiz arts^^ sa^k: he^ goe}t}h|]thenc^ from the king t}oo se^ the no^ta.^bl^ lands^ C^ic^il and Italy. When he^ c}a^m thither, he^ de|]lihte}d the aerz^ and my^nds^ of al^ m^en in the co^sts^ of bo^th lands^, and waz thaer in geti.ngs^ and plaezu.rz^, and in the lo}u^ of al^ m^en. Then afterw.ard be^i.ng fu}l of a graet dael of mo}ny, and of mu}ch go}od welt.h}, he^ appoointe}d t}oo go|]agein too Cor^int}h. Thaer|for^ he^ c}ho^z a ship, and marinor^z^ be^i.ng Cor^int}hi.anz^, az v^ery|]wel known.^ and fre^ndl.ie.st too him. But he^ be^i.ng rec^eiu^e.d, and the ship be^i.ng carie.d|]fo}r^t}h intoo the de^p, the m^en of Cor^int}h be^i.ng co}u^eto}o.s of pr^ey and of mo}ny, t}ook cou}nc^l^ tu}chi.ng the kili.ng of Ario. Then hiz destru}c|]t}ion be^i.ng v}nders.tood, he^ ga}u^ hiz mo}ny and the rest of hiz things^ that they miht hau^ them, and dezy^r^e}d that they wou}ld spa^r him ly^f^ o^n|]l.y. The marinor^z^ pitie}d thaez hiz pr^aye.rz^, or^ BULL1585133 dezy^r^z^) so mu}ch, that they d}id al^so for^baer t}oo kil him with their. hands^ by fo^r^c^, bu}t com|]man^de}d that eu^n^ by|#and|#by he^ shou}ld laep|]ou}t hed|long intoo the sae opn^l.y or^ in their.] pr^esenc^.) The man be^i.ng a|fraid. thaer, and ho^p of ly^f^ be^i.ng l.ost, dezy^r^e}d that^ o^n t}hing] afterw.ard, that be^fo^r^ he^ shou}ld dy, they wou}ld su}ffer him t}oo pu}t|#on hiz garments^ or^ apparel) and t}oo ta^k hiz harp, and t}oo sing a comfor^ta.bl^ v^e^rs of that hiz hap. Then a de|]liht t}oo hae^r ta^ke}t}h the rud and cruel mari|]nor^z^. He^ optaine}t}h what he^ h^ad dezy^r^e}d. And thaer fo}r^t}h|with, be^i.ng girde.d, clo^the.d, appa|]rele.d, and standi.ng in the opn^ pla^c^ of the hih pou}p of the ship, he^ s}u}ng the v^e^rs which iz cal^e.d the song of with a v^ery|#shr^il or^ adu^an^c^e.d) v^oic^. At the last of the song he^ castt} him|self^ ou}t a|far intoo the de^p, with hiz harp, and al^ hiz apparel, az he^ s}tood and] s}u}ng. The marinor^z^ not dou}ti.ng at|#al^, bu}t that he^ waz d.ed, h^eld the cou}rs which they h^ad b}e^gu}n t}oo doo. Bu}t a stran^g^, wo}nder|fu}l, and charitabl^ de^d hapn.^e}d: so}denl.y (a fish] cal^e.d) a dolphin s}wam thither among the] wa^u^s^, and with hiz bak sett.|#v}p abo}u^ the flowi.ngs^ or^ wa^u^s^) carie}d him sa^f^ in body BULL1585134 and apparel, and carie}d him away intoo the land of Lac^edemonia, too a pla^c^ cal^e.d Tena|]ru}s (ne^r the c^ity of Sparta.) Then Ario w}ent from that^ pla^c^ straiht too Cor^int}h, and offere}d him|self^ too king Periander su}ch|#o^n az he^ waz carie.d of the dolphin, and t}o^ld him the mater eu^n^ az it h^ad hapn.^e}d. The king b}e^|]left litl^ thaez t}hings^, comman^de}d that Ario shou}ld be^ ke^pt.t az|#thowh he^ wou}ld dec^eiu^] the king. Ario be^i.ng s.ent|#away, the king dis|]sembl^i.ngl.y aske}d the marinor^z^ be^i.ng s.ent|]for^, whether they h^ad hae^rd}d any t}hing in tho^z] pla^c^es^ from|#whenc^ they h^ad co}mm} tu}chi.ng] Ario. They said} that the man waz in the land (cal^e.d) Italy, when they w}ent from|#thenc^, and that he^ d}id dwel thaer, and flo}r^ishe}d t}ho}|]ro}wh the fau^o}r^ and delihti.ngs^ of the to}wnz^, and that he^ waz for^tunat in go}od wil and] mu}ch mo}ny. Then be^twe^n thaez their. wor^ds^, Ario s}tood|#fo}r^t}h with the harp and raym.ent with which he^ h^ad castt} him|self^ ou}t intoo] the sae. The marinor^z^ be^i.ng m.a^d ama^ze.d and ou^erco}me.d cou}ld not deny it. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ iz for^ a lesn^, that so}m ty^m the^r iz f.ou}nd mo^r^ g^entl^n.es in br^ut baests^, than BULL1585135 in tho^z m^en, that hau^ no rega^rd bu}t rich|]e.s, no|t}hing pertayni.ng too man bu}t the] sha^p of a man. Of the spyder and the go}wt. A spyder be^i.ng so}m|what mo^r^ qiet from the trau^el of waeu^i.ng, wal^ke}d|#abr^o^d, thaer|for^ bycau}z of refreshi.ng her my^nd. The go}wt offere}t}h him|self^ t}oo me^t her, al^thowh with v}n|aezi. steps^ he^ go}t too her v^ery|#pain|]fu}lly. That^ dayz}^ i}o}r^ny be^i.ng ou^er|#pase.d by o^n maen or^ o}ther, he^ waz not far|#of from a li|]tl^ to}wn, too the which the dwelo.r^z^ of that^ co}n|]try h^ad sett} the na^m Tychen. The adu^y^c^ of either waz t}oo serch|#ou}t an st of hiz|#own.^] condit}ion. The spyder (dilig^enc^ not graetl.y] be^i.ng ge^u^n.^) tu}rn^e}t}h|#asy^d intoo the hou}s of a c^ertein rich c^itis.en, within|#thaer on eu^ery sy^d she^ stretcht}|#abr^o^d hir webs^, and hange}d|#abr^o^d] nets^, straiht|way thaer w}aer, I know not whoo plu}kt}|#do}wn her waeu^i.ng. Thaer|for^ whi|]ther|soeu^er she^ tu}rn^e}d her by^ldi.ng it waz of smal^ continua.nc^, for^ she^ cou}ld no|whaer es|]ca^p the qik spyi.ng br^oomz^ of the swe^po.r^z^. She^ waz plainl.y wr^etche.d that in so graet plenty of al^ t}hings^ she^ o^nl.y waz v^exe.d and t}hr^o}whl.y] tro}bl^e.d. BULL1585136 Bu}t the gou}t ly^k a se^ly bego.r^ gete}t}h sca^rc^l.y at the last any poor^ manz}^ litl^ cotag^. When he^ h^ad s}at|#do}wn in that^ pla^c^ he^ trie}d so}m mis}eryz^. Coor^c^ br^ed waz sett.|#do}wn too] him ma^ki.ng a smal^ su}pe.r, and sca^rc^l.y swa|]lowi.ng water|#wor^ts^ in hiz dr^y chaps^: and then waz spr^aedd. for^ him (be^i.ng dr^iu^n.^ thaer|]too with the long i}o}r^ny) a boor^de.d bed, with no] laeu^s^, with no gras, bu}t with v^ery|#t}hin chaf. Bu}t it iz not perteini.ng too this pu}rpos t}oo] tel ho}w il|agre^a.bl^ w}aer the t}hin pelts^ too the ny^c^ memberz^, that I miht h^au^ saye}d thu}s, ho}w il agre^e}d so hard co}u^eri.ngs^, so ru}gged] haer, with the silk clo^ths^. Thaer|for^ at|#last when that^ no^bl^ star sca^rc^l.y waz rizn.^, whoo fa|]u^o}r^a.bl^l.y hae^re}t}h, and which be^ho^lde}t}h al^] t}hings^, the spyder and the gou}t co}m|#toogether] agein. The spyder first tele}t}h|#fo}r^t}h the tro}bl^z^ of the niht past., so many chan^g^i.ng of pla^c^es^, no}w v}pbr^aidi.ng the maisterz}^ naetn.es, then repr^oou^i.ng the too|#mu}ch waiti.ng of the swe^p|]o.r^z^. The gou}t on the o}ther sy^d reherc^e}t}h v^e|]ry|#many t}hings^ tu}chi.ng the ne^di.n.es of hiz] st, and hat}h not laezur t}oo shew the spider the blak|#spote.d marks^ that the hard bed|steds^ h^ad pr^inte}d on hiz tender t}hin skin. They ta^k BULL1585137 cou}nc^l^ toogether, that the spider from|#thenc^|]fo}r^t}h owht t}oo enter v}nder poor^ m^enz}^ cotag^|]es^, bu}t that the gou}t shou}ld get intoo rich] m^enz}^ palac^es^. The spider agre^e}t}h v}ntoo this] sentenc^, the gou}t deu^y^ze}t}h it: y.et not|with|]standi.ng the darkn.es of niht growi.ng|#on] al^|redy, they d}r^e^w them|selu^s^ naer a c^ertein] to}wn. The gou}t not v}n|my^nd|fu}l of the or^der hy^dd} him|self^ by litl^ and litl^ in o^nz}^ ho}ws that had mu}ch mo}ny, whoo be^i.ng soon per|]c^eiu^e}d of the maister: go}od lo^r^d, with what] go}od wil, with what g^entl^n.es, with what na^mz^ iz he^ rec^eiu^e.d, thaer a}r v}nder|laie.d and v}nder|spr^aedd. dou}n|#fetherz^, matreses^, bed|#ge^r stu}ffe.d with the soft fetherz^ of par|]trig^es^. I spaek not of the swe^t wy^n, the blak] wy^n, the wy^n, the wy^n, I spaek not of the fig|#birds^, the phes}ants^, and tho^z litl^ birds^ which a}r ou^er|#lu}sti. t}hr^o}wh twoo] attendo.r^z^. Too be^ shor^t, he^ s}pent eu^ery deli|]cat, eu^ery deinty. The spider hau^i.ng|#entr^^e}d intoo a poor^ manz}^ cotag^ by^lde}t}h webs: eu^e|]ry|whaer|#abou}t, the wal^z^ appe^r opn^|#be^twe^n She^ hange}t}h|#v}p nets^, she^ plye}t}h with hands^ t}oo fil|#rou}nd the wo}r^ks^, she^ ma^ke}t}h|#agein t}hings^ b.r^o^kn^, she^ ende}t}h t}hr^o}whl.y t}hings^ l.eft|]of. BULL1585138 And that I may spaek br^e^fl.y, she^ rule}t}h in the wy^d hal^, she^ iz a|fraie.d of no} entrapi.ngs^, she^ faere}t}h no manz}^ assal^ts^: y.e rather she^ iz no}w al^so hihe.r than al^ the br^oomz^. Not long] after, the gou}t me^te}t}h the spider, he^ sete}t}h|]fo}r^t}h hiz delihts^, hiz happyn.es, hiz lu}ks^ larg^|]l.y. The spider sete}t}h|#v}p hiz dominion and li|]berty of by^ldi.ng and waeu^i.ng, with wo}nder|]fu}l pr^aizes^. At the end this opinion plaeze}d] bo^th. Whither|soeu^er they shou}ld go|#abr^o^d, that the gou}t owht t}oo tu}rn^|#asy^d intoo rich m^enz}^ ho}wzes^, and the spider intoo poor^ m^enz}^] cotag^es^. The mor^al. Al^thowh this fa^bl^ may be^ applye.d too di|]u^ers} vc^es^, y.et it decla^re}t}h che^fl.y, that so}m man iz mo^r^|#for^tunat than an|o}ther in] pla^c^. Mo^r^|ou^er, that rich m^enz}^ palac^es^ a}r a harbo}r^ of dis|aezes^. Last of al^, that liber|]ty iz no|whaer graete.r, than whaer the^r iz] laest riche.s. The end of Aes}ops^^ fa^bl^z^. BULL1585139 V^ery|#galant fa^bl^z^ of Lawr^enc^ Abstemiu}s, be^i.ng of a v^ery|#galant and plaeza.nt wit: la^tl.y po}lishe.d or^ amende.d) by Gargetiu}s a v^ery|#no^ta.^bl^ poet and Philosophor^. Of a mou}c^ br^e^dd. in a chest. A mou}c^ be^i.ng br^e^dd. in a chest, laedd} al^|]mo^st al^ hiz a^g^ thaer, be^i.ng fe^dd. with] nu}ts^ which w}aer wo}nt t}oo be^ ke^pt.t in it. Bu}t why^ls.t he^ playi.ng abou}t the br^imz^ of the chest h^ad fal^n}^|#ou}t, and s}owht a geti.ng|#v}p, he^ f}ou}nd deinty maets^ m.a^d redy v^ery|#naetl.y. Which when he^ h^ad taste}d, he^ saye}t}h: Ho}w fooli.sh h^au^ I be^n} hither|too, which t}howht no|]t}hing t}oo be^ better than my litl^ chest, in the who^l co}mpas of the ert}h. Lo, ho}w mo^r^|#swe^tl.y am I fe^dd. he^r with maets^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that o^nz}^ co}ntry iz not t}oo be^ lo}u^e.d so, if it be^ of no estimat}ion, that we^ may not go too o}ther pla^c^es^, when we^ may be^ happye.r elc^|whaer. Of a co}ntry|man opteini.ng that whaet miht grow with|ou}t berds^. A c^ertein co}ntry|man opteyne}d of C^e|]res the inu^ento.r^ of sowi.ng, that whaet BULL1585140 miht grow withou}t berds^ on the eerz^, that it miht not hu}rt the raepo.r^z^ and t}hr^esho.r^z}^ hands^, which when it waz dr^ie.d|#v}p or^ waxt. hard) waz aetn.^|#v}p of the smal^ birds^. Then the hu}s|]band|man saye}t}h, ho}w wo}r^thy t}hings^ d}oo I] su}ffer, whoo for^ a litl^ comodityz}^ sa^k h^au^ l}ost v^ery|#graet gainz^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that litl^ dis|comodityz^ mu}st be^ weihe.d with graete.r pr^ofit. Of the gos|hawk cha^c^i.ng a cu}lu^er. When a gos|hawk cha^c^e}d a cu}lu^er with an ernest fliht be^i.ng entr^^e}d in|]too a c^ertein v^illag^, she^ waz c.au}ht of a co}n|]try|man, whoom^ she^ be^se^che}d with faier spe^ch that he^ wou}ld let her go: she^ saye}d, trul.y I h^au^ not hu}rtt} the^. Too whoom^ the co}ntry|]man answere}t}h, nether d}id this cu}lu^er hu}rtt}] the^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they a}r pu}nishe.d wo}r^thil.y that attempt t}oo hu}rt the hu}rt|]l.es. Of the spider and the swalow. A spyder waxi.ng angr^^i. at a swalow, that c}au}ht flyz^, which iz the swalowz}^ maet, BULL1585141 hange}d|#v}p nets^ in the do^r^z^ t}hr^o}wh which he^ waz wo}nt t}oo fly, that she^ miht ta^k her. Bu}t the swalow flyi.ng|#thither, carie}d the net with the knito.r^ t}hr^o}wh the ayr^^. Then the spyder hangi.ng in the ayr^^, and v}nderstandi.ng her|]self^ eu^n^|#no}w redy|#t}oo dy, saie}d: Ho}w i}u}stl.y d}oo I su}ffer thaez t}hings^, whoo scarc^l.y catchi.ng the laest flyi.ng t}hings^ with graet labo}r^, b}e^left that I waz a^bl^ t}oo catch so graet birds^. The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d by this fa^bl^, that we^ set not on t}hings^ graete.r than our strengt}h. Of a co}ntry|man abou}t|#t}oo go] ou^er a riu^er. A co}ntry|man abou}t|#t}oo go ou^er a br^ook, which by chan^c^ h^ad encraec^e}d with] sho}werz^, s}owht a shalow pla^c^. And when he^ h^ad pr^oou^e}d first that^ part of the straem, which se^me}d qiete.r and cal^m^e.r, he^ f}ou}nd it de^pe.r than he^ h^ad t}howht in hiz my^nd. Agein whaer he^ f}ou}nd it narowe.r and sa^fe.r, thaer the riu^er r}an|#away with graete.r noyz of water. Then he^ saie}t}h with him|self^: ho}w sa^fl.ie.r may we^ commit ou}r ly^f^ too waterz^ fu}l of noyz, than too qiet and stil waterz^. BULL1585142 The mor^al. We^ a}r warn^e.d by this fa^bl^, that we^ shou}ld faer m^en fu}l of wor^ds^, and graet] t}hr^etn^o.r^z^, les than qiet m^en. Of the cu}lu^er and the py. A cu}lu^er be^i.ng aske.d of a py, what shou}ld perswa^d her, that she^ al^|way by^lde}d her] naest in o^n|#self^ pla^c^, se^i.ng|#that her y.o}ng|#o^nz^ w}aer al^|way c.au}ht from her from|#thenc^. The cu}lu^er answere}d: simplic^ity or^ plain] maeni.ng) moou^e}t}h me^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that oftn^ ty^mz^ go}od] m^en be^ aezi.l.y dec^eiu^e.d. Of the cu}ccoo, and the hawk. The cu}ccoo be^i.ng mokt. of a hawk (bicau}z whaer|az he^ waz bo^th ly^k her in body, and not mu}ch v}n|ly^k in co}lo}r^) bicau}z of litl^n.es of] co}r^ag^, he^ waz fe^dd. rather with wo}r^m^z^ of the] ert}h, than with the swe^t flesh of o}ther birds^. A few daiz^ after, the cu}ccoo s}aw the hawk be^|]i.ng ta^kn.^ of a co}ntry|man whooz}^ cu}lu^erz^ she^ h^ad f}lown^|#at, hang ou}t|#of a hih to}wer for^ the frayi.ng of the rest. Too whoom^ the cu}ccoo say|]e}t}h: BULL1585143 fre^nd, ho}w better h^ad it be^n} for^ the^ t}oo hu}nt|#after wo}r^m^z^, than t}oo inu^a^d o}therz}^] birds^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h that their. ly^f^ iz sa^f^e.r, and mo^r^|#ly^ke.d, that be^ content with their. own.^ t}hings^ withou}t dan^g^er, than their.z}^ which cra^u^i.ng o}ther m^enz}^, go v}ntoo graet hazards^ of the ly^f^. Of the as and a cal^f^. An as and a cal^f^ fe^di.ng in o^n|#self^ me|]dow, fo^r^|kne^w by the sou}nd of a bel that the enemyz}^ army c}a^m|#nih. Then the cal^f^] saye}t}h, O co}mpanio.n, l}et v}s ru}n|#away henc^, lest the enemyz^ laed v}s away pr^izn^o.r^z^. Too whoom^ the as saye}t}h, ru}n thu} away, whoom^ the enemyz^ h^au^ ac|cu}sto}me}d t}oo kil and t}oo] aet, it iz no mater for^ an as, whooz}^ appoointe.d] condit}ion t}oo baer bu}rdn^ iz al^|o^n eu^ery|]whaer. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h bond|m^en, that they shou}ld not faer graetl.y t}oo chan^g^ own.^o.r^z^, so|#that they that shal^ be^ their. own.^o.r^z^, be^ not wo}r^s than the first. BULL1585144 Of the fox, and wo}|m^en aeti.ng henz^. A fox pasi.ng nih a c^ertein v^illag^, b}e^held a co}mpany of wo}|m^en aeti.ng v^ery|]many henz^ galantl.y ro^ste.d, too whoom^ the] fox be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d|#abou}t, saye}t}h: What ou}t|]cryz^ and barki.ngs^ of dogs^ shou}ld the^r be^, if I shou}ld doo that^ that y.ou} doo[ Too whoom^ a c^ertein o^ld wo}|man saye}t}h: thu}, the wo}r^st of al^ baests^ staele}st o}ther m^enz}^, we^ aet that^ that] iz ou}r|#own.^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not t}hink that it iz law|fu}l for^ v}s t}oo doo that^ v}ntoo o}ther m^enz}^, which iz law|fu}l for^ the v^ery own.^o.r^z^ t}oo doo. Of fat ca^pn.^z^ and a laen. A c^ertein man h^ad cherishe}d many ca^|]pn^z^ with mu}ch maet, be^i.ng shu}tt.|#v}p in] o^n|#self^ coop, whaer|by they w}aer al^ t}hr^o}whl.y] fat, exc^ept o^n whoom^ hiz br^o}therz^ mokt. az] laen. The own.^o.r^ redy|#t}oo ta^k no^bl^ gests^ in a fy^n and costl.y faest, comman^de}t}h the cook, that he^ shou}ld kil and dr^es of tho^z that he^ f}ou}nd the fate.r. The fleshi. o^nz^ hae^ri.ng this, BULL1585145 tor^mente}d them|selu^s^, sayi.ng, ho}w mu}ch h^ad it be^n} better that we^ w}aer laen. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ iz imag^ine.d for^ the co}mfor^t of] the poor^, whooz}^ ly^f^ iz in mo^r^ sa^ft.y than rich] m^enz}^. Of a baem and oxn^^ dr^awi.ng it. An elm^n.^ baem co}mplayne}d of oxn^^, say|]i.ng, O y.e^ v}n|t}hank|fu}l, I h^au^ no}r^ishe}d] y.ou} mu}ch ty^m with my laeu^s^, bu}t y.ou} dr^aw me^ y.ou}r. nou}rc^ t}hr^o}wh the sto^nz^ and dirt. To whoom^ the oxn^^ answer: Ou}r gro^ni.ngs^ and] sihs^, and al^so the pr^ik whaer|with we^ a}r pr^ikt. may taech the^, that we^ dr^aw the^ be^i.ng v}n|]wili.ng or^ ageinst ou}r wilz^.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ taeche}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not be^ mu}ch angr^^i. with them that hu}rt v}s not with their. fre^ wil. Of faier tre^z^ and il|fau^o}r^e.d (tre^z^.) The^r gr}e^w v^ery|#many tre^z^ in o^n|#self^] pla^c^ be^i.ng hih, straiht, and withou}t knots^, exc^ept o^n be^i.ng low, litl^, and knoti., whoom^ the rest w}aer wo}nt t}oo hau^ for^ a moki.ng|#stok az il|fau^o}r^e.d and litl^. The own.^o.r^ of the pla^c^ BULL1585146 be^i.ng abou}t|#t}oo by^ld a hou}s, bide}t}h al^ t}oo be^ cu}tt.|#do}wn, exc^ept the sa^m, which bicau}z of hiz shor^tn.es and il|fau^o}r^d.n.es se^me}d wou}ld ma^k the by^ldi.ng v}n|co}ml.y afterw.ard. The rest be^i.ng cu}tt.|#do}wn, the il|fau^o}r^e.d tre^ sait}h with it|self^ thaez wor^ds^: O natr I wil no|]mo^r^ co}mplain of the^, that thu} h^ast br^e^dd} me^] fou}l, se^i.ng I se^ so graet dan^g^erz^ hang ou^er] the bewty|fu}l. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not be^ sor^y that we^ a}r b.or^n^ il|fau^o}r^e.d, se^i.ng|]that wel|#fau^o}r^d.n.es h^ath hu}rtt} many oftn^] ty^mz^. Of a swan singi.ng at her det}h and be^i.ng repr^oou^e.d of the haern^. A swan dyi.ng waz aske.d of a haern^, why at her det}h, which o}ther liu^i.ng crea^tu.rz^ so trembl^i.ngl.y faere}d, she^ v}ttere}d mu}ch swe^te.r tunz^, than in al^ her ly^f^, whaer|az she^ owht rather t}oo be^ sor^ow|fu}l: the swan saie}t}h, bicau}z I shal^ nether be^ v^exe.d mo^r^ with ca^r t}oo se^k maet, nether shal^ faer the fo}wlo.r^z}^] sna^rz^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not] faer det}h, BULL1585147 by the which al^ the mis}eryz^ of the ly^f^ be^ cu}tt.|#of. Of a wo}|man we^pi.ng for^ hir hu}sband, and of her father co}mfor^ti.ng her. The father co}mfor^te}d a wo}|man be^i.ng az|#y.et y.o}ng, whooz}^ hu}sband labo}r^e}d for^] ly^f^, sayi.ng: d}oo not tor^ment thy|self^ so graet|]l.y dau}hter, for^ I h^au^ f}ou}nd an|o}ther hu}s|]band for^ the^ far wel|#fau^o}r^d.e.r than this sa^m, whoo wil aezi.l.y aswag^ (thy) dezy^r^ of the fo^r^|]m.er. Bu}t the wo}|man not su}ffr^^i.ng the so|]row, whoo lo}u^e}d her hu}sband ernestl.y d}id not o^nl.y dis|alo}w her fatherz}^ wor^ds^, bu}t accus}|]e}d the v}n|ty^ml.y reherc^i.ng of an|o}ther hu}s|]band. Bu}t when he^ se^e}t}h her hu}sband ded, she^ pu}tt}h|#away tae^rz^ and mou}rn^i.ngs^: and ask|]e}t}h her father, whether that^ y.o}ng man be^] thaer, whoom^ he^ saie}d he^ wou}ld ge^u^ her for^ hir] hu}sband. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, ho}w soon lo}u^ toward the ded hu}sbands^ iz wo}nt t}oo fal^ ou}t|#of the] wy^u^^ss^^ my^nd. Of a wo}|man we^pi.ng for^ her lo}u^o.r^z^] goi.ng|#away. An v}n|cha^st wo}|man we^pt}t v^ery|#mu}ch for^ her lo}u^o.r^ goi.ng|#away, whoom^ she^ BULL1585148 h^ad spooile}d al^mo^st of al^ t}hings^. Her neihbo}r^ aski.ng her, why she^ we^pt}t so v}n|co}mfor^ta.|]bl^i.. She^ saye}t}h, I we^p not for^ hiz departi.ng, bu}t for^ the clo^k that I h^au^ l}eft too him. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that harlots^ lo}u^ not their. lo}u^o.r^z^ bu}t their. go}ods^. Of a fly that siti.ng on a chariot saye}d that she^ stire}t}h|#v}p the du}st. Carts^ with fower hor^ses^ r}an in a cou}rs|]i.ng pla^c^, a fly s}at on the carz^: a v^ery|]#graet du}st, bo^th with trampl^i.ng of the hor^ss^^] fe^t, and al^so with the rowli.ng of the whe^lz^ be^|]i.ng ry^zn}^|#abr^o^d, the fly saye}d, what graet fo^r^c^ of du}st d}oo I stir|#v}p[ The mor^al. This fa^bl^ be^longe}t}h too them, that when they be^ dolti.sh, y.et they assay t}oo br^ing with their. go}odl.y extoli.ng wor^ds^, o}ther m^enz}^ pr^aiz v}ntoo them|selu^s^. Of an e^l^ co}mplaini.ng, that she^ waz tro}bl^e.d with assaili.ng, mo^r^ than the serpent. The e^l^ aske}d the serpent, whaer|for^ se^i.ng they w}aer ly^k, and kinz}^|m^en, y.et m^en BULL1585149 d}id cha^c^ her mo^r^ than him. Too whoom^ the serpent saye}t}h, they se^ldo}m hu}rt me^ withou}t] pu}nishm.ent. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they a}r wo}nt t}oo be^ hu}rtt. the les, whoo reu^eng^ them|selu^s^. Of the as, the Aap, and the mo^ld. When an as co}mplaine}d that he^ lakt}] ho^r^n^z^, and the aap, that she^ had not a] tayl. Ho^ld y.ou}r. paec^, sait}h the mo^ld, se^i.ng y.e^ se^ that I am bly^nd. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ perteine}t}h too them, that a}r not] content with their. chan^c^, whoo if they wou}ld consider the mis|haps^ of o}ther, they shou}ld baer|#with their.|#own.^ with a mo^r^] v}p|riht my^nd. Of fishes^ laepi.ng ou}t|#of a fryi.ng pan intoo bu}rn^i.ng|#co^lz^. Fishes^ be^i.ng y.et a|ly^u^ w}aer dr^est. in a fry|]i.ng|#pan with booili.ng oyl^, of whoom^ o^n] saye}t}h: l}et v}s fly henc^ br^o}therz^ lest we^ dy. Then they al^ laepi.ng ou}t|#of the fryi.ng|#pan] toogether, f}el|#ou}t intoo the hot bu}rn^i.ng|#co^lz^. BULL1585150 Thaer|for^ be^i.ng mo^r^|#sor^ow|fu}l, condemn^e}d the cou}nc^l^ that they h^ad ta^kn}^, sayi.ng: with ho}w mo^r^|#cruel det}h d}oo we^ dy no}w. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld so au^oyd pr^es}ent dan^g^er, that we^ fal^ not in|]too mo^r^|#gre^u^o}o.s. Of the fowr^^|#foote.d baests^ fal^i.ng intoo fre^nd|]ship with the fishes^ ageinst the birds^. The fower|#foote.d baests^, when war waz solemn^l.y pu}blishe.d of the birds^ ageinst] them, ma^k a laeg with the fishes^, that by the aid of them they miht be^ defende.d from the wo}odn.es of the birds^. Bu}t when they lookt} for^ the wishe.d helps^, the fishes^ deny that they can co}m too them by land. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not ma^k them co}mpanio.nz^ too v}s, that can not be^ with v}s, when the^r iz ne^d. Of a co}u^eto}o.s ambassador^ dec^eiu^i.ng] tru}mpeto.r^z^. A c^ertein co}u^eto}o.s man be^i.ng embassa|]dor^ for^ hiz co}ntry, w}ent|#abr^o^d intoo an|]o}ther c^ity. BULL1585151 Too whoom^ tru}mpeto.r^z^ c}a^m fo}r^t}h|]with, that they miht fil hiz aerz^ with the noyz of their. tru}mpets^, bu}t their.|#own.^ pu}rses^ with] mo}ny. Too whoom^ he^ bidd} t}oo be^ t.old|#agein, that the^r waz no pla^c^ for^ songs^, that him|self^ waz sett. in v^ery|#graet mou}rn^i.ng and sor^ow, bicau}z hiz mo}ther waz ded. The tru}mpeto.r^z^ be^i.ng dis|appoointe.d of their. ho^p, and be^i.ng sor^ow|fu}l go|#away. A c^ertein fre^nd of] the embassador^, hae^ri.ng of hiz mou}rn^i.ng goe}t}h thither, and aske}d ho}w long a|gon. hiz] mo}ther dye}d, it iz no}w for^ty y.e^rz^, sait}h he^. Then hiz fre^nd (the legats^^ su}tl^t.y in spe^ch be^|]i.ng v}nderstande.d) f}el intoo lau}ht.er. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ ma^ke}t}h for^ the co}u^eto}o.s, that study by eu^ery art t}oo ke^p|#toogether mo}|]ny. Of a y.o}ng|#y.ut}h moki.ng an o^ld manz}^] crookedn.es. A c^ertein y.o}ng man b}e^held an o^ld man be^i.ng crooke.d v}ntoo the ly^kn.es of a] bende.d bow, and aske}d if he^ wou}ld sel him a] bow. Too whoom^ the o^ld man answere}d, Hast thu} any ne^d t}oo for^go mo}ny, trul.y if thu} co}m too my a^g^, natr wil y.e^ld the^ a bow withou}t] mo}ny. BULL1585152 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that the fal^ts^ of o^ld a^g^ be^ in no wy^z t}oo be^ mokt., which no man by liu^i.ng can au^oid. Of an o^ld man ta^ki.ng a y.o}ng] wench v}ntoo wy^f^. A c^ertein rash man, the seu^n^t.it.h} y.e^r of hiz] a^g^ be^i.ng s.pent, t}ook a y.o}ng wench v}ntoo] wy^f^, whoo h^ad tarie}d til that^ ty^m in bachiler|]s.hip, too whoom^, when he^ cou}ld not pay the du, he^ waz wo}nt t}oo say, ho}w il h^au^ I pu}tt}|#away] my ly^f^. For^ I be^i.ng y.o}ng lakt. a wy^f^, bu}t no}w be^i.ng o^ld my wy^f^ lake}t}h me^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that al^ t}hings^ a}r t}oo be^ doon.n in their. ty^m. Of the aegl^ and the py. The py dezy^r^e}d the aegl^ that he^ wou}ld rec^eiu^ her among hiz familiarz^ and] hou}shold|#folk, se^i.ng that she^ cou}ld dezeru^] it, bo^th with the faiern.es of body, and al^so for^ the swiftn.es of tu}ng t}oo doo comman^d|]m.ents^ t}hr^o}whl.y. Too whoom^ the aegl^ answer|]e}t}h, I wou}ld doo this, exc^ept I faere}d, lest thu} BULL1585153 wou}lds}t with thy pr^atl^i.ng cary|#abr^o^d al^ t}hings^ that a}r doon.n within my ho}ws. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h that graet babl^o.r^z^, and pr^atl^o.r^z^ a}r not t}oo be^ had in a ho}ws. Of the mau^is and the swalow. The mau^is bo^ste}d that he^ h^ad knitt} fre^nds.hip with the swalow. Too whoom^ hiz mo}ther saie}t}h: Thu} a}rt a fool so}n if thu} be^|]le^u^ that thu} cans}t liu^ with her, se^i.ng either of] y.ou} waz wo}nt t}oo go too contrary pla^c^es^, for^ thu} a}rt delihte.d with co^ld pla^c^es^, she^ iz de|]lihte.d with warm^. The mor^al. We^ be^ warn^e.d by this fa^bl^, that we^ ma^k not them ou}r fre^nds^, whooz^s^^ ly^f^ dis|agre^|]e}t}h from ou}rz}^. Of the co}ntry|man and a mou}c^. A c^ertein co}ntry|man waz so}m|what poor^ bu}t so plaeza.nt, that not so mu}ch az in ty^m of mis}ery, he^ wou}ld for^get hiz natra.l plaeza.nt i}esti.ng. When he^ s}aw hiz ho}ws (by fier castt.|#in by chan^c^) so bu}rn^i.ng, that he^ tru}ste}d not, that he^ waz a^bl^ t}oo qench the fier BULL1585154 by any maen, he^ b}eheld the bu}rn^i.ng be^i.ng so|]row|fu}l: in the maen why^l he^ se^e}t}h a c^ertein] mou}e^, which be^i.ng gon. ou}t|#of the ho}ws fle^d}d the dan^g^er v^ery|#qikl.y. The co}ntry|man hau^|]i.ng|#f}or^got hiz loss^, r}an, and catchi.ng the] mou}c^, castt} him intoo the midl^ of the burn^i.ng] sayi.ng: O v}n|t}hank|fu}l baest, thu} h^ast dwelt} with me^ in ty^m of my happin.es, no}w bicau}z for^tn iz chan^g^e.d, thu} h^ast for^sa^kn}^ my ho}ws. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they be^ not tru] fre^nds^, whoo go not from thy sy^d when for^|]tn lau}he}t}h: bu}t for^tn be^i.ng tro}bl^e.d go|]away with hed|long ru}ni.ng. Of a c^ertein rich man and a] seru^a.nt. The^r waz a rich man hau^i.ng a seru^a.nt of] a slow wit, whoom^ he^ cal^e}d, king of foolz^. He^ be^i.ng v^ery|#oftn^ pr^ou^o^ke.d with thaez] wor^ds^, determine}d t}oo reqy^t hiz maister, for^ be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d on a ty^m toward hiz maister, saye}t}h: Wou}ld God I w}aer king of foolz^, for^ in al^ the co}mpas of the ert}h the^r wou}ld be^ no br^o^de.r empy^r^ than my^n, and thu} al^so shou}lds}t be^ v}nder my go}u^ern^a.nc^. BULL1585155 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that al^ pla^c^es^ be^ fu}l of] foolz^. Of a widow cra^u^i.ng a ho}ws|band. A c^ertein widow cra^u^e}d of her neihbo}r^ that she^ wou}ld fy^nd|#ou}t a ho}ws|band for^ her, not for^ the act of g^enerat}ionz}^ sa^k, which waz so}m|what mis|le^ki.ng too her, bu}t saye}d that she^ wisht}|#for^ o^n, that her go}ods^ miht not be^ s.pent wa^st|fu}ll.y. The wo}|man be^i.ng witi., and v}nderstandi.ng the wy^lin.es of the widow, pr^omise}t}h that she^ wil enqy^r^. A few dayz^ after, me^ti.ng the widow, she^ sai|]e}t}h: I h^au^ f}ou}nd the^ a ho}ws|band accor^d|]i.ng too the i}u}dg^m.ent of thy my^nd. For^ he^ iz skil|fu}l and b.or^n^ t}oo doo t}hings^ or^derl.y, and lake}t}h pr^iu^ityz^, which a}r not a deliht too y.ou}. Too whoom^ the widow saie}t}h, go|#away henc^ with a mische^f with that^ thy v}n|deliht|fu}l] ho}ws|band. Al^thowh I am not gre^dy of the act of g^enerat}ion, y.et I am wili.ng he^ shou}ld hau^ that^ that may br^ing v}s agre^e.d, if at any] ty^m we^ shal^ be^gin t}oo be^ at v^aria.nc^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that no maria.g^ iz hap|]py, if the nayl shal^ be^|#away, that by^nde}t}h BULL1585156 toogether a man and wo}|man mo^st|#clo^c^|]l.y. Of to}wni.sh dogs^ cha^c^i.ng a] co}ntry|#dog. Very|#many to}wni.sh dogs^ cha^c^i.ng a c^er|]tein co}ntry|#dog, with v^ery|#ha^sti. ru}n|]i.ng, whoom^ he^ long ty^m fle^d}d|#from, and d}u}rst not fiht|#ageinst. Bu}t when be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d a|]geinst the cha^c^o.r^z^, he^ staye}d, and him|self^ al^|]so b}e^gan t}oo shew hiz te^t}h, they al^ staie}d ly^k|]wy^z, nether d}u}rst any of the to}wni.sh dogs^ go] ne^r him. Then the g^eneral of an army, which by chan^c^ waz the^r pr^es}ent, be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d too hiz soldy.or^z^, saye}t}h, O felow|#soly.or^z^, this fiht warn^e}t}h v}s that we^ shou}ld not ru}n|#away, se^i.ng|#that we^ se^ that mo^r^|#pr^es}ent dan^g^erz^ hang|#ou^er them that ru}n|#away, than them that fiht|#agein or^ res}ist.) Of an o^ld wo}|man accus}i.ng the diu^l^. Men wil commu}nl.y lay the fal^t v}p|on] for^tn or^ on the diu^l^, if any adu^ersi.ty fal^ on them, that they may shift them|selu^s^ of] the bla^m, al^ m^en d}oo so mu}ch fau^o}r^ them|]selu^s^. The diu^el baeri.ng this gre^u^o}o.sl.y, when he^ s}aw a c^ertein o^ld wo}|man climi.ng|#v}p a] c^ertein tre^, BULL1585157 from the which he^ fo^r^|s}aw that she^ wou}ld fal^, and lay the fal^t on him, wit|]neses^ be^i.ng cal^d., he^ sayd}: Se^ y.e^ that^ o^ld wo}|]man climi.ng|#v}p the tre^ withou}t my cou}n|]c^l^, from|#whenc^ I fo^r^|se^ that she^ wil fal^. Be^ y.e^ witneses^ for^ me^, that I d}id not cou}nc^l^ hir, that she^ clim thither be^i.ng shood.d. By|#and|]by the o^ld wo}|man f}el, and when m^en aske}d] her, why she^ clime}d|#v}p the tre^ be^i.ng shood.d, she^ saye}t}h, the diu^l^ pookt} me^ on. Then the diu^l^ pr^oou^e}d, the witneses^ be^i.ng b.r^owht|]fo}r^t}h, that it waz doon.n of the o^ld wo}|man withou}t hiz cou}nc^l^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that m^en be^ in no wyz wo}r^thy of pardn^, whoo when they offend] wili.ngl.y, accus} for^tn or^ the diu^l^. Of the snayl and frogs^. A snail se^i.ng frogs^ (which w}aer fe^dd. in o^n|#self^ pond) so liht and nimbl^, that they cou}ld aezi.l.y laep|#fo}r^t}h whither|soeu^er, and they cou}ld laep v^ery|#far, accus}e}d natr that natr h^ad br^e^dd} her a slow baest, and lett. with a v^ery|#graet bu}rdn^, that she^ cou}ld ne|]ther moou^ her|self^ aezi.l.y, and waz continua.l^|]l.y pr^est.|#do}wn with a graet weiht. Bu}t when BULL1585158 she^ s}aw the frogs^ m.a^d the e^l^z}^ maet, and su}b|]i.ect, y.e too the lihte.st strook of eu^ery|o^n, be^i.ng so}m|what refreshe.d, saie}d: Ho}w mu}ch better iz it t}oo baer a bu}rdn^, whaerby I am defende.d ageinst al^ stro^ks^, than t}oo be^ v}nder so many dan^g^erz^ of det}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that we^ shou}ld not baer gre^u^o}o.sl.y the gifts^ of for^tn, which be^ oftn^] ty^mz^ a graete.r comodity too v}s, than we^] can v}nderstand. Of dor^|m^y^c^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo ou^er|]t}hr^ow an o^k. Dor^|m^y^c^ appoointe}d t}oo ou^er|t}hr^ow with their. te^t}h an o^k baeri.ng mast, whaer|by they miht hau^ maet the redye.r, that they miht not be^ constraine.d, t}oo clim|#v}p and t}oo go|#do}wn so oftn^ for^ foods^^ sa^k. Bu}t a c^er|]tein o^n of them, whoo t}hr^o}wh a^g^, and the vc^ of] t}hings^, and al^so in skil, w}ent far be^fo^r^ the] rest, pu}tt} them of, sayi.ng: If we^ shal^ kil ou}r nou}rc^ no}w, whoo wil y.e^ld v}s and ou}r] posterity nou}rishm.ent in y.e^rz^ t}oo co}m or^ t}oo] be^ he^r|after.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that a wy^z man owht BULL1585159 not o^nl.y t}oo be^ho^ld t}hings^ pr^es}ent, bu}t al^|]so t}oo fo^r^|se^ a|far|#of t}hings^ that shal^ be^ or^] be^ t}oo co}m. Of the dog and hiz maister. A c^ertein man hau^i.ng a dog, fe^dd} him al^|]waiz with hiz|#own.^ hands^, and lo^ze}d him] be^i.ng tye.d, whaer|by he^ miht be^ lo}u^e.d of the] dog the mo^r^. Bu}t he^ comman^de}d that hiz] seru^a.nt shou}ld ty him and baet him, that the go}od tu}rn^z^ shou}ld se^m t}oo be^ be^stowe.d on the] dog from him|self^, and the il tu}rn^z^ shou}ld se^m t}oo be^ be^stowe.d from the seru^a.nt. Bu}t the dog baeri.ng it gre^u^o}o.sl.y that he^ waz tye.d and baetn.^ continua.l^l.y, r}an|#away. And when he^ waz rebuke.d of hiz maister az v}n|t}hank|]fu}l, and v}n|my^nd|fu}l of so graet go}od tu}rn^z^, whoo h^ad ru}nn}|#away from him, of whoom^ he^ h^ad al^|way be^n.^ lo}u^e.d and fe^dd., bu}t neu^er tye.d nor^ baetn.^: the dog answere}d, I t}hink that^ t}hing doon.n of the^, that thy seru^a.nt doot}h by thy comman^dm.ent. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they a}r t}oo be^ ac|]cou}nte.d il dooo.r^z^, whoo be^ the cau}s}es^ of il] dooi.ngs^. BULL1585160 Of the birds^ faeri.ng the do^r^. A graet faer f}el on the birds^, lest the do^r^z^ shou}ld kil them with a sto^n|#bow, of] whoom^, they h^ad hae^rd}d, that, the^r waz a graet fo^r^c^ of bal^z^ wr^owht with v^ery|#graet labo}r^ in] a du}ng|#hil. Then saie}d the sparow, d}oo not y.e^] faer, for^ ho}w can they t}hr^ow bal^z^ ageinst v}s, flyi.ng t}hr^o}wh the air^^, when they can sca^rc^ dr^aw them a|long the grou}nd with graet] fo^r^c^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s that we^ shou}ld not faer ou}r enemyz^, whoom^ we^ se^ t}oo lak wit. Of the ba^r and the be^e^z^. A ba^r be^i.ng s.tu}ng of a be^e^ waz stire.d with so graet anger, that he^ t}a^r in pe^c^es^ al^ the be^e^|#stal^z^ whaer|in the be^e^z^ m}a^d ho}ny. Then al^ the be^e^z^, when they s}aw their. ho}wses^ b.r^o^kn^|#do}wn, their. food ta^kn.^|#away, and their. y.o}ng|#o^nz^ kile.d, an assal^t be^i.ng m.a^d, seti.ng|]on the ba^r with their. stings^, al^mo^st kild} him. Whoo sca^rc^ be^i.ng esca^pe.d ou}t|#of their. hands^ saye}d with him|self^: Ho}w mu}ch better waz] it, t}oo baer|#with o^n be^e^z}^ sting, than t}oo stir|#v}p BULL1585161 so many enemyz^ ageinst me^ t}hr^o}wh my^n] anger. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that it iz far|#better so}m ty^m, t}oo su}ffer the wr^ong of o^n, than why^ls.t we^ wil pu}nish o^n, t}oo get v}s many] enemyz^. Of a fo}wlo.r^ and the bird cal^e.d] Robin|#red|#br^est. A fo}wlo.r^ h^ad b}ent nets^ for^ fo}wl, and h^ad po}wr^e}d|#ou}t mu}ch maet for^ them in a ba^r] pla^c^, y.e he^ t}ook not the birds^ that w}aer fe^d|]i.ng, bycau}z they se^me}d few too him, the which be^i.ng fe^dd., and flyi.ng|#away, o}ther co}m thi|]ther t}oo fe^d, the which al^so he^ neglecte}d t}oo] ta^k bycau}z of the fewn.es. This or^der be^i.ng ke^pt.t the who^l day, and so}m co}mi.ng thither, o}ther goi.ng|#away, he^ looki.ng stil for^ a graet|]e.r ha^l, at|#last it b}e^gan t}oo wax|#niht. Then the] fo}wlo.r^, ho^p of|#ta^ki.ng many be^i.ng l.ost, when it waz no}w ty^m t}oo|#rest, dr^awi.ng the nets^, he^ c}au}ht o^nl.y o^n Robin|#ru}ddok, which be^i.ng v}n|happy h^ad aby^dd} stil in the shr^a^p. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they that be^ wil|]i.ng BULL1585162 t}oo catch al^ t}hings^, oftn^ ty^mz^ can sca^rc^l.y ta^k few t}hings^. Of the soldy.or^ and the hor^s. A soldy.or^ hau^i.ng a v^ery|#go}od hor^s, b}owht an|o}ther in no wyz ly^k him in] go}odn.es, whoom^ he^ nou}rishe}d mu}ch dilig^ent|]l.ie.r than the first. Then this saie}t}h too the first, why d}ooth my maister tend me^ mo^r^|#ernestl.y] than the^, se^i.ng|#that I am not t}oo be^ compa^r|]e.d too the^, nether in faiern.es, nor^ in strengt}h, nor^|#y.et in swiftn.es[ Too whoom^ the o}ther] saie}t}h: this iz the natr of m^en, that they be^ al^|way mo^r^|#cou}rti.o}s v}ntoo ne^w gests^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h the madn.es of m^en, whoo a}r wo}nt t}oo set ne^w t}hings^ (al^thowh they be^ wo}r^s) be^fo^r^ o^ld t}hings^. Of a swy^n and a dog. A swy^n mokt} a spany.el that flattere}d hiz] maister with noyz and tayl, of whoom^ he^ waz t.au}ht too the art of hawki.ng with many] stry^ps^, and pinchi.ng of the aerz^. Too whoom^ the dog saye}t}h, thu} knows}t not, thu} fool, thu} knows}t not what t}hings^ I h^au^ go}tn^ t}hr^o}wh] tho^z stry^ps^: BULL1585163 for^ t}hr^o}wh them am I fe^dd. with the swe^te.st flesh of partrig^es^ and qailz^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ shou}ld not su}ffer the stry^ps^ of maisterz^ with an v}n|]fit or^ wr^ong|fu}l) my^nd, which stry^ps^ h^au^ be^n. the cau}z of many go}od t}hings^. Of a baem rebuki.ng the slown.es of oxn^^. When a baem waz carie.d in a cart, he^ repr^oou^e}d the oxn^^ az slow, sayi.ng, ru}n slo}u^inz^: for^ y.e cary a liht bu}rdn^. Too whoom^ the oxn^^ answere}d, thu} not knowi.ng what pu}nishm.ent aby^de}t}h|#for^ the^, moke}st v}s. We^ shal^ lay|#asy^d this bu}rdn^ qikl.y, bu}t thu} shal^t be^ constraine.d t}oo baer thy^n, v}ntil thu} a}rt b.r^o^kn^. The baem waz sor^ow|fu}l, and d}u}rst not pr^ou^o^k the oxn^^ with bla^mz^ any|#mo^r^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h eu^ery|o^n that he^ shou}ld not triu}mph|#ou^er o}therz}^ mis}eryz^, when him|self^ may be^ castt. v}nder graete.r Of the bird cal^e.d a linnet and a boy. The linnet (be^i.ng a bird) be^i.ng aske.d of a] boy (of whoom^ she^ waz had in plaeza.nt|]n.es, BULL1585164 and nou}rishe.d with swe^t and plenty|fu}l] maets^) why be^i.ng gon. ou}t|#of the ca^g^ she^ wou}ld not co}m|#agein: saie}t}h, that I may be^ a^bl^ t}oo fe^d my|self^ accor^di.ng too my^n|#own] fansy, not with thy i}u}dg^m.ent. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that fre^d.o}m of ly^f^ iz t}oo] be^ sett. be^fo^r^ al^ delihti.ngs^. Of the lap|wing (be^i.ng a bird, and)] nor^e.d v}n|wo}r^thil.y. Al^ birds^ al^mo^st be^i.ng bidd. too the aegl^z}^] maria.g^, b}a^r it disdain|fu}ll.y that the lap|]wing waz pr^efere.d be^fo^r^ the rest, bicau}z she^ waz markt. with a cro}wn, and dekt. with fe|]therz^ of diu^ers} co}lo}r^z^, whaer|az she^ waz wo}nt t}oo walow among du}ng and filt}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ repr^oou^e}t}h their. fooli.shn.es, that, in|#nor^i.ng m^en, a}r wo}nt t}oo mark the gayn.es of garments^, and the exc^ele.nt}i. of] fau^o}r^, rather than the v^ertuz^. Of a pr^e^st and paerz^. A c^ertein pr^e^st be^i.ng a glu}tn^, goi.ng ou}t|]of hiz co}ntry too a maria.g^, whaer|v}ntoo BULL1585165 he^ waz bidn.^, f}ou}nd in the i}o}r^ny a haep of paerz^ of which he^ tu}cht} not az mu}ch az o^n, al^thowh he^ w}aer graetl.y hu}ngr^^i.: bu}t rather hau^i.ng them for^ spor^t, spr^inkl^e}d them with pis. For^ he^ disdaine}d that su}ch maet waz offere.d in the] i}o}r^ny too him whoo w}ent too fy^n deinty|#maet. Bu}t when he^ h^ad f}ou}nd in hiz i}o}r^ny a c^er|]tein br^ook so encraec^e.d with sho}werz^, that for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az he^ cou}ld not go|#ou^er with|]ou}t dan^g^er of ly^f^, he^ appoointe}d t}oo go ho^m] agein. And retu}rn^i.ng fasti.ng iz oppr^est. with so graet hu}nger, that exc^ept he^ d}id aet tho^z paerz^ that he^ h^ad spr^inkl^e}d with pis, he^ shou}ld be^ ded, for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az he^ cou}ld not fy^nd o}ther t}hing. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that no|t}hing iz t}oo be^] despy^ze.d, se^i.ng|#that no|t}hing iz so litl^ wo}r^t}h and nau}ht, that at so}m ty^m may not be^ for^ an vc^. Of the mul and the hor^s. A mul be^ho^ldi.ng a hor^s be^i.ng no^ta.bl^ with a go^ldn.^ br^y^dl^ and sadl^, and co}u^er|]e.d with trapi.ngs^ of pu}rpl^|#co}lo}r^, waz ou^er|]co}me.d with enu^y, t}hinki.ng that the hor^s waz] happy, BULL1585166 which waz fe^dd. continua.l^l.y with the] best maet, and clo^the.d with co}ml.y deki.ng, bu}t that him|self^ waz v}n|happy (in compa^r|]i.zon of the hor^s) whoo be^i.ng ou^er|#la^dn.^ with pak|#sadl^z^ il|#hewd., waz constraine.d dail.y t}oo baer v^ery|#graet bu}rdn^z^. Bu}t when he^ s}aw the hor^s retu}rn^i.ng from fiht wou}nde.d mu}ch he^ cal^e}d him|self^ happy in compa^ri.zon of the hor^se^s^ mis}ery, sayi.ng, that it iz far|#better t}oo serch hard lyu^l.yh^ood with dail.y labo}r^, and t}oo be^ clo^the.d filt}hil.y, than after the best and delicat maets^, and so graet deki.ngs^ t}oo go too the dan^g^erz^ of det}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that m^en mu}st not en|]u^y kings^ and pr^inc^es^, bycau}z they hau^ plenty of riche.s and welt.h}, se^i.ng their. ly^f^ se^me}t}h t}oo be^ su}bi}ect too far|#mo dan^g^erz^, than the ly^f^ of poor^ m^en. Of a hog and a hor^s. A hog be^ho^ldi.ng a hor^s for^ war, that w}ent|#fo}r^t}h too the fiht be^i.ng arm^e.d eu^e|]ry|whaer, saie}t}h: thu} fool, whither ha^ste}st thu}[ For^ per|adu^entur thu} shal^t dy in fiht. Too whoom^ the hor^s answere}t}h, a kny^f^ shal^ ta^k] ly^f^ BULL1585167 from the^ be^i.ng fate.d among dirt and] filt}h, al^thowh thu} shal^t doo no|t}hing wo}r^thy of] pr^aiz. Bu}t reno}wm (glor^y or^ pr^aiz) shal^ fo|]low my det}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that it iz mo^r^|#nest t}oo be^ s.lain in affairz^ no^bl^l.y doon.n, than t}oo lengt}hn.^ a ly^f^ be^stowe.d dis|nestl.y. Of a tano.r^ byi.ng a ba^rz}^ skin, of a] hu}nto.r^, not y.et ta^kn.^. A tano.r^ co}mi.ng too a hu}nto.r^ b}owht of him a ba^rz}^ skin, and shewe}d|#fo}r^t}h mo}ny for^] it. The hu}nto.r^ saye}t}h, that he^ hath not a ba^rz}^] skin for^ him at the pr^es}ent ty^m, bu}t that he^ wou}ld go or^ waz redy|#t}oo go) fo}r^t}h a|hu}nt|]i.ng the day after too|mor^ow: and the ba^r be^i.ng kild., he^ pr^omise}t}h him hiz skin. The tano.r^ for^ hiz my^nds^^ sa^k be^i.ng gon.|#fo}r^t}h with the hu}nto.r^ intoo the wo}od, clime}d|#v}p a v^ery|]hih tre^, that he^ miht from|#thenc^ be^ho^ld the] fiht of the ba^r and of the hu}nto.r^. The hu}nto.r^ withou}t faer w}ent|#fo}r^t}h too the den whaer the] ba^r lay hy^dd., the dogs^ be^i.ng s.ent|#in, he^ for^c^|]e}d the ba^r t}oo go|#ou}t, whoo, the hu}nto.r^z}^ stro^k be^i.ng au^oide.d, ou^ert}hr^e^w him on the grou}nd BULL1585168 Then the hu}nto.r^ knowi.ng that this wy^ld] baest iz not cruel on ded carcases^, hiz br^et}h be^|]i.ng h^eld|#fast, feine}d him|self^ ded. The ba^r smeli.ng with hiz nostrelz^ moou^e.d thaer|too, when he^ perc^eiu^e}d the hu}nto.r^ v}tter br^et}h ne|]ther with no^z, nor^ hart, w}ent|#away. When the tano.r^ s}aw|#t}hr^o}whl.y that the wy^ld baest waz] gon.|#away, and that the^r waz no dan^g^er a|]ny|#mo^r^, laedi.ng him|self^ from|#of the tre^, and co}mi.ng too the hu}nto.r^, whoo d}u}rst not|#y.et a|]ry^z, warn^e}d him that he^ miht ry^z: and aske}d] afterw.ard, what the ba^r s}pa^k too him in the] aer. Too whoom^ the hu}nto.r^ saie}t}h, he^ warn^e}d me^ that from|#henc^|fo}r^t}h I shou}ld not be^ wili.ng t}oo sel a ba^rz}^ skin, exc^ept I h^au^ c}au}ht] him be^fo^r^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that v}n|c^ertein t}hings^ a}r not t}oo be^ accou}nte.d for^ sur^^ t}hings^. Of a ho}ws|band and wy^f^ be^i.ng bo^th] twy^c^ marie.d. A c^ertein man, hiz wy^f^ (whoom^ he^ graet|]l.y lo}u^e}d) be^i.ng ded, marie}d an|o}ther, the sa^m be^i.ng a widow too^, whoo conti|]nua.l^l.y laye}d be^fo^r^ him, the v^ertuz^ and stou}t] dooi.ngs^ BULL1585169 of the first ho}ws|band, too whoom^ (that he^ miht reqy^t the ly^k) him|self^ al^so re|]he^rc^e}d the v^ery|#wel|#le^ke.d manerz^, and no^t|]a.bl^ cha^sti.ty of hiz dec^ese.d wy^f^. In a c^ertein] day she^ be^i.ng angr^^i. with her ho}ws|band, ga}u^ too a poor^ man aski.ng an al^m^z^, part of a] ca^pn^ that she^ h^ad dr^est} for^ her ho}ws|bands^^] su}pe.r, sayi.ng: I ge^u^ the^ this for^ my first ho}ws|bands^^ sowl. Which the ho}ws|band] hae^ri.ng, ga}u^ the rest of the ca^pn^ too the poor^] man be^i.ng s.ent|#for^, sayi.ng: And I ge^u^ the^ this too^ for^ my wy^u^^s^^ sowl that iz ded, or^ be^i.ng] ded.) So they, why^ls.t the o^n dezy^r^e}t}h t}oo hu}rt] the o}ther, hau^ not at|#last what they miht su}p] with. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that it iz not t}oo|#be^ stryu^e.d ageinst them that can v^ery|#wel] reu^eng^ them|selu^s^. Of the lion and the mou}c^. When a lion be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with a sna^r in a wo}od s}aw him|self^ so en|tangl^|]e.d, that he^ tru}ste}d too no fo^r^c^ that he^ cou}ld v}n|doo him|self^ from|#thenc^, he^ dezy^r^e}d a] mou}c^, that he^ wou}ld deliu^er him, the sna^r BULL1585170 be^i.ng knawn.^ a|su}nder, pr^omisi.ng that he^ wou}ld not be^ v}n|my^nd|fu}l of so graet a go}od] tu}rn^. Which when the mou}c^ h^ad spe^di.l.y] doon}n, he^ aske}d the lion, that he^ wou}ld deliu^er him hiz dau}hter for^ hiz wy^f^. The lion d}id not] refuz, that he^ miht doo a t}hank|fu}l t}hing too] hiz wel|#dooo.r^. Bu}t when the ne^w br^y^d co}m|]i.ng too her ho}ws|band d}id not se^ him, by] chan^c^ crou}cht} him with her foot, and br^ou}zd}] him al^toogether. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that maria.g^es^ and o}|]ther felows.hips^, which a}r dr^awn.^ toogether] of v}n|eqal^z^, be^ t}oo|#be^ mis|le^ke.d. Of an elm^ and a wilow. An elm^ be^i.ng grown.^ on a riu^erz}^ sy^d, mokt} a wilow next too him az fe^bl^ and] waek, bicau}z the wilow waz bo}we.d at eu^ery, y.e the laest v^iolenc^ of the wa^u^s^, bu}t pr^aize}d hiz|#own.^ stedfastn.es and strengt}h with i}oily|]graet wor^ds^, bicau}z he^ h^ad t}hr^o}whl.y|#su}ffere}d the continua.l^ v^iolenc^ of the riu^er many y.e^rz^] v}n|sha^kn.^. Bu}t o^n ty^m the elm^ be^i.ng b.r^o^kn^|]of with a v^ery|#graet v^iolenc^ of the wa^u^s^ waz dr^awn.^ in the water. Too whoom^ the wilow BULL1585171 saye}d lau}hi.ng: why d}oo y.e^ for^sa^k me^ O neih|]bo}r^, whaer iz no}w y.ou}r. strengt}h[ The mor^al. This fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that they a}r wy^ze.r that ge^u^ pla^c^ too mihti.e.r, than they that be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo res}ist be^ ou^erco}me.d. Of wex ernestl.y cra^u^i.ng hardn.es. Wex lamente}d mu}ch that it|self^ waz] soft and m.a^d pe^rc^a.bl^ with the liht|]e.st stro^k, and se^i.ng ty^lz^ m.a^d of clay mu}ch|]softe.r than it t}oo co}m too su}ch hardn.es t}hr^o}wh the haet of the fier, that it continue}d many] a^g^es^, castt} it|self^ intoo the fier, that it miht get the sa^m hardn.es. Bu}t be^i.ng meltt., by|]and|#by iz consume.d in the fier. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that we^ shou}ld not cra^u^ ernestl.y a t}hing that iz denye.d vs by] natr. Of a hu}sband|man graetl.y phansyi.ng war|]fa^r and the tra^d of merchandiz. A c^ertein hu}sband|man t}o^k it gre^u^o}o.sl.y, that he^ continua.l^l.y tu}rn^e}d land, and c}a^m not with continua.l^ labo}r^ v}ntoo graet] riche.s, BULL1585172 whaer|az he^ s}aw so}m soldy.or^z^, whoo (the battailz^ be^i.ng doon.n) w}ent wel apparele.d, and laedd} a blese.d ly^f^ be^i.ng nou}rishe.d with fy^n deinty|#maets^. Thaer|for^ hiz she^p, go^ts^, and oxn^^ be^i.ng s.o^ld, he^ b}owht hor^ses^ and arm^o}o.r^, and w}ent|#fo}r^t}h intoo war|fa^r, whaer when it waz il f.owht of the g^eneral, he^ d}id not o^nl.y lo^z the t}hings^ that he^ had, bu}t al^so waz v^ery|#mu}ch] wou}nde.d. Whaer|for^ war|fa^r be^i.ng mis|]le^kt., he^ pu}rpoze}t}h t}oo occupy the tra^d of] merchandiz, az whaer he^ t}howht graete.r gain and les labo}r^. Thaer|for^ hiz land be^i.ng s.o^ld, when he^ h^ad file}d a ship with merchandiz, he^ b}e^gan t}oo sayl|#abr^o^d, bu}t when he^ waz in the] de^p, a tempest be^i.ng so}denl.y ry^zn.^, the ship waz dr^o}wn^d., and he^ with the rest that w}aer in the ship w}aer al^ l.ost at o^n ty^m. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h eu^ery|o^n t}oo be^ con|]tent with hiz lot, se^i.ng that mis}ery iz redy] eu^ery|whaer. Of the as and a g^esto.r^. An as baeri.ng disdain|fu}ll.y that a c^er|]tein scoffo.r^ waz nor^e.d and clo^the.d with faier clo^thi.ng, bycau}z he^ let|#ou}t graet craks^ of the bely, w}ent too the mag^istrats^, dezy^r^i.ng BULL1585173 that they wou}ld not nor^ him les than the] g^esto.r^. And when the mag^istrats^ meru^eli.ng] thaer|at aske}d him, whaer|for^ he^ rekn^e}d him|]self^ so wo}r^thy of nor^: he^ saye}t}h, bycau}z I send|#fo}r^t}h graete.r craks^ of the bely, and tho^z sa^m withou}t stink. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ repr^oou^e}t}h them that pou}r|#ou}t their. mo}ny on v^ery|#liht t}hings^. Of a riu^er raili.ng at hiz spr^ing] with repr^oofs^. A c^ertein riu^er pr^ou^o^ke}d hiz spr^ing with] rebuks^, az y^dl^ or^ v}n|pr^ofita.bl^) bicau}z it s}tood withou}t moou^i.ng, and had not any fish|]es^, bu}t it commende}d it|self^ v^ery|#mu}ch, that it br^e^dd} v^ery|#go}od fish, and cre^pt}t t}hr^o}wh v^a|]lyz^ or^ da^lz^) with a plaeza.nt noyz. The spr^ing disdaini.ng at the riu^er az v}n|t}hank|fu}l stay|]e}d the straemz^. Then the riu^er be^i.ng b.e^reft of the fish and swe^t sou}nd v^anisht}|#away. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ no^te}t}h tho^z that imput too them|]selu^s^ the go}od t}hings^ that they doo, and d}oo not assy^n it too God, from whoom^ az from a la^rg^ spr^ing ou}r go}od t}hings^ pr^oc^e^d. BULL1585174 Of a wicked man and the diu^l^. When a wicked man h^ad b}r^owht|#too|]pas v^ery|#many mische^fs^, and be^i.ng v^ery|#oft ta^kn.^, and shu}tt. in pr^izn^ waz h^o^ldn.^ with v^ery|#straiht and v^ery|#watch|fu}l ke^p|]i.ng, he^ lamenta.bl^i. dezy^r^e}t}h the diu^l^z}^ ayd, whoo v^ery|#oftn^ ty^mz^ waz at|#hand for^ him, and h^ad fre^e}d him from many dan^g^erz^. At|]#last be^i.ng c.au}ht|#agein, and lamenta.bl^i. de|]zy^r^i.ng the wo}nte.d help, the diu^l^ appe^re}d hau^|]i.ng on hiz shou}lderz^ a graet bu}ndl^ of t.o^r^n^] shooz^, sayi.ng: fre^nd, I am not a^bl^ t}oo be^ a help for^ the^ any|#mo^r^. For^ I h^au^ wandere}d so many pla^c^es^ hither|too for^ seti.ng the^ at li|]berty, that I h^au^ who^ll.y w.or^n^|#ou}t al^ thaez] shooz^. Trul.y no mo}ny iz l.eft too me^, whaer|]with I may be^ a^bl^ t}oo pr^ou^y^d o}ther. Whaer|]for^ thu} mu}st dy. The mor^al. This litl^ fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that we^ shou}ld not t}hink, that ou}r offenc^es^ wil be^ v}n|pu}|]nishe.d al^|way. Of the birds^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo] chuz mo kings^. The birds^ t}ook adu^yc^ toogether tu}chi.ng the chuzi.ng of mo kings^, for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az BULL1585175 the aegl^ alo^n cou}ld not rul so graet co}mpa|]nyz^ of fo}wl: and they h^ad satisfie}d their. de|]zy^r^, exc^ept they h^ad l}eft|#of from su}ch cou}nc^l^ t}hr^o}wh the crowz}^ warn^i.ng, whoo when the cau}z waz aske.d, why he^ rekn^e}d not that mo] kings^ shou}ld be^ c.hozn.^, sait}h: bicau}z it iz mo^r^|]v}n|aezi. that mo saks^ be^ file.d than o^n sak. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ taeche}t}h, that it iz far|#better t}oo] be^ go}u^ern^e.d of o^n pr^inc^ than of many] pr^inc^es^. Of a wo}|man that saye}d that she^ waz wili.ng t}oo dy for^ her ho}ws|band. A c^ertein v^ery|#nest matron, and v^ery|]lo}u^i.ng of her ho}ws|band, b}o^r^ it gre^u^o}o.s|]l.y that her ho}ws|band waz ho^ldn.^ with con|]trary haell.t}h, lamente}d, and mou}rn^e}d, and that she^ miht witnes her lo}u^ toward her] ho}ws|band, dezy^r^e}d det}h, that if he^ wou}ld ta^k her ho}ws|band from her, that he^ wou}ld rather kil her than her ho}ws|band. Among thaez wor^ds^ she^ se^e}t}h det}h co}mi.ng with a ter|]ribl^ look: with the faer of whoom^ she^ be^i.ng t}hr^o}whl.y a|fraid., and then repenti.ng her de|]zy^r^, saye}t}h: It iz not I that y.e^ cra^u^: he^ lie}t}h thaer in the bed, that y.e^ co}m t}oo kil. BULL1585176 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that no^n iz so mu}ch a lo}u^o.r^ of a fre^nd, that h^at}h|#not leu^er or^ iz not mo^r^|#wili.ng) that wel shou}ld be^ too] him|self^, than too the o}ther. Of a y.o}ng man singi.ng at the buryi.ng] of hiz mo}ther. A c^ertein man we^pt}t and mou}rn^e}d for^ hiz wy^f^ be^i.ng ded, whoo waz b.or^n^|#fo}r^t}h too the gra^u^, bu}t hiz so}n s}ang. Whoo when he^ waz chy^dd.n^ of the father, az ou}t|#of hiz my^nd and mad, that wou}ld sing at the buryi.ng of] hiz mo}ther, whaer|az he^ owht t}oo be^ sor^ow|fu}l with him and we^p. He^ saye}t}h: O my father, if thu} h^au^ hy^r^e}d pr^e^sts^ that they shou}ld sing, why a}rt thu} angr^^i. with me^, singi.ng with] them, for^|#nau}ht[ Too whoom^ the father sait}h, thy dut.y and the pr^e^sts^^ iz not al^|#o^n or^ a|ly^k. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that al^ t}hings^ be^ not co}ml.y for^ al^ m^en. Of a i}elo}s man, that ga}u^ hiz wy^f^] t}oo|#be^ ke^pt.t. A ielo}s man ga}u^ hiz wy^f^ (whoom^ he^ h^ad f}ou}nd t}oo liu^ v}n|cha^stl.y) t}oo|#be^ ke^pt.t of BULL1585177 a c^ertein fre^nd, whoom^ he^ tru}ste}d v^ery|#mu}ch and pr^omise}d mu}ch mo}ny, if he^ t}o^k he^d so di|]lig^entl.y, that she^ d}id by no maen br^aek the band of matrimony. Bu}t when he^ h^ad pr^oou^|]e}d a few dayz^ that this ke^pi.ng waz too|#v}n|]aezi., and h^ad f}ou}nd that hiz wit waz conqer|]e.d by the su}tl^t.y of the wo}|man, he^ goi.ng too the ho}ws|band saye}t}h, that he^ wil not|#any|]mo^r^ hau^ this so hard a cha^rg^: in|#az|#mu}ch|#az not so mu}ch az Argu}s, whoo waz al^toogether] yie.d, cou}ld ke^p a wo}|man ageinst her wil. He^ ade}d mo^r^|ou^er, if ne^d be^, that he^ h^ad|#le|]u^er dail.y t}oo baer|#ou}t intoo a medow a sak fu}l of flaez^ a who^l y.e^r, and the sak be^i.ng looze.d t}oo fe^d them among the gras, and the eu^ning be^i.ng co}m, t}oo laed them al^ ho^m agein, than t}oo ke^p an v}n|cha^st wo}|man o^n day. The mor^al. This litl^ fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that the^r be^ no ke^po.r^z^ so dilig^ent that a}r a^bl^ t}oo ke^p a] sha^m|les wo}|man. Of a man refuzi.ng a glister. A c^ertein rich man a G^erman by nat}ion waz v^ery|#sik. T}oo|#cur^^ whoom^ the^r h^ad co}mm} v^ery|#many phizic^ianz^ (for^ t}oo ho}ny the] be^e^z^ BULL1585178 fly by floks^) of whoom^ o^n, among o}ther] t}hings^, saie}d, that he^ h^ad ne^d of glisterz^, if he^ wou}ld wax who^l. Which t}hing, when the man v}n|ac|cu}sto}me.d too this maner of medc^yn, hae^rd}d, be^i.ng stire.d|#v}p with ra^g^, bidd} al^ the phizic^ianz^ t}oo be^ castt. ou}t|#of the ho}ws, say|]i.ng that they w}aer mad, whoo, whaer|az hiz hed] a^ke}d, they wou}ld hael hiz ars|#ho^l. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that al^ t}hings^, y.e the who^ls.o}m t}hings^, se^m v}n|plaeza.nt and hu}rt|]fu}l too the v}n|ac|cu}sto}me.d and v}n|skil|]fu}l. Of the as be^i.ng sik, and wo}lfs^ go|]i.ng t}oo se^ him. An as waz sik, and the repor^t w}ent|#a|]br^o^d that he^ wou}ld soon dy. Thaer|for^ when the wo}lfs^ and dogs^ c}a^m t}oo se^ him, and aske}d of hiz so}n ho}w hiz father did, he^ an|]swere}d t}hr^o}wh a chy^n of the do^r^. Better than] y.ou} wou}ld. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that many fein t}oo baer sor^ow|fu}ll.y the det}h of o}ther, whoom^ not|]withstandi.ng they dezy^r^ shou}ld dy qikl.y. BULL1585179 That stry^ps^ be^ for^ a nu}t, an as, and] a wo}|man. A c^ertein wo}|man aske}d a nu}t growi.ng nih|#too a way, whoo waz assaile.d of the pe^pl^ pasi.ng|#by with sto^nz^, whaer|for^ it waz so mad, that with ho}w mu}ch the mo and graete.r stry^ps^ it waz baetn.^, so mu}ch the mo (rather mo^r^) and better frut it b}r^owht|#fo}r^t}h. Too whoom^ the wal^|nu}t saye}t}h: a}rt thu} v}n|]my^nd|fu}l of t}he pr^ou^erb, sayi.ng thu}s: a nu}t, an as, a wo}|man be^ b.ou}nd with o^n law. Thaez t}hr^e^ doo no|t}hing rihtl.y if stry^ps^ laeu^|#of. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that oft|#ty^mz^ m^en a}r wo}nt t}oo stry^k|#in them|selu^s^ with their.|]own.^ darts^. Of the as not fy^ndi.ng an end] of labo}r^z^. The as waz v^exe.d v^ery|#mu}ch in the win|]ter|#ty^m, bicau}z he^ waz hu}rtt. with too|]mu}ch co^ld, and had hard food of fodder, whaer|]for^ he^ wishe}d for^ the tempera.tn.es of the] spr^ing, and the tender gras. Bu}t when spr^ing|]ty^m waz co}mm., and he^ waz constraine.d of hiz maister, whoo waz a poto.r^, t}oo cary poto.r^z}^] clay BULL1585180 intoo the floor^, and wo}od too the kill, and from|]thenc^ t}oo cary|#fo}r^t}h hip|#ty^lz^, gu}tter|#ty^lz^, and comu}n ty^lz^ too diu^ers} pla^c^es^, be^i.ng wery of the spr^ing|#ty^m, in which he^ aby^dd} so many] labo}r^z^, he^ mu}ch dezy^r^e}d so}mer in al^ pr^aie.rz^, that hiz maister be^i.ng lett. with raepi.ng, miht su}ffer him t}oo rest. Bu}t then al^so when he^ waz compele.d t}oo baer the ne^w co^r^n^ intoo] the floor^, and from|#thenc^ t}oo baer the t}hr^eshe.d] co^r^n^ ho^m, nether waz the^r a pla^c^ of rest for^] him: he^ ho^pe}d that at|#laest at the ty^m of ga|]theri.ng of o}ther frut wou}ld be^ an end of hiz] labo}r^z^. Bu}t when then al^so he^ d}id not per|]c^eiu^ the end of hiz e^u^l^z^ t}oo be^ at|#hand, se^i.ng|]that wy^n, apl^z^, and wo}od w}aer t}oo be^ carie.d] dail.y. He^ wishe}d ernestl.y agein the snowz^ and yic^ of winter, that at|#laest so}m rest miht be^ gran^te.d him then from so graet labo}r^z^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that the^r be^ no ty^mz^ of the pr^es}ent ly^f^, which be^ not su}bi}ect too] continua.l^ labo}r^z^. Of a mou}c^ that wou}ld ma^k fre^nds.hip with a cat or^ waezl^.) Very|#many m^y^c^ aby^di.ng in the ho^lo.w pla^c^ of a wal^, b}e^held a cat, that l}ay in a BULL1585181 garnerd of boor^ds^ with a hangi.ng|#do}wn hed and sad cou}ntenanc^. Then o^n of them, saye}t}h: this baest se^me}t}h so}m|what cou}rti.o}s and g^en|]tl^. For^ with the cou}ntenanc^ it|self^ he^ shew|]e}t}h|#fo}r^t}h a c^ertein holin.es, I wil spaek too] him, and knit an v}n|looza.bl^ fre^nds.hip with] him. Which when he^ h^ad saye}d, and co}mm}] ne^re.r, he^ waz ta^kn.^ of the cat, and t.or^n^|#asu}n|]der. Then the rest se^i.ng thaez t}hings^, said} with] them|selu^s^: It iz not v^eril.y, it iz not t}oo|#be^] tru}ste.d or^ a man mu}st not tru}st) rashl.y too] a cou}ntenanc^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that m^en be^ not t}oo be^ i}u}dg^e.d by cou}ntenanc^, bu}t by their.] wo}r^ks^, se^i.ng cruel wo}lfs^ ly hy^dd. oftn^] ty^mz^ v}nder a she^ps^^ skin. Of an as that seru^d} an v}n|t}hank|]fu}l maister. An as that h^ad seru^e}d a c^ertein v}n|]t}hank|fu}l maister many y.e^rz^, with foot not offendi.ng, f}el o^nc.^ (v}nder hiz bu}rdn^ az it] chan^c^e}t}h) why^ls.t he^ waz croocht. with a heu^y] pak, and goi.ng in a ro}wh way. Then hiz mais|]ter be^i.ng v}n|plaeza.bl^ or^ angr^^i.) compele}d] him BULL1585182 with many stry^ps^ t}oo ary^z, cal^i.ng him slow and dolti.sh baest. Bu}t that^ wr^etch saye}d thaez t}hings^ with him|self^ among the stry^ps^: Ho}w v}n|t}hank|fu}l a maister hau^ I (be^i.ng] v}n|happy) chan^c^e}d|#on[ For^ thowh I hau^ seru^e}d him mu}ch ty^m withou}t offenc^, y.et he^ d}ooth not weih this o^n fal^t with so many my] o^ld go}od tu}rn^z^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ iz deu^yze.d ageinst them, that be^|]i.ng v}n|my^nd|fu}l of go}od tu}rn^z^ be^stowe.d] on them, folow al^so with cruel pu}nish|]m.ent on the laest offenc^ of their. wel|#doo|]o.r^z^. Of a wo}lf cou}nsl^i.ng a por^kepin that she^ shou}ld lay|#away her pr^ikl^z^. A wo}lf be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i. b}ent hiz co}r^ag^ on a] por^kepin, whoom^ not|withstandi.ng he^ d}u}rst not assayl, bicau}z she^ waz fenc^e.d eu^e|]ry|whaer with arowz^. Bu}t he^ b}e^gan t}oo cou}nsl^ her t}hr^o}wh a deu^yze.d su}tl^t.y t}oo spooil] her, that for^ a litl^ why^l she^ shou}ld not cary so graet a bu}rdn^ of wepn^z^ on her bak, se^i.ng|]that archor^z^ d}id not cary any t}hing, bu}t when the ty^m of battel waz at|#hand. Too whoom^ the BULL1585183 por^kepin saie}t}h: o^n mu}st be^le^u^ that the ty^m of fihti.ng ageinst a wo}lf iz al^|way. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that a wy^z man mu}st be^ al^|way fenc^e.d ageinst the dec^eits^ of e|]nemyz^ and v}n|known.^ persn^z^. Of the mou}c^ seti.ng a kiht at liberty. A mou}c^ b}e^held a kiht wr^apt. in the sna^r of] a fo}wlo.r^, he^ pitie}d the bird, thowh enemy] too him, and the tyi.ngs^ be^i.ng knawn.^|#asu}n|]der, m}a^d for^ him way t}oo|#fly|#away. The kiht for^get|fu}l of so graet go}od tu}rn^, when he^ s}aw him|self^ l.o^s, catchi.ng the mou}c^, su}specti.ng no su}ch t}hing, t}o^r^ him with hiz talants^ and] baek. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that mische^u^o}o.s m^en a}r wo}nt t}oo recompenc^ su}ch t}hanks^ too their.] wel|#dooo.r^z^. Of the fish cal^e.d a pirwincl^, cra^u^i.ng of Ju|]piter that she^ miht cary|#abr^o^d] her ho}ws with her. When Jupiter from the be^gini.ng of] the wor^l^d gran^te}d too eu^ery baest BULL1585184 the gifts^ that they h^ad cra^u^e}d, the pirwincl^ dezy^r^e}d of him that she^ miht cary her ho}ws] abou}t. She^ be^i.ng aske.d of Jupiter, whaer|]for^ she^ aske}d su}ch a gift of him, which wou}ld be^ heu^y and gre^u^o}o.s too her, saye}t}h, I hau^|#le|]u^er, or^ am wili.nge.r t}oo) baer a heu^y bu}rdn^] continua.l^l.y, than that I can not be^ a^bl^ t}oo au^oid an il neihbo}r^ when it shal^ ly^k me^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that the neihbo}r^hood of the e^u^l^ iz t}oo|#be^ fle^d.d with eu^ery dis|com|]modity. Of a hedg^|hog t}hr^u}sti.ng|#ou}t an adder] be^i.ng hiz o^stis. A hedg^|hog fo^r^|knowi.ng winter t}oo be^] at|#hand, dezy^r^e}d the adder that she^ wou}ld gran^t him a pla^c^ in her|#own.^ ca^u^ a|]geinst the for^c^ of the co^ld. Which when she^ h^ad] doon}n, the hedg^|hog rowli.ng him|self^ hither] and thither pr^ikt} the adder with the sharpn.es of hiz pr^ikl^z^, and tor^mente}d her with graet] gre^f. The adder se^i.ng that it w}ent il with hir|]self^, when she^ t}ook the hedg^|hog in ho}ws|ho^ld pr^aye}d him with faier|#s.po^kn^ wor^ds^, that he^ wou}ld go ou}t, for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az the pla^c^ waz narow for^ twoo. Too whoom^ the hedg^|hog] saie}t}h, BULL1585185 l}et him go|#ou}t that can not tary he^r. Whaer|for^ the adder perc^eiu^i.ng that the^r waz no pla^c^ for^ her thaer, w}ent thenc^ from] her lodg^i.ng. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that they a}r not t}oo be^ alo}we.d in felows.hip, that a}r a^bl^ t}oo t}hr^u}st] v}s ou}t. Of a ha^r pr^eferi.ng him|self^ be^fo^r^ the fox bycau}z of the swiftn.es of hiz fe^t. A ha^r acco}mpte}d him|self^ wo}r^thy that shou}ld be^ pr^efere.d be^fo^r^ the fox, bicau}z he^ exc^ele}d her far in swiftn.es of fe^t. Then the fox sayt}h, bu}t I h^au^ hapn.^e}d with an exc^ele.nt|]e.r wit, with which I dec^eiu^ the dogs^ oftn^e.r than thu} d}oost with thy swiftn.es. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that swiftn.es of the bo|]dy and strengt}h, a}r ou^erco}me.d of wit a|]graet|#way. Of an o^ld man laeu^i.ng the lu}st of the] flesh bicau}z|#of fe^bl^n.es. A c^ertein man ende^we.d with a singular] holin.es, warn^e}d a c^ertein o^ld man, that BULL1585186 at the last he^ wou}ld let|#pas the v^y^c^ of v}n|]law|fu}l lu}st, whaer|intoo he^ h^ad trau^ele}d er|]nestl.y. Too whoom^ the o^ld man saye}t}h: O ho|]ly father, I wil obey y.ou}r. v^ery|#holy and v^e|]ry|#go}od warn^i.ngs^. For^ I perc^eiu^ that the vc^ of lechery d}oot}h hu}rt me^ so}m|what, and my y.ard iz not adu^an^c^e.d any|#mo^r^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that e^u^l^ m^en a}r wo}nt t}oo laeu^|#of ac|cu}sto}me.d v^y^c^es^ not for^ the lo}u^ of v^ertu and of God, bu}t for^ faer and] fe^bl^n.es. Of a c^ertein hu}sband|man] and a poet. When a c^ertein hu}sband|man goi.ng too a poet, whooz}^ fe^lds^ he^ tile}d, f}ou}nd him alo^n among books^, he^ aske}d him by what maen he^ cou}ld liu^ so alo^n. Too whoom^ he^ sait}h, I b}e^gan t}oo be^ alo^n o^nl.y after|#that thu} go}ts}t] thy|self^ hither. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that laern^e.d m^en that a}r ga^rde.d continua.l^l.y with the co}mpany of v^ery|#laern^e.d m^en, a}r then alo^n when they shal^ be^ among vn|lettere.d m^en. BULL1585187 Of a wo}lf be^i.ng apparele.d with a she^ps^^] skin, that deu^ou}re}d the flok. A wo}lf be^i.ng|#araye.d with a she^ps^^ skin, mingl^e}d him|self^ in a flok of she^p, and dail.y kild} so}m|#o^n of them. Which when the she^pp|herd h^ad markt}, he^ hangd} him v}p on a v^ery|#hih tre^. The o}ther she^pp|herds^ aski.ng why he^ h^ad hange}d|#v}p a she^p, he^ saie}t}h, trul.y it iz a she^ps^^ skin, az y.e^ se^, bu}t the de^ds^ be^ a] wo}lfs^^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that m^en a}r not t}oo be^ i}u}dg^e.d by their. apparel, bu}t by their.] wo}r^ks^. For^ many v}nder she^pss^^ clo^thi.ngs^ d}oo wo}lfi.sh wo}r^ks^. Of a father exr^ti.ng hiz so}n too] v^ertu in v^ain. A c^ertein father exr^te}d hiz so}n (be^i.ng who^ll.y|#ge^u^n.^ too v^y^c^es^) with many] wor^ds^, that (the way of v^y^c^es^ be^i.ng for^sa^kn.^) he^ wou}ld dilig^entl.y watch too v^ertuz^, that wou}ld br^e^d him pr^aiz and nesti.. Too whoom^ the so}n saye}t}h: father, y.e^ exr^t me^ in v^ain t}oo doo thaez t}hings^. For^ I h^au^ hae^rd}d, az m^en] say, BULL1585188 many pr^aecho.r^z^ that d}id exr^t too the way of v^ertuz^ far|#better than y.ou}, y.et I h^au^ ne|]u^er folowe}d their. warn^i.ngs^ thaer|v}ntoo. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that m^en of a wicked] natr wil depart from v^y^c^es^ by no manz}^] exr^ta.t}ion. Of a dog kili.ng hiz maisterz}^ she^p, of] whoom^ he^ waz hangd.|#v}p. A c^ertein she^pp|herd ga}u^ hiz she^p t}oo|#be^ ke^pt.t of a dog, fe^di.ng him with v^ery|]go}od maets^: bu}t he^ oftn^ ty^mz^ kild} so}m|#o^n] she^p. Which when the she^pp|herd h^ad per|]c^eiu^e}d, he^ ta^ki.ng the dog waz wili.ng t}oo kil] him. Too whoom^ the dog saie}t}h, what, dezy^r^] y.ou} t}oo kil me^[ I am o^n of y.ou}r. ho}wsh^old|]fo^lks^, kil the wo}lf^ rather, that continua.l^l.y ly|]e}t}h in wayt for^ y.ou}r. fo^ld. Y.e|#rather, saye}t}h the she^pp|herd, I t}hink the^ mo^r^|#wo}r^thy of] det}h than the wo}lf: for^ he^ pr^ofese}t}h him|self^ my^n enemy opn^l.y, bu}t thu} lesn^e}st my flok dail.y v}nder a shew of fre^nds.hip. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that they a}r t}oo|#be^ pu}|]nishe.d mo^r^ a|#graet|#dael, that hu}rt v}s v}n|]der BULL1585189 a shew of fre^nds.hip, than tho^z that pr^o|]fes them|selu^s^ opn^l.y t}oo be^ ou}r enemyz^. Of a ram fihti.ng with a bu}l. The^r waz a c^ertein ram among the floks^ that baer wo}l, of so graet suern.es of ho^r^n^z^] and hed, that he^ by|#and|#by and aezi.l.y ou^er|]c}a^m the o}ther ramz^. Whaer|for^ when he^ cou}ld fy^nd no ram any|#mo^r^ that d}u}rst t}oo stand ageinst him ru}ni.ng at o^n, he^ be^i.ng liftt.|#v}p with ac|cu}sto}me.d v^ictor^yz^, d}u}rst t}oo pr^ou^o^k a bu}l too the fiht. Bu}t at the first me^t|]i.ng|#toogether, when he^ h^ad bu}te}d ageinst the] bu}lz}^ fo^r^|hed, he^ waz stry^kn^|#bak with so cru|]el a stro^k, that al^|mo^st dyi.ng he^ saye}d thaez] wor^ds^: I am a fool, what h^au^ I doon}n[ Why waz I bo^ld t}oo pr^ou^o^k so mihti. an adu^ersa.ry, too whoom^ natr h^at}h crea^te}d me^ no match[ The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that a man mu}st not stry^u^ with mihti.e.r m^en. Of a widow and a gre^n as. A c^ertein widow hau^i.ng a singl^ ly^f^, de|]zy^r^e}d or^ waz dezy^r^o}o.s) t}oo mary, bu}t d}u}rst not, be^i.ng afraid.|#of the pe^pl^z}^ moki.ng, BULL1585190 whoo a}r wo}nt t}oo accus} with il spe^ches^ tho^z wo}|m^en that go|#on too second maria.g^. Bu}t a goshop of her shewe}d by this art, ho}w the pe^pl^z}^ v^oyc^es^ w}aer t}oo be^ despy^ze.d. For^ she^ comman^de}d that a why^t as, which the widow] had, shou}ld be^ painte.d in a gre^n co}lo}r^, and be^ laedd.|#abou}t t}hr^o}wh al^ the stre^ts^ of the to}wn. Which when it waz doon.n, so graet wo}nderi.ng c}a^m on al^ m^en at the be^gini.ng, that not o^nl.y] boyz^, bu}t al^so o^ld m^en moou^e.d with this v}n|]ac|cu}sto}me.d t}hing, wait|#on the as for^ phan|]syz}^ sa^k. Afterw.ard, when su}ch baest waz dail.y laedd. t}hr^o}wh the c^ity, they l.eft|#of t}oo wo}nder. Saie}t}h the goshop too the widow, it wil hapn.^ too the^ ly^k wyz. For^ if thu} shal^t ta^k a ho}ws|]band, thu} shal^t be^ the pe^pl^z}^ ta^l for^ a few] dayz^, afterw.ard this spe^ch wil be^ hu}sht. too^. The mor^al. This fabl^ shewe}t}h, that the^r iz no|t}hing wo}r^thy of graet wo}nderi.ng, which t}hr^o}wh lengt}h of ty^m d}oot}h not laeu^|#of t}oo be^ a] wo}nder. Of an aegl^ ta^ki.ng|#away a co}nyz}^ chy^ldde^rn^ or^ rather rabbets^.) An aegl^ hau^i.ng|#naeste.d in a v^ery|#hih tre^ snatcht}|#v}p for^ her y.o}ng|#o^nz}^ food, a co}nyz}^] rabbets^ BULL1585191 that fe^dd} not far from thenc^: whoom^ the co}ny pr^aye}d with faier|#s.po^kn^ wor^ds^, that he^ wou}ld v^ou}chsa^f t}oo resto^r^ her chy^ldde^rn^] too her. Bu}t he^ t}hinki.ng her az be^i.ng litl^, and a baest of the ert}h, and not a^bl^ t}oo hu}rt him, dou}te}d not t}oo taer them in pe^c^es^ with hiz ta|]lants^ in the damz}^ siht, and t}oo lay them t}oo hiz y.o}ng|#o^nz^ t}oo|#be^ aetn.^. Then the co}ny be^i.ng mu}ch moou^e.d for^ the det}h of her chy^ldde^rn^, su}ffere}d this wr^ong in no wyz t}oo esca^p v}n|]pu}nishe.d. For^ she^ dige}t}h|#v}p by the roots^, the tre^ that h^eld|#v}p the naest: whoo fal^i.ng with a liht for^c^ of the wy^nds^, castt}|#ou}t v}pon the grou}nd the aegl^z}^ y.o}ng|#o^nz^, be^i.ng az|#y.et v}n|]fethere.d and not flu}sh, whoo be^i.ng aetn.^|#v}p of the wy^ld baests^, y.e^lde}d too the co}ny a graet co}mfor^t of her sor^ow. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that no man be^i.ng bo^ld of hiz mihti.n.es, owht t}oo despy^z the] waeke.r, se^i.ng|#that the fe^bl^e.r so}m ty^m may reu^eng^ the wr^ongs^ of the mihti.e.r. Of a py^k be^i.ng a riu^er|#fish, dezy^r^i.ng or^ phansyi.ng) the kingd.o}m of the sae. The^r waz in a c^ertein riu^er a fish (cal^e.d) a py^k, whoo exc^e^de}d the o}ther fishes^ of the BULL1585192 sa^m riu^er in faiern.es, graetn.es, and strengt}h. Whaer|for^ al^ the fishes^ wo}ndere}d at him, and nor^e}d him che^fl.y az king. Whaer|for^ he^ be^|]i.ng liftt.|#v}p v}ntoo pr^y^d, b}e^gan t}oo dezy^r^ a graete.r rul. Thaer|for^ the riu^er, whaer|in he^ h^ad reyne}d many y.e^rz^, be^i.ng for^sa^kn.^, he^ en|]tr^^e}d intoo the sae that he^ miht chaleng^ the kingd.o}m thaer|of v}ntoo him|self^. Bu}t fy^nd|]i.ng a dolphin of wo}nder|fu}l graetn.es, which reyne}d thaer|in, waz so cha^c^e.d of him, that fle^|]i.ng|#away, he^ cou}ld scant go intoo the mou}t}h of the riu^er, from|#whenc^ he^ d}u}rst not any|]mo^r^ go|#ou}t. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ be^i.ng con|]tent with ou}r|#own.^ materz^, shou}ld not cra^u^ tho^z t}hings^, which be^ far|#graete.r than] ou}r strengt}h. Of a she^p spaeki.ng in repr^o^ch too] a she^pp|herd. A she^p s}pa^k in repr^o^ch too a she^pp|herd, bycau}z not be^i.ng content with the milk that he^ milkt} from her for^ hiz|#own.^ vc^ and hiz chy^ldde^rn^z}^, he^ d}id mo^r^|ou^er despooyl her of her fle^c^. Then the she^pp|herd be^i.ng angr^^i., BULL1585193 d}r^e^w her so}n too det}h. The she^p saye}t}h, cans}t thu} doo any t}hing wo}r^s v}ntoo me^[ The she^pp|]herd saye}t}h, that I may kil the^, and cast the^] fo}r^t}h t}oo be^ deu^ou}re.d of wo}lfs^ and dogs^. The she^p s.pa^k no|t}hing faeri.ng y.et graete.r e^u^l^z^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that m^en owht not t}oo be^ angr^^i. ageinst God, if he^ su}ffer riche.s and chy^ldde^rn^ t}oo be^ ta^kn.^ from them, se^|]i.ng|#that he^ can al^so br^ing graete.r pu}nish|]m.ents^ bo^th on the liu^i.ng and the ded. Of the carto.r^, and a cart|#whe^l craeki.ng. A carto.r^ aske}d the cart, whaer|for^ the] whe^l, that waz the wo}r^s craeke}d, se^i.ng|]that the rest d}id not the sa^m t}hing. Too whoom^ the cart saye}t}h, the sik a}r wo}nt al^|way t}oo be^ wayw.ard and qerulo}o.s or^ fu}l of co}mplaints^.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that e^u^l^z^ a}r wo}nt al^|]way t}oo stir m^en too co}mplaints^. Of a man be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo pr^oou^] hiz fre^nds^. A c^ertein v^ery|#rich man and frank, or^ li|]beral) had graet plenty of fre^nds^, whoom^ BULL1585194 he^ b}ad v^ery|#oftn^ too su}pe.r, v}ntoo whoom^ they c}a^m v^ery|#wili.ngl.y. Bu}t he^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo try whether they wou}ld be^ fait}h|fu}l too] him in labo}r^z^ and dan^g^erz^, cal^e}d them al^ too|]gether, sayi.ng that enemiz}^ w}aer ry^zn.^ ageinst] him: t}oo destrooy whoom, he^ h^ad determine}d] t}oo go. Whaer|for^ they shou}ld go with him, wepn^z^ be^i.ng c.au}ht with ha^st, that they miht reu^eng^ the wr^ongs^ offere.d him. Then al^ ex|]c^ept twoo b}e^gan t}oo excus} them|selu^s^. Thaer|]for^ the rest be^i.ng sha^kn.^|#of, he^ accou}nte}d tho^z twoo o^nl.y in the nu}mber of fre^nds^, whoom^ af|]terw.ard he^ lo}u^e}d singularl.y. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that contrary for^tn iz the v^ery|#best tria.l of fe^nds.hip. Of a fox pr^aizi.ng ha^rz}^|#flesh] too a dog. When a dog cha^c^e}d a fox, and she^ kne^w that she^ shou}ld be^ c.au}ht by|#and|#by, and that she^ cou}ld not fy^nd any o}ther way: she^ saye}t}h, O dog, why dezy^r^e}st thu} t}oo de|]strooy me^, whooz}^ flesh can be^ for^ no vc^ too the^[ Catch rather that^ ha^r (for^ the^r waz a ha^r not far|#of from|#thenc^) whooz}^ flesh m^en al^|tooge|]ther BULL1585195 say t}oo be^ mo^st|#swe^t. Thaer|for^ the dog be^i.ng moou^e.d with the foxe^s^ cou}nc^l^, the fox be^i.ng lett.|#alo^n, folowe}d after the ha^r, whoom^ for^|#al^|#that he^ cou}ld not ta^k bycau}z|#of her v}n|credibl^ swiftn.es. A few dayz^ after, the ha^r me^ti.ng the fox accus}e}d her sharpl.y: for^ the ha^r h^ad hae^rd}d her wor^ds^, that she^ h^ad shewe}d him too the dog. Too whoom^ the fox saie}t}h, O ha^r why d}oost thu} accus} me^, whoo h^au^ pr^aize}d the^ so graetl.y[ What wou}lds}t thu} saye}d, if I h^ad dis|pr^aize}d the^[ The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that many m^en deu^y^z destru}ct}ion too o}ther v}nder the shew of] pr^aizi.ng. Of the ha^r cra^u^i.ng of Jupiter su}tl^t.y: and of the fox cra^u^i.ng] swiftn.es. The ha^r and the fox cra^u^e}d of Jupiter: the ha^r, that he^ miht i}ooyn su}tl^t.y too hiz swiftn.es of fe^t: the fox, that she^ miht i}ooin swiftn.es too her su}tl^t.y. Too whoom^ Jupiter answere}d thu}s: fro(m) the be^gini.ng of the wor^l^d we^ h^au^ gran^te}d too eu^ery liu^i.ng t}hing their.] gifts^ from ou}r mo^st|#liberal bo}zom. Bu}t t}oo BULL1585196 h^au^ ge^u^n}^ al^ t}hings^ too o^n miht h^ad be^n} the wr^ong of o}ther. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that god h^at}h gran^te}d too eu^ery|o^n their. gifts^ with so indifferent] balanc^, that eu^ery|o^n owht t}oo be^ content] with hiz por^t}ion. Of a hor^s be^i.ng v}n|dr^est., bu}t be^i.ng swift, and of o}ther moki.ng him. Many hor^ses^ w}aer b.r^owht too ga^mz^ for^] ru}ni.ng, be^i.ng trime.d with v^ery|#faier] trapi.ngs^, exc^ept o^n, whoom^ be^i.ng v}n|dr^est., and v}n|fit, or^ v}n|hanso}m) for^ su}ch a tria.l, the rest mokt}, and t}howht not that he^ wou}ld be^ a] wino.r^ at any ty^m. Bu}t when the ty^m of ru}n|]i.ng c}a^m, and al^ w}ent ou}t|#of the pla^c^es^ of] stay, when the tru}mpets^^ sou}nd waz ge^u^n.^, then at|#lengt}h he^ shewe}d ho}w mu}ch he^ be^i.ng lau}ht.|#at a litl^ be^fo^r^, exc^ele}d the rest in swift|]n.es. For^ al^ the o}ther be^i.ng l.eft be^hy^nd him a long spa^c^, he^ go}t the ga^m. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that m^en a}r not t}oo|#be^ i}u}dg^e.d by the ou}tw.ard shew, bu}t by their.] v^ertu. BULL1585197 Of a hu}sband|man be^i.ng lett.|#co}m too a] lawi.or^ by a kids^^ v^oic^ or^ cryi.ng.) A c^ertein co}ntry|man be^i.ng wr^apt. in a gre^u^o}o.s mater in law, c}a^m too a c^ertein] lawi.or^, that he^ be^i.ng hiz defendo.r^, he^ miht get|#ou}t him|self^. Bu}t the lawi.or^ be^i.ng lett. with o}ther buzin.es, co}mman^de}d t}oo be^ an|]swere.d|#agein, that he^ cou}ld not no}w be^ at leizur for^ him, whaer|for^ he^ shou}ld go|#away t}oo retu}rn^ an|o}ther ty^m. The co}ntry|man whoo tru}ste}d v^ery|#mu}ch too this lawi.or^, az an o^ld and fait}h|fu}l fre^nd co}mi.ng|#agein v^ery|]#mu}ch, waz neu^er lett.|#in. At|#lengt}h, caryi.ng|]fo}r^t}h with him a kid, y.et su}ki.ng and fat, he^ s}tood be^fo^r^ the lawi.or^z}^ ho}ws, and pinchi.ng] the kid, constrayne}d him t}oo blaet: the por^to.r^ whoo by hiz maisterz}^ co}mman^dm.ent waz wo}nt by|#and|#by t}oo let|#in m^en br^ingi.ng] gifts^, the v^oic^ of the kid be^i.ng hae^rd.d, opn^i.ng the ga^t straiht|way, bidd} the man go|#in. Then the co}ntry|man be^i.ng tu}rn^e.d toward] the kid, saie}t}h, I t}hank the^ my litl^ kid, that h^ast m}a^d thaez door^z^ so aezi. for^ me^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that no t}hings^ be^ so hard and v}n|aezi. which gifts^ can not opn^. BULL1585198 Of a y.o}ng man be^i.ng fe^bl^ t}hr^o}wh the act of g^enerat}ion, and of a wo}lf. A c^ertein y.o}ng man marie}d a wy^f^, and the sa^m al^so a pr^ety y.o}ng wench, so}m|]what faier, and ge^u^n.^ too plaezu.r, whooz}^ v}n|]br^y^dl^e.d lu}st why^l he^ dezy^r^e}d t}oo satisfy, he^ empti.e}d hiz looynz^ so, that in few dayz^ after he^ waz m.a^d laen, and se^me}d mo^r^|#ly^k a ded] man than a|ly^u^. He^ waz not a^bl^ t}oo go, not t}oo stand, not t}oo doo any exerc^iz, bu}t waz glad of siti.ng in the su}n az o^n be^i.ng o^ld. Thaer|]for^ why^ls.t he^ standi.ng in a su}ni. pla^c^, warm^|]e}d him|self^ with the haet of the su}n, it hapn.^e}d that hu}nto.r^z^ whoo hu}nte}d|#after a wo}lf, had their. i}o}r^ny that^ way, whoom^ when the y.o}ng] man aske}d, why they h^ad not c}au}ht the wo}lf: they say, we^ w}aer not a^bl^ t}oo get him bicau}z|]#of hiz v}n|credibl^ swiftn.es. Then the y.o}ng] man saye}t}h, suerl.y this wo}lf owht not t}oo hau^] a wy^f^. For^ if he^ w}aer i}ooine.d too a wy^f^, he^ wou}ld neu^er be^n} mihti. with so graet swift|]n.es of the fe^t. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that no man iz so strong] and stou}t, whoom^ too|#mu}ch vc^ of lechery may not ma^k fe^bl^ and waek. BULL1585199 Of an o^ld man t}hr^owi.ng|#do}wn with sto^nz^ a y.o}ng man ta^ki.ng|#away apl^z^] from him. A c^ertein o^ld man dezy^r^e}d with faier|]#s.po^kn^ wor^ds^ a y.o}ng man ta^ki.ng apl^z^ away from him, that he^ wou}ld co}m|#do}wn from the tre^, and not t}oo baer|#away hiz t}hings^. Bu}t when he^ pou}re}d wor^ds^ in v^ain, the y.o}ng] man despy^zi.ng hiz a^g^ and wor^ds^, he^ saye}t}h, I hae^r that the^r iz v^ertu not o^nl.y in wor^ds^, bu}t al^so in rbs^. Thaer|for^ he^ be^gine}t}h t}oo plu}k] gras, and t}oo cast it at him. Which t}hing the y.o}ng man be^ho^ldi.ng waz fal^n.^|#ou}t intoo er|]nest lau}hi.ng, and t}howht that the o^ld man] do^te}d, that b}e^left that he^ waz a^bl^ t}oo dr^yu^ him from the tre^ with gras. Then the o^ld] man dezy^r^i.ng t}oo try al^ t}hings^, saye}t}h, se^i.ng|]#that the^r be^ no wo}r^ki.ngs^ of wor^ds^ and of] rbs^ ageinst the snatcho.r^z^ of my t}hing^s^, I wil wo}r^k with sto^nz^, in whoom^ m^en say the^r iz v^ertu al^so, and hu}rl^i.ng at the y.o}ng man the sto^nz^, whaer|with he^ h^ad file}d hiz lap, con|]strayne}d him t}oo go|#do}wn, and t}oo go|#away. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that al^ t}hings^ a}r t}oo|#be^ BULL1585200 assaie.d of a wy^z man, be^fo^r^ that he^ fle^ too the aid of wepn^z^. Of the nihti.nga^l pr^omisi.ng the hawk a song for^ her ly^f^. A nihti.nga^l be^i.ng c.au}ht of a hu}ngr^^i.] hawk, when she^ perc^eiu^e}d that she^ waz t}oo|#be^ deu^ou}re.d of him by|#and|#by, dezy^r^e}d him with faier spe^ch, that he^ wou}ld let her] go, pr^omisi.ng that she^ wou}ld resto^r^ a graet] reward for^ so graet a go}od tu}rn^. Bu}t when the hawk aske}d her what go}od wil she^ cou}ld be^ a^bl^ t}oo reqy^t him[ She^ saye}t}h, I wil de|]liht thy^n aerz^ with songs^ az swe^t az ho}ny. Bu}t the hawk saie}t}h, I am mo^r^ wili.ng thu} shou}lds}t deliht my bely, for^ I can liu^ with|]ou}t thy songs^, I can not withou}t maet. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that pr^ofits^ a}r t}oo|#be^ sett. be^fo^r^ plaezu.rz^. Of a lion choozi.ng a hog t}oo be^ a co}m|]panio.n for^ him. When a lion waz wili.ng t}oo i}ooyn too him part|ta^ko.r^z^ in fre^nds.hip, and many baests^ dezy^r^e}d t}oo i}ooyn them|selu^s^ too] him, BULL1585201 and ernestl.y cra^u^e}d it with entre^ti.z^ and] pr^aie.rz^. The rest be^i.ng despy^ze.d, he^ wou}ld fal^ in fre^nds.hip with the hog o^nl.y: and be^i.ng aske.d the cau}z, answere}d: Bycau}z this baest iz so fait}h|fu}l, that he^ for^sa^ke}t}h hiz fre^nds^ and co}mpanio.nz^ at any ty^m in no dan^g^er ho}w] graet soeu^er. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ taeche}t}h, that their. fre^nds.hip iz t}oo|#be^ dezy^r^e.d, whoo in ty^m of adu^ersity d}oo not step|#bak from|#ge^u^i.ng ayd. Of a gnat dezy^r^i.ng maet and ho}ws|]room of a be^e^. When a gnat gese}d that he^ shou}ld dy in the winter|#ty^m for^ hu}nger and] co^ld, he^ w}ent too the standi.ng|#pla^c^es^ of be^e^z^, cra^u^i.ng of them maet and ho}ws|#room, which if he^ miht h^ad go}tn^ of them, he^ pr^omise}d that he^ wou}ld t}hr^o}whl.y taech their. chy^ldde^rn^ the art of mus}ik. Then a c^ertein be^e^ saye}t}h: Bu}t I am mo^r^|#wili.ng my chy^ldde^rn^ shou}ld laern^ my^n|#own.^ art, that shal^ be^ a^bl^ t}oo dis|cha^rg^] them from the dan^g^er of hu}nger and co^ld. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h v}s, that we^ br^ing|#v}p BULL1585202 ou}r chy^ldde^rn^ in tho^z arts^, that may de|]fend them from po}u^erty. Of an as be^i.ng a tru}mpeto.r^, and of a ha^r be^i.ng a cario.r^ of letterz^. The lyon (be^i.ng) king of fower|#foote.d] baests^, (and) redy|#t}oo|#fiht ageinst the] birds^, set in aray the fru}nts^ of the battel of hiz fowr^^|#foote.d baests^. Be^i.ng aske.d of the ba^r, what the du}ln.es of the as, or^ the faer|fu}ln.es of the ha^r cou}ld be^ a^bl^ t}oo br^ing|#fo}r^t}h too the] v^ictor^y, whoom^ he^ s}aw thaer t}oo be^ pr^es}ent a|]mong the o}ther soldy.or^z^, answere}d: the as shal^ stir|#v}p the soldy.or^z^ too the fiht with the noyz of hiz tru}mpet, bu}t the ha^r shal^ vz the offic^ of a letter|#cario.r^ bicau}z|#of the swiftn.es] of hiz fe^t. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that no man iz so mu}ch t}oo|#be^ despy^ze.d, that iz not a^bl^ t}oo doo v}s go}od in so}m t}hing. Of hawks^ be^i.ng enemyz^ among them|selu^s^ whoom^ the cu}lu^erz^ a|paec^e}d. The hawks^ be^i.ng enemiz^ o^n too an|o}ther f}owht dail.y, and be^i.ng occupye.d with BULL1585203 their.|#own.^ ha^tr.eds^ d}id not tro}bl^ o}ther birds^. The cu}lu^erz^ be^i.ng sor^y for^ their. ca^s, b}r^owht them at|#o^n, embassador^z^ be^i.ng s.ent. Bu}t when they w}aer t}hr^o}whl.y|#m.a^d fre^nds^ among] them|selu^s^, they l.eft not of t}oo tro}bl^ and kil the o}ther waeke.r birds^, and che^fl.y the cu}lu^erz^. Then the cu}lu^erz^ saye}d with them|selu^s^, ho}w pr^ofita.bl^e.r for^ v}s waz the hawkss^^ fal^i.ngs^|]ou}t, than their. agre^i.ng toogether. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ warn^e}t}h, that the ha^tr.ed of e^u^l^] c^itis.enz^ iz rather t}oo|#be^ mainteine.d than] pu}tt.|#away, that why^ls.t they stry^u^ among] them|selu^s^, they may su}ffer go}od m^en t}oo] liu^ qietl.y. Of a wo}|man baeri.ng fier intoo hir] ho}ws|bands^^ ho}ws. A c^ertein skil|fu}l man marie}d a wy^f^. And be^i.ng aske.d of hiz fre^nds^, what that^ litl^ tor^ch shou}ld maen, which the ne^w marie.d] wy^f^ br^inge}t}h bu}rn^i.ng ou}t|#of hir fatherz}^] ho}ws, and which she^ abou}t|#t}oo go intoo her ho}ws|bands^^ ho}ws lihte}d|#agein and carie}t}h|]in: saye}t}h, it maene}t}h that too|day I br^ing intoo my ho}ws fier carie.d|#away ou}t|#of my father|#in|#lawz}^ ho}ws. BULL1585204 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that wo}|m^en be^ oftn^] ty^mz^ a c^ertein fier, which bu}rn^e}t}h|#v}p the] ho}ws|bands^^ go}ods^. Of a graet offic^o.r^ be^i.ng condemn^e.d] of extor^t}i.on. A c^ertein che^f offic^o.r^ that h^ad pild} a pr^o|]u^inc^ or^ co}ntry) waz condemn^e.d of ex|]tor^t}i.on, and when with mu}ch a|doo he^ resto^r^|]e}d t}hings^ ta^kn.^ from o}ther, a c^ertein dwelo.r^ in the pr^ou^inc^ or^ co}ntry) saye}d, this ou}r pr^ae|]tor^ d}oot}h az wo}|m^en, whoo conc^eiu^i.ng frut a}r wo}nder|fu}ll.y delihte.d, bu}t when they br^ing|]fo}r^t}h tho^z fruts^ they a}r tor^mente.d with in|]credibl^ sor^ow. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that o}ther m^enz}^ t}hings^ a}r not t}oo|#be^ c.au}ht|#v}p of v}s, lest we^ be^|]i.ng constraine.d t}oo pu}t them a|way shou}ld be^ stry^kn^ with sor^ow. Of an o^ld man be^i.ng wili.ng] t}oo delay det}h. A c^ertein o^ld man dezy^r^e}d det}h, whoo c}a^m redy|#t}oo ta^k him ou}t|#of ly^f^, that she^ BULL1585205 wou}ld stay v^ery|#litl^ why^ls.t he^ miht fra^m hiz testament, and miht ma^k redy o}ther ne|]c^essaryz^ for^ so graet a i}o}r^ny. Too whoom^ det}h] saye}t}h: why h^ast thu} not m}a^d redy hither|too be^i.ng warn^e.d so oftn^ of me^[ And when the o^ld man sayd} that she^ waz neu^er se^n. of him] any|#mo^r^. Det}h saye}t}h, when I d}id dail.y catch not o^nl.y thy ly^k, of whoom^ al^mo^st no^n re|]main no}w, bu}t al^so y.o}ng m^en, chy^ldde^rn^, (and) infants^, d}id I not warn^ the^ of thy mor^|]tali.ty[ when thu} perc^eiu^e}ds}t that thy yiz^] waxe}d du}l, that thy hae^ri.ng waz les, and that thy o}ther senc^es^ d}id fayl dail.y, thu} d}ids}t per|]c^eiu^ thy body t}oo wax heu^y, d}id I not tel the^ that I waz|#nih, and d}oost thu} deny that thu}] a}rt warn^e.d[ Whaer|for^ it mu}st not be^ de|]fere.d fu}rther. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that we^ mu}st liu^ so, az|]thowh we^ d}oo se^ det}h t}oo be^ al^|way at|]hand. Of a co}u^eto}o.s man spaeki.ng too a] bag of mo}ny. A c^ertein co}u^eto}o.s man dye}d, whoo abou}t|]t}oo laeu^ a graet haep of go^ldn.^ mo}ny il go.t, aske}d the bag of mo}ny, which he^ h^ad co}m|]man^de}d BULL1585206 t}oo be^ b.r^owht too him dyi.ng, too whoom^ it shou}ld br^ing deliht[ Too whoom^ the bag saye}t}h, too thy exector^z^, whoo wil spend the mo}ny go.tn.^ of the^ with so mu}ch swet, on harlots^ and bankets^: and too the diu^l^z^, that shal^ ta^k in bonda.g^ thy sowl too eu^er|lasti.ng] pu}nishm.ents^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ shewe}t}h, that it iz a v^ery|#fooli.sh|]n.es t}oo labo}r^ on tho^z t}hings^, that a}r redy t}oo br^ing i}oy too o}ther, bu}t wil br^ing tor^|]ment too ou}r|selu^s^. FINIS. Of a fox and a go^t. A fox and a go^t be^i.ng v^ery|#t}hirsti. w}ent|]do}wn intoo a well, whaer|in when they h^ad t}hr^o}whl.y dr^u}nk, the fox saye}t}h too the go^t looki.ng|#abou}t the way bak|#agein. O go^t, be^ of go}od co}r^ag^, for^ I h^au^ deu^y^ze}d by what] maen bo^th may be^ at liberty agein. If thu} wilt lift thy|self^ v}p|riht, thy fo^r^|fe^t be^i.ng moou^e.d too the wal^, and shal^t bend|#v}p thy] hor^n^z^, thy chin be^i.ng b.r^owht too thy br^est, and I laepi.ng|#ou^er by thy bak and hor^n^z^, and go|]i.ng|#away BULL1585207 ou}t|#of the well, wil gy^d the^ ou}t thenc^ afterw.ard. Too whooz}^ cou}nc^l^ the go^t hau^i.ng tru}st, and obeyi.ng az she^ bidd}, her|]self^ laept} ou}t|#of the well, and afterw.ard for^ i}oy i}ete}d on the br^im of the well, and rei}oyc^e}d|]graetl.y, hau^i.ng no ca^r of the go^t. Bu}t when she^ waz accus}e.d of the go^t az a br^aeko.r^ of pr^o|]mis, she^ answere}d: trul.y O go^t, if thu} hads}t az mu}ch perc^eiu^i.ng in thy my^nd az thu} hast long haerz^ on thy chin, thu} wou}lds}t not h^ad gon}|#do}wn intoo the well be^fo^r^ that thu} h^ads}t h^ad assura.nc^ of retu}rn^i.ng. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that a wy^z man owht t}oo serch the end be^fo^r^|#that he^ co}m t}oo doo a] t}hing t}hr^o}whl.y. Of the fox and the lion. The fox h^au^i.ng|#se^n} no lion be^fo^r^, when she^ me^tt} him on the su}den waz so a|]frayd. with the siht of him, that it lakt} litl^ bu}t she^ shou}ld be^ ded. Which t}hing when it hapn.^|]e}d|#agein afterw.ard, she^ waz a|fraid. at the siht of the lion, bu}t not so az at|#first. Bu}t when she^ h^ad be^ho^ldn}^ the sa^m lion the t}hird] ty^m, she^ waz not o^nl.y not a|frayd., bu}t goi.ng too him bo^ldl.y s.pa^k and tal^ke}d with him. BULL1585208 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that cu}sto}m and ac|]co}mpanyi.ng ma^ke}t}h that tho^z t}hings^ that be^ mo^st|#r^ribl^ and t}oo|#be^ faere.d, se^m ne|]ther r^ribl^ nor^ faer|fu}l. Of a cok and a partridg^. When a c^ertein man had coks^ in hiz] ho}ws, he^ b}owht a partridg^, and ga}u^ her t}oo|#be^ cherishe.d intoo the co}mpany of the] coks^ t}oo|#be^ fate.d|#toogether with them, bu}t the coks^ by|#and|#by eu^ery|#o^n for^ him|self^ d}id by^t and dr^iu^ her a|way. The partridg^ waz tor^mente.d in her|self^, t}hinki.ng that su}ch] t}hings^ w}aer laye.d on her by the coks^, bycau}z her ky^nd waz strang^ from their. ky^nd: bu}t when not mu}ch after she^ b}e^held them fihti.ng among them|selu^s^, and stry^ki.ng o^n|#an|o}|]ther, be^i.ng resto^r^e.d from sor^ow or^ heu^yn.es) saye}t}h, trul.y I wil not be^ tor^mente.d in my|]self^ any|#mo^r^ he^r|after, se^i.ng them fihti.ng a|]mong them|selu^s^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that a wy^z man owht t}oo baer with an in|differe.nt my^nd de|]spy^ts^ doon.n by stran^g^o.r^z^ b.or^n^, whoom^ he^ BULL1585209 se^e}t}h not t}oo for^baer from the wr^ongi.ng of their. familiarz^. Of the fox and a hed be^i.ng|#f.ou}nd. Onc.^ or^ on a ty^m) a fox be^i.ng entr^^e.d intoo a harpo.r^z}^ ho}ws, why^l she^ serche}d al^ the toolz^ pertayni.ng too mus}ik, and al^ the ho}ws|]hold|#stu}f, she^ f}ou}nd a hed m.a^d cu}ni.ngl.y and wo}r^k|manl.y ou}t|#of marbl^, which when she^ t}o^k intoo her hand, she^ saye}t}h, O hed be^i.ng m.a^d with graet v}nderstandi.ng, (and) ho^ld|]i.ng no v}nderstandi.ng. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ be^longe}t}h too them, that h^au^ the bewty of the body, and hau^ not the dili|]g^enc^ of the my^nd. Of a co^ll.y.or^ and a fu}lo.r^. A co^ll.y.or^ dweli.ng in a hy^r^e.d ho}ws, cal^|]e.d|#in a fu}lo.r^ that h^ad co}m v^ery|#nih in] that^ pla^c^, that they miht dwel|#toogether in] o^n|#self^ ho}ws, too whoom^ the fu}lo.r^ saye}t}h: O] man, that^ t}hing iz not pr^ofita.bl^ t}oo be^ doon.n. For^ I faer lest what|soeu^er I shou}ld ma^k] why^t, thu} wou}lds}t blak it al^ with the spr^inkl^|]i.ng of co^lz^. BULL1585210 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that the^r iz no daeli.ng t}oo|#be^ h^ad with the mische^u^o}o.s. Of a man fu}l of bo^sti.ng. When a c^ertein man hau^i.ng|#gon} in|]too stran^g^ co}ntryz^ so}m long why^l, waz retu}rn^e.d ho^m agein, whaer|az he^ t}o^ld br^agi.ngl.y many o}ther t}hings^ doon.n of him|]self^ manl.y in diu^ers} reg^ionz^, then he^ t}o^ld that^ mo^st or^ che^fl.y) that he^ h^ad ou^erco}mm} al^ m^en at the yil of Rds in the tria.l of|#laepi.ng. That the m^en of Rds, whoo w}aer pr^es}ent, w}aer witneses^. Too whoom^ o^n of the stando.r^z^|]by, saye}t}h, O man, if that^|#sa^m be^ tru that thu}] spaeke}st, what ne^d hast thu} of witneses^[ Lo he^r iz rds, be^ho^ld he^r iz the tria.l of laepi.ng. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that whaer tru pr^oofs^ be^ at|#hand the^r iz no ne^d of wor^ds^. Of a man pr^oou^i.ng or^ tryi.ng) Apollo. A c^ertein nau}hti. man go}t him too (the c^i|]ty cal^e.d) Delphy (in the co}ntry of Gre^c^) t}oo try Apollo be^i.ng cal^e.d the god of wy^z|]d.o}m, and hau^i.ng v}nder hiz clo^k a y.o}ng spa|]row, BULL1585211 which he^ h^eld in hiz fist, and co}mi.ng|#ne^r too the ta^bl^z^ in Apolloz^ templ^ aske}d the god] sayi.ng: whether liu^e}t}h it or^ iz it ded, that I hau^ in my riht|#hand[ Be^i.ng redy t}oo br^ing|]fo}r^t}h the y.o}ng sparow a|ly^u^ if he^ h^ad an|]swere}d that it waz ded: agein, redy|#t}oo br^ing|]fo}r^t}h the litl^ sparow ded, if he^ h^ad answere}d that it waz a|ly^u^: for^ he^ wou}ld kild} it fo}r^t}h|]with v}nder hiz clo^k pr^iu^il.y be^fo^r^ that he^ wou}ld b}r^owht it fo}r^t}h. Bu}t the god v}nder|]standi.ng the manz}^ sutl^ crafti.n.es, saye}d: O thu} asko.r^ of cou}nc^l^, doo thu} weither t}hing thu} a}rt mo^r^|#wili.ng t}oo doo (for^ the i}u}dg^m.ent iz in the po}wer of thy|self^) and whether it be^ aly^u^ or^ ded br^ing|#fo}r^t}h what thu} hast in thy] hands^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that not}hing, nether iz] hy^dd., nor^ dec^eiu^e}t}h the knowl.edg^ of God. Of a fisho.r^. A c^ertein fisho.r^, hiz nets^ be^i.ng castt.|#fo}r^t}h intoo the sae, b}r^owht|#ou}t a fish of a v^ery|]litl^ body, whoo be^se^che}d the fisho.r^ thu}s: Doo not ta^k me^ at this pr^es}ent be^i.ng v^ery|#litl^] and smal^, su}ffer me^ t}oo go|#away and grow|]agein, that thu} mais}t get me^ afterw.ard be^|]i.ng BULL1585212 so grown.^, with graete.r adu^antag^. Too whoom^ the fisho.r^ saye}t}h: trul.y I shou}ld be^] mad if I shou}ld let|#go the gain that I hau^ be^twe^n my hands^ thowh smal^, in ho^p of go}od|]n.es t}oo co}m, thowh graet. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that he^ iz fooli.sh that for^ ho^p of a graete.r t}hing, d}oot}h not ma^k|]mu}ch of a pr^es}ent and sur^^ t}hing, thowh] smal^. Of a hor^s and an as. A c^ertein man had a hor^s and an as. In|]ma^ki.ng a i}o}r^ny the as saye}t}h too the] hor^s, if thu} wilt that I be^ sa^f^, aez from me^ a part of my bu}rdn^. The hor^s not folowi.ng] hiz wor^ds^, the as dye}t}h fal^i.ng v}nder the] bu}rdn^. Then the own.^o.r^ of the baests^ laye}t}h on] the hor^s al^ the fardl^z^ that the as d}id baer, and the skin al^so, which he^ h^ad plu}kt}|#of from the] ded as. With the which bu}rdn^ the hor^s be^i.ng weihd.|#do}wn, al^so gro^ni.ng, saye}t}h: wo v}ntoo] me^ the mo^st|#v}n|happy of baests^, what e^u^l^ h^at}h hapn.^e}d too me^ a wr^etch[ for^ I refuzi.ng] part, no}w baer al^ the bu}rdn^, and hiz skin be^sy^d. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that the graete.r owht BULL1585213 t}oo be^ partn.or^z^ with the lese.r, that bo^th may be^ sa^f^. Of a man and a satyr^ (which so}m say iz a baest hau^i.ng the hed of a man, and the] body of a go^t.) A c^ertein man f}el in fre^nds.hip with a sa|]tyr^, whoo when they s}a^t bycau}z of|#aeti.ng, a stor^m^ of the air^^ be^i.ng ry^zn^ and co^ld, the man moou^i.ng hiz hands^ too hiz mou}t}h re|]freshe}d them with hiz br^aetht.h}: which t}hing the satyr^ be^ho^ldi.ng, aske}d why he^ did it. The man] saye}t}h, I co}mfor^t|#agein my co^ld hands^ with] warm^t.h}. And a litl^ after, the maet be^i.ng so}m|]what hot, when the man moou^i.ng|#agein hiz] hand with the maet too hiz mou}t}h, coole}d the haet of the maet with a smal^ br^aethi.ng. The sa|]ty^r^ aske}t}h, whaer|for^ he^ did that^ too^. The man] answeri.ng, that I miht cool|#agein the maet: Bu}t I, saye}t}h the satyr^, wil not vz fre^nds.hip with the^ he^r|after, that dr^aws}t haet and co^ld ou}t|#of o^n mou}t}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that hiz fre^nds.hip iz t}oo be^ au^oyde.d, whooz}^ ly^f^ iz dou}t|fu}l, and whooz}^ tal^k iz not plain. BULL1585214 Of the fox and the libard. The fox and libard s}trau^ tu}chi.ng bewty, and the libard adu^an^c^i.ng hiz diu^ers}|#co}|]lo}r^e.d skin, when the fox cou}ld not set her skin fo}r^t}h be^fo^r^ it, she^ saye}t}h: Bu}t ho}w mu}ch fair^^|]e.r am I that h^au^ not hapn.^e}d|#on a body of di|]u^ers} co}lo}r^z^, bu}t on a my^nd diu^ers}l.y co}|]lo}r^e.d. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that the faiern.es of the my^nd exc^ele}t}h the fair^^n.es of the body. Of a cat be^i.ng chan^g^e.d intoo] a wo}|man. A c^ertein cat waz the deliht of a c^ertein wel|#fau^o}r^e.d y.o}ng man, he^ be^se^che}d V^e|]nu}s that she^ wou}ld chan^g^ her intoo a wo}|]man. The godd.es Venu}s hau^i.ng pity on the y.o}ng manz}^ dezy^r^, tu}rn^e}t}h the baest intoo a faier wench, with whooz}^ bewty the y.o}ng man waxi.ng a|fier laede}t}h her ho^m with him, whoo siti.ng|#toogether in the bed|#chamber, V^enu}s be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo ma^k pr^oof whether she^ h^ad al^so chan^g^e}d manerz^ with her body, s}ent|#in a mou}c^ intoo the midl^ of the chamber. Bu}t she^ be^i.ng for^get|fu}l of them that w}aer pr^e|]s}ent, BULL1585215 and of the maria.g^|#chamber, ry^zi.ng from the bed cha^c^e}d the mou}c^, co}u^eti.ng t}oo] aet him. Then the godd.es disdaini.ng her, re|]sto^r^e}d her agein v}ntoo her|#own.^ natr. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that wicked m^en, al^|]thowh they chan^g^ their. condit}ion and esta^t y.et in no wyz chan^g^ their. manerz^. Of a hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^. A c^ertein hu}sband|man be^i.ng staie.d in the fe^ld the winter|#ty^m, when food faile}d, first hiz she^p be^i.ng kile.d o^n after an|o}ther, waz fe^dd. with their. flesh: soon|#after with the flesh of hiz she^|#go^ts^: last|#of|#al^ he^ waz fe^dd. with hiz wo}r^ki.ng oxn^^ be^i.ng kild.. Which t}hing when hiz dogs^ h^ad considere}d, they tal^ke}d|#toogether among them|selu^s^, sayi.ng: Bu}t l}et v}s ma^k a ru}ni.ng|#away from|#henc^. For^ if ou}r maister h^at}h not spa^re}d the wo}r^k|]i.ng oxn^^, trul.y he^ wil not spa^r v}s. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that they be^ t}oo|#be^ a|]u^oide.d, and t}oo be^ ta^kn.^|#he^d|#of, that d}oo not ho^ld|#away or^ for^baer) their. hands^ from] their. familiarz^. BULL1585216 Of a hu}sband|man taechi.ng] hiz so}nz^. A hu}sband|man se^i.ng hiz so}nz^ stry^u^i.ng] dail.y, and that they cou}ld not be^ b.r^owht|]agein intoo go}od wil among them|selu^s^, com|]man^de}d that a litl^ fagot of rods^ shou}ld be^ b.r^owht too him. For^ hiz so}nz^ w}aer pr^es}ent sit|]i.ng thaer. Which when they w}aer b.r^owht, he^ b}ou}nd al^ intoo o^n litl^ fagot, and comman^de}d eu^ery of hiz so}nz^ seu^era.l^l.y t}oo ta^k and br^aek the litl^ fagot toogether. Bu}t they not be^i.ng a^bl^ t}oo br^aek the litl^ fagot toogether, he^ looz|]i.ng afterw.ard the fagot, deliu^ere}d seu^era.l] rods^ t}oo|#be^ b.r^o^kn^ of eu^ery|o^n seu^era.ll.y, and they br^aeki.ng them fo}r^t}h|with and aezi.l.y, he^ conclude}d thu}s: and y.ou} my so}nz^ shal^ shew y.ou}r.|selu^s^ not t}oo|#be^ ou^er|t}hr^own.^ of y.ou}r.] enemyz^, and v}n|v^inc^ibl^, if y.e^ wil continu er|]nestl.y of o^n my^nd. Bu}t if not, the sa^m y.ou}r.] enu^yi.ng and v^aria.nc^ wil ma^k y.ou} a fit pr^ey or^ booty) for^ y.ou}r. enemyz^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that manz}^ affairz^ d}oo] ly^k|wyz: either agre^i.ng|#toogether ma^k|]e}t}h encraec^, or^ v^aria.nc^ ma^ke}t}h los. BULL1585217 Of a wo}|man and a hen. A c^ertein wo}|man be^i.ng a widow had a hen layi.ng egs^ singl^l.y eu^ery|#day. Bu}t she^ ho^pi.ng that the hen wou}ld lay twoo egs^ at|#o^nc.^ for^ seu^era.l egs^, or^ for^ o^n|#at|#o^nc.^) if she^ h^ad ge^u^n}^ the hen mo^r^ maet, cherishe}d her] plenty|fu}ll.y. Bu}t the hen be^i.ng m.a^d fate.r, cou}ld not lay az mu}ch az o^n eg. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that m^en waxi.ng] wo}r^s, bycau}z|#of exc^es and plenty of] t}hings^, a}r plu}kt.|#bak from their. pu}rpo^s or^] enterpr^yc^.) Of a man whoom^ a dog h^ad by^tt}n^. On be^i.ng by^tt.n^ of a dog w}ent|#abou}t m^en from o^n too an|o}ther dezy^r^i.ng hael|]i.ng or^ curi.ng) and go}t o^n, whoo, the qality of the hu}rt be^i.ng known.^, saye}t}h: Trul.y if thu}, O man, wilt wax who^l, ta^k a cru}st of br^ed be^i.ng wett. in the blu}d of the wou}nd, and of|]fer it too the dog that by^tt} the^, t}oo|#be^ aetn.^. Too whoom^ he^ saye}d afterw.ard: In go}od soot}h, if I shal^ doo that^ t}hing I am wo}r^thy that shou}ld be^ by^tt.n^ of al^ the dogs^ of the to}wn. BULL1585218 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that e^u^l^ m^en when they rec^eiu^ graete.st go}od tu}rn^z^, then they a}r mo^st en|co}r^ag^e.d too il dooi.ngs^. Of twoo fre^nds^ and a ba^r. A ba^r me^tt} twoo fre^nds^ ma^ki.ng a i}o}r^ny] toogether, of whoom^ the o^n be^i.ng a|frayd. waz hy^dd. climbi.ng on a tre^, bu}t when the o}|]ther perc^eiu^e}d that he^ shou}ld be^ no match for^] the ba^r, and shou}ld be^ ou^erco}me.d, if he^ wou}ld] fiht, fal^i.ng|#gro}u^l^i.ngl.y feyne}d him|self^ t}oo be^] ded. The bar co}mi.ng thither smele}d hiz aerz^] and powl, he^, that lay spr^aedd.|#abr^o^d, ho^ldi.ng|]clo^c^ hiz fetchi.ng of br^et}h stil, so the ba^r w}ent|]away be^le^u^i.ng that he^ waz ded. For^ m^en say that a ba^r iz not cruel v}ntoo a ded carcas. Soon|#after the o}ther that waz hy^dd. among the laeu^s^ of the tre^ co}mi.ng|#do}wn, aske}t}h hiz] fre^nd what the ba^r h^ad s}po^kn^ with him to hiz] aer. Too whoom^ the fre^nd saye}t}h: He^ warn^e}d] me^ I shou}ld not ma^k a i}o}r^ny he^r|after with fre^nds^ of this sor^t, or^ with su}ch fre^nds^.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that tho^z fre^nds^ a}r t}oo be^ au^oide.d, whoo in a dan^g^ero}o.s ty^m plu}k|]bak the foot from|#ge^u^i.ng ayd. BULL1585219 Of y.o}ng m^en and a cook. Twoo y.o}ng m^en h^ad b}owht maet of a cook for^ them bo^th. Bu}t when the cook lookt} dilig^entl.y and applye}d c^ertein ho}ws|ho^ld|]buzin.es, the o^n of the y.o}ng m^en pu}tt} part of the maet intoo the o}therz}^ bozom. The cook fy^ndi.ng fal^t, he^ that t}o^k|#away the flesh s}wo^r^ that he^ had it not: and he^ that had it, s}wo^r^ that he^ t}o^k it not away. Too whoom^ the cook, the crafti.n.es of the y.o}ng m^en be^i.ng v}nderstand|]e.d, saye}t}h: Al^thowh the t}he^f^ ly hy^dd. from me^, y.et he^ shal^ not ly hy^dd. from him, whoom^ y.e^ swaer|#by be^i.ng God. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that if we^ hy^d any] t}hing from m^en, we^ can in no wy^z hy^d it] from God. Of a re^d and an oliu^|#tre^. A re^d and an oliu^|#tre^ dispute}d of con|]stant}i., of stou}tn.es, and of suern.es. The oliu^|#tre^ laye}d repr^oofs^ ageinst the re^d az be^|]i.ng br^itl^ and wa^u^i.ng at eu^ery wy^nd. Bu}t the re^d h^eld hiz paec^, not looki.ng a long ty^m. For^ when a v^ement wy^nd c}a^m|#on, the re^d waz dr^iu^n.^ too|#and|#fro, and b.ent|#do}wn: the BULL1585220 oliu^|#tre^ waz al^|#br^o^kn^, when it wou}ld stry^u^ ageinst the v^iolenc^ of the wy^nds^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that they that ge^u^ pla^c^ too the fe^rc^e.r for^ a ty^m, a}r mihti.e.r or^ bet|]ter) than they that d}oo not ge^u^ pla^c^. Of a tru}mpeto.r^. The^r waz a tru}mpeto.r^, which b}le^w the to^kn^ in war|fa^r, he^ be^i.ng su}denl.y ta^kn.^] of m^en, crye}d|#alo}wd too them that s}tood] rou}nd|#abou}t: O y.e^ m^en d}oo not y.ou} kil me^ be^i.ng v}n|hu}rt|fu}l and innoc^ent. For^ I h^au^ kile}d no man at any ty^m: for^|#why I hau^ no o}ther t}hing than this tru}mpet. Too whoom^ they answere}d agein with noyz: Trul.y thu} shal^t be^ cruell.y slain. the|#mo^r^ for^ this sa^m] t}hing, bicau}z when thy|self^ cans}t not fiht, thu} cans}t set|#on o}ther too the fiht or^ battel.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that they offend abo}u^] o}ther, which perswa^d e^u^l^ and dis|or^dere.d] pr^inc^es^ t}oo doo wickedl.y. Of the fo}wlo.r^ and a sna^k. A c^ertein fo}wlo.r^, hiz fo}wli.ng nets^ be^i.ng] ta^kn.^, w}ent|#fo}r^t}h a|fo}wli.ng, and a wo}od|]dou^ BULL1585221 be^i.ng se^n. siti.ng in the top of a tre^, he^ moou^e}t}h hiz twigs^ cu}ni.ngl.y sett.|#toogether with hiz nets^ pr^iu^yl.y too the bird, ho^pi.ng that he^ cou}ld catch her. Which t}hing when he^ la|]bo}r^e}t}h, he^ looki.ng|#v}p on|#hih, croocht} with hiz] fe^t a sna^k lyi.ng (thaer,) the which be^i.ng m.a^d v^ery|#angr^^i. with the pain, by^tt} the man. Bu}t he^ fainti.ng no}w, saye}t}h: alas wr^etch that I] am, whoo why^ls.t I am wili.ng t}oo catch an|]o}ther, I|#my|self^ perish be^i.ng ta^kn.^ of an|o}|]ther. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that dec^eit|fu}l m^en d}oo hy^d their. en|trapi.ngs^, y.et not with|]standi.ng oftn^ ty^mz^ they su}ffer the sa^m] t}hing of o}ther. Of a beu^er cu}ti.ng|#of hiz|#own.^] memberz^. The beu^er iz sayd. t}oo continu in the wa|]ter mo^r^ than o}ther fowr^^|#foote.d baests^, and that hiz memberz^ of g^enerat}ion be^ c^er|]teinl.y pr^ofita.bl^ for^ the art of phizik. When he^ se^e}t}h that he^ shal^ be^ ta^kn.^ of m^en se^ki.ng for^] him (for^ he^ knowe}t}h whaer|for^ he^ iz hu}nte.d|]for^) h^im|self^ cu}te}t}h|#of hiz|#own.^ memberz^, BULL1585222 and casti.ng them fo}r^t}h v}ntoo the folowo.r^z^, esca^pe}t}h sa^f by this maen. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that by the exam^pl^ of] him, wy^z m^en owht t}oo hau^ no regard of their. go}ods^ or^ adu^an^c^m.ents^ for^ attaini.ng] haell.t}h or^ sa^ft.y.) Of the tu}ny and dolphin (be^|]i.ng fishes^.) When a tu}ny fle^d}d from the dolphin cha^c^i.ng him with v^ery|#ha^sti. spe^di.|]n.es, and waz t}oo be^ ta^kn.^ eu^n^|#then, he^ t}hr^u}stt} him|self^ on a rok. The dolphin al^so waz dr^iu^n.^ too an|o}ther ly^k rok with the sa^m v^iolenc^. Too whoom^ the tu}ny looki.ng|#bak agein, and se^i.ng him no}w a|dyi.ng, saye}t}h: Det}h iz not gre^u^o}o.s too me^ no}w, se^i.ng him dyi.ng, that iz the cau}z of my det}h. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that m^en baer mis}eryz^ or^ afflict}i.onz^ with an in|differe.nt my^nd, when they shal^ se^ them fu}l of mis}ery for^ whoom^ they be^ in calamity or^ mis}ery.) Of the dog and the bu}tchor^. A c^ertein dog laept} intoo a bu}tchor^z}^ shop (the bu}tchor^ be^i.ng occpie.d in so}m] mater) BULL1585223 and r}an|#away when he^ h^ad snatcht}|]#away a baests^^ hart. Too whoom^ the bu}tchor^ be^i.ng tu}rn^d.|#abou}t, and be^ho^ldi.ng the dog ru}ni.ng|#away, saye}t}h: O dog, I wil ta^k he^d too the^ whaer|soeu^er thu} a}rt he^r|after. For^ thu} h^ast not ta^kn}^ a hart from me^, bu}t h^ast ge^u^n}^ me^ a hart. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that los iz al^|way a laern^i.ng too m^en. Of a c^ertein pr^ophisio.r^. A c^ertein pr^ophisio.r^ siti.ng in the market|]pla^c^, tal^ke}d too o}ther, too whoom^ o^n b}r^owht wor^d that the door^z^ of hiz ho}ws w}aer b.r^o^kn^ too pe^c^es^, and al^ t}hings^ c.au}ht|#away, that w}aer in the ho}ws. At the which messag^ the pr^ophisio.r^ ma^ki.ng a lamenta.bl^ noyz, and ma^ki.ng ha^st with ru}ni.ng gett}h him ho^m. Whoom^ ru}ni.ng, o^n be^ho^ldi.ng, saye}t}h, O thu} that promise}st that thu} wilt fo^r^|shew o}ther m^enz}^ buzin.es, sur^^l.y thy|self^ h^ast not fo^r^|]shewe}d thy^n|#own.^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ be^longe}t}h too them, that not vz|]i.ng their.|#own.^ t}hings^ rihtl.y, endeu^or^ t}oo BULL1585224 fo^r^|se^ and t}oo pr^ou^y^d for^ o}ther m^enz^, that be^long not}hing too them. Of a sik man and a phizic^ion. A c^ertein sik man be^i.ng aske.d of a phizi|]c^ion in what maner he^ fa^re}d or^ fe^lt}t] him|self^) he^ answere}d that he^ waz fal^n.^ intoo a swet abo}u^ mezur. Too whoom^ the phizic^ion] saye}t}h, that^ iz go}od. Bu}t an|o}ther day be^i.ng aske.d agein in what maner he^ fa^re}d, he^ an|]swere}d, I h^au^ be^n} v^exe.d a long ty^m be^i.ng c.au}ht with co^lds^, and that^ iz go}od al^so, sayz}] the phizic^ion. When he^ waz aske.d of the sa^m] phizic^ion the t}hird ty^m, he^ answere}d: I am waekn.^e.d with a lask of my body, that^ sa^m iz al^so go}od, sayz} the phizic^ion. Bu}t afterw.ard be^i.ng aske.d of a c^ertein familiar, ho}w doo] y.ou} fre^nd[ He^ answere}d: in v^ery|#de^d, I] doo|#wel, bu}t I dy. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that flattero.r^z^ a}r t}oo|]be^ repr^oou^e.d. Of an as and a wo}lf. An as hal^te}d with a pr^ik of wo}od t.rodn^|]on, and a wo}lf be^i.ng se^n. he^ saye}t}h: O] wo}lf, lo I dy for^ tor^ment, redy|#t}oo|#be^ ether] thy food, BULL1585225 or^ the ra^u^n^z^s^^, or^|#elc^ the crowz^s^^. I cra^u^ o^nl.y o^n go}od tu}rn^ of the^: get|#ou}t the pr^ik ou}t|#of my foot first, that at|#laest|#way I may dy withou}t tor^ment. Then the wo}lf ta^k|]i.ng the pr^ik with hiz graete.st te^t}h by^ti.ngl.y, d}r^e^w|#ou}t the pr^ik. Bu}t the as hau^i.ng|#f}or^|]gotn^ the sor^ow, clapt} hiz y^r^n^e.d he^lz^ on the] wo}lfs^^ fa^c^, and (hiz br^o}w, nostrelz^, and te^t}h be^|]i.ng b.r^o^kn^) fle^d}d|#away. The wo}lf accus}i.ng] him|self^, and sayi.ng, that it hapn.^e}d too him] wo}r^thil.y, bicau}z he^ that h^ad laern^e}d t}oo be^ the bu}tchor^ of baests^, no}w wou}ld be^ their.] su}rg^eon. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that they that for^sa^k their.|#own.^ occupat}ionz^ tu}rn^i.ng them|]selu^s^ too o}ther not fit for^ them, co}m bo^th too a mok and intoo dan^g^er. Of the fo}wlo.r^ and the blak|bird. A fo}wlo.r^ bende}d nets^ for^ birds^: which t}hing the blak|bird be^ho^ldi.ng a|far|#of, aske}d the man what buzin.es he^ did. He^ an|]swere}d that he^ by^lde}d a c^ity, and w}ent|#away] farder|#of, and hy^dd} him|self^. The blak|bird be^le^u^i.ng hiz wor^ds^, and co}mi.ng too the bayt BULL1585226 sett. thaer nih the nets^, iz c.au}ht. The fo}wlo.r^ ru}ni.ng thither, she^ saye}t}h: O man, if thu} by^ld su}ch a c^ity, thu} shal^t not hau^ many] dwelo.r^z^ thaer|in. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that pr^iu^at welt.h} and the comu}n welt.h} al^so iz destrooie.d by that^] maen che^fl.y, when the go}u^ern^o.r^z^ exerc^iz] cruelt.y. Of a trau^elo.r^ by the way, and a] bag be^i.ng f.ou}nd. A trau^elo.r^ goi.ng a long i}o}r^ny, v^o}we}d, if he^ f}ou}nd any t}hing, that he^ wou}ld offer the hal^f^ thaer|of too Jupiter. Afterw.ard a bag fu}l of da^ts^ and al^mo}nds^ be^i.ng f.ou}nd in] the i}o}r^ny, he^ aete}t}h al^ the da^ts^ and al^mo}nds^. Bu}t offere}d at a c^ertein al^tar the kernelz^ or^ sto^nz^) of the da^ts^, (and) the shelz^ of the al^|]mo}nds^, and the ry^nds^ or^ ou}t|sy^ds^) sayi.ng: O] Jupiter, thu} hast (that^) which I v^o}we}d too] the^. For^ I offer too the^ bo^th the ine.r and ou}t|]e.r t}hings^ of that^ which I h^au^ f}ou}nd. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that a co}u^eto}o.s man deu^y^ze}t}h dec^eits^ eu^n^ too the gods^ for^ the] dezy^r^ of mo}ny. BULL1585227 Of a chy^ld and the mo}ther. A c^ertein chy^ld s}to^l hiz felowz}^ alphabet|]ta^bl^ or^ abc^e^) he^ b}r^owht it too hiz mo}ther, of whoom^ he^ not be^i.ng cha^stic^e.d d}id stael mo^r^] dail.y. Bu}t ty^mz^ goi.ng|#on, he^ b}e^gan t}oo stael graete.r t}hings^. At|#lengt}h be^i.ng arreste.d or^ ta^kn.^ v}n|wa^rz^) by the mag^istrat waz laedd. too tor^ment or^ execut}i.on. Bu}t hiz mo}ther fo|]lowi.ng and cryi.ng|#ou}t, he^ dezy^r^e}d the ga^rd|]o.r^z^ that they wou}ld su}ffer him t}oo spaek with] her a litl^ too her aer: whoo su}fferi.ng him, and hiz mo}ther ha^sti.ng mu}ch, and moou^i.ng her] aer too her so}nz}^ mou}t}h, he^ plu}kt}|#of hiz mo}|]therz}^ aer with hiz te^t}h. When hiz mo}ther and the rest rebuke}d him, not o^nl.y az a t}he^f^, bu}t (az) v}n|pity|fu}l v}ntoo hiz parent or^ mo}ther,) he^ saye}t}h: She^ h^at}h be^n} cau}z too me^ that I shou}ld be^ destrooie.d. For^ if she^ h^ad cha^stic^e}d] me^ hau^i.ng|#s}to^ln^ the abc^e^, I shou}ld not be^n. laedd. no}w too tor^ment hau^i.ng|#gon}|#on too] farder t}hings^. Of a she^pp|herd exerc^izi.ng ma|]rinor^z}^ art. A she^pp|herd fe^dd} a flok in a pla^c^ nih the] sae, whoo when he^ s}aw the sae cal^m^, the^r BULL1585228 c}a^m on him a dezy^r^ t}oo|#ma^k a sayli.ng or^ v^y|]ag^) too a faier or^ mart.) Thaer|for^ the she^p] be^i.ng s.o^ld, and paks^ of al^mo}nds^ be^i.ng b.owht, he^ sayle}d or^ m}a^d a v^iag^.) Bu}t a v^ement or^ cruel) stor^m^ be^i.ng ry^zn^, and the ship be^i.ng in dan^g^er t}oo be^ dr^o}wne.d, he^ castt}|#ou}t intoo] the sae al^ the bu}rdn^ of the ship, and sca^rc^l.y esca^|]pe}d the ship be^i.ng v}n|lo^dn.^. A few daiz^ after, o^n co}mi.ng, and maru^eli.ng at the cal^m^n.es of] the sae (for^ it waz qiet in|de^d) the she^pp|herd] answeri.ng, saye}t}h: az mu}ch az I perc^eiu^, the sae wou}ld hau^ da^ts^ agein, and thaer|for^ it shewe}t}h it|self^ t}oo be^ stil or^ v}n|moou^e.d.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that m^en a}r m.a^d the skil|fu}le.r or^ wy^ze.r by los and dan^g^er. Of an o^ld manz}^ so}n and a lion. A c^ertein o^ld man had o^n o^nl.y so}n and of a g^entl^|manl.y my^nd, and a lo}u^o.r^ of] hu}nti.ng|#dogs^ or^ hou}nds^,) he^ s}aw by a dr^aem that hiz so}n waz cruell.y slain. of a lion. Be^i.ng a|frayd. lest per|adu^entu}r the chan^c^ miht fo|]low this dr^aem at so}m ty^m, by^lde}d a c^ertein v^ery|#fy^n ho}ws, be^i.ng v^ery|#delihta.bl^ bo^th with the rou}fs^ and windowz^, and wini.ng hiz] so}n BULL1585229 thither a}bo^d|#stil a ke^po.r^ too hiz so}n. He^ h^ad painte}d in the sa^m ho}ws, for^ hiz so}nz}^ de|]liht, eu^ery ky^nd of baests^, among whoom^ the] lion too^. The y.o}ng man looki.ng on thaez d}r^e^w the mo^r^ gre^f thaer|by, and standi.ng so}m|]what|#ne^r, saie}t}h too the lion: O cruele.st wy^ld] baest, bicau}z|#of the^ and my fatherz}^ v^ain] dr^aem, I am ke^pt.t in this ho}ws, az in a pr^izn^. What may I doo too the^[ And sayi.ng thaez] wor^ds^ he^ s}tra^k hiz hand on the wal^, be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo plu}k|#ou}t the lyonz}^ yi, and hu}rtt} hiz] h^and with a nayl, that waz hy^dd. thaer, t}hr^o}wh which stro^k hiz hand rankl^e}d, and mater or^ cor^ru}pt}i.on) gre^w by litl^ and litl^, and an agu] folowe}d, and in shor^t ty^m the y.o}ng man dy|]e}d. So the lion kild} the y.o}ng man, the fatherz}^ inu^ent}i.on helpi.ng no|t}hing or^ not|#a|#whit.) The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that no man can au^oid the t}hings^ that wil co}m or^ be^ t}oo co}m.) Of a bal^d man weeri.ng or^ baeri.ng) stran^g^ or^ o}therz}^) haerz^ for^ natra.l or^] hiz|#own.^) haer. Why^ls.t a c^ertein bal^d man weeri.ng cou}nterfet haer, waz carie.d with a] hor^s, BULL1585230 be^ho^ld, a v^ery|#mihti. wy^nd t}o^k|#away that^ haer from hiz hed: fo}r^t}h|with graet lau}h|]i.ng waz stire.d|#v}p of the stando.r^z^|#abou}t, and he^ with lau}hi.ng agein at them, saye}t}h: what maru^el iz it, if the haerz^ that w}aer not my^n|]own.^ a}r gon.|#agein from me^[ They that w}aer b.o^r^n^ with me^ a}r gon.|#away agein too^. The mor^al. This fa^bl^ gran^te}t}h, that we^ shou}ld not be^ sad for^ welt.h} l.ost: for^ that^ can not aby^d with v}s eu^er, which we^ rec^eiu^e}d of natr,] be^i.ng b.o^r^n^. FINIS. Of the aegl^ and the fox. The aegl^ and the fox appooint t}oo dwel] nih, fre^nds.hip be^i.ng m.a^d be^twe^n them, t}hinki.ng that fre^nds.hip wou}ld be^ the sur^^e.r t}hr^o}wh the oftn^ ac|co}mpanyi.ng. Thaer|for^ the aegl^ b}e^gan her naest v}p|on a hih tre^. The fox pla^c^e}d her cu}bs^ or^ y.o}ng|#o^nz^) among the bu}shi. grou}nd ne^r the tre^. Thaer|for^ o^n of the] dayz^ when the fox be^i.ng gon. ou}t|#of the cooch or^ ert}h) d}id se^k food for^ her cu}bs^, the aegl^ al^so her|self^ laki.ng maet flyi.ng|#away v}ntoo the cooch of the fox snatcht}|#v}p the foxe^s^ cu}bs^, and BULL1585231 ga}u^ them too her y.o}ng|#o^nz^ t}oo aet. The fox co}mi.ng|#agein, her chy^ldde^rn^z}^ cruel det}h be^|]i.ng known.^, waz m.a^d v^ery|#sor^ow|fu}l, and when she^ cou}ld not be^ reu^eng^e.d on the aegl^, bycau}z be^i.ng a fowr^^|#foote.d baest she^ cou}ld not be^ a^bl^ t}oo folow|#after a bird: which o^n t}hing iz ge^u^n.^ too m^en in mis}ery and not a^bl^] t}oo res}ist, cu}rse}d the aegl^, and wisht} him e^u^l^, the b.r^o^kn.^ fre^nds.hip iz tu}rn^e.d intoo so graet] ha^tr.ed. Thaer|for^ it hapn.^e}d in tho^z dayz^ that go^ts^ w}aer sacrific^e.d, a pe^c^ whaer|of the aegl^ snatchi.ng|#v}p toogether with bu}rn^i.ng co^lz^, carye}d it too her naest, bu}t the wy^nd blowi.ng so}m|what ernestl.y, the naest which waz m.a^d of] hey, and of smal^ and dr^y stu}f, iz sett.|#on|#fier or^ sett.|#a|fier.) The aegl^z}^ y.o}ng|#o^nz^ fe^li.ng or^ perc^eiu^i.ng) the fla^m, fal^|#do}wn on the grou}nd for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az they cou}ld not fle^ az|#y.et. The fox snatchi.ng them v}p strait|way deu^ou}re}t}h them in the aegl^z}^ siht. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that they that v^iolat or^ br^aek) fre^nds.hip, al^thowh they get|#away from the reu^eng^i.ng of tho^z woom^ they] h^au^ hu}rtt}, y.et they d}oo not esca^p from] Gods^^ pu}nishm.ent. BULL1585232 Of the aegl^ and the crow. An aegl^ flyi.ng|#of from a hih rok snatcht}|]v}p a lamb fro(m) the flok, which t}hing when the crow b}e^ho^lde}t}h, be^i.ng moou^e.d with ly^k] dezy^r^, flye}t}h v}p|on a ram, with ernest flu}t|]teri.ng and noyz, and so wr^ape}t}h hiz clawz^ in|]too the ramz}^ fle^c^, that he^ cou}ld not v}n|looz] him|self^ from|#thenc^, y.e, with the stiri.ng of] hiz wings^. When the she^pp|herd se^e}t}h him so] wr^apt., ru}ni.ng thither catche}t}h the crow,and the fetherz^ of hiz wings^ be^i.ng cu}tt., ga}u^ him too hiz chy^ldde^rn^ for^ a mok or^ pas|ty^m. Bu}t when any man aske}d the crow, what bird he^] waz, the crow saye}t}h: at|#first trul.y az|#tu}ch|]i.ng co}r^ag^ I waz an aegl^, bu}t no}w I know c^erteinl.y that I am a crow. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that whoo|so da^re}t}h t}oo doo any t}hing abo}u^ hiz strengt}h, br^inge}t}h|]too|#pas this t}hing o^nl.y, that he^ fal^e}t}h intoo adu^ersi.ty v^ery|#oftn^, and shewe}t}h him|]self^ a moki.ng stok too the pe^pl^. Of the aegl^ and the do^r^. An aegl^ cha^c^e}d a ha^r, bu}t the ha^r be^i.ng v^oid of aid, se^i.ng a fly (cal^e.d a do^r^) whoom^ BULL1585233 ty^m offere}d, lamenta.bl^i. dezy^r^e}d aid of him, too whoom^ the do^r^ pr^omise}d hiz defenc^ and] ke^pi.ng. Afterw.ard when the do^r^ se^e}t}h the aegl^ dr^awi.ng|#ne^r, he^ pr^aye}t}h her that she^ wou}ld not ta^k|#away hiz seru^a.nt from him. Bu}t the aegl^ despy^zi.ng the litl^n.es of the do^r^ aete}t}h|#v}p the ha^r be^fo^r^ him. Bu}t the do^r^ my^nd|fu}l of hiz wr^ong, ta^ke}t}h he^d whaer the aegl^ by^lde}d naest. Lo, the aegl^ laye}t}h egs^, the do^r^ be^i.ng lift|#v}p with hiz wings^, flie}t}h too the aegl^z}^ naest, and tu}rn^i.ng|#ou}t the egs^ castt}] them do}wn on the grou}nd. The aegl^ be^i.ng stire.d|#v}p with heu^in.es for^ the los of her egs^, flye}t}h|#away too Jupiter (for^ the bird iz conse|]crate.d too that^ god) and dezy^r^e}t}h that the^r be^ ge^u^n.^ her a sa^f pla^c^ t}oo br^e^d: Jupiter gran^t|]e}t}h, that when ty^m iz co}mm., she^ shou}ld lay egs^ in hiz lap. The do^r^ fo^r^|se^i.ng this, ma^ke}t}h a bal^ of du}ng, and flye}t}h|#v}p a|hih, let it fal^ intoo Jupiterz}^ lap. Jupiter be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo stry^k|#ou}t the bal^ ou}t|#of hiz lap, s}tra^k|#ou}t the aegl^z}^ egs^ too^. From that ty^m, m^en say, that the aegl^ neu^er br^e^de}t}h, in what ty^m the^r] be^ do^r^z^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that no^n iz v}tterl.y t}oo|]#be^ despy^ze.d, BULL1585234 bicau}z the^r iz no man, that ta^ke}t}h wr^ong, bu}t when ty^m iz ge^u^n.^, may se^k t}oo be^ reu^eng^e.d. Of the hawk and a nihti.nga^l. When the nihti.nga^l s}at on a hih o^k, she^ s}ang alo^n after her maner: when a hawk se^ki.ng maet b}e^held her, he^ flye}t}h thi|]ther su}denl.y, and catche}t}h her, bu}t when the nihti.nga^l se^e}t}h that she^ shou}ld dy, she^ pr^aie}t}h the hawk, that he^ wou}ld let her go, bicau}z she^ waz too|#too|#litl^ t}oo fil hiz bely, bu}t that it waz suerl.y ne^d|fu}l that he^ shou}ld tu}rn^ him|self^ too graete.r birds^ for^ hiz su}ffic^i.ent fili.ng. The hawk looki.ng on her fro}wni.ngl.y, saie}t}h: tru|]l.y I shou}ld be^ too|#mu}ch a fool, if I let|#go the] maet that I ho^ld in my hands^, be^i.ng fe^dd. with the ho^p of mo^r^|#abou}nda.nt maet. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that they that for^|go that^ which they ho^ld in hand, in ho^p of graete.r t}hings^, be^ too|#mu}ch v^oid of cou}nc^l^] and raezn^. Of the fox and the go^t. A fox and a go^t be^i.ng t}hirsti. w}ent|#do}wn intoo a well, bu}t after the dr^inki.ng, when BULL1585235 the go^t b}e^held the goi.ng|#ou}t, the fox saye}t}h g^entl^l.y too him: Be^ of go}od co}r^ag^: for^ I h^au^ considere}d v^ery|#wel, what iz nec^essary or^ ne^d|fu}l) for^ ou}r haell.t}h or^ sa^ft.y.) For^ thu} shal^t stand v}p|riht, and stand|#clo^c^ too the] wal^ with thy fo^r^m.er fe^t and hor^n^z^, and I climi.ng on thy shou}lderz^ and hor^n^z^, when I shal^ be^ gon.|#ou}t the well, ta^ki.ng the^ by the] hand wil dr^aw the^ v}p henc^. The go^t redil.y] obeye}d her. The fox rei}oyc^i.ng abou}t the welz}^] mou}t}h, for^ her goi.ng|#ou}t, moke}t}h the go^t. Bu}t why^ls.t the go^t accus}e}t}h her, not t}oo h^au^ ke^pt}t pr^omises^ with him. The fox saye}t}h me|]ril.y too him: O go^t, if thu} w}aer ende^we.d with] that^ wy^zd.o}m, az that^|#sa^m thy berd iz fu}rnish|]e.d with trimi.ng of haerz^, thu} wou}lds}t not h^ad gon}|#do}wn intoo the well be^fo^r^ that thu} h^ads}t se^n} the goi.ng|#ou}t adu^y^ze.dl.y. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en ende^we.d with] cou}nc^l^ shou}ld look v}ntoo the end of t}hings^ be^fo^r^ that they shou}ld ge^u^ dilig^enc^ too doo|]i.ng t}hings^, or^ too t}hings^ t}oo be^ doon.n.) Of the fox and the lion. When a fox, that neu^er h^ad se^n} lion h^ad me^tt} him by chan^c^, she^ waz a|]fraid. so mu}ch, BULL1585236 that she^ waz al^|mo^st ded: when she^ h^ad lookt} on him agein, she^ waz v^ery|]mu}ch a|fraid., bu}t not}hing at|#al^ az at|#first: when she^ b}e^held him the t}hird ty^m, she^ waz] bo^ld, co}mi.ng|#ne^r too him t}oo raezn^ or^ disput) opn^l.y or^ in hiz pr^es}enc^.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that vc^ and cu}sto}m of] t}hings^ ma^ke}t}h terribl^ or^ faer|fu}l) t}hings^ t}oo be^ familiar or^ wel|#acqeinte.d.) Of a cat and a cok. When a cat h^ad c}au}ht a cok, and s}owht occas}ion ho}w she^ miht aet] him, she^ b}e^gan t}oo accus} him, that he^ waz a tro}bl^|so}m baest or^ crea^tr,) whoo cryi.ng|#ou}t by niht wou}ld not su}ffer m^en t}oo ta^k rest. The cok excus}e}t}h him|self^, that he^ did that^ for^] their. pr^ofit, for^|#az|#mu}ch|#az he^ stire}d them] v}p t}oo doo wo}r^k. The cat saye}t}h agein, thu} a}rt withou}t godl.in.es, and mische^u^o}o.s abo}u^] mezur, whoo doos}t continua.l^l.y ageinst natr, se^i.ng|#that thu} d}oost not abstein or^ ho^ld|#bak)] thy|self^, nether fro mo}ther nor^ sisterz^, bu}t mingl^e}st thy|self^ with them by v}n|cha^st|]n.es. The cok defende}d al^so, that he^ did that^ BULL1585237 for^ hiz maisterz}^ gainz^ sa^k. For^ by su}ch go|]i.ng|#toogether in g^enerat}ion the henz^ d}oo lay] egs^. Then the cat saye}t}h, al^thowh thu} be^ fu}l of] excuc^es^, y.et I entend or^ maen) not t}oo fast. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that iz lewd by] natr, when he^ o^nc.^ pu}rpose}t}h in hiz my^nd t}oo doo harm^ or^ offend) al^thowh the^r lak co}lo}r^ of cau}z, y.et he^ laeu^e}t}h not of from] lewdn.es. Of the fox withou}t a tail. A fox, her tayl be^i.ng cu}tt.|#of, that she^ miht esca^p ou}t|#of a sna^r, when she^ t}howht ly^f^ a det}h too her for^ the sha^m, deu^y^ze}d by dec^eit t}oo win|#in o}ther foxes^, that eu^ery|]o^n shou}ld cu}tt}|#of their. tayl v}nder a shew of a comu}n comodity or^ go}od,) and so she^ miht aez her v}n|co}mlyn.es. Thaer|for^ she^ entraete}t}h the foxes^ be^i.ng ac|co}mpanye.d|#toogether at] o^n pla^c^, that they wou}ld cu}tt}|#of their. tayl, raezn^i.ng or^ disputi.ng) that a tail waz not o^n|]l.y an v}n|co}mlyn.es too foxes^, bu}t a heu^y and fooli.sh bu}rdn^. O^n of the foxes^ answere}d her] plaeza.ntl.y: Oh sister, if that^ t}hing be^ pr^ofita.|]bl^ too the^ o^nl.y, it iz not an v}p|riht t}hing t}oo cou}nc^l^ o}ther the ly^k. BULL1585238 The mor^al. This fa^bl^ be^longe}t}h too them that v}nder a shew of go}od wil fo^r^|se^ their.|#own.^ como|]dity or^ go}od) by cou}nc^l^i.ng. Of a fisho.r^, and a litl^ fish cal^e.d] a Smarid. A fisho.r^ that b}ent a net in the sae c}au}ht a litl^ fish cal^e.d a smarid, whoo be^i.ng y.et litl^ in a^g^ dezy^r^e}d the fisho.r^, that he^ wou}ld ge^u^ her ly^f^, wy^ls.t she^ miht be^ a graet o^n, and he^ miht get graete.r gain by her. The fisho.r^ answere}d her pr^etil.y: Trul.y I shou}ld lak] my my^nd, if I shou}ld let|#go that^ the laest gain that I hau^, in ho^p of la^rg^e.r adu^antag^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that it iz a fooli.shn.es t}oo for^|go sur^^ t}hings^ for^ v}n|sur^^, al^thowh the^r be^ graet ho^p in them. Of the fox and the br^ambl^. When a fox climd} on a hedg^, that she^ miht au^oid the dan^g^er that hange}d] ou^er her, she^ c}au}ht a br^ambl^ in hir hands^, and t}hr^u}stt}|#t}hr^o}wh the midl^ of her hand with the br^ambl^, and when she^ waz gre^u^o}o.sl.y hu}rtt., BULL1585239 gro^ni.ng, saye}t}h too the br^ambl^: Whaer|az I fle^d}d who^ll.y too the^ that thu} shou}lds}t help me^, thu} h^ast destrooye}d me^ wo}r^s. Too whoom^ the br^ambl^ saye}t}h: Thu} d}oost er, O fox, that t}howhts}t t}oo ta^k me^ with ly^k dec^eit az thu} h^ast ac|cu}sto}me}d t}oo ta^k o}ther. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that it iz a fooll.y t}oo de|]zy^r^|#lamenta.bl^l.y ayd of tho^z, too whoom^ it iz ge^u^n.^ of natr rather t}oo hu}rtt}, than t}oo] pr^ofit o}ther. Of the fox and the crocodil (a] v^enimo}o.s baest.) The fox and crocodil s}tra^u^ for^ nobility. When the crocodil b}r^owht many t}hings^ for^ him|self^, and adu^an^c^e}d him|self^ abo}u^ me|]zr, tu}chi.ng the nor^ of hiz pr^og^enitor^z^ or^ fatherz^, or^ fo^r^|sy^r^z^) the fox smy^li.ng at him, saye}t}h: Ho fre^nd, and if thu} d}idst not say this, it appe^re}t}h cle^rl.y by thy skin, that thu} h^ast be^n} m.a^d ba^r or^ spooyle.d) of the no^bl^n.es of thy an^c^etor^z^ no}w many y.e^rz^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the t}hing it|self^ d}oot}h che^fl.y dis|pr^oou^ m^en be^i.ng graet ly|]o.r^z^. BULL1585240 Of the fox and hu}nto.r^z^. A fox ru}ni.ng|#away from hu}nto.r^z^, and be^i.ng no}w wery with ru}ni.ng by the] way, by chan^c^ f}ou}nd a man be^i.ng a wo}od|]hako.r^, whoom^ she^ pr^aye}t}h that she^ may hy^d her|self^ in any pla^c^. He^ shewe}t}h hiz caben. The fox not entr^^i.ng|#in hy^de}t}h her|self^ in a c^ertein cor^ner. The hu}nto.r^z^ be^ at|#hand, they ask the wo}od|#hako.r^ if he^ s}aw the fox. The wo}od|#hako.r^ denye}t}h in wor^ds^ that he^ s}aw] her, bu}t shewe}d with hiz hand the pla^c^, whaer the fox waz hy^dd.. Bu}t the hu}nto.r^z^ w}ent|#a|]way fo}r^t}h|with, the t}hing be^i.ng not perc^eiu^|]e.d: az the fox se^e}t}h|#abr^o^d that they be^ gon.|#a|]way, she^ goi.ng softl.y ou}t|#of the cabin, goe}t}h|]away agein. The wo}od|#hako.r^ bla^me}t}h the] fox, bicau}z she^ d}id not t}hank him, se^i.ng|#that he^ m}a^d her sa^f. Then the fox tu}rn^i.ng her|self^] abou}t, sayt}h too him softl.y: O fre^nd, if thu} h^adst had the wo}r^ks^ of thy hands^ and ma|]nerz^ ly^k thy wor^d, I wou}ld t}hr^o}whl.y paye.d the^ t}hanks^ dezeru^e.d. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that and if a nau}hti. man pr^omis go}od t}hings^, y.et he^ y.e^lde}t}h e^u^l^ and nau}hti. t}hings^[ BULL1585241 Of coks^ and a partridg^. When o^n had v^ery|#many coks^ in hiz] ho}ws, he^ su}ffere}d a partridg^ which he^ h^ad b}owht, t}oo fe^d with them. Bu}t when the coks^ tro}bl^e}d her oftn^, and s}tra^k her with] their. bilz^, the partridg^ waz ernestl.y sor^y for^] that^ wr^ong, t}hinki.ng that tho^z wr^ongs^ w}aer doon.n too her bycau}z she^ waz a ne^w|co}mo.r^ or^ stran^g^o.r^) and not of that^ ky^nd. After|]w.ard when the partridg^ s}aw the coks^ fiht|]i.ng|#toogether o^n with an|o}ther, the tro}bl^ of] her my^nd be^i.ng pu}tt.|#away, she^ saie}t}h: from|]henc^|fo}r^t}h trul.y I wil not be^ sad, after|#that I se^ ha^t|fu}l v^aria.nc^es^ among them|selu^s^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en ende^we.d with] wy^zd.o}m d}oo baer with a moderat or^ me|]zura.bl^) my^nd wr^ongs^: y.e v^ery|#graetl.y doon}n too them, by o}ther that can nether for^|baer them|selu^s^ nor^ theirz^. Of the fox and a v^izard. A fox h^au^i.ng|#entr^^e.d a harpo.r^z}^ ho}ws, wy^ls.t she^ serche}t}h adu^y^ze.dl.y the t}hings^ that be^ m.a^d redy in the ho}ws, she^ fy^nde}t}h a poppets^^ hed sett.|#toogether with dilig^ent art, BULL1585242 which the fox ta^ki.ng in hir hands^, saye}t}h: O what a hed withou}t br^ain. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that al^ m^en of a co}ml.y] body, hau^ not the sa^m faiern.es in the] my^nd. Of a dog be^i.ng cal^e.d too su}pe.r. When a c^ertein man h^ad m}a^d redy a gor^g^io}s or^ plenty|fu}l) su}per, he^ cal^|]e}d a c^ertein fre^nd too hiz ho}ws, and hiz dog al^so bidd} the o}therz}^ dog too su}pe.r. When he^ be^i.ng entr^^e.d intoo the ho}ws s}aw so mu}ch deinty dishes^ of maet m.a^d redy, be^i.ng glad, saie}t}h too him|self^: Too|day I wil so|#t}hr^o}wh|]l.y|#fil my|self^, that too|mor^ow I shal^ not ne^d] t}oo aet. And thaez t}hings^ be^i.ng saie.d, he^ rei}oic^|]e}d with the wagi.ng of hiz tayl. Bu}t the cook] looki.ng|#abou}t, ta^ke}t}h him softl.y by the tayl, and hu}rl^i.ng him rou}nd v^ery|#oftn^, t}hr^e^w] him fo}r^t}h t}hr^o}wh the wy^ndd.oor^, he^ be^i.ng] asto}ne.d, a|ry^zi.ng from the grou}nd why^ls.t he^ r}an|#away cryi.ng|#ou}t, the o}ther dogs^ ru}n toward him, and ask ho}w deintil.y he^ su}pt}. Bu}t he^ be^i.ng sik saie}t}h, I h^au^ so fild} me^ with dr^ink and deinty dishes^, that I s}aw not the] way when I w}ent|#ou}t. BULL1585243 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man owht not t}oo be^ glad for^ tho^z t}hings^, which he^ iz redy|#t}oo be^ sor^y|#for^, or^ shal^ be^ sor^y|#for^.) Of the aegl^ and a man. When a c^ertein man h^ad c}au}ht an ae|]gl^, the fetherz^ of hir wings^ be^i.ng] plu}kt.|#ou}t, he^ let her tary among hiz henz^, afterw.ard o^n hau^i.ng|#b.owht her, repaire}d or^ m}a^d strong) her wings^ agein. Then the aegl^ flyi.ng ta^ke}t}h a ha^r, and br^inge}t}h him too her] wel|#dooo.r^. Which t}hing the fox be^ho^ldi.ng, sai|]e}t}h too the man, d}oo not hau^ this aegl^ a|gest|]r.ed, az be^fo^r^ ty^m, lest, az she^ catche}t}h the ha^r, she^ catch the^ ly^k|wy^z. Then the man plu}kt} the aegl^z}^ wings^ al^so. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that wel|#dooo.r^z^ a}r t}oo|]be^ rewarde.d|#agein. Bu}t the wicked a}r t}oo|#be^ au^oyde.d by al^ dilig^enc^. Of a man be^i.ng a hu}sband|man. When a c^ertein man be^i.ng a tilo.r^ of] grou}nd, kn}e^w that the end of hiz ly^f^ waz at|#hand, and dezy^r^e}d that hiz so}nz^ shou}ld BULL1585244 be^ m.a^d skil|fu}l in tili.ng of grou}nds^, cal^e}d] them, and saye}t}h: O so}nz^, I depart ou}t|#of] ly^f^, al^ my go}ods^ a}r who^ll.y|#pu}tt. in my v^y^n|]y.ard. After the fatherz}^ det}h, they t}hinki.ng t}oo fy^nd trezr in the v^y^n|y.ard, dig|#v}p the v^y^n|]y.ard v}tterl.y with spa^ds^, mattoks^, and pek|]axes^, and f}ou}nd no trezr. Bu}t when the v^y^n|y.ard waz t}hr^o}whl.y|#digd., it b}r^owht|#fo}r^t}h a|#graet|#dael mo^r^ or^ far|#way mo^r^) frut than] ac|cu}sto}me.d: and m}a^d them rich. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that continua.l labo}r^ br^inge}t}h|#fo}r^t}h trezr. Of a co^ll.ior^ and a washo.r^. A co^ll.ior^ aske}d a c^ertein washo.r^, that he^ shou}ld dwel with him toogether in a] ho}ws, that he^ h^ad hy^r^e}d for^ rent. Bu}t the washo.r^ be^i.ng skil|fu}l of the t}hing at o}ther] ty^mz^, saye}t}h: That^ wou}ld not be^ pr^ofita.bl^] for^ me^: for^ what I shou}ld ma^k why^t, thu} wou}lds}t fo}wl them al^ with the du}st or^ spar|]kl^i.ng) of co^lz^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that t}hings^ v}n|ly^k by] natr, can not hanso}ml.y or^ comodio}sl.y)] stand toogether. BULL1585245 Of a fox be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i.. When a fox be^i.ng pr^ou^o^ke.d with v^e|]ry|#graet hu}nger s}aw or^ b}e^held) a pe^c^ of maet and br^ed layd.|#v}p in a c^ertein] ho}ws, she^ entr^^e}d intoo the sa^m ho}ws or^ ca|]bin) and aett} so mu}ch, that she^ stretcht} her be|]ly v}ntoo a v^ery|#graet sweli.ng, and when she^ cou}ld not go|#ou}t from|#thenc^ t}hr^o}wh the too|]#mu}ch sweli.ng of the bely, be^i.ng s.wo^ln^, gro^n|]e}t}h. When an|o}ther fox pasi.ng|#by that^ way hae^rd}d hir gro^ni.ng, she^ goe}t}h thither, and ask|]e}t}h for^ what she^ gro^ne}d. Afterw.ard be^i.ng t}hr^o}whl.y|#t.o^ld the cau}z of the lamenti.ng, say|]e}t}h plaeza.ntl.y: Thu} mu}st tary thaer so long, why^ls.t or^ v}ntil) thu} a}rt m.a^d so slender az thu} w}aer when thu} entr^^e}ds}t: for^ by that^ maen thu} mays}t go|#ou}t. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that no|t}hing iz so hard that ty^m can not dissolu^ or^ dis|charg^.) Of a c^ertein fisho.r^. A c^ertein fisho.r^ v}n|skil|fu}l of fishi.ng, w}ent too the saez}^ sy^d, and be^i.ng sett.|#v}p on a c^ertein rok, first b}e^gan t}oo play on a] shawm^, shawm^z^ and nets^ be^i.ng carie.d thi|]ther, BULL1585246 t}hinki.ng that he^ shou}ld ta^k fishes^ with] py^pi.ng. Bu}t when he^ go}t no effect with py^p|]i.ng, hiz shawm^z^ be^i.ng layd.|#away, he^ let.e}t}h|]do}wn the net intoo the sae, and c}au}ht v^ery|]#many fishes^. Bu}t when he^ shou}ld dr^aw|#ou}t the fishes^ ou}t|#of the net, and b}e^held them] laepi.ng, he^ saye}t}h meril.y: O wicked crea^t|]u.rz^, why^ls.t I py^pt} with my shawm^, y.e^ wou}ld not dan^c^, no}w bycau}z I laeu^|#of t}oo] py^p, y.e^ ge^u^ laeps^ stil or^ continua.l.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that al^ t}hings^ a}r v^ery|]wel doon.n, that a}r doon.n in their. ty^m. Of c^ertein fisho.r^z^. Fisho.r^z^ be^i.ng gon.|#fo}r^t}h a|fishi.ng, and we|]ry of|#fishi.ng long ty^m, mo^r^|ou^er be^i.ng v^ery|#hu}ngr^^i., and sad, bicau}z they h^ad ta^kn}^] no|t}hing. When they determin t}oo go|#away, he^ho^ld, a c^ertein fish fle^i.ng an|o}ther fish cha^c^i.ng him, laepe}t}h intoo the bo^t. The fisho.r^z^ be^i.ng v^ery|#glad catch him or^ ho^ld him fast) and be^i.ng retu}rn^e.d intoo the to}wn, s.o^ld him for^ a graet pr^y^c^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that for^tn v^ery|#oftn^ BULL1585247 y.e^lde}t}h that^ that art or^ cu}ni.ng) can not br^ing|#too|#pas. Of a man be^i.ng poor^ and sik. When a c^ertein man be^i.ng poor^ waz] sik, he^ v^o}we}d too the gods^, that if he^ miht be^ deliu^ere.d or^ fre^e.d) from that^ sikn.es, he^ wou}ld sacrific^ a hu}nderd oxn^^. Which t}hing the gods^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo pr^oou^, resto^r^ him haell.t}h aezi.l.y or^ qikl.y.) Thaer|for^ be^i.ng fre^ from the sikn.es, when he^ had not oxn^^, bycau}z he^ waz poor^, he^ gathere}d|#toogether the bo^nz^ of a hu}nderd oxn^^, and layi.ng them do}wn v}p|]on an al^tar, saye}t}h meril.y: Be^ho^ld, I h^au^ t}hr^o}whl.y|#paid} the v^o}w no}w that I v^o}we}d too] y.ou}. Bu}t the gods^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo be^ re|]u^eng^e.d on him, stand by him in sle^ps^, and say: Go too the saez}^ sy^d, for^ thaer thu} shal^t fy^nd a hu}nderd talents^ of go^ld in a secret pla^c^. He^ be^i.ng awa^kn.^e}d, my^nd|fu}l of the dr^aem, f}el|]on or^ hapn.^e}d|#on) t}hae^u^s^, why^ls.t he^ goe}t}h|#on too the sae|#sy^d. Thaer|for^ be^i.ng ta^kn.^, dezy^r^e}d that they wou}ld let him be^ looze.d, bycau}z he^ wou}ld trul.y pay them a t}ho}zand talents^ of] go^ld. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man be^i.ng a graet] lyo.r^, despy^ze}t}h the gods^ and m^en aly^k. BULL1585248 Of the fox and the libard. When the fox s}tra^u^ with the libard tu}chi.ng faiern.es. Whaer|az the li|]bard rekn^e}d that the diu^ers} marks^ or^ spots^) of hiz body w}aer a co}ml.yn}es too him. The fox saye}t}h cou}rti.o}sl.y too him: Trul.y I am t}oo|]be^ i}u}dg^e.d far|#fair^^e.r, that hau^ not a body markt. with diu^ers} spots^, bu}t a my^nd markt. with diu^ers} marks^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the co}ml.in.es or^ bewty) of the my^nd iz better than the dek|]i.ng or^ trimi.ng) of the body. Of c^ertein fisho.r^z^. Certein fisho.r^z^ d}r^e^w a net ou}t|#of the sae, which, when they fe^lt}t} t}oo be^ heu^y, they laept}|#abou}t for^ i}oy, t}hinki.ng t}oo hau^ many] fishes^ maeshe.d or^ wr^apt. in the net.) Bu}t az they d}r^e^w the net v}ntoo land, when they s}aw plainl.y that few fishes^ w}aer in the net, bu}t a v^ery|#graet sto^n, they w}aer m.a^d sor^ow|fu}l] graetl.y. O^n of them be^i.ng an^c^ient by birt}h] or^ a^g^) sayt}h too hiz felowz^ fy^nl.y: Be^ of qiet] my^nds^, for^|#why sor^ow iz mirt}hs^^ sister. Trul.y m^en mu}st fo^r^|se^ chan^c^es^ t}oo co}m or^ t}oo be^] he^r|after) BULL1585249 and perswa^d them|selu^s^ that they wil hapn.^ or^ a}r t}oo co}m) that a man may baer] them the lihte.r. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that remembr^^|]e}t}h manz}^ lu}k or^ destiny) iz the les br^o^kn.^ or^ ou^er|t}hr^own.^) in adu^ersity. Of the frogs^ aski.ng a king. The frogs^ sor^owi.ng that they waer with|]ou}t a king, s}ent or^ator^z^ t}oo be^se^ch Jupi|]ter, that he^ wou}ld ge^u^ them a king. Jupiter knowi.ng their. simpl^n.es, s}ent|#do}wn a pe^c^ of] wo}od intoo the midl^ of the pond: which when it f}el intoo the pond, the sou}nd thaer|of fraye}d the frogs^ v^ery|#mu}ch. Whoo when they kn}e^w that it waz wo}od, they s}ent|#agein t}oo be^se^ch] Jupiter, that he^ wou}ld ge^u^ them a ly^u^ king, not a ded. Jupiter be^i.ng moou^e}d with their. fooli.sh pr^aye.rz^, ga}u^ them a water|#serpent for^] a king. When he^ deu^ou}re}d the frogs^ dail.y, the frogs^ pr^ay Jupiter the t}hird ty^m, that he^ wou}ld moou^|#away from them the cruel and] fe^rc^ king. Then Jupiter saye}t}h: Hau^ him a] king for^|#eu^er too y.ou}, whoom^ y.e^ h^au^ entraet|]e}d|#for^, with so many pr^aye.rz^. BULL1585250 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that oftn^ ty^mz^ we^ pr^ai|]for^ tho^z t}hings^, which we^ repent afterw.ard that we^ h^au^ obteyne}d. Of a cat be^i.ng chan^g^e.d intoo a] wo}|man. A c^ertein cat be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with the lo}u^ of a c^ertein bewti|fu}l y.o}ng man, pr^aie}d V^e|]nu}s, that she^ wou}ld chan^g^ hir intoo a wo}man. Venu}s h^au^i.ng pitye}d her, chan^g^e}d her intoo the sha^p of a wo}|man, whoo when she^ waz] bewty|fu}l, her lo}u^o.r^ laedd} hir ho^m su}denl.y. Bu}t when they s}at|#toogether in the bed|]cham^ber, V^enu}s dezy^r^i.ng t}oo pr^oou^, if hir fa|]u^o}r^ be^i.ng chan^g^e.d, she^ h^ad chan^g^e}d hir ma|]nerz^ too^, sett} a mou}c^ in the midl^ of the bed|]cham^ber, whoom^ when she^ b}e^held, hau^i.ng|#for^|]gotn^ hir fau^o}r^ and her lo}u}, pu}rsue}d the mou}c^ that she^ miht ta^k him. V}pon which t}hing V^e|]nu}s disdaini.ng, chan^g^e}d her agein intoo the first for^m^ or^ sha^p) of a cat. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a nau}hti. man, thowh he^ d}oo chan^g^ hiz degre^ or^ esta^t) y.et he^ ho^ldet}h stil the self^|sa^m manerz^ or^ fa|]shionz^.) BULL1585251 Of an o^ld man cal^i.ng det}h. When an o^ld man caryi.ng a fagot of] wo}od on hiz shou}lderz^ ou}t|#of a wo}od] or^ gro^u^) waz wery with the long way, cal^e}d] det}h. Lo det}h c}a^m thither, and aske}t}h the cau}z whaer|for^ he^ cal^e}d her. Then the o^ld man say|]e}t}h, that thu} wu}lds}t lay|#on this fagot of wo}od v}pon my shou}lderz^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that eu^ery man iz v^ery|]dezy^r^o}o.s of ly^f^: thowh he^ be^ su}bi}ect too a t}ho}zand dang^erz}^ y.et he^ al^|way esche^we}t}h or^ flye}t}h from) det}h. Of a wo}|man and a phizic^ion. When a c^ertein wo}|man be^i.ng an o^ld wo}|man, su}ffr^^i.ng a dis|aez of the] yiz^, sende}t}h for^ a phizic^ion t}oo|#cur^^ or^ hael) her, pr^omisi.ng him a c^ertein reward, if she^ w}aer haele.d of that^ dis|aez or^ sikn.es,) bu}t if she^ w}aer not ridd. or^ fre^e.d) she^ bargaine}d t}oo ge^u^ him no|t}hing. Az oftn^ az the phizic^ion w}ent t}oo cur^^ or^ hael) her, so oftn^ he^ carye}d|#away so}m t}hing pr^iu^il.y ou}t|#of the ho}ws. Thaer|for^ the dis|aez in the yiz^ be^i.ng haele.d, when the wo}|man b}e^held that the^r waz no^n of her] welt.h} BULL1585252 in her ho}ws, denye}t}h t}oo pay the phizi|]c^ion aski.ng the reward bargaine.d or^ pr^o|]mise.d.) Whaer|for^ she^ be^i.ng cal^e.d v}ntoo i}u}dg^m.ent denye}t}h not the bargain, bu}t that she^ iz haele.d of the dis|aez in the yiz^, she^ v}tter|]l.y denye}t}h that^: sayi.ng, when I waz bly^nd I s}aw my ho}ws stu}ft. with mu}ch ho}wshold|]stu}f, no}w when I se^, az the phizic^ion saie}t}h, I be^ho^ld no^n of my t}hings^ in my ho}ws. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en ge^u^n.^|#ou^er too co}u^eto}o.sn.es say contrary too them|selu^s^] v^ery|#oftn^. Of the hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^. A c^ertein hu}sband|man pla^c^e}d him|self^ in a pla^c^ ne^r a c^ity, bicau}z of the graet|]n.es of the winter. Bu}t when food fayle}d him, he^ b}e^gan first t}oo be^ fe^d.d with go^tz^ and she^p. Bu}t when the winter ra^g^e}d mo^r^ dail.y, he^ d}id not spa^r hiz oxn^^ too^. Which de^d or^ act) when hiz dogs^ d}id consider or^ mark) they s}pa^k o^n|#too|#an|o}ther: Why stand we^ he^r, say] they, why d}oo we^ not fle^, det}h laeni.ng toward] v}s[ D}oo we^ t}hink that he^ spa^re}t}h v}s ly^f^, that h^at}h kild} hiz oxn^^ for^ foods^^ sa^k. BULL1585253 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that we^ owht t}oo au^oyd them that baer them|selu^s^ cruell.y toward the fa^mo}o.s and no^ta.bl^. Of a hu}sband|man and hiz so}nz^. A c^ertein hu}sband|man had v^ery|#many] so}nz^, dis|agre^i.ng with continua.l v^ary|]a.nc^, and not regardi.ng hiz warn^i.ngs^ conti|]nua.l^l.y or^ al^|way.) When by for^tn or^] chan^c^) they s}at al^ at ho^m toogether, the father co}mman^de}d that a fagot of wanz^ shou}ld be^ b.r^owht|#fo}r^t}h opn^l.y, and b}e^gan t}oo exr^t hiz] so}nz^, that they shou}ld br^aek|#asu}nder the who^l] fagot. Thaer|for^ when they w}aer not a^bl^ t}oo br^aek the fagot, with al^ their. strengt}h, the fa|]ther or^ sy^r^^) co}mman^de}d, that, the fagot be^i.ng] looze.d, they shou}ld br^aek the wanz^ seu^era.l^l.y or^ o^n|#by|#o^n.) When eu^ery|o^n did it aezi.l.y, then silenc^ be^i.ng m.a^d, the father saye}t}h too] them: O so}nz^, mo^st|#de^rl.y|#be^|lo}u^e.d too me^, if at any ty^m y.e^ shal^ i}u}dg^ al^|#o^n t}hing in y.ou}r.] my^nds^, y.e^ can not he^r|after be^ ou^erco}me.d of] the enemyz^. Bu}t if y.e^ shal^ ke^p v^aria.nc^es^ a|]mong y.ou}, he^ shal^ aezi.l.y destrooy y.ou} that] wil. BULL1585254 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that vnity iz stronge.r than v^aria.nc^, which iz waek. Of a wo}|man and hir hen. A c^ertein wo}|man be^i.ng a widow had a] hen, that laye}d an eg eu^ery day. The wo}|]man t}howht, after the maner of manz}^ natr, which the gre^din.es or^ t}hirsti.n.es) of|#hau^i.ng d}oot}h al^|way ma^k ca^r|fu}l, that the hen wou}ld lay twy^c^ a|#day if she^ wou}ld vz t}oo cast her mo^r^ co^r^n^. Bu}t the hen be^i.ng m.a^d fate.r with mo^r^ food or^ cherishi.ng) left|#of t}oo lay that^ o^n eg. So the wo}|man so mu}ch the] mo^r^ she^ s}owht|#for^ gain, she^ l}ost it t}hr^o}wh the bly^nd dezy^r^ of|#incraec^i.ng it. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that t}hr^o}wh v^ery|#mu}ch co}u^eti.ng of t}hings^, pr^es}ent gain iz v}tterl.y l.ost so}m ty^mz^. Of a man be^i.ng by^tt.n^ of a dog. A c^ertein man when a dog h^ad by^tt} him, enqy^r^e}d with v^ery|#graet dilig^enc^, of whoom^ he^ miht be^ haele.d. A c^ertein man hau^|]i.ng|#me^tt} him, and be^i.ng aske.d for^ a phizic^i|]on, BULL1585255 saye}t}h: fre^nd, if thu} wilt be^ m.a^d who^l, thu} hast not ne^d of a phizic^ion. For^ if the dog that by^tt} the^ may wy^p the blu}d from the wou}nd with hiz tu}ng, no|t}hing may be^ f.ou}nd better than that^ cur^^ or^ haeli.ng.) The o}ther lau}hi.ng] thaer|at, saye}t}h: If I vz su}ch remedy, I shal^ be^ by^tt.n^ of dogs^ dail.y mo^r^ and mo^r^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that dis|comodityz^ a}r wo}nt t}oo be^ reqy^te.d of nau}hti. m^en for^ co|]modityz^ or^ go}odn.es) and e^u^l^z^ (a}r wo}nt t}oo be^ reqy^te.d) for^ go}od tu}rn^z^. Of twoo fre^nds^ and a she^|#ba^r. Why^ls.t twoo fre^nds^ trau^ele}d on the] way too the co}ntry, a she^|#ba^r c}a^m ru}ni.ng against them, whoo be^i.ng se^n. plainl.y, the o^n of them be^i.ng a|frayd., climd} a tre^ by|]and|#by, that he^ miht sa^u^ him|self^. When the o}ther dou}te}d that he^ waz a^bl^ t}oo stand a|]geinst the ba^rz}^ strengt}h, l}ay v}p|riht on the] grou}nd az ded, stayi.ng blowi.ng or^ feti.ng of] br^aet}h: when he^ t}o^k br^aet}h nether with mou}t}h] nor^ no^z, the she^|#ba^r t}hinki.ng him ded w}ent|]away. For^ they say, that ba^rz^ d}oo stay|#away them|selu^s^ from a ded body or^ carain.) Af|]terw.ard BULL1585256 the o}ther co}mi.ng|#do}wn from the] tre^, aske}d hiz felow, what the ba^r saye}d intoo] hiz aer. He^ answere}d with g^entl^ spe^ch: I waz warn^e.d of the ba^r, that I shou}ld not go|#fo}r^t}h any|#mo^r^ with su}ch fre^nds^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that their. fre^nds.hip iz not t}oo|#be^ regarde.d, that deny their. fre^nds^ su}cco}r^, when the^r iz ne^d. Of twoo y.o}ng m^en and a cook. Twoo y.o}ng m^en b}owht flesh toogether with aeqal cha^rg^es^, and deliu^ere}d it too a] cook t}oo dr^es or^ look too.) By the way or^ the maen why^l) why^ls.t the cook applye}t}h o}ther bu|]zin.es, the o^n of the y.o}ng m^en t}o^k the sa^m] flesh pr^iu^il.y, and deliu^ere}d it too hiz felow. The cook afterw.ard se^ki.ng|#for^ the flesh he^ that h^ad ta^kn}^ it, swaere}t}h that he^ hat}h it not, and he^ that had it s}wo^r^, that he^ t}o^k it not. The cook, the y.o}ng m^enz}^ dec^eit be^i.ng perc^eiu^e.d, saye}t}h: Trul.y thowh I am dec^eiu^e.d of y.ou}, that^|#sa^m t}hing wil not be^ hy^dd. from God, by whoom^ y.e^ swaer. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that no wickedn.es can be^ hy^dd. from God. BULL1585257 Of twoo enemyz^. Twoo c^ertein m^en hau^i.ng ha^tr.eds^ be^|]twe^n them|selu^s^ with a dedl.y my^nd or^ my^nd t}oo fiht) sayle}d in o^n ship. And when the o^n cou}ld not aby^d or^ su}ffer) t}oo stand with the o}ther in o^n|#self^ pla^c^, o^n site}t}h|#do}wn on the pou}p of the ship, the o}ther on the fo^r^|ship. A tempest or^ stor^m^) be^i.ng ry^zn.^, when the ship waz in dan^g^er, he^ that s}at in the fo^r^|ship ask|]e}d the maister of the ship, what part of the] ship owht t}oo be^ dr^o}wne.d first, and when the] maister h^ad sayd} the pou}p: the o}ther saye}t}h: Det}h iz no}w the les gre^u^o}o.s too me^, if I be^|]ho^ld my^n enemy dy first. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that an enemy oftn^] ty^mz^ chooze}t}h t}oo destrooy him|self^, that he^ may destrooy hiz enemy. Of the re^d and the oliu^|#tre^. The ca^n and oliu^|#tre^ s}tra^u^ toogether, or^ o^n|#with|#the|#o}ther,) whether miht be^ stronge.r, harde.r, and mo^r^|#res}isti.ng. The oliu^|]tre^ obi}ecte}d or^ castt} ageinst) the re^d hiz m|]bl^n.es, bicau}z that he^ y.e^lde}d or^ ga}u^ pla^c^) aezi.|]l.y too the wy^nds^. The re^d ga}u^ not agein o^n] wor^d BULL1585258 too this sayi.ng. A|#litl^ after, the wy^nd blowi.ng with a v^ement or^ cruel) whu}rl^|]i.ng|#wy^nd or^ stor^m^) plu}kt}|#v}p the oliu^|#tre^ by] the root, standi.ng ageinst the wy^nd with al^] fo^r^c^. Bu}t the ca^n bendi.ng|#do}wn it|self^ too] the blasts^, go}t sa^ft.y aezi.l.y. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the mihti.e.r mu}st be^ obeye.d in ty^m withou}t v^aria.nc^ or^ re|]s}ista.nc^. Of the hekfer and the ox. When an hekfer b}e^held an ox a^ri.ng or^ plo}wi.ng) she^ despy^ze}d him in compa^ri.zon of her|self^. Bu}t when a day of sa|]crific^ waz co}mm., the ox waz lett.|#go, bu}t the hekfer waz staye.d that she^ miht be^ sacri|]fic^e.d. Which t}hing when the ox be^ho^lde}t}h, he^ saie}t}h smy^li.ng: Oh hekfer, thaer|for^ thu} d}idst not labo}r^, that thu} mihts}t be^ sacrific^e.d. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that dan^g^erz^ hang o|]u^er y^dl^ m^en, and dooi.ng no|t}hing too^. Of a chy^ld and of for^tn. When a chy^ld sle^pt}t nih a well, for^tn co}mi.ng thither, stire}d him v}p, say|]i.ng: BULL1585259 Ary^z, and go|#away henc^ qikl.y, for^|#why, if thu} shal^t fal^ intoo the well, eu^ery man or^ al^ m^en) wou}ld not accus} thy fooli.shn.es, bu}t] me^ for^tn. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that v^ery|#oftn^ we^ ru}n intoo dan^g^erz^ t}hr^o}wh ou}r|#own.^ fal^t, after|]w.ard we^ accus} for^tn withou}t cau}z. Of m^y^c^ and a cat. A cat perc^eiu^i.ng|#be^fo^r^, that thaer waer v^ery|#many m^y^c^ in a c^ertein ho}ws, she^ w}ent thither, and ta^ki.ng no}w o^n, no}w an|o}|]ther, aett}|#v}p v^ery|#many by|#kili.ng (them.) Bu}t when the m^y^c^ perc^eiu^e}d that they w}aer consume.d day by day or^ dail.y,) be^i.ng gotn^|]toogether intoo o^n pla^c^, say with them|selu^s^: from|#henc^|fo}r^t}h we^ mu}st not go|#do}wn low|]e.r, if we^ wil not be^ destrooie.d al^, bu}t we^ mu}st tary he^r hihe.r, whither the cat can not clim. Bu}t the cat, the m^y^c^e^s^ cou}nc^l^ be^i.ng perc^ei|]u^e.d, feini.ng hir|self^ t}oo be^ ded, hangd}|#v}p hir|]self^ by the hy^nde.r fe^t too a po^st or^ sta^k) which waz fastn.^e.d too the wal^. A c^ertein|#o^n of the] m^y^c^ looki.ng witi.l.y do}wnw.ard, az he^ kn}e^w] it t}oo be^ the cat, saye}t}h not v}n|plaeza.ntl.y or^ BULL1585260 v^ery|#plaeza.ntl.y: O fre^nd, and if I d}id know for^|#c^ertein or^ c^erteinl.y) that thu} w}aer a cat, I wou}ld not in any wy^z co}m|#do}wn. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a wy^z man tru}ste}t}h not any|#mo^r^ m^en hau^i.ng feine}d and cou}n|]terfete}d, if he^ be^ dec^eiu^e.d o^nc.^. Of the aap and the fox. The aap dan^c^e}d so hanso}ml.y or^ triml.y) at the assembl^i. of br^ut baests^, that she^ waz al^|mo^st m.a^d king by|#and|#by by the con|]sent of al^. Bu}t the fox enu^yi.ng her, when he^ s}aw flesh sett. in a dy^k with a sna^r, that he^ may br^ing or^ laed) the aap thither, he^ sait}h too] her: He^r iz go^ld hy^dd., which by the law per|]teine}t}h too kings^. Whaer|for^ se^i.ng it iz thy^n by] the law, thu}|#thy|self^ mais}t ta^k it. The aap go|]i.ng thither rashl.y by the foxe^s^ perswas}ion, az she^ perc^eiu^e}d her|self^ ta^kn.^ with the sna^r, ac|]cus}e}t}h the fox sharpl.y, that h^ad dec^eiu^e}d her] with craft. The fox sayt}h too her not v}n|plaez|]a.ntl.y: Ho fool, that t}howhts}t thy|self^ wo}r^thy no}w t}oo rul or^ t}oo be^ lo^r^d) ou^er o}ther, when for^tn h^ad extole}d or^ liftt}) the^ v}p. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that rashl.y go|]e}t}h|#on BULL1585261 any t}hing fal^e}t}h rashl.y intoo dan^|]g^erz^, and iz m.a^d a lau}hi.ng|#stok too the pe^pl^. Of the hart and the lyon. When a hart waz v^exe.d with an er|]nest t}hirst, he^ w}ent|#fo}r^t}h too a spr^ing] of water, and why^ls.t he^ dr^inke}t}h, be^ho^ldi.ng hiz shadow in the water, iz v^ery|#glad for^ the graetn.es and br^an^chi.ng of hiz hor^n^z^, after|]w.ard be^ho^ldi.ng hiz fe^t and shanks^, iz m.a^d] too|#too|#sad. Why^ls.t he^ tu}rn^e}t}h thaez t}hings^ in] hiz my^nd, be^ho^ld, a lion appe^re}t}h and pu}rsu|]e}t}h the hart. Bu}t the hart catchi.ng fliht, w}ent be^fo^r^ the lion a graet way t}hr^o}wh the fe^lds^ or^] plainz^.) for^ m^en say that hartss^^ strengt}hs^ consist in their. fe^t, bu}t that a lionz}^ strengt}h or^ miht) stande}t}h in hiz my^nd or^ co}r^ag^) thaer|]for^ az long az the lion folowe}d the hart t}ho}|]ro}wh the plainz^, he^ waz not a^bl^ t}oo get him. Bu}t by chan^c^ it hapn.^e}d, that the hart enter|]e}d intoo a t}hik wo}od, whaer hiz hor^n^z^ be^i.ng wr^apt. too the bo}ws^, when he^ cou}ld not es|]ca^p or^ fle^) be^i.ng ta^kn.^ of the lion, when he^ s}aw him|self^ redy t}oo dy, sayt}h: alas wr^etch that I am, whoo rei}oic^e}d for^ my hor^n^z^, perish or^ dy) with the sa^m hor^n^z^. BULL1585262 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that tho^z t}hings^ hu}rt or^ be^ ageinst) v}s v^ery|#oftn^, which we^ t}hink wil pr^ofit or^ be^ for^) v}s. Of a hu}sband|man and the] stor^k. A hu}sband|man b}ent or^ layd}) sna^rz^, that he^ miht catch cra^nz^ and ge^c^, that conti|]nua.l^l.y aett}|#v}p hiz co^r^n^. Bu}t he^ c}au}ht with] them a stor^k al^so, whoo be^i.ng ho^ldn.^ by the foot dezy^r^et}h the hu}sband|man, that he^ wou}ld looz] her, and let her go, se^i.ng|#that she^ iz not a] cra^n, nor^ a gooc^ in shew or^ sha^p) bu}t a stor^k, the godl.ie.st or^ pity|fu}ls.t) of the birds^, whoo al^|way doot}h seru^i.c^ too hiz parents^ or^ damz^,) nether d}oot}h for^sa^k them at any ty^m in their.] o^ld|#a^g^. And the hu}sband|man smy^li.ng sait}h: What thu} saye}st d}oo not fle^ me^, or^ a}r not hy^dd.] from me^:) for^ what thu} a}rt I know v^ery|]wel. Bu}t se^i.ng thu} a}rt ta^kn.^ in co}mpany] with thaez, thu} mu}st dy al^so with thaez too^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that iz ta^kn.^ or^ c.au}ht) with the wicked in any fal^t. iz pu}|]nishe.d with them with ly^k pu}nishm.ent. BULL1585263 Of the lamb and the wo}lf. When a lamb be^i.ng shu}tt.|#wel in a] ho}ws s}aw the wo}lf co}mi.ng too her, she^ rayle}t}h at him and cu}rse}t}h him. Bu}t the wo}lf saye}t}h too her: not thu}, bu}t the pla^c^ be^|]i.ng v}n|acc^esa.bl^ or^ not t}oo be^ co}m|#at) saye}t}h repr^o^ches^ too me^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that ty^m and pla^c^ ma^k the faer|fu}l v^ery|#bo^ld v^ery|#oftn^. Of Jupiter and the crow. Jupiter be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo crea^t or^ ma^k) the birds^ a king, appoointe}d the birds^ a day] of cou}nc^l^, that he^ that waz the bewty|fu}le.r miht be^ appoointe.d king by him. Which t}hing the crow perc^eiu^i.ng|#be^fo^r^|#hand, and know|]i.ng or^ hau^i.ng a conscienc^ of) hiz il fau^o}r^d.n.es or^ fo}wln.es) m}a^d him|self^ trim or^ hanso}m) with o}therz^s^^ fetherz^ gathere.d|#toogether he^r] and thaer, or^ from this pla^c^ (and) from that^] pla^c^) and m}a^d him|self^ the bewty|fu}ls.t of] al^. The day be^fo^r^|#appoointe.d iz co}mm., the birds^ co}m too cou}nc^l^. When Jupiter wou}ld m}a^d the crow king too the birds^ bycau}z|#of hiz faiern.es, the birds^ baeri.ng or^ ta^ki.ng) it] disdain|fu}ll.y, BULL1585264 eu^ery|o^n dr^awe}t}h|#away hiz] fetherz^ from the crow. And when the crow waz v}n|raie.d or^ stript.) of the fetherz^ of o}|]therz^, or^ that w}aer o}therz^s^^) at|#last remayne}d a crow, az he^ waz. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that depende}t}h on o}ther m^enz}^ t}hings^, they be^i.ng gon., he^ or^ it) appe^re}t}h too eu^ery|o^n plainl.y what|]o^n he^ iz. Of a c^ertein tru}mpeto.r^. A c^ertein tru}mpeto.r^ cal^e}d|#v}p an army or^ o^st of m^en) t}oo fiht, with the sou}nd of] hiz tru}mpet. Afterw.ard be^i.ng ta^kn.^ by an] ambu}sh or^ secret watch) crye}d|#ou}t with a] pity|fu}l v^oic^: D}oo not kil me^ withou}t cau}z and in v^ain. Trul.y I fiht not, nether posses] I any o}ther t}hing bu}t a tru}mpet. They that laedd} him b.ou}nd, contraril.y or^ on the o}ther] sy^d) ga}u^|#agein wor^ds^ of this sor^t: Bicau}z|#of this t}hing thu} a}rt t}oo|#be^ i}u}dg^e.d the wo}r^thie.r] of det}h, bicau}z thu} au^oidi.ng t}oo fiht with ene|]myz^, exr^te}st o}ther too the battel or^ fiht) with] sou}nd or^ noyz.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that they a}r t}oo|#be^ i}u}dg^|]e.d BULL1585265 with gre^u^o}o.se.r or^ graete.r) pu}nishm.ent that when them|selu^s^ doo no wr^ong pr^o|]u^o^k o}ther too wr^ong. Of a smit}h and a dog. A c^ertein smit}h had a dog, that sle^pt}t con|]tinua.l^l.y why^ls.t the smit}h s}tra^k or^] w}r^owht) y^r^n^, bu}t when the smit}h d}id aet, the dog a}ro^z fo}r^t}h|with, and withou}t taryi.ng aett}|#v}p t}hings^ that w}aer castt.|#do}wn v}nder] the boor^d, az bo^nz^, and o}ther ly^k. Which t}hing the smit}h marki.ng or^ consideri.ng) saye}t}h too] the dog: Ho wr^etch, I know not what I may] doo, whoo sle^pe}st continua.l^l.y and a}rt ho^ldn.^ wit}h slu}gi.shn.es, why^ls.t I stry^k y^r^n^. Agein when I moou^ or^ wag) my te^t}h, by|#and|#by thu}] ry^ze}st, and fawns}t on me^ with thy tayl, or^ laeps}t abou}t for^ i}oy.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the slu}gi.sh and dr^o}wzi. or^ sle^pi.) that liu^ of o}therz^s^^ labo}r^z^, a}r t}oo|#be^ restraine.d or^ ke^pt.t|#hard) with graet or^ gre^u^o}o.s) cor^rect}i.on. Of a c^ertein mul. A c^ertein mul be^i.ng m.a^d fat with too|]mu}ch barly, waz wanton t}ho}r^o}wh too|]#mu}ch fatn.es, BULL1585266 sayi.ng with her|self^: My father waz a hor^s, whoo waz v^ery|#swift in ru}ni.ng, and I am ly^k him by al^ t}hings^. A|#litl^ after, it hapn.^e}d that the mul mu}st ru}n az mu}ch az she^ waz a^bl^ or^ cou}ld,) bu}t when she^ stopt} or^ l}eft|#of) in ru}ni.ng: Alas wr^etch that I am, sayz} she^, whoo t}howht that I waz a hor^se^s^] dau}hter, bu}t no}w I remember that an as] waz my father. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that foolz^ d}oo for^get t}oo know them|selu^s^ in pr^osperi.ty, bu}t ac|]knowl.edg^ their. ero}o.r^z^ v^ery oftn^ in adu^er|]sityz^. Of the tu}ny and the dolphin (be^|]i.ng bo^th fishes^.) The tu}ny (when the dolphin be^i.ng pu}ft.|]v}p or^ pr^ou}d) t}hr^o}wh graet v^iolenc^ and] noyz cha^c^e}d him) iz carye.d|#v}p of a v^ement] wa^u^ or^ flu}d) intoo an y^l^|land, and the dolphin him|self^ al^so iz carye.d|#ou}t v}p|on the self^|]sa^m rok with the sa^m wa^u^. Then the tu}ny be^i.ng tu}rn^d.|#abou}t b}e^held the dolphin y.e^ld|]i.ng|#v}p the go^st or^ dyi.ng,) saye}t}h with him|]self^: Det}h iz not graetl.y|#gre^u^o}o.s too me^, for^] that BULL1585267 or^ bicau}z) I be^ho^ld the au}tr^ of my det}h dy with me^ too^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that eu^ery|o^n baere}t}h adu^ersityz^ the lihte.r, when they be^ho^ld the au}tr^z^ of their. adu^ersity t}oo be^ oppr^ese.d with the self^|#sa^m adu^ersity. Of a c^ertein phizic^ion. A c^ertein phizic^ion (when it hapn.^e}d the sa^m sik man t}oo dy whoom^ he^ shou}ld cur|]e}d) sayd} too them that cary|#fo}r^t}h the ded co^r^s, if the sa^m man h^ad for^bo^r^n^ or^ absteyne}d) him|self^ from wy^n, and h^ad vze}d glisterz^, it h^ad not hapn.^e}d him t}oo dy. A c^ertein|#o^n of] them that w}aer thaer, sait}h too the phizic^ion not v}n|fy^nl.y or^ triml.y:) Ho phizic^ion, tho^z t}hings^ w}aer t}oo|#be^n. saye.d, when they cou}ld doon}n go}od, not no}w when they can pr^ofit no|]t}hing. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that when cou}nc^l^ d}oot}h] not pr^ofit, t}oo ge^u^ it that^ ty^m, iz suerl.y t}oo] mok a fre^nd. Of a fo}wlo.r^. A fo}wlo.r^ w}ent a|fo}wli.ng or^ t}oo fo}wl) with rods^ and bird|#ly^m, and when he^ BULL1585268 b}e^held a fe^ld|fa^r or^ mau^is) sing vp|on the bo}w of a tre^, he^ sett}|#v}p hiz twigs^ or^ qilz^) that he^ miht ta^k hir. Bu}t az he^ wal^kt}, he^ t}rod|#on a sna^k with the o^n foot, and be^i.ng by^tt.n^ of] her, when he^ s}aw|#be^fo^r^|#hand that he^ fainte}d eu^n^|#then bicau}z|#of the v^enim, he^ s}pa^k la|]menta.bl^l.y: Alas wr^etch that I am, whoo why^ls.t I ha^stn.^ t}oo ta^k an|o}ther, an|o}ther h^at}h c}au}ht me^ t}oo det}h. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that ou}r|selu^s^ su}ffer tho^z t}hings^ v^ery|#oft ty^mz^ of an|o}ther, which we^ enfor^c^ t}oo doo ageinst o}ther. Of the beu^er. The beu^er iz a fower|#foote.d baest, that nou}rishe}t}h him|self^ in the fenz^, hiz sto^nz^ a}r saye.d t}oo be^ pr^ofita.bl^ or^ go}od) for^ diu^ers}] medc^inz^. Thaer|for^ when any man folowe}t}h] him (he^ not be^i.ng ignor^ant of the cau}z of hiz pu}rsui.ng or^ cha^c^i.ng) and tru}sti.ng too the swiftn.es of hiz fe^t) az mu}ch az he^ iz a^bl^, ru}n|]e}t}h so far that he^ co}me}t}h|#away sa^f too a pla^c^, that he^ may not be^ se^n., and thaer cu}ti.ng|#of hiz] sto^nz^, caste}t}h them fo}r^t}h too the hu}nto.r^z^, when they co}m ne^r, and by that^ shift or^ maen) gete}t}h|#away him|self^ from the hu}nto.r^z^. BULL1585269 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a wy^z man wil laeu^ no|t}hing v}n|assaye.d, that he^ may get him|self^ a|way from dan^g^erz^. Of a boy fe^di.ng or^ ke^pi.ng) she^p. When a c^ertein boy fe^dd} she^p in a v^e|]ry|#hih pla^c^, and crye}d|#ou}t v^ery|]oftn^: Ho how, su}cco}r^ me^ from the wo}lfs^. The tilo.r^z^ or^ plo}w|m^en) that w}aer at|#hand abou}t laeu^i.ng the tili.ng of the fe^lds^, and ru}ni.ng to|]ward him, and perc^eiu^i.ng that the^r waz no|]t}hing, go|#agein too their. wo}r^ks^. When the boy h^ad doon}n it for^ spor^ts^^ sa^k v^ery|#oftn^, be^|]ho^ld, when the wo}lf for^|#c^ertein c}a^m, when the boy crye}d|#ou}t ernestl.y or^ in ernest) they shou}ld su}cco}r^ him. When the hu}sband|m^en r}an not toward him at|#al^, t}hinki.ng that it waz not tru, the wo}lf d}id aezi.l.y spooyl the she^p. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en d}oo not be^le^u^ at the end or^ afterw.ard) o^n sayi.ng trut.h}, which iz known.^ t}oo ly or^ t}oo be^ a lyo.r^.) Of a crow and the fox. When a crow h^ad c}au}ht a pe^c^ of flesh he^ site}t}h v}pon a c^ertein tre^. The fox BULL1585270 looki.ng|#v}p on him, and co}u^eti.ng the flesh for^] her|self^, goe}t}h too him with craft. Thaer|for^ standi.ng v}nder the tre^ she^ be^gine}t}h t}oo pr^ayz] the crow, sayi.ng: O what a graet bird iz this[ Ho}w go}odl.y, ho}w bewty|fu}l, ho}w wel|#fau^o}r^|]e.d, it be^se^me}d this bird t}oo be^ king of birds^: for^ he^ hat}h al^ t}hings^ be^longi.ng too a king, if he^ had a v^oic^ no}w. The crow be^i.ng pu}ft.|#v}p with thaez pr^aizes^, and not a^bl^ t}oo su}ffer any|]longe.r t}oo be^ saye.d du}m, why^ls.t he^ crawe}t}h with a graet v^oic^, the flesh fal^e}t}h|#do}wn on the] grou}nd. When the fox h^ad cau}ht it, be^i.ng tu}rn^d.|#abou}t, she^ saye}t}h too the crow: Oh] crow, thu} ho^lde}st or^ hast) al^ t}hings^ co}ml.y, so|]that thu} d}idst not lak wit or^ my^nd.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that they that be^le^u^ flat|]tero.r^z^ too|#mu}ch, fal^ v^eri|#oftn^ intoo adu^er|]sityz^, which they t}hink not. Of the dog and the wo}lf. When a dog sle^pt}t be^fo^r^ a graet palac^ the wo}lf co}mi.ng (thither) v}n|lookt.|]for^ or^ su}denl.y) cau}ht him fo}r^t}h|with, and when he^ wou}ld kild} him, the dog dezy^r^e}d that he^ wou}ld not kil him, sayi.ng: O my lo^r^d] wo}lf, BULL1585271 d}oo not kil me^ no}w: for^ az y.e^ se^, I am] smal^, and slender, and laen. Bu}t my maister iz abou}t|#t}oo ma^k a maria.g^ on the next day, whaer|az if thu} wilt tary or^ stay) for^ me^ a|#li|]tl^, I fe^di.ng or^ aeti.ng) plenty|fu}ll.y, and be^i.ng m.a^d fate.r, shal^ be^ pr^ofita.bl^e.r for^ the^. The wo}lf h^au^i.ng tru}st too thaez wor^ds^, lett}|#go the] dog. A few dayz^ after, the wo}lf co}mi.ng thi|]ther, when he^ f}ou}nd the dog sle^pi.ng in the] ho}ws, the wo}lf standi.ng be^fo^r^ the palac^ re|]qy^r^e}t}h the dog, that he^ y.e^ld the pr^omises^ too] him. The dog saye}th too him pr^etil.y: Ho wo}lf if thu} shal^t fy^nd me^ be^fo^r^ the palac^ he^r|af|]ter, thu} shou}lds}t not look|#for^ the maria.g^ any|]mo^r^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a wy^z man, when he^ au^oyde}t}h dan^g^er, iz wa^r of it eu^er after|]w.ard. Of a crow be^i.ng sik. When a crow waz sik, he^ dezy^r^e}d hiz] mo}ther, that she^ wou}ld pr^ay the] gods^ for^ hiz haell.t}h, sayi.ng: Mo}ther d}oo not] we^p, bu}t rather pr^ay the gods^, that they re|]sto^r^ me^ haell.t}h. Hiz mo}ther answere}d him] qikl.y: BULL1585272 Which of the gods^ t}hinke}st thu} wil be^ fau^o}r^a.bl^ too the^, when the^r iz no^n, from whooz}^] al^tarz^ thu} h^ast not snatcht} holy t}hings^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that offende}t}h eu^ery man in pr^osperi.ty, shal^ fy^nd no] man a fre^nd too him in adu^ersity. Of a dog caryi.ng flesh. When a dog caryi.ng flesh in hiz] mou}t}h, and pasi.ng|#ou^er a graet ri|]u^er, s}aw the shadow v}nder the water, he^ t}howht that it waz an|o}ther dog, that carye}d] mo^r^ flesh. Thaer|for^ he^ let the flesh that him|]self^ carye}d go v}nder the water, and moou^e}d him|self^ that he^ miht ta^k the shadow, bu}t he^ l}ost the flesh and shadow too^, which in|de^d] w}aer no|t}hing. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that t}hr^o}wh dezy^r^ of|]#hau^i.ng mo^r^ al^|way, we^ lo^z v^ery|#oftn^] ty^mz^ tho^z t}hings^ that we^ ho^ld or^ hau^.) Of a lion and a frog. When a lion hae^rd}d a frog spaeki.ng|]big, t}hinki.ng that it waz so}m graet] baest, BULL1585273 tu}rn^e}d him|self^ bak, and stayi.ng a|]litl^ se^e}t}h a frog goi.ng ou}t|#of a pond, whoom^, he^ be^i.ng fu}l of disdain fo}r^t}h|with t}rod|#do}wn with hiz fe^t, sayi.ng: Thu} shal^t moou^ no baest with noiz any|#mo^r^, that he^ shou}ld be^ho^ld the^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that with m^en fu}l of] wor^ds^, no|t}hing iz f.ou}nd bu}t tu}ng. Of a lion be^i.ng o^ld. When a lion b}e^ca^m|#o^ld, and cou}ld not get food for^ him|self^, he^ deu^y^ze}d a way whaer|by su}steina.nc^ shou}ld not be^ laki.ng too him. Thaer|for^ be^i.ng entr^^e.d intoo] hiz den, lyi.ng thaer he^ feine}d t}oo be^ gre^u^o}o.sl.y|]sik. The baests^ t}hinki.ng that he^ waz sik in|de^d c}a^m thither too him, by cau}z of|#v^is}iti.ng him, whoom^ the lion ta^ki.ng o^n|#by|#o^n d}id aet. When he^ h^ad kild} many baests^ al^redy, the fox co}m|]i.ng too the entr^^i. of the den (the lionz}^ craft be^|]i.ng known.^) standi.ng mo^r^|#with|ou}t aske}t}h] the lion in what maner he^ fa^re}d or^ waz in] haell.t}h.) The lyon answeri.ng with faier spe^ch, saye}t}h: Dau}hter fox, why d}oo y.e^ not co}m|#in] too me^[ The fox saye}t}h too him fy^nl.y: Bicau}z] my lo^r^d, I se^ v^ery|#many steps^ of baests^ go|]i.ng|#in, bu}t, no steps^ of baests^ goi.ng|#ou}t. BULL1585274 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a wy^z man that fo^r^|se^e}t}h dan^g^erz^ hangi.ng|#ou^er, d}oot}h aez|]i.l.y au^oyd them. Of a lion and a bu}l. When a lyon folowi.ng a graet or^ mihti.) bu}l by wy^lz^ c}a^m naer, he^ cal^|]e}d the bu}l too su}pe.r, sayi.ng: fre^nd, I h^au^ kild}] a she^p, thu} shal^t su}p with me^ too|day, if it plaez] the^. When the bu}l obeyi.ng the lyon (az they s}at do}wn) s}aw many cawdern^z^, y.e graet o^nz^, and many br^oches^ redy, and that the^r waz no] she^p thaer, he^ goe}t}h|#away ou}t|#of the por^ch or^] entr^^i.,) whoom^ the lyon perc^eiu^i.ng goi.ng|#a|]way, aske}d, why he^ wou}ld go|#away. The bu}l answere}t}h cou}rti.o}sl.y: Trul.y I go not a|]way for^ nau}ht, when I se^ toolz^ or^ nec^essaryz^) t}oo be^ m.a^d redy, not t}oo|#dr^es a she^p, bu}t t}oo|]dr^es a bu}l. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the crafts^ of the] wicked a}r not hy^dd. at|#al^ from wy^z or^] skil|fu}l) m^en. Of the lyon, as, and fox. The lyon, as, and fox (felows.hip be^i.ng w.r^owht be^twe^n them) go|#fo}r^t}h a|hu}nt|]i.ng BULL1585275 or^ t}oo hu}nt,) and when they h^ad ta^kn}^] mu}ch booty, the lion commite}t}h too the as, that he^ diu^y^d the booty. When the as h^ad parte}d it intoo t}hr^e^ eqal or^ e^u^n^) parts^, he^ ga}u^ too hiz felowz^ the choic^ of|#ta^ki.ng or^ t}oo ta^k) which parti.t}ion or^ diu^is}ion) the lion baeri.ng] disdain|fu}ll.y, and gnashi.ng with hiz te^t}h, pu}tt}|#of or^ a|way) the as from the diu^y^di.ng, and commite}d too the fox, that she^ shou}ld pa^rt] the booty. Bu}t the fox gatheri.ng|#toogether al^ tho^z t}hr^e^ parts^, and laeu^i.ng no|t}hing of the] booty a|sy^d for^ her|self^, deliu^ere}d al^ too the li|]on. The lion saye}t}h too the fox: whoo h^at}h wel|]t}au}ht the^ t}oo pa^rt or^ diu^y^d[) The fox saye}t}h ou}t|#of|#hand or^ withou}t stayi.ng) the dan^g^er of the as t}au}ht or^ instru}cte}d) me^ t}oo doo it. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that o}therz}^ dan^g^erz^ ma^k m^en the wy^ze.r. Of a lion lo}u^i.ng the dau}hter of a c^ertein co}ntry|man. A lion lo}u^e}d a c^ertein co}ntri|manz}^ dau}h|]ter. When he^ co}u^ete}d t}oo hau^ her, he^ de|]zy^r^e}d the maidz}^ father, that he^ wou}ld assent or^ agre^) that she^ be^ marie.d too him. The co}n|]try|man BULL1585276 saye}t}h too him, that he^ wou}ld agre^ by no maen that hiz dau}hter be^ marie.d too a] baest. When the lion lookt} stu}rdil.y on him, and gnasht} with hiz te^t}h, the co}ntry|man, hiz cou}nc^l^ be^i.ng chan^g^e.d, sait}h: that he^ dezy^r^e}t}h that hiz dau}hter be^ marie.d too him, so|#that he^ baet and plu}k|#ou}t hiz te^t}h and nailz^ first, by|]cau}z the maid iz graetl.y m.a^d a|frayd with] tho^z t}hings^. After|#that the lion h^at}h doon}n it t}hr^o}wh too|#mu}ch lo}u^, he^ goi.ng too the co}ntry|]man, reqy^r^e}t}h that hiz dau}hter be^ ge^u^n.^ him. Bu}t when the clo}wn perc^eiu^e}t}h the lion v}n|]arm^e.d with nailz^ and te^t}h, a clu}b be^i.ng] c.au}ht|#v}p, he^ pu}rsue}t}h or^ folowe}t}h) him in|]baeti.ng him. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that commite}t}h] him|self^ too hiz enemyz^, lihtl.y or^ aezi.l.y) pe|]rishe}t}h or^ iz v}n|doon.n.) Of the lyonn.es and the fox. When the lionn.es waz oftn^ ty^mz^ v}p|]br^aid. or^ repr^oou^e.d, or^ chekt.) of the] fox, bicau}z she^ b}r^owht|#fo}r^t}h or^ br^e^dd}) o^n y.o}ng|#o^n o^nl.y at eu^ery br^e^di.ng, she^ saye}t}h: o^n in|de^d, bu}t a mihti.|#o^n. BULL1585277 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that faiern.es or^ bewty) d}oot}h not consist in the plenty of t}hings^ or^ in welt.h}) bu}t in v^ertu. Of the wo}lf and the cra^n. When the wo}lf waz tor^mente.d|#mu}ch with a bo^n be^i.ng staye.d|#fast in hiz] t}hr^o^t, he^ offere}d graet reward too him that wou}ld dr^aw it ou}t|#of hiz t}hr^o^t. When the cra^n d}r^e^w the bo^n ou}t|#of hiz t}hr^o^t with hir] bil, she^ aske}t}h the reward pr^omise.d her. The wo}lf smy^li.ng at her, and al^so wheti.ng hiz] te^t}h, saye}t}h: It owht t}oo be^ reward ino}wh too] the^, that thu} h^ast dr^awn.^|#ou}t thy hed ou}t|#of the wo}lfs^^ mou}t}h withou}t hu}rt. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that it iz accou}nte.d no smal^ t}hank|fu}ln.es with wicked m^en, if a] man d}oo not rec^eiu^ los or^ harm^) for^ doo|]i.ng az they wou}ld. Of the wo}lf and the lamb. When the wo}lf f}ou}nd the lamb goi.ng ou}t|#of the way, she^ c}au}ht him not with v^ery|#strong hand, bu}t se^ke}t}h occas}ion BULL1585278 by what riht or^ wr^ong she^ miht aet him. Thaer|for^ she^ m}a^d wor^ds^ of this sor^t too the] lamb: Thu} h^ast doon}n me^ wr^ongs^ v^ery|]mu}ch long|#a|gon.. The lamb sor^owi.ng, say|]e}t}h: Ho}w cou}ld that^ be^ doon.n, se^i.ng I c}a^m too the liht or^ wor^l^d) v^ery|#la^tl.y[ The wo}lf saye}t}h agein: thu} h^ast deu^ou}re}d or^ wa^ste}d) my grou}nd with|#fe^di.ng. The lamb saye}t}h too] her: I can not doo it, when I lak te^t}h al^so. The wo}lf saye}t}h agein: thu} h^ast d}r^u}nk of my] spr^ing too^. The lamb saye}t}h too her: By what maen may that^ be^ doon.n, se^i.ng I h^au^ not|#y.et d}r^u}nk water for^ or^ t}hr^o}wh) my a^g^, bu}t az|]y.et my mo}therz}^ milk iz my dr^ink and maet[ At|#lengt}h the wo}lf be^i.ng stire.d|#v}p with an|]ger, saye}t}h: Al^thowh I can not answer or^ discha^rg^) thy argum.ents^, y.et I entend t}oo su}p plentyo}o.sl.y, and c}au}ht the lamb, and aett}] him. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that with the wicked raezn^ and trut.h} hau^ no pla^c^. Of twoo coks^ fihti.ng be^twe^n them|]selu^s^ or^ toogether.) Twoo coks^ f}owht be^twe^n them|selu^s^ in] the co}ntry: when he^ which waz capten of] the henz^ BULL1585279 waz ou^erco}md. of the o}ther, he^ hy^dd} him|self^ for^ sha^m, bu}t the o}ther be^i.ng pu}ft.|]v}p with the v^ictor^y, flyi.ng|#v}p fo}r^t}h|with v}p|]on the roof of the ho}ws, ma^ke}t}h sy^n with the ernest clapi.ng of hiz wings^ and crowi.ng, that he^ h^ad ou^erco}mm} hiz enemy or^ co|dezy^r^o.r^) and go}tn^ the v^ictor^y of hiz adu^ersary. Why^ls.t he^ br^agi.ngl.y crowe}t}h thaez t}hings^, and su}ch] ly^k with hiz v^oic^, be^ho^ld, an aegl^ laki.ng maet flyi.ng from|#a|hih catche}t}h the cok with hiz] talanz^, and carye}d him be^i.ng food for^ hir] y.o}ng|#o^nz^. Which t}hing the ou^erco}me.d cok se^|]i.ng or^ be^ho^ldi.ng) az triu}mphi.ng on hiz ene|]my co}me}t}h a|br^o^d, and o^nl.y or^ a|lo^n) gete}t}h] the henz^ fre^l.y. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that tru}ste}t}h too|#mu}ch too pr^osperi.ty fal^e}t}h|#hedl.ong v^ery|#oftn^ intoo adu^ersity. Of a c^ertein soot}h|#sayo.r^. A c^ertein soot}h|#sayo.r^ opn.^e}d too eu^ery|o^n chan^c^ t}oo co}m or^ t}oo be^ he^r|after, in the midl^ market or^ midl^ of the market) of the] to}wn, whaer|for^ be^i.ng garde.d with a graet] co}mpany or^ hau}nti.ng) of m^en, why^ls.t he^ opn^|]e}t}h BULL1585280 too o^n and an|o}ther hiz chan^c^ or^ destiny) it iz t.o^ld him, that hiz t}hings^ or^ welt.h}) w}aer carye.d|#away ou}t|#of hiz ho}ws. Which t}hing be^i.ng hae^rd.d, why^ls.t he^ goe}t}h|#away ho^m with ru}ni.ng or^ in ha^st) o^n me^ti.ng with him, sayt}h moki.ngl.y: Why^ls.t thu} warn^e}ds}t o}ther what waz t}oo co}m or^ t}oo be^ he^r|after) ho}w h^ast thu} be^n} ignor^ant of thy^n|#own.^ chan^c^[ The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that il or^ v}n|t}hr^ifti.) m^en cor^rect o}therz^, and neglect or^ set|#liht] by) their.|#own.^ fal^ts^. Of the emot and the cu}lu^er. The emot be^i.ng t}hirsti. w}ent|#do}wn intoo a spr^ing or^ well) whaer why^ls.t she^ d}r^ank she^ f}el intoo the water. When a c^ertein cu}l|]u^er siti.ng v}p|on a tre^ hangi.ng ou^er the well b}e^held the emot ou^er|whelm^e.d with the wa|]ter, the cu}lu^er by|#and|#by br^aeke}t}h a twig or^ litl^ bo}w) from the tre^ with her bil, and with|]ou}t taryi.ng castt} it do}wn intoo the well: too the which the emot geti.ng or^ rowli.ng) her|]self^, go}t her|self^ ou}t|#of the water intoo sa^ft.y. In the maen ty^m a c^ertein fo}wlo.r^ c}a^m, and sett}|#v}p ly^m|#twigs^, that he^ may catch the] cu}lu^er. BULL1585281 The emot perc^eiu^i.ng it, by^tt} the o^n foot of the fo}wlo.r^, the fo}wlo.r^ be^i.ng stire.d or^ moou^e.d) mu}ch with that gre^f, lete}t}h|#fal^ the] ly^m|#twigs^, with the which noiz the cu}lu^er be^|]i.ng m.a^d a|frayd., (and) flyi.ng|#away ou}t|#of] the tre^, esca^pe}t}h the dan^g^er of her ly^f^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, se^i.ng br^ut or^ gros|]#wite.d) t}hings^ be^ t}hank|fu}l v}ntoo wel|#doo|]o.r^z^, so mu}ch the mo^r^ they owht t}oo be^ (t}hank|fu}l) which be^ part|ta^ko.r^z^ of raezn^. Of the hart|#cal^f^ and the hart. The cal^f^ saye}t}h too the hart on a ty^m, se^|]i.ng|#that thu} a}rt graete.r than the dogs^ in] graetn.es, and swifte.r in ru}ni.ng t}hr^o}wh the swiftn.es of fe^t, and far|#better|#fenc^e.d with] hor^n^z^ for^ the fiht: by cau}z of what t}hing, O fa|]ther, faere}st thu} the dogs^ so graetl.y[ The hart smy^li.ng, saye}t}h too him: Bicau}z, O so}n, thowh I posses or^ hau^) al^ the t}hings^ that thu} saye}st, I can not su}ffer or^ baer) the barki.ng of dogs^, bu}t by|#and|#by for^ faer I ha^sti.l.y|#catch fliht or^] fle^i.ng|#away.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that no exr^ta.t}ion or^] cou}nc^l^) BULL1585282 iz a^bl^ t}oo ma^k them, whoo a}r faer|]fu}l by natr, that they be^ bo^ld. Of the be^e^ and Jupiter. The be^e^, that iz mo}ther or^ br^e^do.r^) of wex, goi.ng o^nc.^ or^ on a ty^m) that she^ miht doo sacrafic^ too the gods^, offere}d a gift of ho}ny too] Jupiter, with or^ of) which offeri.ng Jupiter] be^i.ng glad, comman^de}d that what|soeu^er she^ dezy^r^e}d shou}ld be^ gran^te.d too her. Thaer|]for^ the be^e^ aski.ng, saye}t}h: O mo^st|#no^bl^ god of the gods^, be^ wili.ng t}oo gran^t too thy hand|]maid, that whoo|soeu^er shal^ co}m too the be^e^|]y.ard or^ be^e^|#stoks^) for^|#t}oo ta^k or^ for^|#ta^ki.ng) away ho}ny by v^iolenc^, he^ may dy by|#and|#by az soon az I shal^ pr^ik or^ sting) him. For^ which dezy^r^ Jupiter be^i.ng dou}t|fu}l, bycau}z he^ graetl.y lo}u^e}d the ky^nd of mor^tal^ crea^tu.rz^ or^] m^en,) at|#lengt}h sayt}h too the be^e^: It iz yno}wh] for^ the^, that whoo|soeu^er shal^ co}m too the be^e^|]y.ards^ or^ be^e^|#stoks^) for^|#ta^ki.ng ho}ny with v^i|]olenc^, if thu} shal^t pr^ik or^ sting) him, and in the pr^iki.ng or^ stingi.ng) shal^t laeu^ or^ lo^z) thy pr^ik] or^ sting,) thy|self^ shou}lds}t dy by|#and|#by, and the pr^ik or^ sting) it|self^ shou}ld be^ thy ly^f^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that we^ doo so}m ty^m BULL1585283 wish e^u^l^z^ too ou}r enemyz^, which a}r tu}rn^e.d v^ery|#oftn^|#ty^mz^ v}pon ou}r|selu^s^. Of a fly. When a fly that h^ad fal^n}^ intoo a pot of] flesh perc^eiu^e}d that she^ shou}ld be^ stu}fl^e.d in the br^y^n or^ br^ot}h) sayt}h with her|]own.^|#self^: Lo, I h^au^ d}r^u}nk so mu}ch, I h^au^ aetn}^ so mu}ch, I h^au^ washt} me^ so mu}ch, that I may by riht or^ riht|fu}ll.y) dy be^i.ng fu}l|#fe^dd.. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that it iz the pooint of a wy^z man t}oo baer with a mihti. co}r^ag^ or^] my^nd) that t}hing, that can in no wy^z be^] au^oyde.d. Of a c^ertein y.o}ng man and a] swalow. When a c^ertein rioto}o.s y.o}ng man h^ad consume}d or^ s}pent) hiz fatherz}^] go}ods^, and hiz garment o^nl.y remaine}d: a swalow be^i.ng se^n. be^fo^r^ the saezn^ or^ ty^m) he^ t}hinki.ng that so}mer waz at|#hand s}o^ld the sa^m] garment too^. Bu}t winter be^i.ng ry^zn.^ or^ ap|]pe^ri.ng) agein, when he^ waz pu}nishe.d with v^ery|#graet co^ld, the swalow be^i.ng se^n.|#agein whoo her|self^ waz ded for^ co^ld, he^ sait}h: O v^e|]ry|#nau}hti. bird, BULL1585284 whoo h^ast destrooie}d me^ and] thy|self^ ly^k|wyz. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that tho^z t}hings^ can not stand long that a}r not doon.n in their. ty^m] or^ saezn^.) Of a sik man and a phizic^ion. A sik man be^i.ng aske.d of a phizic^ion after what maner or^ ho}w) he^ had or^ did him|]self^) answere}d that he^ swete}d mo^r^ than waz ne^d|fu}l or^ nec^essary.) The phizic^ion sayt}h, that that^ waz go}od. Be^i.ng aske.d the second ty^m of the sa^m phizic^ion, ho}w or^ in what maner) he^ fe^lt}t him|self^, the sik man sayt}h: that he^ waz ta^kn.^ with a v^ement or^ ernest) co^ld, the phi|]zic^ion sayt}h that that^ iz v}ntoo haell.t}h too^. Be^|]i.ng aske.d of the sa^m phizic^ion the t}hird ty^m ho}w he^ did, the sik man sayt}h, that he^ cou}ld dig^est with v}n|aezi.n.es or^ hardl.y.) The phi|]zic^ion sayt}h agein, that that^ waz v^ery|#go}od] for^ haell.t}h. Afterw.ard when o^n of hiz famili|]arz^ aske}d the sik man, in what maner or^] ho}w) he^ fa^re}d, the sik man sayt}h: The^r be^ v^e|]ry|#many, and v^ery|#go}od sy^nz^ for^ haell.t}h az the phizic^ion sait}h, y.et I v}tterly perish or^ dy) with tho^z sy^nz^. BULL1585285 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man owht not t}oo ge^u^ aer too them that spaek at plaezu.r. Of a wo}od|#hako.r^. Why^ls.t a c^ertein wo}od|#hako.r^ cu}tt}] wo}od nih a graet riu^er dedicate.d or^ v^o}we.d) too the god Mercury, hiz ax f}el|#do}wn by chan^c^ intoo the riu^er. Thaer|for^ he^ be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with mu}ch sor^ow, s}at|#do}wn mou}rn^i.ng by the bank of the riu^er. Mercury be^i.ng moou^e.d with pity, appe^re}d too the wo}od|#hak|]o.r^, and aske}d the cau}z of hiz we^pi.ng, which az soon az he^ t}o^ld, Mercury br^ingi.ng|#fo}r^t}h an ax] of go^ld, aske}d whether it w}aer that^, which he^] h^ad l.ost. Bu}t the poor^ man denye}d that it] waz hiz. At the second ty^m Mercury b}r^owht] fo}r^t}h an|o}ther of silu^er, which when that^|#sa^m poor^ man denye}d al^so t}oo be^ hiz: last of al^ Mercury t}o^k|#v}p the wo}odn.^ ax, when the poor^] man gran^te}d that that^ waz hiz, Mercury knowi.ng that he^ waz a tru and i}u}st or^ rihti.o}s) man, ga}u^ him al^ or^ eu^ery|#o^n) for^ a] gift. Thaer|for^ the wo}od|#hako.r^ goi.ng too hiz] felowz^, opn^e}t}h what hapn.^e}d too him. O^n of hiz felowz^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo try or^ pr^oou^) it, BULL1585286 when he^ h^ad co}mm} too the riu^er, castt}|#do}wn an ax intoo the water, after|#that he^ site}t}h|]do}wn on the bank of the riu^er we^pi.ng. The cau}z of whooz}^ we^pi.ng Mercury be^i.ng t.au}ht or^ shewe.d) b}r^owht fo}r^t}h a go^ldn.^ ax, and aske}d if it w}aer not that^ that he^ l}ost. Which when he^ affirme}d or^ clayme}d) t}oo be^ hiz. Mercu}ry, hiz sha^ml.esn.es and ly be^i.ng known.^, deliu^ere}d nether the go^ldn.^ nor^ hiz|#own.^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that in ho}w mu}ch or^ az mu}ch az) God iz mo^r^|#fau^o}r^a.bl^ or^ merc^y|]fu}l) too the go}od, so mu}ch iz he^ the mo^r^|#of|]fende.d (dis|plaeze.d or^ mo^r^|#enemy) too the] e^u^l^ or^ lewd.) Of the as and Jupiter. When an as seru^i.ng a c^ertein gardn^|]o.r^ d}id aet mu}ch, and labo}r^d} litl^, he^ en|]traete}d Jupiter, that he^ wou}ld chan^g^ an|o}|]ther maister for^ him. Thaer|for^ Jupiter ap|]poointe}d, that he^ shou}ld be^ s.o^ld too a poto.r^. With whoom^ when the as labo}r^e}d in caryi.ng] clay, hips^, ty^lz^, and su}ch ly^k, he^ pr^aye}t}h Jupiter the second ty^m, that he^ miht seru^ an|o}ther] maister. Iupiter appoointe}d|#agein, that he^ BULL1585287 shou}ld be^ s.o^ld too a tano.r^. Whoom^ the as seru^|]i.ng with mu}ch labo}r^, and litl^ maet, sayt}h with] gro^ni.ng: alas wr^etch that I am, whoo lozi.ng the better maister h^au^ co}mm} too a wo}r^s, with whoom^ az I se^, my skin shal^ be^ pu}nishe.d] too^, after my det}h. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that when seru^a.nts^ try or^ pr^oou^) wo}r^s maisterz^, then they dezy^r^ the first maisterz^. Of the ha^rz^ and the frogs^. The ha^rz^ c}a^m|#toogether intoo o^n pla^c^, whaer when they w}aer sor^ow|fu}l for^ their.] mis}ery or^ wr^etche.dn.es) br^e^dd. by natr, and m}a^d a lamenta.bl^ noyz, that a mo^r^|#mis}era.bl^ or^ mo^r^|#wr^etche.d) ly^f^ waz ge^u^n.^ them than too o}ther baests^ or^ crea^trz^) bicau}z m^en, aegl^z^, and dogs^ pu}rsue}d or^ folowe}d) after them eu^n.^ v}ntoo det}h, they determin or^ pu}rpoz) that it iz better for^ them t}oo dy o^nc.^, than t}oo re|]main or^ aby^d) in so wr^etche.d a ly^f^ any|#long|]e.r. This cou}nc^l^ be^i.ng ta^kn.^, that they cast|]#hed|long them|selu^s^ intoo a pond, why^ls.t they go thither v^ery|#spe^di.l.y or^ qikl.ie.r) the frogs^ that s}tood v}pon the ponds^^ sy^d, az they hae^r] the noyz, BULL1585288 laep|#do}wn intoo the pond, and de^u^ them|selu^s^ v}nder the water: which t}hing when the ha^r that w}ent be^fo^r^ be^ho^lde}t}h, she^ saye}t}h too the rest: stand, for^ we^ mu}st chan^g^ opinion or^ i}u}dg^m.ent,) for^|#why, az y.e^ plainl.y] se^, the^r a}r f.ou}nd baests^ mo^r^|#faer|fu}l than we^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that when a wr^etche.d] man be^ho^lde}t}h a mo^r^|#wr^etche.d, he^ baer|]e}t}h hiz wr^etche.dn.es the mo^r^|#wili.ngl.y or^] in|differe.ntl.y.) Of the as and the hor^s. When an as b}e^held the hor^s hau^ plen|]ty of dilig^ent cherishi.ng and y^dl^n.es] or^ rest) he^ commende}d or^ pr^aize}d) the hor^s t}oo be^ graetl.y happy, and sayd} that him|self^ waz too|#too|#v}n|happy, whoo when he^ labo}r^e}d] mu}ch, had not hiz bely|#fu}l of chaf. Bu}t when the ty^m of war c}a^m, an arm^e.d sol^dy.or^ laept}h on the hor^s, and when he^ r}an intoo the midl^] enemyz^, or^ midl^ of the enemyz^) the hor^s be^|]i.ng stry^kn.^ with a swerd fal^e}t}h|#gro}u^l^i.ng on the grou}nd. Whoom^ the as be^ho^ldi.ng, mou}rn^e}d, and h^au^i.ng|#pitye}d the hor^s, chan^g^e}d the opinion of hiz my^nd. BULL1585289 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man owht t}oo a|]gre^ with po}u^erty, which iz the mo}ther or^ br^e^do.r^) of qietn.es or^ rest) rather than t}oo enu^y the welt.h}i.e.r or^ riche.r.) Of the as and the wo}lf. A c^ertein as t}rod|#on a t}ho^r^n^ with the o^n] foot, and be^i.ng m.a^d la^m, when he^ b}e^held the wo}lf co}mi.ng too him, and cou}ld not fle^|#a|]way, he^ saye}t}h with a pity|fu}l v^oyc^: Oh] wo}lf, trul.y I dy for^ gre^f, bu}t bicau}z or^ for^|]that) it iz ne^d|fu}l, that I am redy|#t}oo be^ maet for^ the^ and the crowz^, I be^se^ch eu^n^|#that of y.ou}r. cou}rti.o}zi. and g^entl^n.es y.ou} wou}ld dr^aw|#ou}t the t}ho^r^n^ ou}t|#of my foot, that I miht dy the last day withou}t gre^f t}hr^o}wh y.ou}r. go}od gift. Why^ls.t the wo}lf plu}ke}t}h|#ou}t the t}ho^r^n^ with hiz te^t}h, the as s}tra^k him with] the he^l. The wo}lf afterw.ard, hiz no^z, br^o}w, and te^t}h be^i.ng b.r^o^kn^, crye}t}h|#ou}t: Alas wr^etch that I am, I su}ffer this by riht, whoo when I waz a cook wou}ld be^ a phizic^ion. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, l}et eu^ery|o^n exerc^iz that] art that he^ knowe}t}h. BULL1585290 Of a wo}|man and a hen. A c^ertein wo}|man had a hen, that laye}d go^ldn.^ egs^ stil or^ al^|way.) Thaer|for^ t}hinki.ng that she^ waz al^ go^ldn.^ or^ of go^ld)] with|in, she^ kile}t}h the hen. Bu}t when she^ f}ou}nd her ly^k o}ther henz^, whaer she^ t}howht t}oo] be^ rich, she^ l}ost or^ for^|w}ent) the gain that she^ had at|#first, t}hr^o}wh the co}u^eti.ng t}oo hau^ mo^r^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that t}hr^o}wh dezy^r^ of|]#hau^i.ng or^ t}oo|#hau^) mo^r^, we^ oftn^ lo^z that^] gain that we^ hau^ in ou}r hands^. Of a frog and a fox. When a frog goi.ng ou}t|#of a fen pr^o|]fest} her|self^ t}oo be^ a phizic^ion, and skil|fu}l of medc^inz^, by|#pr^oclaimi.ng (it) too] other baests^. The fox saye}t}h too her v^ery|#fy^nl.y or^ triml.y:) Ho}w or^ whaer|by) cans}t thu} cur^^ or^ hael) o}ther, when thu} knows}t or^ canst) not hael thy|self^ hal^ti.ng. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man can not taech o}ther that^ which he^ h^at}h not laerne}d. Of a serpent and hu}sband|man. When a serpent hau^i.ng hy^di.ng|#pla^c^|]es^ be^fo^r^ a c^ertein hu}sband|manz}^] ho}ws, BULL1585291 waz stry^kn.^ of the hu}sband|manz}^ so}n, she^ by^tt} him so sharpl.y, that the chy^ld die}d|]su}denl.y of that^|#sa^m by^ti.ng. This t}hing be^i.ng] known.^, graet mou}rn^i.ng ary^ze}t}h among the] parents^. Then the father be^i.ng stire.d|#v}p with] sor^ow, an ax be^i.ng c.au}ht, pu}rsue}t}h the ser|]pent that he^ miht kil her, and casti.ng|#abou}t] the ax, that he^ miht stry^k the serpent, s}tro^k the end or^ ou}te.r part) of her tayl. Afterw.ard be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo ma^k paec^ with the serpent, mael, water, sal^t, and ho}ny be^i.ng ta^kn.^, he^ cal^|]e}t}h the serpent t}oo|#reconc^y^l or^ get|#agein) fre^nds.hip be^twe^n them. Bu}t the serpent be^|]i.ng hy^dd. v}nder a rok or^ graet sto^n) saye}t}h with hisi.ng: Go}od man, thu} labo}r^e}st in v^ain: for^ fre^nds.hip can not be^ m.a^d be^twe^n v}s: for^|]why, az long az or^ why^ls.t) I shal^ look on my|]self^ withou}t a tayl, and thu} thy so}nz}^ gra^u^, we^ can not be^ qiet or^ paec^a.bl^) in my^nd. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that when the freshn.es] of wr^ongs^, or^ che^fl.y, the remembr^^a.nc^ of] them iz, the ha^tr.eds^ can in no wyz be^ ta^kn.^] away. Of a hen and the fox. When a fox h^au^i.ng|#entr^^e}d intoo a hen|#ho}ws or^ cotag^ of henz^) b}e^held a] hen BULL1585292 be^i.ng then sik, he^ aske}d her, ho}w she^ fa^r|]e}d: too whoom^ the hen answere}d redil.y: I shou}ld fe^l or^ hau^ my|self^) so}m|what|#better, O sister, if thu} w}ents}t|#henc^ or^ away.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the pr^es}enc^ of ene|]myz^ iz too|#too|#gre^u^o}o.s. Of a way|fa^ri.ng|#man. When a way|fa^ri.ng|#man or^ trau^el|]o.r^) h^ad gon} or^ trau^ele}d) a graet way he^ v^o}we}d a v^o}w or^ pr^omis) too Mercury, that if he^ f}ou}nd any t}hing, he^ wou}ld offer hal^f^ of the sa^m t}hing too him. Thaer|for^ by chan^c^ he^ f}ou}nd a bag stu}ft. with al^|mo}nds^] and da^ts^, and when he^ t}howht that that^ waz the pr^oof or^ trial,) ta^ki.ng the bag, him|self^ aet|]e}t}h the kernelz^ of the al^mo}nds^, and the flesh or^ softn.es) of the da^ts^. Afterw.ard h^au^i.ng|]entr^^e}d intoo Mercuryz}^ templ^ or^ chu}rch) and ho^ldi.ng the al^tar with hiz hands^, saye}t}h too] him with mok|fu}l wor^ds^: O Mercury, no}w I t}hr^o}whl.y|#pay the^ my v^o}w: for^ trul.y what t}hings^ I h^au^ f}ou}nd, I offer the^ the hal^f^ of] them, v^eril.y the bo^nz^ (we^ say sto^nz^) of the] da^ts^, and shelz^ of the al^mo}nds^. BULL1585293 The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that co}u^eto}o.sn.es ma^k|]e}t}h m^en despy^zo.r^z^ of the gods^. Of a lion and a man. When a lion and a man i}o}r^nye}d a i}o}r^|]ny o^nc.^ toogether, and az they i}o}r^ny|]e}d, eu^ery|o^n pr^ayze}d or^ commende}d) him|]self^ with wor^ds^. Lo, sto^ne.n pillarz^ stand su}|]denl.y ageinst or^ be^fo^r^) them, whaer|on or^ on] which) the^r waz gra^u^e.d, that a man strangl^|]e}d a lion, which gra^u^i.ng the man shewi.ng too] the lion, saye}t}h: He^r may be^ se^n. ho}w mu}ch mo^r^|#exc^eli.ng and stronge.r m^en be^ than ly|]onz^ and al^ wy^ld baests^. And the lion answer|]i.ng redil.y, saye}t}h: If it w}aer with lionz^ az] with m^en, that lionz^ kn}e^w or^ had skil) t}oo] gra^u^, thu} shou}lds}t se^ mo m^en gra^u^e.d, be^i.ng strangl^e.d or^ cho^ke.d) of lyonz^, than lyonz^ of] m^en, or^ by m^en.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en fu}l of bo^sti.ng fein them|selu^s^ t}oo h^au^ doon}n, t}hings^ that they neu^er assaye}d t}oo doo. Of a c^ertein fox. When a fox b}e^held clu}sterz^ fu}l of] gra^ps^, and no}w waxi.ng ry^p, be^i.ng BULL1585294 dezy^r^o}o.s t}oo aet of them, she^ deu^y^ze}d eu^ery] way whaer|by she^ miht get them. Bu}t when she^ h^ad assaie}d eu^ery way in v^ain, and cou}ld not satisfy her dezy^r^, tu}rn^i.ng sor^ow intoo i}oy she^ saye}t}h: tho^z clu}sterz^ of gra^ps^ be^ y.et too|]so}wer. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that it iz the pooint of a] wy^z man t}oo fein that he^ wil not hau^ tho^z] t}hings^ which he^ knowe}t}h he^ cannot get. Of a chy^ld and a scor^pion. A c^ertein chy^ld s}owht|#for^ lopster|#flyz^, and when he^ wou}ld ta^kn}^ a scor^pion, the scor^pion, hiz simpl^i.c^ity be^i.ng known.^, saye}t}h] too him: Ho chy^ld, pas|#on in paec^, and ho^ld|]away thy hand, if thu} wilt not perish or^ dy) who^ll.y or^ al^toogether or^ v}tterl.y.) The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that t}hinke}t}h|#on either sy^d or^ part) knowe}t}h v^ery|#wel, what he^ owht t}oo folow and what t}oo au^oid. Of a hu}nto.r^ or^ ta^ko.r^) and a partridg^. When a c^ertein ta^ko.r^ wou}ld kile}d a partridg^ which he^ h^ad ta^kn.^, the BULL1585295 partridg^ gro^ni.ng ma^ke}t}h su}ch wor^ds^ too] him: Ho ta^ko.r^ of partridg^es^, if thu} wilt let] me^ l.o^c^, and ge^u^ me^ ly^f^, I wil br^ing the^ v^e|]ry|#many o}ther partridg^es^. The fo}wlo.r^ saie}t}h too her fitl.y or^ hanso}ml.y:) No}w I i}u}dg^ the^ wo}r^thy t}oo be^ kild. so mu}ch the mo^r^, that thu} pr^omise}st t}oo destrooy or^ v}n|doo) thy fre^nds^] by entrapi.ngs^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ fal^e}t}h|#hedl.ong intoo dan^g^erz^, that se^ke}t}h t}oo v}n|doo or^ de|]strooy) with dec^eit o}ther be^lo}u^e.d or^ de^rl.y|]be^lo}u^e.d) of him or^ too him.) Of the ha^r and the snayl. The snayl smy^li.ng, when the ha^r mokt}] her fe^t, saye}t}h too him: if thu} wilt ma^k pr^oof in ru}ni.ng, thu} shal^t know plainl.y, that I am swifte.r than thu}. Too whoom^ the ha^r] saye}t}h: v^eril.y it pase}t}h the^ or^ thu} knows}t] not) what my fe^t a}r a^bl^ t}oo doo, bu}t l}et v}s chuz a i}u}dg^, whoo may appooint or^ bou}nd) the] cou}rs and bou}nd for^ v}s. Thaer|for^ they chuz] the fox, the witi.e.st of al^ br^ut baests^, whoo az soon az he^ appoointe}d the pla^c^ and end of the] cou}rs or^ ru}ni.ng) the snail, al^ slowt.h} and neg|]lig^enc^ BULL1585296 be^i.ng pu}tt.|#asy^d, ta^ki.ng spe^di.l.y her] i}o}r^ny, d}id not rest, v}ntil she^ c}a^m|#t}hr^o}wh too] the mark. Bu}t the ha^r tru}sti.ng too hiz fe^t, when he^ reste}d a|#litl^, be^i.ng stire.d|#v}p from] sle^p, r}an too the mark az mu}ch az hiz fe^t w}aer] a^bl^: and when he^ f}ou}nd the snail resti.ng thaer he^ confese}t}h with redn.es or^ blu}shi.ng) that he^ waz ou^erco}mm. of the snayl. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that t}hings^, y.e the graet|]e.st a}r t}hr^o}whl.y|#doon.n or^ b.r^owht too|#pas) by study and dilig^enc^, not with the fo^r^c^ or^ strengt}h) of the body. Of the wilow and the ax. When an ax feld} or^ cu}tt}|#do}wn) a wi|]thy, it m}a^d wedg^es^ of the sa^m wi|]low, whaer|with it miht claeu^ the wilow the] aezi.l.ye.r. Which t}hing the withy perc^eiu^i.ng|]be^fo^r^, gro^ni.ng and cryi.ng|#ou}t, sayt}h: I com|]plain not so mu}ch of the ax, that cu}te}t}h me^ with m^enz}^ hands^, az of the wedg^es^, that a}r m.a^d ou}t|#of my body. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that v}n|tru fre^nds^ a}r m.a^d mo^r^|#hu}rt|fu}l or^ dis|plaeza.nt) too] their. fre^nds^, than oftn^ ty^mz^ enemyz^ be^. BULL1585297 Of a chy^ld be^i.ng a t}he^f^. A c^ertein boy caryi.ng a book from hiz fe|]low pr^iu^il.y ou}t|#of the scool, deliu^ere}d it too hiz mo}ther: which when hiz mo}ther wili.ng|]l.y rec^eiu^e}d, and cha^stn.^e}d not her so}n, the boy carye}d agein from an|o}ther a garment, and b}r^owht it away too hiz mo}ther too^. Which when hiz mo}ther gladl.y rec^eiu^e}d, when the boy laki.ng cha^sti.c^i.ng, d}id stael mo t}hings^ from day too day, and graete.r t}hings^, y.e^rz^ en|]craec^i.ng, at|#lengt}h be^i.ng ta^kn.^ opn^l.y, az ac|]cuze.d of t}he^ff.t, waz condemn^e.d of or^ t}oo) det}h (we^ say t}oo dy) by the mag^istrats^ opn^l.y. Bu}t when he^ waz laedd. too the pla^c^ of i}u}sti.c^, and hiz mo}ther fu}l of mou}rn^i.ng folowe}d, laeu^ be^|]i.ng opteine.d or^ gotn^) that he^ miht spaek o^n] wor^d too hiz mo}ther at her aer, he^ be^i.ng tu}rn^|]e.d|#abou}t too her, and pu}ti.ng hiz mou}t}h too hiz mo}therz}^ aer, az redy|#t}oo spaek so}m|what] secretl.y, cu}te}t}h|#of hir aer with hiz te^t}h. Hiz mo}ther cryi.ng|#ou}t for^ gre^f, wishe}t}h e^u^l^ too] her|self^. Then they that laedd} him, bla^me}d or^ accus}e}d) him abo}u^ mezur, not o^nl.y for^ the] t}he^ff.t, bu}t that he^ waz so v}n|godl.y or^ wic|]ked) v}ntoo hiz mo}ther. He^ withou}t blu}shi.ng sayt}h too them: L}et it be^ a wo}nder too no^n of] y.ou}, BULL1585298 that I h^au^ cu}tt}|#of my mo}therz}^ aer with] my te^t}h: for^ she^ iz the au}tor^ and cau}z of this my vn|dooi.ng or^ destru}ct}ion:) for^|#why, if she^ h^ad cha^sti.c^e}d me^, when I b}r^owht|#away the book too her, which I carie}d|#away first pr^iu^il.y from my felow ou}t|#of the scool: t}he^ff.ts^ or^ staeli.ngs^) be^i.ng lett.|#alo^n, for^ faer of stry^ps^, I h^ad not co}mm} too this ky^nd of sha^m|fu}l] det}h at this pr^es}ent. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ iz m.a^d dail.y mo^r^|#wicked in|#offendi.ng, that iz not cha^stn.^e.d from the be^gini.ng. Of a she^pp|herd and the sae. When a c^ertein she^pp|herd fe^di.ng] she^p nih the saez}^ sy^d b}e^held the sa^m] sae o^nc.^ qiet or^ cal^m^) be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with dezy^r^] of|#sayli.ng, chan^g^e}d she^p for^ da^ts^, the which be^i.ng pu}tt. in the ship, when he^ sayle}d no}w in|]too the de^p, and flo^te}d|#v}p|#and|#do}wn in a tem|]pest withou}t ho^p of sa^ft.y, he^ castt}|#ou}t al^] t}hings^ that be^ in the ship, and sca^rc^l.y go}t him|self^ intoo a hau^n^. When he^ fe^dd} she^p eft|]sons or^ agein) and s}aw the sae no}w qiet a|]gein, hiz co}mpanyo.n pr^aizi.ng the sa^m cal^m^|]n.es BULL1585299 of the sae, he^ saye}t}h meril.y or^ lau}hi.ngl.y:) The sae dezy^r^e}t}h da^ts^ agein. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that vc^ and skil|fu}ln.es mak v}s the wa^re.r in dan^g^erz^. Of the po^mgranat|#tre^ and] the apl^|#tre^. The po^mgranat|#tre^, and the apl^|#tre^ s}tro^u^|#toogether tu}chi.ng faiern.es. When they h^ad stry^u^e}d a long ty^m be^twe^n them|]selu^s^, with diu^ers} and sharp stry^fs^: the br^am|]bl^ rec^eiu^i.ng su}ch stry^u^i.ngs^ oftn^ ty^mz^ from] the ne^re.st, w}ent too them, and sayt}h: It iz stry^u^e.d or^ y.e^ h^au^ stry^u^e}d) yno}wh and yno}wh no}w be^twe^n y.ou}, c^aes or^ be^ qiet) a|#litl^, and lay an end on y.ou}r. stry^u^i.ngs^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the lese.r or^ poor^e.r) d}oo v^ery|#oftn^ ty^mz^ appaez or^ or^der) the fal^i.ngs^|#ou}t or^ v^aria.nc^es^) of the graete.r] or^ riche.r.) Of the mo^ld and hiz mo}ther. The mo^ld iz a bly^nd baest by natr, he^ sai|]e}t}h on a ty^m too hiz mo}ther: I fe^l a v^e|]ry|#graet sau^o}r^ or^ smel:) a|#litl^ after he^ sayt}h] agein: BULL1585300 I be^ho^ld a hih or^ graet) chimny or^] o}u^n^.) The t}hird ty^m he^ sayt}h al^so: I hae^r the sou}nds^ of hammerz^ perteini.ng too a fo^r^g^. Hiz mo}ther sayt}h too him g^entl^l.y: Ho so}n, az I perc^eiu^, thu} a}rt b.e^reft not o^nl.y of yiz^, bu}t of no^z and aerz^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that when m^en fu}l of] bo^sti.ng pr^ofes graet t}hings^, then, y.e^ che^fl.y, they a}r repr^oou^e.d or^ chekt.) in a v^ery|#litl^] t}hing. Of wasps^, partridg^es^, and a] hu}sband|man. When wasps^ and partridg^es^ be^i.ng pr^ou^o^ke.d with t}hirst, me^tt}|#tooge|]ther o^nc.^, they w}ent too a c^ertein hu}sband|]man, cra^u^i.ng dr^ink of him, and pr^omisi.ng, that they wou}ld reqy^t him la^rg^l.y for^ water: for^|#why the partridg^es^ pr^omis them|selu^s^ t}oo dig a v^y^n|y.ard for^ him, that the v^y^nz^ may br^ing|#fo}r^t}h fu}l clu}sterz^ of gra^ps^. The wasps^ offer them|selu^s^ la^rg^l.y t}oo ke^p the v^y^n|y.ard with|#goi.ng abou}t it, and t}oo ke^p t}he^u^s^ from|#thenc^. Too whoom^ the hu}sband|]man saye}t}h: I hau^ twoo oxn^^, whoo when they BULL1585301 pr^omis no|t}hing, y.e^ld this self^|sa^m trau^el no|t}hing the les. Thaer|for^ it iz better for^ me^, t}oo ge^u^ water too them, than too y.ou}. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that a man mu}st not help them that be^ wo}r^t}h or^ go}od) for^ no|]t}hing and v}n|pr^ofita.bl^. Of Jupiter. When Jupiter m}a^d a faest at a mary|]a.g^, al^ baests^ offere}d gifts^ too him, e|]u^ery|o^n for^ their. abilityz^, or^ too their. po}wer.) Bu}t the serpent gathere}d a ro^z, and ho^ldi.ng] it in hiz mou}t}h offerd} it too Jupiter. Bu}t az Jupiter b}e^held her, he^ saye}t}h opn^l.y: Trul.y I rec^eiu^ gifts^ of al^ or^ of eu^ery|o^n) wili.ngl.y or^ gladl.y) bu}t I d}oo it not of the serpent. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, eu^ery wy^z man owht t}oo perswa^d him|self^ that the gifts^ of the] wicked a}r not withou}t dec^eits^. Of the aap. The aap iz saye.d t}oo br^e^d twoo y.o}ng|#o^nz^, too o^n of which o^nl.y she^ iz affecte.d, and t}hr^o}wh affect}i.on nu}rishe}t}h it dilig^entl.y, bu}t BULL1585302 the o}ther she^ ha^te}t}h and neglecte}t}h or^ re|]garde}t}h not.) It hapn.^e}d, that it^, that waz had] in ly^ki.ng, waz strangl^e.d of the aap in sle^p, whaer|for^, that^, that waz not regarde.d, waz b.r^owht|#v}p az the mo}therz}^ deliht, eu^n^ too per|]fet a^g^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that withou}t dou}t for^|]tn exc^ele}t}h, or^ pase}t}h or^ ou^erco}me}t}h) the wy^zd.o}m of m^en. Of the flae. When on a ty^m a flae pr^ikt} o^n with] by^ti.ng, and be^i.ng ta^kn.^ waz aske.d, what he^ waz that fe^dd}|#on hiz memberz^ or^ parts^ of the body,) she^ sayt}h: that she^ iz of that ky^nd of crea^trz^, too whoom^ it waz ge^u^n.^] of natr, that they lyu^d} a ly^f^ by that^ maen, and that he^ wou}ld not kil her, se^i.ng|#that she^ cou}ld not doo mu}ch e^u^l^ too him. Bu}t that^|]sa^m man smy^li.ng, sayt}h too her: thu} shal^t be^ kild. with my hands^ the mo^r^ for^ that^, bicau}z it iz not law|fu}l t}oo hu}rt any withou}t cau}z, ne|]ther mu}ch nor^ litl^. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that m^en mu}st not pity] the e^u^l^, thowh they offend litl^ or^ mu}ch. BULL1585303 Of a flae and a man. A flae laepi.ng after her wo}nte.d maner a|]lihte}t}h on a manz}^ foot, and pr^ike}t}h or^ stinge}t}h) him sharpl.y or^ ernestl.y) with by^t|]i.ng. With which pr^iki.ng, the sa^m man be^i.ng mu}ch|#moou^e.d or^ stire.d) t}o^k the flae, and wou}ld|]h^au^ croocht} hir with hiz naylz}^. Bu}t the flae laepi.ng ou}t|#of hiz hands^, au^oyde}t}h det}h. Then the man cryi.ng|#ou}t, sayt}h: O Hercules, thu} destrooyo.r^ of the e^u^l^, why w}aer thu} not pr^e|]s}ent with me^ in oppr^esi.ng or^ ho^ldi.ng) this] flae[ The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that o^n owht not t}oo de|]zy^r^ lamenta.bl^i. ayd of the gods^ in v^ery|]smal^ t}hings^, bu}t in graet and t}hings^ hard t}oo co}m|#too, or^ t}oo be^ doon.n.) Of emots^ and the gras|hopo.r^. It waz the midl^ of winter, when emots^ su}ne}d or^ ayr^e}d) whaet a|br^o^d or^ he^r|#and|]thaer.) Which t}hing the gras|hopo.r^ be^ho^ldi.ng when she^ waz consume.d with hu}nger, c}a^m v}ntoo them, and pr^aye}d them, that they wou}ld gran^t her whaet for^ food. Bu}t when the emots^ aske}d her, what she^ did in so}mer, whether she^ BULL1585304 s}tood slowt.h}|fu}l and y^dl^ that^ ty^m[ The gras|]hopo.r^ sayt}h too them: I s}tood nether slowt.h}|]fu}l nor^ y^dl^, bu}t s}u}ng with a song, whaer|with I d}id aez the labo}r^ of the way too or^ of) the trau^elo.r^z^ by the way. Which t}hing be^i.ng] hae^rd.d, the emots^ smy^li.ng, say: if thu} h^au^ s}u}ng in so}mer, that thu} mihts}t deliht trau^el|]o.r^z^, no}w dan^c^, that thu} be^ not kild. with co^ld. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that he^ that doot}h not t}hings^ in hiz ty^m, which be^ t}oo be^ doon.n, fal^e}t}h intoo straihts^, when he^ t}hinke}t}h not. Of a man and hiz wy^u^s^. It waz the ty^m of the spr^ing|#ty^m, whaer|]in o^n be^i.ng b.r^owht|#v}p in delihts^, when he^ waz nether y.o}ng man nor^ o^ld man (for^ he^ waz of hoar haerz^) marye}d twoo wy^u^s^ at|]o^nc.^, o^n an^c^ient or^ o^ld) the o}ther v^ery|#y.o}ng. When al^ they dwelt} in o^n|#self^ ho}ws, the o^ld] wy^f^ looki.ng dail.y her hu}sbands^^ hed plu}kt} from him the blak haerz^, that she^ miht br^ing hir ho}wsband who^ll.y v}ntoo the lo}u^ of hir. The y.o}nge.r plu}kt}|#v}p the why^t haerz^ with ly^k de|]zy^r^ or^ stu}dy) that she^ miht moou^ him away from the co}mpany of the o^ld wo}|man: at|#last BULL1585305 they pild} him so, that they m}a^d their. ho}ws|]band bal^d, and a mok not withou}t v^ery|]graet repr^o^ch. The mor^al. The fa^bl^ maene}t}h, that the^r iz no better haell.t}h for^ o^ld m^en, than t}oo lak wo}|m^en, and spec^iall.y the y.o}nge.r, exc^ept they be^ wili.ng that them|selu^s^^ be^ ou^ert}hr^own.^. The end of Aes}ops^^ fa^bl^z^. Witi. sayi.ngs^ or^ mery sayi.ngs^ or^ i}esti.ngs^] v^ery plaeza.nt,) gathere}d ou}t|#of the] litl^ book of Pog^g^iu}s a Flo|]rentin a v^ery|#elo|]qent or^ator^. Of a y.o}ng manz}^ slowt.h} or^] slu}gi.shn.es.) Bonac^iu}s a plaeza.nt y.o}ng man of the ho}ws of the Gau}ses^, why^ls.t we^ w}aer at (the c^ity cal^e.d) Constanc^, d}id a|ry^z ou}t|#of hiz bed v^ery|#la^t. When hiz co}mpanio.nz^ bla^me}d that^ la^tn.es, or^ aske}d what he^ cou}ld doo so long ty^m a|bed, he^ smy^li.ng answere}d: I herkn^ or^ ge^u^ aer) too stry^u^o.r^z^ and dis|]agre^o.r^z^: BULL1585306 for^ the^r be^ with me^ fo}r^t}h|with, when I a|wa^k, twoo in wo}|m^enz}^ sha^p or^ clo^thi.ng) that iz t}oo say, ca^r|fu}ln.es and slowt.h}, the o^n of] which d}oot}h exr^t or^ cou}nc^l^) me^ t}oo ry^z, and doo so}m wo}r^k, and not t}oo we^r|#ou}t the day in] bed. The o}ther rebuki.ng the first, affirme}t}h that I mu}st ta^k rest, and aby^d in the warm^|]n.es of the bed bycau}z of the fo^r^c^ of the co^ld, and t}oo fau^o}r^ or^ baer|#with) the rest or^ qiet|]n.es) of the body, and not t}oo apply labo}r^z^ al^|]way. Mo^r^|ou^er, the first defende}t}h her rae|]zn^z^, so, that why^ls.t they disput and contend with wor^ds^ longe.r, I az an in|differe.nt or^] eqal) i}u}dg^, laeni.ng or^ y.e^ldi.ng) v}ntoo no par|]ty or^ sy^d) hae^r them disputi.ng, looki.ng|#stil or^ aby^di.ng) v}ntil they be^ agre^d. in opinion. By this it iz doon.n or^ co}me}t}h too|#pas) that I ry^z the la^te.r looki.ng for^ the end of the v^aria.nc^. Of the cok and the fox. Onc.^ the fox be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i., t}oo|#dec^eiu^ the] henz^, whoo, the cok be^i.ng gy^d, h^ad go}t v}pon a v^ery|#hih tre^, whither co}mi.ng waz not] for^ her: w}ent too the cok with faier s}pe^ch, whoom^ when she^ h^ad salute}d g^entl^l.y, she^ sai|]e}t}h: What doo y.ou} a|hih[ h^ast thu} not hae^rd}d BULL1585307 thaez fresh ne^wz^, so who^ls.o}m for^ v}s[ When the cok h^ad answere}d: not|#at|#al^. Bu}t, sait}h she^, I c}a^m hither a fo^r^|messeng^er t}oo communi|]cat or^ im|part) i}oy|fu}ln.es with the^. The^r iz a cou}nc^l^ of al^ baests^ m.a^d, whaer|in they h^au^ establishe}d a continua.l paec^ of al^ baests^ a|]mong them|selu^s^ or^ toogether, or^ o^n with an|]o}ther) so that al^ faer be^i.ng pu}tt.|#away, the^r can be^ m.a^d too no^n of or^ by) an|o}ther entrap|]i.ngs^ or^ wr^ongs^ any|#mo^r^, bu}t al^ may vz paec^] and concor^d, it iz law|fu}l for^ eu^ery|o^n, y.e be^|]i.ng alo^n, t}oo go|#abr^o^d whither he^ wil, with|]ou}t ca^r. Thaer|for^ co}m y.e^ do}wn, and l}et v}s ma^k this a faest|fu}l day. The foxe^s^ fal^shood be^|]i.ng known.^, the cok sayt}h: thu} br^inge}st a go}od] messag^, and plaeza.nt too me^: and witha.l^ the cok stretchi.ng|#fo}r^t}h hiz nek hihe.r, and be^|]ho^ldi.ng farder|#of, and ly^k o^n that wo}ndere}d, liftt}|#v}p him|self^ on hiz fe^t. Then when the fox h^ad sayd}: what d}oost thu} look|#at[ Twoo, sait}h] the cok, dogs^ co}mi.ng hither with graet ru}n|]i.ng, with opn^ mou}t}h. Then the fox be^i.ng faer|]fu}l, sayt}h: Fa^r y.e^ wel. Fle^i.ng|#away iz ne|]c^essary for^ me^, be^fo^r^ that they co}m hither, and with|al^ be^gine}t}h t}oo go|#away. The cok sait}h: whaer|for^ fle^e}st thu}, or^ what faere}st thu}[ trul.y BULL1585308 paec^ be^i.ng m.a^d, no|t}hing iz t}oo be^ faere.d. I dou}t, sayt}h the fox, whether tho^z dogs^ h^au^ hae^rd}d the decre^ or^ or^der) of the paec^. In this] wy^z dec^eit iz mokt. with dec^eit. Of an obstinat or^ self^|#wild. wo}|man that cal^d} her ho}ws|band lo}wsi.. A c^ertein wo}|man of ou}rz^ be^i.ng v^ery|]contrary too hir ho}ws|band, contrarye}d or^ res}iste}d hiz wor^ds^ al^|way with chy^di.ng, standi.ng|#stil in that^ which she^ h^ad b}e^gu}n, so, that she^ wou}ld be^ che^f. A gre^u^o}o.s v^arya.nc^ with wor^ds^ on a ty^m be^i.ng had with her] ho}ws|band, she^ cal^e}d him lo}wsi.. He^ s}tra^k] her with wanz^, baeti.ng hir with fists^ and he^lz^. The mo^r^ she^ waz baetn.^, the mo^r^ she^ cal^e}d him] lo}wsi.. At|#lengt}h the ho}ws|band be^i.ng wery] of baeti.ng, that he^ miht ou^erco}m hiz wy^u^s^^] self^|#wil, let hir do}wn intoo a well of water by a ro^p, sayi.ng that he^ wou}ld strangl^ her, exc^ept she^ d}id for^baer from wor^ds^ of that^] sor^t. She^ continue}d mo^r^|#ernestl.y, y.e^ be^i.ng sett. in the water v}ntoo the chin continui.ng that^ sayi.ng or^ wor^d.) Then the ho}ws|band du}kt} her intoo the well, that she^ miht not spaek any|#mo^r^, pr^oou^i.ng if he^ may tu}rn^ her BULL1585309 from the wil|fu}ln.es of the wor^ds^ t}hr^o}wh the dan^g^er of det}h. Bu}t she^, the ability of|#spaek|]i.ng be^i.ng ta^kn.^|#away, y.e why^ls.t she^ shou}ld be^n. strangl^e.d, what she^ cou}ld not spaek, she^ shewe}d with her fingerz^: for^ hir hands^ be^i.ng sett.|#v}p abo}u^ hir hed, and the nailz^ of either t}hu}mb be^i.ng i}ooyne.d toogether, at|#laest, with what g^estur or^ be^hau^o}o.r^) she^ waz a^bl^, she^ ob|]i}ecte}d ly^c^ ageinst hir ho}ws|band. For^ ly^c^ w}aer wo}nt t}oo be^ kild. of wo}|m^en with the naylz^ of tho^z fingerz^. Of him that s}owht hiz wy^f^ be^i.ng ded, in a graet riu^er. When an|o}ther man, se^ki.ng hiz wy^f^ which perishe}d or^ dye}d) in a graet ri|]u^er, w}ent ageinst the water. Then when o^n h^au^i.ng|#meru^ele}d, warn^e}d that she^ shou}ld be^ s.owht|#for^ do}wnw.ard accor^di.ng too the cou}rs of the water. He^ saie}t}h: she^ wil be^ f.ou}nd in no wyz by this maen: for^ she^ waz so v}n|toward and v}n|qiet, and contrary too o}therz^s^^ manerz^, why^ls.t she^ lyu^e}d, that she^ can neu^er wal^k or^ stir) bu}t with the contrary] straem, after det}h too^. BULL1585310 A v^ery|#plaeza.nt t}hing of a c^ertein o^ld man that carie}d an as on him|self^. It waz saye.d among the arch|bishops^^ se|]creta.ryz^, that they that lyu^e}d accor^di.ng too the opinion of the comu}n pe^pl^, a}r pr^est. or^ ou^er|b.or^n^) with v^ery|#mis}erabl^ or^ wr^etch|]e.d) seru^i.c^ or^ bonda.g^) se^i.ng|#that it iz in no wy^z possibl^, when they i}u}dg^ diu^ers}l.y, t}oo plaez] al^, diu^ers} m^en alo}wi.ng diu^ers} or^ contrary)] t}hings^. Then o^n reherc^e}d a fa^bl^ accor^di.ng too that i}u}dg^m.ent or^ opinion) which he^ h^ad la^t|]l.y se^n} wr^y^tn.^ and doon.n or^ m.a^d) in Almain.) He^ saye}t}h, that the^r waz an o^ld man, whoo w}ent|#fo}r^t}h too the maket, with hiz so}n be^i.ng a litl^ y.o}ng|#y.ut}h, and a litl^ as goi.ng|#be^fo^r^, which he^ waz abou}t or^ redy)|#t}oo sel. They pas|]i.ng by the way, c^ertein dooi.ng buzin.es or^ wo}r^k) in the fe^ld bla^me}d the o^ld man, that ne|]ther the father nor^ the so}n go}t|#v}p on the as baeri.ng no|t}hing, bu}t su}ffere}d him t}oo be^ empti. of bu}rdn^, se^i.ng the o^n for^ o^ld a^g^, the o}ther for^ tender ag^ d}id ne^d so}m|what for^ ca|]rya.g^. Then the o^ld man sett} the y.o}ng y.ut}h on] the as, him|self^ ma^ki.ng i}o}r^ny with hiz fe^t. O}ther be^ho^ldi.ng this, bla^me}d the o^ld manz}^] fooli.shn.es, BULL1585311 bycau}z the y.o}ng y.ut}h, whoo waz lu}sti.e.r or^ stronge.r) be^i.ng sett. v}pon the as, him|self^ be^i.ng stry^kn.^ in a^g^ folowe}d the as] a|foot. Hiz cou}nc^l^ or^ my^nd) be^i.ng chan^g^e.d, and the y.o}ng y.ut}h be^i.ng sett.|#do}wn, him|self^ go}t|#v}p on the as. Bu}t h^au^i.ng|#gon} fo}r^t}h a|#li|]tl^, he^ hae^rd}d o}ther bla^mi.ng him, bycau}z he^ d}r^e^w after him hiz son be^i.ng v^ery|#litl^, az a] seru^a.nt, no regard of a^g^ be^i.ng had, him|self^ that waz father siti.ng on the as. He^ be^i.ng t}hr^o}whl.y|#moou^e.d with thaez wor^ds^, sett} hiz so}n with him v}pon the as, folowi.ng hiz i}o}r^|]ny in this wyz. When he^ be^i.ng aske.d of o}ther afterw.ard, whether the se^ly|#as w}aer hiz, gran^te}d or^ saye}d) y.e, he^ waz cha^sti.c^e.d or^ re|]pr^oou^e.d with wor^ds^, that az an|o}ther man, he^ had no ca^r of him be^i.ng in no wyz fit for^ so graet a bu}rdn^, whaer|az o^n owht t}oo be^n. ino}wh t}oo be^ b.or^n^. This man be^i.ng t}hr^o}whl.y|#tro}bl^|]e.d with so many opinionz^, when he^ cou}ld not go|#on withou}t accus}i.ng or^ bla^mi.ng) nether with the empti. as, nether with bo^th nor^ the] o^n be^i.ng sett. v}p|on him, at|#last he^ b}ou}nd the] as with i}ooine.d fe^t, and b}e^gan t}oo baer him] fo}r^t}h too the market be^i.ng hange.d on a staf^ and laye.d on hiz and hiz so}nz}^ nek. Al^ m^en be^|]i.ng BULL1585312 fal^n.^|#ou}t too lau}hi.ng for^ the ne^wn.es of] the siht, and repr^oou^i.ng the fooli.shn.es of bo^th, bu}t che^fl.y the fatherz}^, he^ be^i.ng angr^^i. stayi.ng abo}u^ the bank of a graet riu^er, castt}|#do}wn] the as be^i.ng b.ou}nd intoo the riu^er, and so the as be^i.ng l.ost or^ for^|gon.) he^ w}ent ho^m agein. So the go}od man satisfyi.ng or^ contenti.ng)] no man, why^ls.t he^ dezy^r^e}t}h t}oo obey al^ m^en, l}ost hiz as. Of the moki.ng of a man be^i.ng wili.ng] t}oo kil a hog. It waz the maner or^ fashion) in a c^ertein] to}wn (of a co}ntry in Italy) that he^ that kild} a hog in winter, shou}ld bidd} hiz neihbo}r^|]h^ood too su}pe.r. O^n aske}d cou}nc^l^ of hiz goshop in what wyz he^ miht au^oyd that cha^rg^ or^ ex|]penses^) say, sayt}h he^, too|mor^ow, that the hog waz ta^kn.^|#away from the^ this niht by t}he^ff.t, and al^so, he^ faeri.ng no su}ch t}hing, o^n s}to^l|#a|]way the hog from him with t}he^ff.t in the niht. In the mor^ning he^ se^i.ng the hog carye}d|#a|]way, be^i.ng gon. too hiz goshop, co}mplayne}d with a lo}wd or^ hih) v^oic^, that the hog waz sto^ln^|#away pr^iu^il.y from him by t}he^ff.t. Then the o}ther saye}t}h: My goshop thu} a}rt wy^z] rihtl.y BULL1585313 or^ in de^d:) for^ I t}au}ht the^ t}oo say so. When he^ saye}d it v^ery|#oftn^, and s}wo^r^ by al^] the gods^, that it waz tru. The o}ther answer|]e}d: thu} doos}t wel, and after or^ accor^di.ng too) my cou}nc^l^. When he^ repe^te}d it agein, the o}ther answere}d: I warn^e}d the^ be^fo^r^ that thu} shou}lds}t or^ owhts}t) t}oo spaek in this maner, and I h^au^ ge^u^n}^ the^ sa^f or^ who^ls.o}m) cou}nc^l^. At|#last he^ w}ent|#away be^i.ng mokt. or^ de|]c^eiu^e.d.) Of a fox be^i.ng hy^dd. of a co}ntry|]man in foodd.er. Onc.^ a fox fle^i.ng dogs^ in hu}nti.ng, bayte}d or^ reste}d) with a co}ntry|man, that t}hr^esht} whaet in a floor^, dezy^r^i.ng, that she^ miht be^ defende.d from the dogs^, and pr^omis|]e}d witha.l^ that she^ wou}ld neu^er hu}rt hiz] henz}^ chikn^^. The co}ntry|man agre^e}d too the] condit}ion, and foodd.er be^i.ng ta^kn.^ with a] for^k, co}u^ere}d the fox. The^r c}a^m thither o^n and al^so an|o}ther of the hu}nto.r^z^ se^ki.ng the fox: they aske}d the co}ntry|man whether he^ h^ad se^n} the fox fle^i.ng on her i}o}r^ny or^ way,) he^ shewe}d in wor^ds^ that the fox waz ru}n|#away by a c^ertein way, bu}t with hiz cou}ntenanc^] and yiz^ BULL1585314 he^ shewe}d that she^ waz hy^dd. v}nder] the foodd.er. They regardi.ng or^ be^ho^ldi.ng) ra|]ther v}ntoo the wor^ds^, than too the nodi.ng or^ beki.ng) w}ent|#away. Then the co}ntry|man, the fox be^i.ng v}n|co}u^ere.d, saye}t}h: ke^p pr^omis|]es^ no}w: for^ thu} h^ast esca^pe}d or^ gon}|#away) by or^ t}hr^o}wh) my wor^ds^. Bu}t she^, whoo be^i.ng faer|fu}l of her|self^ b}e^held the co}ntry|man di|]lig^entl.y t}hr^o}wh a narow ho^l or^ chink) be^|]twe^n the foodd.er, saye}t}h: Thy wor^ds^ w}aer] go}od, bu}t thy de^ds^ il yno}wh. A sayi.ng ageinst them that doo o^n t}hing in wor^ds^, an|o}ther] t}hing in de^d. Of a Flor^entin that b}owht a h^or^s. A Flor^entin known.^ too me^, abou}t|#t}oo biy of nec^essity a hor^s at Room, bargayne}d with the selo.r^, that aske}d or^ reqy^r^e}d) xxv. crou}nz^ a pr^y^c^ de^re.r than the hor^s, he^ gran^t|]e}d that he^ wil ge^u^ xv. at the pr^es}ent or^ ou}t|]of|#hand,) and that he^ wou}ld be^ hiz deto.r^ of] the rest. When the selo.r^ aske}d the residu the] day after, the biyo.r^ refuzi.ng the payi.ng, say|]e}t}h: I wil ke^p co}u^nants^, we^ bargaine}d that I wil be^ thy deto.r^: bu}t if I shal^ satisfy the^, I am not t}oo be^ thy deto.r^ any|#mo^r^ he^r|after. BULL1585315 A plaeza.nt sayi.ng of a man pr^omisi.ng t}oo ma^k an as laern^e.d. A Tiran t}oo dr^aw|#away the go}ods^ of a] su}bi}ect, whoo bo^ste}d that he^ wou}ld doo many t}hings^, comman^de}d v}pon a graet pain, that he^ shou}ld taech an as letterz^. He^ sayt}h that^ it wil be^ im|possibl^, exc^ept mu}ch ty^m miht be^ gran^te.d him in taechi.ng the as. Be^|]i.ng comman^de.d t}oo ask az mu}ch ty^m az he^] wou}ld, he^ obteine}d the spa^c^ of ten y.e^rz^. He^ waz mokt. of eu^ery man or^ of al^ m^en) bicau}z he^ h^ad ta^kn}^|#in|#hand a t}hing im|possibl^. He^ hau^i.ng co}mfor^te.d hiz fre^nds^, saye}t}h: I faer] not: for^ in the maen why^l, either I shal^ dy, or^ the as, or^ the own.^o.r^. By the which wor^ds^ he^] shewe}d, that it iz who^ls.o}m or^ sa^f|fu}l) that a hard or^ dou}t|fu}l) mater be^ pr^olonge.d and] defere.d. Of a plaeza.bl^ or^ le^ki.ng) song too] a tau^ern^o.r^. When a c^ertein trau^elo.r^ or^ way|fa^r|]i.ng|#man) be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i., h^ad bayte}d at a smal^ tau^ern^ or^ a^l|#ho}ws) he^ stu}ft} or^ fild}) hiz bely with maet and dr^ink, he^ sayt}h too him that aske}d mo}ny, that he^ hat}h no mo}ny, bu}t BULL1585316 that he^ wil satisfy him with pr^ety songs^, the tau^ern^o.r^ answere}d, that he^ h^ad no ne^d of] singi.ng, bu}t of amends. What, sayt}h the o}ther if I say that^ song that may plaez the^, whether wilt thu} be^ content with it for^ the mo}ny: the tau^ern^o.r^ agre^i.ng thaer|#too, the trau^elo.r^ b}e^|]gan t}oo sing, and aske}d whether that^ song d}id] plaez him[ When the tau^ern^o.r^ denye}d it, he^ s}u}ng o^n and then an|o}ther. The tau^ern^o.r^ said} for^ trut.h} that he^ iz satisfie.d with no song. Thaer|for^ I wil no}w, sayt}h the trau^elo.r^, say that^ song that wil plaez the^, and hiz pou}ch be^|]i.ng c.au}ht, ly^k o^n lo^zi.ng it, b}e^gan a song that trau^elo.r^z^ a}r wo}nt t}oo vz: Metti mano alla] borsa et opaga l hoste. That iz: Pu}t thy hand too thy pu}rs, and satisfy thy^n ost. This be^i.ng saye.d, he^ aske}t}h, whether that^ so}ng d}id not plaez him. The ost sayt}h: This plaeze}t}h me^. Then the trau^elo.r^ sayt}h: Thu} a}rt satisfie.d by pr^omis or^ co}u^nant) after that this song h^at}h] plaeze}d the^: so he^ departe}d or^ w}ent|#away)] withou}t payi.ng. Of a phizic^ion that haele}d mad m^en. Many tal^ke}d|#toogether of the v}n|nec^es|]sary or^ ou^er|#mu}ch) ca^r, I wil not say BULL1585317 fooli.shn.es of them, that ke^p or^ cherish) dogs^ and hawks^ for^ hawki.ng or^ birdi.ng.) Then Pau}l a Flor^entin, saye}t}h: The fool of Millan mokt} tho^z rihtl.y, when we^ cra^u^e}d him t}oo tel the ta^l or^ fa^bl^.) The^r waz, saye}t}h he^, o^nc.^ a c^itis.en at Millan, be^i.ng a phizic^ion of witl.es and mad folk, whoo v}nder|t}o^k t}oo hael folk b.r^owht too him with|in a c^ertein ty^m. The curi.ng or^ haeli.ng) waz of this sor^t: He^ had at ho^m a sqa^r plat or^ floor^,) and in it a pu}dl^ or^ sink) of stinki.ng and filt}hi. water: whaer|]in he^ b}ou}nd them na^ke.d too a post, that w}aer b.r^owht thither mad, so}m too the kne^z^, so}m v}p|]too the cod, so}m de^pe.r, for^ or^ after) the maner of the madn.es, and so long tempere}d them with water and hu}nger v}ntil they se^me}d who^l. The^r waz o^n b.r^owht thither among the rest, whoom^ he^ sett} intoo the water too the t}hih, whoo after fifte^n dayz^ b}e^gan t}oo be^ wy^z agein, and t}oo dezy^r^ the haelo.r^ that he^ miht be^ laedd.|#a|]gein ou}t|#of the water. He^ t}o^k|#away the man from pu}nishm.ent, y.et with that^ condi|]t}ion, that he^ shou}ld not go ou}t|#of the sqa^r] plat. When he^ h^ad obeye}d a few dayz^, that he^ miht wal^k t}hr^o}wh al^ the ho}ws, bu}t d}id not su}ffer that he^ shou}ld go ou}t|#of the ou}te.r ga^t: BULL1585318 hiz o}ther felowz^, which w}aer many, be^i.ng l.eft in the water, he^ obeye}d the phizic^ionz}^ com|]man^dm.ents^. He^ standi.ng so}m ty^m on or^ at)] the door^ (for^ he^ d}u}rst not go|#ou}t for^ faer of the] sink) he^ cal^e}d too him a y.o}ng man co}mi.ng thither a|hor^s|#bak with a hawk and twoo] dogs^, of them that be^ cal^e.d spany.elz^, be^i.ng moou^e.d with the ne^wn.es of the t}hing: for^ he^ h^eld or^ had) not in memor^i or^ remembr^^a.nc^) what he^ h^ad se^n} be^fo^r^ hiz madn.es. When the y.o}ng man c}a^m|#ne^r: Ho y.ou}, saye}t}h he^, ge^u^] aer or^ hark) I pr^ay y.ou} answer me^ in few] wor^ds^ and if it plaez y.ou}. What iz it that with which y.e^ a}r b.or^n^ or^ carye.d,) and whaer|for^ ho^ld y.e^ that^[ A hor^s, saie}t}h he^: and for^ hawk|]i.ngs^^ sa^k. Then afterw.ard: bu}t what iz this] cal^e.d that y.e^ baer with y.ou}r. hand, and in what mater vz y.e^ it[ He^ answere}d: a hawk, and fit for^ the ta^ki.ng of taelz^ and partridg^es^. Then the o}ther saye}t}h: Go|#too, what be^ thaez that folow after the^, and what d}oo they pr^ofit] y.ou}[ He^ sayt}h dogs^, and applye}d too hawk|]i.ng, t}oo fy^nd|#ou}t birds^. Of what pr^y^c^ be^ thaez] birds^, for^ cau}z or^ occas}ion) of|#ta^ki.ng which y.ou} ma^k redy or^ pr^ou^y^d) so many t}hings^, if y.ou} pu}t|#toogether the ta^ki.ng of o^n who^l y.e^r[ BULL1585319 When he^ h^ad answere}d: a smal^ t}hing, I know not what, and that they d}id not exc^e^d] six crou}nz^. The man ade}d or^ cou}nter|v^aile}d) what iz the cha^rg^ or^ expenses^) of the hor^s, and of the dogs^, and of the hawk[ He^ affirme}d] fifty crou}nz^. Then hau^i.ng meru^ele}d at the] fooli.shn.es of the y.o}ng man a|hor^s|#bak, say|]e}t}h: Go|#away henc^ qikl.ye.r, I pr^ay y.ou}, and fle^|#away the mo^r^, be^fo^r^ the phizic^ion co}m ho^m agein. For^ if he^ shal^ fy^nd y.ou} he^r, he^ wil v}tterl.y cast y.ou} intoo hiz sink, az the made.st of al^ m^en that lyu^, t}oo|#be^ cure.d with the o}ther mad m^en, and wil pla^c^ or^ set) y.ou} intoo the water abo}u^ them al^, eu^n^ too the chin. He^ shewe}t}h mo^r^|ou^er, that the dezy^r^ or^ er|]nestn.es) of hawki.ng iz extre^m or^ the graete.st) madn.es, exc^ept it be^] doon.n so}m ty^m of welt.h}i.] m^en and for^ exer|]c^izs^^ sa^k. BULL1585320 A ta^bl^ of al^ the Fa^bl^z^ in this book. The first nu}mber shewi.ng the pa^g^ of this v^olum. The second nu}mber hau^i.ng this, M. shew|]i.ng the laef^ whaer t}oo fy^nd the sa^m in the Latin fa^bl^|#book im|pr^inte.d with pr^iu^ileg^ by Tmas Marsh at Lo}ndon. 1580. The t}hird nu}mber hau^i.ng this, L. shewi.ng the pa^g^ whaer t}oo fy^nd the sa^m in the Latin fa^bl^|#book im|pr^inte.d at Lionz^ by the irz^ of Ja^mz^ Junta. 1571. The saie.d Fa^bl^z^ im|pr^inte.d by Tmas Marsh iz ne^re.st too this transla^t}i.on that I can ges|#of, hau^|]i.ng l.ost the book that I che^fl.y folowe}d in] my transla^t}i.on. Of the aap and fox, pag. Of the aap and hir br^ood, Of an aap and a fox, Of the aap, Of the aap and hir twoo chy^ldde^rn^, Of Ario and a dolphin, BULL1585321 Of the as and maisterz^, Of the as and hor^s, Of the as, Of an as and way|fa^ro.r^z^, Of an as, Of the as and cal^f^, Of the as, aap, and mo^ld, Of the as and g^esto.r^. Of the as be^i.ng sik, and wo}lfs^ goi.ng t}oo se^ him, Of an as not fy^ndi.ng end of hiz labo}r^z^, Of an as that seru^e}d an v}n|t}hank|fu}l maister, Of an as be^i.ng a tru}mpeto.r^, and a ha^r bei.ng a caryo.r^ of letterz^, BULL1585322 Of an as and a wo}lf, Of an as and Jupiter, Of the as and hor^s, Of the as and wo}lf, Of an as t}oo be^ t.au}ht, Of a bo^r^ and as, Of the br^ood of the hilz^, Of the birds^ and fowr^^|#foote.d baests^, Of the birds^, Of a bald hor^s|man, Of a bu}l and a go^t, Of bu}lz^ and the lion. BULL1585323 Of a bird and hir y.o}ng, Of the bo^r^ and co}ntry|man, Of the bu}l and mou}c^, Of the birds^ faeri.ng the do^r^, Of the ba^r and the be^e^z^, Of a bird cal^e}d a linet and a boy, Of birds^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo chuz mo kings^, Of a beu^er cu}ti.ng|#of hiz|#own.^ memberz^, Of a bal^d man weeri.ng stran^g^ haerz^ for^ natura.l, Of the beu^er, Of a boy ke^pi.ng she^p, Of the be^e^ and Jupiter, BULL1585324 Of a baem and oxn^^ dr^awi.ng it, Of a baem rebuki.ng the slown.es of oxn^^, Of the co}ntry|man and sna^k, Of the crow and fox, Of the cu}lu^erz^ and kiht, Of the co}ntry|man and hor^s, Of the co^ll.y.or^ and fu}lo.r^, Of the cok and cat, Of the ho}ws|#cok, Of the crow and she^p, Of crabs^ the mo}ther and so}n, BULL1585325 Of a camel, Of a co}ntry|man and for^tn, Of a co}u^eto}o.s and enu^yo}o.s man, Of the crow and bu}ket, Of a co}ntry|man and a ste^r, Of a co}ntry|man and Hercules, Of the crow and wo}lfs^, Of a contry|man opteini.ng that whaet may grow withou}t eerz^, Of a co}ntry|man pasi.ng ou^er a riu^er, Of a cu}lu^er and the py, Of the cu}ccoo and hawk, Of a co}u^eto}o.s embassador^, Of a co}ntry|man and mou}c^, BULL1585326 Of a carto.r^ and cart|#whe^l, Of a co}u^eto}o.s man spaeki.ng too a bag of mo}ny, Of coks^ and a partridg^, Of a co^ll.y.or^ and a fu}lo.r^, Of a cat be^i.ng chan^g^d. intoo a wo}|man, Of a cat and cok, Of coks^ and a partridg^, Of a co^ll.y.or^ and a washo.r^, Of a cat be^i.ng chan^g^d. intoo a wo}|man, Of the co}ntry|man and sna^k, Of twoo coks^ fihti.ng, Of a ca^n and oliu^|#tre^, BULL1585327 Of a crow and a fox, Of a crow be^i.ng sik, Of the cok and fox, Of the sik kiht, Of the kid and wo}lf, Of a king and aaps^, Of the kid and wo}lf, Of the chy^ld and mo}ther, Of a chy^ld and for^tn, Of a chy^ld and a scor^pion, Of a chy^ld be^i.ng a t}he^f^, Of a chy^ld and a t}he^f^, BULL1585328 Of the dog and shadow, Of the dg and as, Of the dog and she^p, Of the dog and bu}tchor^, Of a dog by^ti.ng mu}ch, Of the dog and lyon, Of the do^r^ and aegl^, Of dor^|m^y^c^ be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo ou^er|t}hr^ow an o^k, Of the dog and hiz maister, Of a dog kili.ng hiz maisterz}^ she^p, Of the dog and bu}tchor^, Of a dog cal^d. to su}pe.r, BULL1585329 Of the dog and wo}lf, Of a dog caryi.ng flesh, Of to}wni.sh dogs^ cha^c^i.ng a co}ntry|#dog, Of the aegl^ and crow, Of the aegl^ and crow, Of the ert}hs^^ br^e^di.ng, Of the aegl^ and py, Of an el^m^ and a wilow, Of an aegl^ and a co}ny, Of the aegl^ and fox, Of the aegl^ and crow, Of the aegl^ and do^r^, BULL1585330 Of the aegl^ and a man, Of twoo enemyz^, Of the emot and cu}lu^er, Of the emot, Of the emots^ and gras|hopo.r^, Of an e^l^ co}mplaini.ng that she^ waz tro}bl^e.d with assayli.ng mo^r^ than the serpent,Of the enu^yo}o.s dog and ox, Of the emot and gras|hopo.r^, Of the frogs^ and their. king, Of the fox and haern^, Of the fly and emot, Of the frog and ox, BULL1585331 Of the fox and waezl^, Of the fo}wlo.r^ and wo}od|#doou^, Of the fox and lyon, Of the fox and aegl^, Of the fisho.r^ and a smal^ fish, Of a frog and fox, Of twoo fre^nds^ and a ba^r, Of the fir|#tre^ and bu}shes^, Of fishes^, Of the fox and she^|#libard, Of the fox and waezl^, Of fisho.r^s^, Of the fox and wo}|m^en, BULL1585332 Of fat ca^pn^z^ and laen, Of faier tre^z^ and il|fau^o}r^e.d, Of a fly siti.ng on a chary.ot, Of fishes^ in a fryi.ng pan, Of fowr^^|#foote.d baests^ fal^i.ng intoo fre^nds.hip with fishes^ ageinst the b irds^,Of a fo}wlo.r^ and Robin red|#br^est, Of the father and so}n, Of the fox pr^aizi.ng ha^rz}^|#flesh, Of a fox and go^t, Of the fox and lyon, Of the fox and a hed, Of a fisho.r^, Of the fox and libard, BULL1585333 Of twoo fre^nds^ and a ba^r, Of a fo}wlo.r^ and sna^k, Of a fowlo.r^ and blak|bird, Of the fox and go^t, Of the fox and lyon, Of the fox withou}t a tayl, Of the fox and br^ambl^, Of the fox and crocodil, Of the fox and hu}nto.r^z^, Of a fisho.r^ and a litl^ fish, Of a fisho.r^ and a litl^ fish, Of a fo}wlo.r^ or^ ta^ko.r^, and a partridg^, Of the fox and v^izard, BULL1585334 Of a fox be^i.ng hu}ngr^^i., Of a c^ertein fisho.r^, Of c^ertein fisho.r^z^, Of the fox and libard, Of c^ertein fisho.r^z^, Of frogs^ aski.ng a king, Of twoo fre^nds^ and a ba^r, Of a fo}wlo.r^, Of a fly, Of a frog and fox, Of a c^ertein fox, Of the flae, Of a flae and a man, Of a fox bei.ng hy^dd., BULL1585335 Of a Flor^entin that b}owht a hor^s, Of the i}ay, Of Jupiter and the aap, Of a i}elo}s man, Of Jupiter and the crow, Of Jupiter, Of a grey|hou}nd, Of ge^c^, Of a gooc^, Of the gras|hopo.r^ and emot, Of the gos|hawk cha^c^i.ng a cu}lu^er, Of a gnat and be^e^, BULL1585336 Of the ha^rz^ and frogs^, Of the hart and wo}lf, Of the hor^s and lion, Of the hor^s and as, Of the hart, Of the hart and oxn^^, Of the hor^s and hart, Of the hu}sband|man and hiz so}nz^, Of the hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^, Of the hu}sband|man and cra^nz^, Of a hog and a hor^s, Of the ho}wsb.and and wy^f^, Of a hu}sband|man war|fa^ri.ng and be^i.ng a merchant, BULL1585337 Of a hedg^|hog and adder, Of a ha^r and fox, Of a hu}sband|man and a poet, Of the ha^r, fox, and Jupiter, Of a hor^s v}n|dr^est., Of a hu}sband|man and lawy.or^, Of hawks^ be^i.ng enemiz^ among them|selu^s^, Of a hor^s and an as, Of a hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^, Of a hu}sband|man and hiz so}nz^, Of a hu}sband|man and hiz dogs^, Of a hu}sband|man and hiz so}nz^, BULL1585338 Of a hekfer and ox, Of the hart and lyon, Of the hu}sband|man and stor^k, Of the hart|#cal^f^ and hart, Of the ha^rz^ and frogs^, Of a hen and fox, Of the ha^r and snayl, Of the lyon and c^ertein o}ther baests^, Of the lyon and mou}c^, Of the lamb and wo}lf, Of the lyon and frog, Of the lyon and o}ther, BULL1585339 Of the lyon and go^t, Of a lyon stry^kn.^ with a^g^, Of the lyon and bu}l, Of the lyon and go^tl.ing, Of the libard and fox, Of the lap|wing nor^e.d v}n|wo}r^thil.y, Of the lyon chuzi.ng a hog t}oo be^ a companyo.n for^ him, Of the lamb and wo}lf, Of a lyon and a frog, Of a lyon be^i.ng o^ld, Of a lyon and a bu}l, Of a lyon, an as, and a fox, BULL1585340 Of a lyon lo}u^i.ng the dau}hter of a c^ertein co}ntry|man, Of the lyonn.es and the fox, Of a lyon and a man, Of a lyon and a hu}nto.r^, Of the lyon and the mou}c^, Of the lyon and fox, Of m^y^c^ and a cat, Of the mou}c^ and the frog, Of the memberz^ and bely, Of the memberz^ and bely, Of the mou}c^ in a chest, Of the mau^ic^ and the swalow, BULL1585341 Of the mul and the hor^s, Of a man refuzi.ng a glister, Of a mou}c^ and waezl^ or^ cat, Of the mou}c^ and the kiht, Of a man be^i.ng poor^ and sik, Of a man that s}owht hiz wy^f^ bei.ng ded, in a graet riu^er, Of a man and hiz fre^nds^, Of a man bo^sti.ng, Of a man and Apollo, Of a man and a satyr^, Of a man by^tt.n^, Of a man be^i.ng a hu}sband|man, BULL1585342 Of a c^ertein mul, Of the mo^ld and hiz mo}ther, Of a man and hiz wy^u^s^, Of the moki.ng of a man be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo kil a hog, Of a man by^tt.n^, Of the nu}rc^ and the wo}lf, Of the nihti.nga^l and hawk, Of the nihti.nga^l and hawk, Of the o^k and the re^d, Of the ox and the y.o}ng ste^r, Of an o^ld man ta^ki.ng a y.o}ng wench v}ntoo wy^f^, BULL1585343 Of the o^k and the re^d, Of an offic^o.r^ condemn^e.d of extor^t}i.on, Of an o^ld man laeu^i.ng the lu}st of the flesh bicau}z of fe^bl^n.es, Of an o^ld man t}hr^owi.ng do}wn with sto^nz^ a y.o}ng man ta^ki.ng a|way apl^z^ from him,Of an o^ld man be^i.ng wili.ng t}oo delay or^ defer det}h, Of an o^ld manz}^ so}n and a lyon, Of an o^ld man cal^i.ng det}h, Of an obstinat wo}|man, Of an o^ld man, an as, and a chy^ld, BULL1585344 Of the pe|cok and the nihti.nga^l, Of the pe|cok and the cra^n, Of the pr^e^st and the paerz^, Of a c^ertein pr^ophisio.r^, Of the po^mgranat|#tre^ and apl^|#tre^, Of twoo pots^, Of the pirwinkl^ (be^i.ng a fish) cra^u^i.ng of Jupiter, Of a py^k be^i.ng a riu^er|#fish ernestl.y phansyi.ng the kingd.o}m of the sae, Of a c^ertein phizic^ion, Of a phizic^ion that haele}d mad m^en, BULL1585345 Of a c^ertein rich man and hiz seru^a.nt, Of a riu^er rayli.ng at hiz spr^ing with repr^oofs^, Of a ram and a bu}l, Of a re^d and oliu^|#tre^, Of the ra^u^n^ and o}ther birds^, Of the swalow and o}ther birds^, Of the sna^k and fy^l, Of the sik man and phizic^ion, Of the snayl and aegl^, Of the su}n and nor^t}h|#wy^nd, Of the satyr^ and way|fa^ri.ng|#man, BULL1585346 Of the satyr^ and co}ntry|man, Of the spydor^ and the go}wt, Of the spydor^ and the swalow, Of the swan singi.ng at his det}h, Of the snayl and the frogs^, Of the sowldy.or^ and the hor^s, Of a swy^n and a dog, That stry^ps^ be^ for^ a nu}t, an as, and a wo}|man Of a c^ertein soot}h|#sayo.r^, Of a sik man and a phizic^ion, Of a serpent and a hu}sband|man, Of a plaeza.bl^ song too a tau^ern^o.r^, BULL1585347 Of a smit}h and hiz dog, Of a she^p and the she^ppherd, Of a she^ppherd exerc^izi.ng marinor^z}^ art, Of a she^ppherd and the sae, Of a she^ppherd and hu}sband|m^en, Of a to}wni.sh mou}c^ and a co}ntry|#mou}c^, Of a tru}mpeto.r^, Of a tiger and a fox, A ta^l of Aes}op a man of Phr^ig^ia, BULL1585348 Of a tano.r^ biyi.ng a ba^rz}^ skin, not y.et ta^kn.^, of a hu}nto.r ^,Of a tru}mpeto.r^, Of the tu}ny and the dolphin, Of the tu}ny and the dolphin, Of a trau^elo.r^ and bag be^i.ng f.ou}nd, Of a c^ertein tru}mpeto.r^, Of a t}he^f^ and a dog, Of the o}wl^ and birds^, Of the wo}lf and the lamb, BULL1585349 Of the wo}lf and the cra^n, Of the wo}lf and y.o}ng so}w, Of the wo}lf and painte.d hed, Of the wo}lf and fox, Of a way|fa^ri.ng|#man, Of the wo}lfs^ and lambs^, Of the wo}od and co}ntry|man, Of the wo}lf and the dog, Of the o^ld waezl^ and the m^y^c^, Of an o^ld wo}|man and her maids^, Of a wo}|man we^pi.ng for^ her ded ho}wss.b.and, and hir father co}mfor^ti.ng he r,Of a wo}|man we^pi.ng for^ hir lo}u^o.r^z}^ goi.ng a|way, BULL1585350 Of a widow cra^u^i.ng a ho}wss.band, Of an o^ld wo}|man accusi.ng the diu^l^, Of wex cra^u^i.ng hardn.es, Of a wicked man and the diu^l^, Of a wo}|man that saye}d that she^ waz wili.ng t}oo dy for^ hir ho}wss.band, Of the wo}lf and por^kepin, Of a wo}lf with a she^ps^^ skin, Of a widow and a gre^n as, Of a wo|man baeri.ng fier intoo her ho}wss.bands^^ ho}ws, Of a wo|man and a hen, Of a wo}|man and a phizic^ion, BULL1585351 Of a wo}|man and a hen, Of the wo}lf and the cra^n, Of the wo}lf and the lamb, Of a wo}od|#hako.r^, Of a wo}|man and a hen, Of a wilow and an ax, Of wasps^, partridg^es^, and a hu}sband|man, Of a y.o}ng man and a cat, Of a y.o}ng y.ut}h moki.ng an o^ld manz}^ crookedn.es, Of a y.o}ng man singi.ng at the buryi.ng of hiz mo}ther, BULL1585352 Of a y.o}ng man be^i.ng fe^bl^ t}hr^o}wh the act of g^enerat}ion and of a wo}lf.Of y.o}ng m^en and a cook, Of a y.o}ng manz}^ slowt.h}, Of y.o}ng m^en and a cook, 1CATO The shor^t Sentenc^es^ of the wy^z] Cato: Transla^te.d ou}t|#of Latin intoo E^nglish by] W. Bu}llokar, im|pr^inte.d with] tru Or^tgraphy and] Grammar|]no^ts^. Ge^u^ God the pr^aiz, That taeche}t}h al^|waiz. When trut.h} trie}t}h, Ero}o.r^ flye}t}h. Im|pr^inte.d at Lo}ndon by Edmu}nd Bolli|]fant, dweli.ng in the litl^ o^ld Baily in Eliots^^] Cou}rt, whaer al^ the books^ sett.|#fo}r^t}h by William Bu}llokar in tru or^|]tgraphy, a}r t}oo be^ s.o^ld. 3CATO William Bu}llokar to hiz] chy^ld. 1 Whoo|so in haru^est my^ndt}h t}oo raep, the fruts^ that go}od and plaeza.nt be^, In the spr^ing|#ty^m he^ mu}st them sow, the hot so}mer may elc^ them dr^y: 2 So, that their. pr^ofit may grow smal^ when that the crop may chan^c^ t}oo fayl Of the encraec^ mu}ch looke.d|#for^, the bu}lk be^i.ng sliht, the gayn az smal^. 3 So he^ that wisht.h} in elder y.e^rz^ t}oo hau^ wy^zd.o}m, he^ mu}st be^gin T}oo laern^ the sa^m in tender y.e^rz^, elc^ may he^ mis that he^ wou}ld win. 4 Soon bendt}h the twig that ne^w iz s.pr^u}ng the fo^r^|s.pr^u}ng br^an^ch m^en may y.et we^ld Bu}t se^ld they may the grown.^ bo}w, o^ld stemz^ wil rather br^aek than y.e^ld. 5 What better sowi.ng in the my^nd, may be^ for^ tender y.ut}h at first, Than from wy^z Cato he^r t}oo fy^nd riht pit}hi. senc^ of shor^tn.es su}ch 6 That thowh y.ut}h know not al^ the go}od when they at first hau^ it in hand, Az y.e^rz^ d}oo grow they wil thaer|of 4CATO the perfect senc^ wel v}nderstand, 7 And ta^st the frut that it d}oot}h y.e^ld too their. pr^ofit and graet plaezu.r, Az pr^eparatiu^ too nest ly^f^ and go}od repor^t too them pr^ocur. 8 And I that wish that thu} my chy^ld shou}lds}t win the go^l of happy pr^y^c^, Hau^ it transla^te}d for^ thy^n aez: e^nglish conferd. with latin gy^z, 9 Az naer, az termz^ and sentenc^ may meintein bo^th spe^ches^ in o^n maen, Thowh so}m wor^d chan^gd. so}m wor^d l.eft|#ou}t or^ so}m ade.d t}oo help the ry^m: 10 Which whoo that can better deu^y^z and ke^p thaez pooints^ in or^der du, Hat}h laeu^ of me^: in the maen why^l vz this v}ntil thu} hau^ mo^r^ tru. 11 No langag^ iz so mu}ch tye.d too o}ther that it mu}st of for^c^ Ke^p foot and ty^m thaer|with al^|way: the first tu}ngs^^ phr^a^s} hat}h the fits.t cou}rs, 12 Bu}t gran^ti.ng aech spe^ch hiz|#own.^ gra^c^, I know e^nglish su}bi}ect too no^n, t}oo set|#for^t}h any first deu^y^c^, confera.bl^ with any|o^n: 13 Whooz}^ fe^t and ty^m he^r se^mi.ng harsh, 5CATO baer|#with bycau}z|#of conferenc^s^^ sa^k T}oo help a laern^o.r^ of bo^th tu}ngs^ e^nglish latin: e^nglish can ma^k 14 With hiz|#own.^ phr^a^s} mo^r^|#co}mly gra^c^, and ke^p maeni.ng effectuall.y, If it miht ke^p hiz natr^^al pa^c^, and latin d}id it not he^r ty. 15 Thowh Cato lyu^d}, when Room d}id mo^st flou}rish in wit, laern^i.ng, and fa^m, Y.et d}id he^ se^ in m^en, that^ ty^m, mu}ch e^u^l^ vc^, and manerz^ bla^m: 16 Thaer|for^ bycau}z hiz so}n waz y.o}ng, and cou}ld not baer mu}ch in hiz my^nd, he fra^md} this shor^t mater for^ him, Az natr d}id him thaer|too by^nd. 17 And shal^ we^ t}hink ou}r|selu^s^ so wy^z, so wel laern^e.d and so fa^mo}o.s, That we^ shou}ld sco^r^n^ this hiz deu^y^c^, and t}hink the sa^m v}n|me^t for^ v}s, 18 That bu}t of la^t h^au^ crakt} the shel of ignor^anc^, la^t hatcht. in de^d, Thowh so}m perk|#v}p, az al^ w}aer wel the wor^ds^ folow that Cato sayd}. When I d}id consider that v^ery|#many m^en d}oo gre^u^o}o.sl.y er in the way of] manerz^: 6CATO I t}howht that I owht t}oo su}ccu}r and help their. opinion: Che^fl.y that they miht liu^ with pr^ayz, and attein nor^. No}w wil I my mo^st|#be^|lo}u^e.d so}n, taech the^ by what maen thu} mays}t fra^m the manerz^ of thy my^nd. Thaer|]for^ thu} shou}lds}t raed my pr^ec^epts^, so, that thu} mays}t v}nderstand them: For^, t}oo raed and not t}oo v}nderstand iz not t}oo raed (at|#al^.) Catoz}^ br^e^fs.t pr^ec^epts^ tu}rn^e.d intoo] e^nglish v^e^rses^. Thaer|for^ seru^ God: thy parents^ lou^: regard thy kin: thy maister faer: Too cou}nc^el be^fo^r^ thu} be^ cal^d., (in any wyz) d}oo not co}m ne^r: Ke^p a t}hing ge^n: too market hy: with go}od folk walk: be^ thu} claenl.y: Ge^u^ better pla^c^: inferior^ spa^r: salut gladl.y: ke^p thy wel|fa^r: Ke^p nesti.: dilig^enc^ vz: raed books^, remember them t}oo vz: He^d thy ho}wsh^o^ld: be^ faier|#s.po^kn^: ra^g^ not for^ nowht: d}oo no man sco^r^n^: Mok not a wr^etch: lend, bu}t ta^k he^d, too whoom^ thu} lends}t, (if he^ h^au^ ne^d) 7CATO Be^ at i}u}dg^m.ent: se^ld banket thu}: sle^p what iz yno}wh: thy^n o^t}h ke^p too^, From wy^n the^ stay: fiht for^ co}ntry: cou}nc^l^ thy|self^, bu}t|#y.et sa^fl.y: Nowht rashl.y we^n: a harlot fle^: laern^ letterz^ thu} shou}lds}t not ly: Pr^ofit the go}od: spaek not with spy^t: thy credit ke^p: i}u}dg^ that iz riht: Parents^ exc^el with pat}ient}i.: be^ my^nd|fu}l of go}od tu}rn^z^ too the^: Stand at the bar: in law be^ wy^z: vz thu} v^ertu: temper angu}ish: Play with a top: fle^ thu} the dyz^: doo nowht after for^c^s^^ adu^y^c^: O^n les than the^ d}oo not despy^z: cou^et not t}hing that o}therz}^ iz: Lo}u^ wy^f^: taech chy^ld: su}ffer the law that thu}|#thy|self^ h^ast m}a^d (for^ aw.) In faest spaek se^ld: that study stil which iz i}u}st: baer lo}u^ with go}od wil. The first book of Catoz}^] v^e^rses^. 1 If God be^ a my^nd, az v^e^rses^ too v}s say, 8CATO with pur^^ my^nd che^fl.y iz t}oo be^ wo}r^shipt. (al^|way.) 2 Awa^k thu} mo^r^ al^|way and be^ not ge^n too sle^p: for^|#that dail.y qietn.es y.e^ldt}h v^y^c^es^ ayds^ (de^p.) 3 T}hink it a che^f v^ertu t}oo stey to}ng (in saezn^) h iz ne^rs.t God that knowe}t}h t}oo hold|#paec^ with raezn^. 4 Despy^z al^|way t}oo be^ too thy|self^ contrary, whoo stry^u^e}t}h with him|self^, with no^n wil agre^. 5 If thu} be^ho^ld manerz^ and the ly^f^ of m^en, when m^en d}oo bla^m o}ther, no^n liu^t}h with|ou}t bla^m. 6 What thu} ho^lde}st hu}rt|fu}l for^sa^k them thowh they be^ lo}u^e.d, set pr^ofit be^fo^r^ welt.h} al^|way. 7 Be^ thu} stou}t and g^entl^, az the ca^s d}oot}h claym: The wy^z chan^g^e}t}h manerz^ with ty^mz^ with|ou}t bla^m. 9CATO 8 Be^le^u^ not thy^n|#own.^ wy^f^ rashl.y complayni.ng: for^ wo}|m^en oft ha^t them whoom^ the hu}sband i}oyt}h|#in. 9 When thu} warn^e}st any that wil not be^ warn^e.d, if he^ be^ de^r too the^ laeu^ not of the harm^e.d. 10 Be^ not wili.ng t}oo stry^u^ with wor^ds^ ageinst pr^a^to.r^z^: spe^ch iz ge^u^n.^ al^ m^en, few a}r wy^zd.o}mz}^ fau}tor^z^. 11 D}oo thu} so lo}u^ o}ther, thu} be^ too thy|self^ de^r: be^ so go}od too go}od m^en, that il co}m not the^ ne^r. 12 Au^oyd ta^lz^, be^gin not t}oo be^ cou}nte.d au}tor^: t}oo ho^ld|#paec^ hu}rtt}h no man, it hu}rtt}h t}oo be^ tal^ko.r^. 13 A t}hing pr^omist. too the^ pr^omis not for^ c^ertein: for^ many d}oo spaek mu}ch, tru}st iz thaer|for^ se^ldo}m. 14 When any d}ooth pr^ayz the^, t}oo be^ i}u}dg^ remember: 10CATO be^le^u^ not o}ther mo^r^ than thu} cans}t consider. 15 An|o}ther manz}^ go}od tu}rn^ se^ thu} tel too many, and say nowht, when thu} shal^t doo go}od v}ntoo any. 16 Ca^r thu} not if any spaek in secret tal^k: the gilti. t}hinkt}h al^ t}hings^ of him t}oo be^ s.po^k. 17 When thu} shal^t be^ happy, he^d what be^ contrary: the last t}hings^ too first t}hings^ in o^n cou}rs d}oo not gre^. 18 Se^i.ng the^r iz ge^n v}s ly^f^ dou}t|fu}l and frayl, in the det}h of o}ther pu}t no ho^p (at|#al^.) 19 When poor^ fre^nd d}ooth ge^u^ the^ a gift that iz smal^, rec^eiu^ it wili.ngl.y, and pr^ayz it with|al^. 20 Sit}h a na^ked infant natr h^at}h no}w m}a^d the^, remember t}oo su}ffer the bu}rdn^ of po}u^erty. 11CATO 21 Faer not the end that iz the last of thy ly^f^: whoo faere}t}h det}h lo^ze}t}h that he^ liu^d} it|self^. 22 If no fre^nd reqy^t the^ for^ thy dezerts^ i}u}st, accuz not God for^ it, bu}t stay thu} the rest. 23 Vz wa^rl.y thy wini.ngs^, lest t}hings^ lak thu} mais}t: t}hink thu} wante}st al^|wayz that thu} ke^p that thu} hast. 24 What thu} mays}t lend any d}oo it not twy^c^ pr^omis: lest thu} shou}lds}t be^ wau^r^^i.ng, why^ls.t thu} wilt se^m cou}rti.sh. 25 Whoo|so faine}t}h with wor^ds^, and iz no fre^nd in hart, doo thu} the ly^k al^so, so art deludt}h art. 26 Le^k thu} not smoot}h|#spaeko.r^z^ too|#mu}ch in their. spe^ch: the cal^ singe}t}h swe^tl.y, Why^ls.t fo}wlo.r^z^ birds^ catch. 27 If thu} hau^ y.o}ng chy^ldde^rn^, and no welt.h}, then them bend 12CATO too arts^, whaer|by they may a poor^ ly^f^ defend. 28 T}hink a t}hing smal^|#wo}r^t}h t}oo be^ de^r, and tu}rn^ this, so shal^t thu} be^ cou}nte.d no cho^r^l^ nor^ niggish. 29 What thu} a}rt wo}nt t}oo bla^m, doo thu} not the sa^m: it iz sha^m for^ a taecho.r^, t}oo be^ chekt. with ly^k bla^m. 30 Cra^u^ that^ which iz law|fu}l, or^ that se^me}t}h nest: it iz fooll.y t}oo cra^u^ that^, which may be^ deny^d. aerst. 31 Pr^efer not a stran^g^o.r^, be^fo^r^ thy^n acqeinta.nc^: t}hings^ known.^ appe^r by doon.n, v}n|known.^ t}hings^ d}oo by chan^c^. 32 When dou}t|fu}l ly^f^ iz laedd., in v}n|c^erten dan^g^erz^, lay|#v}p a day for^ the^, whoo|so|eu^er that labo}r^s}t. 33 So}m ty^m for^baer felow, when thu} mays}t ou^erco}m, for^ swe^t fre^nds^ be^ ke^pt.t stil, by for^baeri.ng so}m. 13CATO 34 When thu} cra^u^e}st graet t}hings^, dou}t not t}oo spend smal^, for^ go}od wil i}ooynt}h de^r fre^nds^, oft ty^mz^ he^r|witha.l^. 35 Ta^k thu} he^d t}oo wa^g^ law, whaer go}od wil iz i}ooyne.d: anger br^e^de}t}h ha^tr.ed: concor^d h^at}h lo}u^ cooyne}d. 36 When gre^f v}ntoo anger v}r^g^e}t}h the^ for^ cry^m, mezur thy|self^, that thu} mays}t spa^r that iz thy^n. 37 Whoom^ thu} mays}t cast, so}m ty^m ou^erco}m by su}ffr^^i.ng: for^ pat}ienc^ iz al^|way, che^fs.t v^ertu of laern^i.ng. 38 Ke^p wel that iz go.tn^ al^redy with labo}r^: when labo}r^ iz too los, ne^d encraec^e}t}h eu^er. 39 Thu} shou}lds}t be^ frank so}m ty^m, too kin, fre^nd and neihbo}r^: when thu} shal^t be^ happy, be^ ne^rs.t thy|self^ eu^er. 14CATO The second book of Catoz}^] v^e^rses^. If thu} wilt know tili.ng of land, raed V^irg^il: bu}t if thu} Co}u^et t}oo know the strengt}h of rbs^ Mac^er wil tel the^ ho}w. If thu} dezy^r^ t}oo know the warz^ of Room, and of Cart}hag^, Serch Lucan, whoo wil tel the fihts^ of Mars (the god of ra^g^.) If thu} deliht t}oo lo}u^ or^ laern^ t}oo lo}u^, by raedi.ng, go Too Nas}o: Bu}t if thu} hau^ ca^r, t}oo liu^ az the wy^z doo, Hae^r whaer|by thu} mays}t laern^ by what ty^m iz s.pent v^oyd of v^y^c^, Co}m thaer|for^, and laern^ by raedi.ng, what wy^zd.o}m it|self^ iz. 1 Remember t}oo pr^ofit th v}n|known.^, if thu} may: t}oo get fre^nds^, by dezerts^, past}h kingd.o}mz^ al^|way. 2 Laeu^ t}oo serch the secrets^ of God, and hihs.t haeu^n^: 15CATO se^i.ng thu} a}rt mor^tal, he^d t}hings^ that a}r ert}hn.^. 3 Laeu^|#of the faer of det}h, It iz al^|way a fooll.y, why^ls.t thu} faers}t det}h, thu} lo^zs}t the i}oyz^ of ly^f^ (i}oyl.y.) 4 Stry^u^ not for^ t}hing dou}t|fu}l, when that thu} a}rt angr^^i. wr^at}h lett}h the my^nd, so, that it can not i}u}dg^ trul.y. 5 Qikl.y be^stow cha^rg^, when cau}z d}ooth dezy^r^: a man mu}st ge^u^ so}m ty^m, when cau}z d}ooth reqy^r^. 6 Au^oyd that iz too|#mu}ch, t eni}oy smal^ remember: mo^r^|#sa^f iz the ship that flo^tt}h in a smal^ riu^er. 7 Remember t}oo ke^p clo^c^ from fre^nd, that may sha^m the^, lest many may bla^m that^ which the^ dis|plaezt}h o^nl.y. 8 I wou}ld not that thu} t}hink, that lewd m^en fal^ts^ gain: fal^ts^ ly hy^dd. for^ a why^l, and in ty^m shew plain. 16CATO 9 The fo^r^c^ of smal^ bodyz^ d}oo thu} not despy^z, whoom^ natr deny^d} fo^r^c^, in cou}nc^el iz wy^z. 10 Ge^u^ pla^c^ a why^l too him, thu} knows}t thy^n v}n|eqal: we^ oft se^ oppr^eso.r^z^ ou^erco}md. of their. t}hr^al^. 11 D}oo not thu} stry^u^ with wor^ds^, ageinst thy^n acqeinta.nc^, the graets.t stry^f^ growt}h so}m ty^m, by wor^ds^ of smal^ su}bstanc^. 12 D}oo not thu} serch by lot, what God entendt}h for^ the^, l}et him i}u}dg^ with|ou}t the^, what he^ appoointt}h for^ the^. 13 Se^ thu} au^oyd enu^y, for^ too|#too|#mu}ch fy^nn.es, which thowh it d}oo not hu}rt, t}oo baer it iz gre^u^o}o.s. 14 Be^ of a stou}t co}r^ag^, condemn^e.d v}n|i}u}stl.y: no^n long ty^m eni}oye}t}h, that ou^erco}mt}h fal^sl.y. 15 Reherc^ not il spe^ches^ of a pase.d stry^f: 17CATO it iz a pooint of lewd m^en, t}oo reherc^ anger ry^f. 16 Thu} shou}lds}t not thy|self^ pr^aiz, nether thy|self^ bla^m, for^ this doo the fooli.sh, whoom^ bo^sti.ng d}ooth sha^m. 17 Vz thy geti.ngs^ wa^rl.y, when cha^rg^ d}ooth abou}nd, it slipe}t}h in smal^ ty^m, that in long ty^m waz f.ou}nd. 18 Be^ thu} a fool when ty^m or^ cau}z d}oot}h reqy^r^ it: t}oo fein fooll.y in pla^c^, iz a v^ery|#graet wit. 19 Au^oyd riot, al^so t}oo fle^, d}oo remember, the fal^t of au^aric^ t}hwharti.ng go}od na^m eu^er. 20 Be^le^u^ thu} not al^|way, o^n br^ingi.ng the^ ty^di.ngs^: smal^ tru}st may be^ ge^n them, that spaek many t}hings^. 21 What thu} offends}t with dr^ink, for^ge^u^ thy|self neu^er, for^ it iz no fal^t of wy^n. bu}t bla^m of the dr^inko.r^. 18CATO 22 Commit secret cou}nc^el, too secret co}mpanyo.n, the haell.t}h of the body too fait}h|fu}l phizic^ion. 23 Gre^u^o}o.sl.y baer not su}cc^eses^ v}n|wo}r^thy: for^tn fawnt}h on il m^en, that she^ may hu}rt qikl.y. 24 Fo^r^|se^ that the chan^c^es^ that co}m mu}st be^ b.or^n^: what|so thu} fo^r^|se^e}st, doot}h the^ the les harm^. 25 Cast not a|way co}r^ag^, in t}hings^ the^ contraryi.ng ke^p ho^p stil, ho^p o^nl.y for^sa^kt}h no man dyi.ng. 26 L}et go no|t}hing, that thu} knows}t t}oo be^ fit for^ the^: be^hy^nd for^tn iz bal^d, in the fo^r^|hed haeri.. 27 Regard what d}ooth folow, se^ what hange}t}h|#ou^er: folow thu} the sa^m God that regarde}t}h either. 28 Be^ so}m ty^m mo^r^|#spa^ri.ng, thu} mays}t be^ the stronge.r: 19CATO mu}ch iz du, v}ntoo haell.t}h, few t}hings^ du too plaezr. 29 Despy^z neu^er alo^n the i}u}dg^m.ent of many: lest why^ls.t thu} despy^zs}t su}ch, thu} cans}t not plaez any. 30 Hau^ ca^r che^fl.y of haell.t}h, which iz che^f of al^: bla^m not ty^mz^, when thu} a}rt cau}z of thy^n|#own.^ t}hr^al^. 31 Ca^r not for^ dr^aemz^, for^|#why, what manz}^ my^nd wou}ld raep, when he^ wa^ke}t}h ho^pi.ng, he^ se^e}t}h it in sle^p. The t}hird book of Catoz}^] v^e^rses^. Thu} Raedo.r^ whoo|so wilt know thaez v^e^rsez^ t}hr^o}wl.y: Shal^t laern^ thaez rulz^ which be^ too thy ly^f^ mo^st|#fitty: Instru}ct thy my^nd with rulz^, c^aes not t}oo laern^ stil: For^ ly^f^ withou}t laern^i.ng iz th ymag^ of il. Thu} shal^t get mu}ch pr^ofit, 20CATO bu}t if thu} despy^z it, Thu} d}oost not me^ wr^y^to.r^, bu}t d}oost thy|self^ neglect. 1 When thu} liu^e.st rihtl.y, ca^r not for^ wor^ds^ il: what eu^ry|o^n spaeke}t}h iz not in ou}r wil. 2 Thu} be^i.ng b.r^owht witn.es (az mu}ch az thu} may) ke^p clo^c^ thy fre^nds^^ offenc^, aw first sau^d. al^|way. 3 Remember t}oo he^d wel faier spe^ches^ and glo^zi.ng: plaine.s iz shew of trut.h}, the^r iz feind. gy^l of spaeki.ng. 4 Slowt.h} that iz cal^d. du}ln.es of ly^f^ d}oo thu} fle^: for^ when the my^nd iz sik, t}howht wa^ste}t}h the body. 5 Among thy ca^rz^ so}m ty^m, mingl^ thu} so}m i}oyz^, that thu} mays}t with co}r^ag^, baer trau^el al^|wayz^. 6 Repr^oou^ thu} not at|#al^, o}therz}^ wor^d or^ de^d: 21CATO lest an|o}ther ly^k wyz shou}ld thy|self^ dery^d. 7 No^t in ta^bl^z^ t}hings^ past. which lu}k the^ ge^n h^ath, ke^p with gain, lest thu} be^ whoom^ il repor^t sayt}h. 8 When riche.s flow too the^ in th end of o^ld a^g^, liu^ frankl.y not niggish too fre^nd (nor^ too pa^g^.) 9 Thu} maister despy^z not thy seru^a.nts^^ cou}nc^el: despy^z thu} no^nz}^ adu^y^c^, if it pr^ofit wel. 10 If thu} hau^ not in welt.h}, which thu} erst h^ast h^ad, liu^ content with that^ which ty^mz^ y.e^ld (and be^ glad.) 11 Ta^k not a wy^f^ in the respect of hir do}wer, (lest repenta.nc^ folow) if she^ wax too|#so}wer. 12 What t}oo fle^ or^ folow, by exam^pl^ discu}s: an|o}therz}^ ly^f^ may be^ a mistres too v}s. 22CATO 13 Attempt that thu} mays}t doo, lest oppr^est. with pain, thy labo}r^ shr^ink, and thu} laeu^ attempts^ in v^ain. 14 What thu} knows}t not riht|#doon.n, d}oo not ke^p clo^c^ lest, thu} shou}lds}t se^m by silenc^ t}oo folow the wo}r^st.. 15 The i}u}dg^e^s^ ayd cra^u^ thu}, for^ lawz^ mu}ch v}n|fitty: the lawz^ them|selu^s^ co}u^et, that they be^ i}u}dg^d. rihtl.y. 16 Pat}ientl.y baer that^ which thu} su}ffere}st i}u}stl.y: condemn^ thy|self^, when thu} a}rt too thy|self^ gilty. 17 Se^ thu} raed mu}ch, and raed| t}hr^o}wl.y t}hings^ t}hr^o}wh|#raedd.: for^ Poets^ wr^y^t wo}nderz^ not t}oo|#be^ be^le^u^d.. 18 Among gests^ at banket in spe^ch be^ thu} so^br^^, lest why^ls.t thu} wilt} se^m fy^n, thu} be^ cal^d. a babl^o.r^. 19 Wor^ds^ of thy wy^f^ faer not when that she^ iz angr^^i.: 23CATO why^ls.t so}m we^p they d}oo fra^m with taerz^ dec^eits^ crafti.. 20 Vz thy geti.ngs^ wy^zl.y, se^m not t}oo ab|vz them: whoo wa^stt}h hiz (when want iz) se^kt}h t}hings^ of o}ther m^en. 21 Se^ thu} set be^fo^r^ the^, that det}h iz not faer|fu}l, which thowh it be^ not go}od, it iz th end of mu}ch e^u^l^. 22 Thy wy^u^s^^ to}ng (if gain|fu}l) t}oo baer|#with remember: it iz il that o^n wil not, nor^ can so}m t}hing su}ffer. 23 Lo}u^ de^rl.y thy parents^, not with gru}dg^i.ng maner, why^ls.t thu} wilt plaez father offend not thy mo}ther. The fowr^^t.h} book of Catoz}^] v^e^rses^. Whoo|so|eu^er dezy^r^e}st a qiet ly^f^ t}oo laed: With v^y^c^es^ ty not my^nd, which manerz^ v}pbr^ayd}. Remember stil thaez rulz^ 24CATO be^ raedd. of the^ ou^er: Thu} shal^t fy^nd awht whaer|in thu} mays}t vz thy|self^ maister. 1 Set thu} liht by riche.s, (if thu} wilt. be^ happy) which whoo|so ou^er|#le^k, d}oo beg al^|way gre^dy. 2 The go}od t}hings^ of natr wil, no ty^m, be^ from the^, if with that^ which ne^d askt}h thu} contente.d wilt be^. 3 When thu} a}rt v}n|wa^ri., and ruls}t not with raezn^, say not for^tn iz bly^nd, whoo iz not o^n saezn^. 4 Lo}u^ mo}ny, bu}t este^m the for^m^ thaer|of smal^l.y, which no^n go}od nor^ nest d}ooth cra^u^ t}oo hau^ slyl.y. 5 Se^ thu} he^d thy body, when thu} shal^t be^ welt.h}i.: the gre^dy|#rich hat}h go^ld, bu}t not him|self^ rihtl.y. 6 When thu} laern^i.ng, so}m ty^m baers}t stry^ps^ of thy maister, 25CATO baer parents^^ po}wr^^, when he^ got}h from wor^ds^ too anger. 7 Doo t}hings^ that may pr^ofit: t}hink t}oo v^oid agein whaer|in the^r iz ero}o.r^ and no ho^p of thy pain. 8 What thu} cans}t ge^u^, ge^u^ it (too him that askt}h) fre^l.y: t}oo doo wel too go}od m^en, iz of gainz^ a party. 9 What thu} su}spects}t, strait|way, what it iz, try|#ou}t: what thu} neglects}t, at|#first, a}r wo}nt mo^st t}oo hu}rt. 10 When the wicked plaezr of V^enu}s with|ho^ldt}h the^, plaez not the t}hr^o^t which iz a fre^nd of the bely. 11 When thu} t}hinke}st t}oo faer al^ liu^ t}hings^ crea^te.d, I tel the^, man o^nl.y iz mo^r^ t}oo be^ faere.d. 12 When that v^ery|#mihti. strengt}h iz in thy body, be^ wy^z, and so mays}t thu} be^ cou}nte.d strong trul.y. 26CATO 13 If (per|haps) thu} be^ sik, cra^u^ help of acqeinta.nc^: no better phizic^ion than fre^nd of assura.nc^. 14 When thy|self^ a}rt hu}rt|fu}l why dy^t}h the baest for^ the^[ T}oo ho^p haell.t}h by o}therz}^ det}h, iz a graet fooll.y. 15 When thu} se^ke}st a fre^nd, or^ fait}h|fu}l co}mpanyon, the manz}^ ly^f^, not hiz welt.h}, iz for^|#t}oo|#be^ lookt.|#on. 16 Vz wel riche.s go.tn^: fle^ the na^m of gre^dy: what pr^ofitt}h the^ riche.s, if thu} poor^ hau^ plenty. 17 If thu} wilt. ke^p nest repor^t, why^ls.t thu} liu^e}st what il i}oyz^ of ly^f^ be^, se^ in my^nd thu} fle^e}st. 18 So}m t}hing laern^, for^ when welt.h} so}denl.y v^a^de}t}h, art by^de}t}h stil, manz}^ ly^f^ it neu^er for^sa^ke}t}h. 19 When thu} in my^nd a}rt wy^z, d}oo not mok o^ld a^g^: 27CATO in him, whoo|so iz o^ld, the^r iz chy^ldi.sh ra^g^. 20 Mark al^ t}hings^, az silent, what eu^ry|o^n spaeke}t}h: tal^k hy^de}t}h m^enz}^ manerz^ and the sa^m be^wr^aye}t}h. 21 Vz stu}dy, al^thowh thu} h^au^ go}tn^ mu}ch cu}ni.ng: az stu}dy d}ooth help wit, so it d}ooth the hands^^ vzi.ng. 22 For^ ty^mz^ of thy for^tn t}oo co}m, d}oo not ca^r mu}ch, he^ faert}h not det}h, that knowt}h t}oo weih the ly^f^ az su}ch. 23 Laern^ thu} of the laern^e.d: taech thu} the v}n|laern^e.d: the taechi.ng of go}od t}hings^ iz t}oo|#be^ a|br^o^d spr^edd.. 24 Dr^ink that^ that thu} mays}t dr^ink, if thu} wilt liu^ sou}ndl.y: v^ain plaezr iz too man a cau}z of gre^f dail.y. 25 What|soeu^er thu} shal^t pr^aiz, or^ le^k among m^en, condemn^ not, t}hr^o}wh lihtn.es, the sa^m t}hing agein. 28CATO 26 In cal^m^ t}hings^ ta^k thu} he^d, what be^ the contrary: agein, ho^p thu} better, in ty^m of adu^ersity. 27 Laeu^ not of t}oo laern^: wy^zd.o}m growt}h by saerchi.ng: t}hr^o}wh long ty^m iz ge^u^n.^ graet pr^udenc^ far|#pasi.ng. 28 Pr^aiz wa^rl.y, for^ whoom^ thu} oft ty^mz^ mu}ch alo}we}st, a day wil shew, what fre^nd he^ h^ath be^n} in ty^m past.. 29 What thu} knows}t not, sha^m not t}oo hau^ wil t}oo be^ t.au}ht: it iz pr^aiz t}oo know so}m|what: it iz sha^m t}oo laern^ nawht. 30 With V^enu}s and Baccs iz stry^f^ and i}ooind. plaezr: embr^a^c^ what iz co}mly, bu}t fle^ stry^u^i.ngs^ eu^er. 31 Blu}nt and silent in my^nd, t}oo au^oyd remember: whaer the flu}d iz stil (per|chan^c^) water lye}t}h hy^dd. de^pe.r, 32 When the lu}k of thy welt.h} thy|self^ d}ooth dis|plaez, 29CATO se^ o}therz^, in what ods, thu} a}rt wo}r^s than thaez. 33 Assay what thu} mays}t doo: t}oo ke^p sho^r^ with owerz^, iz mo^r^|#sa^f, than bend sayl intoo the de^p waterz^. 34 Ageinst any i}u}st man d}oo not thu} stry^u^ lewdl.y: God al^|way reu^eng^e}t}h v}n|i}u}st angerz^ sharpl.y. 35 When welt.h} iz a|way c.au}ht, be^ not sad with mou}rn^i.ng, bu}t rather be^ i}oy|fu}l, if it chan^c^ thu} hau^ so}m t}hing. 36 It iz graet los t}oo lo^z that thu} hast with mo^r^ loss^: the^r be^ t}hings^ that a fre^nd pat}ientl.y baer mu}st. 37 Long ty^mz^ of ly^f^ too the^ pr^omis thy|self^ neu^er: det}h folowt}h az shadow, go thu} whaer|soeu^er. 38 Plaez thu} God with in|c^ens, l}et cal^f^ grow for^ plo}w: t}hink not thu} t}oo plaez God, when thu} offers}t co}w. 30CATO 39 Thu} hu}rte.d ge^u^ pla^c^ too for^tn and the mihti.: whoo can y.e^ld, shal^ pr^eu^ayl, at|#lengt}h t}oo be^ welt.h}i.. 40 When thu} h^ast offende}d, cha^stn.^ thy|self^ after, why^ls.t thu} haele}st the wou}nds^, sor^ow iz the gre^fs^^ pla^ster. 41 Neu^er condemn^ thu} a fre^nd of long ty^m, remember the first bands^, thowh he^ chan^g^e}d my^nd. 42 Be^ t}hank|fu}l for^ go}od tu}rn^z^, thu} be^ the mo^r^|#lo}u^e.d: ru}n not intoo the na^m that chu}rl^ iz cal^e.d. 43 Lest thu} be^ stil wr^etche.d, ta^k|#he^d t}oo be^ harm^|fu}l: det}h iz eu^er mo^st|#fit for^ su}spect and faer|fu}l. 44 When thu} shal^t biy bond|m^en, for^ thy pr^opr^^ ne^d, and cal^s}t them thy seru^a.nts^, y.et t}hink them m^en (in de^d.) 45 Az soon az lu}k co}me}t}h, the first mu}st be^ c.^au}ht, 31CATO lest thu} agein se^k that thu} erst sets}t|#at|#nawht. 46 Be^ not glad of so}den det}h of e^u^l^ m^en: they d}oo dy riht|#happy whooz}^ ly^f^ iz withou}t bla^m. 47 When th hast wy^f^ and not welt.h}, and hir na^m decaye.d, t}hink fre^nds^ na^m v}n|fre^ndl.y t}oo be^ then au^oyde.d. 48 When it chan^c^e}t}h too the^, by stu}dy t}oo know awht, laern^ mu}ch, and fle^ t}oo be^ v}n|skil|fu}l t}oo be^ t.au}ht. 49 Thu} meru^els}t, that I wr^y^t v^e^rses^ with wor^ds^ na^ke.d, shor^tn.es of senc^ m}a^d me^, t}oo i}ooyn them thu}s do}bl^e.d. BULL15851 Aes}ops^^ Fabl^z^ in tru Or^tgraphy with Gram|]mar|#no^ts^. He^r|v}ntoo a}r al^so i}ooine.d the shor^t sentenc^es^ of the wy^z Cato im|pr^inte.d with ly^k] for^m and or^der: bo^th of which] Au}tor^z^ a}r transla^te.d ou}t|#of Latin in|]too E^nglish By William Bu}llokar. Ge^u^ God the pr^aiz That taeche}t}h al^|waiz^. When trut.h} trie}t}h Erro}o.r^ flie}t}h. Im|pr^inte.d at Lo}ndon by Edmu}nd Bolli|]fant, dweli.ng in the litl^ o^ld Baily in Eliots^^] Cou}rt, whaer al^ the books^ sett.|#fo}r^t}h by William Bu}llokar in tru or^|]tgraphy, a}r t}oo be^ s.o^ld. 1